Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

  1 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
  2 // See the file tools.license for terms.
  4 #ifndef tools_ccontour
  5 #define tools_ccontour
  7 // G.Barrand : inline version of the one found in Lib of OSC 16.11.
  8 //             This code is not mine and I keep it "as it is".
 10 // Contour.h: interface for the ccontour class.
 11 //
 12 // ccontour implements Contour plot algorithm descrided in
 16 //    BY
 17 //
 19 //
 20 //    B.S., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1980
 21 // See
 22 //
 23 // Ported to C++ by Jonathan de Halleux.
 24 //
 25 // Using ccontour :
 26 //
 27 // ccontour is not directly usable. The user has to
 28 //  1. derive the function ExportLine that is
 29 //    supposed to draw/store the segment of the contour
 30 //  2. Set the function draw contour of. (using  SetFieldFn
 31 //    The function must be declared as follows
 32 //    double (*myF)(double x , double y);
 33 //
 34 //  History:
 35 //    31-07-2002:
 36 //      - A lot of contribution from Chenggang Zhou (better strip compressions, merging, area, weight),
 37 //      - Got rid of ugly MFC lists for STL.
 38 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 40 //G.Barrand :
 41 #include <vector>
 42 #include <cstdio>
 43 #include <cstdlib>
 44 #include <cmath>
 46 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
 47 #include "mem"
 48 #endif
 50 #include "mnmx"
 52 namespace tools {
 54 class ccontour
 55 {
 56 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
 57     static const std::string& s_class() {
 58       static const std::string s_v("tools::ccontour");
 59       return s_v;
 60     }
 61 #endif
 62 protected:
 63         // plots a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
 64   virtual void ExportLine(int iPlane,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) = 0;
 66 public:
 67   ccontour();
 68   virtual ~ccontour(){
 69     CleanMemory();
 70 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
 71           mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
 72 #endif
 73         }
 74 protected: //G.Barrand
 75         ccontour(const ccontour&){}
 76 private: //G.Barrand
 77         ccontour& operator=(const ccontour&){return *this;}
 78 public:
 79 protected: //G.Barrand
 80   // Initialize memory. Called in generate
 81   virtual void InitMemory();
 82   // Clean work arrays
 83   virtual void CleanMemory();
 84   // generates contour
 85   // Before calling this functions you must
 86   //  1. derive the function ExportLine that is
 87   //    supposed to draw/store the segment of the contour
 88   //  2. Set the function draw contour of. (using  SetFieldFn
 89   //    The function must be declared as follows
 90   //    double (*myF)(double x , double y);
 91 public: //G.Barrand
 92   virtual void generate();
 94   // Set the dimension of the primary grid
 95   void set_first_grid(int iCol, int iRow);
 96   // Set the dimension of the base grid
 97   void set_secondary_grid(int iCol, int iRow);
 98   // Sets the region [left, right, bottom,top] to generate contour
 99   void set_limits(double pLimits[4]);
100   // Sets the isocurve values
101   void set_planes(const std::vector<double>& vPlanes);
102   // Sets the pointer to the F(x,y) funtion
103         // G.Barrand : handle a user data pointer.
104   void set_field_fcn(double (*_pFieldFcn)(double, double,void*),void*);
106   size_t get_number_of_planes() const { return m_vPlanes.size();};
107   const std::vector<double>& get_planes() const { return m_vPlanes;};
108   double get_plane(unsigned int i)  const;
110   // For an indexed point i on the sec. grid, returns x(i)
111   double get_xi(int i) const {  return m_pLimits[0] +  i%(m_iColSec+1)*(m_pLimits[1]-m_pLimits[0])/(double)( m_iColSec );};
112   // For an indexed point i on the fir. grid, returns y(i)
113   double get_yi(int i) const;
115   void get_limits(double pLimits[4]);
116 protected: //G.Barrand
118   // Retrieve dimension of grids, contouring region and isocurve
119   int GetColFir() const   { return m_iColFir;};
120   int GetRowFir() const   { return m_iRowFir;};
121   int GetColSec() const   { return m_iColSec;};
122   int GetRowSec() const   { return m_iRowSec;};
124 private:
125   // A structure used internally by ccontour
126   /*G.Barrand :
127   struct CFnStr {
128     double m_dFnVal;
129     short m_sLeftLen;
130     short m_sRightLen;
131     short m_sTopLen;
132     short m_sBotLen;
133   };
134   */
135   class CFnStr {
136 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
137     static const std::string& s_class() {
138       static const std::string s_v("tools::ccontour::CFnStr");
139       return s_v;
140     }
141 #endif
142   public:
143     CFnStr():m_dFnVal(0),m_sLeftLen(0),m_sRightLen(0),m_sTopLen(0),m_sBotLen(0){
144 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
145       mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
146 #endif
147     }
148     ~CFnStr(){
149 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
150       mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
151 #endif
152     }
153   protected:
154     CFnStr(const CFnStr&){}
155     CFnStr& operator=(const CFnStr&){return *this;}
156   public:
157     double m_dFnVal;
158     short m_sLeftLen;
159     short m_sRightLen;
160     short m_sTopLen;
161     short m_sBotLen;
162   };
165 protected:
166   // Accesibles variables
167   std::vector<double> m_vPlanes;      // value of contour planes
168   double m_pLimits[4];            // left, right, bottom, top
169   int m_iColFir;                // primary  grid, number of columns
170   int m_iRowFir;                // primary  grid, number of rows
171   unsigned int m_iColSec;               // secondary grid, number of columns
172   unsigned int m_iRowSec;               // secondary grid, number of rows
173         void* m_pFieldFcnData; // G.Barrand : handle a user data pointer.
174         double (*m_pFieldFcn)(double x, double y,void*); // pointer to F(x,y) function
176   // Protected function
177   //virtual void ExportLine(int iPlane, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) = 0; // plots a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
179   // Work functions and variables
180   double m_dDx;
181   double m_dDy;
182   CFnStr** m_ppFnData;  // pointer to mesh parts
183   CFnStr* FnctData(int i,int j)  {  return (m_ppFnData[i]+j);};
185   double Field(int x, int y);  /* evaluate funct if we must,  */
186   void Cntr1(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2);
187   void Pass2(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2);   /* draws the contour lines */
189 private:
190         //G.Barrand : have the below in the class.
191         // A simple test function
192         static double ContourTestFunction(double x,double y,void*) {
193           return 0.5*(::cos(x+3.14/4)+::sin(y+3.14/4));
194         }
196 protected:
197         static void _ASSERT_(bool a_what,const char* a_where) {
198           if(!a_what) {
199             ::printf("debug : Contour : assert failure in %s\n",a_where);
200             ::exit(0);
201           }
202         }
204         static void _ASSERTP_(void* a_what,const char* a_where) {
205           if(!a_what) {
206             ::printf("debug : Contour : assert failure in %s\n",a_where);
207             ::exit(0);
208           }
209         }
211 };
213 // implementation :
214 //
215 //  Code get on the web at :
216 //
217 //
218 //  G.Barrand
219 //
221 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
222 // Construction/Destruction
223 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
225 inline ccontour::ccontour()
226 {
227 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
228       mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
229 #endif
230   m_iColFir=m_iRowFir=32;
231   m_iColSec=m_iRowSec=256;
232   m_dDx=m_dDy=0;
233         m_pFieldFcnData = NULL;
234   m_pFieldFcn=NULL;
235   m_pLimits[0]=m_pLimits[2]=0;
236   m_pLimits[1]=m_pLimits[3]=5.;
237   m_ppFnData=NULL;
239   // temporary stuff
240   m_pFieldFcn=ContourTestFunction;
241   m_vPlanes.resize(20);
242   for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_vPlanes.size();i++)
243   {
244     m_vPlanes[i]=(i-m_vPlanes.size()/2.0)*0.1;
245   }
246 }
248 //G.Barrand : inline
250 inline void ccontour::InitMemory()
251 {
252   if (!m_ppFnData)
253   {
254     m_ppFnData=new CFnStr*[m_iColSec+1];
255     for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_iColSec+1;i++)
256     {
257       m_ppFnData[i]=NULL;
258     }
259   }
260 }
262 inline void ccontour::CleanMemory()
263 {
264   if (m_ppFnData)
265   {
266     for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_iColSec+1;i++)
267     {
268       if (m_ppFnData[i])
269         delete[] (m_ppFnData[i]);
270     }
271     delete[] m_ppFnData;
272     m_ppFnData=NULL;
273   }
274 }
276 inline void ccontour::generate()
277 {
279   int i, j;
280   int x3, x4, y3, y4, x, y, oldx3, xlow;
281   const unsigned int cols=m_iColSec+1;
282   const unsigned int rows=m_iRowSec+1;
283   //double xoff,yoff;
285   // Initialize memroy if needed
286   InitMemory();
288   m_dDx = (m_pLimits[1]-m_pLimits[0])/(double)(m_iColSec);
289   //xoff = m_pLimits[0];
290   m_dDy = (m_pLimits[3]-m_pLimits[2])/(double)(m_iRowSec);
291   //yoff = m_pLimits[2];
293   xlow = 0;
294   oldx3 = 0;
295   x3 = (cols-1)/m_iRowFir;
296   x4 = ( 2*(cols-1) )/m_iRowFir;
297   for (x = oldx3; x <= x4; x++)
298   {   /* allocate new columns needed
299     */
300     if (x >= (int)cols)
301       break;
302     if (m_ppFnData[x]==NULL)
303       m_ppFnData[x] = new CFnStr[rows];
305     for (y = 0; y < (int)rows; y++)
306       FnctData(x,y)->m_sTopLen = -1;
307   }
309   y4 = 0;
310   for (j = 0; j < m_iColFir; j++)
311   {
312     y3 = y4;
313     y4 = ((j+1)*(rows-1))/m_iColFir;
314     Cntr1(oldx3, x3, y3, y4);
315   }
317   for (i = 1; i < m_iRowFir; i++)
318   {
319     y4 = 0;
320     for (j = 0; j < m_iColFir; j++)
321     {
322       y3 = y4;
323       y4 = ((j+1)*(rows-1))/m_iColFir;
324       Cntr1(x3, x4, y3, y4);
325     }
327     y4 = 0;
328     for (j = 0; j < m_iColFir; j++)
329     {
330       y3 = y4;
331       y4 = ((j+1)*(rows-1))/m_iColFir;
332       Pass2(oldx3,x3,y3,y4);
333     }
335     if (i < (m_iRowFir-1))
336     {  /* re-use columns no longer needed */
337       oldx3 = x3;
338       x3 = x4;
339       x4 = ((i+2)*(cols-1))/m_iRowFir;
340       for (x = x3+1; x <= x4; x++)
341       {
342         if (xlow < oldx3)
343         {
344           if (m_ppFnData[x])
345             delete[] m_ppFnData[x];
346           m_ppFnData[x] = m_ppFnData[xlow];
347           m_ppFnData[ xlow++ ] = NULL;
348         }
349         else
350           if (m_ppFnData[x]==NULL)
351             m_ppFnData[x] = new CFnStr[rows];
353         for (y = 0; y < (int)rows; y++)
354           FnctData(x,y)->m_sTopLen = -1;
355       }
356     }
357   }
359   y4 = 0;
360   for (j = 0; j < m_iColFir; j++)
361   {
362     y3 = y4;
363     y4 = ((j+1)*(rows-1))/m_iColFir;
364     Pass2(x3,x4,y3,y4);
365   }
366 }
368 inline void ccontour::Cntr1(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
369 {
370   double f11, f12, f21, f22, f33;
371   int x3, y3, i, j;
373   if ((x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2)) /* if not a real cell, punt */
374     return;
375   f11 = Field(x1, y1);
376   f12 = Field(x1, y2);
377   f21 = Field(x2, y1);
378   f22 = Field(x2, y2);
379   if ((x2 > x1+1) || (y2 > y1+1)) { /* is cell divisible? */
380     x3 = (x1+x2)/2;
381     y3 = (y1+y2)/2;
382     f33 = Field(x3, y3);
383     i = j = 0;
384     if (f33 < f11) i++; else if (f33 > f11) j++;
385     if (f33 < f12) i++; else if (f33 > f12) j++;
386     if (f33 < f21) i++; else if (f33 > f21) j++;
387     if (f33 < f22) i++; else if (f33 > f22) j++;
388     if ((i > 2) || (j > 2)) /* should we divide cell? */
389     {
390       /* subdivide cell */
391       Cntr1(x1, x3, y1, y3);
392       Cntr1(x3, x2, y1, y3);
393       Cntr1(x1, x3, y3, y2);
394       Cntr1(x3, x2, y3, y2);
395       return;
396     }
397   }
398   /* install cell in array */
399   FnctData(x1,y2)->m_sBotLen = FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sTopLen = x2-x1;
400   FnctData(x2,y1)->m_sLeftLen = FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sRightLen = y2-y1;
401 }
403 inline void ccontour::Pass2(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
404 {
405   int left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bot = 0,old, iNew, i, j, x3, y3;
406   double yy0 = 0, yy1 = 0, xx0 = 0, xx1 = 0, xx3, yy3;
407   double v, f11, f12, f21, f22, f33, fold, fnew, f;
408   double xoff=m_pLimits[0];
409   double yoff=m_pLimits[2];
411   if ((x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2)) /* if not a real cell, punt */
412     return;
413   f11 = FnctData(x1,y1)->m_dFnVal;
414   f12 = FnctData(x1,y2)->m_dFnVal;
415   f21 = FnctData(x2,y1)->m_dFnVal;
416   f22 = FnctData(x2,y2)->m_dFnVal;
417   if ((x2 > x1+1) || (y2 > y1+1)) /* is cell divisible? */
418   {
419     x3 = (x1+x2)/2;
420     y3 = (y1+y2)/2;
421     f33 = FnctData(x3, y3)->m_dFnVal;
422     i = j = 0;
423     if (f33 < f11) i++; else if (f33 > f11) j++;
424     if (f33 < f12) i++; else if (f33 > f12) j++;
425     if (f33 < f21) i++; else if (f33 > f21) j++;
426     if (f33 < f22) i++; else if (f33 > f22) j++;
427     if ((i > 2) || (j > 2)) /* should we divide cell? */
428     {
429       /* subdivide cell */
430       Pass2(x1, x3, y1, y3);
431       Pass2(x3, x2, y1, y3);
432       Pass2(x1, x3, y3, y2);
433       Pass2(x3, x2, y3, y2);
434       return;
435     }
436   }
438   for (i = 0; i < (int)m_vPlanes.size(); i++)
439   {
440     v = m_vPlanes[i];
441     j = 0;
442     if (f21 > v) j++;
443     if (f11 > v) j |= 2;
444     if (f22 > v) j |= 4;
445     if (f12 > v) j |= 010;
446     if ((f11 > v) ^ (f12 > v))
447     {
448       if ((FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sLeftLen != 0) &&
449         (FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sLeftLen < FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sRightLen))
450       {
451         old = y1;
452         fold = f11;
453         while (1)
454         {
455           iNew = old+FnctData(x1,old)->m_sLeftLen;
456           fnew = FnctData(x1,iNew)->m_dFnVal;
457           if ((fnew > v) ^ (fold > v))
458             break;
459           old = iNew;
460           fold = fnew;
461         }
462         yy0 = ((old-y1)+(iNew-old)*(v-fold)/(fnew-fold))/(y2-y1);
463       }
464       else
465         yy0 = (v-f11)/(f12-f11);
467       left = (int)(y1+(y2-y1)*yy0+0.5);
468     }
469     if ((f21 > v) ^ (f22 > v))
470     {
471       if ((FnctData(x2,y1)->m_sRightLen != 0) &&
472         (FnctData(x2,y1)->m_sRightLen < FnctData(x2,y1)->m_sLeftLen))
473       {
474         old = y1;
475         fold = f21;
476         while (1)
477         {
478           iNew = old+FnctData(x2,old)->m_sRightLen;
479           fnew = FnctData(x2,iNew)->m_dFnVal;
480           if ((fnew > v) ^ (fold > v))
481             break;
482           old = iNew;
483           fold = fnew;
484         }
485         yy1 = ((old-y1)+(iNew-old)*(v-fold)/(fnew-fold))/(y2-y1);
486       }
487       else
488         yy1 = (v-f21)/(f22-f21);
490       right = (int)(y1+(y2-y1)*yy1+0.5);
491     }
492     if ((f21 > v) ^ (f11 > v))
493     {
494       if ((FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sBotLen != 0) &&
495         (FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sBotLen < FnctData(x1,y1)->m_sTopLen)) {
496         old = x1;
497         fold = f11;
498         while (1) {
499           iNew = old+FnctData(old,y1)->m_sBotLen;
500           fnew = FnctData(iNew,y1)->m_dFnVal;
501           if ((fnew > v) ^ (fold > v))
502             break;
503           old = iNew;
504           fold = fnew;
505         }
506         xx0 = ((old-x1)+(iNew-old)*(v-fold)/(fnew-fold))/(x2-x1);
507       }
508       else
509         xx0 = (v-f11)/(f21-f11);
511       bot = (int)(x1+(x2-x1)*xx0+0.5);
512     }
513     if ((f22 > v) ^ (f12 > v))
514     {
515       if ((FnctData(x1,y2)->m_sTopLen != 0) &&
516         (FnctData(x1,y2)->m_sTopLen < FnctData(x1,y2)->m_sBotLen)) {
517         old = x1;
518         fold = f12;
519         while (1) {
520           iNew = old+FnctData(old,y2)->m_sTopLen;
521           fnew = FnctData(iNew,y2)->m_dFnVal;
522           if ((fnew > v) ^ (fold > v))
523             break;
524           old = iNew;
525           fold = fnew;
526         }
527         xx1 = ((old-x1)+(iNew-old)*(v-fold)/(fnew-fold))/(x2-x1);
528       }
529       else
530         xx1 = (v-f12)/(f22-f12);
532       top = (int)(x1+(x2-x1)*xx1+0.5);
533     }
535     switch (j)
536     {
537       case 7:
538       case 010:
539         ExportLine(i,x1,left,top,y2);
540         break;
541       case 5:
542       case 012:
543         ExportLine(i,bot,y1,top,y2);
544         break;
545       case 2:
546       case 015:
547         ExportLine(i,x1,left,bot,y1);
548       break;
549     case 4:
550     case 013:
551       ExportLine(i,top,y2,x2,right);
552       break;
553     case 3:
554     case 014:
555       ExportLine(i,x1,left,x2,right);
556       break;
557     case 1:
558     case 016:
559       ExportLine(i,bot,y1,x2,right);
560       break;
561     case 0:
562     case 017:
563       break;
564     case 6:
565     case 011:
566       yy3 = (xx0*(yy1-yy0)+yy0)/(1.0-(xx1-xx0)*(yy1-yy0));
567       xx3 = yy3*(xx1-xx0)+xx0;
568       xx3 = x1+xx3*(x2-x1);
569       yy3 = y1+yy3*(y2-y1);
570       xx3 = xoff+xx3*m_dDx;
571       yy3 = yoff+yy3*m_dDy;
572       f = (*m_pFieldFcn)(xx3, yy3,m_pFieldFcnData);
573       if (f == v) {
574         ExportLine(i,bot,y1,top,y2);
575         ExportLine(i,x1,left,x2,right);
576       } else
577         if (((f > v) && (f22 > v)) || ((f < v) && (f22 < v))) {
578           ExportLine(i,x1,left,top,y2);
579           ExportLine(i,bot,y1,x2,right);
580         } else {
581           ExportLine(i,x1,left,bot,y1);
582           ExportLine(i,top,y2,x2,right);
583         }
584     }
585   }
586 }
588 inline double ccontour::Field(int x, int y)  /* evaluate funct if we must,*/
589 {
590   double x1, y1;
592   if (FnctData(x,y)->m_sTopLen != -1)  /* is it already in the array */
593     return(FnctData(x,y)->m_dFnVal);
595   /* not in the array, create new array element */
596   x1 = m_pLimits[0]+m_dDx*x;
597   y1 = m_pLimits[2]+m_dDy*y;
598   FnctData(x,y)->m_sTopLen = 0;
599   FnctData(x,y)->m_sBotLen = 0;
600   FnctData(x,y)->m_sRightLen = 0;
601   FnctData(x,y)->m_sLeftLen = 0;
602   return (FnctData(x,y)->m_dFnVal = (*m_pFieldFcn)(x1, y1,m_pFieldFcnData));
603 }
605 inline void ccontour::set_planes(const std::vector<double>& vPlanes)
606 {
607   // cleaning memory
608   CleanMemory();
610   m_vPlanes = vPlanes;
611 }
613 inline void ccontour::set_field_fcn(double (*_pFieldFcn)(double, double,void*),void* aData)
614 {
615         m_pFieldFcnData = aData;
616   m_pFieldFcn=_pFieldFcn;
617 }
619 inline void ccontour::set_first_grid(int iCol, int iRow)
620 {
621   m_iColFir=mx<int>(iCol,2);
622   m_iRowFir=mx<int>(iRow,2);
623 }
625 inline void ccontour::set_secondary_grid(int iCol, int iRow)
626 {
627   // cleaning work matrices if allocated
628   CleanMemory();
630   m_iColSec=mx<int>(iCol,2);
631   m_iRowSec=mx<int>(iRow,2);
632 }
634 inline void ccontour::set_limits(double pLimits[4])
635 {
636   _ASSERT_(pLimits[0]<pLimits[1],"ccontour::set_limits");
637   _ASSERT_(pLimits[2]<pLimits[3],"ccontour::set_limits");
638   for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
639   {
640     m_pLimits[i]=pLimits[i];
641   }
642 }
644 inline void ccontour::get_limits(double pLimits[4])
645 {
646   for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
647   {
648     pLimits[i]=m_pLimits[i];
649   }
650 }
652 //G.Barrand : from .h to .cxx to avoid _ASSERT_ in .h
653 inline double ccontour::get_plane(unsigned int i) const {
654   /*_ASSERT_(i>=0);*/
655   _ASSERT_(i<m_vPlanes.size(),"ccontour::get_plane");
656   return m_vPlanes[i];
657 }
659 inline double ccontour::get_yi(int i) const {
660   if(i<0) ::printf("ccontour::get_yi : %d\n",i);
661   _ASSERT_(i>=0,"ccontour::get_yi");
662   return m_pLimits[2] +  i/(m_iColSec+1)*(m_pLimits[3]-m_pLimits[2])/(double)( m_iRowSec );
663 }
665 }
667 #endif