Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /processes/parameterisation/History (Version 11.3.0) and /processes/parameterisation/History (Version 10.5)

  1 # Category param History                       <<   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                << 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  << 
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 
  6                                                << 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- << 
  8                                                << 
  9 ## 2023-11-21 I. Hrivnacova (param-V11-01-04)  << 
 10 - In G4GlobalFastSimulationManager:            << 
 11   use G4ThreadLocalSingleton to avoid undelete << 
 12                                                << 
 13 ## 2023-10-18 Ben Morgan (param-V11-01-03)     << 
 14 - Apply standard and extended clang-tidy fixes << 
 15 - Mark empty/obsolete functions as deprecated  << 
 16                                                << 
 17 ## 2023-10-16 Ben Morgan (param-V11-01-02)     << 
 18 - Apply standard clang-format-ing.             << 
 19 - Normal order accessors and docstrings.       << 
 20                                                << 
 21 ## 2023-09-04 Gabriele Cosmo (param-V11-01-01) << 
 22 - In G4FastTrack, removed references to G4Touc << 
 23   which is now deprecated.                     << 
 24                                                << 
 25 ## 2023-03-23 Anna Zaborowska (param-V11-01-00 << 
 26 - Added missing virtual destructor to G4VFastS << 
 27                                                << 
 28 ## 2022-11-23 Gabriele Cosmo (param-V11-00-04) << 
 29 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
 30                                                << 
 31 ## 2022-10-27 Makoto Asai (param-V11-00-03)    << 
 32 - G4FastSimHitMaker - making compatible to com << 
 33                                                << 
 34 ## 2022-08-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (param-V11-0 << 
 35 - G4FastStep - delete copy constructor and ope << 
 36                                                << 
 37 ## 2022-01-19 Witek Pokorski (param-V11-00-01) << 
 38 - Adding the 'flush' method to the fast simula << 
 39   This method allows to process the input buff << 
 40   the end of the G4 event. It is used when par << 
 41   The 'flash' is triggered inside the event lo << 
 42   The fast simulation model may add secondarie << 
 43   by Geant4.                                   << 
 44                                                << 
 45 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (param-V11-00-00)     << 
 46 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
 47                                                << 
 48 ---                                            << 
 49                                                << 
 50 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
 51                                                << 
 52 April 16, 2021 Ben Morgan (param-V10-07-00)    << 
 53 - Migrate build to modular CMake API           << 
 54                                                << 
 55 October 5, 2020, A. Zaborowska (param-V10-06-0 << 
 56 - Introduce general facilities based on GFlash << 
 57   to facilitate multiple hit (energy & positio << 
 58   from fast simulation models.                 << 
 59                                                << 
 60 September 9, 2020, G. Cosmo (param-V10-06-02)  << 
 61 - Fixed minor Coverity defect for uninitialise << 
 62                                                << 
 63 April 21, 2020, A. Zaborowska (param-V10-06-01 << 
 64 - Sanity check for root logical volumes for re << 
 65   UI command /param/showSetup works also if no << 
 66                                                << 
 67 March 26, 2020, I. Semeniouk (param-V10-06-00) << 
 68 - G4FastSimulationHelper : merge ActivateFastS << 
 69 - G4FastSimulationManager.hh, G4VFastSimulatio << 
 70   redefinition of G4Envelope type              << 
 71                                                << 
 72 October 30, 2019, A. Zaborowska (param-v10-05- << 
 73 - Register G4FastSimulationManagerProcess with << 
 74   G4FastSimulationManagerHelper to ensure it i << 
 75   invoked for a given step (ExclusivelyForced) << 
 76   StronglyForced processes will be considered. << 
 77                                                     2 
                                                   >>   3      =========================================================
                                                   >>   4      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
                                                   >>   5      =========================================================
                                                   >>   6 
                                                   >>   7                       Category History file
                                                   >>   8                       ---------------------
                                                   >>   9 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
                                                   >>  10 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
                                                   >>  11 and keep track of all category-tags.
                                                   >>  12 It DOES NOT substitute the  CVS log-message one should put at every
                                                   >>  13 committal in the CVS repository !
                                                   >>  14 
                                                   >>  15      ----------------------------------------------------------
                                                   >>  16      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
                                                   >>  17      ----------------------------------------------------------
                                                   >>  18      
 78 December 19, 2017, G. Cosmo (param-V10-04-00)      19 December 19, 2017, G. Cosmo (param-V10-04-00)
 79 - Fixed self-consistency in G4FastSimulationVe     20 - Fixed self-consistency in G4FastSimulationVector header (missing #include).
 80   Thanks to Raphael Isemann for reporting this     21   Thanks to Raphael Isemann for reporting this.
 81                                                    22 
 82 November 03, 2016, M. Verderi (param-V10-02-01     23 November 03, 2016, M. Verderi (param-V10-02-01)
 83 - New G4FastSimulationManagerHelper utility fo     24 - New G4FastSimulationManagerHelper utility for
 84   adding G4FastSimulationManagerProcess to a       25   adding G4FastSimulationManagerProcess to a
 85   process manager.                                 26   process manager.
 86                                                    27 
 87 November 02, 2016, M. Verderi (param-V10-02-00     28 November 02, 2016, M. Verderi (param-V10-02-00)
 88 - fix various Coverity defects.                    29 - fix various Coverity defects.
 89                                                    30 
 90 March 27, 2013, M. Verderi (param-V09-06-00)       31 March 27, 2013, M. Verderi (param-V09-06-00)
 91 - remove unused field 'fOnBoundary' in G4FastS     32 - remove unused field 'fOnBoundary' in G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh
 92   as this was causing a warning from clang.        33   as this was causing a warning from clang.
 93                                                    34 
 94 July 10, 2012, G. Cosmo (param-V09-05-00)          35 July 10, 2012, G. Cosmo (param-V09-05-00)
 95 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for syst     36 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical
 96   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclus     37   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh.
 97                                                    38 
 98 September 30, 2011, M. Verderi (param-V09-04-0     39 September 30, 2011, M. Verderi (param-V09-04-03)
 99 - Added missing new header file (G4FastSimulat     40 - Added missing new header file (G4FastSimulationProcessType.hh) in
100   sources.cmake.                                   41   sources.cmake.
101                                                    42 
102 September 30, 2011, M. Verderi (param-V09-04-0     43 September 30, 2011, M. Verderi (param-V09-04-02)
103 - Migration to new G4Exception scheme.             44 - Migration to new G4Exception scheme.
104 - what is V09-04-01 tag ?                          45 - what is V09-04-01 tag ?
105                                                    46 
106 February 11, 2011, M. Verderi (param-V09-04-00     47 February 11, 2011, M. Verderi (param-V09-04-00)
107 - Implementation of method                         48 - Implementation of method
108   void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy (     49   void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy (G4double);
109   was missing : modified file  G4FastStep.icc      50   was missing : modified file  G4FastStep.icc
110                                                    51 
111 March 13, 2008, G. Cosmo (param-V09-01-00)         52 March 13, 2008, G. Cosmo (param-V09-01-00)
112 - Cleared compilation warnings in G4FastSimula     53 - Cleared compilation warnings in G4FastSimulationManagerProcess and
113   G4FastSimulationMessenger on gcc-4.3.0 for a     54   G4FastSimulationMessenger on gcc-4.3.0 for ambiguous use of
114   parentheses in nested if-else statements.        55   parentheses in nested if-else statements.
115                                                    56 
116 November 30, 2007, M. Verderi                      57 November 30, 2007, M. Verderi
117 - Add Along methods to G4FSMP process              58 - Add Along methods to G4FSMP process
118   - tag as param-V09-00-01                         59   - tag as param-V09-00-01
119                                                    60 
120 November 30, 2007, M. Verderi                      61 November 30, 2007, M. Verderi
121 - minor corrections to G4FastSimulationManager <<  62 - minor corrections to G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh/.cc : 
122    * add call fPathFinder->prepareNewrack(...)     63    * add call fPathFinder->prepareNewrack(...)
123    * deactivate ghost navigator in EndOfTracki     64    * deactivate ghost navigator in EndOfTracking(..) method
124    - tag as param-V09-00-00                        65    - tag as param-V09-00-00
125                                                    66 
126 May 18, 2007, M. Verderi                           67 May 18, 2007, M. Verderi
127 - tag as param-V08-03-00                           68 - tag as param-V08-03-00
128                                                    69 
129 May 11, 2007, M. Verderi                           70 May 11, 2007, M. Verderi
130 - remove include/G4FastSimulationManagerProces     71 - remove include/G4FastSimulationManagerProcess81.hh
131          include/G4FlavoredParallelWorld.hh        72          include/G4FlavoredParallelWorld.hh
132          include/G4GFSManager81.hh                 73          include/G4GFSManager81.hh
133          src/G4FastSimulationManagerProcess81.     74          src/
134          src/                     75          src/
135                                                    76 
136                                                    77 
137 November 10, 2006, M. Verderi - param-V08-01-0     78 November 10, 2006, M. Verderi - param-V08-01-00
138 - Limited number of warning messages printed b     79 - Limited number of warning messages printed by the
139   G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.                   80   G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.
140 - Renamed G4FastSimulationManagerProcess_forCo     81 - Renamed G4FastSimulationManagerProcess_forCoupledTransportation with
141   G4FastSimulationManagerProcess81.                82   G4FastSimulationManagerProcess81.
142   In addition, this class can now handle the c     83   In addition, this class can now handle the case of Navigator index=0,
143   i.e., the navigator for tracking, regardless     84   i.e., the navigator for tracking, regardless the G4Transportation or
144   G4CoupledTransportation is used. (For other      85   G4CoupledTransportation is used. (For other navigators, there is
145   of course no choice, and G4CoupledTransporta     86   of course no choice, and G4CoupledTransportation is necessary.)
146                                                    87 
147 November 3, 2006 M. Verderi                        88 November 3, 2006 M. Verderi
148 - Introduced G4FastSimulationManagerProcess_fo     89 - Introduced G4FastSimulationManagerProcess_forCoupledTransportation class for
149   handling fast simulation in new parallel geo     90   handling fast simulation in new parallel geometry scheme. This requires
150   the G4CoupledTransportation to be active.        91   the G4CoupledTransportation to be active.
151 - Introduced G4GFSManager81 class that gathers     92 - Introduced G4GFSManager81 class that gathers the future code to become the
152   default at next major release in the G4Globa     93   default at next major release in the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager class.
153 - G4FastSimulationManager: adapted to new sche     94 - G4FastSimulationManager: adapted to new scheme. Still has old code for
154   backward compatibilty.                           95   backward compatibilty.
155 - G4FastSimulationManagerProcess: mostly the s     96 - G4FastSimulationManagerProcess: mostly the same, apart from a small bug fix.
156 - G4FastSimulationMessenger: new command creat     97 - G4FastSimulationMessenger: new command created "/param/showSetup", useful
157   to show the fast simulation setup (region, m     98   to show the fast simulation setup (region, models, processes, etc...)
158   It is only valid for geometry closed state.      99   It is only valid for geometry closed state. Desirable to have interactive
159   command in the run manager for this.            100   command in the run manager for this.
160                                                   101 
161 November 25, 2005, M.Verderi -  param-V07-01-0    102 November 25, 2005, M.Verderi -  param-V07-01-04
162 - put back Makoto's change: StartTracking(G4Tr    103 - put back Makoto's change: StartTracking(G4Track*)
163                                                   104 
164 November 25, 2005, M Verderi - param-V07-01-03    105 November 25, 2005, M Verderi - param-V07-01-03
165 - Make ghost functionnality available with G4R    106 - Make ghost functionnality available with G4Region
166 - ** Note ** Change back StartTracking(G4Track    107 - ** Note ** Change back StartTracking(G4Track*) -> StartTracking() in G4FSMP
167              StartTracking(G4Track*) was intro    108              StartTracking(G4Track*) was introduced in  param-V07-01-02
168        because (I guess) of procman-V07-01-01     109        because (I guess) of procman-V07-01-01
169   This is to make param-V07-01-03 compatible w    110   This is to make param-V07-01-03 compatible with geant4-07-01-ref-05
170                                                   111 
171 November 21, 2005 M.Asai - param-V07-01-02        112 November 21, 2005 M.Asai - param-V07-01-02
172 - Fix warning message.                            113 - Fix warning message.
173                                                   114 
174 November 02, 2005 G.Cosmo - param-V07-01-01       115 November 02, 2005 G.Cosmo - param-V07-01-01
175 - Corrected setting of envelope volumes and so    116 - Corrected setting of envelope volumes and solid in G4FastTrack.
176 - Migrated old scheme for G4Exception and some    117 - Migrated old scheme for G4Exception and some cosmetics...
177                                                   118 
178 October 28, 2005 M.Asai - param-V07-01-00         119 October 28, 2005 M.Asai - param-V07-01-00
179 - Working tag for merging "envelope" to G4Regi    120 - Working tag for merging "envelope" to G4Region.
180                                                   121 
181 December 07, 2004 G. Cosmo - param-V06-02-01      122 December 07, 2004 G. Cosmo - param-V06-02-01
182 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.               123 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.
183                                                   124 
184 November 26, 2004 M. Verderi - param-V06-02-00    125 November 26, 2004 M. Verderi - param-V06-02-00
185 - Implemented migration to new G4VParticleChan    126 - Implemented migration to new G4VParticleChange interfaces.
186                                                   127 
187 December 12, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V06-00-00      128 December 12, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V06-00-00
188 - G4FastSimulationVector.icc: use std_pvector:    129 - G4FastSimulationVector.icc: use std_pvector:: scope for calls to
189   base class. Fixes compilation problem on Int    130   base class. Fixes compilation problem on Intel-icc compiler.
190                                                   131 
191 November 10, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V05-02-01      132 November 10, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V05-02-01
192 - G4FastTrack: use G4Navigator::CreateTouchabl    133 - G4FastTrack: use G4Navigator::CreateTouchableHistoryHandle() instead of
193   CreateTouchableHistory() in method FRecordsA    134   CreateTouchableHistory() in method FRecordsAffineTransformation().
194                                                   135 
195 October 4, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V05-02-00        136 October 4, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V05-02-00
196 - Modified GNUmakefile:                           137 - Modified GNUmakefile:
197   o added dependency to new module "geometry/n    138   o added dependency to new module "geometry/navigation".
198 - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digit    139 - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digits_hits-V05-02-00".
199                                                   140 
200 May 21, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V05-01-00           141 May 21, 2003 G. Cosmo - param-V05-01-00
201         o Fixed pedantic warnings on Linux-g++    142         o Fixed pedantic warnings on Linux-g++.
202         o Call base class in copy-constructor     143         o Call base class in copy-constructor of G4FastStep.
203                                                   144 
204 Nov 20, 2002 G. Cosmo - param-V04-01-02           145 Nov 20, 2002 G. Cosmo - param-V04-01-02
205   o Patched access to public static data in G4    146   o Patched access to public static data in
206     and to al    147     and to allow porting on
207     Windows DLLs.                                 148     Windows DLLs.
208                                                   149 
209 Nov 15, 2002 S. Sadilov - param-V04-01-01         150 Nov 15, 2002 S. Sadilov - param-V04-01-01
210   o Fixed compilation problems on Windows in      151   o Fixed compilation problems on Windows in
211 and G4GlobalFas    152 and
212                                                   153 
213 Nov 02, 2002 M. Verderi - param-V04-01-00         154 Nov 02, 2002 M. Verderi - param-V04-01-00
214   o Add method to retrieve G4VFastSimulationMo    155   o Add method to retrieve G4VFastSimulationModel by name.
215     The user's method is in G4GlobalFastSimula    156     The user's method is in G4GlobalFastSimulationManager:
216                                                   157 
217        GetFastSimulationModel();                  158        GetFastSimulationModel();
218                                                   159 
219     it is accompagnied by same methods name in    160     it is accompagnied by same methods name in
220     G4FastSimulationManager class.                161     G4FastSimulationManager class.
221                                                   162 
222   o Add "test" directory, used to test above f    163   o Add "test" directory, used to test above feature.
223                                                   164 
224 Oct 26, 2001 M. Verderi - param-V03-02-00         165 Oct 26, 2001 M. Verderi - param-V03-02-00
225   Fixes to clear warnings produced with gcc-2.    166   Fixes to clear warnings produced with gcc-2.95.2:
226   - loop index, where comparison with method "    167   - loop index, where comparison with method "size()" of
227   G4std::vector<T>, changed: int -> size_t     << 168   G4std::vector<T>, changed: int -> size_t 
228   - change "if ( a=b ) {..}" by "if ( (a=b) )     169   - change "if ( a=b ) {..}" by "if ( (a=b) ) {...}"
229   this makes the compiler sure you want to mak    170   this makes the compiler sure you want to make an
230   assignement in the "if" condition               171   assignement in the "if" condition
231   - re-order initialisations of a few variable    172   - re-order initialisations of a few variables in constructors
232   to match the declaration order.                 173   to match the declaration order.
233   Some warnings still exist, but regard the G4    174   Some warnings still exist, but regard the G4Propagator of geometry.
234                                                   175 
235 Apr  3, 2001 J. Apostolakis - param-V03-00-00     176 Apr  3, 2001 J. Apostolakis - param-V03-00-00
236 - Modified G4FastSimulationManagerProcess call    177 - Modified G4FastSimulationManagerProcess call to PropagatorInField ComputeStep
237    to use new interface with G4FieldTrack (in     178    to use new interface with G4FieldTrack (in place of now obsolete interface.)
238                                                   179 
239 Nov 14, 2000 G. Cosmo - param-V02-00-01           180 Nov 14, 2000 G. Cosmo - param-V02-00-01
240 - Moved specific parameterisation models to th    181 - Moved specific parameterisation models to the new top category
241   "parameterisations". Moved files:               182   "parameterisations". Moved files:
242   G4FoamXrayTRmodel[], G4GamDistrXrayTRm    183   G4FoamXrayTRmodel[], G4GamDistrXrayTRmodel[],
243   G4IrregularXrayTRmodel[], G4PAIcluster    184   G4IrregularXrayTRmodel[], G4PAIclusterModel[],
244   G4PhotoClusterModel[], G4PlateIrrGasXr    185   G4PhotoClusterModel[], G4PlateIrrGasXrayTRmodel[],
245   G4RegularXrayTRmodel[], G4VClusterMode    186   G4RegularXrayTRmodel[], G4VClusterModel[],
246   G4VXrayTRmodel[].                         187   G4VXrayTRmodel[].
247 - Cleaned-up GNUmakefile of non necessary depe    188 - Cleaned-up GNUmakefile of non necessary dependencies.
248                                                   189 
249 Aug 03, 2000 G. Cosmo - param-V02-00-00r          190 Aug 03, 2000 G. Cosmo - param-V02-00-00r
250 - Changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss in G4Irregu    191 - Changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss in and
251 to fix events' reproducibi    192 to fix events' reproducibility problem.
252 - fix to class destructor (    193 - fix to class destructor (V.Grichine)
253                                                   194 
254 Jun 15, 2000 G. Cosmo - param-V01-01-04           195 Jun 15, 2000 G. Cosmo - param-V01-01-04
255 - The tag coworks with global-V01-01-04 and ma    196 - The tag coworks with global-V01-01-04 and materials-V01-01-00:
256   o Fixed usage of G4complex type for ISO and     197   o Fixed usage of G4complex type for ISO and non-ISO compilers.
257     Affected files:, G4Ga    198     Affected files:,,
258                     and G4RegularXrayTRmodel.c    199                     and
259     In case of G4complex types passed to mathe    200     In case of G4complex types passed to mathematical functions, use G4std:: prefix.
260   o Fixed usage of G4Integrator class, now cha    201   o Fixed usage of G4Integrator class, now changed to templated to allow porting of the
261     code on SUN-CC compiler which does not imp    202     code on SUN-CC compiler which does not implement templated member functions.
262     Affected files: G4VXrayTRmodel[]        203     Affected files: G4VXrayTRmodel[]
263                                                   204 
264 Jun  6, 2000 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas      205 Jun  6, 2000 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas
265 - fixed compilation errors with HP-aCC for the    206 - fixed compilation errors with HP-aCC for the files,
266 and G4FoamXrayTRmod    207 and
267                                                   208 
268 May 30, 2000 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas      209 May 30, 2000 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas
269                                                   210 
270 - parameterisation category is now RW free.       211 - parameterisation category is now RW free.
271                                                   212 
272 September 16, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Fre    213 September 16, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas
273                                                   214 
274 - Fixed bug in G4FastStep::CheckIt() method.      215 - Fixed bug in G4FastStep::CheckIt() method.
275                                                   216 
276 April 19, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas    217 April 19, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas
277                                                   218 
278 Changes in G4FastStep to co-work with track-01    219 Changes in G4FastStep to co-work with track-01-00-04:
279                                                   220 
280 1) The method void CheckIt(const G4Track&) bec << 221 1) The method void CheckIt(const G4Track&) becomes 
281 G4bool CheckIt(const G4Track&);                   222 G4bool CheckIt(const G4Track&);
282 2) The FAST_STEP_DEBUG compiling option disapp    223 2) The FAST_STEP_DEBUG compiling option disappears;
283 3) Call to CheckIt controled by the G4VParticl    224 3) Call to CheckIt controled by the G4VParticleChange::debugFlag attribute.
284                                                   225 
285 Miscellaneous: the declaration "G4double mass     226 Miscellaneous: the declaration "G4double mass = masss =..." in G4FastStep.hh
286 corrected to G4double mass =...".                 227 corrected to G4double mass =...".
287                                                   228 
288 April 15, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas    229 April 15, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas
289                                                   230 
290 Tasks to decouple visualization from processes    231 Tasks to decouple visualization from processes/parameterisation:
291                                                   232 
292 1) G4GlobalFastSimulationManager now inherites    233 1) G4GlobalFastSimulationManager now inherites from the intercoms/
293 G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager to allow visual << 234 G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager to allow visualisation to get a 
294 concrete instance pointer to the G4GlobalFastS    235 concrete instance pointer to the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager,
295 if any.                                           236 if any.
296                                                   237 
297 2) G4FlavoredParallelWorld now inherites from     238 2) G4FlavoredParallelWorld now inherites from the intercoms/
298 G4VFlavoredParallelWorld, a pure virtual abstr    239 G4VFlavoredParallelWorld, a pure virtual abstract class to interface
299 parameterisation with visualization.              240 parameterisation with visualization.
300                                                   241 
301 Co-works with intercoms-01-00-01 tag              242 Co-works with intercoms-01-00-01 tag
302                                                   243 
303 Modified files:                                   244 Modified files:
304 ---------------                                   245 ---------------
305 G4FlavoredParallelWorld.hh                        246 G4FlavoredParallelWorld.hh
306 G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.hh                  247 G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.hh
307                  248
308                                                   249 
309 Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exe    250 Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exemple N05.
310                                                   251 
311 April 14, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas    252 April 14, 1999 M. Verderi & P. Mora de Freitas
312                                                   253 
313 Several consolidation tasks (thanks to G. Cosm    254 Several consolidation tasks (thanks to G. Cosmo):
314                                                   255 
315 1) Warning:                                    << 256 1) Warning: 
316 -----------                                       257 -----------
317                                                   258 
318 Pointers usage                                    259 Pointers usage
319                                                   260 
320 - Setting pointers to 0 after delete:             261 - Setting pointers to 0 after delete:
321                                                   262 
322   delete pA;                                      263   delete pA;
323   pA = 0;                                         264   pA = 0;
324                                                   265 
325 - Avoid to use "NULL".                            266 - Avoid to use "NULL".
326                                                   267 
327 Modified files:                                   268 Modified files:
328 ---------------                                   269 ---------------
329 G4FastSimulationManager.hh                        270 G4FastSimulationManager.hh
330 G4FastTrack.hh                                    271 G4FastTrack.hh
331 G4FlavoredParallelWorld.hh                        272 G4FlavoredParallelWorld.hh
332                        273
333                      274
334                 275
335                                    276
336                  277
337                         278
338                                                   279 
339 Status:                                        << 280 Status: 
340 -------                                           281 -------
341 Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exe    282 Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exemple N05.
342                                                   283 
343 2) Warning:                                       284 2) Warning:
344 -----------                                       285 -----------
345 include/G4FastSimulationManager.hh:163            286 include/G4FastSimulationManager.hh:163
346     Public member functions shall always retur    287     Public member functions shall always return const handles to member data
347     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standar    288     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standards item 18
348                                                   289 
349 offending code:                                   290 offending code:
350 ---------------                                   291 ---------------
351 inline G4VParticleChange* G4FastSimulationMana    292 inline G4VParticleChange* G4FastSimulationManager::GettheParticleChange()
352 {                                                 293 {
353   return &fFastStep;                              294   return &fFastStep;
354 }                                                 295 }
355                                                   296 
356 Diagnostic:                                       297 Diagnostic:
357 ----------                                        298 ----------
358                                                   299 
359  Called by the G4FastSimulationManagerProcess  << 300  Called by the G4FastSimulationManagerProcess to return it in the 
360 PostStepDoIt call.                             << 301 PostStepDoIt call. 
361                                                   302 
362 Action:                                           303 Action:
363 -------                                           304 -------
364 The G4FastSimulationManager::GettheParticleCha    305 The G4FastSimulationManager::GettheParticleChange() method doesn't exist any
365 more. The G4VParticleChange* is now returned d    306 more. The G4VParticleChange* is now returned directly when invoking the
366 G4FastSimulationManager::InvokePostStepDoIt()     307 G4FastSimulationManager::InvokePostStepDoIt() and
367 G4FastSimulationManager::InvokeAtRestDoIt() me    308 G4FastSimulationManager::InvokeAtRestDoIt() methodes.
368                                                   309 
369 Modified files:                                   310 Modified files:
370 ---------------                                   311 ---------------
371 G4FastSimulationManager.hh                        312 G4FastSimulationManager.hh
372                        313
373                 314
374                                                   315 
375 Status:                                        << 316 Status: 
376 -------                                           317 -------
377 Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exe    318 Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exemple N05.
378                                                   319 
379 3) Warning:                                       320 3) Warning:
380 -----------                                       321 -----------
381 include/G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh:52      322 include/G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh:52
382     If a class has virtual functions it shall     323     If a class has virtual functions it shall have a virtual destructor
383     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standar    324     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standards item 17
384     class G4FastSimulationManagerProcess has v    325     class G4FastSimulationManagerProcess has virtual functions without a virtual destructor.
385                                                   326 
386 offending code:                                   327 offending code:
387 ---------------                                   328 ---------------
388   ~G4FastSimulationManagerProcess();              329   ~G4FastSimulationManagerProcess();
389                                                   330 
390 Diagnostic:                                       331 Diagnostic:
391 ----------                                        332 ----------
392   Nobody should inherites from G4FastSimulatio << 333   Nobody should inherites from G4FastSimulationManagerProcess BUT for virtual 
393 is added.                                         334 is added.
394                                                   335 
395 Action:                                           336 Action:
396 -------                                           337 -------
397   virtual ~G4FastSimulationManagerProcess();      338   virtual ~G4FastSimulationManagerProcess();
398                                                   339 
399 Modified files:                                   340 Modified files:
400 ---------------                                   341 ---------------
401 G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh                 342 G4FastSimulationManagerProcess.hh
402                                                   343 
403 Status:                                        << 344 Status: 
404 -------                                           345 -------
405 Done.                                             346 Done.
406                                                   347 
407 4) Warning:                                       348 4) Warning:
408 -----------                                       349 -----------
409 include/G4FastSimulationMessenger.hh:36           350 include/G4FastSimulationMessenger.hh:36
410     If a class has virtual functions it shall     351     If a class has virtual functions it shall have a virtual destructor
411     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standar    352     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standards item 17
412     class G4FastSimulationMessenger has virtua    353     class G4FastSimulationMessenger has virtual functions without a virtual destructor.
413                                                   354 
414                                                   355 
415 offending code:                                   356 offending code:
416 ---------------                                   357 ---------------
417   ~G4FastSimulationMessenger();                   358   ~G4FastSimulationMessenger();
418                                                   359 
419 Diagnostic:                                       360 Diagnostic:
420 ----------                                        361 ----------
421   Nobody should inherites from G4FastSimulatio << 362   Nobody should inherites from G4FastSimulationMessenger BUT for virtual 
422 is added.                                         363 is added.
423                                                   364 
424 Action:                                           365 Action:
425 -------                                           366 -------
426   virtual ~G4FastSimulationMessenger();           367   virtual ~G4FastSimulationMessenger();
427                                                   368 
428 Modified files:                                   369 Modified files:
429 ---------------                                   370 ---------------
430 G4FastSimulationMessenger.hh                      371 G4FastSimulationMessenger.hh
431                                                   372 
432 Status:                                        << 373 Status: 
433 -------                                           374 -------
434 Done.                                             375 Done.
435                                                   376 
436 5) Warning:                                       377 5) Warning:
437 -----------                                       378 -----------
438 include/G4FastStep.hh:224                         379 include/G4FastStep.hh:224
439     Operator= should call base class operator=    380     Operator= should call base class operator=
440     Possible severe violation: Effective C++ i    381     Possible severe violation: Effective C++ item 16
441     operator= in class G4FastStep, should call    382     operator= in class G4FastStep, should call operator= in base class G4VParticleChange
442                                                   383 
443 offending code:                                   384 offending code:
444 ---------------                                   385 ---------------
445 G4FastStep & G4FastStep::operator=(const G4Fas    386 G4FastStep & G4FastStep::operator=(const G4FastStep &right)
446 {                                                 387 {
447    if (this != &right)                            388    if (this != &right)
448    {                                              389    {
449       theListOfSecondaries          =    390       theListOfSecondaries          = right.theListOfSecondaries;
450       theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries =    391       theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries = right.theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries;
451       theNumberOfSecondaries        =    392       theNumberOfSecondaries        = right.theNumberOfSecondaries;
452       theStatusChange               =    393       theStatusChange               = right.theStatusChange;
453       theMomentumChange             =    394       theMomentumChange             = right.theMomentumChange;
454       thePolarizationChange         =    395       thePolarizationChange         = right.thePolarizationChange;
455       thePositionChange             =    396       thePositionChange             = right.thePositionChange;
456       theTimeChange                 =    397       theTimeChange                 = right.theTimeChange;
457       theEnergyChange               =    398       theEnergyChange               = right.theEnergyChange;
458       theTrueStepLength             =    399       theTrueStepLength             = right.theTrueStepLength;
459       theLocalEnergyDeposit         =    400       theLocalEnergyDeposit         = right.theLocalEnergyDeposit;
460       theSteppingControlFlag        =    401       theSteppingControlFlag        = right.theSteppingControlFlag;
461       theWeightChange               =    402       theWeightChange               = right.theWeightChange;
462    }                                              403    }
463    return *this;                                  404    return *this;
464 }                                                 405 }
465                                                   406 
466 Diagnostic:                                       407 Diagnostic:
467 ----------                                        408 ----------
468   Bug detected.                                   409   Bug detected.
469                                                   410 
470 Action:                                           411 Action:
471 -------                                           412 -------
472   Insert the call                                 413   Insert the call
473   G4VParticleChange::operator=(right);            414   G4VParticleChange::operator=(right);
474                                                   415 
475 Status:                                           416 Status:
476 -------                                           417 -------
477   Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with e    418   Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exemple N05.
478                                                   419 
479 Modified files:                                   420 Modified files:
480 ---------------                                   421 ---------------
481                                   422
482                                                   423 
483 6) Warning:                                       424 6) Warning:
484 -----------                                       425 -----------
485 include/G4FastStep.hh:59                          426 include/G4FastStep.hh:59
486     Avoid data members in the public interface    427     Avoid data members in the public interface
487     Violation: Effective C++ item 20              428     Violation: Effective C++ item 20
488     Public data members for class G4FastStep:     429     Public data members for class G4FastStep:
489       debugFlag                                   430       debugFlag
490                                                   431 
491                                                   432 
492 offending code:                                   433 offending code:
493 ---------------                                   434 ---------------
494   public:                                         435   public:
495   ...                                             436   ...
496   G4bool debugFlag;                               437   G4bool debugFlag;
497                                                   438 
498 Diagnostic:                                       439 Diagnostic:
499 ----------                                        440 ----------
500   Historical usage.                               441   Historical usage.
501                                                   442 
502 Action:                                           443 Action:
503 -------                                           444 -------
504   Replaced by #ifdef FAST_STEP_DEBUG in the G4    445   Replaced by #ifdef FAST_STEP_DEBUG in the file.
505                                                   446 
506 Modified files:                                   447 Modified files:
507 ---------------                                   448 ---------------
508   G4FastStep.hh,                    449   G4FastStep.hh,
509                                                   450 
510 Status:                                           451 Status:
511 -------                                           452 -------
512   Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with e    453   Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exemple N05.
513                                                   454 
514 7) Warning:                                       455 7) Warning:
515 -----------                                       456 -----------
516 include/G4FastStep.hh:59                          457 include/G4FastStep.hh:59
517     If a class has virtual functions it shall     458     If a class has virtual functions it shall have a virtual destructor
518     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standar    459     Severe violation: Universal Coding Standards item 17
519     class G4FastStep has virtual functions wit    460     class G4FastStep has virtual functions without a virtual destructor.
520                                                   461 
521                                                   462 
522 offending code:                                   463 offending code:
523 ---------------                                   464 ---------------
524   ~G4FastStep();                                  465   ~G4FastStep();
525                                                   466 
526 Diagnostic:                                       467 Diagnostic:
527 ----------                                        468 ----------
528    Nobody should inherites from G4FastStep BUT    469    Nobody should inherites from G4FastStep BUT virtual added.
529                                                   470 
530 Action:                                           471 Action:
531 -------                                           472 -------
532   virtual ~G4FastStep();                          473   virtual ~G4FastStep();
533                                                   474 
534 Modified files:                                   475 Modified files:
535 ---------------                                   476 ---------------
536   G4FastStep.hh                                   477   G4FastStep.hh
537                                                   478 
538 Status:                                           479 Status:
539 -------                                           480 -------
540   Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with e    481   Done, tested, system-tested on HP-aCC with exemple N05.
541                                                   482 
542                                                   483 
543 December 7, 1998 M. Verderi                       484 December 7, 1998 M. Verderi
544    G4FastSimulationManagerProcess class:          485    G4FastSimulationManagerProcess class:
545    Fixes made for ghost navigation with           486    Fixes made for ghost navigation with
546    mag-field:                                     487    mag-field:
547   LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchable is          488   LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchable is
548   always used (in not the Locate...Setup          489   always used (in not the Locate...Setup
549   method)                                         490   method)
550   In PostStepDoIt: correction of position and     491   In PostStepDoIt: correction of position and
551   direction of the track are made when         << 492   direction of the track are made when 
552   possible in case of mag-field.                  493   possible in case of mag-field.
553   This correction comes from the fact that a      494   This correction comes from the fact that a
554   small discrepancy appears on those quantitie    495   small discrepancy appears on those quantities
555   because of the numerical integration along      496   because of the numerical integration along
556   the field on the track path: the G4FSMP         497   the field on the track path: the G4FSMP
557   proposes a curve-length, the transportation     498   proposes a curve-length, the transportation
558   moves the track along this curve, however       499   moves the track along this curve, however
559   the end point position and direction are        500   the end point position and direction are
560   slightly different from those expected by       501   slightly different from those expected by
561   the G4FSMP when it proposed the length.         502   the G4FSMP when it proposed the length.
562                                                   503 
563 November 20,1998 M. Verderi                       504 November 20,1998 M. Verderi
564    G4FastStep class:                              505    G4FastStep class:
565    Remove track/G4BiasingTag.hh dependancy (ob    506    Remove track/G4BiasingTag.hh dependancy (obsolete).
566    Adapted to new shceme of Event Biasing mech    507    Adapted to new shceme of Event Biasing mechanism,
567    consistently with track-00-04-01 tag.          508    consistently with track-00-04-01 tag.
568                                                   509 
569 November 11,1998 M. Verderi                       510 November 11,1998 M. Verderi
570    Merge of param-00-03-02 & param-00-03-02a i    511    Merge of param-00-03-02 & param-00-03-02a into
571    param-00-03-04a (hopefully...)                 512    param-00-03-04a (hopefully...)
572    The point is the chnage of signature in the    513    The point is the chnage of signature in the
573    LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(..) of the G4Navi    514    LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(..) of the G4Navigator making use now
574    of the track direction. The G4FastSimulatio    515    of the track direction. The G4FastSimulationManagerProcess is
575    changed accordingly:                           516    changed accordingly:
576    fGhostNavigator.LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(t    517    fGhostNavigator.LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(track.GetPosition(), &direction, true);
577                                                   518 
578                                                   519 
579 November 6, 1998 M. Verderi                       520 November 6, 1998 M. Verderi
580    - Extension of the G4FastStep to allow the     521    - Extension of the G4FastStep to allow the biasing technic.
581      Changes are made in:                         522      Changes are made in:
582                 - G4FastStep.hh/.icc:             523                 - G4FastStep.hh/.icc:
583                         new member G4BiasingTa    524                         new member G4BiasingTag fBiasTag;
584                         new method SetPrimaryT    525                         new method SetPrimaryTrackFinalBiasingTag
585                                 ( G4BiasingTag    526                                 ( G4BiasingTag aTag );
586                 -                  527                 -
587                         Initialize();             528                         Initialize();
588                         operator=;             << 529                         operator=;   
589                         UpdateForPostStep();      530                         UpdateForPostStep();
590                         UpdateForAtRest();     << 531                         UpdateForAtRest();  
591                                                   532 
592 October 26, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas               533 October 26, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
593    - G4FastSimulationManagerProcess and G4Fast    534    - G4FastSimulationManagerProcess and G4FastSimulationManager adapted to deal
594      with at rest parameterisations also when     535      with at rest parameterisations also when using parallel geometry.
595                                                   536 
596 October  8, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas               537 October  8, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
597    - The G4VFastSimulationModel::IsApplicable(    538    - The G4VFastSimulationModel::IsApplicable() becomes a pure virtual
598      methode.                                     539      methode.
599    - G4FastSimulationManager optimisation:        540    - G4FastSimulationManager optimisation:
600      - New G4ParticleDefinition* fLastCrossedP    541      - New G4ParticleDefinition* fLastCrossedParticle data member, keeps
601        the last particle type with touched the    542        the last particle type with touched the envelope;
602      - New G4RWTPtrOrderedVector<G4VFastSimula    543      - New G4RWTPtrOrderedVector<G4VFastSimulationModel> fApplicableModelList
603        data member, keeps the model list of th << 544        data member, keeps the model list of the applicable models for 
604        the actual fLastCrossedParticle particl    545        the actual fLastCrossedParticle particle type;
605      - Changes in the PostStepGetFastSimulatio << 546      - Changes in the PostStepGetFastSimulationManagerTrigger() and 
606        AtRestGetFastSimulationManagerTrigger() << 547        AtRestGetFastSimulationManagerTrigger()methodes to update the 
607        fApplicableModelList when needed (fLast    548        fApplicableModelList when needed (fLastCrossedParticle !=
608        the actual tracked particle);              549        the actual tracked particle);
609      - Changes in the                          << 550      - Changes in the 
610   G4FastSimulationManager() (Constructor)         551   G4FastSimulationManager() (Constructor)
611   ActivateFastSimulationModel(),                  552   ActivateFastSimulationModel(),
612   InActivateFastSimulationModel(),                553   InActivateFastSimulationModel(),
613   AtRestGetFastSimulationManagerTrigger(),        554   AtRestGetFastSimulationManagerTrigger(),
614   AddFastSimulationModel(),                       555   AddFastSimulationModel(),
615   RemoveFastSimulationModel()                     556   RemoveFastSimulationModel()
616   methodes to set the fLastCrossedParticle to     557   methodes to set the fLastCrossedParticle to NULL, forcing the
617   fApplicableModelList to be rebuilt.             558   fApplicableModelList to be rebuilt.
618                                                   559 
619 September 22, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas             560 September 22, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
620    Fixed bug in parallel navigation.           << 561    Fixed bug in parallel navigation. 
621    File touched: G4FastSimulationManagerProces    562    File touched:
622    Tested on HP-aCC.                              563    Tested on HP-aCC.
623                                                   564 
624 September 17, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas             565 September 17, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
625    G4FastSimulationManager::RemoveFastSimulati    566    G4FastSimulationManager::RemoveFastSimulationModel() updated to look
626 for also in the fInactivatedModels list.          567 for also in the fInactivatedModels list.
627                                                   568 
628   Tested on HP-aCC.                               569   Tested on HP-aCC.
629                                                   570 
630 September 16, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas             571 September 16, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
631    New /param/ control commands:                  572    New /param/ control commands:
632                                                   573 
633   /param/ActivateModel <ModelName>                574   /param/ActivateModel <ModelName>
634   /param/InActivateModel <ModelName>              575   /param/InActivateModel <ModelName>
635                                                   576 
636   Activate or inactivate a given parameterisat    577   Activate or inactivate a given parameterisation model.
637                                                   578 
638   Tested on HP-aCC.                               579   Tested on HP-aCC.
639                                                   580 
640 August 21, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas                581 August 21, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
641   G4FastSimulationManagerProcess's G4ProcessTy    582   G4FastSimulationManagerProcess's G4ProcessType set to
642 fParameterisation, accordingly with procman-00    583 fParameterisation, accordingly with procman-00-02-03.
643                                                   584 
644   Tested on HP-aCC.                               585   Tested on HP-aCC.
645                                                   586 
646 August 12, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas                587 August 12, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
647   Improved the "close parameterisation control << 588   Improved the "close parameterisation control" to 
648                                                   589 
649   1) avoid the close looping when unnecessary     590   1) avoid the close looping when unnecessary (mostly cases);
650   2) force re-close when necessary (insert/rem    591   2) force re-close when necessary (insert/remove ghosts).
651                                                   592 
652   Changes:                                        593   Changes:
653                                                   594 
654   1) the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::fClose << 595   1) the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::fClosed is now initialised 
655      to true by the G4GlobalFastSimulationMana    596      to true by the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager constructor;
656                                                   597 
657   2) new method                                << 598   2) new method 
658                                                   599 
659      void                                      << 600      void 
660      G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::FastSimula    601      G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::FastSimulationNeedsToBeClosed();
661                                                   602 
662      called by the AddGhostPlacement and Remov << 603      called by the AddGhostPlacement and RemoveGhostPlacement 
663      G4FastSimulationManager methods to set fa    604      G4FastSimulationManager methods to set false the fClosed flag;
664                                                   605 
665   3) changes in the G4GlobalFastSimulationMana    606   3) changes in the G4GlobalFastSimulationManager::Notify method
666      to deal with these changes.                  607      to deal with these changes.
667                                                   608 
668   Tested on HP-aCC.                               609   Tested on HP-aCC.
669                                                   610 
670 August 11, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas                611 August 11, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
671   Fix to the G4FastStep::KillPrimaryTrack() me    612   Fix to the G4FastStep::KillPrimaryTrack() method to drop the
672 nonsense line                                     613 nonsense line
673                                                   614 
674   SetMomentumChange(0.,0.,0.) ; /* necessary ?    615   SetMomentumChange(0.,0.,0.) ; /* necessary ? */
675                                                   616 
676   Tested on HP-aCC.                               617   Tested on HP-aCC.
677   (Thanks to Willy Langeveld)                     618   (Thanks to Willy Langeveld)
678                                                   619 
679                                                   620 
680 August 10, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas                621 August 10, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
681   Fix to the SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy    622   Fix to the SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergyAndDirection() method
682 from the G4FastStep class the SetMomentumChang    623 from the G4FastStep class the SetMomentumChange() call to insure that
683 the new momentum direction is a unit vector (a << 624 the new momentum direction is a unit vector (as asked by the 
684 G4DynamicParticle::SetMomentumDirection method    625 G4DynamicParticle::SetMomentumDirection method).
685                                                   626 
686   Touched files: G4FastStep.hh (improved comme    627   Touched files: G4FastStep.hh (improved comments)
687         (fixed)            628         (fixed)
688                                                   629 
689   Tested on HP-aCC.                               630   Tested on HP-aCC.
690   (Thanks to Willy Langeveld)                     631   (Thanks to Willy Langeveld)
691                                                   632 
692 August 7, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas                 633 August 7, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
693   New /param/ commands directory with the comm    634   New /param/ commands directory with the commands:
694                                                   635 
695   /param/listEnvelopes [ParticleName]             636   /param/listEnvelopes [ParticleName]
696                                                   637 
697   - List all the envelope names for a given pa    638   - List all the envelope names for a given particle
698     (or for all particles if without parameter    639     (or for all particles if without parameters).
699                                                   640 
700   /param/listModels [EnvelopeName]                641   /param/listModels [EnvelopeName]
701                                                   642 
702   - List all the Model names for a given envel    643   - List all the Model names for a given envelope
703     (or for all envelopes if without parameter    644     (or for all envelopes if without parameters).
704                                                   645 
705   /param/listIsApplicable [ModelName]             646   /param/listIsApplicable [ModelName]
706                                                   647 
707   - List all the particle names a given model     648   - List all the particle names a given model is applicable
708     (or for all models if without parameters).    649     (or for all models if without parameters).
709                                                   650 
710                                                   651 
711 August 7, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas                 652 August 7, 1998  P.Mora de Freitas
712   History file Created.                           653   History file Created.