Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category hadr-prtn History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 3 ========================================================== 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 4 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 5 ========================================================== 6 6 7 ---------------------------------------------- << 7 History file for hadronic/models/parton_string directory >> 8 -------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 9 ## 2022-11-26 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-prtn-V11-00 << 10 This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the 10 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 11 code and to keep track of all tags. 11 12 12 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (hadr-prtn-V11-00-00) << 13 --------------------------------------------------------------- 13 - Change to new Markdown History format << 14 * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) 14 << 15 --------------------------------------------------------------- 15 --- << 16 << 17 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 18 << 19 ---------------------------------------------- << 20 07 December 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable- << 21 G4FTFParameter : set SetExcitationEnergyPer << 22 << 23 ---------------------------------------------- << 24 01 December 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable- << 25 G4FTFParameter : changed SetExcitationEnerg << 26 from 100 MeV (as in G4 10.1) to 80 MeV (it << 27 << 28 ---------------------------------------------- << 29 09 November 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable- << 30 G4ExcitedStringDecay : increased the number << 31 fragment strings from 10 to 100. << 32 << 33 ---------------------------------------------- << 34 12 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 35 G4VPartonStringModel : instead of having th << 36 (with max 20 attempts) and the string fragm << 37 100 attempts) separated, there is now one s << 38 creation and fragmentation, with max 1000 a << 39 of failure a just-warning exception is thro << 40 << 41 ---------------------------------------------- << 42 11 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 43 G4FTFModel : brought back completely, as in << 44 of the residual nucleus excitation energy ( << 45 which were forgotten in the tag cms_hadr-st << 46 << 47 ---------------------------------------------- << 48 11 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 49 First clean-up and identation of the code. << 50 No changes of the random number sequence. << 51 << 52 ---------------------------------------------- << 53 06 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 54 Created first (internal) tag of the stable << 55 This corresponds to parton_string as in G4 << 56 (internal) tag cms_hadr-string-diff-V10-01- << 57 in order to bring the residual nucleus exci << 58 G4 10.1 . << 59 The aim of this stable parton_string branch << 60 showers, with either FTF or QGS string mode << 61 in G4 10.1, which are reasonably good for t << 62 << 63 ============================================== << 64 << 65 ---------------------------------------------- << 66 26 March 2014, G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V10-00-02) << 67 convert to const G4Particledefinition* << 68 << 69 ---------------------------------------------- << 70 25 February 2014, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-V10-00- << 71 Reverting back the CMakeLists.txt as before << 72 << 73 ---------------------------------------------- << 74 14 February 2014, M. Karamitros (hadr-prtn-V1 << 75 Reordering of add_subdirectory in CMakeList << 76 16 77 ---------------------------------------------- 17 -------------------------------------------------- 78 27 September 2012, G. Cosmo (hadr-prtn-V09-05 18 27 September 2012, G. Cosmo (hadr-prtn-V09-05-00) 79 Explicitly use inclusion of headers for sys 19 Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical 80 constants, in plan to remove implicit inclu 20 constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh. 81 21 82 ---------------------------------------------- 22 -------------------------------------------------- 83 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-08 23 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-08) 84 Bugs fixed Annihilation (px, py of strings 24 Bugs fixed Annihilation (px, py of strings were not set). 85 25 86 ---------------------------------------------- 26 -------------------------------------------------- 87 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-07 27 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-07) 88 Bug in dtor fixed; possible double deletion 28 Bug in dtor fixed; possible double deletion. 89 29 90 ---------------------------------------------- 30 -------------------------------------------------- 91 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-06 31 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-06) 92 Bug was found and fixed in FTF. The pionter 32 Bug was found and fixed in FTF. The pionter on a projectile 93 nucleus was not set to 0 at the end of FTF 33 nucleus was not set to 0 at the end of FTF run. 94 34 95 ---------------------------------------------- 35 -------------------------------------------------- 96 28 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-0 36 28 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-05) 97 Bug was found and fixed in annihilation. 37 Bug was found and fixed in annihilation. 98 38 99 ---------------------------------------------- 39 -------------------------------------------------- 100 28 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-0 40 28 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-04) 101 Bug was found and fixed in G4FTFParameters. 41 Bug was found and fixed in Small improvements 102 were introduced in FTF annihilation. 42 were introduced in FTF annihilation. 103 43 104 ---------------------------------------------- 44 ------------------------------------------------------- 105 25 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-0 45 25 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-03) 106 Bug was found and fixed in G4FragmentingStr 46 Bug was found and fixed in thank to Gunter. 107 A small improvement was introduced in G4FTF 47 A small improvement was introduced in in order 108 to treat LabmdaBar, SigmaBar and so on. 48 to treat LabmdaBar, SigmaBar and so on. 109 49 110 ---------------------------------------------- 50 ------------------------------------------------------- 111 24 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09- 51 24 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-02) 112 First variant of FTF code for a sumulation 52 First variant of FTF code for a sumulation of anti-nucleus-nucleus 113 and nucleus-nucleus interactions is impleme 53 and nucleus-nucleus interactions is implemented. The anti-nucleus 114 nucleus part is working starting from 150*A 54 nucleus part is working starting from 150*A MeV/c. The nucleus- 115 nucleus part is applicable at Plab > 2 * A 55 nucleus part is applicable at Plab > 2 * A GeV/c. 116 56 117 ---------------------------------------------- 57 --------------------------------------------------------- 118 14 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09- 58 14 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-01) 119 Simulation of Anti-baryon - nucleus interac 59 Simulation of Anti-baryon - nucleus interactions from the rest 120 to 1000 GeV is implemented. 60 to 1000 GeV is implemented. 121 The reggeon cascading is switched off. 61 The reggeon cascading is switched off. 122 Good results are obtained in combination wi 62 Good results are obtained in combination with the binary model. 123 63 124 ---------------------------------------------- 64 ---------------------------------------------------------- 125 7 Dec. 2010, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09 65 7 Dec. 2010, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-00) 126 First implementation of baryon - anti-baryon 66 First implementation of baryon - anti-baryon annihilation. 127 New G4FTFAnnihilation class is added in FTF 67 New G4FTFAnnihilation class is added in FTF model, and 128 corresponding changes have dane in FTF conne 68 corresponding changes have dane in FTF connected classes. 129 69 130 Changes have done in G4VSplitableHadron (man 70 Changes have done in G4VSplitableHadron (management), 131 2 new methods have been addded: 71 2 new methods have been addded: 132 virtual void SetFirstParton(G4in 72 virtual void SetFirstParton(G4int PDGcode) 133 virtual void SetSecondParton(G4i 73 virtual void SetSecondParton(G4int PDGcode) 134 to set quark (anti-quark) determination at t 74 to set quark (anti-quark) determination at the annihilation. 135 75 136 Corresponding classes in FTF and QGSM have c 76 Corresponding classes in FTF and QGSM have changed: 137 G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron (FT 77 G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron (FTF) 138 G4QGSMSplitableHadron (QG 78 G4QGSMSplitableHadron (QGSM) 139 79 140 ---------------------------------------------- 80 ----------------------------------------------------------- 141 9 Dec. 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V 81 9 Dec. 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-03-00) 142 Crush found by Alberto with AveragePt2=0 is 82 Crush found by Alberto with AveragePt2=0 is erased in FTF. 143 ---------------------------------------------- 83 -------------------------------------------------------- 144 6 December 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V 84 6 December 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-10) 145 Some correstions are made in diffr., hadron 85 Some correstions are made in diffr., hadronization and managment 146 to treat kinky string fragmentation. 86 to treat kinky string fragmentation. 147 87 148 19 November 2009, Gunter Folger (hadr-prtn-V 88 19 November 2009, Gunter Folger (hadr-prtn-V09-02-09) 149 - G4VParticipants.hh: use modified name of me 89 - G4VParticipants.hh: use modified name of method to sort nucleons in G4V3DNucleus 150 90 151 29 October 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02 91 29 October 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-08) 152 Warning meassage is erased in FTFmodel 92 Warning meassage is erased in FTFmodel 153 ---------------------------------------------- 93 ----------------------------------------------------- 154 25 October 2009, V Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- 94 25 October 2009, V Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-07) 155 Excitation energy calculation was added in 95 Excitation energy calculation was added in FTF. 156 ---------------------------------------------- 96 ----------------------------------------------------- 157 97 158 6 October 2009, V Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-0 98 6 October 2009, V Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-06) 159 Compilation warning are erased in FTF. 99 Compilation warning are erased in FTF. 160 100 161 ---------------------------------------------- 101 ----------------------------------------------------- 162 5 October 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- 102 5 October 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-05) 163 FTFP with tuned parameters of nuclear de-exc 103 FTFP with tuned parameters of nuclear de-excitation. 164 ---------------------------------------------- 104 ------------------------------------------------------ 165 6 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-0 105 6 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-04) 166 A warning message at FTFmodel compilation c 106 A warning message at FTFmodel compilation connected with Xminus 167 initialisation was erased. 107 initialisation was erased. 168 ---------------------------------------------- 108 ------------------------------------------------------ 169 5 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- 109 5 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-03) 170 Some warning were erased at FTFModel compilati 110 Some warning were erased at FTFModel compilation. 171 ---------------------------------------------- 111 ---------------------------------------------------- 172 3 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- 112 3 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-02) 173 FTF model was complited by the reggeon casc 113 FTF model was complited by the reggeon cascade model. 174 ---------------------------------------------- 114 ----------------------------------------------------------- 175 17 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-01) 115 17 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-01) 176 Improvement of FTF model: 116 Improvement of FTF model: 177 A Status of nuclear nucleon involved in an 117 A Status of nuclear nucleon involved in an interaction is introdused. 178 Status: 0 - spectator, 1 - involved nucleon 118 Status: 0 - spectator, 1 - involved nucleon, 2 - absorbed nucleon 179 (G4VSplitableHadron) 119 (G4VSplitableHadron) 180 120 181 A connection between a participant nucleon 121 A connection between a participant nucleon and a nuclear nucleon was 182 introsuced in G4InteractionContent. 122 introsuced in G4InteractionContent. 183 123 184 All of these allow to improve FTF model for 124 All of these allow to improve FTF model for pion obsorption on nuclei. 185 These required a lot of changes in FTF. 125 These required a lot of changes in FTF. 186 ---------------------------------------------- 126 ------------------------------------------------- 187 10 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-00) 127 10 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-00) 188 Introduction the right tag number. 128 Introduction the right tag number. 189 ---------------------------------------------- 129 ------------------------------------------------- 190 9 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-03) 130 9 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-03) 191 Charge-exchange was implemented for pn->np i 131 Charge-exchange was implemented for pn->np in elastic and inelastic 192 interactions simulated by FTF. Pion absorpti 132 interactions simulated by FTF. Pion absorption by a nucleon was 193 implemented also. tag - hadr-string-diff-V09 133 implemented also. tag - hadr-string-diff-V09-02-02 194 134 195 Bug was fixed in G4VLongitudinalStringDecay. 135 Bug was fixed in at calculation of 196 formation/creation time, c_light was inserte 136 formation/creation time, c_light was inserted. Due to this string 197 tension parameter was set to the usual value 137 tension parameter was set to the usual value (1 GeV/fm) in 198 tag - had-hadr 138 tag - had-hadronization-V09-02-02 199 139 200 New field was added in G4VSplitableHadron cl 140 New field was added in G4VSplitableHadron class (G4 bool Activation) 201 and corresponding methods to operatite with 141 and corresponding methods to operatite with it. It was needed for an 202 absorption of meson in nuclear collision gen 142 absorption of meson in nuclear collision generated by FTF. 203 tag - had-partonstring-mgt-V08-02-02 143 tag - had-partonstring-mgt-V08-02-02 204 ---------------------------------------------- 144 ----------------------------------------------- 205 145 206 23 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-02) 146 23 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-02) 207 and G4LundStringFrag 147 and were 208 decoupled at calculation of formation time 148 decoupled at calculation of formation time due to adding methods 209 and member in G4VLongitudinalStringDecay cl 149 and member in G4VLongitudinalStringDecay class for manipulation 210 with string tension. 150 with string tension. 211 151 212 Memory leak was erased in G4QGSMFragmentati 152 Memory leak was erased in and 213 thank to Gunt 153 thank to Gunter. 214 154 215 18 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-01) 155 18 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-01) 216 Changes in G4ExcitedString class were tagge 156 Changes in G4ExcitedString class were tagged. They are needed for 217 operation of FTF. 157 operation of FTF. 218 158 219 13 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01- 159 13 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-00) 220 ---------------------------------------------- 160 ----------------------------------------------- 221 1. String fragmentation was revised, and param 161 1. String fragmentation was revised, and parameters were tuned. 222 2. FTF parameters were tuned for proton-proton 162 2. FTF parameters were tuned for proton-proton interaction 223 3. FTF parameters for pion-nucleon interaction 163 3. FTF parameters for pion-nucleon interactions were determined very rouhgly 224 4. Quiasi-elastic hadron-nucleus scattering wa 164 4. Quiasi-elastic hadron-nucleus scattering was implemented in FTF 225 5. Formation time was implemented in FTF, and 165 5. Formation time was implemented in FTF, and string tension was tuned 226 166 227 167 228 25 May 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-0 168 25 May 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-02) 229 ---------------------------------------------- 169 ----------------------------------------------- 230 - Seperate G4DiffractiveExcitation for FTF fro 170 - Seperate G4DiffractiveExcitation for FTF from QGS (see next entry by V.Uzhinsky) 231 - Add original G4DiffractiveExcitation to qg 171 - Add original G4DiffractiveExcitation to qgsm as G4QGSDiffractiveExcitation 232 - Move G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation from ma 172 - Move G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation from management to qgsm ( not used 233 elsewhere) 173 elsewhere) 234 174 235 25 May 2007 V.Uzhinsky 175 25 May 2007 V.Uzhinsky 236 ---------------------------------------------- 176 ----------------------------------------------- 237 - FTF model tuned for Pi+P interaction impleme 177 - FTF model tuned for Pi+P interaction implemented 238 Moved modified G4DiffractiveExcitation from 178 Moved modified G4DiffractiveExcitation from management to diffraction 239 179 240 24 April 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-01 180 24 April 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-01) 241 ---------------------------------------------- 181 ----------------------------------------------- 242 - Merge changes from V.Uzhinsky from ftf-dev 182 - Merge changes from V.Uzhinsky from ftf-dev branch back to HEAD. 243 - Seperate modifications done in G4VLongitudin 183 - Seperate modifications done in G4VLongitudinalStringFragmentation for FTF 244 from original code for QGS. 184 from original code for QGS. 245 - This tag includes the subdirectory tags: 185 - This tag includes the subdirectory tags: 246 - had-partonstring-mgt-V08-02-00 186 - had-partonstring-mgt-V08-02-00 247 - hadr-qgsm-V08-02-02 187 - hadr-qgsm-V08-02-02 248 - hadr-string-diff-V08-02-00 188 - hadr-string-diff-V08-02-00 249 - had-hadronization-V08-02-02 189 - had-hadronization-V08-02-02 250 190 251 191 252 1 March 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-00 192 1 March 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-00) 253 ---------------------------------------------- 193 ----------------------------------------------- 254 194 255 - Add modifications of V.Uzhinsky on ftf-dev b 195 - Add modifications of V.Uzhinsky on ftf-dev branch. 256 Files in diffraction, management, hadronizat 196 Files in diffraction, management, hadronization and qgsm are affected. 257 197 258 198 259 23 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-prtn-V07-01-00 199 23 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-prtn-V07-01-00) 260 ---------------------------------------------- 200 ----------------------------------------------- 261 201 262 - G. Folger fixed bug in hadronization/G4Excit 202 - G. Folger fixed bug in hadronization/ 263 (tag had-hadronization-V07-01-00) 203 (tag had-hadronization-V07-01-00) 264 204 265 - D. Wright created History file for parton_st 205 - D. Wright created History file for parton_string directory 266 206 267 31 March 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-string-diff-V0 207 31 March 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-string-diff-V09-01-00) 268 ---------------------------------------------- 208 -------------------------------------------------------- 269 209 270 - Elastic hadron intra-nuclear nucleon scatter 210 - Elastic hadron intra-nuclear nucleon scattering was inserted in 271 FTF model. This allows to simulate quasi-ela 211 FTF model. This allows to simulate quasi-elastic and multi-particles 272 production together. 212 production together. 273 - Small re-orangement of FTF model was done. G 213 - Small re-orangement of FTF model was done. G4FTFCrossSection modules 274 were re-named into G4FTFParameters and moved 214 were re-named into G4FTFParameters and moved to /diffraction