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/Text2DS displays a text (string) directly on the two-dimensional space on screen. No corresponding classes exist in GEANT4. Note that its position, i.e., left end of the string, is described with 2D position vector described in units of ``mm'', and its origin is the left bottom of the screen. Font size should be given in units of ``pt''. /Text2DS is convenient to add title strings etc to drawn figures afterwards.

Format /Text2DS x_mm y_mm size_pt string
(x_mm, y_mm) Left end of string on screen.
  Unit is mm. Origin (0,0) is the left-bottom.
size font size (in units of pt)
string string to be displayed

For example, the following lines described in the modeling block displays a large title "Supported Primitives 1" at the bottom center of the screen:

### black color 
/ColorRGB 0 0 0 
### font name  
/FontName Times-Roman 
### 40-pixel string at (30, 40) on screen 
/Text2DS 30 40 40 Supported Primitives 1

Satoshi Tanaka