Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category had-theo-HE History 1 # Category had-theo-HE History 2 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry, 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). It must **not** 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages! 6 6 7 ## 2022-11-11 Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V11-0 7 ## 2022-11-11 Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V11-00-02) 8 - G4TheoFSGenerator: simplified treatment for 8 - G4TheoFSGenerator: simplified treatment for low-energy inelastic nuclear 9 reactions of light hypernuclei (because Bert 9 reactions of light hypernuclei (because Bertini and Binary intra-nuclear 10 cascade models are not applicable for these 10 cascade models are not applicable for these projectiles). 11 Note that for light anti-hypernuclei, FTF wo 11 Note that for light anti-hypernuclei, FTF works fine down to zero 12 kinetic energy. 12 kinetic energy. 13 13 14 ## 2022-05-25 Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V11-0 14 ## 2022-05-25 Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V11-00-01) 15 - `G4TheoFSGenerator`: propagate the informati 15 - `G4TheoFSGenerator`: propagate the information on parent resonance 16 (in the `ApplyYourself` method, from `G4Reac 16 (in the `ApplyYourself` method, from `G4ReactionProduct` to `G4HadSecondary`) 17 17 18 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (had-theo-HE-V11-00-0 18 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (had-theo-HE-V11-00-00) 19 - Change to new Markdown History format 19 - Change to new Markdown History format 20 20 21 --- 21 --- 22 22 23 # History entries prior to 11.0 23 # History entries prior to 11.0 24 24 25 04-Aug-2021, Alberto Ribon (had-t 25 04-Aug-2021, Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V10-07-03) 26 - G4TheoFSGenerator, G4QuasiElasticChannel, G4 26 - G4TheoFSGenerator, G4QuasiElasticChannel, G4CRCoalescence : 27 set creator model ID for the secondaries, us 27 set creator model ID for the secondaries, using the new version of 28 G4PhysicsModelCatalog 28 G4PhysicsModelCatalog 29 29 30 04-Jun-2021, Alberto Ribon (had-t 30 04-Jun-2021, Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V10-07-02) 31 - G4TheoFSGenerator : added accessor (i.e. "Ge 31 - G4TheoFSGenerator : added accessor (i.e. "Get") methods for the 32 corresponding setter methods (i.e. "Set", al 32 corresponding setter methods (i.e. "Set", already existing). 33 This can be useful for users to access at ru 33 This can be useful for users to access at run-time some information 34 available from a hadronic final-state model. 34 available from a hadronic final-state model. 35 35 36 16-Apr-2021, Ben Morgan (had-t 36 16-Apr-2021, Ben Morgan (had-theo-HE-V10-07-01) 37 - Migrate build to modular CMake API 37 - Migrate build to modular CMake API 38 38 39 13-Apr-2021, Alberto Ribon (had-t 39 13-Apr-2021, Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V10-07-00) 40 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed the sub 40 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed the subdirectories 41 hadronic/models/management and hadronic/mode 41 hadronic/models/management and hadronic/models/util 42 (that have been now deleted, with their clas 42 (that have been now deleted, with their classes moved to 43 hadronic/util and hadronic/management). 43 hadronic/util and hadronic/management). 44 Removed also the useless dependency to hadro 44 Removed also the useless dependency to hadronic/process. 45 45 46 07-Nov-2020, Vladimir Ivanchenko (had-t 46 07-Nov-2020, Vladimir Ivanchenko (had-theo-HE-V10-06-04) 47 - G4CRCoalescence : use inheritance from G4Had 47 - G4CRCoalescence : use inheritance from G4HadronicInteraction 48 - G4TheoFSGenerator : instantiate G4CRCoalesce 48 - G4TheoFSGenerator : instantiate G4CRCoalescence once in the thread 49 49 50 05-Nov-2020, Alberto Ribon (had-t 50 05-Nov-2020, Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V10-06-03) 51 - G4CRCoalescence : new class, based on the wo 51 - G4CRCoalescence : new class, based on the work by Diego Mauricio 52 Gomez Coral for the GAPS Collaboration, for 52 Gomez Coral for the GAPS Collaboration, for applying coalescence to 53 the secondaries produced by string model to 53 the secondaries produced by string model to form deuterons and 54 antideuterons from, respectively, proton-neu 54 antideuterons from, respectively, proton-neutron and 55 antiproton-antineutron pairs with close mome 55 antiproton-antineutron pairs with close momenta. 56 This class can be useful in particular for C 56 This class can be useful in particular for Cosmic Ray applications. 57 - G4TheoFSGenerator : in the method ApplyYours 57 - G4TheoFSGenerator : in the method ApplyYourself, apply G4CRCoalescence 58 to the candidate secondaries produced by the 58 to the candidate secondaries produced by the string model, if the 59 corresponding switch is enabled (by default 59 corresponding switch is enabled (by default it is disabled). 60 60 61 24-Jul-2020, Alberto Ribon (had-t 61 24-Jul-2020, Alberto Ribon (had-theo-HE-V10-06-02) 62 - G4TheoFSGenerator : introduced a temporarily 62 - G4TheoFSGenerator : introduced a temporarily dummy treatment of 63 heavy (charm and bottom) projectile hadrons 63 heavy (charm and bottom) projectile hadrons at low energies 64 (below 100 MeV). 64 (below 100 MeV). 65 Cascade models are currently not applicable 65 Cascade models are currently not applicable for heavy hadrons and 66 string models cannot handle them properly at 66 string models cannot handle them properly at very low energies, 67 so we return as final state the initial stat 67 so we return as final state the initial state unchanged. 68 Note that, for most applications, this is a 68 Note that, for most applications, this is a safe simplification, 69 giving that the nearly all slowly moving cha 69 giving that the nearly all slowly moving charm and bottom hadrons 70 decay before any hadronic interaction can oc 70 decay before any hadronic interaction can occur. 71 71 72 05-Mar-2020, Vladimir Ivanchenko (had-t 72 05-Mar-2020, Vladimir Ivanchenko (had-theo-HE-V10-06-01) 73 - G4QuasiElasticChannel, G4TheoFSGenerator - c 73 - G4QuasiElasticChannel, G4TheoFSGenerator - clean-up: use C++11 74 keywords and loops, removed unused methods 74 keywords and loops, removed unused methods, coherently aline 75 identation and brackets 75 identation and brackets 76 76 77 24-Feb-2020, Vladimir Ivanchenko (had-t 77 24-Feb-2020, Vladimir Ivanchenko (had-theo-HE-V10-06-00) 78 - G4QuasiElasticChannel - use inheritance from 78 - G4QuasiElasticChannel - use inheritance from G4HadronicInteraction 79 G4TheoFSGenerator - do not destruct G4QuasiE 79 G4TheoFSGenerator - do not destruct G4QuasiElasticChannel 80 80 81 23-Jun-2017, Gunter Folger (had-t 81 23-Jun-2017, Gunter Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-03-02) 82 - fix memory leak introduced by changes for pa 82 - fix memory leak introduced by changes for passing creator model. 83 83 84 31-May-2017, G.Folger (had-t 84 31-May-2017, G.Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-03-01) 85 - retag to include History 85 - retag to include History 86 86 87 31-May-2017, G.Folger (had-t 87 31-May-2017, G.Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-03-00) 88 - G4TheoFSGenerator: pass through CreatorModel 88 - G4TheoFSGenerator: pass through CreatorModel and time 89 89 90 07-Aug-2015, A.Ribon (had-t 90 07-Aug-2015, A.Ribon (had-theo-HE-V10-01-03) 91 - G4QuasiElasticChannel : checking of 'while' 91 - G4QuasiElasticChannel : checking of 'while' loops. 92 92 93 17-Apr-2015, W.Pokorski (had-t 93 17-Apr-2015, W.Pokorski (had-theo-HE-V10-01-02) 94 - fixing memory leak 94 - fixing memory leak 95 95 96 17-Apr-2015, W.Pokorski (had-t 96 17-Apr-2015, W.Pokorski (had-theo-HE-V10-01-01) 97 - fixing stupid mistake in the previous tag 97 - fixing stupid mistake in the previous tag 98 98 99 17-Apr-2015, W.Pokorski (had-t 99 17-Apr-2015, W.Pokorski (had-theo-HE-V10-01-00) 100 - update for new quasi-elastic class structure 100 - update for new quasi-elastic class structure 101 101 102 6-Nov-2014, G.Folger (had-t 102 6-Nov-2014, G.Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-00-07) 103 - remove G4LMsdGenerator and G4LMsdChannel als 103 - remove G4LMsdGenerator and G4LMsdChannel also in source.cmake 104 104 105 6-Nov-2014, V.Grichine, G.Folger (had-t 105 6-Nov-2014, V.Grichine, G.Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-00-06) 106 - remove G4LMsdGenerator and G4LMsdChannel 106 - remove G4LMsdGenerator and G4LMsdChannel 107 107 108 15-Oct-2014, V. Grichine: (had-t 108 15-Oct-2014, V. Grichine: (had-theo-HE-V10-00-05) 109 - G4LMsdGenerator and G4LMsdChannel were added 109 - G4LMsdGenerator and G4LMsdChannel were added 110 to provide interface to inelastic single dif 110 to provide interface to inelastic single diffraction dissociation 111 111 112 1-July-2014, Gunter Folger (had-t 112 1-July-2014, Gunter Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-00-04) 113 - Updates to ModelDescription(); updated text 113 - Updates to ModelDescription(); updated text and recurse to propagate. 114 114 115 2-June-2014, Gunter Folger (had-t 115 2-June-2014, Gunter Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-00-03) 116 - one extra G4ParticleDefinition* made const, 116 - one extra G4ParticleDefinition* made const, even if not required. 117 117 118 19-May-2014, Gunter Folger (had-t 118 19-May-2014, Gunter Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-00-02) 119 - fix left over non const G4ParticleDefinition 119 - fix left over non const G4ParticleDefinition * in G4QuasiElasticChannel 120 120 121 05-March-2014, Gunter Folger (had-t 121 05-March-2014, Gunter Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-00-01) 122 - G4TheoFSGenerator: remove const_cast for Par 122 - G4TheoFSGenerator: remove const_cast for ParticleDefinition and 123 simplify code. 123 simplify code. 124 124 125 29-Jan-2014, Gunter Folger (had-t 125 29-Jan-2014, Gunter Folger (had-theo-HE-V10-00-00) 126 - Removed models/common from sources.cmake 126 - Removed models/common from sources.cmake 127 127 128 16-July-2013 G. Cosmo hadr-theo-HE-V09 128 16-July-2013 G. Cosmo hadr-theo-HE-V09-06-05 129 - Correction to CMake scripts for granular bu 129 - Correction to CMake scripts for granular build. 130 130 131 04-June-2013 A. Ribon had-theo-HE-V09- 131 04-June-2013 A. Ribon had-theo-HE-V09-06-04 132 - Fix access to ions via the IonTable class a 132 - Fix access to ions via the IonTable class and GetIon method 133 in 133 in 134 134 135 29-January-2013 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09- 135 29-January-2013 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09-06-03 136 - A new attempt to implement NuclNucl interac 136 - A new attempt to implement NuclNucl interactions 137 137 138 8-January-2013 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09-0 138 8-January-2013 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09-06-02 139 - A new attempt to implement NuclNucl interac 139 - A new attempt to implement NuclNucl interactions 140 140 141 17-December-2012 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09-0 141 17-December-2012 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09-06-01 142 - An interface for a manipulation with nucleu 142 - An interface for a manipulation with nucleus-nucleus interactions was 143 introduced. Alberto's comments are removed. 143 introduced. Alberto's comments are removed. 144 144 145 13-December-2012 A.Ribon had-theo-HE-V09-06 145 13-December-2012 A.Ribon had-theo-HE-V09-06-00 146 - Removed G4ProjectileDiffractiveChannel (whi 146 - Removed G4ProjectileDiffractiveChannel (which depends on CHIPS), 147 and temporary commenting Uz. changes in the 147 and temporary commenting Uz. changes in the tag below. 148 148 149 20-November-2012 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09-0 149 20-November-2012 V. Uzhinsky had-theo-HE-V09-05-05 150 - An interface for a manipulation with nucleu 150 - An interface for a manipulation with nucleus-nucleus interactions was 151 introduced, especially for treating remnant 151 introduced, especially for treating remnants of projectile nuclei. 152 152 153 17-July-2012, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-05 153 17-July-2012, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-05-04 154 - coverity fixes in 154 - coverity fixes in 155 155 156 21-June-2012, W.Pokorski had-theo-HE-V09-05 156 21-June-2012, W.Pokorski had-theo-HE-V09-05-03 157 - removed dependency on CHIPS from the source 157 - removed dependency on CHIPS from the sources.cmake file 158 158 159 11-June-2012, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-05 159 11-June-2012, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-05-02 160 - avoid shadowing of variables 160 - avoid shadowing of variables 161 - some cleanup of 161 - some cleanup of 162 162 163 25-May-2012, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-05-0 163 25-May-2012, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-05-01 164 - G4TheoFSGenerator: add Modeldescription() 164 - G4TheoFSGenerator: add Modeldescription() 165 165 166 166 167 02-May-2012, G.Folger ( 167 02-May-2012, G.Folger ( ..trunk.. ) 168 - revert changes by Mikhail ( revs: r58279, r5 168 - revert changes by Mikhail ( revs: r58279, r58259 ) 169 169 170 28 April 2012 - M.Kosov had-theo-HE-V09-05- 170 28 April 2012 - M.Kosov had-theo-HE-V09-05-00 171 - hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space moved 171 - hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space moved to hadronic/chips 172 172 173 08-Nov-2011, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-04-0 173 08-Nov-2011, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-04-04 174 - G4QuasiElasticChannel: use QuasiElRatios fro 174 - G4QuasiElasticChannel: use QuasiElRatios from models/quasi_elastic 175 in place of QuasiFreeRatios from chips. 175 in place of QuasiFreeRatios from chips. 176 also update Gnumakefile and sources.cmake fo 176 also update Gnumakefile and sources.cmake for added(*) dependency. 177 (*) ProjectileDiffraction still(?) relies o 177 (*) ProjectileDiffraction still(?) relies on chips, so dependency on chips 178 cannot be removed. 178 cannot be removed. 179 179 180 21-Sep-2011, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-04-0 180 21-Sep-2011, G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-04-03 181 note that had-theo-HE-V09-04-02 181 note that had-theo-HE-V09-04-02 was done without record 182 - finish mi 182 - finish migration to integer A&Z 183 - G4QuasiElasticChannel: use QuasiFreeRatios i 183 - G4QuasiElasticChannel: use QuasiFreeRatios in place of QuasiElRatios 184 184 185 8-Aug-2011, M. Kelsey 185 8-Aug-2011, M. Kelsey 186 - G4QuasiElasticChannel: Move #includes from 186 - G4QuasiElasticChannel: Move #includes from .hh to .cc to reduce external 187 dependences. 187 dependences. 188 188 189 5-Aug-2011, M. Kelsey had-theo-HE-V09-04-0 189 5-Aug-2011, M. Kelsey had-theo-HE-V09-04-01 190 -, G4QuasiElasticChannel. 190 -, Follow change in return 191 value of G4V3DNucleus::GetNucleons() 191 value of G4V3DNucleus::GetNucleons() 192 192 193 Requires consistent changes in other package 193 Requires consistent changes in other packages: 194 hadr-modman-V09-04-01 194 hadr-modman-V09-04-01 195 hadr-mod-util-V09-04-02 195 hadr-mod-util-V09-04-02 196 had-partonstring-mgt-V09-04-01 196 had-partonstring-mgt-V09-04-01 197 hadr-qgsm-V09-04-04 197 hadr-qgsm-V09-04-04 198 had-theo-HE-V09-04-01 198 had-theo-HE-V09-04-01 199 199 200 17-Mar-2011 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-04 200 17-Mar-2011 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-04-00 201 - Add G4TheoFSGenerator::GetEnergyMomentumChe 201 - Add G4TheoFSGenerator::GetEnergyMomentumCheckLevel() method. 202 - M.Kelsey: store primary particle, so that c 202 - M.Kelsey: store primary particle, so that cascade in Propagate has access 203 203 204 17-Sep-2010 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-03 204 17-Sep-2010 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-03-01 205 - Correct G4QuasiElasticChannel for bug intro 205 - Correct G4QuasiElasticChannel for bug introduced in A&Z migration 206 206 207 16-Sep-2010 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-03 207 16-Sep-2010 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-03-00 208 - Migrate G4QuasiElasticChannel to interger A 208 - Migrate G4QuasiElasticChannel to interger A&Z 209 209 210 16-Nov-2009 M.Kosov had-theo-HE-V09-02 210 16-Nov-2009 M.Kosov had-theo-HE-V09-02-03 211 - Correct dependency on CHIPS 211 - Correct dependency on CHIPS 212 212 213 29-Apr-2009 M.Kosov had-theo-HE-V09-02 213 29-Apr-2009 M.Kosov had-theo-HE-V09-02-02 214 - Quasi Elastic part is made more used in QGSC 214 - Quasi Elastic part is made more used in QGSC at low energies to improve 215 the performance of QGSC at low energies 215 the performance of QGSC at low energies 216 216 217 8-Apr-2008 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-01 217 8-Apr-2008 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-01-01 218 - Remove unused variable Z in G4QuasiElasticC 218 - Remove unused variable Z in 219 219 220 220 221 8-Apr-2008 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-01 221 8-Apr-2008 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-01-00 222 - Add Fermi momentum to quasi elastic scatter 222 - Add Fermi momentum to quasi elastic scattering 223 223 224 15-Nov-2007 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-00 224 15-Nov-2007 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-00-01 225 - Correct Projectile Diffractive scattering: 225 - Correct Projectile Diffractive scattering: when a very unusal nucleus 226 PDGcode is given by chips, recreate anothe 226 PDGcode is given by chips, recreate another final state. 227 227 228 13-Nov-2007 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-00 228 13-Nov-2007 G.Folger had-theo-HE-V09-00-00 229 - Add Channel for Projectile Diffractive scat 229 - Add Channel for Projectile Diffractive scattering 230 230 231 12-04-2007 Gunter Folger had-theo-HE-V08-02 231 12-04-2007 Gunter Folger had-theo-HE-V08-02-01 232 - add model name to identify model for hadron 232 - add model name to identify model for hadronic whiteboard; default for 233 G4TheoFSGenerator is "TheoFSGenerator", but 233 G4TheoFSGenerator is "TheoFSGenerator", but the ctor in physics lists should 234 set better name 234 set better name 235 235 236 30-03-2007 Gunter Folger had-theo-HE-V08-02 236 30-03-2007 Gunter Folger had-theo-HE-V08-02-00 237 - add G4QuasiElasticChannel to simulate quasie 237 - add G4QuasiElasticChannel to simulate quasielastic scattering; Relies on 238 Chips class G4QuasiFreeRatios. 238 Chips class G4QuasiFreeRatios. 239 - modify G4TheoFSGenerator use G4QuasiElasticC 239 - modify G4TheoFSGenerator use G4QuasiElasticChannel to add quasielastic 240 scattering for string models, and use these 240 scattering for string models, and use these in competition to the string 241 model. 241 model.