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/Parallelepiped describes a parallelepiped, which is the following skewed box.
The top and bottom facets are identical parallelograms.
The top parallelogram is on plane z = +dz and the bottom parallelogram on plane z = -dz.
The center locates at the origin.
A line joining the centers of the top and bottom parallelograms is skewed by angles (polar angle) and (azimuthal angle).
Two edges of the top (or bottom) parallelogram are parallel to the x axis. Their length is dx, and distance between them, i.e., height of the parallelogram, is dy.
The top (or bottom) parallelogram skews by angle in the x direction. That is, is the angle formed the y axis and a line joining middle points of the two x-directional edges mentioned above.
/Parallelepiped corresponds to class G4Para of GEANT4.

Format /Parallelepiped dx dy dz tan(alpha) tan(theat)*cos(phi) tan(theta)*sin(phi)
dx half length of edges parallel to the x axis
dy half height of the top and bottom parallelograms
  along the y axis
dz half height of this parallelepiped along the z axis
  alpha : angle expressing skew of the top and bottom
  parallelograms in the x direction.
  Polar angle theta and azimuthal angle phi
  describes skewness of the line joining centers
  of the top and bottom parallelograms

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Satoshi Tanaka