Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category hadr-cohe History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 3 ================================================== 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 4 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 5 ================================================== 6 << 7 ---------------------------------------------- << 8 << 9 ## 2024-11-15 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V << 10 - G4ChargeExchange - fixed problem of the Hydr << 11 if cross section biasing factor is applied << 12 - G4ChargeExchangeProcess - added warning << 13 << 14 ## 2024-09-22 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V << 15 - G4ChargeExchange - fixed problem 2618 - impl << 16 omega(780) and f2(1270) for pion projectil << 17 isomeres if recoil nucleus if not a natura << 18 << 19 ## 2024-07-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V << 20 - G4ChargeExchange - fixed problem 2617 - do n << 21 << 22 ## 2024-05-02 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V11-02 << 23 - Fixed compilation warnings for potentially i << 24 SampleThetaCMS() for G4DiffuseElastic and G4 << 25 << 26 ## 2023-10-23 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V << 27 - G4ChargeExchange - address interface change << 28 << 29 ## 2023-08-29 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V << 30 - G4ChargeExchange - fixed Coverity warning on << 31 << 32 ## 2023-08-25 Tim Lok Chau (hadr-cohe-V11-01-0 << 33 - G4ChargeExchange - fixed parameter for Sampl << 34 << 35 ## 2023-08-09 Tim Lok Chau (hadr-cohe-V11-01-0 << 36 - G4ChargeExchange - update input parameters f << 37 SampleSecondaryType(..) << 38 << 39 ## 2023-07-21 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V << 40 - G4ChargeExchange - updated according to new << 41 << 42 ## 2022-11-26 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V11-00 << 43 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 44 << 45 ## 2022-10-25 Alberto Ribon (hadr-cohe-V11-00- << 46 - G4AntiNuclElastic : Vladimir Uzhinsky's exte << 47 for the simulation of a light anti-hypernucl << 48 on a target nucleus. << 49 Note: most of the considered light anti-hype << 50 baryon number equal to -4 : it is assumed th << 51 to anti-He4, therefore their elastic scatter << 52 elastic nuclear scattering. These properties << 53 if theoretical estimations will be available << 54 << 55 ## 2022-09-05 Ben Morgan (hadr-cohe-V11-00-03) << 56 - Update dependencies to address warnings from << 57 << 58 ## 2022-02-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V << 59 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE, G4NeutronElectronElM << 60 fixed compilation warnings on unused varia << 61 use Energy(..) method of G4PhysicsVector i << 62 << 63 ## 2022-01-03 Alberto Ribon (hadr-cohe-V11-00- << 64 - G4AntiNuclElastic : Vladimir Uzhinsky's corr << 65 method of the highest momentum transfer (whi << 66 the polar angle in the center-of-mass system << 67 cases). This should be fixed bug #2204. << 68 << 69 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (hadr-cohe-V11-00-00) << 70 - Change to new Markdown History format << 71 << 72 --- << 73 << 74 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 75 << 76 04 August 2021 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-07-04) << 77 ---------------------------------------------- << 78 - G4HadronElastic, G4LEnp, G4LEpp, G4LEHadronP << 79 G4NeutronElectronElModel, G4NeutrinoElectron << 80 G4ChargeExchange, G4LMsdGenerator : set the << 81 secondaries created, using the new version o << 82 << 83 16 April 2021 - Ben Morgan (hadr-cohe-V10-07-0 << 84 ---------------------------------------------- << 85 - Migrate build to modular CMake API << 86 << 87 05 May 2021 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe- << 88 ---------------------------------------------- << 89 - G4LEHadronProtonElastic, G4ChargeExchangePro << 90 headers << 91 << 92 13 April 2021 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10 << 93 ---------------------------------------------- << 94 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed the sub << 95 hadronic/models/management and hadronic/mode << 96 (that have been now deleted, with their clas << 97 hadronic/util and hadronic/management). << 98 << 99 08 March 2021 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10 << 100 ---------------------------------------------- << 101 - G4ChargeExchangeProcess : replaced Gheisha e << 102 (that has been deleted) with G4ComponentGGHa << 103 << 104 22 July 2020 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 105 ---------------------------------------------- << 106 - G4HadronElastic - added numerical protection << 107 addressing problem #2253 << 108 << 109 30 April 2020 - B. Morgan (hadr-cohe-V10 << 110 ---------------------------------------------- << 111 - Remove obsolete GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES entri << 112 << 113 18 January 2020 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 114 ---------------------------------------------- << 115 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - for pi- and Z>1 reu << 116 computed for pi+ in order to reduce memory << 117 initialisation; added new private methods << 118 data tables; fixed false positive Coverity << 119 << 120 17 December 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V1 << 121 ---------------------------------------------- << 122 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - switch to parameter << 123 cut on kinetic energy and not momentum << 124 << 125 26 November 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V1 << 126 ---------------------------------------------- << 127 - G4HadronElastic : Added limit on number of w << 128 << 129 19 November 2019 - G. Folger (hadr-cohe-V10- << 130 ---------------------------------------------- << 131 - remove using namespace std and using namespa << 132 G4NeutronElectronElModel.hh << 133 << 134 15 November 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V1 << 135 ---------------------------------------------- << 136 - G4HadronElastic : Change warning printout, i << 137 t>tmax resample using simple algorithm, pr << 138 by G4VERBOSE, this is a partial fix of #22 << 139 << 140 06 November 2019 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V1 << 141 ---------------------------------------------- << 142 - G4HadronElastic : Coverity fix in the unused << 143 << 144 31 October 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V1 << 145 ---------------------------------------------- << 146 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - reduction of size o << 147 time for initialisation ~2 times; general << 148 of protections << 149 6 150 07 October 2019 - V.Grichine (hadr-cohe-V1 << 7 History file for Low Energy Parameterized Models 151 ----------------------------------------- << 8 ------------------------------------------------ 152 - G4hadronElstic - new method for s-,c-,b-part << 153 - ds/dt slope modifications in preparation << 154 << 155 03 July 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 156 ---------------------------------------------- << 157 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - general clean-up of << 158 - G4HadronElastic - added new parameterisation << 159 << 160 14 May 2019 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10 << 161 ---------------------------------------------- << 162 - G4HadronElastic : numerically safer treatmen << 163 in which cos(theta) is either greater than << 164 (in the first case, we assume no interacti << 165 going unchanged; in the second case, we as << 166 stops and its kinetic energy is deposited << 167 recoil of the target nucleus). << 168 << 169 10 May 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 170 ---------------------------------------------- << 171 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE, G4LEpp, G4LEnp - cle << 172 - G4LowEHadronElastic - new model class << 173 << 174 29 April 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 175 ---------------------------------------------- << 176 - G4HadronElastic - added protected variable p << 177 for zero energy primary; << 178 G4ChargeExchange - updated interfaces, added << 179 energy primary << 180 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - make all data share << 181 G4AntiNuclElastic - do not compute trigoname << 182 which are not used << 183 << 184 19 April 2019 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 185 ---------------------------------------------- << 186 - G4HadronElastic - improved description and c << 187 << 188 05 November 2018 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe- << 189 ---------------------------------------------- << 190 - G4HadronElastic - fixed numberical instabili << 191 final kinetic energy of projectile is near << 192 << 193 17 August 2018 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 194 ---------------------------------------------- << 195 - G4DiffuseElastic, G4DiffuseElasticV2, G4Nucl << 196 the number of equal-sized logarithmic-energy << 197 order to have no larger bins up to 10 PeV. << 198 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic : replaced the high << 199 of the model from 1 TeV to the value specifi << 200 << 201 16 August 2018 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe- << 202 15 August 2018 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe- << 203 ---------------------------------------------- << 204 - G4AntiNuclElastic - do not delete component << 205 << 206 06 August 2018 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 207 ---------------------------------------------- << 208 - G4HadronElastic, G4DiffuseElastic, G4Diffuse << 209 G4ChargeExchange, G4NeutrinoElectronNcModel << 210 high-energy limit of hadronic physics with t << 211 G4HadronicParameters . << 212 << 213 01 August 2018 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe- << 214 ---------------------------------------------- << 215 - G4AntiNuclElastic - proper deletion of compo << 216 << 217 18 July 2018 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe- << 218 ---------------------------------------------- << 219 - G4AntiNuclElastic - use cross section compon << 220 G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry and do not d << 221 << 222 20 Mar 2018 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 223 ---------------------------------------------- << 224 - Set to 100.0 TeV (instead of 1 TeV) the uppe << 225 for the model G4DiffuseElastic and G4Diffuse << 226 (the number of equally-sized logarithmic ene << 227 from 200 to 250 to keep the same bin size ( << 228 The model has been validated with experiment << 229 but it should not give meaningless results w << 230 << 231 14 Dec 2017 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 232 ---------------------------------------------- << 233 - Re-tag of the previous tag (incorrectly name << 234 - Grichine's update of G4hhElastic to take int << 235 TOTEM data for proton-proton at 13 TeV. << 236 << 237 24 November 2017 - W. Pokorski (hadr-cohe- << 238 ---------------------------------------------- << 239 - Added new class G4DiffuseElasticV2. The unde << 240 the same as in G4DiffuseElastic by V.Grichine, << 241 revised, cleanup and significantly improved in << 242 The performance has been improved by the facto << 243 original implementation. The approximation of << 244 (replaced by exact calculation) as it was not << 245 << 246 19 Oct 2017 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 247 ---------------------------------------------- << 248 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic : Grichine's simpli << 249 avoid reproducibility violations in ion-ion << 250 On-the-fly sampling of the nucleus-nucleus e << 251 according to the Coulomb law in the limits 0 << 252 thetaC is the Coulomb grazing angle: this me << 253 works like Coulomb in the limits. << 254 << 255 23 Jun 2017 - Dennis Wright (hadr-cohe- << 256 ---------------------------------------------- << 257 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic ctor: variables fCo << 258 were first set to non-zero values (1.5 and 0 << 259 a few lines later. This caused a zero scat << 260 scattered target particle. Fixed in respons << 261 << 262 13 Jun 2017 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 263 ---------------------------------------------- << 264 - G4NeutronElectronElModel : Coverity fix. << 265 << 266 29 May 2017 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 267 ---------------------------------------------- << 268 - G4NeutronElectronElModel : added (by Grichin << 269 elastic scattering. It produces recoil elect << 270 energy deposition. The model is based on ult << 271 of the Rosenbluth formula, since recoil elec << 272 to be detected in the case of high energy ne << 273 << 274 23 May 2017 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 275 ---------------------------------------------- << 276 - G4NeutrinoElectronNcModel : fixed (by Grichi << 277 calculation in the G4NeutrinoElectronNcModel << 278 << 279 11 April 2017 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 280 ---------------------------------------------- << 281 - Forgot to add the (new) class G4NeutrinoElec << 282 sources.cmake. << 283 << 284 11 April 2017 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 285 ---------------------------------------------- << 286 - G4NeutrinoElectronNcModel : added new class << 287 for the final-state model of elastic neutrin << 288 This class is useful for dark matter and neu << 289 << 290 12 August 2016 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 291 ---------------------------------------------- << 292 - G4hhElastic : fixed wrong pointer initializa << 293 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic : comment out redun << 294 (fixes suggested by the PVS-Studio static code << 295 << 296 14 January 2016 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe- << 297 ---------------------------------------------- << 298 - G4LMsdGenerator : hadronic internal decay sc << 299 allowing stable decay of the Roper resonance << 300 << 301 13 November 2015 Gunter Folger (hadr-cohe- << 302 ---------------------------------------------- << 303 - Revert back to G4float, add "f" for initiali << 304 << 305 13 November 2015 Gunter Folger (hadr-cohe- << 306 ---------------------------------------------- << 307 - Replace G4float by G4double << 308 << 309 09 November 2015 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V1 << 310 ---------------------------------------------- << 311 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed long standing << 312 << 313 05 November 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 314 ---------------------------------------------- << 315 - Removed not needed dependency on neutron_hp/ << 316 << 317 22 October 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 318 ---------------------------------------------- << 319 - G4DiffuseElastic : bug-fix made by V.Grichin << 320 to improve the angle bin accuracy at high en << 321 << 322 08 September 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 323 ---------------------------------------------- << 324 - G4LMsdGenerator : fixed uninitialized variab << 325 non-reproducibility. << 326 << 327 13 August 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 328 ---------------------------------------------- << 329 - G4LMsdGenerator : Grichine included in diffr << 330 resonances recommended by the COMPASS experi << 331 << 332 10 August 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 333 ---------------------------------------------- << 334 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE, G4AntiNuclElastic, G << 335 G4LEpp : checking of 'while' loops. << 336 << 337 06 August 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 338 ---------------------------------------------- << 339 - G4HadronElastic, G4AntiNuclElastic, G4hhElas << 340 G4DiffuseElastic, G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic, << 341 G4ChargeExchangeProcess and G4ChargeExchange << 342 std::log and std::pow with the faster G4Exp, << 343 This changes the random number sequence. << 344 << 345 13 July 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 346 ---------------------------------------------- << 347 - G4LMsdGenerator : Grichine has improved the << 348 taking them from G4ParticleTable. << 349 << 350 17 June 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 351 ---------------------------------------------- << 352 - G4LMsdGenerator : Grichine has disactivated << 353 scattering of dissociated hadron. << 354 << 355 08 June 2015 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10-01- << 356 ---------------------------------------------- << 357 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed Coverity defe << 358 log, exp, pow by G4Exp and G4Log; added ch << 359 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic - fixed trivial Cov << 360 << 361 26 May 2015 - R.Hatcher (hadr-cohe-V10-01-0 << 362 ---------------------------------------------- << 363 - Remove unnecessary "using namespace std" fro << 364 that causes problems w/ G4AnyMethod & G4Gene << 365 when using clang and/or vc12 << 366 << 367 20 May 2015 - V.Grichine << 368 ---------------------------------------------- << 369 - G4LMsdGenerator : the final state for pi+- D << 370 to recent COMPASS data. << 371 << 372 19 May 2015 - G.Folger (hadr-cohe-V10-01-0 << 373 ---------------------------------------------- << 374 - Migrate Description() to ModelDescription(st << 375 G4ChipsElasticModel, G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE << 376 << 377 21 April 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01-0 << 378 ---------------------------------------------- << 379 - G4LMsdGenerator : V. Grichine modification i << 380 to reduce angles at high e << 381 << 382 25 February 2015 - A.Dotti (hadr-cohe-V10-01-0 << 383 ---------------------------------------------- << 384 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE : Share cross-section << 385 << 386 06 February 2015 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 387 ---------------------------------------------- << 388 - G4DiffuseElastic : V.Grichine fixed rare num << 389 negative argument) << 390 << 391 08 January 2015 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-01-02 << 392 ---------------------------------------------- << 393 - G4DiffuseElastic : V.Grichine bug-fix in the << 394 transformation << 395 << 396 05 December 2014 - G.Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V10-01-0 << 397 ---------------------------------------------- << 398 - Corrected sources.cmake to include missing f << 399 G4LEHadronProtonElastic.hh << 400 << 401 << 402 05 December 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 403 ---------------------------------------------- << 404 - G4DiffuseElastic - V.Grichine fixed low-ener << 405 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic - V.Grichine fixed << 406 700 MeV Be-ions scattering in Be << 407 << 408 24 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 409 ---------------------------------------------- << 410 - G4hhElastic - cleanup constructors << 411 << 412 21 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 413 ---------------------------------------------- << 414 - G4hhElastic - fixed Coverity report (V.Grich << 415 << 416 20 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 417 ---------------------------------------------- << 418 - G4LMsdGenerator - fixed memory leak (V.Grich << 419 << 420 19 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 421 ---------------------------------------------- << 422 - G4LMsdGenerator - fixed shortlived decays (V << 423 << 424 14 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 425 ---------------------------------------------- << 426 - G4LMsdGenerator - fixed energy concervation << 427 << 428 12 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 429 ---------------------------------------------- << 430 - G4LMsdGenerator - added pions and kaons (V.G << 431 << 432 08 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 433 ---------------------------------------------- << 434 - G4LMsdGenerator - fixed read out of the boun << 435 << 436 07 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 437 ---------------------------------------------- << 438 07 November 2014 V. Grichine fixed class G4LMs << 439 << 440 06 November 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10 << 441 ---------------------------------------------- << 442 06 November 2014 V. Grichine class G4LMsdGener << 443 low mass single diffraction dissociation << 444 << 445 14 October 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-14 << 446 ---------------------------------------------- << 447 - G4DiffuseElastic : extension down to 0.1 MeV << 448 - G4hhElastic : changes to combine with low ma << 449 << 450 31 July 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-13) << 451 ---------------------------------------------- << 452 - G4DiffuseElastic and G4NuclNuclDiffuseElasti << 453 nuclear weight for each element to compute t << 454 in order to improve the reproducibility. << 455 << 456 30 July 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-12) << 457 ---------------------------------------------- << 458 - G4DiffuseElastic, G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic, << 459 G4ChargeExchangeProcess : proper deletion of << 460 << 461 27 June 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10-00- << 462 ---------------------------------------------- << 463 - G4LEppData, G4LEpp - removed data with Coulo << 464 corresponding code due to reasons: not wor << 465 double counting with EM, code too complex. << 466 << 467 18 June 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-10) << 468 ---------------------------------------------- << 469 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic : proper fix of the << 470 << 471 06 June 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-09) << 472 ---------------------------------------------- << 473 - G4DiffuseElastic : fixed deletion in destruc << 474 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic : fixed deletion in << 475 temporary fix of the nuclear radius (which w << 476 << 477 27 May 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10-00-0 << 478 ---------------------------------------------- << 479 - G4LEpp - fixed incorrect use data array, use << 480 inside ApplyYourself << 481 << 482 13 May 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-07) << 483 ---------------------------------------------- << 484 - Removed unused private members of G4hhElasti << 485 (to avoid warnings). << 486 << 487 12 May 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-06) << 488 ---------------------------------------------- << 489 - Added V. Grichine's new class G4hhElastic : << 490 qQ-model with springy Pomeron for hadron-had << 491 << 492 06 May 2014 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V10-00-05) << 493 ---------------------------------------------- << 494 - Tag V. Grichine's bug fix in G4DiffuseElasti << 495 << 496 10 April 2014 - G.Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V10-00-04/0 << 497 ---------------------------------------------- << 498 - Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage cla << 499 << 500 10 March 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10-00 << 501 ---------------------------------------------- << 502 - G4LEHadronProtonElastic, G4LEnp, G4LEpp - us << 503 to G4ParticleDefinition << 504 << 505 31 January 2014 - V.Ivanchenko (V.Grichine) (h << 506 ---------------------------------------------- << 507 - G4LEHadronProtonElastic - new dipole model << 508 - G4LEnp, G4LEpp - add SampleInvariantT method << 509 from G4HadronElastic << 510 << 511 18 January 2013 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V10- << 512 ---------------------------------------------- << 513 - G4LEnp - implemented SampleT() method (V.Gri << 514 << 515 04 June 2013 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V09-06-03) << 516 ---------------------------------------------- << 517 - Fix access to ions via the IonTable class an << 518 in and G4NuclNuclDiffuse << 519 << 520 21 February 2013 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 521 ---------------------------------------------- << 522 - G4LEnp, G4LEpp, G4LEnpData, G4LEppData - rem << 523 declarations << 524 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic - moved long method << 525 << 526 13 December 2012 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V09-06-0 << 527 ---------------------------------------------- << 528 - Removed CHIPS elastic classes (keeping only << 529 << 530 13 December 2012 - W.Pokorski (hadr-cohe-V09-0 << 531 ---------------------------------------------- << 532 - bug fix; removing an unnecessary 'if' which << 533 << 534 21 September 2012 - G.Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V09-05- << 535 ---------------------------------------------- << 536 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for syst << 537 constants, in plan to remove implicit inclus << 538 << 539 18 September 2012 - M.Kelsey (hadr-cohe-V09-05 << 540 ---------------------------------------------- << 541 - Follow migratio << 542 inheritance and ctor signature. << 543 - Requires co-working base tag hadr-man-V09-05 << 544 << 545 17 August 2012 - W.Pokorski (hadr-cohe-V09-05- << 546 -------------------------------------------- << 547 - removed obsolete CHIPS includes from CMake f << 548 << 549 17 June 2012 - W.Pokorski (hadr-cohe-V09-05-08 << 550 -------------------------------------------- << 551 - using factory mechanism for Chips cross sect << 552 << 553 12 June 2012 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V09-05-07) << 554 -------------------------------------------- << 555 - fixed warnings of shadowed variables. << 556 << 557 26 March 2012 - W.Pokorski (hadr-cohe-V09-05-0 << 558 ---------------------------------------------- << 559 - added G4ChipsElasticModel class to use the e << 560 hardonic/cross_sections << 561 << 562 6 May 2012, Gunter Folger ( ..trunk.. ) << 563 - revert changes by Mikhail ( rev. r58260, r58 << 564 << 565 28 April 2012 - M.Kosov (hadr-cohe-V09-05-05) << 566 - hadronic/models/chiral_inv_phase_space moved << 567 << 568 20 April 2012 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V09-05-04) << 569 ---------------------------------------------- << 570 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed compilation e << 571 << 572 20 April 2012 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V09-05-03) << 573 ---------------------------------------------- << 574 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - minor fix of a comp << 575 << 576 19 April 2012 - A.Ribon (hadr-cohe-V09-05-02) << 577 ---------------------------------------------- << 578 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed reproducibili << 579 cashing of cross sections based on the tar << 580 they depend also on the isotope. Rather th << 581 isotope encountered for an element, the na << 582 << 583 26 March 2012 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-05 << 584 ---------------------------------------------- << 585 - G4HadronElastic - fixed units in cout << 586 << 587 1 March 2012 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-05- << 588 ---------------------------------------------- << 589 - G4AntiNuclElastic - fixed Coverity warning << 590 << 591 30 Nov. 2011 - V. Uzhinsky (hadr-cohe-V09-04-2 << 592 ---------------------------------------------- << 593 - G4AntiNuclElastic - bug is fixed, check of | << 594 << 595 24 Nov. 2011 - V. Uzhinsky (hadr-cohe-V09-04-2 << 596 ---------------------------------------------- << 597 - G4AntiNuclElastic - bug is fixed, Plab/baryo << 598 << 599 24 Nov. 2011 - V. Uzhinsky (hadr-cohe-V09-04-2 << 600 ---------------------------------------------- << 601 - G4AntiNuclElastic - bug at very low energy i << 602 << 603 31 October 2011 - A.Galoyan (hadr-cohe-V09-04- << 604 ---------------------------------------------- << 605 - G4AntiNuclElastic - antiProton-Proton elast << 606 << 607 21 October 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09- << 608 ---------------------------------------------- << 609 - G4CHIPSElasticXS - used G4HadronicException; << 610 kaons; use "case" instead << 611 << 612 21 October 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09- << 613 ---------------------------------------------- << 614 - G4HadronElastic - lowest limit is set to 1.e << 615 - G4WHadronElasticProcess - moved to hadronic/ << 616 - G4LEpp, G4LEnp - fixed extraction of A from << 617 << 618 04 October 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09- << 619 ---------------------------------------------- << 620 - G4AntiNuclElastic - removed internal low and << 621 - G4WHadronElasticProcess - added protection f << 622 after scattering << 623 << 624 29 September 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V0 << 625 ---------------------------------------------- << 626 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic - fixed compillatio << 627 << 628 28 September 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V0 << 629 ---------------------------------------------- << 630 - G4LEpp, G4LEnp: complete migration to intege << 631 G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic, G4DiffuseElastic - << 632 << 633 9 September 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 634 ---------------------------------------------- << 635 - - follow migratio << 636 << 637 6 September 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 638 ---------------------------------------------- << 639 - Fixed signature of Description method in sev << 640 << 641 23 August 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-0 << 642 ---------------------------------------------- << 643 - G4WHadronElasticProcess - lowestNeutronEnerg << 644 << 645 23 August 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-0 << 646 ---------------------------------------------- << 647 - G4ChargeExchangeProcess, G4CHIPSElasticXS - << 648 G4VCrossSectionDataSet interface << 649 << 650 28 July 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-04- << 651 ---------------------------------------------- << 652 18 July 2011 - V. Grichine << 653 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic V.Grichine updated << 654 as the base class and to follow its interfac << 655 << 656 13 July 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-04- << 657 ---------------------------------------------- << 658 - G4DiffuseElastic V.Grichine updated the clas << 659 as the base class and to follow its interfac << 660 << 661 - G4AntiNuclElastic, G4CHIPSElasticXS, G4Charg << 662 G4ChargeExchangeProcess, G4ElasticHadrNucleu << 663 << 664 - G4HadronElastic - added LowestEnergyLimit ac << 665 - G4VHadronElastic - removed obsolete class << 666 << 667 20 May 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-04-0 << 668 ---------------------------------------------- << 669 - G4AntiNuclElastic - fixed gcc-4.6.0 compilla << 670 << 671 31 May 2011 - V. Uzhinsky (hadr-cohe-V09-04-06 << 672 ---------------------------------------------- << 673 - G4CHIPSElasticXS - added calculations of ant << 674 nucleus elastic cross sections. << 675 << 676 20 May 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-04-0 << 677 ---------------------------------------------- << 678 - G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE, G4NuclNuclDiffuseEla << 679 warnings at gcc-4.6.0 << 680 << 681 18 May 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-04-0 << 682 ---------------------------------------------- << 683 - G4HadronElastic - fixed SampleInvariantT def << 684 to be used unit tests; removed protected m << 685 do not create an ion if the recoil energy << 686 - G4WHadronElasticProcess - improved comments; << 687 deposition if recoil is below the threshol << 688 << 689 16 May 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-04-0 << 690 ---------------------------------------------- << 691 - G4AntiNuclElastic - added access method to c << 692 removed unused headers << 693 - G4UHadronElasticProcess - removed as obsolet << 694 - G4VHadronElastic is copied to G4HadronElasti << 695 << 696 8 May 2011 - A. Galoyan (hadr-cohe-V09-04-02) << 697 ---------------------------------------------- << 698 - G4AntiNuclElastic Bugs are fixed. << 699 << 700 3 May 2011 - A. Galoyan (hadr-cohe-V09-04-01) << 701 ---------------------------------------------- << 702 - G4AntiNuclElastic - new class for simulation << 703 is added << 704 << 705 24 February 2011 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 706 ---------------------------------------------- << 707 - G4WHadronElasticProcess - added light anti-n << 708 particle names in the IfApplicable met << 709 << 710 19 November 2010 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 711 ---------------------------------------------- << 712 - G4WHadronElasticProcess, G4VHadronElastic, G << 713 G4ChargeExchange - fixed bug introduced in t << 714 use now GetA_asInt() method instead of Get << 715 << 716 18 November 2010 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 717 ---------------------------------------------- << 718 - G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic - new model << 719 - Use integer Z and A in other classes << 720 << 721 28 September 2010 - G.Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V09-03- << 722 ---------------------------------------------- << 723 - Fixed compilation error on Windows/VC++ for << 724 use of 'double' argument for std::sqrt() fun << 725 << 726 24 September 2010 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V0 << 727 ---------------------------------------------- << 728 - G4CHIPSElasticXS - limit applicability by 19 << 729 << 730 23 September 2010 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V0 << 731 ---------------------------------------------- << 732 - G4CHIPSElasticXS - new class extracted from << 733 is created in order to fo << 734 << 735 15 June 2010 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-03- << 736 ---------------------------------------------- << 737 - G4UHadronElasticProcess - fixed CHIPS warnin << 738 isotope sected (#bug report of ALICE) << 739 << 740 26 January 2010 - M.Kosov (hadr-cohe-V09-03-01 << 741 ---------------------------------------------- << 742 - Bug fix: not initialized G4QNeutronElasticCr << 743 on the simplified calorimeter. Does not cras << 744 << 745 13 January 2010 - M.Kosov (hadr-cohe-V09-03-00 << 746 ---------------------------------------------- << 747 - Use G4Q(Proton/Neutron)ElasticCrossSection i << 748 << 749 19 November 2009 - M.Kosov (hadr-cohe-V09-02-0 << 750 ---------------------------------------------- << 751 - Correct dependencies on CHIPS << 752 << 753 08 October 2009 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09- << 754 ---------------------------------------------- << 755 - G4CHIPSElastic, G4HadronElastic - use static << 756 in order t << 757 of CHIPS c << 758 << 759 05 October 2009 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09- << 760 ---------------------------------------------- << 761 - Make a correct tag format << 762 << 763 22 September 2009 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V0 << 764 ---------------------------------------------- << 765 Migrated to the hadronic model design of ela << 766 G4WHadronElasticProcess - new elastic proces << 767 G4VHadronElastic - base class for elastic mo << 768 GHEISHA model << 769 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - capable to work wit << 770 G4CHIPSElastic - model interface to CHIPS pa << 771 G4HadronElastic - remove hand made NaN finde << 772 << 773 02 March 2009 - D. Wright for V.Grichine (hadr << 774 ---------------------------------------------- << 775 Model precise sampling and 'on the fly' tabl << 776 G4DiffuseElastic.hh, .cc << 777 << 778 27 November 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 779 ---------------------------------------------- << 780 G4ChargeExchangeProcess - added high and low << 781 cross section << 782 << 783 20 November 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09 << 784 ---------------------------------------------- << 785 G4ChargeExchangeProcess and G4ChargeExchange << 786 in Physics Lists; energy threshold is set << 787 << 788 22 August 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09- << 789 ---------------------------------------------- << 790 - set process sub-types according to enumera << 791 and for G4ChargeExchangeProcess << 792 << 793 05 August 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09- << 794 ---------------------------------------------- << 795 G4HadronElastic - added protection inside LE << 796 unphysical values of sampl << 797 << 798 08 Jul 2008 - D.H. Wright (hadr-cohe-V09-01-0 << 799 ---------------------------------------------- << 800 - set process sub-type to 11 for G4UHadronEl << 801 G4ChargeExchangeProcess << 802 << 803 19 May 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-01- << 804 ---------------------------------------------- << 805 G4HadronElastic - added counts of abnornal s << 806 at the destructor of the c << 807 G4UHadronElasticProcess and G4ChargeExchange << 808 BuildPhysicsTable of the b << 809 << 810 10 Apr 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-01- << 811 ---------------------------------------------- << 812 G4HadronElastic - added extra protection aga << 813 when projectile almostly l << 814 set lowestEnergyLimit=1.e- << 815 9 816 29 Jan 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-01- << 10 This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the 817 ---------------------------------------------- << 11 code and to keep track of all tags. 818 G4UHadronElasticProcess - call to G4QElastic << 819 "false", so parame << 820 scattering are pre << 821 G4HadronElastic - added extra protection - i << 822 physics range then no scat << 823 << 824 16 Jan 2008 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-01- << 825 ---------------------------------------------- << 826 G4DiffuseElastic - remove dependence o << 827 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed non-reproduci << 828 part of old code; a << 829 G4HadronElastic - return back threshold to G << 830 model 1 GeV << 831 << 832 10 Dec 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-00- << 833 ---------------------------------------------- << 834 G4HadronElastic - set threshold to G4Elastic << 835 DBL_MAX << 836 << 837 15 Nov 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-00- << 838 ---------------------------------------------- << 839 G4UHadronElasticProcess - introduced "ifdef << 840 checks inside meth << 841 << 842 14 Nov 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-00- << 843 ---------------------------------------------- << 844 G4DiffuseElastic - add control on verb << 845 << 846 13 Nov 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-00- << 847 ---------------------------------------------- << 848 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - (N.Starkov) updated << 849 - the difference in s << 850 neutrons is include << 851 - optized computation << 852 (important for heav << 853 - fixed model for sca << 854 - tunned model parame << 855 of total and elasti << 856 << 857 06 Nov 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-00- << 858 ---------------------------------------------- << 859 G4DiffuseElastic - (V.Grichine) initia << 860 each new target nuc << 861 << 862 05 Nov 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-00- << 863 ---------------------------------------------- << 864 << 865 G4DiffuseElastic - (V.Grichine) initia << 866 constructor with pa << 867 vector of available << 868 at high energies. << 869 << 870 17 Oct 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V09-00- << 871 ---------------------------------------------- << 872 G4LEnp - removed erroneous c << 873 exchange of particles ( F << 874 << 875 G4DiffuseElastic - added Coulomb elast << 876 using Wentzel model << 877 12 878 14 June 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-03- << 13 --------------------------------------------------------------- 879 ---------------------------------------------- << 14 * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top) 880 G4UHadronElasticProcess - use "true" flag co << 15 --------------------------------------------------------------- 881 section << 882 << 883 14 June 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-03- << 884 ---------------------------------------------- << 885 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed compilation n << 886 nucleus << 887 G4DiffuseElastic - new class << 888 << 889 31 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-03-0 << 890 ---------------------------------------------- << 891 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed compilation p << 892 use only double val << 893 << 894 31 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-03-0 << 895 ---------------------------------------------- << 896 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - fixed compilation p << 897 move static const o << 898 << 899 25 May 2007 - D.H. Wright (hadr-cohe-V08-03-03 << 900 ---------------------------------------------- << 901 add model names to constructors in G4LEnp, G << 902 G4HadronElastic, and G4ElasticHadrNucleusH << 903 << 904 24 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-03-0 << 905 ---------------------------------------------- << 906 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - optimised computati << 907 G4HadronElastic - use HElastic only for meso << 908 << 909 15 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-03-0 << 910 ---------------------------------------------- << 911 G4HadronElastic - use QElasticCrossSection f << 912 and any target; use HElast << 913 << 914 15 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-03-0 << 915 ---------------------------------------------- << 916 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - general cleanup and << 917 16 918 5 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-06 17 5 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-06) 919 ---------------------------------------------- 18 ----------------------------------------------- 920 G4HadronElastic - do not use HE model for hy 19 G4HadronElastic - do not use HE model for hydrogen target to avoid NaN; 921 use QElasticCrossSection f << 20 use QElasticCrossSection for p, n incident for any energy 922 only for p, He targets 21 only for p, He targets 923 22 924 4 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-05 23 4 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-05) 925 ---------------------------------------------- 24 ----------------------------------------------- 926 G4HadronElastic - do not use HE model for hy 25 G4HadronElastic - do not use HE model for hydrogen target to avoid NaN; 927 use QElasticCrossSection f << 26 use QElasticCrossSection for p, n incident for any energy 928 27 929 2 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-04 28 2 May 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-04) 930 ---------------------------------------------- 29 ----------------------------------------------- 931 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - scale sampled t as 30 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - scale sampled t as ptot^2 932 G4HadronElastic - use QElasticCrossSection f << 31 G4HadronElastic - use QElasticCrossSection for p, n < GeV and 933 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE mod 32 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE model above 934 still use QElasticCrossSEc << 33 still use QElasticCrossSEction for H and He targets 935 34 936 2 Apr 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-03 35 2 Apr 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-03) 937 ---------------------------------------------- 36 ----------------------------------------------- 938 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - use iterator search << 37 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - use iterator search on bin instead of 939 computing log 38 computing log 940 G4HadronElastic - use the most probable isot << 39 G4HadronElastic - use the most probable isotope for given Z to call 941 to HE model (CPU/memory mo << 40 to HE model (CPU/memory more efficient) 942 41 943 30 Jan 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-0 42 30 Jan 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-02) 944 ---------------------------------------------- 43 ------------------------------------------------ 945 G4UHadronElasticProcess - fix bug in number 44 G4UHadronElasticProcess - fix bug in number of neutrons in CHIPS interface 946 G4HadronElastic, G4ChargeExchange - more acc 45 G4HadronElastic, G4ChargeExchange - more accuratelly compute Z and A 947 46 948 30 Jan 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-0 47 30 Jan 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-01) 949 ---------------------------------------------- 48 ------------------------------------------------ 950 G4UHadronElasticProcess, G4ChargeExchangePro << 49 G4UHadronElasticProcess, G4ChargeExchangeProcess - fix problem 951 for the case, when isotope vector is not def 50 for the case, when isotope vector is not defined 952 51 953 23 Jan 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-0 52 23 Jan 2007 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-02-00) 954 ---------------------------------------------- 53 ------------------------------------------------ 955 G4UHadronElasticProcess - migrade to interfa 54 G4UHadronElasticProcess - migrade to interface to cross section with Z and A 956 G4ChargeExchangeProcess - migrade to interfa << 55 G4ChargeExchangeProcess - migrade to interface to cross section with Z and A 957 do not use QElasti 56 do not use QElastic total cross sections 958 57 959 23 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-1 58 23 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-12) 960 ---------------------------------------------- 59 ------------------------------------------------ 961 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - remove unused varia 60 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - remove unused variables; 962 - set ONQ0=3 (instead 61 - set ONQ0=3 (instead of 5) as it was in the 963 tag 05 in order to 62 tag 05 in order to have better CPU performance 964 - cleanup comments << 63 - cleanup comments 965 64 966 22 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-1 65 22 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-11) 967 ---------------------------------------------- 66 ------------------------------------------------ 968 G4HadronElastic: set DBL_MAX low limit for t << 67 G4HadronElastic: set DBL_MAX low limit for the HE model 969 68 970 21 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-1 69 21 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-10) 971 ---------------------------------------------- 70 ------------------------------------------------ 972 Cleanup of G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE 71 Cleanup of G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE 973 72 974 18 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-0 73 18 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-09) 975 ---------------------------------------------- 74 ------------------------------------------------ 976 N.Starkov: Fix problem of << 75 N.Starkov: Fix problem of 977 76 978 17 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-0 77 17 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-08) 979 ---------------------------------------------- 78 ------------------------------------------------ 980 N.Starkov: Fix problem of initialization of << 79 N.Starkov: Fix problem of initialization of tables, 981 Fix problem of CPU overhead << 80 Fix problem of CPU overhead 982 81 983 17 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-0 82 17 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-07) 984 ---------------------------------------------- 83 ------------------------------------------------ 985 N.Starkov: Code optimization is perfomed 84 N.Starkov: Code optimization is perfomed 986 85 987 16 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-0 86 16 Nov 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-06) 988 ---------------------------------------------- 87 ------------------------------------------------ 989 G4HadronElastic - set threshold 0.4 GeV for 88 G4HadronElastic - set threshold 0.4 GeV for HE model (VI) 990 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - add corrections all 89 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - add corrections allowing to work down 991 to 0.4 GeV (N.Stark 90 to 0.4 GeV (N.Starkov) 992 91 993 24 Oct 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-0 92 24 Oct 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-05) 994 ---------------------------------------------- 93 ------------------------------------------------ 995 Set lowestEnergy=0 for neutral particles, =e 94 Set lowestEnergy=0 for neutral particles, =eV for changed (VI) 996 G4HadronElastic - set threshold 1 GeV for G4 95 G4HadronElastic - set threshold 1 GeV for G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE model (VI) 997 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - complete review and 96 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE - complete review and update of the class, 998 data tables are com 97 data tables are computed on-flight, 999 G4ELASTICDATA are n 98 G4ELASTICDATA are not used anymore, 1000 the model is appli 99 the model is applicable for all nuclei, except 1001 deuteron, triton, 100 deuteron, triton, He3, and A>238 (N.Starkov) 1002 101 1003 26 Sept 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01 102 26 Sept 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-04) 1004 --------------------------------------------- 103 ------------------------------------------------- 1005 Introduce extra protection - below lowestEn 104 Introduce extra protection - below lowestEnergy (10-6 eV) not active 1006 105 1007 10 August 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08- 106 10 August 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-03) 1008 --------------------------------------------- 107 --------------------------------------------------- 1009 Introduce NaN check inside G4HadronElastic, 108 Introduce NaN check inside G4HadronElastic, G4ChargeExchange, 1010 and G4UHadronElasticProcess; << 109 and G4UHadronElasticProcess; 1011 110 1012 24 July 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01 111 24 July 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-02) 1013 --------------------------------------------- 112 ----------------------------------------------- 1014 Remove HP data from G4UHadronElasticProcess 113 Remove HP data from G4UHadronElasticProcess (it is set in physics lists) 1015 Add low energy threshold for QElastic 20 Me 114 Add low energy threshold for QElastic 20 MeV inside G4HadronElastic 1016 115 1017 13 July 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01 116 13 July 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-01) 1018 --------------------------------------------- 117 ----------------------------------------------- 1019 Fix bug: remove 1 keV limit from G4UHadronE << 118 Fix bug: remove 1 keV limit from G4UHadronElasticProcess 1020 119 1021 07 July 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01 120 07 July 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-01-00) 1022 --------------------------------------------- 121 ----------------------------------------------- 1023 Fix bug: the rotation of final state need t 122 Fix bug: the rotation of final state need to be done in PostStep of 1024 the process, not on the model level (V.Ivan << 123 the process, not on the model level (V.Ivanchenko) 1025 124 1026 21 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-00 125 21 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (hadr-cohe-V08-00-09) 1027 --------------------------------------------- 126 ----------------------------------------------- 1028 Fix - remove nan values n scattering on de << 127 Fix - remove nan values n scattering on deuteron (V.Ivanchenko) 1029 128 1030 17 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00 129 17 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-08) 1031 --------------------------------------------- 130 ----------------------------------------------- 1032 Use sampling of final state for n, p scatte 131 Use sampling of final state for n, p scattering on deuteron 1033 and alpha from LElastic (V.Ivanchenko) << 132 and alpha from LElastic (V.Ivanchenko) 1034 133 1035 7 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00- 134 7 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-07) 1036 --------------------------------------------- 135 ----------------------------------------------- 1037 Fix complilation warnings at WINDOWS (V.Iva << 136 Fix complilation warnings at WINDOWS (V.Ivanchenko) 1038 137 1039 2 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00- 138 2 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-06) 1040 --------------------------------------------- 139 ----------------------------------------------- 1041 Fix complilation warnings at SUN (V.Ivanche << 140 Fix complilation warnings at SUN (V.Ivanchenko) 1042 141 1043 1 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00- 142 1 June 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-05) 1044 --------------------------------------------- 143 ----------------------------------------------- 1045 Add regime of HElastic which is not using d 144 Add regime of HElastic which is not using data files (N.Starkov) 1046 Cleanup (V.Ivanchenko) << 145 Cleanup (V.Ivanchenko) 1047 146 1048 30 May 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00- 147 30 May 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-04) 1049 --------------------------------------------- 148 ----------------------------------------------- 1050 Add ChargeExchangeProcess, cleanup G4Hadron 149 Add ChargeExchangeProcess, cleanup G4HadronElastic 1051 150 1052 2 May 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-0 151 2 May 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-03) 1053 --------------------------------------------- 152 ----------------------------------------------- 1054 Rename G4LElasticB -> G4HadronElastic 153 Rename G4LElasticB -> G4HadronElastic 1055 154 1056 25 April 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-0 155 25 April 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-02) 1057 --------------------------------------------- 156 ------------------------------------------------- 1058 G4UHadronElasticProcess and G4LElasticB: us 157 G4UHadronElasticProcess and G4LElasticB: use np scattering from CHIPS, 1059 fix run time warnings << 158 fix run time warnings 1060 Rename G4LElasticB by G4HadronElastic 159 Rename G4LElasticB by G4HadronElastic 1061 << 160 1062 161 1063 24 April 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-0 162 24 April 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-01) 1064 --------------------------------------------- 163 ------------------------------------------------- 1065 G4UHadronElasticProcess - new process allow 164 G4UHadronElasticProcess - new process allows to use G4Isotopes composition 1066 of elements defined by user a 165 of elements defined by user and uses cross sections from 1067 CHIPS and HP models when appr << 166 CHIPS and HP models when appropriate 1068 167 1069 13 April 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-0 168 13 April 2006 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V08-00-00) 1070 --------------------------------------------- 169 ------------------------------------------------- 1071 G4LElasticB - moved from low_energy; bug fi 170 G4LElasticB - moved from low_energy; bug fixes - remove charge 1072 exchange option, remove low l 171 exchange option, remove low limit on primary momentum; 1073 add limit on secondary kineti 172 add limit on secondary kinetic energy; add only s-wave 1074 regime for low momentum scatt 173 regime for low momentum scattering 1075 GNUmakfile - introduce dependence on chips << 174 GNUmakfile - introduce dependence on chips 1076 175 1077 28 Nov 2005 - G. Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V07-01-05) 176 28 Nov 2005 - G. Cosmo (hadr-cohe-V07-01-05) 1078 --------------------------------------------- 177 --------------------------------------------- 1079 Migrated to <sstream> from G4ElasticHadrNuc 178 Migrated to <sstream> from G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE. 1080 179 1081 25 Nov 2005 - D. Wright (hadr-cohe-V07-01-04) 180 25 Nov 2005 - D. Wright (hadr-cohe-V07-01-04) 1082 --------------------------------------------- 181 --------------------------------------------- 1083 From Solaris testing: line 83 of G4DiffEla 182 From Solaris testing: line 83 of G4DiffElasticHadrScattering.hh: 1084 multiple declaration of variable c1. F 183 multiple declaration of variable c1. Fixed. 1085 184 1086 25 Nov 2005 - D. Wright (hadr-cohe-V07-01-03) 185 25 Nov 2005 - D. Wright (hadr-cohe-V07-01-03) 1087 --------------------------------------------- 186 --------------------------------------------- 1088 Add detailed comments of N. Starkov from pr << 187 Add detailed comments of N. Starkov from previous tags to History 1089 file: 188 file: 1090 G4DiffElasticHadrNucleus.hh, .cc : << 189 G4DiffElasticHadrNucleus.hh, .cc : 1091 add high energy elastic scattering on 190 add high energy elastic scattering on protons 1092 add new method HadronProtonDiffCrSec 191 add new method HadronProtonDiffCrSec 1093 192 1094 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE.hh, .cc : 193 G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE.hh, .cc : 1095 add high energy elastic scattering on 194 add high energy elastic scattering on protons 1096 195 1097 G4HadronValues.hh, .cc : 196 G4HadronValues.hh, .cc : 1098 use PDG value instead of static parti 197 use PDG value instead of static particle pointers 1099 198 1100 From V. Ivantchenko: fixed memory leaks 199 From V. Ivantchenko: fixed memory leaks 1101 4-momentum balance fix 200 4-momentum balance fixed, tested OK 1102 fixed compiler warning 201 fixed compiler warnings 1103 << 202 1104 25 Nov 2005 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V07-01- 203 25 Nov 2005 - V.Ivanchenko (ghad-cohe-V07-01-03) 1105 --------------------------------------------- 204 ------------------------------------------------ 1106 Integration of recent development of the su 205 Integration of recent development of the subpackage 1107 Remove of the G4Rutherford for the time bei 206 Remove of the G4Rutherford for the time being 1108 207