Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /run/History (Version 11.3.0) and /run/History (Version 11.1)

  1 # Category run History                              1 # Category run History
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir      3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry,
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological       4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top).
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr      5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages!
  6                                                     6 
  7 ----------------------------------------------      7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8                                                     8 
  9 ## 2024-11-08 Laurent Desorgher (run-V11-02-26 << 
 10 - Change of G4AdjointSimManager G4AdjointSimMe << 
 11 in MT mode.                                    << 
 12                                                << 
 13 ## 2024-11-04 Philippe Canal (run-V11-02-25)   << 
 14 - Static initialization for masterWorlds in G4 << 
 15   Adapted G4SubEvtRunManager and G4TaskRunMana << 
 16                                                << 
 17 ## 2024-11-05 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-24)      << 
 18 - Changing verbose levels to reduce printouts  << 
 19                                                << 
 20 ## 2024-10-25 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-23)      << 
 21 - Setting UI alias that represents the run mod << 
 22   subEventParallel). This alias can be used in << 
 23                                                << 
 24 ## 2024-10-21 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-22)      << 
 25 - G4RunManagerFactory: Adding sub-event parall << 
 26 - G4RunMessenger: Adding a command for traject << 
 27   mode.                                        << 
 28                                                << 
 29 ## 2024-10-14 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-21)      << 
 30 - G4SubEvtRunManager, G4WorkerRunManager, G4Wo << 
 31   - Adding an option to merge trajectories cre << 
 32     sub-event parallel mode.                   << 
 33   - co-working with tracking-V11-02-04         << 
 34                                                << 
 35 ## 2024-10-10 Jonas Hahnfeld (run-V11-02-20)   << 
 36 - Fix leak of process and tracking managers in << 
 37                                                << 
 38 ## 2024-10-08 Jonas Hahnfeld (run-V11-02-19)   << 
 39 - G4WorkerTaskRunManager: Process only NumberO << 
 40                                                << 
 41 ## 2024-09-30 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-18)      << 
 42 - G4RunManagerKernel, G4RunManager, G4SubEvtRu << 
 43   - Cleanly deleting G4Event objects at the en << 
 44     events are not requested to be kept for re << 
 45     Idle state.                                << 
 46   - The kept events are deleted at the beginni << 
 47     termination of the program                 << 
 48  - G4Run                                       << 
 49   - Add GetNumberOfKeptEvents() method         << 
 50  - G4SubEvtRunManager                          << 
 51   - Properly start the timer.                  << 
 52  - Co-working with event-V11-02-08 and visman- << 
 53                                                << 
 54 ## 2024-09-09 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-17)      << 
 55 - G4WorkerSubEvtRunManager:                    << 
 56   - Fix double-counting of the scores of comma << 
 57   - Print number of sub-events rather than num << 
 58                                                << 
 59 ## 2024-09-04 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-16)      << 
 60 - G4RunManagerKernel: Remove invoking ResetNav << 
 61   ResetNavigator() is now invoked only at the  << 
 62                                                << 
 63 ## 2024-08-07 Gabriele Cosmo, Ben Morgan (run- << 
 64 - Access G4GeometryManager singleton through i << 
 65   in G4RunManagerKernel and G4WorkerRunManager << 
 66                                                << 
 67 ## 2024-07-22 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-14)      << 
 68 - Fix number of random numbers generated as th << 
 69   parallel mode.                               << 
 70                                                << 
 71 ## 2024-07-19 Ben Morgan (run-V11-02-13)       << 
 72 - Fixed Coverity defects missed in -12 in Task << 
 73                                                << 
 74 ## 2024-07-16 Gabriele Cosmo, Ben Morgan (run- << 
 75 - Fixed reported Coverity defects: in G4MSStep << 
 76   stream format state; in G4RunManager and oth << 
 77   restructured conditionals.                   << 
 78                                                << 
 79 ## 2024-07-13 Laurie Nevay (run-V11-02-11)     << 
 80 - Add XrayReflection (fGammaReflection) to G4P << 
 81                                                << 
 82 ## 2024-07-06 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-10)      << 
 83 - Clean up G4SubEvtRunManager when to delete e << 
 84                                                << 
 85 ## 2024-06-14 Ben Morgan (run-V11-02-09)       << 
 86 - Update G4TaskRunManager for changes to under << 
 87   - No changes to behaviour expected.          << 
 88                                                << 
 89 ## 2024-06-14 I. Hrivnacova (run-V11-02-08)    << 
 90 - G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry: added ca << 
 91                                                << 
 92 ## 2024-06-04 John Apostolakis (run-V11-02-07) << 
 93 - Add call in G4WorkerRunManager to use parall << 
 94   (Requires geommng-V11-02-02.)                << 
 95                                                << 
 96 ## 2024-06-01 Makoto Asaim (run-V11-02-06)     << 
 97 - Initial implementation of creation/processin << 
 98   - Co-working with event-V11-02-04, track-V11 << 
 99                                                << 
100 ## 2024-05-09 Ben Morgan (run-V11-02-05)       << 
101 - Remove use of no longer supported TiMemory.  << 
102                                                << 
103 ## 2024-05-07 Makoto Asai (run-V11-02-04)      << 
104 - G4RunManager : add SetDefaultClassification  << 
105   default classification for the track newly a << 
106                                                << 
107 ## 2024-04-11 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V11-02-03)   << 
108 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
109   on G4MSSteppingAction. Use consistently G4 t << 
110                                                << 
111 ## 2024-04-04 Shogo Okada (run-V11-02-02)      << 
112 - G4PhysicsListHelper: added `DNATripleIoni` a << 
113   implementation of multiple-ionisation proces << 
114                                                << 
115 ## 2024-04-03 Alvaro Tolosa-Delgado (run-V11-0 << 
116 - Material Scan output extended.               << 
117                                                << 
118 ## 2023-12-13 Ben Morgan (run-V11-02-00)       << 
119 - Fix Issue #86: report number of threads from << 
120                                                << 
121 ## 2023-11-17 I. Hrivnacova (run-V11-01-10)    << 
122 - Do not call G4ParticleTable::WorkerG4Particl << 
123   G4WorkerRunManager constructor as this funct << 
124   is called already from G4ParticleTable::GetP << 
125   which is called beforehand by other Geant4 c << 
126   Duplicate call is causing memory leak at exi << 
127                                                << 
128 ## 2023-10-20 Makoto Asai (run-V11-01-08, -09) << 
129 - Reverting G4RunManager and G4Run back to run << 
130                                                << 
131 ## 2023-08-28 Makoto Asai (run-V11-01-06, -07) << 
132 - Introducing sub-event in Event category. Co- << 
133   and global-V11-02-16.                        << 
134                                                << 
135 ## 2023-07-12 Alberto Ribon (run-V11-01-05)    << 
136 - G4PhysicsListHelper : removed the unused cod << 
137   file OrderingParameterTable (which has been  << 
138                                                << 
139 ## 2023-06-02 Ben Morgan (run-V11-01-04)       << 
140 - Apply core and optional clang-tidy fixes, pl << 
141   - Removal of obsolete comments/dead blocks   << 
142   - Normal order access specifiers and make do << 
143 - Refactor random state file copying to use st << 
144                                                << 
145 ## 2023-05-04 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V11-01-03)   << 
146 - Removed mistyped method declaration GetMaste << 
147                                                << 
148 ## 2023-02-03 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V11-01-02)   << 
149 - Reduced printout in destruction of run-manag << 
150   coherent with verbose level greater than 1.  << 
151                                                << 
152 ## 2022-12-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V11-01- << 
153 - G4PhysicsListHelper - added forgotten proces << 
154     (problem #2523); added general processes   << 
155                                                << 
156 ## 2022-12-12 Ben Morgan (run-V11-01-00)       << 
157 - Remove obsolete GNUmakefile scripts          << 
158                                                << 
159 ## 2022-11-18 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V11-00-11)        9 ## 2022-11-18 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V11-00-11)
160 - More compilation warnings fixes for implicit     10 - More compilation warnings fixes for implicit type conversions.
161                                                    11 
162 ## 2022-11-17 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V11-00-10)       12 ## 2022-11-17 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V11-00-10)
163 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type     13 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type conversions on macOS/XCode 14.1.
164                                                    14 
165 ## 2022-09-02 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-09)           15 ## 2022-09-02 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-09)
166 - Explicitly check for nullptr before derefenc     16 - Explicitly check for nullptr before derefencing possible null pointers
167   - Fixes Coverity 104621, 104660, 104662.         17   - Fixes Coverity 104621, 104660, 104662.
168                                                    18 
169 ## 2022-05-17 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-08)           19 ## 2022-05-17 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-08)
170 - Apply patches from Seth Johnson:                 20 - Apply patches from Seth Johnson:
171   - Check for correct state in default excepti     21   - Check for correct state in default exception handler before trying to access
172     manager classes that may be nullptr in oth     22     manager classes that may be nullptr in other states
173   - Don't create a default exception manager i     23   - Don't create a default exception manager in run manager kernel if one exists
174     already.                                       24     already.
175                                                    25 
176 ## 2022-04-13 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-07)           26 ## 2022-04-13 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-07)
177 - Add missing dependency on G4decay, remove un     27 - Add missing dependency on G4decay, remove unneeded dependency on G4hadronic_util
178                                                    28 
179 ## 2022-03-29 Hoang Tran (run-V11-00-06)           29 ## 2022-03-29 Hoang Tran (run-V11-00-06)
180 - Added new DNAScavenger in PhysicsListHelper      30 - Added new DNAScavenger in PhysicsListHelper for DNA processes
181                                                    31 
182 ## 2022-03-25 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-05)           32 ## 2022-03-25 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-05)
183 - Move implementations of task-based Run inter     33 - Move implementations of task-based Run interfaces/implementations into Run
184   category from tasking category.                  34   category from tasking category.
185   - See `History.tasking` file for History of      35   - See `History.tasking` file for History of tasking prior this tag of `run`.
186                                                    36 
187 ## 2022-02-24 Makoto Asai (run-V11-00-04)          37 ## 2022-02-24 Makoto Asai (run-V11-00-04)
188 - Adding verbosity control to some G4cout. Add     38 - Adding verbosity control to some G4cout. Addressing to bug report #2397.
189                                                    39 
190 ## 2022-01-28 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-03)           40 ## 2022-01-28 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-03)
191 - Replace `geant4_global_library_target` with      41 - Replace `geant4_global_library_target` with direct file inclusion and
192   call to `geant4_add_category` to define libr     42   call to `geant4_add_category` to define library build from source modules.
193 - Make DLL export symbol a CMake module-level      43 - Make DLL export symbol a CMake module-level compile definition to aid
194   future modularization                            44   future modularization
195                                                <<  45   
196 ## 2022-01-18 Jonas Hahnfeld (run-V11-00-02)       46 ## 2022-01-18 Jonas Hahnfeld (run-V11-00-02)
197 - Prefer pointer to `const G4Material` if poss     47 - Prefer pointer to `const G4Material` if possible
198                                                    48 
199 ## 2021-12-11 Laurie Nevay (run-V11-00-01)         49 ## 2021-12-11 Laurie Nevay (run-V11-00-01)
200 - Fix missing AnnihToTauTau entry from default     50 - Fix missing AnnihToTauTau entry from default physics list ordering that
201   would cause a fatal exception if EmExtra is      51   would cause a fatal exception if EmExtra is used with PositronToMuMu=True.
202                                                    52 
203 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-00)           53 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (run-V11-00-00)
204 - Change to new Markdown History format            54 - Change to new Markdown History format
205                                                    55 
206 ---                                                56 ---
207                                                    57 
208 # History entries prior to 11.0                    58 # History entries prior to 11.0
209                                                    59 
210 October 25, 2021 B.Morgan (run-V10-07-13)          60 October 25, 2021 B.Morgan (run-V10-07-13)
211 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated     61 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated G4String member functions
212                                                    62 
213 October 21, 2021 Jonas Hahnfeld (run-V10-07-12     63 October 21, 2021 Jonas Hahnfeld (run-V10-07-12)
214 - G4VUserPhysicsList - use custom tracking man     64 - G4VUserPhysicsList - use custom tracking manager if registered
215                                                    65 
216 October 18, 2021 Ben Morgan (run-V10-07-11)        66 October 18, 2021 Ben Morgan (run-V10-07-11)
217 - Use std::string member functions from G4Stri     67 - Use std::string member functions from G4String in place of synonyms
218                                                    68 
219 October 6, 2021 Alberto Ribon (run-V10-07-10)      69 October 6, 2021 Alberto Ribon (run-V10-07-10)
220 - G4PhysicsListHelper : replaced hardwired num     70 - G4PhysicsListHelper : replaced hardwired numerical process types and
221   sub-types with corresponding enum values         71   sub-types with corresponding enum values
222                                                    72 
223 September 10, 2021 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-07-     73 September 10, 2021 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-07-09)
224 - Added new Ranlux++ engine to the list of sup     74 - Added new Ranlux++ engine to the list of supported random engines in
225   G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization. Requires C     75   G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization. Requires CLHEP-
226                                                    76 
227 August 04, 2021 Alberto Ribon (run-V10-07-08)      77 August 04, 2021 Alberto Ribon (run-V10-07-08)
228 - G4VUserPhysicsList : invoke the new static i     78 - G4VUserPhysicsList : invoke the new static initialization of
229   G4PhysicsModelCatalog in the method G4VUserP     79   G4PhysicsModelCatalog in the method G4VUserPhysicsList::Construct
230                                                    80 
231 July 01, 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10-07-     81 July 01, 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10-07-07)
232 - G4VModularPhysicsList - fixed destruction of     82 - G4VModularPhysicsList - fixed destruction of the vector of G4VPhysicsConstructor
233     for the case, when physics list is created     83     for the case, when physics list is created but physics is not build (CMS report)
234                                                    84 
235 May 20, 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10-07-0     85 May 20, 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10-07-06)
236 - G4VPhysicsConstructor - fix initialisation o     86 - G4VPhysicsConstructor - fix initialisation of hadronic parameters
237     avoiding uncontrolled override of the verb <<  87     avoiding uncontrolled override of the verbosityLevel 
238                                                    88 
239 May 17, 2021 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-07-05)       89 May 17, 2021 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-07-05)
240 - Removed calling physicsList->TerminateWorker     90 - Removed calling physicsList->TerminateWorker() in G4WorkerRunManager
241   as this appears to cause errors at terminati     91   as this appears to cause errors at termination
242                                                <<  92   
243 April 25, 2021 Hoang Tran (run-V10-07-04)          93 April 25, 2021 Hoang Tran (run-V10-07-04)
244 - Added new G4DNAStaticMoleculeReactionProcess     94 - Added new G4DNAStaticMoleculeReactionProcess in PhysicsListHelper for DNA processs
245                                                    95 
246 April 14, 2021 Ben Morgan (run-V10-07-03)          96 April 14, 2021 Ben Morgan (run-V10-07-03)
247 - Migrate to modular CMake build                   97 - Migrate to modular CMake build
248                                                    98 
249 April 13, 2021 Alberto Ribon (run-V10-07-02)       99 April 13, 2021 Alberto Ribon (run-V10-07-02)
250 - GNUmakefile : removed deleted directories (h    100 - GNUmakefile : removed deleted directories (hadronic/models/util/
251   and hadronic/models/management/).               101   and hadronic/models/management/).
252                                                   102 
253 April 09, 2021 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-07-01)     103 April 09, 2021 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-07-01)
254 - Optimised access to volumes and regions stor    104 - Optimised access to volumes and regions stores.
255 - Minor c++11 review in use of iterators, init    105 - Minor c++11 review in use of iterators, initialisers, etc...
256 - Removed obsolete ResetCuts() method in G4VUs    106 - Removed obsolete ResetCuts() method in G4VUserPhysicsList.
257 - General code cleanup and formatting.            107 - General code cleanup and formatting.
258                                                   108 
259 December 07, 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10    109 December 07, 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10-07-00)
260 - G4PhysicsListHelper - added forgotten proces    110 - G4PhysicsListHelper - added forgotten processes (general positron
261     and surface reflection)                       111     and surface reflection)
262                                                   112 
263 November 21, 2020 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-06-1    113 November 21, 2020 Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-06-19)
264 - Fixed compilation warnings in G4RunManager.     114 - Fixed compilation warnings in G4RunManager.
265                                                   115 
266 November 18, 2020 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-06-    116 November 18, 2020 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-06-18)
267 - Added G4Profiler support.                       117 - Added G4Profiler support.
268 - Removed TIMEMORY_AUTO_TIMER.                    118 - Removed TIMEMORY_AUTO_TIMER.
269                                                   119 
270 November 17, 2020 G.Cosmo (run-V10-06-17)         120 November 17, 2020 G.Cosmo (run-V10-06-17)
271 - Protect activation of G4BackTrace within G4B    121 - Protect activation of G4BackTrace within G4BT_DEBUG flag in
272   G4RunManagerKernel.                             122   G4RunManagerKernel.
273                                                   123 
274 November 16, 2020 G.Cosmo (run-V10-06-16)         124 November 16, 2020 G.Cosmo (run-V10-06-16)
275 - Fixed typos in printed-out text. Addressing     125 - Fixed typos in printed-out text. Addressing problem report #2285.
276                                                   126 
277 October 20th, 2020 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-06    127 October 20th, 2020 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-06-15)
278 - Run-managers are friends of G4RunManagerFact    128 - Run-managers are friends of G4RunManagerFactory.
279                                                   129 
280 October 20th, 2020  Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-0    130 October 20th, 2020  Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-06-14)
281 - Added activation of G4Backtrace to G4RunMana    131 - Added activation of G4Backtrace to G4RunManagerKernel.
282                                                   132 
283 October 9th, 2020  Makoto Asai (run-V10-06-13)    133 October 9th, 2020  Makoto Asai (run-V10-06-13)
284 - Added protection for Windows on G4RunManager    134 - Added protection for Windows on G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->rndmSaveThisEvent().
285                                                   135 
286 October 5th, 2020  Makoto Asai (run-V10-06-12)    136 October 5th, 2020  Makoto Asai (run-V10-06-12)
287 - Fix the issue of G4RunManager::GetRunManager    137 - Fix the issue of G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->rndmSaveThisEvent() not working
288   in multithreaded mode. Addresses to Bug Repo    138   in multithreaded mode. Addresses to Bug Report #2278.
289                                                   139 
290 September 29th, 2020 Anna Zaborowska (run-V10-    140 September 29th, 2020 Anna Zaborowska (run-V10-06-11)
291 - Bug fix for bug #2276: /random/setSeeds pars    141 - Bug fix for bug #2276: /random/setSeeds parses arguments to int instead of long
292                                                   142 
293 September 27th Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10-06    143 September 27th Vladimir Ivanchenko (run-V10-06-10)
294 - G4VModularPhysicsList - fixed typos in print    144 - G4VModularPhysicsList - fixed typos in printouts
295                                                   145 
296 September 21st Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-06-09)    146 September 21st Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-06-09)
297 - Added checks for currentRun before calling r    147 - Added checks for currentRun before calling routines with currentRun
298 - G4MTRunManager:                                 148 - G4MTRunManager:
299     - added banner similar to G4TaskRunManager    149     - added banner similar to G4TaskRunManager at CreateAndStartWorkers
300     - moved master scoring-manager, master wor    150     - moved master scoring-manager, master worlds, fMasterRM from private to protected
301                                                   151 
302 June 30th Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-06-08)          152 June 30th Gabriele Cosmo (run-V10-06-08)
303 - Added dummy virtual methods Get/SetNumberOfT    153 - Added dummy virtual methods Get/SetNumberOfThreads() in G4RunManager to
304   allow dispatching to inheriting MT/Tasking c    154   allow dispatching to inheriting MT/Tasking classes.
305                                                   155 
306 June 17th Gunter Folger (run-V10-06-07)           156 June 17th Gunter Folger (run-V10-06-07)
307 - Fixes for Windows DLLs. In G4MTRunManager: s    157 - Fixes for Windows DLLs. In G4MTRunManager: split inline static functions into
308   declaration and definition: GetMasterThreadI    158   declaration and definition: GetMasterThreadId(), GetMasterScoringManager(),
309   GetMasterWorlds(), addWorld(), SetSeedOncePe    159   GetMasterWorlds(), addWorld(), SetSeedOncePerCommunication(),
310   SetSeedOncePerCommunication(); added  GetMas    160   SetSeedOncePerCommunication(); added  GetMasterTheadId().
311   In G4RunManager: import/export static 'fGeom    161   In G4RunManager: import/export static 'fGeometryHasBeenDestroyed' using
312   G4RUN_DLL, and include for rundefs.hh           162   G4RUN_DLL, and include for rundefs.hh
313                                                   163 
314 June 4th, 2020  J.Madsen                          164 June 4th, 2020  J.Madsen
315 - Minor class access changes in G4MTRunManager    165 - Minor class access changes in G4MTRunManager to enable inheritance
316   for G4TaskRunManager                            166   for G4TaskRunManager
317   June 17th Gunter Folger,   included in the a    167   June 17th Gunter Folger,   included in the above tag
318                                                   168 
319 May 26th, 2020  A.Howard (run-V10-06-06)          169 May 26th, 2020  A.Howard (run-V10-06-06)
320 - Added second wavelength shifter process to G    170 - Added second wavelength shifter process to
321                                                   171 
322 May 20th, 2020  G.Cosmo (run-V10-06-05)           172 May 20th, 2020  G.Cosmo (run-V10-06-05)
323 - Re-applied clang-format after minor rules ad    173 - Re-applied clang-format after minor rules adaptations.
324                                                   174 
325 May 12th, 2020  A.Ribon (run-V10-06-04)           175 May 12th, 2020  A.Ribon (run-V10-06-04)
326 - : added in the cons    176 - : added in the constructors an harmless call
327   to G4HadronicParameters (setting a default p    177   to G4HadronicParameters (setting a default parameter), needed to create
328   the instance of the G4HadronicParameters sin    178   the instance of the G4HadronicParameters singleton before run
329   initialization.                                 179   initialization.
330                                                   180 
331 May 8th, 2020 J. Madsen (run-V10-06-03)           181 May 8th, 2020 J. Madsen (run-V10-06-03)
332 - Applied clang-format                            182 - Applied clang-format
333                                                   183 
334 April 9th, 2020  M.Asai (run-V10-06-02)           184 April 9th, 2020  M.Asai (run-V10-06-02)
335 -, Addi    185 -, Adding layered mass geometry
336   option for the new "probe" scoring mesh.        186   option for the new "probe" scoring mesh.
337                                                   187 
338 February 18th, 2020  V.Ivanchenko (run-V10-06-    188 February 18th, 2020  V.Ivanchenko (run-V10-06-01)
339 - G4RunManager - does not call G4ParticleTable    189 - G4RunManager - does not call G4ParticleTable for Messenger
340     deletion                                      190     deletion
341                                                   191 
342 December 9th, 2019  B. Morgan (run-V10-06-00)     192 December 9th, 2019  B. Morgan (run-V10-06-00)
343 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granu    193 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granular library option and
344   explicit include_directories.                   194   explicit include_directories.
345                                                   195 
346 November 22nd, 2019 J. Madsen (run-V10-05-11)     196 November 22nd, 2019 J. Madsen (run-V10-05-11)
347 - Updated sources.cmake to use ${timemory_LIBR    197 - Updated sources.cmake to use ${timemory_LIBRARIES} instead of
348   difficult to type ${TiMemory_LIBRARIES}         198   difficult to type ${TiMemory_LIBRARIES}
349 - Removed InitializeTiMemory() from G4RunManag    199 - Removed InitializeTiMemory() from G4RunManager
350                                                   200 
351 November 21th, 2019  V.Ivanchenko (run-V10-05-    201 November 21th, 2019  V.Ivanchenko (run-V10-05-10)
352 - : make it true thread    202 - : make it true thread local singleton
353 - G4RunManager - does not call G4ProcessTable,    203 - G4RunManager - does not call G4ProcessTable, because it is true
354     thread local singleton now                    204     thread local singleton now
355                                                   205 
356 November 19th, 2019  D.Sorokin (run-V10-05-09)    206 November 19th, 2019  D.Sorokin (run-V10-05-09)
357 - : Fix typo.              207 - : Fix typo.
358                                                   208 
359 November 15th, 2019  G.Cosmo (run-V10-05-08)      209 November 15th, 2019  G.Cosmo (run-V10-05-08)
360 - Fixed cases of implicit type conversions fro    210 - Fixed cases of implicit type conversions from size_t to G4int.
361                                                   211 
362 October 7th, 2019  M.Asai (run-V10-05-07)         212 October 7th, 2019  M.Asai (run-V10-05-07)
363 - : accept "/run/storeRndmSt    213 - : accept "/run/storeRndmStatToEvent 3".
364   Addressing problem report #2198.                214   Addressing problem report #2198.
365                                                   215 
366 October 3rd, 2019  G.Cosmo (run-V10-05-06)        216 October 3rd, 2019  G.Cosmo (run-V10-05-06)
367 - Properly initialise luxury level for Ranlux*    217 - Properly initialise luxury level for Ranlux* engines in MT mode.
368   Addressing problem report #2184.                218   Addressing problem report #2184.
369                                                   219 
370 September 19th, 2019  M.Asai (run-V10-05-05)      220 September 19th, 2019  M.Asai (run-V10-05-05)
371 - Introducing G4ScoringRealWorld that allows t    221 - Introducing G4ScoringRealWorld that allows to define command-based
372   scorers to a logical volume in the mass worl    222   scorers to a logical volume in the mass world.
373 - Co-working with detutils-V10-05-01.             223 - Co-working with detutils-V10-05-01.
374                                                   224 
375 July 19th, 2019, M. Asai (run-V10-05-04)          225 July 19th, 2019, M. Asai (run-V10-05-04)
376 - G4RunManager, G4RunManagerKernel: addressing    226 - G4RunManager, G4RunManagerKernel: addressing to the cases GDML perser
377   directly replaces the world volume without c    227   directly replaces the world volume without changing the user detector
378   construction.                                   228   construction.
379                                                   229 
380 March 13th, 2019, M. Asai (run-V10-05-03)         230 March 13th, 2019, M. Asai (run-V10-05-03)
381 - Defining unit    231 - Defining unit categories for UI commands
382   that take units. Co-working with intercoms-V    232   that take units. Co-working with intercoms-V10-05-02.
383                                                   233 
384 March 11th, 2019, G. Cosmo (run-V10-05-02)        234 March 11th, 2019, G. Cosmo (run-V10-05-02)
385 - Fixed typos in printouts in G4RunMessenger,     235 - Fixed typos in printouts in G4RunMessenger, G4UserPhysicsListMessenger
386   and G4VUserPhysicsList.                         236   and G4VUserPhysicsList.
387                                                   237 
388 February 13th, 2019, M. Asai (run-V10-05-01)      238 February 13th, 2019, M. Asai (run-V10-05-01)
389 - Fix to coop with more th    239 - Fix to coop with more than one user run action classes
390                                                   240 
391 January 31st, 2019, I.Hrivnacova (run-V10-05-0    241 January 31st, 2019, I.Hrivnacova (run-V10-05-00)
392 - Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators n    242 - Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators now return G4bool.
393                                                   243 
394 November 9th, 2018, J. Apostolakis (run-V10-04    244 November 9th, 2018, J. Apostolakis (run-V10-04-22)
395 - G4PhysicsListHelper - new methods to set low    245 - G4PhysicsListHelper - new methods to set low or high 'looper' thresholds
396     in Transportation classes (simple & couple    246     in Transportation classes (simple & coupled.)
397   NOTE: requires co-working tag transport-V10-    247   NOTE: requires co-working tag transport-V10-04-13
398                                                   248 
399 November 9th, 2018, G. Cosmo (run-V10-04-21)      249 November 9th, 2018, G. Cosmo (run-V10-04-21)
400 - G4RunMessenger, G4WorkerRunManager: fixed pr    250 - G4RunMessenger, G4WorkerRunManager: fixed printout typos.
401                                                   251 
402 November 7th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-    252 November 7th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-20)
403 - Removed a debug printing introduced with G4V    253 - Removed a debug printing introduced with G4VScoreNtupleWriter.
404                                                   254 
405 October 30th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-    255 October 30th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-17,18,19)
406 - Removed the dependence on analysis:             256 - Removed the dependence on analysis:
407   using the  G4VScoreNtupleWriter interface cl    257   using the  G4VScoreNtupleWriter interface class instead
408   of the concrete class                           258   of the concrete class
409                                                   259 
410 October 27th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-    260 October 27th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-16)
411 - Fixed GNUmakefile: added analysis/management    261 - Fixed GNUmakefile: added analysis/management include
412                                                   262 
413 October 25th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-    263 October 25th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-15)
414 - Fixed dependencies in sources.cmake             264 - Fixed dependencies in sources.cmake
415                                                   265 
416 October 25th, 2018, J.Madsen (run-V10-04-14)      266 October 25th, 2018, J.Madsen (run-V10-04-14)
417 - Minor update to G4Run constructor to invoke     267 - Minor update to G4Run constructor to invoke G4StatAnalysis::ResetCpuClock().
418   this enables the calculation of the FOM for     268   this enables the calculation of the FOM for G4StatAnalysis without requiring
419   each instance to hold it's own timer.           269   each instance to hold it's own timer.
420                                                   270 
421 October 25th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-    271 October 25th, 2018, I. Hrivnacova (run-V10-04-13)
422 - Adding calls to new G4ScoreNtupleWriter, if     272 - Adding calls to new G4ScoreNtupleWriter, if activated.
423   This utility class implements automated stor    273   This utility class implements automated storing of hits collections
424   of G4THitsMap<G4double> type (used by primit    274   of G4THitsMap<G4double> type (used by primitive scorers) vith Geant4
425   analysis tools.                                 275   analysis tools.
426                                                   276 
427 October 10th, 2018, G.Cosmo (run-V10-04-12)       277 October 10th, 2018, G.Cosmo (run-V10-04-12)
428 - Added clearing of G4AssemblyStore in G4RunMa    278 - Added clearing of G4AssemblyStore in G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry().
429                                                   279 
430 August 18th, 2018, V.Ivanchenko (run-V10-04-11    280 August 18th, 2018, V.Ivanchenko (run-V10-04-11)
431 - G4PhysicsListHelper - added two new EM physi    281 - G4PhysicsListHelper - added two new EM physics process types
432                                                   282 
433 July 12th, 2018, G. Cosmo (run-V10-04-10)         283 July 12th, 2018, G. Cosmo (run-V10-04-10)
434 - G4WorkerThread: use G4GeometryWorkspace and     284 - G4WorkerThread: use G4GeometryWorkspace and G4SolidsWorkspace the same
435   way as the other workspaces, through the tem    285   way as the other workspaces, through the templated worskspace pool class.
436 - Coworks with tags in geometry and visualizat    286 - Coworks with tags in geometry and visualization/management.
437                                                   287 
438 June 8th, 2018, J. Madsen (run-V10-04-09)         288 June 8th, 2018, J. Madsen (run-V10-04-09)
439 - Fixed compilation warnings related to TIMEMO    289 - Fixed compilation warnings related to TIMEMORY_AUTO_TIMER macros on Windows
440                                                   290 
441 June 6th, 2018, J. Madsen (run-V10-04-08)         291 June 6th, 2018, J. Madsen (run-V10-04-08)
442 - Added TiMemory auto-timer macros to some key    292 - Added TiMemory auto-timer macros to some key functions in
443   G4RunManager, G4RunManagerKernel, G4MTRunMan    293   G4RunManager, G4RunManagerKernel, G4MTRunManager, and G4MTRunManagerKernel
444 - Added TiMemory libraries and includes to sou    294 - Added TiMemory libraries and includes to sources.cmake
445                                                   295 
446 May 17th, 2018, J. Madsen (run-V10-04-07)         296 May 17th, 2018, J. Madsen (run-V10-04-07)
447 - updated "thread-local-static-var" model to      297 - updated "thread-local-static-var" model to
448   "function-returning-thread-local-static-refe    298   "function-returning-thread-local-static-reference" model
449   which fixes Windows DLL + MT                    299   which fixes Windows DLL + MT
450                                                   300 
451 April 3, 2018, M. Asai (run-V10-04-06)            301 April 3, 2018, M. Asai (run-V10-04-06)
452 - G4ExceptionHandler: Add track/step/volume in    302 - G4ExceptionHandler: Add track/step/volume information when
453   exception happens while event is in process.    303   exception happens while event is in process.
454                                                   304 
455 February 27, 2018, G. Cosmo (run-V10-04-05)       305 February 27, 2018, G. Cosmo (run-V10-04-05)
456 - G4RunManagerKernel: updated also MT banner.     306 - G4RunManagerKernel: updated also MT banner.
457                                                   307 
458 February 26, 2018, M. Asai (run-V10-04-04)        308 February 26, 2018, M. Asai (run-V10-04-04)
459 - G4RunManagerKernel: two general papers are a    309 - G4RunManagerKernel: two general papers are added to the banner.
460                                                   310 
461 February 21 2018 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-04-0    311 February 21 2018 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-04-03)
462 - Replace pthread-style <void*(void*)> functio    312 - Replace pthread-style <void*(void*)> function signatures with
463   <void(G4WorkerThread*)> as it is now unneces    313   <void(G4WorkerThread*)> as it is now unnecessary
464                                                   314 
465 February 12 2018 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-04-0    315 February 12 2018 Jonathan Madsen (run-V10-04-02)
466 - Removed WIN32 conditional for G4THREADCREATE    316 - Removed WIN32 conditional for G4THREADCREATE in
467   G4UnserWorkerThreadInitialization (no longer    317   G4UnserWorkerThreadInitialization (no longer needed)
468 - Changed G4Thread to G4NativeThread when sett    318 - Changed G4Thread to G4NativeThread when setting pin affinity in
469   G4WorkerThread                                  319   G4WorkerThread
470                                                   320 
471 February 9, 2018, M. Asai (run-V10-04-01)         321 February 9, 2018, M. Asai (run-V10-04-01)
472 - :                         322 - :
473   Application state is set to G4State_Init whi    323   Application state is set to G4State_Init while application is in
474   RunInitialization().                            324   RunInitialization().
475 - Co-working with global-V10-04-01.               325 - Co-working with global-V10-04-01.
476                                                   326 
477 December 26, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-04-00)        327 December 26, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-04-00)
478 - G4UserPhysicsListMessenger :                    328 - G4UserPhysicsListMessenger :
479   UI command returns an error message if a com    329   UI command returns an error message if a command is refused due
480   to incorrect parameter(s).                      330   to incorrect parameter(s).
481 - This tag requires intercoms-V10-04-01 tag.      331 - This tag requires intercoms-V10-04-01 tag.
482                                                   332 
483 November 21, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-16)       333 November 21, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-16)
484 - Fixed compilation warning on clang compiler.    334 - Fixed compilation warning on clang compiler.
485                                                   335 
486 November 20, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-13, -14    336 November 20, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-13, -14, -15)
487 - Delete G4RNGHelper singleton object at the e    337 - Delete G4RNGHelper singleton object at the end of program.
488                                                   338 
489 September 12, 2017, K.L.Genser (run-V10-03-12)    339 September 12, 2017, K.L.Genser (run-V10-03-12)
490 - G4PhysicsListHelper added MuAtomicCapture &     340 - G4PhysicsListHelper added MuAtomicCapture & DecayMuAtom
491                                                   341 
492 June 1, 2017, A.Dotti (run-V10-03-11)             342 June 1, 2017, A.Dotti (run-V10-03-11)
493 - Prevent adding multiple times the same SD to    343 - Prevent adding multiple times the same SD to the same LV via
494   G4VUserDetectorConsturction::SetSensitiveDet    344   G4VUserDetectorConsturction::SetSensitiveDetector.
495   In case skip and issue a warning.               345   In case skip and issue a warning.
496                                                   346 
497 May 3, 2017, A. Dotti (run-V10-03-10)             347 May 3, 2017, A. Dotti (run-V10-03-10)
498 - Transfor G4VPhysicsConstructor split-class t    348 - Transfor G4VPhysicsConstructor split-class to be all pointers
499   (assessing valgrind report)                     349   (assessing valgrind report)
500                                                   350 
501 April 26, 2017, A. Dotti (run-V10-03-08, -09)     351 April 26, 2017, A. Dotti (run-V10-03-08, -09)
502 - New design of physics lists for cleanup of m    352 - New design of physics lists for cleanup of memory in MT
503 - Introduced new class G4PhysicsBuilderInterfa    353 - Introduced new class G4PhysicsBuilderInterface from which
504   all physics_lists/builders inherit              354   all physics_lists/builders inherit
505   Worker threads now call G4VUserPhysicsList::    355   Worker threads now call G4VUserPhysicsList::TerminateWorker
506   to clean up physics list thread-specific obj    356   to clean up physics list thread-specific objects
507 - G4VPhysicsConstructor holds list of TLS buil    357 - G4VPhysicsConstructor holds list of TLS builders
508 - Coworking tag phys-builders-V10-03-03           358 - Coworking tag phys-builders-V10-03-03
509                                                   359 
510 April 21, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-07)           360 April 21, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-07)
511 -, : p    361 -, : protect against null
512   pointer for SetUserAction() method.             362   pointer for SetUserAction() method.
513                                                   363 
514 March 24, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-06)           364 March 24, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-06)
515 - G4RunManagerKernel : remove unnecessary warn    365 - G4RunManagerKernel : remove unnecessary warning message.
516 - G4RunManager : notify Vis manager when world    366 - G4RunManager : notify Vis manager when world volune is re-initialized.
517                                                   367 
518 March 23, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-05)          368 March 23, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-05)
519 - Added deletion of field-manager store and ge    369 - Added deletion of field-manager store and geometry manager thread-local
520   singletons in G4RunManagerKernel destructor.    370   singletons in G4RunManagerKernel destructor.
521                                                   371 
522 March 17, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-04, 03)      372 March 17, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-04, 03)
523 - Delete G4TransportationManager and G4PathFin    373 - Delete G4TransportationManager and G4PathFinder singletons in
524   G4RunManagerKernel, clearing static leaks at    374   G4RunManagerKernel, clearing static leaks at exit.
525                                                   375 
526 March 13, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-02)          376 March 13, 2017, G. Cosmo (run-V10-03-02)
527 - G4WorkerThread: use CleanUpAndDestroyAllWork    377 - G4WorkerThread: use CleanUpAndDestroyAllWorkspaces() from workspace pools
528   in DestroyGeometryAndPhysicsVector(). Minor     378   in DestroyGeometryAndPhysicsVector(). Minor code cleanup.
529                                                   379 
530 February 9, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-01)         380 February 9, 2017, M. Asai (run-V10-03-01)
531 - Banner on worker RunManager will no longer b    381 - Banner on worker RunManager will no longer be printed.
532                                                   382 
533 December 22, 2016, L. Desorgher (run-V10-03-00    383 December 22, 2016, L. Desorgher (run-V10-03-00)
534 - Modifications to solve bug with reverse trac    384 - Modifications to solve bug with reverse track splitting.
535   Works with tag tracking-V10-03-00.              385   Works with tag tracking-V10-03-00.
536   - Add G4AdjointSimManager::ResetDidOneAdjPar    386   - Add G4AdjointSimManager::ResetDidOneAdjPartReachExtSourceDuringEvent()
537   - Use G4AdjointSimManager::ResetDidOneAdjPar    387   - Use G4AdjointSimManager::ResetDidOneAdjPartReachExtSourceDuringEvent() in
538                 G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorActio    388                 G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction.
539                                                   389 
540 November 15, 2016 A. Dotti (run-V10-02-38,-39)    390 November 15, 2016 A. Dotti (run-V10-02-38,-39)
541 - Fix bug #1908: create unique names with logV    391 - Fix bug #1908: create unique names with logVol pointer value
542   for G4MultiSD and avoid to register target S    392   for G4MultiSD and avoid to register target SD implictly
543                                                   393 
544 November 7, 2016, G.Folger (run-V10-02-37)        394 November 7, 2016, G.Folger (run-V10-02-37)
545 - remove #define for aParticleIterator from G4    395 - remove #define for aParticleIterator from G4VPhysicsConstructor.hh
546    Move the #define for theParticleIterator to    396    Move the #define for theParticleIterator to
547                                                   397 
548 October 21, 2016, A.Dotti (run-V10-02-36)         398 October 21, 2016, A.Dotti (run-V10-02-36)
549 - Partially revert back previous tag to solve     399 - Partially revert back previous tag to solve deadlocks.
550   G4MTRunManager::GetNumberOfActiveThreads() r    400   G4MTRunManager::GetNumberOfActiveThreads() returns size of the
551   threads pool. This number may be different f    401   threads pool. This number may be different from
552   G4Threading::GetNumberOfWorkerThreads() that    402   G4Threading::GetNumberOfWorkerThreads() that instead returns the
553   number of threads currently in running state    403   number of threads currently in running state (during start
554   of threads)                                     404   of threads)
555                                                   405 
556 October 21, 2016 G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-35)          406 October 21, 2016 G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-35)
557 - Moved initialisation of G4VUPLSplitter threa    407 - Moved initialisation of G4VUPLSplitter thread-local data to be inline
558   along with generic template type. Removed ex    408   along with generic template type. Removed explicit initialisation of
559   thread-local data from workspaces, as now ha    409   thread-local data from workspaces, as now happening inline in
560   G4TWorkspacePool.                               410   G4TWorkspacePool.
561   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3    411   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3.9 and XCode-8 on MacOS.
562 - Requires tags "global-V10-02-30" and "partic    412 - Requires tags "global-V10-02-30" and "particles-V10-02-30".
563                                                   413 
564 October 12, 2016, A.Dotti (run-V10-02-34)         414 October 12, 2016, A.Dotti (run-V10-02-34)
565 - Use G4Threading::GetNumberOfWorkerThreads me    415 - Use G4Threading::GetNumberOfWorkerThreads method.
566   Requires global-V10-02-28                       416   Requires global-V10-02-28
567                                                   417 
568                                                   418 
569 October 14, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-33, 32)     419 October 14, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-33, 32)
570 - Again trying fixing G4RNGHelper inlining iss    420 - Again trying fixing G4RNGHelper inlining issue.
571                                                   421 
572 October 13, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-31)         422 October 13, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-31)
573 - Explicitly initialise G4VUPLSplitter data in    423 - Explicitly initialise G4VUPLSplitter data in G4PhysicsListWorkspace.
574 - Moved static GetInstance() method in G4RNGHe    424 - Moved static GetInstance() method in G4RNGHelper to be not inline.
575 - Grouped #include statements in G4WorkerThrea    425 - Grouped #include statements in
576                                                   426 
577 October 12, 2016, G.Folger (run-V10-02-30)        427 October 12, 2016, G.Folger (run-V10-02-30)
578 - Add method GetParticleIterator in G4VUserPhy    428 - Add method GetParticleIterator in G4VUserPhysicsList
579    and make these methods const and protected     429    and make these methods const and protected in both classes
580    ... fix for compilation/linking errors on c    430    ... fix for compilation/linking errors on clang-3.9 and XCode-8 on MacOS.
581                                                   431 
582 October 11, 2016, G.Folger (run-V10-02-29)        432 October 11, 2016, G.Folger (run-V10-02-29)
583 - Add method GetParticleIterator in G4VPhysics    433 - Add method GetParticleIterator in G4VPhysicsConstructor
584   Start to fix for compilation/linking errors     434   Start to fix for compilation/linking errors on clang-3.9 and XCode-8 on MacOS.
585                                                   435 
586 October 3, 2016, M.Asai (run-V10-02-27, -28)      436 October 3, 2016, M.Asai (run-V10-02-27, -28)
587 - G4GunManagerKernel: G4Exception is replaced     437 - G4GunManagerKernel: G4Exception is replaced with G4cout when the world
588   volume is assigned at PreInit or Idle state.    438   volume is assigned at PreInit or Idle state.
589                                                   439 
590 September 21, 2016, G.Cosmo                       440 September 21, 2016, G.Cosmo
591 - Restored trunk to "run-V10-02-25".              441 - Restored trunk to "run-V10-02-25".
592   Modifications done in previous tags cause du    442   Modifications done in previous tags cause duplicate symbols in generation
593   of the dynamic library on Mac... A cleaner s    443   of the dynamic library on Mac... A cleaner solution needs to be applied in
594   order to take also into account improper use    444   order to take also into account improper use of splitters symbols by
595   derived physics-lists and custom physics-lis    445   derived physics-lists and custom physics-lists in examples and tests.
596                                                   446 
597 September 20, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-26)       447 September 20, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-26)
598 - Explicitly initialise templated data in G4Ph    448 - Explicitly initialise templated data in G4PhysicsListWorkspace,
599   G4VUserPhysicsList, G4WorkerThread, G4Worker    449   G4VUserPhysicsList, G4WorkerThread, G4WorkerRunManager and
600   G4MTRunManager translation units.               450   G4MTRunManager translation units.
601   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3    451   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3.9 and XCode-8 on MacOS.
602                                                   452 
603 September 14, 2016, M.Asai (run-V10-02-25)        453 September 14, 2016, M.Asai (run-V10-02-25)
604 - Geant4 is now in G4State_Init state while in    454 - Geant4 is now in G4State_Init state while initialization phase.
605   This is enforced even if the user uses only     455   This is enforced even if the user uses only the G4GunManagerKernel.
606                                                   456 
607 September 13, 2016, M.Asai (run-V10-02-24)        457 September 13, 2016, M.Asai (run-V10-02-24)
608 - Geant4 is now in G4State_Init state while G4    458 - Geant4 is now in G4State_Init state while G4RunManager::Initialize().
609                                                   459 
610 September 7, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-23)        460 September 7, 2016, G.Cosmo (run-V10-02-23)
611 - Fixed GNUmakefile for missing dependency on     461 - Fixed GNUmakefile for missing dependency on global/HEPNumerics, now required.
612                                                   462 
613 September 2, 2016 M.Asai (run-V10-02-22)          463 September 2, 2016 M.Asai (run-V10-02-22)
614 - sources.cmake : add global/HEPNumerics          464 - sources.cmake : add global/HEPNumerics
615                                                   465 
616 August 4, 2016 M.Asai (run-V10-02-21)             466 August 4, 2016 M.Asai (run-V10-02-21)
617 - : minor printout impro    467 - : minor printout improvement.
618                                                   468 
619 July 29, 30, 2016 M.Asai      (run-V10-02-19,     469 July 29, 30, 2016 M.Asai      (run-V10-02-19, -20)
620 - Fix G4UnitDefinition to be properly shared b    470 - Fix G4UnitDefinition to be properly shared by all threads.
621   Addressed to Bug report #1869.                  471   Addressed to Bug report #1869.
622                                                   472 
623 July 22, 2016 M.Asai      (run-V10-02-16, -17     473 July 22, 2016 M.Asai      (run-V10-02-16, -17 and -18)
624 - Fix G4UnitsTable to be properly shared by al    474 - Fix G4UnitsTable to be properly shared by all threads.
625   Addressed to Bug report #1869.                  475   Addressed to Bug report #1869.
626                                                   476 
627 July 21, 2016 L.Desorgher  (run-V10-02-15)        477 July 21, 2016 L.Desorgher  (run-V10-02-15)
628 - Remove compilation warnings in  G4AdjointPri    478 - Remove compilation warnings in  G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction.
629                                                   479 
630 July 21, 2016 L.Desorgher  (run-V10-02-14)        480 July 21, 2016 L.Desorgher  (run-V10-02-14)
631 - Modification of G4AdjointSimManager, G4Adjoi    481 - Modification of G4AdjointSimManager, G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction
632  and G4AdjointSimMessenger for the implementat    482  and G4AdjointSimMessenger for the implementation of the
633  splitting of the reverse MC tracking.            483  splitting of the reverse MC tracking.
634                                                   484 
635 July 7, 2016 G.Cosmo     (run-V10-02-13)          485 July 7, 2016 G.Cosmo     (run-V10-02-13)
636 - Removed redundant check in G4VUPLSplitter::U    486 - Removed redundant check in G4VUPLSplitter::UseWorkArea().
637   Addressing problem report #1876.                487   Addressing problem report #1876.
638                                                   488 
639 June 1, 2016 M.Asai      (run-V10-02-12)          489 June 1, 2016 M.Asai      (run-V10-02-12)
640 - Fix the default proc    490 - Fix the default process ordering parameters
641   for G4UnknownDecay that should not have AtRe    491   for G4UnknownDecay that should not have AtRest.
642                                                   492 
643 June 1, 2016 L.Desorgher (run-V10-02-11)          493 June 1, 2016 L.Desorgher (run-V10-02-11)
644 - G4AdjointSimManager correction in the use of    494 - G4AdjointSimManager correction in the use of run actions to avoid
645   infinite loop during an adjoint simulation.     495   infinite loop during an adjoint simulation.
646 - G4AdjointPrimaryGenerationAction. Remove 3 t    496 - G4AdjointPrimaryGenerationAction. Remove 3 times spliting of
647   primary adjoint gamma.                          497   primary adjoint gamma.
648                                                   498 
649 Apr 15rd, 2016 V.Ivanchenko(run-V10-02-10)        499 Apr 15rd, 2016 V.Ivanchenko(run-V10-02-10)
650 - G4PhysicsListHelper - disable msc PostStep      500 - G4PhysicsListHelper - disable msc PostStep
651                                                   501 
652 Feb 23rd, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-09)        502 Feb 23rd, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-09)
653 - minor typos correction in output                503 - minor typos correction in output
654                                                   504 
655 Feb 22nd, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-08)        505 Feb 22nd, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-08)
656 - Introduce new UI command: /run/workersProces    506 - Introduce new UI command: /run/workersProcessCmds to trigger
657   execution of UI commands by workers even wit    507   execution of UI commands by workers even without a /run/beamOn
658   C++ API is G4MTRunManager::RequestWorkersPro    508   C++ API is G4MTRunManager::RequestWorkersProcessCommandsStack()
659 - When workers are terminated they execute the    509 - When workers are terminated they execute the UI commands issued
660   after the last /run/beamOn                      510   after the last /run/beamOn
661                                                   511 
662 Feb 18th, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-07)        512 Feb 18th, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-07)
663 - Fix compilation in WIN attempt #1               513 - Fix compilation in WIN attempt #1
664                                                   514 
665 Feb 18th, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-06)        515 Feb 18th, 2016 A.Dotti     (run-V10-02-06)
666 - Use new class G4MTBarrier to implement synch    516 - Use new class G4MTBarrier to implement synchronization points.
667                                                   517 
668 Feb 9th, 2016 A.Dotti      (run-V10-02-05)        518 Feb 9th, 2016 A.Dotti      (run-V10-02-05)
669 - Fix typo of G4CONDITIONBORADCAST (requires g    519 - Fix typo of G4CONDITIONBORADCAST (requires global-V10-02-03)
670 - use scoped enum for G4MTRunManager:: WorkerA    520 - use scoped enum for G4MTRunManager:: WorkerAcitonRequest and
671   add PROCESSUI action                            521   add PROCESSUI action
672 - add G4MTRunManager::GetNumberActiveThreads()    522 - add G4MTRunManager::GetNumberActiveThreads() method
673 - Introduced skeleton for new functionality to    523 - Introduced skeleton for new functionality to force workers to
674   execute UI commands w/o beamOn (not function    524   execute UI commands w/o beamOn (not functioning yet)
675                                                   525 
676 Feb 5th, 2016 P.Gumplinger (run-V10-02-04)        526 Feb 5th, 2016 P.Gumplinger (run-V10-02-04)
677 - fix val-grind memory leakage check tool erro    527 - fix val-grind memory leakage check tool error in G4RunMessenger
678                                                   528 
679 Feb 1st, 2016 A.Dotti (run-V10-02-03)             529 Feb 1st, 2016 A.Dotti (run-V10-02-03)
680 - removing automatic handling of multi-user ac    530 - removing automatic handling of multi-user actions
681    in G4RunManager::SetUserAction(XYZ) (tag ru    531    in G4RunManager::SetUserAction(XYZ) (tag run-V10-02-01) since
682   reverse MC needs ability to replace user-act    532   reverse MC needs ability to replace user-actions.
683   if needed, multiple user-actions must be ins    533   if needed, multiple user-actions must be instantiated and handled by
684   user code                                       534   user code
685                                                   535 
686 Jan 29th, 2016 A.Dotti (run-V10-02-02)            536 Jan 29th, 2016 A.Dotti (run-V10-02-02)
687 - Renaming all MT related exception to have co    537 - Renaming all MT related exception to have code matching pattern:
688   Run01[0-9]{2} current maximum number Run0127    538   Run01[0-9]{2} current maximum number Run0127
689   (JIRA TASK: DEV-74)                             539   (JIRA TASK: DEV-74)
690                                                   540 
691 Jan 19th, 2016 A.Dotti (run-V10-02-01)            541 Jan 19th, 2016 A.Dotti (run-V10-02-01)
692 - Adding G4MultiRunAction to allow multiple ru    542 - Adding G4MultiRunAction to allow multiple run actions in a single
693   job.                                            543   job.
694 - Adding G4MultiPrimaryAction to allow multipl    544 - Adding G4MultiPrimaryAction to allow multiple user-primary generation
695   actions in a single job                         545   actions in a single job
696 - Adding hangling of multiple actions. Require    546 - Adding hangling of multiple actions. Requires event-V10-02-01 and
697   tracking-V10-02-00                              547   tracking-V10-02-00
698                                                   548 
699 Jan 27th, 2016 M.Asai (run-V10-02-00)             549 Jan 27th, 2016 M.Asai (run-V10-02-00)
700 - G4PhysicsListHelper: add entry for G4Paralle    550 - G4PhysicsListHelper: add entry for G4ParallelWorldProcess
701 - G4RunManager, G4WorkerRunManager: change pro    551 - G4RunManager, G4WorkerRunManager: change process order index of
702   G4ParallelWorldProcess to 9900 to make sure     552   G4ParallelWorldProcess to 9900 to make sure it is registered
703   prior to G4OpBoundaryProcess.                   553   prior to G4OpBoundaryProcess.
704                                                   554 
705 Nov 14th, 2015 M.Asai (run-V10-01-16)             555 Nov 14th, 2015 M.Asai (run-V10-01-16)
706 - Co-working with particles-V10-01-17. Destruc    556 - Co-working with particles-V10-01-17. Destructor of G4WorkerRunManagerKernel
707   invokes G4ParticleTable::DestroyWorkerG4Part    557   invokes G4ParticleTable::DestroyWorkerG4ParticleTable() to cleanly delete
708   thread-local particle dictionaries.             558   thread-local particle dictionaries.
709                                                   559 
710 Nov 11th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-15)            560 Nov 11th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-15)
711 - Implementing suggestions on improving docume    561 - Implementing suggestions on improving documentation for new UI
712   command for strong reproducibility.             562   command for strong reproducibility.
713                                                   563 
714 Nov 9th, 2015  G.Cosmo (run-V10-01-14)            564 Nov 9th, 2015  G.Cosmo (run-V10-01-14)
715 - Added MixMaxRng to the list of possible engi    565 - Added MixMaxRng to the list of possible engines to use in
716   G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization::SetupRNGEn    566   G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization::SetupRNGEngine().
717 - Requires installation of CLHEP version 2.3.1    567 - Requires installation of CLHEP version
718                                                   568 
719 Nov 6th, 2015  A.Dotti (run-V10-01-13)            569 Nov 6th, 2015  A.Dotti (run-V10-01-13)
720 - Bug fixing for RNG strong-reproducibility       570 - Bug fixing for RNG strong-reproducibility
721   in MT mode                                      571   in MT mode
722                                                   572 
723 Oct 23rd, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-12)            573 Oct 23rd, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-12)
724 - Fixing typo in exception warning output         574 - Fixing typo in exception warning output
725                                                   575 
726 Sept 4th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-11)            576 Sept 4th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-11)
727 - Fixing bug for G4MultiSensitiveDetector func    577 - Fixing bug for G4MultiSensitiveDetector functionality
728                                                   578 
729 Aug 14th, 2015 A.Dotti   (run-V10-01-10)          579 Aug 14th, 2015 A.Dotti   (run-V10-01-10)
730 - Added new G4MultiSensitiveDetector functiona    580 - Added new G4MultiSensitiveDetector functionality
731   Requires digits_hits-V10-01-00                  581   Requires digits_hits-V10-01-00
732                                                   582 
733 May 16th, 2015 J.Allison (run-V10-01-09)          583 May 16th, 2015 J.Allison (run-V10-01-09)
734 - Replaced !G4Threading::IsWorkerThread() by G    584 - Replaced !G4Threading::IsWorkerThread() by G4Threading::IsMasterThread().
735                                                   585 
736 May 7th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-06)             586 May 7th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-06)
737 - G4MTRunManager: Remove explicit initializati    587 - G4MTRunManager: Remove explicit initialization of Bertini cascade
738   (done in Bertini module), requires hadr-casc    588   (done in Bertini module), requires hadr-casc-V10-01-04
739                                                   589 
740 March 27th, 2015 G. Cosmo (run-V10-01-05)         590 March 27th, 2015 G. Cosmo (run-V10-01-05)
741 - G4VUserPhysicsList: lookup for default-world    591 - G4VUserPhysicsList: lookup for default-world-region in G4RegionStore
742   instead of accessing the store at index 0. I    592   instead of accessing the store at index 0. It's not always guaranteed the
743   default world region is the first element in    593   default world region is the first element in the store!
744                                                   594 
745 March 4th, 2015 A. Dotti (run-V10-01-03, run-V    595 March 4th, 2015 A. Dotti (run-V10-01-03, run-V10-01-04)
746 - Correct handling of deletion of workerRMvect    596 - Correct handling of deletion of workerRMvector static
747                                                   597 
748 February 10th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-02)       598 February 10th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-02)
749 - Removing sporious MKL engine reference          599 - Removing sporious MKL engine reference
750                                                   600 
751 February 6th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-01)        601 February 6th, 2015 A.Dotti (run-V10-01-01)
752 - Move setting of pin affinity from G4MTRunMan    602 - Move setting of pin affinity from G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread
753   to G4WorkerThread                               603   to G4WorkerThread
754 - New method G4WorkerRunManager::DoWork(), cal    604 - New method G4WorkerRunManager::DoWork(), called by
755   G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread to process    605   G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread to process requests of new runs
756   from kernel                                     606   from kernel
757                                                   607 
758 December 5th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-01-00)         608 December 5th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-01-00)
759 - Print deleting message of G4NavigationHistor    609 - Print deleting message of G4NavigationHistoryPool only if the
760   verbose level is set to 2.                      610   verbose level is set to 2.
761                                                   611 
762 November 24th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-43)        612 November 24th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-43)
763 - Fix to alternate the c    613 - Fix to alternate the cut value for the
764   region that shared the default cut value.       614   region that shared the default cut value.
765                                                   615 
766 November 20th, 2014 M.Asai, A.Dotti (run-V10-0    616 November 20th, 2014 M.Asai, A.Dotti (run-V10-00-42)
767 - Fix coverity defects                            617 - Fix coverity defects
768 - Fix for G4RunManager in case macroFile in be    618 - Fix for G4RunManager in case macroFile in beamOn is " "
769                                                   619 
770 November 14th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-41)        620 November 14th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-41)
771 - Fix Coverity defects related to keeping even    621 - Fix Coverity defects related to keeping events.
772                                                   622 
773 November 8th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-39 -40)     623 November 8th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-39 -40)
774 - Further fix of logic at G4RunManager::RunTer    624 - Further fix of logic at G4RunManager::RunTermination() for keeping
775   events                                          625   events
776                                                   626 
777 November 7th, 2014 A.Dotti (run-V10-00-38)        627 November 7th, 2014 A.Dotti (run-V10-00-38)
778 - Fix logic at G4RunManager::RunTermination()     628 - Fix logic at G4RunManager::RunTermination() for keeping events
779                                                   629 
780 November 6th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-37)         630 November 6th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-37)
781 - Fix unnecessary print-out incorrectly added     631 - Fix unnecessary print-out incorrectly added with run-V10-00-31.
782                                                   632 
783 November 6th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-36)         633 November 6th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-36)
784 - In MT mode, a new option of setting random n    634 - In MT mode, a new option of setting random number seeds only once
785   per run per worker thread is introduced.        635   per run per worker thread is introduced.
786                                                   636 
787 October 27th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-35)         637 October 27th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-35)
788 - Introduced /run/useMaximumLogicalCores UI co    638 - Introduced /run/useMaximumLogicalCores UI command.
789                                                   639 
790 October 24th, 2014 J.Apostolakis,A.Dotti (run-    640 October 24th, 2014 J.Apostolakis,A.Dotti (run-V10-00-34)
791 - Introduced workspace for physics list split-    641 - Introduced workspace for physics list split-classes
792 - Improved workspace from particledefinition s    642 - Improved workspace from particledefinition split-class
793 - Requires global-V10-00-40 and particles-V10-    643 - Requires global-V10-00-40 and particles-V10-00-25
794                                                   644 
795 October 24th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-33)         645 October 24th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-33)
796 - Fix cleaning up of kept events when Vis thre    646 - Fix cleaning up of kept events when Vis thread keeps events.
797                                                   647 
798 October 23rd, 2014 A.Dotti J.Apostolakis (run-    648 October 23rd, 2014 A.Dotti J.Apostolakis (run-V10-00-32)
799 - Enable use of G4ParticlesWorkspace. Requires    649 - Enable use of G4ParticlesWorkspace. Requires particles-V10-00-24
800                                                   650 
801 October 17th, 2014 A.Dotti (run-V10-00-31)        651 October 17th, 2014 A.Dotti (run-V10-00-31)
802 - G4RunManagerKernel::RunTermination() workers    652 - G4RunManagerKernel::RunTermination() workers do not
803   call G4ProductionCutsTable::PhysicsTableUpda    653   call G4ProductionCutsTable::PhysicsTableUpdated()
804 - G4WorkerRunManager::TermianteEventLoop() imp    654 - G4WorkerRunManager::TermianteEventLoop() implemented
805   in workerd and avoid data-race on shared        655   in workerd and avoid data-race on shared
806   resource fGeometryHasBeenDestroyed              656   resource fGeometryHasBeenDestroyed
807 - G4WorkerThread::UpdateGeometryAndPhysicsVect    657 - G4WorkerThread::UpdateGeometryAndPhysicsVectorFromMaster
808   remove mechanism of copying pointer of regio    658   remove mechanism of copying pointer of region that is
809   not needed                                      659   not needed
810                                                   660 
811 October 14th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-30)         661 October 14th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-30)
812 - G4MTRunManager : Make sure G4RunManager::Ter    662 - G4MTRunManager : Make sure G4RunManager::TerminateEventLoop() is
813   invoked at the end of run.                      663   invoked at the end of run.
814                                                   664 
815 October 1st, 2015 M.Asai (run-V10-00-29)          665 October 1st, 2015 M.Asai (run-V10-00-29)
816 - Introduing the mechanism of G4Event not to b    666 - Introduing the mechanism of G4Event not to be deleted until it is
817   visualized by the other thread.                 667   visualized by the other thread.
818                                                   668 
819 August 26th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-28)          669 August 26th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-28)
820 - All the G4ParallelWorldProcess objects of al    670 - All the G4ParallelWorldProcess objects of all threads update their
821   corresponding world volumes when the entire     671   corresponding world volumes when the entire geometry has been
822   destroyed and rebuilt from scratch. Addressi    672   destroyed and rebuilt from scratch. Addressing further to bug
823   report #1665. Co-working with procscore-V10-    673   report #1665. Co-working with procscore-V10-00-00.
824                                                   674 
825 August 25th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-27)          675 August 25th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-27)
826 - G4VScoringMesh is cleaned when geometry is r    676 - G4VScoringMesh is cleaned when geometry is rebuilt from
827   scratch. Addressing further to bug report #1    677   scratch. Addressing further to bug report #1665. Co-working with
828   digits_hits-V10-00-08.                          678   digits_hits-V10-00-08.
829                                                   679 
830 August 22nd, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-26)          680 August 22nd, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-26)
831 - G4TransportationManager is cleaned when geom    681 - G4TransportationManager is cleaned when geometry is rebuilt from
832   scratch. Addressing further to bug report #1    682   scratch. Addressing further to bug report #1665. Co-working with
833   geomnav-V10-00-08.                              683   geomnav-V10-00-08.
834                                                   684 
835 August 21st, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-25)          685 August 21st, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-25)
836 - Clean up previous tag. Addressing to bug rep    686 - Clean up previous tag. Addressing to bug report #1665.
837                                                   687 
838 August 21st, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-24)          688 August 21st, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-24)
839 - Clear root logical volume pointers in G4Regi    689 - Clear root logical volume pointers in G4Region when geometry is
840   rebuilt from scratch.                           690   rebuilt from scratch.
841                                                   691 
842 August 19th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-23)          692 August 19th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-23)
843 - Preloading ions is now optional once again.     693 - Preloading ions is now optional once again.
844                                                   694 
845 August 19th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-22)          695 August 19th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-22)
846 - Force preload to see all the mechanisms work    696 - Force preload to see all the mechanisms work in previous tag.
847   Co-working with particles-V10-00-20 tag.        697   Co-working with particles-V10-00-20 tag.
848                                                   698 
849 August 18th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-21)          699 August 18th, 2014 M.Asai (run-V10-00-21)
850 - Preloading ions is now optional. Issues in p    700 - Preloading ions is now optional. Issues in previous tags
851   run-V10-00-18 and run-V10-00-19 are fixed.      701   run-V10-00-18 and run-V10-00-19 are fixed.
852   Co-working with particles-V10-00-19 tag.        702   Co-working with particles-V10-00-19 tag.
853                                                   703 
854 July 19th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-20)     704 July 19th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-20)
855 - Revert back at run-V10-00-17, need more time    705 - Revert back at run-V10-00-17, need more time to udnerstand
856   logic. Previous two tags are *probably* not     706   logic. Previous two tags are *probably* not correct.
857                                                   707 
858 July 19th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-19)     708 July 19th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-19)
859 - Pre-prepares nucleide-table to be empty (fix    709 - Pre-prepares nucleide-table to be empty (fix previous crash)
860   requires particles-V10-00-17                    710   requires particles-V10-00-17
861                                                   711 
862 July 18th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-18)     712 July 18th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-18)
863 - Avoid pre-creation of all ions in sequential    713 - Avoid pre-creation of all ions in sequential mode
864                                                   714 
865 July 17th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-17)     715 July 17th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-17)
866 - Bug fix for bug #1657: /random/setSeeds not     716 - Bug fix for bug #1657: /random/setSeeds not working
867                                                   717 
868 July 14th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-16)     718 July 14th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-16)
869 - Only master thread installs FPE handler         719 - Only master thread installs FPE handler
870 - Worker threads return G4RunManagerKernel::Se    720 - Worker threads return G4RunManagerKernel::SetPhysics method
871   just after setting PL pointer (e.g. no setup    721   just after setting PL pointer (e.g. no setup needed)
872 - G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCuts is not called an    722 - G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCuts is not called anymore by worker threads
873   during physics initialization                   723   during physics initialization
874                                                   724 
875 July 11th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-15)     725 July 11th, 2014 A.Dotti       (run-V10-00-15)
876 - Fixing race condition in G4VUPLSplitter clas    726 - Fixing race condition in G4VUPLSplitter class
877                                                   727 
878 July 5th, 2014 A. Dotti       (run-V10-00-14)     728 July 5th, 2014 A. Dotti       (run-V10-00-14)
879 - Fixing data-race condition in G4RunManagerKe    729 - Fixing data-race condition in G4RunManagerKernel
880   when FPE is active                              730   when FPE is active
881                                                   731 
882 July 5th, 2014 A. Dotti       (run-V10-00-13)     732 July 5th, 2014 A. Dotti       (run-V10-00-13)
883 - Fixing data-race condition when creating RNG    733 - Fixing data-race condition when creating RNG for workers in MT:
884   G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization::SetupRNGEn    734   G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization::SetupRNGEngine
885   (Lock moved beginning of function before def    735   (Lock moved beginning of function before default engine is created)
886                                                   736 
887 July 1th, 2014, V. Ivanchenko (run-V10-00-12)     737 July 1th, 2014, V. Ivanchenko (run-V10-00-12)
888 - G4PhysicsListHelper - minor fix in the defau    738 - G4PhysicsListHelper - minor fix in the default list of processeses:
889     positron annihilation in muons and hadrons    739     positron annihilation in muons and hadrons cannot be AtRest -
890     these are rare high energy discrete proces    740     these are rare high energy discrete processes. Equivalent fix was
891     for OrderingParameterTable (problem report    741     for OrderingParameterTable (problem report #1598)
892                                                   742 
893 June 4th, 2014, L. Desorgher (run-V10-00-11)      743 June 4th, 2014, L. Desorgher (run-V10-00-11)
894 - Changes in G4AdjointSimManager, G4AdjointSim    744 - Changes in G4AdjointSimManager, G4AdjointSimMessenger, and G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction
895   to add fwd primary splitting in the G4RMC.      745   to add fwd primary splitting in the G4RMC.
896                                                   746 
897 June 2nd, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-10)          747 June 2nd, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-10)
898 - Increase verbosity in case of NULL process-m    748 - Increase verbosity in case of NULL process-manager pointer in MT
899                                                   749 
900 May 16th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-09)          750 May 16th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-09)
901 - Fix coverity defects                            751 - Fix coverity defects
902                                                   752 
903 May 14th, 2014, G. Cosmo (run-V10-00-08)          753 May 14th, 2014, G. Cosmo (run-V10-00-08)
904 - Explicitly invoke deletion of new G4Navigati    754 - Explicitly invoke deletion of new G4NavigationHistoryPool instance
905   in G4RunManagerKernel at job's end. Requires    755   in G4RunManagerKernel at job's end. Requires tag geomvol-V10-00-03.
906                                                   756 
907 May 6th, 2014, G. Cosmo (run-V10-00-07)           757 May 6th, 2014, G. Cosmo (run-V10-00-07)
908 - Use G4ThreadLocalStatic in G4VUPLSplitter.      758 - Use G4ThreadLocalStatic in G4VUPLSplitter.
909                                                   759 
910 Apr 11th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-06)          760 Apr 11th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-06)
911 - Use G4Threading::SetMultithreadedApplication    761 - Use G4Threading::SetMultithreadedApplication(true) if a G4MTRunManagerKernel
912   is instantiated. Requires global-V10-00-16 o    762   is instantiated. Requires global-V10-00-16 or more recent
913                                                   763 
914 Apr 8th, 2014,  A. Dotti (run-V10-00-04,run-V1    764 Apr 8th, 2014,  A. Dotti (run-V10-00-04,run-V10-00-05)
915 - Protect against compilation error in WIN32 f    765 - Protect against compilation error in WIN32 for pin-affinity
916                                                   766 
917 Mar 28th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-03)          767 Mar 28th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-03)
918 - Protect agains compilation warning for C90 s    768 - Protect agains compilation warning for C90 standard
919                                                   769 
920 Mar 26th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-02)          770 Mar 26th, 2014, A. Dotti (run-V10-00-02)
921 - Introduced pin affinity functionalities         771 - Introduced pin affinity functionalities
922                                                   772 
923 Jan 21st, 2014, M. Asai (run-V10-00-01)           773 Jan 21st, 2014, M. Asai (run-V10-00-01)
924 - Making sure worker threads re-build physics     774 - Making sure worker threads re-build physics tables as well when the
925   master thread is requested to rebuild.          775   master thread is requested to rebuild.
926                                                   776 
927 Dec 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V10-00-00)           777 Dec 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V10-00-00)
928 - Change the order of setting world volume poi    778 - Change the order of setting world volume pointer to the transportation
929   manager for worker thread to be the same as     779   manager for worker thread to be the same as the master thread and the
930   sequential mode, i.e. prior to invoking Cons    780   sequential mode, i.e. prior to invoking ConstructSDandField .
931                                                   781 
932 Dec 2nd, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-141)          782 Dec 2nd, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-141)
933 - Adds protection for multiple runs to set SD     783 - Adds protection for multiple runs to set SD and FieldMgr for worker
934   threads only if master shadow corresponding     784   threads only if master shadow corresponding pointers are !=0.
935   This is needed to protect the case in which     785   This is needed to protect the case in which we use an invalid ptr
936   between runs. Needs: geommng-V09-06-16          786   between runs. Needs: geommng-V09-06-16
937                                                   787 
938 Dec 2nd, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-140)           788 Dec 2nd, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-140)
939 - Minor clean up.                                 789 - Minor clean up.
940                                                   790 
941 Nov 29th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-138, run-V    791 Nov 29th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-138, run-V09-06-139)
942 - Vis manager is now registered to the worker     792 - Vis manager is now registered to the worker threads at the first
943   run after vis manager is instantiated.          793   run after vis manager is instantiated.
944                                                   794 
945 Nov 27th, 2013, G. Folger (run-V09-06-137)        795 Nov 27th, 2013, G. Folger (run-V09-06-137)
946 - Correctly delete randDbl     796 - Correctly delete randDbl using delete []
947                                                   797 
948 Nov 27th, 2013, G. Folger (run-V09-06-136)        798 Nov 27th, 2013, G. Folger (run-V09-06-136)
949 - Correct deletion of memory: using free() for    799 - Correct deletion of memory: using free() for memory obtained with malloc()
950                                                   800 
951 Nov 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-135)          801 Nov 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-135)
952 - /run/numberOfThreads UI command works only a    802 - /run/numberOfThreads UI command works only at PreInit state.
953                                                   803 
954 Nov 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-134)          804 Nov 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-134)
955 - Protect G4WorkerRunManager::MergePartialResu    805 - Protect G4WorkerRunManager::MergePartialResults() from a fake run.
956                                                   806 
957 Nov 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-133)          807 Nov 26th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-133)
958 - Remove unnecessary overwriting BeamOn in G4W    808 - Remove unnecessary overwriting BeamOn in G4WorkerRunManager.
959                                                   809 
960 Nov 25th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-132)          810 Nov 25th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-132)
961 - BuildPhysicsTables() is now invoked even for    811 - BuildPhysicsTables() is now invoked even for a run with zero event.
962 - ReinitializeGeometry(true) now wipes out G4P    812 - ReinitializeGeometry(true) now wipes out G4PhysicalVolumeStore,
963   G4LogicalVolumeStore and G4SolidStore.          813   G4LogicalVolumeStore and G4SolidStore.
964                                                   814 
965 Nov 25th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-131)          815 Nov 25th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-131)
966 - Fix how G4Region split class is re-initializ    816 - Fix how G4Region split class is re-initialized for the second run.
967 - Recover necessary procedures in RunInitializ    817 - Recover necessary procedures in RunInitialization() that were removed
968   in the previous tag.                            818   in the previous tag.
969 - Region information is displayed only for the    819 - Region information is displayed only for the master thread.
970                                                   820 
971 Nov 21st, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-130)          821 Nov 21st, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-130)
972 - Remove unnecessary BeamOn procedures for the    822 - Remove unnecessary BeamOn procedures for the empty run.
973                                                   823 
974 Nov 20th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-129)          824 Nov 20th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-129)
975 - Execute an empty run at the very end of G4MT    825 - Execute an empty run at the very end of G4MTRunManager::Initialize()
976   so that all workers are properly set up befo    826   so that all workers are properly set up before the first BeamOn().
977   This is a temporal work-around until we spli    827   This is a temporal work-around until we split Initialization() and
978   BeamOn() of worker thread.                      828   BeamOn() of worker thread.
979                                                   829 
980 Nov 20th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-128)          830 Nov 20th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-128)
981 - Rename G4RunManager::GeometryNeedToBeRebuilt    831 - Rename G4RunManager::GeometryNeedToBeRebuilt() to
982   G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry() to avoi    832   G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry() to avoid confusion.
983                                                   833 
984 Nov 20th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-127)         834 Nov 20th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-127)
985 - Fixes to G4MTRunManger, G4UserWorkerThreadIn    835 - Fixes to G4MTRunManger, G4UserWorkerThreadInitialisation and
986   G4VUserDetectorConstruction to allow for com    836   G4VUserDetectorConstruction to allow for compilation on Windows
987   in MT mode.                                     837   in MT mode.
988                                                   838 
989 Nov 19th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-126)          839 Nov 19th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-126)
990 - Correct a typo in G4RunMessenger.               840 - Correct a typo in G4RunMessenger.
991                                                   841 
992 Nov 19th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-125)          842 Nov 19th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-125)
993 - Fix incorrect behavior in MT mode when a new    843 - Fix incorrect behavior in MT mode when a new scoring mesh is
994   created after the first run.                    844   created after the first run.
995                                                   845 
996 Nov 18th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-124)          846 Nov 18th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-124)
997 - Fix incorrect behavior in MT mode when the e    847 - Fix incorrect behavior in MT mode when the entire geometry is
998   rebuilt from scratch.                           848   rebuilt from scratch.
999                                                   849 
1000 Nov 12th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-123)         850 Nov 12th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-123)
1001 - Add missing G4endl.                            851 - Add missing G4endl.
1002                                                  852 
1003 Nov 8th, 2013, L. Desorgher (run-V09-06-122)     853 Nov 8th, 2013, L. Desorgher (run-V09-06-122)
1004 - Remove non used  field 'last_generated_part    854 - Remove non used  field 'last_generated_part_was_adjoint' in
1005   G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh to avoid    855   G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh to avoid compilation warning.
1006                                                  856 
1007 Nov 7th, 2013, L. Desorgher (run-V09-06-121)     857 Nov 7th, 2013, L. Desorgher (run-V09-06-121)
1008 - Modification of adjoint classes to migrate     858 - Modification of adjoint classes to migrate to the new RMC schema where reverse
1009   and forward trackings of  equivalent adjoin    859   and forward trackings of  equivalent adjoint and forward primaries are processed
1010   in the same events. This in preparation for    860   in the same events. This in preparation for the migration to the G4MT mode.
1011                                                  861 
1012 Nov 7th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-120)          862 Nov 7th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-120)
1013 - Fix correct use of G4VUserWorkerInitializat    863 - Fix correct use of G4VUserWorkerInitialization::InitializeSteppingVerbose()
1014   method in G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread    864   method in G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread
1015                                                  865 
1016 Nov 6th, 2013, M.Asai  (run-V09-06-119)          866 Nov 6th, 2013, M.Asai  (run-V09-06-119)
1017 - Fix a compilation warning of shadowing.        867 - Fix a compilation warning of shadowing.
1018                                                  868 
1019 Nov 6th, 2013, M.Asai  (run-V09-06-118)          869 Nov 6th, 2013, M.Asai  (run-V09-06-118)
1020 - Fix the logic of defining parallel scoring     870 - Fix the logic of defining parallel scoring worlds and their corresponding
1021   G4ParallelWorldProcess objects for the work    871   G4ParallelWorldProcess objects for the worker threads.
1022                                                  872 
1023 Nov 6th, 2013, A.Dotti  (run-V09-06-117)         873 Nov 6th, 2013, A.Dotti  (run-V09-06-117)
1024 - Correct handling of macro file name as seco    874 - Correct handling of macro file name as second parameter in BeamOn
1025   pass null pointer in G4MTRunManagerKernel::    875   pass null pointer in G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread if
1026   G4RunManager::GetSelectMacro returns an emp    876   G4RunManager::GetSelectMacro returns an empty string
1027                                                  877 
1028 Nov 6th, 2013, A.Dotti  (run-V09-06-116)         878 Nov 6th, 2013, A.Dotti  (run-V09-06-116)
1029 - /run/beamOn command is not broadcasted to w    879 - /run/beamOn command is not broadcasted to workers. Workers use explicitly ::RunBeamOn
1030   method in G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread    880   method in G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread
1031 - Add methods: G4RunManager::GetNumberOfEvent    881 - Add methods: G4RunManager::GetNumberOfEventsToBeProcessed(),
1032                G4RunManager::GetNumberOfSelec    882                G4RunManager::GetNumberOfSelectEvents(),
1033          G4RunManager::GetSelectMacro()          883          G4RunManager::GetSelectMacro()
1034   they return the parameters used in G4RunMan    884   they return the parameters used in G4RunManager::BeamOn( ... )
1035                                                  885 
1036 Nov 5th, 2013, A.Dotti  (run-V09-06-115)         886 Nov 5th, 2013, A.Dotti  (run-V09-06-115)
1037 - Added G4MTRunManager::CreateAndStartWorkers    887 - Added G4MTRunManager::CreateAndStartWorkers virtual protected method
1038 - All barriers are now virtual methods. Deriv    888 - All barriers are now virtual methods. Derived classes can re-implement
1039   synchronization of threads.                    889   synchronization of threads.
1040 - Added G4WorkerRunManager::MergePartialResul    890 - Added G4WorkerRunManager::MergePartialResults() re-factor
1041   reduction of local results into global. Der    891   reduction of local results into global. Derived class cen re-implement
1042   reduction                                      892   reduction
1043                                                  893 
1044 Nov 4th, 2013, A Dotti  (run-V09-06-114)         894 Nov 4th, 2013, A Dotti  (run-V09-06-114)
1045 - Transform G4MTRunManager::TerminateWorkers     895 - Transform G4MTRunManager::TerminateWorkers to a protected
1046   virtual method (from private non-virtual)      896   virtual method (from private non-virtual)
1047                                                  897 
1048 Oct 31th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-113)         898 Oct 31th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-113)
1049 - Retagging, previous tag was rejected by mis    899 - Retagging, previous tag was rejected by mistake.
1050                                                  900 
1051 Oct 30th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-112)         901 Oct 30th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-112)
1052 - Bug fixing: reintroduce delete of worker ru    902 - Bug fixing: reintroduce delete of worker run manager at end of
1053   G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread function.    903   G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread function.
1054                                                  904 
1055 Oct 21st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-111)          905 Oct 21st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-111)
1056 - Moved CreateAllIsomer to G4RunManagerKernel    906 - Moved CreateAllIsomer to G4RunManagerKernel so that it is invoked
1057   for both MT and SEQ modes.                     907   for both MT and SEQ modes.
1058                                                  908 
1059 Oct 18th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-110)         909 Oct 18th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-110)
1060 - Activate use of Workspace mechanism for geo    910 - Activate use of Workspace mechanism for geometry split classes
1061   This tag requires geomvol-V09-06-15, geom-s    911   This tag requires geomvol-V09-06-15, geom-specific-V09-06-21,
1062   geommng-V09-06-13                              912   geommng-V09-06-13
1063                                                  913 
1064 Oct 13th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-109)          914 Oct 13th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-109)
1065 - Changed print-out for /run/printProgress co    915 - Changed print-out for /run/printProgress command.
1066                                                  916 
1067 Oct 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-108)          917 Oct 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-108)
1068 - Introducing /run/printProgress command.        918 - Introducing /run/printProgress command.
1069                                                  919 
1070 Oct 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-107)          920 Oct 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-107)
1071 - Fixed guidance tests in G4RunMessenger.        921 - Fixed guidance tests in G4RunMessenger.
1072                                                  922 
1073 Oct 10th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-106)          923 Oct 10th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-106)
1074 - Added Mutex lock for G4MTRunManagerKernel::    924 - Added Mutex lock for G4MTRunManagerKernel::ReinitializeGeometry().
1075                                                  925 
1076 Oct 2nd, 2013, H.Kurashige (run-V09-06-105)      926 Oct 2nd, 2013, H.Kurashige (run-V09-06-105)
1077 - Modified G4PhysicsListHelper::AddTransporta    927 - Modified G4PhysicsListHelper::AddTransportation()
1078   that would prevent to add the G4Transportat    928   that would prevent to add the G4Transportation to 'Molecues'
1079                                                  929 
1080 Oct 1st, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-104)          930 Oct 1st, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-104)
1081 - Bug fix: add mutex for de-registration work    931 - Bug fix: add mutex for de-registration worker threads
1082                                                  932 
1083 Oct 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-103)           933 Oct 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-103)
1084 - Add a mutex protection for registrering wor    934 - Add a mutex protection for registrering worker threads.
1085 - Introduce G4FORCENUMBEROFTHREADS shell vari    935 - Introduce G4FORCENUMBEROFTHREADS shell variable to force the number
1086   of threads regardless of G4MTRunManager::Se    936   of threads regardless of G4MTRunManager::SetNumberOfThreads() or
1087   corresponding UI command.                      937   corresponding UI command.
1088                                                  938 
1089 Sep 29th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-102)          939 Sep 29th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-102)
1090 - In MT mode, random number seeds are created    940 - In MT mode, random number seeds are created for all events regardless
1091   of eventModulo in G4MTRunManager. Performan    941   of eventModulo in G4MTRunManager. Performance should be slightly
1092   degraded but event reproducibility should b    942   degraded but event reproducibility should be restored.
1093                                                  943 
1094 Sep 25th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-101)          944 Sep 25th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-101)
1095 - Add AbortRun() functionality to G4MTRunMana    945 - Add AbortRun() functionality to G4MTRunManager and related classes.
1096                                                  946 
1097 Sep 17th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-100)          947 Sep 17th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-100)
1098 - Move the barrier ThisWorkerReady() from G4W    948 - Move the barrier ThisWorkerReady() from G4WorkerRunManager::DoEventLoop()
1099   to G4WorkerRunManager::RunInitialization()     949   to G4WorkerRunManager::RunInitialization() and change the location of
1100   accessing to G4UserWorkerInitialization::Wo    950   accessing to G4UserWorkerInitialization::WorkerRunStart() and
1101   G4UserWorkerInitialization::WorkerRunEnd().    951   G4UserWorkerInitialization::WorkerRunEnd(). This modification enables
1102   the user to alternate G4UserRunAction objec    952   the user to alternate G4UserRunAction object.
1103 - Introduce G4VUserActionInitialization::Init    953 - Introduce G4VUserActionInitialization::InitializeSteppingVerbose() for
1104   easier use of user-specific SteppingVerbose    954   easier use of user-specific SteppingVerbose.
1105                                                  955 
1106 Sep 16th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-99)           956 Sep 16th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-99)
1107 - Split part of G4UserWorkerInitialization to    957 - Split part of G4UserWorkerInitialization to G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization.
1108                                                  958 
1109 Sep 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-98)           959 Sep 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-98)
1110 - Add #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED prtection for th    960 - Add #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED prtection for the modification introduced
1111   in the previous tag.                           961   in the previous tag.
1112                                                  962 
1113 Sep 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-97)           963 Sep 12th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-97)
1114 - G4WorkerRunManager now invokes G4VVisManage    964 - G4WorkerRunManager now invokes G4VVisManager::SetUpForAThread() method
1115   so that G4VisManager will get noticed at th    965   so that G4VisManager will get noticed at the end of event of each
1116   worker thread.                                 966   worker thread.
1117                                                  967 
1118 Sep 11th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-96)           968 Sep 11th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-96)
1119 - Fix ConstructSD() to be invoked for masther    969 - Fix ConstructSD() to be invoked for masther thread as well.
1120                                                  970 
1121 Sep 10th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-95)           971 Sep 10th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-95)
1122 - Set up decay channels before starting an ev    972 - Set up decay channels before starting an event loop. This is required
1123   as G4VDecayChannel class is no longer a spl    973   as G4VDecayChannel class is no longer a split class.
1124                                                  974 
1125 Sep 9th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-94)            975 Sep 9th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-94)
1126 - Remove split class mechanism from G4VDecayC    976 - Remove split class mechanism from G4VDecayChannel class.
1127                                                  977 
1128 Sep 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-93)            978 Sep 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-93)
1129 - Fix the timing of CheckRegularGeometry() so    979 - Fix the timing of CheckRegularGeometry() so that ScoreSplitterProcess
1130   is properly set to the worker process manag    980   is properly set to the worker process manager.
1131                                                  981 
1132 Sep 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-92)            982 Sep 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-92)
1133 - G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->SetRea    983 - G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->SetReadiness(); is invoked
1134   for the worker threads as well to make sure    984   for the worker threads as well to make sure ions could be created
1135   during an event loop.                          985   during an event loop.
1136 - Ions are created only if G4GenericIon is de    986 - Ions are created only if G4GenericIon is defined in the physics
1137   List.                                          987   List.
1138                                                  988 
1139 Sep 4th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-91)            989 Sep 4th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-91)
1140 - Fix compilation error on Windows.              990 - Fix compilation error on Windows.
1141                                                  991 
1142 Sep 4th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-90)            992 Sep 4th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-90)
1143 - Fix the timing of setting process shadow po    993 - Fix the timing of setting process shadow pointer to make sure
1144   parallel world process is properly included    994   parallel world process is properly included for worker thread.
1145                                                  995 
1146 Sep 2nd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-89)            996 Sep 2nd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-89)
1147 - Clean up.                                      997 - Clean up.
1148                                                  998 
1149 Sep 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-88)            999 Sep 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-88)
1150 - Introducing G4MTRunManager::SetEventModulo(    1000 - Introducing G4MTRunManager::SetEventModulo() and correspondng
1151   /run/eventModulo command to specify the num    1001   /run/eventModulo command to specify the number of events to be
1152   sent to a worker thread at one time and set    1002   sent to a worker thread at one time and set the random number
1153   seeds.                                         1003   seeds.
1154                                                  1004 
1155 Aug 30th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-87)           1005 Aug 30th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-87)
1156 - In addition to G4IonTable::InitializeLightI    1006 - In addition to G4IonTable::InitializeLightIons(),
1157   G4IonConstructor::ConstructParticle() is in    1007   G4IonConstructor::ConstructParticle() is invoked to ensure all
1158   light ions are properly constructed when Ge    1008   light ions are properly constructed when GenericIon is constructed.
1159                                                  1009 
1160 Aug 30th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-86)           1010 Aug 30th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-86)
1161 - G4IonTable::InitializeLightIons() is invoke    1011 - G4IonTable::InitializeLightIons() is invoked for both MT and
1162   sequential mode.                               1012   sequential mode.
1163                                                  1013 
1164 Aug 28th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-85)           1014 Aug 28th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-85)
1165 - Split class mechanism of G4ParticleDefiniti    1015 - Split class mechanism of G4ParticleDefinition has been changed. Now all
1166   general ions share the object ID with Gener    1016   general ions share the object ID with GenericIon so that TLS pointers
1167   to G4ProcessManager are not created for suc    1017   to G4ProcessManager are not created for such ions.
1168                                                  1018 
1169 Aug 28th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-84)           1019 Aug 28th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-84)
1170 - Move StartThread static method from G4UserW    1020 - Move StartThread static method from G4UserWorkerInitialization to
1171   G4MTRunManager and cleaned up.                 1021   G4MTRunManager and cleaned up.
1172                                                  1022 
1173 Aug 26th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-83)          1023 Aug 26th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-83)
1174 - Use new interface for G4Threading namespace    1024 - Use new interface for G4Threading namespace
1175                                                  1025 
1176 Aug 16th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-82)          1026 Aug 16th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-82)
1177 - Enable locking of mutex in master loop on c    1027 - Enable locking of mutex in master loop on condition variable:
1178   fix deadlock observed in Mac OS X 10.8 afte    1028   fix deadlock observed in Mac OS X 10.8 after report from valgrind drd tool
1179 - Correct MT defects reported by DRD tool        1029 - Correct MT defects reported by DRD tool
1180                                                  1030 
1181 Aug 15th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-81)           1031 Aug 15th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-81)
1182 - Re-tag                                         1032 - Re-tag
1183                                                  1033 
1184 Aug 14th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-80)           1034 Aug 14th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-80)
1185 - G4VUserPhysicsList takes care of setting th    1035 - G4VUserPhysicsList takes care of setting the process manager pointer
1186   of GenericIon to all the general ions for w    1036   of GenericIon to all the general ions for worker threads.
1187                                                  1037 
1188 Aug 7th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-79)            1038 Aug 7th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-79)
1189 - G4WorkerRunManager no longer has a for-loop    1039 - G4WorkerRunManager no longer has a for-loop for the event loop, but it
1190   asks G4MTRunManager to process another even    1040   asks G4MTRunManager to process another event. With this modification,
1191   number of events processed on each thread v    1041   number of events processed on each thread varies based on the
1192   availability of each thread.                   1042   availability of each thread.
1193 - Based on this modification, the array of ra    1043 - Based on this modification, the array of random number seeds and event
1194   ID are centrary managed by G4MTRunManager.     1044   ID are centrary managed by G4MTRunManager.
1195                                                  1045 
1196 Aug 6th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-78)           1046 Aug 6th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-78)
1197 - Protecting agains compilation warning in ca    1047 - Protecting agains compilation warning in case G4VERBOSE is not defined
1198                                                  1048 
1199 July 29th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-77)         1049 July 29th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-77)
1200 - Activating new interfaces for worker thread    1050 - Activating new interfaces for worker thread G4VProcess initialization
1201   (requires procman-V09-06-02) in G4VUserPhys    1051   (requires procman-V09-06-02) in G4VUserPhysicsList for
1202   {Prepare,Build}PhysicsTable. Co-working wit    1052   {Prepare,Build}PhysicsTable. Co-working with tag emutils-V09-06-52.
1203                                                  1053 
1204 July 26th, 2013, H.Kurashige(run-V09-06-76)      1054 July 26th, 2013, H.Kurashige(run-V09-06-76)
1205 - Add G4Exception for obsolete method of G4VU    1055 - Add G4Exception for obsolete method of G4VUserPhysicsList::AddProcessManager
1206                                                  1056 
1207 July 16th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-75)         1057 July 16th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-75)
1208 - Preparing for new G4VProcess initialization    1058 - Preparing for new G4VProcess initialization of workers
1209   (code currently commented out)                 1059   (code currently commented out)
1210 - Fixing compilation warning from previous ta    1060 - Fixing compilation warning from previous tag in gcc41
1211                                                  1061 
1212                                                  1062 
1213 July 15th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-74)         1063 July 15th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-74)
1214 - Setting master process shadow pointer to G4    1064 - Setting master process shadow pointer to G4VProcess in worker
1215   threads. Co-working with procman-V09-06-01     1065   threads. Co-working with procman-V09-06-01
1216                                                  1066 
1217 July 10th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-73)         1067 July 10th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-73)
1218 - Bug fixing for compilation warning             1068 - Bug fixing for compilation warning
1219                                                  1069 
1220 July 5th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-72)          1070 July 5th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-72)
1221 - Introduced G4RNGHelper container class for     1071 - Introduced G4RNGHelper container class for RNG Engine seeds.
1222 - Bug fix for warning with gcc41                 1072 - Bug fix for warning with gcc41
1223                                                  1073 
1224 July 5th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-71)          1074 July 5th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-71)
1225 - Protect G4UserWorkerInitialization::JoinWor    1075 - Protect G4UserWorkerInitialization::JoinWorker for sequential build warning
1226 - Add virtual G4WorkerRunManager* G4UserWorke    1076 - Add virtual G4WorkerRunManager* G4UserWorkerInitialization::CreateWorkerRunManager method
1227   to simplify instantiation of user-defined r    1077   to simplify instantiation of user-defined run manager (no more need to change StartThread
1228   function)                                      1078   function)
1229                                                  1079 
1230 July 3rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-70)           1080 July 3rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-70)
1231 - Introducing access methods of concrete clas    1081 - Introducing access methods of concrete classes for G4MTRunManager and
1232   G4WorkerRunManager.                            1082   G4WorkerRunManager.
1233                                                  1083 
1234 July 3rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-69)           1084 July 3rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-69)
1235 - Introducing G4MTRunManagerKernel class for     1085 - Introducing G4MTRunManagerKernel class for better symmetry of run manager and
1236   run manager kernel.                            1086   run manager kernel.
1237 - First cleaning up of kernel classes.           1087 - First cleaning up of kernel classes.
1238                                                  1088 
1239 July 3rd, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-68)          1089 July 3rd, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-68)
1240 - Add call to G4SetThreadId global function i    1090 - Add call to G4SetThreadId global function in G4UserWorkerInitialization::StartThread function
1241 - Remove unused list of G4WorkerRunManager fr    1091 - Remove unused list of G4WorkerRunManager from G4MTRunManager
1242 - Moving joining of threads in G4UserWorkerIn    1092 - Moving joining of threads in G4UserWorkerInitialization class from G4MTRunManager,
1243   now G4MTRunManager does not cantain anymore    1093   now G4MTRunManager does not cantain anymore thread model specific code and delegates
1244   all model to G4UserWorkerInitialization        1094   all model to G4UserWorkerInitialization
1245 - Bug fix for G4cout use in G4RunManagerKerne    1095 - Bug fix for G4cout use in G4RunManagerKernel::~G4RunManagerKernel for worker threads
1246   (report from cdash on failure test60)          1096   (report from cdash on failure test60)
1247                                                  1097 
1248 July 2nd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-67)           1098 July 2nd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-67)
1249 - Fix null-pointer access in G4VUserPhysicsLi    1099 - Fix null-pointer access in G4VUserPhysicsList::BuildPhysicsList() for
1250   second run.                                    1100   second run.
1251                                                  1101 
1252 July 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-66)           1102 July 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-66)
1253 - Fix compilation error in the previous tag f    1103 - Fix compilation error in the previous tag for sequential mode.
1254                                                  1104 
1255 July 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-65)           1105 July 1st, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-65)
1256 - Process manager objects of all threads are     1106 - Process manager objects of all threads are now cleanly deleted.
1257 - G4MTRunManager causes G4Exception if there     1107 - G4MTRunManager causes G4Exception if there is a static G4Allocator
1258   object in a multi-threaded mode.               1108   object in a multi-threaded mode.
1259                                                  1109 
1260 June 25th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-64)        1110 June 25th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-64)
1261 - Bug fix for compilation with C++11 standard    1111 - Bug fix for compilation with C++11 standard in G4MTRunManager.hh in
1262   use of std::make_pair                          1112   use of std::make_pair
1263                                                  1113 
1264 June 22nd, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-63)        1114 June 22nd, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-63)
1265 - Copy SensitiveDetector and FieldManagers po    1115 - Copy SensitiveDetector and FieldManagers pointers between
1266   runs. Bug fix to solve issue introduced wit    1116   runs. Bug fix to solve issue introduced with tag -59
1267   (G4UserWorkerInitialization::StartThread)      1117   (G4UserWorkerInitialization::StartThread)
1268                                                  1118 
1269 June 21st, 2013, M. Asai  (run-V09-06-62)        1119 June 21st, 2013, M. Asai  (run-V09-06-62)
1270 - Changing the oder of deleting kernel classe    1120 - Changing the oder of deleting kernel classes in the destructor of
1271   G4RunManagerKernel so that G4cout for worke    1121   G4RunManagerKernel so that G4cout for worker thread is available
1272   as long as possible. This enables the print    1122   as long as possible. This enables the printout of G4Allocator
1273   statistics for worker thread.                  1123   statistics for worker thread.
1274                                                  1124 
1275 June 21st, 2013, M. Asai  (run-V09-06-61)        1125 June 21st, 2013, M. Asai  (run-V09-06-61)
1276 - Clean up G4cout messages for the beta relea    1126 - Clean up G4cout messages for the beta release.
1277                                                  1127 
1278 June 20th, 2013, M. Asai  (run-V09-06-60)        1128 June 20th, 2013, M. Asai  (run-V09-06-60)
1279 - Moving G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProduction    1129 - Moving G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable()->PhysicsTableUpdated() call
1280   from G4RunManagerKernel::BuildPhysicsTables    1130   from G4RunManagerKernel::BuildPhysicsTables() to
1281   G4RunManager::TerminateEventLoop(): in comb    1131   G4RunManager::TerminateEventLoop(): in combination with previous TEMPORARY
1282   modification allows changing material betwe    1132   modification allows changing material between runs
1283                                                  1133 
1284 June 20th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-59)        1134 June 20th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-59)
1285 - Fix coverity warnings in G4VUPLSplitter and    1135 - Fix coverity warnings in G4VUPLSplitter and G4VUserPhysicsList
1286 - Adding TEMPORARY re-initialization of geome    1136 - Adding TEMPORARY re-initialization of geometry in G4UserWorkerInitialization
1287   to allow threads to re-copy shared geometry    1137   to allow threads to re-copy shared geometry data in case gemotry has changed
1288   This is only temporary and needs revision a    1138   This is only temporary and needs revision after 10.0-beta, but this hack is
1289   currently the only solution that does not r    1139   currently the only solution that does not require API changes
1290                                                  1140 
1291 June 19th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-58)        1141 June 19th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-58)
1292 - Restored deletion of allocators as in "run-    1142 - Restored deletion of allocators as in "run-V09-06-56".
1293   Withdraw change made in last tag.              1143   Withdraw change made in last tag.
1294                                                  1144 
1295 June 18th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-57)        1145 June 18th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-57)
1296 - Allow deletion of allocators only from mast    1146 - Allow deletion of allocators only from master thread.
1297                                                  1147 
1298 June 18th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-56)        1148 June 18th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-56)
1299 - Cleared printout in G4RunManagerKernel for     1149 - Cleared printout in G4RunManagerKernel for deletion of allocators.
1300                                                  1150 
1301 June 17th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-55)         1151 June 17th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-55)
1302 - Limit the deletion of G4Allocator objects o    1152 - Limit the deletion of G4Allocator objects only to dynamically
1303   instantiated ones.                             1153   instantiated ones.
1304                                                  1154 
1305 June 16th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-54)         1155 June 16th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-54)
1306 - Delete all G4Allocator objects from the des    1156 - Delete all G4Allocator objects from the destructor of G4RunManagerKernel.
1307                                                  1157 
1308 June 14th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-53)        1158 June 14th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-53)
1309 - G4PhysicsVector is not anymore a split-clas    1159 - G4PhysicsVector is not anymore a split-classes, remove thread initialization
1310   for split mechanism in G4WorkerThread          1160   for split mechanism in G4WorkerThread
1311   Coworking with global-V09-06-40                1161   Coworking with global-V09-06-40
1312                                                  1162 
1313 June 12th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-52)        1163 June 12th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-52)
1314 - Typo correction in exception from G4UserWor    1164 - Typo correction in exception from G4UserWorkerInitialization::StartThread
1315 - Re-enabling joining of threads: run-V09-06-    1165 - Re-enabling joining of threads: run-V09-06-50 fixed deadlocks responsible
1316   for problems at exit                           1166   for problems at exit
1317                                                  1167 
1318 June 11th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-51)         1168 June 11th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-51)
1319 - Change ions and isomers to be created after    1169 - Change ions and isomers to be created after BuildPhysics.
1320                                                  1170 
1321 June 10th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-50)        1171 June 10th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-50)
1322 - Bug fix for MT in G4MTRunManger to solve de    1172 - Bug fix for MT in G4MTRunManger to solve deadlocks in case of /run/beamOn 0
1323   Use number-of-active-threads instead of req    1173   Use number-of-active-threads instead of requested-workers
1324   for barriers check.                            1174   for barriers check.
1325                                                  1175 
1326 June 9th, 2013, A. Dotti  (run-V09-06-49)        1176 June 9th, 2013, A. Dotti  (run-V09-06-49)
1327 - In G4MTRunManager rewritten logic of "nextI    1177 - In G4MTRunManager rewritten logic of "nextIteration" to solve deadlocks.
1328   Now logic is very similar to the other barr    1178   Now logic is very similar to the other barriers
1329                                                  1179 
1330 June 6th, 2013, G. Folger (run-V09-06-48)        1180 June 6th, 2013, G. Folger (run-V09-06-48)
1331 - In G4MTRunManager::WaitForEndEventLoopWorke    1181 - In G4MTRunManager::WaitForEndEventLoopWorkers protect numberOfReadyWorkers
1332     by its Mutex.                                1182     by its Mutex.
1333                                                  1183 
1334 June 5th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-47, run-    1184 June 5th, 2013, G. Cosmo (run-V09-06-47, run-V09-06-46, run-V09-06-45)
1335 - Use wrappers for calls to pthreads to allow    1185 - Use wrappers for calls to pthreads to allow for porting on Windows.
1336   Updated files: and G4    1186   Updated files: and
1337                                                  1187 
1338 May 30th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-44)         1188 May 30th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-44)
1339 - Bug fixing for GNUMakefile builds              1189 - Bug fixing for GNUMakefile builds
1340                                                  1190 
1341 May 29th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-43)          1191 May 29th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-43)
1342 - Code clean-up.                                 1192 - Code clean-up.
1343                                                  1193 
1344 May 29th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-42)         1194 May 29th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-42)
1345 - Add temporal Bertini initialization in MT:     1195 - Add temporal Bertini initialization in MT: needed to initialize pseud-particles
1346   before event-loop (will be removed when a g    1196   before event-loop (will be removed when a general way to initialize
1347   processes for MT will be implemented). Need    1197   processes for MT will be implemented). Needs hadr-casc-V09-06-29
1348 - Prepare for TPmalloc (currently comment out    1198 - Prepare for TPmalloc (currently comment out relevant code)
1349 - Initialize ions and isomers for MT (in MTRu    1199 - Initialize ions and isomers for MT (in MTRunManager) before event-loop.
1350 - Initialize light-ions in MT in kernel. Need    1200 - Initialize light-ions in MT in kernel. Needs particles-V09-06-28
1351                                                  1201 
1352 May 24th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-41)          1202 May 24th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-41)
1353 - G4Run: protect deletion of thread-local obj    1203 - G4Run: protect deletion of thread-local objects from masther thread.
1354                                                  1204 
1355 May 24th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-40)          1205 May 24th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-40)
1356 - Fix seg-fault with /run/verbose 2 in multi-    1206 - Fix seg-fault with /run/verbose 2 in multi-threaded mode.
1357                                                  1207 
1358 May 23rd, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-39)          1208 May 23rd, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-39)
1359 - Move thread-local cout/cerr handling to int    1209 - Move thread-local cout/cerr handling to intercoms category.
1360 - UI commands in /run/cout/ directory are mov    1210 - UI commands in /run/cout/ directory are moved to /control/cout/.
1361                                                  1211 
1362 May 21th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-38)         1212 May 21th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-38)
1363 - New UI command /random/saveEachEventFlag if    1213 - New UI command /random/saveEachEventFlag if true save random
1364   seed for each event in a file with unique n    1214   seed for each event in a file with unique name: runXXXevtYYY.rndm
1365 - Workers write out random files in files wit    1215 - Workers write out random files in files with G4WorkerXX postfix
1366 - Moving "end-of-event-loop" barrier to RunTe    1216 - Moving "end-of-event-loop" barrier to RunTermination to guarantee
1367   end of run user action in master thread is     1217   end of run user action in master thread is executed after corresponding
1368   one is executed by workers                     1218   one is executed by workers
1369                                                  1219 
1370 May 16th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-37)         1220 May 16th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-37)
1371 - Threads now use new cout streaming, control    1221 - Threads now use new cout streaming, controllable by UI commands in /run/cout
1372   directory                                      1222   directory
1373 - Disable G4MTRunManager::SetNumberOfThreads     1223 - Disable G4MTRunManager::SetNumberOfThreads is threads are still alive
1374 - Coworking with global-V09-06-31                1224 - Coworking with global-V09-06-31
1375                                                  1225 
1376 May 16th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-36)         1226 May 16th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-36)
1377 - Another WIN32 typo fixed                       1227 - Another WIN32 typo fixed
1378                                                  1228 
1379 May 16th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-35)         1229 May 16th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-35)
1380 - Fixing compilation error on WIN                1230 - Fixing compilation error on WIN
1381 - Commenting out joining of threads at exit (    1231 - Commenting out joining of threads at exit (some instabilities have
1382   been observed at exit time, this tag is try    1232   been observed at exit time, this tag is trying to fix this)
1383   NEED TO FIX THIS                               1233   NEED TO FIX THIS
1384                                                  1234 
1385 May 15th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-34)          1235 May 15th, 2013, M. Asai (run-V09-06-34)
1386 - Enabling more than one runs.                   1236 - Enabling more than one runs.
1387 - Fixing the handling of user-defined paralle    1237 - Fixing the handling of user-defined parallel worlds.
1388                                                  1238 
1389 May 14th, 2013, M. Asai                          1239 May 14th, 2013, M. Asai
1390 - Introducing SetSensitiveDetector() method t    1240 - Introducing SetSensitiveDetector() method to G4VUserParallelWorld.
1391                                                  1241 
1392 May 13th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-33)         1242 May 13th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-33)
1393 - Changed G4WorkerRunManager to use new metho    1243 - Changed G4WorkerRunManager to use new methods. All thread-control
1394   method in G4UserWorkerInitialization are no    1244   method in G4UserWorkerInitialization are now public.
1395                                                  1245 
1396 May 13th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-32)           1246 May 13th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-32)
1397 - Introducing two new protected virtual metho    1247 - Introducing two new protected virtual methods in G4UserWorkerInitialization
1398   as additional user hooks.                      1248   as additional user hooks.
1399                                                  1249 
1400 May 7th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-31)          1250 May 7th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-V09-06-31)
1401 - Add explicit initialization of all ions and    1251 - Add explicit initialization of all ions and isomers needed, for MT
1402   coworking with particles-V09-06-26             1252   coworking with particles-V09-06-26
1403                                                  1253 
1404 May 6th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-30)            1254 May 6th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-30)
1405 - Change the default number of threads from 0    1255 - Change the default number of threads from 0 to 2.
1406                                                  1256 
1407 May 5th, 2013, A.Dotti, M.Asai (run-V09-06-29    1257 May 5th, 2013, A.Dotti, M.Asai (run-V09-06-29)
1408 - Adding two possibly temporary hacks for had    1258 - Adding two possibly temporary hacks for hadroncis physics instabilities
1409   1. All ions are created in MT by master thr    1259   1. All ions are created in MT by master thread (workers copy ions table)
1410   2. G4VModularPhysicsList::ConstructProcess     1260   2. G4VModularPhysicsList::ConstructProcess has a global mutex lock, in this
1411      way all worker threads call this method     1261      way all worker threads call this method one at a time. This limitation is
1412      needed since with many threads we have s    1262      needed since with many threads we have seen instabilities due to one or more
1413      hadronics model corrupting common shared    1263      hadronics model corrupting common shared part of physics (most likely particles
1414      table). Not yet found the correct soluti    1264      table). Not yet found the correct solution for this problem.
1415 - Introducing /run/numberOfThreads command.      1265 - Introducing /run/numberOfThreads command.
1416                                                  1266 
1417 May 5th, 2013, H.Kurashige (run-V09-06-28)       1267 May 5th, 2013, H.Kurashige (run-V09-06-28)
1418 - 'run/particle/AddProcManager' can be used i    1268 - 'run/particle/AddProcManager' can be used in Pre_Init state
1419   (requested by particles-V09-06-24 tag)         1269   (requested by particles-V09-06-24 tag)
1420                                                  1270 
1421 Apr. 25th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-27)          1271 Apr. 25th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-27)
1422 - Remove unnecessary G4Exception warning mess    1272 - Remove unnecessary G4Exception warning message for not having
1423   G4VUserDetectorConstruction::ConstructSDand    1273   G4VUserDetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField() implemented.
1424 - Add G4VUserParallelWorld::ConstructSD() for    1274 - Add G4VUserParallelWorld::ConstructSD() for the use-case of
1425   defining sensitive detector in a parallel w    1275   defining sensitive detector in a parallel world. G4RunManager
1426   and G4WorkerRunManager are modified accordi    1276   and G4WorkerRunManager are modified accordingly.
1427                                                  1277 
1428 Apr. 23rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-26)          1278 Apr. 23rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-26)
1429 - Add null pointer protection against the cas    1279 - Add null pointer protection against the case the user does not have
1430   G4VUserActionInitialization class.             1280   G4VUserActionInitialization class.
1431                                                  1281 
1432 Apr. 23rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-25)          1282 Apr. 23rd, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-25)
1433 - Make G4VUserDetectorConstruction::Construct    1283 - Make G4VUserDetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField() be invoked
1434   from G4RunManager for sequential mode.         1284   from G4RunManager for sequential mode.
1435                                                  1285 
1436 Apr. 18th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-24)          1286 Apr. 18th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-24)
1437 - Make G4VUserActionInitialization class enab    1287 - Make G4VUserActionInitialization class enabled.
1438                                                  1288 
1439 Apr. 18th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-23)          1289 Apr. 18th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-23)
1440 - Fix uninitialized pointers in G4RunManager.    1290 - Fix uninitialized pointers in G4RunManager.
1441                                                  1291 
1442 Apr. 17th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-22)          1292 Apr. 17th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-22)
1443 - Implement changes in G4(V)UserWorkerInitial    1293 - Implement changes in G4(V)UserWorkerInitialization class (note removal of "V"), also
1444   introducing G4VUserActionInitialization cla    1294   introducing G4VUserActionInitialization class.
1445 - New GetNumberOfThreads method, changed name    1295 - New GetNumberOfThreads method, changed name of SetNumberThreads to SetNumberOfThreads in
1446   G4MTRunManager                                 1296   G4MTRunManager
1447                                                  1297 
1448 Apr. 16th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-21)         1298 Apr. 16th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-21)
1449 - Finalizing API for examples migration remov    1299 - Finalizing API for examples migration removing previous tag classes
1450                                                  1300 
1451 Apr. 11th, 2013, I.Hrivnacova (run-V09-06-20)    1301 Apr. 11th, 2013, I.Hrivnacova (run-V09-06-20)
1452 - Added G4VUserApplication and G4WorkerInitia    1302 - Added G4VUserApplication and G4WorkerInitialization classes
1453   and userApplication data member and SetUser    1303   and userApplication data member and SetUserApplication() method
1454   in G4(MT)RunManager which allow to simplify    1304   in G4(MT)RunManager which allow to simplify user main()
1455   program wirking in both sequential and MT m    1305   program wirking in both sequential and MT modes
1456                                                  1306 
1457 Apr. 10th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-19)         1307 Apr. 10th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-19)
1458 - Clean of for MT TLS     1308 - Clean of for MT TLS
1459 - Again fixing WIN32 linking time error          1309 - Again fixing WIN32 linking time error
1460 - Add correct handling of G4RunUserAction fla    1310 - Add correct handling of G4RunUserAction flag for MT
1461                                                  1311 
1462 Apr. 9th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-18)          1312 Apr. 9th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-18)
1463 - Fix for WIN32 compilation.                     1313 - Fix for WIN32 compilation.
1464                                                  1314 
1465 Apr. 9th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-17)          1315 Apr. 9th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-17)
1466 - Protects barrier mechansim for MTOFF builds    1316 - Protects barrier mechansim for MTOFF builds (coworking with
1467   global-V09-06-16)                              1317   global-V09-06-16)
1468                                                  1318 
1469 Apr. 7th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-16)          1319 Apr. 7th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-16)
1470 - Adding barrier mechanism: worerk threads an    1320 - Adding barrier mechanism: worerk threads and master are synchronized
1471   at beginning and end of for-loop event loop    1321   at beginning and end of for-loop event loop
1472   (cfr G4WorkerRunManager::DoEventLoop and       1322   (cfr G4WorkerRunManager::DoEventLoop and
1473   G4MTRunManager::InitializeEventLoop)           1323   G4MTRunManager::InitializeEventLoop)
1474 - Bug fixing for RNG seeds lenght. Now vector    1324 - Bug fixing for RNG seeds lenght. Now vector of event seeds correctly
1475   re-created at each new run                     1325   re-created at each new run
1476                                                  1326 
1477 Apr. 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-15)           1327 Apr. 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-15)
1478 - Fix G4VUserDetectorConstruction::SetSentiti    1328 - Fix G4VUserDetectorConstruction::SetSentitiveDetector() method.
1479                                                  1329 
1480 Apr. 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-14)           1330 Apr. 5th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-14)
1481 - Adding isMaster boolean flag to G4UserRunAc    1331 - Adding isMaster boolean flag to G4UserRunAction. It is set to true
1482 for the user action object assigned to G4MTRu    1332 for the user action object assigned to G4MTRunManager.
1483                                                  1333 
1484 Apr. 5th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-13)          1334 Apr. 5th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-13)
1485 - Fix warning in compilation for GCC 4.1: G4M    1335 - Fix warning in compilation for GCC 4.1: G4MTRunManager::getSeed returns
1486   -LONG_MAX instead of -DBL_MAX in case of er    1336   -LONG_MAX instead of -DBL_MAX in case of error.
1487                                                  1337 
1488 Apr. 5th, 2013, G.Cosmo (run-V09-06-12)          1338 Apr. 5th, 2013, G.Cosmo (run-V09-06-12)
1489 - Use existing G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT flag instea    1339 - Use existing G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT flag instead of G4VUSERPL_ALLOC_EXPORT
1490   and moved macros definition to rundefs.hh.     1340   and moved macros definition to rundefs.hh.
1491 - Fix in GNUmakefile for temporary inclusion     1341 - Fix in GNUmakefile for temporary inclusion of dependency on
1492   solids/specific module...                      1342   solids/specific module...
1493                                                  1343 
1494 Apr. 4th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-11)          1344 Apr. 4th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-11)
1495 - Use global flag G4VUSERPL_ALLOC_EXPORT to e    1345 - Use global flag G4VUSERPL_ALLOC_EXPORT to export extern symbols for DLLs
1496                                                  1346 
1497 Apr. 4th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-10)          1347 Apr. 4th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-10)
1498 - Fix bug introduced in run-V09-06-08 tag in     1348 - Fix bug introduced in run-V09-06-08 tag in which AddTransportation
1499   was not called for modular phsysics lists      1349   was not called for modular phsysics lists
1500                                                  1350 
1501 Apr. 3rd, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-09)          1351 Apr. 3rd, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-09)
1502 - RNG Engine is "cloned" in worker threads fr    1352 - RNG Engine is "cloned" in worker threads from master thread one.
1503   This functionality is at the moment impleme    1353   This functionality is at the moment implemented in RunManager classes,
1504   but we may want to remove it from there and    1354   but we may want to remove it from there and put it somewhere else
1505 - Fix compilation warnings in gcc                1355 - Fix compilation warnings in gcc
1506                                                  1356 
1507 Apr. 2nd, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-08)          1357 Apr. 2nd, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-08)
1508 - Further round of refinements for sharing of    1358 - Further round of refinements for sharing of phusocs lists.
1509    (co-working tag with: hadr-cross-V09-06-16    1359    (co-working tag with: hadr-cross-V09-06-16, particles-V09-06-13,
1510     run-V09-06-08, intercoms-V09-06-04, error    1360     run-V09-06-08, intercoms-V09-06-04, error-propagation-V09-06-04,
1511     physics_lists-V09-06-01,                     1361     physics_lists-V09-06-01,
1512     rdecay02-V09-06-01, gtherapy-V09-06-02, e    1362     rdecay02-V09-06-01, gtherapy-V09-06-02, electronScattering-V09-06-04,
1513     exampleSE2-V09-06-01, fano-V09-06-03, fan    1363     exampleSE2-V09-06-01, fano-V09-06-03, fano2-V09-06-02, exampleRE01-V09-06-04,
1514     exampleRE02-V09-06-02, exPolarisation-V09    1364     exampleRE02-V09-06-02, exPolarisation-V09-05-03, exOptical-V09-06-01,
1515     fieldex-V09-06-01,  electromagnetic-V09-0    1365     fieldex-V09-06-01,  electromagnetic-V09-06-01,
1516     exampleA01-V09-06-01, gammaraytel-V09-06-    1366     exampleA01-V09-06-01, gammaraytel-V09-06-03, amsEcal-V09-06-00).
1517     Note: to run G4MT an additional tag is ne    1367     Note: to run G4MT an additional tag is needed global-V09-06-13a
1518                                                  1368 
1519 Mar. 29th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-07)         1369 Mar. 29th, 2013, A.Dotti (run-V09-06-07)
1520 - G4VUSerPhysicsList is now shared between th    1370 - G4VUSerPhysicsList is now shared between threads and is a split-class
1521   (co-working with: phys-ctor-em-V09-06-06, e    1371   (co-working with: phys-ctor-em-V09-06-06, error-propagation-V09-06-04,
1522    phys-ctor-helastic-V09-06-03, phys-ctor-em    1372    phys-ctor-helastic-V09-06-03, phys-ctor-em-V09-06-07, phys-ctor-hinelastic-V09-06-09,
1523    phys-ctor-stopping-V09-06-01, phys-ctor-de    1373    phys-ctor-stopping-V09-06-01, phys-ctor-decay-V09-06-01, phys-ctor-limiters-V09-06-02)
1524                                                  1374 
1525 Mar. 26th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-06)          1375 Mar. 26th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-06)
1526 - Fix G4MTRunManager and related classes for     1376 - Fix G4MTRunManager and related classes for the handling of parallel worlds.
1527                                                  1377 
1528 Mar. 20th, 2013, .Kurashige (run-V09-06-05)      1378 Mar. 20th, 2013, .Kurashige (run-V09-06-05)
1529 - Fix a bug in PhysicsListHelper for DNABrown    1379 - Fix a bug in PhysicsListHelper for DNABrownianTransportation
1530                                                  1380 
1531 Feb. 26th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-09-06-04)         1381 Feb. 26th, 2013, A. Dotti (run-09-06-04)
1532 - First commit of new RunManager for MT          1382 - First commit of new RunManager for MT
1533                                                  1383 
1534 Feb. 26th, 2013, L.Desorgher (run-V09-06-03)     1384 Feb. 26th, 2013, L.Desorgher (run-V09-06-03)
1535 - Remove unused variables in G4AdjointPrimary    1385 - Remove unused variables in G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction, G4AdjointSimManager,
1536   and G4AdjointSimMessenger                      1386   and G4AdjointSimMessenger
1537                                                  1387 
1538 Feb. 9th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-02)           1388 Feb. 9th, 2013, M.Asai (run-V09-06-02)
1539 - Adding verbosity to G4RunManager::             1389 - Adding verbosity to G4RunManager::
1540 - Introducing SetSensitiveDetector() method t    1390 - Introducing SetSensitiveDetector() method to G4VUserDetectorConstruction.
1541                                                  1391 
1542 Dec. 3rd, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-06-01)           1392 Dec. 3rd, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-06-01)
1543 - Removing obsolete UI commands for random nu    1393 - Removing obsolete UI commands for random number handling.
1544                                                  1394 
1545 Dec. 3rd, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-06-00)           1395 Dec. 3rd, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-06-00)
1546 - Removing obsolete UI commands.                 1396 - Removing obsolete UI commands.
1547                                                  1397 
1548 Oct. 15th, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-05-09)          1398 Oct. 15th, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-05-09)
1549 - Offering more granular public methods of G4    1399 - Offering more granular public methods of G4RunManager, which enable
1550 external framework with its own event loop to    1400 external framework with its own event loop to execute each individual
1551 event without copying context of base class m    1401 event without copying context of base class methods of G4RunManager.
1552                                                  1402 
1553 Oct. 1st, 2012, G.Cosmo (run-V09-05-08, run-V    1403 Oct. 1st, 2012, G.Cosmo (run-V09-05-08, run-V09-05-07)
1554 - Move constructors and destructor for G4VPhy    1404 - Move constructors and destructor for G4VPhysicsConstructor to source.
1555                                                  1405 
1556 Sep. 14th, 2012, H.Kurashige (run-V09-05-06)     1406 Sep. 14th, 2012, H.Kurashige (run-V09-05-06)
1557 - Fix ordering parameter for DNA processs (62    1407 - Fix ordering parameter for DNA processs (62,63,64)
1558 - Fix Coverity defects in G4UserPhysicsListMe    1408 - Fix Coverity defects in G4UserPhysicsListMessenger
1559                                                  1409 
1560 Aug. 10th, 2012, H.Kurashige (run-V09-05-05)     1410 Aug. 10th, 2012, H.Kurashige (run-V09-05-05)
1561 - Added new subType process numbers for DNA p    1411 - Added new subType process numbers for DNA processs (62,63,64)
1562                                                  1412 
1563 Jul. 5th, 2012, G.Cosmo (run-V09-05-04)          1413 Jul. 5th, 2012, G.Cosmo (run-V09-05-04)
1564 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for sys    1414 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical
1565   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclu    1415   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh.
1566                                                  1416 
1567 May. 24th, 2012, G.Cosmo (run-V09-05-03)         1417 May. 24th, 2012, G.Cosmo (run-V09-05-03)
1568 - Fixed trivial case of variable shadowing in    1418 - Fixed trivial case of variable shadowing in G4RunMessenger.
1569                                                  1419 
1570 May. 14th, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-05-02)          1420 May. 14th, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-05-02)
1571 - Destructor of G4RunManager now sets G4State    1421 - Destructor of G4RunManager now sets G4State_Quit in addition to
1572   G4RunManagerKernel.                            1422   G4RunManagerKernel.
1573                                                  1423 
1574 Mar. 6th, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-05-01)           1424 Mar. 6th, 2012, M.Asai (run-V09-05-01)
1575 - Add dummy copy constructor and = operator t    1425 - Add dummy copy constructor and = operator to G4Run.
1576                                                  1426 
1577 Dec. 9th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-05-00)      1427 Dec. 9th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-05-00)
1578 - Fix Coverity defects in assignment operator    1428 - Fix Coverity defects in assignment operator of G4VModularPhysicsList
1579                                                  1429 
1580 Nov. 15th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-27)          1430 Nov. 15th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-27)
1581 - Added new line to G4ExceptionHandler notifi    1431 - Added new line to G4ExceptionHandler notification to properly flush buffer.
1582                                                  1432 
1583 Nov. 10th, 2011, G.Cosmo (run-V09-04-26)         1433 Nov. 10th, 2011, G.Cosmo (run-V09-04-26)
1584 - Updated G4ExceptionHandler banner.             1434 - Updated G4ExceptionHandler banner.
1585                                                  1435 
1586 Nov. 9th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-25)      1436 Nov. 9th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-25)
1587 - Fix Coverity defects in PhysicsList classes    1437 - Fix Coverity defects in PhysicsList classes
1588                                                  1438 
1589 Nov. 8th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-24)      1439 Nov. 8th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-24)
1590 - Update PhysicsListHelper for new DNA proces    1440 - Update PhysicsListHelper for new DNA processes (Mathieu)
1591                                                  1441 
1592 Oct. 20th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-23)          1442 Oct. 20th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-23)
1593 - Improve G4Exception error messages             1443 - Improve G4Exception error messages
1594                                                  1444 
1595 Oct. 20th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-22)          1445 Oct. 20th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-22)
1596 - Remove obsolete G4Exception                    1446 - Remove obsolete G4Exception
1597 - Re-number G4Exception error numbers.           1447 - Re-number G4Exception error numbers.
1598                                                  1448 
1599 Sep. 23rd, 2011,  H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-21)    1449 Sep. 23rd, 2011,  H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-21)
1600 - Change G4VModularPhysicsList to issue messa    1450 - Change G4VModularPhysicsList to issue messages
1601   always if physics is added and/or removed.     1451   always if physics is added and/or removed.
1602   Cleared compilation warning on gcc-4.6.        1452   Cleared compilation warning on gcc-4.6.
1603                                                  1453 
1604 Sep. 6th, 2011,  H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-20)     1454 Sep. 6th, 2011,  H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-20)
1605 - Fix typo in Process type name in G4PhysicsL    1455 - Fix typo in Process type name in G4PhysicsListHelper
1606                                                  1456 
1607 Sep. 5th, 2011,  H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-19)     1457 Sep. 5th, 2011,  H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-19)
1608 - Remove pure virtual declaration for G4VModu    1458 - Remove pure virtual declaration for G4VModularPhysicsList::SetCuts()
1609   (G4VModularPhysicsList is not an abstract c    1459   (G4VModularPhysicsList is not an abstract class any more)
1610                                                  1460 
1611 Aug. 25th, 2011, G.Cosmo (run-V09-04-18)         1461 Aug. 25th, 2011, G.Cosmo (run-V09-04-18)
1612 - Added banner for errors and warnings in G4E    1462 - Added banner for errors and warnings in G4ExceptionHandler.
1613   Redirect warnings to cout instead of cerr.     1463   Redirect warnings to cout instead of cerr.
1614                                                  1464 
1615 Aug. 10th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-17)          1465 Aug. 10th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-17)
1616 - Introducing parallel layered mass geometry.    1466 - Introducing parallel layered mass geometry.
1617   Co-working with geommng-V09-04-03, procuts-    1467   Co-working with geommng-V09-04-03, procuts-V09-04-05, procscore-V09-04-02
1618                                                  1468 
1619 Aug. 3rd, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-16)      1469 Aug. 3rd, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-16)
1620 - Fix errors of INVALID_ITERATOR in  G4VModul    1470 - Fix errors of INVALID_ITERATOR in  G4VModularPhysicsList::RemovePhysics
1621  ()reported by Coverity)                         1471  ()reported by Coverity)
1622                                                  1472 
1623 July 24th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-15)     1473 July 24th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-15)
1624 - Fix a bug in constructor of G4VUserPhysicsL    1474 - Fix a bug in constructor of G4VUserPhysicsList
1625   (add isSetDefaultCutValue flag)                1475   (add isSetDefaultCutValue flag)
1626                                                  1476 
1627 July 2nd, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-14)      1477 July 2nd, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-14)
1628 - Fix a bug of "explicit null deferenced" in     1478 - Fix a bug of "explicit null deferenced" in G4VModularPhysicsList::RemovePhysics
1629                                                  1479 
1630 June 29th, 2011, G.Cosmo (run-V09-04-13)         1480 June 29th, 2011, G.Cosmo (run-V09-04-13)
1631 - Fix in G4UserPhysicsListMessenger construct    1481 - Fix in G4UserPhysicsListMessenger constructor for proper initialisation of UI command.
1632                                                  1482 
1633 June 21th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-12)     1483 June 21th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-12)
1634 - Fix  G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCutsWithDefault    1484 - Fix  G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCutsWithDefault()
1635   (defaultCutValues was ignored in -08~11 tag    1485   (defaultCutValues was ignored in -08~11 tag)
1636                                                  1486 
1637 June 21th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-11)     1487 June 21th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-11)
1638 - Fix typo in method name                        1488 - Fix typo in method name
1639                                                  1489 
1640 June 21th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-10)     1490 June 21th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-10)
1641 - Fix bug of lack of Rayleigh process in G4Ph    1491 - Fix bug of lack of Rayleigh process in G4PhysicsListHelper
1642                                                  1492 
1643 June 20th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-09)     1493 June 20th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-09)
1644 - Add ReadInDefaultrderingParameter() in G4Ph    1494 - Add ReadInDefaultrderingParameter() in G4PhysicsListHelper
1645  to set default values without using any file    1495  to set default values without using any file.
1646                                                  1496 
1647 June 18th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-08)     1497 June 18th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-08)
1648 - Modify to allow zero cut length                1498 - Modify to allow zero cut length
1649                                                  1499 
1650 June 11th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-07)     1500 June 11th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-07)
1651 - Added default implemenation of SetCuts         1501 - Added default implemenation of SetCuts
1652 - Added commanf of /run/getCutForAGivenPartic    1502 - Added commanf of /run/getCutForAGivenParticle
1653 - Removed obsolete method of SetCutValueForOt    1503 - Removed obsolete method of SetCutValueForOthers
1654                                                  1504 
1655 May 31st, 2011,  J.Apostolakis                   1505 May 31st, 2011,  J.Apostolakis
1656 - Ensure that a ScoreSplittingProcess is adde    1506 - Ensure that a ScoreSplittingProcess is added only once in
1657   G4RunManagerKernel::SetScoreSplitter.          1507   G4RunManagerKernel::SetScoreSplitter.
1658    Fixes PR 1218                                 1508    Fixes PR 1218
1659                                                  1509 
1660 May 20th, 2011, B.Morgan (run-V09-04-06)         1510 May 20th, 2011, B.Morgan (run-V09-04-06)
1661 - CMakeLists.txt : Added G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT c    1511 - CMakeLists.txt : Added G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT compiler definition via
1662   add_definitions so it's applied to all sour    1512   add_definitions so it's applied to all sources in this module.
1663 - sources.cmake : Fixed typo in source files     1513 - sources.cmake : Fixed typo in source files listing.
1664                                                  1514 
1665 May 10th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-05)      1515 May 10th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-05)
1666 - Fix bug in G4VUserPhysicsList::CheckParticl    1516 - Fix bug in G4VUserPhysicsList::CheckParticleList()
1667    (fDisableCheckParticleList was ignored in     1517    (fDisableCheckParticleList was ignored in previous tag)
1668                                                  1518 
1669 May 4th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-04)       1519 May 4th, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-04)
1670 - Add NULL check for theTable in G4PhysicsLis    1520 - Add NULL check for theTable in G4PhysicsListHelper
1671                                                  1521 
1672 May 3rd, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-03)       1522 May 3rd, 2011, H.Kurashige (run-V09-04-03)
1673 - Add G4PhysicsListHelper and related classes    1523 - Add G4PhysicsListHelper and related classes
1674 - Add RegisterProcess to G4VUserPhysicsList a    1524 - Add RegisterProcess to G4VUserPhysicsList and G4VPhysicsConstructor
1675 - Add ReplacePhysics in G4VModulerPhysicsList    1525 - Add ReplacePhysics in G4VModulerPhysicsList
1676 - Add typePhysics in G4VPhysicsConstructor       1526 - Add typePhysics in G4VPhysicsConstructor
1677                                                  1527 
1678 May 1st, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-02)            1528 May 1st, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-02)
1679 - Remove unnecessary AtRest GPIL of G4Paralle    1529 - Remove unnecessary AtRest GPIL of G4ParallelWorldScoringProcess.
1680                                                  1530 
1681 February 11th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-01)      1531 February 11th, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-01)
1682 - G4RunManager.hh : Additional protection aga    1532 - G4RunManager.hh : Additional protection against the failure in
1683   creating a new directory -- Problem #1157      1533   creating a new directory -- Problem #1157
1684                                                  1534 
1685 January 22nd, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-00)       1535 January 22nd, 2011, M.Asai (run-V09-04-00)
1686 - G4RunManager.hh : protection for WIN32 agai    1536 - G4RunManager.hh : protection for WIN32 against already-existing
1687   directory -- Problem #1157                     1537   directory -- Problem #1157
1688                                                  1538 
1689 December 5th, 2010, J.Allison (run-V09-03-09)    1539 December 5th, 2010, J.Allison (run-V09-03-09)
1690 - G4RunManagerKernel::RunInitialization: Noti    1540 - G4RunManagerKernel::RunInitialization: Notify Vis Manager when
1691   geometry needs to be closed.                   1541   geometry needs to be closed.
1692                                                  1542 
1693 November 24th, 2010, M.Asai (run-V09-03-08)      1543 November 24th, 2010, M.Asai (run-V09-03-08)
1694 - Adding Score Splitter process if the geomet    1544 - Adding Score Splitter process if the geometry has a regular
1695   parameterized volume.                          1545   parameterized volume.
1696 - Adding protection against particle without     1546 - Adding protection against particle without process manager.
1697                                                  1547 
1698 November 15th, 2010, M.Asai (run-V09-03-07)      1548 November 15th, 2010, M.Asai (run-V09-03-07)
1699 - Change methods name to remove ambiguity.       1549 - Change methods name to remove ambiguity.
1700     G4RunManager::ReOptimizeMotherOf() and Re    1550     G4RunManager::ReOptimizeMotherOf() and ReOptimizeForDaughtersOf().
1701                                                  1551 
1702 November 5th, 2010, M.Asai (run-V09-03-06)       1552 November 5th, 2010, M.Asai (run-V09-03-06)
1703 - Introducing two new methods in G4RunManager    1553 - Introducing two new methods in G4RunManager class
1704     G4RunManager::ReOptimizeMother() and ReOp    1554     G4RunManager::ReOptimizeMother() and ReOptimizeLogicalVolume()
1705   These methods cause re-optimization (re-vox    1555   These methods cause re-optimization (re-voxelization) of one particular
1706   logical volume without forcing re-optimizat    1556   logical volume without forcing re-optimization of the entire geometrical
1707   hierarchy.                                     1557   hierarchy.
1708                                                  1558 
1709 October 27th, 2010, G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-05)      1559 October 27th, 2010, G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-05)
1710 - Restored DLL setup as originally. Withdrawn    1560 - Restored DLL setup as originally. Withdrawn changes in last tag.
1711                                                  1561 
1712 October 19th, 2010, G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-04)      1562 October 19th, 2010, G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-04)
1713 - Replaced G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT flag with G4ALL    1563 - Replaced G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT flag with G4ALLOC_EXPORT for DLL exported
1714   symbols.                                       1564   symbols.
1715                                                  1565 
1716 September 3rd, 2010 G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-03)      1566 September 3rd, 2010 G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-03)
1717 - Added missing inclusion of <sstream> header    1567 - Added missing inclusion of <sstream> header in
1718                                                  1568 
1719 July 21st, 2010 G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-02)          1569 July 21st, 2010 G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-02)
1720 - Added dummy initialisation of data members     1570 - Added dummy initialisation of data members in constructors for classes:
1721   G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction,               1571   G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction,
1722 - Use canonical form for exceptions in G4RunM    1572 - Use canonical form for exceptions in G4RunManager and added dummy return
1723   statements; same in G4VUserPhysicsList.        1573   statements; same in G4VUserPhysicsList.
1724                                                  1574 
1725 June 10th, 2010 G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-01)          1575 June 10th, 2010 G.Cosmo (run-V09-03-01)
1726 - Fixed definition of path for Windows in G4R    1576 - Fixed definition of path for Windows in G4RunManager for random seeds
1727   directory: use '\' instead of '/' and suita    1577   directory: use '\' instead of '/' and suitable system command.
1728 - Use "const G4String&" as arguments and retu    1578 - Use "const G4String&" as arguments and return value wherever applicable
1729   in G4RunManager and G4RunManagerKernel.        1579   in G4RunManager and G4RunManagerKernel.
1730 - Avoid case of dereferencing null pointer in    1580 - Avoid case of dereferencing null pointer in G4RunManagerKernel.
1731                                                  1581 
1732 May 30th, 2010 M.Asai (run-V09-03-00)            1582 May 30th, 2010 M.Asai (run-V09-03-00)
1733 - Tag for v9.4-beta release                      1583 - Tag for v9.4-beta release
1734                                                  1584 
1735 May 11th, 2010 J.Allison                         1585 May 11th, 2010 J.Allison
1736 - Correct printing of number of events proces    1586 - Correct printing of number of events processed on run abortion.
1737                                                  1587 
1738 November 18th, 2009 G.Cosmo (run-V09-02-09)      1588 November 18th, 2009 G.Cosmo (run-V09-02-09)
1739 - Fixes to "Adjoint" classes to allow build o    1589 - Fixes to "Adjoint" classes to allow build of DLLs on Windows: renamed all
1740   methods and data holding "External" as keyw    1590   methods and data holding "External" as keyword to "Ext".
1741   Cleanup of the code: use "const G4String&"     1591   Cleanup of the code: use "const G4String&" instead of "G4String" wherever
1742   possible; use G4 types in consistent way; a    1592   possible; use G4 types in consistent way; avoid usage of "isNan"; code
1743   formatting cleanup; added Geant4 disclaimer    1593   formatting cleanup; added Geant4 disclaimer.
1744                                                  1594 
1745 November 13, 2009 Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-08)    1595 November 13, 2009 Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-08)
1746 - Fixing two minor bugs in G4RunManager and G    1596 - Fixing two minor bugs in G4RunManager and G4RunManagerKernel.
1747                                                  1597 
1748 November 6,2009 L.Desorgher (run-V09-02-07)      1598 November 6,2009 L.Desorgher (run-V09-02-07)
1749 - First commit of G4Adjoint classes for run c    1599 - First commit of G4Adjoint classes for run category
1750   New classes are G4AdjointSimManager, G4Adjo    1600   New classes are G4AdjointSimManager, G4AdjointSimMessenger, G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction
1751                                                  1601 
1752 Oct 19, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-06    1602 Oct 19, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-06)
1753 - Add /run/setCutForAGivenParticle command in    1603 - Add /run/setCutForAGivenParticle command in G4UserPhysicsListMessenger
1754                                                  1604 
1755 Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-05)                      1605 Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-05)
1756 Sep 20, 2009, Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-05)        1606 Sep 20, 2009, Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-05)
1757 - G4RunManagerKernel checks G4VUserPhysicsLis    1607 - G4RunManagerKernel checks G4VUserPhysicsList to confirm no particle
1758   is registered when G4RunManagerKernel is in    1608   is registered when G4RunManagerKernel is instantiated.
1759                                                  1609 
1760 Aug 10, 2009, Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-04)        1610 Aug 10, 2009, Makoto Asai (run-V09-02-04)
1761 - G4RunManagerKernel now invokes G4VUserPhysi    1611 - G4RunManagerKernel now invokes G4VUserPhysicsList::CheckParticleList
1762   just before invoking G4VUserPhysicsList::Se    1612   just before invoking G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCuts.
1763                                                  1613 
1764 Aug 05, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-03    1614 Aug 05, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-03)
1765 - Add G4VUserPhysicsList::DisableCheckParticl    1615 - Add G4VUserPhysicsList::DisableCheckParticleList method
1766 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList::CheckParticleLis    1616 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList::CheckParticleList to check existence
1767    of any EM processes                           1617    of any EM processes
1768                                                  1618 
1769 Aug 03, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-02    1619 Aug 03, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-02)
1770 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList to fit with proto    1620 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList to fit with proton cuts
1771 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList::BuildPhysicsTabl    1621 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList::BuildPhysicsTable
1772   to avoid problem  when ions are created in     1622   to avoid problem  when ions are created in Pre-Init state
1773                                                  1623 
1774 May 22nd, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-    1624 May 22nd, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-01)
1775 - Add G4VUserPhysicsList::CheckParticleList()    1625 - Add G4VUserPhysicsList::CheckParticleList() to check consistencies of
1776   list of particles before constructing proce    1626   list of particles before constructing processes
1777 - Change severity of G4Exception in G4VUserPh    1627 - Change severity of G4Exception in G4VUserPhysicsList
1778   'FatalException' is assigned if core dump i    1628   'FatalException' is assigned if core dump is foreseen
1779                                                  1629 
1780 May 21st, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-    1630 May 21st, 2009, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-02-00)
1781 - Add check of process manager in G4VUserPhys    1631 - Add check of process manager in G4VUserPhysicsList::BuildPhysicsTable
1782                                                  1632 
1783 July  10th, 2008, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V09-01-    1633 July  10th, 2008, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V09-01-02)
1784 - G4RunManagerKernel: avoid deletion of defau    1634 - G4RunManagerKernel: avoid deletion of default root-region which is now
1785   taken care by the geometry stores. It resol    1635   taken care by the geometry stores. It resolves the ambiguity of explicitely
1786   avoiding the de-registration and deletion o    1636   avoiding the de-registration and deletion of the default root-region by
1787   the stores and eliminates the limitation of    1637   the stores and eliminates the limitation of forcing the world logical-volume
1788   being the first registered in the logical-v    1638   being the first registered in the logical-volumes store.
1789 - Coworks with tag "geommng-V09-01-05".          1639 - Coworks with tag "geommng-V09-01-05".
1790                                                  1640 
1791 May   09th, 2008, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-0    1641 May   09th, 2008, Hisaya Kurashige (run-V09-01-01)
1792 - Invoke G4Particle::DeleteAllParticles() in     1642 - Invoke G4Particle::DeleteAllParticles() in the destructor of G4VUserPhysicsList
1793                                                  1643 
1794 April 30th, 2008, Makoto Asai (run-V09-01-00)    1644 April 30th, 2008, Makoto Asai (run-V09-01-00)
1795 - Added G4Transportation process to short-liv    1645 - Added G4Transportation process to short-lived particles in G4VUserPhysicsList
1796   in order to fix the problem found for infin    1646   in order to fix the problem found for infinitesimal but non-zero decay length.
1797                                                  1647 
1798 November 16th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-    1648 November 16th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-06)
1799 - Re-order the commands in G4RunMessenger so     1649 - Re-order the commands in G4RunMessenger so that obsolete commands appear last.
1800                                                  1650 
1801 November 15th, 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V09-    1651 November 15th, 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V09-00-05)
1802 - Corrected inclusion of Randomize.hh header     1652 - Corrected inclusion of Randomize.hh header and use of CLHEP namespace.
1803                                                  1653 
1804 November 13th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-    1654 November 13th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-04)
1805 - Introducing a new /random/setSeeds command     1655 - Introducing a new /random/setSeeds command which allows to set seeds.
1806 - Now /random/setDirectoryName command create    1656 - Now /random/setDirectoryName command creates directories as needed.
1807                                                  1657 
1808 November 8th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-0    1658 November 8th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-03)
1809 - Obsolete UI commands now do nothing except     1659 - Obsolete UI commands now do nothing except warning messages.
1810                                                  1660 
1811 September 23rd, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00    1661 September 23rd, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-02)
1812 - Re-tagged with new tag name.                   1662 - Re-tagged with new tag name.
1813 - G4VUserPhysicsList::AddTransportation() tem    1663 - G4VUserPhysicsList::AddTransportation() temporarily checks the existance
1814  of G4ScoringManager.                            1664  of G4ScoringManager.
1815                                                  1665 
1816 August 30th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V009-00-0    1666 August 30th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V009-00-01)
1817 - First implementation of interactive paralle    1667 - First implementation of interactive parallel world scoring.
1818 - Co-working with digits_hits-V09-00-01, proc    1668 - Co-working with digits_hits-V09-00-01, procman-V09-00-00, config-V09-00-00
1819                                                  1669 
1820 July 13th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-00)     1670 July 13th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V09-00-00)
1821 - Co-working with the new G4ScoringManager.      1671 - Co-working with the new G4ScoringManager.
1822                                                  1672 
1823 June 20th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-07)     1673 June 20th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-07)
1824 - Fixed seg fault with stacking events (Bug r    1674 - Fixed seg fault with stacking events (Bug report #951).
1825                                                  1675 
1826 June 15th, 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-03-0    1676 June 15th, 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-03-06)
1827 - Fixed leak in G4VModularPhysicsList: delete    1677 - Fixed leak in G4VModularPhysicsList: delete allocated 'physicsVector'
1828   in destructor.                                 1678   in destructor.
1829                                                  1679 
1830 May 30th, 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-03-05    1680 May 30th, 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-03-05)
1831 - Temporarly restored switching mechanism for    1681 - Temporarly restored switching mechanism for G4CoupledTransportation,
1832   activated if parallel geometry is registere    1682   activated if parallel geometry is registered.
1833 - Removed UseG4Transportation8() method to G4    1683 - Removed UseG4Transportation8() method to G4VUserPhysicsList and
1834   /run/useOldTransportation command to G4User    1684   /run/useOldTransportation command to G4UserPhysicsListMessenger.
1835                                                  1685 
1836 May 24th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-04)      1686 May 24th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-04)
1837 - Fixed the name of random number status file    1687 - Fixed the name of random number status file.
1838                                                  1688 
1839 May 21st, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-03)      1689 May 21st, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-03)
1840 - Fixed against accessing to the world logica    1690 - Fixed against accessing to the world logical volume that had already been deleted.
1841                                                  1691 
1842 May 9th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-02)       1692 May 9th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-02)
1843 - In G4RunManagerKernel, UpdateRegion() metho    1693 - In G4RunManagerKernel, UpdateRegion() method now internally invokes CheckRegions() method
1844   to make sure all region information are upd    1694   to make sure all region information are updated.
1845                                                  1695 
1846 May 7th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-01)       1696 May 7th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-01)
1847 - Add UseG4Transportation8() method to G4VUse    1697 - Add UseG4Transportation8() method to G4VUserPhysicsList and /run/useOldTransportation
1848   command to G4UserPhysicsListMessenger. This    1698   command to G4UserPhysicsListMessenger. This option works only prior to /run/initialize
1849   and also wothout a parallel world.             1699   and also wothout a parallel world.
1850                                                  1700 
1851 May 4th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-00)       1701 May 4th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-03-00)
1852 - Remove switching mechanism of G4CoupledTran    1702 - Remove switching mechanism of G4CoupledTransportation.
1853                                                  1703 
1854 May 3rd, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-03)       1704 May 3rd, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-03)
1855 - Fix memory leak in G4VUserPhysicsList.         1705 - Fix memory leak in G4VUserPhysicsList.
1856 - G4VUserDetectorConstruction class now has a    1706 - G4VUserDetectorConstruction class now has access methods to the parallel worlds.
1857                                                  1707 
1858 March 8th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-02)     1708 March 8th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-02)
1859 - Consolidation of previous tag with a new G4    1709 - Consolidation of previous tag with a new G4RunManager flag and corresponding UI command.
1860                                                  1710 
1861 March 5th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-01)     1711 March 5th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-01)
1862 - Prevent from unnecessary creation of G4Stri    1712 - Prevent from unnecessary creation of G4String objects in G4Event, which were
1863 default for random number status.                1713 default for random number status.
1864                                                  1714 
1865 January 19th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-0    1715 January 19th, 2007, Makoto Asai (run-V08-02-00)
1866 - Fix to make G4RunManager::NumberOfEventToBe    1716 - Fix to make G4RunManager::NumberOfEventToBeStored() work properly
1867   (addressing to bug#925)                        1717   (addressing to bug#925)
1868 - Add protection against missing particle typ    1718 - Add protection against missing particle types before BuildPhysicsTable
1869   is invoked (addressing to bug#923)             1719   is invoked (addressing to bug#923)
1870                                                  1720 
1871 December 1st, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-0    1721 December 1st, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-06)
1872 - Fixed memory leak at initialisation in G4Ma    1722 - Fixed memory leak at initialisation in G4MatScanMessenger.
1873 - Modified CheckRegions() method not to use i    1723 - Modified CheckRegions() method not to use inefficient and obsolete
1874   SetWorld() method in G4RegionStore. Set wor    1724   SetWorld() method in G4RegionStore. Set world volumes to regions directly
1875   and more efficiently by retrieving the list    1725   and more efficiently by retrieving the list of worlds from
1876   G4TransportationManager.                       1726   G4TransportationManager.
1877                                                  1727 
1878 November 30th, 2006, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-    1728 November 30th, 2006, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-01-05)
1879 - In destructor of G4RunManagerKernel, allow     1729 - In destructor of G4RunManagerKernel, allow for proper deletion of
1880   default region and deallocation of units fr    1730   default region and deallocation of units from the G4UnitsTable.
1881 - Synchronised files with HEAD.                  1731 - Synchronised files with HEAD.
1882 - Coworks with tags: "global-V08-01-07" and "    1732 - Coworks with tags: "global-V08-01-07" and "geommng-V08-01-08".
1883                                                  1733 
1884 November 20th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-    1734 November 20th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-04)
1885 - Re-tagged with correct files.                  1735 - Re-tagged with correct files.
1886                                                  1736 
1887 November 17th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-    1737 November 17th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-03)
1888 - Update History file to include all the deve    1738 - Update History file to include all the developments made in cvs branch.
1889                                                  1739 
1890 November 15th, 2006, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-    1740 November 15th, 2006, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-01-02)
1891 - Added call to the FPE handler in constructo    1741 - Added call to the FPE handler in constructor of G4RunManagerKernel.
1892   The call is activated if the flag G4FPE_DEB    1742   The call is activated if the flag G4FPE_DEBUG is set in the environment
1893   at compilation. Allows for catching of NaNs    1743   at compilation. Allows for catching of NaNs in applications for debug.
1894 - Updated GNUmakefile accordingly.               1744 - Updated GNUmakefile accordingly.
1895 - Coworks with tag "global-V08-01-05".           1745 - Coworks with tag "global-V08-01-05".
1896                                                  1746 
1897 November 14th, 2006, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-    1747 November 14th, 2006, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V08-01-01)
1898 - Bringing in changes from branch tag (run-V0    1748 - Bringing in changes from branch tag (run-V08-01-ref04-03).
1899  - Added mechanism for detecting presence of     1749  - Added mechanism for detecting presence of parallel word registered
1900   and allow switching of transportation in G4    1750   and allow switching of transportation in G4VUserPhysicsList.
1901  - G4Run object is now kept until the beginin    1751  - G4Run object is now kept until the begining of the next run, so that
1902   the user can have an access to the valid G4    1752   the user can have an access to the valid G4Run pointer during the
1903   Idle state after the run.                      1753   Idle state after the run.
1904  - Events can be kept un-deleted, stored in G    1754  - Events can be kept un-deleted, stored in G4Run, and persist until
1905   the deletion of G4Run objects.                 1755   the deletion of G4Run objects.
1906                                                  1756 
1907 June 9th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-00)      1757 June 9th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-01-00)
1908 - Introducing G4VUserParallelWorld class and     1758 - Introducing G4VUserParallelWorld class and related changes in G4RunManager
1909   and G4VUserDetectorConstruction classes.       1759   and G4VUserDetectorConstruction classes.
1910                                                  1760 
1911 May 16th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-03)      1761 May 16th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-03)
1912 - Add a command in G4MatScanMessenger.           1762 - Add a command in G4MatScanMessenger.
1913                                                  1763 
1914 May 10th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-02)      1764 May 10th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-02)
1915 - Fix GNUmakefile to avoid a loop dependency.    1765 - Fix GNUmakefile to avoid a loop dependency.
1916                                                  1766 
1917 May 6th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-01)       1767 May 6th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-01)
1918 - Store random number status to G4Run and G4E    1768 - Store random number status to G4Run and G4Event.
1919                                                  1769 
1920 May 5th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-00)       1770 May 5th, 2006, Makoto Asai (run-V08-00-00)
1921 - Introducing the material scanner utility.      1771 - Introducing the material scanner utility.
1922                                                  1772 
1923 November 28th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-    1773 November 28th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-08)
1924 - In, changed inclusion    1774 - In, changed inclusion of version.hh to G4Version.hh.
1925   Coworks with tag "global-V07-01-05".           1775   Coworks with tag "global-V07-01-05".
1926                                                  1776 
1927 November 22th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-    1777 November 22th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-07)
1928 - Put G4Exception to the constructors of G4VU    1778 - Put G4Exception to the constructors of G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction and
1929   G4UserRunAction to protect against their in    1779   G4UserRunAction to protect against their instantiation before G4VUserPhysicsList
1930   is instantiated and set to G4RunManager.       1780   is instantiated and set to G4RunManager.
1931 - Remove redundant invokation of G4VUserPhysi    1781 - Remove redundant invokation of G4VUserPhysicsList::ConstructParticle() from
1932   G4RunManagerKernel::InitializePhysics().       1782   G4RunManagerKernel::InitializePhysics().
1933                                                  1783 
1934 November 10th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-    1784 November 10th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-06)
1935 - In, invokation of G4P    1785 - In, invokation of G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->SetReadiness();
1936   has been moved from the constructor to SetP    1786   has been moved from the constructor to SetPhysics() method.
1937 - This change enforces that all particles mus    1787 - This change enforces that all particles must be instantiated in ConstructParticle() method
1938   in the physics list along with the introduc    1788   in the physics list along with the introduction of non-static particle definition classes
1939   in the tag particles-V07-01-02.                1789   in the tag particles-V07-01-02.
1940                                                  1790 
1941 November 9th, 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V07-0    1791 November 9th, 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V07-01-05)
1942 - Implemented migration to <sstream> from dep    1792 - Implemented migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strstream>.
1943 - Added changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X.      1793 - Added changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X.
1944                                                  1794 
1945 November 7th, 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V07-0    1795 November 7th, 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (run-V07-01-04)
1946 - Added graphics_reps to CPPFLAGS in GNUmakef    1796 - Added graphics_reps to CPPFLAGS in GNUmakefile, following the changes
1947   introduced in tag "run-V07-01-02" for migra    1797   introduced in tag "run-V07-01-02" for migration of vis code.
1948 - Use version.hh for version and date in G4Ru    1798 - Use version.hh for version and date in G4RunManagerKernel constructor.
1949                                                  1799 
1950 October 28th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-0    1800 October 28th, 2005, Makoto Asai (run-V07-01-03)
1951 - Working tag for merging "envelope" to G4Reg    1801 - Working tag for merging "envelope" to G4Region.
1952 - This tag does NOT contain run-V07-01-02 tag    1802 - This tag does NOT contain run-V07-01-02 tag.
1953                                                  1803 
1954 October 20, 2005, Joseph Perl (run-V07-01-02)    1804 October 20, 2005, Joseph Perl (run-V07-01-02)
1955 - Tag to co-work with vis-V07-01-05.             1805 - Tag to co-work with vis-V07-01-05.
1956                                                  1806 
1957 October 17th, 2005 Jane Tinslay                  1807 October 17th, 2005 Jane Tinslay
1958 - Modify GNUmakefile to follow intercoms->gra    1808 - Modify GNUmakefile to follow intercoms->graphics_reps migration for
1959   G4VGraphicsScene and G4VVisManager             1809   G4VGraphicsScene and G4VVisManager
1960                                                  1810 
1961 September 26th, 2005 G.Cosmo (run-V07-01-01)     1811 September 26th, 2005 G.Cosmo (run-V07-01-01)
1962 - Removed definition of G4Allocator<G4Run> af    1812 - Removed definition of G4Allocator<G4Run> after changes made in
1963   previous tag (fixed compilation error for r    1813   previous tag (fixed compilation error for run-V07-01-00).
1964                                                  1814 
1965 September 19th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-01-00)      1815 September 19th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-01-00)
1966 - Cosmetic changes in G4Run.                     1816 - Cosmetic changes in G4Run.
1967                                                  1817 
1968 June 17th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-05)           1818 June 17th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-05)
1969 - Changed version string in G4RunManagerKerne    1819 - Changed version string in G4RunManagerKernel not to have CVS version string.
1970                                                  1820 
1971 June 13th, 2005 G.Cosmo (run-V07-00-04)          1821 June 13th, 2005 G.Cosmo (run-V07-00-04)
1972 - Changed date to G4RunManagerKernel for rele    1822 - Changed date to G4RunManagerKernel for release 7.1.
1973                                                  1823 
1974 June 11th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-03)           1824 June 11th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-03)
1975 - Add SetPrimaryTransformer method to RunMana    1825 - Add SetPrimaryTransformer method to RunManager and RunManagerKernel.
1976                                                  1826 
1977 May 30th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-02)            1827 May 30th, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-02)
1978 - Messages about defined particles and physic    1828 - Messages about defined particles and physics tables are now printed
1979   out only for verbose level greater than 1.     1829   out only for verbose level greater than 1.
1980                                                  1830 
1981 March 22nd, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-01)          1831 March 22nd, 2005 M.Asai (run-V07-00-01)
1982 - Moved invocation of ConstructParticle() met    1832 - Moved invocation of ConstructParticle() method back to the original place in InitializePhysics().
1983                                                  1833 
1984 February 17th, 2005 G.Cosmo (run-V07-00-00)      1834 February 17th, 2005 G.Cosmo (run-V07-00-00)
1985 - Changed date in G4RunManagerKernel for patc    1835 - Changed date in G4RunManagerKernel for patch-01 to release 7.0.
1986                                                  1836 
1987 December 30th, 2004 M.Asai                       1837 December 30th, 2004 M.Asai
1988 - Reset static pointers for G4RunManager and     1838 - Reset static pointers for G4RunManager and G4RunManagerKernel when
1989   RunManager is deleted.                         1839   RunManager is deleted.
1990                                                  1840 
1991 December 7th, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-02-08)       1841 December 7th, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-02-08)
1992 - Changed date in G4RunManagerKernel for rele    1842 - Changed date in G4RunManagerKernel for release 7.0.
1993                                                  1843 
1994 November 27th, 2004 H.Kurashige (run-V06-02-0    1844 November 27th, 2004 H.Kurashige (run-V06-02-07)
1995 - Change "ConstructParticle" and "ConstructPr    1845 - Change "ConstructParticle" and "ConstructProcess" methods to 'public'
1996                                                  1846 
1997 November 25th, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-06)       1847 November 25th, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-06)
1998 - Fix a wrong behaviour of G4RunManager when     1848 - Fix a wrong behaviour of G4RunManager when the user modifies his/her
1999   geometry without replacing the world.          1849   geometry without replacing the world.
2000                                                  1850 
2001 November 1st,  2004 H.Kurashige (run-V06-02-0    1851 November 1st,  2004 H.Kurashige (run-V06-02-05)
2002 - Add PreparePhysicsTable for nucleus process    1852 - Add PreparePhysicsTable for nucleus process initialization
2003                                                  1853 
2004 October 25,  2004 H.Kurashige (run-V06-02-04)    1854 October 25,  2004 H.Kurashige (run-V06-02-04)
2005 - Modify BuildPhysicsTable for new scheme of     1855 - Modify BuildPhysicsTable for new scheme of Store/RetrievePhysicsTable
2006                                                  1856 
2007 September 24, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-03)        1857 September 24, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-03)
2008 - Temporarily allow the use of G4ParticleTabl    1858 - Temporarily allow the use of G4ParticleTable before the construction of physics table.
2009                                                  1859 
2010 August 30, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-02)           1860 August 30, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-02)
2011 - G4RunManagerKernel lets G4ParticleTable kno    1861 - G4RunManagerKernel lets G4ParticleTable know once the physics list
2012   is instantiated and set to G4RunManagerKern    1862   is instantiated and set to G4RunManagerKernel.
2013                                                  1863 
2014 August 10, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-01)           1864 August 10, 2004 M.Asai (run-V06-02-01)
2015 - G4VUserPhysicsList::GenerateParticles() is     1865 - G4VUserPhysicsList::GenerateParticles() is now invoked directly from
2016  G4RunManagerKernel.                             1866  G4RunManagerKernel.
2017                                                  1867 
2018 July 21, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-02-00)            1868 July 21, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-02-00)
2019 - Changed date for release 6.2-patch01.          1869 - Changed date for release 6.2-patch01.
2020                                                  1870 
2021 June 11, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-01-03)            1871 June 11, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-01-03)
2022 - Use global flag G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT to expor    1872 - Use global flag G4RUN_ALLOC_EXPORT to export extern symbols for DLLs.
2023   Modified GNUmakefile and rearranged usage o    1873   Modified GNUmakefile and rearranged usage of extern symbols in G4Run.
2024                                                  1874 
2025 June 09, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-01-02)            1875 June 09, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-01-02)
2026 - Adopt G4DLLIMPORT/G4DLLEXPORT technique to     1876 - Adopt G4DLLIMPORT/G4DLLEXPORT technique to handle extern simbols for
2027   allowing support of DLLs on Windows.           1877   allowing support of DLLs on Windows.
2028 - Coworks with "global-V06-01-02b".              1878 - Coworks with "global-V06-01-02b".
2029                                                  1879 
2030 June 04, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-01-01)            1880 June 04, 2004 G.Cosmo (run-V06-01-01)
2031 - Updated date in G4RunManagerKernel for rele    1881 - Updated date in G4RunManagerKernel for release 6.2.
2032 - Export extern symbols for allowing support     1882 - Export extern symbols for allowing support of DLLs on Windows.
2033   Modified G4Run.hh.                             1883   Modified G4Run.hh.
2034 - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS f    1884 - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS for DLLs support on Windows.
2035 - Coworks with "global-V06-01-02a".              1885 - Coworks with "global-V06-01-02a".
2036                                                  1886 
2037 May 04, 2004, M.Asai (run-V06-01-00)             1887 May 04, 2004, M.Asai (run-V06-01-00)
2038 - Access methods to G4TrackingManager and G4S    1888 - Access methods to G4TrackingManager and G4StackManager are added
2039   to G4RunManagerKernel.                         1889   to G4RunManagerKernel.
2040                                                  1890 
2041 March 18, 2004, M.Asai (run-V06-00-02)           1891 March 18, 2004, M.Asai (run-V06-00-02)
2042 - Added NIM reference to header and WWW info.    1892 - Added NIM reference to header and WWW info.
2043 - Changed date for release 6.1.                  1893 - Changed date for release 6.1.
2044                                                  1894 
2045 March 15, 2004, M.Asai (run-V06-00-01)           1895 March 15, 2004, M.Asai (run-V06-00-01)
2046 - Invokation of G4Navigator::LocateGlobalPoin    1896 - Invokation of G4Navigator::LocateGlobalPointAndSetup() is now moved to
2047   G4EventManager so that the navigator is res    1897   G4EventManager so that the navigator is reset for every event.
2048                                                  1898 
2049 February 09, 2004, G.Cosmo (run-V06-00-00)       1899 February 09, 2004, G.Cosmo (run-V06-00-00)
2050 - Changed date for patch-01 to release 6.0.      1900 - Changed date for patch-01 to release 6.0.
2051                                                  1901 
2052 December 09, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-02-10)       1902 December 09, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-02-10)
2053 - Changed date for release 6.0.                  1903 - Changed date for release 6.0.
2054                                                  1904 
2055 November 12, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-09)        1905 November 12, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-09)
2056 - Remove dedicated treatment of anti-proton,     1906 - Remove dedicated treatment of anti-proton, neutron and anti-neutron
2057   from BuildPhysicsTable of UserPhysicsList.     1907   from BuildPhysicsTable of UserPhysicsList.
2058                                                  1908 
2059 November 04, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-08)        1909 November 04, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-08)
2060 - Cosmetic changes of messages for storing/re    1910 - Cosmetic changes of messages for storing/retreiving physics table
2061                                                  1911 
2062 November 03, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-07)        1912 November 03, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-07)
2063 - Introducing PhysicsHasBeenModified() method    1913 - Introducing PhysicsHasBeenModified() method in G4RunManagerKernel class
2064   and relared wrapper methods in G4RunManager    1914   and relared wrapper methods in G4RunManager and G4RunMessenger.
2065                                                  1915 
2066 November 3, 2003, H.Kurashige (run-V05-02-06)    1916 November 3, 2003, H.Kurashige (run-V05-02-06)
2067 - G4VUserPhysicsList:                            1917 - G4VUserPhysicsList:
2068   o Clean Up error messages for store/retreiv    1918   o Clean Up error messages for store/retreiving physcs table
2069                                                  1919 
2070 October 21, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-05)         1920 October 21, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-05)
2071 - G4RunManagerKernel:                            1921 - G4RunManagerKernel:
2072   o Protect against a region which does not h    1922   o Protect against a region which does not have a cut pointer.
2073                                                  1923 
2074 October 4, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-02-04)         1924 October 4, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-02-04)
2075 - GNUmakefile:                                   1925 - GNUmakefile:
2076   o added dependency to new module "geometry/    1926   o added dependency to new module "geometry/navigation".
2077   o replaced "digits+hits" with "digits_hits"    1927   o replaced "digits+hits" with "digits_hits".
2078 - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digi    1928 - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digits_hits-V05-02-00".
2079                                                  1929 
2080 September 25, 2003, H.Kurashige (run-V05-02-0    1930 September 25, 2003, H.Kurashige (run-V05-02-03)
2081 - Modify GNUmakefile for processes/cuts categ    1931 - Modify GNUmakefile for processes/cuts category
2082                                                  1932 
2083 September 09, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-02)       1933 September 09, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-02)
2084 - Fix a typo in G4VUserPhysicsList.              1934 - Fix a typo in G4VUserPhysicsList.
2085                                                  1935 
2086 August 25, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-02-01)         1936 August 25, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-02-01)
2087 - changed date for release 5    1937 - changed date for release 5.2-patch01.
2088                                                  1938 
2089 August 01, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-00)          1939 August 01, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-02-00)
2090 - Introducing G4RunManagerKernel class.          1940 - Introducing G4RunManagerKernel class.
2091                                                  1941 
2092 June 19, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-01-04)           1942 June 19, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-01-04)
2093 - check IsShortLived()    1943 - check IsShortLived() before building the
2094   physics table in BuildPhysicsTable(). (V.Iv    1944   physics table in BuildPhysicsTable(). (V.Ivantchenko)
2095 - changed date for release 5    1945 - changed date for release 5.2.
2096                                                  1946 
2097 May 21, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-01-03)             1947 May 21, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-01-03)
2098 - G4RunManager : Old world logical volume to     1948 - G4RunManager : Old world logical volume to be removed from the default region
2099                                                  1949 
2100 May 21, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-01-02)             1950 May 21, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-01-02)
2101 - Clean up unused variables.                     1951 - Clean up unused variables.
2102                                                  1952 
2103 May 16, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-01-01)            1953 May 16, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-01-01)
2104 - changed date for 5.1-patch    1954 - changed date for 5.1-patch01.
2105                                                  1955 
2106 May 06, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-01-00)            1956 May 06, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-01-00)
2107 - G4RunManager[]: changed behavior of fu    1957 - G4RunManager[]: changed behavior of function DefineWorldVolume()
2108   to properly reset navigation history and op    1958   to properly reset navigation history and optimisation in case the
2109   topology of the geometry has changed betwee    1959   topology of the geometry has changed between runs.
2110   It requires simplification of all examples/    1960   It requires simplification of all examples/tests where geometry setup
2111   is changed between runs.                       1961   is changed between runs.
2112   o Added new boolean argument (default set t    1962   o Added new boolean argument (default set to TRUE) to specify if
2113     topology has changed. Call to DefineWorld    1963     topology has changed. Call to DefineWorldVolume() at initialisation
2114     will use FALSE as value for this argument    1964     will use FALSE as value for this argument.
2115   o Forced open/close geometry in method Rese    1965   o Forced open/close geometry in method ResetNavigator() to properly
2116     reset G4Navigator status and remove old o    1966     reset G4Navigator status and remove old optimisations.
2117                                                  1967 
2118 Apr 29, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-17)             1968 Apr 29, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-17)
2119 - changed impl    1969 - changed implementation in
2120   SetNewValue() for command 'setCutRCmd' to a    1970   SetNewValue() for command 'setCutRCmd' to allow porting on
2121   gcc-3.2 and WIN32-VC. Use istrstream instea    1971   gcc-3.2 and WIN32-VC. Use istrstream instead of G4Tokenizer.
2122                                                  1972 
2123 Apr 25, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-16)            1973 Apr 25, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-16)
2124 - fixed typo in defini    1974 - fixed typo in definition of ResetCuts().
2125                                                  1975 
2126 Apr 24, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-15)             1976 Apr 24, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-15)
2127 - Invoke BuildPhysicsTable for dynamically cr    1977 - Invoke BuildPhysicsTable for dynamically created ions.
2128                                                  1978 
2129 Apr 23, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-14)             1979 Apr 23, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-14)
2130 - Add a data member to G4Run.                    1980 - Add a data member to G4Run.
2131                                                  1981 
2132 Apr 23, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-13)            1982 Apr 23, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-13)
2133 - Changed date for release 5.1 in G4RunManage    1983 - Changed date for release 5.1 in G4RunManager.
2134                                                  1984 
2135 Apr 16, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-12)             1985 Apr 16, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-12)
2136 - Remove features in tag run-05-00-09 but inc    1986 - Remove features in tag run-05-00-09 but include later tags.
2137                                                  1987 
2138 Apr 14, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-11)             1988 Apr 14, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-11)
2139 - Recover /run/particle/dumpCutValues command    1989 - Recover /run/particle/dumpCutValues command.
2140                                                  1990 
2141 Apr 11, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-10)             1991 Apr 11, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-10)
2142 - Recover /run/particle/applyCuts command.       1992 - Recover /run/particle/applyCuts command.
2143                                                  1993 
2144 Apr 03, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-09)             1994 Apr 03, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-09)
2145 - G4RunManager::DefineWorldVolume() now invok    1995 - G4RunManager::DefineWorldVolume() now invokes ResetNavigator().
2146                                                  1996 
2147 Mar 17, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-08)             1997 Mar 17, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-08)
2148 - Recover obsolete commands of /run/particle.    1998 - Recover obsolete commands of /run/particle.
2149                                                  1999 
2150 Mar 14, 2003, H.Kurashige (run-V05-00-07)        2000 Mar 14, 2003, H.Kurashige (run-V05-00-07)
2151 - Revert G4VUserPhysicsList::ResetCuts           2001 - Revert G4VUserPhysicsList::ResetCuts
2152                                                  2002 
2153 Mar 11, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-06)             2003 Mar 11, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-06)
2154 - Added commands for SetCuts.                    2004 - Added commands for SetCuts.
2155 - Implemented store/retreive physics list.       2005 - Implemented store/retreive physics list.
2156 - Removed BuildPhysicsTable from Initialize a    2006 - Removed BuildPhysicsTable from Initialize and moved to BeamOn
2157                                                  2007 
2158 Mar 10, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-05)             2008 Mar 10, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-05)
2159 - Added GenerateRun method in G4UserRunAction    2009 - Added GenerateRun method in G4UserRunAction.
2160                                                  2010 
2161 Feb 19, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-04)            2011 Feb 19, 2003, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-04)
2162 - Moved warning for usage of SetCutValueForOt    2012 - Moved warning for usage of SetCutValueForOthers() from G4cerr to G4cout.
2163                                                  2013 
2164 Jan 31, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-03)             2014 Jan 31, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-03)
2165 - Fixed initialisation of world-volume pointe    2015 - Fixed initialisation of world-volume pointer in DefineWorldVolume(), to
2166   make it not-ambiguous.                         2016   make it not-ambiguous.
2167                                                  2017 
2168 Jan 30, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-02)             2018 Jan 30, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-02)
2169 - Removed call to RemoveRootLogicalVolume() i    2019 - Removed call to RemoveRootLogicalVolume() in method DefineWorldVolume().
2170   Now root regions are deregistered directly     2020   Now root regions are deregistered directly from the logical volume store,
2171   when the destructor of a logical volume is     2021   when the destructor of a logical volume is invoked.
2172                                                  2022 
2173 Jan 14, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-01)             2023 Jan 14, 2003, M.Asai (run-V05-00-01)
2174 - Fix problems in run-V05-00-00 tag              2024 - Fix problems in run-V05-00-00 tag
2175                                                  2025 
2176 Dec 16, 2002, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-00)            2026 Dec 16, 2002, G.Cosmo (run-V05-00-00)
2177 - Merged branch "geant4-04-01-ref-02-cuts-bra    2027 - Merged branch "geant4-04-01-ref-02-cuts-branch" to HEAD.
2178   Included development for 'cuts-by-region':     2028   Included development for 'cuts-by-region':
2179   o In G4VUserPhysicsList, removed the follow    2029   o In G4VUserPhysicsList, removed the following methods:
2180     ReCalcCutValue(), SetCutValueForOthers(),    2030     ReCalcCutValue(), SetCutValueForOthers(), SetCutValueForOtherThan(),
2181     ReCalcCutValueForOthers(), StoreMaterialI    2031     ReCalcCutValueForOthers(), StoreMaterialInfo(), StoreCutValues(),
2182     RetrieveCutValues(), CheckForRetrievePhys    2032     RetrieveCutValues(), CheckForRetrievePhysicsTable(), CheckMaterialInfo().
2183     Added method BuildPhysicsTable().            2033     Added method BuildPhysicsTable().
2184   o Modified G4RunManger to properly handle n    2034   o Modified G4RunManger to properly handle new cuts scheme based on regions.
2185                                                  2035 
2186 Dec 12, 2002, G.Cosmo (run-V04-01-07)            2036 Dec 12, 2002, G.Cosmo (run-V04-01-07)
2187 - Updated date to for release    2037 - Updated date to for release 5.0.
2188                                                  2038 
2189 Dec 4, 2002, M.Asai (run-V04-01-05, run-V04-0    2039 Dec 4, 2002, M.Asai (run-V04-01-05, run-V04-01-06)
2190 - Migration to new G4ApplicationState.           2040 - Migration to new G4ApplicationState.
2191                                                  2041 
2192 Nov 27, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-04)              2042 Nov 27, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-04)
2193 - Fix memory leak in G4RunManager by deleting    2043 - Fix memory leak in G4RunManager by deleting G4ExceptionHandler object.
2194                                                  2044 
2195 Aug 20, 2002 R. Chytracek (run-V04-01-03)        2045 Aug 20, 2002 R. Chytracek (run-V04-01-03)
2196 - Introducing ResetNavigator() method needed     2046 - Introducing ResetNavigator() method needed in cases where a geometry
2197   has been modified between runs in order to     2047   has been modified between runs in order to properly re-initialize navigator's
2198   state                                          2048   state
2199                                                  2049 
2200 Aug 19, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-02)              2050 Aug 19, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-02)
2201 - Introducing a new G4Exception scheme           2051 - Introducing a new G4Exception scheme
2202  Added : G4ExceptionHandler.hh G4ExceptionHan    2052  Added : G4ExceptionHandler.hh
2203  Modified : G4RunManager.hh      2053  Modified : G4RunManager.hh
2204                                                  2054 
2205 Aug 13, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-01)              2055 Aug 13, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-01)
2206 - G4RunManager sets "eventAbortion" flag of G    2056 - G4RunManager sets "eventAbortion" flag of G4Event if that particular event is
2207   aborted. Co-working with "event-V04-01-01"     2057   aborted. Co-working with "event-V04-01-01" and "tracking-V04-01-00".
2208                                                  2058 
2209 Aug 13, 2002 M.Dressel                           2059 Aug 13, 2002 M.Dressel
2210 - removed the files I have placed in run:        2060 - removed the files I have placed in run:
2211  include/G4MapPtkStandardCellScorer.hh           2061  include/G4MapPtkStandardCellScorer.hh
2212  include/G4ParallelSamplerMessenger.hh           2062  include/G4ParallelSamplerMessenger.hh
2213  include/G4StandardCellScoreValues.hh            2063  include/G4StandardCellScoreValues.hh
2214  include/G4StandardCellScorer.hh                 2064  include/G4StandardCellScorer.hh
2215  include/G4StandardScoreTable.hh                 2065  include/G4StandardScoreTable.hh
2216  include/G4StandardScorer.hh                     2066  include/G4StandardScorer.hh
2217  src/               2067  src/
2218  src/               2068  src/
2219  src/                     2069  src/
2220  src/                     2070  src/
2221  src/                     2071  src/
2222  src/                         2072  src/
2223                                                  2073 
2224 Aug 8, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-00)               2074 Aug 8, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-01-00)
2225 - G4RunManager and G4RunMessenger are modifie    2075 - G4RunManager and G4RunMessenger are modified to
2226  - introduce "soft abortion", i.e. event loop    2076  - introduce "soft abortion", i.e. event loop is aborted after processing the current event
2227  - introduce AbortEvent() method and correspo    2077  - introduce AbortEvent() method and corresponding UI command
2228 - NOTE :                                         2078 - NOTE :
2229  internal-1-run-V04-01-01 is NOT included in     2079  internal-1-run-V04-01-01 is NOT included in this tag
2230                                                  2080 
2231 July 18, 2002 M.Dressel                          2081 July 18, 2002 M.Dressel
2232 - change G4StandardScorerTable to the new G4I    2082 - change G4StandardScorerTable to the new G4IStore
2233                                                  2083 
2234 July 12, 2002 M.Dressel                          2084 July 12, 2002 M.Dressel
2235 - added comments to include/G4ParallelSampler    2085 - added comments to include/G4ParallelSamplerMessenger.hh
2236   and src/          2086   and src/
2237                                                  2087 
2238 July 11, 2002 M.Dressel (internal-1-run-V04-0    2088 July 11, 2002 M.Dressel (internal-1-run-V04-01-01)
2239 - add:                                           2089 - add:
2240  include/G4MapPtkStandardCellScorer.hh           2090  include/G4MapPtkStandardCellScorer.hh
2241  include/G4ParallelSamplerMessenger.hh           2091  include/G4ParallelSamplerMessenger.hh
2242  include/G4StandardCellScoreValues.hh            2092  include/G4StandardCellScoreValues.hh
2243  include/G4StandardCellScorer.hh                 2093  include/G4StandardCellScorer.hh
2244  include/G4StandardScoreTable.hh                 2094  include/G4StandardScoreTable.hh
2245  include/G4StandardScorer.hh                     2095  include/G4StandardScorer.hh
2246  src/               2096  src/
2247  src/               2097  src/
2248  src/                     2098  src/
2249  src/                     2099  src/
2250  src/                     2100  src/
2251  src/                         2101  src/
2252 - the needs the G4EventMa    2102 - the needs the G4EventManager
2253   G4ParallelSamplerMessenger.hh needs G4Stand    2103   G4ParallelSamplerMessenger.hh needs G4StandardScorer.
2254   The other classes are needed in turn.          2104   The other classes are needed in turn.
2255 - coworks with  internal-2-transport-V04-01-0    2105 - coworks with  internal-2-transport-V04-01-01
2256                 internal-2-geombias-V04-01-01    2106                 internal-2-geombias-V04-01-01
2257                                                  2107 
2258 Jun 25, 2002 G.Cosmo (run-V04-00-04)             2108 Jun 25, 2002 G.Cosmo (run-V04-00-04)
2259 - Changed date to for release    2109 - Changed date to for release 4.1.
2260                                                  2110 
2261 May 29, 2002 H.Kurashige (run-V04-00-03)         2111 May 29, 2002 H.Kurashige (run-V04-00-03)
2262 - Add                   2112 - Add
2263 - Use "virtual" inheritance for G4VVModularPh    2113 - Use "virtual" inheritance for G4VVModularPhysicsList
2264                                                  2114 
2265 Apr 26, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-00-02)              2115 Apr 26, 2002 M.Asai (run-V04-00-02)
2266 - G4RunManager re-opens geometry when G4 stat    2116 - G4RunManager re-opens geometry when G4 state becomes QUIT.
2267                                                  2117 
2268 Feb 26, 2002 G.Cosmo (run-V04-00-01)             2118 Feb 26, 2002 G.Cosmo (run-V04-00-01)
2269 - fixed new date for the pub    2119 - fixed new date for the public patch "geant4-04-00-patch-02".
2270                                                  2120 
2271 Jan 29, 2002 G.Cosmo (run-V04-00-00)             2121 Jan 29, 2002 G.Cosmo (run-V04-00-00)
2272 - fixed new date for the pub    2122 - fixed new date for the public patch "geant4-04-00-patch-01".
2273                                                  2123 
2274 Dec 07, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-11)             2124 Dec 07, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-11)
2275 - fixed new date for the Dec    2125 - fixed new date for the December public release.
2276                                                  2126 
2277 Nov 27, 2001 M.Asai (run-V03-02-10)              2127 Nov 27, 2001 M.Asai (run-V03-02-10)
2278 - Change implementation in rndmSaveThisRun()     2128 - Change implementation in rndmSaveThisRun() and rndmSaveThisEvent().
2279                                                  2129 
2280 Nov 23, 2001 M.Maire                             2130 Nov 23, 2001 M.Maire
2281 - Add rndmSaveThisRun() and rndmSaveThisEvent    2131 - Add rndmSaveThisRun() and rndmSaveThisEvent() methods to G4RunManager.
2282 - Add /random/ commands to G4RunMessenger        2132 - Add /random/ commands to G4RunMessenger
2283                                                  2133 
2284 Nov 20, 2001 M.Asai (run-V03-02-09)              2134 Nov 20, 2001 M.Asai (run-V03-02-09)
2285 - Add GetVersionString() method to G4RunManag    2135 - Add GetVersionString() method to G4RunManager.
2286                                                  2136 
2287 Oct 24, 2004 M.Asai (run-V03-02-08)              2137 Oct 24, 2004 M.Asai (run-V03-02-08)
2288                                                  2138 
2289 Oct 20, 2001 H.Kurasige                          2139 Oct 20, 2001 H.Kurasige
2290 - Modified Set/GetCuts() related methods in G    2140 - Modified Set/GetCuts() related methods in G4VUserPhysicsList
2291   for "cut-per-materials" implementation.        2141   for "cut-per-materials" implementation.
2292                                                  2142 
2293 Oct 24, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-07)             2143 Oct 24, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-07)
2294 - Removed references to G4GeomTestMessenger n    2144 - Removed references to G4GeomTestMessenger now moved to geometry/volumes
2295   module. Files G4RunManager[], GNUmake    2145   module. Files G4RunManager[], GNUmakefile.
2296                                                  2146 
2297 Oct 23, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-06)             2147 Oct 23, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-06)
2298 - Merged changes in "run-V03-02-04a" and "run    2148 - Merged changes in "run-V03-02-04a" and "run-V03-02-05" for removal of
2299   STLinterface module.                           2149   STLinterface module.
2300                                                  2150 
2301 Oct 11, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-05)             2151 Oct 11, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-05)
2302 - Replaced inclusion of ctoken.h with G4Token    2152 - Replaced inclusion of ctoken.h with G4Tokenizer.hh in
2303                 2153
2304 - Co-works with tag "globals-V03-02-03" where    2154 - Co-works with tag "globals-V03-02-03" where the STLInterface
2305   module has been removed.                       2155   module has been removed.
2306                                                  2156 
2307 Oct 11, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-04a)            2157 Oct 11, 2001 G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-04a)
2308 - Modified G4RunManager:                         2158 - Modified G4RunManager:
2309   o added pointer to G4GeomTestMessenger for     2159   o added pointer to G4GeomTestMessenger for including new default
2310     set of commands /geomtest/* in kernel, pr    2160     set of commands /geomtest/* in kernel, providing ability to check
2311     for volumes overlaps in the user's detect    2161     for volumes overlaps in the user's detector geometry.
2312   o modified call to G4GeometryManager::Close    2162   o modified call to G4GeometryManager::CloseGeometry() by adding
2313     argument to verbose-mode.                    2163     argument to verbose-mode.
2314 - The tag co-works with "geometry-V03-02-01"     2164 - The tag co-works with "geometry-V03-02-01" and "config-V03-02-06b"
2315                                                  2165 
2316 Oct 10, 2001 M.Asai (run-V03-02-04)              2166 Oct 10, 2001 M.Asai (run-V03-02-04)
2317 - Add an option to store random number engine    2167 - Add an option to store random number engine status for BOTH
2318   of each run and each event.                    2168   of each run and each event.
2319                                                  2169 
2320 Oct 10, 2001 H.Kurashige                         2170 Oct 10, 2001 H.Kurashige
2321 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCutsForOthers    2171 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCutsForOthers to fix problems of
2322    no invocation of RetreivePhysicsTable() fo    2172    no invocation of RetreivePhysicsTable() for muons
2323                                                  2173 
2324 Sep 19, 2001 H.Kurashige (run-V03-02-03)         2174 Sep 19, 2001 H.Kurashige (run-V03-02-03)
2325 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList for STL migration    2175 - Modify G4VUserPhysicsList for STL migration of materials (Hisaya)
2326                                                  2176 
2327 Aug 02, 2001, G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-02)            2177 Aug 02, 2001, G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-02)
2328 - Add Set/GetApplyCuts methods in G4VUserPhys    2178 - Add Set/GetApplyCuts methods in G4VUserPhysicsList (Hisaya)
2329 - Add /run/particle/applyCuts command in G4Us    2179 - Add /run/particle/applyCuts command in G4UserPhysicsListMessenger (Hisaya)
2330 - Updated revision number of     2180 - Updated revision number of for reference tag.
2331                                                  2181 
2332 Jul 18, 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-02-01)             2182 Jul 18, 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-02-01)
2333 - Add a new feature for the user to increase     2183 - Add a new feature for the user to increase the number of waiting stacks
2334 - Co-working with event-V03-02-02                2184 - Co-working with event-V03-02-02
2335                                                  2185 
2336 Jul 15, 2001                                     2186 Jul 15, 2001
2337 - Fixed bugs in G4VUserPhysicsList     (Hisay    2187 - Fixed bugs in G4VUserPhysicsList     (Hisaya)
2338 --- Modify Store/RetreivePhysicsTable for new    2188 --- Modify Store/RetreivePhysicsTable for new G4VProcess
2339 --- Fixed bugs in StoreMaterialInfor and Stor    2189 --- Fixed bugs in StoreMaterialInfor and StoreCutValues in binary mode
2340                                                  2190 
2341 Jul 13, 2001, G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-00)            2191 Jul 13, 2001, G.Cosmo (run-V03-02-00)
2342 - Cleanup of pedantic warnings in Linux-g++ A    2192 - Cleanup of pedantic warnings in Linux-g++ ANSI setup.
2343 - Corrected "NULL" to "0".                       2193 - Corrected "NULL" to "0".
2344 - Synchronised with HEAD revision after inclu    2194 - Synchronised with HEAD revision after inclusion of disclaimer
2345   liability.                                     2195   liability.
2346                                                  2196 
2347 Jun 22, 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-01-00)             2197 Jun 22, 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-01-00)
2348 - Tagging for the release                        2198 - Tagging for the release
2349                                                  2199 
2350 Mar. 12 2001, H.Kurashige                        2200 Mar. 12 2001, H.Kurashige
2351 - add binary mode for G4VUserPhysicsList::Ret    2201 - add binary mode for G4VUserPhysicsList::Retrieve/StorePhysicsTable
2352 - add G4VUserPhysicsList::RetrieveCutValues a    2202 - add G4VUserPhysicsList::RetrieveCutValues and related
2353 - add G4VUserPhysicsList::Set/ResetStoredInAs    2203 - add G4VUserPhysicsList::Set/ResetStoredInAscii()
2354   to switch on ascii mode for Retrieve/StoreP    2204   to switch on ascii mode for Retrieve/StorePhysicsTable
2355 - add setStoredInAscii command in G4UserPhysi    2205 - add setStoredInAscii command in G4UserPhysicsList
2356                                                  2206 
2357 Feb 8 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-00-01)               2207 Feb 8 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-00-01)
2358 - Migration to STL vector classes                2208 - Migration to STL vector classes
2359   affected files :                               2209   affected files :
2360 ./run/include/G4RunManager.hh                    2210 ./run/include/G4RunManager.hh
2361 ./run/src/                        2211 ./run/src/
2362                                                  2212 
2363 Feb 7 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-00-00)               2213 Feb 7 2001, M.Asai (run-V03-00-00)
2364 - STL migration of G4RunManager                  2214 - STL migration of G4RunManager
2365                                                  2215 
2366 Dec 14 2000, G.Cosmo (run-V02-00-06)             2216 Dec 14 2000, G.Cosmo (run-V02-00-06)
2367 - Updated date to for public     2217 - Updated date to for public release 3.0.
2368                                                  2218 
2369 Nov 19 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-05)              2219 Nov 19 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-05)
2370 - Another fix to G4VUserPhysicsList (H.K)        2220 - Another fix to G4VUserPhysicsList (H.K)
2371                                                  2221 
2372 Nov 16 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-04)              2222 Nov 16 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-04)
2373 - Fixes a bug in G4VUserPhysicsList (H.K)        2223 - Fixes a bug in G4VUserPhysicsList (H.K)
2374                                                  2224 
2375 Nov 16 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-03)              2225 Nov 16 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-03)
2376 - Add G4VModularPhysicsList and G4VPhysicsCon    2226 - Add G4VModularPhysicsList and G4VPhysicsConstructor
2377   to modularize UserPhysicsList   (H.K)          2227   to modularize UserPhysicsList   (H.K)
2378                                                  2228 
2379 Nov 13 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-02)              2229 Nov 13 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-02)
2380 - Introducing a capability of storing random     2230 - Introducing a capability of storing random number status file to other directory
2381                                                  2231 
2382 Nov 9 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-01)               2232 Nov 9 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-01)
2383 - add Retrieve/StorePhysicsTable and related     2233 - add Retrieve/StorePhysicsTable and related methods
2384   in G4VUserPhysicsList and modify BuildPhysi    2234   in G4VUserPhysicsList and modify BuildPhysicsTable method  (H.K.)
2385 - add store/retreivePhysicsTable command in G    2235 - add store/retreivePhysicsTable command in G4UserPhysicsListMessenger (H.K.)
2386                                                  2236 
2387 Jul 22 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-00)              2237 Jul 22 2000, M.Asai (run-V02-00-00)
2388 - Modify G4RunManager and G4RunMessenger beca    2238 - Modify G4RunManager and G4RunMessenger because of elimination of
2389   G4StateManager::Pause() and introducing new    2239   G4StateManager::Pause() and introducing new G4UImanager as state
2390   dependent class.                               2240   dependent class.
2391                                                  2241 
2392 Dec 2 99, M.Asai (run-V00-01-04)                 2242 Dec 2 99, M.Asai (run-V00-01-04)
2393 - G4RunManager displays the version number wh    2243 - G4RunManager displays the version number when it is constructed.
2394                                                  2244 
2395 Nov 7 99, H.Kurashige (run-V00-01-03)            2245 Nov 7 99, H.Kurashige (run-V00-01-03)
2396 -  Comments are enriched for software referen    2246 -  Comments are enriched for software reference manual.
2397                                                  2247 
2398                                                  2248 
2399 Nov 4, 99, M.Asai (tag run-V00-01-02)            2249 Nov 4, 99, M.Asai (tag run-V00-01-02)
2400 - Comments are enriched for software referenc    2250 - Comments are enriched for software reference manual.
2401                                                  2251 
2402 Oct 7, 99, J.Allison (tag run-V00-01-01)         2252 Oct 7, 99, J.Allison (tag run-V00-01-01)
2403 - Removed -I$(G4BASE)/graphics_reps/include f    2253 - Removed -I$(G4BASE)/graphics_reps/include from GNUmakefile (no
2404   longer necessary after G4VVisManager moved     2254   longer necessary after G4VVisManager moved to intercoms).
2405                                                  2255 
2406 Jul 25, 99 M.Asai (tag run-V00-01-00)            2256 Jul 25, 99 M.Asai (tag run-V00-01-00)
2407 - Store/restore the status of the random numb    2257 - Store/restore the status of the random number engine to
2408   separate files                                 2258   separate files
2409                                                  2259 
2410 Jun 09, 99 M.Asai (tag run-01-00-06)             2260 Jun 09, 99 M.Asai (tag run-01-00-06)
2411 - Store/restore the status of the random numb    2261 - Store/restore the status of the random number engine
2412 - Get methods of G4RunManager for the user ac    2262 - Get methods of G4RunManager for the user action classes
2413                                                  2263 
2414 May 21, 99 H.Kurashige (run-01-00-05)            2264 May 21, 99 H.Kurashige (run-01-00-05)
2415 - Fixed bug in G4VUserPhysicsList::Initialize    2265 - Fixed bug in G4VUserPhysicsList::InitializeProcessManager()
2416                                                  2266 
2417 May 17, 99 J.Allison                             2267 May 17, 99 J.Allison
2418 - In, moved G4Timer.hh to pre    2268 - In, moved G4Timer.hh to prevent conflict with ObjectSpace
2419   on Sun when using the STL Interface.           2269   on Sun when using the STL Interface.
2420                                                  2270 
2421 Apr 22, 99 M.Asai (tag run-01-00-04)             2271 Apr 22, 99 M.Asai (tag run-01-00-04)
2422 - Now run ID is set by G4RunManager.             2272 - Now run ID is set by G4RunManager.
2423                                                  2273 
2424 Apr 16,  99 H.Kurashige (tag run-01-00-03)       2274 Apr 16,  99 H.Kurashige (tag run-01-00-03)
2425 -  Remove G4VUserPhysicsList::ConstructAllPar    2275 -  Remove G4VUserPhysicsList::ConstructAllParticles and related
2426 -  Change argument of SetCuts method             2276 -  Change argument of SetCuts method
2427                                                  2277 
2428 Apr 14, 99 H.Kurashige (tag run-01-00-02)        2278 Apr 14, 99 H.Kurashige (tag run-01-00-02)
2429 - "buildPhysicsTable" command is added in G4U    2279 - "buildPhysicsTable" command is added in G4UserPhysicsListMessenger
2430                                                  2280 
2431 Apr 09, 99 M.Asai (tag run-01-00-01)             2281 Apr 09, 99 M.Asai (tag run-01-00-01)
2432 - Argument of G4UserRunAction methods bcomes     2282 - Argument of G4UserRunAction methods bcomes to const.
2433                                                  2283 
2434 Feb. 9 99 H.Kurashige                            2284 Feb. 9 99 H.Kurashige
2435 - G4VUserPhysicsList::RemoveProcessManager is    2285 - G4VUserPhysicsList::RemoveProcessManager is added
2436                                                  2286 
2437 Dec. 9 98 H.Kurashige (tag run-00-04-01)         2287 Dec. 9 98 H.Kurashige (tag run-00-04-01)
2438 - G4VUserPhysicsList is updated to use G4Gene    2288 - G4VUserPhysicsList is updated to use G4GenericIon (Hisaya)
2439 - G4VUserPhysicsList::ConstructAllParticles m    2289 - G4VUserPhysicsList::ConstructAllParticles method is added (Hisaya)
2440 - G4VUserPhysicsList::DumpCutValues use BestO    2290 - G4VUserPhysicsList::DumpCutValues use BestOfUnits (Michel)
2441                                                  2291 
2442 Nov 12, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-05)             2292 Nov 12, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-05)
2443 - is updated for new EM    2293 - is updated for new EM physics processes (L.Urban).
2444                                                  2294 
2445 Oct 13, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-04)             2295 Oct 13, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-04)
2446 - PostStepDoIt of transportation is registere    2296 - PostStepDoIt of transportation is registered (J.Apostolakis).
2447                                                  2297 
2448 Oct 01, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-03)             2298 Oct 01, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-03)
2449 - G4RunManager now has a switch for optimizin    2299 - G4RunManager now has a switch for optimizing the geometry.
2450 - G4RunMessenger has a UI command for above s    2300 - G4RunMessenger has a UI command for above switch.
2451                                                  2301 
2452 Sep 29, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-02)             2302 Sep 29, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-02)
2453 - Modifications on G4VUserPhysicsList (M.Mair    2303 - Modifications on G4VUserPhysicsList (M.Maire and L.Urban)
2454                                                  2304 
2455 Sep 25, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-01)             2305 Sep 25, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-03-01)
2456 - "BeamOn" accepts a macro file.                 2306 - "BeamOn" accepts a macro file.
2457     affected files : G4RunManager.hh .cc, G4R    2307     affected files : G4RunManager.hh .cc, G4RunMessenger.hh .cc
2458                                                  2308 
2459 Aug 31, 98 John Allison (tag run-00-02-02)       2309 Aug 31, 98 John Allison (tag run-00-02-02)
2460 - Re-implemented pVVisManager->GeometryHasCha    2310 - Re-implemented pVVisManager->GeometryHasChanged()!
2461                                                  2311 
2462 Aug 17, 98 H.Kurashige (tag run-00-02-03)        2312 Aug 17, 98 H.Kurashige (tag run-00-02-03)
2463 - Added create/delete G4ProcessTableMessenger    2313 - Added create/delete G4ProcessTableMessenger
2464                                                  2314 
2465 Aug 14, 98 John Allison (tag run-00-02-02)       2315 Aug 14, 98 John Allison (tag run-00-02-02)
2466 - Implemented pVVisManager->GeometryHasChange    2316 - Implemented pVVisManager->GeometryHasChanged() - code by M.Asai.
2467                                                  2317 
2468 Aug 12, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-02-01)             2318 Aug 12, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-02-01)
2469 - Modification of (H.Ku    2319 - Modification of (H.Kurashige)
2470                                                  2320 
2471 July 21, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-06)            2321 July 21, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-06)
2472                                                  2322 
2473 July 15, 98 M.Asai (tag-run-00-01-05)            2323 July 15, 98 M.Asai (tag-run-00-01-05)
2474                                                  2324 
2475 July 13, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-04)            2325 July 13, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-04)
2476                                                  2326 
2477 July12 , 98 H.Kurashige                          2327 July12 , 98 H.Kurashige
2478 - Added "/run/particle/addProcManager" comman    2328 - Added "/run/particle/addProcManager" command in G4UserPhysicsListMesseneger
2479 - Modified G4VUserPhysicsList:AddProcessManag    2329 - Modified G4VUserPhysicsList:AddProcessManager
2480                                                  2330 
2481 July 9, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-03)             2331 July 9, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-03)
2482 - Bug fix for              2332 - Bug fix for
2483                                                  2333 
2484 July 7, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-02)             2334 July 7, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-02)
2485 - G4RunManager trigger the construction of G4    2335 - G4RunManager trigger the construction of G4ParticleTableMessenger
2486  to avoid inconsistent ordering of command /     2336  to avoid inconsistent ordering of command / unit objects' building.
2487                                                  2337 
2488                                                  2338 
2489 July 4, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-01)             2339 July 4, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-01-01)
2490 - Includes the modification in G4VUserPhysics    2340 - Includes the modification in (P.Urban)
2491                                                  2341 
2492 June 30, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-07-01)            2342 June 30, 98 M.Asai (tag run-00-07-01)
2493 - G4Run uses G4Allocator.                        2343 - G4Run uses G4Allocator.
2494 - example4 is updated with the new G4THitsCol    2344 - example4 is updated with the new G4THitsCollection template.
2495                                                  2345 
2496 June 30, 98 H.Kurashige                          2346 June 30, 98 H.Kurashige
2497 - Modified and MyPhysic    2347 - Modified and in example4
2498   for shortlived particles                       2348   for shortlived particles
2499                                                  2349 
2500 June 26, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-06)               2350 June 26, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-06)
2501 - Modified GNUmakefiles for new electromagnet    2351 - Modified GNUmakefiles for new electromagnetics structure.
2502   (by J.Allison)                                 2352   (by J.Allison)
2503                                                  2353 
2504 June 25, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-05)               2354 June 25, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-05)
2505 - Updated reference output and reference erro    2355 - Updated reference output and reference error of
2506   example1, example2, example7, EmPhys2, exam    2356   example1, example2, example7, EmPhys2, example_demo and example_ghost.
2507 - Protected visualization code with G4VIS_USE    2357 - Protected visualization code with G4VIS_USE in EmPhys2.
2508                                                  2358 
2509 June 25, 98 M.Asai (run-00-06-04)                2359 June 25, 98 M.Asai (run-00-06-04)
2510 - Bug fixes for example4 (J.Allison)             2360 - Bug fixes for example4 (J.Allison)
2511 - Update ".out" for EmPhys2 (M.Maire)            2361 - Update ".out" for EmPhys2 (M.Maire)
2512                                                  2362 
2513 June 22, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-03 - re-tagged    2363 June 22, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-03 - re-tagged)
2514 - Added missing include paths to digits+hits/    2364 - Added missing include paths to digits+hits/* (fix which was already
2515   in place in run-00-06-02 ...) to almost all    2365   in place in run-00-06-02 ...) to almost all GNUmakefiles.
2516 - Removed inclusion/usage of MyTrackerHit.hh     2366 - Removed inclusion/usage of MyTrackerHit.hh (!?) in and
2517                               2367
2518                                                  2368 
2519 June 22, 98 J.Allison (run-00-06-03)             2369 June 22, 98 J.Allison (run-00-06-03)
2520 - Changed G4BASE = ../.. to G4BASE = $(shell     2370 - Changed G4BASE = ../.. to G4BASE = $(shell (cd ../..; pwd)), etc.
2521                                                  2371 
2522 June 19, 98 J.Allison                            2372 June 19, 98 J.Allison
2523 - Changed many GNUmakefiles to use visualizat    2373 - Changed many GNUmakefiles to use visualization/G4VIS_USE.gmk
2524                                                  2374 
2525 June 15, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-02)               2375 June 15, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-06-02)
2526 - Fixed bug in for example5     2376 - Fixed bug in for example5 (M.Asai).
2527 - Updated reference input macros for example4    2377 - Updated reference input macros for example4 (M.Asai).
2528                                                  2378 
2529 June 12, 98 G.Cosmo                              2379 June 12, 98 G.Cosmo
2530 - Added path to digits+hits/digits/include to    2380 - Added path to digits+hits/digits/include to GNUmakefiles in all
2531   examples.                                      2381   examples.
2532                                                  2382 
2533 June 9, 98 M.Asai                                2383 June 9, 98 M.Asai
2534 - Some changes affected by new aspects of Par    2384 - Some changes affected by new aspects of Particles.
2535 - Tagged as run-00-06-01.                        2385 - Tagged as run-00-06-01.
2536                                                  2386 
2537 June 6, 98 M.Asai                                2387 June 6, 98 M.Asai
2538 - Modify G4Run and G4RunManager for the new "    2388 - Modify G4Run and G4RunManager for the new "digits+hits" scheme
2539 - Update GNUmakefile                             2389 - Update GNUmakefile
2540                                                  2390 
2541 April 29, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-05-05)              2391 April 29, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-05-05)
2542 - Updated reference output files in almost al    2392 - Updated reference output files in almost all examples
2543   (P.Urban and J.Apostolakis)                    2393   (P.Urban and J.Apostolakis)
2544 - Updated MyPhysicsList in example2 and relat    2394 - Updated MyPhysicsList in example2 and related input reference
2545   file (J.Apostolakis)                           2395   file (J.Apostolakis)
2546 - Set G4EXEC_BUILD flag inside all examples'     2396 - Set G4EXEC_BUILD flag inside all examples' GNUmakefiles.
2547                                                  2397 
2548 April 23, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-05-03)              2398 April 23, 98 G.Cosmo (run-00-05-03)
2549 - Fixes and updated reference output files fo    2399 - Fixes and updated reference output files for exampleEmPhys1 and
2550   exampleEmPhys2 (by M.Maire).                   2400   exampleEmPhys2 (by M.Maire).
2551                                                  2401 
2552 April 21, 98 M.Asai (run-00-05-02)               2402 April 21, 98 M.Asai (run-00-05-02)
2553 - Tagged as run-00-05-02.                        2403 - Tagged as run-00-05-02.
2554                                                  2404 
2555 April 08, 98 G.Cosmo                             2405 April 08, 98 G.Cosmo
2556 - Added fixes for DEC-cxx 6.0 compiler, relat    2406 - Added fixes for DEC-cxx 6.0 compiler, related to for-loop index
2557   declarations. List of modified files: G4VUs    2407   declarations. List of modified files:
2558                                                  2408 
2559 April 2, 98 G.Barrand                            2409 April 2, 98 G.Barrand
2560 - G4VIS_USE_OPENINVENTOR -> G4VIS_USE_OIX in     2410 - G4VIS_USE_OPENINVENTOR -> G4VIS_USE_OIX in example GNUmakefile.
2561                                                  2411 
2562 March 27, 98 M.Asai (run-00-05-01)               2412 March 27, 98 M.Asai (run-00-05-01)
2563 - G4RunManager can be derived to a user class    2413 - G4RunManager can be derived to a user class
2564 - tagged as run-00-05-01                         2414 - tagged as run-00-05-01
2565                                                  2415 
2566 26th March 1998  John Allison                    2416 26th March 1998  John Allison
2567 - Changed G4VisManager to MyVisManager in the    2417 - Changed G4VisManager to MyVisManager in the following files for
2568   vis-00-05-01 and later:                        2418   vis-00-05-01 and later:
2569     run/example/                      2419     run/example/
2570     run/example4/                     2420     run/example4/
2571     run/example_param/            2421     run/example_param/
2572     run/example_param/           2422     run/example_param/
2573     run/exampleEmPhys2/                2423     run/exampleEmPhys2/
2574                                                  2424 
2575 March 24, 98 G.Barrand                           2425 March 24, 98 G.Barrand
2576 - run/example5/GNUmakefile.common : MAKESHLIB    2426 - run/example5/GNUmakefile.common : MAKESHLIB changed in G4MAKESHLIB
2577                                                  2427 
2578 13th  March 1998 G.Cosmo (run-00-04-04)          2428 13th  March 1998 G.Cosmo (run-00-04-04)
2579 - Fixed problems in example_param causing unr    2429 - Fixed problems in example_param causing unresolveds at link time
2580   in case no visualization used. Co-works wit    2430   in case no visualization used. Co-works with param-00-04-06 in
2581   processes category. (P.Mora de Freitas)        2431   processes category. (P.Mora de Freitas)
2582 - Corrected reference input files for EmPhys1    2432 - Corrected reference input files for EmPhys1 (M.Maire)
2583                                                  2433 
2584 12th  March 1998 H.Kurashige (run-00-04-03)      2434 12th  March 1998 H.Kurashige (run-00-04-03)
2585 - Added the reference files for  EmPhys1 and     2435 - Added the reference files for  EmPhys1 and EmPhys2 (M.Maire)
2586                                                  2436 
2587 11th  March 1998 H.Kurashige (run-00-04-02)      2437 11th  March 1998 H.Kurashige (run-00-04-02)
2588 - Fixed bug in (J.APOSTOLAKIS)       2438 - Fixed bug in (J.APOSTOLAKIS)
2589 - Fixed bug in G4RunManager (H.Kurashige)        2439 - Fixed bug in G4RunManager (H.Kurashige)
2590                                                  2440 
2591 5th  March 1998 H.Kurashige (run-00-04-01)       2441 5th  March 1998 H.Kurashige (run-00-04-01)
2592 - Remove old sceme for initialization (G4User    2442 - Remove old sceme for initialization (G4UserProcessList,
2593   G4UserProcessList, G4UserParticleListMessen    2443   G4UserProcessList, G4UserParticleListMessenger)
2594 - Fixed bugs in                 2444 - Fixed bugs in
2595                                                  2445 
2596 27th February 1998 H.Kurashige                   2446 27th February 1998 H.Kurashige
2597 - Fixed MyPhysicsList::constructGeneral() to     2447 - Fixed MyPhysicsList::constructGeneral() to add decay at rest
2598                                                  2448 
2599 5th February 1998 G.Cosmo (run-00-03-04)         2449 5th February 1998 G.Cosmo (run-00-03-04)
2600 - Added explicit build of G4paramenterisation    2450 - Added explicit build of G4paramenterisation library in GNUmakefile
2601   for example_param.                             2451   for example_param.
2602                                                  2452 
2603 4th February 1998 G.Cosmo on behalf of M.Asai    2453 4th February 1998 G.Cosmo on behalf of M.Asai (run-00-03-03)
2604 - Added .in, .out, .err to several examples (    2454 - Added .in, .out, .err to several examples (P.Urban)
2605 - Fixed bug in MyEventAction for example5 (M.    2455 - Fixed bug in MyEventAction for example5 (M.Asai)
2606 - G4UserParticleList updated (H.Kurasige)        2456 - G4UserParticleList updated (H.Kurasige)
2607                                                  2457 
2608 2nd February 1998 G.Cosmo                        2458 2nd February 1998 G.Cosmo
2609 - Fixed bug in example5/GNUmakefile for targe    2459 - Fixed bug in example5/GNUmakefile for target "clean". g4* files
2610   were all removed !                             2460   were all removed !
2611                                                  2461 
2612 30th January 1998  G.Cosmo (run-00-03-02)        2462 30th January 1998  G.Cosmo (run-00-03-02)
2613 - Updated order of libraries for example7 (G4    2463 - Updated order of libraries for example7 (G4intercoms)
2614                                                  2464 
2615 27th January 1998  John Allison                  2465 27th January 1998  John Allison
2616 - Simplified use of G4VIS flags in test GNUma    2466 - Simplified use of G4VIS flags in test GNUmakefiles.
2617 - New way of instantiating G4VisManager in te    2467 - New way of instantiating G4VisManager in test main() programs.
2618 - Removed all references to G4VVisManager fro    2468 - Removed all references to G4VVisManager from G4RunManager.
2619                                                  2469 
2620 December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03)             2470 December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03)
2621                                                  2471 
2622 - Created.                                       2472 - Created.