Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 4 G4BertiniElectroNuclearBuilder 5 ------------------------------ 6 It includes gamma-nuclear, electron-nuclear and positron-nuclear 7 processes. 8 For gamma-nuclear, it uses Bertini (BERT) model for gamma below 6 GeV, 9 and Quark-Gluon-String (QGS) model above 3 GeV. 10 For electron-nuclear and positron-nuclear, it uses the equivalent photon 11 approximation in which the incoming lepton generates a virtual photon, 12 and then the virtual photon is converted to a real photon. This real 13 photon is handled by BERT if its energy is below 10 GeV; if it is above 14 10 GeV, then the real photon is transformed into a (on-shell) pi0 and 15 then handled by Fritiof (FTF) string model. 16 17 18 G4EmExtraPhysics 19 ---------------- 20 It uses G4BertiniElectroNuclearBuilder for gamma-nuclear, electron-nuclear 21 and positron-nuclear. 22 Moreover, it includes muon-nuclear process (for mu- and mu+), and 23 synchrotron process (either for electron & positron, or for all 24 charged particles). 25 The muon-nuclear process is treated similarly as for electrons and 26 positrons (i.e. the equivalent photon approximation in which the incoming 27 lepton generates a virtual photon, and then the virtual photon is converted 28 to a real photon, which is handled by BERT below 10 GeV or by FTF as a pi0 29 above 10 GeV). 30 By default, gamma-nuclear, electron-nuclear, positron-nuclear, and 31 muon-nuclear are switched on, whereas synchrotron process is switched off 32 for all particles. It is however possible, at run time via macro commands, 33 to change this default (see G4EmMessenger below). 34 35 36 G4EmMessenger 37 ------------- 38 Used by G4EmExtraPhysics to be able to switch on/off: 39 - synchrotron radiation for electron and positron 40 (note: electron and positron together, not individually) 41 - synchrotron radiation for all charged particles 42 (note: all charged particles together, not individually) 43 - gamma-nuclear, electron-nuclear and positron-nuclear 44 (note: all these three particles together, not individually) 45 - muon-nuclear 46 (note: mu- and mu+ together, not individually) 47 at run time, via macro commands. 48 49 50 G4CoherentPairProductionPhysics 51 ------------- 52 Used by G4CoherentPairProduction process (in parameterisations/channeling/) 53 of coherent pair production by high energy gamma in an oriented crystal. 54 - IMPORTANT: with default parameters (incoherent scattering switched off) 55 can work in parallel with a standard physics list. 56 - It is possible to activate incoherent scattering using 57 ActivateIncoherentScattering() function. 58 IMPORTANT: requires switching off gamma conversion in 59 the physics list to not simulate it twice 60 - IMPORTANT: the geometry and material crystal data are contained in 61 G4ChannelingFastSimCrystalData which is automatically copied from 62 G4ChannelingFastSimModel into G4CoherentPairProduction using also 63 the default G4ChannelingFastSimModel and G4Region names ("ChannelingModel" 64 and "Crystal", respectively), which can be changed using 65 SetNameChannelingModel and SetNameG4Region, respectively, 66 being G4CoherentPairProductionPhysics set functions. 67 - IMPORTANT: G4ChannelingFastSimModel and its G4Region are required 68 for G4ChannelingFastSimCrystalData. If not found, an exception will 69 be generated. 70 - The intrinsic parameters of G4CoherentPairProduction can be changed 71 using G4CoherentPairProductionPhysics set functions: 72 - cuts of the model: 73 - SetLowEnergyLimit(G4double energy); default is 1 GeV 74 - SetHighAngleLimit(G4double angle); default is 50 mrad 75 - SetPPKineticEnergyCut(G4double kineticEnergyCut); default is 1 MeV 76 - internal parameters of the model (!!! it is strongly UNRECOMMENDED to decrease them): 77 - SetSamplingPairsNumber(G4int nPairs); 78 //default is 150 (amount of sampling pairs for Baier-Katkov algorithm) 79 - SetChargeParticleAngleFactor(G4double chargeParticleAngleFactor); 80 //default is 4 (angular distribution parameter = 4/gamma) 81 - void SetNTrajectorySteps(G4int nTrajectorySteps); 82 //default is 250 (amount of trajectory steps for tracking of 83 //sampling pair in Baier-Katkov algorithm).