Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /interfaces/implementation/src/ (Version 11.3.0) and /interfaces/implementation/src/ (Version 4.1)

  1 //                                                  1 
  2 // *******************************************    
  3 // * License and Disclaimer                       
  4 // *                                              
  5 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of th    
  6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided    
  7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License    
  8 // * LICENSE and available at    
  9 // * include a list of copyright holders.         
 10 // *                                              
 11 // * Neither the authors of this software syst    
 12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing fin    
 13 // * work  make  any representation or  warran    
 14 // * regarding  this  software system or assum    
 15 // * use.  Please see the license in the file     
 16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitatio    
 17 // *                                              
 18 // * This  code  implementation is the result     
 19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboratio    
 20 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distri    
 21 // * any work based  on the software)  you  ag    
 22 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publicati    
 23 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Sof    
 24 // *******************************************    
 25 //                                                
 26 //                                                
 27 //                                                
 28 // L. Garnier                                     
 30 #include "G4UIQt.hh"                              
 32 #include "G4MTcoutDestination.hh"                 
 33 #include "G4Qt.hh"                                
 34 #include "G4StateManager.hh"                      
 35 #include "G4Types.hh"                             
 36 #include "G4UIcommand.hh"                         
 37 #include "G4UIcommandStatus.hh"                   
 38 #include "G4UIcommandTree.hh"                     
 39 #include "G4UImanager.hh"                         
 40 #include "G4UIcommand.hh"                         
 41 #include "G4UIparameter.hh"                       
 42 #include "G4SceneTreeItem.hh"                     
 43 #include "G4AttCheck.hh"                          
 45 #include <qapplication.h>                         
 46 #include <qdialog.h>                              
 47 #include <qevent.h>                               
 48 #include <qlabel.h>                               
 49 #include <qlayout.h>                              
 50 #include <qlineedit.h>                            
 51 #include <qmenubar.h>                             
 52 #include <qmessagebox.h>                          
 53 #include <qpushbutton.h>                          
 54 #include <qscrollbar.h>                           
 55 #include <qsplitter.h>                            
 56 #include <qtextbrowser.h>                         
 57 #include <qtextedit.h>                            
 58 #include <qwidget.h>                              
 60 #include <cstring>                                
 61 #include <qboxlayout.h>                           
 62 #include <qbuttongroup.h>                         
 63 #include <qcolordialog.h>                         
 64 #include <qcombobox.h>                            
 65 #include <qcompleter.h>                           
 66 #include <qfiledialog.h>                          
 67 #include <qgroupbox.h>                            
 68 #include <qheaderview.h>                          
 69 #include <qlistwidget.h>                          
 70 #include <qmainwindow.h>                          
 71 #include <qmenu.h>                                
 72 #include <qpainter.h>                             
 73 #include <qradiobutton.h>                         
 74 #include <qscrollarea.h>                          
 75 #include <qstandarditemmodel.h>                   
 76 #include <qstringlist.h>                          
 77 #include <qtabbar.h>                              
 78 #include <qtablewidget.h>                         
 79 #include <qtabwidget.h>                           
 80 #include <qtextstream.h>                          
 81 #include <qtoolbar.h>                             
 82 #include <qtoolbox.h>                             
 84 #include <QInputDialog>                           
 86 #include <set>                                    
 87 #include <map>                                    
 88 #include <cstdlib>                                
 90 #ifndef G4GMAKE                                   
 91 #  include "moc_G4UIQt.cpp"                       
 92 #endif                                            
 94 // Pourquoi Static et non  variables de classe    
 95 static G4bool exitSession = true;                 
 96 static G4bool exitPause = true;                   
 98 /**   Build a Qt window with a menubar, output    
 99 <pre>                                             
100    +-----------------------+                      
101    |exit menu|             |                      
102    |                       |                      
103    | +-------------------+ |                      
104    | |                   | |                      
105    | |  Output area      | |                      
106    | |                   | |                      
107    | +-------------------+ |                      
108    |      | clear |        |                      
109    | +-------------------+ |                      
110    | |  promt history    | |                      
111    | +-------------------+ |                      
112    | +-------------------+ |                      
113    | |> promt area       | |                      
114    | +-------------------+ |                      
115    +-----------------------+                      
116 </pre>                                            
117 */                                                
118 G4UIQt::G4UIQt(G4int argc, char** argv)           
119   : fMainWindow(nullptr),                         
120     fCommandLabel(nullptr),                       
121     fCommandArea(nullptr),                        
122     fCoutTBTextArea(nullptr),                     
123     fUITabWidget(nullptr),                        
124     fCoutFilter(nullptr),                         
125     fCompleter(nullptr),                          
126     fDefaultIcons(true),                          
127     fHistoryTBTableList(nullptr),                 
128     fHelpTreeWidget(nullptr),                     
129     fHelpTBWidget(nullptr),                       
130     fHistoryTBWidget(nullptr),                    
131     fCoutDockWidget(nullptr),                     
132     fUIDockWidget(nullptr),                       
133     fSceneTreeWidget(nullptr),                    
134     fNewSceneTreeWidget(nullptr),                 
135     fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget(nullptr),         
136     fViewerPropertiesWidget(nullptr),             
137     fPickInfosWidget(nullptr),                    
138     fHelpLine(nullptr),                           
139     fViewerTabWidget(nullptr),                    
140     fCoutText("Output"),                          
141     fStartPage(nullptr),                          
142     fHelpVSplitter(nullptr),                      
143     fParameterHelpLabel(nullptr),                 
144     fParameterHelpTable(nullptr),                 
145     fToolbarApp(nullptr),                         
146     fToolbarUser(nullptr),                        
147     fStringSeparator("__$$$@%%###__"),            
148     fLastOpenPath(""),                            
149     fSearchIcon(nullptr),                         
150     fClearIcon(nullptr),                          
151     fSaveIcon(nullptr),                           
152     fOpenIcon(nullptr),                           
153     fMoveIcon(nullptr),                           
154     fRotateIcon(nullptr),                         
155     fPickIcon(nullptr),                           
156     fZoomInIcon(nullptr),                         
157     fZoomOutIcon(nullptr),                        
158     fWireframeIcon(nullptr),                      
159     fSolidIcon(nullptr),                          
160     fHiddenLineRemovalIcon(nullptr),              
161     fHiddenLineAndSurfaceRemovalIcon(nullptr),    
162     fPerspectiveIcon(nullptr),                    
163     fOrthoIcon(nullptr),                          
164     fCommandIcon(nullptr),                        
165     fDirIcon(nullptr),                            
166     fRunIcon(nullptr),                            
167     fParamIcon(nullptr),                          
168     fPickTargetIcon(nullptr),                     
169     fExitIcon(nullptr)                            
170 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                            
171     ,                                             
172     fThreadsFilterComboBox(nullptr)               
173 #endif                                            
174     ,                                             
175     fDefaultViewerFirstPageHTMLText(""),          
176     fViewerPropertiesDialog(nullptr),             
177     fPickInfosDialog(nullptr),                    
178     fLastCompleteCommand(""),                     
179     fMoveSelected(false),                         
180     fRotateSelected(true),                        
181     fPickSelected(false),                         
182     fZoomInSelected(false),                       
183     fZoomOutSelected(false)                       
184 {                                                 
185   G4Qt* interactorManager = G4Qt::getInstance(    
186   if ((QApplication*)interactorManager->GetMai    
187     G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::GetU    
188     G4int verbose = UImanager->GetVerboseLevel    
190     if (verbose >= 2) {                           
191       G4cout << "G4UIQt : Unable to init Qt. A    
192     }                                             
193   }                                               
195   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer(    
196   if (UI != nullptr) UI->SetSession(this);        
197   if (UI != nullptr) UI->SetG4UIWindow(this);     
199   // Check if already define in external app Q    
200   G4bool found = false;                           
201   Q_FOREACH (QWidget* widget, QApplication::al    
202     if ((!found) && (widget->inherits("QMainWi    
203       found = true;                               
204     }                                             
205   }                                               
207   if (found) {                                    
208     G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::GetU    
209     G4int verbose = UImanager->GetVerboseLevel    
211     if (verbose >= 2) {                           
212       G4cout << "G4UIQt : Found an external Ap    
213              << G4endl;                           
214     }                                             
215     return;                                       
216   }                                               
217   CreateIcons();                                  
219   fMainWindow = new QMainWindow();                
220   fMainWindow->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClo    
222   fMainWindow->setCorner(Qt::TopLeftCorner, Qt    
223   fMainWindow->setCorner(Qt::TopRightCorner, Q    
224   fMainWindow->setCorner(Qt::BottomLeftCorner,    
225   fMainWindow->setCorner(Qt::BottomRightCorner    
227   CreateViewerWidget();                           
228   fMainWindow->addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidge    
229   fMainWindow->addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWid    
231   // Create the new scene tree stuff              
232   fNewSceneTreeWidget = new QWidget;              
233   fNewSceneTreeWidget->setStyleSheet ("padding    
234   fNewSceneTreeWidget->setLayout(new QVBoxLayo    
235   fNewSceneTreeWidget->layout()->setContentsMa    
236   fNewSceneTreeWidget->setWindowTitle("some na    
237   // Add it to the "old" fSceneTreeWidget         
238   fSceneTreeWidget->layout()->addWidget(fNewSc    
239   CreateNewSceneTreeWidget();                     
241   // add defaults icons                           
242   SetDefaultIconsToolbar();                       
244   if (UI != nullptr) UI->SetCoutDestination(th    
246 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                            
247   // explicitly request that cout/cerr message    
248   masterG4coutDestination = this;                 
249 #endif                                            
251   fMainWindow->setWindowTitle(QFileInfo(QCoreA    
252   fMainWindow->move(QPoint(50, 50));              
254   // force the size at be correct at the beggi    
255   // because the widget is not realized yet, t    
256   // we need it in order to add some viewer in    
257   fMainWindow->resize(fUIDockWidget->width() +    
258     fUIDockWidget->height() + fCoutDockWidget-    
260   // set last focus on command line               
261   fCommandArea->setFocus(Qt::TabFocusReason);     
263   // Allow QTextCursor to be called by another    
264   //    
265   qRegisterMetaType<QTextCursor>("QTextCursor"    
267   // add some tips                                
268   AddTabWidget(fStartPage, "Useful tips");        
270   // Set not visible until session start          
271   fMainWindow->setVisible(false);                 
272 }                                                 
274 G4UIQt::~G4UIQt()                                 
275 {                                                 
276   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer(    
277   if (UI != nullptr) {  // TO KEEP                
278     UI->SetSession(nullptr);  // TO KEEP          
279     UI->SetG4UIWindow(nullptr);                   
280     UI->SetCoutDestination(nullptr);  // TO KE    
281 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                            
282     masterG4coutDestination = nullptr;  // set    
283 #endif                                            
284   }                                               
285 }                                                 
287 void G4UIQt::DefaultIcons(G4bool aVal)            
288 {                                                 
289   fDefaultIcons = aVal;                           
291   if (! fMainWindow->isVisible()) {               
292     return;                                       
293   }                                               
295   if (fToolbarApp != nullptr) {                   
296     if (aVal) {                                   
297       fToolbarApp->setVisible(true);              
298     }                                             
299     else {                                        
300       // Set not visible until session start      
301       fToolbarApp->setVisible(false);             
302     }                                             
303   }                                               
304 }                                                 
306 void G4UIQt::SetDefaultIconsToolbar()             
307 {                                                 
308   if (fDefaultIcons) {                            
309     if (fToolbarApp == nullptr) {                 
310       fToolbarApp = new QToolBar();               
311       fToolbarApp->setIconSize(QSize(20, 20));    
312       fMainWindow->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarAr    
313     }                                             
315     // Open/Save Icons                            
316     AddIcon("Open macro file", "open", "/contr    
317     AddIcon("Save viewer state", "save", "/vis    
319     // View parameters                            
320     fToolbarApp->addAction(QIcon(*fParamIcon),    
321       [this]() { this->ViewerPropertiesIconCal    
323     // Cursors style icons                        
324     AddIcon("Move", "move", "");                  
325     AddIcon("Pick", "pick", "");                  
326     AddIcon("Zoom out", "zoom_out", "");          
327     AddIcon("Zoom in", "zoom_in", "");            
328     AddIcon("Rotate", "rotate", "");              
330     // Surface Style icons                        
331     AddIcon("Hidden line removal", "hidden_lin    
332     AddIcon("Hidden line and hidden surface re    
333     AddIcon("Surfaces", "solid", "");             
334     AddIcon("Wireframe", "wireframe", "");        
336     // Perspective/Ortho icons                    
337     AddIcon("Perspective", "perspective", "");    
338     AddIcon("Orthographic", "ortho", "");         
339     AddIcon("Run beam on", "runBeamOn", "/run/    
340     AddIcon("Exit Application", "exit", "exit"    
341   }                                               
342 }                                                 
344 // clang-format off                               
345 void G4UIQt::CreateIcons()                        
346 {                                                 
347   const char * const save[]={                     
348     "32 32 24 1",                                 
349     "       c None",                              
350     "+      c #000200",                           
351     "@      c #141E43",                           
352     "#      c #000C56",                           
353     "$      c #494A47",                           
354     "%      c #636662",                           
355     "&      c #312F2A",                           
356     "*      c #191B19",                           
357     "=      c #002992",                           
358     "-      c #003DFF",                           
359     ";      c #041DA5",                           
360     ">      c #A8A9A3",                           
361     ",      c #FDFFFC",                           
362     "'      c #DDE0DD",                           
363     ")      c #818783",                           
364     "!      c #C9CBC8",                           
365     "~      c #0116C3",                           
366     "{      c #C5C8FA",                           
367     "]      c #6596FC",                           
368     "^      c #A0B4F9",                           
369     "/      c #0B2AFD",                           
370     "(      c #799BE3",                           
371     "_      c #5F4826",                           
372     ":      c #D5D8D5",                           
373     "                                ",           
374     "                                ",           
375     "   +++++++++++++++++++++++++    ",           
376     "  +@##+$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&*$%&+   ",           
377     "  +=-;@>,,''',,,,,,,',,)&!,)+   ",           
378     "  +;-~@>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>$!,)+   ",           
379     "  +=-~@>,,,,,{]]]]]^,,,>*&$&+   ",           
380     "  +=-~@>,,,,,'{^{^^{,,,>*#=#+   ",           
381     "  +=-~@>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>@~/=+   ",           
382     "  +=-~@>,,,{{{''''{',,,>@~-=+   ",           
383     "  +=-~@>,,'^]]]]]]({,,,>@~-=+   ",           
384     "  +=-~@>,,,{{{{{{{{{,,,>@~-=+   ",           
385     "  +=-~@>,,,,,'{^{{^{,,,>@~-=+   ",           
386     "  +=-~@>,,,,,]]]]]]],,,>@~-=+   ",           
387     "  +=-~*>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>@~-=+   ",           
388     "  +=-~@>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>@~-=+   ",           
389     "  +=-/=$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$=/-=+   ",           
390     "  +=---;###############;---=+   ",           
391     "  +=---////////////////----=+   ",           
392     "  +=----------------///----=+   ",           
393     "  +=---=@##############@#--=+   ",           
394     "  +=---@+++++++++++*%))_+~-=+   ",           
395     "  +=---#+++++++++++&:,,>@~-=+   ",           
396     "  +=---#+++++++++++$',,>@~-=+   ",           
397     "  +=---#+++++++++++&!,,>@~-=+   ",           
398     "  +=/--#+++++++++++&',,>@~-=+   ",           
399     "   @;--#+++++++++++$',,>@~-=+   ",           
400     "    @;;@+++++++++++*)!>%@=;#+   ",           
401     "     @++++++++++++++*&**++@++   ",           
402     "                                ",           
403     "                                ",           
404     "                                "}           
405   ;                                               
406   fSaveIcon = new QPixmap(save);                  
408   const char * const search[]  = {                
409     /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */     
410     "19 19 8 1",                                  
411     "  c #5C5C5C",                                
412     ". c #7D7D7D",                                
413     "X c #9B9B9B",                                
414     "o c #C3C3C3",                                
415     "O c None",                                   
416     "+ c #000000",                                
417     "@ c #000000",                                
418     "# c None",                                   
419     /* pixels */                                  
420     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                        
421     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                        
422     "OOOOOOOo.  .oOOOOOO",                        
423     "OOOOOOX      XOOOOO",                        
424     "OOOOOo  XOOX  oOOOO",                        
425     "OOOOO. XOOOOX .OOOO",                        
426     "OOOOO  OOOOOO  OOOO",                        
427     "OOOOO  OOOOOO  OOOO",                        
428     "OOOOO. XOOOOo .OOOO",                        
429     "OOOOOo  oOOo  oOOOO",                        
430     "OOOOOOX       XOOOO",                        
431     "OOOOOOOo.  .   XOOO",                        
432     "OOOOOOOOOOOOO.  XOO",                        
433     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO. XOO",                        
434     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOO",                        
435     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                        
436     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                        
437     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                        
438     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"                         
439   };                                              
440   fSearchIcon = new QPixmap(search);              
442   const char * const clear[]  = {                 
443     /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */     
444     "20 20 8 1",                                  
445     "  c #020202",                                
446     ". c #202020",                                
447     "X c #2C2C2C",                                
448     "o c #797979",                                
449     "O c None",                                   
450     "+ c #797979",                                
451     "@ c #797979",                                
452     "# c #797979",                                
453     /* pixels */                                  
454     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                       
455     "OOOOOOOo    oOOOOOOO",                       
456     "OOOOOXX      XXOOOOO",                       
457     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                       
458     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO",                       
459     "OOOO XXXXXXXXXX OOOO",                       
460     "OOO XOOOOOOOOOO  OOO",                       
461     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
462     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
463     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
464     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
465     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
466     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
467     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
468     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
469     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
470     "OOOOXOooOooOooO OOOO",                       
471     "OOOOXOOOOOOOOOO OOOO",                       
472     "OOOOOooooooooooOOOOO",                       
473     "OOOOOO........OOOOOO"                        
474   };                                              
476   fClearIcon = new QPixmap(clear);                
479   const char * const open[]={                     
480     "32 32 33 1",                                 
481     "       c None",                              
482     "+      c #09091E",                           
483     "@      c #191B18",                           
484     "#      c #5F615F",                           
485     "$      c #777977",                           
486     "%      c #AEB1AF",                           
487     "&      c #929491",                           
488     "*      c #515250",                           
489     "=      c #858784",                           
490     "-      c #333533",                           
491     ";      c #000100",                           
492     ">      c #272926",                           
493     ",      c #424341",                           
494     "'      c #696C6A",                           
495     ")      c #5F4927",                           
496     "!      c #583D18",                           
497     "~      c #6E6A5B",                           
498     "{      c #47351D",                           
499     "]      c #E0A554",                           
500     "^      c #FFD67B",                           
501     "/      c #EFB465",                           
502     "(      c #FDBF6C",                           
503     "_      c #FFCD76",                           
504     ":      c #806238",                           
505     "<      c #362611",                           
506     "[      c #0B0D0A",                           
507     "}      c #68471B",                           
508     "|      c #523E22",                           
509     "1      c #B78A51",                           
510     "2      c #A17B44",                           
511     "3      c #D6A45E",                           
512     "4      c #C29354",                           
513     "5      c #A1A3A0",                           
514     "                                ",           
515     "                                ",           
516     "                     +@@@#      ",           
517     "                    $%   +&   * ",           
518     "                   #=     $  -; ",           
519     "                           %>;+ ",           
520     "                           ,;;+ ",           
521     "  &#$''#'                 >;;;+ ",           
522     " =)!)!!!!~                *#$'' ",           
523     " {]^/((_({-  %%%%%%%%%%%        ",           
524     " {(^_^^^^:<{{{{{{{{{{{{{[&      ",           
525     " {/_/(((((/]]]]]]]]]]]/]!#      ",           
526     " {/^(((((_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:#      ",           
527     " {/^(((_^^____________^^}$      ",           
528     " {/^(((((/////////////((!#      ",           
529     " {/^/^_:<|||||||||||||||@@****1 ",           
530     " {/^/^(<[)||||||||||||||))!!}<; ",           
531     " {/^_(:|234444444444444444432)1 ",           
532     " {/_^/<)34444444444444444443},  ",           
533     " {/^(2{:41111111111111111142|5  ",           
534     " {3^3<:31111111111111111143}-   ",           
535     " {/^2<:31111111111111111441|'   ",           
536     " {_/<:41111111111111111143},    ",           
537     " {(4<:31111111111111111144!#    ",           
538     " )4))44111111111111111144},     ",           
539     " )2<:31111111111111111144{#     ",           
540     " @|:14444444444444444444}*      ",           
541     " ;@434444444444444444434<#      ",           
542     " ;[))))))))))))))))))))!~       ",           
543     " ++++++++++++++++++++++;%       ",           
544     "                                ",           
545     "                                "}           
546   ;                                               
547   fOpenIcon = new QPixmap(open);                  
550   const char * const move[]={                     
551     "32 32 16 1",                                 
552     "       c None",                              
553     ".      c #F1F1F1",                           
554     "+      c #939393",                           
555     "@      c #282828",                           
556     "#      c #787878",                           
557     "$      c #000000",                           
558     "%      c #CCCCCC",                           
559     "&      c #1A1A1A",                           
560     "*      c #0D0D0D",                           
561     "=      c #5D5D5D",                           
562     "-      c #AEAEAE",                           
563     ";      c #BBBBBB",                           
564     ">      c #C9C9C9",                           
565     ",      c #D6D6D6",                           
566     "'      c #FFFFFF",                           
567     ")      c #999999",                           
568     "                                ",           
569     "                                ",           
570     "                                ",           
571     "                                ",           
572     "               ..               ",           
573     "               ++               ",           
574     "              .@@.              ",           
575     "              #$$#              ",           
576     "             %&$$*%             ",           
577     "             =$$$$=             ",           
578     "            -**$$**-            ",           
579     "            %;%&*>;%            ",           
580     "          -%   @&   %-          ",           
581     "        ,=*;   @&   ;*=,        ",           
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584     "    ')&$$$$*@@    @@*$$$$&+'    ",           
585     "      .#*$$>        >$$*#.      ",           
586     "        ,=*;   @&   ;*=,        ",           
587     "          -%   @&   %-          ",           
588     "            %;%&*>>%            ",           
589     "            -**$$**-            ",           
590     "             =$$$$=             ",           
591     "             %&$$*%             ",           
592     "              #$$#              ",           
593     "              .@@.              ",           
594     "               ++               ",           
595     "               ..               ",           
596     "                                ",           
597     "                                ",           
598     "                                ",           
599     "                                "}           
600   ;                                               
601   fMoveIcon = new QPixmap(move);                  
603   const char * const rotate[]={                   
604     "32 32 27 1",                                 
605     "       c None",                              
606     ".      c #003333",                           
607     "+      c #000066",                           
608     "@      c #1A1A1A",                           
609     "#      c #003399",                           
610     "$      c #3333CC",                           
611     "%      c #000033",                           
612     "&      c #353535",                           
613     "*      c #434343",                           
614     "=      c #336699",                           
615     "-      c #3399FF",                           
616     ";      c #003366",                           
617     ">      c #5D5D5D",                           
618     ",      c #282828",                           
619     "'      c #3399CC",                           
620     ")      c #333333",                           
621     "!      c #3366CC",                           
622     "~      c #333399",                           
623     "{      c #505050",                           
624     "]      c #666666",                           
625     "^      c #333366",                           
626     "/      c #0033CC",                           
627     "(      c #3366FF",                           
628     "_      c #336666",                           
629     ":      c #787878",                           
630     "<      c #868686",                           
631     "[      c #6B6B6B",                           
632     "                   .++@         ",           
633     "                  #$$%&*        ",           
634     "                 =--; *>,       ",           
635     "                 '-=  )>&       ",           
636     "                !-',  ,>*       ",           
637     "             !!=--=    >*       ",           
638     "            =------!!~@&)@      ",           
639     "             --------!*{{{*&,   ",           
640     "             -------=){*{{{>>{) ",           
641     "            ,!-----=  ){&  ,&{{@",           
642     "          ,*>!----=   &>&     )@",           
643     "         ){>)~---=    *])      @",           
644     "        @*>,  --!     ,&@       ",           
645     "        @{*   '!      ,-!=~^,@  ",           
646     "        @&    ==      {/(----!^ ",           
647     "         _           ]:;(----'  ",           
648     "         ==_         >{+(----~  ",           
649     "          !-!!======!!(((---!   ",           
650     "           ='--------------!    ",           
651     "             =!!!!'!!=; !-!     ",           
652     "                   &<*  !~      ",           
653     "              @.  *[*   ;       ",           
654     "               ;+)>*            ",           
655     "                 @@             ",           
656     "                                ",           
657     "                                ",           
658     "                                ",           
659     "                                ",           
660     "                                ",           
661     "                                ",           
662     "                                ",           
663     "                                "}           
664   ;                                               
665   fRotateIcon = new QPixmap(rotate);              
667   const char * const pick[]={                     
668     /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */     
669     "20 20 12 1 ",                                
670     "  c #050804",                                
671     ". c #222321",                                
672     "X c #3B3C3A",                                
673     "o c #4C4E4B",                                
674     "O c #616360",                                
675     "+ c #747673",                                
676     "@ c #8A8C89",                                
677     "# c #9FA19E",                                
678     "$ c #BABCB9",                                
679     "% c #CED0CD",                                
680     "& c #E4E6E3",                                
681     "* c None",                                   
682     /* pixels */                                  
683     "*********oo*********",                       
684     "*********oo*********",                       
685     "******$O.  .O%******",                       
686     "****&o .O..O  O*****",                       
687     "***&X @**oo**@ X****",                       
688     "***o $***oo***$ O***",                       
689     "**% @**********@ %**",                       
690     "**O.***********& +**",                       
691     "**.O*****@@*****o.**",                       
692     "oo .oo**@  #*&XX. oo",                       
693     "oo .oo**@  #*&oo. oO",                       
694     "**.O*****##*****oX**",                       
695     "**O ***********& +**",                       
696     "**% @****&&****+ &**",                       
697     "***O $***Xo***# +***",                       
698     "****X @&*Xo*&+ o****",                       
699     "*****O  o..o  +*****",                       
700     "******%+.  X+&******",                       
701     "*********oo*********",                       
702     "*********oO*********"                        
703   };                                              
704   fPickIcon = new QPixmap(pick);                  
706   const char * const zoom_in[]={                  
707     "32 32 11 1",                                 
708     "       c None",                              
709     ".      c #C9CBC8",                           
710     "+      c #A8A9A3",                           
711     "@      c #818783",                           
712     "#      c #D5D8D5",                           
713     "$      c #9BCCCC",                           
714     "%      c #5FC7F4",                           
715     "&      c #FDFFFC",                           
716     "*      c #636662",                           
717     "=      c #9599CE",                           
718     "-      c #DDE0DD",                           
719     "                                ",           
720     "                                ",           
721     "                                ",           
722     "                                ",           
723     "                                ",           
724     "          .++@@++.              ",           
725     "         +++..#.+++             ",           
726     "       .@+...++++#+@.           ",           
727     "       @$.%%+&&&@%..@           ",           
728     "      ++.%%%+&&&*%%.++          ",           
729     "     .+#%%%%+&&&*%%.#+          ",           
730     "     ++..%%%+&&&*%%%.++         ",           
731     "     +#.+++++&&&*++++.+         ",           
732     "     @.+&&&&&&&&&&&&&+@         ",           
733     "     @#+&&&&&&&&&&&&&+@         ",           
734     "     @.+&&&&&&&&&&&&&+.         ",           
735     "     +++@***+&&&****@+.         ",           
736     "     ....++++&&&*++++..         ",           
737     "      ++.===+&&&*%=.++          ",           
738     "       @..==+&&&*=..@#&         ",           
739     "       .@+#.+&&&@-+@@*@         ",           
740     "         +++.++++++ *+@*        ",           
741     "          .+@@@++.  @**+*       ",           
742     "                    .*@*+*      ",           
743     "                     .*@*+*     ",           
744     "                      +*@@*     ",           
745     "                       .**+     ",           
746     "                                ",           
747     "                                ",           
748     "                                ",           
749     "                                ",           
750     "                                "}           
751   ;                                               
752   fZoomInIcon = new QPixmap(zoom_in);             
754   const char * const zoom_out[]={                 
755     "32 32 11 1",                                 
756     "       c None",                              
757     ".      c #C9CBC8",                           
758     "+      c #A8A9A3",                           
759     "@      c #818783",                           
760     "#      c #D5D8D5",                           
761     "$      c #5FC7F4",                           
762     "%      c #9BCCCC",                           
763     "&      c #FDFFFC",                           
764     "*      c #636662",                           
765     "=      c #9599CE",                           
766     "-      c #DDE0DD",                           
767     "                                ",           
768     "                                ",           
769     "                                ",           
770     "                                ",           
771     "                                ",           
772     "          .++@@++.              ",           
773     "         +++..#.+++             ",           
774     "       .@+..$$$$.#+@.           ",           
775     "       @%.$$$$$$$$..@           ",           
776     "      ++.$$$$$$$$$$.++          ",           
777     "     .+#$$$$$$$$$$$.#+          ",           
778     "     ++..$$$$$$$$$$$.++         ",           
779     "     +#.+++++++++++++.+         ",           
780     "     @.+&&&&&&&&&&&&&+@         ",           
781     "     @#+&&&&&&&&&&&&&+@         ",           
782     "     @.+&&&&&&&&&&&&&+.         ",           
783     "     +++@***********@+.         ",           
784     "     ....++++++++++++..         ",           
785     "      ++.===$$$$$$=.++          ",           
786     "       @..===$$$$=..@#&         ",           
787     "       .@+#.$$$..-+@@*@         ",           
788     "         +++#--.+++ *+@*        ",           
789     "          .+@@@++.  @**+*       ",           
790     "                    .*@*+*      ",           
791     "                     .*@*+*     ",           
792     "                      +*@@*     ",           
793     "                       .**+     ",           
794     "                                ",           
795     "                                ",           
796     "                                ",           
797     "                                ",           
798     "                                "}           
799   ;                                               
800   fZoomOutIcon = new QPixmap(zoom_out);           
802   const char * const wireframe[]={                
803     "32 32 24 1",                                 
804     "       c None",                              
805     "+      c #E4E4E4",                           
806     "@      c #D5D5D5",                           
807     "#      c #E1E1E1",                           
808     "$      c #E7E7E7",                           
809     "%      c #D8D8D8",                           
810     "&      c #A7A7A7",                           
811     "*      c #000000",                           
812     "=      c #989898",                           
813     "-      c #8A8A8A",                           
814     ";      c #B5B5B5",                           
815     ">      c #1B1B1B",                           
816     ",      c #676767",                           
817     "'      c #959595",                           
818     ")      c #4A4A4A",                           
819     "!      c #878787",                           
820     "~      c #D3D3D3",                           
821     "{      c #C4C4C4",                           
822     "]      c #A4A4A4",                           
823     "^      c #5B5B5B",                           
824     "/      c #B3B3B3",                           
825     "(      c #787878",                           
826     "_      c #C7C7C7",                           
827     ":      c #585858",                           
828     "                                ",           
829     "                  +@@#          ",           
830     "          $%@@@@@&****=+        ",           
831     "        +&********&@-***;       ",           
832     "   +@@@&**&@@@@@@$  @*-&>&+     ",           
833     "  +*****&+          %*@ ,**'#   ",           
834     "  @***)!~           @*{&*****+  ",           
835     "  @*!]***&+        +-*^**'~!*@  ",           
836     "  @*~ +@&**&@@@@@@&****&+  ~*@  ",           
837     "  @*@    +&********&-*=    @*@  ",           
838     "  @*@      $%@-*-@$ @*@    @*@  ",           
839     "  @*@         @*@   %*%    @*@  ",           
840     "  @*@         %*%   %*%    @*@  ",           
841     "  @*@         %*%   %*%    @*@  ",           
842     "  @*@         %*%   %*%    @*@  ",           
843     "  @*@         %*%   %*%    @*@  ",           
844     "  @*@         %*%   %*%    @*@  ",           
845     "  @*@         @*@   %*%    @*@  ",           
846     "  @*@         =*-+  @*@    @*@  ",           
847     "  @*@    $%@@&****&@-*-+   @*@  ",           
848     "  @*@ $@&*****&@@&******&~~!*@  ",           
849     "  @*{/***&@@%$    $@-*-&*****+  ",           
850     "  @*)*)(-~          @*@ ~)**]   ",           
851     "  +*******&@@@@+    %*_+]**]    ",           
852     "   +@@@@@&******&@%+_*^**]#     ",           
853     "          $%@@@&****:**&+       ",           
854     "                +%@&**&         ",           
855     "                    ++          ",           
856     "                                ",           
857     "                                ",           
858     "                                ",           
859     "                                "}           
860   ;                                               
861   fWireframeIcon = new QPixmap(wireframe);        
863   const char * const solid[]={                    
864     "32 32 33 1",                                 
865     "       c None",                              
866     "+      c #C2DEDE",                           
867     "@      c #B5D7DF",                           
868     "#      c #ACD6E6",                           
869     "$      c #60C0EC",                           
870     "%      c #4EB7EE",                           
871     "&      c #53B9ED",                           
872     "*      c #82CEEA",                           
873     "=      c #CFDDDA",                           
874     "-      c #94C9E8",                           
875     ";      c #0960FF",                           
876     ">      c #0943FF",                           
877     ",      c #0949FF",                           
878     "'      c #3CB3F0",                           
879     ")      c #71C7EB",                           
880     "!      c #73CBE5",                           
881     "~      c #D3DDDB",                           
882     "{      c #C4DDDE",                           
883     "]      c #B7D5DF",                           
884     "^      c #2DACF5",                           
885     "/      c #59C1ED",                           
886     "(      c #5FC0ED",                           
887     "_      c #85CEE9",                           
888     ":      c #096BFF",                           
889     "<      c #2AACF6",                           
890     "[      c #5CBEEC",                           
891     "}      c #7ACAE4",                           
892     "|      c #73CAEB",                           
893     "1      c #71C8E5",                           
894     "2      c #D1DDDA",                           
895     "3      c #CBDDD9",                           
896     "4      c #67C1EB",                           
897     "5      c #80CDEA",                           
898     "                                ",           
899     "                                ",           
900     "          +@@@@@@#$%&*=         ",           
901     "        +-;>>>>>>>>>,')!~       ",           
902     "   {]@@-;>>>>>>>>>>>>^/(_=      ",           
903     "  {:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//[)!=    ",           
904     "  ]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><////[)}   ",           
905     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
906     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
907     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
908     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
909     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
910     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
911     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
912     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
913     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
914     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
915     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
916     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//////|   ",           
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920     "  @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><////[*2   ",           
921     "  {:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><//[)12    ",           
922     "   +@@@@@-;>>>>>>>>>><[)13      ",           
923     "          {]@@@-;>>>,'*3        ",           
924     "                +@@#452         ",           
925     "                                ",           
926     "                                ",           
927     "                                ",           
928     "                                ",           
929     "                                "}           
930   ;                                               
931   fSolidIcon = new QPixmap(solid);                
933   const char * const hidden_line_removal[]={      
934     "32 32 15 1",                                 
935     "       c None",                              
936     "+      c #D5D5D5",                           
937     "@      c #C7C7C7",                           
938     "#      c #9C9C9C",                           
939     "$      c #000000",                           
940     "%      c #8E8E8E",                           
941     "&      c #808080",                           
942     "*      c #A9A9A9",                           
943     "=      c #D8D8D8",                           
944     "-      c #CACACA",                           
945     ";      c #181818",                           
946     ">      c #9F9F9F",                           
947     ",      c #ACACAC",                           
948     "'      c #B9B9B9",                           
949     ")      c #555555",                           
950     "                                ",           
951     "                  +@@+          ",           
952     "          +@@@@@@#$$$$%+        ",           
953     "        +#$$$$$$$$#@&$$$*       ",           
954     "   =-@@#$$#@@@@@-=  @$&#;>=     ",           
955     "  =$$$$$#+          -$@ *$$%+   ",           
956     "  -$&@-=            -$-  #$$$=  ",           
957     "  -$@               -$-   +&$-  ",           
958     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
959     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
960     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
961     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
962     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
963     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
964     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
965     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
966     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
967     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
968     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
969     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
970     "  @$@               @$@    @$@  ",           
971     "  @$@               @$@    #$=  ",           
972     "  -$&@@@-=          -$-  =>;,   ",           
973     "  =$$$$$$$#@@@-=    -$'+#$$,    ",           
974     "   =-@@@@#$$$$$$#@-+'$)$$#+     ",           
975     "          =-@@@#$$$$)$$#+       ",           
976     "                +@@#$$#         ",           
977     "                    ++          ",           
978     "                                ",           
979     "                                ",           
980     "                                ",           
981     "                                "}           
982   ;                                               
983   fHiddenLineRemovalIcon = new QPixmap(hidden_    
985   const char * const hidden_line_and_surface_r    
986     "32 32 40 1",                                 
987     "       c None",                              
988     "+      c #FFFFFF",                           
989     "@      c #89A2E9",                           
990     "#      c #5378E3",                           
991     "$      c #A2B5ED",                           
992     "%      c #5379E3",                           
993     "&      c #5076E3",                           
994     "*      c #3E69E4",                           
995     "=      c #0C43F8",                           
996     "-      c #043FFE",                           
997     ";      c #CDD9ED",                           
998     ">      c #BDCDE9",                           
999     ",      c #FBFCFC",                           
1000     "'      c #406AE4",                          
1001     ")      c #0439FE",                          
1002     "!      c #0137FF",                          
1003     "~      c #4F75E3",                          
1004     "{      c #9EB5E3",                          
1005     "]      c #829FE0",                          
1006     "^      c #B6C6E7",                          
1007     "/      c #9DB4E3",                          
1008     "(      c #7E9CE0",                          
1009     "_      c #B2C3E9",                          
1010     ":      c #7E9AE0",                          
1011     "<      c #86A2E1",                          
1012     "[      c #CAD6ED",                          
1013     "}      c #5177E3",                          
1014     "|      c #829CE0",                          
1015     "1      c #BCCCE9",                          
1016     "2      c #3A67E6",                          
1017     "3      c #0A43FA",                          
1018     "4      c #95ACE1",                          
1019     "5      c #BBCBE9",                          
1020     "6      c #A9BBE5",                          
1021     "7      c #96AFE1",                          
1022     "8      c #BDCBE9",                          
1023     "9      c #4067E4",                          
1024     "0      c #6485E5",                          
1025     "a      c #E3EAF3",                          
1026     "b      c #CAD6F3",                          
1027     "                                ",          
1028     "                                ",          
1029     "                  ++++          ",          
1030     "          ++++++++@#$+++        ",          
1031     "        ++@%####&*=-#+;>,       ",          
1032     "   +++++@'=)))))))!)~+{]^++     ",          
1033     "   +$%&*=)!!!!!!!!!)~+/(]_+++   ",          
1034     "   +#-))!!!!!!!!!!!)~+/(::<[+   ",          
1035     "   +#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}+/::::{+   ",          
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1038     "   +#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}+/::::{+   ",          
1039     "   +#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}+/::::{+   ",          
1040     "   +#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}+/::::{+   ",          
1041     "   +#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}+/::::{+   ",          
1042     "   +#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}+/::::{+   ",          
1043     "   +#)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}+/::::{+   ",          
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1050     "   +++++++@#}}~23!!)~+678++     ",          
1051     "          ++++++@#~90+a++       ",          
1052     "                ++++b++         ",          
1053     "                    ++          ",          
1054     "                                ",          
1055     "                                ",          
1056     "                                ",          
1057     "                                ",          
1058     "                                "}          
1059   ;                                              
1060   fHiddenLineAndSurfaceRemovalIcon = new QPix    
1062   const char * const perspective[]={             
1063     "32 32 3 1",                                 
1064     "       c None",                             
1065     ".      c #D5D8D5",                          
1066     "+      c #000000",                          
1067     "                                ",          
1068     "                                ",          
1069     "                                ",          
1070     "                                ",          
1071     "                                ",          
1072     "           ................     ",          
1073     "       ....+++++++++++++++.     ",          
1074     "    ...++++..+.........+++.     ",          
1075     "   ..++..............++..+.     ",          
1076     "   .+++++++++++++++++.. .+.     ",          
1077     "   .+...............+.  .+.     ",          
1078     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1079     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1080     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1081     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1082     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1083     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1084     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1085     "   .+.      .+.    .+.  .+.     ",          
1086     "   .+.      .+......+....+.     ",          
1087     "   .+.     ..++++++.+.++++.     ",          
1088     "   .+.    .++.......+...+..     ",          
1089     "   .+.   .++.      .+..++.      ",          
1090     "   .+. ..+..       .+..+.       ",          
1091     "   .+..++.         .+.+.        ",          
1092     "   .+.++.          .+++.        ",          
1093     "   .+++.............++.         ",          
1094     "   .+++++++++++++++++.          ",          
1095     "   ...................          ",          
1096     "                                ",          
1097     "                                ",          
1098     "                                "}          
1099   ;                                              
1100   fPerspectiveIcon = new QPixmap(perspective)    
1102   const char * const ortho[]={                   
1103     "32 32 3 1",                                 
1104     "       c None",                             
1105     ".      c #D5D8D5",                          
1106     "@      c #000000",                          
1107     "                                ",          
1108     "                                ",          
1109     "                                ",          
1110     "          ...................   ",          
1111     "         ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.   ",          
1112     "       ..@@@.............@@@.   ",          
1113     "      ..@@.@.         ..@..@.   ",          
1114     "    ..@@ ..@.        .@@...@.   ",          
1115     "   ..@@..............@@.. .@.   ",          
1116     "   .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..   .@.   ",          
1117     "   .@...............@.    .@.   ",          
1118     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1119     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1120     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1121     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1122     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1123     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1124     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1125     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1126     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1127     "   .@.    .@.      .@.    .@.   ",          
1128     "   .@.    .@........@......@.   ",          
1129     "   .@.   .@@@@@@@@@.@.@@@@@@.   ",          
1130     "   .@.  .@@+........@....@@..   ",          
1131     "   .@...@.         .@...@...    ",          
1132     "   .@.@@.          .@.@@ .      ",          
1133     "   .@@@.............@@@..       ",          
1134     "   .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@...        ",          
1135     "   ...................          ",          
1136     "                                ",          
1137     "                                ",          
1138     "                                "}          
1139   ;                                              
1140   fOrthoIcon = new QPixmap(ortho);               
1142   const char * const commandIcon[]={             
1143     "20 20 25 1 ",                               
1144     "  c #4ED17F",                               
1145     ". c #4FD280",                               
1146     "X c #50D381",                               
1147     "o c #5BD181",                               
1148     "O c #5DD382",                               
1149     "+ c #59D48A",                               
1150     "@ c #66D68C",                               
1151     "# c #6FD895",                               
1152     "$ c #85DEA4",                               
1153     "% c #8CE0AC",                               
1154     "& c #96E4B8",                               
1155     "* c #9EE3B8",                               
1156     "= c #A8E5BB",                               
1157     "- c #A7E8C4",                               
1158     "; c #B2EAC8",                               
1159     ": c #B9ECD1",                               
1160     "> c #C2EDD3",                               
1161     ", c #CBF1DF",                               
1162     "< c #D4F3E3",                               
1163     "1 c #DDF4E5",                               
1164     "2 c #DBF5EC",                               
1165     "3 c #E5F7F0",                               
1166     "4 c #EDFAFB",                               
1167     "5 c #F6FBFE",                               
1168     "6 c #FEFFFC",                               
1169     /* pixels */                                 
1170     "66666666666666666666",                      
1171     "66%++++++++++++++&56",                      
1172     "6$ o..o......o..o *6",                      
1173     "6+o...o*<441;@.o..+6",                      
1174     "6+..o@1553<354$..o+6",                      
1175     "6+..o<5<@  .*54#o.+6",                      
1176     "6+o.*52X     :5-..@6",                      
1177     "6+..15%      o$+o.+6",                      
1178     "6+.+55@        .o.+6",                      
1179     "6O.#54         .X.+6",                      
1180     "6O #54         .X.+6",                      
1181     "6O.+55@        .o.+6",                      
1182     "6+..25%      @,*o.@6",                      
1183     "6+o.*52X     :5>.o+6",                      
1184     "6+..O25<@  X=54#o.+6",                      
1185     "6+.o.@1553<354$...@6",                      
1186     "6+o..oo*<44<;@o..o+6",                      
1187     "6$ .o..o.....o..o *6",                      
1188     "66%+++++OOOO+++++*66",                      
1189     "66666666666666666666"                       
1190   };                                             
1191   fCommandIcon = new QPixmap(commandIcon);       
1193   const char * const dirIcon[]={                 
1194     "20 20 25 1 ",                               
1195     "  c #DF5959",                               
1196     ". c #DD5F5F",                               
1197     "X c #DE7370",                               
1198     "o c #E06360",                               
1199     "O c #E06467",                               
1200     "+ c #E06C6C",                               
1201     "@ c #E57979",                               
1202     "# c #E08886",                               
1203     "$ c #E18D91",                               
1204     "% c #E19D9B",                               
1205     "& c #E99B9D",                               
1206     "* c #E8A2A2",                               
1207     "= c #EEB2B0",                               
1208     "- c #EDBBBC",                               
1209     "; c #EDCBC7",                               
1210     ": c #E9CDD1",                               
1211     "> c #F1D5D6",                               
1212     ", c #F9DFE2",                               
1213     "< c #EFE8E7",                               
1214     "1 c #F3E3E4",                               
1215     "2 c #F8EEEC",                               
1216     "3 c #FCF6F4",                               
1217     "4 c #F6F3F9",                               
1218     "5 c #F2F8FC",                               
1219     "6 c #FEFFFD",                               
1220     /* pixels */                                 
1221     "66666666666666666666",                      
1222     "66$oOOOOOOOOOOOOo%66",                      
1223     "6#                %6",                      
1224     "6o  +,666663:+    o6",                      
1225     "6o  =635533666$   o6",                      
1226     "6o  -65:+  +165X  o6",                      
1227     "6o  >6<.     36;  O6",                      
1228     "6o  26-      &6>. o6",                      
1229     "6. o56*      @63. o6",                      
1230     "6. X56&      o66. o6",                      
1231     "6. X56&      +63. o6",                      
1232     "6. o56*      @62. o6",                      
1233     "6o  26-      =61  O6",                      
1234     "6o  >6<.    o36:  o6",                      
1235     "6o  -65:+  @265X  o6",                      
1236     "6o  =635543665#   O6",                      
1237     "6o  +1666662;+    o6",                      
1238     "6#                %6",                      
1239     "66$OOOoo....OOOOo%66",                      
1240     "66666666666666666666"}                      
1241   ;                                              
1242   fDirIcon = new QPixmap(dirIcon);               
1245   const char * const runIcon[]={                 
1246     /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */    
1247     "20 20 33 1 ",                               
1248     "  c #5CA323",                               
1249     ". c #5EA03F",                               
1250     "X c #6DB620",                               
1251     "o c #66AD3F",                               
1252     "O c #70B73C",                               
1253     "+ c #7CC13F",                               
1254     "@ c #569B41",                               
1255     "# c #61A14E",                               
1256     "$ c #70A95D",                               
1257     "% c #7EB55C",                               
1258     "& c #85B94E",                               
1259     "* c #90BE49",                               
1260     "= c #81B669",                               
1261     "- c #81B370",                               
1262     "; c #95CA46",                               
1263     ": c #A1CD40",                               
1264     "> c #AED045",                               
1265     ", c #B3D558",                               
1266     "< c #9BC87E",                               
1267     "1 c #AED668",                               
1268     "2 c #A2D075",                               
1269     "3 c #C2DC73",                               
1270     "4 c #A5C98F",                               
1271     "5 c #C1DC9F",                               
1272     "6 c #CAE18E",                               
1273     "7 c #CCE39A",                               
1274     "8 c #C4DCB6",                               
1275     "9 c #E3ECBA",                               
1276     "0 c #EEF3D3",                               
1277     "q c #F0F7DE",                               
1278     "w c #F8FAE9",                               
1279     "e c #FCFFFB",                               
1280     "r c None",                                  
1281     /* pixels */                                 
1282     "rrrrrrrr%<<2rrrrrrrr",                      
1283     "rrrrr5=$$$$===rrrrrr",                      
1284     "rrrr<##$$$$$---&rrrr",                      
1285     "rrr=###$$$$-----%rrr",                      
1286     "rr=####$$$$------&rr",                      
1287     "r2@####7##$-------rr",                      
1288     "r.@####048$-------Or",                      
1289     "r.@####q4ee=----$@.r",                      
1290     " .@@###w4eee5%$#@@@X",                      
1291     " .@@@..w4eeeeqo..@@X",                      
1292     " .@..ooe<eeee7Oooo@X",                      
1293     " ..oooOe2eee6OOOooo ",                      
1294     "rOooOO+e2ew2+++++O+r",                      
1295     "r:oO+++e30,;;;;;++Or",                      
1296     "r :++;:9,>,,>>:;;1rr",                      
1297     "rr*1;:>,333333,>32rr",                      
1298     "rrr66,1367777637<rrr",                      
1299     "rrrr509799999905rrrr",                      
1300     "rrrrr=8wqwwww8-rrrrr",                      
1301     "rrrrrrrr4444rrrrrrrr"                       
1302   };                                             
1303   fRunIcon = new QPixmap(runIcon);               
1305   const char * const paramIcon[]={               
1306     /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */    
1307     "20 20 35 1 ",                               
1308     "  c #2E2525",                               
1309     ". c #403737",                               
1310     "X c #423A3A",                               
1311     "o c #443C3C",                               
1312     "O c #473F3F",                               
1313     "+ c #4C4444",                               
1314     "@ c #4F4848",                               
1315     "# c #514949",                               
1316     "$ c #544D4D",                               
1317     "% c #595252",                               
1318     "& c #625B5B",                               
1319     "* c #696262",                               
1320     "= c #6D6666",                               
1321     "- c #716B6B",                               
1322     "; c #726C6C",                               
1323     ": c #767171",                               
1324     "> c #7E7878",                               
1325     ", c #8B8787",                               
1326     "< c #8C8787",                               
1327     "1 c #8D8888",                               
1328     "2 c #918D8D",                               
1329     "3 c #928E8E",                               
1330     "4 c #948F8F",                               
1331     "5 c #9C9898",                               
1332     "6 c #9D9999",                               
1333     "7 c #D5D4D4",                               
1334     "8 c #D8D6D6",                               
1335     "9 c #DDDBDB",                               
1336     "0 c #EFEFEF",                               
1337     "q c #F6F6F6",                               
1338     "w c None",                                  
1339     "e c None",                                  
1340     "r c None",                                  
1341     "t c gray99",                                
1342     "y c None",                                  
1343     /* pixels */                                 
1344     "wwwwwwww5  5wwwwwwww",                      
1345     "wwwwwwww,  ,wwwwwwww",                      
1346     "www&;ww7+  +9ww=-www",                      
1347     "ww&  O#      OX  *ww",                      
1348     "ww;              >ww",                      
1349     "wwwO    .%%X    +www",                      
1350     "www#   3wwww3   Owww",                      
1351     "ww7   3wwwwww3   7ww",                      
1352     "5<+  .wwwwwww0.  +<5",                      
1353     "     %wwwwwwww$     ",                      
1354     "     %wwwwwwww$     ",                      
1355     "5<+  .wwwwwww0X  +<5",                      
1356     "ww9   4wwwwww1   9ww",                      
1357     "wwwO   30ww03   Owww",                      
1358     "wwwX    X#$X    @www",                      
1359     "ww=              =ww",                      
1360     "ww-  +O      ++  :ww",                      
1361     "www*>ww7+  +7ww=:www",                      
1362     "wwwwwwww1  1wwwwwwww",                      
1363     "wwwwwwww5  5wwwwwwww"                       
1364   };                                             
1365   fParamIcon = new QPixmap(paramIcon);           
1367   const char * const exitIcon[]={                
1368     /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */    
1369     "23 28 55 1 ",                               
1370     "  c None",                                  
1371     ". c #350505",                               
1372     "X c #3A0505",                               
1373     "o c #3C0605",                               
1374     "O c #3D0605",                               
1375     "+ c #430606",                               
1376     "@ c #440606",                               
1377     "# c #470706",                               
1378     "$ c #500707",                               
1379     "% c #510807",                               
1380     "& c #520807",                               
1381     "* c #530807",                               
1382     "= c #550808",                               
1383     "- c #570808",                               
1384     "; c #5C0908",                               
1385     ": c #5D0908",                               
1386     "> c #5F0908",                               
1387     ", c #630A08",                               
1388     "< c #640A09",                               
1389     "1 c #6B0A09",                               
1390     "2 c #6C0A09",                               
1391     "3 c #720B0A",                               
1392     "4 c #760B0A",                               
1393     "5 c #770B0A",                               
1394     "6 c #7A0B0B",                               
1395     "7 c #7D0C0B",                               
1396     "8 c #7F0C0B",                               
1397     "9 c #840D0B",                               
1398     "0 c #850D0C",                               
1399     "q c #880D0C",                               
1400     "w c #8D0E0C",                               
1401     "e c #900E0C",                               
1402     "r c #940E0D",                               
1403     "t c #950E0D",                               
1404     "y c #9C0F0E",                               
1405     "u c #9E100E",                               
1406     "i c #AA100E",                               
1407     "p c #AC100F",                               
1408     "a c #AD100F",                               
1409     "s c #AE110F",                               
1410     "d c #B31110",                               
1411     "f c #B51210",                               
1412     "g c #B61210",                               
1413     "h c #B71210",                               
1414     "j c #B91210",                               
1415     "k c #C01311",                               
1416     "l c #C21311",                               
1417     "z c #C81311",                               
1418     "x c #C91312",                               
1419     "c c #CC1412",                               
1420     "v c #CE1412",                               
1421     "b c #D01412",                               
1422     "n c #D11412",                               
1423     "m c #D31412",                               
1424     "M c #D51513",                               
1425     /* pixels */                                 
1426     "                       ",                   
1427     "          O=           ",                   
1428     "         :MMh          ",                   
1429     "         hMMM          ",                   
1430     "         jMMM          ",                   
1431     "    <x1  jMMM  %xw     ",                   
1432     "   rMMM  jMMM  MMMk    ",                   
1433     "  rMMMM# jMMM  MMMMx   ",                   
1434     " OMMMMk  jMMM  8MMMM9  ",                   
1435     " xMMMM   jMMM   pMMMM  ",                   
1436     " MMMM    jMMM    xMMM8 ",                   
1437     "rMMM3    jMMM     MMMM ",                   
1438     "MMMM     hMMM     MMMM ",                   
1439     "MMMM     :MMh     hMMM ",                   
1440     "MMMM      O%      8MMM ",                   
1441     "MMMM              pMMM ",                   
1442     "MMMM              MMMM ",                   
1443     "wMMM3             MMMM ",                   
1444     ".MMMM            xMMM9 ",                   
1445     " hMMMk          wMMMM  ",                   
1446     "  MMMMMO       hMMMM=  ",                   
1447     "  <MMMMMp:  $rMMMMMp   ",                   
1448     "   yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMk    ",                   
1449     "    #MMMMMMMMMMMM3     ",                   
1450     "      uMMMMMMMMk       ",                   
1451     "        #1wr3%         ",                   
1452     "                       ",                   
1453     "                       "                    
1454   };                                             
1455   fExitIcon= new QPixmap(exitIcon);              
1456 }                                                
1457 // clang-format on                               
1459 namespace {                                      
1460   G4SceneTreeItem* ConvertToG4SceneTreeItem(Q    
1461   {                                              
1462     auto qVariant = item->data(0, Qt::UserRol    
1463     std::istringstream iss(qVariant.toString(    
1464     void* itemAddress; iss >> itemAddress;       
1465     return static_cast<G4SceneTreeItem*>(item    
1466   }                                              
1468   QColor ConvertG4ColourToQColor(const G4Colo    
1469   {                                              
1470     return QColor((int)(g4Colour.GetRed()*255    
1471                   (int)(g4Colour.GetGreen()*2    
1472                   (int)(g4Colour.GetBlue()*25    
1473                   (int)(g4Colour.GetAlpha()*2    
1474   }                                              
1476   G4Colour ConvertQColorToG4Colour(const QCol    
1477   {                                              
1478     return G4Color(,            
1479          ,          
1480          ,           
1481                    qColor.alpha()/255.);         
1482   }                                              
1483 }                                                
1485 void G4UIQt::CreateNewSceneTreeWidget()          
1486 {                                                
1487   auto vLayout = fNewSceneTreeWidget->layout(    
1488   // reduce margins                              
1489   vLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);          
1491   fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget = new NewSceneT    
1492   fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget->setSelectionMo    
1493   vLayout->addWidget(fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWid    
1495   // A click on the item is handled here.        
1496   // A click on the check box makes the volum    
1497   connect(fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget, &QTree    
1498           [&](QTreeWidgetItem* item){SceneTre    
1499   // A double click on either the colour icon    
1500   connect(fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget, &QTree    
1501           [&](QTreeWidgetItem* item){SceneTre    
1503   // A click on the expansion triangle is han    
1504   connect(fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget, &QTree    
1505           [&](QTreeWidgetItem* item){SceneTre    
1506   connect(fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget, &QTree    
1507           [&](QTreeWidgetItem* item){SceneTre    
1508 }                                                
1510 void G4UIQt::UpdateSceneTree(const G4SceneTre    
1511 {                                                
1512   //  G4debug << "\nG4UIQt::UpdateSceneTree:     
1513   //  root.DumpTree(G4debug);  // Verbosity =    
1514   //  G4debug << "\nG4UIQt::UpdateSceneTree:     
1515   //  root.DumpTree(G4debug,1);  // Verbosity    
1517   // Clear the existing GUI-side tree            
1518   fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget->clear();          
1519   // (I think this deletes everything - the t    
1521   // Build a new GUI-side tree                   
1522   fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget->setHeaderLabel    
1523   for (const auto& model : root.GetChildren()    
1525     auto item = new QTreeWidgetItem(fNewScene    
1527     // Add this GUI-side representation of th    
1528     fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget->insertTopLev    
1530     // Add text that appears in the scene tre    
1531     item->setText(0, model.GetModelType().c_s    
1533     // Load with info from model                 
1534     // There may be a way to add data as a QV    
1535     // but let's try adding a G4SceneTreeItem    
1536     // does not seem to be a way of adding a     
1537     std::ostringstream oss; oss << std::hex <    
1538     auto data = QVariant(oss.str().c_str());     
1539     item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, data);        
1541     // Load a tooltip                            
1542     G4String toolTipMessage = model.GetModelD    
1543     if (!model.GetFurtherInfo().empty()) {       
1544       toolTipMessage += "\n  " + model.GetFur    
1545     }                                            
1546     item->setToolTip(0, toolTipMessage.c_str(    
1548     // Set the check state                       
1549     item->setCheckState                          
1550     (0, model.GetVisAttributes().IsVisible()?    
1552     // Set the expand state                      
1553     item->setExpanded(model.IsExpanded());       
1555     if (model.GetType() == G4SceneTreeItem::p    
1556       BuildPVQTree(model,item);                  
1557     }                                            
1558   }                                              
1559 }                                                
1561 // Build Physical Volume tree of touchables      
1562 void G4UIQt::BuildPVQTree(const G4SceneTreeIt    
1563 {                                                
1564   const auto& g4stChildren = g4stItem.GetChil    
1565   for (const auto& g4stChild: g4stChildren) {    
1566     QStringList qStringList;                     
1567     qStringList.append(g4stChild.GetDescripti    
1568     auto newQTWItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(qSt    
1570     // Add a GUI-side representation of the t    
1571     qtwItem->addChild(newQTWItem);               
1573     // Load with info from g4stChild             
1574     // There may be a way to add data as a QV    
1575     // but let's try adding a G4SceneTreeItem    
1576     // does not seem to be a way of adding a     
1577     std::ostringstream oss; oss << std::hex <    
1578     auto data = QVariant(oss.str().c_str());     
1579     newQTWItem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, data    
1581     // Load a tooltip                            
1582     if (g4stChild.GetType() == G4SceneTreeIte    
1583       auto& nameCopyNo = g4stChild.GetDescrip    
1584       auto name = nameCopyNo.substr(0,nameCop    
1585       oss.str(""); oss << nameCopyNo <<          
1586       ": Click to make visible and get more i    
1587       "\n  This may not work if the volume is    
1588       "\n  the model to see base path.) If th    
1589       "\n  \"/vis/scene/add/volume " << name     
1590       newQTWItem->setToolTip(0, oss.str().c_s    
1591     } else {  // A fully defined touchable       
1592       oss.str(""); oss << g4stChild.GetPVPath    
1593       "\nTo see properties, right-click/dump.    
1594       newQTWItem->setToolTip(0, oss.str().c_s    
1595     }                                            
1597     // Set the check state                       
1598     newQTWItem->setCheckState                    
1599     (0, g4stChild.GetVisAttributes().IsVisibl    
1601     // Set the expand state                      
1602     newQTWItem->setExpanded(g4stChild.IsExpan    
1604     // Set colour icon                           
1605     QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap(QSize(16, 16));     
1606     pixmap.fill(ConvertG4ColourToQColor(g4stC    
1607     QPainter painter(&pixmap);                   
1608     painter.setPen(Qt::black);                   
1609     painter.drawRect(0,0,15,15); // Draw cont    
1610     newQTWItem->setIcon(0,pixmap);               
1612     // Continue recursively                      
1613     BuildPVQTree(g4stChild,newQTWItem);          
1614   }                                              
1615 }                                                
1617 void G4UIQt::SceneTreeItemClicked(QTreeWidget    
1618 {                                                
1619   if (item == nullptr) return;                   
1620   auto sceneTreeItem = ConvertToG4SceneTreeIt    
1621   if (sceneTreeItem == nullptr) return;          
1623   auto uiMan = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();      
1625   // Respond according to type                   
1626   G4String argument = "false", inverse = "tru    
1627   auto newCheckState = item->checkState(0);      
1628   auto oldCheckState                             
1629   = sceneTreeItem->GetVisAttributes().IsVisib    
1630   switch (sceneTreeItem->GetType()) {            
1631     case G4SceneTreeItem::unidentified:          
1632       break;  // Do nothing                      
1633     case G4SceneTreeItem::root:                  
1634       break;  // Do nothing                      
1635     case G4SceneTreeItem::model:                 
1636       [[fallthrough]];                           
1637     case G4SceneTreeItem::pvmodel:               
1638       // Clicked - but has checkbox actually     
1639       if (newCheckState != oldCheckState) {      
1640         if (newCheckState == Qt::Checked) arg    
1641         uiMan->ApplyCommand                      
1642         ("/vis/scene/activateModel \"" + scen    
1643       }                                          
1644       break;                                     
1645     case G4SceneTreeItem::ghost:                 
1646       [[fallthrough]];                           
1647     case G4SceneTreeItem::touchable:             
1648       // Construct and apply touchable comman    
1649       // Clicked - but has checkbox actually     
1650       if (newCheckState != oldCheckState) {      
1651         if (newCheckState == Qt::Checked) {      
1652           argument = "true"; inverse = "false    
1653         }                                        
1654         uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/set/touchab    
1655         uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable/s    
1656         // If daughters, set daughtersInvisib    
1657         if (sceneTreeItem->GetChildren().size    
1658           uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable    
1659         }                                        
1660         // If not cancelled and if daughters     
1661         static G4bool wanted = true;             
1662         if (wanted && sceneTreeItem->GetChild    
1663           QMessageBox msgBox;                    
1664           msgBox.setText                         
1665           ("This action makes this volume and    
1666            " To see descendants, right-click     
1667            " and check visibility of descenda    
1668           msgBox.setInformativeText              
1669           ("To suppress this message click \"    
1670           msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageB    
1671           msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox    
1672           auto action = msgBox.exec();           
1673           if (action == QMessageBox::Discard)    
1674             wanted = false;                      
1675           }                                      
1676         }                                        
1677       }                                          
1678       break;                                     
1679   }                                              
1680 }                                                
1682 void G4UIQt::SceneTreeItemDoubleClicked(QTree    
1683 {                                                
1684   if (item == nullptr) return;                   
1685   auto sceneTreeItem = ConvertToG4SceneTreeIt    
1686   if (sceneTreeItem == nullptr) return;          
1687   if (sceneTreeItem->GetType() != G4SceneTree    
1689   auto oldQColor = ConvertG4ColourToQColor(sc    
1690   auto newQColor = QColorDialog::getColor        
1691   (oldQColor, fNewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget, ""    
1692   if (!newQColor.isValid()) return;              
1693   if (newQColor == oldQColor) return;            
1695   auto newColour = ConvertQColorToG4Colour(ne    
1696   std::ostringstream oss; oss << std::setprec    
1697   << newColour.GetRed() << ' ' << newColour.G    
1698   << ' ' << newColour.GetBlue() << ' ' << new    
1699   auto uiMan = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();      
1700   uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/set/touchable" +     
1701   uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable/set/col    
1703   // Normally the sceneTreeItem will be updat    
1704   // commands, but if the user sets the opaci    
1705   // transmit it (this is because some users     
1706   // invisible - perhaps they should use the     
1707   // By design, the sceneTreeItem remains, so    
1708   // the colour will not be updated, so we do    
1709   if (newColour.GetAlpha() == 0.) {              
1710     sceneTreeItem->AccessVisAttributes().SetC    
1711   }                                              
1712 }                                                
1714 void G4UIQt::SceneTreeItemExpanded(QTreeWidge    
1715 {                                                
1716   if (item == nullptr) return;                   
1717   auto sceneTreeItem = ConvertToG4SceneTreeIt    
1718   if (sceneTreeItem == nullptr) return;          
1720   if (sceneTreeItem->GetType() == G4SceneTree    
1721       sceneTreeItem->GetType() == G4SceneTree    
1722     sceneTreeItem->SetExpanded(true);            
1723   }                                              
1724 }                                                
1726 void G4UIQt::SceneTreeItemCollapsed(QTreeWidg    
1727 {                                                
1728   if (item == nullptr) return;                   
1729   auto sceneTreeItem = ConvertToG4SceneTreeIt    
1730   if (sceneTreeItem == nullptr) return;          
1732   if (sceneTreeItem->GetType() == G4SceneTree    
1733       sceneTreeItem->GetType() == G4SceneTree    
1734     sceneTreeItem->SetExpanded(false);           
1735   }                                              
1736 }                                                
1738 void G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::mous    
1739 {                                                
1740 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0))     
1741   auto currentMousePressPosition = ev->global    
1742 #else                                            
1743   auto currentMousePressPosition = ev->global    
1744 #endif                                           
1746   if (ev->button() == Qt::RightButton) {         
1747     auto item = currentItem();                   
1748     if (item) {                                  
1749       auto sceneTreeItem = ConvertToG4SceneTr    
1750       if (sceneTreeItem) {                       
1751         if (sceneTreeItem->GetType() == G4Sce    
1753           // We wish to present actions (and     
1754           // not found the required insert me    
1755           // and add actions and menus and th    
1756           // Using std::map to get alphabetic    
1757           // std::list of pairs instead.         
1758           enum CommandType {withoutParameter,    
1759           static std::map<G4String,CommandTyp    
1760           static G4bool first = true;            
1761           if (first) {                           
1762             first = false;                       
1763             // Rather than simply take all co    
1764             // in this pop-up menu.              
1765             // Select from /vis/touchable. Th    
1766             // which it only makes sense to u    
1767             alphabetical["centreAndZoomInOn"]    
1768             alphabetical["centreOn"] = withou    
1769             alphabetical["dump"] = withoutPar    
1770             alphabetical["extentForField"] =     
1771             alphabetical["localAxes"] = witho    
1772             alphabetical["showExtent"] = with    
1773             alphabetical["twinkle"] = without    
1774             alphabetical["volumeForField"] =     
1775             // Commands from /vis/touchable/s    
1776             // Actions with a Boolean paramat    
1777             alphabetical["daughtersInvisible"    
1778             alphabetical["forceAuxEdgeVisible    
1779             alphabetical["forceCloud"] = with    
1780             alphabetical["forceSolid"] = with    
1781             alphabetical["forceWireframe"] =     
1782             alphabetical["visibility"] = with    
1783             // Actions with an integer           
1784             alphabetical["lineSegmentsPerCirc    
1785             alphabetical["numberOfCloudPoints    
1786             // Actions with a double             
1787             alphabetical["lineWidth"] = withA    
1788             // Actions with a string             
1789             alphabetical["lineStyle"] = withA    
1790           }                                      
1792           QMenu topMenu;  // Local (temporary    
1793           std::vector<QAction*> actions;  //     
1794           std::vector<QMenu*> menus;  // Temp    
1796           for (const auto& action : alphabeti    
1797             const auto& af = action.first;  /    
1799             if (action.second == withoutParam    
1801               auto qAction = new QAction(af.c    
1802               actions.push_back(qAction);  //    
1803               topMenu.addAction(qAction);        
1804               connect(qAction, &QAction::trig    
1805                       [this, &af, &sceneTreeI    
1807             } else if (action.second == withA    
1809               auto menu = new QMenu(af.c_str(    
1810               menus.push_back(menu);  // into    
1811               topMenu.addMenu(menu);             
1812               auto qActionTrue = new QAction(    
1813               actions.push_back(qActionTrue);    
1814               menu->addAction(qActionTrue);      
1815               connect(qActionTrue, &QAction::    
1816                       [this, &af, &sceneTreeI    
1817               auto qActionFalse = new QAction    
1818               actions.push_back(qActionFalse)    
1819               menu->addAction(qActionFalse);     
1820               connect(qActionFalse, &QAction:    
1821                       [this, &af, &sceneTreeI    
1823             } else if (action.second == withA    
1825               auto qAction = new QAction(af.c    
1826               actions.push_back(qAction);  //    
1827               topMenu.addAction(qAction);        
1828               connect(qAction, &QAction::trig    
1829                       [this, &af, &sceneTreeI    
1831             } else if (action.second == withA    
1833               auto qAction = new QAction(af.c    
1834               actions.push_back(qAction);  //    
1835               topMenu.addAction(qAction);        
1836               connect(qAction, &QAction::trig    
1837                       [this, &af, &sceneTreeI    
1839             } else if (action.second == withA    
1841               auto qAction = new QAction(af.c    
1842               actions.push_back(qAction);  //    
1843               topMenu.addAction(qAction);        
1844               connect(qAction, &QAction::trig    
1845                       [this, &af, &sceneTreeI    
1846             }                                    
1847           }                                      
1849           topMenu.exec(currentMousePressPosit    
1851           // Clean up                            
1852           for (auto action : actions) {          
1853             // No need to disconnect. Qt say,    
1854             // when either of the objects inv    
1855             delete action;                       
1856           }                                      
1857           for (auto menu : menus) {              
1858             delete menu;                         
1859           }                                      
1860         }                                        
1861       }                                          
1862     }                                            
1863   }                                              
1865   // Pass event on up the widget tree for oth    
1866   QTreeWidget::mousePressEvent(ev);              
1867 }                                                
1869 void G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::ActW    
1870  (const G4String& action, G4SceneTreeItem* sc    
1871 {                                                
1872   // Special case: dump                          
1873   if (action == "dump") {                        
1874     static G4bool wanted = true;                 
1875     if (wanted) {                                
1876       QMessageBox msgBox;                        
1877       std::ostringstream oss;                    
1878       oss << G4AttCheck(sceneTreeItem->GetAtt    
1879       // Just the first 1000 characters, othe    
1880       msgBox.setText((oss.str().substr(0,1000    
1881       msgBox.setInformativeText                  
1882       ("To suppress this message click \"Disc    
1883        "\nTo get a complete dump to session o    
1884        "\nElse click \"Close\".");               
1885       msgBox.setStandardButtons                  
1886       (QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cl    
1887       msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok    
1888       auto result = msgBox.exec();               
1889       if (result == QMessageBox::Discard) {      
1890         wanted = false;                          
1891       } else if (result == QMessageBox::Close    
1892         return;                                  
1893       }                                          
1894     }                                            
1895   }                                              
1896   auto uiMan = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();      
1897   uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/set/touchable" +     
1898   uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable/" + act    
1899 }                                                
1901 void G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::ActW    
1902  (const G4String& action, G4SceneTreeItem* sc    
1903 {                                                
1904   auto uiMan = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();      
1905   uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/set/touchable" +     
1906   G4String which = whatever? "true": "false";    
1907   uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable/set/" +    
1908 }                                                
1910 void G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::ActW    
1911 (const G4String& action, G4SceneTreeItem* sce    
1912 {                                                
1913   G4bool ok = true;                              
1914   auto newValue = QInputDialog::getInt(this,     
1915                                        0, 0,     
1916   if (ok) {                                      
1917     auto uiMan = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();    
1918     uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/set/touchable"     
1919     uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable/set/"    
1920                         + G4UIcommand::Conver    
1921   }                                              
1922 }                                                
1924 void G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::ActW    
1925  (const G4String& action, G4SceneTreeItem* sc    
1926 {                                                
1927   G4bool ok = true;                              
1928   auto newValue = QInputDialog::getDouble(thi    
1929                                           0,     
1930   if (ok) {                                      
1931     auto uiMan = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();    
1932     uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/set/touchable"     
1933     uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable/set/"    
1934                         + G4UIcommand::Conver    
1935   }                                              
1936 }                                                
1938 void G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::ActW    
1939  (const G4String& action, G4SceneTreeItem* sc    
1940 {                                                
1941   auto uiMan = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();      
1942   auto command = uiMan->FindCommand("/vis/tou    
1943   if (command) {                                 
1944     QStringList qStringList;                     
1945     const auto& candidates = command->GetPara    
1946     std::istringstream iss(candidates);          
1947     G4String candidate;                          
1948     while (iss >> candidate) qStringList.appe    
1949     G4bool ok = true;                            
1950     auto chosenValue = QInputDialog::getItem(    
1952     if (ok) {                                    
1953       uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/set/touchable    
1954       G4String g4ChosenValue =    
1955       uiMan->ApplyCommand("/vis/touchable/set    
1956     }                                            
1957   }                                              
1958 }                                                
1961 /** Create the History ToolBox Widget            
1962  */                                              
1963 QWidget* G4UIQt::CreateHistoryTBWidget()         
1964 {                                                
1965   fHistoryTBWidget = new QWidget();              
1967   auto layoutHistoryTB = new QVBoxLayout();      
1968   fHistoryTBTableList = new QListWidget();       
1969   fHistoryTBTableList->setSelectionMode(QAbst    
1970   connect(fHistoryTBTableList, SIGNAL(itemSel    
1972   layoutHistoryTB->addWidget(fHistoryTBTableL    
1974   fHistoryTBWidget->setLayout(layoutHistoryTB    
1975   return fHistoryTBWidget;                       
1976 }                                                
1978 /** Create the Help ToolBox Widget               
1979  */                                              
1980 QWidget* G4UIQt::CreateHelpTBWidget()            
1981 {                                                
1982   fHelpTBWidget = new QWidget();                 
1984   auto helpWidget = new QWidget();               
1985   auto helpLayout = new QHBoxLayout();           
1986   auto vLayout = new QVBoxLayout();              
1987   fHelpVSplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical    
1988   fHelpLine = new QLineEdit();                   
1989   helpLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Search :"    
1990   helpLayout->addWidget(fHelpLine);              
1991   connect(fHelpLine, SIGNAL(editingFinished()    
1993   // Create Help tree                            
1994   FillHelpTree();                                
1996   fParameterHelpLabel = new QTextEdit();         
1997   fParameterHelpLabel->setReadOnly(true);        
1998   fParameterHelpTable = new QTableWidget();      
2000   // Set layouts                                 
2002   if (fHelpTreeWidget != nullptr) {              
2003     fHelpVSplitter->addWidget(fHelpTreeWidget    
2004     fHelpVSplitter->setStretchFactor(0,4);       
2005   }                                              
2006   fHelpVSplitter->addWidget(fParameterHelpLab    
2007   fHelpVSplitter->addWidget(fParameterHelpTab    
2009   fParameterHelpLabel->setVisible(false);        
2010   fParameterHelpTable->setVisible(false);        
2011   QSizePolicy policy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolic    
2012   policy.setVerticalStretch(1);                  
2013   fParameterHelpLabel->setSizePolicy(policy);    
2014   fParameterHelpTable->setSizePolicy(policy);    
2016   vLayout->addWidget(helpWidget);                
2017   vLayout->addWidget(fHelpVSplitter, 1);         
2018   vLayout->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);       
2020   helpWidget->setLayout(helpLayout);             
2021   fHelpTBWidget->setLayout(vLayout);             
2023   return fHelpTBWidget;                          
2024 }                                                
2026 /** Create the Cout ToolBox Widget               
2027  */                                              
2028 G4UIDockWidget* G4UIQt::CreateCoutTBWidget()     
2029 {                                                
2030   auto coutTBWidget = new QWidget();             
2032   auto layoutCoutTB = new QVBoxLayout();         
2034   fCoutTBTextArea = new QTextEdit();             
2036   fCoutFilter = new QLineEdit();                 
2037   fCoutFilter->setToolTip("Filter output by..    
2039   fCoutFilter->addAction(*fSearchIcon, QLineE    
2040   fCoutFilter->setStyleSheet("border-radius:7    
2042   auto coutTBClearButton = new QPushButton();    
2043   coutTBClearButton->setIcon(*fClearIcon);       
2044   coutTBClearButton->setToolTip("Clear consol    
2045   coutTBClearButton->setStyleSheet("border-ra    
2046   connect(coutTBClearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()    
2047   connect(                                       
2048     fCoutFilter, SIGNAL(textEdited(const QStr    
2050   auto coutTBSaveOutputButton = new QPushButt    
2051   coutTBSaveOutputButton->setIcon(*fSaveIcon)    
2052   coutTBSaveOutputButton->setToolTip("Save co    
2053   coutTBSaveOutputButton->setStyleSheet("bord    
2054   connect(coutTBSaveOutputButton, SIGNAL(clic    
2056   fCoutTBTextArea->setReadOnly(true);            
2058   auto coutButtonWidget = new QWidget();         
2059   auto layoutCoutTBButtons = new QHBoxLayout(    
2061 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2062   // add all candidates to widget                
2063   fThreadsFilterComboBox = new QComboBox();      
2064   fThreadsFilterComboBox->setInsertPolicy(QCo    
2065   connect(                                       
2066     fThreadsFilterComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(    
2068   UpdateCoutThreadFilter();                      
2070   fThreadsFilterComboBox->setToolTip("Thread     
2071   layoutCoutTBButtons->addWidget(new QLabel("    
2072   layoutCoutTBButtons->addWidget(fThreadsFilt    
2073 #endif                                           
2075   layoutCoutTBButtons->addWidget(fCoutFilter)    
2076   layoutCoutTBButtons->addWidget(coutTBClearB    
2077   layoutCoutTBButtons->addWidget(coutTBSaveOu    
2078   coutButtonWidget->setLayout(layoutCoutTBBut    
2080   // reduce margins                              
2081   layoutCoutTBButtons->setContentsMargins(3,     
2083   layoutCoutTB->addWidget(coutButtonWidget);     
2084   layoutCoutTB->addWidget(fCoutTBTextArea);      
2086   coutTBWidget->setLayout(layoutCoutTB);         
2088   fCoutTBTextArea->setMinimumSize(100, 100);     
2090   // Command line :                              
2091   auto commandLineWidget = new QWidget();        
2092   auto layoutCommandLine = new QHBoxLayout();    
2094   // fill them                                   
2096   fCommandLabel = new QLabel("");                
2097   fCommandArea = new QLineEdit();                
2099   // The QCompleter will be append at Session    
2101   fCommandArea->activateWindow();                
2103   fCommandArea->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocu    
2104   fCommandArea->setFocus(Qt::TabFocusReason);    
2105   fCommandArea->setToolTip("Apply command");     
2107   layoutCommandLine->addWidget(fCommandLabel)    
2108   layoutCommandLine->addWidget(fCommandArea);    
2110   // Connect signal                              
2111   connect(fCommandArea, SIGNAL(returnPressed(    
2112   connect(                                       
2113     fCommandArea, SIGNAL(textEdited(const QSt    
2115   commandLineWidget->setLayout(layoutCommandL    
2116   commandLineWidget->setMinimumSize(50, 50);     
2118   layoutCoutTB->addWidget(commandLineWidget);    
2120   fCoutDockWidget = new G4UIDockWidget("Outpu    
2121   fCoutDockWidget->setAllowedAreas(Qt::TopDoc    
2123   fCoutDockWidget->setWidget(coutTBWidget);      
2124   return fCoutDockWidget;                        
2125 }                                                
2127 /** Create the VisParameters ToolBox Widget      
2128  */                                              
2129 QWidget* G4UIQt::CreateVisParametersTBWidget(    
2131 /** Create the VisParameters ToolBox Widget      
2132  */                                              
2133 G4UIDockWidget* G4UIQt::CreateUITabWidget()      
2134 {                                                
2135   fUITabWidget = new QTabWidget();               
2137   // the left dock                               
2138   fUITabWidget->addTab(CreateSceneTreeWidget(    
2139   fUITabWidget->addTab(CreateHelpTBWidget(),     
2140   fUITabWidget->addTab(CreateHistoryTBWidget(    
2141   fUITabWidget->setCurrentWidget(fHelpTBWidge    
2143   fUITabWidget->setTabToolTip(0, "Tree of sce    
2144   fUITabWidget->setTabToolTip(1, "Help widget    
2145   fUITabWidget->setTabToolTip(2, "All command    
2146   connect(fUITabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged    
2148   fUIDockWidget = new G4UIDockWidget("");        
2149   fUIDockWidget->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDock    
2151   fUIDockWidget->setWidget(fUITabWidget);        
2153   return fUIDockWidget;                          
2154 }                                                
2156 QWidget* G4UIQt::CreateSceneTreeWidget()         
2157 {                                                
2158   fSceneTreeWidget = new QWidget();              
2159   auto layout = new QVBoxLayout();               
2160   fSceneTreeWidget->setLayout(layout);           
2162   fSceneTreeWidget->setVisible(false);           
2164   return fSceneTreeWidget;                       
2165 }                                                
2167 void G4UIQt::CreateViewerWidget()                
2168 {                                                
2169   // Set layouts                                 
2171   // clang-format off                            
2172   SetStartPage(std::string("<table width='100    
2173                              "style='color: r    
2174                              QApplication::ap    
2175                              "</div></td><td     
2176                              "<p>&nbsp;</p>"+    
2177                              "<div style='bac    
2178                              "<li><b>Start a     
2179                              "<i>'/vis/open/.    
2180                              "For example '/v    
2181                              "<li><b>Execute     
2182                              "<i>'/control/ex    
2183                              "</ul></div>"+      
2185                              "<div style='bac    
2186                              "<li><b>Visualis    
2187                              "<i><a href='htt    
2188                              "</ul></div>"+      
2190                              "<div style='bac    
2191                              "<li><b>If probl    
2192                              "<li><b>Get a lo    
2193                              "</ul></div>"       
2194                              );                  
2195   // clang-format on                             
2197   // fill right splitter                         
2198   if (fViewerTabWidget == nullptr) {             
2199 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
2200     fViewerTabWidget = new G4QTabWidget();       
2201 #else                                            
2202     fViewerTabWidget = new QTabWidget();         
2203 #endif                                           
2204     fMainWindow->setCentralWidget(fViewerTabW    
2205     fViewerTabWidget->setTabsClosable(true);     
2207     fViewerTabWidget->setUsesScrollButtons(tr    
2209     connect(fViewerTabWidget, SIGNAL(tabClose    
2210 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
2211     connect(fViewerTabWidget, SIGNAL(currentC    
2212 #else                                            
2213     connect(fViewerTabWidget, SIGNAL(currentC    
2214 #endif                                           
2215   }                                              
2217   // set the QGLWidget size policy               
2218   QSizePolicy policy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolic    
2219   policy.setVerticalStretch(4);                  
2220   fViewerTabWidget->setSizePolicy(policy);       
2222   fViewerTabWidget->setMinimumSize(40, 40);      
2223 }                                                
2225 /** Get the ViewerComponents ToolBox Widget      
2226  */                                              
2227 QWidget* G4UIQt::GetSceneTreeWidget() { retur    
2229 /** Get the Viewer properties  Widget            
2230  */                                              
2231 QWidget* G4UIQt::GetViewerPropertiesWidget()     
2232 {                                                
2233   if (fViewerPropertiesDialog == nullptr) {      
2234     CreateViewerPropertiesDialog();              
2235   }                                              
2236   return fViewerPropertiesWidget;                
2237 }                                                
2239 /** Get the Pick Widget                          
2240  */                                              
2241 QWidget* G4UIQt::GetPickInfosWidget()            
2242 {                                                
2243   if (fPickInfosDialog == nullptr) {             
2244     CreatePickInfosDialog();                     
2245   }                                              
2246   return fPickInfosWidget;                       
2247 }                                                
2249 /**   Add a new tab in the viewer                
2250  */                                              
2251 G4bool G4UIQt::AddViewerTab(QWidget* aWidget,    
2252 {                                                
2253   if (fViewerTabWidget == nullptr) {             
2254     return false;                                
2255   }                                              
2256   fViewerTabWidget->addTab(aWidget, title.c_s    
2258   return true;                                   
2259 }                                                
2261 /**   Add a new tab in the viewer                
2262  */                                              
2263 G4bool G4UIQt::AddViewerTabFromFile(std::stri    
2264 {                                                
2265   if (fViewerTabWidget == nullptr) {             
2266     return false;                                
2267   }                                              
2269   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
2270   if (UI == nullptr) return false;               
2271   std::ifstream file(UI->FindMacroPath(fileNa    
2272   if (file) {                                    
2273     std::string content((std::istreambuf_iter    
2275     auto text = new QTextEdit();                 
2276     text->setAcceptRichText(true);               
2277     text->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);        
2278     text->setText(QString("<pre>") + content.    
2279     text->setReadOnly(true);                     
2280     fViewerTabWidget->addTab(text, title.c_st    
2281   }                                              
2282   else {                                         
2283     return false;                                
2284   }                                              
2285   return true;                                   
2286 }                                                
2288 /**   Add a new tab widget.                      
2289   Create the tab if it was not done              
2290 */                                               
2291 G4bool G4UIQt::AddTabWidget(QWidget* aWidget,    
2292 {                                                
2293 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
2294   if (fViewerTabWidget == nullptr) {             
2295     CreateViewerWidget();                        
2296   }                                              
2297 #endif                                           
2299   if (aWidget == nullptr) {                      
2300     return false;                                
2301   }                                              
2302 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
2303   // Has to be added before we put it into th    
2304   aWidget->setParent(fViewerTabWidget);  // W    
2305   // of UI for a really short moment             
2307   fViewerTabWidget->addTab(aWidget, name);       
2309   fViewerTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(fViewerTa    
2311   // Set visible                                 
2312   fViewerTabWidget->setLastTabCreated(fViewer    
2313 #else                                            
2314   //G.Barrand: disconnect temporarily the sig    
2315   //           if adding a viewer, the Update    
2316   //           issue an ERROR message since t    
2317   //           at this moment (see the logic     
2318   QObject::disconnect(fViewerTabWidget, SIGNA    
2319   fViewerTabWidget->addTab(aWidget, name);       
2320   fViewerTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(fViewerTa    
2321   QObject::connect(fViewerTabWidget, SIGNAL(c    
2322 #endif                                           
2324   // Not the good solution, but ensure that t    
2325   // It should be done by a notification when    
2326   // (Geant4.10.1)                               
2327   FillHelpTree();                                
2329   return true;                                   
2330 }                                                
2332 void G4UIQt::SetStartPage(const std::string&     
2333 {                                                
2334   if (! text.empty()) {                          
2335     fDefaultViewerFirstPageHTMLText = text;      
2336   }                                              
2337   if (fStartPage == nullptr) {                   
2338     fStartPage = new QTextBrowser();             
2339     fStartPage->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5    
2340     fStartPage->setReadOnly(true);               
2341   }                                              
2342   fStartPage->setOpenExternalLinks(true);        
2343   fStartPage->setHtml(fDefaultViewerFirstPage    
2344 }                                                
2346 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
2347 void G4UIQt::UpdateTabWidget(int tabNumber)      
2348 {                                                
2349   if (fViewerTabWidget == nullptr) {             
2350     fViewerTabWidget = new G4QTabWidget;         
2351   }                                              
2353   fViewerTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(tabNumber    
2355   // Send this signal to unblock graphic upda    
2356   fViewerTabWidget->setTabSelected(false);       
2358   fViewerTabWidget->setVisible(true);            
2360   // This will send a paintEvent to OGL Viewe    
2361   fViewerTabWidget->setTabSelected(true);        
2362 }                                                
2363 #else                                            
2364 void G4UIQt::UpdateTabWidget(int)                
2365 {                                                
2366   //G.Barrand: have the Apply("vis/viewer/sel    
2367   //           in a G4QTabWidget::paintEvent(    
2368   //           adequate Qt mechanism to do th    
2369   if (fViewerTabWidget->currentWidget() != nu    
2370     auto edit = dynamic_cast<QTextEdit*>(fVie    
2371     if (edit == nullptr) {                       
2372       QString text = fViewerTabWidget->tabTex    
2373       QString paramSelect = QString("/vis/vie    
2374       G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyComma    
2375     }                                            
2376   }                                              
2377 }                                                
2378 #endif                                           
2380 /** Send resize event to all tabs                
2381  */                                              
2382 void G4UIQt::ResizeTabWidget(QResizeEvent* e)    
2383 {                                                
2384   if (fViewerTabWidget != nullptr) {             
2385     for (G4int a = 0; a < fViewerTabWidget->c    
2386       fViewerTabWidget->widget(a)->resize(e->    
2387     }                                            
2388   }                                              
2389 }                                                
2391 /**   Start the Qt main loop                     
2392  */                                              
2393 G4UIsession* G4UIQt::SessionStart()              
2394 {                                                
2395   G4Qt* interactorManager = G4Qt::getInstance    
2396   Prompt("Session :");                           
2397   exitSession = false;                           
2399   QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents();          
2401   fMainWindow->setVisible(true);                 
2403   if (fDefaultIcons) {                           
2404     fToolbarApp->setVisible(true);               
2405   }                                              
2406   else {                                         
2407     // Set not visible until session start       
2408     fToolbarApp->setVisible(false);              
2409   }                                              
2410   // Rebuild help tree (new command could be     
2411   FillHelpTree();                                
2413   // Rebuild command completion (new command     
2414   UpdateCommandCompleter();                      
2416   // Set event filters                           
2417   fHistoryTBTableList->installEventFilter(thi    
2418   fCommandArea->installEventFilter(this);        
2420   // Focus on command line                       
2421   fCommandArea->setFocus();                      
2423   interactorManager->DisableSecondaryLoop();     
2424   if ((QApplication*)interactorManager->GetMa    
2425     ((QApplication*)interactorManager->GetMai    
2427   interactorManager->EnableSecondaryLoop();      
2428   return this;                                   
2429 }                                                
2431 /**   Display the prompt in the prompt area      
2432    @param aPrompt : string to display as the     
2433 */                                               
2434 void G4UIQt::Prompt(const G4String& aPrompt)     
2435 {                                                
2436   if (aPrompt == nullptr) return;                
2438   fCommandLabel->setText((char*)    
2439 }                                                
2441 void G4UIQt::SessionTerminate()                  
2442 {                                                
2443   G4Qt* interactorManager = G4Qt::getInstance    
2444   fMainWindow->close();                          
2445   ((QApplication*)interactorManager->GetMainI    
2446 }                                                
2448 /**                                              
2449    Called by intercoms/src/<br>    
2450    Called by visualization/management/src/G4V    
2451    It have to pause the session command termi    
2452    Call SecondaryLoop to wait for exit event<    
2453    @param aState                                 
2454    @see : G4VisCommandReviewKeptEvents::SetNe    
2455 */                                               
2456 void G4UIQt::PauseSessionStart(const G4String    
2457 {                                                
2458   if (aState == nullptr) return;                 
2460   if (aState == "G4_pause> ") {  // TO KEEP      
2461     SecondaryLoop("Pause, type continue to ex    
2462   }  // TO KEEP                                  
2464   if (aState == "EndOfEvent") {  // TO KEEP      
2465     // Picking with feed back in event data D    
2466     SecondaryLoop("End of event, type continu    
2467   }  // TO KEEP                                  
2468 }                                                
2470 /**                                              
2471    Begin the secondary loop                      
2472    @param a_prompt : label to display as the     
2473  */                                              
2474 void G4UIQt::SecondaryLoop(const G4String& aP    
2475 {                                                
2476   if (aPrompt == nullptr) return;                
2478   G4Qt* interactorManager = G4Qt::getInstance    
2479   Prompt(aPrompt);  // TO KEEP                   
2480   exitPause = false;  // TO KEEP                 
2481   while (true) {                                 
2482     ((QApplication*)interactorManager)->proce    
2483     if (exitPause) break;  // TO KEEP            
2484   }  // TO KEEP                                  
2485   Prompt("Session :");  // TO KEEP               
2486 }                                                
2488 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2489 #  include "G4AutoLock.hh"                       
2490 #  include "G4Threading.hh"                      
2491 namespace                                        
2492 {                                                
2493   G4Mutex ReceiveMutex = G4MUTEX_INITIALIZER;    
2494 }  // namespace                                  
2495 #endif                                           
2497 /**                                              
2498    Receive a debug log message from Geant4. W    
2499    @param aString : label to add in the displ    
2500    @return 0                                     
2501 */                                               
2502 G4int G4UIQt::ReceiveG4debug(const G4String&     
2503 {                                                
2504   if (aString.empty()) return 0;                 
2506 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2507   G4AutoLock al(&ReceiveMutex);                  
2508 #endif                                           
2510   // A workaround so that output is not lost     
2511   // The "workaround" is to make sure all flu    
2512   // the terminal after a crash, because even    
2513   // get lost in the Qt UI system.               
2514   // seems workers write to std::cou    
2515   // so limit this to the master thread          
2516 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2517   if (G4Threading::IsMasterThread())             
2518 #endif                                           
2519     std::cout << aString << std::flush;          
2521   G4String aStringWithStyle;                     
2522   // aString has a \n on the end (maybe it co    
2523   // Enter key on the command line) - ignore     
2524   // i < aString.length() - 1                    
2525   // But other \n need to be translated to an    
2526   // Similarly, spaces need to be translated     
2527   // Tabs (\t) are more tricky since the numb    
2528   // on how many characters precede it. Proba    
2529   // we replace \t with four spaces.             
2530   for (G4int i = 0; i < (G4int)aString.length    
2531     if (aString[i] == '\n') {                    
2532       aStringWithStyle += "<br>";                
2533     }                                            
2534     else if (aString[i] == ' ') {                
2535       aStringWithStyle += "&nbsp;";              
2536     }                                            
2537     else if (aString[i] == '\t') {               
2538       aStringWithStyle += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;    
2539     }                                            
2540     else if (aString[i] == '<') {                
2541       aStringWithStyle += "&lt;";                
2542     }                                            
2543     else {                                       
2544       aStringWithStyle += aString[i];            
2545     }                                            
2546   }                                              
2547   if (fOutputStyles["debug"].fixed) {            
2548     aStringWithStyle = "<span style='font-fam    
2549   }                                              
2550   else {                                         
2551     aStringWithStyle = "<span>" + aStringWith    
2552   }                                              
2554   // Add to string                               
2555   G4UIOutputString txt =                         
2556     G4UIOutputString(QString((char*)aStringWi    
2557   fG4OutputString.push_back(txt);                
2559 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2560   QString result = FilterOutput(txt, fThreads    
2561 #else                                            
2562   QString result = FilterOutput(txt, "", fCou    
2563 #endif                                           
2565   if (result.isEmpty()) {                        
2566     return 0;                                    
2567   }                                              
2569   if (fOutputStyles["debug"].highlight) {        
2570     QPalette pal;                                
2571     result = QString("<span style='background    
2572              "<span style='background: Pink;'    
2573   }                                              
2574   result = QString("<font color=\"Green\">")     
2576   fCoutTBTextArea->append(result);               
2577   fCoutTBTextArea->ensureCursorVisible();        
2579 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2580   UpdateCoutThreadFilter();                      
2581 #endif                                           
2583   return 0;                                      
2584 }                                                
2586 /**                                              
2587    Receive a cout from Geant4. We have to dis    
2588    @param aString : label to add in the displ    
2589    @return 0                                     
2590 */                                               
2591 G4int G4UIQt::ReceiveG4cout(const G4String& a    
2592 {                                                
2593   if (aString.empty()) return 0;                 
2595   // Try to be smart :                           
2596   // "*** This is just a warning message. ***    
2597   if (G4StrUtil::contains(aString, "*** This     
2598     return ReceiveG4cerr(aString);               
2599   }                                              
2601 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2602   G4AutoLock al(&ReceiveMutex);                  
2603 #endif                                           
2605   // A workaround so that output is not lost     
2606   // The "workaround" is to make sure all flu    
2607   // the terminal after a crash, because even    
2608   // get lost in the Qt UI system.               
2609   // seems workers write to std::cou    
2610   // so limit this to the master thread          
2611 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2612   if (G4Threading::IsMasterThread())             
2613 #endif                                           
2614     std::cout << aString << std::flush;          
2616   G4String aStringWithStyle;                     
2617   // aString has a \n on the end (maybe it co    
2618   // Enter key on the command line) - ignore     
2619   // i < aString.length() - 1                    
2620   // But other \n need to be translated to an    
2621   // Similarly, spaces need to be translated     
2622   // Tabs (\t) are more tricky since the numb    
2623   // on how many characters precede it. Proba    
2624   // we replace \t with four spaces.             
2625   for (G4int i = 0; i < (G4int)aString.length    
2626     if (aString[i] == '\n') {                    
2627       aStringWithStyle += "<br>";                
2628     }                                            
2629     else if (aString[i] == ' ') {                
2630       aStringWithStyle += "&nbsp;";              
2631     }                                            
2632     else if (aString[i] == '\t') {               
2633       aStringWithStyle += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;    
2634     }                                            
2635     else if (aString[i] == '<') {                
2636       aStringWithStyle += "&lt;";                
2637     }                                            
2638     else {                                       
2639       aStringWithStyle += aString[i];            
2640     }                                            
2641   }                                              
2642   if (fOutputStyles["cout"].fixed) {             
2643     aStringWithStyle = "<span style='font-fam    
2644   }                                              
2645   else {                                         
2646     aStringWithStyle = "<span>" + aStringWith    
2647   }                                              
2649   // Add to string                               
2650   G4UIOutputString txt =                         
2651     G4UIOutputString(QString((char*)aStringWi    
2652   fG4OutputString.push_back(txt);                
2654 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2655   QString result = FilterOutput(txt, fThreads    
2656 #else                                            
2657   QString result = FilterOutput(txt, "", fCou    
2658 #endif                                           
2660   if (result.isEmpty()) {                        
2661     return 0;                                    
2662   }                                              
2664   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
2665   if (fOutputStyles["cout"].highlight) {         
2666     if (! UI->IsLastCommandOutputTreated()) {    
2667       QPalette pal;                              
2668       result = QString("<span style='backgrou    
2669                ";'>&nbsp;</span>" + "<span st    
2670                ";'> " + result + "</span>";      
2671     }                                            
2672   }                                              
2673   UI->SetLastCommandOutputTreated();             
2675   fCoutTBTextArea->append(result);               
2676   fCoutTBTextArea->ensureCursorVisible();        
2678 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2679   UpdateCoutThreadFilter();                      
2680 #endif                                           
2682   // reset error stack                           
2683   fLastErrMessage = aString;                     
2684   return 0;                                      
2685 }                                                
2687 /**                                              
2688    Receive a cerr from Geant4. We have to dis    
2689    @param aString : label to add in the displ    
2690    @return 0                                     
2691 */                                               
2692 G4int G4UIQt::ReceiveG4cerr(const G4String& a    
2693 {                                                
2694   if (aString.empty()) return 0;                 
2696 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2697   G4AutoLock al(&ReceiveMutex);                  
2698 #endif                                           
2700   // A workaround so that output is not lost     
2701   // The "workaround" is to make sure all flu    
2702   // the terminal after a crash, because even    
2703   // get lost in the Qt UI system.               
2704   // seems workers write to std::cou    
2705   // so limit this to the master thread          
2706 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2707   if (G4Threading::IsMasterThread())             
2708 #endif                                           
2709     std::cerr << aString << std::flush;          
2711   G4String aStringWithStyle;                     
2712   // aString has a \n on the end (maybe it co    
2713   // Enter key on the command line) - ignore     
2714   // i < aString.length() - 1                    
2715   // But other \n need to be translated to an    
2716   // Similarly, spaces need to be translated     
2717   // Tabs (\t) are more tricky since the numb    
2718   // on how many characters precede it. Proba    
2719   // we replace \t with four spaces.             
2720   for (G4int i = 0; i < (G4int)aString.length    
2721     if (aString[i] == '\n') {                    
2722       aStringWithStyle += "<br>";                
2723     }                                            
2724     else if (aString[i] == ' ') {                
2725       aStringWithStyle += "&nbsp;";              
2726     }                                            
2727     else if (aString[i] == '\t') {               
2728       aStringWithStyle += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;    
2729     }                                            
2730     else if (aString[i] == '<') {                
2731       aStringWithStyle += "&lt;";                
2732     }                                            
2733     else {                                       
2734       aStringWithStyle += aString[i];            
2735     }                                            
2736   }                                              
2737   if (fOutputStyles["cerr"].fixed) {             
2738     aStringWithStyle = "<span style='font-fam    
2739   }                                              
2740   else {                                         
2741     aStringWithStyle = "<span>" + aStringWith    
2742   }                                              
2744   // Add to string                               
2746   G4UIOutputString txt =                         
2747     G4UIOutputString(QString((char*)aStringWi    
2748   fG4OutputString.push_back(txt);                
2750 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2751   QString result = FilterOutput(txt, fThreads    
2752 #else                                            
2753   QString result = FilterOutput(txt, "", fCou    
2754 #endif                                           
2755   if (result.isEmpty()) {                        
2756     return 0;                                    
2757   }                                              
2759   // Suppress space, \n,\t,\r...                 
2760   if (QString( != ""    
2761     if ((G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->G    
2762         (G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->G    
2763     {                                            
2764       // In case of Abort or Quit, the useful    
2765       fLastErrMessage += "\n" + aString;         
2766       QString criticalMessage = fLastErrMessa    
2767       criticalMessage = criticalMessage.toHtm    
2768       QMessageBox::critical(fMainWindow, "Err    
2769     }                                            
2770   }                                              
2771   fCoutTBTextArea->append(QString("<font colo    
2772   fCoutTBTextArea->ensureCursorVisible();        
2774   if (QString( != ""    
2775     fLastErrMessage += aString;                  
2776   }                                              
2777 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2778   UpdateCoutThreadFilter();                      
2779 #endif                                           
2780   return 0;                                      
2781 }                                                
2783 G4String G4UIQt::GetThreadPrefix()               
2784 {                                                
2785   G4String threadPrefix = "";                    
2786 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2787   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
2788   if (UI == nullptr) return "";                  
2789   if (UI->GetThreadCout() != nullptr) {          
2790     threadPrefix = UI->GetThreadCout()->GetFu    
2791     if (UI->GetThreadCout()->GetPrefixString(    
2792       return "G4VIS";                            
2793     }                                            
2794   }                                              
2795 #endif                                           
2796   return threadPrefix;                           
2797 }                                                
2799 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
2800 void G4UIQt::UpdateCoutThreadFilter()            
2801 {                                                
2802   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
2803   if (UI == nullptr) return;                     
2805   // add "All" and "Master"                      
2806   if (fThreadsFilterComboBox->count() < 2) {     
2807     if (fThreadsFilterComboBox->findText("All    
2808       fThreadsFilterComboBox->addItem("All");    
2809     }                                            
2810   }                                              
2811   if (fThreadsFilterComboBox->count() < 2) {     
2812     if (fThreadsFilterComboBox->findText("Mas    
2813       fThreadsFilterComboBox->addItem("Master    
2814     }                                            
2815   }                                              
2816   // Add current Cout                            
2817   G4String prefix = GetThreadPrefix();           
2818   if (! prefix.empty()) {                        
2819     if (fThreadsFilterComboBox->findText(pref    
2820       fThreadsFilterComboBox->addItem(prefix.    
2821     }                                            
2822   }                                              
2823 }                                                
2824 #endif                                           
2826 /**                                              
2827    Add a new menu to the menu bar                
2828    @param aName name of menu                     
2829    @param aLabel label to display                
2830  */                                              
2831 void G4UIQt::AddMenu(const char* aName, const    
2832 {                                                
2833   if (aName == nullptr) return;                  
2834   if (aLabel == nullptr) return;                 
2836   auto fileMenu = new QMenu(aLabel);             
2837   fMainWindow->menuBar()->addMenu(fileMenu);     
2839   AddInteractor(aName, (G4Interactor)fileMenu    
2840 }                                                
2842 /**                                              
2843    Add a new button to a menu                    
2844    @param aMenu : parent menu                    
2845    @param aLabel : label to display              
2846    @param aCommand : command to execute as a     
2847  */                                              
2848 void G4UIQt::AddButton(const char* aMenu, con    
2849 {                                                
2850   if (aMenu == nullptr) return;  // TO KEEP      
2851   if (aLabel == nullptr) return;  // TO KEEP     
2852   if (aCommand == nullptr) return;  // TO KEE    
2854   QMenu* parentTmp = (QMenu*)GetInteractor(aM    
2856   if (parentTmp == nullptr) {                    
2857     G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::Get    
2858     G4int verbose = UImanager->GetVerboseLeve    
2860     if (verbose >= 2) {                          
2861       G4cout << "Menu name " << aMenu << " do    
2862              << G4endl;                          
2863     }                                            
2864     return;                                      
2865   }                                              
2867   // Find the command in the command tree        
2868   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
2869   if (UI == nullptr) return;                     
2870   G4UIcommandTree* treeTop = UI->GetTree();      
2872   G4String cmd = aCommand;                       
2873   std::size_t cmdEndPos = cmd.find_first_of("    
2874   if (cmdEndPos != std::string::npos) {          
2875     cmd.erase(cmdEndPos);                        
2876   }                                              
2878   if (treeTop->FindPath(cmd) == nullptr) {       
2879     if (cmd != "ls" && cmd.substr(0, 3) != "l    
2880         cmd.substr(0, 3) != "cd " && cmd != "    
2881         cmd[0] != '?' && cmd != "hist" && cmd    
2882         cmd != "cont" && cmd != "continue")      
2883     {                                            
2884       G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::G    
2885       G4int verbose = UImanager->GetVerboseLe    
2887       if (verbose >= 2) {                        
2888         G4cout << "Warning: command '" << cmd    
2889                << "' does not exist, please d    
2890       }                                          
2891     }                                            
2892   }                                              
2894   QString cmd_tmp = QString(aCommand);           
2895   parentTmp->addAction(aLabel, this, [this, c    
2896 }                                                
2898 /**                                              
2899  special case for the "open" icon. It will op    
2900  command.                                        
2901 */                                               
2902 void G4UIQt::AddIcon(                            
2903   const char* aLabel, const char* aIconFile,     
2904 {                                                
2905   if (aLabel == nullptr) return;  // TO KEEP     
2906   // special case, aCommand could be NULL if     
2907   if (aCommand == nullptr) {                     
2908     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "user_icon"    
2909       return;  // TO KEEP                        
2910     }                                            
2911   }                                              
2912   QPixmap* pix;                                  
2913   G4bool userToolBar = false;                    
2915   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
2916     userToolBar = true;                          
2917   }                                              
2918   if (std::string(aIconFile) == "user_icon")     
2919     // try to open a file                        
2920     G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::Get    
2921     pix = new QPixmap(UImanager->FindMacroPat    
2922     if (pix->isNull()) {                         
2923       G4int verbose = UImanager->GetVerboseLe    
2925       if (verbose >= 2) {                        
2926         G4cout << "Warning: file '" << aFileN    
2927                << "' is incorrect or does not    
2928       }                                          
2929       return;                                    
2930     }                                            
2931   }                                              
2932   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "open")     
2933     pix = fOpenIcon;                             
2934   }                                              
2935   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "save")     
2936     pix = fSaveIcon;                             
2937   }                                              
2938   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "move")     
2939     pix = fMoveIcon;                             
2940   }                                              
2941   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "rotate"    
2942     pix = fRotateIcon;                           
2943   }                                              
2944   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "pick")     
2945     pix = fPickIcon;                             
2946   }                                              
2947   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "zoom_in    
2948     pix = fZoomInIcon;                           
2949   }                                              
2950   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "zoom_ou    
2951     pix = fZoomOutIcon;                          
2952   }                                              
2953   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "wirefra    
2954     pix = fWireframeIcon;                        
2955   }                                              
2956   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "solid")    
2957     pix = fSolidIcon;                            
2958   }                                              
2959   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "hidden_    
2960     pix = fHiddenLineRemovalIcon;                
2961   }                                              
2962   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "hidden_    
2963     pix = fHiddenLineAndSurfaceRemovalIcon;      
2964   }                                              
2965   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "perspec    
2966     pix = fPerspectiveIcon;                      
2967   }                                              
2968   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "ortho")    
2969     pix = fOrthoIcon;                            
2970   }                                              
2971   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "runBeam    
2972     pix = fRunIcon;                              
2973   }                                              
2974   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "exit")     
2975     pix = fExitIcon;                             
2976   }                                              
2977   else {                                         
2978     G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::Get    
2979     G4int verbose = UImanager->GetVerboseLeve    
2981     if (verbose >= 2) {                          
2982       G4cout << "Parameter" << aIconFile << "    
2983     }                                            
2984     return;                                      
2985   }                                              
2986   QToolBar* currentToolbar = nullptr;            
2987   if (userToolBar) {                             
2988     if (fToolbarUser == nullptr) {               
2989       fToolbarUser = new QToolBar();             
2990       fToolbarUser->setIconSize(QSize(20, 20)    
2991       fMainWindow->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarA    
2992     }                                            
2993     currentToolbar = fToolbarUser;               
2994   }                                              
2995   else {                                         
2996     if (fToolbarApp == nullptr) {                
2997       fToolbarApp = new QToolBar();              
2998       fToolbarApp->setIconSize(QSize(20, 20))    
2999       fMainWindow->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarA    
3000     }                                            
3001     currentToolbar = fToolbarApp;                
3002   }                                              
3004   // Check if already present                    
3006   QList<QAction*> list = currentToolbar->acti    
3008   for (auto i : list) {                          
3009     if (i->text() == QString(aLabel)) {          
3010       G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpoi    
3011       if (UI == nullptr) return;                 
3012       G4int verbose = UI->GetVerboseLevel();     
3013       if (verbose >= 2) {                        
3014         G4cout << "Warning: A toolBar icon \"    
3015                << G4endl;                        
3016       }                                          
3017     }                                            
3018   }                                              
3020   // special cases :"open"                       
3021   if (std::string(aIconFile) == "open") {        
3022     QString txt = aCommand + fStringSeparator    
3023     currentToolbar->addAction(                   
3024       QIcon(*pix), aIconFile, this, [this, tx    
3026     // special cases :"save"                     
3027   }                                              
3028   else if (std::string(aIconFile) == "save")     
3029     QString txt = aCommand + fStringSeparator    
3030     currentToolbar->addAction(                   
3031       QIcon(*pix), aIconFile, this, [this, tx    
3032     // special cases : cursor style              
3033   }                                              
3034   else if ((std::string(aIconFile) == "move")    
3035            (std::string(aIconFile) == "pick")    
3036            (std::string(aIconFile) == "zoom_i    
3037   {                                              
3038     QString txt = QString(aIconFile);            
3039     QAction* action = currentToolbar->addActi    
3040       QIcon(*pix), aIconFile, this, [this, tx    
3041     action->setCheckable(true);                  
3042     action->setChecked(true);                    
3043     action->setData(aIconFile);                  
3045     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "move") {      
3046       SetIconMoveSelected();                     
3047     }                                            
3048     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "rotate") {    
3049       SetIconRotateSelected();                   
3050     }                                            
3051     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "pick") {      
3052       SetIconPickSelected();                     
3053     }                                            
3054     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "zoom_in")     
3055       SetIconZoomInSelected();                   
3056     }                                            
3057     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "zoom_out")    
3058       SetIconZoomOutSelected();                  
3059     }                                            
3061     // special case : surface style              
3062   }                                              
3063   else if ((std::string(aIconFile) == "hidden    
3064            (std::string(aIconFile) == "hidden    
3065            (std::string(aIconFile) == "solid"    
3066   {                                              
3067     QString txt = QString(aIconFile);            
3068     QAction* action = currentToolbar->addActi    
3069       QIcon(*pix), aIconFile, this, [this, tx    
3070     action->setCheckable(true);                  
3071     action->setChecked(true);                    
3072     action->setData(aIconFile);                  
3074     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "hidden_lin    
3075       SetIconHLRSelected();                      
3076     }                                            
3077     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "hidden_lin    
3078       SetIconHLHSRSelected();                    
3079     }                                            
3080     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "solid") {     
3081       SetIconSolidSelected();                    
3082     }                                            
3083     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "wireframe"    
3084       SetIconWireframeSelected();                
3085     }                                            
3087     // special case : perspective/ortho          
3088   }                                              
3089   else if ((std::string(aIconFile) == "perspe    
3090     QString txt = QString(aIconFile);            
3091     QAction* action = currentToolbar->addActi    
3092       QIcon(*pix), aIconFile, this, [this, tx    
3093     action->setCheckable(true);                  
3094     action->setChecked(true);                    
3095     action->setData(aIconFile);                  
3097     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "perspectiv    
3098       SetIconPerspectiveSelected();              
3099     }                                            
3100     if (std::string(aIconFile) == "ortho") {     
3101       SetIconOrthoSelected();                    
3102     }                                            
3103   }                                              
3104   else {                                         
3105     // Find the command in the command tree      
3106     G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpoint    
3107     if (UI == nullptr) return;                   
3108     G4UIcommandTree* treeTop = UI->GetTree();    
3109     if (aCommand != nullptr) {                   
3110       std::string str = aCommand;                
3111       std::string::size_type pos = str.find('    
3112       if (pos != std::string::npos) {            
3113         str = str.substr(0, pos).c_str();        
3114       }                                          
3115       if (treeTop->FindPath(str.c_str()) == n    
3116         G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager:    
3117         G4int verbose = UImanager->GetVerbose    
3119         if (verbose >= 2) {                      
3120           G4cout << "Warning: command '" << a    
3121                  << "' does not exist, please    
3122         }                                        
3123       }                                          
3124     }                                            
3125     QString txt = QString(aCommand);             
3126     currentToolbar->addAction(                   
3127       QIcon(*pix), aCommand, this, [this, txt    
3128   }                                              
3129 }                                                
3131 void G4UIQt::SetOutputStyle(const char* desti    
3132 {                                                
3133   // Specify an output style                     
3134   // First argument destination ("cout" etc o    
3135   // Second argument is the required style -     
3137   SetStyleUtility(destination, style);           
3138 }                                                
3140 void G4UIQt::NativeMenu(G4bool aVal)             
3141 {                                                
3142   if (fMainWindow->menuBar()->isNativeMenuBar    
3144   // Menu become empty when goin from Qt to N    
3145   fMainWindow->menuBar()->setNativeMenuBar(aV    
3146 }                                                
3148 void G4UIQt::ClearMenu() { fMainWindow->menuB    
3150 void G4UIQt::ActivateCommand(G4String newComm    
3151 {                                                
3152   if (fHelpTreeWidget == nullptr) {              
3153     return;                                      
3154   }                                              
3155   // Look for the choosen command "newCommand    
3156   std::size_t i = newCommand.find(' ');          
3157   G4String targetCom = "";                       
3158   if (i != std::string::npos) {                  
3159     G4String newValue = newCommand.substr(i +    
3160     G4StrUtil::strip(newValue);                  
3161     targetCom = ModifyToFullPathCommand(newVa    
3162   }                                              
3163   if (! targetCom.empty()) {                     
3164     OpenHelpTreeOnCommand(;     
3165   }                                              
3167   fUITabWidget->setCurrentWidget(fHelpTBWidge    
3168 }                                                
3170 /**                                              
3171    Create the help tree widget                   
3172    @param parent : parent of tree widget         
3173    @return the widget containing the tree or     
3174  */                                              
3176 void G4UIQt::InitHelpTreeAndVisParametersWidg    
3177 {                                                
3178   if (fHelpTreeWidget == nullptr) {              
3179     fHelpTreeWidget = new QTreeWidget();         
3180   }                                              
3182   // build widget                                
3183   fHelpTreeWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstract    
3184   QStringList labels;                            
3185   labels << QString("Command");                  
3186   fHelpTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels(labels);      
3188   connect(fHelpTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemSelecti    
3189   connect(fHelpTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleC    
3190     SLOT(HelpTreeDoubleClicCallback()));         
3191 }                                                
3192 /**                                              
3193    Create the help tree widget                   
3194    @param parent : parent of tree widget         
3195    @return the widget containing the tree or     
3196  */                                              
3198 void G4UIQt::FillHelpTree()                      
3199 {                                                
3200   if (fHelpTreeWidget == nullptr) {              
3201     InitHelpTreeAndVisParametersWidget();        
3202   }                                              
3204   QString searchText = fHelpLine->text();        
3206   if (searchText == "") {                        
3207     // clear old help tree                       
3208     //    fHelpTreeWidget->clear();              
3209   }                                              
3210   else {                                         
3211     return;                                      
3212   }                                              
3214   if (fParameterHelpLabel != nullptr) {          
3215     fParameterHelpLabel->setText("Choose a co    
3216     fParameterHelpTable->setVisible(false);      
3217   }                                              
3219   if (fHelpLine != nullptr) {                    
3220     fHelpLine->setText("");                      
3221   }                                              
3223   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
3224   if (UI == nullptr) return;                     
3225   G4UIcommandTree* treeTop = UI->GetTree();      
3227   G4int treeSize = treeTop->GetTreeEntry();      
3228   QTreeWidgetItem* newItem = nullptr;            
3229   QString commandText = "";                      
3230   for (G4int a = 0; a < treeSize; ++a) {         
3231     // Creating new item                         
3232     newItem = nullptr;                           
3234     commandText = QString((char*)(treeTop->Ge    
3236     // if already exist, don't create it !       
3237     for (G4int b = 0; b < fHelpTreeWidget->to    
3238       if (newItem == nullptr) newItem = FindT    
3239     }                                            
3241     if (newItem == nullptr) {                    
3242       newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();           
3243       newItem->setText(0, GetShortCommandPath    
3244       fHelpTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(newIte    
3245     }                                            
3247     // look for childs                           
3248     CreateHelpTree(newItem, treeTop->GetTree(    
3249   }                                              
3250 }                                                
3252 /**   Fill the Help Tree Widget                  
3253    @param aParent : parent item to fill          
3254    @param aCommandTree : commandTree node ass    
3255 */                                               
3256 void G4UIQt::CreateHelpTree(QTreeWidgetItem*     
3257 {                                                
3258   if (aParent == nullptr) return;                
3259   if (aCommandTree == nullptr) return;           
3261   // Creating new item                           
3262   QTreeWidgetItem* newItem;                      
3264   QString commandText = "";                      
3265   // Get the Sub directories                     
3266   for (G4int a = 0; a < aCommandTree->GetTree    
3267     commandText = QString((char*)(aCommandTre    
3269     // if already exist, don't create it !       
3270     newItem = FindTreeItem(aParent, commandTe    
3271     if (newItem == nullptr) {                    
3272       newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();           
3273       newItem->setText(0, GetShortCommandPath    
3274       aParent->addChild(newItem);                
3275     }                                            
3276     CreateHelpTree(newItem, aCommandTree->Get    
3277   }                                              
3279   // Get the Commands                            
3281   for (G4int a = 0; a < aCommandTree->GetComm    
3282     QStringList stringList;                      
3283     commandText =                                
3284       QString((char*)(aCommandTree->GetComman    
3286     // if already exist, don't create it !       
3287     newItem = FindTreeItem(aParent, commandTe    
3288     if (newItem == nullptr) {                    
3289       newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();           
3290       newItem->setText(0, GetShortCommandPath    
3291       aParent->addChild(newItem);                
3292       newItem->setExpanded(false);               
3293     }                                            
3294   }                                              
3295 }                                                
3297 /**                                              
3298  Add the following command to the correspondi    
3299  If depthLevel is 1 : create ToolBox             
3300  If depthLevel is 2 or more : create GroupBox    
3301 */                                               
3302 G4bool G4UIQt::CreateVisCommandGroupAndToolBo    
3303   G4UIcommand* aCommand, QWidget* aParent, G4    
3304 {                                                
3305   QString commandText =                          
3306     QString((char*)(aCommand->GetCommandPath(    
3308   if (commandText == nullptr) {                  
3309     return false;                                
3310   }                                              
3312   // Look if groupBox is create                  
3313   //  QGroupBox* gBoxCommandWidget;              
3314   QWidget* newParentWidget = nullptr;            
3315   G4bool found = false;                          
3316   QString commandSection = commandText.left(c    
3318   if (aDepthLevel == 1) {                        
3319     auto currentParent = dynamic_cast<QToolBo    
3320     if (currentParent != nullptr) {              
3321       // already exists ?                        
3322       for (G4int a = 0; a < currentParent->co    
3323         if (currentParent->itemText(a) == com    
3324           found = true;                          
3325           newParentWidget = currentParent->wi    
3326         }                                        
3327       }                                          
3328     }                                            
3329     // Not found ? create it                     
3330     if (! found) {                               
3331       newParentWidget = new QGroupBox();         
3332       newParentWidget->setLayout(new QVBoxLay    
3333       if (currentParent != nullptr) {            
3334         currentParent->addItem(newParentWidge    
3335       }                                          
3336       else {                                     
3337         if (aParent->layout() == nullptr) {      
3338           aParent->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(    
3339         }                                        
3340         aParent->layout()->addWidget(newParen    
3341       }                                          
3343       if (commandText.indexOf("/") == -1) {      
3344         // Guidance                              
3345         QString guidance;                        
3346         auto n_guidanceEntry = (G4int)aComman    
3347         for (G4int i_thGuidance = 0; i_thGuid    
3348           guidance += QString((char*)(aComman    
3349         }                                        
3350         newParentWidget->setToolTip(guidance)    
3351       }                                          
3353       auto sc = dynamic_cast<QScrollArea*>(ne    
3354       if (sc != nullptr) {                       
3355         sc->ensureWidgetVisible(newParentWidg    
3356       }                                          
3357     }                                            
3358   }                                              
3359   else {                                         
3360     // try to know if this level is already t    
3361     auto currentParent = dynamic_cast<QGroupB    
3362     if (currentParent != nullptr) {              
3363       // if depth==2, then we add a [more par    
3364       // QGroupBox > QWidget > QScrollArea >     
3365       if (aDepthLevel == 2) {                    
3366         auto parentToolBox = dynamic_cast<QTo    
3367         if (parentToolBox != nullptr) {          
3368           //          parentToolBox->setItemT    
3369           //          parameters inside]");      
3370         }                                        
3371       }                                          
3372       for (G4int a = 0; a < aParent->layout()    
3373         auto gb = dynamic_cast<QGroupBox*>(aP    
3374         if (gb != nullptr) {                     
3375           if (gb->title() == commandSection)     
3376             found = true;                        
3377             newParentWidget = gb;                
3378           }                                      
3379         }                                        
3380       }                                          
3381     }                                            
3383     // Not found ? create it                     
3384     if (! found) {                               
3385       newParentWidget = new QGroupBox();         
3386       newParentWidget->setLayout(new QVBoxLay    
3387       if (aParent->layout() == nullptr) {        
3388         aParent->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout())    
3389       }                                          
3390       aParent->layout()->addWidget(newParentW    
3392       // set toolTip                             
3393       // Guidance                                
3394       QString guidance;                          
3395       auto n_guidanceEntry = (G4int)aCommand-    
3396       for (G4int i_thGuidance = 0; i_thGuidan    
3397         guidance += QString((char*)(aCommand-    
3398       }                                          
3399       newParentWidget->setToolTip(guidance);     
3400     }                                            
3401   }                                              
3403   // fill command groupbox                       
3404   if (commandText.indexOf("/") == -1) {          
3405     if (CreateCommandWidget(aCommand, newPare    
3406       return true;                               
3407     }                                            
3408   }                                              
3409   else {                                         
3410     CreateVisCommandGroupAndToolBox(aCommand,    
3411   }                                              
3413   return true;                                   
3414 }                                                
3416 /** Create a widget with the command paramete    
3417     @param command: command line                 
3418     @parent : parent widget                      
3419     @isDialog : true if we want apply/cancel     
3420 */                                               
3421 G4bool G4UIQt::CreateCommandWidget(G4UIcomman    
3422 {                                                
3423   if (aCommand == nullptr) {                     
3424     return false;                                
3425   }                                              
3427   // parameters                                  
3428   auto n_parameterEntry = (G4int)aCommand->Ge    
3429   if (n_parameterEntry > 0) {                    
3430     G4UIparameter* param;                        
3432     // Re-implementation of     
3433     auto paramWidget = new QWidget();            
3434     auto gridLayout = new QGridLayout();         
3435     paramWidget->setLayout(gridLayout);          
3437     // Special case for colour, try to displa    
3438     unsigned int nbColorParameter = 0;           
3439     G4bool isStillColorParameter = false;        
3440     G4bool isColorDialogAdded = false;           
3441     QLabel* redLabel = nullptr;                  
3442     QLabel* greenLabel = nullptr;                
3443     QString redDefaultStr = "";                  
3444     QString greenDefaultStr = "";                
3445     QString blueDefaultStr = "";                 
3446     QWidget* redInput = nullptr;                 
3447     QWidget* greenInput = nullptr;               
3449     for (G4int i_thParameter = 0; i_thParamet    
3450       QString txt;                               
3451       param = aCommand->GetParameter(i_thPara    
3452       auto label = new QLabel(QString((char*)    
3454       if ((label->text() == "red") || (label-    
3455         nbColorParameter++;                      
3456         isStillColorParameter = true;            
3457       }                                          
3458       else if ((label->text() == "green") &&     
3459         nbColorParameter++;                      
3460       }                                          
3461       else if ((label->text() == "blue") && i    
3462         nbColorParameter++;                      
3463       }                                          
3464       else if (! isColorDialogAdded) {           
3465         // not following red/green/blue param    
3466         if (nbColorParameter == 1) {             
3467           gridLayout->addWidget(redLabel, i_t    
3468           gridLayout->addWidget(redInput, i_t    
3469         }                                        
3470         else if (nbColorParameter == 2) {        
3471           gridLayout->addWidget(redLabel, i_t    
3472           gridLayout->addWidget(redInput, i_t    
3473           gridLayout->addWidget(greenLabel, i    
3474           gridLayout->addWidget(greenInput, i    
3475         }                                        
3476         nbColorParameter = 0;                    
3477       }                                          
3478       // Check parameter type, could be NULL     
3479       QWidget* input = nullptr;                  
3480       if ((QString(QChar(param->GetParameterT    
3481           (QString(QChar(param->GetParameterT    
3482       {                                          
3483         input = new QLineEdit();                 
3484         // set default value                     
3485         dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(input)->setT    
3487         if (((label->text() == "red") || (lab    
3488             isStillColorParameter)               
3489         {                                        
3490           redDefaultStr = QString((char*)(par    
3491         }                                        
3492         else if ((label->text() == "green") &    
3493           greenDefaultStr = QString((char*)(p    
3494         }                                        
3495         else if ((label->text() == "blue") &&    
3496           blueDefaultStr = QString((char*)(pa    
3497         }                                        
3498       }                                          
3499       else if (QString(QChar(param->GetParame    
3500         input = new QWidget();                   
3501         auto layout = new QHBoxLayout();         
3502         input->setLayout(layout);                
3504         auto buttons = new QButtonGroup();       
3505         auto radioOff = new QRadioButton("0")    
3506         auto radioOn = new QRadioButton("1");    
3507         buttons->addButton(radioOn);             
3508         buttons->addButton(radioOff);            
3509         layout->addWidget(radioOn);              
3510         layout->addWidget(radioOff);             
3512         // set default value                     
3513         QString defaultValue = QString((char*    
3514         if (defaultValue == "0") {               
3515           radioOff->setChecked(true);            
3516         }                                        
3517         else if (defaultValue == "1") {          
3518           radioOn->setChecked(true);             
3519         }                                        
3520       }                                          
3521       else if ((QString(QChar(param->GetParam    
3522                (! param->GetParameterCandidat    
3523       {                                          
3524         input = new QComboBox();                 
3525         QString candidates = QString((char*)(    
3526         QStringList list = candidates.split("    
3528         // add all candidates to widget          
3529         QString defaultValue = QString((char*    
3530         for (int a = 0; a < list.size(); a++)    
3531           dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(input)->ad    
3532           if ( == defaultValue) {      
3533             dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(input)->    
3534           }                                      
3535         }                                        
3536       }                                          
3537       else if ((QString(QChar(param->GetParam    
3538         input = new QLineEdit();                 
3539         // set default value                     
3540         dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(input)->setT    
3541       }                                          
3542       else if ((QString(QChar(param->GetParam    
3543         input = new QWidget();                   
3544         auto layout = new QHBoxLayout();         
3545         input->setLayout(layout);                
3547         auto buttons = new QButtonGroup();       
3548         auto radioOff = new QRadioButton("off    
3549         auto radioOn = new QRadioButton("on")    
3550         buttons->addButton(radioOn);             
3551         buttons->addButton(radioOff);            
3552         layout->addWidget(radioOn);              
3553         layout->addWidget(radioOff);             
3555         // set default value                     
3556         QString defaultValue = QString((char*    
3557         if (defaultValue == "off") {             
3558           radioOff->setChecked(true);            
3559         }                                        
3560         else if (defaultValue == "on") {         
3561           radioOn->setChecked(true);             
3562         }                                        
3563       }                                          
3564       else {                                     
3565         input = new QLineEdit();                 
3566         dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(input)->setT    
3567       }                                          
3569       txt += "\nParameter : " + QString((char    
3570       if (! param->GetParameterGuidance().emp    
3571         txt += QString((char*)(param->GetPara    
3573       txt += " Parameter type  : " + QString(    
3574       if (param->IsOmittable()) {                
3575         txt += " Omittable       : True\n";      
3576       }                                          
3577       else {                                     
3578         txt += " Omittable       : False\n";     
3579       }                                          
3580       if (param->GetCurrentAsDefault()) {        
3581         txt += " Default value   : taken from    
3582       }                                          
3583       else if (! param->GetDefaultValue().emp    
3584         txt += " Default value   : " + QStrin    
3585       }                                          
3586       if (! param->GetParameterRange().empty(    
3587         txt += " Parameter range : " + QStrin    
3588       }                                          
3589       if (! param->GetParameterCandidates().e    
3590         txt +=                                   
3591           " Candidates      : " + QString((ch    
3592       }                                          
3594       if (isStillColorParameter && (nbColorPa    
3595         if ((label->text() == "red") || (labe    
3596           redLabel = label;                      
3597           redInput = input;                      
3598         }                                        
3599         else if (label->text() == "green") {     
3600           greenLabel = label;                    
3601           greenInput = input;                    
3602         }                                        
3603         else if (label->text() == "blue") {      
3604           // we have all, then add a color ch    
3606           // Create a pixmap with the default    
3607           QColor qc;                             
3608           if ((redDefaultStr != "") && (redDe    
3609             qc.setRgbF(                          
3610               redDefaultStr.toDouble(), green    
3611           }                                      
3612           QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap(QSize(16,     
3613           pixmap.fill(qc);                       
3614           QPainter painter(&pixmap);             
3615           painter.setPen(Qt::black);             
3616           painter.drawRect(0, 0, 15, 15);  //    
3618           input = new QPushButton("Change col    
3619           dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(input)->    
3620           dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(input)->    
3621             redDefaultStr + " " + greenDefaul    
3622           label = new QLabel("Choose color");    
3624           // less 1 because we have to add on    
3625           nbColorParameter--;                    
3626           gridLayout->addWidget(label, i_thPa    
3627           input->setToolTip("Select the curre    
3628           gridLayout->addWidget(input, i_thPa    
3630           // Connect pushButton to ColorDialo    
3631           connect(dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(    
3632             [this, input]() { this->ChangeCol    
3633           isColorDialogAdded = true;             
3634           isStillColorParameter = false;         
3635         }                                        
3636       }                                          
3637       else {                                     
3638         gridLayout->addWidget(label, i_thPara    
3639         input->setToolTip(txt);                  
3640         gridLayout->addWidget(input, i_thPara    
3641       }                                          
3642     }                                            
3643     // add command name in hidden value at la    
3644     auto name = new QLabel(QString((char*)(aC    
3645     name->hide();                                
3646     gridLayout->addWidget(name, n_parameterEn    
3648     auto applyButton = new QPushButton("Apply    
3649     if (! isDialog) {                            
3650       gridLayout->addWidget(applyButton, n_pa    
3651       connect(applyButton, &QPushButton::clic    
3652         [this, paramWidget]() { this->VisPara    
3653     }                                            
3654     else {                                       
3655       // Apply/Cancel buttons                    
3657       applyButton->setAutoDefault(true);         
3658       applyButton->setDefault(true);             
3660       auto cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr(    
3661       cancelButton->setAutoDefault(true);        
3662       gridLayout->addWidget(cancelButton, n_p    
3663       gridLayout->addWidget(applyButton, n_pa    
3665       connect(applyButton, &QPushButton::clic    
3666         [this, paramWidget]() { this->VisPara    
3668       QWidget* parentCheck = aParent;            
3669       QDialog* parentDialog = nullptr;           
3670       G4bool found = false;                      
3671       while ((parentCheck->parentWidget()) !=    
3672         parentCheck = parentCheck->parentWidg    
3673         parentDialog = dynamic_cast<QDialog*>    
3674         if (parentDialog != nullptr) {           
3675           connect(applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked    
3676           connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicke    
3677           found = true;                          
3678         }                                        
3679       }                                          
3680       if (! found) {                             
3681         return false;                            
3682       }                                          
3683     }                                            
3685     if (aParent->layout() == nullptr) {          
3686       aParent->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout());     
3687     }                                            
3688     aParent->layout()->addWidget(paramWidget)    
3689   }                                              
3691   return true;                                   
3692 }                                                
3694 /** Find a treeItemWidget in the help tree       
3695     @param aCommand item's String to look for    
3696     @return item if found, NULL if not           
3697 */                                               
3698 QTreeWidgetItem* G4UIQt::FindTreeItem(QTreeWi    
3699 {                                                
3700   if (aParent == nullptr) return nullptr;        
3702   // Suppress last "/"                           
3703   QString myCommand = aCommand;                  
3705   if (myCommand.lastIndexOf("/") == (myComman    
3706     myCommand = myCommand.left(myCommand.size    
3707   }                                              
3709   if (GetLongCommandPath(aParent) == myComman    
3711   QTreeWidgetItem* tmp = nullptr;                
3712   for (G4int a = 0; a < aParent->childCount()    
3713     if (tmp == nullptr) tmp = FindTreeItem(aP    
3714   }                                              
3715   return tmp;                                    
3716 }                                                
3718 /**   Build the command list parameters in a     
3719  Reimplement partialy the       
3720  @param aCommand : command to list parameters    
3721  @see G4UIparameter::List()                      
3722  @see G4UIcommand::List()                        
3723  @return the command list parameters, or "" i    
3724  */                                              
3725 QString G4UIQt::GetCommandList(const G4UIcomm    
3726 {                                                
3727   QString txt = "";                              
3728   if (aCommand == nullptr) return txt;           
3730   G4String commandPath = aCommand->GetCommand    
3731   G4String rangeString = aCommand->GetRange()    
3732   auto n_guidanceEntry = (G4int)aCommand->Get    
3733   auto n_parameterEntry = (G4int)aCommand->Ge    
3735   if ((commandPath.empty()) && (rangeString.e    
3736       (n_parameterEntry == 0))                   
3737   {                                              
3738     return txt;                                  
3739   }                                              
3741   if ((commandPath.length() - 1) != '/') {       
3742     txt += "Command " + QString((char*)(comma    
3743   }                                              
3744   txt += "Guidance :\n";                         
3746   for (G4int i_thGuidance = 0; i_thGuidance <    
3747     txt += QString((char*)(aCommand->GetGuida    
3748   }                                              
3749   if (! rangeString.empty()) {                   
3750     txt += " Range of parameters : " + QStrin    
3751   }                                              
3752   if (n_parameterEntry > 0) {                    
3753     G4UIparameter* param;                        
3755     // Re-implementation of     
3757     for (G4int i_thParameter = 0; i_thParamet    
3758       param = aCommand->GetParameter(i_thPara    
3759       txt += "\nParameter : " + QString((char    
3760       if (! param->GetParameterGuidance().emp    
3761         txt += QString((char*)(param->GetPara    
3762       txt += " Parameter type  : " + QString(    
3763       if (param->IsOmittable()) {                
3764         txt += " Omittable       : True\n";      
3765       }                                          
3766       else {                                     
3767         txt += " Omittable       : False\n";     
3768       }                                          
3769       if (param->GetCurrentAsDefault()) {        
3770         txt += " Default value   : taken from    
3771       }                                          
3772       else if (! param->GetDefaultValue().emp    
3773         txt += " Default value   : " + QStrin    
3774       }                                          
3775       if (! param->GetParameterRange().empty(    
3776         txt += " Parameter range : " + QStrin    
3777       }                                          
3778       if (! param->GetParameterCandidates().e    
3779         txt +=                                   
3780           " Candidates      : " + QString((ch    
3781       }                                          
3782     }                                            
3783   }                                              
3784   return txt;                                    
3785 }                                                
3787 /**   Build the command list parameters in a     
3788    Reimplement partialy the     
3789    @param aCommand : command to list paramete    
3790    @see G4UIparameter::List()                    
3791    @see G4UIcommand::List()                      
3792    @return the command list parameters, or ""    
3793 */                                               
3794 void G4UIQt::updateHelpArea(const G4UIcommand    
3795 {                                                
3796   if (fParameterHelpLabel == nullptr) return;    
3797   if (fParameterHelpTable == nullptr) return;    
3799   fParameterHelpLabel->setTextInteractionFlag    
3800   QString txt;                                   
3801   if (aCommand == nullptr) return;               
3803   G4String commandPath = aCommand->GetCommand    
3804   G4String rangeString = aCommand->GetRange()    
3805   auto n_guidanceEntry = (G4int)aCommand->Get    
3806   auto n_parameterEntry = (G4int)aCommand->Ge    
3808   if ((commandPath.empty()) && (rangeString.e    
3809       (n_parameterEntry == 0))                   
3810   {                                              
3811     return;                                      
3812   }                                              
3814   if ((commandPath.length() - 1) != '/') {       
3815     txt += "<b>Command </b> " + QString((char    
3816   }                                              
3817   txt += "<b>Guidance :</b> ";                   
3818   QString tmpGuidance = "";                      
3819   for (G4int i_thGuidance = 0; i_thGuidance <    
3820     tmpGuidance = QString((char*)(aCommand->G    
3821     tmpGuidance = tmpGuidance.toHtmlEscaped()    
3822     tmpGuidance.replace("\n", "<br />");         
3823     txt += tmpGuidance + "<br />";               
3824   }                                              
3825   if (! rangeString.empty()) {                   
3826     QString range = QString((char*)(rangeStri    
3827     range = range.toHtmlEscaped();               
3828     txt += "<b>Range of parameters : </b> " +    
3829   }                                              
3830   else {                                         
3831     txt += "<br />";                             
3832   }                                              
3833   fParameterHelpLabel->setHtml(txt);             
3835   if (n_parameterEntry > 0) {                    
3836     G4UIparameter* param;                        
3838     // Re-implementation of     
3840     fParameterHelpTable->clear();                
3841     fParameterHelpTable->setRowCount(n_parame    
3842     fParameterHelpTable->setColumnCount(8);      
3843     fParameterHelpTable->setHorizontalHeaderL    
3844       QStringList() << tr("") << tr("Paramete    
3845                     << tr("Default") << tr("R    
3846     fParameterHelpTable->setColumnWidth(2, 60    
3848     fParameterHelpTable->verticalHeader()->se    
3849     fParameterHelpTable->setAlternatingRowCol    
3850     fParameterHelpTable->verticalHeader()->se    
3851     fParameterHelpTable->horizontalHeader()->    
3852     fParameterHelpTable->setWordWrap(true);      
3854     QTableWidgetItem* t = fParameterHelpTable    
3855     QFont fnt = t->font();                       
3856     G4int size = fnt.pointSize();                
3857     fnt.setPointSize(size - 2);                  
3859     for (G4int a = 0; a < n_parameterEntry; a    
3860       param = aCommand->GetParameter(a);         
3861       fParameterHelpTable->setItem(a, 0, new     
3863       fParameterHelpTable->setItem(              
3864         a, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(QString((c    
3865       if (! param->GetParameterGuidance().emp    
3866         fParameterHelpTable->setItem(            
3867           a, 2, new QTableWidgetItem(QString(    
3868       }                                          
3869       fParameterHelpTable->setItem(              
3870         a, 3, new QTableWidgetItem(QString(QC    
3872       if (param->IsOmittable()) {                
3873         fParameterHelpTable->setItem(a, 4, ne    
3874       }                                          
3875       else {                                     
3876         fParameterHelpTable->setItem(a, 4, ne    
3877       }                                          
3878       if (param->GetCurrentAsDefault()) {        
3879         fParameterHelpTable->setItem(            
3880           a, 5, new QTableWidgetItem(QString(    
3881       }                                          
3882       else if (! param->GetDefaultValue().emp    
3883         fParameterHelpTable->setItem(            
3884           a, 5, new QTableWidgetItem(QString(    
3885       }                                          
3886       if (! param->GetParameterRange().empty(    
3887         fParameterHelpTable->setItem(            
3888           a, 6, new QTableWidgetItem(QString(    
3889       }                                          
3890       if (! param->GetParameterCandidates().e    
3891         fParameterHelpTable->setItem(            
3892           a, 7, new QTableWidgetItem(QString(    
3893       }                                          
3894       // tooltips                                
3895       for (G4int b = 0; b < 8; ++b) {            
3896         QTableWidgetItem* tmp = fParameterHel    
3897         if (tmp != nullptr) {                    
3898           tmp->setToolTip(tmp->text());          
3899           tmp->setFlags(Qt::NoItemFlags);        
3900         }                                        
3901       }                                          
3902       fParameterHelpTable->resizeRowToContent    
3903     }                                            
3904     for (G4int c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {              
3905       if (c != 2) {                              
3906         fParameterHelpTable->resizeColumnToCo    
3907       }                                          
3908     }                                            
3909     fParameterHelpLabel->setVisible(true);       
3910     fParameterHelpTable->setVisible(true);       
3911   }                                              
3912 }                                                
3914 /**                                              
3915    Return true if this command takes almost a    
3916    string) as an input                           
3917    or a string with a candidate list             
3918  */                                              
3919 G4bool G4UIQt::IsGUICommand(const G4UIcommand    
3920 {                                                
3921   if (aCommand == nullptr) return false;         
3923   auto n_parameterEntry = (G4int)aCommand->Ge    
3925   if (n_parameterEntry > 0) {                    
3926     G4UIparameter* param;                        
3928     // Re-implementation of     
3930     for (G4int i_thParameter = 0; i_thParamet    
3931       param = aCommand->GetParameter(i_thPara    
3932       if (QString(QChar(param->GetParameterTy    
3933         return true;                             
3934       }                                          
3935       if (QString(QChar(param->GetParameterTy    
3936         return true;                             
3937       }                                          
3938       if (QString(QChar(param->GetParameterTy    
3939         return true;                             
3940       }                                          
3941       if (QString(QChar(param->GetParameterTy    
3942         return true;                             
3943       }                                          
3944     }                                            
3945   }                                              
3946   return false;                                  
3947 }                                                
3949 /**  Implement G4VBasicShell vurtual function    
3950  */                                              
3951 G4bool G4UIQt::GetHelpChoice(G4int&) { return    
3953 /**   Event filter method. Every event from Q    
3954    We apply a filter only for the Up and Down    
3955    is active. If this filter match, Up arrow     
3956    and Down arrow will give the next if exist    
3957    @param obj Emitter of the event               
3958    @param event Kind of event                    
3959 */                                               
3960 G4bool G4UIQt::eventFilter(  // Should stay w    
3961   QObject* aObj, QEvent* aEvent)                 
3962 {                                                
3963   G4bool tabKeyPress = false;                    
3964   G4bool moveCommandCursor = false;              
3965   if (aObj == nullptr) return false;             
3966   if (aEvent == nullptr) return false;           
3968   if (aObj == fHistoryTBTableList) {             
3969     if (aEvent->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {    
3970       fCommandArea->setFocus();                  
3971     }                                            
3972   }                                              
3974   if (aObj == fCompleter->popup()) {             
3975     if (aEvent->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {    
3976       auto e = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(aEvent    
3977       if (e->key() == (Qt::Key_Tab)) {           
3978         tabKeyPress = true;                      
3979       }                                          
3980     }                                            
3981     else if (aEvent->type() == QEvent::Hide)     
3982       // Store this value                        
3983       QString c = fCommandArea->text();          
3984       fLastCompleteCommand = c.left(c.indexOf    
3985     }                                            
3986   }                                              
3988   if (aObj == fCommandArea) {                    
3989     if (aEvent->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {    
3990       auto e = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(aEvent    
3991       if ((e->key() == (Qt::Key_Down)) || (e-    
3992           (e->key() == (Qt::Key_Up)) || (e->k    
3993       {                                          
3994         G4int selection = fHistoryTBTableList    
3995         if (fHistoryTBTableList->count() != 0    
3996           if (selection == -1) {                 
3997             selection = fHistoryTBTableList->    
3998           }                                      
3999           else {                                 
4000             if (e->key() == (Qt::Key_Down)) {    
4001               if (selection < (fHistoryTBTabl    
4002             }                                    
4003             else if (e->key() == (Qt::Key_Pag    
4004               selection = fHistoryTBTableList    
4005             }                                    
4006             else if (e->key() == (Qt::Key_Up)    
4007               if (selection > 0) selection--;    
4008             }                                    
4009             else if (e->key() == (Qt::Key_Pag    
4010               selection = 0;                     
4011             }                                    
4012           }                                      
4013           fHistoryTBTableList->clearSelection    
4014           fHistoryTBTableList->item(selection    
4015           fHistoryTBTableList->setCurrentItem    
4016         }                                        
4017         moveCommandCursor = true;                
4018       }                                          
4019       else if (e->key() == (Qt::Key_Tab)) {      
4020         tabKeyPress = true;                      
4021       }                                          
4022       else if (((e->modifiers() == Qt::Contro    
4023                (e->key() == Qt::Key_A))          
4024       {                                          
4025         fCommandArea->home(false);               
4026         return true;                             
4027       }                                          
4028       else if (((e->modifiers() == Qt::Contro    
4029                (e->key() == Qt::Key_E))          
4030       {                                          
4031         fCommandArea->end(false);                
4032         return true;                             
4033       }                                          
4034     }                                            
4035     else if (aEvent->type() == QEvent::Paint)    
4036       if (fLastCompleteCommand != "") {          
4037         fCommandArea->setText(fLastCompleteCo    
4038         fLastCompleteCommand = "";               
4039       }                                          
4040     }                                            
4041   }                                              
4042   if (tabKeyPress) {                             
4043     G4String ss = Complete(fCommandArea->text    
4044     fCommandArea->setText((char*)(    
4045     fCommandArea->setFocus();                    
4046     // do not pass by parent, it will disable    
4047     return true;                                 
4048     // L.Garnier : MetaModifier is CTRL for M    
4049     // specific #ifdef                           
4050   }                                              
4052   G4bool res = false;                            
4053   // change cursor position if needed            
4054   if (moveCommandCursor) {                       
4055     fCommandArea->setCursorPosition((int)fCom    
4056     fCommandArea->setCursorPosition(4);          
4057   }                                              
4058   else {                                         
4059     // pass the event on to the parent class     
4060     res = QObject::eventFilter(aObj, aEvent);    
4061   }                                              
4062   return res;                                    
4063 }                                                
4065 void G4UIQt::UpdateCommandCompleter()            
4066 {                                                
4067   if (fCommandArea == nullptr) return;           
4069   // remove previous one                         
4070   fCommandArea->setCompleter(nullptr);           
4071   if (fCompleter != nullptr) {                   
4072     if (fCompleter->popup() != nullptr) {        
4073       fCompleter->popup()->removeEventFilter(    
4074     }                                            
4075   }                                              
4077   QStandardItemModel* model = CreateCompleter    
4078   fCompleter = new QCompleter(model);            
4080   // set all dir visibles in completion          
4081   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
4082   G4UIcommandTree* commandTreeTop = UI->GetTr    
4083   G4UIcommandTree* aTree = commandTreeTop->Fi    
4084   if (aTree != nullptr) {                        
4085     int Ndir = aTree->GetTreeEntry();            
4086     fCompleter->setMaxVisibleItems(Ndir);        
4087   }                                              
4088   fCommandArea->setCompleter(fCompleter);        
4089   fCompleter->popup()->installEventFilter(thi    
4090 }                                                
4092 QStandardItemModel* G4UIQt::CreateCompleterMo    
4093 {                                                
4094   QList<QStandardItem*> dirModelList;            
4095   QList<QStandardItem*> commandModelList;        
4096   QList<QStandardItem*> subDirModelList;         
4097   QList<QStandardItem*> subCommandModelList;     
4099   G4String strtmp;                               
4100   G4int nMatch = 0;                              
4102   G4String pName = aCmd;                         
4103   G4String remainingPath = aCmd;                 
4104   G4String empty = "";                           
4105   G4String matchingPath = empty;                 
4107   // find the tree                               
4108   auto jpre = pName.rfind('/');                  
4109   if (jpre != G4String::npos) pName.erase(jpr    
4110   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
4111   G4UIcommandTree* commandTreeTop = UI->GetTr    
4112   G4UIcommandTree* aTree = commandTreeTop->Fi    
4113   if (aTree != nullptr) {                        
4114     G4int Ndir = aTree->GetTreeEntry();          
4115     G4int Ncmd = aTree->GetCommandEntry();       
4117     // directory ...                             
4118     for (G4int idir = 1; idir <= Ndir; ++idir    
4119       G4String fpdir = aTree->GetTree(idir)->    
4120       // matching test                           
4121       if (fpdir.find(remainingPath, 0) == 0)     
4122         if (nMatch == 0) {                       
4123           matchingPath = fpdir;                  
4124         }                                        
4125         else {                                   
4126           matchingPath = aTree->GetFirstMatch    
4127         }                                        
4128         nMatch++;                                
4130         // append to dir model list              
4131         auto item1 = new QStandardItem(fpdir.    
4132         QIcon i = QIcon(*fDirIcon);              
4133         item1->setData(1);  // dir               
4134         item1->setIcon(QIcon(*fDirIcon));        
4135         dirModelList.append(item1);              
4137         // Go recursively                        
4138         QStandardItemModel* subModel = Create    
4139         for (G4int a = 0; a < subModel->rowCo    
4140           // copy item (an item could only be    
4141           auto tempItem = new QStandardItem(s    
4142           tempItem->setIcon(subModel->item(a)    
4143           tempItem->setToolTip(subModel->item    
4144           tempItem->setData(subModel->item(a)    
4146           // dir                                 
4147           if (tempItem->data() == 1) {           
4148             subModel->item(a);                   
4149             subDirModelList.append(tempItem);    
4150           }                                      
4151           // command                             
4152           else if (tempItem->data() == 0) {      
4153             subCommandModelList.append(tempIt    
4154           }                                      
4155         }                                        
4156       }                                          
4157     }                                            
4159     // command ...                               
4160     G4int n_parameterEntry;                      
4161     G4String rangeString;                        
4162     G4int n_guidanceEntry;                       
4163     G4UIcommand* command;                        
4164     G4UIparameter* param;                        
4165     std::string tooltip;                         
4166     G4String params;                             
4168     for (G4int icmd = 1; icmd <= Ncmd; ++icmd    
4169       tooltip = "";                              
4170       params = " ";                              
4171       command = aTree->GetCommand(icmd);         
4172       G4String longCommandName = aTree->GetPa    
4173       rangeString = command->GetRange();         
4174       n_guidanceEntry = (G4int)command->GetGu    
4175       n_parameterEntry = (G4int)command->GetP    
4177       // matching test                           
4178       if (longCommandName.find(remainingPath,    
4179         if (nMatch == 0) {                       
4180           matchingPath = longCommandName + "     
4181         }                                        
4182         else {                                   
4183           strtmp = longCommandName + " ";        
4184           matchingPath = aTree->GetFirstMatch    
4185         }                                        
4187         // guidance                              
4188         for (G4int i_thGuidance = 0; i_thGuid    
4189           tooltip += std::string((command->Ge    
4190           if (i_thGuidance < n_guidanceEntry     
4191             tooltip += "\n";                     
4192           }                                      
4193         }                                        
4195         // parameters                            
4196         for (G4int a = 0; a < n_parameterEntr    
4197           param = command->GetParameter(a);      
4198           if (param->IsOmittable()) {            
4199             params += "[<" + param->GetParame    
4200           }                                      
4201           else {                                 
4202             params += "<" + param->GetParamet    
4203           }                                      
4204         }                                        
4205         nMatch++;                                
4207         // Append to command model list          
4208         auto item = new QStandardItem(G4Strin    
4209         item->setData(0);  // command            
4210         item->setIcon(QIcon(*fCommandIcon));     
4211         item->setToolTip(tooltip.c_str());       
4213         commandModelList.append(item);           
4214       }                                          
4215     }                                            
4216   }                                              
4218   auto model = new QStandardItemModel();         
4219   // initialize the model                        
4220   model->setColumnCount(1);                      
4222   // concat models                               
4223   for (auto a : dirModelList) {                  
4224     model->appendRow(a);                         
4225   }                                              
4226   for (auto a : subDirModelList) {               
4227     model->appendRow(a);                         
4228   }                                              
4229   for (auto a : commandModelList) {              
4230     model->appendRow(a);                         
4231   }                                              
4232   for (auto a : subCommandModelList) {           
4233     model->appendRow(a);                         
4234   }                                              
4236   return model;                                  
4237 }                                                
4239 /********************************************    
4240 //                                               
4241 //             SLOTS DEFINITIONS                 
4242 //                                               
4243 /********************************************    
4245 /**   Called when user give "help" command.      
4246  */                                              
4247 void G4UIQt::ShowHelpCallback() { TerminalHel    
4249 /**   Called when user click on clear button.    
4250  */                                              
4251 void G4UIQt::ClearButtonCallback()               
4252 {                                                
4253   fCoutTBTextArea->clear();                      
4254   fG4OutputString.clear();                       
4255 }                                                
4257 /**   Called when user exit session              
4258  */                                              
4259 void G4UIQt::ExitSession() { SessionTerminate    
4261 void G4UIQt::ExitHelp() const {}                 
4263 /**   Callback call when "click on a menu ent    
4264    Send the associated command to geant4         
4265 */                                               
4266 void G4UIQt::CommandEnteredCallback()            
4267 {                                                
4268   // split by any new line character             
4269   fCommandArea->setText(fCommandArea->text().    
4270 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0))    
4271   QStringList list = fCommandArea->text().spl    
4272 #else                                            
4273   QStringList list = fCommandArea->text().spl    
4274 #endif                                           
4276   // Apply for all commands                      
4277   for (G4int a = 0; a < list.size(); ++a) {      
4278     QString txt(list[a].trimmed());              
4279     if (txt != "") {                             
4280       fHistoryTBTableList->addItem(txt);         
4281       fHistoryTBTableList->clearSelection();     
4282       fHistoryTBTableList->setCurrentItem(nul    
4283       fCommandArea->setText("");                 
4284       G4Qt* interactorManager = G4Qt::getInst    
4285       if (interactorManager != nullptr) {        
4286         interactorManager->FlushAndWaitExecut    
4287       }                                          
4289       G4String command = txt.toStdString().c_    
4290       if (command.substr(0, 4) != "help") {      
4291         ApplyShellCommand(command, exitSessio    
4292       }                                          
4293       else {                                     
4294         ActivateCommand(command);                
4295       }                                          
4296     }                                            
4297   }                                              
4298   // set the focus to the command line           
4299   fCommandArea->setFocus();                      
4301   // Rebuild help tree                           
4302   FillHelpTree();                                
4304   // Rebuild command completion                  
4305   UpdateCommandCompleter();                      
4307   if (exitSession) SessionTerminate();           
4308 }                                                
4310 /** Callback when the text in the line edit i    
4311  When a newline is inserted, trigger the Acti    
4312  on this text end set unchanged the end of th    
4313  */                                              
4314 void G4UIQt::CommandEditedCallback(const QStr    
4315 {                                                
4316 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0))    
4317   QStringList list = fCommandArea->text().spl    
4318 #else                                            
4319   QStringList list = fCommandArea->text().spl    
4320 #endif                                           
4322   if (list.size() > 1) {  // trigger Activate    
4323     for (G4int a = 0; a < list.size() - 1; ++    
4324       // set only the first part                 
4325       fCommandArea->setText(list[a]);            
4326       // trigger callback                        
4327       CommandEnteredCallback();                  
4328     }                                            
4329     // reset unfinished command                  
4330     fCommandArea->setText(list[list.size() -     
4331   }                                              
4332 }                                                
4334 /** Callback when one of the scene/vis parame    
4335  */                                              
4336 void G4UIQt::VisParameterCallback(QWidget* wi    
4337 {                                                
4338   if (widget == nullptr) {                       
4339     return;                                      
4340   }                                              
4342   // Look in all the Grid layout, but only co    
4343   auto grid = dynamic_cast<QGridLayout*>(widg    
4344   if (grid == nullptr) {                         
4345     return;                                      
4346   }                                              
4347   QString command;                               
4348   QWidget* name = grid->itemAtPosition(grid->    
4349   if (dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(name) == nullptr)    
4350     return;                                      
4351   }                                              
4352   command += (dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(name))->t    
4354   for (G4int a = 0; a < grid->rowCount() - 1;    
4355     QWidget* widgetTmp = grid->itemAtPosition    
4357     // 4 kind of widgets : QLineEdit / QCombo    
4358     if (widgetTmp != nullptr) {                  
4359       if (dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(widgetTmp)    
4360         command += (dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(    
4361       }                                          
4362       else if (dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(widge    
4363         command += (dynamic_cast<QComboBox*>(    
4364                      ->itemText((dynamic_cast    
4365                    " ";                          
4367         // Color chooser                         
4368       }                                          
4369       else if (dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(wid    
4370         command += widgetTmp->accessibleName(    
4372         // Check for Button group                
4373       }                                          
4374       else if (dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(widgetT    
4375         if (widgetTmp->layout()->count() > 0)    
4376           if (dynamic_cast<QRadioButton*>(wid    
4377             QAbstractButton* checked =           
4378               (dynamic_cast<QRadioButton*>(wi    
4379                 ->group()                        
4380                 ->checkedButton();               
4381             if (checked != nullptr) {            
4382               command += (dynamic_cast<QRadio    
4383                            ->group()             
4384                            ->checkedButton()     
4385                            ->text() +            
4386                          " ";                    
4387             }                                    
4388           }                                      
4389         }                                        
4390       }                                          
4391     }                                            
4392   }                                              
4393   if (command != "") {                           
4394     G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpoint    
4395     if (UI != nullptr) {                         
4396       UI->ApplyCommand(command.toStdString().    
4397     }                                            
4398   }                                              
4399 }                                                
4401 /**   Callback call when "enter" clicked on t    
4402       If command has no parameters :send the     
4403       Else, open a dialog for parameters inpu    
4404       @param aCommand                            
4405 */                                               
4406 void G4UIQt::ButtonCallback(const QString& aC    
4407 {                                                
4408   G4String ss = G4StrUtil::lstrip_copy(G4Stri    
4410   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
4411   if (UI == nullptr) return;                     
4412   G4UIcommandTree* treeTop = UI->GetTree();      
4414   G4UIcommand* command = treeTop->FindPath(ss    
4416   if (command != nullptr) {                      
4417     // if is GUI, then open a dialog             
4418     if (IsGUICommand(command)) {                 
4419       auto menuParameterDialog = new QDialog(    
4421       if (CreateVisCommandGroupAndToolBox(com    
4422         menuParameterDialog->setWindowTitle(a    
4423         menuParameterDialog->setSizePolicy(QS    
4425         // exec this dialog, apply the comman    
4426         menuParameterDialog->exec();             
4427         return;                                  
4428       }                                          
4429       delete menuParameterDialog;                
4430     }                                            
4431   }                                              
4433   ApplyShellCommand(ss, exitSession, exitPaus    
4435   // Rebuild help tree                           
4436   FillHelpTree();                                
4438   if (exitSession) SessionTerminate();           
4439 }                                                
4441 /**   This callback is activated when user se    
4442  */                                              
4443 void G4UIQt::HelpTreeClicCallback()              
4444 {                                                
4445   QTreeWidgetItem* item = nullptr;               
4446   if (fHelpTreeWidget == nullptr) return;        
4448   QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> list = fHelpTreeWid    
4449   if (list.isEmpty()) return;                    
4450   item = list.first();                           
4451   if (item == nullptr) return;                   
4453   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
4454   if (UI == nullptr) return;                     
4455   G4UIcommandTree* treeTop = UI->GetTree();      
4457   std::string itemText = GetLongCommandPath(i    
4459   // check if it is a command path               
4460   if (item->childCount() > 0) {                  
4461     itemText += "/";                             
4462   }                                              
4463   G4UIcommand* command = treeTop->FindPath(it    
4465   if (command != nullptr) {                      
4466     updateHelpArea(command);                     
4467   }                                              
4468   else {  // this is a command                   
4469     G4UIcommandTree* path = treeTop->FindComm    
4470     if (path != nullptr) {                       
4471       // this is not a command, this is a sub    
4472       // We display the Title                    
4473       fParameterHelpLabel->setVisible(true);     
4474       fParameterHelpLabel->setText(path->GetT    
4475       fParameterHelpTable->setVisible(false);    
4476     }                                            
4477   }                                              
4478 }                                                
4480 /**   This callback is activated when user do    
4481  */                                              
4482 void G4UIQt::HelpTreeDoubleClicCallback()        
4483 {                                                
4484   HelpTreeClicCallback();                        
4486   QTreeWidgetItem* item = nullptr;               
4487   if (fHelpTreeWidget == nullptr) return;        
4489   QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> list = fHelpTreeWid    
4490   if (list.isEmpty()) return;                    
4491   item = list.first();                           
4492   if (item == nullptr) return;                   
4494   fCommandArea->clear();                         
4495   fCommandArea->setText(GetLongCommandPath(it    
4496 }                                                
4498 /**   Callback called when user select an old    
4499    Give it to the command area.                  
4500 */                                               
4501 void G4UIQt::CommandHistoryCallback()            
4502 {                                                
4503   QListWidgetItem* item = nullptr;               
4504   if (fHistoryTBTableList == nullptr) return;    
4506   QList<QListWidgetItem*> list = fHistoryTBTa    
4507   if (list.isEmpty()) return;                    
4508   item = list.first();                           
4509   if (item == nullptr) return;                   
4510   fCommandArea->setText(item->text());           
4511 }                                                
4513 void G4UIQt::ThreadComboBoxCallback(int) { Co    
4515 void G4UIQt::CoutFilterCallback(const QString    
4516 {                                                
4517   FilterAllOutputTextArea();                     
4519   fCoutTBTextArea->repaint();                    
4520   fCoutTBTextArea->verticalScrollBar()->setSl    
4521     fCoutTBTextArea->verticalScrollBar()->max    
4522 }                                                
4524 void G4UIQt::SaveOutputCallback()                
4525 {                                                
4526   QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFile    
4527     fMainWindow, "Save console output as...",    
4528   if (fileName != "") {                          
4529     QFile data(fileName);                        
4530     if ( | QFile::T    
4531       QTextStream out(&data);                    
4532       out << fCoutTBTextArea->toPlainText();     
4533       out.flush();                               
4534     }                                            
4535     data.close();                                
4536   }                                              
4537 }                                                
4539 QString G4UIQt::FilterOutput(                    
4540   const G4UIOutputString& output, const QStri    
4541 {                                                
4542 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
4543   if ((currentThread == "All") || (currentThr    
4544 #else                                            
4545   if (currentThread == "") {                     
4546 #endif                                           
4547     if (output.fText.contains(QRegularExpress    
4548       return output.fText;                       
4549     }                                            
4550   }                                              
4551   return "";                                     
4552 }                                                
4554 void G4UIQt::FilterAllOutputTextArea()           
4555 {                                                
4556   QString currentThread = "";                    
4557 #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED                           
4558   currentThread = fThreadsFilterComboBox->cur    
4559   if (currentThread == "Master") {               
4560     currentThread = "";                          
4561   }                                              
4562 #endif                                           
4563   QString filter = fCoutFilter->text();          
4564   G4String previousOutputStream = "";            
4566   QString pref = "";                             
4567   QString post = "";                             
4569   fCoutTBTextArea->clear();                      
4571   for (auto& out : fG4OutputString) {            
4572     if (FilterOutput(out, currentThread, filt    
4573       // changing color ?                        
4574       if (out.fOutputStream != previousOutput    
4575         previousOutputStream = out.fOutputStr    
4576         if (out.fOutputStream == "info") {       
4577           pref = "";                             
4578           post = "";                             
4579         }                                        
4580         else if (out.fOutputStream == "warnin    
4581           pref = "<font color=\"DarkYellow\">    
4582           post = "</font>";                      
4583         }                                        
4584         else {                                   
4585           pref = "<font color=\"Red\">";         
4586           post = "</font>";                      
4587         }                                        
4588       }                                          
4589       fCoutTBTextArea->append(pref + out.fTex    
4590     }                                            
4591   }                                              
4592 }                                                
4594 /**   Callback called when user give a new st    
4595    Display a list of matching commands descri    
4596    will display the complete help tree           
4597 */                                               
4598 void G4UIQt::LookForHelpStringCallback()         
4599 {                                                
4600   fHelpLine->setText(fHelpLine->text().trimme    
4601   QString searchText = fHelpLine->text();        
4603   fParameterHelpLabel->setText("");              
4604   fParameterHelpTable->setVisible(false);        
4605   if (searchText == "") {                        
4606     // clear old help tree                       
4607     fHelpTreeWidget->clear();                    
4609     FillHelpTree();                              
4611     return;                                      
4612   }                                              
4613   OpenHelpTreeOnCommand(searchText);             
4614 }                                                
4616 void G4UIQt::OpenHelpTreeOnCommand(const QStr    
4617 {                                                
4618   // the help tree                               
4619   G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer    
4620   if (UI == nullptr) return;                     
4621   G4UIcommandTree* treeTop = UI->GetTree();      
4623   G4int treeSize = treeTop->GetTreeEntry();      
4625   // clear old help tree                         
4626   fHelpTreeWidget->clear();                      
4628   // look for new items                          
4630   int tmp = 0;                                   
4632 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0))    
4633   // Before Qt5.15                               
4634   QMap<G4int, QString> commandResultMap;         
4635   QMap<G4int, QString> commandChildResultMap;    
4636   for (G4int a = 0; a < treeSize; ++a) {         
4637     G4UIcommand* command = treeTop->FindPath(    
4638     tmp = GetCommandList(command).count(searc    
4639     if (tmp > 0) {                               
4640       commandResultMap.insertMulti(              
4641         tmp, QString((char*)(treeTop->GetTree    
4642     }                                            
4643     // look for childs                           
4644     commandChildResultMap = LookForHelpString    
4645     // insert new childs                         
4646     if (! commandChildResultMap.empty()) {       
4647       QMap<int, QString>::const_iterator i =     
4648       while (i != commandChildResultMap.const    
4649         commandResultMap.insertMulti(i.key(),    
4650         i++;                                     
4651       }                                          
4652       commandChildResultMap.clear();             
4653     }                                            
4654   }                                              
4655 #else                                            
4656   // Qt5.15 and beyond                           
4657   QMultiMap<G4int, QString> commandResultMap;    
4658   QMultiMap<G4int, QString> commandChildResul    
4659   for (G4int a = 0; a < treeSize; ++a) {         
4660     G4UIcommand* command = treeTop->FindPath(    
4661     tmp = (int)GetCommandList(command).count(    
4662     if (tmp > 0) {                               
4663       commandResultMap.insert(tmp, QString((c    
4664     }                                            
4665     // look for childs                           
4666     commandChildResultMap = LookForHelpString    
4667     // insert new childs                         
4668     if (! commandChildResultMap.empty()) {       
4669       auto i = commandChildResultMap.constBeg    
4670       while (i != commandChildResultMap.const    
4671         commandResultMap.insert(i.key(),    
4672         ++i;                                     
4673       }                                          
4674       commandChildResultMap.clear();             
4675     }                                            
4676   }                                              
4677 #endif                                           
4679   // build new help tree                         
4680   fHelpTreeWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstract    
4681   fHelpTreeWidget->setColumnCount(2);            
4682   QStringList labels;                            
4683   labels << QString("Command") << QString("Ma    
4684   fHelpTreeWidget->setHeaderLabels(labels);      
4686   if (commandResultMap.empty()) {                
4687     fParameterHelpLabel->setText("No match fo    
4688     fParameterHelpTable->setVisible(false);      
4689     return;                                      
4690   }                                              
4692   auto i = commandResultMap.constEnd();          
4693   i--;                                           
4694   // 10 maximum progress values                  
4695   G4float multValue = 10.0 / (G4float)(i.key(    
4696   QString progressChar = "|";                    
4697   QString progressStr = "|";                     
4699   QTreeWidgetItem* newItem;                      
4700   G4bool end = false;                            
4701   while (! end) {                                
4702     if (i == commandResultMap.constBegin()) {    
4703       end = true;                                
4704     }                                            
4705     for (G4int a = 0; a < G4int(i.key() * mul    
4706       progressStr += progressChar;               
4707     }                                            
4708     newItem = new QTreeWidgetItem();             
4709     QString commandStr = i.value().trimmed();    
4711     if (commandStr.indexOf("/") == 0) {          
4712       commandStr = commandStr.right(commandSt    
4713     }                                            
4715     newItem->setText(0, commandStr);             
4716     newItem->setText(1, progressStr);            
4717     fHelpTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(newItem)    
4718     newItem->setForeground(1, QBrush(Qt::blue    
4719     progressStr = "|";                           
4720     i--;                                         
4721   }                                              
4722   fHelpTreeWidget->resizeColumnToContents(0);    
4723   fHelpTreeWidget->sortItems(1, Qt::Descendin    
4724   //  fHelpTreeWidget->setColumnWidth(1,10);/    
4725 }                                                
4727 #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0))    
4728 // Before Qt5.15                                 
4729 QMap<G4int, QString> G4UIQt::LookForHelpStrin    
4730   G4UIcommandTree* aCommandTree, const QStrin    
4731 {                                                
4732   QMap<G4int, QString> commandResultMap;         
4733   if (aCommandTree == NULL) return commandRes    
4734   // Get the Sub directories                     
4735   G4int tmp = 0;                                 
4736   QMap<G4int, QString> commandChildResultMap;    
4737   for (G4int a = 0; a < aCommandTree->GetTree    
4738     const G4UIcommand* command = aCommandTree    
4739     tmp = GetCommandList(command).count(text,    
4740     if (tmp > 0) {                               
4741       commandResultMap.insertMulti(              
4742         tmp, QString((char*)(aCommandTree->Ge    
4743     }                                            
4744     // look for childs                           
4745     commandChildResultMap = LookForHelpString    
4746     if (! commandChildResultMap.empty()) {       
4747       // insert new childs                       
4748       QMap<G4int, QString>::const_iterator i     
4749       while (i != commandChildResultMap.const    
4750         commandResultMap.insertMulti(i.key(),    
4751         ++i;                                     
4752       }                                          
4753       commandChildResultMap.clear();             
4754     }                                            
4755   }                                              
4756   // Get the Commands                            
4757   for (G4int a = 0; a < aCommandTree->GetComm    
4758     const G4UIcommand* command = aCommandTree    
4759     tmp = GetCommandList(command).count(text,    
4760     if (tmp > 0) {                               
4761       commandResultMap.insertMulti(              
4762         tmp, QString((char*)(aCommandTree->Ge    
4763     }                                            
4764   }                                              
4765   return commandResultMap;                       
4766 }                                                
4767 #else                                            
4768 // Qt5.15 and beyond                             
4769 QMultiMap<G4int, QString> G4UIQt::LookForHelp    
4770   G4UIcommandTree* aCommandTree, const QStrin    
4771 {                                                
4772   QMultiMap<G4int, QString> commandResultMap;    
4773   if (aCommandTree == nullptr) return command    
4774   // Get the Sub directories                     
4775   G4int tmp = 0;                                 
4776   QMultiMap<G4int, QString> commandChildResul    
4777   for (G4int a = 0; a < aCommandTree->GetTree    
4778     const G4UIcommand* command = aCommandTree    
4779     tmp = (int)GetCommandList(command).count(    
4780     if (tmp > 0) {                               
4781       commandResultMap.insert(                   
4782         tmp, QString((char*)(aCommandTree->Ge    
4783     }                                            
4784     // look for childs                           
4785     commandChildResultMap = LookForHelpString    
4786     if (! commandChildResultMap.empty()) {       
4787       // insert new childs                       
4788       auto i = commandChildResultMap.constBeg    
4789       while (i != commandChildResultMap.const    
4790         commandResultMap.insert(i.key(),    
4791         ++i;                                     
4792       }                                          
4793       commandChildResultMap.clear();             
4794     }                                            
4795   }                                              
4796   // Get the Commands                            
4797   for (G4int a = 0; a < aCommandTree->GetComm    
4798     const G4UIcommand* command = aCommandTree    
4799     tmp = (int)GetCommandList(command).count(    
4800     if (tmp > 0) {                               
4801       commandResultMap.insert(                   
4802         tmp, QString((char*)(aCommandTree->Ge    
4803     }                                            
4804   }                                              
4805   return commandResultMap;                       
4806 }                                                
4807 #endif                                           
4809 QString G4UIQt::GetShortCommandPath(QString&     
4810 {                                                
4811   if (commandPath.indexOf("/") == 0) {           
4812     commandPath = commandPath.right(commandPa    
4813   }                                              
4815   commandPath = commandPath.right(commandPath    
4817   if (commandPath.lastIndexOf("/") == (comman    
4818     commandPath = commandPath.left(commandPat    
4819   }                                              
4821   return commandPath;                            
4822 }                                                
4824 QString G4UIQt::GetLongCommandPath(QTreeWidge    
4825 {                                                
4826   if (item == nullptr) return "";                
4828   // rebuild path:                               
4829   QString itemText = "";                         
4830   itemText = item->text(0);                      
4832   while (item->parent() != nullptr) {            
4833     itemText = item->parent()->text(0) + "/"     
4834     item = item->parent();                       
4835   }                                              
4836   itemText = "/" + itemText;                     
4838   return itemText;                               
4839 }                                                
4841 void G4UIQt::ChangeColorCallback(QWidget* wid    
4842 {                                                
4843   if (widget == nullptr) {                       
4844     return;                                      
4845   }                                              
4847   auto button = dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(wi    
4848   if (button == nullptr) {                       
4849     return;                                      
4850   }                                              
4851   QString value = button->accessibleName();      
4853   QColor old;                                    
4854   old.setRgbF(value.section(" ", 0, 1).toDoub    
4855     value.section(" ", 2, 3).toDouble());        
4856   QColor color =                                 
4857     QColorDialog::getColor(old, fUITabWidget,    
4859   if (color.isValid()) {                         
4860     // rebuild the widget icon                   
4861     QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap(QSize(16, 16));     
4862     pixmap.fill(color);                          
4863     QPainter painter(&pixmap);                   
4864     painter.setPen(Qt::black);                   
4865     painter.drawRect(0, 0, 15, 15);  // Draw     
4867     button->setAccessibleName(QString::number    
4868                               QString::number    
4869                               QString::number    
4870     button->setIcon(pixmap);                     
4871   }                                              
4872 }                                                
4874 void G4UIQt::ChangeCursorAction(const QString    
4875 {                                                
4876   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
4878   fMoveSelected = true;                          
4879   fPickSelected = true;                          
4880   fRotateSelected = true;                        
4881   fZoomInSelected = true;                        
4882   fZoomOutSelected = true;                       
4884   if (fToolbarApp == nullptr) return;            
4885   QList<QAction*> list = fToolbarApp->actions    
4886   for (auto i : list) {                          
4887     if (i->data().toString() == action) {        
4888       i->setChecked(true);                       
4889       if (i->data().toString() == "pick") {      
4890         G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCom    
4891         CreatePickInfosDialog();                 
4893         fPickInfosDialog->show();                
4894         fPickInfosDialog->raise();               
4895         fPickInfosDialog->activateWindow();      
4896       }                                          
4897     }                                            
4898     else if (i->data().toString() == "move")     
4899       fMoveSelected = false;                     
4900       i->setChecked(false);                      
4901     }                                            
4902     else if (i->data().toString() == "pick")     
4903       fPickSelected = false;                     
4904       i->setChecked(false);                      
4905       G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyComma    
4906       if (fPickInfosDialog != nullptr) {         
4907         fPickInfosDialog->hide();                
4908       }                                          
4909     }                                            
4910     else if (i->data().toString() == "rotate"    
4911       fRotateSelected = false;                   
4912       i->setChecked(false);                      
4913     }                                            
4914     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_in    
4915       fZoomInSelected = false;                   
4916       i->setChecked(false);                      
4917     }                                            
4918     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_ou    
4919       fZoomOutSelected = false;                  
4920       i->setChecked(false);                      
4921     }                                            
4922   }                                              
4923   // FIXME : Should connect this to Vis          
4924 }                                                
4926 /* A little bit like "void G4OpenGLQtViewer::    
4927    But for all viewers, not only Qt              
4929 FIXME : Should be a feedback when changing vi    
4931  */                                              
4932 void G4UIQt::ChangeSurfaceStyle(const QString    
4933 {                                                
4934   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
4936   if (fToolbarApp == nullptr) return;            
4937   QList<QAction*> list = fToolbarApp->actions    
4938   for (auto i : list) {                          
4939     if (i->data().toString() == action) {        
4940       i->setChecked(true);                       
4941     }                                            
4942     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
4943       i->setChecked(false);                      
4944     }                                            
4945     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
4946       i->setChecked(false);                      
4947     }                                            
4948     else if (i->data().toString() == "solid")    
4949       i->setChecked(false);                      
4950     }                                            
4951     else if (i->data().toString() == "wirefra    
4952       i->setChecked(false);                      
4953     }                                            
4954   }                                              
4955   // FIXME : Should connect this to Vis          
4957   if (action == "hidden_line_removal") {         
4958     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4959     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4960   }                                              
4961   else if (action == "hidden_line_and_surface    
4962     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4963     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4964   }                                              
4965   else if (action == "solid") {                  
4966     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4967     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4968   }                                              
4969   else if (action == "wireframe") {              
4970     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4971     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4972   }                                              
4973 }                                                
4975 void G4UIQt::OpenIconCallback(const QString&     
4976 {                                                
4977   QString aCommand = aParam.left(aParam.index    
4978   QString aLabel = aParam.mid(aParam.indexOf(    
4980   QString nomFich = QFileDialog::getOpenFileN    
4981     "Macro files (*.mac);;Geant4 files( *.mac    
4982   if (nomFich != "") {                           
4983     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4984       (QString(aCommand) + QString(" ") + nom    
4985     QDir dir;                                    
4986     fLastOpenPath = dir.absoluteFilePath(nomF    
4987   }                                              
4988 }                                                
4990 void G4UIQt::SaveIconCallback(const QString&     
4991 {                                                
4992   QString aCommand = aParam.left(aParam.index    
4993   QString aLabel = aParam.mid(aParam.indexOf(    
4995   QString nomFich =                              
4996     QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(fMainWindow,    
4997   if (nomFich != "") {                           
4998     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
4999       (QString(aCommand) + QString(" ") + nom    
5000     QDir dir;                                    
5001     fLastOpenPath = dir.absoluteFilePath(nomF    
5002   }                                              
5003 }                                                
5005 void G4UIQt::CreateViewerPropertiesDialog()      
5006 {                                                
5007   if (fViewerPropertiesDialog != nullptr) {      
5008     return;                                      
5009   }                                              
5010   fViewerPropertiesDialog = new QDialog();       
5012   fViewerPropertiesDialog->setWindowTitle("Vi    
5013   fViewerPropertiesDialog->setSizePolicy(        
5014     QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSize    
5016   if (fViewerPropertiesWidget == nullptr) {      
5017     fViewerPropertiesWidget = new QWidget();     
5018     auto layoutPropertiesWidget = new QVBoxLa    
5019     fViewerPropertiesWidget->setLayout(layout    
5021     CreateEmptyViewerPropertiesWidget();         
5022   }                                              
5024   auto layoutDialog = new QVBoxLayout();         
5026   layoutDialog->addWidget(fViewerPropertiesWi    
5027   layoutDialog->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0    
5028   fViewerPropertiesDialog->setLayout(layoutDi    
5029 }                                                
5031 void G4UIQt::CreatePickInfosDialog()             
5032 {                                                
5033   if (fPickInfosDialog != nullptr) {             
5034     return;                                      
5035   }                                              
5036   fPickInfosDialog = new QDialog();              
5038   fPickInfosDialog->setWindowTitle("Pick info    
5039   fPickInfosDialog->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy    
5041   if (fPickInfosWidget == nullptr) {             
5042     fPickInfosWidget = new QWidget();            
5043     auto layoutPickInfos = new QVBoxLayout();    
5044     fPickInfosWidget->setLayout(layoutPickInf    
5046     CreateEmptyPickInfosWidget();                
5047   }                                              
5049   auto layoutDialog = new QVBoxLayout();         
5051   layoutDialog->addWidget(fPickInfosWidget);     
5052   layoutDialog->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0    
5053   fPickInfosDialog->setLayout(layoutDialog);     
5054   fPickInfosDialog->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window    
5055 }                                                
5057 void G4UIQt::CreateEmptyViewerPropertiesWidge    
5058 {                                                
5059   if (fViewerPropertiesWidget == nullptr) ret    
5060   if (fViewerPropertiesWidget->layout() == nu    
5061   QLayoutItem* wItem;                            
5062   if (fViewerPropertiesWidget->layout()->coun    
5063     while ((wItem = fViewerPropertiesWidget->    
5064       delete wItem->widget();                    
5065       delete wItem;                              
5066     }                                            
5067   }                                              
5068   // Add empty one                               
5069   auto label = new QLabel("No viewer - Please    
5070   fViewerPropertiesWidget->layout()->addWidge    
5071   fViewerPropertiesDialog->setWindowTitle("No    
5072   fViewerPropertiesDialog->setVisible(false);    
5073 }                                                
5075 void G4UIQt::CreateEmptyPickInfosWidget()        
5076 {                                                
5077   QLayoutItem* wItem;                            
5078   if (fPickInfosWidget->layout()->count() !=     
5079     while ((wItem = fPickInfosWidget->layout(    
5080       delete wItem->widget();                    
5081       delete wItem;                              
5082     }                                            
5083   }                                              
5084   // Add empty one                               
5085   auto label = new QLabel("Click on the objec    
5086   fPickInfosWidget->layout()->addWidget(label    
5087   fPickInfosDialog->setWindowTitle("Nothing t    
5088 }                                                
5090 void G4UIQt::ViewerPropertiesIconCallback(int    
5091 {                                                
5092   CreateViewerPropertiesDialog();                
5094   fViewerPropertiesDialog->show();               
5095   fViewerPropertiesDialog->raise();              
5096   fViewerPropertiesDialog->activateWindow();     
5097 }                                                
5099 void G4UIQt::ChangePerspectiveOrtho(const QSt    
5100 {                                                
5101   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5103   if (fToolbarApp == nullptr) return;            
5104   QList<QAction*> list = fToolbarApp->actions    
5105   QString checked = "";                          
5106   for (auto i : list) {                          
5107     if (i->data().toString() == action) {        
5108       i->setChecked(true);                       
5109       checked = i->data().toString();            
5110     }                                            
5111     else if (i->data().toString() == "perspec    
5112       i->setChecked(false);                      
5113     }                                            
5114     else if (i->data().toString() == "ortho")    
5115       i->setChecked(false);                      
5116     }                                            
5117   }                                              
5119   if ((action == "ortho") && (checked == "ort    
5120     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
5121   }                                              
5122   else if ((action == "perspective") && (chec    
5123     G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand    
5124   }                                              
5125 }                                                
5127 void G4UIQt::SetIconMoveSelected()               
5128 {                                                
5129   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5130   fMoveSelected = true;                          
5131   fRotateSelected = false;                       
5132   fPickSelected = false;                         
5133   fZoomInSelected = false;                       
5134   fZoomOutSelected = false;                      
5136   if (fToolbarApp == nullptr) return;            
5137   QList<QAction*> list = fToolbarApp->actions    
5138   for (auto i : list) {                          
5139     if (i->data().toString() == "move") {        
5140       i->setChecked(true);                       
5141     }                                            
5142     else if (i->data().toString() == "rotate"    
5143       i->setChecked(false);                      
5144     }                                            
5145     else if (i->data().toString() == "pick")     
5146       i->setChecked(false);                      
5147     }                                            
5148     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_in    
5149       i->setChecked(false);                      
5150     }                                            
5151     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_ou    
5152       i->setChecked(false);                      
5153     }                                            
5154   }                                              
5155 }                                                
5157 void G4UIQt::SetIconRotateSelected()             
5158 {                                                
5159   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5160   fRotateSelected = true;                        
5161   fMoveSelected = false;                         
5162   fPickSelected = false;                         
5163   fZoomInSelected = false;                       
5164   fZoomOutSelected = false;                      
5166   if (fToolbarApp == nullptr) return;            
5167   QList<QAction*> list = fToolbarApp->actions    
5168   for (auto i : list) {                          
5169     if (i->data().toString() == "rotate") {      
5170       i->setChecked(true);                       
5171     }                                            
5172     else if (i->data().toString() == "move")     
5173       i->setChecked(false);                      
5174     }                                            
5175     else if (i->data().toString() == "pick")     
5176       i->setChecked(false);                      
5177     }                                            
5178     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_in    
5179       i->setChecked(false);                      
5180     }                                            
5181     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_ou    
5182       i->setChecked(false);                      
5183     }                                            
5184   }                                              
5185 }                                                
5187 void G4UIQt::SetIconPickSelected()               
5188 {                                                
5189   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5190   fPickSelected = true;                          
5191   fMoveSelected = false;                         
5192   fRotateSelected = false;                       
5193   fZoomInSelected = false;                       
5194   fZoomOutSelected = false;                      
5196   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5197   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5198     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5199   }                                              
5200   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5202   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5203   for (auto i : list) {                          
5204     if (i->data().toString() == "pick") {        
5205       i->setChecked(true);                       
5206     }                                            
5207     else if (i->data().toString() == "move")     
5208       i->setChecked(false);                      
5209     }                                            
5210     else if (i->data().toString() == "rotate"    
5211       i->setChecked(false);                      
5212     }                                            
5213     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_in    
5214       i->setChecked(false);                      
5215     }                                            
5216     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_ou    
5217       i->setChecked(false);                      
5218     }                                            
5219   }                                              
5220 }                                                
5222 void G4UIQt::SetIconZoomInSelected()             
5223 {                                                
5224   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5225   fZoomInSelected = true;                        
5226   fMoveSelected = false;                         
5227   fRotateSelected = false;                       
5228   fPickSelected = false;                         
5229   fZoomOutSelected = false;                      
5231   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5232   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5233     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5234   }                                              
5235   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5237   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5238   for (auto i : list) {                          
5239     if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_in") {     
5240       i->setChecked(true);                       
5241     }                                            
5242     else if (i->data().toString() == "move")     
5243       i->setChecked(false);                      
5244     }                                            
5245     else if (i->data().toString() == "rotate"    
5246       i->setChecked(false);                      
5247     }                                            
5248     else if (i->data().toString() == "pick")     
5249       i->setChecked(false);                      
5250     }                                            
5251     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_ou    
5252       i->setChecked(false);                      
5253     }                                            
5254   }                                              
5255 }                                                
5257 void G4UIQt::SetIconZoomOutSelected()            
5258 {                                                
5259   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5260   fZoomOutSelected = true;                       
5261   fMoveSelected = false;                         
5262   fRotateSelected = false;                       
5263   fPickSelected = false;                         
5264   fZoomInSelected = false;                       
5266   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5267   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5268     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5269   }                                              
5270   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5272   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5273   for (auto i : list) {                          
5274     if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_out") {    
5275       i->setChecked(true);                       
5276     }                                            
5277     else if (i->data().toString() == "move")     
5278       i->setChecked(false);                      
5279     }                                            
5280     else if (i->data().toString() == "rotate"    
5281       i->setChecked(false);                      
5282     }                                            
5283     else if (i->data().toString() == "pick")     
5284       i->setChecked(false);                      
5285     }                                            
5286     else if (i->data().toString() == "zoom_in    
5287       i->setChecked(false);                      
5288     }                                            
5289   }                                              
5290 }                                                
5292 void G4UIQt::SetIconSolidSelected()              
5293 {                                                
5294   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5296   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5297   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5298     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5299   }                                              
5300   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5302   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5303   for (auto i : list) {                          
5304     if (i->data().toString() == "solid") {       
5305       i->setChecked(true);                       
5306     }                                            
5307     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
5308       i->setChecked(false);                      
5309     }                                            
5310     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
5311       i->setChecked(false);                      
5312     }                                            
5313     else if (i->data().toString() == "wirefra    
5314       i->setChecked(false);                      
5315     }                                            
5316   }                                              
5317 }                                                
5319 void G4UIQt::SetIconWireframeSelected()          
5320 {                                                
5321   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5323   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5324   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5325     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5326   }                                              
5327   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5329   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5330   for (auto i : list) {                          
5331     if (i->data().toString() == "wireframe")     
5332       i->setChecked(true);                       
5333     }                                            
5334     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
5335       i->setChecked(false);                      
5336     }                                            
5337     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
5338       i->setChecked(false);                      
5339     }                                            
5340     else if (i->data().toString() == "solid")    
5341       i->setChecked(false);                      
5342     }                                            
5343   }                                              
5344 }                                                
5346 void G4UIQt::SetIconHLRSelected()                
5347 {                                                
5348   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5350   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5351   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5352     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5353   }                                              
5354   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5356   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5357   for (auto i : list) {                          
5358     if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_line_    
5359       i->setChecked(true);                       
5360     }                                            
5361     else if (i->data().toString() == "solid")    
5362       i->setChecked(false);                      
5363     }                                            
5364     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
5365       i->setChecked(false);                      
5366     }                                            
5367     else if (i->data().toString() == "wirefra    
5368       i->setChecked(false);                      
5369     }                                            
5370   }                                              
5371 }                                                
5373 void G4UIQt::SetIconHLHSRSelected()              
5374 {                                                
5375   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5377   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5378   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5379     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5380   }                                              
5382   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5384   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5385   for (auto i : list) {                          
5386     if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_line_    
5387       i->setChecked(true);                       
5388     }                                            
5389     else if (i->data().toString() == "solid")    
5390       i->setChecked(false);                      
5391     }                                            
5392     else if (i->data().toString() == "hidden_    
5393       i->setChecked(false);                      
5394     }                                            
5395     else if (i->data().toString() == "wirefra    
5396       i->setChecked(false);                      
5397     }                                            
5398   }                                              
5399 }                                                
5401 void G4UIQt::SetIconPerspectiveSelected()        
5402 {                                                
5403   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5405   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5406   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5407     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5408   }                                              
5409   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5411   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5412   for (auto i : list) {                          
5413     if (i->data().toString() == "perspective"    
5414       i->setChecked(true);                       
5415     }                                            
5416     else if (i->data().toString() == "ortho")    
5417       i->setChecked(false);                      
5418     }                                            
5419   }                                              
5420 }                                                
5422 void G4UIQt::SetIconOrthoSelected()              
5423 {                                                
5424   // Theses actions should be in the app tool    
5426   QToolBar* bar = fToolbarApp;                   
5427   if (! fDefaultIcons) {                         
5428     bar = fToolbarUser;                          
5429   }                                              
5431   if (bar == nullptr) return;                    
5433   QList<QAction*> list = bar->actions();         
5434   for (auto i : list) {                          
5435     if (i->data().toString() == "ortho") {       
5436       i->setChecked(true);                       
5437     }                                            
5438     else if (i->data().toString() == "perspec    
5439       i->setChecked(false);                      
5440     }                                            
5441   }                                              
5442 }                                                
5444 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
5445 G4QTabWidget::G4QTabWidget(QWidget* aParent,     
5446   : QTabWidget(aParent),                         
5447     fTabSelected(false),                         
5448     fLastCreated(-1),                            
5449     fPreferedSizeX(sizeX + 6)  // margin left    
5450     ,                                            
5451     fPreferedSizeY(sizeY + 58)  // tab label     
5452 {                                                
5453   setMinimumSize(100, 100);                      
5454   QSizePolicy policy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolic    
5455   setSizePolicy(policy);                         
5456 }                                                
5458 G4QTabWidget::G4QTabWidget()                     
5459   : QTabWidget(), fTabSelected(false), fLastC    
5460 {}                                               
5461 #endif                                           
5463 G4UIOutputString::G4UIOutputString(const QStr    
5464   : fText(text), fThread(origine)                
5465 {                                                
5466   if (! GetOutputList().contains(QString(" ")    
5467     fOutputStream = "info";                      
5468   }                                              
5469   else {                                         
5470     fOutputStream = outputStream;                
5471   }                                              
5472 }                                                
5475 void G4UIQt::TabCloseCallback(int a)             
5476 {                                                
5477   if (fViewerTabWidget == nullptr) return;       
5479   // get the address of the widget               
5480   QWidget* temp = fViewerTabWidget->widget(a)    
5482 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
5483   // remove the tab                              
5484   fViewerTabWidget->removeTab(a);                
5486   // if last QWidget : Add empty string          
5487   G4bool lastTab = true;                         
5488   for (G4int c = 0; c < fViewerTabWidget->cou    
5489     if (fViewerTabWidget->tabText(c).contains    
5490       lastTab = false;                           
5491     }                                            
5492   }                                              
5494   if (lastTab) {                                 
5495     CreateEmptyViewerPropertiesWidget();         
5496   }                                              
5497   // delete the widget                           
5498   delete temp;                                   
5499 #else                                            
5500   // remove the tab                              
5501   QObject::disconnect(fViewerTabWidget, SIGNA    
5502   fViewerTabWidget->removeTab(a);                
5503   QObject::connect(fViewerTabWidget, SIGNAL(c    
5505   G4int lastViewerTabIndex = -1;                 
5506   for (G4int c = 0; c < fViewerTabWidget->cou    
5507     if (fViewerTabWidget->tabText(c).contains    
5508       lastViewerTabIndex = c;                    
5509     }                                            
5510   }                                              
5512   // delete the widget                           
5513   delete temp;                                   
5515   // if last QWidget : Add empty string          
5516   if (lastViewerTabIndex==(-1)) {                
5517     CreateEmptyViewerPropertiesWidget();         
5518   } else {                                       
5519     UpdateTabWidget(lastViewerTabIndex); //ha    
5520   }                                              
5521 #endif                                           
5522 }                                                
5524 void G4UIQt::ToolBoxActivated(int a)             
5525 {                                                
5526   if (fUITabWidget->widget(a) == fHelpTBWidge    
5527     // Rebuild the help tree                     
5528     FillHelpTree();                              
5529   }                                              
5530   else if (fUITabWidget->widget(a) == fSceneT    
5531     fSceneTreeWidget->setVisible(true);          
5532   }                                              
5533 }                                                
5535 #if QT_VERSION < 0x060000                        
5536 void G4QTabWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)      
5537 {                                                
5538   if (currentWidget() != nullptr) {              
5539     if (isTabSelected()) {                       
5540       //      QCoreApplication::sendPostedEve    
5542       QString text = tabText(currentIndex());    
5544       if (fLastCreated == -1) {                  
5545         auto edit = dynamic_cast<QTextEdit*>(    
5546         if (edit == nullptr) {                   
5547           QString paramSelect = QString("/vis    
5548           G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetU    
5549           if (UI != nullptr) {                   
5550             UI->ApplyCommand(paramSelect.toSt    
5551           }                                      
5552         }                                        
5553       }                                          
5554       else {                                     
5555         fLastCreated = -1;                       
5556       }                                          
5557       setTabSelected(false);                     
5558     }                                            
5559   }                                              
5560 }                                                
5561 #endif                                           
5563 G4UIDockWidget::G4UIDockWidget(const QString&    
5565 void G4UIDockWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent*     
5566 {                                                
5567   setFloating(false);                            
5569   // prevent from closing                        
5570   aEvent->ignore();                              
5571   // hide them instead                           
5572   hide();                                        
5573 }