Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example Hadr03 History 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry, 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). It must **not** 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages! 6 7 ## 2024-03-08 Michel Maire (exhadr03-V11-02-01) 8 - PrimaryGeneratorAction - added tiny shift of position of the 9 particle gun from the world volume boundary. This fix removes 10 a warning due to the new protection in G4ParticleGun 11 - update Readme 12 13 ## 2024-02-08 Michel Maire (exhadr03-V11-02-00) 14 - PhysicsList: remove G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics 15 - update fusion.mac 16 17 ## 2023-04-22 Michel Maire (exhadr03-V11-01-01) 18 - continue revision of all header files 19 - add a comment in nFission.mac 20 21 ## 2023-01-03 Michel Maire (exhadr03-V11-01-00) 22 - : set ProduceFissionFragments = true 23 - PhysicsList: go back to QGSP_BIC_HP 24 - SteppingAction: add a protection against secondaries 25 - Run::EndOfRun(): format adjustement, line 334. 26 - revision of all header files 27 28 ## 2022-11-17 V. Ivanchenko (exhadr03-V11-00-02) 29 - - removed RanecuEngine 30 - PhysicsList: use G4NuclideTable::SetMeanLifeThreshold(1ns); 31 use QBBC as the default configuration 32 - Run - added protection for the case when G4NeutronGeneralProcess is 33 used - in that case it is not possible to access cross section 34 via G4HadronicProcessStore, this may be resolved for the next release; 35 fixed problem 2517 36 37 ## 2022-04-01 mma (exhadr03-V11-00-01) 38 - PhysicsList: add G4NuclideTable::SetThresholdOfHalfLife(1ns*log2) 39 40 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (exhadr03-V11-00-00) 41 - Change to new Markdown History format 42 43 --- 44 45 # History entries prior to 11.0 46 47 07-10-21 I. Hrivnacova (exhadr03-V10-07-05) 48 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header; 49 define the default output file type (root). 50 51 27-07-21 mma (exhadr03-V10-07-04) 52 - RunAction::CountProcesses() : add a protection if (process == nullptr) 53 54 19-07-21 I. Hrivnacova (Hadr03-V10-07-03) 55 - Updated for changes in the analysis category: 56 removed deleting of the analysis manager, 57 as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel. 58 59 15-04-21 mma (Hadr03-V10-07-02) 60 - RunManagerFactory 61 G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits 62 ParticleHP env variables 63 - ActionInitialization.hh and cc: remove SteppingVerbose class 64 65 04-03-21 A. Ribon (exhadr03-V10-07-01) 66 - GammaNuclearPhysics, GammaNuclearPhysicsLEND : replaced 67 G4PhotoNuclearProcess (that has been deleted) with 68 G4HadronInelasticProcess. 69 70 05-01-21 mma (exhadr03-V10-07-00) 71 - PhysicsList: add GammaNuclearPhysicsLEND 72 73 22-10-20 mma (exhadr03-V10-06-04) 74 - add fusion.mac 75 - README : add macros descrption 76 77 05-08-20 A. Ribon (exhadr03-V10-06-03) 78 - envHadronic.(c)sh , nFission.mac , : removed deprecated 79 HP environmental variables and replaced them with corresponding 80 C++ calls in the main, and UI commands in the macros. 81 (The two shell-script files will be removed in G4 11.0.) 82 83 04-06-20 mma (exhadr03-V10-06-02) 84 - HistoManager, SteppingAction : add plot of e- 85 86 04-05-20 mma (exhadr03-V10-06-01) 87 - GammaNuclearPhysics : add G4LowEGammaNuclearModel 88 - add GammaNuclearPhysicsLEND 89 - modify gamma.mac; add Au196.mac 90 91 30-04-20 mma (exhadr03-V10-06-00) 92 - PhysicsList : add G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC, Shielding, RadioactiveDecay 93 94 03-10-18 mma (exhadr03-V10-04-06) 95 - PhysicsList : add G4HadronElasticPhysicsXS 96 97 28-09-18 mma (exhadr03-V10-04-05) 98 - PhysicsList : use G4IonPhysicsXS 99 - : complete Merge() for fNbGamma and fPbalance 100 101 24-06-18 mma (exhadr03-V10-04-04) 102 - envHadronic : add env variables for particleHP (PHP) 103 104 09-05-18 B. Morgan (exhadr03-V10-04-03) 105 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADED. For forward 106 compatibility with move to #defines over -D for G4 preprocessor 107 symbols. 108 109 05-04-18 mma (exhadr03-V10-04-02) 110 - : set visualisation only in interactive session. 111 112 16-03-18 mma (exhadr03-V10-04-01) 113 - : C++ 11 feature 114 115 15-03-18 mma (exhadr03-V10-04-00) 116 - : remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE 117 118 04-07-17 mma (exhadr03-V10-03-04) 119 - SteppingAction() : take into account e- from internal conversion 120 121 11-04-17 mma (exhadr03-V10-03-03) 122 - BeginOfRunAction() : remove SetRandomNumberStore() 123 124 10-09-16 mma (exhadr03-V10-02-02) 125 - change name : GammaPhysics --> GammaNuclearPhysics. 126 127 15-08-16 mma (exhadr03-V10-02-01) 128 - PhysicsList : rm G4HadronElasticPhysicsPHP (not needed) 129 130 28-07-16 mma (exhadr03-V10-02-00) 131 - PhysicsList : add particleHP constructors 132 133 04-07-16 I. Hrivnacova 134 - Fixes for Doxygen documentation 135 136 25-11-15 gum (exhadr03-V10-01-00) 137 - fix G4HadronicProcess* hproc = dynamic_cast<G4HadronicProcess*>(process) 138 in SteppingAction 139 140 19-10-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-09) 141 - cosmetic in envHadronic.csh 142 143 14-10-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-08) 144 - particleCount : corrections for MT 145 146 06-10-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-07) 147 - nThreads as third argument in main 148 149 06-10-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-06) 150 - PhysicsList : add G4IonElasticPhysics constructor 151 152 18-09-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-05) 153 - : SetNumberOfThreads(G4Threading::G4GetNumberOfCores()) 154 - Fixed test in 155 156 07-04-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-04) 157 - Register RunMessenger in RunAction instead of Run 158 159 05-04-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-03) 160 - Histograms: change numbering scheme. Add histo of atomic mass 161 - EndOfRun: introduce optional print and UI command to control it 162 - refresh nFission.mac 163 164 25-03-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-02) 165 - Cosmetic when printing EndOfRun 166 167 26-02-14 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-01) 168 - PhysicsList: use G4HadronElasticPhysicsHP 169 170 14-12-13 mma (exhadr03-V10-00-00) 171 - DetectorConstruction: remove magfield 172 - MT: add ActionInitialization. Modify 173 - MT: add Run. Modify RunAction, SteppingAction 174 - remove EventAction and its messenger 175 - define a stucture for nuclear channel data 176 - put a flag for target name="XXXX" 177 178 02-12-13 I.Hrivnacova (exhadr03-V09-06-23) 179 - Updated .README for changes in README 180 181 22-11-13 A.Dotti (exhadr03-V09-06-22) 182 - Use G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry() to trigger geo 183 rebuild. Remove UI command to update geometry. 184 185 29-07-13 P.Gumplinger (exhadr03-V09-06-21) 186 - fix MAC/clang32 compilation warnings 187 188 11-07-13 I.Hrivnacova (exhadr03-V09-06-20) 189 - In HistoManager: use new analysis manager method SetH1Activation() 190 191 19-06-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-19) 192 - SteppingVerbose: use G4Step::GetSecondaryInCurrentStep() 193 194 14-06-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-18) 195 - SteppingAction: use G4Step::GetSecondaryInCurrentStep() 196 197 05-06-13 I. Hrivnacova (exhadr03-V09-06-17) 198 - applied coding guidelines (adding base class initialization in constructors, 199 removed tabulations, fixed long lines) 200 201 28-05-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-16) 202 - cosmetic in SteppingVerbose 203 204 21-04-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-15) 205 - cleanup all macros for processName 206 207 24-03-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-14) 208 - polish coding conventions 209 210 16-03-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-13) 211 - restaure G4HadronPhysicsINCLXX 212 - G4 coding conventions 213 214 13-03-13 V.Ivanchenko (exhadr03-V09-06-12) 215 - RunAction - change printout from "warning XXXX" to "NOTE:" 216 because CDASH interpretation of "warning" is test failer 217 218 12-03-13 V.Ivanchenko (exhadr03-V09-06-11) 219 - DetectorConstruction - improved material definition 220 - HistoManager - do not delete singleton 221 - PhsyicsList - new name for INCLXX physics constructor 222 223 10-03-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-10) 224 - PhysicsList: remove G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_INCLXX 225 226 10-03-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-09) 227 - modify readme 228 229 09-03-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-08) 230 - add envHadronic.csh to control environment variables 231 232 06-03-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-07) 233 - RunAction - modify printing of cross section per atom 234 235 01-03-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-06) 236 - DetectorConstruction - suppress natural abundance flag 237 238 22-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (exhadr03-V09-06-05) 239 - DetectorConstruction - set natural abundances flag "false" for 240 elements built from one isotope 241 242 01-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (exhadr03-V09-06-04) 243 - PhysicsList - adopted migration to new physics_lists directory 244 structure and change of class names 245 246 01-02-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-03) 247 - DetectorMessenger: change /buildMatIsotope to /setIsotopeMat 248 249 31-01-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-02) 250 - DetectorMessenger: add command /buildMatIsotope 251 - RunAction: add material in GetCrossSectionPerAtom() 252 253 08-01-13 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-01) 254 - DetectorConstruction: add function MaterialWithSingleIsotope() 255 256 04-12-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-06-00) 257 - PhysicsList: QGSP_BERT_HP replaced by FTFP_BERT_HP 258 - RunAction: compute crossSection per atom 259 260 23-11-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-15) 261 - SteppingAction : add more protection for neutronHP 262 263 21-11-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-14) 264 - PhysicsList: use QBBC instead of QGSP_BERT_HP 265 266 28-10-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-11) 267 - update README and .README 268 269 17-10-12 Ivana Hrivnacova (exhadr03-V09-05-10) 270 - Adding missing explicit use of system of units 271 272 12-10-12 Andrea Dotti (exhadr03-V09-05-09) 273 - Adding explicit use of system of units 274 275 06-10-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-08) 276 - SteppingAction, RunAction : print number of gamma 277 - use G4Analysis 278 279 30-09-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-07) 280 - SteppingAction : print number of particles in nuclear reaction (not gamma) 281 282 18-08-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-06) 283 - SteppingAction : use GetTargetIsotope() 284 285 01-08-12 mma(exhadr03-V09-05-05) 286 - RunAction : use GetCrossSectionPerVolume() 287 288 20-07-12 mma(exhadr03-V09-05-04) 289 - GammaPhyics : rm crossSections 290 - add histo Pbalance 291 292 27-06-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-03) 293 - add .README 294 295 21-06-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-02) 296 - GammaPhyics : add crossSections 297 298 19-06-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-01) 299 - suppress local HadronPhysics and IonPhysics 300 301 15-06-12 mma (exhadr03-V09-05-00) 302 - rename Hadr14 303 304 13-06-12 Michel Maire (exhadr14-V09-05-00) 305 - created from TestEm14 and rdecay01