Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/History (Version 11.3.0) and /processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/History (Version 9.4)

  1 # Category hadr-deex History                   <<   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   3      ==========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   4      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   5      ==========================================================
  6                                                << 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- << 
  8                                                << 
  9 ## 2024-10-29 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 10 - G4LevelReader - reduced printouts on problem << 
 11 - G4PolarizationTransition - use optimized G4L << 
 12     Isaac Kunen GitHub PR #70                  << 
 13                                                << 
 14 ## 2024-10-01 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 15 - G4LevelReader - changed algorithm of handlin << 
 16     number of levels and number of transitions << 
 17     do not deleted but are protected. For the  << 
 18     below the previous energy, its energy is s << 
 19     For the case of transition to itself, the  << 
 20     is set to zero.                            << 
 21                                                << 
 22 ## 2024-09-26 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V11-02 << 
 23 - G4LevelReader: fixed compilation warning on  << 
 24   conversion.                                  << 
 25                                                << 
 26 ## 2024-09-25 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 27 - G4LevelReader - added two new protection to  << 
 28   gamma level data: next level energy below pr << 
 29   is ignored; transition from given level to i << 
 30   energy - such transition ignored; added two  << 
 31   warning printouts; code clean-up; comments t << 
 32                                                << 
 33 ## 2024-09-19 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 34 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - for pre-compound mod << 
 35   interval Eex/A = (0.1 - 30) MeV as used in G << 
 36                                                << 
 37 ## 2024-09-09 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 38 - G4XSectionXS is renamed to G4InterfaceToXS a << 
 39 - G4EvaporationProbability uses G4InterfaceToX << 
 40                                                << 
 41 ## 2024-08-18 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 42 - G4EvaporationProbability, G4EvaporationChann << 
 43     apply Coulomb barrier for computation of m << 
 44     if OPTxs=1 - use isotope x-section instead << 
 45     define OPTxs parameter only in class const << 
 46 - G4XSectionXS - initialisation inside class c << 
 47                                                << 
 48 ## 2024-08-14 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 49 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - for pre-compound mod << 
 50     changed interval of applicability Eex/A =  << 
 51     (0.1 - 30) MeV (outside this interval de-e << 
 52                                                << 
 53 ## 2024-07-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 54 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - enable read and use  << 
 55 - G4CoulombBarrier - changed theRho parameter  << 
 56 - G4CompetitiveFission - guaranteed initialisa << 
 57                                                << 
 58 ## 2024-07-18 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 59 - G4Evaporation, G4EvaporationProbability, G4X << 
 60     of G4XSectionXS class also in the case of  << 
 61     initialisation is not performed, minor cod << 
 62     for the default configuration              << 
 63                                                << 
 64 ## 2024-07-16 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 65 - G4XSectionXS - new class to compute inverse  << 
 66     cross sections for neutrons and light ions << 
 67 - G4DeexPrecoParameters, G4DeexParametersMesse << 
 68     inverse cross section type                 << 
 69 - G4EvaporationProbability, G4VEmissionProbabi << 
 70     as an alternative option                   << 
 71 - G4CompetitiveFission - added normalisation f << 
 72 - G4ShellCorrection, G4CookShellCorrections -  << 
 73                                                << 
 74 ## 2024-07-10 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 75 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabili << 
 76   methods ComputeInverseXSection(..) and Compu << 
 77   unit tests                                   << 
 78                                                << 
 79 ## 2024-07-03 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 80 - G4VEmissionProbability, G4StatMF, G4Polariza << 
 81     Coverity warnings                          << 
 82                                                << 
 83 ## 2024-05-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 84 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4NeutronRadCapture - c << 
 85 - G4VCoulombBarrier, G4CoulombBarrier, G4GEMCo << 
 86   G4FermiBreakUpUtil - clean-up Coulomb barrie << 
 87     headers and variables                      << 
 88 - G4GEMChannelVI, G4GEMProbabilityVI - updated << 
 89     algorithm of computation of probability    << 
 90                                                << 
 91 ## 2024-05-16 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 92 - G4NuclearLevelData, G4PairingCorrection, G4C << 
 93   G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections - simplifie << 
 94     computations are done in one place only, n << 
 95 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabili << 
 96     corrections, agreement with test data is i << 
 97                                                << 
 98 ## 2024-05-09 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
 99 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - moved definition of  << 
100     source, improve comments, added default wi << 
101     for selection of final excitation in a dec << 
102 - G4VEmissionProbability - use the new width p << 
103 - G4EvaporationChannel - fixed computation of  << 
104     fragment for odd-even residual nucleaus    << 
105                                                << 
106 ## 2024-01-29 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
107 - G4StatMFChannel - fixed compilation warnings << 
108     by substitution of C-arrays by std::vector << 
109                                                << 
110 ## 2024-01-25 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
111 - G4FermiBreakUpVI, G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - f << 
112     of fake excited isomeres) by moving the ch << 
113     pull (initialized once as a static object) << 
114     the model allowing to change this limit in << 
115     decay chains with no final state.          << 
116 - G4VEmissionProbability - substitute local va << 
117     possible shadowing                         << 
118 - G4ExcitationHandler - improved debug printou << 
119                                                << 
120 ## 2024-01-23 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
121 - G4PhotonEvaporation - use in all computation << 
122     because since 11.2 JP may be negative due  << 
123     problem report 2587.                       << 
124                                                << 
125 ## 2023-11-15 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
126 - G4FermiChannels - fixed memory leak at exit  << 
127                                                << 
128 ## 2023-11-09 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
129 - G4PhotonEvaporation - return back to only ga << 
130     case of nuclear level without information  << 
131                                                << 
132 ## 2023-11-07 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
133 - G4LevelReader, G4PhotonEvaporation - complet << 
134     for the case if data on internal conversio << 
135     is disabled, it is assumed that all IC tra << 
136     K-shell, which means that independently on << 
137     gamma transition is unchanged.             << 
138                                                << 
139 ## 2023-10-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
140 - G4PhotonEvaporation - attempt to fix problem << 
141     is achieved by substitution of gamma trans << 
142     there is no data on transitions from the g << 
143                                                << 
144 ## 2023-10-25 Jonas Hahnfeld (hadr-deex-V11-01 << 
145 - G4GEMProbability - technical improvements to << 
146     whithout change of physics.                << 
147                                                << 
148 ## 2023-08-16 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V11-01 << 
149 - Fixed compilation warning for implicit type  << 
150   in G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI::DumpFragment().   << 
151                                                << 
152 ## 2023-07-12 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
153 - G4KalbachCrossSection - dynamic choice of pe << 
154     cross section as a function of A           << 
155 - clean-up evaporation and utils subdirectorie << 
156 - removed unused files                         << 
157                                                << 
158 ## 2023-07-05 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
159 - G4LevelManager, G4PhotonEvaporation - improv << 
160 - G4LevelReader - set life time of stable leve << 
161     left undefined spin 99 and do not set it t << 
162 - G4ExcitationHandler - instantiate FermiBreak << 
163     PhotonEvaporation in constructor; class fo << 
164 - fermi_breakup model has been reviewed and up << 
165   few obsolete classes are removed, G4FermiBre << 
166 - G4VEvaporation, G4Evaporation, G4VEvaporatio << 
167     G4EvaporationGEMFactory, G4EvaporationGEMF << 
168     G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory - class for << 
169     instantiation/destruction of components    << 
170                                                << 
171                                                << 
172 ## 2023-04-21 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
173 - G4LevelManager - added extra public access m << 
174     level energies and other parameters        << 
175 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - moved part of initia << 
176     autolock, instead use internal flag allowi << 
177     print all pre-compound parameters, separat << 
178     printouts                                  << 
179                                                << 
180 ## 2023-03-29 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
181 - G4NuclearLevelData - fixed uploading of data << 
182                                                << 
183 ## 2023-03-27 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
184 - class clean-up in management and handler sub << 
185   and exceptions printouts, improve comments;  << 
186   and class members                            << 
187                                                << 
188 ## 2023-03-25 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
189 - G4LevelReader - allow to add more levels of  << 
190     limit=635 (max number of levels in G4LEVEL << 
191                                                << 
192 ## 2022-11-26 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V11-00 << 
193 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
194                                                << 
195 ## 2022-11-24 Alberto Ribon (hadr-deex-V11-00- << 
196 - G4ExcitationHandler : added protections that << 
197   large energy non-conservations in the case o << 
198   for anti-hypernuclei projectiles.            << 
199   Note: there are still cases of off-shell mas << 
200         non-conservations that need further in << 
201                                                << 
202 ## 2022-11-21 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
203 - G4ExcitationHandler - added extra sanity che << 
204     of lambda inside a fragment                << 
205                                                << 
206 ## 2022-11-11 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
207 - G4FermiCoulombBarrier - added Coulomb barrie << 
208     prescription                               << 
209 - G4FermiDecayProbability, G4FermiFragment - u << 
210 - G4VCoulombBarrier, G4CoulombBarrier, G4GEMCo << 
211                                                << 
212 ## 2022-11-07 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
213 - G4ExcitationHandler - introduced de-excitati << 
214     lambda inside                              << 
215                                                << 
216 ## 2022-11-03 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
217 - G4AtomicTransition - extended upper limit of << 
218   from Z=100 to Z=104 by R. Chakma             << 
219                                                << 
220 ## 2022-09-05 Ben Morgan (hadr-deex-V11-00-15) << 
221 - Update dependencies to address warnings from << 
222                                                << 
223 ## 2022-07-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
224 - G4PhotonEvaporation - improved use of mutex  << 
225 - G4StatMFChannel - implement fixes reported b << 
226 - G4StatMF - clean-up                          << 
227                                                << 
228 ## 2022-06-16 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
229 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed Coverity warning << 
230                                                << 
231 ## 2022-06-16 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
232 - G4PhotonEvaporation - simplified handling of << 
233 - G4EvaporationProbability - reduce usage of c << 
234                                                << 
235 ## 2022-05-31 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
236 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fix Coverity warning   << 
237                                                << 
238 ## 2022-04-29 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
239 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationChannel, << 
240   G4VEmissionProbability, G4EvaporationProbabi << 
241     inverse cross section parameterisation at  << 
242     cleanup;                                   << 
243                                                << 
244 ## 2022-04-27 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
245 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationChannel, << 
246   G4EvaporationProbability, G4PhotonEvaporatio << 
247     public interfaces to be used in unit tests << 
248 - G4NuclearLevelData - use G4AutoLock          << 
249                                                << 
250 ## 2022-04-25 Michel Maire (hadr-deex-V11-00-0 << 
251 - G4DeexPrecoParameters::StreamInfo() : use G4 << 
252                                                << 
253 ## 2022-04-18 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
254 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4Evaporation - added  << 
255     (A < 30) on decay of unphysical fragment,  << 
256     removal light unphysical states and provid << 
257     isotope production for the spalation fragm << 
258 - G4CoulombBarrier, G4PairingCorrection, G4She << 
259   G4CameronShellPlusPairingCorrection,         << 
260   G4CameronGilbertShellCorrections - code clea << 
261                                                << 
262 ## 2022-04-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
263 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabili << 
264   G4VEmissionProbability, G4VCoulombBarrier, G << 
265     code/headers clean-up; use new method from << 
266                                                << 
267 ## 2022-03-27 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
268 - G4VEmissionProbability - more strong limit o << 
269     probability, improved debug printout       << 
270                                                << 
271 ## 2022-03-21 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
272 - G4PhotonEvaporation - for floating levels ch << 
273     energy can be used for sampling transition << 
274 - G4LevelManger, G4NuclLevel - removed verbose << 
275 - G4VEmissionProbability - fixed sampling of t << 
276     numerical protections                      << 
277 - G4CoulombBarrier - tune parameters           << 
278                                                << 
279 ## 2022-02-24 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
280 - G4LevelManager - use correct type            << 
281 - G4VEmissionProbability - updated sampling of << 
282     needed due to analysis of Alexsandr Svetli << 
283                                                << 
284 ## 2022-02-15 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
285 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed situation when e << 
286     excitation energy does not corresponding t << 
287     G4LEVELGAMMADATA, which fixes #2434, it is << 
288     the case, when radioactive decay is enable << 
289                                                << 
290 ## 2021-12-13 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
291 - G4Evaporation, G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp com << 
292     of unphysical fragments (bug #2355); impro << 
293 - G4ExcitationHandler - use IsLongLived() flag << 
294     if de-excitation of the fragment should be << 
295 - G4VEmissionProbability - limit number of bin << 
296     integration to 50                          << 
297                                                << 
298 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (hadr-deex-V11-00-00) << 
299 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
300                                                << 
301 ---                                            << 
302                                                << 
303 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
304                                                << 
305 02 November 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-de << 
306 - G4PhotonEvaporation - changed logic de-excit << 
307     has no data on transitions: instead of tra << 
308     continues transition is performed. This sh << 
309     production of fragments with high excitati << 
310     momentum                                   << 
311 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - fixed propagation of << 
312     components of the de-excitation module     << 
313                                                << 
314 30 September 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-d << 
315 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed Coverity warning << 
316                                                << 
317 04 August 2021 Alberto Ribon  (hadr-deex-V10-0 << 
318 - G4DeexPrecoParameters, G4ExcitationHandler : << 
319   migrated to the new version of G4PhysicsMode << 
320 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4UnstableFragmentBrea << 
321   G4PhotonEvaporation, G4NeutronRadCapture,    << 
322   G4GEMChannel, G4GEMChannelVI, G4FermiBreakUp << 
323   G4CompetitiveFission, G4WilsonAblationModel  << 
324   set creator model ID for secondaries, using  << 
325   G4PhysicsModelCatalog                        << 
326                                                << 
327 01 July 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-deex-V << 
328 - Removed obsolete and not used  model G4ParaF << 
329   fixes also circular dependences inside the d << 
330                                                << 
331 16 April 2021 Ben Morgan (hadr-deex-V10-07-04) << 
332 - Migrate build to modular CMake API           << 
333                                                << 
334 15 April 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-deex- << 
335 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - fixed problem #2350  << 
336                                                << 
337 13 April 2021 Alberto Ribon  (hadr-deex-V10-07 << 
338 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed the sub << 
339   hadronic/models/management and hadronic/mode << 
340   (that have been now deleted, with their clas << 
341    hadronic/util and hadronic/management).     << 
342                                                << 
343 07 March 2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-deex- << 
344 - G4PolarizationTransition - J.Detwiler fixed  << 
345   correlations (problem #2344)                 << 
346                                                << 
347 18 February 2021 Alberto Ribon  (hadr-deex-V10 << 
348 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - changed half-life ti << 
349   production from 1 microsecond to 1 nanosecon << 
350   The goal is to avoid unphysical missing ener << 
351   NA61/SHINE Collaboration. The open question  << 
352   overhead is negligible for the LHC experimen << 
353                                                << 
354 12 August 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-deex << 
355 - G4NuclearLevelData - use Zmax for initialisa << 
356                                                << 
357 28 July 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-deex-V << 
358 - G4ExcitationHandler - verbose level is defin << 
359     class or by the hardcoded local verbose le << 
360     debugging                                  << 
361 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - verbose level is def << 
362     class or by the local verbose level        << 
363 - G4DeexParametersMessenger - removed obsolete << 
364                                                << 
365 24 July 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-deex-V << 
366 - G4NuclearLevelData - reduced usage of mutex  << 
367     begin of run                               << 
368 - G4ExcitationHandler - use Zmax+1 instead of  << 
369     initialisation                             << 
370                                                << 
371 13 July 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko  (hadr-deex-V << 
372 - G4NuclearLevelData - more safe initialisatio << 
373     locks only within each method, whithout ca << 
374 - G4ExcitationHandler - call to G4NuclearLevel << 
375     levels for all elements possibly involved  << 
376                                                << 
377 12 May 2020   Alberto Ribon       (hadr-deex-V << 
378 - G4DeexPrecoParameters : in the method Dump() << 
379   level of hadronics (if zero, do not print an << 
380                                                << 
381 05 May 2020   Gunter Folger       (hadr-deex-V << 
382 - Fix for clang10: mark class final, as dtor i << 
383    affected: fermi_breakup/include/G4FermiBrea << 
384              gem_evaporation/include/G4GEMChan << 
385        gem_evaporation/include/G4GEMProbabilit << 
386                                                << 
387 05 March 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
388 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - set default time lim << 
389     enable isomere production (related to prob << 
390                                                << 
391 13 February 2020 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
392 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4DeexPrecoParameters,  << 
393     added extra flag - IsomerProduction, if it << 
394     evaporation samples time of gamma transiti << 
395     and UI command allowing set this flag; rad << 
396     should enable this parameter; fix of probl << 
397                                                << 
398 25 November 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
399 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed Coverity problem << 
400                                                << 
401 16 November 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
402 - G4PhotonEvaporation - access G4NuclearPolari << 
403     if correlated gamma decay is enabled       << 
404                                                << 
405 11 November 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
406 - G4CompetitiveFission, G4FissionBarrier, G4Fi << 
407     numerical protections; cleanup C++11 keywo << 
408     source code                                << 
409                                                << 
410 05 November 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
411 - G4NuclearLevelData, G4LevelManager, G4GEMCha << 
412   G4GEMProbabilityVI, G4EvaporationChannel, G4 << 
413     use consistently pairing correction from G << 
414     verbosity level for debigging              << 
415 - G4FermiBreakUpVI - use consistently verbosit << 
416     module, simplified decay kinematics        << 
417 - G4VEmissionProbability, G4Evaporation, G4Uns << 
418     consistently used decay channels in all co << 
419     de-excitation module                       << 
420 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed problem seen in  << 
421     fragmentation - provide full de-excitation << 
422     fragments                                  << 
423 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed gamma de-excitat << 
424     excitation energy is between ground and 1s << 
425                                                << 
426 19 October 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
427 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4Evaporation - attempt << 
428                                                << 
429 16 October 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
430 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4Evaporation - improve << 
431 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - allowed only res << 
432     are present in the nuclear level DB; those << 
433     in the DB are forced to decay on fragments << 
434     improved debug printout                    << 
435                                                << 
436 02 October 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
437 - G4ExcitationHandler - removed warning on hig << 
438 - G4NuclearLevelData - added new public interf << 
439     upload of nuclear level data before 1st ev << 
440     UploadNuclearLevelData(G4int maxZ)         << 
441 - G4LevelReader - small reduction of memory ch << 
442 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - added two new parame << 
443 - G4DeexParametersMessenger - added UI command << 
444 - G4VEmissionProbability - implemented option  << 
445     nucleus to be at one of known discrete lev << 
446 - G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - removed unphysical  << 
447     data structures                            << 
448 - G4FermiFragment - removed unused boolean mem << 
449 - G4FermiBreakUpVI - clean internal data after << 
450                                                << 
451 18 September 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
452 - G4ExcitationHandler - removed second photon  << 
453     because since long all gamma decay are alr << 
454     1st loop; use more C++11 constructions     << 
455 - G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - implement new metho << 
456 - G4FermiBreakUpVI - use new HasChannels(..) i << 
457 - G4Evaporation - make coherent use of IsAppli << 
458     from FermiBreakUp and force simplified dec << 
459     with G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp             << 
460 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - change logic all << 
461     exotic fragment (fragment is not known in  << 
462     never release it                           << 
463                                                << 
464 11 September 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
465 - G4ExcitationHandler - added limit on number  << 
466     excitation of input fragment; fixed Coveri << 
467                                                << 
468 14 August 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
469 - G4ExcitationHandler - added check on upper l << 
470 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - added upper limit 30 << 
471     per nucleon                                << 
472                                                << 
473 08 August 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
474 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed initialisation s << 
475                                                << 
476 23 July 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
477 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4Evaporation - optimis << 
478     memory churn                               << 
479 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4VEmissionProbabilit << 
480   G4EvaporationProbability - clean-up private  << 
481     methods                                    << 
482 - G4AlphaEvaporationChannel, G4AlphaEvaporatio << 
483   G4DeuteronEvaporationChannel, G4DeuteronEvap << 
484   G4He3EvaporationChannel, G4He3EvaporationPro << 
485   G4NeutronEvaporationChannel, G4NeutronEvapor << 
486   G4ProtonEvaporationChannel, G4ProtonEvaporat << 
487   G4TritonEvaporationChannel, G4TritonEvaporat << 
488 - G4GEMChannelVI, G4GEMProbabilityVI - new GEM << 
489                                                << 
490                                                << 
491 17 July 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
492 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4VEmissionProbabilit << 
493   G4EvaporationGEMFactory, G4EvaporationGEMFac << 
494   G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory, G4Evaporatio << 
495   G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabili << 
496   G4EvaporationProbabilityVI - a modification  << 
497     allowing reuse code established for evapor << 
498     evaporation model, use more C++11 patterns << 
499 - G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI, G4NuclearLevelData - << 
500     at initialisation, use more C++11 patterns << 
501                                                << 
502 10 July 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
503 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabili << 
504   G4NeutronEvaporationProbability, G4VEmission << 
505   G4VEvaporationChannel - preparation for deve << 
506     for evaporation improved selection of fina << 
507     residual fragment                          << 
508 - G4LevelReader - attempt to reduce memory chu << 
509                                                << 
510 04 June 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
511 - G4ExcitationHandler - removed debug cout     << 
512                                                << 
513 30 May 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V10 << 
514 - G4Evaporation, G4ExcitationHandler, G4LevelR << 
515   G4VEmissionProbability, G4GammaTransition, G << 
516   G4PolarizationTransition - changed scheme of << 
517   1- dump of parameters at initialisation, 2-  << 
518   3- very detailed debug printout (Bugzilla #2 << 
519 - G4CoulombBarrier - use G4NuclearRadii utilit << 
520                                                << 
521 13 May 2019 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V10-05-0 << 
522 - Replaced deprecated std::binary_function cal << 
523   G4StatMFMicroCanonical and G4StatMFChannel.  << 
524   Courtesy of S.Losilla, from GitHub PR#8.     << 
525                                                << 
526 06 May 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V10 << 
527 - G4VEmissionProbability - use simple rejectio << 
528 - G4FermiFragment - fixed Coulomb barrier corr << 
529                                                << 
530 30 April 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
531 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabili << 
532   G4FermiDecayProbability, G4VEmissionProbabil << 
533     simplified algorithm to sample kinetic ene << 
534     minor code clean-up, removed commented lin << 
535                                                << 
536 18 March 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
537 - G4PhotonEvaporation - for nuclear levels wit << 
538     perform decay not to the ground state but  << 
539     (problem #2123)                            << 
540 - G4LevelManager, G4NucLevel - fixed debug and << 
541                                                << 
542 12 March 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
543 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed decay from nucle << 
544     decay channels defined (problem #2123)     << 
545                                                << 
546 28 January 2019 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
547 - G4LevelReader - fixed typo (problem #2124)   << 
548                                                << 
549 05 December 2018 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V10 << 
550 - G4ExcitationHandler: added protection to ver << 
551   SetDeexChannelsType() and Initialise() metho << 
552                                                << 
553 20 November 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
554 - G4LevelReader - (L.Desorgher) fAlphaMax is c << 
555     1.e+6 to 1.e+15 (needed for correct IC pro << 
556     isotopes)                                  << 
557                                                << 
558 13 November 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
559 - G4PhotonEvaporation - improved debug printou << 
560                                                << 
561 09 November 2018 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V10 << 
562 - Fixed few printout typos.                    << 
563                                                << 
564 05 November 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
565 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - fixed Coverity w << 
566                                                << 
567 26 October 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
568 - G4CompetitiveFission, G4FissionLevelDensityP << 
569   G4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXX, G4Fiss << 
570     tuned fission parameters                   << 
571 - G4DeexPrecoParameters -  default level densi << 
572 - G4LevelManager - added a member and Get meth << 
573                                                << 
574 22 October 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
575 22 October 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
576 - Fixed GNUmakefile and source.cmake           << 
577 - G4NuclearLevelData - fixed new methods and u << 
578     gamma levels                               << 
579                                                << 
580 21 October 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
581 19 October 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
582 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - default level densit << 
583     0.1 to 0.08                                << 
584 - removed circular dependence between de-excit << 
585   introduced in previous tag                   << 
586                                                << 
587 18 October 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
588 - G4LevelManager, G4NuclearLevelData, G4LevelR << 
589     of level density and pairing correction pe << 
590     possibility to choose between two paramete << 
591     density                                    << 
592 - G4EvaporationProbability, G4CompetitiveFissi << 
593   G4PhotonEvaporation - coherent use of the sa << 
594      level density and pairing correction betw << 
595 - G4FissionLevelDensityParameter, G4FissionLev << 
596   G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter, G4Coulom << 
597   G4PairingCorrection - clean up according G4N << 
598 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - default level densit << 
599     0.1 to 0.09                                << 
600                                                << 
601 08 October 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
602 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - added extra paramete << 
603 - G4EvaporationProbability - added option 4 fo << 
604 - G4LevelReader - change fatal exception by wa << 
605     level index                                << 
606 - G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - extended number of  << 
607     399 to 991 and corresponding number of rea << 
608                                                << 
609 19 September 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
610 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - set default deexcita << 
611                                                << 
612 24 August 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
613 - G4LevelReader - attempt to fix problems #198 << 
614     change of hadling of internal conversion d << 
615                                                << 
616 06 August 2018 Alberto Ribon (hadr-deex-V10-04 << 
617 - G4NeutronRadCapture : replaced the explicit  << 
618   hadronic physics with the one from G4Hadroni << 
619 - Changed the GNUmakefile to allow the new dep << 
620   processes/hadronic/management/include/, wher << 
621   G4HadronicParameters is defined.             << 
622                                                << 
623 06 July 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
624 - G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay - moved long method f << 
625     added a protection for low mass of initial << 
626                                                << 
627 26 February 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
628 26 February 2018 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
629 - G4ChatterjeeCrossSection, G4KalbachCrossSect << 
630     implementation to source                   << 
631 - G4VEmissionProbability, G4EvaporationProbabi << 
632     of probabilities for neutron emission for  << 
633 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - fixed checks on para << 
634                                                << 
635 19 December 2017 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V10 << 
636 - Fixed self-consistency in G4ChatterjeeCrossS << 
637   Fixed #ifdef guard in G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon << 
638   Thanks to Raphael Isemann for reporting thes << 
639                                                << 
640 03 November 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
641 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - fixed printout of pa << 
642                                                << 
643 31 October 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
644 - G4NeutronRadCapture, G4StatMFChannel, G4Stat << 
645   G4GEMChannel, G4CompetitiveFission, G4FermiP << 
646     - used G4RandomDirection() for better CPU  << 
647                                                << 
648 19 October 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
649 - G4DeexPrecoParameters, G4DeexParametersMesse << 
650     for configuration of de-excitation module  << 
651 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4PhotonEvaporation - u << 
652     enable/disable correlated gamma            << 
653                                                << 
654 13 October 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
655 - G4NuclearLevelData, G4NucLevel, G4LevelManag << 
656     to print nuclear level information into ou << 
657     interface cleanup, fixed reading user data << 
658 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4GEMChannelVI - use up << 
659                                                << 
660 21 August 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
661 - G4NuclearLevelData - fully thread safe singl << 
662                                                << 
663 18 August 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
664 - G4NuclearLevelData - hold and have access me << 
665     G4PairingCorrection and G4ShellCorrection  << 
666     more safe MT initialisation of the Instanc << 
667 - G4PairingCorrection, G4ShellCorrection - are << 
668 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4FissionProbability,  << 
669   G4FissionBarrier, G4GEMChannel, G4GEMChannel << 
670   G4VEmissionProbability - changed access to G << 
671     G4ShellCorrection                          << 
672 - G4LevelReader - added extra G4Exception in f << 
673                                                << 
674 14 August 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
675 - G4PolarisationTransition - make protection f << 
676     according Jason Detwiler prescription      << 
677                                                << 
678 10 August 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
679 - G4PolarisationTransition - added protections << 
680     GenerateGammaPhi(..) to avoid read outside << 
681     reduce sampling loop from 1000 to 100      << 
682                                                << 
683 07 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
684 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - restore Get/SetInter << 
685     true by default                            << 
686 - G4PhotonEvaporation - use flag for internal  << 
687     for radioactive decay do not sample transi << 
688     information is available                   << 
689                                                << 
690 04 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
691 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4GammaTransition, G4Po << 
692     improved debug printout, cleanup creation  << 
693     G4NuclearPolarization objects              << 
694                                                << 
695 03 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
696 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - added fDummy variant << 
697     excitation energy transformed to kinetic e << 
698     and no secondaries are produced; added als << 
699     method, which disable both precompound and << 
700 - G4ExcitationHandler - implement fDummy varia << 
701 - G4PhotonEvaporation - added handling of nucl << 
702     simulation of correlated gamma emission; f << 
703     this is working for all consumer code; for << 
704     interface - only if radioactive decay flag << 
705 - G4PolarizationTransition - added new public  << 
706     SampleGammaTransition(..), which replaced  << 
707     code become more clear, sampling cosTheta  << 
708     by private methods                         << 
709 - G4GammaTransition - use this new SampleGamma << 
710                                                << 
711 19 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
712 - G4WilsonAblationModel - C. Mancini Terraccia << 
713     initialisation                             << 
714                                                << 
715 16 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
716 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - disable parameter ch << 
717     only G4_PreInit is allowed                 << 
718 - G4ExcitationHandler - improved debug cout    << 
719                                                << 
720 15 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
721 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - removed compilation  << 
722 - G4ExcitationHandler - added protection from  << 
723     initialisation when external evaporation i << 
724     removed debug cout                         << 
725                                                << 
726 14 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
727 - G4GammaTransition - more accurate protection << 
728 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4ExcitationHandler - e << 
729 - G4PolarizationTransition - use G4double, and << 
730 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - disable correlated g << 
731                                                << 
732 13 June 2017 Alberto Ribon (hadr-deex-V10-03-3 << 
733 - G4PolarizationTransition : applied Jason Det << 
734     overflow in the argument of sqrt(), and ca << 
735     calculations.                              << 
736 - G4GammaTransition : temporary workaround to  << 
737     by skipping polarization if initial state  << 
738                                                << 
739 13 June 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
740 - G4GammaTransition - added a protection - do  << 
741     polarization if initial state has momentum << 
742                                                << 
743 1 June 2017 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V10-03-34 << 
744 - G4PolarizationTransition::GenerateGammaCosTh << 
745     warning of zero coefficient                << 
746                                                << 
747 23 May 2017 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V10-03-33 << 
748 - G4PolarizationTransition::GenerateGammaCosTh << 
749   G4PolarizationTransition::GenerateGammaPhi:  << 
750     entries are empty and return isotropic ran << 
751     somewhat rare crash.                       << 
752                                                << 
753 13 May 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V10 << 
754 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4NeutronRadCapture - p << 
755     e- internal conversion to base class G4Had << 
756                                                << 
757 10 May 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V10 << 
758 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4DeexPrecoParameters - << 
759     e- internal conversion and propagate it to << 
760                                                << 
761 28 April 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
762 - G4LevelReader - by default issue G4Exception << 
763 - G4LevelReader, G4LevelManager, G4NucLevel,   << 
764     use G4double for energy and life time (fix << 
765 - G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI, G4FemiBreakUpVI - fi << 
766     chains for unphysical fragments, which hap << 
767                                                << 
768 27 April 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
769 - G4LevelReader - by default issue G4Exception << 
770                                                << 
771 08 April 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
772 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed second part of t << 
773     always have gamma transition to the discre << 
774     no levels - to the ground state)           << 
775 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - set default MaxLifeT << 
776     (was 0.1 second)                           << 
777                                                << 
778 05 April 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
779 - G4LevelReader,  G4NuclearLevelData - removed << 
780     data structure                             << 
781 - G4LevelReader - fixed fill of mpRatio parame << 
782     always zero before)                        << 
783                                                << 
784 04 April 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
785 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - disable possibility  << 
786     FatalException soon if the first file in t << 
787                                                << 
788 04 April 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
789 - G4LevelReader - read update data structure w << 
790     directory is                               << 
791 - G4LevelManager - removed obsolete method     << 
792                                                << 
793 20 March 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
794 - G4LevelReader - fixed bug #1942 (FatalExcept << 
795     not opened)                                << 
796 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed bug #1950 (perfo << 
797     the ground state of an isotope if the floa << 
798     excitation energy)                         << 
799                                                << 
800 17 March 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
801 - G4VEmissionProbability - added private metho << 
802     of PDF functions                           << 
803 - G4EvaporationProbability, G4CompetitiveFissi << 
804   G4GEMProbability - changes are implemented a << 
805     modifications                              << 
806 - G4EvaporationChannel - make choice of minima << 
807     Z-dependent                                << 
808                                                << 
809 07 March 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
810 07 March 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
811 - G4NuclearLevelData - synkronise the list of  << 
812     current set of data files - extra rare iso << 
813     Z max is extended from 102 to 117          << 
814 - G4LevelReader - always create G4LevelManager << 
815     including light stable p, d, t, He3, He4   << 
816 - G4LevelManager - removed obsolete method     << 
817 - G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - improved handling o << 
818 - G4ExcitationHandler, fermi_breakup, photon_e << 
819     removed obsolete FermiBreakUp model and co << 
820                                                << 
821 02 March 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
822 - G4LevelReader, G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - fixe << 
823     analysis warnings                          << 
824                                                << 
825 27 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
826 - G4LevelReader, G4LevelManager, G4PhotonEvapo << 
827     (ground state isotopes) life time is set t << 
828     accordingly                                << 
829 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - default time limit 0 << 
830     decay is enabled this time is set to the l << 
831     G4NuclideTable), this allows do not create << 
832     if radioactive decay is not included in th << 
833                                                << 
834 21 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
835 - G4LevelReader - in the case of broken file s << 
836     a file G4Exception will be issued          << 
837                                                << 
838 16 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
839 - G4GammaTransition - added control on printou << 
840     thread unsafe check                        << 
841                                                << 
842 15 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
843 - G4GammaTransition - added control on printou << 
844 - G4LevelManager - fixed unpacking of spin     << 
845                                                << 
846 14 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
847   Fix no-reproducibility due to precision lost << 
848 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4PhotonEvaporation - u << 
849 - G4GammaTransition - use a new method of G4Fr << 
850     which allows to keep excitation energy exa << 
851     avoid rare non-reproducibility; added SetV << 
852 - G4PolarizationTransition - added SetVerbose  << 
853     extra verbosity                            << 
854                                                << 
855 13 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
856   Fixed U235[0.076] problem:                   << 
857 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - min excitation energ << 
858 - G4LevelReader - if value of alpha (relative  << 
859     conversion) is 10^10, then assume that int << 
860     outer levels and gamma emission has zero p << 
861     conversion is forced intdependently on oth << 
862                                                << 
863 08 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
864 08 February 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
865 - G4GammaTransition::SampleDirection - D.Wrigh << 
866     after changing multipolarity Nx by 1 in th << 
867                                                << 
868 27 January 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
869 - G4GammaTransition, G4PhotonEvaporation, G4Nu << 
870 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - by default used unif << 
871     in CM sytem of precompound decay           << 
872                                                << 
873 18 January 2017 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
874 - G4GammaTransition::SampleDirection - return  << 
875     initial state has angular moment but its p << 
876 - G4PhotonEvaporation - added internal convers << 
877     stored                                     << 
878                                                << 
879 11 January 2017  Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V10- << 
880 - G4PolarizationTransition::SetGammaTransition << 
881   with their absolute values to avoid crash    << 
882 - G4GammaTransition::SampleDirection: remove r << 
883   otherwise only zero polarization is returned << 
884   Also remove line                             << 
885     fPolTrans.UpdatePolarizationToFinalState(f << 
886   in order to comply with instructions in G4Po << 
887   and to properly initialize the nuclear polar << 
888                                                << 
889  9 January 2017  Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V10- << 
890 - G4NucLevel::TransitionType: use % operator t << 
891   leading digit                                << 
892 - G4LevelReader::LevelManager: added comments  << 
893 - G4PolarizationTransition::UpdatePolarization << 
894   showing where zero-value entries are trimmed << 
895                                                << 
896 19 December 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
897 - G4LevelReader - fixed Ra228 problem - read a << 
898     a data file                                << 
899                                                << 
900 16 December 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
901 - G4PolarizationTransition - J.Detwiler has fi << 
902     of multipolarity                           << 
903                                                << 
904 16 December 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
905 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - change default time  << 
906     1 microsecond                              << 
907 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4GammaTransition - imp << 
908     and kinematics for internal conversion     << 
909 - G4PolarizationTransition - J.Detwiler has fi << 
910     of polarisation                            << 
911                                                << 
912 14 December 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
913 - G4LevelManager, G4NuclLevel, G4LevelReader - << 
914     description of a level: each two integer p << 
915     into one integer values; use only one set  << 
916     transition independently on use-case (HEP  << 
917     fill internal conversion coefficients into << 
918     if a flag SetStoreAllLevels() is set to tr << 
919     more memory required per isotope (~8 times << 
920 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - extended Dump() prin << 
921     data structure default                     << 
922 - G4ExcitationHandler - moved Dump() printout  << 
923     method, print info if evaporation channels << 
924     local data member to control verbosity lev << 
925 - G4VEvaporation - added extra const access me << 
926 - G4Evaporation - added data member to control << 
927 - G4GammaTransition - in the case, when intern << 
928     are not filled but in sampling e- emission << 
929     with kinetic energy corresponding to trans << 
930     levels ignoring atomic effects             << 
931                                                << 
932 01 December 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
933 - G4KalbachCrossSection, G4NuclearLevelData, G << 
934     Gunter Folger fixed use of std::sqrt       << 
935 - G4Evaporation - improved initialisation (mem << 
936 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4NeutronRadCapture, G4 << 
937     Use recent interface to GetIon()           << 
938 - G4LevelReader, G4NuclearLevelData, G4DeexPre << 
939     possibility to read new data files         << 
940                                                << 
941 24 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
942 - G4LevelReader - fixed read out of vector bou << 
943                                                << 
944 24 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
945 - G4LevelReader - added protection from the ta << 
946 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed crash in test30  << 
947                                                << 
948 23 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
949 - G4LevelReader, G4NuclearLevelData - rolled b << 
950     (hadr-deex-V10-02-53)                      << 
951 - G4PhotonEveporation return back floating lev << 
952     same tag                                   << 
953                                                << 
954 22 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
955 - G4LevelReader - minor reduction of total mem << 
956     of reading                                 << 
957                                                << 
958 21 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
959 - G4LevelReader - trying to optimise reading   << 
960                                                << 
961 21 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
962 - G4LevelReader - fixed memory leak; revert me << 
963     cand00                                     << 
964                                                << 
965 18 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
966 - G4PhotonEvaporation - reduced number of uplo << 
967 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - extended initialisat << 
968 - G4LevelReader - an attempt to reduce IO      << 
969                                                << 
970 17 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
971 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed initialisation o << 
972     meta-stable isomeres                       << 
973 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - added printout of th << 
974                                                << 
975 16 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
976 16 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
977 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed sampling of cont << 
978 - G4NuclearLevelData, G4LevelReader, G4DeexPre << 
979     allowing to skip reading levels not used f << 
980 - G4FermiBreakUpVI, G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - s << 
981     applicability check                        << 
982                                                << 
983 08 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
984 - G4LevelReader - added protections for broken << 
985                                                << 
986 05 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
987 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4GammaTransition, G4Po << 
988     added sampling of correlated gamma emissio << 
989                                                << 
990 04 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
991 - G4LevelReader - fixed compillation warning   << 
992                                                << 
993 03 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
994 - G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - reduced elim from 3 << 
995 - G4PhotonEvaporation - set verbosity to zero  << 
996                                                << 
997 02 November 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
998 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4DeexPrecoParameters,  << 
999   G4GEMChannelVI, G4LevelManager, G4NucLevel,  << 
1000   G4GammaTransition, G4PolarizedGammaTransiti << 
1001     - migration to the new structure of gamma << 
1002       full interface for correlated gamma emi << 
1003                                               << 
1004 22 October 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1005 - G4EvaporationProbability, G4KalbachCrossSec << 
1006     improvement                               << 
1007                                               << 
1008 21 October 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1009 - G4Evaporation, G4EvaporationChannel, G4Evap << 
1010     protons/light ions probabilities, more ac << 
1011 - G4FermiFragment, G4CoulombBarrier, G4VCoulo << 
1012     for evaporation                           << 
1013                                               << 
1014 19 October 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1015 - G4DeexPrecoParameters, G4NuclearLevelData,  << 
1016   G4LevelReader, G4NucLevel - added optional  << 
1017     G4LEVELGAMMADATA4.0 extended data which i << 
1018     information on level and transition angul << 
1019     full description of floating levels; by d << 
1020     downloaded; to enable new reading method  << 
1021     inside G4DeexPrecoParameters              << 
1022 - In number of classes G4Pow pointer identifi << 
1023   g4pow to g4calc                             << 
1024                                               << 
1025 12 October 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1026 - G4EvaporationProbability - fixed non-reprod << 
1027                                               << 
1028 11 October 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1029 - G4ChatterjeeCrossSection, G4KalbachCrossSec << 
1030     barrier from standard parametersation ins << 
1031     in computation of probability of a fragme << 
1032     improved neutron cross section parameteri << 
1033 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabil << 
1034   G4AlphaEvaporationProbability - fixed usage << 
1035                                               << 
1036 05 October 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1037 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4UnstableFragmentBre << 
1038     differently if the residual nucleus is n, << 
1039     this happens if excitation of an initial  << 
1040 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - this class help << 
1041     which has zero probability to be de-excit << 
1042     decay; now residual nucleus is check and  << 
1043     data the decay chain is continued by norm << 
1044                                               << 
1045 10 August 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1046 04 August 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1047 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4Evaporation, G4DeexP << 
1048     Improved names and initialisation of set  << 
1049                                               << 
1050 02 August 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1051 - G4GEMChannelVI - new GEM model              << 
1052 - G4EvaporationGEMFactoryVI - usage of the ne << 
1053                                               << 
1054 27 July 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1055 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4Evaporation, G4Uns << 
1056     - implemented improved mechanism of decay << 
1057       by G4Evaporation (exotic means very bia << 
1058       and neutrons)                           << 
1059                                               << 
1060 25 July 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1061 - G4PhotonEvaporationOLD and all associated c << 
1062 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4VEvaporation, G4VF << 
1063     obsolete interfaces , also in derived cla << 
1064 22 July 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1065 - G4FermiBreakUpVI, G4FermiBreakUp - initiali << 
1066     at construction and deletion in the maste << 
1067 22 July 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1068 - G4FermiBreakUpVI, G4FermiChannels, G4FermiD << 
1069   G4FermiFragment, G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI - c << 
1070     the new Fermi BreakUp model               << 
1071 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4Evaporation - enable << 
1072                                               << 
1073 18 July 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1074 17 July 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1075 - G4FermiBreakUpVI, G4FermiFragmentsPoolVI, G << 
1076   G4FermiDecayProbability, G4FermiChannels  - << 
1077   new Fermi BreakUp model fully based on nucl << 
1078   this new mode is not yet used in any physic << 
1079                                               << 
1080 30 June 2016 Makoto Asai (hadr-deex-V10-02-31 << 
1081 - Protect G4DeexPrecoParameters::Dump() to pr << 
1082   in the master thread.                       << 
1083                                               << 
1084 16 June 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1085 - G4PhotonEvaporation - removed debug cout    << 
1086                                               << 
1087 09 June 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1088 - G4DeexPrecoParameters, G4NuclearLevelData,  << 
1089   G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed initialisation  << 
1090   has only radioactive decay                  << 
1091                                               << 
1092 09 June 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1093 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fix initialisation, i << 
1094     radioactive decay initialisation was inco << 
1095     hadron inelastic                          << 
1096                                               << 
1097 24 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1098 - Fixed compillation problems of the previous << 
1099 - Removed specific GEMCoulombBarrier classes  << 
1100                                               << 
1101 23 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1102 - G4ExcitationHandler - removed G4Exception w << 
1103     instead increase default limit on excitat << 
1104     to 100GeV                                 << 
1105 - Clean-up CoulombBarrier classes             << 
1106 - Clean-up FermiFragment classes              << 
1107                                               << 
1108 17 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1109 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed crash at destru << 
1110     previous tag                              << 
1111                                               << 
1112 17 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1113 - G4ExcitationHandler - allowing addition of  << 
1114     FermiBreakUp models after the initialisat << 
1115 - G4Evaporation - allowing change of the chan << 
1116     initialisation                            << 
1117                                               << 
1118 13 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1119 - G4KalbachCrossSection - more smooth inverse << 
1120     transitions of high enegry                << 
1121 - G4EvaporationProbability - use the same sam << 
1122     in the pre-compound model (do not interpo << 
1123                                               << 
1124 07 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1125 06 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1126 - G4DeexPrecoParameters, Evaporation - use de << 
1127 - G4NuclearLevelData, G4LevelManager - added  << 
1128     levels                                    << 
1129 - G4EvaporationProbability - more detailed gr << 
1130 - G4NeutronRadCapture - added initialisation  << 
1131                                               << 
1132 02 May 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1133 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - fixed Coverity warn << 
1134 - G4VEvaporation, G4Evaporation, G4VFermiBrea << 
1135   G4PhotonEvaporation, G4ExcitationHandler -  << 
1136     added G4VFermiBreakUp pure virtual method << 
1137     alternative models                        << 
1138                                               << 
1139 27 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1140 - code cleanup - many minor changes           << 
1141                                               << 
1142 19 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1143 - G4EvaporationChannel - fixed division by ze << 
1144                                               << 
1145 19 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1146 - G4ExcitationHandler - fix previous tag for  << 
1147                                               << 
1148 19 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1149 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4DeexPrecoParameters, << 
1150     full migration to G4DeexPrecoParameters   << 
1151                                               << 
1152 15 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1153 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - added de-excitation << 
1154     allow to change parameters only from the  << 
1155     and only at PreInit or Idle states        << 
1156 - G4LevelReader, G4VEvaporationChannel, G4Lev << 
1157   G4ExcitationHandler - removed commented lin << 
1158      descructors                              << 
1159                                               << 
1160 11 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1161 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - added full list of  << 
1162     parameters and extra de-excitation parame << 
1163 - in many headers added c++11 keywords        << 
1164                                               << 
1165 08 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1166 07 Apr 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1167 --------------------------------------------- << 
1168 - G4DeexPrecoParameters - renamed G4DeexParam << 
1169     list of parameters                        << 
1170 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4EvaporationChannel,  << 
1171     use G4DeexPrecoParameters for initialisat << 
1172     is done ones at the first event           << 
1173 - G4NucLevel, G4LevelManager, G4LevelReader,  << 
1174     changed data structure for the transition << 
1175     energy, index of final level, added multi << 
1176     This will allow corellated gamma emission << 
1177 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabil << 
1178     initialisation of run time members        << 
1179 - G4NuclearLevelData - improved FindLevel met << 
1180                                               << 
1181 30 Mar 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1182 --------------------------------------------- << 
1183 - G4NuclearLevelData - added method FindLevel << 
1184     level for any consumer model              << 
1185 - G4EvaporationProbability - fixed bug in com << 
1186     density function; use this new method Fin << 
1187     energy of emitted particles; change inter << 
1188 - G4EvaporationChannel - used changed interfa << 
1189                                               << 
1190 22 Mar 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1191 --------------------------------------------- << 
1192 - G4ExcitationHandler - improved warning prin << 
1193     energy excitation                         << 
1194 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabil << 
1195     and added discrete excitation energy for  << 
1196     if the excitation is below max known leve << 
1197 - G4DeexParameters, G4NuclearLevelData - adde << 
1198                                               << 
1199 07 Mar 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1200 --------------------------------------------- << 
1201 - G4LevelManager, G4NucLevel - asserts are su << 
1202 - G4NuclearLevelData - extra methods are adde << 
1203     max level energy per isotope in level DB  << 
1204 - G4ExcitationHandler - added warning for sup << 
1205                                               << 
1206 01 Mar 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1207 --------------------------------------------- << 
1208 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed final energy in << 
1209 - G4ExcitationHandler - subsituted usage of i << 
1210     loop; add exception for the case of infin << 
1211     evaporation                               << 
1212   Both fixes address the problem report #1837 << 
1213                                               << 
1214 12 Feb 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1215 --------------------------------------------- << 
1216 - remove debug printout                       << 
1217                                               << 
1218 12 Feb 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1219 --------------------------------------------- << 
1220 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4LevelReader, G4NucLe << 
1221     of X-levels (meta-stable nuclear levels w << 
1222     gamma transition but opened beta-transiti << 
1223     creation of very low-energy fake gamma an << 
1224     nuclear decay sequence                    << 
1225                                               << 
1226 20 Jan 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1227 --------------------------------------------- << 
1228 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4LevelManager - fixed << 
1229     of the recent tag and also hidden rare ol << 
1230                                               << 
1231 19 Jan 2016 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1232 --------------------------------------------- << 
1233 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4LevelManager, G4Leve << 
1234     fixed remaining cases of production of ex << 
1235                                               << 
1236 29 Dec 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1237 --------------------------------------------- << 
1238 - G4GammaTransition - add protection against  << 
1239     of internal conversion when transition en << 
1240     level energy: instead of stop of the casc << 
1241     energy to zero and produce final e-. This << 
1242     radioactive decay cascade (bug #1806)     << 
1243                                               << 
1244 16 Dec 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1245 --------------------------------------------- << 
1246 - G4PhotonEvaporation - set limit on emitted  << 
1247     (was 10 keV)                              << 
1248                                               << 
1249 20 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1250 --------------------------------------------- << 
1251 - G4NuclearLevelData - protect G4MUTEXLOCK by << 
1252     so the lock is not used in sequential mod << 
1253                                               << 
1254 18 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1255 --------------------------------------------- << 
1256 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed non-reproducibi << 
1257                                               << 
1258 18 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1259 --------------------------------------------- << 
1260 - G4PhotonEvaporation - computation of probab << 
1261     does not use level data information (and  << 
1262     this reduce CPU used by de-excitation mod << 
1263     affect results                            << 
1264                                               << 
1265 13 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1266 --------------------------------------------- << 
1267 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4LevelReader, G4Level << 
1268     accurate use of G4float, make explicit co << 
1269     when needed, use float const for initiali << 
1270                                               << 
1271 13 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1272 --------------------------------------------- << 
1273 - G4ExcitationHandler - increase limit for Mu << 
1274     model from 4 to 400 GeV, so rare cases wh << 
1275     very high excitation is sent to the de-ex << 
1276     not treated with this model               << 
1277                                               << 
1278 12 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1279 --------------------------------------------- << 
1280 - G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed relatively rare << 
1281     in due to problem in sampling of continue << 
1282                                               << 
1283 11 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1284 --------------------------------------------- << 
1285 - G4GammaTransition, G4PolarizedGammaTransiti << 
1286     against wrong shell index                 << 
1287                                               << 
1288 10 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1289 --------------------------------------------- << 
1290 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4GammaTransition, G4P << 
1291     added protection against fragments with Z << 
1292                                               << 
1293 06 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1294 --------------------------------------------- << 
1295 - G4PhotonEvaporation - added prototype of ga << 
1296     class with correlated gamma emission      << 
1297                                               << 
1298 05 Nov 2015 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V10-01- << 
1299 --------------------------------------------- << 
1300 - Replaced use of variable 'L' in G4LevelRead << 
1301   G4PolarizationTransition to avoid shadowing << 
1302                                               << 
1303 05 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1304 --------------------------------------------- << 
1305 - G4LevelReader, G4PhotonEvaporation, G4Gamma << 
1306     level probabilities                       << 
1307                                               << 
1308 04 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1309 --------------------------------------------- << 
1310 - G4NuclearLevelData, G4LevelReader, G4LevelM << 
1311     fixed non-reproducibility and several oth << 
1312                                               << 
1313 03 Nov 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1314 --------------------------------------------- << 
1315 - G4NuclearLevelData, G4LevelReader - cleanup << 
1316     implement lazy initialisation per isotope << 
1317     isotopes for a given Z were uploaded); th << 
1318     run time memory                           << 
1319                                               << 
1320 27 Oct 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1321 --------------------------------------------- << 
1322 - G4LevelManager, G4PhotonEvaporation - fix n << 
1323                                               << 
1324 22 Oct 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1325 --------------------------------------------- << 
1326 - G4PhotonEvaporation is renamed to G4PhotonE << 
1327   G4PromptPhotonEvaporation renamed to G4Phot << 
1328 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation - fixed gamma emi << 
1329 - G4Evaporation - enable G4PromptPhotonEvapor << 
1330 - G4PolarizationTransition - removed all stat << 
1331     making the code thread safe               << 
1332                                               << 
1333 18 Oct 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1334 --------------------------------------------- << 
1335 - G4PolarizationTransition - new class for co << 
1336     provided by Jason Detwiler                << 
1337 - G4WilsonAblationModel - fixed Coverity repo << 
1338 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4VEvaporationChanne << 
1339     provide extra method GetMaxLevelEnergy()  << 
1340     to distingwish continues and discrete exc << 
1341 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation - code cleanup    << 
1342                                               << 
1343 02 Sept 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1344 --------------------------------------------- << 
1345 - G4NeutronRadCapture, G4Evaporation - use ol << 
1346     by default                                << 
1347                                               << 
1348 01 Sept 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1349 --------------------------------------------- << 
1350 - G4NuclearLevelData - fixed lazy initialisat << 
1351                                               << 
1352 01 Sept 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1353 --------------------------------------------- << 
1354 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4LevelManager, G4Ev << 
1355   G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory, G4Evaporati << 
1356     new method GetNearestLevel() providing an << 
1357     level data from any nuclear decay channel << 
1358 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation - providing an im << 
1359     GetNearestLevel(), several fixes on top o << 
1360                                               << 
1361 31 Aug 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1362 --------------------------------------------- << 
1363 - G4WilsonAblationModel, G4NeutronRadCapture  << 
1364     to G4PromptPhotonEvaporation              << 
1365                                               << 
1366 31 Aug 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1367 --------------------------------------------- << 
1368 - G4Evaporation - use G4PromptPhotonEvaporati << 
1369     G4PhotonEvaporation class is enabled via  << 
1370     variable G4UsePhotonEvaporation           << 
1371 - G4NuclearLevelData - removed debug cout     << 
1372                                               << 
1373 19 Aug 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1374 --------------------------------------------- << 
1375 - G4EvaporationProbability, G4StatMFChannel,  << 
1376     added header Randomize.hh                 << 
1377                                               << 
1378 17 Aug 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1379 --------------------------------------------- << 
1380 - G4Evaporation - access random engine before << 
1381 - G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay - removed obsolete m << 
1382   decay and left only Kopylov one             << 
1383 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation - add extra metho << 
1384   and to sample final states for continium ga << 
1385                                               << 
1386 13 Aug 2015 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V10-01- << 
1387 --------------------------------------------- << 
1388 - Fixed compilation on Windows; added inclusi << 
1389   to for definition << 
1390                                               << 
1391 07 Aug 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1392 --------------------------------------------- << 
1393 - G4VGammaDeexcitation, G4PhotonEvaporation,  << 
1394   G4DiscreteGammaTransition, G4DiscreteGammaD << 
1395   G4ContinuumGammaTransition, G4ContinuumGamm << 
1396     in all classes tolerance is reduced to 0. << 
1397     1 to 10 keV), this is needed to fix probl << 
1398                                               << 
1399 06 Aug 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1400 --------------------------------------------- << 
1401 - Fixed compillation                          << 
1402                                               << 
1403 06 Aug 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1404 --------------------------------------------- << 
1405 - Technical modeifications: finelized migrati << 
1406     check do/while loops; code cleanup; fixed << 
1407                                               << 
1408 06 Aug 2015 Alberto Ribon       (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1409 --------------------------------------------- << 
1410 - G4WilsonAblationModel : replaced std::exp a << 
1411   faster G4Exp and G4Pow.                     << 
1412                                               << 
1413 22 May 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1414 --------------------------------------------- << 
1415 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbabil << 
1416     sampling of final state                   << 
1417                                               << 
1418 23 Apr 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1419 --------------------------------------------- << 
1420 - G4ChatterjeeCrossSection, G4KalbachCrossSec << 
1421     verified/fixed cross sections parameteris << 
1422                                               << 
1423 16 Apr 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1424 --------------------------------------------- << 
1425 - G4NeutronRadCapture - proper initialisation << 
1426     in class constructor                      << 
1427                                               << 
1428 16 Apr 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1429 --------------------------------------------- << 
1430 - G4FissionParameters, G4CompetitiveFission - << 
1431                                               << 
1432 14 Apr 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1433 --------------------------------------------- << 
1434 - G4ChatterjeeCrossSection, G4KalbachCrossSec << 
1435     classes used for all evaporation fragment << 
1436 - G4AlphaEvaporationProbability, G4DeuteronEv << 
1437   G4EvaporationProbability, G4He3EvaporationP << 
1438   G4NeutronEvaporationProbability, G4ProtonEv << 
1439   G4TritonEvaporationProbability - use these  << 
1440     number of virtual calls, reduce number of << 
1441     of integration                            << 
1442                                               << 
1443 10 Apr 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1444 --------------------------------------------- << 
1445 - G4NeutronRadCapture, G4WilsonAblationModel  << 
1446                                               << 
1447 27 Mar 2015 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V10-01- << 
1448 --------------------------------------------- << 
1449 - Corrected GNUmakefile in handler module.    << 
1450                                               << 
1451 26 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1452 --------------------------------------------- << 
1453 26 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1454 --------------------------------------------- << 
1455 - G4NeutronRadCapture - changed back usage of << 
1456     instead of G4Excitation handler; implemen << 
1457     between G4PhotonEvaporation and G4PromptP << 
1458     cleanup the code                          << 
1459                                               << 
1460 21 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1461 --------------------------------------------- << 
1462 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4PhotonEvaporation  << 
1463     which is not used anymore; removed name o << 
1464 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation - moved virtual m << 
1465                                               << 
1466 16 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1467 --------------------------------------------- << 
1468 - G4WilsonAblationModel, G4EvaporationFactory << 
1469   G4ExcitationHandler - use default construct << 
1470     and access photon evaporation class from  << 
1471 - G4Evaporation - use environment variable "G << 
1472     to select gamma de-excitation model; if t << 
1473     the new G4PromptPhotonEvaporation class i << 
1474     old G4PhotonEvaporation                   << 
1475                                               << 
1476 13 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1477 --------------------------------------------- << 
1478 - G4NeutronRadCapture - fixed typo            << 
1479                                               << 
1480 13 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1481 --------------------------------------------- << 
1482 - G4NeutronRadCapture - restore special treat << 
1483     capture in hydrogen (do not use G4Excitat << 
1484     to avoid rare unrecovable kinematic probl << 
1485     initial kinematics for all isotopes       << 
1486                                               << 
1487 12 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1488 --------------------------------------------- << 
1489 - G4NeutronRadCapture - fixed kinematics (bug << 
1490     previous tag)                             << 
1491                                               << 
1492 11 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1493 --------------------------------------------- << 
1494 - G4NeutronRadCapture - moved to handler sub- << 
1495     G4ExcitationHandler instead of G4PhotonEv << 
1496     to have not only gamma de-excitation but  << 
1497 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4VEvaporation, G4VE << 
1498     Set methods from G4PhotonEvaporation allo << 
1499     new/delete at initialisation              << 
1500 - removed unused dependences from sources.cma << 
1501                                               << 
1502 06 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1503 --------------------------------------------- << 
1504 - disable  G4PromptPhotonEvaporation due to c << 
1505                                               << 
1506 06 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1507 --------------------------------------------- << 
1508 - G4LevelManager - fixed wrong assert         << 
1509                                               << 
1510 06 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1511 --------------------------------------------- << 
1512 - G4NeutronRadCapture, G4ExcitationHandler -  << 
1513                                               << 
1514 05 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1515 --------------------------------------------- << 
1516 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation - attempt to fix  << 
1517                                               << 
1518 05 Mar 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1519 --------------------------------------------- << 
1520 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation, G4LevelReader, G << 
1521                                               << 
1522 27 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1523 --------------------------------------------- << 
1524 - new nuclear data structure classes are move << 
1525     sub-directory; fixed Coverity warnings;   << 
1526 - removed obsolete G4E1SingleProbability1, G4 << 
1527                                               << 
1528 18 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1529 18 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1530 --------------------------------------------- << 
1531 - G4LevelReader - correctly defined max G4flo << 
1532     numerical problems                        << 
1533                                               << 
1534 17 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1535 --------------------------------------------- << 
1536 - cleanup all GNUmakefile and source.cmake re << 
1537     granula dependencies                      << 
1538 - G4LevelReader - add factor to transform hal << 
1539                                               << 
1540 16 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1541 --------------------------------------------- << 
1542 - G4NuclearLevelStore - take out access to G4 << 
1543 - G4NuclearLevelData - new data class for nuc << 
1544     gamma transitions; it is pure singleton w << 
1545     between threads                           << 
1546 - G4LevelReader, G4LevelManager, G4NucLevel - << 
1547     data nuclear level management using  G4Nu << 
1548     class                                     << 
1549 - removed dependency on hadronic/processes su << 
1550                                               << 
1551 13 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1552 --------------------------------------------- << 
1553 - G4GEMProbability - revert to -03 tag        << 
1554                                               << 
1555 12 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1556 --------------------------------------------- << 
1557 - G4GEMProbability - make protection to be mo << 
1558                      upper limit for excitati << 
1559                                               << 
1560 02 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1561 --------------------------------------------- << 
1562 - G4GEMProbability - due to change of history << 
1563     in FTF_BIC Physics List where a nucleus g << 
1564     protection is added to avoid numerical pr << 
1565                                               << 
1566 02 Feb 2015 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1567 --------------------------------------------- << 
1568 - G4VGammaDeexcitation, G4DiscreteGammaDeexci << 
1569     changed default set of parameters: ICM di << 
1570     time limit for isomere production is set  << 
1571     gamma decay of long-lived isomere levels  << 
1572     Geant4 9.6 assuming decay at rest and mak << 
1573     balance (in that case momentum balance is << 
1574     energy is taken into account in the case  << 
1575     modifications should provide correct samp << 
1576     all type of levels, energy balance in had << 
1577     reproducibility of hadronic transport     << 
1578 - G4NeutronRadCapture - enable ICM by default << 
1579                                               << 
1580 06 Jan 2015 Laurent Desorgher (hadr-deex-V10- << 
1581 --------------------------------------------- << 
1582 - G4VGammaDeexcitation::GenerateGamma() take  << 
1583   for computation of transition energy and ki << 
1584   conversion.                                 << 
1585                                               << 
1586 10 Dec 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1587 --------------------------------------------- << 
1588 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition return back corre << 
1589      to avoid assert fail in simplified calor << 
1590 - G4ContinuumGammaDeexcitation - fixed Coveri << 
1591                                               << 
1592 01 Dec 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1593 --------------------------------------------- << 
1594 - G4VGammaDeexcitation, G4PhotonEvaporation - << 
1595     shell number after internal conversion al << 
1596     atomic de-excitation in radioactive decay << 
1597                                               << 
1598 28 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1599 --------------------------------------------- << 
1600 - G4FermiBreakUp - fixed value of const coeff << 
1601     of a decay channel                        << 
1602                                               << 
1603 27 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1604 --------------------------------------------- << 
1605 - G4DiscreteGammaDeexcitation, G4DiscreteGamm << 
1606     back checks on transition energy to avoid << 
1607     gamma in final state                      << 
1608 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - removed not needed e << 
1609     CanDoTransition() inside DoChain() method << 
1610                                               << 
1611 27 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1612 --------------------------------------------- << 
1613 - G4DiscreteGammaDeexcitation, G4DiscreteGamm << 
1614     internal conversion for the case when tra << 
1615     nearly electron bound energy              << 
1616                                               << 
1617 25 Nov 2014 Makoto Asai (hadr-deex-V10-00-25) << 
1618 --------------------------------------------- << 
1619 - G4NuclearLevelManager - remove unnecessary  << 
1620   the memory consumption.                     << 
1621                                               << 
1622 21 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1623 --------------------------------------------- << 
1624 - G4ContinuumGammaTransition, G4ContinuumGamm << 
1625   G4DiscreteGammaDeexcitation, G4DiscreteGamm << 
1626   G4VGammaDeexcitation - cleanup selection of << 
1627     transition                                << 
1628 - G4FermiFragmentPool further cleanup values  << 
1629 - G4ExcitationHandler - added Description for << 
1630 - GEN probabilities - verified and level ener << 
1631     level data                                << 
1632 - G4PhotonEvaporation - improved computation  << 
1633                                               << 
1634 20 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1635 --------------------------------------------- << 
1636 - G4NuclearLevelStore Makoto Asai redesign th << 
1637     the same level is not uploaded twice runn << 
1638 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - added DumpFragment() << 
1639 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4GEMChannel, G4GEMP << 
1640     method                                    << 
1641 - G4NuclearLevelManager, G4NuclearLevel - add << 
1642 - G4ContinuumGammaTransition, G4VGammaDeexcit << 
1643     the same energy tolarence 2 keV           << 
1644                                               << 
1645 17 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1646 --------------------------------------------- << 
1647 - G4ContinuumGammaTransition - removed normC  << 
1648     (return to 10.0 algorithm)                << 
1649 - G4FermiFragmentPool - fixed memory leak at  << 
1650     or several excited levels to be the same  << 
1651 - G4E1Probability - removed factor 3 in photo << 
1652 - G4B10GEMProbability, G4B11GEMProbability nu << 
1653     changed to be the same as in the gamma le << 
1654                                               << 
1655 12 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1656 --------------------------------------------- << 
1657 - G4ContinuumGammaTransition - added factor 3 << 
1658     gamma de-excitation according to theoreti << 
1659 - G4NuclearLevelStore - fixed bug #1684 - wro << 
1660     at exit                                   << 
1661                                               << 
1662 07 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1663 --------------------------------------------- << 
1664 - removed debug cout                          << 
1665                                               << 
1666 07 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1667 --------------------------------------------- << 
1668 - removed obsolete G4FermiConfigurationList   << 
1669 - G4ContinuumGammaTransition, G4E1Probability << 
1670     computation (J.M.Quesada)                 << 
1671                                               << 
1672 03 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1673 --------------------------------------------- << 
1674 - Fixed build problem                         << 
1675                                               << 
1676 03 Nov 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1677 --------------------------------------------- << 
1678 - Cleanup and redesign of photon evaporation  << 
1679                                               << 
1680 31 Oct 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1681 --------------------------------------------- << 
1682 - Improved design of FermiBreakUp and fix dec << 
1683     fragments                                 << 
1684                                               << 
1685 29 Oct 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1686 --------------------------------------------- << 
1687 - G4FermiBreakUp, G4FermiFragmentsPool, G4VEv << 
1688   G4ExcitationHandler, G4Evaporation, G4Evapo << 
1689   G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp, G4VEvaporationCh << 
1690     further reduced memory churn              << 
1691                                               << 
1692 27 Oct 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1693 --------------------------------------------- << 
1694 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - added method IfAppli << 
1695     if FermiBreakUp is applicable to a given  << 
1696 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4Evaporation, G4GEMC << 
1697   G4VEvaporationChannel,  G4ExcitationHandler << 
1698     reducing number of new/delete of intermed << 
1699     slightly modified interface to evaporatio << 
1700     logic and implementation                  << 
1701                                               << 
1702 26 Oct 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1703 --------------------------------------------- << 
1704 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed problem in isom << 
1705     energy non-concervation on level of 1 MeV << 
1706                                               << 
1707 25 Oct 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1708 --------------------------------------------- << 
1709 - G4ExcitationHandler, G4Evaporation, G4Photo << 
1710     protection against abnormal fragments     << 
1711                                               << 
1712 25 Oct 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V1 << 
1713 --------------------------------------------- << 
1714 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - is made pure static  << 
1715     and data const in run time, no decay of e << 
1716 - G4FermiConfigurationList - reduced memory c << 
1717     vectors which are members of the class; i << 
1718     computation of probabilities; public meth << 
1719 - G4FermiConfiguration, G4UnstableFermiFragme << 
1720     members; make all methods be const        << 
1721                                               << 
1722 22 October 2014 Davide Mancusi (hadr-deex-V10 << 
1723 --------------------------------------------- << 
1724 - Set af/an parameter for INCL++ to 1.02 for  << 
1725                                               << 
1726 14 October 2014 Davide Mancusi (hadr-deex-V10 << 
1727 --------------------------------------------- << 
1728 - Moved theChannels and theChannelFactory to  << 
1729   be common to all classes derived from G4VEv << 
1730 - Some code refactoring.                      << 
1731 - Introduce an INCL++-specific fission level- << 
1732                                               << 
1733 22 Sept 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1734 --------------------------------------------- << 
1735 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - revert back to the t << 
1736     class to be G4ThreadLocalSingleton, this  << 
1737     lazy initialisation but increase memory p << 
1738     tag does not change physics               << 
1739                                               << 
1740 09 Sept 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1741 --------------------------------------------- << 
1742 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - do not create list o << 
1743     fragments to avoid data race in MT mode;  << 
1744     cosnt; move inline methods to source      << 
1745                                               << 
1746 23 July 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1747 --------------------------------------------- << 
1748 - G4NuclearLevelStore - use G4ThreadLocalSing << 
1749     providing proper deletion of photon evapo << 
1750     at the end of run                         << 
1751                                                    6 
1752 28 March 2014 Gunter Folger    (hadr-deex-V10 <<   7           History file for hadronic/models/de_excitation
1753 --------------------------------------------- <<   8           ----------------------------------------------
1754 -G4ExcitationHandler: add ModelDescription()  << 
1755                                               << 
1756 26 March 2014 Gunter Folger    (hadr-deex-V10 << 
1757 --------------------------------------------- << 
1758 - use const G4ParticleDefinition*             << 
1759                                               << 
1760 25 February 2014 Alberto Ribon (hadr-deex-V10 << 
1761 --------------------------------------------- << 
1762 - CMakeLists.txt - reverting back as before t << 
1763                                               << 
1764 14 February 2014 Mathieu Karamitros (hadr-dee << 
1765 --------------------------------------------- << 
1766 - CMakeLists.txt - reordering of add_subdirec << 
1767                                               << 
1768 07 February 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
1769 --------------------------------------------- << 
1770 - G4NuclearLevelManager - trivial fix of Cove << 
1771                                                    9 
1772 24 January 2014 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee <<  10 This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the 
1773 --------------------------------------------- <<  11 code and to keep track of all tags.
1774 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed minor memory le << 
1775     FermiBreakUp has no final states availabl << 
1776     HyperNews post #1371 by Andreas Mueller)  << 
1777                                               << 
1778 20 November 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
1779 --------------------------------------------- << 
1780 - G4LevelReader, G4NuclearLevelManager - part << 
1781     24 for ReadDataItem method but with attem << 
1782     all platforms                             << 
1783                                               << 
1784 15 November 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
1785 --------------------------------------------- << 
1786 - G4NuclearLevelManager - fixed trivial Cover << 
1787 - G4NeutronRadcapture - fixed run time memory << 
1788                                               << 
1789 28 October 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1790 --------------------------------------------- << 
1791 - G4LevelReader, G4NuclearLevelManager - atte << 
1792     problem at Windows VC12                   << 
1793                                               << 
1794 24 October 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1795 --------------------------------------------- << 
1796 - G4NeutronRadCapture, G4ExcitationHandler -  << 
1797     number to 8 (before was 9) due to limitat << 
1798                                               << 
1799 22 October 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1800 --------------------------------------------- << 
1801 - G4NeutronRadCapture - added isomere product << 
1802     MT interface; added time propagation (cor << 
1803 - G4EvaporationChannel, G4ProtonEvaporationPr << 
1804   G4GEMChannel, G4GEMProbability, G4O17GEMPro << 
1805   G4DiscreteGammaTransition - use G4Log and G << 
1806                                               << 
1807 21 October 2013 Gunter Folger      (hadr-deex << 
1808 --------------------------------------------- << 
1809 -  fix trivial compilation issues detected on << 
1810     from Visual studio 12:                    << 
1811   - fermi_breakup/src/ << 
1812      end line                                 << 
1813   - photon_evaporation/src/{G4NuclearLevelMan << 
1814      check pointer !=0, and don't try to conv << 
1815                                               << 
1816 31 August 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1817 --------------------------------------------- << 
1818 31 August 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1819 --------------------------------------------- << 
1820 - G4ContinuumGammaTransition - fixed bug in p << 
1821                                               << 
1822 31 August 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1823 --------------------------------------------- << 
1824 - G4ContinuumGammaTransition - use G4Uniformr << 
1825     to sample continues gamma transition inst << 
1826     number of bins for sampling - 100 instead << 
1827 - G4RandGeneralTmp - deleted                  << 
1828                                               << 
1829 19 June 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1830 --------------------------------------------- << 
1831 - G4Evaporation - fixed trivial Coverity repo << 
1832                                               << 
1833 05 June 2013 Alberto Ribon      (hadr-deex-V0 << 
1834 --------------------------------------------- << 
1835 - G4CompetitiveFission : removed a wrong use  << 
1836     reproducibility violations.               << 
1837                                               << 
1838 28 May 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 << 
1839 --------------------------------------------- << 
1840 - G4Evaporation - return back old algorithm t << 
1841     fragments to fix non-reproducibility      << 
1842 - G4ExcitationHandler - improved comments     << 
1843                                               << 
1844 22 May 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 << 
1845 --------------------------------------------- << 
1846 - G4PhotonEvaporation - correctly propagate t << 
1847     de-excitation                             << 
1848                                                   12 
1849 10 May 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 <<  13      ---------------------------------------------------------------
1850 --------------------------------------------- <<  14      * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top)
1851 - G4ExcitationHandler - removed debug printou <<  15      ---------------------------------------------------------------
1852                                               << 
1853 08 May 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 << 
1854 --------------------------------------------- << 
1855 - G4ExcitationHandler - added check if an ion << 
1856 - G4Evaporation - added check if ground state << 
1857     the ion table                             << 
1858 - G4PhotonEvaporation - change time limit to  << 
1859     coherent with the Geant4 isomere table    << 
1860                                               << 
1861 06 May 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 << 
1862 --------------------------------------------- << 
1863 - G4ExcitationHandler - used new methods from << 
1864     find isomere via level index              << 
1865                                               << 
1866 24 April 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
1867 --------------------------------------------- << 
1868 - G4ShellCorrection, G4PairingCorrection - fi << 
1869                                               << 
1870 22 April 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
1871 --------------------------------------------- << 
1872 - G4ExcitationHandler - (J.M.Quesada) fixed t << 
1873     SetMaxAForFermiBreakUp method             << 
1874                                               << 
1875 22 March 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
1876 --------------------------------------------- << 
1877 - G4WilsonAblationModel - fixed typo          << 
1878                                               << 
1879 22 March 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
1880 --------------------------------------------- << 
1881 - G4Evaporation, G4EvaporationProbability, G4 << 
1882   G4FissionBarrier, G4GEMProbability, G4StatM << 
1883   G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon, G4StatMFMacroTri << 
1884   G4ContinuumGammaDeexcitation, G4ContinuumGa << 
1885   G4E1Probability, G4E1SingleProbability1, G4 << 
1886   G4TritonCoulombBarrier - make "const G4doub << 
1887     a little performance improvement is expec << 
1888 - G4WilsonAblationModel - added warning that  << 
1889                                               << 
1890 21 March 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
1891 --------------------------------------------- << 
1892 - G4StatMFParameters, G4FermiFragmentsPool, G << 
1893   G4ShellCorrection are now singletons initil << 
1894     between threads                           << 
1895 - G4CameronGilbertPairingCorrections, G4Camer << 
1896   G4CameronShellPlusPairingCorrections, G4Coo << 
1897   G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections, G4Co << 
1898   G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections  become << 
1899     singletons anymore), which are keeping st << 
1900 - G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter, G4Fissi << 
1901     accordingly                               << 
1902                                               << 
1903 12 March 2013  Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-0 << 
1904 --------------------------------------------- << 
1905 - fixed MacOS clang compiler warnings: unused << 
1906   removed these from G4DiscreteGammaTransitio << 
1907                                               << 
1908 8 March 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1909 --------------------------------------------- << 
1910 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - fixed initialis << 
1911                                               << 
1912 1 March 2013 Andrea Dotti (hadr-deex-V09-06-0 << 
1913 --------------------------------------------- << 
1914 - G4RandGeneralTmp.hh - prepared modification << 
1915   No effect (#ifdef protection) for sequentia << 
1916 - G4ExcitationHandler - cleaned up logic to c << 
1917                                               << 
1918 14 February 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
1919 --------------------------------------------- << 
1920 - G4StatMFMicroPartition - fixed compillation << 
1921                                               << 
1922 14 February 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
1923 --------------------------------------------- << 
1924 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - removed static  << 
1925 - G4StatMF, G4StatMFMicroCanonical, G4StatMFM << 
1926   G4StatMFMicroPartition - use integer Z and  << 
1927 - G4VEvaporationChannel - added virtual metho << 
1928     enumerator G4EvaporationChannelType, whic << 
1929     constructor of the class; by default      << 
1930     G4EvaporationChannelType = fDelayedEmissi << 
1931                                               << 
1932 12 February 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
1933 --------------------------------------------- << 
1934 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed typo in access  << 
1935     GetPhotonEvaporation instead of wrong Set << 
1936                                               << 
1937 24 January 2013 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1938 --------------------------------------------- << 
1939 - G4ExcitationHandler - if FermiBreakUp retur << 
1940     fragment then the fragment is decayed by  << 
1941     PhotonEvaporation to avoid production of  << 
1942     like (4H)                                 << 
1943                                               << 
1944 21 September 2012 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V << 
1945 --------------------------------------------- << 
1946 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for sys << 
1947   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclu << 
1948                                               << 
1949 11 August 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1950 --------------------------------------------- << 
1951 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - minor cleanup   << 
1952                                               << 
1953 09 August 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex << 
1954 --------------------------------------------- << 
1955 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - fixed algorithm << 
1956     discrete transition (bug #1338) - restore << 
1957     to the ground state in gamma+C12 reaction << 
1958                                               << 
1959 06 July 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1960 --------------------------------------------- << 
1961 - Fixed remaining shadowing and Coverity warn << 
1962   G4WilsonAblationModel, G4NeutronRadCapture, << 
1963                                               << 
1964 12 June 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1965 --------------------------------------------- << 
1966 11 June 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
1967 --------------------------------------------- << 
1968 - Fixed shadowing and Coverity warnings       << 
1969                                               << 
1970 25 May 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 << 
1971 --------------------------------------------- << 
1972 - G4PhotonEvaporation - added check of enviro << 
1973     G4AddTimeLimitToPhotonEvaporation, if it  << 
1974     limit 1.e10-16, comparison of this limit  << 
1975     allows to identify to sample narrow gamma << 
1976     kinematics which will result in Doppler b << 
1977     this option has a side effect - momentum  << 
1978 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - use this threshold,  << 
1979 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - cleanup comment << 
1980                                               << 
1981 07 March 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
1982 --------------------------------------------- << 
1983 - fixed source.cmake                          << 
1984                                               << 
1985 07 March 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
1986 --------------------------------------------- << 
1987 - G4PhotonEvaporation, G4CompetitiveFission,  << 
1988   G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp, G4GEMChannel, G4 << 
1989   G4Evaporation                               << 
1990     removed Initialise method and use GetEmis << 
1991     directly - minor performance improvement  << 
1992 - G4PromptPhotonEvaporation, G4LevelManager,  << 
1993     G4LevelReader - new classes               << 
1994 - G4NuclearLevelStore - add method GetLevelMa << 
1995     G4PromptPhotonEvaporation model           << 
1996                                               << 
1997                                               << 
1998 27 January 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
1999 --------------------------------------------- << 
2000 - G4Evaporation - cleanup logic of initialisa << 
2001     always define photon evaporation channel  << 
2002     obsolete constructor                      << 
2003 - G4EvaporationFactory, G4EvaporationGEMFacto << 
2004   G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory - simplified << 
2005 - G4ExcitationHandler - do not delete G4VEvap << 
2006      via Set method (to avoid double deletion << 
2007                                               << 
2008 23 January 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
2009 --------------------------------------------- << 
2010 - G4VEvaporationFactory, G4VEvaporation, G4Ev << 
2011   G4EvaporationFactory, G4EvaporationDefaultG << 
2012   the G4VPhotonEvaporation to the constructor << 
2013 - G4ExcitationHandler - propagate G4VPhotonEv << 
2014   and do not delete is at destruction; this a << 
2015   evaporation object inside G4Evaporation cla << 
2016   added access methods to de-excitation compo << 
2017                                               << 
2018 06 January 2012 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
2019 --------------------------------------------- << 
2020 - G4VEvaporationFactory, G4Evaporation, G4Eva << 
2021   G4EvaporationFactory, G4EvaporationDefaultG << 
2022   destruction of decay channels after run     << 
2023                                               << 
2024 03 November 2011 Laurent Desorgher (hadr-deex << 
2025 --------------------------------------------- << 
2026 - Extend the use of G4PhotoEvaporation to Z>1 << 
2027   moment the binding energy of the vacant e-  << 
2028   is set as 0 and the atomic relaxation will  << 
2029                                               << 
2030 17 October 2011 Laurent Desorgher (hadr-deex- << 
2031 --------------------------------------------- << 
2032 - G4NuclearLevelStore (photo-evaporation):    << 
2033   add AddUserEvaporationDataFile(G4int Z, G4i << 
2034   The given data file will be used for the tr << 
2035   of the given isotope instead of using the f << 
2036   database.                                   << 
2037                                               << 
2038 30 September 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-d << 
2039 --------------------------------------------- << 
2040 - G4StatMFMacroCanonical - fixed compillation << 
2041   in previous tag                             << 
2042                                               << 
2043 29 September 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-d << 
2044 --------------------------------------------- << 
2045 - G4ProtonEvaporationProbability - fixed Cove << 
2046 - G4WilsonAblationModel, G4CompetitiveFission << 
2047   G4StatMFFragment, G4StatMFMicroCanonical, G << 
2048   G4PhotonEvaporation - complete migration to << 
2049                                               << 
2050 13 July 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
2051 --------------------------------------------- << 
2052 - G4VMultiFragmentation, G4GEMChannel, G4Alph << 
2053   G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability, G4TritonE << 
2054   G4He3EvaporationProbability, G4ProtonEvapor << 
2055   G4NeutronEvaporationProbability - Fixed Cov << 
2056 - GNUmakefiles and source.cmake - remove non- << 
2057 - G4VEvaporationFactory - cleanup             << 
2058                                               << 
2059 28 June 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
2060 --------------------------------------------- << 
2061 - G4Evaporation - added extra protection - do << 
2062   for teh case Eexc > 3MeV*A, fixed FPE probe << 
2063                                               << 
2064 27 June 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
2065 --------------------------------------------- << 
2066 - G4EvaporationProbability - fixed numerical  << 
2067   of too big argument                         << 
2068                                               << 
2069 06 June 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V << 
2070 --------------------------------------------- << 
2071 - G4ExcitationHandler - added protection for  << 
2072                         photon evaporation lo << 
2073 - G4Evaporation - directly send low Z,A fragm << 
2074                                               << 
2075 06 June 2011 Laurent Desorgher (mma)          << 
2076 -----------------------------------           << 
2077 - PhotonEvaporation2.1 : z93.a237 (Np237) alp << 
2078   corrected from Nudat2                       << 
2079                                               << 
2080 20 May 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 << 
2081 --------------------------------------------- << 
2082 - G4ExcitationHandler - improved comments     << 
2083 - G4NeutronEvaporationProbability, G4ProtonEv << 
2084   fixed gcc-4.6.0 warnings                    << 
2085                                               << 
2086 11 May 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0 << 
2087 --------------------------------------------- << 
2088 - G4GEMCoulombBarrierHE - fixed link problem  << 
2089                                               << 
2090 8 May 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09 << 
2091 --------------------------------------------- << 
2092 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - enable old usag << 
2093                               keep 4-momentum << 
2094                                               << 
2095 7 May 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09 << 
2096 --------------------------------------------- << 
2097 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - added Get method for << 
2098                          out usage of this fl << 
2099 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - enable usage of << 
2100                               then energy sub << 
2101 - G4FermiFragmentPool (J.M.Quesada) improved  << 
2102                                               << 
2103 6 May 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09 << 
2104 --------------------------------------------- << 
2105 - G4FermiConfigurationList - fixed minor memo << 
2106 - G4Evaporation, Photon_evaporation, utils -  << 
2107 - GEM - fixed Coverity warnings, moved constr << 
2108   the head for probability and CoulombBarrier << 
2109   use G4Pow                                   << 
2110                                               << 
2111 26 April 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
2112 --------------------------------------------- << 
2113 - G4FermiConfigurationList - fixed compillati << 
2114                                               << 
2115 23 April 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
2116 --------------------------------------------- << 
2117 - G4FermiSplitter and G4FermiIntegerPartition << 
2118 - G4FermiConfiguration is now a simple contei << 
2119 - G4FermiConfigurationList - unused methods a << 
2120 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - removed map and acce << 
2121 - G4ExcitationHandler - updated logic: first  << 
2122   model, second - evaporation loop, where FBU << 
2123   fragments, products of FBU are sent to the  << 
2124   photon evaporation                          << 
2125                                               << 
2126 18 April 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
2127 --------------------------------------------- << 
2128 - fixed source.cmake                          << 
2129                                               << 
2130 06 April 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
2131 --------------------------------------------- << 
2132 - General cleanup of the FermiBreakUp model:  << 
2133     and descructors moved to source; integer  << 
2134     number of 'new' and 'delete'; use G4Pow   << 
2135                                               << 
2136 04 April 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
2137 --------------------------------------------- << 
2138 - G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay - extended printout  << 
2139     fixed computation of majorant in BetaKopy << 
2140     general cleanup                           << 
2141                                               << 
2142 30 March 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
2143 --------------------------------------------- << 
2144 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed crash at destru << 
2145     inline methods                            << 
2146                                               << 
2147 22 March 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex- << 
2148 --------------------------------------------- << 
2149 - G4ExcitationHandler (J.M.Quesada) Products  << 
2150   be deexcited via  Fermi BreakUp; general cl << 
2151                                               << 
2152 23 February 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de << 
2153 --------------------------------------------- << 
2154 - G4NeutronRadCapture - fixed G4Particle chan << 
2155      particle and save residual nucleus       << 
2156                                               << 
2157 20 January 2011 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee << 
2158 --------------------------------------------- << 
2159 - G4ParaFissionModel - fixed initialisation o << 
2160                        use G4NucleiProperties << 
2161                                                   16 
2162 23 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee     17 23 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-27)
2163 ---------------------------------------------     18 ----------------------------------------------------------
2164 - G4Evaporation, G4EvaporationChannel, G4Evap     19 - G4Evaporation, G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbability -
2165   improved computation of minimal and maximal     20   improved computation of minimal and maximal evaporation energy
2166 - G4E1Probability, G4PhotonEvaporation - fixe <<  21 - G4E1Probability, G4PhotonEvaporation - fixed probability 
2167                                                   22 
2168 19 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee     23 19 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-26)
2169 ---------------------------------------------     24 ----------------------------------------------------------
2170 - G4ParaFissionModel - use GetA_asInt()           25 - G4ParaFissionModel - use GetA_asInt()
2171                                                   26 
2172 18 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee     27 18 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-25)
2173 ---------------------------------------------     28 ----------------------------------------------------------
2174 G4GEMChannel - cleanup: integer Z,A; G4Pow; u     29 G4GEMChannel - cleanup: integer Z,A; G4Pow; use the same formulas as in
2175   G4GEMProbability class                      <<  30   G4GEMProbability class 
2176                                                   31 
2177 17 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee     32 17 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-24)
2178 ---------------------------------------------     33 ----------------------------------------------------------
2179 - photon_evaporation, fission - integer Z and     34 - photon_evaporation, fission - integer Z and A, constructors
2180    moved to src, usage of G4Pow, general clea     35    moved to src, usage of G4Pow, general cleanup
2181 - G4ContiniumGammaTransition - use exponentia <<  36 - G4ContiniumGammaTransition - use exponential law for sampling of 
2182                                decay time         37                                decay time
2183 - removed unused classes: G4DummyProbability,     38 - removed unused classes: G4DummyProbability, G4E1ProbabilityXXX,
2184   G4E1SingleProbabilityXXX, where XXX=001,01,     39   G4E1SingleProbabilityXXX, where XXX=001,01,1,10,100 - these classes
2185   are the same as the one really used but a s     40   are the same as the one really used but a scale factor for the
2186   probability is different, scale factor may      41   probability is different, scale factor may be applied in the main
2187   class if needed                                 42   class if needed
2188                                                   43 
2189 17 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee     44 17 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-23)
2190 ---------------------------------------------     45 ----------------------------------------------------------
2191 - utils, management, evaporation - integer Z      46 - utils, management, evaporation - integer Z and A, constructors
2192    moved to src, usage of G4Pow, general clea     47    moved to src, usage of G4Pow, general cleanup
2193 - G4EvaporationChannel - removed new and dele <<  48 - G4EvaporationChannel - removed new and delete of probability objects 
2194   at each to the class, use instead local G4E     49   at each to the class, use instead local G4EvaporationProbability
2195   of the channel                                  50   of the channel
2196                                                   51 
2197 29 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee     52 29 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-22)
2198 ---------------------------------------------     53 ----------------------------------------------------------
2199 - Fixed problems reported by the Coveruty too     54 - Fixed problems reported by the Coveruty tool (mainly pedantic
2200   initialisation); moved constructors and des     55   initialisation); moved constructors and destructors to source
2201                                                   56 
2202 12 October 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-     57 12 October 2010 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-03-21)
2203 ---------------------------------------------     58 ---------------------------------------------------
2204 - add Luciano Pandola's README file explainin     59 - add Luciano Pandola's README file explaining the photo-evaporation
2205   data files                                      60   data files
2206                                                   61 
2207 11 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee     62 11 October 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-20)
2208 ---------------------------------------------     63 ----------------------------------------------------------
2209                                                   64 
2210 10 October 2010 Michael Kelsey                    65 10 October 2010 Michael Kelsey
2211 ------------------------------                    66 ------------------------------
2212 - G4NuclearLevelManager:  Replace stream inpu     67 - G4NuclearLevelManager:  Replace stream input in Read() with char[] input
2213   and manual conversion to double; eliminate      68   and manual conversion to double; eliminate 142 MB memory churn and CPU.
2214                                                   69 
2215 7 October 2010 Michael Kelsey                     70 7 October 2010 Michael Kelsey
2216 -----------------------------                     71 -----------------------------
2217 - G4NuclearLevelStore, G4NuclearLevelManager,     72 - G4NuclearLevelStore, G4NuclearLevelManager, G4NuclearLevel:  Eliminate
2218   passing and copying of vectors; fill Nuclea     73   passing and copying of vectors; fill NuclearLevel directly by Manager.
2219 -  Follow G4Nu     74 -  Follow G4NuclearLevelManager changes.
2220 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition:  Use const-ref f     75 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition:  Use const-ref for G4NuclerLevel data member.
2221                                                   76 
2222 9 September 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de     77 9 September 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-19)
2223 ---------------------------------------------     78 ----------------------------------------------------------
2224 - G4NeutronRadCapture - use G4PhotonEvaporati     79 - G4NeutronRadCapture - use G4PhotonEvaporation instead of simplfied
2225                         one gamma emission me     80                         one gamma emission method; use integer Z and A
2226                                                   81 
2227 9 June 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0     82 9 June 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-18)
2228 ---------------------------------------------     83 ----------------------------------------------------------
2229 - G4Evaporation - fixed problem of isotope pr     84 - G4Evaporation - fixed problem of isotope production for high Z
2230                   fragments introduced in pre     85                   fragments introduced in previous tags
2231                                                   86 
2232 25 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0     87 25 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-17)
2233 ---------------------------------------------     88 ----------------------------------------------------------
2234 - G4E1Probability - added numerical protectio     89 - G4E1Probability - added numerical protection to avoid division by zero
2235                                                   90 
2236 19 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0     91 19 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-16)
2237 ---------------------------------------------     92 ----------------------------------------------------------
2238 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - fix selection o <<  93 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - fix selection of decay channel by addition of check 
2239                               on residual fra     94                               on residual fragment Z and A (addressed
2240                               problem reporte     95                               problem reported stt for the tag 03-14)
2241                                                   96 
2242 19 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0     97 19 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-15)
2243 ---------------------------------------------     98 ----------------------------------------------------------
2244 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - fixed selection     99 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - fixed selection of decay channel
2245 - G4E1Probability - code cleanup and optimisa << 100 - G4E1Probability - code cleanup and optimisation by usage of G4Pow, integer A 
2246                     and introduction of const    101                     and introduction of const members
2247 - G4GEMProbability - code cleanup and optimis    102 - G4GEMProbability - code cleanup and optimisation by usage of G4Pow and integer Z,A
2248 - G4ExcitationHandler - forced  FermiBreakUp     103 - G4ExcitationHandler - forced  FermiBreakUp for A < 5
2249 - G4PhotonEvaporation - (F.Lei) added correct    104 - G4PhotonEvaporation - (F.Lei) added correction of electron state after emission
2250 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - JMQ fixed fragment 1    105 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - JMQ fixed fragment 111
2251                                                  106 
2252 11 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0    107 11 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-14)
2253 ---------------------------------------------    108 ----------------------------------------------------------
2254 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - new class to de    109 - G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp - new class to decay exotic fragmnet (like 2n or 2p)
2255 - G4Evaporation - added call to G4UnstableFra    110 - G4Evaporation - added call to G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp if natural abandances
2256                   of cold fragment is zero; o << 111                   of cold fragment is zero; optimized logic of stopping of 
2257                   evaporation loop               112                   evaporation loop
2258 - G4PhotonEvaporation - cleanup new methods E    113 - G4PhotonEvaporation - cleanup new methods EmittedFragment and BreakUpFragment
2259 - G4ExcitationHandler - use BreakUpFragment m    114 - G4ExcitationHandler - use BreakUpFragment method for photon deexcitation
2260                                                  115 
2261 10 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0    116 10 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-13)
2262 ---------------------------------------------    117 ----------------------------------------------------------
2263 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - take into account bo << 118 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - take into account bounding energy of electron 
2264                          in the case of elect    119                          in the case of electron emmision; fixed kinematic
2265 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - Removed unphysi << 120 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - Removed unphysical corretions of gamma energy; 
2266                          fixed default partic << 121                          fixed default particle as gamma; do not subtract 
2267                          bounding energy in c    122                          bounding energy in case of electron emmision
2268 - G4ExcitationHandler - allowed emmision e- i    123 - G4ExcitationHandler - allowed emmision e- instead of gamma due to internal conversion
2269                                                  124 
2270                                                  125 
2271 03 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0    126 03 May 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-12)
2272 ---------------------------------------------    127 ----------------------------------------------------------
2273 - G4Evaporation - improved condition how to s    128 - G4Evaporation - improved condition how to stop deexcitation loop
2274 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - take into account el    129 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - take into account electron mass in the case of
2275                          electron emmision       130                          electron emmision
2276 - G4PhotonEvaporation - improved printout        131 - G4PhotonEvaporation - improved printout
2277 - G4ExcitationHandler - disable MFM              132 - G4ExcitationHandler - disable MFM
2278 - G4StatMFFragment, G4CompetitiveFission, G4E    133 - G4StatMFFragment, G4CompetitiveFission, G4EvaporationProbability,
2279   G4GEMProbability - use correct header files    134   G4GEMProbability - use correct header files
2280                                                  135 
2281 28 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    136 28 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-11)
2282 ---------------------------------------------    137 ----------------------------------------------------------
2283 - G4ExcitationHandler - (JQM+VI) add check on    138 - G4ExcitationHandler - (JQM+VI) add check on stability of primary;
2284                                  do evaporati    139                                  do evaporation if FermiBreakUp or MFM
2285                                  cannot deexc << 140                                  cannot deexcite a fragment; 
2286                            added SetParameter    141                            added SetParameters method
2287 - G4Evaporation - rewrite BreakUp method; add    142 - G4Evaporation - rewrite BreakUp method; added Initialise method, where setup
2288                   all options and not at run     143                   all options and not at run time; added InitialiseEvaporation
2289                   method to setup decay chann    144                   method to setup decay channels; changed order of decay
2290                   channels - first photon eva    145                   channels - first photon evaporation, second - fision,
2291                   after all other channels as    146                   after all other channels as before
2292 - virtual interfaces - moved constructors and    147 - virtual interfaces - moved constructors and destructors to source files
2293                                                  148 
2294 26 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    149 26 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-10)
2295 ---------------------------------------------    150 ----------------------------------------------------------
2296 - G4FermiConfiguration - (JQM) parameter of C << 151 - G4FermiConfiguration - (JQM) parameter of Coulomb energy Kappa is changed 
2297                           from 1 to 6 accordi    152                           from 1 to 6 according to recommendation of original
2298                           author of the model    153                           author of the model A. Botvina
2299 - G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay - (JQM) improved mod    154 - G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay - (JQM) improved model of sampling of kinetic energy;
2300                          - (VI) cleanup the c    155                          - (VI) cleanup the code by using G4Pow; moved constructor
2301                             and destructor to << 156                             and destructor to the source 
2302                                                  157 
2303 25 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    158 25 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-09)
2304 ---------------------------------------------    159 ----------------------------------------------------------
2305 - G4ExcitationHandler - (JQM+VI) apply FermiB << 160 - G4ExcitationHandler - (JQM+VI) apply FermiBreakUp to fragments with A>1 
2306                         (before was A>4) in o << 161                         (before was A>4) in order to reduce number of 
2307                         fake gamma produced i    162                         fake gamma produced in order deexcite light
2308                         fragments; added para    163                         fragments; added parameter minExcitation = 1 keV
2309 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4PhotonEvaporation  << 164 - G4VEvaporationChannel, G4PhotonEvaporation - added 2 new virtual methods 
2310                         EmittedFragment and B    165                         EmittedFragment and BreakUpFragment
2311                                                  166 
2312 23 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    167 23 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-08)
2313 ---------------------------------------------    168 ----------------------------------------------------------
2314 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - kinematic of 2-body     169 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - kinematic of 2-body decay rewritten
2315 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition, G4DiscreteGammaD << 170 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition, G4DiscreteGammaDeexcitation, 
2316   G4ContinuumGammaDeexcitation - set energy t    171   G4ContinuumGammaDeexcitation - set energy tolerance 1 keV;
2317                                  set destruct    172                                  set destructors to be virtual
2318                                                  173 
2319 21 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    174 21 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-07)
2320 ---------------------------------------------    175 ----------------------------------------------------------
2321 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - (JMQ) extended list     176 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - (JMQ) extended list of stable fragments
2322 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - (JMQ) make tran    177 - G4DiscreteGammaTransition - (JMQ) make transition depended on Z and A
2323                                     (before w << 178                                     (before was only Z) and added 
2324                                     energy to    179                                     energy tolerance
2325 - G4ContinuumGammaDeexcitation - (JQM) more a    180 - G4ContinuumGammaDeexcitation - (JQM) more accurate Lorentz computations
2326 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - (JMQ) improved Loren    181 - G4VGammaDeexcitation - (JMQ) improved Lorentz computations
2327                                                  182 
2328 20 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    183 20 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-06)
2329 ---------------------------------------------    184 ----------------------------------------------------------
2330 - G4GEMProbability - (JQM + VI) fixed numeric    185 - G4GEMProbability - (JQM + VI) fixed numerical problem (division by zero)
2331                                                  186 
2332 16 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    187 16 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-05)
2333 ---------------------------------------------    188 ----------------------------------------------------------
2334 - G4ExcitationHandler - enable Multi-Fragment    189 - G4ExcitationHandler - enable Multi-Fragmentation model
2335 - G4StatMFMacroTemperature - cleanup logic of    190 - G4StatMFMacroTemperature - cleanup logic of solving equation for
2336            temperature; moved constructors an    191            temperature; moved constructors and destructor to source
2337                                                  192 
2338 09 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    193 09 April 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-04)
2339 ---------------------------------------------    194 ----------------------------------------------------------
2340 - G4ProtonEvaporationProbability, G4DeuteronE    195 - G4ProtonEvaporationProbability, G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability,
2341   G4TritonEvaporationProbability, G4He3Evapor    196   G4TritonEvaporationProbability, G4He3EvaporationProbability,
2342   G4AlphaEvaporationProbability - (JMQ) retur    197   G4AlphaEvaporationProbability - (JMQ) return back to published
2343                variant OPT3 (Kalbach) paramet << 198                variant OPT3 (Kalbach) parameterization of inverse 
2344          cross section                        << 199          cross section 
2345                                                  200 
2346 05 March 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    201 05 March 2010 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-03)
2347 ---------------------------------------------    202 ----------------------------------------------------------
2348 - G4Evaporation - set as a default variant ev << 203 - G4Evaporation - set as a default variant evaporation combined 
2349                   standard + GEM probabilitie    204                   standard + GEM probabilities
2350                                                  205 
2351 17 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    206 17 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-02)
2352 ---------------------------------------------    207 ----------------------------------------------------------
2353 - G4ExcitationHandler - deactivate Multi-Frag    208 - G4ExcitationHandler - deactivate Multi-Fragmentation model
2354                                                  209 
2355 05 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    210 05 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-01)
2356 ---------------------------------------------    211 ----------------------------------------------------------
2357 - G4ExcitationHandler - activate FermiBreakUp    212 - G4ExcitationHandler - activate FermiBreakUp and Multi-Fragmentation models
2358                                                  213 
2359 18 January 2010  Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    214 18 January 2010  Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-03-00)
2360 ---------------------------------------------    215 ----------------------------------------------------------
2361 - Move 9.3 version to the head of cvs for fol    216 - Move 9.3 version to the head of cvs for following files: G4FissionBarrier.hh,
2362, G4VGammaDeexcitation.c    217,, G4VGammaDeexcitation.hh,
2363                                                  218 
2364 09 December 2009 Gunter Folger  (hadr-deex-V0    219 09 December 2009 Gunter Folger  (hadr-deex-V09-02-23)
2365 ---------------------------------------------    220 -----------------------------------------------------
2366 - Include fixes in ablation by Pete Truscott:    221 - Include fixes in ablation by Pete Truscott:
2367    Ablation has been updated, largely to comp    222    Ablation has been updated, largely to comply with updates in
2368    G4Evaporation, but also some oddities in t << 223    G4Evaporation, but also some oddities in the way G4Fragment works 
2369    (or doesn't work!), and to fix a bug in fr << 224    (or doesn't work!), and to fix a bug in fragment identification 
2370    when evaporation isn't used.                  225    when evaporation isn't used.
2371                                                  226 
2372 01 December 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V0    227 01 December 2009 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V09-02-22)
2373 ---------------------------------------------    228 -----------------------------------------------------
2374 - Fixed singletons in utils sub-module to can    229 - Fixed singletons in utils sub-module to canonical form, to help preventing
2375   leaks reported by Valgrind (tag hadr-deex-u    230   leaks reported by Valgrind (tag hadr-deex-util-V09-02-01).
2376 - Corrected argument to std::pow() in G4Fermi    231 - Corrected argument to std::pow() in to fix
2377   compilation problem on Windows VC7.            232   compilation problem on Windows VC7.
2378                                                  233 
2379 27 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    234 27 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-21)
2380 ---------------------------------------------    235 ----------------------------------------------------------
2381 - G4ExcitationHandler - cleanup the logic; re    236 - G4ExcitationHandler - cleanup the logic; reduce number internal vectors;
2382                         fixed memory leak; sh    237                         fixed memory leak; should work bit faster
2383                                                  238 
2384 24 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    239 24 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-20)
2385 ---------------------------------------------    240 ----------------------------------------------------------
2386 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed double deletion    241 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed double deletion only on top of tag 18
2387                                                  242 
2388 23 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    243 23 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-19)
2389 ---------------------------------------------    244 ----------------------------------------------------------
2390 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed double deletion    245 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed double deletion; cleanup logic of
2391                         new/delete of interme    246                         new/delete of intermediate G4Fragments
2392                         reducing number of co    247                         reducing number of coping
2393                                                  248 
2394 22 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    249 22 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-18)
2395 ---------------------------------------------    250 ----------------------------------------------------------
2396 - G4FissionLevelDensityParameter tuning using    251 - G4FissionLevelDensityParameter tuning using IAEA benchmark
2397                                                  252 
2398 19 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    253 19 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-17)
2399 ---------------------------------------------    254 ----------------------------------------------------------
2400 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed memory leak        255 - G4ExcitationHandler - fixed memory leak
2401                                                  256 
2402 19 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    257 19 November 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-16)
2403 ---------------------------------------------    258 ----------------------------------------------------------
2404 -  J.M.Quesada retuning for IAEA spallation d    259 -  J.M.Quesada retuning for IAEA spallation data fission parameters
2405     in G4FissionParameters and G4FissionLevel    260     in G4FissionParameters and G4FissionLevelDensityParameter
2406 -  J.M.Quesada improved implementation of Gam    261 -  J.M.Quesada improved implementation of Gamma function computation
2407     in configuration weight inside G4FermiCon    262     in configuration weight inside G4FermiConfiguration
2408 -  V.Ivanchenko added a G4NeutronRadCapture m << 263 -  V.Ivanchenko added a G4NeutronRadCapture model (a simple 1 gamma 
2409                 emission with 4-momentum bala    264                 emission with 4-momentum balance)
2410 -  V.Ivanchenko return default setup of 9.2 f    265 -  V.Ivanchenko return default setup of 9.2 for G4ExcitationHandler
2411                                                  266 
2412 08 October 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee    267 08 October 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-15)
2413 ---------------------------------------------    268 ----------------------------------------------------------
2414 -  J.M.Quesada fixed old problem in G4GEMChan    269 -  J.M.Quesada fixed old problem in G4GEMChannel - computation of
2415         Coulomb barrier was not consistent wi << 270         Coulomb barrier was not consistent with G4GEMProbability 
2416                                                  271 
2417 25 September 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-d    272 25 September 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-14)
2418 ---------------------------------------------    273 ----------------------------------------------------------
2419 -  J.M.Quesada fixed G4GEMProbability and G4G << 274 -  J.M.Quesada fixed G4GEMProbability and G4GEMChannel to provide 
2420    the same probability as proposed in origin    275    the same probability as proposed in original papers;
2421    J.M.Quesada fixed G4ExitationHandler to fo << 276    J.M.Quesada fixed G4ExitationHandler to for the case when FermiBreakUp 
2422    and multi-fragmentation model are activate    277    and multi-fragmentation model are activated;
2423 -  V.Ivanchenko added a protection on unphysi    278 -  V.Ivanchenko added a protection on unphysical initial state in G4GEMChannel
2424                                                  279 
2425 16 September 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-d    280 16 September 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-13)
2426 ---------------------------------------------    281 ----------------------------------------------------------
2427 -  J.M.Quesada updated nearly all classes of     282 -  J.M.Quesada updated nearly all classes of GEM sub-package by
2428    introduction new classes G4GEMCoulombBarri    283    introduction new classes G4GEMCoulombBarrier, G4AlphaGEMCoulombBarrier,
2429    G4DeuteronGEMCoulombBarrier, G4He3GEMCoulo    284    G4DeuteronGEMCoulombBarrier, G4He3GEMCoulombBarrier,
2430    G4ProtonGEMCoulombBarrier, G4TritonGEMCoul << 285    G4ProtonGEMCoulombBarrier, G4TritonGEMCoulombBarrier and corresponding 
2431    changings in other classes of the sub-pack    286    changings in other classes of the sub-package;
2432    fixed units inside G4GEMProbability comput    287    fixed units inside G4GEMProbability computations
2433                                                  288 
2434 27 July 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V    289 27 July 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-12)
2435 ---------------------------------------------    290 ---------------------------------------------------------
2436 - G4EvaporationGEMFactory - cleanup              291 - G4EvaporationGEMFactory - cleanup
2437 - G4Evaporation - added method SetCombinedCan    292 - G4Evaporation - added method SetCombinedCannels to define new evaporation
2438                   factory G4EvaporationDefaul    293                   factory G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory
2439 - G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory - new class     294 - G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory - new class proposed by J.M.Quesada in
2440                     which light mesons probab    295                     which light mesons probabilities are computed from
2441                     default classes and other    296                     default classes and other fragments from GEM
2442 - G4FissionLevelDensityParameter, G4FissionPa    297 - G4FissionLevelDensityParameter, G4FissionParameters - J.M.Quesada tuning
2443                     to IAEA benchmark data       298                     to IAEA benchmark data
2444                                                  299 
2445 15 July 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V    300 15 July 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-11)
2446 ---------------------------------------------    301 ---------------------------------------------------------
2447 - G4GEMProbability - J.M.Quesada fixed units     302 - G4GEMProbability - J.M.Quesada fixed units (hbar_Plank -> hbarc)
2448                                                  303 
2449 9 July 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V0    304 9 July 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-10)
2450 ---------------------------------------------    305 ---------------------------------------------------------
2451 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - J.M.Quesada fixed un    306 - G4FermiFragmentsPool - J.M.Quesada fixed units (keV -> MeV), removed
2452                          wrong levels, added     307                          wrong levels, added new levels according
2453                          to  http://www.nndc.    308                          to
2454                                                  309 
2455 13 March 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-    310 13 March 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-09)
2456 ---------------------------------------------    311 ---------------------------------------------------------
2457 - G4CompetitiveFission - fixed 4-momentum bal << 312 - G4CompetitiveFission - fixed 4-momentum balance by using direct Lorentz 
2458                          computations (JMQ);     313                          computations (JMQ);
2459                        - use G4 units (VI).      314                        - use G4 units (VI).
2460                                               << 315  
2461 12 March 2009 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09    316 12 March 2009 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09-02-08)
2462 ---------------------------------------------    317 ----------------------------------------------------
2463 - Added Tatsumi's fixes ( << 318 - Added Tatsumi's fixes ( and ) to GEM 
2464   on top of patch9-02 ("hadr-deex-V09-02-07"     319   on top of patch9-02 ("hadr-deex-V09-02-07" and "hadr-deex-util-V09-02-00")
2465                                                  320 
2466 04 March 2009 Gabriele Cosmo                     321 04 March 2009 Gabriele Cosmo
2467 ----------------------------                     322 ----------------------------
2468 - Fixed leaks in singleton classes in the 'ut    323 - Fixed leaks in singleton classes in the 'util' module. Corrected wherever
2469   needed inlining of constructors/destructors    324   needed inlining of constructors/destructors for base classes and usage of
2470   virtual specification. Corresponds to tag "    325   virtual specification. Corresponds to tag "hadr-deex-util-V09-02-00".
2471                                                  326 
2472 15 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    327 15 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-07)
2473 ---------------------------------------------    328 ---------------------------------------------------------
2474 - G4EvaporationProbability - hbar_Plank subst    329 - G4EvaporationProbability - hbar_Plank substituted by hbarc (JMQ fix)
2475 - G4FissionProbability - fixed forgotten pare << 330 - G4FissionProbability - fixed forgotten parenthesis (JMQ fix) 
2476                                                  331 
2477 13 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    332 13 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-06)
2478 ---------------------------------------------    333 ---------------------------------------------------------
2479 - Jose Manuel Quesada change the shape of pro    334 - Jose Manuel Quesada change the shape of probabilities (back to 9.2)
2480   for d, t, He3, alpha near the Coulomb barri    335   for d, t, He3, alpha near the Coulomb barrier
2481                                                  336 
2482 12 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    337 12 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-05)
2483 ---------------------------------------------    338 ---------------------------------------------------------
2484 - Jose Manuel Quesada change the shape of pro << 339 - Jose Manuel Quesada change the shape of probabilities 
2485   for d, t, He3, alpha near the Coulomb barri    340   for d, t, He3, alpha near the Coulomb barrier
2486                                                  341 
2487 11 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    342 11 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-04)
2488 ---------------------------------------------    343 ---------------------------------------------------------
2489 - Jose Manuel Quesada set default OPT=3 back     344 - Jose Manuel Quesada set default OPT=3 back for all particles
2490   and add smearing of Coloumb barriers of d,  << 345   and add smearing of Coloumb barriers of d, t, he3, alpha 
2491                                                  346 
2492 10 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    347 10 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-03)
2493 ---------------------------------------------    348 ---------------------------------------------------------
2494 - Exclude updated G4VGammaDeexcitation           349 - Exclude updated G4VGammaDeexcitation
2495                                                  350 
2496 10 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    351 10 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-02)
2497 ---------------------------------------------    352 ---------------------------------------------------------
2498 - Jose Manuel Quesada set default OPT=3 for e << 353 - Jose Manuel Quesada set default OPT=3 for evaporation of protons 
2499   and neutrons and OPT=1 for deuterons, trito    354   and neutrons and OPT=1 for deuterons, tritons, alpha and He3
2500                                                  355 
2501 10 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-de    356 10 February 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-01)
2502 ---------------------------------------------    357 ---------------------------------------------------------
2503 - Miguel Cortes added extra protection to G4V    358 - Miguel Cortes added extra protection to G4VGammaDeexcitation
2504                                                  359 
2505 27 January 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-dee    360 27 January 2009 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-02-00)
2506 ---------------------------------------------    361 --------------------------------------------------------
2507 - Miguel Cortes fix of Lorentz transformation    362 - Miguel Cortes fix of Lorentz transformation in G4VGammaDeexcitation,
2508   which provides Doppler broading of gamma li    363   which provides Doppler broading of gamma lines
2509                                                  364 
2510 09 December 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-    365 09 December 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-25)
2511 ---------------------------------------------    366 ----------------------------------------------------
2512 - further increased verbosity in G4Evaporatio    367 - further increased verbosity in to try to understand channel
2513   probability failure in very rare case          368   probability failure in very rare case
2514                                                  369 
2515 08 December 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-    370 08 December 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-24)
2516 ---------------------------------------------    371 ----------------------------------------------------
2517 - increased verbosity in to     372 - increased verbosity in to try to understand channel
2518   probability failure in very rare case          373   probability failure in very rare case
2519                                                  374 
2520 27 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-    375 27 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-23)
2521 ---------------------------------------------    376 ----------------------------------------------------
2522 - added delete to to     377 - added delete to to fix memory leak
2523                                               << 378  
2524 19 November 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09    379 19 November 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-01-22)
2525 ---------------------------------------------    380 ----------------------------------------------------
2526 - fixed bug #1028 in fission/G4CompetitiveFis    381 - fixed bug #1028 in fission/G4CompetitiveFission::FissionCharge:
2527   trivial change of A to Af in line 343          382   trivial change of A to Af in line 343
2528                                               << 383  
2529 19 November 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-    384 19 November 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-01-21)
2530 ---------------------------------------------    385 ---------------------------------------------------
2531 - added comments to modifications of MF model    386 - added comments to modifications of MF model
2532                                                  387 
2533 19 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-    388 19 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-20)
2534 ---------------------------------------------    389 -----------------------------------------------------
2535 - Switched OFF FermiBreakUp by default.          390 - Switched OFF FermiBreakUp by default.
2536                                                  391 
2537 19 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-    392 19 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-19)
2538 ---------------------------------------------    393 -----------------------------------------------------
2539 - Fix from JMQ for Zirconium (nu remains alwa    394 - Fix from JMQ for Zirconium (nu remains always positive in
2540            395
2541                                                  396 
2542 18 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-    397 18 November 2008 Alexander Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-18)
2543 ---------------------------------------------    398 -----------------------------------------------------
2544 - Fix in according to T. Koi     399 - Fix in according to T. Koi (anA,aZ) -> (AResidual,ZResidual)
2545   for pairing correction in ExEnergy.            400   for pairing correction in ExEnergy.
2546                                                  401 
2547 05 November 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V0    402 05 November 2008 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-deex-V09-01-17)
2548 ---------------------------------------------    403 -----------------------------------------------------
2549 - Fix in evaporation/G4DeuteronEvaporationPro    404 - Fix in evaporation/ for compilation
2550   error on Windows-VC++; fixed typo in class     405   error on Windows-VC++; fixed typo in class scope specification for a
2551   couple of methods...                           406   couple of methods...
2552                                                  407 
2553 05 November 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09    408 05 November 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-01-16)
2554 ---------------------------------------------    409 ----------------------------------------------------
2555 - multifragmentation/ fix  << 410 - multifragmentation/ fix gcc 4.3 compiler warnings 
2556   at lines 94 and 226.  (place parentheses ar    411   at lines 94 and 226.  (place parentheses around && in ||)
2557                                                  412 
2558 24 October 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-    413 24 October 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-01-15)
2559 ---------------------------------------------    414 ---------------------------------------------------
2560 - replace G4NucleiPropertiesTable::GetBinding << 415 - replace G4NucleiPropertiesTable::GetBindingEnergy with 
2561   G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy in G4S << 416   G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy in G4StatMFMacroTriNucleon, 
2562   G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon, and G4StatMFMacroTe    417   G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon, and G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon
2563                                                  418 
2564 30 September 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-    419 30 September 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-14)
2565 ---------------------------------------------    420 ---------------------------------------------------
2566 Correct tag of the head + trivial fix from JM    421 Correct tag of the head + trivial fix from JMQ to prevent negative
2567 cross-sections for incident protons on target    422 cross-sections for incident protons on targets with A < Carbon.
2568                                                  423 
2569                                                  424 
2570 19 September 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-    425 19 September 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-13)
2571 ---------------------------------------------    426 ---------------------------------------------------
2572 First inclusion of JMQ's recent changes to ev    427 First inclusion of JMQ's recent changes to evaporation and handler.
2573 Directories touched: evaporation (everywhere)    428 Directories touched: evaporation (everywhere), handler (MAC's changes + JMQ
2574 interface changes), management (G4VEvaporatio    429 interface changes), management (G4VEvaporationChannel.hh (interface)), util
2575 (G4VEmissionProbability.hh (interface)) - MIS    430 (G4VEmissionProbability.hh (interface)) - MIS-TAGGED - this is closer to ref07
2576 ***********PLEASE IGNORE**********               431 ***********PLEASE IGNORE**********
2577                                                  432 
2578                                                  433 
2579 25 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-01-1    434 25 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-01-12)
2580 ---------------------------------------------    435 ---------------------------------------------------
2581 Multi-Fragmentation model have been fixed by  << 436 Multi-Fragmentation model have been fixed by I.Pshenichnov in collaboration 
2582 with Alexander Botvina and Igor Mishustin (FI    437 with Alexander Botvina and Igor Mishustin (FIAS, Frankfurt, INR,
2583 Moscow and Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, pshen    438 Moscow and Kurchatov Institute, Moscow,
2584                                                  439 
2585 G4StatMFMacroTemperature - return original al    440 G4StatMFMacroTemperature - return original algorithm
2586 G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity - additional checks    441 G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity - additional checks in solver of equation
2587                             for the chemical     442                             for the chemical potential
2588 G4StatMFMacroCanonical - fixed infinite loop     443 G4StatMFMacroCanonical - fixed infinite loop for a fagment with Z=A;
2589                          fixed memory leak       444                          fixed memory leak
2590 G4StatMFChannel - fixed semi-infine loop         445 G4StatMFChannel - fixed semi-infine loop
2591 G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon - fixed computation    446 G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon - fixed computation of the symmetry energy
2592                                                  447 
2593 24 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-01-1    448 24 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-01-11)
2594 ---------------------------------------------    449 ---------------------------------------------------
2595 G4EvaporationProbability - Coulomb barrier up    450 G4EvaporationProbability - Coulomb barrier upgraded (J. M. Quesada)
2596                                                  451 
2597 12 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-01-1    452 12 July 2008 V.Ivanchenko (hadr-deex-V09-01-10)
2598 ---------------------------------------------    453 ---------------------------------------------------
2599 Integraded fixes in G4EvaporationProbabilitie    454 Integraded fixes in G4EvaporationProbabilities and the tag hadr-deex-V09-01-08,
2600 OPT=2 is set (J. M. Quesada)                     455 OPT=2 is set (J. M. Quesada)
2601                                                  456 
2602 05 June 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-09)      457 05 June 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-09)
2603 ---------------------------------------------    458 ---------------------------------------------------
2604                                                  459 
2605 Fixed memory leak in G4ExcitationHandler than    460 Fixed memory leak in G4ExcitationHandler thanks to Tatsumi Koi.  The fix is on
2606 top of hadr-deex-V09-01-01, but does not incl    461 top of hadr-deex-V09-01-01, but does not include any of the other subsequent
2607 developments.  Required for public beta relea    462 developments.  Required for public beta release.
2608                                                  463 
2609 05 June 2008 J. M. Quesada (hadr-deex-V09-01-    464 05 June 2008 J. M. Quesada (hadr-deex-V09-01-08)
2610 ---------------------------------------------    465 ---------------------------------------------------
2611                                                  466 
2612  Bug fixed in OPT=1 (Chatterjee) charged part << 467  Bug fixed in OPT=1 (Chatterjee) charged particle cross sections. 
2613 Unphysical values at very low emission energi << 468 Unphysical values at very low emission energies have been corrected (set 
2614 to 0).                                           469 to 0).
2615 OPT=1 by default ( OPT=2 in previous tag)        470 OPT=1 by default ( OPT=2 in previous tag)
2616                                                  471 
2617                                                  472 
2618  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-07)   << 473  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-07) 
2619 ---------------------------------------------    474 ---------------------------------------------------
2620                                                  475 
2621 As hadr-deex-V09-01-06 but with photon_evapor    476 As hadr-deex-V09-01-06 but with photon_evaporation updated to new interface.
2622 Should now be stable (co-works with low energ << 477 Should now be stable (co-works with low energy tag emlowen-V09-01-14, I guess) - 
2623 see hadr-deex-V09-01-01.                         478 see hadr-deex-V09-01-01.
2624                                                  479 
2625  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-06)   << 480  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-06) 
2626 ---------------------------------------------    481 ---------------------------------------------------
2627                                                  482 
2628 As hadr-deex-V09-01-05 but with G4ExcitationH    483 As hadr-deex-V09-01-05 but with put back to correct version
2629                                                  484 
2630                                                  485 
2631  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-05)   << 486  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-05) 
2632 ---------------------------------------------    487 ---------------------------------------------------
2633                                                  488 
2634 Updated to Jose Manuel Quesada's latest versi    489 Updated to Jose Manuel Quesada's latest version (should be what was intended in
2635 hadr-deex-V09-01-03).  Does not include Fan L    490 hadr-deex-V09-01-03).  Does not include Fan Lei's interface change. This is,
2636 however, still on the HEAD.                      491 however, still on the HEAD.
2637                                                  492 
2638  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-04)   << 493  24 May 2008 A.Howard (hadr-deex-V09-01-04) 
2639 ---------------------------------------------    494 ---------------------------------------------------
2640                                                  495 
2641 Updated to Jose Manuel Quesada's latest versi    496 Updated to Jose Manuel Quesada's latest version (should be what was intended in hadr-deex-V09-01-03).  Also includes Fan Lei's change
2642 to the photon_evaporation interface.             497 to the photon_evaporation interface.
2643                                                  498 
2644                                                  499 
2645  08 May 2008 J. M. Quesada (hadr-deex-V09-01- << 500  08 May 2008 J. M. Quesada (hadr-deex-V09-01-03) 
2646 ---------------------------------------------    501 ---------------------------------------------------
2647                                                  502 
2648  Coulomb barrier has been added again. Standa << 503  Coulomb barrier has been added again. Standard parameterization is used for it. It acts as an additional component of inverse reaction cross sections, making it cero when emission energy drops below it. Physical reason:  reaction cross sections come from fitting to exp. data at energies normally well above the barrier. The strong competition betwen the different channels makes it very sensible to subtle differences in emission probabilities at low emission energies, when little excitation energy is available.   
2649                                                  504 
2650  01 May 2008 J. M. Quesada (hadr-deex-V09-01- << 505  01 May 2008 J. M. Quesada (hadr-deex-V09-01-02) 
2651 ---------------------------------------------    506 ---------------------------------------------------
2652 - First trial with cvs.                       << 507 - First trial with cvs. 
2653 New inverse cross sections:                      508 New inverse cross sections:
2654         OPT=1 Chetterjee's parameterization t    509         OPT=1 Chetterjee's parameterization to reaction cross sections from optical potential global fittings.
2655         OPT=2 as OPT=1 but for protons the We    510         OPT=2 as OPT=1 but for protons the Wellisch's parameterization for protons is used  (DEFAULT)
2656         OPT=3 Kalbach's modifications of Chat    511         OPT=3 Kalbach's modifications of Chatterjee's parameterization of cross sections
2657         OPT=4 as OPT=3 but for protons the We    512         OPT=4 as OPT=3 but for protons the Wellisch's parameterization for protons is used
2658                                                  513 
2659 Coulomb barrier has been suppressed as it ent << 514 Coulomb barrier has been suppressed as it enters through inverse cross sections. Also methods related to former Dostrovski's cross sections (alpha , beta and C parameters) have been suppressed.  
2660                                                  515 
2661                                                  516 
2662  01 May 2008 Fan Lei (hadr-deex-V09-01-01)    << 517  01 May 2008 Fan Lei (hadr-deex-V09-01-01) 
2663 ---------------------------------------------    518 ---------------------------------------------------
2664 - photon_evaporation                             519 - photon_evaporation
2665 Atomic relaxation m    520 Atomic relaxation model is no longer applied following
2666   internal electron conversion. Instead the v << 521   internal electron conversion. Instead the vaccant shell index is passed to 
2667   radioactive decay model, where the ARM is a << 522   radioactive decay model, where the ARM is applied.  
2668                                                  523 
2669  21 March 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-0    524  21 March 2008 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-01-00)
2670 ---------------------------------------------    525 --------------------------------------------------
2671 - added parentheses to fix gcc-4.3 compiler w    526 - added parentheses to fix gcc-4.3 compiler warnings in
2672   G4StatMFChannel::CheckFragments and ::Place    527   G4StatMFChannel::CheckFragments and ::PlaceFragments
2673                                                  528 
2674  15 November 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-    529  15 November 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-00-06)
2675 ---------------------------------------------    530 ---------------------------------------------------
2676 - Added Jose Manuel Quesada's modification to    531 - Added Jose Manuel Quesada's modification to util/src/ in
2677   order to go back to the original Dostrovski    532   order to go back to the original Dostrovski's formulation which is described
2678   in the Physics Reference Manual.  The previ    533   in the Physics Reference Manual.  The previous implementation (from Vicente
2679   Lara) was inconsistent and less to an under    534   Lara) was inconsistent and less to an under-estimate of the Coulomb Barrier.
2680                                                  535 
2681                                                  536 
2682  15 November 2007 F Lei (hadr-deex-V09-00-05)    537  15 November 2007 F Lei (hadr-deex-V09-00-05)
2683 ---------------------------------------------    538 ---------------------------------------------------
2684 - photon_evaporation                             539 - photon_evaporation
2685   bug fix #952. Changes to G4VGammaDeexciatio << 540   bug fix #952. Changes to 279; 
2686 189;        541 189;
2687 << 542  
2688                                                  543 
2689                                                  544 
2690  01 November 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V0    545  01 November 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V09-00-04)
2691 ---------------------------------------------    546 -----------------------------------------------------
2692 - suppressed gamma level file warnings in G4N    547 - suppressed gamma level file warnings in
2693   To turn them on again, set pre-compiler fla << 548   To turn them on again, set pre-compiler flag 
2695                                               << 550  
2696                                                  551 
2697  01 October 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-0    552  01 October 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-00-03)
2698 ---------------------------------------------    553 ---------------------------------------------------
2699 - Protected Rj (Q_beta) factor against divide    554 - Protected Rj (Q_beta) factor against divide by zeroes - occurs occasionally.
2700   Following files were altered:                  555   Following files were altered:
2701   G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.hh, G4He3Evap << 556   G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.hh, G4He3EvaporationProbability.hh, 
2702   G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability.hh, G4Neut << 557   G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability.hh, G4NeutronEvaporationProbability.hh, 
2703   G4TritonEvaporationProbability.hh, G4Proton    558   G4TritonEvaporationProbability.hh, G4ProtonEvaporationProbability.hh
2704                                                  559 
2705                                                  560 
2706  19 September 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09    561  19 September 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-00-02)
2707 ---------------------------------------------    562 ---------------------------------------------------
2708 - Removed atomic mass number from "gamma fact << 563 - Removed atomic mass number from "gamma factor" within 
2709, G4Trit << 564,, 
2710, G4AlphaEvap    565,
2711                                                  566 
2712                                                  567 
2713  23 August 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-00    568  23 August 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-00-01)
2714 ---------------------------------------------    569 -----------------------------------------------
2715 - Removed Coulomb Barrier to beta parameter a    570 - Removed Coulomb Barrier to beta parameter as it's already included in the
2716   inverse cross-section formula and is introd    571   inverse cross-section formula and is introduced in terms of the energy limit
2717   of the integration.                            572   of the integration.
2718 - Introduced missing Rj factor in the followi    573 - Introduced missing Rj factor in the following files (evaporation module):
2719, G4EvaporationP << 574, G4EvaporationProbability.hh, 
2720   G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.hh, G4Deutero << 575   G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.hh, G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability.hh, 
2721   G4He3EvaporationProbability.hh, G4NeutronEv << 576   G4He3EvaporationProbability.hh, G4NeutronEvaporationProbability.hh, 
2722   G4ProtonEvaporationProbability.hh, G4Triton    577   G4ProtonEvaporationProbability.hh, G4TritonEvaporationProbability.hh
2723                                                  578 
2724                                                  579 
2725  28 July 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-00-0    580  28 July 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V09-00-00)
2726 ---------------------------------------------    581 -----------------------------------------------
2727 - Added Coulomb Barrier to Beta parameter for    582 - Added Coulomb Barrier to Beta parameter for inverse channel
2728 cross-section. Needs verification.  Required     583 cross-section. Needs verification.  Required additions and changes to the
2729 following files:                                 584 following files:
2730 G4EvaporationProbability.hh, G4EvaporationPro << 585 G4EvaporationProbability.hh,, 
2731 G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.hh, G4DeuteronE << 586 G4AlphaEvaporationProbability.hh, G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability.hh, 
2732 G4He3EvaporationProbability.hh, G4NeutronEvap << 587 G4He3EvaporationProbability.hh, G4NeutronEvaporationProbability.hh, 
2733 G4ProtonEvaporationProbability.hh, G4TritonEv << 588 G4ProtonEvaporationProbability.hh, G4TritonEvaporationProbability.hh, 
2734, G4DeuteronE << 589,, 
2735, G4NeutronEvap << 590,, 
2736, G4TritonEv    591,
2737                                                  592 
2738                                                  593 
2739  5 June 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-03-01    594  5 June 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-03-01)
2740 ---------------------------------------------    595 -----------------------------------------------
2741 - Fixed bug in fix "hadr-deex-V08-03-00" - de    596 - Fixed bug in fix "hadr-deex-V08-03-00" - deleted pointers and iterators were
2742   attempted to be accessed.  Now a final stat    597   attempted to be accessed.  Now a final state iterator list is created and
2743   filled when necessary.                         598   filled when necessary.
2744                                                  599 
2745                                                  600 
2746  18 May 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-03-00    601  18 May 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-03-00)
2747 ---------------------------------------------    602 -----------------------------------------------
2748 - Fixed bug in low A,Z false condition in G4D    603 - Fixed bug in low A,Z false condition in, now
2749 the condition is (Z<2 || A<3 || Z>98) false (    604 the condition is (Z<2 || A<3 || Z>98) false (so stops at Cf rather than >100)
2750 and includes helium (previously excluded)        605 and includes helium (previously excluded)
2751 - Fixed bug in pointer to iterator moving bef    606 - Fixed bug in pointer to iterator moving before its beginning
2752                                                  607 
2753  14 Feb 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-02-02    608  14 Feb 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-02-02)
2754 ---------------------------------------------    609 -----------------------------------------------
2755 - evaporation                                    610 - evaporation
2756    Added protection to exclude negative proba << 611    Added protection to exclude negative probabilities from the 
2757    "competitive channel sum". With fix below     612    "competitive channel sum". With fix below this should only happen due to
2758    a precision error, but is protected noneth    613    a precision error, but is protected nonetheless.
2759                                                  614 
2760  12 Feb 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-02-01    615  12 Feb 2007 Alex Howard (hadr-deex-V08-02-01)
2761 ---------------------------------------------    616 -----------------------------------------------
2762 - fission                                        617 - fission
2763    Fixed probability to no longer be negative    618    Fixed probability to no longer be negative. Is now equivalent to what is
2764    written in the Physics Reference Manual. V << 619    written in the Physics Reference Manual. Vicente Lara suggested/agreed 
2765    with fix.                                     620    with fix.
2766                                                  621 
2767  5 Jan 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-02-0    622  5 Jan 2007 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-02-00)
2768 ---------------------------------------------    623 -----------------------------------------------
2769 - fission                                        624 - fission
2770    Fixed several memory leaks in G4ParaFissio    625    Fixed several memory leaks in G4ParaFissionModel
2771                                                  626 
2772 19 Aug 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-01-0    627 19 Aug 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-01-00)
2773 ---------------------------------------------    628 -----------------------------------------------
2774 - multifragmentation                             629 - multifragmentation
2775    G4VStatMFMacroCluster.hh : removed meaning    630    G4VStatMFMacroCluster.hh : removed meaningless const qualifier from
2776    methods GetInvLevelDensity, GetZARatio and    631    methods GetInvLevelDensity, GetZARatio and GetSize
2777                                               << 632  
2778 - handler                                        633 - handler
2779    G4ExcitationHandler.hh : removed meaningle    634    G4ExcitationHandler.hh : removed meaningless const qualifier from
2780    mehtods GetMaxZ, GetMaxA and GetMinE          635    mehtods GetMaxZ, GetMaxA and GetMinE
2781                                                  636 
2782 20 Apr 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-00-0    637 20 Apr 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-00-03)
2783 ---------------------------------------------    638 -----------------------------------------------
2784 - photon_evaporation                             639 - photon_evaporation
2785 : in method MakeL    640 : in method MakeLevels(), restrict the missing
2786        file warning to Z > 10                    641        file warning to Z > 10
2787                                                  642 
2788 08 Apr 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-00-0    643 08 Apr 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-00-02)
2789 ---------------------------------------------    644 ----------------------------------------------
2790 - photon_evaporation                             645 - photon_evaporation
2791 : in method BreakItU    646 : in method BreakItUp(), fix memory leak -
2792        delete entries to armProducts vector.     647        delete entries to armProducts vector.  This is in response to
2793        bug report 851.                        << 648        bug report 851. 
2794                                                  649 
2795 05 Jan 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-00-0    650 05 Jan 2006 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V08-00-01)
2796 ---------------------------------------------    651 ----------------------------------------------
2797                                                  652 
2798 - photon_evaporation                             653 - photon_evaporation
2799 : in method MakeL << 654 : in method MakeLevels(), re-enable the 
2800        warning that no gamma levels file exis << 655        warning that no gamma levels file exists. This is in response 
2801        to bug report 814.                     << 656        to bug report 814. 
2802                                                  657 
2803 - fission                                        658 - fission
2804    G4ParaFissionModel.hh : fix compilation er    659    G4ParaFissionModel.hh : fix compilation errors which do not show up
2805        because there is no .cc file.  This is << 660        because there is no .cc file.  This is in response to bug report 
2806        817.  Note: splitting this class into  << 661        817.  Note: splitting this class into header and implementation 
2807        files will have to wait for a director << 662        files will have to wait for a directory re-organization because 
2808        as it stands now, there are circular d << 663        as it stands now, there are circular dependencies between the 
2809        fission and evaporation directories.      664        fission and evaporation directories.
2810                                                  665 
2811 24 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V07-01-0    666 24 Nov 2005 Dennis Wright (hadr-deex-V07-01-00)
2812 ---------------------------------------------    667 ----------------------------------------------
2813                                                  668 
2814 - photon_evaporation (tag hadr-deex-photo-V07    669 - photon_evaporation (tag hadr-deex-photo-V07-01-00 by Aatos Heikkinen)
2815    <sstream> migration for G4NuclearLevelMana << 670    <sstream> migration for, 
2816                            G4NuclearLevelData    671                  ,
2817                            G4DiscreteGammaDee    672                  
2818    minor update of       673    minor update of
2819                                                  674 
2820 - util (tag hadr-deex-util-V07-01-00 by Aatos    675 - util (tag hadr-deex-util-V07-01-00 by Aatos Heikkinen)
2821    <sstream> migration for G4CoulombBarrier.c    676    <sstream> migration for
2822                            G4VCoulombBarrier.    677                  ,
2823                                                  678 
2824 - gem_evaporation (tag hadr-deex-gem-V07-01-0    679 - gem_evaporation (tag hadr-deex-gem-V07-01-00 by Aatos Heikkinen)
2825    <sstream> migration for G4GEMCoulombBarrie    680    <sstream> migration for
2826                                                  681 
2827 - fermi_breakup (tag hadr-deex-fermi-V07-01-0    682 - fermi_breakup (tag hadr-deex-fermi-V07-01-00 by Aatos Heikkinen)
2828    <sstream> migration for    683    <sstream> migration for
2829                                                  684 
2830                                                  685 
2831                                                  686