Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /processes/hadronic/util/src/ (Version 11.3.0) and /processes/hadronic/util/src/ (Version 10.3.p1)

  1 //                                                  1 
  2 // *******************************************    
  3 // * License and Disclaimer                       
  4 // *                                              
  5 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of th    
  6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided    
  7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License    
  8 // * LICENSE and available at    
  9 // * include a list of copyright holders.         
 10 // *                                              
 11 // * Neither the authors of this software syst    
 12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing fin    
 13 // * work  make  any representation or  warran    
 14 // * regarding  this  software system or assum    
 15 // * use.  Please see the license in the file     
 16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitatio    
 17 // *                                              
 18 // * This  code  implementation is the result     
 19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboratio    
 20 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distri    
 21 // * any work based  on the software)  you  ag    
 22 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publicati    
 23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Sof    
 24 // *******************************************    
 25 //                                                
 26 //                                                
 27 // -------------------------------------------    
 28 //      GEANT 4 class implementation file         
 29 //                                                
 30 //      History: first implementation, A. Feli    
 31 // -------------------------------------------    
 33 #include "globals.hh"                             
 34 #include "G4ios.hh"                               
 35 //#include <cmath>                                
 37 #include "Randomize.hh"                           
 38 #include "G4SimpleIntegration.hh"                 
 39 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh"                       
 40 #include "G4LorentzVector.hh"                     
 41 #include "G4KineticTrack.hh"                      
 42 #include "G4KineticTrackVector.hh"                
 43 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"                
 44 #include "G4DecayTable.hh"                        
 45 #include "G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay.hh"            
 46 #include "G4DecayProducts.hh"                     
 47 #include "G4LorentzRotation.hh"                   
 48 #include "G4SampleResonance.hh"                   
 49 #include "G4Integrator.hh"                        
 50 #include "G4KaonZero.hh"                          
 51 #include "G4KaonZeroShort.hh"                     
 52 #include "G4KaonZeroLong.hh"                      
 53 #include "G4AntiKaonZero.hh"                      
 55 #include "G4HadTmpUtil.hh"                        
 57 //                                                
 58 // Some static clobal for integration             
 59 //                                                
 61 static G4ThreadLocal G4double  G4KineticTrack_    
 63 //                                                
 64 //   Default constructor                          
 65 //                                                
 67 G4KineticTrack::G4KineticTrack() :                
 68                 theDefinition(0),                 
 69                 theFormationTime(0),              
 70                 thePosition(0),                   
 71                 the4Momentum(0),                  
 72     theFermi3Momentum(0),                         
 73     theTotal4Momentum(0),                         
 74     theNucleon(0),                                
 75                 nChannels(0),                     
 76                 theActualMass(0),                 
 77                 theActualWidth(0),                
 78                 theDaughterMass(0),               
 79                 theDaughterWidth(0),              
 80     theStateToNucleus(undefined),                 
 81     theProjectilePotential(0),                    
 82                 theCreatorModel(-1),              
 83                 theParentResonanceDef(nullptr)    
 84                 theParentResonanceID(0)           
 85 {                                                 
 86 ////////////////                                  
 87 //    DEBUG   //                                  
 88 ////////////////                                  
 90 /*                                                
 91  G4cerr << G4endl << G4endl << G4endl;            
 92  G4cerr << "   G4KineticTrack default construc    
 93  G4cerr << "   ===============================    
 94 */                                                
 95 }                                                 
 99 //                                                
100 //   Copy constructor                             
101 //                                                
103 G4KineticTrack::G4KineticTrack(const G4Kinetic    
104 {                                                 
105  theDefinition = right.GetDefinition();           
106  theFormationTime = right.GetFormationTime();     
107  thePosition = right.GetPosition();               
108  the4Momentum = right.GetTrackingMomentum();      
109  theFermi3Momentum = right.theFermi3Momentum;     
110  theTotal4Momentum = right.theTotal4Momentum;     
111  theNucleon=right.theNucleon;                     
112  nChannels = right.GetnChannels();                
113  theActualMass = right.GetActualMass();           
114  theActualWidth = new G4double[nChannels];        
115  for (G4int i = 0; i < nChannels; i++)            
116   {                                               
117     theActualWidth[i] = right.theActualWidth[i    
118   }                                               
119  theDaughterMass = 0;                             
120  theDaughterWidth = 0;                            
121  theStateToNucleus = right.theStateToNucleus;     
122  theProjectilePotential = right.theProjectileP    
123  theCreatorModel = right.GetCreatorModelID();     
124  theParentResonanceDef = right.GetParentResona    
125  theParentResonanceID = right.GetParentResonan    
127 ////////////////                                  
128 //    DEBUG   //                                  
129 ////////////////                                  
131 /*                                                
132  G4cerr << G4endl << G4endl << G4endl;            
133  G4cerr << "   G4KineticTrack copy constructor    
134  G4cerr << "   ===============================    
135 */                                                
136 }                                                 
139 //                                                
140 //   By argument constructor                      
141 //                                                
143 G4KineticTrack::G4KineticTrack(const G4Particl    
144                                G4double aForma    
145                                const G4ThreeVe    
146                                const G4Lorentz    
147                 theDefinition(aDefinition),       
148     theFormationTime(aFormationTime),             
149                 thePosition(aPosition),           
150                 the4Momentum(a4Momentum),         
151     theFermi3Momentum(0),                         
152     theTotal4Momentum(a4Momentum),                
153     theNucleon(0),                                
154     theStateToNucleus(undefined),                 
155     theProjectilePotential(0),                    
156                 theCreatorModel(-1),              
157                 theParentResonanceDef(nullptr)    
158                 theParentResonanceID(0)           
159 {                                                 
160   if(G4KaonZero::KaonZero() == theDefinition |    
161     G4AntiKaonZero::AntiKaonZero() == theDefin    
162   {                                               
163     if(G4UniformRand()<0.5)                       
164     {                                             
165       theDefinition = G4KaonZeroShort::KaonZer    
166     }                                             
167     else                                          
168     {                                             
169       theDefinition = G4KaonZeroLong::KaonZero    
170     }                                             
171   }                                               
173 //                                                
174 //      Get the number of decay channels          
175 //                                                
177  G4DecayTable* theDecayTable = theDefinition->    
178  if (theDecayTable != nullptr)                    
179     {                                             
180      nChannels = theDecayTable->entries();        
182     }                                             
183  else                                             
184     {                                             
185      nChannels = 0;                               
186     }                                             
188 //                                                
189 //   Get the actual mass value                    
190 //                                                
192  theActualMass = GetActualMass();                 
194 //                                                
195 //   Create an array to Store the actual parti    
196 //   of the decay channels                        
197 //                                                
199   theDaughterMass = 0;                            
200   theDaughterWidth = 0;                           
201   theActualWidth = 0;                             
202   G4bool * theDaughterIsShortLived = nullptr;     
204   if(nChannels!=0) theActualWidth = new G4doub    
206   //  cout << " ****CONSTR*** ActualMass *****    
207   G4int index;                                    
208   for (index = nChannels - 1; index >= 0; --in    
209     {                                             
210       G4VDecayChannel* theChannel = theDecayTa    
211       G4int nDaughters = theChannel->GetNumber    
212       G4double theMotherWidth;                    
213       if (nDaughters == 2 || nDaughters == 3)     
214   {                                               
215           G4double thePoleMass  = theDefinitio    
216           theMotherWidth = theDefinition->GetP    
217           G4double thePoleWidth = theChannel->    
218           const G4ParticleDefinition* aDaughte    
219           theDaughterMass = new G4double[nDaug    
220           theDaughterWidth = new G4double[nDau    
221     theDaughterIsShortLived = new G4bool[nDaug    
222           for (G4int n = 0; n < nDaughters; ++    
223       {                                           
224               aDaughter = theChannel->GetDaugh    
225               theDaughterMass[n] = aDaughter->    
226               theDaughterWidth[n] = aDaughter-    
227         theDaughterIsShortLived[n] = aDaughter    
228       }                                           
230 //                                                
231 //           Check whether both the decay prod    
232 //                                                
234           G4double theActualMom = 0.0;            
235           G4double thePoleMom = 0.0;              
236     G4SampleResonance aSampler;                   
237     if (nDaughters==2)                            
238       {                                           
239         if ( !theDaughterIsShortLived[0] && !t    
240     {                                             
242       //              G4cout << G4endl << "Bot    
243       //                              " decay     
244       //                 cout << " LB: Both de    
245       //                 cout << " parent:        
246       //                 cout << " particle1:     
247       //                 cout << " particle2:     
249       theActualMom = EvaluateCMMomentum(theAct    
250                 theDaughterMass);                 
251       thePoleMom = EvaluateCMMomentum(thePoleM    
252               theDaughterMass);                   
253       //        cout << G4endl;                   
254       //        cout << " LB: ActualMass/Daugh    
255       //        cout << " LB: ActualMom " << t    
256       //        cout << " LB: PoleMom   " << t    
257       //        cout << G4endl;                   
258     }                                             
259         else if ( !theDaughterIsShortLived[0]     
260     {                                             
262       //              G4cout << G4endl << "Onl    
263       //         cout << " LB: only the first     
264       //         cout << " parent:     " << th    
265       //         cout << " particle1:  " << th    
266       //         cout << " particle2:  " << th    
268 // global variable definition                     
269       G4double lowerLimit = aSampler.GetMinimu    
270       theActualMom = IntegrateCMMomentum(lower    
271       thePoleMom = IntegrateCMMomentum(lowerLi    
272       //        cout << " LB Parent Mass = " <    
273       //        cout << " LB Actual Mass = " <    
274       //        cout << " LB Daughter1 Mass =     
275       //        cout << " LB Daughter2 Mass =     
276       //        cout << " The Actual Momentum     
277       //        cout << " The Pole Momentum       
278       //        cout << G4endl;                   
280     }                                             
281         else if ( theDaughterIsShortLived[0] &    
282     {                                             
284       //              G4cout << G4endl << "Onl    
285       //                              " decay     
286       //                 cout << " LB: only th    
287       //         cout << " parent:     " << th    
288       //         cout << " particle1:  " << th    
289       //         cout << " particle2:  " << th    
291 //                                                
292 //               Swap the content of the theDa    
293 //                                                
295       G4SwapObj(theDaughterMass, theDaughterMa    
296       G4SwapObj(theDaughterWidth, theDaughterW    
298 // global variable definition                     
299       G4double lowerLimit = aSampler.GetMinimu    
300       theActualMom = IntegrateCMMomentum(lower    
301       thePoleMom = IntegrateCMMomentum(lowerLi    
302       //        cout << " LB Parent Mass = " <    
303       //        cout << " LB Actual Mass = " <    
304       //        cout << " LB Daughter1 Mass =     
305       //        cout << " LB Daughter2 Mass =     
306       //        cout << " The Actual Momentum     
307       //        cout << " The Pole Momentum       
308       //              cout << G4endl;             
310     }                                             
311         else if ( theDaughterIsShortLived[0] &    
312     {                                             
314 //              G4cout << G4endl << "Both the     
315 //                              " decay produc    
316       //         cout << " LB: both decay prod    
317       //         cout << " parent:     " << th    
318       //         cout << " particle1:  " << th    
319       //         cout << " particle2:  " << th    
321 // global variable definition                     
322       G4KineticTrack_Gmass = theActualMass;       
323       theActualMom = IntegrateCMMomentum2();      
324       G4KineticTrack_Gmass = thePoleMass;         
325       thePoleMom = IntegrateCMMomentum2();        
326       //        cout << " LB Parent Mass = " <    
327       //        cout << " LB Daughter1 Mass =     
328       //        cout << " LB Daughter2 Mass =     
329       //              cout << " The Actual Mom    
330       //              cout << " The Pole Momen    
331       //              cout << G4endl;             
333     }                                             
334       }                                           
335     else  // (nDaughter==3)                       
336       {                                           
338         G4int nShortLived = 0;                    
339         if ( theDaughterIsShortLived[0] )         
340     {                                             
341       ++nShortLived;                              
342     }                                             
343         if ( theDaughterIsShortLived[1] )         
344     {                                             
345       ++nShortLived;                              
346       G4SwapObj(theDaughterMass, theDaughterMa    
347       G4SwapObj(theDaughterWidth, theDaughterW    
348     }                                             
349         if ( theDaughterIsShortLived[2] )         
350     {                                             
351       ++nShortLived;                              
352       G4SwapObj(theDaughterMass, theDaughterMa    
353       G4SwapObj(theDaughterWidth, theDaughterW    
354     }                                             
355         if ( nShortLived == 0 )                   
356     {                                             
357       theDaughterMass[1]+=theDaughterMass[2];     
358       theActualMom = EvaluateCMMomentum(theAct    
359                 theDaughterMass);                 
360       thePoleMom = EvaluateCMMomentum(thePoleM    
361               theDaughterMass);                   
362     }                                             
363 //        else if ( nShortLived == 1 )            
364         else if ( nShortLived >= 1 )              
365     {                                             
366       // need the shortlived particle in slot     
367       G4SwapObj(theDaughterMass, theDaughterMa    
368       G4SwapObj(theDaughterWidth, theDaughterW    
369       theDaughterMass[0] += theDaughterMass[2]    
370       theActualMom = IntegrateCMMomentum(0.0);    
371       thePoleMom = IntegrateCMMomentum(0.0, th    
372     }                                             
373 //        else                                    
374 //    {                                           
375 //      throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __    
376 //    }                                           
378       }                                           
380     //if(nDaughters<3) theChannel->GetAngularM    
381     G4double theMassRatio = thePoleMass / theA    
382           G4double theMomRatio = theActualMom     
383     // VI 11.06.2015: for l=0 one not need use    
384           //G4double l=0;                         
385           //theActualWidth[index] = thePoleWid    
386           //                        std::pow(t    
387           //                        (1.2 / (1+    
388           theActualWidth[index] = thePoleWidth    
389                                   theMomRatio;    
390           delete [] theDaughterMass;              
391     theDaughterMass = nullptr;                    
392           delete [] theDaughterWidth;             
393     theDaughterWidth = nullptr;                   
394     delete [] theDaughterIsShortLived;            
395           theDaughterIsShortLived = nullptr;      
396   }                                               
398       else //  nDaughter = 1 ( e.g. K0  decays    
399   {                                               
400     theMotherWidth = theDefinition->GetPDGWidt    
401     theActualWidth[index] = theChannel->GetBR(    
402   }                                               
403     }                                             
405 ////////////////                                  
406 //    DEBUG   //                                  
407 ////////////////                                  
409 // for (G4int y = nChannels - 1; y >= 0; --y)     
410 //     {                                          
411 //      G4cout << G4endl << theActualWidth[y];    
412 //     }                                          
413 // G4cout << G4endl << G4endl << G4endl;          
415  /*                                               
416  G4cerr << G4endl << G4endl << G4endl;            
417  G4cerr << "   G4KineticTrack by argument cons    
418  G4cerr << "   ===============================    
419  */                                               
421 }                                                 
423 G4KineticTrack::G4KineticTrack(G4Nucleon * nuc    
424              const G4ThreeVector& aPosition,      
425                                const G4Lorentz    
426   :     theDefinition(nucleon->GetDefinition()    
427   theFormationTime(0),                            
428   thePosition(aPosition),                         
429   the4Momentum(a4Momentum),                       
430   theFermi3Momentum(nucleon->GetMomentum()),      
431         theNucleon(nucleon),                      
432   nChannels(0),                                   
433   theActualMass(nucleon->GetDefinition()->GetP    
434   theActualWidth(0),                              
435   theDaughterMass(0),                             
436   theDaughterWidth(0),                            
437   theStateToNucleus(undefined),                   
438   theProjectilePotential(0),                      
439         theCreatorModel(-1),                      
440         theParentResonanceDef(nullptr),           
441         theParentResonanceID(0)                   
442 {                                                 
443   theFermi3Momentum.setE(0);                      
444   Set4Momentum(a4Momentum);                       
445 }                                                 
448 G4KineticTrack::~G4KineticTrack()                 
449 {                                                 
450  if (theActualWidth != 0) delete [] theActualW    
451  if (theDaughterMass != 0) delete [] theDaught    
452  if (theDaughterWidth != 0) delete [] theDaugh    
453 }                                                 
457 G4KineticTrack& G4KineticTrack::operator=(cons    
458 {                                                 
459  if (this != &right)                              
460     {                                             
461      theDefinition = right.GetDefinition();       
462      theFormationTime = right.GetFormationTime    
463      the4Momentum = right.the4Momentum;           
464      the4Momentum = right.GetTrackingMomentum(    
465      theFermi3Momentum = right.theFermi3Moment    
466      theTotal4Momentum = right.theTotal4Moment    
467      theNucleon = right.theNucleon;               
468      theStateToNucleus = right.theStateToNucle    
469      delete [] theActualWidth;                    
470      nChannels = right.GetnChannels();            
471      theActualWidth = new G4double[nChannels];    
472      for (G4int i = 0; i < nChannels; ++i) the    
473      theCreatorModel = right.GetCreatorModelID    
474      theParentResonanceDef = right.GetParentRe    
475      theParentResonanceID = right.GetParentRes    
476     }                                             
477  return *this;                                    
478 }                                                 
482 G4bool G4KineticTrack::operator==(const G4Kine    
483 {                                                 
484  return (this == & right);                        
485 }                                                 
489 G4bool G4KineticTrack::operator!=(const G4Kine    
490 {                                                 
491  return (this != & right);                        
492 }                                                 
496 G4KineticTrackVector* G4KineticTrack::Decay()     
497 {                                                 
498 //                                                
499 //   Select a possible decay channel              
500 //                                                
501 /*                                                
502     G4int index1;                                 
503     for (index1 = nChannels - 1; index1 >= 0;     
504       G4cout << "DECAY Actual Width IND/Actual    
505       G4cout << "DECAY Actual Mass " << theAct    
506 */                                                
507   const G4ParticleDefinition* thisDefinition =    
508   if(!thisDefinition)                             
509   {                                               
510     G4cerr << "Error condition encountered in     
511     G4cerr << "  track has no particle definit    
512     return nullptr;                               
513   }                                               
514   G4DecayTable* theDecayTable = thisDefinition    
515   if(!theDecayTable)                              
516   {                                               
517     G4cerr << "Error condition encountered in     
518     G4cerr << "  particle definition has no de    
519     G4cerr << "  particle was "<<thisDefinitio    
520     return nullptr;                               
521   }                                               
523  G4int chargeBalance = G4lrint(theDefinition->    
524  G4int baryonBalance = G4lrint(theDefinition->    
525  G4LorentzVector energyMomentumBalance(Get4Mom    
526  G4double theTotalActualWidth = this->Evaluate    
527  if (theTotalActualWidth !=0)                     
528     {                                             
530      //AR-16Aug2016 : Repeat the sampling of t    
531      //               kinematically above thre    
532      G4bool isChannelBelowThreshold = true;       
533      const G4int maxNumberOfLoops = 10000;        
534      G4int loopCounter = 0;                       
536      G4int chosench;                              
537      G4String theParentName;                      
538      G4double theParentMass;                      
539      G4double theBR;                              
540      G4int theNumberOfDaughters;                  
541      G4String theDaughtersName1;                  
542      G4String theDaughtersName2;                  
543      G4String theDaughtersName3;                  
544      G4String theDaughtersName4;                  
545      G4double masses[4]={0.,0.,0.,0.};            
547      do {                                         
549        G4double theSumActualWidth = 0.0;          
550        G4double* theCumActualWidth = new G4dou    
551        for (G4int index = nChannels - 1; index    
552           {                                       
553            theSumActualWidth += theActualWidth    
554            theCumActualWidth[index] = theSumAc    
555      //  cout << "DECAY Cum. Width " << index     
556     }                                             
557        //  cout << "DECAY Total Width " << the    
558        //  cout << "DECAY Total Width " << the    
559        G4double r = theTotalActualWidth * G4Un    
560        G4VDecayChannel* theDecayChannel(nullpt    
561        chosench=-1;                               
562        for (G4int index = nChannels - 1; index    
563           {                                       
564            if (r < theCumActualWidth[index])      
565               {                                   
566                theDecayChannel = theDecayTable    
567          //      cout << "DECAY SELECTED CHANN    
568                chosench=index;                    
569                break;                             
570               }                                   
571           }                                       
573        delete [] theCumActualWidth;               
575        if(theDecayChannel == nullptr)             
576        {                                          
577          G4cerr << "Error condition encountere    
578          G4cerr << "  decay channel has 0x0 ch    
579          G4cerr << "  particle was "<<thisDefi    
580          G4cerr << "  channel index "<< chosen    
581          return nullptr;                          
582        }                                          
583        theParentName = theDecayChannel->GetPar    
584        theParentMass = this->GetActualMass();     
585        theBR = theActualWidth[chosench];          
586        //     cout << "**BR*** DECAYNEW  " <<     
587        theNumberOfDaughters = theDecayChannel-    
588        theDaughtersName1 = "";                    
589        theDaughtersName2 = "";                    
590        theDaughtersName3 = "";                    
591        theDaughtersName4 = "";                    
593        for (G4int i=0; i < 4; ++i) masses[i]=0    
594        G4int shortlivedDaughters[4];              
595        G4int numberOfShortliveds(0);              
596        G4double SumLongLivedMass(0);              
597        for (G4int aD=0; aD < theNumberOfDaught    
598        {                                          
599           const G4ParticleDefinition* aDaughte    
600           masses[aD] = aDaughter->GetPDGMass()    
601           if ( aDaughter->IsShortLived() )        
602     {                                             
603         shortlivedDaughters[numberOfShortlived    
604         ++numberOfShortliveds;                    
605     } else {                                      
606         SumLongLivedMass += aDaughter->GetPDGM    
607     }                                             
609        }                                          
610        switch (theNumberOfDaughters)              
611           {                                       
612            case 0:                                
613               break;                              
614            case 1:                                
615               theDaughtersName1 = theDecayChan    
616               theDaughtersName2 = "";             
617               theDaughtersName3 = "";             
618               theDaughtersName4 = "";             
619               break;                              
620            case 2:                                
621               theDaughtersName1 = theDecayChan    
622               theDaughtersName2 = theDecayChan    
623               theDaughtersName3 = "";             
624               theDaughtersName4 = "";             
625         if (  numberOfShortliveds == 1)           
626         {   G4SampleResonance aSampler;           
627                   G4double massmax=theParentMa    
628       const G4ParticleDefinition * aDaughter=t    
629             masses[shortlivedDaughters[0]]= aS    
630         } else if (  numberOfShortliveds == 2)    
631             // choose masses one after the oth    
632             G4int zero= (G4UniformRand() > 0.5    
633       G4int one = 1-zero;                         
634       G4SampleResonance aSampler;                 
635       G4double massmax=theParentMass - aSample    
636       const G4ParticleDefinition * aDaughter=t    
637       masses[shortlivedDaughters[zero]]=aSampl    
638       massmax=theParentMass - masses[shortlive    
639       aDaughter=theDecayChannel->GetDaughter(s    
640       masses[shortlivedDaughters[one]]=aSample    
641         }                                         
642         break;                                    
643      case 3:                                      
644               theDaughtersName1 = theDecayChan    
645               theDaughtersName2 = theDecayChan    
646               theDaughtersName3 = theDecayChan    
647               theDaughtersName4 = "";             
648         if (  numberOfShortliveds == 1)           
649         {   G4SampleResonance aSampler;           
650                   G4double massmax=theParentMa    
651           const G4ParticleDefinition * aDaught    
652             masses[shortlivedDaughters[0]]= aS    
653         }                                         
654         break;                                    
655      default:                                     
656               theDaughtersName1 = theDecayChan    
657               theDaughtersName2 = theDecayChan    
658               theDaughtersName3 = theDecayChan    
659               theDaughtersName4 = theDecayChan    
660         if (  numberOfShortliveds == 1)           
661         {   G4SampleResonance aSampler;           
662                   G4double massmax=theParentMa    
663           const G4ParticleDefinition * aDaught    
664             masses[shortlivedDaughters[0]]= aS    
665         }                                         
666               if ( theNumberOfDaughters > 4 )     
667                 G4ExceptionDescription ed;        
668                 ed << "More than 4 decay daugh    
669                 G4Exception( "G4KineticTrack::    
670               }                                   
671         break;                                    
672     }                                             
674           //AR-16Aug2016 : Check whether the s    
675           //               If this is still no    
676           //               then the subsequent    
677           G4double sumDaughterMasses = 0.0;       
678           for (G4int i=0; i < 4; ++i) sumDaugh    
679           if ( theParentMass - sumDaughterMass    
681      } while ( isChannelBelowThreshold && ++lo    
683 //                                                
684 //      Get the decay products List               
685 //                                                
687      G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay thePhaseSpaceDec    
692                                             th    
693                                             th    
694                                             th    
695               masses);                            
696      G4DecayProducts* theDecayProducts = thePh    
697      if(theDecayProducts == nullptr)              
698      {                                            
699        G4ExceptionDescription ed;                 
700        ed << "Error condition encountered: pha    
701           << "\t the decaying particle is: " <    
702           << "\t the channel index is: "<< cho    
703           << "\t " << theNumberOfDaughters <<     
704           << theDaughtersName1 << " " << theDa    
705           << theDaughtersName4 << G4endl;         
706        G4Exception( "G4KineticTrack::Decay ",     
707        return nullptr;                            
708      }                                            
710 //                                                
711 //      Create the kinetic track List associat    
712 //                                                
713 //      For the decay products of hadronic res    
714 //      the same as their parent                  
715      G4LorentzRotation toMoving(Get4Momentum()    
716      G4DynamicParticle* theDynamicParticle;       
717      G4double formationTime = 0.0;                
718      G4ThreeVector position = this->GetPositio    
719      G4LorentzVector momentum;                    
720      G4LorentzVector momentumBalanceCMS(0);       
721      G4KineticTrackVector* theDecayProductList    
722      G4int dEntries = theDecayProducts->entrie    
723      const G4ParticleDefinition * aProduct = n    
724      // Use the integer round mass in keV to g    
725      G4int uniqueID = static_cast< G4int >( ro    
726      for (G4int i=dEntries; i > 0; --i)           
727         {                                         
728    theDynamicParticle = theDecayProducts->PopP    
729          aProduct = theDynamicParticle->GetDef    
730          chargeBalance -= G4lrint(aProduct->Ge    
731          baryonBalance -= G4lrint(aProduct->Ge    
732    momentumBalanceCMS += theDynamicParticle->G    
733          momentum = toMoving*theDynamicParticl    
734          energyMomentumBalance -= momentum;       
735          G4KineticTrack* aDaughter = new G4Kin    
739          if (aDaughter != nullptr)                
740      {                                            
741              aDaughter->SetCreatorModelID(GetC    
742              aDaughter->SetParentResonanceDef(    
743              aDaughter->SetParentResonanceID(u    
744            }                                      
745          theDecayProductList->push_back(aDaugh    
746          delete theDynamicParticle;               
747         }                                         
748      delete theDecayProducts;                     
749      if(std::getenv("DecayEnergyBalanceCheck")    
750        std::cout << "DEBUGGING energy balance     
751                  << momentumBalanceCMS << " "     
752              <<energyMomentumBalance << " "       
753              <<chargeBalance<<" "                 
754            <<baryonBalance<<" "                   
755              <<G4endl;                            
756      return theDecayProductList;                  
757     }                                             
758  else                                             
759     {                                             
760      return nullptr;                              
761     }                                             
762 }                                                 
764 G4double G4KineticTrack::IntegrandFunction1(G4    
765 {                                                 
766   G4double mass = theActualMass;   /* the actu    
767   G4double mass1 = theDaughterMass[0];            
768   G4double mass2 = theDaughterMass[1];            
769   G4double gamma2 = theDaughterWidth[1];          
771   G4double result = (1. / (2 * mass)) *           
772     std::sqrt(std::max((((mass * mass) - (mass    
773        ((mass * mass) - (mass1 - xmass) * (mas    
774     BrWig(gamma2, mass2, xmass);                  
775   return result;                                  
776 }                                                 
778 G4double G4KineticTrack::IntegrandFunction2(G4    
779 {                                                 
780   G4double mass = theDefinition->GetPDGMass();    
781   G4double mass1 = theDaughterMass[0];            
782   G4double mass2 = theDaughterMass[1];            
783   G4double gamma2 = theDaughterWidth[1];          
784   G4double result = (1. / (2 * mass)) *           
785     std::sqrt(std::max((((mass * mass) - (mass    
786        ((mass * mass) - (mass1 - xmass) * (mas    
787     BrWig(gamma2, mass2, xmass);                  
788  return result;                                   
789 }                                                 
791 G4double G4KineticTrack::IntegrandFunction3(G4    
792 {                                                 
793   const G4double mass =  G4KineticTrack_Gmass;    
794 //  const G4double mass1 = theDaughterMass[0];    
795   const G4double mass2 = theDaughterMass[1];      
796   const G4double gamma2 = theDaughterWidth[1];    
798   const G4double result = (1. / (2 * mass)) *     
799     std::sqrt(((mass * mass) - (G4KineticTrack    
800    ((mass * mass) - (G4KineticTrack_xmass1 - x    
801     BrWig(gamma2, mass2, xmass);                  
802   return result;                                  
803 }                                                 
805 G4double G4KineticTrack::IntegrandFunction4(G4    
806 {                                                 
807   const G4double mass =  G4KineticTrack_Gmass;    
808   const G4double mass1 = theDaughterMass[0];      
809   const G4double gamma1 = theDaughterWidth[0];    
810 //  const G4double mass2 = theDaughterMass[1];    
812   G4KineticTrack_xmass1 = xmass;                  
814   const G4double theLowerLimit = 0.0;             
815   const G4double theUpperLimit = mass - xmass;    
816   const G4int nIterations = 100;                  
818   G4Integrator<const G4KineticTrack, G4double(    
819   G4double result = BrWig(gamma1, mass1, xmass    
820     integral.Simpson(this, &G4KineticTrack::In    
822   return result;                                  
823 }                                                 
825 G4double G4KineticTrack::IntegrateCMMomentum(c    
826 {                                                 
827   const G4double theUpperLimit = theActualMass    
828   const G4int nIterations = 100;                  
830   if (theLowerLimit>=theUpperLimit) return 0.0    
832   G4Integrator<const G4KineticTrack, G4double(    
833   G4double theIntegralOverMass2 = integral.Sim    
834                theLowerLimit, theUpperLimit, n    
835   return theIntegralOverMass2;                    
836 }                                                 
838 G4double G4KineticTrack::IntegrateCMMomentum(c    
839 {                                                 
840   const G4double theUpperLimit = poleMass - th    
841   const G4int nIterations = 100;                  
843   if (theLowerLimit>=theUpperLimit) return 0.0    
845   G4Integrator<const G4KineticTrack, G4double(    
846   const G4double theIntegralOverMass2 = integr    
847                 theLowerLimit, theUpperLimit,     
848   return theIntegralOverMass2;                    
849 }                                                 
852 G4double G4KineticTrack::IntegrateCMMomentum2(    
853 {                                                 
854   const G4double theLowerLimit = 0.0;             
855   const G4double theUpperLimit = theActualMass    
856   const G4int nIterations = 100;                  
858   if (theLowerLimit>=theUpperLimit) return 0.0    
860   G4Integrator<const G4KineticTrack, G4double(    
861   G4double theIntegralOverMass2 = integral.Sim    
862                theLowerLimit, theUpperLimit, n    
863   return theIntegralOverMass2;                    
864 }