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/MarkText2DS displays a text (string) to a marked 3D position. The marked position is the left end of the text. /MarkText2DS corresponds to class G4Text of GEANT4 with its size given as screen size.

Format /MarkText2DS x y z size x_offset y_offset string
(x, y, z) marked 3D position
size font size (2D unit, i.e. pt)
x_offset horizontal offset (2D units, i.e. pt)
y_offset vertical offset (2D units, i.e. pt)
string string to be displayed (Do not quote with ``''.)

For example, suppose that we want to display a string "Fukui Renderer DAWN" with the following attributes:

The following lines described in the modeling block displays this string on the screen.

/ColorRGB  1 0 0  
/FontName Courier 
/MarkText2DS 1 2 3 12 6 3 Fukui Renderer DAWN

Note that all arguments beginning with the 7-th argument, i.e., ``Fukui'' in the above example, are grouped and treated as one string.

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Satoshi Tanaka