Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /processes/hadronic/models/inclxx/History (Version 11.3.0) and /processes/hadronic/models/inclxx/History (Version 10.4)

  1 # Category hadr-inclxx History                 <<   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   3      ==========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   4      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   5      ==========================================================
  6                                                <<   6 $Id: History 107805 2017-12-04 15:31:29Z gcosmo $
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<   7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  8                                                <<   8 
  9 ## 2024-09-02 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V11- <<   9            History file for the Liege cascade INCL Model
 10 - Fixed reported Coverity defects for use of s <<  10            ---------------------------------------------
 11                                                <<  11 
 12 ## 2024-04-12 Jean-Christophe David (hadr-incl <<  12 This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the 
 13 - Fix in G4INCLInteractionAvatar to not use lo <<  13 code and to keep track of all tags.
 14                                                <<  14 
 15 ## 2023-12-01 Ben Morgan (hadr-inclxx-V11-01-0 <<  15    ---------------------------------------------------------------
 16 - Replace raw std::getenv calls wih G4FindData <<  16    * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top)
 17                                                <<  17    ---------------------------------------------------------------
 18 ## 2023-10-19 Jean-Christophe David (hadr-incl << 
 19  - Main new files in incl_phys: G4INCLNNbarCEX << 
 20                                 G4INCLNNbarToN << 
 21                                 G4INCLNNbarEla << 
 22                                 G4INCLNNbarToN << 
 23  - Few corrections in G4INCLXXInterface (.cc a << 
 24    G4INCLNNbarToNNbarChannel.hh has been delet << 
 25  - G4INCLInteractionAvatar fixed (leak)        << 
 26                                                << 
 27 ## 2023-07-12 Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V11-0 << 
 28 G4INCLPbarAtrestEntryChannel, G4INCLCascade, G << 
 29 reports.                                       << 
 30                                                << 
 31 ## 2023-05-15 Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V11-0 << 
 32 Major extension of the INCLXX model to handle  << 
 33 Work done by Demid Zharenov and Jean-Christoph << 
 34                                                << 
 35 ## 2023-03-17 Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V11-0 << 
 36 G4INCLNNToNLK2piChannel : fixed bug in the met << 
 37 Thanks to Dmitri Konstantinov for reporting it << 
 38                                                << 
 39 ## 2022-11-26 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V11- << 
 40 - Fixed more compilation warnings for implicit << 
 41                                                << 
 42 ## 2022-11-18 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V11- << 
 43 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
 44                                                << 
 45 ## 2022-11-11 Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V11-0 << 
 46 - G4INCLXXInterface: introduced a protection a << 
 47   (i.e. unbound systems), and, if this is the  << 
 48                                                << 
 49 ## 2022-10-07 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V11- << 
 50 - Fixed compilation warnings on Intel/icx comp << 
 51   but not used in G4INCLInvFInterpolationTable << 
 52   G4INCLNpiToMissingStrangenessChannel and G4I << 
 53                                                << 
 54 ## 2022-05-25 Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V11-0 << 
 55 -  G4INCLParticle, G4INCLEventInfo, G4INCLNucl << 
 56    G4INCLXXInterface : set and propagate the i << 
 57 -  G4INCLPiNElasticChannel : erase the informa << 
 58    the case of charge exchange.                << 
 59 -  G4INCLPiNToDeltaChannel, G4INCLPiNToOmegaCh << 
 60    G4INCLPiNToMultiPionsChannel, G4INCLNpiToLK << 
 61    G4INCLNpiToLK2piChannel, G4INCLNpiToNKKbCha << 
 62    G4INCLNpiToSKpiChannel, G4INCLNpiToSKChanne << 
 63    G4INCLNpiToMissingStrangenessChannel : eras << 
 64    resonance in inelastic channels (where the  << 
 65    objects are re-used for the final state).   << 
 66                                                << 
 67 ## 2022-05-18 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V11- << 
 68 - Fixed misuse of bitwise '|' operator instead << 
 69   and in INCL::makeCompoundNucleus().          << 
 70                                                << 
 71 ## 2022-03-03 Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V11-0 << 
 72 - G4INCLXXInterface : fixed treatment of kaon0 << 
 73   In current reference physics lists, INCLXX i << 
 74   although it is capable of doing so, but at p << 
 75   physics lists one could observe crashes when << 
 76   neutral kaon projectiles. The change (provid << 
 77   fixes this misbehavior.                      << 
 78                                                << 
 79 ## 2022-02-09 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V11- << 
 80 - Fixed compilation warnings on Intel compiler << 
 81   and not used variable.                       << 
 82                                                << 
 83 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (hadr-inclxx-V11-00-0 << 
 84 - Change to new Markdown History format,       << 
 85                                                << 
 86 ---                                            << 
 87                                                << 
 88 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
 89                                                << 
 90 09 November 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx- << 
 91 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 92 - G4INCLNuclearPotentialIsospin : improved nuc << 
 93   Lambda particles, fixing crashes observed du << 
 94   Fermi momentum for these particles.          << 
 95   Changed made by Jean-Christophe David.       << 
 96                                                << 
 97 27 October 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V << 
 98 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 99 - G4INCLXXInterface : extended to projectile h << 
100                                                << 
101 15 October 2021 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr- << 
102 ---------------------------------------------- << 
103 - Implementation of hypercluster emission      << 
104                                                << 
105 04 August 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V1 << 
106 ---------------------------------------------- << 
107 - G4INCLXXInterface : set creator model ID for << 
108   new version of G4PhysicsModelCatalog         << 
109                                                << 
110 16 April 2021 - Ben Morgan (hadr-inclxx-V10-07 << 
111 ---------------------------------------------- << 
112 - Migrate build to modular CMake API           << 
113                                                << 
114 13 April 2021 - Alberto Ribon  (hadr-inclxx-V1 << 
115 ---------------------------------------------- << 
116 - Removed the subdirectories hadronic/models/m << 
117   hadronic/models/util (that have been now del << 
118   moved to hadronic/util and hadronic/manageme << 
119   Removed also the useless dependency to hadro << 
120                                                << 
121 08 March 2021 - Alberto Ribon  (hadr-inclxx-V1 << 
122 ---------------------------------------------- << 
123 -  G4INCLXXInterface.hh : updated comment.     << 
124                                                << 
125 28 May 2020 - Ben Morgan       (hadr-inclxx-V1 << 
126 ---------------------------------------------- << 
127 -  Remove obsolete GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES entri << 
128                                                << 
129 12 May 2020      - Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx- << 
130 ---------------------------------------------- << 
131 - : in the method Em << 
132   check the global verbosity level of hadronic << 
133   do not print anything).                      << 
134                                                << 
135 05 May 2020      - Gunter Folger (hadr-inclxx- << 
136 ---------------------------------------------- << 
137 - Fix for clang10: for for warning on confusin << 
138    enclose statements in if/else with {}       << 
139    Affected:  incl_physics/src/G4INCLInteracti << 
140                                                << 
141 19 December 2018 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx- << 
142 ---------------------------------------------- << 
143 - : Fixed (weak and strong) non-r << 
144   the arrays radiusP, radiusN, diffusenessP, d << 
145                                                << 
146 21 November 2018 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx << 
147 ---------------------------------------------- << 
148 - G4INCLRandom.hh: changed Adapter::operator() << 
149   G4RandFlat::shootInt(n). Fixes FPE errors re << 
150   mode optimised.                              << 
151                                                << 
152 09 November 2018 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx << 
153 ---------------------------------------------- << 
154 - Fixed few printout typos.                    << 
155                                                << 
156 10 October 2018 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr- << 
157 ---------------------------------------------- << 
158 - INCL++ v6.28                                 << 
159   o Remove Fix SIGFPE                          << 
160   o Put gauss from Geant4                      << 
161                                                << 
162 04 October 2018 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr- << 
163 ---------------------------------------------- << 
164 - INCL++ v6.26                                 << 
165   o Fix SIGFPE in Random.hh                    << 
166                                                << 
167 21 September 2018 - Jean-Christophe David (had << 
168 ---------------------------------------------- << 
169 - INCL++ v6.25                                 << 
170   o Fix a mass of a light hypernucleus (Z=1,A= << 
171                                                << 
172 06 September 2018 - Jean-Christophe David (had << 
173 ---------------------------------------------- << 
174 - INCL++ v6.24                                 << 
175   o Path to the library for HFB                << 
176                                                << 
177 04 September 2018 - Jean-Christophe David (had << 
178 ---------------------------------------------- << 
179 - INCL++ v6.23                                 << 
180   o Fix bugs and Compatibility with C++17 chec << 
181                                                << 
182 10 August 2018 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-i << 
183 ---------------------------------------------- << 
184 - INCL++ v6.22                                 << 
185   o Fix bugs and improve strangeness and few n << 
186   o Compatibility with C++17 checked           << 
187                                                    18 
188 04 December 2017 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-     19 04 December 2017 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-20)
189 ----------------------------------------------     20 ---------------------------------------------------------------
190 - G4INCLRandom : improved to avoid reproducibi <<  21 - G4INCLRandom : improved to avoid reproducibility problems. 
191   The method "gaussWithMemory" should be calle     22   The method "gaussWithMemory" should be called twice for drawing a pair
192   of correlated gaussian variables, whereas th     23   of correlated gaussian variables, whereas the method "gauss" should be
193   used for usual, single and independent gauss     24   used for usual, single and independent gaussian variables.
194                                                    25 
195 10 November 2017 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr     26 10 November 2017 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-19)
196 ----------------------------------------------     27 ---------------------------------------------------------------
197 - INCL++ v6.0                                      28 - INCL++ v6.0
198   o Fix bugs in eta/omega channels (v6.0 = str     29   o Fix bugs in eta/omega channels (v6.0 = strangeness + HFB)
199                                                    30 
200 27 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez      31 27 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-18)
201 ----------------------------------------------     32 ---------------------------------------------------------------
202 - INCL++ v6.0_rc18 - Fix warnings                  33 - INCL++ v6.0_rc18 - Fix warnings
203                                                    34 
204 26 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez      35 26 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-16)
205 ----------------------------------------------     36 ---------------------------------------------------------------
206 - INCL++ v6.0_rc16                                 37 - INCL++ v6.0_rc16
207   o Fix minor bugs                                 38   o Fix minor bugs
208                                                    39 
209 18 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez      40 18 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-15)
210 ----------------------------------------------     41 ---------------------------------------------------------------
211 - INCL++ v6.0_rc15                                 42 - INCL++ v6.0_rc15
212   o Fix warning in Geant4 (interface --> newTa     43   o Fix warning in Geant4 (interface --> newTargetS)
213                                                    44 
214 18 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez      45 18 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-14)
215 ----------------------------------------------     46 ---------------------------------------------------------------
216 - INCL++ v6.0_rc14                                 47 - INCL++ v6.0_rc14
217   o Separation energies improved and hyperclus     48   o Separation energies improved and hypercluster emission added
218                                                    49 
219 07 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez      50 07 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-10)
220 ----------------------------------------------     51 ---------------------------------------------------------------
221 - INCL++ v6.0_rc10                                 52 - INCL++ v6.0_rc10
222   o Few nucleon removal improved                   53   o Few nucleon removal improved
223                                                    54 
224 27 September 2017 - Jason Hirtz (hadr-inclxx-V     55 27 September 2017 - Jason Hirtz (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-09)
225 ----------------------------------------------     56 ---------------------------------------------------------------
226 - INCL++ v6.0_rc9                                  57 - INCL++ v6.0_rc9
227   o Warnings fixed                                 58   o Warnings fixed
228                                                    59 
229 26 September 2017 - Jason Hirtz (hadr-inclxx-V     60 26 September 2017 - Jason Hirtz (hadr-inclxx-V10-03-08)
230 ----------------------------------------------     61 ---------------------------------------------------------------
231 - INCL++ v6.0_rc8                                  62 - INCL++ v6.0_rc8
232   o Implementation of strangeness (+ improveme     63   o Implementation of strangeness (+ improvement of eta)
233                                                    64 
234 18 November 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr     65 18 November 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inclxx-V10-02-05)
235 ----------------------------------------------     66 ---------------------------------------------------------------
236 - INCL++ v5.3                                      67 - INCL++ v5.3
237   o INCLXXInterface modified                       68   o INCLXXInterface modified
238                                                    69 
239 02 November 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr     70 02 November 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inclxx-V10-02-04)
240 ----------------------------------------------     71 ---------------------------------------------------------------
241 - INCL++ v5.3_rc14                                 72 - INCL++ v5.3_rc14
242   o Better N-induced eta production XS             73   o Better N-induced eta production XS
243                                                    74 
244 25 October 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-     75 25 October 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inclxx-V10-02-03)
245 ----------------------------------------------     76 ---------------------------------------------------------------
246 - INCL++ v5.3_rc13                                 77 - INCL++ v5.3_rc13
247   o A warning fixed.                               78   o A warning fixed.
248                                                    79 
249 24 October 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-     80 24 October 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inclxx-V10-02-02)
250 ----------------------------------------------     81 ---------------------------------------------------------------
251 - INCL++ v5.3_rc12                                 82 - INCL++ v5.3_rc12
252   o Implementation of eta and omega meson prod     83   o Implementation of eta and omega meson production.
253   o A few minor fixes.                             84   o A few minor fixes.
254                                                    85 
255 1 August 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-in     86 1 August 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inclxx-V10-02-01)
256 ----------------------------------------------     87 ---------------------------------------------------------------
257 - INCL++ v5.3_rc5                                  88 - INCL++ v5.3_rc5
258   o Fix warnings (G4INCLPionResonanceDecayChan     89   o Fix warnings ( - pionType).
259                                                    90 
260 27 July 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inc     91 27 July 2016 - Jean-Christophe David (hadr-inclxx-V10-02-00)
261 ----------------------------------------------     92 ---------------------------------------------------------------
262 - INCL++ v5.3_rc4                                  93 - INCL++ v5.3_rc4
263   o First implementation of eta meson producti     94   o First implementation of eta meson production.
264   o A few minor fixes.                             95   o A few minor fixes.
265                                                    96 
266 25 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx     97 25 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-01-07)
267 ----------------------------------------------     98 ---------------------------------------------------------------
268 - INCL++ v5.2.9.5                                  99 - INCL++ v5.2.9.5
269   o Really fix nuclide name parsing.              100   o Really fix nuclide name parsing.
270                                                   101 
271 24 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    102 24 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-01-06)
272 ----------------------------------------------    103 ---------------------------------------------------------------
273 - INCL++ v5.2.9.4                                 104 - INCL++ v5.2.9.4
274   o Omit use of real masses from incl42 physic    105   o Omit use of real masses from incl42 physics option.
275   o Fix nuclide name parsing.                     106   o Fix nuclide name parsing.
276                                                   107 
277 24 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    108 24 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-01-05)
278 ----------------------------------------------    109 ---------------------------------------------------------------
279 - Fix GNUMake build.                              110 - Fix GNUMake build.
280                                                   111 
281 23 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    112 23 November 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-01-03, -04)
282 ----------------------------------------------    113 ---------------------------------------------------------------
283 - INCL++ v5.2.9.3                                 114 - INCL++ v5.2.9.3
284     o Add some setters for Config members.        115     o Add some setters for Config members.
285     o Remove INCL_INVERSE_KINEMATICS compile-t    116     o Remove INCL_INVERSE_KINEMATICS compile-time symbol.
286     o Add UI commands to control the INCL phys    117     o Add UI commands to control the INCL physics and the coupled de-excitation model.
287                                                   118 
288 10 July 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10    119 10 July 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-01-02)
289 ----------------------------------------------    120 ---------------------------------------------------------------
290 - INCL++ v5.2.9.1                                 121 - INCL++ v5.2.9.1
291   o Checked all the while loops in the code an    122   o Checked all the while loops in the code and added guards and comments.
292                                                   123 
293 10 July 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10    124 10 July 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-01-01)
294 ----------------------------------------------    125 ---------------------------------------------------------------
295 - INCL++ v5.2.9                                   126 - INCL++ v5.2.9
296   o Introduces the possibility to perform calc    127   o Introduces the possibility to perform calculations with a limited number of
297     outgoing pions in multipion collisions.       128     outgoing pions in multipion collisions.
298                                                   129 
299 26 May 2015 - Robert Hatcher (hadr-inclxx-V10-    130 26 May 2015 - Robert Hatcher (hadr-inclxx-V10-01-00)
300 ----------------------------------------------    131 ---------------------------------------------------------------
301 - Remove unnecessary "using namespace std" fro    132 - Remove unnecessary "using namespace std" from G4INCLXXInterface.hh
302   that causes problems w/ G4AnyMethod & G4Gene    133   that causes problems w/ G4AnyMethod & G4GenericPhysicsList
303   when using clang and/or vc12                    134   when using clang and/or vc12
304                                                   135 
305 19 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    136 19 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-25)
306 ----------------------------------------------    137 ---------------------------------------------------------------
307 - INCL++ v5.2.8                                   138 - INCL++ v5.2.8
308   o Fix a compilation error in Debug mode.        139   o Fix a compilation error in Debug mode.
309                                                   140 
310 18 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    141 18 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-23, -24)
311 ----------------------------------------------    142 ---------------------------------------------------------------
312 - INCL++ v5.2.7.3                                 143 - INCL++ v5.2.7.3
313   o Bump tweak version number for consistency     144   o Bump tweak version number for consistency with stand-alone code. No
314     changes.                                      145     changes.
315   o Update reference in G4INCLXXInterface::Mod    146   o Update reference in G4INCLXXInterface::ModelDescription().
316                                                   147 
317 12 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    148 12 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-21, -22)
318 ----------------------------------------------    149 ---------------------------------------------------------------
319 - INCL++ v5.2.7.2                                 150 - INCL++ v5.2.7.2
320   o Fix a compilation error on an old Mac/GNUM    151   o Fix a compilation error on an old Mac/GNUMake build.
321                                                   152 
322 7 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    153 7 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-18, -19, -20)
323 ----------------------------------------------    154 ---------------------------------------------------------------
324 - INCL++ v5.2.7                                   155 - INCL++ v5.2.7
325   o Might fix a compilation error on an old Ma    156   o Might fix a compilation error on an old Mac/GNUMake build.
326                                                   157 
327 7 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    158 7 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-17)
328 ----------------------------------------------    159 ---------------------------------------------------------------
329 - INCL++ v5.2.5                                   160 - INCL++ v5.2.5
330   o Fix a bug that caused a large overestimati    161   o Fix a bug that caused a large overestimation of the compound-nucleus spin
331     in "fusion".                                  162     in "fusion".
332                                                   163 
333 6 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    164 6 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-15, 16)
334 ----------------------------------------------    165 ---------------------------------------------------------------
335 - INCL++ v5.2.4.2                                 166 - INCL++ v5.2.4.2
336   o Added AvatarDumpAction.                       167   o Added AvatarDumpAction.
337                                                   168 
338 22 October 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    169 22 October 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-14)
339 ----------------------------------------------    170 ---------------------------------------------------------------
340 - INCL++ v5.2.4                                   171 - INCL++ v5.2.4
341   o Updated list of authors.                      172   o Updated list of authors.
342   o Activate use of adjusted fission parameter    173   o Activate use of adjusted fission parameter in G4ExcitationHandler.
343                                                   174 
344 15 October 2014 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-    175 15 October 2014 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-13)
345 ----------------------------------------------    176 ---------------------------------------------------------------
346 - Corrected dependecy list in GNUMakefile and     177 - Corrected dependecy list in GNUMakefile and sources.cmake for 'interface'
347   module; added dependency to 'de_excitation/f    178   module; added dependency to 'de_excitation/fission'.
348                                                   179 
349 14 October 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    180 14 October 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-12)
350 ----------------------------------------------    181 ---------------------------------------------------------------
351 - INCL++ v5.2.3                                   182 - INCL++ v5.2.3
352   o Large reduction in memory churn due to all    183   o Large reduction in memory churn due to allocation pools. Some speed-up (a
353     few percent).                                 184     few percent).
354                                                   185 
355 26 September 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclx    186 26 September 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-11)
356 ----------------------------------------------    187 ---------------------------------------------------------------
357 - INCL++ v5.2.2                                   188 - INCL++ v5.2.2
358   o Fix Coverity warning + minor clean-up         189   o Fix Coverity warning + minor clean-up
359                                                   190 
360 8 July 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-    191 8 July 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-09, -10)
361 ----------------------------------------------    192 ---------------------------------------------------------------
362 - INCL++ v5.2.1                                   193 - INCL++ v5.2.1
363   o Add plumbing for tallying reactions treate    194   o Add plumbing for tallying reactions treated by INCL++
364   o Minor clean-up                                195   o Minor clean-up
365                                                   196 
366 16 June 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10    197 16 June 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-08)
367 ----------------------------------------------    198 ---------------------------------------------------------------
368 - Fix crash in p+He2 (!) reactions                199 - Fix crash in p+He2 (!) reactions
369                                                   200 
370 2 June 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-    201 2 June 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-07)
371 ----------------------------------------------    202 ---------------------------------------------------------------
372 - Retag as INCL++ v5.2                            203 - Retag as INCL++ v5.2
373                                                   204 
374 23 May 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-    205 23 May 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-06)
375 ----------------------------------------------    206 ---------------------------------------------------------------
376 - INCL++ v5.2_rc2                                 207 - INCL++ v5.2_rc2
377   o Fix a compilation error on Windows.           208   o Fix a compilation error on Windows.
378                                                   209 
379 22 May 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-    210 22 May 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-04, -05)
380 ----------------------------------------------    211 ---------------------------------------------------------------
381 - INCL++ v5.2_rc1                                 212 - INCL++ v5.2_rc1
382   o Extends INCL++ up to 15-20 GeV incident en    213   o Extends INCL++ up to 15-20 GeV incident energy.
383   o A few improvements, minor bug fixes and sp    214   o A few improvements, minor bug fixes and speed-ups.
384   o Fixes a minor Coverity warning.               215   o Fixes a minor Coverity warning.
385                                                   216 
386 13 March 2014 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V1    217 13 March 2014 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-03)
387 ----------------------------------------------    218 ---------------------------------------------------------------
388 - Fixed use of inline keyword for method getPh    219 - Fixed use of inline keyword for method getPhaseSpace() defined in
389              220
390                                                   221 
391 10 March 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V1    222 10 March 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-02)
392 ----------------------------------------------    223 ---------------------------------------------------------------
393 - Const-correctness fix for G4ParticleDefiniti    224 - Const-correctness fix for G4ParticleDefinition objects.
394                                                   225 
395 5 March 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10    226 5 March 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-01)
396 ----------------------------------------------    227 ---------------------------------------------------------------
397 - Fix: avoid negative Fermi energies for delta    228 - Fix: avoid negative Fermi energies for delta resonances
398                                                   229 
399 9 January 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    230 9 January 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V10-00-00)
400 ----------------------------------------------    231 ---------------------------------------------------------------
401 - Fix: occasionally produced an excited nucleo    232 - Fix: occasionally produced an excited nucleon as a pre-fragment.
402 - Getter for INCL Config object in the G4INCLI    233 - Getter for INCL Config object in the G4INCLInterfaceStore.
403                                                   234 
404 29 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    235 29 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-47, -48)
405 ----------------------------------------------    236 ---------------------------------------------------------------
406 - Fix: energy conservation systematically fail    237 - Fix: energy conservation systematically fails because the G4HadProjectile
407   mass is wrong. Work around this.                238   mass is wrong. Work around this.
408                                                   239 
409 27 November 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx    240 27 November 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-46)
410 ----------------------------------------------    241 ---------------------------------------------------------------
411 - Fix in G4INCLBinaryCollisionAvatar for compi    242 - Fix in G4INCLBinaryCollisionAvatar for compilation error in MT mode
412   on the icc compiler.                            243   on the icc compiler.
413                                                   244 
414 19 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    245 19 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-44, -45)
415 ----------------------------------------------    246 ---------------------------------------------------------------
416 - Resample interaction if four-momentum conser    247 - Resample interaction if four-momentum conservation is violated.
417                                                   248 
418 18 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    249 18 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-42, -43)
419 ----------------------------------------------    250 ---------------------------------------------------------------
420 - Don't panic on reactions induced by di-proto    251 - Don't panic on reactions induced by di-protons.
421                                                   252 
422 15 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    253 15 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-41)
423 ----------------------------------------------    254 ---------------------------------------------------------------
424 - Fix borked case in for loop.                    255 - Fix borked case in for loop.
425                                                   256 
426 14 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    257 14 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-40)
427 ----------------------------------------------    258 ---------------------------------------------------------------
428 - Fix bug in phase-space decay of exotic clust    259 - Fix bug in phase-space decay of exotic clusters.
429                                                   260 
430 12 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    261 12 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-39)
431 ----------------------------------------------    262 ---------------------------------------------------------------
432 - Fix bug in forced pion emission at the end o    263 - Fix bug in forced pion emission at the end of cascade.
433                                                   264 
434 12 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    265 12 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-38)
435 ----------------------------------------------    266 ---------------------------------------------------------------
436 - Fix run-time crash in test69 on Windows.        267 - Fix run-time crash in test69 on Windows.
437                                                   268 
438 12 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    269 12 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-37)
439 ----------------------------------------------    270 ---------------------------------------------------------------
440 - Fix compile error on VC9 -- might be related    271 - Fix compile error on VC9 -- might be related with some Win crashes in test69?
441                                                   272 
442 6 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    273 6 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-36)
443 ----------------------------------------------    274 ---------------------------------------------------------------
444 - INCL++ v5.1.14                                  275 - INCL++ v5.1.14
445   o Silence a compilation warning.                276   o Silence a compilation warning.
446   o Fix a bug affecting very light targets.       277   o Fix a bug affecting very light targets.
447   o Tag as v5.1.14.                               278   o Tag as v5.1.14.
448                                                   279 
449 2 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    280 2 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-35)
450 ----------------------------------------------    281 ---------------------------------------------------------------
451 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc18                             282 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc18
452   o Fix a TLS policy violation that caused vio    283   o Fix a TLS policy violation that caused violation of MT-vs-SEQ
453     reproducibility.                              284     reproducibility.
454                                                   285 
455 31 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    286 31 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-32, -33, -34)
456 ----------------------------------------------    287 ---------------------------------------------------------------
457 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc17                             288 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc17
458   o A handful of minor fixes.                     289   o A handful of minor fixes.
459   o Prepare the G4INCLXXInterface to handle di    290   o Prepare the G4INCLXXInterface to handle different de-excitation models
460     through the SetDeExcitation method().         291     through the SetDeExcitation method().
461   o Fix a TLS violation in G4INCLCrossSections    292   o Fix a TLS violation in
462                                                   293 
463 25 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    294 25 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-31)
464 ----------------------------------------------    295 ---------------------------------------------------------------
465 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc13                             296 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc13
466   o Mostly cosmetic changes, some code refacto    297   o Mostly cosmetic changes, some code refactoring.
467                                                   298 
468 21 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    299 21 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-30)
469 ----------------------------------------------    300 ---------------------------------------------------------------
470 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc11                             301 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc11
471   o Fix compilation errors on Mac.                302   o Fix compilation errors on Mac.
472                                                   303 
473 21 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    304 21 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-29)
474 ----------------------------------------------    305 ---------------------------------------------------------------
475 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc10                             306 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc10
476   o More optimisation.                            307   o More optimisation.
477                                                   308 
478 15 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    309 15 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-28)
479 ----------------------------------------------    310 ---------------------------------------------------------------
480 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc8                              311 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc8
481   o Further optimisation and reduction of memo    312   o Further optimisation and reduction of memory churn.
482                                                   313 
483 4 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    314 4 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-27)
484 ----------------------------------------------    315 ---------------------------------------------------------------
485 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc7                              316 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc7
486   o Largely reduced memory churn.                 317   o Largely reduced memory churn.
487                                                   318 
488 26 September 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclx    319 26 September 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-26)
489 ----------------------------------------------    320 ---------------------------------------------------------------
490 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc6                              321 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc6
491   o Get rid of calls to G4ParticleTable::GetIo    322   o Get rid of calls to G4ParticleTable::GetIonTable(), too!
492                                                   323 
493 24 September 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclx    324 24 September 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-25)
494 ----------------------------------------------    325 ---------------------------------------------------------------
495 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc5                              326 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc5
496   o Get rid of obsolete calls to G4ParticleTab    327   o Get rid of obsolete calls to G4ParticleTable::GetIon().
497                                                   328 
498 19 September 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclx    329 19 September 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-23, -24)
499 ----------------------------------------------    330 ---------------------------------------------------------------
500 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc4                              331 - INCL++ v5.1.14_rc4
501   o Slightly faster, and probably gentler as f    332   o Slightly faster, and probably gentler as far as memory thrashing is
502   concerned                                       333   concerned
503   o A handful of bug fixes                        334   o A handful of bug fixes
504                                                   335 
505 26 August 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    336 26 August 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-22)
506 ----------------------------------------------    337 -----------------------------------------------------------
507 - INCL++ v5.1.13.4                                338 - INCL++ v5.1.13.4
508   o Fixes crash in very low-energy (~1 MeV) p+    339   o Fixes crash in very low-energy (~1 MeV) p+He4
509   reactions -- really.                            340   reactions -- really.
510 - Restore granular dependencies and include_di    341 - Restore granular dependencies and include_directories
511   fix by G. Cosmo.                                342   fix by G. Cosmo.
512                                                   343 
513 24 July 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09    344 24 July 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-21)
514 ----------------------------------------------    345 -----------------------------------------------------------
515 - INCL++ v5.1.13.3                                346 - INCL++ v5.1.13.3
516   o Fixes crash in very low-energy (~1 MeV) p+    347   o Fixes crash in very low-energy (~1 MeV) p+He4 reactions
517     and in light-ion-induced reactions.           348     and in light-ion-induced reactions.
518                                                   349 
519 16 July 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09    350 16 July 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-20)
520 ----------------------------------------------    351 -----------------------------------------------------------
521 -  Correction to CMake scripts for granular bu    352 -  Correction to CMake scripts for granular build.
522                                                   353 
523 20 June 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09    354 20 June 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-19)
524 ----------------------------------------------    355 -----------------------------------------------------------
525 - Fix compilation warning.                        356 - Fix compilation warning.
526                                                   357 
527 19 June 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09    358 19 June 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-18)
528 ----------------------------------------------    359 -----------------------------------------------------------
529 - INCL++ v5.1.13.2                                360 - INCL++ v5.1.13.2
530   o Minor fixes.                                  361   o Minor fixes.
531                                                   362 
532 7 June 2013 - Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-inclxx    363 7 June 2013 - Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-17)
533 ----------------------------------------------    364 -----------------------------------------------------------
534 - G4INCLXXInterface - do not delete Binarycasc << 365 - G4INCLXXInterface - do not delete Binarycascade objects, because 
535     all hadronic models are deleted by model s << 366     all hadronic models are deleted by model store. This is a fix 
536     of outstanding problem for Geant4 MT          367     of outstanding problem for Geant4 MT
537                                                   368 
538 6 June 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09-    369 6 June 2013 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-16)
539 ----------------------------------------------    370 -----------------------------------------------------------
540 - Replaced defines in G4INCLLogger by adding p    371 - Replaced defines in G4INCLLogger by adding prefix "INCL_" to avoid
541   clashes with specific macros defined in Wind    372   clashes with specific macros defined in Windows system:
543   INCL_DEBUG(x), INCL_DATABLOCK(x).               374   INCL_DEBUG(x), INCL_DATABLOCK(x).
544   Adapted code accordingly.                       375   Adapted code accordingly.
545 - Avoid dynamic initialisation of thread-local    376 - Avoid dynamic initialisation of thread-local variables for porting
546   on Windows in           377   on Windows in
547                                                   378 
548 22 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    379 22 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-15)
549 ----------------------------------------------    380 -----------------------------------------------------------
550 - INCL++ v5.1.13.1                                381 - INCL++ v5.1.13.1
551   o Fixes a bug that caused very long CPU time    382   o Fixes a bug that caused very long CPU times in benchmarks.
552                                                   383 
553 21 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    384 21 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-14)
554 ----------------------------------------------    385 -----------------------------------------------------------
555 - INCL++ v5.1.13                                  386 - INCL++ v5.1.13
556   o Experimental support for neutron skins.       387   o Experimental support for neutron skins.
557   o Experimental support for fuzzy r-p correla    388   o Experimental support for fuzzy r-p correlations.
558   o Debug output controlled by G4INCL_DEBUG_VE    389   o Debug output controlled by G4INCL_DEBUG_VERBOSITY envvar.
559   o Rely on BIC for pion-nucleon and nucleon-n    390   o Rely on BIC for pion-nucleon and nucleon-nucleon reactions.
560                                                   391 
561 17 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    392 17 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-13)
562 ----------------------------------------------    393 -----------------------------------------------------------
563 - INCL++ v5.1.12.3                                394 - INCL++ v5.1.12.3
564   o Fix a crash for light targets.                395   o Fix a crash for light targets.
565                                                   396 
566 16 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    397 16 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-11)
567 ----------------------------------------------    398 -----------------------------------------------------------
568 - Fix clang compiler warning about unused func    399 - Fix clang compiler warning about unused functions.
569                                                   400 
570 15 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    401 15 May 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-10)
571 ----------------------------------------------    402 -----------------------------------------------------------
572 - INCL++ v5.1.12.1                                403 - INCL++ v5.1.12.1
573   o More adjustments in the nucleus-nucleus se    404   o More adjustments in the nucleus-nucleus sector.
574                                                   405 
575 26 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V0    406 26 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-09)
576 ----------------------------------------------    407 -----------------------------------------------------------
577 - Fix another compilation error for G4-MT.        408 - Fix another compilation error for G4-MT.
578                                                   409 
579 15 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V0    410 15 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-08)
580 ----------------------------------------------    411 -----------------------------------------------------------
581 - Fix compilation errors for G4-MT.               412 - Fix compilation errors for G4-MT.
582                                                   413 
583 13 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V0    414 13 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-07)
584 ----------------------------------------------    415 -----------------------------------------------------------
585 - INCL++ v5.1.11                                  416 - INCL++ v5.1.11
586   o Several adjustments in the nucleus-nucleus    417   o Several adjustments in the nucleus-nucleus sector. Fixes a big bug which
587     involved light targets.                       418     involved light targets.
588   o Some code refactoring.                        419   o Some code refactoring.
589                                                   420 
590 12 March 2013 - Dennis Wright (hadr-inclxx-V09    421 12 March 2013 - Dennis Wright (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-06)
591 ----------------------------------------------    422 -----------------------------------------------------
592 - fixed MacOS Clang compiler warnings: unused     423 - fixed MacOS Clang compiler warnings: unused private variables in classes
593   G4INCLRecombinationChannel, G4INCLElasticCha    424   G4INCLRecombinationChannel, G4INCLElasticChannel, G4INCLPionNucleonChannel,
594   G4INCLDeltaDecayChannel, G4INCLDeltaProducti    425   G4INCLDeltaDecayChannel, G4INCLDeltaProductionChannel,
595   G4INCLInteractionAvatar                         426   G4INCLInteractionAvatar
596                                                   427 
597 1 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09    428 1 March 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-05)
598 ----------------------------------------------    429 -----------------------------------------------------------
599 - Fix a compilation warning                       430 - Fix a compilation warning
600                                                   431 
601 25 February 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    432 25 February 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-04)
602 ----------------------------------------------    433 -----------------------------------------------------------
603 - Fix some compilation warnings and errors        434 - Fix some compilation warnings and errors
604                                                   435 
605 22 February 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    436 22 February 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-03)
606 ----------------------------------------------    437 -----------------------------------------------------------
607 - Use PreCompound only for incident nucleons      438 - Use PreCompound only for incident nucleons
608                                                   439 
609 22 February 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    440 22 February 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-02)
610 ----------------------------------------------    441 -----------------------------------------------------------
611 - INCL++ v5.1.10                                  442 - INCL++ v5.1.10
612   o Relies on PreCompound for reactions below     443   o Relies on PreCompound for reactions below 1 AMeV (configurable via the
613     G4INCLXXInterfaceMessenger)                   444     G4INCLXXInterfaceMessenger)
614   o Adapted some of the MT modifications -- th    445   o Adapted some of the MT modifications -- the code should still be
615     thread-safe                                   446     thread-safe
616   o Some code refactoring                         447   o Some code refactoring
617                                                   448 
618 8 January 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    449 8 January 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-06-01)
619 ----------------------------------------------    450 -----------------------------------------------------------
620 - INCL++ v5.1.9                                   451 - INCL++ v5.1.9
621   o Removes calls to abort() and exit()           452   o Removes calls to abort() and exit()
622                                                   453 
623 29 November 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx    454 29 November 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-31)
624 ----------------------------------------------    455 -----------------------------------------------------------
625 - Remove inclusion of G4SystemOfUnits from hea    456 - Remove inclusion of G4SystemOfUnits from headers!
626                                                   457 
627 6 November 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    458 6 November 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-30)
628 ----------------------------------------------    459 -----------------------------------------------------------
629 - INCL++ v5.1.8                                   460 - INCL++ v5.1.8
630   o Fixes a bug in forced compound nucleus (em    461   o Fixes a bug in forced compound nucleus (emission of di-protons or
631     di-neutrons)                                  462     di-neutrons)
632                                                   463 
633 4 November 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    464 4 November 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-29)
634 ----------------------------------------------    465 -----------------------------------------------------------
635 - INCL++ v5.1.7                                   466 - INCL++ v5.1.7
636   o Fixes Coverity warnings                       467   o Fixes Coverity warnings
637   o Fixes a bug affecting the choice of the ac    468   o Fixes a bug affecting the choice of the accurate-projectile mode
638                                                   469 
639 27 October 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    470 27 October 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-28)
640 ----------------------------------------------    471 -----------------------------------------------------------
641 - INCL++ v5.1.6                                   472 - INCL++ v5.1.6
642   o Major speed improvement in cluster coalesc    473   o Major speed improvement in cluster coalescence -- gained about a factor of
643     2 in 1-GeV p+208Pb                            474     2 in 1-GeV p+208Pb
644   o Fix some bugs in reactions induced by comp    475   o Fix some bugs in reactions induced by composite particles
645                                                   476 
646 9 October 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    477 9 October 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-27)
647 ----------------------------------------------    478 -----------------------------------------------------------
648 - INCL++ v5.1.5                                   479 - INCL++ v5.1.5
649   o Only one model instance for all processes     480   o Only one model instance for all processes
650   o Messenger interface now creates commands i    481   o Messenger interface now creates commands in /process/had/inclxx, for
651     consistency with Bertini                      482     consistency with Bertini
652   o Optimisation of the cluster-coalescence al    483   o Optimisation of the cluster-coalescence algorithm reduces CPU time by about
653     40% in 1-GeV p+208Pb                          484     40% in 1-GeV p+208Pb
654   o Fixes Coverity warnings                       485   o Fixes Coverity warnings
655   o Bug fixes                                     486   o Bug fixes
656                                                   487 
657 26 September 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclx    488 26 September 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-26)
658 ----------------------------------------------    489 -----------------------------------------------------------
659 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for syst    490 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical
660   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclus    491   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh.
661                                                   492 
662 4 September 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    493 4 September 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-25)
663 ----------------------------------------------    494 -----------------------------------------------------------
664 - Fixes GNUmake compilation errors                495 - Fixes GNUmake compilation errors
665                                                   496 
666 3 September 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx    497 3 September 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-24)
667 ----------------------------------------------    498 -----------------------------------------------------------
668 - INCL++ v5.1.4                                   499 - INCL++ v5.1.4
669   o Fixes some shadowing warnings                 500   o Fixes some shadowing warnings
670                                                   501 
671 27 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    502 27 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-23)
672 ----------------------------------------------    503 -----------------------------------------------------------
673 - INCL++ refuses to handle reactions between n    504 - INCL++ refuses to handle reactions between nuclei with A>18. Those reactions
674   will be handled by BIC.                         505   will be handled by BIC.
675 - Fix the warning message about BIC being used    506 - Fix the warning message about BIC being used instead of INCL++.
676                                                   507 
677 26 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    508 26 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-22)
678 ----------------------------------------------    509 -----------------------------------------------------------
679 - Hopefully fix some crashes on Windows.          510 - Hopefully fix some crashes on Windows.
680                                                   511 
681 25 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    512 25 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-21)
682 ----------------------------------------------    513 -----------------------------------------------------------
683 - Fix missing include paths in GNUmakefile        514 - Fix missing include paths in GNUmakefile
684 - Emit a warning when the backup model is used    515 - Emit a warning when the backup model is used.
685                                                   516 
686 23 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V    517 23 August 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-20)
687 ----------------------------------------------    518 -----------------------------------------------------------
688 - INCL++ v5.1.3                                   519 - INCL++ v5.1.3
689   o Realistic densities for deuterons             520   o Realistic densities for deuterons
690   o Can be used for very light systems (e.g. p    521   o Can be used for very light systems (e.g. p+alpha)
691   o Fixes some minor memory leaks                 522   o Fixes some minor memory leaks
692   o Fixes a Coverity warning                      523   o Fixes a Coverity warning
693   o Should fix some crashes on Windows            524   o Should fix some crashes on Windows
694                                                   525 
695 17 July 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09    526 17 July 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-19)
696 ----------------------------------------------    527 -----------------------------------------------------------
697 - Remove relic file utils/src/      528 - Remove relic file utils/src/
698 - Fix a minor bug concerning transmission of d    529 - Fix a minor bug concerning transmission of delta resonances.
699                                                   530 
700 9 July 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    531 9 July 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-18)
701 ----------------------------------------------    532 -----------------------------------------------------------
702 - Fix compilation warning on Windows.             533 - Fix compilation warning on Windows.
703                                                   534 
704 9 July 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    535 9 July 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-17)
705 ----------------------------------------------    536 -----------------------------------------------------------
706 - INCL++ v5.1.1                                   537 - INCL++ v5.1.1
707   o Should fix all Coverity warnings.             538   o Should fix all Coverity warnings.
708   o Minor bugfixes.                               539   o Minor bugfixes.
709                                                   540 
710 12 June 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09    541 12 June 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-16)
711 ----------------------------------------------    542 -----------------------------------------------------------
712 - Should compile cleanly with -Wshadow.           543 - Should compile cleanly with -Wshadow.
713                                                   544 
714 1 June 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    545 1 June 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-15)
715 ----------------------------------------------    546 -----------------------------------------------------------
716 - INCL++ v5.1                                     547 - INCL++ v5.1
717   o Interface returns an empty G4HadFinalState    548   o Interface returns an empty G4HadFinalState if no inelastic event could be
718     produced.                                     549     produced.
719                                                   550 
720 25 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    551 25 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-14)
721 ----------------------------------------------    552 -----------------------------------------------------------
722 - INCL++ v5.1_rc11                                553 - INCL++ v5.1_rc11
723   o Fixes a compiler warning on Windows.          554   o Fixes a compiler warning on Windows.
724                                                   555 
725 24 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    556 24 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-13)
726 ----------------------------------------------    557 -----------------------------------------------------------
727 - INCL++ v5.1_rc10                                558 - INCL++ v5.1_rc10
728   o Refactored the configuration part of the i    559   o Refactored the configuration part of the interface in a separate
729     G4INCLXXInterfaceConfig singleton. The int    560     G4INCLXXInterfaceConfig singleton. The interface is no longer a singleton.
730   o Fixes a couple of minor bugs.                 561   o Fixes a couple of minor bugs.
731                                                   562 
732 22 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    563 22 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-12)
733 ----------------------------------------------    564 -----------------------------------------------------------
734 - INCL++ v5.1_rc9                                 565 - INCL++ v5.1_rc9
735   o Fixes a couple of minor bugs.                 566   o Fixes a couple of minor bugs.
736                                                   567 
737 12 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    568 12 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-11)
738 ----------------------------------------------    569 -----------------------------------------------------------
739 - INCL++ v5.1_rc8                                 570 - INCL++ v5.1_rc8
740   o Fixes a circular library dependency, compi    571   o Fixes a circular library dependency, compilation on Windows and some
741     mistakes in the build system.                 572     mistakes in the build system.
742   o Minor bugfix in cluster decay.                573   o Minor bugfix in cluster decay.
743                                                   574 
744 12 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    575 12 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-09)
745 ----------------------------------------------    576 -----------------------------------------------------------
746 - INCL++ v5.1_rc6                                 577 - INCL++ v5.1_rc6
747   o Fixes a bug mostly affecting reactions aro    578   o Fixes a bug mostly affecting reactions around 200 MeV.
748                                                   579 
749 11 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-    580 11 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-08)
750 ----------------------------------------------    581 -----------------------------------------------------------
751 - New INCL++ v5.1_rc5                             582 - New INCL++ v5.1_rc5
752   o Can handle heavy-ion collisions               583   o Can handle heavy-ion collisions
753   o Conserves energy using masses from the G4     584   o Conserves energy using masses from the G4 tables down
754     to the keV level.                             585     to the keV level.
755                                                   586 
756 23 April 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V0    587 23 April 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-07)
757 ----------------------------------------------    588 -----------------------------------------------------------
758 - Bugfix:                                         589 - Bugfix:
759   o Avoid collisions with A=1 targets.            590   o Avoid collisions with A=1 targets.
760                                                   591 
761 11 April 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V0    592 11 April 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-06)
762 ----------------------------------------------    593 -----------------------------------------------------------
763 - Bugfix:                                         594 - Bugfix:
764   o De-excitation products should not be boost    595   o De-excitation products should not be boosted using the pre-fragment
765     velocity.                                     596     velocity.
766                                                   597 
767 9 February 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    598 9 February 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-04,hadr-inclxx-V09-05-05)
768 ----------------------------------------------    599 -----------------------------------------------------------
769 - Fix compiler warning about an unused functio    600 - Fix compiler warning about an unused function parameter.
770                                                   601 
771 6 February 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    602 6 February 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-03)
772 ----------------------------------------------    603 -----------------------------------------------------------
773 - Bugfix:                                         604 - Bugfix:
774   o Sampling of the impact-parameter distribut    605   o Sampling of the impact-parameter distribution was incomplete for
775     nucleon-induced reactions and incoming kin    606     nucleon-induced reactions and incoming kinetic energies below ~40 MeV.
776                                                   607 
777 2 February 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    608 2 February 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-02)
778 ----------------------------------------------    609 -----------------------------------------------------------
779 - Bugfixes:                                       610 - Bugfixes:
780   o Do nothing if the projectile is below the     611   o Do nothing if the projectile is below the Coulomb barrier.
781   o Always apply numerical solutions (used to     612   o Always apply numerical solutions (used to lead to some minor violations of
782     energy conservation).                         613     energy conservation).
783                                                   614 
784 16 January 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-    615 16 January 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-inclxx-V09-05-01)
785 ----------------------------------------------    616 -----------------------------------------------------------
786 - Better (iterative) determination of the remn    617 - Better (iterative) determination of the remnant recoil at the the end of the
787   cascade.                                        618   cascade.
788 - Isospin-dependent back-to-spectator.            619 - Isospin-dependent back-to-spectator.
789 - Cache NuclearDensity objects for better perf    620 - Cache NuclearDensity objects for better performance (although we do not
790   really exploit this in G4 yet).                 621   really exploit this in G4 yet).
791 - Bugfix:                                         622 - Bugfix:
792   o Minor bug for negative incident pions -- i    623   o Minor bug for negative incident pions -- integration over impact-parameter
793     distribution was incomplete.                  624     distribution was incomplete.
794                                                   625 
795 21 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl    626 21 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-11)
796 ----------------------------------------------    627 -----------------------------------------------------------
797 - Fixed local energy logic                        628 - Fixed local energy logic
798 - Fixed separation energy in cluster emission     629 - Fixed separation energy in cluster emission
799                                                   630 
800 14 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl    631 14 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-10)
801 ----------------------------------------------    632 -----------------------------------------------------------
802 - Corrected the order in which the INCL++ mode    633 - Corrected the order in which the INCL++ model and projectile are created in
803   the interface. This actually is a better fix    634   the interface. This actually is a better fix to the FPE problem than tag
804   hadr-inclxx-V09-04-09.                          635   hadr-inclxx-V09-04-09.
805                                                   636 
806 10 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl    637 10 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-09)
807 ----------------------------------------------    638 -----------------------------------------------------------
808 - Added safeguard against FPE in G4INCLCrossSe    639 - Added safeguard against FPE in
809                                                   640 
810 07 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl    641 07 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-08)
811 ----------------------------------------------    642 -----------------------------------------------------------
812 - Don't apply nucleon-nucleon collision energy    643 - Don't apply nucleon-nucleon collision energy cut to the first collision
813 - Bugfixes:                                       644 - Bugfixes:
814   o Check that the nucleus pointer isn't NULL     645   o Check that the nucleus pointer isn't NULL
815   o G4INCLFinalState memory leaks                 646   o G4INCLFinalState memory leaks
816   o Proper use of ion definitions in the INCL+    647   o Proper use of ion definitions in the INCL++ G4 interface
817                                                   648 
818 04 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl    649 04 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-07)
819 ----------------------------------------------    650 -----------------------------------------------------------
820 - Set the maximum coalescence cluster mass to     651 - Set the maximum coalescence cluster mass to 8
821                                                   652 
822 03 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-incl    653 03 November 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-06)
823 ----------------------------------------------    654 -----------------------------------------------------------
824 - Declared G4INCLIFunction, G4INCLIParticleDat    655 - Declared G4INCLIFunction, G4INCLIParticleDataSource and
825   G4INCLIClusteringModel destructors as virtua    656   G4INCLIClusteringModel destructors as virtual
826                                                   657 
827 01 November 2011 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx    658 01 November 2011 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-05)
828 ----------------------------------------------    659 ---------------------------------------------------------
829 - Correction to GNUmakefiles to allow for DLL     660 - Correction to GNUmakefiles to allow for DLL build on Windows.
830                                                   661 
831 31 October 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclx    662 31 October 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-04)
832 ----------------------------------------------    663 ----------------------------------------------------------
833 - Fixed Windows/VC++ compiler warning             664 - Fixed Windows/VC++ compiler warning
834                                                   665 
835 24 October 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclx    666 24 October 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-03)
836 ----------------------------------------------    667 ----------------------------------------------------------
837 - Fixed Mac/Windows compilation problem (incl_    668 - Fixed Mac/Windows compilation problem (incl_physics/include/G4INCL.hh clashed
838   with the G4Incl.hh from INCL4.2 on case-inse    669   with the G4Incl.hh from INCL4.2 on case-insensitive filesystems)
839   o Solution: Renamed G4INCL.[hh|cc] to G4INCL    670   o Solution: Renamed G4INCL.[hh|cc] to G4INCLCascade.[hh|cc]
840 - Fixed icc macro expansion related compilatio    671 - Fixed icc macro expansion related compilation problems
841 - Renamed Particle.[hh|cc] to G4INCLParticle.[    672 - Renamed Particle.[hh|cc] to G4INCLParticle.[hh|cc]
842 - Renamed IAvatar.[hh|cc] to G4INCLIAvatar.[hh    673 - Renamed IAvatar.[hh|cc] to G4INCLIAvatar.[hh|cc]
843                                                   674 
844 19 October 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclx    675 19 October 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-02)
845 ----------------------------------------------    676 ----------------------------------------------------------
846 - Fixed type mismatches that caused warnings w    677 - Fixed type mismatches that caused warnings when compiling with GCC 4.1
847                                                   678 
848 26 September 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inc    679 26 September 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-01)
849 ----------------------------------------------    680 ------------------------------------------------------------
850 - Added some debugging environment variables t    681 - Added some debugging environment variables to the INCL++ interface:
851   o Goal: Allow the developer to inspect casca    682   o Goal: Allow the developer to inspect cascade specific quantities (such as
852   mass, charge and excitation energy of the ca    683   mass, charge and excitation energy of the cascade remnant nucleus) before
853   de-excitation to disable de-excitation entir    684   de-excitation to disable de-excitation entirely (useful when we'd like to
854   separate the contributions of cascade and de    685   separate the contributions of cascade and de-excitation)
855   o G4INCLXX_NO_DE_EXCITATION disables de-exci    686   o G4INCLXX_NO_DE_EXCITATION disables de-excitation
856   o G4INCLXX_STORE_RAW_DEBUG_OUTPUT stores the    687   o G4INCLXX_STORE_RAW_DEBUG_OUTPUT stores the cascade output into file
857   inclDebug.out                                   688   inclDebug.out
858                                                   689 
859 01 September 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inc    690 01 September 2011 - Pekka Kaitaniemi (hadr-inclxx-V09-04-00)
860 ----------------------------------------------    691 ------------------------------------------------------------
861 - Imported the first version of INCL++ intra-n    692 - Imported the first version of INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model into Geant4
862 - INCL++ version: v5.0 alpha1                     693 - INCL++ version: v5.0 alpha1
863   o Based on INCL4.6 cascade model                694   o Based on INCL4.6 cascade model
864   o Supported projectiles: protons, neutrons,     695   o Supported projectiles: protons, neutrons, pions up to 3 GeV
865   o Uses G4ExcitationHandler for de-excitation    696   o Uses G4ExcitationHandler for de-excitation
866                                                   697