Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category phys-ctor-em History 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry, 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages! 6 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 ## 2024-10-18 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-12) 10 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - return back positron annihilation lost in 11 previous MR. 12 13 ## 2024-10-17 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-11) 14 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 15 G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - added a possibility to 16 enable/disable 3 gamma annihilation on fly, take into account rename of the 17 model G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel -> G4eplusTo2or3GammaModel. By default it is 18 enabled in G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 only. This option is not added to 19 the G4EmPenelopePhysics class, because it has the original Penelope model 20 for annihilation. 21 22 ## 2024-10-02 Hoang Tran (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-10) 23 - Modified the molecule names of OH, HO2, O in MoleculeDefinition. 24 Each molecule configuration has a molecule definition. 25 26 ## 2024-09-10 Alberto Ribon (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-09) 27 - G4ChargedUnknownPhysics : replaced G4hIonisation and G4hMultipleScattering 28 (which use G4ParticleDefinition) with the corresponding new classes 29 G4DynamicParticleIonisation and G4DynamicParticleMSC (which use only 30 G4DynamicParticle), respectively. 31 32 ## 2024-08-01 Alberto Ribon (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-08) 33 - Created new constructor G4ChargedUnknownPhysics, to be used on top on any 34 reference physics list, to assign ionisation and multiple scattering 35 (as well as transportation) processes to charged primary particles with 36 valid PDG code but not known to Geant4. 37 ( This was requested by ATLAS and LHCb. ) 38 39 ## 2024-05-23 Hoang Tran (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-07) 40 - Use EmParameters to control chemistry models in G4EmDNAChemistry_option3. 41 42 ## 2024-05-19 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-06) 43 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 44 G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmDNAPhysics - use fAllisonPositronium type of model 45 for sampling of positron annihilation at rest (as it is in 11.2). 46 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use model alternative model for positron 47 annihilation on fly with 3-gamma annihilation channel enabled. 48 49 ## 2024-05-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-05) 50 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - updated according to change in EM data tables 51 52 ## 2024-04-05 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-04) 53 - G4EmDNABuilder - added nuclear stopping process for G4GenericIon below 1 MeV/u. 54 - G4EmDNAPhysics, G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator, G4EmDNAPhysics_option2, 55 G4EmDNAPhysics_option4, G4EmDNAPhysics_option6, G4EmDNAPhysics_option8 56 change upper limit for DNA physics of Helium ions from 300 MeV to 400 MeV. 57 58 ## 2024-04-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-03) 59 - G4EmDNAPhysics - define default maximum kinetic energy 600 MeV 60 instead of 300 MeV in order to have standard ionisation and 61 multiple scattering always defined for DNA physics configurations. 62 This allows avoid situations when low-energy ions path DNA region 63 without interaction 64 65 ## 2024-02-07 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-02) 66 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - return back step limit type to 67 fUseDistanceToBoundary and the default RangeFactor 0.04 from 0.03, 68 which will allow to restore more accurate distributions for several 69 tests for medical benchmark 70 71 ## 2024-02-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-01) 72 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - fixed sampling of muon pair production - problem 2543 73 74 ## 2024-01-27 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-02-00) 75 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - return back ATIMA model for ionisation and 76 fluctuations of ions in order to make comparisons with other models. 77 78 ## 2023-11-09 Hoang Tran (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-13) 79 - Correct subtype process of G4LowECapture in G4EmDNABuilder. 80 81 ## 2023-11-04 Hoang Tran (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-12) 82 - Correct G4EmDNABuilder for proton constructors. 83 84 ## 2023-11-03 Jonas Hahnfeld (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-11) 85 - `G4EmStandardPhysicsSS`: Remove unused includes. 86 87 ## 2023-10-23 Jonas Hahnfeld (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-10) 88 - `G4EmStandardPhysicsSS`: Allow to use `G4TransportationWithMsc`. 89 90 ## 2023-10-11 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-09) 91 - G4EmDNABuilder - for DNA Opt4 and Opt6 restored configuration of Geant4 11.1.2 92 for protons in order to have under control results of various tests. 93 94 ## 2023-07-19 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-08) 95 - G4EmDNABuilder - for Opt2, 4, 6 use for protons and ions 96 G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel from zero to 100 MeV; ion capture 97 limit is set to 0.1 keV. 98 99 ## 2023-04-06 Hoang Tran (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-07) 100 - Introduced G4ChemDissociationChannels and G4ChemDissociationChannels_option1 101 102 ## 2023-03-08 Gabriele Cosmo (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-06) 103 - Fixed compilation warning on macOS/XCode for implicit type conversion 104 in G4EmModelActivator::FindOrAddProcess(). 105 106 ## 2023-03-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-05) 107 - G4EmParticleList - added method EmChargedPartNames(), which returns a minimal 108 list of charged EM particles 109 - G4EmModelActivator - fix #2530 - single scattering per region is implemented 110 by addition of extra sngle scattering process, which is active inside this 111 region, and not active outside; multiple scattering and single scattering 112 processes for a given charged particle are disabled to this region 113 114 ## 2023-02-27 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-04) 115 - G4EmModelActivator - attempt to fix #2530 - single scattering per region 116 117 ## 2023-02-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-03) 118 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - added method GetGammaNuclear() useful for testing 119 120 ## 2023-02-21 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-02) 121 - G4EmBuilder, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - use new constructor for 122 the G4CoulombScattering process 123 - G4EmModelActivator - use new constructor for the G4CoulombScattering process, 124 allow add G4EmStandardPhysicsSS on top of G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 125 126 ## 2023-02-16 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-01) 127 - G4EmBuilder, G4EmModelActivator, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - fix #2530, 128 single scattering model definition per region for e+, e-, and light hadrons 129 130 ## 2022-12-09 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-01-00) 131 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - in all cases select sub-process (fix problem #2521) 132 133 ## 2022-11-24 Gabriele Cosmo (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-35) 134 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type conversions on macOS/XCode 14.1. 135 136 ## 2022-11-15 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-34) 137 - G4EmBuilder - added G4AntiLambda and G4PionZero to the minimal 138 EM particle list to avoid warnings issued due to new hypernuclei 139 140 ## 2022-11-08 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-33) 141 - G4EmBuilder - added G4Lambda to the minimal EM particle list 142 needed for hyper-nuclei physics 143 144 ## 2022-11-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-32) 145 - G4EmBuilder - added e- and mu- neutrino and anti-neutrino to 146 the minimal EM particle list 147 - G4EmDNABuilder - added minimal list of EM standard particles 148 to all DNA physics variants, this allowing enable radioactive 149 decay, provides correct printout of EM processes and models, 150 and fix problem #2412 151 152 ## 2022-10-14 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-31) 153 - G4EmDNABuilder - enable combination of DNA and standard physics 154 155 ## 2022-10-08 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-30) 156 - Increased upper limit of DNA proton/ion physics from 100 MeV 157 to 300 MeV in all DNA constructors 158 - G4EmDNABuilder - introduced const upper limit 1 MeV for DNA 159 models; introduced const upper limit 2 MeV for standard 160 low-energy ionisation; use the same upper limit for DNA 161 excitation and ionisation 162 163 ## 2022-09-05 Ben Morgan (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-29) 164 - Update public/private dependencies for consistency 165 166 ## 2022-08-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-28) 167 - Chemistry builders - added used headers 168 169 ## 2022-08-09 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-27) 170 - G4EmBuilder, G4EmDNAPhysics - instantiate singletones for physics 171 172 ## 2022-07-06 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-26) 173 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - fixed problem of Compton scattering selection 174 in the low energy interval < 150 keV identified in test67; apply 175 spline interpolation for tables at low energy (<150 keV) and at 176 high energy (> 100 MeV) 177 178 ## 2022-06-17 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-25) 179 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use Penelope ionisation model for e- 180 below 100 keV 181 182 ## 2022-06-05 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-24) 183 - G4EmBuilder - use check on process sub-type, do not substitute 184 G4CoupledTransportation with G4TransportationWithMsc 185 186 ## 2022-05-27 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-23) 187 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, 188 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics - selection of the 189 model of energy loss fluctuation is inside processes of ionisation 190 according to the type defined in G4EmParameters 191 192 ## 2022-05-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-22) 193 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - 194 provided identical configuration for msc, muon, hadron, and ion 195 physics. 196 197 ## 2022-05-19 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-21) 198 - GNUmakefile, source.cmake - updated list of sub-libraries and includes 199 200 ## 2022-05-16 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-20) 201 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - use 202 G4LinhardSorensenIonModel for GenericIon 203 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, 204 G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use G4GammaGeneralProcess by default 205 206 ## 2022-05-11 Jonas Hahnfeld (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-19) 207 - Remove dependency on `G4magneticfield` 208 209 ## 2022-05-10 Jonas Hahnfeld (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-18) 210 - `G4GammaGeneralProcess`: Implement new method `GetCreatorProcess()` 211 212 ## 2022-05-02 Jonas Hahnfeld (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-17) 213 - `G4EmBuilder`: Enable internal stepping in `G4TransportationWithMsc` 214 if requested 215 216 ## 2022-04-27 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-16) 217 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use G4LinhardSorensenIonModel for GenericIon 218 219 ## 2022-04-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-15) 220 - GNUmakefile, source.cmake - updated according to really used sub-libraries 221 222 ## 2022-04-22 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-14) 223 - G4EmDNABuilder, G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator, and DNA constructors - updated 224 configuration for Opt2 225 226 ## 2022-04-19 Jonas Hahnfeld (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-13) 227 - Honor option to enable `G4TransportationWithMsc` 228 - Enable by default in `G4EmStandardPhysics_option1` 229 230 ## 2022-04-05 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-12) 231 - G4EmDNABuilder, G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - fixed Opt4 and Opt5 232 configurations according to prescription 233 234 ## 2022-04-05 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-11) 235 - G4EmDNABuilder, G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - fixed instantiation 236 of DNA elastic scattering and ionisation for e- 237 238 ## 2022-03-28 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-10) 239 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - use G4LinhardSorensenIonModel for GenericIon 240 241 ## 2022-03-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-09) 242 - G4EmDNABuilder, G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - make consistent 243 configuration of DNA physics on top of standard physics 244 245 ## 2022-03-15 Hoang Tran (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-08) 246 - add SBS and IRT_syn models in G4EmDNAChemistry_option3 247 248 ## 2022-03-10 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-07) 249 - G4EmDNABuilder - added extra utility methods to find or to build 250 electron processes 251 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option6, G4EmDNAPhysics_option8 - use "fast" option 252 253 ## 2022-03-04 Hoang Tran (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-06) 254 - add G4DNABrownianTransportation in G4EmDNAChemistry_option3 255 256 ## 2022-02-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-05) 257 - G4EmDNABuilder - added option2,3,6,8 configurations 258 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option6, G4EmDNAPhysics_option6, 259 G4EmDNAPhysics_option8 - use G4EmDNABuilder 260 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option7, G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option6 261 G4EmDNAPhysics_option3, G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option2 262 maximally simplified 263 - G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - fixed for light ions 264 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use G4UrbanFluctuation model 265 for e+- to address problem #2466 266 267 ## 2022-02-23 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-04) 268 - G4EmDNABuilder - added option4 configuration 269 - G4EmDNAPhysics - address interface to G4EmDNABuilder 270 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option4 - use G4EmDNABuilder 271 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option5, G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary_option4 272 maximally simplified 273 274 ## 2022-02-22 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-03) 275 - G4EmDNABuilder - new utility class, which provides instantiation of 276 standard and DNA processes/models; this reduces code duplication 277 for DNA physics, energy intervals for DNA models are defined 278 in one place 279 - G4EmDNAPhysics is the base class for DNA physics constructors 280 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option1, G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary - maximally simplified 281 282 ## 2022-02-10 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-02) 283 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed mechanism to define PAI model per region 284 285 ## 2021-12-11 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-01) 286 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - use options providing more accurate 287 simulation without loss of CPU performance: RangeFactor=0.03, 288 and SafetyPlus step limitation instead of DistanceToBoundary, 289 which significantly improving fanoCavity results 290 291 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (phys-ctor-em-V11-00-00) 292 - Change to new Markdown History format 293 294 --- 295 296 # History entries prior to 11.0 297 298 12 November 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-23) 299 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - making this experimantal configuration 300 compatible for CPU performance with Opt3 (it was similar to SS) 301 302 10 November 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-22) 303 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - use similar options as in Opt3, for ions 304 use G4LinhardSorensenIonModel 305 - G4EmModelActivator - updated according to the current Opt3 and Opt4 306 configurations 307 308 29 October 2021, M. Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-21) 309 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - make some methods/fields visible for 310 derived classes 311 312 25 October 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-20) 313 - G4EmBuilder - complete addition of hyper-nuclei EM physics 314 - in all DNA Physics List use SetAuger() instead of SetAugerCascade() 315 316 22 October 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-19) 317 - G4EmBuilder - added hyper-nuclei EM physics 318 319 12 October 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-18) 320 - G4EmBuilder - removed obsolete header 321 322 27 September 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-17) 323 - G4EmBuilder - use more optimal order of instantiation of processes, 324 should not affect any result but useful for debugging 325 326 30 August 2021, D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-16) 327 - G4OpticalPhysics - apply clang-format style guidelines 328 329 11 July 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-15) 330 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - use base material approach 331 332 14 June 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-14) 333 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics_option1, 334 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, 335 G4EmLowEPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - instantiate G4ePairProduction 336 process after ionisation and bremsstrahlung; this does not change 337 physics but helps to have debug printouts to be easier to understand 338 339 03 June 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-13) 340 - G4EmLivermorePhysics - use G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel 341 if polarisation is enabled 342 - G4EmLEPTSPhysics - removed obsolete 343 - G4EmDNAPhysics, G4EmDNAPhysics_stationary - code clean-up 344 345 26 May 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-12) 346 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - updated interface in the Retrieve(..) method 347 - G4EmDNAPhysics - updated configuration of standard physics for 348 gamma and positrons according to Opt3; updated particle list by 349 addition of G4Alpha; simplified ConstructProcess() method using 350 G4PhysicsListHelper 351 352 22 May 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-11) 353 - Updated all standard Physics Lists: removed local member "verbose" 354 and use uniform approach for verbosity via G4EmParameters; 355 instantiate NIEL process only if parameter MaxNIELEnergy is above 356 zero; include gamma linear polarization model to Opt0, Opt3, Opt4, 357 SS, and Livermore physics constructors if the parameter 358 EnablePolarisation="true"; G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics fully 359 inherit from G4EmLivermorePhysics 360 361 24 April 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-10) 362 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysicsGS - set default verbosity 1 363 364 16 April 2021 Ben Morgan (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-09) 365 - Migrate build to modular CMake API 366 367 13 April 2021, A.Ribon (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-08) 368 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed dependency on hadronic/model/util 369 and hadronic/model/management (that have been now deleted, with their 370 classes moved to hadronic/util and hadronic/management). 371 372 23 March 2021, J.Brown (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-07) 373 - Updated G4EmLowEPPhysics physics model configuration 374 See for details 375 376 18 March 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-06) 377 - GeneralGammaProcess - reduced usage of protected variables 378 - DNA PhysicsLists - used SeEmModel() with correct signature 379 380 24 February 2021, D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-05) 381 - G4OpticalPhysicsList: remove deprecated optical commands 382 383 16 February 2021, W.G.Shin (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-04) 384 - G4EmDNAChemistry, _option1, _option2, _option3 385 added the dissociation channel for electron-hole recombination 386 - G4EmDNAChemistry_option3 - change the pre-chemical model 387 388 12 Febuary 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-03) 389 - G4EmBuilder - added geantinos to the minimal list of EM particles 390 391 09 Febuary 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-02) 392 - G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics - removed unused header 393 394 24 January 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-01) 395 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - reduced more 'if' operators in run time; 396 exclude gamma-nuclear from the 2nd energy area, because cross section 397 is zero; in the 4th energy interval include in the vector value of 398 1 - p instead of p, where p is cumulative probability of a sub-process 399 400 18 January 2021, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-07-00) 401 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - changed 1st energy limit from 50 keV to 150 keV 402 to guarantee K-shell energy for any element be within 1st energy area; 403 changed logic for selection of a concrete process - maximally reduced 404 use 'if' operators; reduce number of 'return' in run time methods; 405 remove shadowing of base class methods; expected more performant code 406 407 04 November 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-20) 408 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - improved printouts and make some methods 409 protected 410 411 04 October 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-19) 412 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - resolved problem of assigning of 413 a concrete process define step to post step point 414 415 19 September 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-18) 416 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use ICRU90 data 417 418 05 August 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-17) 419 - G4EmBuilder - substitute hardcoded upper limit by the value from the 420 G4HadronicParameters class 421 422 20 July 2020, D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-16) 423 - G4OpticalPhysics, G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger, G4OpticalProcessIndex: 424 Move optical physics parameters to new G4OpticalParameters class. 425 G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger removed and replaced by G4OpticalParametersMessenger. 426 G4OpticalProcessIndex removed, code put in G4OpticalParameters. 427 428 11 July 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-15) 429 - G4EmModelActivator - updated msc and PAI configurations to address 430 concerns reported in problem reports #2052 and #2106 431 432 6 July 2020, M.Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-14) 433 - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - use the new G4eDPWACoulombScatteringModel for e-/e+ 434 below 100 [MeV] (for testing this new model) 435 436 29 June 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-13) 437 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - fixed typo 438 439 15 June 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-12) 440 - G4EmBuilder - attempt to fix non-reproducibility in the MT mode when 441 radioactive decay is enabled 442 443 6 June 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-11) 444 - G4EmBuilder - fixed non-reproducibility in the MT mode, added 445 isWVI flag allowing choose msc model 446 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - restore the same configuration 447 of EM models as in 10.6p02 448 449 3 June 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-10) 450 - G4EmModelActivator - use the same options for physics per region as 451 used in EM constructors 10.6ref05, this is needed to be coherent with 452 several modifications in these configurations 453 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, 454 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, 455 G4EmStandardPhysicsGS, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI, G4EmLowEPhysics - use C++11 456 keywords 457 458 1 June 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-09) 459 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI, G4EmLowEPhysics, 460 G4LivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics - remove duplicate code by using 461 G4EmBuilder, fix definition of StepFunction, use the same flag as 462 hadronic physics to enable EM interaction of b- and c- mesons and baryons 463 - G4LivermorePolarizedPhysics - use inheritance from G4LivermorePhysics 464 465 30 May 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-08) 466 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, 467 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, 468 G4EmBuilder - remove duplicate code by using G4EmBuilder, fix definition 469 of StepFunction, use the same flag as hadronic physics to enable EM 470 interaction of b- and c- mesons and baryons 471 472 27 May 2020, A.Howard (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-07) 473 - Added second wavelength shifter optical process to constructors in 474 G4OpticalPhysics, G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger, G4OpticalProcessIndex 475 476 25 May 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-06) 477 - G4EmDNAModelActivator - M.J. Pietrzak extended to extra available DNA options 478 DNA_Opt2, DNA_Opt4, DNA_Opt4a, DNA_Opt6, DNA_Opt6a, DNA_Opt7 479 - G4EmBuilder - new utility class which will allow reduce code duplication 480 for standard and low-energy EM physics constructors 481 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - swith to use new G4EmBuilder utility, fixed 482 StepFunction definition 483 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - swith to use new G4EmBuilder utility, use 484 ICRU90 stopping power data for water and air 485 486 24 May 2020, D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-05) 487 - G4OpticalPhysics, G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger - setting for G4Scintillation 488 to use 3 time constants 489 490 04 April 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-04) 491 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - return back UseDistanceToBoundary 492 493 23 March 2020, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-03) 494 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - switch from UseDistanceToBoundary to 495 UseSafetyPlus 496 497 23 February 2020, W.G.Shin (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-02) 498 - fixed comments 499 500 10 January 2020, W.G.Shin (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-01) 501 - added new chemistry constructor option 3 for IRT 502 503 21 December 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-06-00) 504 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed configuration of the default EM multiple 505 scattering on top of any other physics configuration (problem #2106) 506 507 19 October 2019, W.G.Shin, S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-17) 508 - added new ELSEPA elastic model for Geant4-DNA in G4EmDNAPhysics_option2 509 510 13 September 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-16) 511 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 512 use SetEmModel(..) instead of AddEmModel(..) for gamma conversion 513 514 11 September 2019, D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-15) 515 - G4OpticalPhysics - set boundary process to last. Fix bug 2113. 516 517 02 September 2019, M.Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-14) 518 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - updated 519 settings of the gamma conversion process to provide the original model 520 combinations when the low energy G4BetheHeitlerModel model was replaced by 521 the G4BetheHeitler5DModel. 522 523 14 August 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-13) 524 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - fixed "Base Material" use case 525 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - implement 526 "General Process" option for gamma 527 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use 5D model for gamma conversion 528 529 21 July 2019, M.Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-12) 530 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - use the new, optimised log-vector access method 531 532 20 July 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-11) 533 - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - in the case if Mott correction flag is TRUE 534 apply G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel both for e+ and e- 535 536 21 May 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-10) 537 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, 538 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - define upper energy limit for nuclear 539 stopping via EM parameters 540 all DNA constructors - added ActivateDNA() flag to EM parameters 541 542 09 April 2019, H.Tran (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-09) 543 - added G4EmDNAChemistry_option2 544 545 05 April 2019, S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-08) 546 - added sub-excitation processes in G4EmDNAPhysics_option8 547 548 20 March 2019, D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-07) 549 - G4OpticalPhysics, G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger - put all UI commands 550 into messenger class; fix bug 2085; deprecate commands with 551 /default/ in command string 552 553 10 March 2019, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-06) 554 - G4EmDNAChemistry constructors: follow emdna changes 555 556 07 March 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-05) 557 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics - make msc configuration 558 as in Opt4 : RangeFactor=0.08, Skin=3, UserSafetyPlus 559 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed problem 2106 560 561 08 February 2019, W. G. Shin, S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-04) 562 - added handling of UI thermalization model control in 563 G4EmDNAPhysics_option1,3,5,7,8 564 565 06 February 2019, W. G. Shin, S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-03) 566 - added handling of UI thermalization model control in 567 G4EmDNAPhysics_option2,4,6 568 569 18 January 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-02) 570 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - use G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel with 3-gamma 571 annihilation for e+ 572 573 14 January 2019, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-01) 574 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - change RangeFactor to 0.08 in 575 order to have expected results from fanoCavity test (M.Novak) 576 577 19 December 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-05-00) 578 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed clang7 compilation warning 579 580 27 November 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-21) 581 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - use the same models and parameters as 582 in LHCb EM physics constructor 583 584 26 November 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-20) 585 - G4EmDNAChemistry, G4EmDNAChemistry_option1 - fixed typo in headers 586 587 15 November 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-19) 588 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - use Alg96 lateral displacement sampling 589 (address issue reported in HyperNews/geant4/get/emprocess/1516.html) 590 591 9 November 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-18) 592 - G4EmLivermorePhysics - return back 5D gamma conversion model 593 594 8 November 2018, S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-17) 595 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option7: fix for electron models combination 596 597 2 November 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-16) 598 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - cleaned up 599 definition of nuclear stopping process 600 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - use Opt3 parameters, use new ATENA ion 601 stopping model 602 - G4EmLowEPPhysics - use Opt3 parameters, use Lindhard-Sorensen ion 603 stopping model, use ICRU90 stopping for protons and alpha 604 605 27 October 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-15) 606 - G4EmLivermorePhysics - fixed nightly problem 607 608 26 October 2018, D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-14) 609 - G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger, G4OpticalPhysics: fix documentation (bug #2020) 610 611 26 October 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-13) 612 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - disabled general gamma process 613 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics - set stepping function 614 parameters for muons and hadrons to (0.2,50*um) 615 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - set stepping function parameters for muons 616 and hadrons to (0.2,50*um), enable Mott corrections, use the most recent 617 version of lateral displacement for the Urban model 618 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - set stepping function parameters for muons 619 and hadrons to (0.1,20*um) 620 621 01 October 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-12) 622 - G4EmParticles - extended list of particle (Bc+-, OmegaB, XiB, 623 SigmaB) 624 625 26 September 2018, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-11) 626 - G4GammaGeneralProcess - a new class 627 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, 628 G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - renamed gamma general process class 629 630 20-September-2018 J. Ramos-Mendez (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-10) 631 - Addition of G4EmDNAPhysics_option8, G4EmDNAChemistry_option1 632 633 20-September-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-09) 634 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 635 G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmPolarizedLivermorePhysics - use the same 636 GS msc model configuration and the same configurations for hadrons 637 and ions 638 - G4EmLowEPPhysics - use the same configurations for hadrons 639 640 22-August-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-08) 641 - G4GammaSuperProcess fixed for gamma-nuclear process 642 643 18-August-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-07) 644 - G4GammaSuperProcess, G4EmStandardPhysics, 645 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 646 updated usage of gamma super process 647 648 30-July-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-06) 649 28-July-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-04) 650 - G4GammaSuperProcess - new class 651 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option1 - enable gamma super process 652 - G4EmStandardPhysics - added possibility to use gamma super process 653 - G4EmLowEPPhysics - added bremsstrahlung and pair production for ions 654 655 17-May-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-03) 656 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed GS and Opt3 configurations 657 658 27-April-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-02) 659 - in several constructors return back the order of photo-effect 660 and Compton in order to keep log file stable 661 662 27-April-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-01) 663 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - use 664 Livermore photo-effect model 665 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 666 G4EmPenelopePhysics - upper energy limit 100 TeV 667 - G4EmLowEPPhysics - use new 5D gamma conversion model below 80 GeV, 668 use new Lindhard-Sorensen ion ionisation model above 20 MeV/u 669 - G4EmModelActivator - modified accordingly 670 671 28-March-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-04-00) 672 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, 673 G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, 674 G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 675 G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysicsGS - use new 676 parameter MscEnergyLimit() (default is 100 MeV) allowing 677 customise transition from low-energy multiple scattering to 678 high energy combination of multiple and single scattering 679 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed Opt4 and single scattering (problem #2045) 680 681 07-November-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-37) 682 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - enable Auger cascade 683 684 03-November-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-36) 685 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, 686 G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - use defalt (one of 9.6) Urban msc 687 lateral displacemet algorithm for e+- 688 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, 689 G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics - use new 690 Urban lateral displacement algorithm 691 692 30-October-2017 M.Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-35) 693 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 694 - default HEP settings of the GS physics constructor 695 - follow-up modification in opt4 according to recent (emstand-V10-03-45) 696 changes in the GS msc model 697 698 28-October-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-34) 699 - G4EmDNAModelActivator - fixed for hydrogen 700 701 25-October-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-33) 702 - G4EmDNAModelActivator - fixed for generic ions 703 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use different G4NuclearStopping 704 instance for G4GenericIon and other baryons 705 706 12-October-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-32) 707 - G4EmDNAModelActivator - fixed for helium ions 708 709 11-October-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-31) 710 - G4EmDNAModelActivator - fixed configuration of helium and Generic ions 711 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, 712 G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - use new parameter SetLateralDisplacementAlg96 713 714 22-September-2017 M.Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-30) 715 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - change msc model for e-/e+ below 716 100 MeV from Urban + UseDistanceToBoundary stepping to 717 GS + Mott-correction + error-free stepping. 718 719 16-September-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-29) 720 - G4EmStandard_option3 - use default Urban model of fluctuations 721 722 24-August-2017 M.Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-27) 723 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS - use the most accurate settings for the GS 724 MSC model (error-free stepping and Mott-correction) for testing. 725 726 24-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-26) 727 - G4EmModelActivator - allow to use both "PAIphoton" and "pai_photon" 728 names when activating PAIphoton model 729 - G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics - use upper limit 100 TeV, do not apply 730 high energy limit 1 GeV to gamma processes 731 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics - cleanup 732 733 10-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-25) 734 05-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-23) 735 - all DNA physics constructors use gamma configuration as in 736 Livermore, fixed usage of SetEmModel() and AddEmModel() 737 738 04-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-22) 739 04-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-21) 740 - all EM physics constructors now does not share multiple and single 741 scattering processes between proton and anti_proton 742 743 03-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-20) 744 03-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-17) 745 - all EM physics constructors now use G4EmParticleList 746 - G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - coherently initialise models 747 748 02-August-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-16) 749 29-July-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-13) 750 - G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - apply solatation model below 7.4 eV 751 (was 4 eV) in order to absorb low-energy e-; general cleanup 752 753 06-June-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-12) 754 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - use G4UniversalFluctuation2017 755 for energy loss fluctuation of e+-, protons, anti_protons 756 757 01-June-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-11) 758 - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - use G4hCoulombScatteringModel to take into 759 account relativistic corrections 760 761 01-June-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-10) 762 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - use G4WentzelVIRelModel and 763 G4hCoulombScatteringModel to take into account relativistic 764 corrections 765 766 08-May-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-09) 767 - G4EmStandardPhysics - use RayleighScattering and LivermorePhotoElectricModel 768 769 04-May-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-08) 770 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - set finalStep for all changed 771 10 um (except GenericIon), this will somehow slow down the 772 simulation but increase accuracy of range simulation 773 - G4EmParticleList - new class with the list of particles, 774 for whichg EM processes are instantiated 775 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed Opt4 and SS per region 776 777 29-April-2017 S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-07) 778 - added stationary Geant4-DNA constructors 779 780 25-April-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-06) 781 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - revert back 782 - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - apply single scattering to all particles 783 (bug fix #1966) 784 785 27-March-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-05) 786 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - use G4WentzelVIRelModel and 787 G4hCoulombScatteringModel to take into account relativistic 788 corrections 789 790 19-January-2017 P. Gumplinger (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-04) 791 - add setCerenkov/ScintillationStackPhotons commands to 792 G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger and use them in G4OpticalPhysics 793 794 02-January-2017 S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-03) 795 - added elastic scattering process for ions to all DNA constructors 796 797 27-December-2016 S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-02) 798 - fixed compilation error 799 800 27-December-2016 S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-01) 801 - added G4EmDNAPhysics_option6 802 803 16-December-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-03-00) 804 - G4EmModelActivator - use new access methods RegionsPhysics() and 805 TypesPhysics() instead of RegionsMsc() and TypesMsc() 806 807 02-December-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-38) 808 - G4EmModelActivator - added initialisation of atomic deexcitation 809 for radioactive decay (also for the cases when radioactive 810 decay is registered before EM physics or is the only process) 811 812 15-November-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-37) 813 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed PAI model activation (disable for ions) 814 815 03-November-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-36) 816 - G4EmModelActivator - added SS PhysList per region 817 818 20-October-2016 M.Maire (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-35) 819 - README : start to fill 820 821 17-October-2016 M.Maire (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-34) 822 - add README 823 824 11-October-2016 G.Folger (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-33) 825 - replace direct use of aParticleIterator by GetParticleIterator(). 826 827 11-October-2016 S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-32) 828 - G4EmDNAPhysics* - retry of activation of atomic deex. conf. 829 830 05-October-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-31) 831 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - disable lateral displacement 832 beyond safety 833 834 05-October-2016 S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-30) 835 - G4EmDNAPhysics* - reconfigured activation of atomic deexcitation 836 837 03-October-2016 S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-29) 838 - G4EmDNAPhysics - added G4EmParameters::Instance()->SetDefaults(); 839 840 23-September-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-28) 841 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - disable lateral displacement beyond safety 842 843 26-August-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-27) 844 25-August-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-26) 845 - G4EmModelActivator - added configuration of EM physics per G4Region 846 via UI commands 847 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysicsGS, 848 G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - use the same 849 style names for EM physics constructors 850 851 10-August-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-25) 852 - G4EmModelActivator - simplified interface, removed not needed methods 853 854 03-August-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-24) 855 - Opt3, Livermore and Penelope enable sampling of lateral displacement 856 for hadrons 857 858 28-July-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-23) 859 - G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - introduced new methods for DNA configuration 860 per particle type 861 862 25-July-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-22) 863 - In all EM builders only one explicit constructor is left 864 - Livermore and Penelope physics defined below 1 TeV (default 100 TeV) 865 866 22-July-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-21) 867 - G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator - new class for DNA models configuration 868 - G4EmModelActivator - take out DNA physics and move it to the new 869 class G4EmDNAPhysicsActivator 870 871 06-June-2016 M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-20) 872 - G4EmModelActivator: Correct elastic process name for ions 873 874 03-June-2016 M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-19) 875 - G4EmModelActivator: Use Uehara model with chemistry 876 - G4EmDNAPhysics: load G4EmParameters 877 878 02-June-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-18) 879 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed activation of DNA models 880 881 28-May-2016 M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-17) 882 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option7: correct preproc flag 883 884 24-May-2016 M. Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-16) 885 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS: change back default step limit type to opt0 like 886 and set default range factor to 0.1 887 888 17-May-2016 M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-15) 889 - DNA and ModelActivator constructors: 890 * correct model/process names 891 * adjust high energy threshold of solvation (kill) in respect to the energy range 892 of the elastic model 893 894 12-May-2016 M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-14) 895 - Add G4DNAElectronSolvation to all DNA constructors 896 - Update G4EmModelActivator 897 898 27-Apr-2016 M.Novak (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-13) 899 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS: changed default step limit type to error-free 900 901 23-Apr-2016 M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-12) 902 - G4EmDNAChemistry: G4DNAElectronSolvatation->G4DNAElectronSolvation 903 904 20-Apr-2016 S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-11) 905 - updated G4EmDNAPhysics_option5 906 907 30-Mar-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-10) 908 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - fixed typo: uncomment commented line 909 910 29-Mar-2016 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-09) 911 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, option4 - added process of e+e- 912 pair creation by e+ and e-; enable lateral displacement for 913 muons and hadrons 914 915 21-Mar-2016 S. Incerti (phys_ctor-em-V10-02-08) 916 - added updated G4EmDNAPhysics_option7 917 918 07-Mar-2016 P. Gumplinger (phys_ctor-em-V10-02-07) 919 - add flag and command whether or not to call InvokeSD method 920 of G4OpBoundaryProcess 921 922 07-Mar-2016 M. Karamitros (phys_ctor-em-V10-02-06) 923 - remove G4EmDNAPhysics_option7 from sources.cmake 924 925 07-Mar-2016 M. Karamitros (phys_ctor-em-V10-02-05) 926 - remove G4EmDNAPhysics_option7 927 928 03-Mar-2016 I.Hrivnacova (phys_ctor-em-V10-02-04) 929 - fixed G4Exception message in G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger 930 931 01-Mar-2016 P.Gumplinger (phys_ctor-em-V10-02-03) 932 - fix Coverity error of uninitialized fScintillationTrackInfo 933 934 26-Feb-2016 P.Gumplinger (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-02) 935 - addressing part of bug report 1832 as suggested by Ivana Hrivnacova 936 937 05-Feb-2016 P.Gumplinger (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-01) 938 - fix val-grind memory leakage check tool flag in G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger 939 940 02-Feb-2016 P.Gumplinger (phys-ctor-em-V10-02-00) 941 - add SetScintillationTrackInfo to G4OpticalPhysics with 942 associated command in G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger 943 944 09-Nov-2015 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-22) 945 - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - allowing optional model with Mott 946 correction for e- 947 948 28-Oct-2015 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-21) 949 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS - M. Novak tunned parameters and make 950 it compatible with standard Opt0 951 952 16-Sept-2015 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-20) 953 - define fluo flag in constructors of all EM constructors 954 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI, 955 G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, G4EmStandardPhysicsGS 956 - use G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel and G4KleinNishinaModel 957 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1,2 - set 958 new Urban msc lateral displacement off 959 960 02-Sept-2015 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-19) 961 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use WVI+SS for pions, kaons, p, pbar 962 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS - use PWA screening option for e+, 963 RangeFactor=0.15, UseSafetyPlus step limit 964 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - RangeFactor=0.15 965 966 14-Aug-2015, S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-18) 967 - added G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel to G4EmDNAPhysics_option5 968 969 14-Aug-2015, S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-17) 970 - corrected proton energy limits in G4EmDNAPhysics_option2 971 972 27-July-2015 V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-16) 973 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, 974 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3,4 - set lowest e+- energy to 100 eV 975 G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, 976 G4EmStandardPhysicsGS - set lowest e+- energy to 10 eV 977 978 20-July-2015 D.Sawkey (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-15) 979 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, 980 G4EmStandardPhysics_option[1,2,3,4], G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI, 981 G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, G4EmStandardPhysics, 982 G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics, G4EmDNAPhysics_option[1,2,3,4,5] 983 - call G4EmParameters::Instance()->SetDefaults() in ctor for 984 each electromagnetic physics list 985 986 10-July-2015, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-14) 987 - G4EmDNAChemistry : adapt for new elastic model 988 - G4DNAPhysics_option5 : add Born models for energy regions 989 where Emfietzoglou models do not apply 990 991 08-July-2015, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-13) 992 - G4EmDNAChemistry : use G4MolecularConfiguration instead of 993 G4Molecule 994 - G4EmModelActivator : Add Ion elastic model + cosmetics 995 996 25-June-2015, S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-12) 997 - updated G4EmDNAPhysics_option1 for GenericIon usage 998 999 17-June-2015, S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-11) 1000 - added G4EmDNAPhysics_option5 1001 1002 10-June-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-10) 1003 - G4EmModelActivator - fixed Coverity report 1004 - G4EmStandardPhysicsGS, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, 1005 G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - enable Rayleigh scattering and fluorescence 1006 1007 05-June-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-09) 1008 - added G4EmStandardPhysicsGS - use Goudsmity-Saunderson msc model 1009 for e+e- below 100 MeV 1010 1011 03-June-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-08) 1012 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 configure Penelope ionisation for 1013 e+- below 1 MeV 1014 1015 03-June-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-07) 1016 - G4EmModelActivator - new helper class to activate PAI, MicroElec 1017 and DAN models per G4Region 1018 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, 1019 G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, 1020 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 1021 G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, 1022 G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics - use G4EmModelActivator 1023 - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS - full activation of the de-excitation module 1024 1025 24-May-2015, S.Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-06) 1026 - added G4EmDNAPhysics_option4 1027 1028 04-Mar-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-05) 1029 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, 1030 G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, 1031 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 1032 parameters for multiple scattering are defined via 1033 G4EmParameters class 1034 1035 16-Feb-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-04) 1036 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - disable DisplacementBeyondSafety for 1037 the same reason as in previous tag 1038 1039 13-Jan-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-03) 1040 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - disable DisplacementBeyondSafety 1041 option (result of electron scattering benchmark demonstrate 1042 some degradation of accuracy with this option enabled) 1043 1044 17-Dec-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-02) 1045 - G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - added angular limit to WentzelVI model 1046 in order to provide correct backscattering (fixing problem #1702) 1047 1048 14-Dec-2014, S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-01) 1049 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option3: created 1050 1051 13-Dec-2014, S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-01-00) 1052 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option2: created 1053 1054 28-Nov-2014, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-27) 1055 - G4EmDNAChemistry: remove useless activation line 1056 1057 24-Nov-2014, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-26) 1058 - G4EmDNAChemistry: initialization procedure of the chemistry reviewed 1059 G4DNAChemistryManager::Instance()->Initialize() is called from 1060 G4EmDNAChemistry::ConstructProcess. 1061 - Elastic scattering models are extended to low energies to avoid killing the 1062 electrons --> should be converted into a solvated electron 1063 1064 21-Nov-2014, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-25) 1065 - Transfer initialization of chemistry from user code to geant4 code 1066 1067 17-Nov-2014, I. Hrivnacova (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-24) 1068 - Improved printing in G4OpticalPhysics::PrintStatistics() 1069 1070 12-Nov-2014, A. Dotti (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-23) 1071 - Use of the correct enumerator. 1072 1073 08-Nov-2014, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-22) 1074 - Use G4MoleculeTable::GetModel rather than recreating molecules 1075 1076 7-Nov-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-21) 1077 - Use G4EmParameters used in low-energy constructors 1078 1079 4-Nov-2014, A.Dotti (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-20) 1080 - Fix bug appearing in LXe boundscheck test. Actually it is a 1081 serious bug that can also make program crash. 1082 1083 28-Oct-2014, A. Dotti (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-19) 1084 - Add trailing '/' at end of new UI optical directories 1085 1086 28-Oct-2014, P. Arce (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-18) 1087 - Add G4EmLEPTSPhysics 1088 1089 27 Oct 14: A.Dotti ( phys-ctor-em-V10-00-17) 1090 - Address problem #1675, this requires re engineering of 1091 all UI commands related to optical processes and created 1092 in G4OpticalPhysics. 1093 - Co-working tags: xrays-V10-00-06, op-V10-00-09, phys-ctor-em-V10-00-17 1094 1095 23-Oct-2014, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-16) 1096 - G4EmDNAChemistry: correct H3O+ settings 1097 1098 17-Oct-2014, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-15) 1099 - G4EmDNAChemistry: avoid reseting vibrational model 1100 1101 17-Oct-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-14) 1102 - Use G4EmParameters used in all standard constructors 1103 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3,4 - use G4GeneratorBS angular generator 1104 for bremsstrahlung 1105 G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - use RangeFactor = 0.02 (instead of 0.01); 1106 use G4DeltaAngle angular generator for all ionisation models 1107 G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI - new constructors 1108 1109 07-Jul-2014, M. Karamitros (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-13) 1110 - Add G4EmDNAChemistry 1111 1112 05-Jun-2014, S. Incerti (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-12) 1113 - Updated G4EmDNAPhysics to G4GenericIon usage for Z>2 1114 1115 05-Apr-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-11) 1116 - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, 1117 G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - cleanup 1118 msc instantiation for hadrons (use the same models for 1119 particle/anti_particle) 1120 1121 02-Apr-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-10) 1122 - G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, 1123 G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermoreStandardPhysics - cleanup 1124 gamma and e- models instantiation 1125 1126 28-Feb-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-09) 1127 - G4EmLowEPPhysics - added G4LowEWentzelVIModel 1128 1129 14-Feb-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-08) 1130 - G4EmDNAPhysics_option1 - added new constructor for DNA physics 1131 1132 04-Feb-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-07) 1133 - G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, 1134 G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - added Coulomb scattering process for 1135 pions, kaons, proton, anti-proton in order to have more smooth 1136 transition from EM to hadronic scattering 1137 1138 31-Jan-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-06) 1139 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 1140 G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3 - use the same 1141 order of processes for e+- and the same comments, this does not 1142 change any result but make more easy comparison of log 1143 files for different EM physics options 1144 1145 15-Jan-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-05) 1146 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 1147 G4EmPenelopePhysics: use G4UrbanMscModel for pions, kaons, protons 1148 instead of WentzelVI to have more accurate ranges of low-energy 1149 hadrons (in particular, protons) 1150 1151 14-Jan-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-04) 1152 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4, G4EmLivermorePhysics, 1153 G4EmPenelopePhysics: use RangeFactor=0.01 to increase 1154 simulation accuracy 1155 1156 23-Dec-2013, M.Asai (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-03) 1157 - Fix other via-pointer invokation to static methods. 1158 1159 22-Dec-2013, M.Asai (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-02) 1160 - Avoid static G4Scintillation method invoked through a pointer. 1161 1162 18-Dec-2013, P.Gumplinger (phys-ctor-em-V10-00-00 and 01) 1163 - Fix race condision issue in OpticalPhysics 1164 - /optics_engine/setOpProcessUse not available for G4State_Idle 1165 1166 01-Nov-2013, M.K (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-21) 1167 - Update sources.cmake 1168 1169 01-Nov-2013, M.K (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-20) 1170 - Remove temporarly G4EmDNAPhysicsChemistry to avoid conflicts with dna dev 1171 1172 01-Nov-2013, M.K (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-19) 1173 - Modified G4EmDNAPhysicsChemistry 1174 - Update sources.cmake 1175 1176 28-Oct-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-18) 1177 - G4EmStandardPhysics - disable ApplyCuts option 1178 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - removed unused header 1179 1180 10-Oct-2013, M.K (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-17) 1181 - Same as before 1182 1183 06-Oct-2013, M.K (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-16) 1184 - Same as before 1185 1186 04-Oct-2013, M.K (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-15) 1187 - Remove unused variable 1188 1189 03-Oct-2013, M.K (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-14) 1190 - DNA chemistry physics list updated 1191 1192 16-Sep-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-13) 1193 - G4EmStandardPhysics - enable ApplyCuts option 1194 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option2 - disable ApplyCuts option 1195 both changings are needed to check an effect of these options 1196 to optimise EM for the release 1197 1198 14-Sep-2013, M.Asai (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-12) 1199 - Further fix G4OpticalPhysics for MT. 1200 1201 12-Sep-2013, M.Asai (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-11) 1202 - Fix G4OpticalPhysics for MT. 1203 1204 21-Aug-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-10) 1205 - Removed G4UrbanMscModel95 from EmDNA constructor 1206 1207 19-Aug-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-09) 1208 - in all constructors use G4UrbanMscModel instead of Urban93 or Urban95 1209 1210 17-Jun-2013, Alberto Ribon (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-08) 1211 - Fixed compilation warning in G4EmDNAPhysicsChemistry. 1212 1213 29-Mar-2013, Andrea Dotti (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-07) 1214 - Changes needed for MT: now G4VUserPhysicsList is a split class 1215 1216 21-Mar-2013, A. Dotti (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-06) 1217 - Use Get/Set methods to access master process manager pointer for G4ParticleDefinition 1218 in EmDNA constructor (co-working tag with particles-V09-06-08) 1219 1220 27-Feb-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-05) 1221 - in all constructors improved verbose oputput and fixed warning from 1222 the clang compiler on MacOS 1223 1224 19-Feb-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-04) 1225 - in all constructors G4UrbanMscModel95 substituted by G4UrbanMscModel 1226 - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 - low limit increased from 10 eV to 100 eV 1227 1228 13-Feb-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-03) 1229 - G4EmLivermorePhysics - set low-limit 100 eV and number of bins 1230 for tables 220 to avoid problems in Livermore ionisation for 1231 electron stopping powers and ranges 1232 1233 01-Feb-2013, V.Ivanchenko (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-02) 1234 - G4EmExtraPhysics and G4EmMessenger are moved to gamma_lepto_nuclear 1235 subdirectory 1236 - removed unused dependences from GNUmakefile and source.cmake 1237 1238 30-Jan-2013, Mathieu Karamitros, G.Folger (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-01) 1239 - First and simple approach to solve process manager initialization after 1240 migratioon to G4MT. 1241 1242 10-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger (phys-ctor-em-V09-06-00) 1243 - new directory structure introduced. 1244 constructors/electromagnetic classes