Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

  1 # Category analysis History
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry,
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). It must **not**
  5 be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages!
  7 ## 2022-07-27 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V11-00-07)
  8 - Fix Coverity: use auto& to avoid copying of shared_ptr and pair objects
 10 ## 2022-07-13 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V11-00-06)
 11 - Added G4RootRFile type = a tuple for the Root read file including its directories,
 12   analogic to G4RootRFile for Root output, used now in the G4RootRfileManager::fRFiles
 13   map instead of tools::rroot::file.
 14   This allows deleting file directories in the class dtor, and should fix
 15   the Coverity defect (deleting local variable 'newDir' in G4RootRNtupleManager)
 17 ## 2022-05-18 Guy Barrand (analysis-V11-00-05)
 18 - have "toolx" namespace for g4tools classes related to "externals", then:
 19   - tools::[hdf5,zlib,xml::xml_style,raxml,sg::text_freetype] become toolx::[hdf5,zlib,xml::xml_style,raxml,sg::text_freetype].
 20   - corresponding includes #include <tools/...> become #include <toolx/...>
 22 ## 2022-03-24 Ben Morgan (analysis-V11-00-04)
 23 - Use geant4_category_modules to optionaly add G4hdf5 module to category
 25 ## 2022-03-02 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V11-00-03)
 26 - Fix notifying about closing file in G4GenericAnalysisManager;
 27   this fixes savinng scorers in analysis file in B3 example
 28   for the second and further runs.
 30 ## 2022-02-23 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V11-00-02)
 31 - Added "getVector" commands (for visualization): 
 32     /analysis/hn|pn/getVector
 34 ## 2022-01-28 Ben Morgan (analysis-V11-00-01)
 35 - Replace `geant4_global_library_target` with direct file inclusion and
 36   call to `geant4_add_category` to define library build from source modules.
 38 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (analysis-V11-00-00)
 39 - Change to new Markdown History format
 41 ---
 43 # History entries prior to 11.0
 45 November 15, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-30)
 46 - Fixed remaining Coverity issues
 48 November 15, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-29)
 49 - Fixed Coverity issues
 51 November 09, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-28)
 52 - Fix in G4MPIToolsManager: do not call Receive() twice
 54 November 05, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-27)
 55 - Added new public function G4VAnalysisManager::Clear()
 56   that deletes all allocated analysis objects and clears
 57   their collections.
 58   This function should be used as a replacement for deleting
 59   the analysis manager in the applications that allocate the
 60   analysis data in begin of run and deleted the analysis
 61   manager in end of run.
 62 - Minor code clean-up
 64 November 04, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-26)
 65 - Renamed G4VAnalysisReader::ReadNtuple(const G4String&)
 66   back in GetNtuple.  Cannot reproduce the ambiguity error
 67   with GetNtuple(G4int).
 69 October 28, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-25)
 70 - Moved data members initialization in header files;
 71   added deleted default constructor where appropriate,
 72   added explicit keyword to one argument construtors where
 73   missing
 74 - Use brace data members initialization everywhere
 75 - Implemented missing WriteOnAscii() - for h2,h3,p1,p2
 76 - Use fonts from tools in
 77 - Removed CMake -DTOOLS_USE_EXPAT definition (not needed)
 78 - Added G4ToolsAnalysisMessenger that implements "get" commands
 79     /analysis/hn|pn/get id
 81 October 27, 2021 B.Morgan (analysis-V10-07-24)
 82 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated G4String member functions
 84 October 26, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-23)
 85 - Fixed G4*RFileManager destructors;
 86   thanks to B. Morgan for spotting this bug
 88 October 25, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-22)
 89 - Added public function G4VAnalysisManager::Reset()
 90   - Needed when calling files are closed without reset
 91     by calling analysisManager->CloseFile(false)
 92     (see B5 example with interactive plotting)
 93 - Minor fixes:
 94   - Do not issue same log messages from generic analysis manager
 95     and generic file manager
 96   - Do not call SetIsEmpty() twice in Hdf5
 98 October 22, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-21)
 99 - Support for ntuple columns of string vector type
100   for Xml, Hdf5 output type:
101   - added helper code for Xml reader, no update needed for Hdf5
103 October 19, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-20)
104 - Implemented support for file system directories with Csv output
105   as proposed in [GitHub PR #32](
106 - Fixed reading objects from files with directories (Root, Hdf5)
107 - Implemented handling directories in Generic analysis manager
108 - Clean-up in G4ToolsAnalysisManager
109 - Reimplemented utility functions GetBaseName(), GetExtension() using
110   <filesystem> library
112 October 6, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-19)
113 - Added new G4AnalysisManager.hh header defining
114   using G4AnalysisManager = G4GenericAnalysisManager
115 - Removed g4csv.hh, g4hdf5.hh, g4root.hh, g4xml.hh
116 - Reduced output specific type definitions in
117   g4xyz_defs.hh to ntuple end rntuple types
118 - Removed g4analysis.hh with the
119   G4Analysis::MasterInstance() factory method
120 - Removed the default value ("root") for the default file type
121   in G4GenericAnalysisManager - the default must be set by
122   user if using fileNames without extensions
123 - Updated exception codes and messages in accummulables
125 September 20, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-18)
126 - clang-tidy performance fixes:
127   - use const auto&, std::move where appropriate
128   - revisited passing by std::shared_ptr
129 - clang-tidy modernize fixes:
130   - use make_unique, nullptr, auto, emplace_back, using
131   - use default for disabled constructors and destructors,
132     delete for private member functions not implemented
133 - Removed explicit for constructors with more than 1 parameters
135 September 17, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-17)
136 - Fixed evaluation of result of deleting empty file
137   in G4RootAnalysisManager causing wrong warnings
139 September 3, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-16)
140 - Added support for ntuple columns of string vectors via
141   new public functions in G4VAnalysisManager and G4VAnalysisReader:
142   G4bool SetNtupleSColumn(const G4String& columnName,
143                           std::vector<std::string>& vector) final;
144   G4bool SetNtupleSColumn(G4int ntupleId, const G4String& columnName,
145                           std::vector<std::string>& vector) = 0;
147 August 31, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-15)
148 - Code clean-up:
149   - Review of static data members:
150     - changed static const to static constexpr where possible
151       or inline static const otherwise (for G4String)
152     - declares static data members inline and moved their initialization
153       in header file
154   - Be consistent:
155     - "" for includes from g4tools
156     - "fk" prefix for class constexpr data names
157     - Template argument names:
158     HT, NT, FT for histogram/profile, ntuple, file types
159   - Removed redundant includes of "G4Threading.hh", <iostream>
161 August 26, 2021 B. Morgan (analysis-V10-07-14)
162 - Remove default: in switch for GetMergeFunction
163   - Prevents accidental fall through of Windows
165 August 25, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-13)
166 - Separated Hn/Pn object file handling from output specific analysis readers
167   in Hn file manager classes for reading (G4XHnRFileManager)
168 - Replaced the explicit Read[Hn|Pn] functions in the analysis readers
169   by a common implementation in G4ToolsAnalysisReader
170   using the newly introduced Hn file manager classes for reading
171 - Separated ReadNtuple functions from the analysis readers in
172   the RNtuple manager classes
173 - Renamed G4VAnalysisReader::GetNtuple(const G4String&) in ReadNtuple
174   to avoid ambiguity with GetNtuple(G4int).
175   Note that this change brings backward incompatibility.
176 - Using more shared pointers
178 August 18, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-12)
179 - Simplified verbosity messages
180 - Plus more simplifications in Warn calls
181 - Separated inline functions from G4MPIToolsManager.hh
182   to new .icc
184 August 16, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-11)
185 - Simplified calls to G4Exceptions:
186   - Added G4Analysis::Warn() and changed the calls to G4Exception in
187     all analysis classes (except accummulables)
188   - Reduced exception classification to
189     Analysis_F001: Fatal exceptions - all fatal exception
190     Analysis_W001: Warnings - all warnings
191 - Replaced some constants with constexpr
193 August 12, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-10)
194 - Replaced the explicit Write[Hn|Pn] functions in the analysis managers
195   by a common implementation in G4ToolsAnalysisManager::WriteImpl() and Merge()
196   using the new Hn file manager classes introduced for the generic file manager
197   last year.
198   The same code is now used for writing histograms/profiles by specific analysis managers and the generic analysis manager.
199 - Added new G4ToolsAnalysisManager::IsEmpty() function
200 - Removed trailing whitespaces
202 August 6, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-09)
203 - Added new G4VAnalysisReader public function
204     G4bool CloseFiles(G4bool reset = true);
205   to be called by user before the end of program
206   and its implementation for all readers.
207   This prevents from errors in the Hdf5 read test
208   after migration of the readers to G4ThreadLocalSingleton.
210 July 19, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-08)
211 - Migration to G4ThreadLocalSingleton:
212   in all specific analysis manager and reader classes.
213   After this migration the singleton instances are deletes
214   by the Geant4 kernel, that's why their deleting has to be
215   removed from the client code.
216 - Removed isMaster argument from managers/reders constructors,
217   and retrieve this info from G4Threading where needed.
219 July 15, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-07)
220 - Replaced G4Analysis::make_unique with std::make_unique
221 - Using [[maybe_unused]] where appropriate
223 June 29, 2021 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-07-06)
224 - Fixed compilation errors in G4CsvAnalysisReader and G4XmlAnalysisReader
225   occurring with c++20 enabled.
227 May 25, 2021 B. Morgan (analysis-V10-07-05)
228 - Move fonts/ directory and install logic to g4tools external, as prime interface
229   to Freetype.
231 March 30, 2021 B. Morgan (analysis-V10-07-04)
232 - Migrate build to modular CMake API
234 February 26, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-03)
235 - Fixed ntuple indexing when FinishNtuple is called in different order
236   than CreateNtuple.
237   Addressing the problem report #2335.
239 February 18, 2021 B. Morgan (analysis-V10-07-02)
240 - Move g4tools to externals category
242 February 2, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-01)
243 - Fixed the problem with merging ntuples with columns of vector type
244   reported by Riccardo Pilato in G4 Forum.
246 January 5, 2021 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-07-00)
247 - Updated to g4tools 5.2.3 (Guy Barrand):
248   Bug fix in tools/histo/h2,h3 : get_bin_content(): have '&' in "get" arguments.
249   Addressing the problem report #2306.
250   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
252 November 16, 2020 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-06-11)
253 - Fixed typos in printed-out text. Addressing problem report #2285.
255 November 12, 2020 B. Morgan (analysis-V10-06-10)
256 - Apply typo fixes from Gurkan Myczko (
258 November 10, 2020  I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-06-09)
259 - Fixed the memory leak reported by valgrind in deleting files
261 November 06, 2020  I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-06-08)
262 - Make GenericAnalysisManager working with file names without extension
263   (needed for backward compatibility):
264   - Added fDefaultType data member and its setter, getter (with "root" default)
265 - Fixed deleting empty files
266 - Fixed minor memory leaks
268 November 04, 2020  I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-06-07)
269 - Changes to allow overriding Root classes in g4mpi/analysis
270 - Removed redundant variable in G4RootNtupleFileManager::Reset()
272 October 30, 2020  I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-06-06)
273 - Implemented writing ntuples in multiple files of the same output type:
274   - New G4VAnalysisManager function:
275       void SetNtupleFileName(G4int objectId, const G4String& name);
276     and UI commands:
277       /analysis/ntuple/setFileName id fileName
278       /analysis/ntuple/setFileNameToAll fileName
279 - Finalizes implementation of extra write of histograms
280   - Polished G4GenericAnalysisManager::WriteH1 and added
281     functions for other Hn types
282 - This also fixes issues in the ntuple output introduced with previous tag
283   (observed in B4, TestEm1, microbeam)
285 October 21, 2020  I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-06-05)
286 - Major upgrade including the support for multiple files
287   and multiple output types:
288   - New G4GenericAnalysisManager,G4GenericFileManager classes
289     if factory category
290   - New G4VAnalysisManager functions:
291      void SetH1FileName(G4int objectId, const G4String& name);
292         ... etc. for H2, H3, P1, P2
293     and corresponding UI commands:
294      /analysis/h1/setFileName id name
295      /analysis/h1/setFileName id name
296         ... etc. for h2, h3, p1, p2
297   - Redesign of management classes to separate object file handling
298     from output specifuc analysis managers
299   - The multiple file output is tested in new test32
301 October 14, 2020  I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-06-04)
302 - Updated - using new wrap_viewplot_fonts_google_style
303   header
304 - Updated to g4tools 5.2.1 (Guy Barrand):
305   - Change the usage of arialbd.ttf, helvetica.ttf with roboto_bold.ttf
306     and lato_regular.ttf (google fonts).
307   - Modifications in tools/hdf5 to use H5free_memory() instead free() at
308     some places (needed for HDF5/1.12.0).
309   - Modifations in graphics to be be in sync with the code in inlib/exlib
310     around Apple/Metal, but they should not have an impact on offscreen plotting.
311   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
313 June 10, 2020  J. Madsen (analysis-V10-06-03)
314 - (bug-fix) Added a null-pointer check to ntupleDescription->fNtuple in
315   G4RootPNtupleManager::Merge. This happened during testing of new
316   G4TaskRunManager in basic/B5, which defaults to a higher
317   number of threads than G4MTRunManager.
319 May 22, 2020   I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-06-02)
320 - Updated to g4tools 5.1.0 (Guy Barrand):
321   Corrections to handle automatic min/max axes values in case of log scale.
322   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
324 April 29, 2020   G. Folger (analysis-V10-06-01)
325 - (trivial) fix for clang10, affects header g4tools/include/tools/gl2ps
327 December 9, 2019 B. Morgan (analysis-V10-06-00)
328 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granular library options and
329   explicit include_directories.
330 - Update granular dependencies in preparation for modularization
331 - Remove uneeded links to externals in factory
333 December 3, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-13)
334 - Use consistently the same default value of rowMode
335   in G4RootAnalysisManager::SetNtupleRowWise() as defined in the
336   G4VAnalysisManager base class.
338 November 19, 2019 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-05-12)
339 - Fixed more cases of implicit type conversions.
341 November 17, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-11)
342 - Updated to g4tools 5.0.5 (Guy Barrand):
343   Fixed compilation warning from gl2ps showing up on gcc-9.2.
344   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
346 November 15, 2019 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-05-10)
347 - Fixed cases of implicit type conversions from size_t to G4int.
349 November 11, 2019 B. Morgan (analysis-V10-05-09)
350 - Link directly to FreeType and HDF5 impormted targets
352 November 8, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-08)
353 - In G4PlotManager: Disabled PAW encoding
354   (this fixes a problem with unwanted axis labels in Greek)
355 - Updated to g4tools 5.0.4 (Guy Barrand):
356   - sg/plotter: added function set_encoding(), set_encoding_none() which allow
357     to disable (unwanted) paw specific encoding
358   - Fixed Coverity warnings
360 October 21, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-07)
361 - Added fRowWise data member in G4RootNtupleManager to make the parameter
362   available in MPI
364 October 17, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-06)
365 - Updated to g4tools 5.0.2 (Guy Barrand):
366   Handle axis label of format "10^%d?" in case of freetype font.
368 October 14, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-05)
369 - Enhanced the G4VAnalysisManager interface:
370   - Added new option for ntuple merging and updated/added functions for merging:
371     - SetNtupleMerging(): removed rowWise and basketSize optional paremeters
372     - SetNtupleRowWise(): added parameter 'rowMode' with a default value
373     - SetBasketSize(), SetBasketEntries(): new methods
374   - Added functions and UI commands for setting axis log scale for plotting:
375     - Set[H,P][1,2,3][X,Y.Z]AxisIsLog()
376       and analoguos getters
377     - New UI commands
378       /analysis/[h,p][1,2,3]/set[X,Y,Z]axisLog true|false
379 - Fix in g4tools for axis labels with log scale
381 October 9, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-04)
382 - Updated to g4tools 5.0.1 (Guy Barrand):
383   - ROOT format : restore a "per event/row view" for the ntuple column-wise in MT and MPI.
384   - batch plotting : fixes to avoid labels overlap when having a grid of plotters.
385   - MPI : fix a memory leak.
386   - scene graph : have material for interactive plotting.
387   - include modifications coming from other usage of inlib/exlib, for example, in rroot, to be able to read TClonesArray.
388   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
390 September 24, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-03)
391 - Fix in g4tools:
392   - mpi_create_basket: fixed memory leak (Guy Barrand)
394 September 10, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-02)
395 - Added new factory function G4Analysis::ManagerInstance():
396   which allows to create the analysis manager of the type selected via a string argument; example of the user code:
397   #include "g4analysis.hh"
398   G4AnalysisManager* analysisManager = G4Analysis::ManagerInstance("root");
400   Note that G4AnalysisManager is in this case G4ToolsAnalysisManager, and not
401   the output type specific manager (eg. G4RootAnalysisManager), as it is
402   in case of using a type specific include, eg. "g4root.hh"
404   Details:
405   - Added new analysis sub-category "factory"
406   - Clean-up analysis type definitions:
407     G4Hn*, G4Pn* types moved out of type specific namespace
408   - Added methods for setting ntuple merge mode in G4VAnalysisManager
409     with a default implementatation (issuing a warning if merging is not available)
411 June 12, 2019 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-05-01)
412 - Fixed CSV, XML ntuple file names
414 March 11, 2019 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-05-00)
415 - Fixed typos in printouts in G4P1Messenger, G4PlotMessenger, G4PlotParameters.
417 November 28, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-10)
418 - Use the same mutex in Root pntuple add_row and end_fill.
419   This should fix occassional failures of tests in MT mode.
421 November 21, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-09)
422 - Added G4RootAnalysisManager::SetNtupleRowWise(G4bool rowWise):
423   this allows to choose rowWise/columnWise mode also in sequential mode
424 - Added "boolean reset" argument in G4AnalysisManager::CloseFile() function:
425   this allows to close a file without resetting data
426   (used in MPI example)
427 - Allow overriding selected functions in G4RootAnalysisManager, G4RootNtupleManager
428   and G4TNtupleManager: needed for an external implementation of MPI ntuple merging
429   in MPI examples
431 November 9, 2018 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-04-08)
432 - tools/hatcher.icc: fixed printout typos.
434 November 7, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-07)
435 - Fixed creating ntuples after OpenFile for other then Root formats
437 October 11, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-06)
438 - Switched the default Root ntuple merge mode to rowWise
439 - Added friend class declarations to allow an implementation
440   of MPI ntuple merging in the MPI example
442 October 11, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-05)
443 - Modified management of plotting:
444   G4PlotManager is now instantiated with G4AnalysisManager what makes
445   possible to remove static G4PlotParameters.
446   (This fixes the problem report ##2083.)
448 September 12, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-04)
449 - Fixed the default value of rowWise argument (false)
450   in G4RootAnalysisManager::SetNtupleMerging().
451 - Updated G4TNtupleManager::FinishTNtuple to support creating ntuples
452   both before and after OpenFile.
454 May 25, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-03)
455 - Updated to g4tools 4.2.3 (Guy Barrand):
456   Fixed remaining gcc-8.1.0 warnings.
457   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
459 May 23, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-04-02)
460 - Updated to g4tools 4.2.2 (Guy Barrand):
461   Fixed gcc-8.1.0 warnings.
462   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
464 February 15, 2018 J. Madsen (analysis-V10-04-01)
465 - Fixed a deadlock issue with G4RootPNtupleManager where the mutex
466   was locked before being passed to ROOT
468 December 21, 2017 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-04-00)
469 - Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing #include) in G4BaseAnalysisManager,
470   and G4PlotManager.
472 November 16, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-17)
473 - Updated to g4tools 4.2.1 (Guy Barrand):
474   Coverity fixes.
475   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
477 November 2, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-16)
478 - Fixed compilation warning
480 October 25, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-15)
481 - Updated to g4tools 4.2.0 (Guy Barrand):
482   Changes in wroot, rroot in order to handle row wise ntuple in case of MT or MPI.
483   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
484 - Added rowWise option to G4RootAnalysisManager::SetNtupleMerging()
486 October 19, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-14)
487 - Fixed compiler warning in
489 September 26, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-13)
490 - Updated to g4tools 3.7.0 (Guy Barrand):
491   - Update in colorf, colors to make possible to use the tools/colors color
492     table in G4Colour class.
493   - Coverity fixes graphics/plotting code.
494   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
496 September 11, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-12)
497 - Fixed generating file name on workers (adding _tN extension).
498   (The problem was reported in analysis category in hypernews as item #537.)
500 August 3, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-11)
501 - Updated to g4tools 3.6.0 (Guy Barrand):
502   Fixing problems introduced in previous version.
503   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
505 August 1, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-09, 10)
506 - Several fixes in hdf5
507 - Updated to g4tools 3.5.0 (Guy Barrand):
508   Coverity fixes and test/cpp/hdf5_threads.cpp program.
509   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
511 July 27, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-08)
512 - Adding support for Hdf5
513 - Updated to g4tools 3.4.0 (Guy Barrand):
514   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
516 July 21, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-07)
517 - Updated to g4tools 3.3.0 (Guy Barrand):
518   Adding support for HDF5, improved tests.
519   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
521 July 21, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-06)
522 - Fixing remaining compilation warnings (gcc)
524 July 21, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-05)
525 - Fixing compilation warnings (gcc53)
527 July 20, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-04)
528 - Code improvements:
529   - Moved common implementation from G4V[R]NtupleManager in
530     new G4Base[R]NtupleManager classes
531   - Introduced G4TRNtupleDescription, G4TRNtupleManager template classes
532   - Always create an ntuple from ntuple booking (removed usage of
533     ntupel::create_column)
534   - Added an optional directoryName argument in Read[Hn][Pn][Ntuple]
535     functions in G4VAnalysisReader (needed for HDF5)
537 April 12, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-03)
538 - Corrected handling of open file failure
539   (This fixes problem report #1957.)
541 March 14, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-02)
542 - Added GetP[1,2]Id(const G4String&) functions to
543   the G4AnaysisManager public interface.
544   (This fixes problem report #1949.)
546 March 03, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-01)
547 - Fixed problem of removing non-empty ntuple files
548   in user application where ntuples are created after
549   open file.
550   (This mode is used in dna examples, eg. dnaphysics.)
552 February 24, 2017 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-03-00)
553 - Restored clean-up of Root empty files in MT mode
554   (which was lost with previous updates)
556 November 17, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-25)
557 - Fixed compiler warning issued when G4VERBOSE is not set.
558 - Updated to g4tools 2.3.0 (Guy Barrand):
559   Adding methods to tools/impi for passing ntuple data.
560   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
562 November 03, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-24)
563 - Updated to g4tools 2.2.0 (Guy Barrand):
564   Coverity fixes,
565   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
566 - Added prefix, postfix increment operators to G4Accumulable
568 October 30, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-23)
569 - Simplified G4RootAnalysisManager::GetNtupleFileNumber() to avoid using
570   G4Threading::GetNumberOfRunningWorkerThreads() which seems to be failing
571   on gcc and icc plaftorms
572 - Added temporary debug printing from this method
574 October 28, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-22)
575 - Merging ntuples in a selected number of output files
577 October 24, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-21)
578 - Set back not merging ntuples by default.
579 - Fixed resetting ntuples (which was failing in case when
580   a new file is written per event and ntuples are created
581   after file is open (examples/advanced/gammaray_telescope
582   use case).
584 October 14, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-20)
585 - Merging ntuples improvements:
586   - now working also when ntuples are booked after OpenFile (use case in AnaEx01)
587   - use directory if directory name is set
588   - added basketSize parameter in the SetNtupleMerging() public function
590 October 10, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-19)
591 - Do not merge ntuples by default.
592   Merging ntuples requires the application to call CreateNtuple both on master
593   and workers, what is not done in all examples.
595 October 08, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-18)
596 - Disabled code using the number of threads in G4RootAnalysisManager
597   untill this function is available in G4Threading;
598   user setting of numbert of reduced ntuple files is ignored.
600 October 08, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-17)
601 - Fixed case in included file name
603 October 08, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-16)
604 - Implemented merging of ntuples in MT mode:
605   - Added G4RootAnalysisManager::SetMerging(G4bool mergeNtuples, G4int nofReducedNtupleFile)
606   - Added G4RootPNtupleManager, G4RootMainNtupleManager classes
607 - Updated to g4tools 2.1.0 (Guy Barrand)
608   For parallel ntuple : handle properly the user std::vector for column of vector.
609   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
611 October 3, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-15)
612 - Removing dependencies of accumulables on other analysis categories
614 October 3, 2016 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-02-14)
615 - Fixed again GNUmakefile in "accumulables" module...
617 September 30, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-13)
618 - Updated to g4tools 2.0.0 (Guy Barrand)
619   Added parallel ntuple : on a same booked nutple, pass baskets from threads
620   or mpi ranks to a "main ntuple" tied to a file.
621   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
623 September 27, 2016 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-02-12)
624 - Fixed GNUmakefile in new "accumulables" module.
626 September 26, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-11)
627 - Renamed G4Parameter in G4Accumulable (as suggested in CM in Ferrara)
628   including all related classes and the subdirectory parameters
629   in accumulables
631 September 8, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-10)
632 - Enable creating/configurion profiles without cut values (vmin, vmax).
633   This feature was disabled by a check for the values in G4VAnalysisManager;
634   these values are now treated in a special way.
635 - Fixed duplicating Csv ntuple header
637 September 6, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-09)
638 - Fixed writing CSV profiles
639   (to be propagated in the patch to 10.2)
641 July 4, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-08)
642 - Adding missing inline keyword to functions defined in
643   G4ParameterManager.icc
645 June 24, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-07)
646 - Fixing compilation with gcc: added missing include <functional>
648 June 23, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-06)
649 - Extended and improved current implementation of parameters:
650   - The parameters names are optional
651   - Extended merge mode with kMaximum, kMinimum
652     and removed kUser (not needed anymore)
653   - Added access to paremeters via iterators and ids
654     (defined by the order of registering)
655   - Introduced G4MergeFunction<T> type and apply merging via a function
656     defined accorting to the merge mode
657     (thanks to Jonathan Madsen for providing an example of the code)
658 - Return 0. instead of 0 when the return type is double
659 - Return nullptr instead of 0
661 June 7, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-05)
662 - Updated to g4tools 1.27.4 (Guy Barrand):
663   Fixed remaining Windows-64 compiler warnings.
664   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
666 June 3, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-04)
667 - Updated to g4tools 1.27.3 (Guy Barrand):
668   Fixed Windows-64 compiler warnings.
669   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
671 May 25, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-03)
672 - Updated to g4tools 1.27.2 (Guy Barrand):
673   Fixed Mac OSX compiler warnings.
675 May 4, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-02)
676 - Updated to g4tools 1.27.1 (Guy Barrand):
677   Fixed gcc 6.1 compiler warnings.
679 April 18, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-01)
680 - Updated to g4tools 1.27.0 (Guy Barrand):
681   Fixed incompatibility with ROOT 5.x and 6.x formats reported in ROOT forum:
684 December 8, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-02-00)
685 - Fixed definition of /analysis/ntuple command directory
686   which was created implicitly with the commands and so
687   defined without a guideline and not deleted
689 November 25, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-47)
690 - Adding GNUmakefile in parameters sub-category
692 November 25, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-46)
693 - Updated GNUmakefile for added parameters sub-category
695 November 20, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-45)
696 - Fix compiler warning about unused parameter 'size' observed on MacOS/clang
697   (Guy Barrand)
699 November 6, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-44)
700 - Fixed default viewer settings and finalized supported plotting
701   configurations:
702   - Updated to  g4tools 1.26.2 (G. Barrand):
703     - See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
704   - Extended viewplot.cpp with a test which mimics usage in analysis category
705   - Set limits for layout parameters which can be changed via UI commands
707 November 3, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-46)
708 - Fixed handling ntuples created in MT mode on master thread
709   This fixes the problem reported in hypernews (#495) and the problem
710   of deleting non-empty Root file containing only ntuples.
712 November 2, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-43)
713 - Fixed G4Parameter constructor
715 Oct 30, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-42)
716 - Fixed handling ntuples created in MT mode on master thread
717   This fixes the problem reported in hypernews (#495) and the problem
718   of deleting non-empty Root file containing only ntuples.
720 Oct 22, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-41)
721 - Updated to g4tools 1.26.0 (Guy Barrand):
722   with added support for using freetype rendering in plotting
723   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
724 - Implemented support for freetype in G4PlotManager
725 - Added G4PlotParameters and G4PlotMessenger classes which
726   define the plot configuration parameters that can be set via UI
727   commands
728 - Removed unused include of G4PlotManager in hntools/src/
730 Sep 23, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-40)
731 - Fixed compiler warning
733 Sep 23, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-39)
734 - Added  G4AnalysisOutput type (as class enum) and
735   G4AnalysisManager functions needed to connect analysis to Geant4 scorers:
736     static G4bool IsInstance();
737     G4bool IsOpenFile() const;
738 - Two more minor fixes
740 Sep 21, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-38)
741 - Implemented setPlotting commands and added G4HnManager::SetPlotting() function
742   to set plotting to all objects
743 - Fixed false warning issued from G4TNtupleManager
744 - Fixed plotting in more pages
746 Sep 18, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-37)
747 - Fixed return value also in FillNtupleTColumn() in G4TNtupleManager.icc
749 Sep 18, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-36)
750 - Fixed return value in FillNtupleTColumn() in G4RootNtupleManager.hh
752 Sep 18, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-35)
753 - Updated to g4tools 1.24.2 (Guy Barrand):
754   - tools/wcsv_ntuple, tools/wroot/ntuple : have class icol public.
755   - tools/mpi/wrmpi : fixed use of TOOLS_USE_MPI_PACK_NOT_CONST
756   - See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
757 - Use tools ntuple column base type (icol, iobj), which access is now enabled in tools,
758   to avoid casting to/from void* and type check in FillNtupleXColumn (where both column type and
759   column Id must be consistent with ntuple definition)
760 - Simplified definitions of G4TNtupleManager pure virtual functions
762 Sep 16, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-34)
763 - In G4TNtupleManager::FillNtupleTColumn:
764   changed Tvalue in const T& value to match exactlly with fill()
765   functions in tools
767 Sep 15, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-33)
768 - Do not delete ntuple with Root output type
770 Sep 14, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-32)
771 - One more fix in G4RootNtupleManager - exact match of arguments in
772   template specialization
774 Sep 14, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-31)
775 - Added declaration for template specializations in G4RootNtupleManager.hh;
776   Trying to fix vc12 compiler error:
777   'none of the 5 overloads could convert all the argument types'
779 Sep 14, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-30)
780 - Added scope G4Analysis:: to all calls to make_unique
781   (to avoid ambiguity error on vc12 with std::make_unique )
783 Sep 14, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-29)
784 - Replaced constexpr (not supported on vc12) with const definitions
786 Sep 12, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-28)
787 - Removed G4CsvNtupleManager.icc file, not used
789 Sep 11, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-27)
790 - Fixed compilation warnings about unused variables
792 Sep 11, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-26)
793 - Fixed compilation with gcc 5.1:
794   Added #include <memory> where missing
796 Sep 11, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-25)
797 Merged developments from analysis_c++11 branch:
798 - Introduced C++11 features
799 - Added classes for common handling of tools objects
800   to avoid code duplication:
801   - G4ToolsAnalysisManager, ToolsAnalysisReader; G4THnAnalysisManager (templated)
802   - Improved G4XNtupleManager classes:
803     - Introduced template functions to avoid code duplication and added
804       G4TNtupleManager class template with a common implementation
805       for all output types
806 - G4BaseToolsManager class replaced with G4Analysis namespace utility functions,
807   defined in G4BaseHistoUtilies
808 - Added new sub-category parameters
809   with first implementation of G4ParameterManager (still to be finalized)
811 Sep 03, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-24)
812 - Updated to g4tools 1.24.1 (Guy Barrand):
813   Added ability to handle old MPI_[Pack,UnPack] signature;
814   make whbook.cpp test compiling with tools in Geant4;
815   Coverity fixes.
816   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
818 Aug 27, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-23)
819 - Removed profile directory; the profiles are put in the histograms directory,
820   if its name is set by the user.
822 Aug 17, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-22)
823 - Updated exception_classification:
824   Added Analysis_W041: Requested feature is not available with selected output.
826 Aug 12, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-21)
827 - Fixed parameter range in setAscii command
828   (thanks to Mihaly Novak for reporting this problem)
830 Jul 01, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-20)
831 - Updated to g4tools 1.23.1 (Guy Barrand):
832   Finalize interfaces to MPI;
833   prepare the ground for plot style files.
834   See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
835 - Added G4VAnalysisManager::Merge(tools::histo::hmpi*)
836   and G4MMPIToolsManager class which implements histogram & profiles
837   MPI merging using tools/histo/hmpi interface
839 Jun 23, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-45)
840 - Fixed G4Analysis::Tokenize() which was failing when processsing a string
841   containing opening double quota without a closing one.
843 Jun 23, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-19)
844 - Revised while loops and fixed G4Analysis::Tokenize()
846 Jun 10, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-18)
847 - Make new functions SetNtupleSColumn() in G4VRNtupleManager
848   pure virtual.
850 Jun 03, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-17)
851 - Updated to g4tools 1.22.1 (Guy Barrand):
852      Revisit structure for plotting related code.
853      Added methods for writing multiple pages in a file.
854 - Integrated changes in g4tools:
855   generating a single plot file with multiple pages.
857 Jun 03, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-16)
858 - Added functions for batch plotting:
859   o to activate batch plotting of a selected hitsogram/profile:
860     analysisManger->SetH1Plotting(id, true);
861   o the output .ps file is then create on Write() call
862     in addition to standard output files
863   o Plotting available for  1D, 2D histograms
864 - Updated to g4tools 1.21.0 (Guy Barrand):
865      Revisit #include paths to avoid too much -I when compiling.
867 May 19, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-15)
868  - Updated to g4tools 1.20.0 (Guy Barrand):
869    Added "batch plotting" facility.
871 May 6, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-14)
872  - Fixed command directory names and code clean-up.
874 May 6, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-13)
875  - Attempt to fix a compilation error on Windows:
876    replaced use of string operator [] with substr()
878 May 6, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-12)
879  - Attempt to fix a compilation error on Windows.
881 May 5, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-11)
882  - Implemented activation of ntuples
883  - Implemented setX,Y,Z commands for setting histograms/profiles
884    parameters per dimensiion. They can be used as an alternative to the
885    complex set commands.
886    Note: The parameters per dimensions have to be set sucessively; eg.
887    /analysis/h2/setX ...
888    /analysis/h2/setY ...
889    Incomplete or ordre-reverted setting will result in issuing a warning
890    and will be ignored.
891  - Restructured messenger classes to avoid code duplications.
893 May 3, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-10)
894  - Implemented support for ntuple vector columns with Csv output
895  - Added Set/GetCompressionLevel() functions to G4AnalysisManager
896    (used only with Root output) and changed its default value to 1 (was 9))
898 April 14, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-09)
899  - Updated to g4tools 1.19.2 (Guy Barrand):
900    Fixed compilation on Mac, clang 3.4.
901    See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
903 April 13, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-08)
904  - Updated to g4tools 1.19.1 (Guy Barrand):
905    csv: handle vector column if using the ntuple_booking way
906    See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
908 April 9, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-44)
909   tag to be included in the patch release:
910 - Updated to g4tools 1.17.2 (Guy Barrand):
911   Changes for Windows (MinGW) - fixing problem #1721 (mainly to change
912   #ifdef WIN32 to #ifdef _MSC_VER, which more clean)
914 April 02, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-07)
915  - Updated to g4tools 1.19.0 (Guy Barrand):
916    - Csv handles vector columns
917    - Changes for Windows (MinGW) - fixing problem #1721 (mainly to change
918      #ifdef WIN32 to #ifdef _MSC_VER, which more clean)
919    - Various optimisations to be faster in converting numbers to strings
920      (huge improvements with that around csv and xml tuples)
921    - See History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
923 March 18, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-43)
924   tag to be included in the patch release:
925 - Fixed reading XML ntuples with a column of a vector type
926   tools do not support direct use of ntuple_bindings with a vector,
927   use of a temorary sub-ntuple is needed
929 March 17, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-06)
930 - Fixed reading XML ntuples with a column of a vector type
931   tools do not support direct use of ntuple_bindings with a vector,
932   use of a temorary sub-ntuple is needed
934 March 13, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-05)
935 - Fixed false warnings about unknown column type when an ntuple contains
936   a column of a vector type and is created via ntuple booking
938 March 13, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-04)
939 - Fixed G4AnalysisManager::IsActive() - now taken into all Hn & Pn
940   managers
942 March 13, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-42)
943   tag to be included in the patch release:
944 - Fixed G4AnalysisManager::IsActive() - now taken into all Hn & Pn
945   managers
947 February 20, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-03)
948 - Updated to g4tools 1.18.2 (Guy Barrand):
949   Added code to send/recv histos through MPI;
950   see History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
952 February 04, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-02)
953 - Updated to g4tools 1.17.1 (Guy Barrand):
954   Fixed resetting histograms;
955   see History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
957 January 21, 2015 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-01-01)
958 - Updated to g4tools 1.17.0 (Guy Barrand):
959   Fixes in the Root files output to be compatible with ROOT 6.02/x;
960   see History_tools for the complete list of modifications.
962 December 5, 2014 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-01-00)
963 - Corrected csv/sources.cmake to include missing file:
964     G4CsvAnalysisReader.icc
966 November 24, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-41)
967 - Fixed update to g4tools 1.16.3:
968   the update of g4tools/src/ with Coverity fix
969   was missing
971 November 07, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-33)
972 - Fixed createH2/setH2 commands implementation
973   (was missing in the previous tag V09-06-32)
975 November 06, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-40)
976 - Fixed Coverity defect also in Csv, Root ntuple and Xml rntuple managers
978 November 05, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-39)
979 - Fixed Coverity defect in G4XmlNtupleManager
981 October 27, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-38)
982 - Revised (and simplified) numbering of warnings in exception messages
984 October 25, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-37)
985 - Updated to g4tools 1.16.3 (by G. Barrand):
986   Fixed problem with csv reading on windows;
987   see History_tools for complete list of modifications.
989 October 22, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-36)
990 - Updated to g4tools 1.16.2 (by G. Barrand):
991   modifs for example code to read csv ntuple by using ntuple_binding
992   see History_tools for complete list of modifications.
993 - Added writing commented header (default) for csv ntuple
994 - Implemented reading csv ntuples
995 - Removed H1, H2, P1 dummy manager classes and H3, P3 moved in
996   hbook implementation in examples
997 - Use kInvalidId instead of -1
998 - Added checks for ntupleId in RNtupleManager classes
1000 October 22, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-35)
1001 - Fixed compiler warning in tools/wroot/leaf:
1002   base class tools::wroot::ibo should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor
1004 October 21, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-34)
1005 - Updated to g4tools 1.16.1 (by G. Barrand):
1006   Fixed reading root ntuple with column of std::string type
1007   by using ntuple_binding.
1008   see History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1010 October 20, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-33)
1011 - Updated to g4tools 1.16.0 (by G. Barrand)
1012   Write/read ntuple with std::string columns,
1013   see History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1014 - Implemented reading H3 for Root (now supported in tools)
1015 - Added functions for handling ntuple columns of std::string type
1016 - Added an option to write the Hippo header in csv ntuple output
1017   (default true)
1019 October 13, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-32)
1020 - Fixed variable initialization in G4CsvAnalysisReader
1022 October 13, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-31)
1023 - Do not include G4CsvRNtupleManager, which is not yet commited.
1025 October 07, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-30)
1026 - Implemented G4CsvAnalysisReader: reading all histograms and profiles;
1027   ntuples noy yet done
1028 - Updated to g4tools 1.15.2 (by G. Barrand)
1029   Fixed reading csv histograms and profiles (rcsv_histo)
1031 September 30, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-29)
1032 - Updated to g4tools 1.15.1 (by G. Barrand)
1033   Fixed reading histograms with titles of more words;
1034   see History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1036 September 30, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-28)
1037 - Updated to g4tools 1.15.0 (by G. Barrand)
1038   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1040 September 18, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-27)
1041 - Fixed units in /analysis/[h|p]n/create and /analysis/[h|p]n/set
1042   commands
1044 September 12, 2014 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-00-26)
1045 - Fixed xml/GNUmakefile to add missing dependency on expat, to
1046   cover cases when internal expat is used or for WIN32 builds.
1048 September 12, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-25)
1049 - Fixes in XML reader:
1050   - Added expat includes and libraries in xml sources.cmake
1051   - Removed unused function from G4XmlAnalysisReader
1053 September 11, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-24)
1054 - Adding histograms and profiles support in Csv
1055 - Finalized G4VAnalysisReader interface:
1056   - Added reading P1, P2, H3
1057   - Modifications to fit to all outputs
1058   - Support for both user defined file names and "generic" file names
1059     (generated automatically by G4AnalysisManager from the base name)
1060 - Introduced G4BaseFileManager and separated implementation for
1061   output/input file managers
1062 - Implemented reading P1, P2 in G4RootAnalysisReader;
1063   prepared code for H3 which reading is not yet available in tools
1064 - Implemented G4XmlAnalysisReader (complete)
1065 - Fixed writing ntuples when more than one ntuple is defined (Xml)
1066 - Do not overwrite user defined file extension
1068 September 08, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-23)
1069 - Updated to g4tools 1.14.0 (by G. Barrand):
1070   Fixed compiler warning (converting to unsigned int from double)
1072 September 04, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-22)
1073 - Updated to g4tools 1.14.0 (by G. Barrand):
1074   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1076 September 02, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-21)
1077 - Fixed Coverity defects:
1078   - Initialization of data members in G4VAnalysisManager
1079   - Provided assignment operator for G4HnDimensionInformation
1080 - Removed unused data member in G4HnDimensionInformation
1082 July 28, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-20)
1083 - Removed unsused data member in G4P1DummyManager
1085 July 24, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-19)
1086 - Added H3, P1 and P2
1087 - Added G4BaseToolsManager - common implementation for
1088   setters/getters related to axes annotations
1089 - Fixed applying unit to min, max values in H1, H2 managers
1090 - Issue the warning about not supported histograms/profiles only once per run
1092 July 23, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-18)
1093 - Updated to g4tools 1.11.1 (by G. Barrand):
1094   Fixed problem on Windows with including windows.h.
1096 July 23, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-32)
1097 - Fixed applying unit to min, max values in H1, H2 managers
1098 - Fixed createH2/setH2 commands implementation
1100 July 18, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-17)
1101 - Updated to g4tools 1.11.0 (by G. Barrand):
1102   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1104 July 02, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-16)
1105 - Replaced use of std::cout with G4cout in Root managers
1106   (to fix data race reported by A. Dotti)
1108 June 27, 2014 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-00-15)
1109 - Get rid of obsolete 'register' keyword in
1111 June 12, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-14)
1112 - Added typedefs and functions for accessing iterators
1113   over H1, H2, Ntuples;
1114   Usage:
1115    G4AnalysisManager* analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
1116    for (G4H1Iterator it = analysisManager->BeginH1();
1117                      it != analysisManager->EndH1(); it++ ) {
1118       G4H1* h1 = *it;
1119       // call any h1 function define in tools
1120     }
1121 - Added G4AnalysisManager functions to access FirstIds
1122   G4int GetFirst[H1|H2|Ntuple|NtupleColumn]Id() const;
1124 June 11, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-13)
1125 - Restored hbook files lost with moving to g4tools 1.9.4
1127 June 04, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-12)
1128 - Udated History with the descriptions of the tags analysis-V09-06-*
1129   applied from the analysis_10-00-patches branch.
1131 June 03, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-31)
1132 - Do not remove Root base file if ntuples are in use
1133   (this addresses problem report #1633)
1135 May 16, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-11)
1136 - Fixed Coverity defects.
1137 - Updated to g4tools 1.10.0 (by G. Barrand):
1138   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1140 April 25, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-10)
1141 April 25, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-30)
1142 - Fixed implementation of compound commands in G4H[1,2,n]Messenger classes
1143   using new G4AnalysisUtilities::Tokenize() function.
1144   This allows to pass multi-word strings within "" and fixes problem report
1145   #1616.
1146 - Fixed G4H2ToolsManager::SetH2YAxisTitle: set title to y-axis and not x-axis.
1147   This addresses problem report #1620.
1149 April 16, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-29)
1150 - Do not allow creating objects with empty names
1151   (this addresses problem report #1579)
1153 April 14, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-09)
1154 - Use G4Threading::IsMultithreadedApplication() instead of
1155   G4AnalysisManagerState::IsMT() (now removed);
1156   this function fixes files clean-up at the end of sequential
1157   application built against multi-threaded Geant4 libraries.
1159 April 14, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-08)
1160 - Do not allow creating objects with empty names
1161   (this addresses problem report #1579)
1162 - Introduced independent numbering of warnings from reader
1163 - Renamed g4tools/src/ in to avoid confusion with
1164   zlib
1166 April 10, 2014 G. Cosmo (analysis-V10-00-07)
1167 - Corrected organisation of source files in g4tools sub-module to
1168   allow for building with GNUmake system:
1169   o Moved g4tools/src/csz/inflate.c to g4tools/src and renamed to
1170   o Corrected main GNUmakefile for build order.
1172 April 10, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-06)
1173 - Fixed GNUmakefile (Gabriele)
1175 April 10, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-05)
1176 - Updated to g4tools 1.9.4 (by G. Barrand):
1177   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1178 - Added interface classes for reading:
1179     G4VAnalysisReader, G4VRNtupleManager
1180   and their implementation for Root:
1181     G4RootAnalysisReader, G4RootRNtupleManager
1183 March 12, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-28)
1184 March 11, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-04)
1185 - Fixed H1, H2 functions to access xmin, xmax and width
1186   (do not apply function and unit to return values)
1188 March 10, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-27)
1189 - Fixed bug in /analysis/h1/setAscii command
1190   (introduced with refactoring messenger classes in analysis-V09-06-19)
1192 March 05, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-03)
1193 - Fixed bug in /analysis/h1/setAscii command
1194   (introduced with refactoring messenger classes in analysis-V09-06-19)
1196 February 05, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-02)
1197 - Updated tools ntuple_booking and ntuple classes from
1198   g4tools 1.9.0 (by G. Barrand) what should hopefully fix warnings issued
1199   on x86_64-slc5-gcc41.
1201 February 04, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-01)
1202 - Adding new functions for ntuple columns of vectors
1203   in G4AnalysisManer:
1204     // Create columns of vector in the last created ntuple
1205     G4int CreateNtupleTColumn(
1206                 const G4String& name, std::vector<int>& vector);
1207     G4int CreateNtupleTColumn(G4int ntupleId,
1208                 const G4String& name, std::vector<int>& vector);
1209           where T can be I, F, T
1210 - Updated to g4tools 1.8.0 (by G. Barrand)
1211   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1213 January 21, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V10-00-00)
1214 January 21, 2014 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-26)
1215 - Updated to g4tools 1.7.1 (by G. Barrand):
1216   Fixed performance issue observed for an ntuple with large numbers of columns
1217   reported in item #455 in Geant4 hypernews, Analysis category.
1218   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1220 October 02, 2013 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-25)
1221 - Do not call WriteH1[2]() when no histograms are defined.
1222   This allows to run application which uses only ntuples without
1223   a master instance of analysis manager.
1225 September 30, 2013 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-24)
1226 - Removed static G4AnalysisManager::Create(G4bool isMaster) function
1227   (the master/worker is now identified automatically)
1228 - Removed instances counter and its mutex
1229 - Reimplemented  G4AnalysisManagerState::IsMT() with use of
1230   G4Threading functions
1231 - Removed virtual declaration for GetH1, GetH2, GetNtuple functions
1232   in manager classes (to follow NVI pattern)
1233 - Fixed installing of g4analysis_defs.hh  header
1234 - Fixed g4csv.hh (it was overwritten by mistake with g4csv_defs.hh)
1235 - Fixed g4csv_defs.hh (G4Ntuple is the ntuple type, and not a pointer)
1237 September 17, 2013 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-23)
1238 - Use thread Id (now available) in generating file names instead
1239   of thread Pid.
1241 September 02, 2013 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-22)
1242 - Updated to g4tools 1.7.0 (by G. Barrand):
1243   Fixed problem report #1523 (incorrect setting the list of free blocks
1244   in the ROOT file).
1245   See History_tools for complete list of modifications.
1247 September 02, 2013 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-21)
1248 - Fixed saving binScheme in H2 information
1250 August 26, 2013 I. Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-20)
1251 - Fixed Coverity defects
1252   (missing copy constructor and assignment operator in G4VH1Manager
1253    and G4VH2Manager)
1255 August 26, 2013 A.Dotti (analysis-V09-06-19)
1256 - New interface for functions in G4Threading.hh,
1257   now in G4Threading namespace
1258   And also (I. Hrivnacova):
1259 - Added a possibility to define logarithmic binning for H1 and H2
1260 - Reorganized messenger classes per objects: they are now associated
1261   with the public interface (G4VAnalysisManager)
1262 - Fixed path to g4tools in test/build
1264 August 1, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-18)
1265 - Fixed CMake build (added missing *.icc files in HEADERS);
1266   thanks to Mike Kelsey for pointing at this.
1268 July 15, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-17)
1269 - Added set_property(...GEANT4_BUILDTREE_INCLUDE_DIRS) in
1270   g4tools/CMakeLists.txt
1272 July 15, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-16)
1273 - Added GLOBAL_DEPENDENCIES lists in sources.cmake files
1275 July 15, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-15)
1276 - Fixed dependencies on zlib
1277   (previous tag failed on linking error on Mac)
1279 July 15, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-14)
1280 - Introduced subdirectories:
1281   csv, g4tools, hntools, management, root, xml
1282   and updated CMake & GNUmake files accordingly
1284 July 12, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-13)
1285 - Fixed warnings on clang:
1286   Use struct keyword instead of class for forward declaration of structs.
1288 July 11, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-12)
1289 - Refactoring manager classes:
1290   - Introduced managers per object types (H1, H2, Ntuple, File)
1291     and re-implemented G4VAnalysisManager as a composite of the objects
1292     managers
1293   - Removed enum G4VAnalysisManager::ObjectType and replaced related methods
1294     with methods per object type; eg.
1295       void  SetActivation(ObjectType type,  G4int id, G4bool activation);
1296     with
1297       void  SetH1Activation(G4int id, G4bool activation);
1298       void  SetH2Activation(G4int id, G4bool activation);
1300 June 20, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-11)
1301 - Fixed the problem in Root files clean-up (manifested in
1302   examples/advanced/microbeam):
1303   non-empty Root file was deleted when only ntuples and no histograms
1304   were booked and the application was built against MT Geant4 but run
1305   in sequential mode.
1307 June 11, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-10)
1308 - Fixed deleting fNtuple in G4RootNtupleDescription
1309   (the ntuple is deleted with root file)
1311 June 03, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-09)
1312 - Improved handling files: empty files are now removed in CloseFile()
1313 - Moved generation of file name in G4VAnalysisManager
1314 - Forced setting fIsMaster=true in sequential mode
1316 May 31, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-08)
1317 - Fix in G4RootAnalysisManager::WriteOnAscii() - bug report #1473
1319 April 18, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-07)
1320 - Manager classes updated for MT:
1321   Added fgMasterInstance, fIsMaster data members and functions for
1322   mergings histograms (Root, Xml) from worker tom master:
1323     void AddH1Vector(std::vector<tools::histo::h1d*>& h1Vector);
1324     void AddH2Vector(std::vector<tools::histo::h2d*>& h2Vector);
1325   These functions are automatically called on Worker::Write().
1326   Added ThreadId to ntuple file names when processing on workers.
1328 April 10, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-06)
1329 - Updated to g4tools 1.6.0 (by G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1331 March 29, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-05)
1332 - Extended analysis managers for handling more than one ntuple
1334 March 26, 2013 B.Morgan (analysis-V09-06-04)
1335 - source.cmake : Corrected zlib setup for transparent use of
1336   internal or external variants.
1338 March 22, 2013 G.Cosmo (analysis-V09-06-03)
1339 - Corrected GNUmakefile and CMakeLists.txt for zlib dependency.
1341 March 21, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-02)
1342 - Updated CMakeList.txt for zlib dependencies
1344 March 21, 2013 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-01)
1345 - Updated to g4tools 1.5.0 (by G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1346 - Adding file compression in Root manager (now available)
1347 - Adding use of zlib in GNUmakefile (needed for compression)
1349 December 17, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-06-00)
1350 - Added 'svn:keywords' property to all files (except for tools)
1352 October 26, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-15)
1353 - Updated to g4tools 1.4.3 (by G. Barrand) - see History_tools;
1354   includes bug correction for histo/h3::fill
1356 October 14, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-14)
1357 - Adding function  G4VAnalysisManager::SetActivation(..)
1358   for setting activation to all histograms of one type
1359 - Adding commands to activate/inactivate 1D, 2D histograms
1360 - Fixed GetH1[2]Width: return the correct value also when histogram is
1361   inactive.
1363 October 10, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-13)
1364 - Adding commands for handling h2d histograms.
1365 - Adding functions for accessing h1d, h2d by name
1366 - Splitting verbose level 1 in 2 levels and shifting the upper levels
1368 September 28, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-12)
1369 - Fixed loops in G4Root/XmlAnalysisManager::WriteOnAscii;
1370   (causing compilation warning for shadowing)
1372 September 4, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-11)
1373 - Adding missing header file in CMakeLists.txt
1375 August 28, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-10)
1376 - Adding SetH2Title() in all managers
1377 - Minor fixes
1379 August 22, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-09)
1380 - Updated to g4tools 1.4.1 (by G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1381 - Adding setters/getters for histogram axis titles
1382   and commands for setting histogram title and axis titles
1384 August 20, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-08)
1385 - Updated to g4tools 1.3.2 (by G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1386 - Adding a possibility to fill h1, h2 with values with automatically
1387   applied function (eg. log10, exp)
1388 - Pass units via a name instead of value
1389 - Adding getters for many h1, h2 attributes
1390 - Adding ScaleH1(), ScaleH2()
1391 - Fixed warning in G4RootAnalysisManager when trying to fill inactivated
1392   histogram
1393 - Adding W013, W014 in exception classification
1395 July 27, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-07)
1396 - Updated to g4tools 1.3.1 (by G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1397 - Messages from Fill functions only in verbose level 3
1398 - Fixes in memory management:
1399   delete file before opening a new one (all);
1400   delete ntuple before closing a file (csv, xml)
1402 July 25, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-06)
1403 - Fix returned values in newly added functions for accessing additional
1404  information. (This fixes compiler warnings.)
1406 July 24, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-05)
1407 - Fix CMake build once more - adding new source files in
1408   and dependence on G4intercoms library
1410 July 24, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-04)
1411 - Fix CMake build - adding intercoms to include path
1412   (now needed for the messenger class)
1414 July 24, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-03)
1415 - Updated to g4tools-1.3.0 (G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1416 - Adding an additional information to the analysis objects
1417   (defined in G4HnInformation.hh):
1418   units, activation, ascii output
1419 - Implemented a possibility to book histograms/ntuples
1420   before opening a file
1421 - Adding a messenger class allowing to configure file and directories
1422   names, verbosity level and histogram parameters interactively.
1424 June 5, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-02)
1425 - Updated to g4tools-1.2.0 (G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1427 February 23, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-01)
1428 - Adding locks for functions which define directory names,
1429   setting Ids etc. so that these parameters cannot be changed once
1430   they were used
1431 - Changed return type for the functions with locks to G4bool
1432 - Renamed FirstNtupleId data member and its setter to FirstNtupleColumnId
1433   to better reflect its meaning
1434 - Adding W009-W012 warning in exception_classification.txt
1436 February 14, 2012 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-05-00)
1437 - Updated to g4tools-1.1.0 (G. Barrand) - see History_tools
1438 - Adding defs include files per manager type
1439 - Adding GetNtuple() function to specific managers
1440 - Adding GetType() function  to G4VAnalysisManager
1441 - Increased granularity of verbose levels (now 3 levels are available)
1442 - Adding test for result of openning file in Root manager
1443   (which was not provided in previous versions of g4tools)
1444 - Making creating directories optional
1446 November 30th 2011 B.Morgan (analysis-V09-04-15)
1447 - CMakeLists.txt : Updated to build G4analysis in granular as well as global
1448   mode.
1450 November 24 2001 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-04-14)
1451 - Updated to g4tools-1.0.5 (G. Barrand):
1452   - wroot : streamers, buffer, wbuf, named :
1453             arrange to avoid the usage of the std::vector<>::data() method
1454             which is quite not portable for the moment.
1455  - remove the no more needed (and problematic) tools/vdata file.
1457 November 24 2001 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-04-13)
1458 - tools/vdata: restored protection __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__
1459   which got lost with update to  g4tools-1.0.4
1461 November 24 2001 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-04-12)
1462 - Updated to g4tools-1.0.4 (G. Barrand):
1463   - Fix in tools/vdata:
1464     Adding a protection against an empty vector
1466 November 19 2001 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-04-11)
1467 - Updated to g4tools-1.0.3 (G. Barrand):
1468   - Removed warning in CHBOOK/CHPWDF
1469   - Remove #ifdef WIN32 in wroot/date.
1471 November 8 2011 G.Cosmo (analysis-V09-04-10)
1472 - tools/vdata: restored protection __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ to use of
1473   std::vector<>::data() feature, to allow compilation on Leopard systems.
1475 October 27 2011 G.Cosmo (analysis-V09-04-09)
1476 - Added workaround to use 'this' pointer for internal calls in histo/b1,
1477   to allow for compilation on Xcode on MacOX Lion.
1479 October 18 2011 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-04-08)
1480 - Fix in CMakeLists.txt - adding new G4AnalysisVerbose.* files
1482 October 17 2011 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-04-07)
1483 - Added support for H2 histograms
1484 - Added verbose printing (for levels: 0,1,2)
1485 - Updated to g4tools-1.0.2 (G. Barrand):
1486   - Removed "inline" keyword for the methods having code implementation
1487     within classes. Dixit C++ docs, this kind of method is treated defacto
1488     as "inline". The keyword "inline" remains or for functions or for the
1489     few methods having their implementation outside the class.
1490   - Fixed some warnings (coming from Coverity or some specific version of g++)
1491     about the lacking of calling the copy constructor of an inherited interface
1492     in some copy constructors.
1493   - wroot/tree : have the streaming of the list of leaves. This permits to have
1494     the ROOT/TTree::Scan() method working when looking for a ntuple
1495     stored in a .root file as a TTree.
1497 September 15 2011 I.Hrivnacova (analysis-V09-04-06)
1498 - Added static access to specific manager classes.
1499 - Migration to G4Exception for all warning/error messages.
1501 August 4 2011 G.Cosmo (analysis-V09-04-05)
1502 - Extended fix in tools/vdata for compilation error on olders GCC compiler
1503   versions (MacOSX 10.5, SLC4, ...). Addressing problem report #1238.
1505 July 29 2011 G.Cosmo (analysis-V09-04-04)
1506 - Fix in tools/vdata for compilation error in Intel ICC compiler.
1508 July 28 2011 B.Morgan (analysis-V09-04-02)
1509 - Creating new tag because previous ones were not documented here!!
1511 July 28 2011 B.Morgan (analysis-V09-04-01.5)
1512 - CMakeLists.txt : Added to provide CMake build for G4Analysis. Implemented
1513   without using a sources.cmake because we only have one library, and tools
1514   headers need a specialized install to retain their nested structure.
1516 July 28 2011 G. Cosmo
1517 - Fix in tools/wroot/file to avoid gcc dependency error on WIN32 with CygWin.
1520 July 28, 2011 B.Morgan
1521 - Created History file for analysis module.