Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example TestEm2 History 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry, 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). It must **not** 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages! 6 7 ## 2024-04-03 Michel Maire (testem2-V11-02-00) 8 - Readme: document stepMax.mac 9 10 ## 2023-05-04 Michel Maire (testem2-V11-01-00) 11 - Revision of all headers 12 13 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (testem2-V11-00-00) 14 - Change to new Markdown History format 15 16 --- 17 18 # History entries prior to 11.0 19 20 07-11-21 I. Hrivnacova (testem2-V10-07-08) 21 - Added analysis manager Clear() in the end of run 22 23 06-10-21 I. Hrivnacova (testem2-V10-07-07) 24 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header; 25 define the default output file type (root). 26 27 25-03-21 M.Asai (testem2-V10-07-06) 28 - Additional migration to new G4SteppingVerbose. 29 30 21-03-21 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V10-07-05) 31 - removed obsolete PhysList5DEmStandard - 5D model is a part of 32 Opt4 and other physics configurations 33 34 26-02-21 M.Asai (testem2-V10-07-04) 35 - Migrating to G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits. 36 37 22-02-21 mma (testem2-V10-07-03) 38 - SteppingVerbose : modify blank space for Process name (cosmetic) 39 40 14-02-21 mma (testem2-V10-07-02) 41 - SteppingVerbose : set precision via data member 42 - : use RunManagerFactory 43 44 10-02-21 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V10-07-01) 45 - fixed README 46 47 11-12-20 mma (testem2-V10-07-00) 48 - update 49 - DetectorConstruction : do not print materials table 50 - StepMax, StepMaxMessenger, PhysicsList, PhysicsListMessenger : 51 revert, to make command /testem/stepMax working in interactive mode 52 - Added macro stepMax.mac 53 - cosmetic in 54 55 28-08-20 I. Hrivnacova (testem2-V10-06-00) 56 - Macro & commands review: 57 - Added macro descriptions in README 58 - Removed implementation of /testem/histo/setFileName and replaced its usage 59 with /analysis/setFileName 60 - Fixed file name in egs4.mac (do nous use egs4 directory which is not defined 61 in build area) 62 - Extended with a command (missing in testing): 63 /testem/run/verbose 1 64 65 26-11-19 I. Hrivnacova (testem2-V10-05-01) 66 - Fixed Doxygen warnings 67 68 07-11-19 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-05-00) 69 - applied coding guidelines 70 71 27-07-18 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-04-05) 72 - Run - added protection for division by zero 73 74 30-03-18 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-04-04) 75 - : minor cleanup 76 77 26-03-18 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-04-03) 78 - StepMax - use thread safe instantiation, mesenger merged with 79 PhysicsListMessenger 80 - DetectorConstruction - improved method names, not allow to clear 81 geometry between runs 82 - PhysicsList - make Opt0 default, removed local instantiation of G4Decay 83 - Use MixMax default random number generator 84 85 15-03-18 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-04-02) 86 - PhysListEm5DStandard - experimental PhysList with the new 87 5D gamma conversion model 88 89 12-03-18 mma (testem2-V10-04-01) 90 - : remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE 91 92 14-12-17 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-04-00) 93 - corrected, run03.mac to optimise output 94 95 14-10-16 G.Folger (testem2-V10-02-04) 96 - remove direct use of theParticleIterator, use GetParticleTableIterator(). 97 fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC 98 99 23-07-16 mma (testem2-V10-02-03) 100 - coding convention : MaxBin -> kMaxBin 101 102 04-07-16 I. Hrivnacova (testem2-V10-02-02) 103 - Fixes for Doxygen documentation 104 105 11-04-16 mma (testem2-V10-02-01) 106 - PhysListEmStandard: use G4EmParameters 107 - remove geant3 subdirectory 108 109 10-12-15 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-02-00) 110 - H.Burkhardt fixed root macro allowing to work both with root5 and 6 111 112 28-10-15 D.Sawkey (testem2-V10-01-03) 113 - Update description of physics lists in README, again 114 115 26-10-15 D.Sawkey (testem2-V10-01-02) 116 - Match .README to README 117 118 26-10-15 D.Sawkey (testem2-V10-01-01) 119 - Update description of physics lists in README 120 121 12-05-15 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-01-00) 122 - PhysicsList - use GS, WVI, SS EM physics from physics_list library 123 124 23-10-14 mma (testem2-V10-00-08) 125 - in : /run/numberOfThreads 2 126 127 21-10-14 mma (testem2-V10-00-07) 128 - : option set nThreads via command 129 130 10-09-14 mma (testem2-V10-00-06) 131 - : SetNumberOfThreads(G4Threading::G4GetNumberOfCores()) 132 133 28-07-14 mma (testem2-V10-00-05) 134 - RunAction + Run: introduce profiles for histos 4 and 8 135 136 13-06-14 mma (testem2-V10-00-04) 137 - remove PhysicsList::SetCuts() 138 139 07-06-14 mma (testem2-V10-00-03) 140 - minor cleanup in PhysicsList::SetCuts() 141 142 04-06-14 mma (testem2-V10-00-02) 143 - cleanup macros for /run/setCut 144 145 28-04-14 V.Ivant (testem2-V10-00-01) 146 - added "emlowenergy" option for EM physics 147 148 27-12-13 mma (testem2-V10-00-00) 149 - Run::EndOfRun() 150 - minor cleanup 151 152 22-11-13 A.Dotti (testem2-V09-06-18) 153 - Bug fix: remove unused variable from DetectorMessenger 154 155 21-11-13 A.Dotti (testem2-V09-06-17) 156 - Changed to use new interface G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry 157 (requires at least run-V09-06-128) 158 - Use G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger to use B-Field 159 160 07-11-13 I.Hrivnacova (testem2-V09-06-16) 161 - Added setting SteppingVerbose in main in sequential mode 162 163 07-11-13 I.Hrivnacova (testem2-V09-06-15) 164 - Book histograms in each BeginOfRun 165 166 06-11-13 I.Hrivnacova (testem2-V09-06-14) 167 - Introduced Run class 168 - Removed obsolete EventAction::fDrawFlag and its setter command 169 - Replaced CLHEP::HepRandom with G4Random 170 171 04-11-13 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V09-06-13) 172 - Improved printout 173 174 04-11-13 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V09-06-12) 175 - Removed hbook, NThread, maximally simplified example 176 177 01-11-13 A.Dotti (testem2-V09-06-11) 178 - Fix for compilation warnings from clang 179 180 31-10-13 A.Dotti (testem2-V09-06-10) 181 - Bug fixing for shared PrimaryGeneratorAction pointer 182 183 26-10-13 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V09-06-09) 184 - Added NThread helper class 185 186 26-10-13 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V09-06-08) 187 - Cleanup of options and macro files 188 189 24-10-13 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V09-06-07) 190 - Migrated to MT mode (A.Bagulya) 191 192 11-07-13 I.Hrivnacova (testem2-V09-06-06) 193 - Updated CMakeLists.txt and SharedFilesList.txt for added classes 194 in Hbook analysis code 195 196 18-06-13 mma (testem2-V09-06-05) 197 - SteppingVerbose: use G4Step::GetSecondaryInCurrentStep() . 198 199 06-06-13 mma (testem2-V09-06-04) 200 - Cosmetic in SteppingAction. 201 202 13-04-13 I.Hrivnacova (testem2-V09-06-03) 203 - Removed ExG4HbookAnalysisManager and related files and updated CMake/GNUmake 204 files to use it from extended/common 205 206 01-04-13 A.Dotti (testem2-V09-06-02) 207 - New interface for G4VUserPhysicsList needed for MT 208 209 20-03-13 mma (testem2-V09-06-01) 210 - PhysListEmStandard : use default G4UrbanMscModel 211 212 13-02-13 I.Hrivnacova 213 - Applied coding guidelines (virtual keyword, data members initialization) 214 215 11-12-12 V.Ivant (testem2-V09-06-00) 216 - PhysListEmStandard: use SetEmModel method 217 218 19-10-12 mma (testem2-V09-05-05) 219 - PhysListEmStandard: use G4UrbanMsc96 220 221 12-10-12 V.Ivant (testem2-V09-05-04) 222 - Added statistics on number of charged and neutral steps 223 - Migration to the updated analysis tool and implicit units 224 225 10-10-12 mma (testem2-V09-05-03) 226 - add Em physics option4 227 - coding conventions: virtual 228 229 27-08-12 mma (testem2-V09-05-02) 230 - add .README 231 232 07-04-12 mma (testem2-V09-05-01) 233 - all classes : apply G4 coding conventions 234 235 02-03-12 mma (testem2-V09-05-00) 236 - HistoManager.hh and .cc : migrate to new g4tools histogramming system 237 Do not need aida anymore, nor G4ANALYSIS_USE 238 - HistoMessenger.hh and .cc : suppress fileType command 239 - Update Readme and all macros accordingly 240 - remove unused macros 241 242 08-11-11 mma (testem2-V09-04-07) 243 - modify SteppingVerbose for OutOfWorld 244 245 31-10-11 mma (testem2-V09-04-06) 246 - PhysListEmStandard : msc95 by default 247 248 07-06-11 V.Ivant (testem2-V09-04-05) 249 - RunAction - fixed misprint in cout 250 251 02-06-11 mma (testem2-V09-04-04) 252 - PhysListEmStandard migrated to the new approach based on G4PhysicsListHelper 253 254 30-05-11 mma (testem2-V09-04-03) 255 - DetectorConstruction : for Water, set I = 78 eV (instead of 75 eV) 256 257 07-04-11 mma (testem2-V09-04-02) 258 - PhysicsList : set back default lowest production cut (990 eV) 259 260 05-04-11 mma (testem2-V09-04-01) 261 - update PhysListEmStandard for msc95 and deexcitation 262 263 22-02-11 mma (testem2-V09-04-00) 264 - update PhysListEmStandard for deexcitation 265 - PhysicsList : set lowest production cut to 100 eV 266 - update SteppingVerbose 267 - update vis.mac 268 269 09-11-10 M.Asai (testem2-V09-03-05) 270 - Fix AIDA file option. 271 272 06-06-10 J.Perl (testem2-V09-03-04) 273 - Remove unused variable in EventAction 274 275 03-06-10 J.Perl (testem2-V09-03-03) 276 - Updated vis usage 277 278 18-05-10 mma (testem2-V09-03-01) 279 - : introduction of G4UIExecutive 280 281 22-02-10 mma (testem2-V09-03-00) 282 - Add histos rms on profiles. Histos numbering is changed. see README 283 - idem in geant3 284 - root script GammaFit.C 285 286 13-11-09 mma (testem2-V09-02-02) 287 - (local): eMultipleScattering -> UrbanMscModel93 288 289 16-09-09 mma (testem2-V09-02-01) 290 - : 291 - renamed "standard" -> "local"; "emstandard" -> "emstandard_opt0" 292 - updated README and macro files 293 294 11-07-09 V.Ivant (testem2-V09-02-00) 295 - Substituted obsolete low-energy physics builders by builders from 296 the physics_list library; 297 - Reduced number of hardcoded materials, added a possiblity to use NIST 298 - Macro files are cleaned up 299 300 16-11-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-08) 301 - Em options: 20bins/decade LinLossLimit=default=0.01 302 303 31-10-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-07) 304 - Use G4hMultipleScattering for muons and protons 305 - Modify EM options 306 307 23-10-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-06) 308 - update PhysListEmStandard and README 309 310 13-09-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-05) 311 - RunAction : change default histograms format 312 313 12-06-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-04) 314 - Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile 315 316 05-05-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-03) 317 - PhysListEmStandard : add spline option for physics tables 318 - README : update Aida informations 319 320 04-04-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-02) 321 - PhysicsList : add emstandard_opt3 322 - PhysListEmStandard : add G4eMultipleScattering; complete EmOptions 323 324 09-01-08 mma (testem2-V09-01-00) 325 - new subdirectory egs4, with results from pdg. Replace run04.mac 326 327 02-07-07 V.Ivant (testem2-V09-00-00) 328 12-06-07 V.Ivant (testem2-V08-03-03) 329 - PhysicsLists - add options from physics_lists library 330 - update to provide the same reference output as before 331 332 21-06-07 mma (testem2-V08-03-02) 333 - cosmetic in 334 335 21-06-07 mma (testem2-V08-03-01) 336 - PhysListEmStandard options completed 337 338 12-06-07 V.Ivant (testem2-V08-03-00) 339 - Update main macro file; use visialisation only for interactive session 340 341 08-01-07 V.Ivant (testem2-V08-02-00) 342 - Uncomment hadron ionisation in Livermore builder 343 344 20-10-06 mma (testem2-V08-01-00) 345 - GNUmakefile : LOADLIBS 346 - remove PhysicsLists 52 and 71 347 348 09-06-06 mma (testem2-V08-00-05) 349 - PhysicsList : remove all Builders, replaced by PhysListEm. 350 - PrimaryGenerator : allow /gun/particle/position 351 - RunAction : add printout of Moliere radius 352 353 19-05-06 mma (testem2-V08-00-04) 354 - update README 355 356 12-04-06 mma (testem2-V08-00-03) 357 - SteppingAction : edep randomly distribued along step 358 359 17-01-06 mma (testem2-V08-00-02) 360 - simplify PhysicsList and Builders. 361 362 13-01-06 mma (testem2-V08-00-01) 363 - DetectorConstruction, RunAction : MaxBin=500 364 - changed 365 366 13-01-06 mma (testem2-V08-00-00) 367 - geant4 : suppress the geometrical replica. The energy profiles are produced 368 without geometrical step limitation. 369 - geant3 : suppress the geometrical disivions. 370 - remove histograms of particle flux. Histograms 10-12 become 7-9 371 - run01 : 40 long. bins of 0.5 radl and 50 radial bins of 0.1 radl 372 373 06-12-05 Gabriele Cosmo 374 - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 375 376 22-11-05 mma (testem2-V07-01-01) 377 - update README for OpenScientist 378 379 08 May 05: V.Ivant (testem2-V07-01-00) 380 - Used updated PhysicsList with g4v71 381 - Add protection for the case, when histogram tree is not created 382 383 07-07-05 mma 384 - vis.mac : /vis/viewer/set/style surface 385 386 08-06-05 mma (testem2-V07-00-02) 387 - RunAction : histo : option --noErrors for hbook files 388 389 08 May 05: V.Ivant (testem2-V07-00-01) 390 - Migrade to model version of gamma processes 391 392 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) 393 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 394 395 03-03-05 mma (testem2-V07-00-00) 396 - RunAction : - put a protection for the creation of analysis factory; 397 - file extension is fileType; 398 399 06 Dec 04: V.Ivant (testem2-V06-02-05) 400 - Fix bug in change cuts between runs 401 - Return back muon builder to horerent with kernel 402 403 02 Dec 04: V.Ivant (testem2-V06-02-04) 404 - Migration to cmath 405 406 29-11-04 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V06-02-03) 407 - Update PhysicsList 408 - Add verboseLevel -1 for testing 409 410 24-11-04 mma (testem2-V06-02-02) 411 - fixe in the logic of PhysicsList::AddPhysicsList(). 412 413 16-09-04 mma (testem2-V06-02-01) 414 - define correctly all UI subdirectories. 415 - modifs in RunAction and Messenger for hbook,root,XML 416 - USE_AIDA --> G4ANALYSIS_USE 417 418 30-06-04 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V06-02-00) 419 - Update acceptance numbers in the macro 420 - Fix problem in initilisation of RunAction 421 422 21-06-04 mma (testem2-V06-01-03) 423 - move acceptance control and histogram names in RunAction 424 - add RunActionMessenger 425 426 24-05-04 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V06-01-02) 427 - make UI command for acceptance to activate acceptance printout 428 - no acceptance printout by default 429 430 04-05-04 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V06-01-01) 431 - update PhysicsList - use conception of builders per package 432 - add acceptance control 433 - add histogram name and type UI commands (AIDA, ROOT, JAS, and other 434 output types are available) 435 436 31-03-04 mma (testem2-V06-01-00) 437 - remove direct interface with root 438 439 15-03-04 mma (testem2-V06-00-00) 440 - PhysListEmG4v52: back to G4MultipleScattering52 441 - suppress /vis commands from source code 442 - example of histograms with ROOT 443 444 25-11-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V05-02-02) 445 - Fix geometry (G.Cosmo) 446 - Use the newest msc for g4v52 PhysicsList 447 - update macro 448 449 24-10-03 mma (testem2-V05-02-01) 450 - PhysListEmStandard: AddProcess(Bremsstrahlung,-1,3,3) ..etc.. 451 452 07-10-03 mma (testem2-V05-02-00) 453 - suppression of Em2 in all class names 454 - NOHIST -> ANALYSIS_USE 455 - cosmetic in material definitions 456 - migration em STD -> em standard 457 458 18-06-03 G.Cosmo (testem2-V05-01-03) 459 - removed usage of G4USE_STD_NAMESPACE after 460 migration from G4std. 461 462 03-06-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V05-01-02) 463 - Fix compilation warnings 464 465 15-05-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V05-01-01) 466 - Proper deletion of old geometry when it is updated 467 468 09-05-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V05-01-00) 469 - Add run05.mac - several runs with different setup 470 - Change update command 471 472 26-03-03 mma (testem2-V05-00-03) 473 - G4PVPlacement and G4PVReplica in logical mother 474 475 17-03-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V05-00-02) 476 - Addition to migration to cut per region 477 - Update modular structure of PhysicsList 478 479 14-02-03 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V05-00-01) 480 - Migration to cut per region 481 482 12-02-03 mma (testem2-V05-00-00) 483 - add a blank in SteppingVerbose 484 485 11-12-02 mma (testem2-V04-01-03) 486 - Migration to AIDA 3.0. 487 488 06-12-02 G.Cosmo (testem2-V04-01-02) 489 - Migration to new G4ApplicationState. 490 - Added HepRep driver to visManager. 491 492 05-12-02 G.Cosmo (testem2-V04-01-01) 493 - Fixes to runAction for porting on gcc-3.2. 494 495 29-10-02 V.Ivanchenko (testem2-V04-01-00) 496 - Modular PhysicsList + model approach for energy loss processes 497 498 05-06-02 mma (testem2-V04-00-01) 499 - do not delete histos in runAction destructor 500 501 31-05-02 mma (testem2-V04-00-00) 502 - old histograming package clhep/hist replaced by AIDA 2.2/anaphe. See README 503 504 11-12-01 gcosmo (testem2-V03-02-04) 505 - SteppingAction: added check on history depth also for rings! 506 507 06-12-01 gcosmo (testem2-V03-02-03) 508 - SteppingAction: correctly determine replica number. 509 - Set run verbosity to 1 in input script. 510 511 28-11-01 mma (testem2-V03-02-02) 512 - EventAction: DrawTrack "none" 513 - small change in vis.mac and 514 - suppression of the rndm commands, now managed by G4RunManager: 515 --> RunAction, EventAction. suppression of RunActionMessenger 516 517 31-10-01 mma (testem2-V03-02-01) 518 - invert run/initialize and calor/update in all runXX.mac (and 519 520 25-10-01 mma (testem2-V03-02-00) 521 - mods in the initialisation and vis initialisation are 522 not done by default. --> inserted /run/initialize in all macros. 523 - To get visualisation: > /control/execute vis.mac 524 - 80 columns everywhere. 525 526 19-10-01 Steve O'Neale (examples-V03-02-00) 527 - Update reference output 528 529 27-03-01 mma (testem2-V03-00-05) 530 - set cppflag G4NOHIST = true in gnumakefile 531 532 08-03-01 Hisaya (testem2-V03-00-04) 533 - RunAction adapted for STL 534 535 21-02-01 mma (testem2-V03-00-03) 536 - hbook histograms restored 537 538 20-02-01 mma (testem2-V03-00-02) 539 - verbose stepping adapted for STL 540 - save rndm at begin of event 541 542 07-12-00 mma (testem2-V02-00-03 & testem-noHist) 543 - remove hbook histograms: GNUmakefile,runAction 544 545 06-12-00 mma (testem2-V02-00-02 & testem-withHist) 546 - update of init.mac for new vis commands. 547 - G4UItcsh in the main() 548 549 25th November 2000 Steve O'Neale (tagset210) 550 - Update test outputs for energy cut and cut tabulation 551 - Update test outputs Lateral profile changes comparable with rms (10 per cent) 552 - in first layers, Radial profile stable (values to 1 percent). 553 554 June 28, 2000 John Allison (testem2-V02-00-00) 555 - Updated TestEm2.out for geant4-02-00. 556 557 June 24, 2000 John Allison (testem2-V01-01-02) 558 - Updated TestEm2.out for stand-V01-01-05 and utils-V01-01-03. 559 560 June 20, 2000 mma (testem2-V01-01-01) 561 - Updated : /gun/particle e- 562 563 June 17, 2000 John Allison (testem2-V01-00-00) 564 - Updated TestEm2.out for geant4-01-01-ref-06.