Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category hadr-prtn History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 3 ========================================================== 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 4 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 5 ========================================================== 6 6 7 ---------------------------------------------- << 7 History file for hadronic/models/parton_string directory >> 8 -------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 9 ## 2022-11-26 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-prtn-V11-00 << 10 This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the 10 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 11 code and to keep track of all tags. 11 << 12 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (hadr-prtn-V11-00-00) << 13 - Change to new Markdown History format << 14 << 15 --- << 16 << 17 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 18 << 19 ---------------------------------------------- << 20 07 December 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable- << 21 G4FTFParameter : set SetExcitationEnergyPer << 22 << 23 ---------------------------------------------- << 24 01 December 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable- << 25 G4FTFParameter : changed SetExcitationEnerg << 26 from 100 MeV (as in G4 10.1) to 80 MeV (it << 27 << 28 ---------------------------------------------- << 29 09 November 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable- << 30 G4ExcitedStringDecay : increased the number << 31 fragment strings from 10 to 100. << 32 << 33 ---------------------------------------------- << 34 12 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 35 G4VPartonStringModel : instead of having th << 36 (with max 20 attempts) and the string fragm << 37 100 attempts) separated, there is now one s << 38 creation and fragmentation, with max 1000 a << 39 of failure a just-warning exception is thro << 40 << 41 ---------------------------------------------- << 42 11 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 43 G4FTFModel : brought back completely, as in << 44 of the residual nucleus excitation energy ( << 45 which were forgotten in the tag cms_hadr-st << 46 << 47 ---------------------------------------------- << 48 11 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 49 First clean-up and identation of the code. << 50 No changes of the random number sequence. << 51 << 52 ---------------------------------------------- << 53 06 October 2016, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-stable-V << 54 Created first (internal) tag of the stable << 55 This corresponds to parton_string as in G4 << 56 (internal) tag cms_hadr-string-diff-V10-01- << 57 in order to bring the residual nucleus exci << 58 G4 10.1 . << 59 The aim of this stable parton_string branch << 60 showers, with either FTF or QGS string mode << 61 in G4 10.1, which are reasonably good for t << 62 << 63 ============================================== << 64 << 65 ---------------------------------------------- << 66 26 March 2014, G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V10-00-02) << 67 convert to const G4Particledefinition* << 68 << 69 ---------------------------------------------- << 70 25 February 2014, A. Ribon (hadr-prtn-V10-00- << 71 Reverting back the CMakeLists.txt as before << 72 << 73 ---------------------------------------------- << 74 14 February 2014, M. Karamitros (hadr-prtn-V1 << 75 Reordering of add_subdirectory in CMakeList << 76 << 77 ---------------------------------------------- << 78 27 September 2012, G. Cosmo (hadr-prtn-V09-05 << 79 Explicitly use inclusion of headers for sys << 80 constants, in plan to remove implicit inclu << 81 << 82 ---------------------------------------------- << 83 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-08 << 84 Bugs fixed Annihilation (px, py of strings << 85 << 86 ---------------------------------------------- << 87 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-07 << 88 Bug in dtor fixed; possible double deletion << 89 << 90 ---------------------------------------------- << 91 1 March 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-04-06 << 92 Bug was found and fixed in FTF. The pionter << 93 nucleus was not set to 0 at the end of FTF << 94 << 95 ---------------------------------------------- << 96 28 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-0 << 97 Bug was found and fixed in annihilation. << 98 << 99 ---------------------------------------------- << 100 28 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-0 << 101 Bug was found and fixed in G4FTFParameters. << 102 were introduced in FTF annihilation. << 103 << 104 ---------------------------------------------- << 105 25 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-0 << 106 Bug was found and fixed in G4FragmentingStr << 107 A small improvement was introduced in G4FTF << 108 to treat LabmdaBar, SigmaBar and so on. << 109 << 110 ---------------------------------------------- << 111 24 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09- << 112 First variant of FTF code for a sumulation << 113 and nucleus-nucleus interactions is impleme << 114 nucleus part is working starting from 150*A << 115 nucleus part is applicable at Plab > 2 * A << 116 << 117 ---------------------------------------------- << 118 14 February 2011, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09- << 119 Simulation of Anti-baryon - nucleus interac << 120 to 1000 GeV is implemented. << 121 The reggeon cascading is switched off. << 122 Good results are obtained in combination wi << 123 << 124 ---------------------------------------------- << 125 7 Dec. 2010, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09 << 126 First implementation of baryon - anti-baryon << 127 New G4FTFAnnihilation class is added in FTF << 128 corresponding changes have dane in FTF conne << 129 << 130 Changes have done in G4VSplitableHadron (man << 131 2 new methods have been addded: << 132 virtual void SetFirstParton(G4in << 133 virtual void SetSecondParton(G4i << 134 to set quark (anti-quark) determination at t << 135 << 136 Corresponding classes in FTF and QGSM have c << 137 G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron (FT << 138 G4QGSMSplitableHadron (QG << 139 << 140 ---------------------------------------------- << 141 9 Dec. 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V << 142 Crush found by Alberto with AveragePt2=0 is << 143 ---------------------------------------------- << 144 6 December 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V << 145 Some correstions are made in diffr., hadron << 146 to treat kinky string fragmentation. << 147 << 148 19 November 2009, Gunter Folger (hadr-prtn-V << 149 - G4VParticipants.hh: use modified name of me << 150 << 151 29 October 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02 << 152 Warning meassage is erased in FTFmodel << 153 ---------------------------------------------- << 154 25 October 2009, V Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- << 155 Excitation energy calculation was added in << 156 ---------------------------------------------- << 157 << 158 6 October 2009, V Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-0 << 159 Compilation warning are erased in FTF. << 160 << 161 ---------------------------------------------- << 162 5 October 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- << 163 FTFP with tuned parameters of nuclear de-exc << 164 ---------------------------------------------- << 165 6 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-0 << 166 A warning message at FTFmodel compilation c << 167 initialisation was erased. << 168 ---------------------------------------------- << 169 5 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- << 170 Some warning were erased at FTFModel compilati << 171 ---------------------------------------------- << 172 3 August 2009, V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02- << 173 FTF model was complited by the reggeon casc << 174 ---------------------------------------------- << 175 17 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-01) << 176 Improvement of FTF model: << 177 A Status of nuclear nucleon involved in an << 178 Status: 0 - spectator, 1 - involved nucleon << 179 (G4VSplitableHadron) << 180 << 181 A connection between a participant nucleon << 182 introsuced in G4InteractionContent. << 183 << 184 All of these allow to improve FTF model for << 185 These required a lot of changes in FTF. << 186 ---------------------------------------------- << 187 10 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-02-00) << 188 Introduction the right tag number. << 189 ---------------------------------------------- << 190 9 July 2009 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-03) << 191 Charge-exchange was implemented for pn->np i << 192 interactions simulated by FTF. Pion absorpti << 193 implemented also. tag - hadr-string-diff-V09 << 194 << 195 Bug was fixed in G4VLongitudinalStringDecay. << 196 formation/creation time, c_light was inserte << 197 tension parameter was set to the usual value << 198 tag - had-hadr << 199 << 200 New field was added in G4VSplitableHadron cl << 201 and corresponding methods to operatite with << 202 absorption of meson in nuclear collision gen << 203 tag - had-partonstring-mgt-V08-02-02 << 204 ---------------------------------------------- << 205 << 206 23 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-02) << 207 and G4LundStringFrag << 208 decoupled at calculation of formation time << 209 and member in G4VLongitudinalStringDecay cl << 210 with string tension. << 211 << 212 Memory leak was erased in G4QGSMFragmentati << 213 thank to Gunt << 214 << 215 18 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01-01) << 216 Changes in G4ExcitedString class were tagge << 217 operation of FTF. << 218 << 219 13 June 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-prtn-V09-01- << 220 ---------------------------------------------- << 221 1. String fragmentation was revised, and param << 222 2. FTF parameters were tuned for proton-proton << 223 3. FTF parameters for pion-nucleon interaction << 224 4. Quiasi-elastic hadron-nucleus scattering wa << 225 5. Formation time was implemented in FTF, and << 226 << 227 << 228 25 May 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-0 << 229 ---------------------------------------------- << 230 - Seperate G4DiffractiveExcitation for FTF fro << 231 - Add original G4DiffractiveExcitation to qg << 232 - Move G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation from ma << 233 elsewhere) << 234 << 235 25 May 2007 V.Uzhinsky << 236 ---------------------------------------------- << 237 - FTF model tuned for Pi+P interaction impleme << 238 Moved modified G4DiffractiveExcitation from << 239 << 240 24 April 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-01 << 241 ---------------------------------------------- << 242 - Merge changes from V.Uzhinsky from ftf-dev << 243 - Seperate modifications done in G4VLongitudin << 244 from original code for QGS. << 245 - This tag includes the subdirectory tags: << 246 - had-partonstring-mgt-V08-02-00 << 247 - hadr-qgsm-V08-02-02 << 248 - hadr-string-diff-V08-02-00 << 249 - had-hadronization-V08-02-02 << 250 << 251 << 252 1 March 2007 G.Folger (hadr-prtn-V08-02-00 << 253 ---------------------------------------------- << 254 << 255 - Add modifications of V.Uzhinsky on ftf-dev b << 256 Files in diffraction, management, hadronizat << 257 12 >> 13 --------------------------------------------------------------- >> 14 * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) >> 15 --------------------------------------------------------------- 258 16 259 23 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-prtn-V07-01-00 17 23 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-prtn-V07-01-00) 260 ---------------------------------------------- 18 ----------------------------------------------- 261 19 262 - G. Folger fixed bug in hadronization/G4Excit 20 - G. Folger fixed bug in hadronization/ 263 (tag had-hadronization-V07-01-00) 21 (tag had-hadronization-V07-01-00) 264 22 265 - D. Wright created History file for parton_st 23 - D. Wright created History file for parton_string directory 266 << 267 31 March 2008 V. Uzhinsky (hadr-string-diff-V0 << 268 ---------------------------------------------- << 269 << 270 - Elastic hadron intra-nuclear nucleon scatter << 271 FTF model. This allows to simulate quasi-ela << 272 production together. << 273 - Small re-orangement of FTF model was done. G << 274 were re-named into G4FTFParameters and moved <<