<< DAWNFILE driver >>
Revised on November 02, 1999
Revised on November 26, 1999
(1) DAWNFILE driver generates a DAWN-format file and, by default,
invoke a Fukui Renderer DAWN process, making it read the generated
g4.prim file.
DAWNFILE driver is platform dependent, and so compilable at NT, too.
Fukui Renderer DAWN is also ported to NT.
Source files and details of FukuiRenderer DAWN:
(2) Compilation with the GNUmakefile logic
(2a) installing libraries
% cd geant4/source
% gmake global
(2b) building an executable
% gmake
(3) Camera parameters are also passed to DAWN's GUI via the file
.DAWN_1.history. Most of the camera parameters held by Geant4
are passed to the Fukui Renderer DAWN process.
(4) A viewer of the generated g4.prim file is "customizable".
The default viewer is Fukui Renderer DAWN with file name "dawn".
You can change it to other Fukui Graphics Systems, say, DAVID,
by setting an environmental variable:
% setenv G4DAWNFILE_VIEWER david
Another convenient setting is
% setenv G4DAWNFILE_VIEWER "dawn -d"
which skips invoking DAWN GUI panel.
(5) Customization of destination directory
Destination directiory of g4.prim and g4.eps is customizable
with the environmental variable "G4DAWNFILE_DEST_DIR":
% setenv G4DAWNFILE_DEST_DIR directory_name/
For example,
% setenv G4DAWNFILE_DEST_DIR /tmp/
Do not forget to add "/" at the end of the directory name.
(6) Automatic incremetaion of output file names:
This function becomes active by setting an environmental variable
as follows:
where n is an integer greater than or equal to 1.
Names of generated files are:
DAWN-format files: g4.prim, g4_1.prim, g4_2.prim, ... , g4_(n-1).prim
EPS files : g4.eps , g4_1.eps , g4_2.eps , ... , g4_(n-1).eps
Note that the incrementation is done as follows (pseudo codes)
filename = "g4.prim" // initialization
while( filename already exists in the dest directory )
increment filename
It means that if you delete file "g4.prim" in the destination directory,
the file name in the next generation is still g4.prim.
(7) Use of DAWNFILE driver with DAVID for visual intersection debugging
DAVID is a "DAwn's Visual Intersection Debugger" for Geant4 shapes.
DAVID is already installed into cernsp, hpplus, and arkoop.
DAWN is the automatically invoked by DAVID
"if" intersections are detected, in order to visualize
the scene with intersected shapes highlighted.
Summary of the intersections is displayed on your display.
Details are described in a file "g4david.log" generated in the
current directory.
You can perform visual intersection checking directly from Geant4
as follows:
// STEP 0: Set path to use DAVID and DAWN binaries ("david", "dawn"):
cernsp.cern.ch : /afs/cern.ch/rd44/dev/DAWN/AIX-xlC
hpplus.cern.ch : /afs/cern.ch/rd44/dev/DAWN/HP-aCC
dxplus.cern.ch : /afs/cern.ch/rd44/dev/DAWN/ALPHA-cxx
sungeant.cern.ch: /afs/cern.ch/rd44/dev/DAWN/SUN-CC
arkoop.kek.jp : /home/tanaka/bin
arksol1.kek.jp : /.../ccint.kek.jp/fs/group/geant4/gui+vis/bin
Source files and details of DAVID:
// STEP 1: Compilation
% gmake
// STEP 2: Set DAVID to g4.prim-file viewer
// instead of DAWN
% setenv G4DAWNFILE_VIEWER david
// STEP 3: Visualize with DAWNFILE driver
// (Note that the visualization commands are revised very soon.)
% mygeant4
% Idle> /vis/scene/create
% Idle> /vis/scene/add/volume
% Idle> /vis/sceneHandler/create DAWNFILE
% Idle> /vis/viewer/create
% Idle> /vis/scene/notifyHandlers
% Idle> /vis/viewer/update # Required in Geant4.1.X
// Result
* Summary of the intersections is displayed on your console.
* The scene is visualized with intersected volumes highlighted
using DAWN, only if intersections are detected.
The highlighted scene is saved in a file "g4david.prim".
* Details of the intersections are output into a file "g4david.log".
(8) Making the X-Window mode default
#----- Boolean flag to invoke multi-window
# If this variable is set and the value is non-zero,
# GEANT4 opens DAWN with multi-window mode.
# Otherwise it opens DAWN with EPS mode,
# which generates EPS file and invoke PS viewer finally.
# (Note: This variables is scanned at GEANT4 side.)
# The default is "0".
(9) Geant4 visualization commands:
See geant4/examples/novice/N03/exN03VisX.mac (X = 0,1,2,3).