Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category emstand History << 1 $Id: History,v 1.528 2011-01-04 11:25:24 vnivanch Exp $ >> 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 4 ========================================================= 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 5 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 6 ========================================================= 6 << 7 7 ---------------------------------------------- << 8 Category History file 8 << 9 --------------------- 9 ## 2024-11-08 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-21) << 10 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators 10 - G4BraggModel - fixed problem of 4.12 MeV mu+ << 11 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code 11 the Forum #12312. << 12 and keep track of all category-tags. 12 << 13 It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every 13 ## 2024-11-07 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-20) << 14 committal in the CVS repository ! 14 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - Fixed rejection f << 15 15 scattering with nuclear formfactor (Bugzil << 16 ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 - Fixed ion ionisation problem reported in the << 17 * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * 17 - G4BetheBlochModel - set flags isIon and isAl << 18 ---------------------------------------------------------- 18 change in run time << 19 19 - G4ionIonisation - use G4BraggIonModel only f << 20 12 March 2012: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-03-37) 20 other ions in the default EM physics << 21 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed screening function for low Z materials. 21 << 22 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed inline method SetLowEnergyLimit(); 22 ## 2024-11-04 Philippe Canal (emstand-V11-02-1 << 23 fixed cross section in compounds. 23 - Static initialization improvement for G4eBre << 24 24 Use std::shared_ptr for LPMFuncs and Element << 25 12 March 2012: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-03-36) 25 << 26 - G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93 - a protection 26 ## 2024-10-31 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-18) << 27 against big scattering angles for e+- (E > 20 MeV) is added; the 27 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed Coverity warning << 28 protection cut tail of scattering angles to avoid artificial 28 << 29 scattering of high energy e+-. 29 ## 2024-10-17 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-17) << 30 30 - renamed G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel to G4eplusT << 31 10 February 12: V.Ivanchenko 31 << 32 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed algorithm of sampling of single scattering 32 ## 2024-09-17 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-16) << 33 along step. 33 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed Coverity warning << 34 34 << 35 26 January 12: V.Ivanchenko 35 ## 2024-09-04 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-15) << 36 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed incorrect angular limit for protons. 36 - G4eplusAnnihilation - use orto positronium f << 37 and not from EM parameters << 38 << 39 ## 2024-08-26 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-14) << 40 - G4BetheHeitlerModel - include optional possi << 41 - G4SimplePsAtRestModel is removed because oth << 42 annihilation at rest << 43 << 44 ## 2024-08-02 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-13) << 45 - G4eplusAnnihilation - updated configuration << 46 choice of 2-gamma, 3-gamma final states is << 47 << 48 ## 2024-07-26 I.Semeniouk & D.Bernard (emstand << 49 - G4SimpleoPsAtRestModel - use base class poin << 50 - G4PolarizedOrePowellAtRestModel - fix spelli << 51 - new G4PolarizedOrePowellAtRestModel - Polari << 52 orto positronium decay model AtRest, polaris << 53 << 54 ## 2024-07-18 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-11) << 55 - G4BraggModel, G4GSMottCorrection, G4GSPWACor << 56 G4WentzelVIModel, G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4epl << 57 Coverity warnings << 58 << 59 ## 2024-07-07 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-10) << 60 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - added extra protecti << 61 << 62 ## 2024-06-06 I.Semeniouk & D.Bernard (emstand << 63 - new G4OrePowellAtRestModel - Orel & Powell o << 64 - new G4SimpleoPsAtRestModel - simples orto pa << 65 << 66 ## 2024-06-06 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-08) << 67 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - fixed computation of << 68 << 69 ## 2024-06-04 Gabriele Cosmo (emstand-V11-02-0 << 70 - Fixed compilation warning on macOS/XCode for << 71 on G4eplusAnnihilation. << 72 << 73 ## 2024-05-28 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-06) << 74 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - added checks on argu << 75 method to avoid FPE problems in the case o << 76 - G4eplusAnnihilation - use more const class m << 77 for produced tracks << 78 << 79 ## 2024-05-23 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-05) << 80 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban optimized Distance << 81 algorithm currently used only in Opt3 EM p << 82 << 83 ## 2024-05-14 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-04) << 84 - G4SimplePositronAtRestModel, G4AllisonAtRest << 85 positron annihilation << 86 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - cosmetic change << 87 - G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel - removed sampling << 88 - G4eplusAnnihilation - added selection of AtR << 89 for AtRest, implement choice of positron a << 90 << 91 ## 2024-02-20 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-03) << 92 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - fixed precision lost i << 93 for the very high energy (ATLAS report) << 94 << 95 ## 2024-02-06 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-02) << 96 - G4IonFluctuations - disable previous MR - re << 97 << 98 ## 2024-01-27 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-01) << 99 - G4IonFluctuations - fixed problem report #25 << 100 << 101 ## 2024-01-23 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-02-00) << 102 - G4IonICRU73Data - fixed bug #2586 for the ca << 103 an element with Z>92, improve debug printo << 104 model to compute dEdx the first try is to << 105 data, if this class return 0.0, then dEdx << 106 and effective charge. << 107 << 108 ## 2023-11-03 Ben Morgan (emstand-V11-01-24) << 109 - Use "G4" prefixed version of EXPAT/ZLIB CMak << 110 << 111 ## 2023-10-19 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-23) << 112 - G4UrbanMscModel - (L. Urban) tuned step limi << 113 the case of enabled optional algorithm of << 114 The default tracking is not affected. << 115 << 116 ## 2023-10-07 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-22) << 117 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARStopping, G4IonICRU7 << 118 of bin for free vectors << 119 << 120 ## 2023-10-05 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-21) << 121 - G4UrbanMscModel - (L. Urban) optional method << 122 rewritten. This method is not used so far << 123 by default but may be enabled via UI comma << 124 << 125 ## 2023-10-02 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-20) << 126 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - fixed potential << 127 compiler options are used, use G4Pow << 128 << 129 ## 2023-08-21 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-19) << 130 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - implement inheritance << 131 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, which means re- << 132 by cut and paster from G4eBremsstrahlungRe << 133 computations; use std::applyOnce approach << 134 upplied code format. << 135 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - use std::applyOn << 136 static data. This MR is a continuation of << 137 solution for initialisation of static data << 138 Hageboeck << 139 << 140 ## 2023-06-18 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-18) << 141 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMode << 142 G4SeltzerBergerModel - further reorganized i << 143 considered neccesity to fix, Initilise(..) << 144 Hageboeck, to have thread safe check if a << 145 instance of the class, set lock and perfor << 146 data. Results of standard EM tests are unc << 147 << 148 ## 2023-06-17 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-17) << 149 - G4UrbanMscModel - reduced number of re-compu << 150 results of EM tests unchanged << 151 << 152 ## 2023-06-13 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-16) << 153 - G4LindHardSorensenIonModel - do not try to u << 154 << 155 ## 2023-06-05 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-15) << 156 - G4eBremsstrahlung, G4SeltzerBergerModel - do << 157 initialisation, do not repeat base class i << 158 improve code comments << 159 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - improved comment << 160 << 161 ## 2023-06-04 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-14) << 162 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - use LPM flag fro << 163 << 164 ## 2023-06-03 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-13) << 165 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMode << 166 G4SeltzerBergerModel - reorganized initialis << 167 Initialisation of static element data is p << 168 object independently on how many objects o << 169 Results of simulation are identical, only << 170 << 171 ## 2023-05-09 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-12) << 172 - updated hadron/ion ionisation models; initia << 173 once: PSTAR and ICRU90 in G4BraggModel, ASTA << 174 ICRU73 and ICRU90 ion (Z>2) data in G4LindHa << 175 G4BraggIonModel inherit from G4Bragg model; << 176 of heavy ions at moderate energies << 177 << 178 ## 2023-05-03 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-11) << 179 - G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - use G4BraggMode << 180 of DEDX at initialisation for G4GenericIon << 181 which fix problem of low-energy ion tracki << 182 << 183 ## 2023-04-20 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-10) << 184 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4BraggM << 185 G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - updated effecti << 186 step of simulation or at each call to G4Em << 187 G4WaterStopping, G4hIonisation - clean-up th << 188 G4ionIonisation - do not use G4WaterStopping << 189 << 190 ## 2023-04-17 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-09) << 191 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - use proton s << 192 except alpha, make datasets ponters static << 193 - G4LinhardSorensenModel - added extra protect << 194 << 195 ## 2023-03-11 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-08) << 196 - G4UrbanMscModel - optimisation of the code w << 197 results (L. Urban) << 198 << 199 ## 2023-03-05 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-07) << 200 - G4CoulombScattering - fixed typo << 201 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotModel, G4PAIModelData, << 202 G4PAIySection - fixed problem in tests and c << 203 << 204 ## 2023-03-04 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-06) << 205 - G4CoulombScattering - added extra constructo << 206 cases, for pure single scattering integral << 207 from fOnePeak to fEmDecreasing and spline << 208 This is needed for the fix of #2530. << 209 << 210 ## 2023-02-24 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-05) << 211 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fix numeric insta << 212 very small kinetic energy (< 1 eV) << 213 << 214 ## 2023-02-21 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-04) << 215 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fix #2530, improv << 216 - G4CoulombScattering - added constructor with << 217 used flag "isCombined" instead of process << 218 and comments to the code << 219 - G4eCoulombScatterinModel - improve initialis << 220 << 221 ## 2023-02-14 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-03) << 222 - Preparation for the fix of the problem #2530 << 223 scattering per region << 224 - G4UrbanMscModel - check IsLocked() method be << 225 lateral displacement algorithm and positro << 226 improve formatting << 227 - G4CoulombScattering - added SetCombined(G4bo << 228 user to configuer the process; improve for << 229 - G4eCoulombScatterinModel - improve formattin << 230 << 231 ## 2023-01-13 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-02) << 232 - G4ESTARStopping, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable, << 233 G4GSMottCorrection, G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4 << 234 G4eDPWAElasticDCS - do not call std::getenv << 235 use G4EmParameters, do not check if G4LEDA << 236 defined correctly - this is responsibility << 237 << 238 ## 2022-12-21 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-01) << 239 - G4GoudsmithSoundersonMscModel - fixed warnin << 240 << 241 ## 2022-12-11 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-01-00) << 242 - G4UrbanMscModel - added flag MscPositronCorr << 243 << 244 ## 2022-11-23 Gabriele Cosmo (emstand-V11-00-2 << 245 - Fixed more compilation warnings for implicit << 246 << 247 ## 2022-11-18 Gabriele Cosmo (emstand-V11-00-2 << 248 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 249 << 250 ## 2022-11-10 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-19) << 251 Fixed stopping power problem identified by T << 252 - G4IonICRU73Data - fixed stopping power param << 253 energy point; apply unit factor to materia << 254 data inside each element vector; include d << 255 by verbosity; implement data tables for ma << 256 material-cut-couples; provide non-zero dEd << 257 - G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - fixed Correctio << 258 at low energy << 259 << 260 ## 2022-10-18 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-18) << 261 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban remove computation << 262 step limitation; this affect only EM optio << 263 results more close to option4 and there is << 264 << 265 ## 2022-10-18 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-17) << 266 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - implement usage Photoe << 267 enable/disable photo-electron production b << 268 by default this is enabled, so effect on r << 269 some CPU improvement may be expected << 270 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4Lindha << 271 use the same computation of effective char << 272 inside CorrectionAlongStep(..) method; imp << 273 EM physics configuration << 274 << 275 ## 2022-10-12 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-16) << 276 - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation - updated ini << 277 possible creation of combined DNA/standard << 278 low energy limit for a model; define high << 279 high energy limit set in the Physics List << 280 << 281 ## 2022-10-07 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-15) << 282 - G4AtimaEnergyLossModel, G4BetheBlochModel, G << 283 G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - do not set effe << 284 of energy loss fluctuation inside Correcti << 285 it is done by G4VEnergyLossProcess, this a << 286 << 287 ## 2022-08-16 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-14) << 288 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban optimized the code << 289 << 290 ## 2022-05-24 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-13) << 291 - G4EmStandUtil - new utility class << 292 - G4eIonisation, G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisatio << 293 of energy loss fluctuations using G4EmStan << 294 << 295 ## 2022-05-24 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-12) << 296 - G4UrbanMscModel - L. Urban extended cache da << 297 removed used headers, minor saving of inst << 298 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4eBremParametriz << 299 << 300 ## 2022-04-29 Daren Sawkey (emstand-V11-00-11) << 301 - many files: run clang-tidy. Use keywords nul << 302 nullptr checks when delete-ing << 303 << 304 ## 2022-04-25 Ben Morgan (emstand-V11-00-10) << 305 - Add missing dependencies << 306 << 307 ## 2022-04-14 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-09) << 308 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban move safety comput << 309 step limitation algorithms in order to sav << 310 which should not affect results; comments << 311 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4PairProductionR << 312 of G4Exp, G4Pow to source << 313 - G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4WentzelOKandVIxSectio << 314 G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel - use G4AutoLoc << 315 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4eBremsstrahlungR << 316 G4Exp headers << 317 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - do not instantiate G << 318 inside the model to allow usage of this cl << 319 without muons << 320 << 321 ## 2022-04-07 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-08) << 322 - G4hIonisation - improved initialisation << 323 << 324 ## 2022-03-24 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-07) << 325 - G4eBremsstrahlung - improved initialisation << 326 << 327 ## 2022-03-07 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-06) << 328 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban added two extra cl << 329 << 330 ## 2022-03-04 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-05) << 331 - G4UniversalFluctuation - removed unnecessary << 332 << 333 ## 2022-02-18 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-04) << 334 - G4UniversalFluctuation, G4UrbanFluctuation - << 335 parameters of the model providing similar << 336 layers to Geant4 10.7 version of fluctuati << 337 << 338 ## 2022-02-14 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-03) << 339 - G4UrbanMscModel - minor optimisation of arit << 340 - G4UniversalFluctuation - introduced a new pr << 341 which provides sampling of non-Gauss fluct << 342 results are identical to the version of th << 343 - G4UrbanFluctuation - reorganized version of << 344 Geant4 10.7 in SampleGlandz(...) method << 345 - G4LossFluctuationDummy - new class with zero << 346 << 347 ## 2022-01-24 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-02) << 348 - G4UrbanMscModel - removed multiple initialis << 349 possible data race << 350 << 351 ## 2022-01-08 V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V11-00-01) << 352 - G4CoulombScattering - for single scattering << 353 angles use fEmIncreasing type of cross sec << 354 << 355 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (emstand-V11-00-00) << 356 - Change to new Markdown History format << 357 << 358 --- << 359 << 360 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 361 << 362 26 November 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07- << 363 - G4PairProductionRelModel - reduce upper limi << 364 from 80 to 30 GeV << 365 << 366 09 November 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07- << 367 - G4ionIonisation - minor clean-up << 368 - G4IonICRU73Data - new data structure for ion << 369 - G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - use G4BraggIonM << 370 and G4IonICRU73Data, do not apply correcti << 371 an ion << 372 - G4BraggIonModel, G4BetheBlochModel - do not << 373 the last step of an ion << 374 << 375 30 October 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-2 << 376 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4ionIon << 377 corrections for all ions except alpha in o << 378 << 379 12 October 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-2 << 380 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel - improve << 381 to ion dedx, code clean-up << 382 - G4ionIonisation - use G4WaterStopping with s << 383 - G4alphaIonisation - removed as obsolete << 384 << 385 07 Octoberber 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-0 << 386 - G4UniversalFluctuations - Laszlo Urban subst << 387 sampling algorithm - less number of parame << 388 computations, results are in statistical a << 389 previous version of the code << 390 << 391 27 September 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07 << 392 - G4BraggIonModel, G4BetheBlochModel - fixed c << 393 dedx for alpha if ICRU90 data are used (pr << 394 improved method signatures; code clean-up. << 395 - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation - He3 dedx de << 396 pi, K, proton, pbar, GenericIon have own d << 397 other hadrons derived from K, protons, pba << 398 from GenericIon << 399 - G4ASTARStopping - improved method signatures << 400 - CoulombScattering - disable spline << 401 << 402 31 August 21: J.Hahnfeld (emstand-V10-07-22) << 403 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - optimize cross section << 404 reciprocals and Horners scheme << 405 << 406 27 August 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-21 << 407 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - set lowest e << 408 added protection to limit cut value by the << 409 - G4LinhardSorensenIonModel, G4ICRU73QOModel - << 410 to limit cut value by the lowest energy << 411 - G4BetheBlochModel - minor clean-up << 412 << 413 26 August 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-20 << 414 - G4BetheBlochModel - critical fix of dEdx for << 415 with scaled energy E>10 GeV for the case o << 416 Should fix #2414 << 417 << 418 20 August 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-19 << 419 - G4PAIModelData - use optimal methods to acce << 420 << 421 04 August 21: A.Ribon (emstand-V10-07-18) << 422 - G4eplusAnnihilation : migrated to the new ve << 423 << 424 18 July 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-17) << 425 - G4UniversalFluctuation, G4IonFluctuations, G << 426 G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotModel - updated accordi << 427 of G4VEmFluctuationModel signature << 428 << 429 16 July 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-16) << 430 - G4UniversalFluctuation - minor optimisation, << 431 - G4UrbanMscModel - use random arrays instead << 432 to speed-up the code; use more const varia << 433 << 434 10 July 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-15) << 435 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4ESTARStopping, G4AtimaE << 436 G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - fixed Coverity << 437 initialisation of all variables in class c << 438 - G4UrbanMscModel - do not apply energy correc << 439 steps below 1% of a particle range << 440 << 441 24 May 21: J.Allison (emstand-V10-07-14) << 442 - << 443 o Instantiate clip board only if Quantum Ent << 444 << 445 23 May 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-13) << 446 - G4PAIModelData, G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel - c << 447 initialisation of physics vectors spline << 448 << 449 15 May 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-12) << 450 - G4CoulombScattering, G4eBremsstrahlung, G4ep << 451 updated set of flags for spline and the inte << 452 << 453 10 May 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-11) << 454 - G4BetheBlochModel - minor cleanup - more con << 455 - G4LindhardSorensenData - updated definition << 456 << 457 16 April 21: B.Morgan (emstand-V10-07-10) << 458 - Migrate build to modular CMake API << 459 << 460 02 May 21: J.Allison (emstand-V10-07-09) << 461 - G4eplusAnnihilation: << 462 o Introduce Quantum Entanglement. This is ac << 463 /process/em/QuantumEntanglement. << 464 o For e+e- -> gamma gamma, the gammas are "t << 465 "analysed" in a Compton scattering process << 466 G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel. Otherwis << 467 effect even if activated. << 468 o Add data member: G4int fEntanglementModel << 469 Entanglement uses AuxiliaryTrackInformatio << 470 unique model index. In the constructor: << 471 fEntanglementModelIndex << 472 = G4PhysicsModelCatalog::Register("G4Gam << 473 Then in AtRestDoIt: << 474 t->SetAuxiliaryTrackInformation << 475 (fEntanglementModelIndex,new G4Entanglem << 476 << 477 28 April 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-08) << 478 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4Lindha << 479 G4ICRU73QOModel, G4AtimaIonIonisationModel - << 480 to ion ionisation corrections << 481 << 482 24 April 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-07) << 483 - clean-up models for 11.0 << 484 << 485 18 April 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-06) << 486 - clean-up models for 11.0 << 487 << 488 10 April 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-05) << 489 - clean-up energy loss models for 11.0 << 490 << 491 03 April 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-04) << 492 - clean-up models for 11.0 << 493 << 494 30 March 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-03) << 495 - clean-up ionisation processes << 496 << 497 18 March 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07-02) << 498 - clean-up gamma processes << 499 << 500 08 February 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07- << 501 - G4BohrFuluctuations, G4HeatedKleinNishinaCom << 502 << 503 26 January 21: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-07- << 504 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4LindhardSorensenIonMode << 505 restore computation of maximum energy tran << 506 affect only ultrarelativistic ions << 507 << 508 11 November 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06 << 509 - G4UrbanMscModel - restored parameterisation << 510 the variant of emstand-V10-06-13 << 511 << 512 10 November 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 513 - G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution, G4DeltaA << 514 << 515 01 November 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 516 - G4eplusTo3GammaOKVIModel, G4LindhardSorensen << 517 Coverity reports << 518 << 519 11 October 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 520 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban optimized paramete << 521 on distance for e+- step << 522 << 523 02 September 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-0 << 524 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban changed computatio << 525 the step limitation algorithm "UseDistance << 526 Opt3 EM physics is affected << 527 << 528 29 August 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 529 - G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel, G4WentzelOKand << 530 G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4SeltzerBergerModel, << 531 G4LindhardSorensenIonModel.hh - improved usa << 532 it is defined inside one method with call << 533 standard deletion of copy consructor and a << 534 << 535 21 July 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 536 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban changed parameteri << 537 parameter 'doverra' << 538 << 539 02 July 20: M. Novak (emstand-V10-06- << 540 - G4eDPWAElasticDCS - a new class that handles << 541 Sections(DCS) for Coulomb scattering of e-/ << 542 Analysis(DPWA) using ELSEPA << 543 - G4eDPWACoulombScatteringModel - as new class << 544 scattering model for e-/e+ based on the num << 545 G4eDPWAElasticDCS class << 546 << 547 15 May 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 548 - G4UrbanMscModel - added e- range cut to the << 549 improvement of the code << 550 - G4UniversalFluctuation - set value for a0 = << 551 << 552 29 April 20: Gunter Folger (emstand-V10-06- << 553 - fix for clang10: G4PAIPhotModel.hh, G4PAIMod << 554 << 555 26 April 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 556 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban improved cache dat << 557 << 558 22 April 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 559 - G4LindhardSorensenData - fixed data table << 560 << 561 07 April 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 562 - G4UniversalFluctuation - 10.6 value for a0=5 << 563 test results with the previous tag does no << 564 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - code clean-up; added s << 565 electron motion is taken into account for << 566 when annihilation is happen at rest; the m << 567 by John Allison, here we ensure, that by d << 568 is performed; also removed extra printout << 569 data structure << 570 << 571 02 April 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 572 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban propose to << 573 50 to 40 in order to improve agreement wit << 574 minor C++ improvements are added in order << 575 << 576 25 March 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 577 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban propose to << 578 16 to 8 in order to speed-up simulation << 579 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - Li Zhuxin change "f << 580 for virtual methods << 581 << 582 23 March 20: J.Allison (emstand-V10-06- << 583 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - introduce thermal mode << 584 o In this model, the positronium acquires a << 585 on formation, which contributes to a small << 586 the gammas, detectable and significant in << 587 model, material->GetIonisation()->SetMeanE << 588 A mean kinetic energy of 5 eV produces a p << 589 of about 0.5 degrees FWHM, as reported in << 590 IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 14/3 1667 (2007). << 591 << 592 09 March 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 593 - G4eplusAnnihilation - fixed problem seen in << 594 initial energy is null << 595 << 596 03 March 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 597 - G4UrbanMscModel - removed Cache and introduc << 598 precomputed at initialisation << 599 << 600 25 February 20: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 601 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban changed tlimitmin << 602 (for e+ kept unchanged) and changed parame << 603 of stepmin; two private inline methods are << 604 duplication of the code << 605 << 606 07 December 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-06- << 607 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - added protection aga << 608 argument of sqrt() due to precision lost << 609 << 610 06 November 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05- << 611 - G4ESTARStopping, G4GSMottCorrection, G4GSPWA << 612 G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable, G4SBBremTable, G4 << 613 minor cleanup: getenv -> std::getenv, use << 614 << 615 05 November 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05- << 616 - G4UrbanMscModel - fixed problem introduced i << 617 which affect Opt3 EM physics << 618 << 619 31 October 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-2 << 620 - G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4ICRU49NuclearStoppin << 621 modifications - more safe initialisation i << 622 << 623 24 October 19: I.Semeniouk (emstand-V10-05-23 << 624 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - new parameters set f << 625 nuclear threshold calculation. << 626 << 627 23 October 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-2 << 628 - G4UrbanMscModel - (L.Urban) minor cleanup, s << 629 << 630 18 October 19: I.Semeniouk (emstand-V10-05-21) << 631 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel Add gamma conversion t << 632 << 633 16 October 19: D.Sawkey (emstand-V10-05-20) << 634 - G4eplusAnnihilation: set secondary weight co << 635 << 636 1 October 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-19 << 637 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscMode << 638 use lambdalimit and facsafety from the bas << 639 << 640 2 September 19: M.Novak (emstand-V10-05-18) << 641 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4GammaConversion << 642 pair production has been extended down to << 643 gives results (both x-section and final st << 644 by the low energy (G4BetheHeitlerModel). S << 645 high energy model can describe e-/e+ pair << 646 PeV (LPM effects are included) the G4Bethe << 647 G4GammaConversion process. << 648 << 649 29 August 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-17 << 650 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban modified step limi << 651 lambdalimit to 0.5 mm; facsafety to 0.67. << 652 << 653 24 August 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-16 << 654 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban modified step limi << 655 lambdalimit from 1 mm to 0.4 mm; facsafety << 656 - G4WentzelOKadriVIxSection, G4WentzelVIModel << 657 parameterisation of screening parameter << 658 << 659 14 August 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-15 << 660 - G4hCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulombScatter << 661 unused headers << 662 << 663 25 July 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-14) << 664 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - during initialisation << 665 only data for elements used in geometry, l << 666 of the data is also available (may be used << 667 << 668 20 July 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-13) << 669 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - modified paramete << 670 parameter for e+-, which affect backscatte << 671 making results closer to data << 672 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4eSingleCoulom << 673 optimized code and data structure; fixed f << 674 for low energy; use C++11 patterns << 675 << 676 28 May 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-12) << 677 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban modified lateral d << 678 << 679 14 May 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-11) << 680 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4KleinNishinaM << 681 G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel - use elemen << 682 in order to reduce number of double->int c << 683 << 684 10 April 19: I.Semeniouk (emstand-V10-05-10) << 685 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - replace local boost << 686 CLHEP boost, boostZ, transform. One random g << 687 sampling loop. << 688 << 689 09 April 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-09) << 690 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4eSingleCoulom << 691 G4hCoulombScatteringModel - fixed kinematics << 692 of primary (problem #2152) << 693 << 694 01 April 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-08) << 695 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4WentzelOKandVIx << 696 and initialisation << 697 << 698 17 March 19: M.Novak (emstand-V10-05-07) << 699 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel, G4BetheHeitlerModel, << 700 G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotModel, G4PairProduction << 701 G4XrayRayleighModel, G4eBremParametrizedMode << 702 G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4eSingleCoulombS << 703 new target atom selector (emutils-V10-05-07) << 704 log-energy value. << 705 << 706 17 March 19: M.Novak (emstand-V10-05-06) << 707 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4WentzelVIModel, G4Goudsmi << 708 the new base class methods (emutils-V10-05-0 << 709 log-energy value, in case of dEdx, range and << 710 vector table accesses. << 711 << 712 04 March 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-05) << 713 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban optimise step limi << 714 and UseDistanceToBoundary; minor clean-up << 715 << 716 01 March 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-04) << 717 - G4BetheBlochModel - code clean-up, removed t << 718 << 719 27 February 19: I.Semeniouk (emstand-V10-05-0 << 720 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - commint assert on ne << 721 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - set x,y components i << 722 method << 723 << 724 07 February 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05- << 725 - G4eMultipleSacttering, G4hMultipleScattering << 726 length of printouts (fix problem #2105) << 727 << 728 31 January 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-0 << 729 - G4ModifiedTsai, G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistri << 730 length of names for these generators (fix << 731 << 732 15 January 19: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-05-0 << 733 - G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel - fixed crash at in << 734 << 735 26 November 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 736 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed destructor << 737 << 738 23 November 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 739 - G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel - fixed trivial Cov << 740 << 741 07 November 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 742 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - (I.Semeniouk) added << 743 computation responsible for numerical prob << 744 << 745 05 November 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 746 - G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel, G4eplusTo3GammaOKV << 747 definition of cross section for 2-gamma an << 748 cuts for gamma in sampling of 3-gamma fina << 749 << 750 02 November 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 751 - G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelMo << 752 G4ModifiedTsai generator instead of G4DipB << 753 << 754 26 October 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-4 << 755 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - (I.Semeniouk) cleane << 756 << 757 24 October 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-4 << 758 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel - fixed u << 759 << 760 16 October 18: D.Sawkey (emstand-V10-04-47) << 761 - G4eplusAnnihilation: set weights for directi << 762 << 763 10 October 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-4 << 764 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban added correction t << 765 backscattering at low energy << 766 - G4LindhardSorensenData, G4LindhardSorensenIo << 767 of dEdx computation << 768 << 769 09 October 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-45 << 770 - G4eplusAnnihilation - back to emstand-V10-04 << 771 << 772 09 October 18: J.L. Rodriguez-Sanchez (emstand << 773 - G4AtimaEnergyLossModel, G4AtimaFluctuations << 774 and added some cosmetic modifications << 775 << 776 02 October 18: D.Sawkey (emstand-V10-04-43) << 777 - G4eplusAnnihilation - enable directional spl << 778 << 779 01 October 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-42 << 780 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - minor optimi << 781 - G4LindhardSorensenData - limit parameterisat << 782 of validity << 783 << 784 27 September 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 785 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4BetheBlochM << 786 optional possibility to use ICRU90 data << 787 - G4LindhardSorensenData - fixed interpolation << 788 large energies << 789 - G4LindhardSorensenIonModel, G4PSTARStopping << 790 << 791 21 September 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 792 - G4GammaConversion, G4eBremsstrahlung, G4hIon << 793 energy limit for low-energy model from Phy << 794 hard-coding values << 795 - G4ionIonisation - apply correction to energy << 796 ionisation model << 797 - G4ComptonScattering, G4PhotoElectricEffect, << 798 G4eplusAnnihilation, G4BetheBlochModel - imp << 799 << 800 17 September 18: D. Sawkey (emstand-V10-04-39) << 801 - G4CoulombScattering, G4eBremsstrahlung, G4[e << 802 G4eplusAnnihilation, G4[e,h,ion,alpha]Ionisa << 803 G4NuclearStopping, G4PhotoElectricEffect, << 804 : change auto-generated documentation format << 805 << 806 14 September 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04- << 807 - G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel - fixed prob << 808 << 809 31 August 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-37) << 810 - G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - fixed numerical << 811 of correction << 812 << 813 29 August 18: L.Urban (emstand-V10-04-36) << 814 - G4UrbanMscModel - correction in order to get << 815 for low energy << 816 << 817 17 August 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-35) << 818 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4eSingleCoulom << 819 extra protections on argument of std::acos << 820 precision lost; clean-up and formats of co << 821 is moved inlined; initialisation methods a << 822 << 823 17 August 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-34) << 824 17 August 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-33) << 825 - G4MottCoefficients class is removed because << 826 by Grigory Latyshev << 827 - G4MottData.hh static data file is created in << 828 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - use G4MottData << 829 computations << 830 << 831 12 August 18: M. Novak (emstand-V10-04-32) << 832 - G4SBBremTable - fixed compiler warning << 833 - G4eBremssrahlungRelModel, G4PairProductionRe << 834 bound vector access introduced in the previ << 835 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - added extra protectio << 836 << 837 10 August 18: M. Novak (emstand-V10-04-31) << 838 - G4DipBustGenerator - optimisation, speedup: << 839 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - extended model with o << 840 run time sampling of the emitted photon ener << 841 DCS instead of using the rejection. The samp << 842 G4SBBremTable class. There is a 40-60 % mode << 843 memory consumption. << 844 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - improved LPM fun << 845 and optimization. << 846 << 847 27 July 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-30) << 848 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - (I.Semeniouk) invert << 849 code cleanup; bug fix: Polarization vector n << 850 transformation; removed empty lines << 851 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMode << 852 << 853 25 June 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-29) << 854 - G4LindhardSorensenData - fixed Coverity warn << 855 the array boundary << 856 << 857 15 June 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-28) << 858 - G4AtimaEnergyLossModel, G4LindhardSorensenDa << 859 on read/write out of the array boundary << 860 << 861 11 June 18: M.Novak (emstand-V10-04-27) << 862 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4BetheHeitler5DMo << 863 section in the new version of the high energ << 864 below treshold in the 5D model by I. Semenio << 865 << 866 11 June 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-26) << 867 - G4AtimaEnergyLossModel, G4AtimaFluctuations << 868 new ion ionisation, which were identified by << 869 << 870 04 June 18: M. Novak (emstand-V10-04-25) << 871 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - optimization of the << 872 << 873 28 May 18: M. Novak (emstand-V10-04-24) << 874 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - fix gcc-8 warnin << 875 << 876 28 May 18: M. Novak (emstand-V10-04-23) << 877 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMode << 878 versions of G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairPro << 879 screening function approximation, improved << 880 efficiency, documentation and cleanup. Cor << 881 atom in final state sampling. Follow up ch << 882 G4BetheHeitler5DModel. << 883 << 884 23 May 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-22) << 885 - G4BetheHeitlerModel - use G4ModifiedTsai ang << 886 << 887 22 May 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-21) << 888 - G4DipBustGenerator, G4ModifiedTsai - impleme << 889 directions of e+e- pair << 890 - G4PairProductionRelModel - use G4ModifiedTsa << 891 - G4BetheHeitlerModel - use G4DipBustGenerator << 892 - G4UrbanMscModel - use more fast lateral disp << 893 << 894 04 May 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-20) << 895 - G4AtimaEnergyLossModel, G4AtimaFluctuations << 896 model developed by J.L.R. Sanchez << 897 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - improved Mott cor << 898 - G4LindhardSorensenData - fixed Coverity warn << 899 << 900 02 May 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-17) << 901 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - added extra me << 902 computation of the Mott correction << 903 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - added Mott correc << 904 - G4NISTStoppingData - cleanup header << 905 << 906 24 April 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-16) << 907 - G4LindhardSorensenIonModel,G4LindhardSorense << 908 ionisation model << 909 - G4BetheBlochModel - minor cleanup << 910 << 911 18 April 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-15) << 912 - G4LindhardSorensenIonModel - new ion ionisat << 913 - G4UrbanMscModel - use second type of paramet << 914 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - D.Bernard added deta << 915 << 916 05 April 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-14) << 917 - G4BetheHeitler5DModel - fixed Coverity warni << 918 << 919 01 April 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-13) << 920 - G4eplusAnnihilation - moved sampling of fina << 921 method to the SamplingSecondaries() model << 922 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - cleanup << 923 - G4eplusTo2GammaOKVIModel, G4eplusTo3GammaOKV << 924 << 925 23 March 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-12) << 926 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4BetheHeitler5DModel - << 927 << 928 07 March 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-11) << 929 07 March 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-09) << 930 - G4BetheBlochModel - fixed non-reproducibilit << 931 << 932 05 March 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-08) << 933 05 March 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-05) << 934 - G4UrbanMscModel - (L.Urban) new lateral disp << 935 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4BetheHeitler5DModel - << 936 added new 5D model << 937 << 938 09 February 18: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-0 << 939 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4PairProductionR << 940 G4PAIxSection, G4ICRU73QOModel - inline meth << 941 are moved to source, improved formatting o << 942 << 943 02 February 18: M.Novak (emstand-V10-04-03) << 944 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - implemented i << 945 1st trans. x-section computation CrossSectio << 946 - G4GSMottCorrection, G4GSPWACorrections - fix << 947 correction factor << 948 << 949 21 December 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-0 << 950 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed formfactor << 951 - G4BetheBlochModel - use formfactor for proje << 952 formulation of NIM A 488 (2002) 282; this is << 953 evalution, so the tag is not proposed << 954 << 955 09 December 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-04-0 << 956 - G4PairProductionRelModel - fixed misuse of G << 957 be used instead of Z13(..)), add initialis << 958 cache before sampling of final state (part << 959 << 960 08 November 17: D.Sawkey (emstand-V10-03-51) << 961 - G4CoulombScattering, G4eMultipleScattering, << 962 modify ProcessDescription text << 963 << 964 06 November 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-50) << 965 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - fix scattering p << 966 << 967 03 November 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-4 << 968 - G4UrbanMscModel - renamed displacementFlag t << 969 value "true" then the old lateral displacm << 970 else a new one is applied. This change was << 971 missunderstanding of the flag effect << 972 << 973 02 November 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-4 << 974 - G4CoulombScattering - improved printout << 975 << 976 31 October 17: D.Sawkey (emstand-V10-03-47) << 977 - all process files: G4ComptonScattering, G4Co << 978 G4GammaConversion, G4NuclearStopping, G4Pho << 979 G4alphaIonisation, G4eBremsstrahlung, G4eIo << 980 G4eMultipleScattering, G4eplusAnnihilation, << 981 G4hMultipleScattering, G4ionIonisation: mod << 982 << 983 30 October 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-46) << 984 - G4GSPWACorrections - fix data read problem << 985 << 986 30 October 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-45) << 987 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaun << 988 G4GSMottCorrection, G4GSPWACorrections, G4PW << 989 - new form of PWA corrections in the GS MS << 990 active now both for e- and e+ (the G4PWA << 991 class is replaced with G4GSPWACorrection << 992 - improved scattering power correction com << 993 Mott-correction << 994 - changed MSC step limit flag conventions << 995 << 996 25 October 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-44 << 997 - G4NuclearStopping - use activation limit for << 998 << 999 19 October 17: D.Sawkey (emstand-V10-03-43) << 1000 - G4alphaIonisation, G4ComptonScattering, G4C << 1001 G4eBremsstrahlung, G4eIonisation, G4eMultip << 1002 G4ePlusAnnihilation, G4GammaConversion, G4h << 1003 G4hMultipleScattering, G4ionIonisation, G4N << 1004 G4PhotoElectricEffect: add dummy ProcessDes << 1005 << 1006 16 October 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-4 << 1007 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMod << 1008 classes instead of G4NistManager for fast << 1009 << 1010 12 October 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-4 << 1011 - G4CoulombScattering, G4eBremsstrahlung, G4e << 1012 G4hMultipleScattering, G4eplusAnnihilation, << 1013 switched from ProcessDescription to Strea << 1014 << 1015 11 October 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-4 << 1016 - G4NuclearStopping - fixed initialisation << 1017 - G4CoulombScattering - improved initialisati << 1018 << 1019 10 October 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-3 << 1020 - G4UrbanMscModel - use flag of lateral displ << 1021 cleanup inline methods << 1022 << 1023 09 October 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-3 << 1024 - G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel, G4PAIxSection << 1025 G4alphaIonisation, G4UrbanMscModel - fabs s << 1026 G4UrbanMscModel - minor cleanup of the code << 1027 << 1028 27 September 17: L.Urban (emstand-V10-03-36) << 1029 - G4UniversalFluctuation - added correction f << 1030 << 1031 22 September 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-35) << 1032 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 1033 G4GSMottCorrection - further improvments to << 1034 << 1035 20 September 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03 << 1036 - G4UniversalFluctuation2017 - removed tempor << 1037 - G4PAIModel. G4PAIPhotModel - MinEnergyCut() << 1038 of results of D. Pfeiffer study of gaseou << 1039 << 1040 18 September 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03 << 1041 - G4UniversalFluctuation - improved sampling << 1042 << 1043 16 September 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03 << 1044 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban added an e << 1045 << 1046 28 August 17: G,Cosmo (emstand-V10-03-29) << 1047 - Correction to GNUmakefile to add optional i << 1048 module. << 1049 << 1050 27 August 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-28) << 1051 - G4GSMottCorrection - remove forgotten debug << 1052 << 1053 27 August 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-27) << 1054 - G4GSMottCorrection - fix element symbol pro << 1055 << 1056 25 August 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-26) << 1057 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 1058 option to apply Mott-correction to the de << 1059 new class G4GSMottCorrection handles the << 1060 angular distributions as well as correcti << 1061 mfp, first and second moments. << 1062 << 1063 24 August 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-25 << 1064 - G4PAIModel. G4PAIPhotModel - added implemen << 1065 method MinEnergyCut(..), always return 25 << 1066 does not applicable for smaller energy tr << 1067 << 1068 10 August 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-24 << 1069 - G4hIonisation - fixed energy intervals per << 1070 particles << 1071 << 1072 03 August 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-23 << 1073 - G4MottCoefficients, G4ScreeningMottCrossSec << 1074 G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel - Mauro Tac << 1075 making as fast as the default single scat << 1076 - G4ComptonScattering, G4CoulombScattering, G << 1077 G4PhotoElectricEffect, G4WentzelOKandVIxSec << 1078 G4alphaIonisation, G4eIonisation, G4hIonisa << 1079 G4eBremsstrahlung, G4eMultipleScattering, G << 1080 make coherent model initialisation << 1081 << 1082 16 June 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-22) << 1083 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4WentzelVIModel << 1084 G4hCoulombScatteringModel - fixed problem o << 1085 of cross section introduced in emstand-V1 << 1086 << 1087 15 June 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-21) << 1088 - G4UniversalFluctuation - restore emstand-V1 << 1089 << 1090 12 June 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-21) << 1091 - G4UniversalFluctuation - copied from G4Univ << 1092 << 1093 09 June 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-20) << 1094 - G4UniversalFluctuation2017 - fixed rare div << 1095 << 1096 09 June 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-19) << 1097 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed trivial Co << 1098 << 1099 02 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-18) << 1100 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMod << 1101 in angular sampling << 1102 << 1103 01 June 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-17) << 1104 - G4WentzelVIRelModel - fixed typo responsibl << 1105 << 1106 31 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-16) << 1107 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMod << 1108 speedup, replaced remain log,exp by G4Log << 1109 << 1110 31 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-15) << 1111 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - use new interfa << 1112 << 1113 29 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-14) << 1114 - G4UniversalFluctuation, G4UniversalFluctuat << 1115 numerical problem for very small steps fo << 1116 << 1117 26 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-13) << 1118 - G4UniversalFluctuation, G4UniversalFluctuat << 1119 problem for sampling low-energy anti-prot << 1120 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - added class mem << 1121 for sampling of electron recoil << 1122 << 1123 24 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-12) << 1124 - G4UniversalFluctuation - revert to 10.3 ver << 1125 - G4UniversalFluctuation2017 - new class incl << 1126 cloned from recent G4UniversalFluctuation << 1127 << 1128 23 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-11) << 1129 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4eCoulombScatter << 1130 G4WentzelVIModel, G4hCoulombScatteringModel << 1131 G4WentzelVIRelModel - use inheritance from << 1132 G4WentzelVIRelXSection - use inheritance fr << 1133 << 1134 18 May 17: L.Urban (emstand-V10-03-10) << 1135 - correction to G4UniversalFluctuation in or << 1136 better FWHM values << 1137 << 1138 4 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-09) << 1139 - G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution - Marile << 1140 introduced more efficient algorithm of sa << 1141 Penelope-2014 prescription; expected that << 1142 faster << 1143 << 1144 3 May 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-08) << 1145 - G4NuclearStopping, G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingM << 1146 stopping power computation addressed issu << 1147 << 1148 << 1149 2 May 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-07) << 1150 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable fix FPE << 1151 << 1152 28 April 17: M.Novak (emstand-V10-03-06) << 1153 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable new representatio << 1154 distributions (data size reduced from 16M << 1155 << 1156 22 April 17: L.Urban (emstand-V10-03-05) << 1157 - G4UniversalFluctuation correction to get re << 1158 << 1159 27 March 17: L.Urban (emstand-V10-03-04) << 1160 - G4UniversalFluctuation correction in order << 1161 FWHM in the case of small steps << 1162 << 1163 24 March 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03-03) << 1164 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4WentzelVIRelXSe << 1165 "ScreeningFactor" parameter to study accu << 1166 << 1167 20 March 17: F.Hariri (emstand-V10-03-02) << 1168 - G4PairProductionRelModel - fixed the incons << 1169 the LPM suppression for the pair product << 1170 << 1171 07 February 17: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-03- << 1172 - G4hIonisation - fixed min/max energy for dE << 1173 when the mass of a hadron is very differe << 1174 proton << 1175 << 1176 23 January 17: L. Urban (emstand-V10-03-00) << 1177 - G4UniversalFluctuation : correction in orde << 1178 results for small steps << 1179 << 1180 01 December 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1181 - G4UniversalFluctuation - G.Folger switch to << 1182 - G4MottCoefficients, G4ScreeningMottCrossSec << 1183 G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel - use Nucle << 1184 via G4EmParameters << 1185 << 1186 09 November 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1187 - G4eplusAnnihilation - fixed polarisation of << 1188 << 1189 08 November 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1190 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - fixed polarisation of << 1191 << 1192 19 October 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-3 << 1193 - G4UniversalFluctuation - restored 10.3beta << 1194 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4ICRU49NuclearStoppin << 1195 G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4IonFluctuat << 1196 variable use name g4calc instead of g4pow << 1197 << 1198 07 October 16: L.Urban (emstand-V10-02-29) << 1199 - G4UniversalFluctuation - modified code for << 1200 << 1201 22 August 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-28 << 1202 - G4UniversalFluctuation - restore 10.3beta v << 1203 << 1204 03 August 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-27 << 1205 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - added various fo << 1206 << 1207 20 July 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-26) << 1208 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - removed unused << 1209 << 1210 19 July 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-25) << 1211 - G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelM << 1212 added c++11 keywords explicit, override, << 1213 use G4Element::GetZasInt() << 1214 << 1215 18 July 16: L.Urban (emstand-V10-02-24) << 1216 - correction in ord << 1217 step dependence (practically no step depend << 1218 << 1219 16 July 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-23) << 1220 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - fixed precisi << 1221 kinematics when E > 30 TeV << 1222 - G4eBremsstrahlung - improved printout << 1223 << 1224 13 June 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-22) << 1225 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - fixed data handling << 1226 (problem report #1870 - invalid read of d << 1227 << 1228 09 June 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-21) << 1229 - G4UrbanMscModel - roll back selection of la << 1230 by default use old algorithm, for Opt3,4 << 1231 << 1232 07 June 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-20) << 1233 - G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScatterin << 1234 version to avoid necessity to change user << 1235 << 1236 02 June 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-19) << 1237 - G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScatterin << 1238 initialisation (do not create extra unnec << 1239 << 1240 31 May 16: M. Novak (emstand-V10-02-18) << 1241 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - change LPM cons << 1242 suppression variable that consistent to M << 1243 bug in LPM function computation; << 1244 << 1245 23 May 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-17) << 1246 - G4UrbanMscModel - use new displacement in a << 1247 << 1248 17 May 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-16) << 1249 Added c++11 keywords: explicit, final, over << 1250 use nullptr and use G4Element::GetZasInt( << 1251 << 1252 22 April 16: M.Novak (emstand-V10-02-15) << 1253 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - change some << 1254 << 1255 11 April 16: L.Urban (emstand-V10-02-14) << 1256 - G4UrbanMscModel - randomisation of "true pa << 1257 << 1258 11 March 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-13) << 1259 - G4alphaIonisation, G4hIonisation, G4ionIoni << 1260 StepFunction in constructor << 1261 << 1262 02 March 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-12) << 1263 - G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel, G4Screenin << 1264 (Mauro Tacconi) - fixed initialisation of << 1265 to use precomputed cross sections (proble << 1266 << 1267 26 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1268 - Extra attempt to fix VC14 compillation warn << 1269 << 1270 25 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1271 - Attempt to fix clang and VC14 compillation << 1272 << 1273 25 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1274 - G4UniversalFluctuation - (L.Urban) fixed bu << 1275 - G4UniversalFluctuations, G4BohrFulatuations << 1276 added c++11 keywords explicit, override, << 1277 << 1278 24 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1279 - G4BetheBlochModel - removed unused class me << 1280 warnings << 1281 << 1282 24 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1283 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4BetheBloch << 1284 local static data, introduced C++11 keywo << 1285 << 1286 23 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1287 - G4UniversalFluctuation - two private inline << 1288 some code cleanup done << 1289 23 February 16: L.Urban << 1290 - G4UniversalFluctuation - fixed bug in Gland << 1291 The sampling is symmetrical around emean no << 1292 << 1293 12 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1294 - G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel - fixed sam << 1295 angle (problem report #1823) << 1296 << 1297 11 February 16: M.Novak (emstand-V10-02-04) << 1298 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - handle speci << 1299 the boundary) in the step limitation << 1300 << 1301 10 February 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1302 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARStopping, G4NISTSto << 1303 G4BraggModel - data arrays become float, co << 1304 << 1305 23 January 16: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02-0 << 1306 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - a bit cleanup << 1307 more fast: keep fixed static array of ang << 1308 method instead of pow (Mauro Tacconi) << 1309 << 1310 17 December 15: M.Novak (emstand-V10-02-01) << 1311 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel G4GoudsmitSaun << 1312 limitations, fixed coverity problems and << 1313 << 1314 17 December 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-02- << 1315 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - fixed FPE pro << 1316 << 1317 09 November 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01- << 1318 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - fixed Coverit << 1319 << 1320 28 October 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-4 << 1321 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 1322 M. Novak revised GS model for new release << 1323 data set G4EMLOW6.48 << 1324 << 1325 28 October 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-3 << 1326 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection revision of the << 1327 of vectors (Mauro Tacconi) << 1328 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - minor cleanup << 1329 << 1330 27 October 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-3 << 1331 - G4UrbanMscModel - facsafety parameter is se << 1332 providing some CPU improvements for calor << 1333 not affecting calorimeter response (L.Urb << 1334 << 1335 24 October 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-3 << 1336 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4IonFluctuations, G4Molle << 1337 of computation take from material class t << 1338 (fixed potantial source of non-reproducib << 1339 - G4hCoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScatte << 1340 G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4ICRU73QOModel, G4IC << 1341 G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4eBremsstra << 1342 G4lrint to convert double Z into integer << 1343 << 1344 19 October 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-3 << 1345 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulombScat << 1346 recoil kinematics completed (problem repo << 1347 << 1348 16 October 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-3 << 1349 - G4KleinNishinaCompton, G4KleinNishinaModel, << 1350 G4BraggIonModel, G4BetheBlochModel, G4Seltz << 1351 G4MollerBhabhaModel, G4PEEffectFluoModel - << 1352 use rndmEngine->flatArray(n, rndm) in sa << 1353 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulombScat << 1354 recoil kinematics << 1355 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4eSingleCoulo << 1356 (code update was provided by Mauro Taccon << 1357 << 1358 15 September 15: L.Urban (emstand-V10-01-34) << 1359 - G4UrbanMscModel - modification in new later << 1360 << 1361 03 September 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01 << 1362 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - Mihaly Novak << 1363 in GS model (increased number of no scatt << 1364 << 1365 03 September 15: L.Urban (emstand-V10-01-32) << 1366 - G4UrbanMscModel - bugfix for the extreme sm << 1367 << 1368 02 September 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-0 << 1369 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 1370 G4PWATotalXsecTable - Mihaly Novak provided << 1371 << 1372 03 August 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-3 << 1373 - Technical tag: fixed Coverty warning, subst << 1374 add comments to do/while and while loops << 1375 << 1376 28 July 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-29) << 1377 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScat << 1378 G4hCoulombScatteringModel - removed low-ene << 1379 scattering models, because it is now impl << 1380 - G4BraggIonModel - fixed non reproducibility << 1381 - G4ASTARStopping, G4ESTARStopping, G4PSTARSt << 1382 spline at initialisation of a vector << 1383 << 1384 13 July 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-28) << 1385 - G4UrbanMscModel - (L.Urban) updated new lat << 1386 algorithm; removed upper limit for comput << 1387 - G4hCoulombScatteringModel, G4WentzelVIRelXS << 1388 fully implemented scattring in CM rest fr << 1389 - G4IonCoulombCrossSection - removed unused c << 1390 << 1391 09 July 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-27) << 1392 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - M. Novak fixed << 1393 << 1394 08 July 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-26) << 1395 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4IonCoulombCr << 1396 problem #1763 (wrong kinematics for the r << 1397 unused class members << 1398 << 1399 23 June 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-25) << 1400 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban introduce a fix o << 1401 << 1402 10 June 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-22) << 1403 - G4PWATotalXsecTable - attempt to fix compil << 1404 << 1405 10 June 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-21) << 1406 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban revert back step << 1407 methods are added for sampling of lateral << 1408 from 10.1 and one new disabled by default << 1409 to switch between lateral displacement me << 1410 special treatment of positrons below 1 Me << 1411 - G4PWATotalXsecTable - M.Novak fix Coverity << 1412 << 1413 02 June 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-20) << 1414 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 1415 fixed compillation warnings << 1416 << 1417 01 June 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-19) << 1418 - G4PWATotalXsecTable - fixed compillation wa << 1419 << 1420 29 May 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-18) << 1421 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 1422 revised and improved implementation of GS << 1423 << 1424 28 May 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-17) << 1425 - G4PWATotalXsecTable - new class for GS mode << 1426 - G4PAIPhotonModel - removed as obsolete << 1427 << 1428 26 May 15: R.Hatcher (emstand-V10-01-16) << 1429 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4eSingleCoulo << 1430 unnecessary "using namespace std" from he << 1431 problems w/ G4AnyMethod & G4GenericPhysic << 1432 << 1433 22 May 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-15) << 1434 - G4UrbanMscModel - small change in initialis << 1435 << 1436 18 May 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-14) << 1437 - G4UrbanMscModel - ( L.Urban) bugfix in Comp << 1438 in order not to get many extreme small st << 1439 "distance" instead of "range" to compare << 1440 optimisation (>5% speedup for EM shower s << 1441 << 1442 06 May 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-13) << 1443 06 May 15: L.Urban << 1444 - G4UrbanMscModel - better optimization in Co << 1445 << 1446 01 May 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-12) << 1447 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotModel - fixed re-initi << 1448 << 1449 30 April 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-11 << 1450 - G4WentzelVIModel - repeat check on safety f << 1451 in SampleScattering optimized use of rand << 1452 - G4UrbanMscModel - repeat check on safety fo << 1453 add extra limit for very small step regim << 1454 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIModelData, G4PAIPhotModel, << 1455 (V.Grichine) last part of fixes for the p << 1456 when next run is initialized old data cla << 1457 a new one is created << 1458 << 1459 28 April 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-10) << 1460 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - improved angular << 1461 << 1462 27 April 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-09) << 1463 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UniversalFluctuation, G4 << 1464 G4KleinNishinaModel - defined pointer to ra << 1465 << 1466 24 April 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-08) << 1467 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIModelData - fixes of probl << 1468 cuts are not used in Initialise method bu << 1469 added copy of vector of G4MaterialCutsCou << 1470 threads << 1471 - G4KleinNishinaModel, G4WentzelOKandVIxSecti << 1472 initialisation of G4ThreeVectors and G4Lo << 1473 << 1474 14 April 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-07) << 1475 - G4UrbanMscModel - removed unused variable << 1476 << 1477 14 April 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-06) << 1478 - G4UrbanMscModel - (L.Urban) new lateral dis << 1479 positron correction; code cleanup - define << 1480 class and const static values << 1481 << 1482 04 March 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-05) << 1483 - G4hMultipleScattering - do not redefine ste << 1484 << 1485 26 January 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-0 << 1486 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4BetheBloch << 1487 definition of spin correction to ionisati << 1488 << 1489 16 January 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-0 << 1490 - G4UniversalFluctuation - switch to use << 1491 G4Random::getTheEngine() to have more clean << 1492 << 1493 15 January 15: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01-0 << 1494 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4UrbanMscMod << 1495 G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4UniversalFluctuation << 1496 engine pointer in StartTracking() method << 1497 reported by CMS << 1498 << 1499 17 December 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01- << 1500 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - return back << 1501 two fixes: trivial Coverity report, added << 1502 loss for small angle calculation. Keeping << 1503 backscattering result is obtained for 10. << 1504 << 1505 12 December 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-01- << 1506 - G4KleinNishinaModel - fixed very rare crash << 1507 happens when de-excitation module is acti << 1508 is slightly larger than available energy; << 1509 energy slightly modified to keep energy b << 1510 of deletion of secondary particle << 1511 - G4PEEffFluoModel - use the same pattern as << 1512 for de-excitation products << 1513 << 1514 << 1515 21 November 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1516 - G4PAIPhotonModel - fixed Coverity report (V << 1517 << 1518 15 November 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1519 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - make internal array p << 1520 not per materialCutsCouple allowing model << 1521 << 1522 07 November 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1523 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed displa << 1524 << 1525 27 October 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-4 << 1526 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed rare d << 1527 << 1528 27 October 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-4 << 1529 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, << 1530 use G4EmParameters class for initialisati << 1531 << 1532 24 October 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-4 << 1533 - G4DeltaAngle - comment out warning happens << 1534 low-enegry electrons << 1535 << 1536 24 October 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-4 << 1537 - G4CoulombScattering - use G4EmParameters << 1538 - G4WentzelVIModel - refinment of lateral dis << 1539 - G4UrbanMscModel - refinment of lateral disp << 1540 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed sampling i << 1541 << 1542 16 October 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-4 << 1543 - G4eIonisation, G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisati << 1544 G4GammaConversion, G4ComptonScattering, G4P << 1545 - use G4EmParameterisation at initialisat << 1546 << 1547 14 October 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-4 << 1548 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - fixed threshold cross << 1549 - G4GammaConversion - minor fix of initialisa << 1550 << 1551 07 October 14: L.Urban << 1552 - G4UrbanMscModel corrs to speed up (if --> m << 1553 random numbers using rndmEngineMod pointer) << 1554 << 1555 06 October 14: L. Urban (emstand-V10-00-43) << 1556 - G4UrbanMscModel - added new step limit type << 1557 << 1558 8 September 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1559 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4eBremsstrahlung << 1560 protection at initialisation for the case << 1561 reducing high energy limit of the model ( << 1562 << 1563 5 September 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1564 - G4PAIxSection - fixed memory leak reported << 1565 << 1566 12 August 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-40 << 1567 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed bug in single scat << 1568 introduced) << 1569 << 1570 08 August 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-39 << 1571 - G4PAIModel - updated sampling of delta elec << 1572 - G4PAIModelData - proper deletion of physics << 1573 use spline interpolation, fixed sampling << 1574 - G4DeltaAngle - added check on length of do/ << 1575 - G4PAIxSection - added protection to avoid d << 1576 - G4PAIxSection, G4PAIPhotData, G4PAIPhotMode << 1577 end of job << 1578 << 1579 21 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-38) << 1580 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARStopping, G4BraggMo << 1581 restore functionality to access NIST stop << 1582 chemical formula and not only by material << 1583 << 1584 21 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-37) << 1585 - G4ASTARStopping, G4ESTARStopping, G4PSTARSt << 1586 G4WaterStopping - reduced memory churn by u << 1587 delete physics vectors at destruction << 1588 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARStopping changed in << 1589 always const in run time (shared between << 1590 - G4BraggModel - use static pointer to G4PSTA << 1591 which is initialized once << 1592 - G4BraggIonModel - use static pointer to G4A << 1593 which is initialized once << 1594 << 1595 17 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-36) << 1596 17 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-35) << 1597 16 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-34) << 1598 - G4WentzelVIModel - define single scattering << 1599 transformation from true to geom step len << 1600 many smell steps for very low-energy part << 1601 - G4UrbanMscModel - fixed numerical problem f << 1602 range is nearly truePathLength << 1603 << 1604 13 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-33) << 1605 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed bug introduced in << 1606 responsible for CPU increase in several t << 1607 << 1608 08 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-32) << 1609 - G4KleinNishinaModel - minor cleanup << 1610 << 1611 07 July 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-31) << 1612 - G4ComptonScattering - set startFromNull fla << 1613 models forced to zero cross section for t << 1614 cross section table << 1615 - G4KleinNishinaModel, G4KleinNishinaCompton, << 1616 G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton - do not sample << 1617 state below low limit of the model (defau << 1618 added protection to do/while loop; added << 1619 energy of both gamma and electron using i << 1620 - G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton - use inheriten << 1621 - G4WentzelVIModel - added more accurate tran << 1622 scattering mode << 1623 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - return back meth << 1624 scattering sampling << 1625 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - fixed non-ini << 1626 << 1627 06 June 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-30) << 1628 - G4WentzelVIModel - removed extra printout a << 1629 << 1630 03 June 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-29) << 1631 - G4WentzelVIModel - SetSingleScattering Fact << 1632 with attempt to fix compillation problem << 1633 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIModelData - improved cout << 1634 - G4G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - added spi << 1635 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulombScatte << 1636 G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - updated initi << 1637 of vector of cuts - cut for recoil can be << 1638 /run/setCut command << 1639 << 1640 27 May 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-28) << 1641 - G4IonCoulombCrossSection - tunned computati << 1642 factor << 1643 - G4UrbanMscModel - changed ComputeGeomPathLe << 1644 of many return use the one for easier pri << 1645 algorithms << 1646 - G4UniversalFluctuations - implemented Andre << 1647 to use more vectorized code (use random e << 1648 flatArray method) for CPU performance imp << 1649 no change of the algorithm << 1650 - G4eCoulombScattering - fixed simple Coverit << 1651 - G4WentzelVIModel - changed single scatterin << 1652 1.25 << 1653 << 1654 05 May 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-27) << 1655 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4We << 1656 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - revised and mak << 1657 of min and max scattering angle for singl << 1658 removed unused class members << 1659 - G4IonCoulombCrossSection - fixed screen fac << 1660 and target Z=1 << 1661 << 1662 02 May 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-26) << 1663 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4WentzelOKandVIxSection << 1664 to address some CPU penalty against previ << 1665 << 1666 28 April 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-25) << 1667 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed bug introd << 1668 << 1669 04 April 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-24) << 1670 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed minor bug introduc << 1671 << 1672 03 April 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-23) << 1673 - G4WentzelVIModel - optimized transition bet << 1674 scattering modes; changed order of displa << 1675 deflection (second order effect) << 1676 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - some cleanup for << 1677 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - fixed for sca << 1678 << 1679 01 April 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-22) << 1680 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - some cleanup for << 1681 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - fixed final s << 1682 - G4GammaConversion - switch default number o << 1683 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed mass of r << 1684 << 1685 31 March 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-21) << 1686 - G4WentzelVIModel - removed forgotten debug << 1687 << 1688 31 March 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-20) << 1689 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed step limitation << 1690 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed initialisa << 1691 model (this model is not combined with si << 1692 fixed small inaccuracy for sampling << 1693 - G4GammaConversion - switch default number o << 1694 << 1695 28 March 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-19) << 1696 - G4CoulombScattering - use G4IonCoulombScatt << 1697 by default << 1698 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - fixed warning << 1699 << 1700 19 March 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-18) << 1701 19 March 14: L.Urban << 1702 - G4UrbanMscModel - efficiency corrections re << 1703 SimpleScattering call << 1704 << 1705 14 March 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-17) << 1706 13 March 14: L.Urban << 1707 - G4UrbanMscModel - useSimpleScattering boole << 1708 a more readable code << 1709 << 1710 11 March 14: L.Urban << 1711 - G4UrbanMscModel - correction improves effic << 1712 << 1713 28 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1714 - G4WentzelVIModel - make part of members of << 1715 protected in order to allow inheritence f << 1716 << 1717 28 February 14: L.Urban << 1718 - G4UrbanMscModel - modification in order to << 1719 1-14 % (depending on the setup and cut) << 1720 << 1721 27 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1722 - G4DeltaAngle - added implementation of Samp << 1723 virtual method; improved sampling << 1724 << 1725 27 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1726 - G4WentzelVIModel - added possibility to com << 1727 << 1728 20 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1729 - G4UrbanMscModel : some code cleanup - no re << 1730 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4WentzelVIModel << 1731 << 1732 16 February 14: L.Urban << 1733 - G4UrbanMscModel : change in optimization fo << 1734 usage std::min/std::max instead of "if" c << 1735 << 1736 14 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1737 - G4UrbanMscModel : cosmetic changings << 1738 << 1739 14 February 14: L.Urban (emstand-V10-00-11) << 1740 - G4UrbanMscModel : method SampleDisplacement << 1741 put into SampleScattering << 1742 << 1743 13 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1744 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4WentzelVIRelXSe << 1745 G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4eCoulombScatteringMo << 1746 added boolean flag showing that in Physic << 1747 are combined or not << 1748 << 1749 10 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1750 - G4UrbanMscModel - (L.Urban) methods Compute << 1751 SampleDisplacement,LatCorrelation have been << 1752 to improve timing (K. Genser suggesting) in << 1753 class member "third" to reduce number of di << 1754 - G4PAIxSection - trivial fix of Coverity rep << 1755 << 1756 03 February 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1757 - G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution - use Pe << 1758 algorithm, because it is more effective, << 1759 is unchanged << 1760 << 1761 26 January 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-0 << 1762 - G4ionIonisation - improved printout at init << 1763 << 1764 25 January 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-0 << 1765 - G4NuclearStopping - do not change ion charg << 1766 by Michel Maire) << 1767 - G4ionIonisation - do not instantiate extra << 1768 if G4IonParameterisedModel is used << 1769 << 1770 24 January 14: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00-0 << 1771 - G4PAIxSection - trivial fix of Coverity rep << 1772 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 1773 Coverity reports: substitute reading of e << 1774 to ifstream; use G4Log, G4Exp << 1775 << 1776 18 January 14: L.Urban (emstand-V10-00-04) << 1777 - G4UniversalFluctuation - bugfix in "ionizat << 1778 effect of the bug was small << 1779 << 1780 17 January 14: V.Ivanchenko for J.Apostolakis << 1781 - G4UniversalFluctuation - reduced number of << 1782 extra class members << 1783 << 1784 11 January 14: V.Ivanchenko for L.Urban (emst << 1785 - G4UniversalFluctuation - G4Pow::expA() is s << 1786 << 1787 08 January 14: V.Ivanchenko for L.Urban (emst << 1788 - G4UrbanMscModel - bug fix (1st normal step << 1789 was not randomized) << 1790 - G4UniversalFluctuation - energy loss for ex << 1791 it is fixed now << 1792 << 1793 18 December 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V10-00- << 1794 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4eSingleCoulomb << 1795 to the vector of cuts from parameter of I << 1796 not from G4ProductionCutsTable - this is << 1797 unit tests, results unchanged << 1798 << 1799 18 November 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 1800 - G4PAIPhotonModel, G4PAIxSection - fixed Cov << 1801 << 1802 12 November 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 1803 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScat << 1804 G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulomb << 1805 if primary particle is below low-energy t << 1806 killed add its energy to energy depositio << 1807 energy; no effect on ordinary simulation << 1808 << 1809 08 November 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 1810 - G4PAIPhotonModel - do not delete PhysVector << 1811 << 1812 07 November 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 1813 - G4PAIModelData, G4PAIPhotData - do not dele << 1814 << 1815 06 November 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 1816 - G4ASTARStopping, G4ESTARStopping, G4PSTARSt << 1817 G4PAIPhotData - do not delete PhysVectors << 1818 << 1819 05 November 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 1820 - G4PAIxSection, G4PAIySection - V.Grichine c << 1821 and fix problem of division by zero when << 1822 << 1823 01 November 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 1824 - G4PAIxSection, G4PAIySection - V.Grichine f << 1825 by zero << 1826 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4eCoulombScatte << 1827 MinPrimaryEnergy method needed to set low << 1828 cross section tables << 1829 << 1830 28 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-7 << 1831 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - removed as obsolet << 1832 - G4ESTARStopping, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable, << 1833 G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed Coveri << 1834 << 1835 21 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-7 << 1836 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4BetheBloch << 1837 added possibility to use angular generato << 1838 << 1839 20 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-7 << 1840 - G4WentzelVIModel - added GetWVICrossSEction << 1841 to cross section class << 1842 - V.Grichine G4PAIPhotModel ans G4PAIPhotData << 1843 secondary electron/X-ray mode. << 1844 << 1845 15 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-6 << 1846 - In many classes std::pow(x,y) substituted b << 1847 << 1848 14 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-6 << 1849 - G4DeltaAngleFreeScat - is added << 1850 - G4ESTARStopping - added reading from G4LEDA << 1851 << 1852 12 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-6 << 1853 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel << 1854 member of the class and Get/Set method, w << 1855 in fanoCavity and other tests << 1856 - New classes G4PAIPhotModel, G4PAIPhotData ( << 1857 << 1858 04 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-6 << 1859 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - added one simple met << 1860 - G4ESTARStopping - added implementation of f << 1861 - G4PAIModelData - V. Grichine add restricted << 1862 << 1863 02 October 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-6 << 1864 - G4ESTARStopping - added ESTAR stopping powe << 1865 - General cleanup of many classes: use G4Log << 1866 moved 'static const G4double var = expres << 1867 the source to avoid any problem in MT mod << 1868 of initialisation and some speedup in run << 1869 << 1870 11 September 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06 << 1871 - G4PairProductionRelModel - add SetupForMate << 1872 into SampleScattering method to fix infin << 1873 << 1874 02 September 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06 << 1875 - G4PAIModelData - fixed very end of the delt << 1876 << 1877 30 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-62 << 1878 - G4PAIModelData - fixed numerical problem by << 1879 low-energy limit for proton 50 keV << 1880 << 1881 30 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-61 << 1882 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - if in the method Com << 1883 it turs out that data for given Z are not << 1884 InitialiseForElement instead of ReadData << 1885 AutoLock - this is kind of sanity for MT << 1886 - G4PAIModel - do not upply hard-coded low-li << 1887 it should done coherently inside G4PAIMod << 1888 - G4PAIModelData - scale internal differentia << 1889 table as 1/t^2, where t is energy transfe << 1890 smooth x-section; fixed bug in sampling a << 1891 steps in delta electron energy spectrum << 1892 << 1893 29 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-60 << 1894 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4KleinNishinaCompton, << 1895 G4PairProductionRelModel, G4eBremParametriz << 1896 InitialiseLocal method in order to share << 1897 threads << 1898 << 1899 28 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-59 << 1900 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - minor optimisation << 1901 - G4DeltaAngle - angular generator for delta- << 1902 into account electron motion << 1903 - G4PAIModel - use G4DeltaAngle angular gener << 1904 << 1905 23 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-58 << 1906 - G4PAIModelData added interpolation of dedx << 1907 between energy bins of internal tables << 1908 << 1909 23 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-57 << 1910 - G4IonFluctuations, G4UniversalFluctuations << 1911 pow in run time methods - expected slight << 1912 << 1913 21 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-56 << 1914 - G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95, G4Urb << 1915 only one version of the model G4UrbanMscM << 1916 << 1917 19 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-55 << 1918 - G4PAIModelData - new class to handle PAI in << 1919 - G4PAIModel - data handling extracted to G4P << 1920 class may be shared between threads; code << 1921 << 1922 12 August 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-54 << 1923 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel - return << 1924 in order to protect from the bug #1481 << 1925 << 1926 03 July 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-53) << 1927 - G4BohrFluctuations, G4IonFluctuations, G4PA << 1928 G4UniversalFluctuation - changed interface << 1929 in SampleFluctuations G4Material pointer << 1930 by G4MaterialCutsCouple pointer, this is << 1931 << 1932 01 July 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-52) << 1933 - G4PAIModel - correct usage of indexes << 1934 << 1935 19 June 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-51) << 1936 - correct branch tag << 1937 << 1938 18 June 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-50) << 1939 - G4WaterStopping - enable spline after vecto << 1940 needed after G4PhysicsVector modification << 1941 << 1942 15 June 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-49) << 1943 - Return PAI modifications to the vesrsion of << 1944 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - do not use Elem << 1945 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - fixed Coverit << 1946 problem for very small scattering angles << 1947 << 1948 13 June 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-48) << 1949 G4PAIxSection - fixed compillation warning << 1950 << 1951 13 June 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-47) << 1952 G4PAIxSection - V.Grichine fix compillation << 1953 << 1954 13 June 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-46) << 1955 12 June 13 - V.Grichine, G4PAIPhotonModel, G << 1956 initialisation call G4SandiaTable over me << 1957 G4PAIxSection was modified: arrays->G4Dat << 1958 << 1959 10 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-45) << 1960 - G4hIonisation - removed debug printout << 1961 << 1962 07 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-44) << 1963 - G4hIonisation - add special treatment for i << 1964 << 1965 06 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-43) << 1966 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - revert back previous << 1967 tag -42 does not help to resolve non-repr << 1968 << 1969 06 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-42) << 1970 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - revert back previous << 1971 to fix non-reproducibility << 1972 << 1973 06 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-41) << 1974 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - more safe computation << 1975 electron energy and energy concervation << 1976 << 1977 05 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-40) << 1978 - G4PAIPhotonModel - (V.Grichine) added extra << 1979 - G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelM << 1980 method at initialisation << 1981 03 June 13: L. Urban << 1982 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - correction to ensure << 1983 when fluo is on` << 1984 - G4KleinNishinaModel - correction to ensure << 1985 when fluo is on` << 1986 << 1987 30 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-39) << 1988 - G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelM << 1989 copy of element selectors from master to << 1990 << 1991 29 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-38) << 1992 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - increased elowlimit << 1993 SamplingSecondaries() from 10 to 20 keV i << 1994 << 1995 29 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-37) << 1996 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4hCoulombScatte << 1997 G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel - use G4Ion << 1998 of G4ParticleTable interface to create a << 1999 - G4KleinNishinaModel - added protection and << 2000 possible energy non-conservation due to i << 2001 shell energies << 2002 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - use binding energy fr << 2003 from G4AtomicShell class in the case when << 2004 in order to provide energy balance << 2005 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - increased elowlimit << 2006 SamplingSecondaries() from 10 to 20 keV i << 2007 problem of majoranta exceeded in heavy me << 2008 messages should not appear anymore) << 2009 << 2010 23 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-36) << 2011 - G4PAIModel - G4SandiaTable is added as a cl << 2012 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIySection - V.Grichine modi << 2013 call G4SandiaTable over memory crash free << 2014 was modified: arrays->G4DataVectors << 2015 << 2016 16 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-35) << 2017 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - changed interface to << 2018 << 2019 10 May 13: M.Asai (emstand-V09-06-34) << 2020 - Added Mutex lock to G4SeltzerBergerModel::R << 2021 << 2022 08 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-33) << 2023 - removed debug printpout at initialisation f << 2024 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - reduce limit on numb << 2025 to reduce log files for MT developments << 2026 << 2027 07 May 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-32) << 2028 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed old proble << 2029 scattering for electrons and heavy partic << 2030 of separate arrays for screening radiuses << 2031 << 2032 30 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-31) << 2033 - G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton, G4IonFluctuati << 2034 G4PAIPhotonModel, G4UniversalFluctuation - << 2035 substituted by G4Rand (needed for MT) << 2036 - G4PAIySection restore original algorith of << 2037 maxenergy transfer << 2038 << 2039 25 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-30) << 2040 - G4UrbanMscModel95, G4UrbanMscModel96 - adde << 2041 - G4PAIySection, G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel << 2042 versions from the tag emstand-V09-06-28 << 2043 << 2044 22 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-29) << 2045 - G4PAIySection, G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel << 2046 to allow acceptance of msc models for the << 2047 << 2048 20 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-28) << 2049 - G4PAIySection - fixed usage array length << 2050 - G4WentzelVIModel - minor optimisation of th << 2051 physics results) << 2052 << 2053 19 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-27) << 2054 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed initialisa << 2055 screening parameter for e+- and heavy par << 2056 << 2057 18 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-26) << 2058 - G4PAIModel - fixed valgrind reported proble << 2059 << 2060 18 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-25) << 2061 - G4PAIModel - fixed destructor << 2062 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - added different << 2063 for e+- and heavy particles in order to r << 2064 scattering << 2065 << 2066 14 April 13: V.Grichine << 2067 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel, G4PAIySection << 2068 PAIPhoton to be edentical in terms of SANDI << 2069 << 2070 10 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-24) << 2071 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel - change Initi << 2072 work with these models in unit test where << 2073 constructed << 2074 << 2075 04 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-23) << 2076 - G4UrbanMscModel - use G4Pow in compute tran << 2077 << 2078 09 April 13: L.Urban << 2079 - G4UrbanMscModel - random first step/ random << 2080 instead of sampling z (the geam. step leng << 2081 there in no zero step length for eIoni,eBr << 2082 << 2083 04 April 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-22) << 2084 - G4eplusAnnihilation - use G4VParticleChange << 2085 secondary track for more clean weight upd << 2086 << 2087 22 March 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-21) << 2088 - G4MottCoefficients, G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4 << 2089 G4BraggModel, G4InitXscPAI, G4IonFluctuatio << 2090 G4MottCoefficients, G4PAIySection, G4PSTARS << 2091 G4PairProductionRelModel, G4SauterGavrilaAn << 2092 G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4SeltzerBerge << 2093 G4WentzelVIModel, G4WentzelVIRelModel, G4eB << 2094 for const parameters use "static const G4 << 2095 << 2096 18 March 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-20) << 2097 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban have added a new << 2098 0.01 nm to allow scattering in very small << 2099 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4Urban << 2100 warning printout about large angle scatte << 2101 << 2102 07 March 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-19) << 2103 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4Urban << 2104 G4UrbanMscModel96 - comment out extra pri << 2105 G4UrbanMscModel96 - added warning that it i << 2106 << 2107 28 February 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2108 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - changed interface to << 2109 materials to be shared between threads << 2110 << 2111 23 February 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2112 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - attempt to fix compil << 2113 << 2114 21 February 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2115 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - use const pointers to << 2116 changed access to G4SandiaTable in Comput << 2117 by using pointer os G4MaterialCutsCouple << 2118 << 2119 19 February 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2120 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel96 - L.Urba << 2121 in SampleCosineTheta to provide higher st << 2122 - G4UrbanMscModel - modified format of warnin << 2123 << 2124 19 February 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2125 - G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4PAIxSection, G4PAIy << 2126 G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable, G4GoudsmitSaunde << 2127 - removed G4endl from G4ExceptionDescript << 2128 G4UrbanMscModel - copied from G4UrbanMscMod << 2129 default for G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMul << 2130 << 2131 18 February 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2132 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4WentzelVIRelXSect << 2133 G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4SeltzerBergerMo << 2134 G4PAIySection, G4IonFluctuations, G4ICRU49N << 2135 G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 2136 G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - removed G4T << 2137 << 2138 01 February 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2139 - G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95, G4Urb << 2140 added warning printout for particles with << 2141 of c < 1.6 << 2142 - G4UrbanMscModel96 - extra tuning of probabi << 2143 in thin layers to be more similar to the << 2144 (L.Urban) << 2145 << 2146 29 January 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-1 << 2147 - G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95, G4Urb << 2148 added limit c>1.9 for the main parameter << 2149 sumpling of tail of scattering (fix for A << 2150 angle problem) << 2151 - G4WentzelVIModel - more clean logic of samp << 2152 scattering mode << 2153 << 2154 25 January 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-1 << 2155 - G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95, G4Urb << 2156 initialisation at StartTracking method: c << 2157 'tlimitmin' and 'stepmin' are reset to de << 2158 cases of non-reproducibility (L.Urban). << 2159 << 2160 23 January 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-0 << 2161 11 January 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-0 << 2162 11 January 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-0 << 2163 - Removed obsolete models: G4UrbanMscModel90, << 2164 G4PEEffectModel << 2165 << 2166 09 January 13: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06-0 << 2167 - G4UrbanMscModel96 - new tuning by L.Urban << 2168 << 2169 29 December 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2170 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - use more safe expressio << 2171 to avoid numerical problem seenith G4Urba << 2172 - G4UrbanMscModel93 - added extra double memb << 2173 << 2174 23 December 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2175 - All msc models - minor cleanup << 2176 << 2177 23 December 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2178 - All msc models - changed signature of Sampl << 2179 major bug of 9.6 << 2180 << 2181 20 December 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2182 - G4UrbanMscModel93 - use more safe expressio << 2183 to avoid numerical problems (ATLAS large << 2184 << 2185 07 December 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-06- << 2186 - G4ModifiedTsai, G4PairProductionRelModel, G << 2187 G4WentzelVIRelXSection - removed obsolete m << 2188 << 2189 12 November 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2190 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - make special cas << 2191 << 2192 10 November 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2193 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - revert to 9.5 ve << 2194 << 2195 09 November 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2196 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed minor problem in s << 2197 << 2198 08 November 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2199 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4Urb << 2200 scattering if energy is below 1 eV << 2201 - G4WentzelVIModel - added "no scattering" ch << 2202 method << 2203 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - return back scre << 2204 of Geant4 9.5 (better fit MuScat data) << 2205 << 2206 03 November 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2207 - G4XrayRayleighModel - fixed minor Coverity << 2208 << 2209 26 October 12: V. Grichine - bug fixed in G4X << 2210 of the atomic form factor in the SampleSecond << 2211 << 2212 26 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-6 << 2213 - G4UrbanMscModel90 - improved warning for la << 2214 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - added SetBicubicInt << 2215 activating more accurate parameterisation << 2216 energy spectrum; improved comments << 2217 << 2218 25 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2219 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - comment out unwanted wa << 2220 << 2221 25 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2222 - G4hMultipleScattering - use G4UrbanMscMode << 2223 << 2224 21 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2225 - G4eBremsstrahlung, G4eIonisation, G4hIonis << 2226 secondary particle type defined in constr << 2227 method, this is needed for correct initia << 2228 << 2229 20 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2230 - G4CoulombScattering, G4NuclearStopping, G4e << 2231 G4hMultipleScattering, G4ComptonScattering << 2232 Model(), SetModel() by EmModel(), SetEmMo << 2233 - G4NuclearStopping - added check on ion ener << 2234 to speedup computations << 2235 - G4CoulombScattering - close possibility to << 2236 after first initialisation << 2237 - added warning to obsolete methods and class << 2238 << 2239 18 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2240 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel, G4Brag << 2241 for all nucleus except deuteron, triton << 2242 << 2243 14 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2244 - G4XrayRayleighModel - V. Grichine, update o << 2245 - G4eBremParametrizedModel - use G4DipBustGen << 2246 - G4ModifiedTsai - removed old obsolete inter << 2247 << 2248 08 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2249 - G4KleinNishinaModel - fixed computation of << 2250 << 2251 05 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2252 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - added protection into G << 2253 legth cannot exceed physics path length << 2254 - G4UrbanMscModel96 - new version of the mode << 2255 << 2256 01 October 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-5 << 2257 - G4KleinNishinaModel - fixed infinite loop << 2258 << 2259 01 October 12: G.Cosmo (emstand-V09-05-50) << 2260 - Explicitly use inclusion of header for syst << 2261 << 2262 28 September 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05 << 2263 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4WentzelVIRelModel - fix << 2264 recently introduced << 2265 - G4eBremssrahlungRelModel - return back G4Mo << 2266 << 2267 28 September 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05 << 2268 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4Urb << 2269 G4UrbanMscModel95, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscM << 2270 of effective electron energy at a step << 2271 - G4ModifiedTsai - fixed angular distribution << 2272 - G4GammaConversion - explicit inclusion of h << 2273 - G4KleinNishinaModel - minor cleanup << 2274 << 2275 21 September 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05 << 2276 - G4DipBustGenerator, G4SauterGavrilaAngularD << 2277 protection to angular sampling theta < pi << 2278 computation for ultrarelativistic particl << 2279 << 2280 20 September 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05 << 2281 - G4GammaConversion - changed low energy limi << 2282 model from 100 to 80 GeV << 2283 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - use G4DipBustGe << 2284 bremsstrahlung angle instead of G4Modifie << 2285 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - for the cut on gamma << 2286 extra factor 1.2 to max value of the cros << 2287 gamma energy (reduced number of cases whe << 2288 section exceed estimated maximum of the c << 2289 << 2290 18 September 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05 << 2291 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4Urb << 2292 G4UrbanMscModel95, G4WentzelVIModel, << 2293 G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - added prot << 2294 from msc cannot be smaller than tlimitmin << 2295 - G4IonFluctuations - added simplified fluctu << 2296 (to address bug#1345) << 2297 << 2298 28 August 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-44 << 2299 - G4CoulombScattering - fixed initialisation << 2300 limit is below pi << 2301 << 2302 24 August 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-43 << 2303 - G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScatter << 2304 G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4Urb << 2305 G4WentzelVIModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscMo << 2306 moved from PostStep to AlongStep << 2307 - G4KleinNishinaModel - added simplified PDF << 2308 << 2309 27 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-42) << 2310 - G4NuclearStopping - added check of upper en << 2311 performance reasons) << 2312 - G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel - reduced uppe << 2313 100 MeV to 1 MeV (for CPU performance rea << 2314 << 2315 26 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-41) << 2316 - fixed source.cmake << 2317 << 2318 26 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-40) << 2319 - updated source.cmake << 2320 << 2321 26 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-39) << 2322 - G4PEEffectFluoModel, G4PEEffectModel - use << 2323 interface << 2324 - G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution extracte << 2325 limit gamma fator is changed from 5 to 30 << 2326 above ~15 MeV instead of 2.5 MeV) << 2327 << 2328 20 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-38) << 2329 - G4ModifiedTsai - improved sampling of brems << 2330 hemisphere << 2331 << 2332 20 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-37) << 2333 - WentzelVIModel - return back old step limit << 2334 - G4DipBustGenerator, G4ModifiedTsai, G4Seltz << 2335 G4eBremParametrizedModel, G4eBremsstrahlung << 2336 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - use SampleDirec << 2337 G4VEmAngularDistribution interface << 2338 << 2339 17 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-36) << 2340 - G4UniversalFluctuation, G4IonFluctuations - << 2341 in the case of Gamma-distribution (thick << 2342 << 2343 17 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-35) << 2344 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - optimisation of samp << 2345 - WentzelVIModel - optimisation of sampling o << 2346 large value of mean scattering angle << 2347 - G4UniversalFluctuation, G4IonFluctuations - << 2348 "thick" absorber << 2349 << 2350 13 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-34) << 2351 - G4GammaConversion - use relativistic model << 2352 accurate cross sections + LPM effect at v << 2353 - G4ComptonScattering, G4CoulombScattering, G << 2354 G4eplusAnnihilation use EmModel and SetEm << 2355 class at initialisation << 2356 << 2357 13 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-33) << 2358 - StartTracking method is implemented in all << 2359 << 2360 10 July 12: G.Cosmo (emstand-V09-05-32) << 2361 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for sys << 2362 constants, in plan to remove implicit inclu << 2363 << 2364 05 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-31) << 2365 - G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel, G4IonCoulombC << 2366 G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4ScreeningMot << 2367 G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95 - fixe << 2368 << 2369 04 July 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-30) << 2370 - G4GammaConversion, G4KleinNishinaModel, G4K << 2371 G4PEEffectFluoModel - minor cleanup of init << 2372 - G4PhotoElectricEffect - build cross section << 2373 - G4ComptonScattering - build 2 cross section << 2374 1 MeV using different technique for inter << 2375 - G4CoulombScattering - improved list of opti << 2376 constructor to reduce size of cross secti << 2377 << 2378 22 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-29) << 2379 - Fixed non-reproducibility in msc models for << 2380 several models defined for different ener << 2381 << 2382 15 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-28) << 2383 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed precis << 2384 << 2385 14 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-27) << 2386 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - added extra p << 2387 << 2388 11 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-26) << 2389 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - more accurate majora << 2390 low-energy e- << 2391 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection - added protect << 2392 due to low-energy value of internal table << 2393 << 2394 10 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-25) << 2395 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - more effective sampl << 2396 << 2397 09 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-24) << 2398 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - more accurate simula << 2399 << 2400 08 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-23) << 2401 - Fixed shadowing << 2402 << 2403 07 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-22) << 2404 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4eSingleCoulo << 2405 C. Consolandi and P.G. Rancoita provided << 2406 electron scattering code based on analyti << 2407 the Mott cross section by means Hose coef << 2408 - G4MottCoefficients - new class by above sca << 2409 << 2410 07 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-21) << 2411 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed sampling of single << 2412 - G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScatterin << 2413 of initialisation << 2414 << 2415 01 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-20) << 2416 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - fixed warning at Win << 2417 << 2418 01 June 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-19) << 2419 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - fixed problem introd << 2420 << 2421 31 May 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-18) << 2422 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - fixed minor problem << 2423 - make internal data s << 2424 by both e+ and e- mo << 2425 - used simplified comp << 2426 for data with more d << 2427 - make internal data v << 2428 size of data in run << 2429 - G4DipBustGenerator - fixed model descriptio << 2430 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel (A.Schaelicke swi << 2431 - G4eplusAnnihilation (D. Sawkey) fixed propa << 2432 << 2433 09 May 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-17) << 2434 - G4CoulombScattering - minor modification of << 2435 to have add custom model with specific pa << 2436 low andhigh energy limits defined for the << 2437 << 2438 24 April 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-16) << 2439 - G4CoulombScattering - added method MinPrima << 2440 define low edge of physics table when Cou << 2441 multiple or single scattering << 2442 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed a bug introduced i << 2443 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - removed usage o << 2444 introduced in previous tag << 2445 << 2446 20 April 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-15) << 2447 - G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScatter << 2448 G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4Urb << 2449 G4WentzelVIModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscMo << 2450 cross section table from process to model << 2451 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - improved met << 2452 screening parameter << 2453 << 2454 16 April 12: A.Schaelicke & F.Garay << 2455 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel fixed use of scre << 2456 << 2457 13 April 12: L.Urban << 2458 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - fixed tail using single << 2459 << 2460 28 March 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-14) << 2461 - source.cmake fixed - G4UrbanMscModel92 was << 2462 << 2463 15 March 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-13) << 2464 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed FPE bu << 2465 should not be sampled for plural scatteri << 2466 << 2467 12 March 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-12) << 2468 - G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4Urb << 2469 against big scattering angles for e+- (E << 2470 protection cut tail of scattering angles << 2471 of high energy e+-; in the case of E > 1 << 2472 Warning will be printed out << 2473 - G4WentzelVIModel - fixed bug in lateral dis << 2474 << 2475 07 March 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-11) << 2476 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - fixed numeric << 2477 scattering angles << 2478 << 2479 21 February 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2480 - G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95 - fixe << 2481 << 2482 14 February 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2483 - previous tags were rejected by mistake << 2484 << 2485 12 February 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2486 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4WentzelVIModel << 2487 << 2488 10 February 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2489 - G4WentzelVIModel - improved algorithm of sa << 2490 displacement: chice between 1 or 2 sub-st << 2491 << 2492 09 February 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2493 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed typo << 2494 << 2495 09 February 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05- << 2496 - G4UniversalFluctuation L.Urban improved par << 2497 thin gas layers << 2498 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - different screen << 2499 e+- and heavy particles << 2500 << 2501 31 January 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-0 << 2502 31 January 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-0 << 2503 - G4WentzeVIModel - fixed bug in computation << 2504 (Leif Raedel report# 1114 in HyperNews fo << 2505 << 2506 27 January 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-0 << 2507 - G4WentzeVIModel - added G4Exception to iden << 2508 cross section computation << 2509 << 2510 26 January 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-0 << 2511 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed incorrect << 2512 on minimal angle (affect large angle scat << 2513 37 2514 12 January 12: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-05-0 << 38 12 January 12: V.Ivanchenko 2515 - G4UniversalFluctuation - (L.Urban) fixed sa 39 - G4UniversalFluctuation - (L.Urban) fixed sampling at small steps 2516 (below 10 um) in heavy media reported at << 40 (below 10 um) in heavy media reported at 8th Space User Workshop 2517 (Tsukuba, December, 2012) about shift in << 41 (Tsukuba, December, 2012) about shift in range of 3 MeV muons. 2518 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable, G4GoudsmitSaunde << 42 2519 compillation problem at Ubuntu; the probl << 43 25 November 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-35) 2520 usage of fscanf function reading data fil << 44 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93: added 2521 << 45 protection for sampling of angle for very small steps and high 2522 25 November 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04- << 46 energy e-. Fixing rare cases of back-reflection. 2523 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4Urb << 47 2524 protection against numerical problems of sa << 48 28 October 2011: V.Ivant 2525 small step at high energy to avoid reflecti << 49 - G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel: increased 2526 added G4Exception to control reflection bac << 50 low-energy threshold from 1 eV to 1 keV, below this threshold 2527 << 51 particle energy is set to zero 2528 18 November 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04- << 2529 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - optimized "samplez" sam << 2530 only for for medium step size, not apply << 2531 on steps equal to electron range << 2532 << 2533 17 November 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04- << 2534 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - suppress warning pri << 2535 electrons (E < 1 keV) << 2536 << 2537 14 November 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04- << 2538 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - fixed cross section << 2539 << 2540 12 November 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04- << 2541 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - added correction for << 2542 << 2543 11 November 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04- << 2544 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel, G4eSingleCoulombScatte << 2545 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4eBremsstrahlun << 2546 G4XrayRayleighModel, G4WentzelVIModel, G4Ur << 2547 G4UrbanMscModel90, G4SeltzerBergerModel, G4 << 2548 G4PEEffectModel, G4PEEffectFluoModel, G4PAI << 2549 G4MollerBhabhaModel, G4KleinNishinaModel, G << 2550 G4BraggModel, G4BetheBlochModel, G4PAIxSect << 2551 problems (mainly pedantic initialisation) << 2552 - G4alphaIonisation - warning is added saying << 2553 << 2554 2 November 11: G.Cosmo (emstand-V09-04-49) << 2555 - Correction in sources.cmake script. << 2556 << 2557 1 November 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-4 << 2558 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed compilati << 2559 in the previous tag << 2560 << 2561 31 October 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-4 << 2562 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - rename local me << 2563 SetLowEnergyThreshold to avoid hidden of << 2564 base class (addressed bug# 1256) << 2565 << 2566 28 October 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-4 << 2567 - G4PAIxSection, G4PAIySection, << 2568 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 2569 the new G4Exception signature << 2570 - G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4eSingleCoulo << 2571 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - only members us << 2572 protected, othe << 2573 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - return back default Fac << 2574 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - G4LEDATA is used as << 2575 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - low-limit is in << 2576 for the reason of HEP production, may be << 2577 << 2578 10 October 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-4 << 2579 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - speadup a bit in the ca << 2580 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - added polarization << 2581 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - make few method << 2582 to be used in G4SeltzerBergerModel << 2583 - G4SeltzerBergerModel - new model for bremss << 2584 << 2585 16 September 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04 << 2586 - G4BetheBlochModel - added protection for hi << 2587 energy loss (important if a step length i << 2588 << 2589 14 September 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04 << 2590 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - low-limit is in << 2591 10 eV; particles below this limit are kil << 2592 against low-energy particles doing many s << 2593 << 2594 4 September 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04- << 2595 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - L.Urban return back opt << 2596 limitation using FactorSafety parameter f << 2597 option of step limitation (important for << 2598 of default Physics List) << 2599 << 2600 20 August 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-41 << 2601 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - minor change of arithme << 2602 << 2603 18 August 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-40 << 2604 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - removed limitations o << 2605 able to combined with << 2606 Penelope models << 2607 << 2608 18 August 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-39 << 2609 - G4eMultipleScattering - G4UrbanMscModel95 b << 2610 << 2611 08 August 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-38 << 2612 - G4UrbanMscModel95 L.Urban provided new of t << 2613 removed CPU optimisation << 2614 on facsafety, which not a << 2615 simulation in vicinity of << 2616 V.Ivanchenko added minor << 2617 inline method UpdateCache << 2618 << 2619 28 July 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-37) << 2620 - G4PAIxSection, G4InitXscPAI - fixed typo in << 2621 << 2622 28 July 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-36) << 2623 - G4KleinNishinaModel, G4PEEffectFluoModel - << 2624 flag; << 2625 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed Cover << 2626 << 2627 25 July 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-35) << 2628 - G4PAIxSection, G4InitXscPAI - fixed Coverit << 2629 - G4KleinNishinaCompton, G4KleinNishinaModel << 2630 to avoid precision loss in sampling of scat << 2631 << 2632 06 June 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-34) << 2633 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - L.Urban fixed typo in s << 2634 - V.Ivanchenko optimized << 2635 reducing number of call << 2636 << 2637 29 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-33) << 2638 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - fixed FPE problem at lo << 2639 << 2640 14 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-32) << 2641 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - tuned screening << 2642 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - added protec << 2643 for solving equation for the screening para << 2644 << 2645 08 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-31) << 2646 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - enable sampling along t << 2647 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - added protection << 2648 - G4KleinNishinaModel - limitFactor is set to << 2649 << 2650 27 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-30) << 2651 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - more coherent usage o << 2652 for dedx and x-sectio << 2653 important for cuts be << 2654 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - added numerical prote << 2655 computation for very small energy << 2656 << 2657 26 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-29) << 2658 - Fixed source.cmake << 2659 << 2660 26 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-28) << 2661 - Fixed problems in new classes << 2662 << 2663 26 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-27) << 2664 - V.Grichine have added two new classes : << 2665 G4XrayRayleighModel - simplified << 2666 G4DipBustGenerator - bremsstrahl << 2667 << 2668 24 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-26) << 2669 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - fixed bug i << 2670 << 2671 24 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-25) << 2672 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - use ASTAR a << 2673 for moleculas from list of ICRU'49 << 2674 << 2675 24 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-24) << 2676 - G4KleinNishinaModel - added extra protectio << 2677 during sampling of final state (very low-en << 2678 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - disable sampleZ option << 2679 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - minor clean << 2680 << 2681 16 May 11: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V09-04-23) << 2682 - G4InitXscPAI,G4IonCoulombCrossSection,G4PAI << 2683 G4PAIxSection, G4PAIySection - fixed gcc-4 << 2684 << 2685 04 May 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-22) << 2686 - Removed obsolete unused classes: G4ionGasIo << 2687 G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4UniversalFluctu << 2688 G4UrbanMscModel92 << 2689 - Fixed Coverity warnings << 2690 - G4NuclearStopping - use new sub-type fNucle << 2691 << 2692 01 May 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-21) << 2693 - G4PhotoElectricEffect, G4ComptonScattering, << 2694 make constructors in the same style << 2695 - G4eplusAnnihilation - disable creation of P << 2696 cross section in run time (no visible CPU p << 2697 << 2698 01 May 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-20) << 2699 - G4KleinNishinaModel - removed parasitice pr << 2700 - G4CoulombScattering - removed obsolete unus << 2701 << 2702 29 April 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-19) << 2703 - G4KleinNishinaModel - fixed compillation wa << 2704 << 2705 29 April 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-18) << 2706 - G4KleinNishinaModel - fixed infinite loop i << 2707 << 2708 27 April 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-17) << 2709 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - L.Urban fixed FPE probl << 2710 now by default samplez=true (complite sampl << 2711 - G4ModifiedTsai - V. Grichine clean-up of Po << 2712 << 2713 18 April 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-16) << 2714 - Fixed problems of the previous tag << 2715 << 2716 08 April 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-15) << 2717 - G4eBremParametrizedModel (A.Schaelicke) - n << 2718 << 2719 07 April 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-14) << 2720 - G4IonFluctuation, G4UniversalFluctuations - << 2721 sampling by Gamma function sampling << 2722 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - modified parameterisa << 2723 very low energy providing more smooth sha << 2724 << 2725 30 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-13) << 2726 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection, G4eCoulombScatter << 2727 introduced in previous tags for compounds << 2728 << 2729 29 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-12) << 2730 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - return back to t << 2731 << 2732 29 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-11) << 2733 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - set samplez=false to av << 2734 << 2735 28 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-10) << 2736 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4Urb << 2737 G4UrbanMscModel95, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscM << 2738 G4WentzelVIModel - updated G4VMscModel meth << 2739 << 2740 25 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-09) << 2741 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4Urb << 2742 G4UrbanMscModel95, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscM << 2743 G4WentzelVIModel - use G4VMscModel methods << 2744 and inverse range << 2745 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - remove special t << 2746 - G4ComptonScattering - use by default old G4 << 2747 << 2748 24 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-08) << 2749 - G4UrbanMscModel95 - (L.Urban) new version o << 2750 includes improved sampling of the tail of << 2751 sampling of lateral displacement and true << 2752 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed sampling o << 2753 << 2754 22 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-07) << 2755 - General cleanup - removed MinEnergyCut meth << 2756 << 2757 21 March 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-06) << 2758 - G4PAIySection - added method ComputeLowEner << 2759 this method allowing extend low energy lim << 2760 to 10 eV (V.Grichine) << 2761 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - cleanup << 2762 - G4ComptonScattering - use G4KleinNishinaMod << 2763 - G4PhotoElectricEffect - use G4PEEffectFluoM << 2764 - G4KleinNishinaModel - use dynamic selection << 2765 sampling and sampling with Doppler broadin << 2766 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - restore vers << 2767 << 2768 25 February 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-05) << 2769 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4Urb << 2770 simpified computation of geom path length << 2771 is equal to the range (minor CPU improveme << 2772 computation) << 2773 52 2774 17 February 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-04) << 53 07 April 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-34) >> 54 - G4IonFluctuation - replaced Gauss sampling by Gamma function sampling >> 55 >> 56 21 March 2011: V.Ivant >> 57 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - restore to version of original 9.4 >> 58 >> 59 17 February 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-33) 2775 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - comment out parasitic 60 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - comment out parasitic cout 2776 61 2777 11 February 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-03) << 62 11 February 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-32) 2778 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - fixed K-shell selecti 63 - G4PEEffectFluoModel - fixed K-shell selection (was off by mistake) 2779 64 2780 01 February 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-02) << 65 01 February 2011: V.Ivant 2781 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - fixed expression for 66 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - fixed expression for computation of positron dedx 2782 according to PDG form 67 according to PDG formula and original paper 2783 (thanks to Nicola Mor 68 (thanks to Nicola Mori) 2784 69 2785 04 January 2011: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-01) << 70 04 January 2011: V.Ivant 2786 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4UrbanMscMod 71 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, 2787 G4UrbanMscModel93 use recommended method Va 72 G4UrbanMscModel93 use recommended method Value(e) to access transport 2788 cross section instead of obsolete GetValue << 73 cross section instead of obsolete GetValue 2789 - G4KleinNishinaModel - improved computation 74 - G4KleinNishinaModel - improved computation of kinematics 2790 75 2791 23 December 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-04-00) << 76 23 December 2010: V.Ivant 2792 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4GoudsmitSaun << 77 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, 2793 G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - fixed Coverity << 78 G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - fixed Coverity warnings making more 2794 pedantic initialisation 79 pedantic initialisation 2795 80 2796 29 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-31) 81 29 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-31) 2797 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4IonCoulombCr << 82 - G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4IonCoulombCrossSection - C.Consolandi 2798 added extra screening factor for low-energy << 83 added extra screening factor for low-energy heavy ions. 2799 84 2800 23 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-30) 85 23 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-30) 2801 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIySection - V.Grichine fix 86 - G4PAIModel, G4PAIySection - V.Grichine fix of a bug in G4_Ar 2802 87 2803 21 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-29) 88 21 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-29) 2804 - G4PEEffectFluoModel, G4KleinNishinaModel - 89 - G4PEEffectFluoModel, G4KleinNishinaModel - fixed energy balance 2805 90 2806 17 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-28) 91 17 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-28) 2807 - G4ICRU73QOModel (A.Bagulya) - fine tuning f 92 - G4ICRU73QOModel (A.Bagulya) - fine tuning for 9.4, low limit is 2808 reduced from 10 keV to 5 keV 93 reduced from 10 keV to 5 keV 2809 94 2810 13 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-27) 95 13 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-27) 2811 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4Urb 96 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93 - added 2812 warning messages; 97 warning messages; 2813 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed computatio 98 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - fixed computation of nuclear form-factor 2814 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed computati 99 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed computation of nuclear recoil 2815 100 2816 12 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-26) 101 12 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-26) 2817 - G4IonCoulombCrossSection and G4IonCoulombSc 102 - G4IonCoulombCrossSection and G4IonCoulombScatteringModel - 2818 new model of single scattering of ions (C.C 103 new model of single scattering of ions (C.Consolandi) 2819 - G4BetheBlochModel - Shell corrections facto << 104 - G4BetheBlochModel - Shell corrections factor according to ICRU'49 2820 (returned back to versi 105 (returned back to version of 9.3) 2821 - G4WentzelVIModel - added usage of geometry 106 - G4WentzelVIModel - added usage of geometry factor and the option 2822 UseDistanceToBoundary; << 107 UseDistanceToBoundary; 2823 108 2824 04 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-25) 109 04 November 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-25) 2825 - Fixed warnings of the Coverity tool (pedant 110 - Fixed warnings of the Coverity tool (pedantic initialisation); 2826 111 2827 26 October 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-24) 112 26 October 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-24) 2828 - Fixed problem reported by the Coverity tool << 113 - Fixed problem reported by the Coverity tool (mainly pedantic 2829 initialisation); 114 initialisation); 2830 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelMod << 115 - G4BetheHeitlerModel, G4PairProductionRelModel - removed unused 2831 internal table of cross section 116 internal table of cross section 2832 - G4WaterStopping - fixed bug in index of dat 117 - G4WaterStopping - fixed bug in index of data for Fe ion 2833 118 2834 14 October 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-23) 119 14 October 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-23) 2835 - G4ModifiedTsai - added (moved from lowenerg 120 - G4ModifiedTsai - added (moved from lowenergy) 2836 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4eBremsstrahlung << 121 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - return back 2837 the version of 9.4beta (disable tag 21); 122 the version of 9.4beta (disable tag 21); use general interface 2838 to sample polar angular distribution (G4 123 to sample polar angular distribution (G4ModifiedTsai - default) 2839 124 2840 28 September 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-22 125 28 September 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-22) 2841 - G4ionIonisation, G4alphaIonisation - remove << 126 - G4ionIonisation, G4alphaIonisation - removed obsolete nuclear stopping 2842 flag and Get/Set methods (nuclear stopp 127 flag and Get/Set methods (nuclear stopping is simulated by the 2843 dedicated G4NuclearStopping process) 128 dedicated G4NuclearStopping process) 2844 129 2845 12 September 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-21 130 12 September 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-21) 2846 - G4BetheBlochModel - fixed shell corrections 131 - G4BetheBlochModel - fixed shell corrections 2847 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4eBremsstrahlung << 132 - G4PairProductionRelModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - fixed 2848 SetCurrentElement method, fix is importa 133 SetCurrentElement method, fix is important for unit tests 2849 134 2850 12 August 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-20) 135 12 August 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-20) 2851 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban revision o << 136 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban revision of width correction 2852 providing better results for thin targets a << 137 providing better results for thin targets and a good tail 2853 138 2854 14 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-19) 139 14 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-19) 2855 - G4UniversalFluctuation93 new class keeping 140 - G4UniversalFluctuation93 new class keeping version of the release 9.3 2856 for the G4UniversalFluctuation 141 for the G4UniversalFluctuation 2857 - G4UniversalFluctuation - improved comments 142 - G4UniversalFluctuation - improved comments 2858 143 2859 11 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-18) 144 11 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-18) 2860 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban fixed anom << 145 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban fixed anomaly at the tail of 2861 distribution for t 146 distribution for thin targets 2862 147 2863 4 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-17) 148 4 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-17) 2864 - G4ICRU73QOModel - fixed problems and add fa 149 - G4ICRU73QOModel - fixed problems and add factor for transition to 2865 Bethe-Bloch at 2 MeV 150 Bethe-Bloch at 2 MeV 2866 - G4hIonisation - use G4ICRU73QOModel for neg << 151 - G4hIonisation - use G4ICRU73QOModel for negatively charged particles 2867 below 2 MeV 152 below 2 MeV 2868 - G4BraggModel - above 2 MeV use ICRU'49 para 153 - G4BraggModel - above 2 MeV use ICRU'49 parameterisation for all atoms 2869 154 2870 June 3, 2010, V. Grichine << 155 June 3, 2010, V. Grichine 2871 -, cout for << 156 -, cout for the model initialisation 2872 157 2873 1 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-16) 158 1 June 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-16) 2874 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - optimized comput << 159 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - optimized computation of the transport 2875 cross section 160 cross section 2876 - G4WentzelVIModel - optimized method of step 161 - G4WentzelVIModel - optimized method of step limitation 2877 162 2878 27 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-15) 163 27 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-15) 2879 - G4BraggIonGasModel, G4BetheBlochIonGasModel 164 - G4BraggIonGasModel, G4BetheBlochIonGasModel - new ionisation models 2880 for low density media 165 for low density media 2881 - G4ICRU73QOModel (A.Bagulya) new model for a 166 - G4ICRU73QOModel (A.Bagulya) new model for anti-particles 2882 - G4hIonisation - use G4ICRU73QOModel for ant 167 - G4hIonisation - use G4ICRU73QOModel for anti-particles 2883 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - new class to com 168 - G4WentzelOKandVIxSection - new class to compute cross sections and 2884 sample scatterin << 169 sample scattering angle 2885 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel 170 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel 2886 use new class G4WentzelOK 171 use new class G4WentzelOKandVIxSection 2887 172 2888 20 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-14) 173 20 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-14) 2889 - G4UrbanMscModel93 - L.Urban removed randomi << 174 - G4UrbanMscModel93 - L.Urban removed randomisation of step limit for the 2890 first step in any volum 175 first step in any volume in the case of UseSafety 2891 - Removed obsolete models: G4UrbanMscModel, G 176 - Removed obsolete models: G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel71, 2892 G4MultipleScattering, G4ComptonScattering52 177 G4MultipleScattering, G4ComptonScattering52, G4PolarizedComptonScattering 2893 178 2894 17 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-13) 179 17 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-13) 2895 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel 180 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added momentum dependent 2896 limit of scattering angle between sing 181 limit of scattering angle between single and multiple scattering 2897 which allowing to use G4WentzelVIMode 182 which allowing to use G4WentzelVIModel with optical model 2898 of hadron scattering << 183 of hadron scattering 2899 184 2900 17 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-12) 185 17 May 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-12) 2901 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 186 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable (O.Kadri) - 2902 optimized code to improve speed by add 187 optimized code to improve speed by addition extra class members 2903 188 2904 30 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-11) 189 30 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-11) 2905 - G4UrbanMscModel93 - L.Urban add randomisati << 190 - G4UrbanMscModel93 - L.Urban add randomisation of step limit for the 2906 first step in any volum 191 first step in any volume 2907 192 2908 28 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-10) 193 28 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-10) 2909 G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fixed SelectRandomAt 194 G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fixed SelectRandomAtom method (bug report #1115) 2910 195 2911 26 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-09) 196 26 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-09) 2912 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARTStopping - C-array << 197 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARTStopping - C-arrays sustituted by G4PhysicsVector 2913 with spline; reviewed names of ma 198 with spline; reviewed names of materials (G4_He, G4_PHOTO_EMULSION, 2914 G4_NYLON-6-6) 199 G4_NYLON-6-6) 2915 - G4ASTARStopping - fixed G4_O data << 200 - G4ASTARStopping - fixed G4_O data 2916 - G4PSTARStopping - fixed G4_Pt and G4_PROPAN 201 - G4PSTARStopping - fixed G4_Pt and G4_PROPANE data 2917 - G4WaterStopping - cleanup GetElectronicDEDX 202 - G4WaterStopping - cleanup GetElectronicDEDX method 2918 203 2919 16 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-08) 204 16 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-08) 2920 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel (O.Kadri) - im << 205 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel (O.Kadri) - improved numerical stability 2921 of computations for small angles << 206 of computations for small angles by direct xsection calculation 2922 not inverse of the inverse angula << 207 not inverse of the inverse angular sampling without large angle 2923 rejection method longitudinal dis << 208 rejection method longitudinal displacement is computed exactly 2924 from <z> 209 from <z> 2925 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable (O.Kadri) - im << 210 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable (O.Kadri) - improved numerical stability by 2926 minimum of used arrays in computa << 211 minimum of used arrays in computation within the dichotomy 2927 finding method 212 finding method 2928 - G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScatterin 213 - G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - improved printout at 2929 214 initialisation 2930 215 2931 15 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-07) 216 15 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-07) 2932 - G4hMultipleScattering - removed old unused 217 - G4hMultipleScattering - removed old unused header of G4UrbanMscModel 2933 - - disabled corrupted dat << 218 - - disabled corrupted data for Oxygen 2934 219 2935 06 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-06) 220 06 April 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-06) 2936 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4MollerBhabhaMo << 221 - G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel, G4MollerBhabhaModel - set minimum cut 2937 value to 0.1 keV 222 value to 0.1 keV 2938 223 2939 30 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-05) 224 30 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-05) 2940 - G4PolarizedComptonScattering - add message 225 - G4PolarizedComptonScattering - add message that this process is obsolete 2941 226 2942 22 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-04) 227 22 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-04) 2943 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - reduced minThresho 228 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - reduced minThreshold to 0.1 keV 2944 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - reduced minimum cut v << 229 - G4MollerBhabhaModel - reduced minimum cut value to mean ionisation 2945 potential 230 potential 2946 231 2947 01 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-03) 232 01 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-03) 2948 - G4WentzelVIModel - added protections, added 233 - G4WentzelVIModel - added protections, added DefineMaterial() call 2949 before computing cross s << 234 before computing cross section 2950 235 2951 31 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-02a) 236 31 March 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-02a) 2952 - G4PolarizedComptonScattering - add message 237 - G4PolarizedComptonScattering - add message that this process is obsolete 2953 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - returned method 238 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - returned method default value 100 eV of 9.3 for 2954 internal low li 239 internal low limit 2955 240 2956 24 February 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-02 241 24 February 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-02) 2957 - make a tag co-working with emutils-V09-03-0 242 - make a tag co-working with emutils-V09-03-02 2958 243 2959 19 February 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-01 244 19 February 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-01) 2960 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau << 245 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable (O.Kadri) 2961 - fixed problems of small angle theta d 246 - fixed problems of small angle theta distributions 2962 247 2963 17 February 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-00 248 17 February 2010: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-03-00) 2964 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - Added comments t 249 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - Added comments to relativistic formula 2965 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - Added method Se 250 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - Added method SetLowEnergyLimit, default 2966 value is set to 251 value is set to 1 eV (before was 100 eV) 2967 - G4CoulombScattering - Removed inclined meth 252 - G4CoulombScattering - Removed inclined method SetBuildTableFlag because 2968 the method exist in t << 253 the method exist in the base class 2969 254 2970 03 December 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-36) 255 03 December 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-36) 2971 - G4BetheBlochModel - (A.Lechner) return back 256 - G4BetheBlochModel - (A.Lechner) return back commented out CorrectionAlongStep 2972 method, returning back 257 method, returning back to normal ion ranges 2973 258 2974 03 December 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-35) 259 03 December 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-35) 2975 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - (C.Consaldi) fix 260 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - (C.Consaldi) fixed relativistic formula 2976 261 2977 27 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-34) 262 27 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-34) 2978 - G4ionIonisation - set linLossLimit 0.02 << 263 - G4ionIonisation - set linLossLimit 0.02 2979 264 2980 25 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-33) 265 25 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-33) 2981 - G4LindhardPartition - moved back to TestEm7 << 266 - G4LindhardPartition - moved back to TestEm7 2982 267 2983 10 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-32) 268 10 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-32) 2984 - G4BetheBlochModel - minor speedup inside Co 269 - G4BetheBlochModel - minor speedup inside CorrectionsAlongStep method 2985 270 2986 10 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-31) 271 10 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-31) 2987 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIon 272 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - remove computations 2988 of nuclear stopping po 273 of nuclear stopping power, some CPU speadup 2989 - G4NuclearStopping - updated process for com 274 - G4NuclearStopping - updated process for computation of nuclear stopping 2990 - G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel - model provid << 275 - G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel - model providing computation of nuclear 2991 stopping 276 stopping 2992 277 2993 10 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-30) 278 10 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-30) 2994 - Added G4alphaIonisation process 279 - Added G4alphaIonisation process 2995 280 2996 09 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-29) 281 09 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-29) 2997 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4MollerBhabhaModel - co 282 - G4BetheBlochModel, G4MollerBhabhaModel - compute density effect correction 2998 us << 283 using method of G4IonisParamMat class 2999 ap 284 applying revised parameterisation 3000 285 3001 09 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-28) 286 09 November 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-28) 3002 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel (O.Kadri) - tu 287 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel (O.Kadri) - tuning small angle theta distributions 3003 assuming the case of l 288 assuming the case of lambdan<1 as single scattering regime; 3004 tuning theta sampling << 289 tuning theta sampling for theta below the screening angle 3005 - G4LindhardPartition - moved from TestEm7 to 290 - G4LindhardPartition - moved from TestEm7 to the source 3006 291 3007 31 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-27) 292 31 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-27) 3008 - Added G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93 293 - Added G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93 - 9.2 and 9.3 versions 3009 version of the Urban m 294 version of the Urban model 3010 - Set default model G4UrbanMscModel92 for G4e 295 - Set default model G4UrbanMscModel92 for G4eMultipleScattering 3011 - Added warting to obsolete msc classes G4Mul 296 - Added warting to obsolete msc classes G4MultipleScattering, G4UrbanMscModel, 3012 G4UrbanMscMode2, G4Msc << 297 G4UrbanMscMode2, G4MscModel71 3013 298 3014 28 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-26) 299 28 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-26) 3015 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel 300 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - added 3016 protection for very lo 301 protection for very low energies 3017 302 3018 10 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-25) 303 10 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-25) 3019 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringMo 304 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringModel - changed screening parameters 3020 305 3021 06 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-24) 306 06 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-24) 3022 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel (O.Kadri) tuni 307 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel (O.Kadri) tuning small angle theta distributions 3023 assuming the case of l 308 assuming the case of lambdan<1 as single scattering regime, 3024 tuning theta sampling 309 tuning theta sampling for theta below the screening angle 3025 310 3026 02 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-23) 311 02 October 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-23) 3027 - G4eMultipleScattering - use as a default G4 312 - G4eMultipleScattering - use as a default G4UrbanMscModel (the same as in 9.2) 3028 - G4CoulombScattering - fixed compillation pr << 313 - G4CoulombScattering - fixed compillation problem 3029 314 3030 30 September 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-22) 315 30 September 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-22) 3031 - G4CoulombScattering - added cut per recoil 316 - G4CoulombScattering - added cut per recoil 3032 - G4BohrFluctuations - change internal parame 317 - G4BohrFluctuations - change internal parameter minNumberInteractionsBohr 3033 from 10 to 2 to provid 318 from 10 to 2 to provide more smooth transition 3034 to Landau regime in th << 319 to Landau regime in the case of small cuts 3035 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added effective 320 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added effective mass factor 3036 321 3037 28 August 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-21) 322 28 August 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-21) 3038 - G4PAIModel - fixed problem conneted with mo << 323 - G4PAIModel - fixed problem conneted with modifications for 3039 G4PhysicsVector (removel of hi 324 G4PhysicsVector (removel of hidden bin) 3040 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSau 325 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - O.Kadri 3041 speadup computations, in parti << 326 speadup computations, in particular, by reducing of 3042 number of calls to log 327 number of calls to log 3043 328 3044 12 August 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-20) 329 12 August 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-20) 3045 - G4PAIModel - fixed problem for high energy 330 - G4PAIModel - fixed problem for high energy connected with bin number 3046 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringMo << 331 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringModel - extended low-energy 3047 cross section to 0.1 keV << 332 cross section to 0.1 keV 3048 333 3049 27 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-19) 334 27 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-19) 3050 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringMo 335 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed typo 3051 336 3052 26 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-18) 337 26 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-18) 3053 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringMo 338 - G4WentzelVIModel and G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed numerical 3054 problem at very high energy 339 problem at very high energy 3055 - G4PAIModel - fixed problem for the case of 340 - G4PAIModel - fixed problem for the case of several materials 3056 - G4PAIySection - added protections for numer 341 - G4PAIySection - added protections for numerical exceptions 3057 342 3058 22 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-17) 343 22 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-17) 3059 - G4NuclearStopping and G4ICRU49NuclearStoppi 344 - G4NuclearStopping and G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel are added 3060 345 3061 20 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-16) 346 20 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-16) 3062 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed comput 347 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - fixed computation of the displacement 3063 - G4MultipleScattering, G4eMultipleScattering << 348 - G4MultipleScattering, G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering 3064 - moved initialisation of models to the 349 - moved initialisation of models to the base class 3065 350 3066 9 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-15) 351 9 July 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-15) 3067 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - (O.Kadri) re 352 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - (O.Kadri) removed extra correcting factor 3068 for sampling 353 for sampling in high-Z media 3069 - G4hMultipleScattering - removed obsolete me 354 - G4hMultipleScattering - removed obsolete methods 3070 355 3071 19 June 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-14) 356 19 June 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-14) 3072 - G4WaterStopping - (A.Ivantchenko) added Fe 357 - G4WaterStopping - (A.Ivantchenko) added Fe ion data 3073 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - reduce the size << 358 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable - reduce the size of the object file and 3074 all standard li 359 all standard library 3075 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - (O.Kadri) fi << 360 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - (O.Kadri) fixed unphysical peak at 3076 very small angl 361 very small angles; extend model to 100 TeV 3077 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatter << 362 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4WentzelVIModel, 3078 - (C.Consoland << 363 - (C.Consolandi) fixed kinematic for ion/ion 3079 scattering 364 scattering 3080 << 365 3081 19 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-13) 366 19 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-13) 3082 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) change in tai 367 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) change in tail parameter 3083 368 3084 18 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-12) 369 18 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-12) 3085 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) correction in 370 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) correction in tail tuning using MuScat data 3086 371 3087 15 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-11) 372 15 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-11) 3088 - G4WaterStopping - fixed Ar data 373 - G4WaterStopping - fixed Ar data 3089 - G4PairProductionRelModel - (A.Schaelicke) n << 374 - G4PairProductionRelModel - (A.Schaelicke) new relativistic model for 3090 gamma conversio 375 gamma conversion 3091 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) new version o 376 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) new version of theta0 and tail tuning 3092 377 3093 10 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-10) 378 10 May 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-10) 3094 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScattering, G4C 379 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScattering, G4CoulombScattering - added relativistic 3095 factor to Reserford cro 380 factor to Reserford cross section; set default limit on 3096 kinetic energy of the r 381 kinetic energy of the recoil 100 keV 3097 382 3098 28 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-09) 383 28 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-09) 3099 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) new tuning fo << 384 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - (L.Urban) new tuning for the central part and for the 3100 tail of the angular dis << 385 tail of the angular distribution using the old e- 3101 scattering data only (P << 386 scattering data only (Phys. Rev. 84 (1951) 634; 3102 Phys. Rev. 61 (1942) 25 << 387 Phys. Rev. 61 (1942) 254) 3103 - corrected logic in Comp << 388 - corrected logic in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit method 3104 for type=fUseDistanceTo 389 for type=fUseDistanceToBoundary 3105 - G4UrbanMscModel - frozen version of G4Urb 390 - G4UrbanMscModel - frozen version of G4UrbanMscModel2 of g4 9.2 3106 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScattering - r << 391 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScattering - reduce low-limit from 1 keV to 0.1 keV 3107 to provide smooth trans 392 to provide smooth transport cross section table 3108 393 3109 23 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-08) 394 23 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-08) 3110 - G4BetheBlochModel - do not use pointer to G 395 - G4BetheBlochModel - do not use pointer to GenericIon introduced in the 3111 previous tag due to pro 396 previous tag due to problem of simple PhysLists without ions 3112 397 3113 20 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-07) 398 20 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-07) 3114 - G4BetheBlochModel - fixed and simplified in 399 - G4BetheBlochModel - fixed and simplified initialisation for ions needed for 3115 the new G4IonParametris 400 the new G4IonParametrisedLossModel of low-energy package 3116 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - (O.Kadri) cl << 401 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel - (O.Kadri) cleanup: discarded no scattering and 3117 single scattering theta << 402 single scattering theta sampling from SampleCosineTheta() 3118 which means the splitti << 403 which means the splitting step into two sub-steps occur 3119 only for msc regime << 404 only for msc regime 3120 405 3121 12 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-06) 406 12 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-06) 3122 - Simplified initialisation of all models 407 - Simplified initialisation of all models 3123 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanM 408 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90 - use methods 3124 of G4VMscModel for interface to geometry 409 of G4VMscModel for interface to geometry 3125 410 3126 07 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-05) 411 07 April 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-05) 3127 - G4IonFluctuations - T.Toshito removed extra 412 - G4IonFluctuations - T.Toshito removed extra phenomenological factor 3128 in fluctuation width 413 in fluctuation width 3129 - G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton - V.Grichine ad 414 - G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton - V.Grichine added a prototype model for 3130 plasma << 415 plasma 3131 416 3132 21 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-04) 417 21 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-04) 3133 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban introduce << 418 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban introduce modification in width 3134 correction, the dependence of the correct << 419 correction, the dependence of the correction on energy deposition 3135 at previous steps is removed (addresses T 420 at previous steps is removed (addresses T2K report) 3136 421 3137 20 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-03) 422 20 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-03) 3138 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel fixed compilla 423 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel fixed compillation problem 3139 424 3140 12 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-02) 425 12 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-02) 3141 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel fixed compilla 426 - G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel fixed compillation problem 3142 - G4UniversalFluctuation - add temporary fix 427 - G4UniversalFluctuation - add temporary fix for T2K report 3143 428 3144 05 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-01) 429 05 March 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-01) 3145 - New G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel is added 430 - New G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel is added 3146 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScattringModel: 431 - G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScattringModel: 3147 o substitute scaling of low-energy limit << 432 o substitute scaling of low-energy limit by setting 1 keV for 3148 all particles; 433 all particles; 3149 o use EGSnrc form of screening parameter << 434 o use EGSnrc form of screening parameter (second order correction) 3150 435 3151 20 February 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-00) 436 20 February 09: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-02-00) 3152 - Move all virtual methods from inline to sou 437 - Move all virtual methods from inline to source 3153 G4PEEffectModel - substitute ComputeMeanFreeP << 438 G4PEEffectModel - substitute ComputeMeanFreePath by CrossSectionPerVolume 3154 (minor CPU speadup for comp 439 (minor CPU speadup for compound materials) 3155 G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel - remove usage o << 440 G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel - remove usage of random numbers at 3156 initialisation (potential 441 initialisation (potential non-reproducibility) 3157 G4WentzelVIModel - use generic methods of G4V 442 G4WentzelVIModel - use generic methods of G4VMscModel to access safety 3158 and other geometry informa << 443 and other geometry information 3159 444 3160 24 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-45) 445 24 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-45) 3161 G4PSTARStopping, G4ASTARStopping - fixed non- 446 G4PSTARStopping, G4ASTARStopping - fixed non-initialized variable 3162 introduced in the previous tag 447 introduced in the previous tag 3163 448 3164 19 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-44) 449 19 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-44) 3165 G4WentzelVIModel - minor fix in lateral displ 450 G4WentzelVIModel - minor fix in lateral displacement 3166 451 3167 13 November 08: A. Schaelicke (emstand-V09-01 452 13 November 08: A. Schaelicke (emstand-V09-01-43) 3168 G4eBremsstrahlung - activate LPM switch for h 453 G4eBremsstrahlung - activate LPM switch for high energy model 3169 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - revised LPMconsta 454 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - revised LPMconstant 3170 G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelM 455 G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel - (VI) use LPM flag 3171 from the base 456 from the base class 3172 457 3173 13 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-42) 458 13 November 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-42) 3174 G4PSTARStopping - fixed SiO2 and TEFLON data 459 G4PSTARStopping - fixed SiO2 and TEFLON data 3175 G4ASTARStopping - fixed GRAFITE data 460 G4ASTARStopping - fixed GRAFITE data 3176 461 3177 29 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-41) 462 29 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-41) 3178 G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMsc << 463 G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90, G4WentzelVIModel 3179 use StepStatus from preStepPoint to identif 464 use StepStatus from preStepPoint to identify first step for a given track 3180 instaed of step number in order to address 465 instaed of step number in order to address ATLAS problem of small step 3181 limits happen with suspended tracks 466 limits happen with suspended tracks 3182 467 3183 27 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-40) 468 27 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-40) 3184 G4UrbanMscModel2 - extra protection for "UseD 469 G4UrbanMscModel2 - extra protection for "UseDistanceToBoundary" option 3185 G4WentzelVIModel - fixed cross section factor 470 G4WentzelVIModel - fixed cross section factor for single scattering 3186 471 3187 23 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-39) 472 23 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-39) 3188 G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4WentzelVIMode 473 G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4WentzelVIModel - added protection against 3189 precision loss in computation of cross se 474 precision loss in computation of cross section at high energy 3190 G4UrbanMscModel2 - fixed screening parameter 475 G4UrbanMscModel2 - fixed screening parameter of the single scattering part 3191 G4eMultipleScattering - set default RangeFact 476 G4eMultipleScattering - set default RangeFactor = 0.04 3192 477 3193 22 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-38) 478 22 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-38) 3194 G4IonFluctuations - added G4UniversalFluctuat << 479 G4IonFluctuations - added G4UniversalFluctuation model, which are used for 3195 high energy; added comments and cleanup 480 high energy; added comments and cleanup 3196 G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel - take int << 481 G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggIonModel - take into account effective change 3197 change over the step 482 change over the step 3198 G4hIonisation - switch off nuclear stopping f << 483 G4hIonisation - switch off nuclear stopping for pi and K mesons 3199 484 3200 20 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-37) 485 20 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-37) 3201 G4UrbanMscModel2 - return back ref-08 version 486 G4UrbanMscModel2 - return back ref-08 version 3202 G4IronStopping, G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleM 487 G4IronStopping, G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleMaterialStopping moved to materials 3203 G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - temporary model is << 488 G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - temporary model is removed 3204 489 3205 17 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-36) 490 17 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-36) 3206 G4UrbanMscModel2 - use logic of 9.1 version f 491 G4UrbanMscModel2 - use logic of 9.1 version for step limitation 3207 option "UseSafety" to fix 492 option "UseSafety" to fix CPU penalty in sampling 3208 calorimeters (L.Urban) 493 calorimeters (L.Urban) 3209 G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMsc 494 G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel90 added protection 3210 against sampling scatterin << 495 against sampling scattering angle with zero transport 3211 cross section << 496 cross section 3212 497 3213 15 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-35) 498 15 October 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-35) 3214 For all process classes set sub-types accordi 499 For all process classes set sub-types according to the enumeration 3215 of G4EmProcessSubType.hh, improved cout << 500 of G4EmProcessSubType.hh, improved cout 3216 G4UrbanMscModel2 - use screning function from 501 G4UrbanMscModel2 - use screning function from G4eCoulombScatteringModel 3217 G4eBremsstrahlung - set relativistic model ab 502 G4eBremsstrahlung - set relativistic model above 1 GeV by default 3218 G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelM 503 G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel removed private member 3219 highEnergyTh and use access method to this 504 highEnergyTh and use access method to this threshold in the base class 3220 505 3221 21 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-34) 506 21 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-34) 3222 G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonMo 507 G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - simplified new methods 3223 G4ionIonisation - use the same low-energy mod 508 G4ionIonisation - use the same low-energy model for He ions and GenericIons 3224 (like it was in 9.2beta) 509 (like it was in 9.2beta) 3225 510 3226 16 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-33) 511 16 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-33) 3227 G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMsc 512 G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90 - do not use 3228 string comparison when compute transport c 513 string comparison when compute transport cross section, instead 3229 compare masses (G.Cosmo) 514 compare masses (G.Cosmo) 3230 515 3231 12 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-32) 516 12 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-32) 3232 Improved verbose output for processes 517 Improved verbose output for processes 3233 G4IonFluctuations - do not use Poisson sampli 518 G4IonFluctuations - do not use Poisson sampling 3234 G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonMo 519 G4BetheBlochModel, G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - added methods 3235 GetParticleCharge, GetChargeSquareRatio, C 520 GetParticleCharge, GetChargeSquareRatio, CorrectionsAlongStep 3236 needed for ions; define low and high energ 521 needed for ions; define low and high energy limits inside the model 3237 G4ionIonisation, G4hIonisation - remove Initi 522 G4ionIonisation, G4hIonisation - remove InitialiseMassCharge and 3238 CorrectionsA 523 CorrectionsAlongStep methods; 3239 limits of ki << 524 limits of kinetic energy for models 3240 taken from t 525 taken from the base class and from 3241 models; sepa << 526 models; separate trietment He ions 3242 527 3243 09 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-31) 528 09 September 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-31) 3244 G4WaterStopping, G4IronStopping, G4MaterialSt << 529 G4WaterStopping, G4IronStopping, G4MaterialStopping, 3245 G4SimpleMaterialStopping - use mass number in 530 G4SimpleMaterialStopping - use mass number instead of atomic mass 3246 (A.Lechner proposa 531 (A.Lechner proposal) 3247 G4eBremsstrahlungModel - Migdal constant set << 532 G4eBremsstrahlungModel - Migdal constant set to the vavue of 3248 G4eBremsstrahlungRel 533 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel (A.Schaelicke) 3249 534 3250 28 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-30) 535 28 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-30) 3251 G4WaterStopping, G4IronStopping - add method 536 G4WaterStopping, G4IronStopping - add method AddData to speeed up 3252 compillation and cleanup 537 compillation and cleanup 3253 G4WentzelVIModel - fixed bug in lateral displ 538 G4WentzelVIModel - fixed bug in lateral displacement 3254 539 3255 26 August 08: A.Schaelicke << 540 26 August 08: A.Schaelicke 3256 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel 541 G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel 3257 * define threshold energy for LPM effect 542 * define threshold energy for LPM effect 3258 * fix LPM calculation 543 * fix LPM calculation 3259 * define Thomas-fermi FF (ala Tsai) 544 * define Thomas-fermi FF (ala Tsai) 3260 * some speed improvements 545 * some speed improvements 3261 546 3262 25 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-29) 547 25 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-29) 3263 G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleMaterialStopping 548 G4MaterialStopping, G4SimpleMaterialStopping - fixed compillation 3264 problem at Windows by adding a new method << 549 problem at Windows by adding a new method AddData 3265 550 3266 25 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-28) 551 25 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-28) 3267 23 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-27) 552 23 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-27) 3268 G4UrbanMscModel2 - fixed NaN in sampling of c 553 G4UrbanMscModel2 - fixed NaN in sampling of cosine theta for 50 GeV e- 3269 554 3270 22 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-26) 555 22 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-26) 3271 Added new classes with stopping data G4Materi << 556 Added new classes with stopping data G4MaterialStopping, 3272 G4SimpleMaterialStopping, G4IronStoppin << 557 G4SimpleMaterialStopping, G4IronStopping 3273 558 3274 13 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-25) 559 13 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-25) 3275 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added extra prote << 560 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added extra protection for precision lost in 3276 computation of re 561 computation of recoil energy 3277 G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungHEMo 562 G4eBremsstrahlungModel, G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - define more precise names 3278 of models 563 of models 3279 564 3280 11 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-24) 565 11 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-24) 3281 G4IonFluctuations - do not perform loop over << 566 G4IonFluctuations - do not perform loop over elements of material but use 3282 effetive Z 567 effetive Z 3283 G4UrbanMscModel2 - bug fix in ComputeTruePath 568 G4UrbanMscModel2 - bug fix in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit (L.Urban) 3284 569 3285 4 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-23) 570 4 August 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-23) 3286 G4eMultipleScattering - allowed to be applied 571 G4eMultipleScattering - allowed to be applied for all changed particles 3287 G4UrbanMscModel2 - changed name to "UrbanMscU 572 G4UrbanMscModel2 - changed name to "UrbanMscUni2" 3288 G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4WentzelVIMode 573 G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4WentzelVIModel - added protections for ions 3289 G4WaterStopping - added extra data 574 G4WaterStopping - added extra data 3290 575 3291 31 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-22) 576 31 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-22) 3292 G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel, 577 G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - 3293 do not define min and max energy i 578 do not define min and max energy in constructor but use Set 3294 methods 579 methods 3295 G4MultipleScattering, G4eMultipleScattering, 580 G4MultipleScattering, G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - 3296 added cout of model names 581 added cout of model names 3297 G4CoulombScattering - set angular limit of mo 582 G4CoulombScattering - set angular limit of models by Set method 3298 583 3299 24 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-21) 584 24 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-21) 3300 G4UrbanMscModel2 - central part of scattering 585 G4UrbanMscModel2 - central part of scattering angle (theta0) and 3301 tail of the scattering angle distr 586 tail of the scattering angle distribution have been tuned 3302 using some e- and proton scatterin 587 using some e- and proton scattering data (L.Urban) 3303 588 3304 21 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-20) 589 21 July 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-20) 3305 G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatterin << 590 G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - added usage of 3306 G4ElementSelector vector, do not use 591 G4ElementSelector vector, do not use A in SetupTarget method 3307 G4WentzelVIModel - do not use A in SetupTarge 592 G4WentzelVIModel - do not use A in SetupTarget method 3308 << 593 3309 16 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-19) 594 16 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-19) 3310 G4PAIPhotonModel - change model name 595 G4PAIPhotonModel - change model name 3311 G4MultipleScattering71 - move inline virtual << 596 G4MultipleScattering71 - move inline virtual method to source to avoid 3312 compillation warning 597 compillation warning 3313 598 3314 14 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-18) 599 14 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-18) 3315 - G4CoulombScattering - added SetHEModelLimit 600 - G4CoulombScattering - added SetHEModelLimit method to provide more easy 3316 initialisation 601 initialisation 3317 602 3318 11 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-17) 603 11 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-17) 3319 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - SelectIsotope m 604 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - SelectIsotope method moved from the derived 3320 class and sampling of the recoil ion is p 605 class and sampling of the recoil ion is performed 3321 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - SelectIsotope me << 606 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - SelectIsotope method moved to the base class 3322 - G4PAIxSection - new functions for resonance 607 - G4PAIxSection - new functions for resonance and Rutherford collisions 3323 - G4IonFluctuations - fixed index << 608 - G4IonFluctuations - fixed index 3324 - G4ionIonisation - use G4BraggModel for low- 609 - G4ionIonisation - use G4BraggModel for low-energy ions heavier than He 3325 - G4hIonisation - build separate tables for k << 610 - G4hIonisation - build separate tables for kaons to allow use hadron 3326 bremsstrahlung and pair pro 611 bremsstrahlung and pair production by kaons 3327 612 3328 2 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-16) 613 2 June 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-16) 3329 - G4IonFluctuations - added method SetParticl << 614 - G4IonFluctuations - added method SetParticleAndCharge 3330 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - added 615 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - added pointer to G4IonFluctuations 3331 and use of method SetParticleAnd 616 and use of method SetParticleAndCharge; compute nuclear 3332 stopping before adding correctio 617 stopping before adding corrections 3333 618 3334 20 May 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-15) 619 20 May 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-15) 3335 - G4IonFluctuations - summed fluctuation of c 620 - G4IonFluctuations - summed fluctuation of components of a mixture instead 3336 of computation for aver 621 of computation for average Z 3337 - G4BetheBlochModel - added projectile form-f 622 - G4BetheBlochModel - added projectile form-factor in computation of max 3338 energy transfer and in << 623 energy transfer and in sampling of the energy of e- 3339 624 3340 13 May 08: A.Schaelicke 625 13 May 08: A.Schaelicke 3341 - G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - new model, which << 626 - G4eBremsstrahlungHEModel - new model, which is an extension of the standard 3342 bremsstrahlung m << 627 bremsstrahlung model using a more sophisticated 3343 LPM approach 628 LPM approach 3344 629 3345 09 May 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-14) 630 09 May 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-14) 3346 - G4hMultipleScattering - added method AlongS 631 - G4hMultipleScattering - added method AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength 3347 in which for ions scaled energy normalize 632 in which for ions scaled energy normalized to one nucleon is used 3348 - G4ionGasIonisation - fixed bug in update of << 633 - G4ionGasIonisation - fixed bug in update of the dynamic charge of 3349 an ion 634 an ion 3350 635 3351 21 April 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-13) 636 21 April 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-13) 3352 - G4WentzelVIModel - new model of multiple sc 637 - G4WentzelVIModel - new model of multiple scattering 3353 - G4WaterStopping - use spline << 638 - G4WaterStopping - use spline 3354 - G4hMultipleScattering - do not build tables 639 - G4hMultipleScattering - do not build tables for particles with mass > GeV 3355 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - updat << 640 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - updated usage of high order 3356 corre 641 corrections 3357 - G4CoulombScattering, G4eCoulombScatteringMo 642 - G4CoulombScattering, G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use new parameter 3358 643 polarAngleLimit 3359 644 3360 9 April 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-12) 645 9 April 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-12) 3361 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel90 - fixed 646 - G4UrbanMscModel, G4UrbanMscModel90 - fixed assymetry in transverse 3362 displacement 647 displacement 3363 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug for c 648 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug for compounds 3364 649 3365 31 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-11) 650 31 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-11) 3366 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use SelectAtomR 651 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use SelectAtomRandomly method 3367 - G4UrbanMscModel2 (L.Urban): 652 - G4UrbanMscModel2 (L.Urban): 3368 - Simplification of step limitatio 653 - Simplification of step limitation in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit, 3369 + tlimitmin is the same for UseD << 654 + tlimitmin is the same for UseDistancetoBoundary and UseSafety 3370 - Reorganization of SampleCosineTh 655 - Reorganization of SampleCosineTheta + new method SimpleScattering 3371 SimpleScattering is used if the 656 SimpleScattering is used if the relative energy loss is too big 3372 or theta0 is too big (see data m 657 or theta0 is too big (see data members rellossmax, theta0max) 3373 - Tuning of the correction factor << 658 - Tuning of the correction factor in ComputeTheta0 3374 - exponent c of the 'tail' model f 659 - exponent c of the 'tail' model function is not equal to 2 any more, 3375 value of c has been extracted fr 660 value of c has been extracted from some e- scattering data 3376 - Step limitation in ComputeTruePa 661 - Step limitation in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit has been 3377 simplified further + some data m << 662 simplified further + some data members have been removed 3378 663 3379 25 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-10) 664 25 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-10) 3380 - G4BetheBlochModel - use formfactor for samp 665 - G4BetheBlochModel - use formfactor for sampling 3381 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - remove unsued a 666 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - remove unsued array 3382 667 3383 25 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-09) 668 25 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-09) 3384 - G4ionIonisation - use default linLossLimit 669 - G4ionIonisation - use default linLossLimit of 9.1 3385 - G4hIonisation - use G4IonFluctuations at lo 670 - G4hIonisation - use G4IonFluctuations at low energies 3386 - G4IonFluctuations - fixed computation of co 671 - G4IonFluctuations - fixed computation of corrections 3387 - G4BetheBlochModel - finite size correction 672 - G4BetheBlochModel - finite size correction is taken into 3388 account both for delta-electron cross secti 673 account both for delta-electron cross section and DEDX 3389 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - reorganize and 674 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - reorganize and cleanup computation 3390 of cross section 675 of cross section 3391 676 3392 14 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-08) 677 14 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-08) 3393 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - L.Urban fix assymetry in 678 - G4UrbanMscModel2 - L.Urban fix assymetry in lateral displacement 3394 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4MscModel71 - fixed war 679 - G4UrbanMscModel90, G4MscModel71 - fixed warnings for gcc 4.3.0 3395 680 3396 10 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-07) 681 10 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-07) 3397 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering << 682 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering, G4UrbanMscModel, 3398 G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90 uses G4 683 G4UrbanMscModel2, G4UrbanMscModel90 uses G4VMscModel interface 3399 - G4eMultipleScattering - new process special << 684 - G4eMultipleScattering - new process specialized for e+,e- 3400 685 3401 06 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-06) 686 06 March 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-06) 3402 - G4UrbanMscModel2 is cloned from G4UrbanMscM 687 - G4UrbanMscModel2 is cloned from G4UrbanMscModel 3403 - SubType for all processes is initialized 688 - SubType for all processes is initialized 3404 689 3405 20 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-05) 690 20 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-05) 3406 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - speedup run-time 691 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - speedup run-time computations using 3407 precomputed nuclear form-factors per elemen 692 precomputed nuclear form-factors per element 3408 693 3409 14 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-04) 694 14 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-04) 3410 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - use n << 695 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - use new method to compute 3411 corrections: IonHighOrderCorrections 696 corrections: IonHighOrderCorrections 3412 - G4BetheBlochModel - when computing dedx for << 697 - G4BetheBlochModel - when computing dedx for ions use new 3413 method IonBarkasCorrection 698 method IonBarkasCorrection 3414 - G4IonFluctuations - added protection to the 699 - G4IonFluctuations - added protection to the computation of 3415 the correction factor to dispersion which p << 700 the correction factor to dispersion which provide smooth 3416 transition to small velocities of an ion 701 transition to small velocities of an ion 3417 702 3418 04 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-03) 703 04 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-03) 3419 - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIon << 704 - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - add extra 3420 protections in computation of non-ionizing 705 protections in computation of non-ionizing energy loss 3421 706 3422 04 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-02) 707 04 February 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-02) 3423 G4IonFluctuations - added protection in compu << 708 G4IonFluctuations - added protection in computation of dispersion 3424 on allowing have a corrected dispersion bel 709 on allowing have a corrected dispersion below Bohr value 3425 710 3426 16 January 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-01) 711 16 January 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-01) 3427 G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel - added an extra 712 G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel - added an extra protection guaranteed 3428 correct usage of the last bin of the table o << 713 correct usage of the last bin of the table of energy transfers 3429 714 3430 14 January 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-00) 715 14 January 08: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-01-00) 3431 - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIon 716 - G4hIonisation, G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation - fixed 3432 computation of non-ionizing energy loss: a 717 computation of non-ionizing energy loss: at the last ionization step 3433 and at energies above 2 MeV for protons; 718 and at energies above 2 MeV for protons; 3434 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use more safe n 719 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - use more safe numerical expression 3435 720 3436 07 December 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-22) 721 07 December 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-22) 3437 G4UrbanMscModel90 is created on base of G4Urb 722 G4UrbanMscModel90 is created on base of G4UrbanMscModel of release 9.0 3438 G4hMultipleScattering uses G4UrbanMscModel90 723 G4hMultipleScattering uses G4UrbanMscModel90 3439 724 3440 30 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-21) 725 30 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-21) 3441 G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban fix sign of mean sc << 726 G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban fix sign of mean scattering angle for 3442 negatively changed particle 727 negatively changed particles 3443 728 3444 29 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-20) 729 29 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-20) 3445 G4UrbanMscModel - added extra protection in s 730 G4UrbanMscModel - added extra protection in sampling of angle - no 3446 sampling if mean angle belo 731 sampling if mean angle below tausmall 3447 732 3448 28 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-19) 733 28 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-19) 3449 G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban added extra protect << 734 G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban added extra protection in sampling of angle 3450 to avoid NaN << 735 to avoid NaN 3451 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added a protectio 736 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - added a protection against precision lost 3452 737 3453 22 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-18) 738 22 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-18) 3454 G4UrbanMscModel - change parameter tausmall t << 739 G4UrbanMscModel - change parameter tausmall to avoid lost of numerical 3455 precision and NaN values 740 precision and NaN values 3456 741 3457 20 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-17) 742 20 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-17) 3458 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed crash happe << 743 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed crash happens at initialisation when 3459 several elements 744 several elements with the same Z are defined 3460 745 3461 11 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-16) 746 11 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-16) 3462 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed computation 747 G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed computation of transport cross section 3463 748 3464 09 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-15) 749 09 November 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-15) 3465 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation, G4Coul 750 - G4ionIonisation, G4ionGasIonisation, G4CoulombScatteringModel: 3466 fill NIEL energy deposit 751 fill NIEL energy deposit 3467 752 3468 29 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-14) 753 29 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-14) 3469 - G4UrbanMscModel (V.Ivanchenko) - fixed nan << 754 - G4UrbanMscModel (V.Ivanchenko) - fixed nan for heavy ions introduced 3470 in previous tag 755 in previous tag 3471 756 3472 27 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-13) 757 27 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-13) 3473 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatter 758 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel use precomputed 3474 Z^1/3 and log(A) values to speed up the cod << 759 Z^1/3 and log(A) values to speed up the code; revised nuclear size 3475 correction 760 correction 3476 761 3477 - G4UrbanMscModel (L.Urban): 762 - G4UrbanMscModel (L.Urban): 3478 - changed initialisation for ions - 763 - changed initialisation for ions - parameters are protected 3479 from modification << 764 from modification 3480 - use sampleScattering method instea 765 - use sampleScattering method instead of SampleSecondaries 3481 - use different correction to Highla 766 - use different correction to Highland formula for different 3482 particle type (electron, muons, ot 767 particle type (electron, muons, others) 3483 - tuning ComputeGeomPathLength in or << 768 - tuning ComputeGeomPathLength in order to get better low 3484 energy behavior for heavy particle 769 energy behavior for heavy particles (mu, hadrons) 3485 - small modification of theta0 in Co 770 - small modification of theta0 in ComputeTheta0 (based on data) 3486 - some old inconsistency/bug has bee 771 - some old inconsistency/bug has been cured in SampleCosineTheta 3487 now the variable prob is always in 772 now the variable prob is always in [0,1] 3488 773 3489 08 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-12) 774 08 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-12) 3490 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatter << 775 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel 3491 - add cut dependence for scattering off ele 776 - add cut dependence for scattering off electrons 3492 - reorganized protected methods << 777 - reorganized protected methods 3493 778 3494 02 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-11) 779 02 October 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-11) 3495 G4eplusAnnihilation - enable AtRest 780 G4eplusAnnihilation - enable AtRest 3496 G4PAIModel - general cleanup, fixed memory le 781 G4PAIModel - general cleanup, fixed memory leak 3497 G4PAIySection - a new class which substitutes 782 G4PAIySection - a new class which substitutes G4PAIxSection, 3498 this class is free of memory 783 this class is free of memory leak 3499 784 3500 27 Septamber 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-10) 785 27 Septamber 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-10) 3501 G4IonFluctuations - added dependence on cut i 786 G4IonFluctuations - added dependence on cut in the formula of width on cut, 3502 reduces cut dependence of Bragg peak width 787 reduces cut dependence of Bragg peak width for ions; use Fermi energy 3503 from G4Material 788 from G4Material 3504 G4BohrFluctuations - minor cleanup 789 G4BohrFluctuations - minor cleanup 3505 790 3506 26 Septamber 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-09) 791 26 Septamber 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-09) 3507 G4PAIphotonModel, G4PAIModel - fixed MaxSecon 792 G4PAIphotonModel, G4PAIModel - fixed MaxSecondaryEnergy method for 3508 e- and e+ and use it for definition of max 793 e- and e+ and use it for definition of max energy transfer; 3509 added control on all cout by fVerbose; << 794 added control on all cout by fVerbose; 3510 795 3511 28 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-08) 796 28 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-08) 3512 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed compilati << 797 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - fixed compilation warning 3513 798 3514 15 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-07) 799 15 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-07) 3515 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4CoulombScat << 800 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel and G4CoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug in 3516 computation of screening parameters in Samp << 801 computation of screening parameters in SampleSecondary method; 3517 reorganized initialisation of kinematics an 802 reorganized initialisation of kinematics and screening parameters; 3518 used Z(Z+1) factor to take into account sca 803 used Z(Z+1) factor to take into account scattering off e- 3519 804 3520 13 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-06) 805 13 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-06) 3521 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug in kin 806 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - fixed bug in kinematic of final state 3522 - G4ionIonisation - add protected methods Bet 807 - G4ionIonisation - add protected methods BetheBlochEnergyThreshold() 3523 and NuclearStoppingFlag() 808 and NuclearStoppingFlag() 3524 - G4ionGasIonisation - added complete impleme 809 - G4ionGasIonisation - added complete implementation of the method 3525 CorrectionsAlongStep() 810 CorrectionsAlongStep() and do not call base class 3526 - G4UrbanMscModel - tail of angular distribut << 811 - G4UrbanMscModel - tail of angular distribution modified; compare (L.Urban) 3527 safety with zero after la 812 safety with zero after lateral displacement (VI) 3528 813 3529 02 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-05) 814 02 August 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-05) 3530 - G4UrbanMscModel - compare safety not with 815 - G4UrbanMscModel - compare safety not with 0 but with tlimitminfix 3531 816 3532 31 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-04) 817 31 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-04) 3533 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - introduce energy 818 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - introduce energy threshold between models 3534 with and without nuclear recoil 819 with and without nuclear recoil 3535 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - add array to ca 820 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - add array to cash screen parameters 3536 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - fix bug in Sampl 821 - G4CoulombScatteringModel - fix bug in SamplingSecondaries 3537 822 3538 30 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-03) 823 30 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-03) 3539 30 July 07: L.Urban 824 30 July 07: L.Urban 3540 - G4UrbanMscModel - new, simpler model funct 825 - G4UrbanMscModel - new, simpler model functions to describe the angular 3541 distribution; theta0 of this distribution << 826 distribution; theta0 of this distribution has been changed too (now 3542 the form of theta0 is the same as in the H << 827 the form of theta0 is the same as in the Highland formula, but the 3543 parameter values are different for e+/e- a 828 parameter values are different for e+/e- and the other (heavy) particles; 3544 the change for the UseDistanseToBoundary c 829 the change for the UseDistanseToBoundary case: tlimitmin = 10 stepmin; 3545 some cosmetics in ComputeTruePathLengthLim 830 some cosmetics in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit. 3546 831 3547 28 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-02) 832 28 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-02) 3548 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - updated screen 833 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - updated screen radius model 3549 - G4ionIonisation - remove obsolete method De 834 - G4ionIonisation - remove obsolete method DefineMassCharge 3550 - G4ionGasIonisation - new ion ionisation pro 835 - G4ionGasIonisation - new ion ionisation process with descrete ion charge and 3551 no equilibrium between << 836 no equilibrium between ion and media 3552 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - more safe c 837 - G4BraggModel, G4BraggIonModel - more safe computation of scattering angle 3553 838 3554 16 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-01) 839 16 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-01) 3555 - G4CoulombScattering - update InitialiseProc << 840 - G4CoulombScattering - update InitialiseProcess and PrintInfo methods 3556 to ensure parameters of models change betwe 841 to ensure parameters of models change between runs and more clear cout 3557 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatter 842 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel, G4CoulombScatteringModel - added nuclear size 3558 effect; added separate simulation of scatte 843 effect; added separate simulation of scattering on atomic electrons taking 3559 into account cuts; fixed cross section for << 844 into account cuts; fixed cross section for compounds. 3560 845 3561 13 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-00) 846 13 July 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V09-00-00) 3562 - G4UniversalFluctuation - added protection s 847 - G4UniversalFluctuation - added protection such that no sampling of 3563 fluctuations is done if mean energy loss at 848 fluctuations is done if mean energy loss at the step is below minimal 3564 excitation energy of the media. The fix is 849 excitation energy of the media. The fix is important for cases of 3565 low-dense gases and very small steps. 850 low-dense gases and very small steps. 3566 << 851 3567 19 June 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-03-10) 852 19 June 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-03-10) 3568 - G4UrbanMscModel for skin > 0 use range inst 853 - G4UrbanMscModel for skin > 0 use range instead of TrueStepLimit 3569 for computation of distance to boundary, th 854 for computation of distance to boundary, this provides stable 3570 step limitation by GeomFactor (L.Urban) 855 step limitation by GeomFactor (L.Urban) 3571 856 3572 11 May 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-03-09) 857 11 May 07: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-03-09) 3573 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering << 858 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - substitute name 3574 "G4v71" -> "Minimal" 859 "G4v71" -> "Minimal" 3575 860 3576 29 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-08) 861 29 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-08) 3577 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering 862 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - fix initialisation 3578 of lateral displacement (bug introduced in 863 of lateral displacement (bug introduced in previuos tag) 3579 << 864 3580 23 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-07) 865 23 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-07) 3581 - In all processes inherit from G4VEnergyLoss << 866 - In all processes inherit from G4VEnergyLossProcess or G4VEmProcess 3582 remove method SecondaryPostStep; 867 remove method SecondaryPostStep; 3583 - G4eBremsstrahlung - remove definition of ga 868 - G4eBremsstrahlung - remove definition of gamma threshold from constructor, 3584 define this parameter at initialisation of << 869 define this parameter at initialisation of the process from 3585 G4LossTableManager 870 G4LossTableManager 3586 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel use fParticleChange ins 871 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel use fParticleChange inside SampleSecondaries 3587 872 3588 22 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-06) 873 22 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-06) 3589 - G4VEmModel - changed interface of SampleSec << 874 - G4VEmModel - changed interface of SampleSecondary method, it become 3590 void, extra parameter std::vector<G4Dynamic 875 void, extra parameter std::vector<G4DynamicParticle*>*, all 3591 classes using or inhereting this interface 876 classes using or inhereting this interface are modified. 3592 About 5% speedup of EM shower simulation 877 About 5% speedup of EM shower simulation 3593 878 3594 21 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-05) 879 21 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-05) 3595 - G4ionIonisation - added InitialiseMassCharg 880 - G4ionIonisation - added InitialiseMassCharge method; remove 3596 GetMeanFreePath implementation 881 GetMeanFreePath implementation 3597 882 3598 20 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-04) 883 20 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-04) 3599 - G4ionIonisation - added NuclearStopping fla 884 - G4ionIonisation - added NuclearStopping flag 3600 885 3601 18 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-03) 886 18 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-03) 3602 - remove obsolete G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEner << 887 - remove obsolete G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss 3603 888 3604 18 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-02) 889 18 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-02) 3605 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering << 890 - G4MultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering - reorganized methods 3606 891 for setting msc 3607 892 parameters 3608 - G4UrbanMscModel - reorganized initialisatio 893 - G4UrbanMscModel - reorganized initialisation; use G4MscStepLimitType 3609 enumerator to choose step 894 enumerator to choose step limit algorithm 3610 << 895 3611 896 3612 16 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-01) 897 16 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-03-01) 3613 - Remove obsolete classes G4GammaConversion52 898 - Remove obsolete classes G4GammaConversion52, 3614 G4PhotoElectricEffect52, G4eBremsstrahlung5 899 G4PhotoElectricEffect52, G4eBremsstrahlung52, G4eIonisation52, 3615 G4eplusAnnihilation52, G4hIonisation52, G4M 900 G4eplusAnnihilation52, G4hIonisation52, G4MultipleScattering52 3616 - G4ionIonisation - add data for stopping onl 901 - G4ionIonisation - add data for stopping only for GenericIons 3617 902 3618 11 May 07: G.Cosmo (emstand-V08-03-00) 903 11 May 07: G.Cosmo (emstand-V08-03-00) 3619 - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of 904 - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance in PAI classes. 3620 - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related 905 - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set. 3621 906 3622 10 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-16) 907 10 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-16) 3623 - G4UrbanMscModel - Fix bug - restore perform 908 - G4UrbanMscModel - Fix bug - restore performance of EMV PhysicsLists 3624 909 3625 01 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-15) 910 01 May 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-15) 3626 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: optimisation of 911 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: optimisation of step limitation for skin>0 3627 (about 5% CPU sa 912 (about 5% CPU save) 3628 913 3629 24 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-14 914 24 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-14) 3630 - G4MultipleScattering - use by default skin= << 915 - G4MultipleScattering - use by default skin=0, because the current 3631 interface to G4SafetyHelpe << 916 interface to G4SafetyHelper does not allow 3632 it to provide a vali << 917 it to provide a valid step in the case of 3633 magnetic field 918 magnetic field 3634 919 3635 23 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-13 920 23 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-13) 3636 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: stepping near to 921 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: stepping near to boundaries has been 3637 changed back in order to 922 changed back in order to have small steps 3638 with single scattering be 923 with single scattering before+after boundary 3639 for skin > 1. 924 for skin > 1. 3640 925 3641 12 April 07: V.Ivanchenko 926 12 April 07: V.Ivanchenko 3642 - G4UrbanMscModel - use unique G4SafetyHelper 927 - G4UrbanMscModel - use unique G4SafetyHelper; clean up logic in 3643 ComputeTruePathLengthLimi 928 ComputeTruePathLengthLimit. 3644 929 3645 04 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-12) 930 04 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-12) 3646 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban:correction 931 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban:correction of the algorithm 3647 in order to have b 932 in order to have better width. 3648 The width of the e 933 The width of the energy loss distribution 3649 agree rather well 934 agree rather well with the data. 3650 935 3651 24 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-11 936 24 April 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-11a) 3652 - G4MultipleScattering - set default skin=0 937 - G4MultipleScattering - set default skin=0 for 8.3 3653 938 3654 22 March 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-11) 939 22 March 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-11) 3655 - G4MultipleScattering - use skin parameter << 940 - G4MultipleScattering - use skin parameter from the base class 3656 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban: minor opt 941 - G4UniversalFluctuation - L.Urban: minor optimisation 3657 942 3658 20 March 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-10) 943 20 March 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-10) 3659 - G4hMultipleScattering - remove SetSkin meth 944 - G4hMultipleScattering - remove SetSkin method, which is implemented 3660 in the base class - 945 in the base class - allowing skin>0 3661 946 3662 - G4UniversalFluctuation- L.Urban: 'GLANDZ' p 947 - G4UniversalFluctuation- L.Urban: 'GLANDZ' part of the fluct. model 3663 has been completely rew 948 has been completely rewritten, there is no 3664 separate very small los 949 separate very small loss regime any more. 3665 The effect of this upda 950 The effect of this update is the far better 3666 stability of the result 951 stability of the result against the changes 3667 in the cut and changes 952 in the cut and changes in the stepsize. 3668 953 3669 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - add reinitialisati 954 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - add reinitialisation of LPM flag (VI) 3670 955 3671 24 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02- 956 24 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-09) 3672 - G4MultipleScattering - remove SetSkin metho 957 - G4MultipleScattering - remove SetSkin method, which is implemented 3673 in the base class - 958 in the base class - allowing skin>0 3674 959 3675 03 March 07 960 03 March 07 3676 - G4UrbanMscModel - single scattering allowed 961 - G4UrbanMscModel - single scattering allowed near to boundaries only, 3677 not everywhere << 962 not everywhere 3678 963 3679 24 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02- 964 24 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-08) 3680 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban step reduction be << 965 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban step reduction before boundary for 3681 geomlimit<geombig only << 966 geomlimit<geombig only 3682 967 3683 23 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02- 968 23 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-07) 3684 - G4hIonisation - remove dependence on K+ and 969 - G4hIonisation - remove dependence on K+ and K- particles 3685 - G4BetheHeitlerModel - for any initial energ 970 - G4BetheHeitlerModel - for any initial energy select atom of the material 3686 on which conversion o << 971 on which conversion occur (needed for 3687 polarisation library) << 972 polarisation library) 3688 - G4UrbanMscModel - use tPathLength inside Co 973 - G4UrbanMscModel - use tPathLength inside ComputeStep instead of geombig 3689 974 3690 15-Feb-07: << 975 15-Feb-07: 3691 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: small steps with 976 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: small steps with single scattering before and 3692 after boundary for skin > 977 after boundary for skin > 1, for skin=0 and skin=1 3693 it works as earlier 978 it works as earlier 3694 979 3695 15 February 07: mma (emstand-V08-02-06) 980 15 February 07: mma (emstand-V08-02-06) 3696 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel: correct LPMconstant 981 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel: correct LPMconstant by factor 2, thanks to G. Depaola 3697 982 3698 13 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02- 983 13 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-05) 3699 12 February 07: << 984 12 February 07: 3700 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: stepping algorit 985 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban: stepping algorithm changed for skin=0, 3701 now there are 3 stepping 986 now there are 3 stepping mode : 3702 stepping a la 7.1 << 987 stepping a la 7.1 3703 skin=0 designed for high 988 skin=0 designed for high energy simulations with 3704 or without magneti 989 or without magnetic field 3705 skin=1 designed for 'prec << 990 skin=1 designed for 'precision' simulations 3706 without magnetic f 991 without magnetic field (default) 3707 992 3708 06 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02- 993 06 February 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-04) 3709 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban : fix in the sing 994 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban : fix in the single scattering code for heavy 3710 particles, now 995 particles, now the code can be used with 3711 skin=1 e+/e- an 996 skin=1 e+/e- and for heavy particles as well. 3712 997 3713 - G4MultipleScattering - allow reinicialisati 998 - G4MultipleScattering - allow reinicialisation of model parameters between runs 3714 - G4UrbanMscModel - V.Ivanchenko add extra pr 999 - G4UrbanMscModel - V.Ivanchenko add extra protection inside SampleDisplacement 3715 move SetMscS 1000 move SetMscStepLimitation from header to source 3716 and add insi 1001 and add inside extra initialisation 3717 L.Urban add protecti << 1002 L.Urban add protection for case when energy loss 3718 inactivated; << 1003 inactivated; fix computation of skindepth value 3719 1004 3720 29 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-0 1005 29 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-03) 3721 - G4UrbanMscModel - V.Ivanchenko add protecti 1006 - G4UrbanMscModel - V.Ivanchenko add protections agains NaN values 3722 in two places: protection 1007 in two places: protection of lateral displacement, 3723 sampling of theta when ta 1008 sampling of theta when tau = 0; 3724 add protection inside Com 1009 add protection inside ComputeTrueStepLength for 3725 the case very small (zero << 1010 the case very small (zero) geometry length 3726 true length set equal to << 1011 true length set equal to geometry length 3727 1012 3728 19 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-0 1013 19 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-02) 3729 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban add protection in 1014 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban add protection inside lateral displacement 3730 sampling against case Tru 1015 sampling against case TrueStepLength < GeomStepLength 3731 1016 3732 18 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-0 1017 18 January 07: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-02-01) 3733 - Fix crash in PrintInfo methods 1018 - Fix crash in PrintInfo methods 3734 - G4UrbanMscModel - remove Locate call to nav 1019 - G4UrbanMscModel - remove Locate call to navigator 3735 << 1020 3736 15 January 07: mma (emstand-V08-02-00) 1021 15 January 07: mma (emstand-V08-02-00) 3737 - use SetEmModel(index) add SetFluctModel() f 1022 - use SetEmModel(index) add SetFluctModel() from G4VEnergyLossProcess 3738 in eIonisation, hIonisation, ionIonisation, 1023 in eIonisation, hIonisation, ionIonisation, eBremstrahlung 3739 1024 3740 04 Dec 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-16) 1025 04 Dec 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-16) 3741 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix in ComputeTruePathLen 1026 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit stepmin=1.e-6*mm 3742 (L.Urban) 1027 (L.Urban) 3743 1028 3744 23 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-15) 1029 23 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-15) 3745 - G4MultipleScattering - set default skin=1 o 1030 - G4MultipleScattering - set default skin=1 only for e+-, 3746 for all other particles default skin=0 << 1031 for all other particles default skin=0 3747 1032 3748 20 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-14) 1033 20 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-14) 3749 20 Nov 06: 1034 20 Nov 06: 3750 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix in the single scatter 1035 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix in the single scattering part of SampleCosineTheta, 3751 now there is single scattering just before 1036 now there is single scattering just before boundary crossings (and not 3752 inside a volume) << 1037 inside a volume) 3753 1038 3754 15 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-13) 1039 15 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-13) 3755 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix NaN inside SampleCosi 1040 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix NaN inside SampleCosineTheta (L.Urban) 3756 1041 3757 10 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-12) 1042 10 Nov 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-12) 3758 07 Nov 06: 1043 07 Nov 06: 3759 - G4UrbanMscModel - some optimization in Comp 1044 - G4UrbanMscModel - some optimization in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit, 3760 fixes in ComputeGeomPathLength, SampleCosin 1045 fixes in ComputeGeomPathLength, SampleCosineTheta (L.Urban) 3761 1046 3762 31 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-11) 1047 31 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-11) 3763 - G4UrbanMscModel is changed to work with new 1048 - G4UrbanMscModel is changed to work with new approach of parallel 3764 navigation (j.Apostolakis) 1049 navigation (j.Apostolakis) 3765 1050 3766 26 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-10) 1051 26 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-10) 3767 - G4hMultipleScattering - new class configure 1052 - G4hMultipleScattering - new class configured for hadrons 3768 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - set cross secti 1053 - G4eCoulombScatteringModel - set cross section const below 1 keV 3769 1054 3770 23 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-09) 1055 23 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-09) 3771 - G4BraggIonModel - reduce lowest energy for 1056 - G4BraggIonModel - reduce lowest energy for parameterisation to 0.25 keV 3772 23 Oct 06: L.Urban 1057 23 Oct 06: L.Urban 3773 - G4MultipleScattering - parameter skin = 1 b 1058 - G4MultipleScattering - parameter skin = 1 by default, 3774 - G4UrbanMscModel - more effective safety upd 1059 - G4UrbanMscModel - more effective safety update in SampleSecondaries, 3775 + come cosmetics. 1060 + come cosmetics. 3776 1061 3777 20 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-08) 1062 20 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-08) 3778 - G4CoulombScatteringModel inherit from G4eCo 1063 - G4CoulombScatteringModel inherit from G4eCoulombScatteringModel, 3779 screening parameter computation is done in << 1064 screening parameter computation is done in inline function 3780 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - introduce member theG << 1065 - G4eeToTwoGammaModel - introduce member theGamma 3781 1066 3782 20 Oct 06: L.Urban cleanup of msc 1067 20 Oct 06: L.Urban cleanup of msc 3783 - theta0 parameter for SampleCosineTheta is c << 1068 - theta0 parameter for SampleCosineTheta is computed in a public 3784 function ComputeTheta0; 1069 function ComputeTheta0; 3785 - default value of skin = 0 (there is no smal 1070 - default value of skin = 0 (there is no small step with single scattering if 3786 skin <=0, and there are ~skin small steps i 1071 skin <=0, and there are ~skin small steps if skin >0 3787 - no z sampling in ComputeGeomPathLength by d 1072 - no z sampling in ComputeGeomPathLength by default 3788 - correction in the single scattering part, a 1073 - correction in the single scattering part, allowing not only small angles now 3789 - PostStep ComputeSafety(pos) is used 1074 - PostStep ComputeSafety(pos) is used 3790 1075 3791 16 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-07) 1076 16 Oct 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-07) 3792 - Add extra protection to G4eplusAnnihilation << 1077 - Add extra protection to G4eplusAnnihilation52 3793 - Add warning to all processes 52 and 71 type << 1078 - Add warning to all processes 52 and 71 type 3794 1079 3795 16 Oct 06: L.Urban << 1080 16 Oct 06: L.Urban 3796 - new msc version (G4MultipleScattering, G4Ur 1081 - new msc version (G4MultipleScattering, G4UrbanMscModel): 3797 - Stepping has been modified: 1082 - Stepping has been modified: 3798 - min. steplimit in 8.1: tlimitmin = ma 1083 - min. steplimit in 8.1: tlimitmin = max(lambda/25, 5 nanometer) 3799 now : tlimitmin = ma 1084 now : tlimitmin = max(lambda/25, 1.01*stepmin) 3800 where stepmin ~ lambda elastic 1085 where stepmin ~ lambda elastic 3801 1086 3802 - possibility to have extreme small step 1087 - possibility to have extreme small step(s) before boundary crossing 3803 this feature is not active by default; 1088 this feature is not active by default; 3804 it can be activated by setting the dat 1089 it can be activated by setting the data member "skin" to a 3805 non-negative value, steplimit = stepmi 1090 non-negative value, steplimit = stepmin, if the distance to the boundary 3806 (in the original direction) is smaller 1091 (in the original direction) is smaller than skin*stepmin; 3807 1092 3808 - the step restriction is weaker for par 1093 - the step restriction is weaker for particles with higher energy, 3809 i.e. bigger effective facrange value i 1094 i.e. bigger effective facrange value is used in this case 3810 in 8.0/8.1 this 'scaling' depends on T << 1095 in 8.0/8.1 this 'scaling' depends on Tkin, new version : 3811 scaling depends on lambda, giving smal 1096 scaling depends on lambda, giving smaller material dependence 3812 1097 3813 - Angular distribution has been changed: 1098 - Angular distribution has been changed: 3814 1099 3815 - single/plural scattering for step <= s 1100 - single/plural scattering for step <= stepmin 3816 (in this case t = z + no lateral displ 1101 (in this case t = z + no lateral displacement) 3817 1102 3818 - parameter theta0 has been (sligtly) mo 1103 - parameter theta0 has been (sligtly) modified 3819 1104 3820 - tail of the distribution has been modi << 1105 - tail of the distribution has been modified, now the parameter 3821 describing the tail is material (i.e. 1106 describing the tail is material (i.e. Z) dependent 3822 1107 3823 14 Sept 06: mma (emstand-V08-01-06) << 1108 14 Sept 06: mma (emstand-V08-01-06) 3824 - move the function SetModel() in G4VEmProces 1109 - move the function SetModel() in G4VEmProcess 3825 << 1110 3826 09 Sept 06: mma (emstand-V08-01-05) << 1111 09 Sept 06: mma (emstand-V08-01-05) 3827 - add/modify the function SetModel() in G4Pho 1112 - add/modify the function SetModel() in G4PhotoElectric, G4ComptonScattering, 3828 G4GammaConversion, G4eplusAnnihilation 1113 G4GammaConversion, G4eplusAnnihilation 3829 1114 3830 08 Sep 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-04) << 1115 08 Sep 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-04) 3831 - Bug fixed in PAI model concerning Tmax for << 1116 - Bug fixed in PAI model concerning Tmax for electrons and positrons. Tmax 3832 is defined now for each particle independe 1117 is defined now for each particle independently (V.Grichine) 3833 1118 3834 30 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-03) 1119 30 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-03) 3835 - Provide changings required for new processe 1120 - Provide changings required for new processes/models with polarization: 3836 G4KleinNishinaCompton - make some members p 1121 G4KleinNishinaCompton - make some members protected 3837 G4MollerBhabhaModel - make some members pro 1122 G4MollerBhabhaModel - make some members protected 3838 G4eBremsstrahlungModel - reorganize SelectR << 1123 G4eBremsstrahlungModel - reorganize SelectRandomAom method and make 3839 some members protected 1124 some members protected 3840 1125 3841 29 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-02) 1126 29 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-02) 3842 - Fix problem of positron zero incident energ 1127 - Fix problem of positron zero incident energy in G4eeToTwoGammaModel 3843 - Add extra protection inside G4BetheBlochMod 1128 - Add extra protection inside G4BetheBlochModel 3844 1129 3845 19 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-01) 1130 19 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-01) 3846 - Fix energy non-conservation in G4PAIModel f 1131 - Fix energy non-conservation in G4PAIModel for positrons (V.Grichine) 3847 1132 3848 08 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-00) 1133 08 Aug 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-01-00) 3849 - Fix problems and add comments in the classe << 1134 - Fix problems and add comments in the classes prototype Coulomb 3850 elastic scattering: G4CoulombScattering, 1135 elastic scattering: G4CoulombScattering, G4CoulombScatteringModel, 3851 G4eCoulombScatteringModel 1136 G4eCoulombScatteringModel 3852 - Set default limit on scattering angle to ze << 1137 - Set default limit on scattering angle to zero 3853 1138 3854 22 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-25) 1139 22 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-25) 3855 - G4eBremsstrahlung - use gammaThreshold from 1140 - G4eBremsstrahlung - use gammaThreshold from G4LossTableManager for 3856 more easier initialisation (CMS request) 1141 more easier initialisation (CMS request) 3857 1142 3858 17 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-24) 1143 17 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-24) 3859 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban improve scatterin 1144 - G4UrbanMscModel - L.Urban improve scattering in thin layers 3860 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARStopping improve co << 1145 - G4ASTARStopping, G4PSTARStopping improve comments 3861 1146 3862 15 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-23) 1147 15 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-23) 3863 - G4MollerBhabhaMOdel - fix MinEnergyCut 1148 - G4MollerBhabhaMOdel - fix MinEnergyCut 3864 1149 3865 13 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-22) 1150 13 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-22) 3866 - G4WaterStopping - data for light ion stoppi 1151 - G4WaterStopping - data for light ion stopping in water 3867 - G4ionIonisation - add possibility top use u 1152 - G4ionIonisation - add possibility top use user data on stopping power 3868 1153 3869 11 May 06: L.Urban 1154 11 May 06: L.Urban 3870 - G4MultipleScattering : values of data membe << 1155 - G4MultipleScattering : values of data members tkinlimit, factail 3871 has been changed 1156 has been changed 3872 - G4MscUrbanModel : new data members, changes 1157 - G4MscUrbanModel : new data members, changes in ComputeTruePathLengthLimit 3873 and in SampleCosineTheta, 1158 and in SampleCosineTheta, 3874 name of data member safety has been changed 1159 name of data member safety has been changed to presafety. 3875 1160 3876 10 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-21) 1161 10 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-21) 3877 - G4MultipleScattering and G4MscUrbanModel - 1162 - G4MultipleScattering and G4MscUrbanModel - provide a possibility of 3878 reinitialisation of facrange and steppingAl 1163 reinitialisation of facrange and steppingAlgorithm parameters 3879 between runs; << 1164 between runs; 3880 - Fix compilation warning at SUN; 1165 - Fix compilation warning at SUN; 3881 1166 3882 04 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-20) 1167 04 May 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-20) 3883 - G4BetheBlochModel - use different formula f << 1168 - G4BetheBlochModel - use different formula for muons and hadrons for tmax (VI) 3884 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix SUN compilation warni 1169 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix SUN compilation warning (VI) 3885 1170 3886 26 April 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-19) 1171 26 April 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-19) 3887 - G4PSTARStopping and G4ASTARStopping - new c 1172 - G4PSTARStopping and G4ASTARStopping - new classes with NIST data on stopping 3888 powers are used by G4BraggModel and G4Bragg 1173 powers are used by G4BraggModel and G4BraggIonModel 3889 - G4hIonisation - spin/mass effect update 1174 - G4hIonisation - spin/mass effect update 3890 1175 3891 05 April 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-18) 1176 05 April 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-18) 3892 G4hIonisation - VI add mass and spin effects 1177 G4hIonisation - VI add mass and spin effects (important for pion ionisation) 3893 G4SynchrotronRadiation is moved to xrays and 1178 G4SynchrotronRadiation is moved to xrays and GNUmakefile is modified accordingly 3894 30 March 06 : V.Grichine 1179 30 March 06 : V.Grichine 3895 G4SynchrotronRadiation - bug fixed for unit p 1180 G4SynchrotronRadiation - bug fixed for unit polarisation in PostStepDoIt 3896 1181 3897 28 March 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-17) 1182 28 March 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-17) 3898 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fix problem of ene 1183 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fix problem of energy loss calculation below 10 MeV 3899 - G4KleinNishinaModel - remove upper energy l << 1184 - G4KleinNishinaModel - remove upper energy limit to have a smooth cross section 3900 27 March 06 : V.Grichine, G4SynchrotronRadiat << 1185 27 March 06 : V.Grichine, G4SynchrotronRadiation updated to set polarisation and 3901 new methods for angular distrib << 1186 new methods for angular distribution 3902 - G4PAImodel and G4PAIPhotonMOdel fixes impor << 1187 - G4PAImodel and G4PAIPhotonMOdel fixes important for very low energy hadrons (VG) 3903 1188 3904 23 March 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-16) 1189 23 March 06: V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-16) 3905 23 March 06: L.Urban 1190 23 March 06: L.Urban 3906 - bugfix in the SampleCosineThete method in G 1191 - bugfix in the SampleCosineThete method in G4UrbanMscModel 3907 1192 3908 1193 3909 21 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-15 1194 21 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-15) 3910 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fix problem of ini << 1195 - G4eBremsstrahlungModel - fix problem of initialisation in the case when 3911 cuts are not defined (needed for Extrapolat 1196 cuts are not defined (needed for Extrapolator and for unit tests) 3912 - add prototypes of elastic Coulomb scatterin 1197 - add prototypes of elastic Coulomb scattering - only for testing 3913 1198 3914 13 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-14 1199 13 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-14) 3915 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix problem of non-initia 1200 - G4UrbanMscModel - fix problem of non-initialised variable 3916 1201 3917 09 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-13 1202 09 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-13) 3918 - G4MultipleScattering - Make steppling alg b 1203 - G4MultipleScattering - Make steppling alg be active for ions by default 3919 09 March 06 : V. Grichine 1204 09 March 06 : V. Grichine 3920 - update of G4SynchrotronRadiation methods fo 1205 - update of G4SynchrotronRadiation methods for calculation of 3921 integral number spectrum 1206 integral number spectrum 3922 1207 3923 07 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-12 1208 07 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-12) 3924 - Remove G4MscModel 1209 - Remove G4MscModel 3925 - Use G4UbbanModel for G4MultipleScattering 1210 - Use G4UbbanModel for G4MultipleScattering 3926 1211 3927 07 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-11 1212 07 March 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-11) 3928 - Fix bug in cross section in G4MscModel71 in 1213 - Fix bug in cross section in G4MscModel71 introduced in 08-00-10 3929 - Create G4UrbanMscModel and optimize interfa << 1214 - Create G4UrbanMscModel and optimize interface for msc models 3930 04 March 06 : V. Grichine 1215 04 March 06 : V. Grichine 3931 - update of G4SynchrotronRadiation to work in 1216 - update of G4SynchrotronRadiation to work in locally (in a volume) 3932 set magnetic field 1217 set magnetic field 3933 1218 3934 17 February 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00 1219 17 February 06 : V.Ivanchenko (emstand-V08-00-10) 3935 - G4MscModel and G4MscModel71 - compute reall << 1220 - G4MscModel and G4MscModel71 - compute really transport cross section, 3936 not mfp 1221 not mfp 3937 << 1222 3938 16 February 06 : L.Urban (emstand-V08-00-09) 1223 16 February 06 : L.Urban (emstand-V08-00-09) 3939 - G4MultipleScattering: set function for data << 1224 - G4MultipleScattering: set function for data member factail, 3940 z sampling by default 1225 z sampling by default 3941 - G4MscModel: data members b, xsi removed, co 1226 - G4MscModel: data members b, xsi removed, code cleaning, 3942 revised 'z' sampling and samplez = true by << 1227 revised 'z' sampling and samplez = true by default 3943 1228 3944 15 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-08) << 1229 15 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-08) 3945 - added functions G4BraggModel::ComputeCrossS 1230 - added functions G4BraggModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() 3946 - added functions G4BraggIonModel::ComputeCro 1231 - added functions G4BraggIonModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() 3947 - remove obsolete G4SCProcessorStand (V.Ivanc 1232 - remove obsolete G4SCProcessorStand (V.Ivanchenko) 3948 << 1233 3949 11 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-07) 1234 11 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-07) 3950 - added functions G4BetheBlochModel::ComputeC 1235 - added functions G4BetheBlochModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() 3951 - move G4LossTableManager::Instance()->EmCorr 1236 - move G4LossTableManager::Instance()->EmCorrections() in constructor 3952 << 1237 3953 08 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-06) 1238 08 February 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-06) 3954 - G4hIonisation52, G4eIonisation52, G4eBremss 1239 - G4hIonisation52, G4eIonisation52, G4eBremsstrahlung52 : the functions 3955 ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom() and ComputeRes 1240 ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom() and ComputeRestrictedMeandEdx() are made public. 3956 - added test programs : an << 1241 - added test programs : and 3957 << 1242 3958 07 February 06 : mma 1243 07 February 06 : mma 3959 - added function G4PEEffectModel::ComputeMea 1244 - added function G4PEEffectModel::ComputeMeanFreePath() 3960 - added functions G4eeToTwoGammaModel::Comput 1245 - added functions G4eeToTwoGammaModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() 3961 - added functions G4MollerBhabhaModel::Comput 1246 - added functions G4MollerBhabhaModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerElectron/Atom() 3962 - added function G4eBremsstrahlungModel::Com 1247 - added function G4eBremsstrahlungModel::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom() 3963 << 1248 3964 02 February 06 : mma 1249 02 February 06 : mma 3965 - G4BetheHeitlerModel : remove InitialiseCros 1250 - G4BetheHeitlerModel : remove InitialiseCrossSectionPerAtom() 3966 << 1251 3967 31 January 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-05) 1252 31 January 06 : mma (emstand-V08-00-05) 3968 - emstand-V08-00-04 + emstand_p01-V08-00-00 << 1253 - emstand-V08-00-04 + emstand_p01-V08-00-00 3969 << 1254 3970 30 January 06 : mma (emstand_p01-V08-00-00) 1255 30 January 06 : mma (emstand_p01-V08-00-00) 3971 - build on top of geant4-08-00-ref-00 1256 - build on top of geant4-08-00-ref-00 3972 - G4PolarizedComptonScattering : return G4Com 1257 - G4PolarizedComptonScattering : return G4ComptonScattering52::PostStepDoIt() 3973 << 1258 3974 26 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-04) 1259 26 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-04) 3975 26 January 06: V. Grichine << 1260 26 January 06: V. Grichine 3976 - fix nan value for delta direction for the c << 1261 - fix nan value for delta direction for the case of zero cut 3977 << 1262 3978 25 January 05: mma (emstand-V08-00-03) 1263 25 January 05: mma (emstand-V08-00-03) 3979 - G4eplusAnnihilation::AtRestDoIt() : remove << 1264 - G4eplusAnnihilation::AtRestDoIt() : remove cut dependance 3980 1265 3981 24 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-02) 1266 24 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-02) 3982 24 January 06: V. Grichine << 1267 24 January 06: V. Grichine 3983 - fVerbose for G4PAIModel providing hiding of 1268 - fVerbose for G4PAIModel providing hiding of some technical messages 3984 1269 3985 20 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-01) 1270 20 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-01) 3986 19 January 06: L.Urban 1271 19 January 06: L.Urban 3987 - G4MultipleScattering: value of facgeom chan 1272 - G4MultipleScattering: value of facgeom changed (4 -> 3.5) 3988 tlimitmin = facrange* 1273 tlimitmin = facrange*50*micrometer 3989 G4MscModel: tail of angular distribution ch 1274 G4MscModel: tail of angular distribution changed 3990 1275 3991 10 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-00) 1276 10 January 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V08-00-00) 3992 - substitute the method SetStepLimits by SetS 1277 - substitute the method SetStepLimits by SetStepFunction 3993 - move initialisation of default values to th << 1278 - move initialisation of default values to the constructor 3994 1279 3995 12 December 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-30) 1280 12 December 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-30) 3996 1281 3997 - G4MultipleScattering: data member rangecut 1282 - G4MultipleScattering: data member rangecut removed, step limit 3998 does not depend on cu 1283 does not depend on cut any more 3999 << 1284 4000 8 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-29) 1285 8 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-29) 4001 - G4MultipleScattering: world is now: navigat 1286 - G4MultipleScattering: world is now: navigator->GetWorldVolume() 4002 << 1287 4003 7 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-28) 1288 7 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-28) 4004 - G4MultipleScattering: tlimitmin = facrange* 1289 - G4MultipleScattering: tlimitmin = facrange*rangecut(e-) for every particle 4005 - rangecut computed using index instead of pa 1290 - rangecut computed using index instead of particle name 4006 - volume name World removed 1291 - volume name World removed 4007 << 1292 4008 5 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-27) 1293 5 December 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-27) 4009 - particleChange.SetProposedKineticEnergy(0.) 1294 - particleChange.SetProposedKineticEnergy(0.) for killed particle in 4010 G4PEEffectModel, G4BetheHeilterModel, G4epl 1295 G4PEEffectModel, G4BetheHeilterModel, G4eplusAnnihilation. 4011 << 1296 4012 << 1297 4013 1 December 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-26) 1298 1 December 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-26) 4014 - G4MultipleScattering - add control on verbo 1299 - G4MultipleScattering - add control on verbosity inside SetStepLimitation 4015 and extend PrintInfo 1300 and extend PrintInfo output 4016 1301 4017 30 November 05: G.Cosmo (emstand-V07-01-25) 1302 30 November 05: G.Cosmo (emstand-V07-01-25) 4018 - Trivial fixes to G4PAIModel and G4PAIPhoton 1303 - Trivial fixes to G4PAIModel and G4PAIPhotonModel for support of 4019 CLHEP 2.0.X series. 1304 CLHEP 2.0.X series. 4020 1305 4021 29 November 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-24) 1306 29 November 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-24) 4022 - Do not use G4Alpha inside G4BraggIonModel t << 1307 - Do not use G4Alpha inside G4BraggIonModel to avoid clash with 4023 new particle design 1308 new particle design 4024 << 1309 4025 16 November 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-23) 1310 16 November 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-23) 4026 - replace RandBit() by G4UniformRand() in G4G 1311 - replace RandBit() by G4UniformRand() in G4GammaConversion52 and 4027 G4BetheHeitlerModel 1312 G4BetheHeitlerModel 4028 << 1313 4029 16 November 05: V. Ivanchenko (emstand-V07-01 1314 16 November 05: V. Ivanchenko (emstand-V07-01-22) 4030 - add electron dev 1315 - add electron deviation 4031 << 1316 4032 13 November 05: L.urban (emstand-V07-01-21) 1317 13 November 05: L.urban (emstand-V07-01-21) 4033 - G4MultipleScattering: some code cleaning, s 1318 - G4MultipleScattering: some code cleaning, slightly better timing 4034 for sampling calorimeters (by 1 - 6 %, depe 1319 for sampling calorimeters (by 1 - 6 %, depending on cut and 4035 geometry) 1320 geometry) 4036 - additionnal printing in G4PAIModel << 1321 - additionnal printing in G4PAIModel 4037 1322 4038 05 November 05: L.Urban 1323 05 November 05: L.Urban 4039 - G4MultipleScattering: minimum stepsize depe 1324 - G4MultipleScattering: minimum stepsize depends on cut in range 4040 tlimitmin = facrange*rangecut 1325 tlimitmin = facrange*rangecut 4041 1326 4042 27 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-20) 1327 27 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-20) 4043 - G4MultipleScattering: stepLimitAlgorithm re 1328 - G4MultipleScattering: stepLimitAlgorithm renamed to steppingAlgorithm; 4044 Function MscStepLimitation (G4bool algorith 1329 Function MscStepLimitation (G4bool algorithm, G4double facrange) 4045 << 1330 4046 25 October 05: L.Urban 1331 25 October 05: L.Urban 4047 - G4MultipleScattering: data member prec rena 1332 - G4MultipleScattering: data member prec renamed to stepLimitAlgorithm 4048 SetstepLimitAlgorithm(G4bool) triggers 'def 1333 SetstepLimitAlgorithm(G4bool) triggers 'default' facrange 4049 values (true 0.02, false 0.2), but facrange 1334 values (true 0.02, false 0.2), but facrange can be set separately too. 4050 1335 4051 23 October 05: L.Urban 1336 23 October 05: L.Urban 4052 - G4MultipleScattering: 'new' msc stepping + 1337 - G4MultipleScattering: 'new' msc stepping + 7.1 like stepping 4053 together, one can choose between them using 1338 together, one can choose between them using data members 4054 prec and facrange << 1339 prec and facrange 4055 1340 4056 23 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-05b) 1341 23 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-05b) 4057 - a tag included fixes in and 1342 - a tag included fixes in and 4058 on top of emstand-V07-01-05a; assumed for t 1343 on top of emstand-V07-01-05a; assumed for the patch-01 4059 1344 4060 17 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-19) 1345 17 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-19) 4061 - fix in in chemical formula 1346 - fix in in chemical formula correction 4062 1347 4063 17 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-18) 1348 17 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-18) 4064 - correction for v 1349 - correction for very small loss 4065 to avoid 0 energy loss 1350 to avoid 0 energy loss 4066 - fix in in chemical formu 1351 - fix in in chemical formula correction 4067 1352 4068 13 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-17) 1353 13 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-17) 4069 - remove SetFacrange 1354 - remove SetFacrange(0.02) from InitialiseProcess 4070 1355 4071 12 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-16) 1356 12 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-16) 4072 - change in TruePath 1357 - change in TruePathLengthLimit conditions, 4073 slightly better timing and much weaker cut 1358 slightly better timing and much weaker cut dependence 4074 1359 4075 10 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-07-01-15) 1360 10 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-07-01-15) 4076 - Fix non-initilised variable in G4MultipleSc 1361 - Fix non-initilised variable in G4MultipleScattering 4077 1362 4078 7 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-14) 1363 7 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-14) 4079 - bug fixed in TrueP 1364 - bug fixed in TruePathLengthLimit. 4080 Must cowork with emutils-V07-01-05 1365 Must cowork with emutils-V07-01-05 4081 1366 4082 6 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-13) 1367 6 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-13) 4083 - G4MultipleScattering: change in conditions 1368 - G4MultipleScattering: change in conditions limiting 4084 the step --> better timing with the same ph 1369 the step --> better timing with the same physics 4085 1370 4086 4 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-12) 1371 4 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-12) 4087 - G4MultipleScattering: upper limit for facra 1372 - G4MultipleScattering: upper limit for facrange 0.2, 4088 facgeom =2 always, corr. in set function of 1373 facgeom =2 always, corr. in set function of facgeom 4089 1374 4090 4 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-11) 1375 4 October 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-11) 4091 - Move G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel8 1376 - Move G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 into 4092 G4MultipleScattering and G4MscModel << 1377 G4MultipleScattering and G4MscModel 4093 1378 4094 3 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-10) 1379 3 October 05: L.Urban (emstand-V07-01-10) 4095 - G4MultipleScattering80 : weaker step limita << 1380 - G4MultipleScattering80 : weaker step limitation above 4096 Tkinlimit = 2 MeV for e+/e- (limit scaled w 1381 Tkinlimit = 2 MeV for e+/e- (limit scaled with mass 4097 for other particles).Soft limit: facrange i 1382 for other particles).Soft limit: facrange increases 4098 linearly with energy above Tkinlimit. 1383 linearly with energy above Tkinlimit. 4099 - G4UniversalFluctuation : cut dependence of 1384 - G4UniversalFluctuation : cut dependence of the en.loss 4100 distribution has been reduced 1385 distribution has been reduced 4101 << 1386 4102 2 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-09) 1387 2 October 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-09) 4103 - G4eIonisation, G4hIonisation : SetStepLimit 1388 - G4eIonisation, G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 1*mm) + integral on 4104 << 1389 4105 2 October 05: L.Urban 1390 2 October 05: L.Urban 4106 - conditions for step limit now are considere 1391 - conditions for step limit now are considered 'final' in 4107 + code cleaning 1392 + code cleaning 4108 - nuclear size correction has been removed fr 1393 - nuclear size correction has been removed from G4MscModel80, 4109 the correction is already included in the ( 1394 the correction is already included in the (theoretical) 4110 tabulated cross section values for Tkin > 1 1395 tabulated cross section values for Tkin > 10 MeV 4111 1396 4112 16 September 05: L.Urban 1397 16 September 05: L.Urban 4113 - reordering of the conditions in TruePathLen << 1398 - reordering of the conditions in TruePathLengthLimit of 4114 (It gives the sam 1399 (It gives the same result than 4115 preceding version, but it is faster) 1400 preceding version, but it is faster) 4116 1401 4117 12 September 05: L.Urban 1402 12 September 05: L.Urban 4118 - new version of G4MultipleScattering80, now 1403 - new version of G4MultipleScattering80, now the true pathlength 4119 limit is determined by the physics (facrang << 1404 limit is determined by the physics (facrange) + geometry 4120 1405 4121 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-08) 1406 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-08) 4122 - G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) 1407 - G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) + integral off 4123 1408 4124 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-07) 1409 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-07) 4125 - G4eIonisation : integral off 1410 - G4eIonisation : integral off 4126 1411 4127 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-06) 1412 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-06) 4128 - G4eIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) << 1413 - G4eIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) 4129 - add G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 1414 - add G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 4130 1415 4131 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-05) 1416 2 September 05: V.Ivant. (emstand-V07-01-05) 4132 - This tag is 7.1 + bug fixes 1417 - This tag is 7.1 + bug fixes 4133 - G4eIonisation : SetStepLimits (1, 1*mm) 1418 - G4eIonisation : SetStepLimits (1, 1*mm) 4134 - G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 1*mm) 1419 - G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 1*mm) 4135 << 1420 4136 12 August 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-04) 1421 12 August 05: mma (emstand-V07-01-04) 4137 - G4eIonisation and G4hIonisation : SetStepLi 1422 - G4eIonisation and G4hIonisation : SetStepLimits (0.2, 0.1*mm) 4138 << 1423 4139 11 August 05: Laszlo + mma (emstand-V07-01-03 1424 11 August 05: Laszlo + mma (emstand-V07-01-03) 4140 - add G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 1425 - add G4MultipleScattering80 and G4MscModel80 4141 << 1426 4142 03 August 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-02) 1427 03 August 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-02) 4143 - Fix initialisation G4eBremsstrahlungModel << 1428 - Fix intialisation G4eBremsstrahlungModel 4144 1429 4145 25 July 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-01) 1430 25 July 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-01) 4146 - Fix in G4MollerBhabhaModel: add protection << 1431 - Fix in G4MollerBhabhaModel: add protection in calculation of recoil direction 4147 for the case of complete energy transfer fr 1432 for the case of complete energy transfer from e+ to e- 4148 1433 4149 30 June 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-00) 1434 30 June 05: V.Ivant (emstand-V07-01-00) 4150 24 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-12) 1435 24 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-12) 4151 - Change G4BaggIonModel and G4BaggModel in or 1436 - Change G4BaggIonModel and G4BaggModel in order to have parameterization 4152 of chemical effect be independent on method 1437 of chemical effect be independent on method of material definition (by 4153 number of atoms or by mass fractions); << 1438 number of atoms or by mass fractions); 4154 - Increase number of bins for internal table 1439 - Increase number of bins for internal table of G4BetheHeitlerModel 4155 - Add protection for (tmax < meanPot and pot0 1440 - Add protection for (tmax < meanPot and pot0) in G4UniversalFluctuations 4156 1441 4157 30 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-11) 1442 30 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-11) 4158 - Fix compilation warning at SUN in G4BaggIon << 1443 - Fix compilation warning at SUN in G4BaggIonModel; 4159 1444 4160 12 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-10) 1445 12 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-10) 4161 - Move G4BaggIonModel to updated interfaces; << 1446 - Move G4BaggIonModel to updated interfaces; 4162 - cleanup 1447 - cleanup 4163 1448 4164 03 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-09) 1449 03 May 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-09) 4165 - move v70 processes (model interface) to be 1450 - move v70 processes (model interface) to be default and old to be 52 4166 (Compton, GammaConversion, PhotoElectricEff 1451 (Compton, GammaConversion, PhotoElectricEffect, eplusAnnihilation) 4167 << 1452 4168 03 May 05: mma (stand-V07-00-08) 1453 03 May 05: mma (stand-V07-00-08) 4169 - last tag before permutation v70 -> stand -> 1454 - last tag before permutation v70 -> stand ->v52 for photon processes 4170 - G4eplusAnnihilation70 : suppress Integral o 1455 - G4eplusAnnihilation70 : suppress Integral option 4171 - G4PEEffectModel::SampleSecondaries() : corr 1456 - G4PEEffectModel::SampleSecondaries() : correct for shell selection 4172 - fabs -> std::abs 1457 - fabs -> std::abs 4173 1458 4174 03 May 05: L.Urban 1459 03 May 05: L.Urban 4175 - : bugfix in the p 1460 - : bugfix in the part of the Gaussian 4176 fluctuation + smearing for very small (~eV) 1461 fluctuation + smearing for very small (~eV) loss 4177 1462 4178 21 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-07) 1463 21 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-07) 4179 - Add G4PhotoElectricEffect70 1464 - Add G4PhotoElectricEffect70 4180 1465 4181 19 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-06) 1466 19 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-06) 4182 - Add G4GammaConvertion70 1467 - Add G4GammaConvertion70 4183 - Cash pointer to navigator for G4MscModel 1468 - Cash pointer to navigator for G4MscModel 4184 1469 4185 18 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-05) 1470 18 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-05) 4186 - Gamma processes migrate to G4ParticleChange 1471 - Gamma processes migrate to G4ParticleChangeForGamma 4187 - G4MultipleScattering and G4MscModel - optim 1472 - G4MultipleScattering and G4MscModel - optimise internal interfaces 4188 1473 4189 13 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-04) 1474 13 April 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-04) 4190 - Remove PAIwithPhotonModel 1475 - Remove PAIwithPhotonModel 4191 - Migrade to updated interfaces of utils 1476 - Migrade to updated interfaces of utils 4192 - Use G4EmCorrections for hadrons/ions ionisa 1477 - Use G4EmCorrections for hadrons/ions ionisation 4193 1478 4194 18 March 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-03) 1479 18 March 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-03) 4195 - Add G4ComptonScattering70 and G4KleinNishin 1480 - Add G4ComptonScattering70 and G4KleinNishinaModel (V.Ivanchenko) 4196 1481 4197 11 March 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-02) 1482 11 March 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-02) 4198 - Add G4hIonisation70 and G4ionIonisation70 c 1483 - Add G4hIonisation70 and G4ionIonisation70 classes (V.Ivanchenko) 4199 1484 4200 10 Feb 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-01) 1485 10 Feb 05: V.Ivant (stand-V07-00-01) 4201 - Extra protection in G4PAIModel (V.Grichine) 1486 - Extra protection in G4PAIModel (V.Grichine) 4202 << 1487 4203 07 Feb 05: mma (stand-V07-00-00) 1488 07 Feb 05: mma (stand-V07-00-00) 4204 - : make the Setsampl 1489 - : make the Setsamplez function working 4205 - G4UniversalFluctuation.hh and .cc : define 1490 - G4UniversalFluctuation.hh and .cc : define problim = 5.e-3 4206 set min 1491 set minLoss = 10 eV 4207 1492 4208 01 Dec 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-14) 1493 01 Dec 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-14) 4209 - Migration to cmath 1494 - Migration to cmath 4210 1495 4211 01 Dec 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-13) 1496 01 Dec 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-13) 4212 - Move in the classes with real models from u 1497 - Move in the classes with real models from utils 4213 1498 4214 30 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-12) 1499 30 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-12) 4215 - Remove G4PAIonisation.icc 1500 - Remove G4PAIonisation.icc 4216 1501 4217 29 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-11) 1502 29 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-11) 4218 - Restructure of standard subdirectories 1503 - Restructure of standard subdirectories 4219 - Cleanup GNUmakefile 1504 - Cleanup GNUmakefile 4220 1505 4221 17 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-10) 1506 17 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-10) 4222 - Fix problem of test27 1507 - Fix problem of test27 4223 1508 4224 11 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-09) 1509 11 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-09) 4225 - Migration to new algorithm to Store/Retriev 1510 - Migration to new algorithm to Store/Retrieve tables 4226 1511 4227 04 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-08) 1512 04 Nov 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-08) 4228 - Add energy threshold for gamma of G4eBremss 1513 - Add energy threshold for gamma of G4eBremsstrahlung, which will be used 4229 to kill e- and start new track in case of h 1514 to kill e- and start new track in case of hard photon emmision 4230 - Modified fluctuation model for G4PAIPhotonM 1515 - Modified fluctuation model for G4PAIPhotonModel 4231 1516 4232 25 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-07) 1517 25 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-07) 4233 - Migrate to new interfaces for ParticleChang 1518 - Migrate to new interfaces for ParticleChange 4234 1519 4235 15 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-06) 1520 15 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-06) 4236 - Fix in PAI models - remove cut dependence o 1521 - Fix in PAI models - remove cut dependence of results (V.Grichine) 4237 - Fix in G4ionIonisation - can use alpha tabl 1522 - Fix in G4ionIonisation - can use alpha tables 4238 1523 4239 14 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-05) 1524 14 Oct 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-05) 4240 - Add new model for ion ionization G4BraggIon 1525 - Add new model for ion ionization G4BraggIonModel 4241 - Add process and model classes for e+ annihi 1526 - Add process and model classes for e+ annihilation to pi+pi- 4242 1527 4243 30 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-04) 1528 30 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-04) 4244 - Remove obsolete process G4IonisationByLogic << 1529 - Remove obsolete process G4IonisationByLogicalVolume and 4245 obsolete interfaces to particle cathegory 1530 obsolete interfaces to particle cathegory 4246 1531 4247 20 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-03) 1532 20 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-03) 4248 - Bug fix for e- ionisation in PAI model for 1533 - Bug fix for e- ionisation in PAI model for small cuts (VG) 4249 << 1534 4250 13 Aug 04: mma (stand-V06-02-02) 1535 13 Aug 04: mma (stand-V06-02-02) 4251 - in all discrete processes make ComputeCross 1536 - in all discrete processes make ComputeCrossSection() public and virtual 4252 - suppress icc files 1537 - suppress icc files 4253 1538 4254 12 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-01) 1539 12 Aug 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-02-01) 4255 - G4ionIonisation - effective charge is taken 1540 - G4ionIonisation - effective charge is taken from util class (VI) 4256 - G4eplusAnnihilation70 introduced (VI) 1541 - G4eplusAnnihilation70 introduced (VI) 4257 << 1542 4258 05 Aug 04: mma 1543 05 Aug 04: mma 4259 - suppress G4eplusAnnihilation.icc, G4GammaCo 1544 - suppress G4eplusAnnihilation.icc, G4GammaConversionToMuons.icc 4260 << 1545 4261 29 Jun 04: mma (stand-V06-02-00) 1546 29 Jun 04: mma (stand-V06-02-00) 4262 - : improve totalCross 1547 - : improve totalCrossSection parametrization below 4263 15 keV (Laszlo). << 1548 15 keV (Laszlo). 4264 1549 4265 07 Jun 04: G.Cosmo (stand-V06-01-03) 1550 07 Jun 04: G.Cosmo (stand-V06-01-03) 4266 - fix in constructor for co 1551 - fix in constructor for compilation error in VC++ 6.0 4267 - Moved usage of statics in inline functions 1552 - Moved usage of statics in inline functions to non-inline to allow 4268 porting for DLLs on Windows. Modified files 1553 porting for DLLs on Windows. Modified files: 4269 G4PAIonisation[], G4SynchrotronRadia 1554 G4PAIonisation[], G4SynchrotronRadiation[]. 4270 1555 4271 27 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-02) 1556 27 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-02) 4272 - Set integral regime to be default for G4ion 1557 - Set integral regime to be default for G4ionIonisation and G4hIonisation 4273 - Exclude G4PAIwithPhotons and G4InitXscPAI c 1558 - Exclude G4PAIwithPhotons and G4InitXscPAI classes previously included 4274 by mistake but still under development ... 1559 by mistake but still under development ... 4275 1560 4276 27 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-01) 1561 27 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-01) 4277 - (V.Grichine) Updated and optimise PAI model 1562 - (V.Grichine) Updated and optimise PAI model 4278 - (L.Urban) Minor fix in G4eBremsstrahlung - 1563 - (L.Urban) Minor fix in G4eBremsstrahlung - units properly used 4279 1564 4280 04 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-00) 1565 04 May 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-01-00) 4281 - (V.Grichine) Updated PAI model - use precis << 1566 - (V.Grichine) Updated PAI model - use precise integrator, 4282 add photon emission, add G4PAIwithPhotons a 1567 add photon emission, add G4PAIwithPhotons and G4PAIxSection classes 4283 << 1568 4284 15 Mar 04: mma (stand-V06-00-04) 1569 15 Mar 04: mma (stand-V06-00-04) 4285 << 1570 4286 10 Mar 04: V.Ivant 1571 10 Mar 04: V.Ivant 4287 - constructor of all discrete processes: name 1572 - constructor of all discrete processes: name, type 4288 1573 4289 17 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-03) 1574 17 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-03) 4290 - merge the patch and development tag 1575 - merge the patch and development tag 4291 1576 4292 06 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-a-V06-00-00) 1577 06 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-a-V06-00-00) 4293 - Tag for the patch include: 1578 - Tag for the patch include: 4294 - Fix in 1579 - Fix in 4295 - Minor change in << 1580 - Minor change in 4296 1581 4297 03 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-02) 1582 03 Feb 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-02) 4298 - Fix in 1583 - Fix in 4299 1584 4300 30 Jan 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-01) 1585 30 Jan 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-01) 4301 - Minor change in 1586 - Minor change in 4302 1587 4303 22 Jan 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-00) 1588 22 Jan 04: V.Ivant (stand-V06-00-00) 4304 - Migrade to G4ParticleChangeForLoss 1589 - Migrade to G4ParticleChangeForLoss 4305 1590 4306 11 Nov 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-07) 1591 11 Nov 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-07) 4307 - Substitute G4VEnergyLossSTD by G4VEnergyLos 1592 - Substitute G4VEnergyLossSTD by G4VEnergyLossProcess 4308 - For ions update ionisation 1593 - For ions update ionisation 4309 1594 4310 03 Nov 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-06) 1595 03 Nov 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-06) 4311 - Remove STD processes 1596 - Remove STD processes 4312 1597 4313 24 Oct 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-05) 1598 24 Oct 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-05) 4314 -Update defults for processes 1599 -Update defults for processes 4315 -Add PAI model (V.Grichine) 1600 -Add PAI model (V.Grichine) 4316 1601 4317 4 Oct 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-02-04) 1602 4 Oct 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-02-04) 4318 - Modified GNUmakefiles: 1603 - Modified GNUmakefiles: 4319 o added dependency to new module "geometry/ 1604 o added dependency to new module "geometry/navigation". 4320 - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digi 1605 - Coworks with "geometry-V05-02-00" and "digits_hits-V05-02-00". 4321 1606 4322 20 Sept 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-03) 1607 20 Sept 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-03) 4323 -Update energy intervals for ionisation model 1608 -Update energy intervals for ionisation models 4324 -Update GNUmakefile 1609 -Update GNUmakefile 4325 1610 4326 08 August 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-02) 1611 08 August 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-02) 4327 -Substitute standerd by STD, freezing old sta 1612 -Substitute standerd by STD, freezing old standard as 52 4328 1613 4329 07 August 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-01) 1614 07 August 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-01) 4330 - Change defaults for STD processes 1615 - Change defaults for STD processes 4331 - Introduce Effective charge to G4ionIonisati 1616 - Introduce Effective charge to G4ionIonisation 4332 1617 4333 24 July 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-00) 1618 24 July 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-02-00) 4334 -Update model interface according utils-V05-0 1619 -Update model interface according utils-V05-02-00 4335 1620 4336 25 June 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-01-05) 1621 25 June 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-01-05) 4337 - trivial fixes on argument 1622 - trivial fixes on arguments to pow() for 4338 porting on .NET 7.1 compiler. 1623 porting on .NET 7.1 compiler. 4339 1624 4340 16 June 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-04) 1625 16 June 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-04) 4341 - ShortLived particles are not applicable for 1626 - ShortLived particles are not applicable for G4hIonisation 4342 1627 4343 04 June 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-03) 1628 04 June 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-03) 4344 - Update STD initialisation 1629 - Update STD initialisation 4345 1630 4346 26 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-02) 1631 26 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-02) 4347 -Fix compilation warnings for pedantic compil 1632 -Fix compilation warnings for pedantic compiler options 4348 1633 4349 23 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-01) 1634 23 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-01) 4350 -Fix initialisation for STD: for integral Boh 1635 -Fix initialisation for STD: for integral Bohr fluctuations 4351 1636 4352 15 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-00) 1637 15 May 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-01-00) 4353 - fix in SuprssionFunction in bremsstrahlung 1638 - fix in SuprssionFunction in bremsstrahlung STD 4354 - fix in dedx for e- ionisation STD for E<1ke 1639 - fix in dedx for e- ionisation STD for E<1keV 4355 - set default number 120 bins for dedx table 1640 - set default number 120 bins for dedx table in G4eIonisation 4356 - updated PAI model: include high energy tran 1641 - updated PAI model: include high energy transfers 4357 1642 4358 29 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-13) 1643 29 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-13) 4359 - fix leak in restore tables 1644 - fix leak in restore tables 4360 1645 4361 26 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-12) 1646 26 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-12) 4362 - fix store/restore tables 1647 - fix store/restore tables 4363 1648 4364 11 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-11) 1649 11 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-11) 4365 - fix problem of hadronic tests 1650 - fix problem of hadronic tests 4366 1651 4367 11 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-10) 1652 11 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-10) 4368 - fix problem of MFP for PAI 1653 - fix problem of MFP for PAI 4369 1654 4370 08 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-09) 1655 08 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-09) 4371 - finalRange is region aware 1656 - finalRange is region aware 4372 1657 4373 07 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-08) 1658 07 Apr 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-08) 4374 - G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisation - fix problem 1659 - G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisation - fix problem of several runs with 4375 different cuts 1660 different cuts 4376 1661 4377 25 Mar 03: mma (stand-V05-00-07) 1662 25 Mar 03: mma (stand-V05-00-07) 4378 - G4Ve(h)EnergyLoss : add finalRangeRequested 1663 - G4Ve(h)EnergyLoss : add finalRangeRequested 4379 1664 4380 10 mar 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-06) 1665 10 mar 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-06) 4381 - use SubType for ions in G4hIonisation 1666 - use SubType for ions in G4hIonisation 4382 - migrade to "cut per region" for G4PAIonisat 1667 - migrade to "cut per region" for G4PAIonisation 4383 1668 4384 18 feb 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-05) 1669 18 feb 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-05) 4385 - fix problems with lambda and range tables f 1670 - fix problems with lambda and range tables for STD hadrons/ions 4386 1671 4387 13 feb 03: V.Ivant 1672 13 feb 03: V.Ivant 4388 - add names for all models 1673 - add names for all models 4389 - make the set of model per region available 1674 - make the set of model per region available 4390 - make SubCutoff regime available per region 1675 - make SubCutoff regime available per region 4391 1676 4392 12 feb 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-00-04) 1677 12 feb 03: G.Cosmo (stand-V05-00-04) 4393 - Replaced call to RandPoisson::shoot() with 1678 - Replaced call to RandPoisson::shoot() with G4Poisson(), more performant. 4394 Affected files:, G4PAIxSe 1679 Affected files:, 4395 1680 4396 05 feb 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-03) 1681 05 feb 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-03) 4397 - Fix on warnings at SUN for STD classes 1682 - Fix on warnings at SUN for STD classes 4398 - Add Initialise method to STD classes to cal 1683 - Add Initialise method to STD classes to calculate PartialSumSigma 4399 - Subsitute Material by MaterialCutsCouple fo << 1684 - Subsitute Material by MaterialCutsCouple for PostStep STD 4400 1685 4401 04 feb 03: mma 1686 04 feb 03: mma 4402 - AnnihiToMuPair.hh and cc : first implementa 1687 - AnnihiToMuPair.hh and cc : first implementation from Helmut Burkhardt. 4403 Cosmetic simplifications (mma) 1688 Cosmetic simplifications (mma) 4404 << 1689 4405 24 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-02) 1690 24 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-02) 4406 - Migration to "cut per region" 1691 - Migration to "cut per region" 4407 1692 4408 15 jan 03: mma << 1693 15 jan 03: mma 4409 - PhotoElectricEffect::ElecThetaDistribution 1694 - PhotoElectricEffect::ElecThetaDistribution : if gamma>5 --> costeta=1 4410 << 1695 4411 13 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-01) 1696 13 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-01) 4412 - Fix problem in cut control in G4PAIonisatio << 1697 - Fix problem in cut control in 4413 1698 4414 06 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-00) 1699 06 jan 03: V.Ivant (stand-V05-00-00) 4415 - Update interfaces to STD classes in order t << 1700 - Update interfaces to STD classes in order to be ready to migrade 4416 to "cut per region" 1701 to "cut per region" 4417 1702 4418 04 dec 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-07) 1703 04 dec 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-07) 4419 - fix d-electron spectra for STD 1704 - fix d-electron spectra for STD 4420 << 1705 4421 20 nov 02: G.Cosmo (stand-V04-01-06) 1706 20 nov 02: G.Cosmo (stand-V04-01-06) 4422 - G4PAIonisation[]: patched access 1707 - G4PAIonisation[]: patched access to public static data. 4423 Added static accessor to be used in the ker 1708 Added static accessor to be used in the kernel for inline functions 4424 to allow porting on Windows DLLs. 1709 to allow porting on Windows DLLs. 4425 1710 4426 12 nov 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-05) 1711 12 nov 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-05) 4427 - eBremsstrahlung::BuiltLossTable: fix of div 1712 - eBremsstrahlung::BuiltLossTable: fix of division by 0 (G4int nn) 4428 << 1713 4429 28 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-04) 1714 28 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-04) 4430 - fix compilation warnings for STD classes 1715 - fix compilation warnings for STD classes 4431 1716 4432 17 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-03) 1717 17 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-03) 4433 - few changes in all xSTD processes in connec 1718 - few changes in all xSTD processes in connection with LossTableBuilder 4434 << 1719 4435 15 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-02) 1720 15 oct 02: V.Ivant (stand-V04-01-02) 4436 - redesign for a Model approach: files proces 1721 - redesign for a Model approach: files processNameSTD and processNameModel 4437 << 1722 4438 14 oct 02: mma (stand-V04-01-01) 1723 14 oct 02: mma (stand-V04-01-01) 4439 - G4PAIxSection and G4PAIonisation : put back 1724 - G4PAIxSection and G4PAIonisation : put back on the HEAD the versions as they 4440 are in Geant4-04-01-ref-03, namely: 1725 are in Geant4-04-01-ref-03, namely: 4441 G4PAIxSection hh:1.7 cc:1.10 1726 G4PAIxSection hh:1.7 cc:1.10 4442 G4PAIonisation hh:1.12 icc:1.10 cc:1.23 1727 G4PAIonisation hh:1.12 icc:1.10 cc:1.23 4443 << 1728 4444 1729 GNUmakefile:1.1 4445 << 1730 4446 07 aug 02: mma (stand-V04-01-00) 1731 07 aug 02: mma (stand-V04-01-00) 4447 - GammaConversionToMuons::DoIt : missprint in << 1732 - GammaConversionToMuons::DoIt : missprint in OR conditions | instead of || 4448 1733 4449 10 jun 02: mma (stand-V04-00-13) 1734 10 jun 02: mma (stand-V04-00-13) 4450 - bug fixed for stopping hadrons, V.Ivanchenk 1735 - bug fixed for stopping hadrons, V.Ivanchenko 4451 << 1736 4452 04 jun 02: mma (stand-V04-00-12) << 1737 04 jun 02: mma (stand-V04-00-12) 4453 - suppress the G4PAIonisation stuff which cra 1738 - suppress the G4PAIonisation stuff which crash in TestEm8 4454 (back to stand-V04-00-10) 1739 (back to stand-V04-00-10) 4455 << 1740 4456 24 may 02: mma (stand-V04-00-11) << 1741 24 may 02: mma (stand-V04-00-11) 4457 - G4PAIonosation: production of delta-electro 1742 - G4PAIonosation: production of delta-electrons > cut 4458 - a bug fixed in for Generic 1743 - a bug fixed in for GenericIon 4459 - G4PAIxSection : new class members for trans 1744 - G4PAIxSection : new class members for transverse/longitudinal transfer 4460 << 1745 4461 06 may 02: mma (stand-V04-00-10) 1746 06 may 02: mma (stand-V04-00-10) 4462 - compilation error in G4GammaConversionToMuo 1747 - compilation error in G4GammaConversionToMuons 4463 << 1748 4464 29 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-09) 1749 29 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-09) 4465 - G4PhotoElectric: Generate theta angle of th 1750 - G4PhotoElectric: Generate theta angle of the photoelectron from Sauter-Gravila 4466 distribution << 1751 distribution 4467 << 1752 4468 18 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-08) 1753 18 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-08) 4469 - new process: G4GammaConversionToMuons 1754 - new process: G4GammaConversionToMuons 4470 << 1755 4471 18 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-07) 1756 18 apr 02: mma (stand-V04-00-07) 4472 - G4ComptonScattering: LowestEnergyLimit=1*ke 1757 - G4ComptonScattering: LowestEnergyLimit=1*keV 4473 - G4PhotoElectric: Keep only Sandia crossSect 1758 - G4PhotoElectric: Keep only Sandia crossSections. Remove BuildPhysicsTables. 4474 Simplify public interface. << 1759 Simplify public interface. 4475 << 1760 4476 27 mar 02: V.Ivanchenko (stand-V04-00-06) 1761 27 mar 02: V.Ivanchenko (stand-V04-00-06) 4477 - G4hIonisation: Bug fix in scaling of lambda 1762 - G4hIonisation: Bug fix in scaling of lambda tabledelta-electrons > cut 4478 1763 4479 26 mar 02: mma (stand-V04-00-05) 1764 26 mar 02: mma (stand-V04-00-05) 4480 - G4eIonisation: change access to cuts in Bui 1765 - G4eIonisation: change access to cuts in BuildLossTables (V.Ivanchenko) 4481 1766 4482 22 mar 02: V. Grichine (stand-V04-00-04) 1767 22 mar 02: V. Grichine (stand-V04-00-04) 4483 - modifications in G4PAIxSection allowing to 1768 - modifications in G4PAIxSection allowing to get additional information on 4484 transverse and longitudinal excitations at 1769 transverse and longitudinal excitations at atomic frequences. 4485 << 1770 4486 21 mar 02: mma (stand-V04-00-03) 1771 21 mar 02: mma (stand-V04-00-03) 4487 - G4GammaConversion::DoIt() correction of e+e 1772 - G4GammaConversion::DoIt() correction of e+e- angular distribution (bug 363) 4488 << 1773 4489 27 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-02) 1774 27 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-02) 4490 - V.Ivanchenko remove the fix for GenericIons 1775 - V.Ivanchenko remove the fix for GenericIons in G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisation; 4491 1776 4492 27 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-01) 1777 27 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-01) 4493 - V.Ivanchenko fix G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisat 1778 - V.Ivanchenko fix G4VhEnergyLoss, G4hIonisation for GenericIons; 4494 - G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss : error i << 1779 - G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss : error in TouchebleHandle - take from 4495 PreStepPoint << 1780 PreStepPoint 4496 << 1781 4497 10 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-00) 1782 10 fev 02: mma (stand-V04-00-00) 4498 - G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss : error i 1783 - G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss : error in SetMindeltaCutInRange, 4499 was set in Energy ! << 1784 was set in Energy ! 4500 << 1785 4501 11 jan 02: mma 1786 11 jan 02: mma 4502 - gammaConversion::ComputeCrossSection(): cor << 1787 - gammaConversion::ComputeCrossSection(): correction of extrapolation below 4503 EnergyLimit 1788 EnergyLimit 4504 << 1789 4505 10 jan 02: mma << 1790 10 jan 02: mma 4506 - photoEffect: rearrangement in the inlined f 1791 - photoEffect: rearrangement in the inlined functions 4507 << 1792 4508 12 nov 01: mma (stand-V03-02-14) 1793 12 nov 01: mma (stand-V03-02-14) 4509 - ParticleMass and Charge : local variables 1794 - ParticleMass and Charge : local variables 4510 - merge 11a + 13 1795 - merge 11a + 13 4511 - some cleanup in G4hEnergyLoss.hh and .cc << 1796 - some cleanup in G4hEnergyLoss.hh and .cc 4512 << 1797 4513 29 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-13) 1798 29 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-13) 4514 - all static functions no more inlined 1799 - all static functions no more inlined 4515 << 1800 4516 23 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-12) 1801 23 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-12) 4517 - cut per material: Ve(h)EnergyLoss, e(h)Ioni 1802 - cut per material: Ve(h)EnergyLoss, e(h)Ionisation, eBremsstrahlung, 4518 PAIEnergyLoss, PAIonisation, SynchrotronRad << 1803 PAIEnergyLoss, PAIonisation, SynchrotronRadiation 4519 1804 4520 08 nov 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-11a) 1805 08 nov 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-11a) 4521 - Introduced changes to and 1806 - Introduced changes to and for reference 4522 counted touchables (R.Chytracek). Not inclu 1807 counted touchables (R.Chytracek). Not included in "stand-V03-02-12" and 4523 "stand-V03-02-13". 1808 "stand-V03-02-13". 4524 1809 4525 23 oct 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-11) 1810 23 oct 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-11) 4526 - Minor fix to, added inclus 1811 - Minor fix to, added inclusion of G4Material.hh to cope 4527 with latest updates included in materials-V 1812 with latest updates included in materials-V03-02-04. 4528 1813 4529 11 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-10) 1814 11 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-10) 4530 - activate buildDEDXTable() in G4hIonisation: 1815 - activate buildDEDXTable() in G4hIonisation::retrievePhysicsTable() 4531 1816 4532 11 oct 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-09) 1817 11 oct 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-02-09) 4533 - G4VPAIenergyLoss.hh: removed redundant incl 1818 - G4VPAIenergyLoss.hh: removed redundant inclusion of RW wrapper header. 4534 << 1819 4535 01 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-08) 1820 01 oct 01: mma (stand-V03-02-08) 4536 - Phot,Comp,Conv,Annil: come back to BuildPhy 1821 - Phot,Comp,Conv,Annil: come back to BuildPhysicsTable(particleDefinition) 4537 invoked from the process manager 1822 invoked from the process manager 4538 << 1823 4539 28 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-07) 1824 28 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-07) 4540 - StorePhysicsTable(): ParticleName included 1825 - StorePhysicsTable(): ParticleName included in fileName. 4541 Completion of Store/Retrieve functions << 1826 Completion of Store/Retrieve functions 4542 << 1827 4543 21 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-06) 1828 21 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-06) 4544 - DoIt: fminimalEnergy = 1*eV in phot,comp,co << 1829 - DoIt: fminimalEnergy = 1*eV in phot,comp,conv,anni 4545 << 1830 4546 19 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-05) 1831 19 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-05) 4547 - come back to the previous ProcessNames 1832 - come back to the previous ProcessNames 4548 << 1833 4549 17 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-04) 1834 17 sep 01: mma (stand-V03-02-04) 4550 - modifs in almost all classes for the migrat 1835 - modifs in almost all classes for the migration of Materials to pure STL, 4551 but backward compatible with g4rw << 1836 but backward compatible with g4rw 4552 1837 4553 13 sep 01: L.Urban (stand-V03-02-03) 1838 13 sep 01: L.Urban (stand-V03-02-03) 4554 -G4VxEnergyLoss: cut is set as rcut 1839 -G4VxEnergyLoss: cut is set as rcut/100 + some optimisation 4555 << 1840 4556 11 sep 01: L.Urban (stand-V03-02-02) 1841 11 sep 01: L.Urban (stand-V03-02-02) 4557 - G4VhEnergyLoss+G4VeEnergyLoss: bugfix in su 1842 - G4VhEnergyLoss+G4VeEnergyLoss: bugfix in subcutoff delta generation 4558 << 1843 4559 29 aug 01: mma (stand-V03-02-01) 1844 29 aug 01: mma (stand-V03-02-01) 4560 - G4hIonisation::PostStepDoIt grecj term for 1845 - G4hIonisation::PostStepDoIt grecj term for spin 1/2 (not 1) 4561 << 1846 4562 13 aug 01: mma 1847 13 aug 01: mma 4563 - G4eIonisation: new function ComputeRestrict 1848 - G4eIonisation: new function ComputeRestrictedMeandEdx() 4564 - G4hIonisation: new function ComputeRestrict 1849 - G4hIonisation: new function ComputeRestrictedMeandEdx() + 'cleanup' 4565 << 1850 4566 10 aug 01: mma 1851 10 aug 01: mma 4567 - store/retrieve PhysicsTables implemented in 1852 - store/retrieve PhysicsTables implemented in photelec, compton, gamaconv, 4568 annihil, eIonisa, eBrems, mulscat, hIonisa << 1853 annihil, eIonisa, eBrems, mulscat, hIonisa 4569 << 1854 4570 17 jul 01: mma (stand-V03-02-00) 1855 17 jul 01: mma (stand-V03-02-00) 4571 - suppression of the production threshold in 1856 - suppression of the production threshold in phot,compt,conv,annih 4572 1857 4573 11 jul 01: mma 1858 11 jul 01: mma 4574 - GammaConversion::PostStepDoIt : sample epsi 1859 - GammaConversion::PostStepDoIt : sample epsil->power (rndm,0.333333) 4575 1860 4576 29 may 01: V.Ivanchenko << 1861 29 may 01: V.Ivanchenko 4577 - clean up againist Linux ANSI strict compila 1862 - clean up againist Linux ANSI strict compilation mode. 4578 << 1863 4579 27 mar 01 mma (stand-V03-00-05) 1864 27 mar 01 mma (stand-V03-00-05) 4580 - commented out the printing of subcutoff ene 1865 - commented out the printing of subcutoff energies at initialization 4581 << 1866 4582 05 mar 01 mma (stand-V03-00-04) 1867 05 mar 01 mma (stand-V03-00-04) 4583 - new subdirectory: integral 1868 - new subdirectory: integral 4584 migration of all G4I.. processes from muons 1869 migration of all G4I.. processes from muons, standard, utils into integral 4585 << 1870 4586 22 feb 01: mma (stand-V03-00-03) 1871 22 feb 01: mma (stand-V03-00-03) 4587 - G4PhotoElectricEffect. DoIt: removed prote 1872 - G4PhotoElectricEffect. DoIt: removed protection against low energy gamma, 4588 after correction in SandiaTable (material 1873 after correction in SandiaTable (materials-V03-00-05) 4589 - G4EplusAnnihilation. PostStepDoIt: check wi 1874 - G4EplusAnnihilation. PostStepDoIt: check with fStopButAlive instead of 4590 energy == 0. << 1875 energy == 0. 4591 1876 4592 05 feb 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-00-02) 1877 05 feb 01: G.Cosmo (stand-V03-00-02) 4593 - Migration to STL for G4DataVector and G4Ord 1878 - Migration to STL for G4DataVector and G4OrderedTable. 4594 Modified files: G4SynchrotronRadiation.hh, 1879 Modified files: G4SynchrotronRadiation.hh,, 4595 1880 4596 1881 4597 23 jan 01: mma (stand-V03-00-01) 1882 23 jan 01: mma (stand-V03-00-01) 4598 - corrections in e/ AlongStepD 1883 - corrections in e/ AlongStepDoIt L.Urban 23-01-01 4599 PostStep information is not used any more i 1884 PostStep information is not used any more in AlongStepDoIt 4600 when generating sub-cutoff delta rays. (bug 1885 when generating sub-cutoff delta rays. (bug found by Babar) 4601 << 1886 4602 16 jan 01: mma (stand-V03-00-00) 1887 16 jan 01: mma (stand-V03-00-00) 4603 - small corrections in e/ L.Urb 1888 - small corrections in e/ L.Urban 11-01-01 4604 to ensure consistency between cut in range 1889 to ensure consistency between cut in range and step limitation 4605 due to energy loss (finalRange data member 1890 due to energy loss (finalRange data member <-> cut in range) 4606 - change in energy loss computation in eBrems 1891 - change in energy loss computation in eBrems.hh and .cc L.Urban 11-01-01 4607 parametrization of energy loss due to soft 1892 parametrization of energy loss due to soft brems has been corrected, 4608 it was too big for big cut values. 1893 it was too big for big cut values. 4609 1894 4610 17 Nov 00 mma : stand-V02-00-04 1895 17 Nov 00 mma : stand-V02-00-04 4611 << 1896 4612 12 Nov 00 Corrections by Rui Curado da Silva 1897 12 Nov 00 Corrections by Rui Curado da Silva (Polarized Compton) 4613 - Sampling of Phi 1898 - Sampling of Phi 4614 - Depolarization probability << 1899 - Depolarization probability 4615 << 1900 4616 08 Nov 00 mma (stand-V02-00-03) 1901 08 Nov 00 mma (stand-V02-00-03) 4617 - eBrem 1902 - eBrem 4618 07/08/00 new cross section/en.loss parame 1903 07/08/00 new cross section/en.loss parametrisation, LPM flag , L.Urban 4619 21/09/00 corrections in the LPM implement << 1904 21/09/00 corrections in the LPM implementation, L.Urban 4620 - 30/10/00 signature in GetLossWithFluct ch 1905 - 30/10/00 signature in GetLossWithFluct changed L.Urban 4621 1906 4622 01 Nov 00 G.Cosmo (stand-V02-00-02) 1907 01 Nov 00 G.Cosmo (stand-V02-00-02) 4623 - Removed useless dependencies from GNUmakef 1908 - Removed useless dependencies from GNUmakefile. 4624 - G4SynchrotronRadiation: added "const" qual 1909 - G4SynchrotronRadiation: added "const" qualifier to usage of 4625 const G4Field*. Co-works with tag "field-V 1910 const G4Field*. Co-works with tag "field-V02-00-00" and related ones 4626 from geometry. 1911 from geometry. 4627 1912 4628 11 Aug 00 mma 1913 11 Aug 00 mma 4629 tag stand-V02-00-01 << 1914 tag stand-V02-00-01 4630 1915 4631 10 Aug 00 V.Ivanchenko 1916 10 Aug 00 V.Ivanchenko 4632 - Change, G4VhEnergyLoss.h << 1917 - Change, G4VhEnergyLoss.hh, 4633 in order to simulate energy losses of ions 1918 in order to simulate energy losses of ions; correction to 4634 cross section for particles with spin 1 is 1919 cross section for particles with spin 1 is inserted as well. 4635 Class G4ionIonisation is removed. << 1920 Class G4ionIonisation is removed. 4636 1921 4637 03 Aug 00 Gabriele Cosmo 1922 03 Aug 00 Gabriele Cosmo 4638 - Fixes for events' reproducibility: 1923 - Fixes for events' reproducibility: 4639 o changed usage of Ra 1924 o changed usage of RandFlat::shootBit() to 4640 RandBit::shootBit(). 1925 RandBit::shootBit(). 4641 o,, G 1926 o,, 4642 changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss. 1927 changed RandGauss to G4RandGauss. 4643 1928 4644 31 Jul 00 Gonzalo Gracia 1929 31 Jul 00 Gonzalo Gracia 4645 - initialisisation to zero 1930 - initialisisation to zero of several G4PhysicsTable* 4646 is included in constructor. Some tests were << 1931 is included in constructor. Some tests were crashing 4647 on NT because of the missing initialisation 1932 on NT because of the missing initialisation 4648 1933 4649 18 jul 00: V.Ivanchenko (stand-V01-??) 1934 18 jul 00: V.Ivanchenko (stand-V01-??) 4650 - fix in G4VhEnergyLoss and G4ionIonisation i << 1935 - fix in G4VhEnergyLoss and G4ionIonisation in AlongStepDoIt 4651 for particles with Charge^2 > 1; Reorganisa 1936 for particles with Charge^2 > 1; Reorganisation in 4652 GetConstrain for G4ionIonisation 1937 GetConstrain for G4ionIonisation 4653 << 1938 4654 22 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-05) 1939 22 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-05) 4655 - stop very low energy photons in photo elect 1940 - stop very low energy photons in photo electric effect 4656 - ElossMessenger moved --> G4VEnergyLoss 1941 - ElossMessenger moved --> G4VEnergyLoss 4657 << 1942 4658 13 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-04) 1943 13 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-04) 4659 - static pointer MinDeltaEnergy removed from 1944 - static pointer MinDeltaEnergy removed from destructor of 4660 G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss 1945 G4VeEnergyLoss and G4VhEnergyLoss 4661 << 1946 4662 07 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-03) 1947 07 jun 00: mma (stand-V01-01-03) 4663 - virtual destructor for G4VEnergyLoss 1948 - virtual destructor for G4VEnergyLoss 4664 1949 4665 24 may 00: mma (stand-V01-01-02) 1950 24 may 00: mma (stand-V01-01-02) 4666 - merge 'Plus' processes into standard 1951 - merge 'Plus' processes into standard 4667 - minCut=10 KeV for brems 1952 - minCut=10 KeV for brems 4668 - corrections in ionisation (Laszlo) 1953 - corrections in ionisation (Laszlo) 4669 1954 4670 << 1955 4671 27 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-01) 1956 27 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-01) 4672 - G4endl (dec/iso) << 1957 - G4endl (dec/iso) 4673 << 1958 4674 26 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-00) 1959 26 apr 00 mma (em-V01-01-00) 4675 - all EnergyLoss classes renamed G4V... << 1960 - all EnergyLoss classes renamed G4V... 4676 Most classes in standard and muons affected 1961 Most classes in standard and muons affected. 4677 - G4Muls moved in utils 1962 - G4Muls moved in utils 4678 - bugs fixe in MuPairProduction << 1963 - bugs fixe in MuPairProduction 4679 - cowork with geant4-01-01-ref-02 1964 - cowork with geant4-01-01-ref-02 4680 << 1965 4681 02 mar 00 mma (em-V01-00-00) 1966 02 mar 00 mma (em-V01-00-00) 4682 - new G4VEnergyLoss class and related structu 1967 - new G4VEnergyLoss class and related structure 4683 - cowork with geant4-01-00-ref-06 1968 - cowork with geant4-01-00-ref-06 4684 << 1969 4685 10 nov 99 mma (em-V00-01-03) 1970 10 nov 99 mma (em-V00-01-03) 4686 - migration to STL: remove RWT hash dictionna 1971 - migration to STL: remove RWT hash dictionnary 4687 1972 4688 14th June 1999 John Allison (em-01-00-05b) 1973 14th June 1999 John Allison (em-01-00-05b) 4689 - Muon corrections in 1974 - Muon corrections in, 4690 and by Laszlo Urban, 1975 and by Laszlo Urban, Pedro Arce. 4691 (Also in rocesses/photoleplon_hadron/src/G4 1976 (Also in rocesses/photoleplon_hadron/src/ 4692 1977 4693 5th June 1999 John Allison 1978 5th June 1999 John Allison 4694 - standard/GNUmakefile: Force non-optimised c 1979 - standard/GNUmakefile: Force non-optimised compliation of some 4695 files on HP with aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A. 1980 files on HP with aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.01.15. 4696 1981 4697 May 29, 1999: John Allison 1982 May 29, 1999: John Allison 4698 - Added electromagnetic/lowenergy to GNUmakef 1983 - Added electromagnetic/lowenergy to GNUmakefile and 4699 electromagnetic/GNUmakefile.. 1984 electromagnetic/GNUmakefile..