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/Trd describes a symmetric pyramid with its upper part cut away. Its properties are:

The top and bottom facets are rectangles with, in general, different sizes.
Two edges of the top (or bottom) rectangles are parallel to the x axis, and the other two edges are parallel to the y axis.
The top rectangle is on plane z = +dz, and the bottom rectangle on plane z = -dz.
Centers of the top and bottom rectangles are (0, 0, +dz) and (0, 0, -dz), respectively.
/Trd corresponds to class G4Trd of GEANT4.

Format /Trd dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 dz
dx1 half length of x-parallel edges at z = -dz
dx2 half length of x-parallel edges at z = +dz
dy1 half length of y-parallel edges at z = -dz
dy2 half length of y-parallel edges at z = +dz
dz half height along the z axis

Satoshi Tanaka