Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /processes/hadronic/models/abla/History (Version 11.3.0) and /processes/hadronic/models/abla/History (Version 9.4.p4)

  1 # Category hadr-abla History                   <<   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   3      ==========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   4      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Physics Simulation
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   5      ==========================================================
  6                                                <<   6 $Id: History,v 1.2 2010-11-11 02:13:12 dennis Exp $
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<   7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  8                                                <<   8 
  9 ## 2024-09-02 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-abla-V11-02 <<   9          History file for the ABLA evaporation/fission model
 10 - Fixed reported Coverity defects for uninitia <<  10          ---------------------------------------------------
 11                                                <<  11 
 12 ## 2024-08-21 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-abla-V11-02 <<  12 This file should be used to summarize modifications introduced in the 
 13 - Fixed reported Coverity defects for uninitia <<  13 code and to keep track of all tags.
 14                                                <<  14 
 15 ## 2024-04-29 Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had <<  15    ---------------------------------------------------------------
 16 - Added the dissipation parameter for heavy hy <<  16    * Please list in reverse chronological order (last date on top)
 17                                                <<  17    ---------------------------------------------------------------
 18 ## 2024-04-19 Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
 19 - Cleaning up the classes doing it more genera << 
 20                                                << 
 21 ## 2024-04-07 Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
 22 - Cleaning up the class G4AblaDataDefs.hh, rem << 
 23                                                << 
 24 ## 2024-03-29 Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
 25 - Changed int, double and bool to G4 format an << 
 26                                                << 
 27 ## 2024-03-28 Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
 28 - Added pragma once for compilation and array  << 
 29                                                << 
 30 ## 2023-03-24 Alberto Ribon (hadr-abla-V11-01- << 
 31 - G4AblaInterface : implemented method ApplyYo << 
 32   between Binary Cascade (BIC) and Abla, i.e.  << 
 33   then Abla for the nuclear de-excitation.     << 
 34                                                << 
 35 ## 2022-11-26 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-abla-V11-00 << 
 36 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
 37                                                << 
 38 ## 2022-10-07 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-abla-V11-00 << 
 39 - Fixed compilation warnings on Intel/icx comp << 
 40   but not used in G4AblaDataDefs header.       << 
 41                                                << 
 42 ## 2022-04-25 Ben Morgan (hadr-abla-V11-00-03) << 
 43 - Add needed dependencies                      << 
 44                                                << 
 45 ## 2022-04-20 Alberto Ribon (hadr-abla-V11-00- << 
 46 - : fixed compilation warnings for ' << 
 47   variables.                                   << 
 48                                                << 
 49 ## 2022-02-09 Gabriele Cosmo (hadr-abla-V11-00 << 
 50 - Fixed compilation warnings on Intel compiler << 
 51                                                << 
 52 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (hadr-abla-V11-00-00) << 
 53 - Change to new Markdown History format.       << 
 54                                                << 
 55 ---                                            << 
 56                                                << 
 57 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
 58                                                << 
 59 8 November 2021 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez  << 
 60 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 61 - Update of G4Abla for hypernuclei.            << 
 62                                                << 
 63 27 October 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-abla-V10 << 
 64 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 65 - G4AblaInterface : extended for hypernuclei.  << 
 66   (Thanks to Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez for e << 
 67    the method G4Abla::DeexcitationAblaxx to th << 
 68                                                << 
 69 04 August 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-abla-V10- << 
 70 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 71 - G4AblaInterface : set the model creator ID u << 
 72   of G4PhysicsModelCatalog.                    << 
 73                                                << 
 74 13 July 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-abla-V10-07 << 
 75 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 76 - G4Abla : deleted array variables (problamb a << 
 77   array delete (instead of non-array delete),  << 
 78                                                << 
 79 16 April 2021 - Ben Morgan (hadr-abla-V10-07-0 << 
 80 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 81 - Migrate build to modular CMake API           << 
 82                                                << 
 83 13 Apr 2021 - Alberto Ribon (hadr-abla-V10-07- << 
 84 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 85 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed the sub << 
 86   hadronic/models/management and hadronic/mode << 
 87   (that have been now deleted, with their clas << 
 88    hadronic/util and hadronic/management).     << 
 89                                                << 
 90 15 Nov 2020 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
 91 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 92 - Fix some coverity warnings.                  << 
 93                                                << 
 94 08 Oct 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
 95 ---------------------------------------------- << 
 96 - Fix some coverity warnings.                  << 
 97                                                << 
 98 30 Aug 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
 99 ---------------------------------------------- << 
100 - Extension of abla to hypernuclei.            << 
101                                                << 
102 29 Jul 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
103 ---------------------------------------------- << 
104 - Update of abla interface.                    << 
105                                                << 
106 17 May 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
107 ---------------------------------------------- << 
108 - Removed obsolete documents.                  << 
109                                                << 
110 17 May 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
111 ---------------------------------------------- << 
112 - Cleaning some files and update information.  << 
113                                                << 
114 14 May 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
115 ---------------------------------------------- << 
116 - Removed obsolete test.                       << 
117                                                << 
118 14 May 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
119 ---------------------------------------------- << 
120 - Update some parameters and right tag.        << 
121                                                << 
122 12 May 2018 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (had << 
123 ---------------------------------------------- << 
124 - Update some parameters.                      << 
125                                                << 
126 19 October 2017 - Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez  << 
127 ---------------------------------------------- << 
128 - New C++ version of abla07                    << 
129                                                << 
130 11 December 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V << 
131 ---------------------------------------------- << 
132 - Fix bug in de-excitation of boosted nucleon  << 
133                                                << 
134 28 October 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V1 << 
135 ---------------------------------------------- << 
136 - Modifications for while loop checking.       << 
137                                                << 
138 23 April 2015 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V10- << 
139 ---------------------------------------------- << 
140 - Fix Coverity warnings.                       << 
141                                                << 
142 6 November 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V1 << 
143 ---------------------------------------------- << 
144 - Fix a Coverity warning.                      << 
145                                                << 
146 22 May 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V10-00 << 
147 ---------------------------------------------- << 
148 - Fix some Coverity warnings.                  << 
149                                                << 
150 16 April 2014 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V10- << 
151 ---------------------------------------------- << 
152 - Add model-description methods to the interfa << 
153                                                << 
154 6 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V0 << 
155 ---------------------------------------------- << 
156 - Fix segfault on the production of exotic fra << 
157                                                << 
158 6 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V0 << 
159 ---------------------------------------------- << 
160 - Fix clang warnings.                          << 
161                                                << 
162 6 November 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V0 << 
163 ---------------------------------------------- << 
164 - Remove some old unused source files.         << 
165 - Fix dependencies and includes in GNUmakefile << 
166                                                << 
167 30 October 2013 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V0 << 
168 ---------------------------------------------- << 
169 - Resurrect the ABLA model.                    << 
170                                                << 
171 12 May 2012 - Davide Mancusi (hadr-abla-V09-05 << 
172 ---------------------------------------------- << 
173 - Update the ABLA files to the latest version  << 
174   refactoring) and add build files.            << 
175                                                << 
176 15 September 2011  Dennis Wright               << 
177 -------------------------------                << 
178 - use new G4Exception.  Files affected: G4Abla << 
179                                                    18 
180 10 November 2010  Dennis Wright                    19 10 November 2010  Dennis Wright
181 -------------------------------                    20 -------------------------------
182 - the code in this directory is not used as of     21 - the code in this directory is not used as of this date
183                                                    22 
184 27 February 2008 - Pekka Kaitaniemi                23 27 February 2008 - Pekka Kaitaniemi
185 -----------------------------------                24 -----------------------------------
186 - Added ABLA code that has been separated from     25 - Added ABLA code that has been separated from INCL.
187 - GNUmakefile does not exist yet on purpose.       26 - GNUmakefile does not exist yet on purpose.
188 - This is preliminary version and should not y     27 - This is preliminary version and should not yet be used.