Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category hadr-emd History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 3 ========================================================== 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 4 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c << 5 ========================================================== 6 6 >> 7 History file for the Electromagnetic Dissociation model >> 8 ------------------------------------------------------- 7 9 8 ## 2022-04-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-emd-V1 << 10 This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the 9 - G4EMDissociation : make consistent with G4Fr << 11 code and to keep track of all tags. 10 12 11 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (hadr-emd-V11-00-00) << 13 --------------------------------------------------------------- 12 - Change to new Markdown History format << 14 * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) 13 << 15 --------------------------------------------------------------- 14 --- << 15 << 16 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 17 16 18 04 August 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-0 17 04 August 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-07-02) 19 ---------------------------------------------- 18 --------------------------------------------------- 20 - G4EMDissociation : set the creator model ID 19 - G4EMDissociation : set the creator model ID for secondaries created 21 by projectile and target diffraction, using 20 by projectile and target diffraction, using the new version of 22 G4PhysicsModelCatalog 21 G4PhysicsModelCatalog 23 22 24 16 April 2021 - Ben Morgan (hadr-emd-V10-07-01 23 16 April 2021 - Ben Morgan (hadr-emd-V10-07-01) 25 ---------------------------------------------- 24 -------------------------------------------------- 26 - Migrate build to modular CMake API 25 - Migrate build to modular CMake API 27 26 28 13 April 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-0 27 13 April 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-07-00) 29 ---------------------------------------------- 28 ----------------------------------------------------- 30 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed the sub 29 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed the subdirectories 31 hadronic/models/management and hadronic/mode 30 hadronic/models/management and hadronic/models/util 32 (that have been now deleted, with their clas 31 (that have been now deleted, with their classes moved to 33 hadronic/util and hadronic/management). 32 hadronic/util and hadronic/management). 34 Removed also the useless dependency to hadro 33 Removed also the useless dependency to hadronic/process. 35 34 36 24 November 2020 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V1 35 24 November 2020 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-06-00) 37 ---------------------------------------------- 36 ----------------------------------------------------- 38 - G4EMDissociation : fix Lorentz kinematics (w 37 - G4EMDissociation : fix Lorentz kinematics (which was causing 39 energy-momentum violations) and switch off t 38 energy-momentum violations) and switch off too frequent warning 40 messages by G4Fragment, as suggested by Laur 39 messages by G4Fragment, as suggested by Laurie Nevay and 41 Andrey Abramov (bug report #2254). 40 Andrey Abramov (bug report #2254). 42 41 43 07 March 2017 - Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-emd 42 07 March 2017 - Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-emd-V10-03-00) 44 ---------------------------------------------- 43 ----------------------------------------------------- 45 - : removed explicit insta 44 - : removed explicit instantiation of 46 FermiBreakUp, Evaporation and MultiFragmen 45 FermiBreakUp, Evaporation and MultiFragmentation models 47 46 48 13 August 2015 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10- 47 13 August 2015 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-01-01) 49 ---------------------------------------------- 48 ----------------------------------------------------- 50 - : fix of Coverity memory 49 - : fix of Coverity memory leaks. 51 50 52 13 August 2015 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10- 51 13 August 2015 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-01-00) 53 ---------------------------------------------- 52 ----------------------------------------------------- 54 - : removed useless header 53 - : removed useless header file dependency 55 on G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay. 54 on G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay. 56 55 57 08 October 2014 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10 56 08 October 2014 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-00-01) 58 ---------------------------------------------- 57 ----------------------------------------------------- 59 - : replaced G4ParticleTa 58 - : replaced G4ParticleTable::GetIon() with 60 G4IonTable::GetIon() . 59 G4IonTable::GetIon() . 61 60 62 05 March 2014 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-0 61 05 March 2014 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-emd-V10-00-00) 63 ---------------------------------------------- 62 -------------------------------------------------- 64 - Removed useless const_cast<G4ParticleDefinit 63 - Removed useless const_cast<G4ParticleDefinition*> . 65 64 66 20 June 2013 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-06 65 20 June 2013 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-06-00) 67 ---------------------------------------------- 66 -------------------------------------------------- 68 - fix memory leak of products from G4Excitatio 67 - fix memory leak of products from G4ExcitationHandler 69 68 70 14 November 2012 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09 69 14 November 2012 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-05-03) 71 ---------------------------------------------- 70 ----------------------------------------------------- 72 - G4EMDissociation.hh : add protoype for copy 71 - G4EMDissociation.hh : add protoype for copy ctor 73 72 74 4 October 2012 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09- 73 4 October 2012 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-05-02) 75 ---------------------------------------------- 74 ---------------------------------------------------- 76 - implemented user-reported bug fix (#1339) of 75 - implemented user-reported bug fix (#1339) of double deletion of cross section 77 in dtor of G4EMDissociation 76 in dtor of G4EMDissociation 78 77 79 25 Sep 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-emd-V09-05- 78 25 Sep 2012 - Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-emd-V09-05-01) 80 ---------------------------------------------- 79 ------------------------------------------------- 81 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for syst 80 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical 82 constants, in plan to remove implicit inclus 81 constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh. 83 82 84 12 Jun 2012 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-05-0 83 12 Jun 2012 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-05-00) 85 ---------------------------------------------- 84 ------------------------------------------------ 86 - Replaced shadowed variable m2 in G4EMDissoci 85 - Replaced shadowed variable m2 in 87 86 88 27 Sep 2011 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-04-0 87 27 Sep 2011 - Dennis Wright (hadr-emd-V09-04-00) 89 ---------------------------------------------- 88 ------------------------------------------------ 90 - Migrated to integer Z and A. 89 - Migrated to integer Z and A. 91 Files affected: 90 Files affected: 92 91