Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 ========================================================= 4 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP 5 ========================================================= 6 7 Chem3 8 ------- 9 10 This example is provided by the Geant4-DNA collaboration. 11 12 These processes and models are further described at: 13 14 15 Any report or published results obtained using the Geant4-DNA software shall 16 cite the following Geant4-DNA collaboration publications: 17 Phys. Med. 31 (2015) 861-874 18 Med. Phys. 37 (2010) 4692-4708 19 20 How to implement user actions in the chemistry module. 21 22 1 - GEOMETRY DEFINITION 23 24 It is a simple box which represents a 'semi infinite' homogeneous medium. 25 26 Two parameters define the geometry : 27 - the material of the box -- for Geant4-DNA it has to be water. 28 - the full size of the box. 29 30 The default geometry is constructed in DetectorConstruction class, but all of 31 the above parameters can be changed interactively via the commands defined in 32 the DetectorMessenger class. 33 34 2 - PHYSICS LIST 35 36 The physics list is initialized in G4EmDNAChemistry, together with chemical 37 stage models configuration. 38 39 3 - AN EVENT: THE PRIMARY GENERATOR 40 41 The primary kinematic consists of a single particle starting at the center of 42 the sphere. The type of the particle and its energy are set in the 43 PrimaryGeneratorAction class, and can be changed via the G4 build-in commands 44 of G4ParticleGun class. 45 The chemistry module is triggered in the StackingAction class when all 46 physical tracks have been processed. 47 48 4 - HOW TO START ? 49 50 Run the example from build directory. 51 52 To run the example in batch mode: 53 ./chem3 -mac 54 or 55 ./chem3 56 then the macro is processed by default 57 58 In interactive mode, run: 59 ./chem3 -gui 60 or 61 ./chem3 -gui gui.mac 62 63 The user interface will be launched. Continue using /run/beamOn 1 command. 64 By default, the vis.mac visualization macro is called. 65 The vis_vm,.mac macro is used only in the context of the G4DNA tutorial 66 hands-ons. 67 68 5 - OUTPUT 69 70 Physics initialization and the defined reaction table are printed. 71 G4ITStepManager processes the chemical stage time step after time step. 72 Chemical reactions are printed. 73 In the GUI window a cummulative trajectory of the chemical species is drawn. 74 75 The functions in TimeStepAction show how to get species 76 ID, positions at each time step or in a chemical reaction 77 78 6 - TIME EVOLUTION VISUALIZATION 79 80 User can start a visualization of the chemical track evolution in time and space 81 using /control/execute movie.mac. (The movie.mac macro then executes 82 the movie_prep.mac, movie_chemistry.mac and movie_physics.mac macros.) 83 Note, that in default setup the simulation requires machine with 6 GB of RAM. 84 To lower memory requirements, either decrease energy of the incident electron 85 in prep.mac or/and shorten the simulation using SetEndTime setting in 86 src/