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/PolyCone describes a rotational body around the z axis. The shape of /PolyCone is piled-up /Cons's in the z direction. /PolyCone corresponds to class G4BREPSolidPCone of GEANT4. But /PolyCone is not really used in GEANT4 visualization. /Polyhedron ... /EndPolyhedron is used instead.

Format /PolyCone sphi dphi nz
  z[nz] rmin[nz] rmax[nz]
  (A[n] abbreviates a list of n real numbers)
sphi starting azimuthal angle, ]
dphi extension of azimuthal angle, dphi =
  and sphi + dphi = ]
nz number of given z coordinates to define piled-up /Cons's:
  nz is equal to the number of the piled-up /Cons's
  plus one.
z[i] z coordinate of the top plane of the i-th /Cons.
  The z[0] defines the bottom plane of the whole shape.
  i = 0,1,2, ..., nz -1.
rmin[i] minimum (inside) radius at z = z[i]
rmax[i] maximum (outside) radius at z = z[i]

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Satoshi Tanaka