Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

  1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  4  G4HadronInelasticQBBC
  5  ---------------------
  6  Hadron nuclear inelastic processes for all hadrons:
  7  - proton inelastic:
  8    - cross section: G4ParticleInelasticXS
  9    - final-state:   Fritiof coupled with Precompound/de-excitation (FTFP) above 3 GeV; 
 10                     Bertini (BERT) between 1 and 6 GeV;
 11                     Binary coupled with Precompound/de-excitation (BIC) below 1.5 GeV
 12  - neutron inelastic:
 13    - cross section: G4NeutronInelasticXS   
 14    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; 1 GeV < BERT < 6 GeV; BIC < 1.5 GeV
 15    neutron capture:
 16    - cross section: G4NeutronCaptureXS
 17    - final-state:   G4NeutronRadCapture
 18  - charged pions inelastic:
 19    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov
 20    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; 1 GeV < BERT < 12 GeV; BIC < 1.5 GeV
 21  - kaons inelastic:
 22    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 23    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
 24  - hyperons inelastic:
 25    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 26    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
 27  - anti_proton, anti_neutron, anti_deuteron, anti_triton, anti_He3, anti_alpha inelastic:
 28    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
 29    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 30  - anti_hyperons inelastic:
 31    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 32    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 33  - charm and bottom hadrons inelastic:
 34    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 35    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 38  G4HadronInelasticQBBC_ABLA
 39  --------------------------
 40  Similar to G4HadronInelasticQBBC, with the difference that for the final-state
 41  of nuclear inelastic interactions of pion+, pion-, proton and neutron projectiles
 42  the ABLA model (instead of the usual Precompound/de-excitation) is utilized for
 43  nuclear de-excitation.
 46  G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT
 47  ------------------------
 48  Hadron nuclear inelastic processes for all hadrons:
 49  - proton inelastic:
 50    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov (G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS)
 51    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV 
 52  - neutron inelastic:
 53    - cross section: G4NeutronInelasticXS   
 54    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
 55    neutron capture:
 56    - cross section: G4NeutronCaptureXS
 57    - final-state:   G4NeutronRadCapture
 58  - charged pions inelastic:
 59    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov
 60    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
 61  - kaons inelastic:
 62    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 63    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
 64  - hyperons inelastic:
 65    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 66    - final-state:   FTFP > 3 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
 67  - anti_proton, anti_neutron, anti_deuteron, anti_triton, anti_He3, anti_alpha inelastic:
 68    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
 69    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 70  - anti_hyperons inelastic:
 71    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 72    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 73  - charm and bottom hadrons inelastic:
 74    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 75    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 76  - light hypernuclei inelastic:
 77    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
 78    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 79  - light anti-hypernuclei inelastic:
 80    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
 81    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
 84  G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL
 85  ----------------------------
 86  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT, with the difference that for proton,
 87  neutron, pions and kaons, the FTFP is used above 9 GeV and BERT below 12 GeV
 88  (i.e. transition between these two models is in the interval [9, 12] GeV
 89   for the most frequent hadrons).
 92  G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_HP
 93  --------------------------
 94  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT, but with a different treatment of
 95  low-energy neutrons:
 96  - neutron inelastic: use NeutronHP (for both cross section and final state)
 97                       below 20 MeV; above G4NeutronCaptureXS cross section;
 98                       final-state: BERT between 19.9 MeV and 6 GeV, 
 99                       FTFP above 3 GeV.
100  - neutron capture: use NeutronHP (for both cross section and final state)
101                     below 20 MeV; above G4NeutronCaptureXS cross section
102                     and G4NeutronRadCapture final-state.
103  - neutron fission: use NeutronHP (for both cross section and final state)
104                     below 20 MeV; above Gheisha (cross section and final state).
105  Moreover, RadioactiveDecay is activated (as in all the physics lists that use HP).
108  G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_TRV
109  ----------------------------
110  The same as G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT.
113  G4HadronPhysicsFTF_BIC
114  ----------------------
115  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT, with the following differences:
116  -  For proton and neutron, BIC is used (instead of BERT) below 6 GeV
117  -  For pions, BIC is used below 1.5 GeV, whereas BERT is used in the
118     interval 1 GeV < BERT < 6 GeV
119  -  FTF is coupled with BIC (instead of directly to Precompound/de-excitation).
122  G4HadronPhysicsQGS_BIC
123  ----------------------
124  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsFTP_BIC, except that QGSP is used above 12 GeV
125  and FTFP below 25 GeV.
128  G4HadronPhysicsFTFQGSP_BERT
129  ---------------------------
130  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT, but with QGS fragmentation of strings
131  (instead of the Lund string fragmentation).
134  G4HadronPhysicsINCLXX
135  ---------------------
136  Similar to QGSP_BERT except for:
137  - proton inelastic:
138    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov (G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS) 
139    - final-state:   QGSP > 15 GeV; 1 MeV < INCLXX < 20 GeV; Preco < 2 MeV 
140  - neutron inelastic:
141    - cross section: G4NeutronInelasticXS   
142    - final-state:   QGSP > 15 GeV; 1 MeV < INCLXX < 20 GeV; Preco < 2 MeV
143  - charged pions inelastic:
144    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov
145    - final-state:   QGSP > 15 GeV; 1 MeV < INCLXX < 20 GeV; Preco < 2 MeV
146  - kaons inelastic:
147    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
148    - final-state:   QGSP > 14 GeV; BERT < 15 GeV
149  - light hypernuclei inelastic:
150    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
151    - final-state:   FTFP > 15 GeV; 1 MeV < INCLXX < 20 GeV; Preco < 2 MeV
152  - light anti-hypernuclei inelastic:
153    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
154    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
155  Note: it is possible to specify in the constructor the use of FTFP
156        instead of QGSP;
157        moreover, NeutronHP can also be activated in the constructor,
158        in which case inelastic, capture and fission below 20 MeV are
159        taken from NeutronHP (both cross section and final-state).
162  G4HadronPhysicsNuBeam
163  ---------------------
164  Similar to FTFP_BERT, except for the final-state models of proton:
165  - proton : QGSP with Lund string fragmentation > 100 GeV; 
166             3 GeV < FTFP < 101 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV 
169  G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT
170  ------------------------
171  Hadron nuclear inelastic processes for all hadrons:
172  - proton inelastic:
173    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov (G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS) 
174    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV 
175  - neutron inelastic:
176    - cross section: G4NeutronInelasticXS
177    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
178    neutron capture:
179    - cross section: G4NeutronCaptureXS
180    - final-state:   G4NeutronRadCapture
181  - charged pions inelastic:
182    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov
183    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
184  - kaons inelastic:
185    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
186    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
187  - hyperons inelastic:
188    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
189    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
190  - anti_proton and anti_neutron inelastic:
191    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
192    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; FTFP < 25 GeV 
193  - anti_deuteron, anti_triton, anti_He3, and anti_alpha inelastic:
194    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
195    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
196  - anti_hyperons inelastic:
197    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
198    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; FTFP < 25 GeV 
199  - charm and bottom hadrons inelastic:
200    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
201    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; FTFP < 25 GeV
204 G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_FTFP_BERT
205  -----------------------------
206  Currently it is the same as QGSP_BERT (this was not the case before G4 10.6).
207  It might be removed in future versions of Geant4.
210  G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_HP
211  ---------------------------
212  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT, but with a different treatment of
213  low-energy neutrons:
214  - neutron inelastic: for cross section, use G4NeutronHPInelasticXS
215                       below 20 MeV, and G4NeutronInelasticXS above;
216           for final-state model, use G4NeutronHPInelasticVI
217                       below 20 MeV, BERT between 19.9 MeV and 6 GeV,
218                       FTFP between 3 and 25 GeV, QGSP above 12 GeV. 
219  - neutron capture: use G4NeutronHPCaptureXS cross section and
220                     G4NeutronRadCaptureHP final-state model
221         (Note: if NuDEX is enabled (by default it is not),
222                then G4NuDEXNeutronCaptureModel final-state
223          model is used instead of G4NeutronRadCaptureHP).
224  - neutron fission: use G4NeutronHPFissionXS cross section and
225                     G4NeutronFissionVI final-state model.
226  Moreover, RadioactiveDecay is activated (as in all the physics lists that use HP)
227  Important warning: since G4 11.2, this constructor is different than all
228                     other HP-based constructors for the treatment of neutrons
229                     below 20 MeV : new "experimental" cross sections and
230         final-state models - which are different from the HP ones -
231         are utilised for testing, and therefore we recommend to
232         not using them for physics studies.
234  G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC
235  -----------------------
236  Hadron nuclear inelastic processes for all hadrons:
237  - proton inelastic:
238    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov (G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS)
239    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BIC < 6 GeV 
240  - neutron inelastic:
241    - cross section: G4NeutronInelasticXS 
242    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BIC < 6 GeV
243    neutron capture:
244    - cross section: G4NeutronCaptureXS
245    - final-state:   G4NeutronRadCapture
246  - charged pions inelastic:
247    - cross section: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov
248    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
249  - kaons inelastic:
250    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
251    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
252  - hyperons inelastic:
253    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
254    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; BERT < 6 GeV
255  - anti_proton and anti_neutron inelastic:
256    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
257    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; FTFP < 25 GeV
258  - anti_deuteron, anti_triton, anti_He3, and anti_alpha inelastic:
259    - cross-section: Galoyan-Uzhinsky-Glauber-Gribov
260    - final-state:   FTFP for all energies
261  - anti_hyperons inelastic:
262    - cross section: Glauber-Gribov
263    - final-state:   QGSP > 12 GeV; FTFP < 25 GeV 
266  G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_HP
267  --------------------------
268  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC, but with a different treatment of
269  low-energy neutrons:
270  - neutron inelastic: use NeutronHP (for both cross section and final state)
271                       below 20 MeV; above G4NeutronCaptureXS cross section;
272                       final-state: BIC between 19.9 MeV and 6 GeV,
273                       FTFP between 3 and 25 GeV, QGSP above 12 GeV. 
274  - neutron capture: use NeutronHP (for both cross section and final state)
275                     below 20 MeV; above G4NeutronCaptureXS cross section
276                     and G4NeutronRadCapture final-state.
277  - neutron fission: use NeutronHP (for both cross section and final state)
278                     below 20 MeV; above Gheisha (cross section and final state).
279  Moreover, RadioactiveDecay is activated (as in all the physics lists that use HP).
282  G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_AllHP
283  -----------------------------
284  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_HP, but with a different treatment of
285  low-energy protons:
286  ParticleHP is used (for both cross section and final state) below 200 MeV; 
287  above it: Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov inelastic cross section; 
288  final-state: QGSP > 12 GeV; 3 GeV < FTFP < 25 GeV; 190 MeV < BIC < 6 GeV.
291  G4HadronPhysicsShielding
292  ------------------------
293  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_HP except for using
294  JENDLHEInelasticCrossSection for the neutron inelastic cross section
295  above 20 MeV.
296  Note: the variant "M" of the Shielding physics list has a transition region
297        between FTFP and BERT for pions between 9.5 and 9.9 GeV
298        (instead of 3-6 GeV).
301  G4HadronPhysicsShieldingLEND
302  ----------------------------
303  Similar to G4HadronPhysicsShielding, except that LEND is used for neutrons
304  below 20 MeV instead of NeutronHP.
307  G4VHadronPhysics
308  ----------------
309  Utility class which provides useful methods.
312  G4URRNeutrons
313  -------------
314  Physics list constructor that can be applied on top of any _HP or _HPT based
315  physics list, to enable the special Unresolved Resonance Region (URR) treatment
316  of low-energy neutrons based on Particle Table (PT).
317  Notes:
318  -  If this constructor is applied on top of a non-HP based physics list,
319     then nothing changes and a warning is printed out.
320  -  If this constructor is applied on top of a HP-based physics list,
321     and the thermal scattering is applied after G4URRNeutrons, then
322     there will be a problem of full overlappings between models.
323     Therefore, if you need thermal scattering, activate it (e.g. by
324     using a HPT-based physics list) before applying G4URRNeutrons.