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A Typical procedure to visualize the current view of the current scene

G4> /vis/create_view/new_graphics_system  graphics_driver_name 
                      # 1. Select a graphics driver 
                      #    driver_name ( () is in preparation):
                      #     DAWN, (DAWNFile), OGLIX,  OGLIXm, 
                      #     OGLIXm, OGLSX, OGLSXm, OI, RayX, 
                      #     VRML1, VRML1File, (VRML2), (VRML2File)
                      #     Wo, Xo  (in alphabetic order)  
G4> /vis/draw/current # 2. Send data of current view of current 
                      #    scene to the selected graphics driver 
G4> ......            # 3. Input any drawing commands, e.g.,
                      #    /vis/draw/axes  to draw coordinate axes
G4> /show/view        # 4. Flush drawing.  This process is required 
                      #    only for post-drawing graphics drivers.
G4> ......            #
G4> /vis/refresh/view # 5. Quick redrawing
G4> ......
G4> /vis/clear/view   # 6. Clear the window
G4> ......

Satoshi Tanaka