Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy/History (Version 11.3.0) and /processes/electromagnetic/lowenergy/History (Version 5.1)

  1 # Category emlowen History                     <<   1 $Id: History,v 1.180 2003/04/26 19:06:24 vnivanch Exp $
                                                   >>   2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     3 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   4      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   5      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   6      =========================================================
  6                                                <<   7 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<   8                       Category History file
  8                                                <<   9                       ---------------------
  9 ## 2024-12-02 A. Ribon (emlowen-V11-02-07)     <<  10 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
 10 - G4UAtomicDeexcitation : clear vector (vacanc <<  11 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
 11   G4UAtomicDeexcitation::GenerateParticles, to <<  12 and keep track of all category-tags.
 12   problems when using EM Opt4 (EMZ).           <<  13 It DOES NOT substitute the  CVS log-message one should put at every
 13   The problem is present since Geant4 version  <<  14 committal in the CVS repository !
 14                                                <<  15 
 15 ## 2024-10-31 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-02-06 <<  16      ----------------------------------------------------------
 16 - G4hIonEffChargeSquare - fixed Coverity warni <<  17      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
 17                                                <<  18      ----------------------------------------------------------
 18 ## 2024-09-17 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-02-05 << 
 19 - G4hIonEffChargeSquare - fixed Coverity warni << 
 20                                                << 
 21 ## 2024-08-29 L. Pandola (emlowen-V11-02-04)   << 
 22 - Fix in G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular, caus << 
 23   angular generator is used with a bremsstrahl << 
 24   G4PenelopeBremsstrahungModel                 << 
 25                                                << 
 26 ## 2024-08-13 G. Cosmo (emlowen-V11-02-03)     << 
 27 - Fixed reported Coverity defects for use of s << 
 28                                                << 
 29 ## 2024-07-21 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-02-02 << 
 30 - G4MicroElecCapture - fixed Coverity warning  << 
 31   modification of the formula to compute MFP a << 
 32   for this process.                            << 
 33                                                << 
 34 ## 2024-07-18 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-02-01 << 
 35 - G4FluoData, G4hIonEffChargeSquare, G4MicroEl << 
 36     Coverity warnings                          << 
 37                                                << 
 38 ## 2023-12-11 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-02-00 << 
 39 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new - fixed Coveri << 
 40     likely partially; minimal code clean-up.   << 
 41 - G4MicroElecLOPhononModel - minor clean-up    << 
 42                                                << 
 43 # 2023-11-06 Ben Morgan (emlowen-V11-01-11)    << 
 44 - Use G4FindDataDir to access data libraries i << 
 45                                                << 
 46 ## 2023-11-03 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-01-10 << 
 47 - G4LivermorePhotoeffectModel - more accurate  << 
 48     fix Coverity reports                       << 
 49 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new - changed impl << 
 50     method to avoid division by zero identifie << 
 51     fix destruction                            << 
 52 - G4MicroElecSurface - removed repeated checks << 
 53     in order to fix Coverity report            << 
 54 - G4MicroElecLOPhononModel - removed unused cl << 
 55                                                << 
 56 ## 2023-10-07 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-01-09 << 
 57 - G4LivermorePhotoeffectModel - use logarithmi << 
 58     updated use of G4ElementData               << 
 59                                                << 
 60 ## 2023-09-04 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-01-08 << 
 61 - G4LivermorePhotoeffectModel - used update G4 << 
 62 - G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel - do not setu << 
 63                                                << 
 64 ## 2023-08-29 G.Cosmo (emlowen-V11-01-07)      << 
 65 - Fixed trivial reported Coverity defects in G << 
 66   and G4MicroElecSurface.                      << 
 67 - Minor code cleanup in G4MicroElecLOPhononMod << 
 68                                                << 
 69 ## 2023-08-23 G.Cosmo (emlowen-V11-01-06)      << 
 70 - G4MicroElecCapture, G4MicroElecSurface: fixe << 
 71   implicit type conversions on XCode.          << 
 72   Minor code cleanup (removed tabs, formatting << 
 73                                                << 
 74 ## 2023-08-03 C.Inguimbert (emlowen-V11-01-05) << 
 75 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new                << 
 76     Simplification of weakly bound electrons t << 
 77   core electrons with limitEnergy equivalent t << 
 78   RandomizeEjectedElectronEnergyFromCumulatedD << 
 79 - G4MicroElecMaterialStructure                 << 
 80     Modification in the GetLimitEnergy functio << 
 81   of weakly bound electrons                    << 
 82 - G4MicroElecCapture                           << 
 83   New classe for a best estimate of the non io << 
 84                                                << 
 85 ## 2023-07-25 L.Pandola and D.Iuso (emlowen-V1 << 
 86 - fix for (rare) infinite loops in G4PenelopeC << 
 87   in  << 
 88                                                << 
 89 ## 2023-03-14 Z.Li (emlowen-V11-01-03)         << 
 90 - applied clang-tidy, clang-format for: G4Live << 
 91,      << 
 92,        << 
 93,                << 
 94           << 
 95 - used access to G4LEDATA via G4EmParameters f << 
 96  G4LivermoreGammaConversion5DModel,            << 
 97  G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel               << 
 98                                                << 
 99 ## 2023-03-05 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-01-02 << 
100 - G4LowEWentzelVIModel - update according to C << 
101                                                << 
102 ## 2023-02-27 Z.Li (emlowen-V11-01-01)         << 
103 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel, G4Livermore << 
104 spline interpolation by calling FillSecondDeri << 
105                                                << 
106 ## 2023-01-27 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-01-00 << 
107 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel, G4LivermoreRa << 
108     directly environment variable - use G4EmPa << 
109     uniformly implement lock for reading data  << 
110                                                << 
111 ## 2022-11-23 Gabriele Cosmo (emlowen-V11-00-1 << 
112 - Fixed more compilation warnings for implicit << 
113                                                << 
114 ## 2022-11-18 Gabriele Cosmo (emlowen-V11-00-1 << 
115 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
116                                                << 
117 ## 2022-11-13 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-14 << 
118 - G4MicroElecElasticModel, G4MicroElecInelasti << 
119     Coverity report                            << 
120                                                << 
121 ## 2022-10-26 Daren Sawkey (emlowen-V11-00-13) << 
122 - G4PhotoEffectAngularGeneratorPolarized: incl << 
123   diff cross section. Addressing bug 2293.     << 
124                                                << 
125 ## 2022-10-19 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-12 << 
126 - G4UAtomicDeexcitation, G4AtomicTransitionMan << 
127     added de-excitation for heavy elements Z=1 << 
128     removed commented lines; improved comments << 
129     use ++i instead of i++.                    << 
130 - G4AtomicTransitionManager - read fluorescenc << 
131     G4EmParameters::FluoDirectory()            << 
132 - G4LivermoreComptonModel - minor clean-up     << 
133                                                << 
134 ## 2022-10-06 Gabriele Cosmo (emlowen-V11-00-1 << 
135 - Fixed compilation warnings on Intel/icx comp << 
136   but not used in G4BoldyshevTripletModel::Sam << 
137   G4Generator2BN::SampleDirection().           << 
138                                                << 
139 ## 2022-08-05 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-10 << 
140 - Fixed exception printout in Livermore models << 
141                                                << 
142 ## 2022-07-19 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-09 << 
143 - Fixed Coverity warnings in G4VCrossSectionHa << 
144                                                << 
145 ## 2022-07-06 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-08 << 
146 - G4Rayleigh scattering moved boundary between << 
147     table from 100 keV to 150 keV to be cohere << 
148                                                << 
149 ## 2022-05-23 Gabriele Cosmo (emlowen-V11-00-0 << 
150 - Fixed use of potential uninitialised pointer << 
151   G4AtomicDeexcitation::GenerateParticles(..). << 
152                                                << 
153 ## 2022-05-20 Z. Li (emlowen-V11-00-06)        << 
154 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel, G4Livermore << 
155   G4LivermoreGammaConversion5DModel: set splin << 
156                                                << 
157 ## 2022-04-13 Ben Morgan (emlowen-V11-00-05)   << 
158 - Remove Latin-1 characters.                   << 
159                                                << 
160 ## 2022-02-06 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-04 << 
161 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new - removed not  << 
162                                                << 
163 ## 2022-02-06 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-03 << 
164 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new - C. Inguimber << 
165     making a choice between log-log, lin-log,  << 
166     added a protection for zero input energy.  << 
167     the choice is implemented for transition f << 
168     This MR should fix rare crash due to this  << 
169                                                << 
170 ## 2022-02-04 V. Ivanchenko (emlowen-V11-00-02 << 
171 - G4hIonEffChargeSquare, G4PenelopeRayleighMod << 
172     fixed compilation warning on unused variab << 
173                                                << 
174 ## 2022-01-18 Jonas Hahnfeld (emlowen-V11-00-0 << 
175 - Prefer pointer to `const G4Material` if poss << 
176                                                << 
177 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (emlowen-V11-00-00)   << 
178 - Change to new Markdown History format.       << 
179                                                << 
180 ---                                            << 
181                                                << 
182 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
183                                                << 
184 25.11.2021 S. Guatelli, emlowen-V10-07-27      << 
185 - Added option to activate the ANSTO fluoresce << 
186                                                << 
187 18.11.2021 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-07-26        << 
188 - Fix memory leak reported by Valgrind in Pene << 
189                                                << 
190 10.11.2021 S. Guatelli, emlowen-V10-07-25      << 
191 - included new PIXE data libraries following A << 
192   reccommendations                             << 
193 - included new classes to model the ANSTO ECPS << 
194   for protons and alpha particles              << 
195                                                << 
196 04.11.2021 D.Lambert, emlowen-V10-07-24        << 
197 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new: fix delete po << 
198         in initialisation/destructor           << 
199                                                << 
200 02.11.2021 Z.Li, emlowen-V10-07-23             << 
201 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel: code clean- << 
202 - G4LivermoreComptonModel: code clean-up       << 
203 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel: code clean-up << 
204                                                << 
205 01.11.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-22     << 
206 - G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighModel - read dat << 
207     $G4LEDATA/livermore directory; code clean- << 
208 - G4LivermoreRayleighModel - code clean-up     << 
209 - G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet_new, G4MicroE << 
210     fixed headers                              << 
211 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModelRC, G4Livermo << 
212     removed because are not used in any Physic << 
213                                                << 
214 15.10.2021, emlowen-V10-07-21             << 
215 - G4LivermoreComptonModel, G4LivermoreGammaCon << 
216   G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel, G4LivermoreRa << 
217   G4RayleighAngularGenerator: updated to use E << 
218                                                << 
219 23.09.2021 A.Ribon, emlowen-V10-07-20          << 
220 - : replaced hardwired p << 
221   with (already existing) fSurfaceReflection   << 
222 - G4MicroElecElastic, G4MicroElecLOPhononScatt << 
223   replaced hardwired process-sub-types 51 and  << 
224   fLowEnergyElastic and fLowEnergyIonisation   << 
225                                                << 
226 20.08.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-19     << 
227 - G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular, G4PenelopeB << 
228   G4PenelopeCrossSection, G4JAEAElasticScatter << 
229   G4JAEAPolarizedElasticScatteringModel - use  << 
230     of G4PhysicsVector                         << 
231                                                << 
232 04.08.2021 A.Ribon, emlowen-V10-07-18          << 
233 - G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel : migrated  << 
234   G4PhysicsModelCatalog                        << 
235                                                << 
236 09.07.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-17     << 
237 - G4AugerData - removed dead code              << 
238 - G4VCrossSectionHandler, G4eIonisationParamet << 
239     pointers to G4Element                      << 
240                                                << 
241 31.05.2021 J.Allison, emlowen-V10-07-16        << 
242 - G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel:            << 
243   o Correct the reference to the Quantum Entan << 
244                                                << 
245 19.05.2021 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-07-15        << 
246 - Migrate the spline treatment for all Physics << 
247                                                << 
248 16.04.2021 B.Morgan, emlowen-V10-07-14         << 
249 - Migrate build to modular CMake API           << 
250                                                << 
251 02.05.2021 J.Allison, emlowen-V10-07-13        << 
252 - G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel:            << 
253   o Add quantum entanglement of e+ annihilatio << 
254   o If the photons have been "tagged" as "quan << 
255     G4eplusAnnihilation for annihilation into  << 
256     here if - and only if - both photons suffe << 
257     predictions from Pryce and Ward, Nature No << 
258     al, Physical Review 73 (1948) p.440. Exper << 
259     quantum entanglement in the MeV regime and << 
260     D. Watts, J. Allison et al., Nature Commun << 
261     2021 (to be published) and https://arxiv.o << 
262   o Add data member:  G4int fEntanglementModel << 
263     Entanglement uses AuxiliaryTrackInformatio << 
264     unique model index. In the constructor:    << 
265       fEntanglementModelIndex                  << 
266       = G4PhysicsModelCatalog::Register("G4Gam << 
267     Then in SampleSecondaries:                 << 
268       const auto* auxInfo                      << 
269       = fParticleChange->GetCurrentTrack()     << 
270       ->GetAuxiliaryTrackInformation(fEntangle << 
271   o The implementation of entanglement is desc << 
272     in    << 
273                                                << 
274 28.04.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-12     << 
275 -- G4IonParametrisedLossModel - follow updated << 
276                                                << 
277 26.04.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-11     << 
278 - updated  PrintGeneratorInformation() methods << 
279   few angular generators                       << 
280                                                << 
281 18.03.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-10     << 
282 - removed obsolete PrintInfo() methods and sel << 
283                                                << 
284 12.03.2021 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-07-09        << 
285 - improve management of array in G4PenelopeGam << 
286 - clean-up of tests/                           << 
287                                                << 
288 05.03.2021 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-07-08        << 
289 - replace std::map with static arrays in the G << 
290   performance improvements                     << 
291 - Partial clean-up of the test directory       << 
292                                                << 
293 01.03.2021 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-07-07        << 
294 - fix Coverity defects (G4LivermoreNuclearGamm << 
295   G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new)               << 
296                                                << 
297 24.02.2021 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-07-06        << 
298 - code cleanup of Penelope models              << 
299                                                << 
300 19.02.2021 L.Pandola  emlowen-V10-07-05        << 
301 - code cleanup of headers and classes (cont'd) << 
302                                                << 
303 16.02.2021 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-07-04        << 
304 - use G4double/G4int/G4bool instead of double/ << 
305 - code cleanup of headers and classes (up to G << 
306 - Convert G4LPhysicsFreeVector into G4PhysicsF << 
307                                                << 
308 09.02.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-03     << 
309 - removed obsolete G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoEl << 
310   G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectricGDModel     << 
311                                                << 
312 08.02.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-02     << 
313 - removed obsolete unused classes G4Bremsstrah << 
314   G4BremsstrahlungParameters, G4eBremsstrahlun << 
315   G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSimple, G4Mic << 
316                                                << 
317 29.01.2021 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-01     << 
318 - G4MicroElecLOPhononModel - fixed Coverity wa << 
319     printout; rename member of class           << 
320                                                << 
321 06.12.2020 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-07-00     << 
322 - G4MicroElecSurface, G4MicroElecLOPhononModel << 
323     Coverity warnings                          << 
324                                                << 
325 17.11.2020 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-06-13     << 
326 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new, G4MicroElecIn << 
327   G4MicroElecSurface - fixed Coverity warnings << 
328     class members or dereferences)             << 
329                                                << 
330 26.10.2020 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-06-12     << 
331 - removed obsolete G4MuElec* classes           << 
332 - Added new classes developed by ONERA and CEA << 
333   by D. Lambert: G4MicroElecElasticModel_new,  << 
334   G4MicroElecInelasticModel_new, G4MicroElecIn << 
335   G4MicroElecLOPhononModel, G4MicroElecLOPhono << 
336   G4MicroElecSiStructure is moved to material  << 
337 - G4MicroElecSurface - new boundary process fo << 
338     updated compared with the original: instea << 
339     pointers are compared; condition on surfac << 
340     initialisation is done in the new BuildPhy << 
341     instead of Initialise(); no dependence on  << 
342     process type and sub-types from optical to << 
343 15.10.2020 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-06-11       << 
344 - Fix Coverity defects and material list in G4 << 
345                                                << 
346 12.10.2020 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-06-10       << 
347 - replace std::log with G4Log in Penelope and  << 
348 - use GetZasInt() in Penelope models, when app << 
349 - fix typo in material name in G4PenelopeRayle << 
350                                                << 
351 07.10.2020 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-06-09       << 
352 - finalize G4PenelopeRayleighModelMI model of  << 
353 make it compatible with Unit Tests, revise ver << 
354                                                << 
355 24.09.2020 G. Paternò, L. Pandola, emlowen-V1 << 
356 - added G4PenelopeRayleighModelMI model and an << 
357  (provided by G. Paternò, INFN Ferrara)       << 
358 - create tests/CMakeLists.txt for Unit Tests a << 
359                     << 
360                                                << 
361 04.09.2020 M. Omer, R. Hajima, L. Pandola, eml << 
362 - Added protections in G4JAEAPolarizedElasticS << 
363                                                << 
364 11.06.2020 Z. Li, emlowen-V10-06-06            << 
365 - Add InitialiseForElement() in G4LivermoreGam << 
366   and G4LivermoreGammaConversion5DModel, which << 
367                                                << 
368 04.06.2020 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-06-05       << 
369 - Fix Coverity defect                          << 
370                                                << 
371 25.05.2020 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-06-04       << 
372 - Change initialization of JAEA models         << 
373                                                << 
374 18.05.2020 M. Omer and R. Hajima, L. Pandola,  << 
375 - Update G4JAEAElasticScattering and G4JAEAEla << 
376   comply with new data format                  << 
377 - Add JAEA model for polarized gamma scatterin << 
378 - Requires new G4EMLOW database                << 
379                                                << 
380 29.04.2020 G. Folger,     emlowen-V10-06-02    << 
381 - Fixes for clang10: Correct formatting in G4e << 
382     and               << 
383                                                << 
384 21.04.2020 V. Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-06-01    << 
385 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel, G4Livermore << 
386   fixed compilation for old compilers          << 
387 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - allowed "Wat << 
388   material for low-energy photoeffect          << 
389                                                << 
390 30.03.2020 Z. LI, emlowen-V10-06-00            << 
391 - Modify G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel class << 
392 - Add G4LivermoreGammaConversion5DModel class  << 
393                                                << 
394 06.11.2019 V. Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-05-02    << 
395 - make transition getenv -> std::getenv in all << 
396                                                << 
397 08.10.2019 V. Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-05-01    << 
398 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - use std::get << 
399 - G4IonParametrisedLossModel - use std::getenv << 
400                                                << 
401 05.02.2019 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-05-00       << 
402 - Fix Bugzilla 2089                            << 
403                                                << 
404 22.10.2018 F. Longo, emlowen-V10-04-12         << 
405 - Fix Bugzilla 2089                            << 
406                                                << 
407 08.10.2018 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-04-11       << 
408 - Fix the bug of emlowen-V10-04-09 also in G4P << 
409   G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel                 << 
410                                                << 
411 17.09.2018 D. Sawkey, emlowen-V10-04-10        << 
412 - G4RayleighScattering, change automatic docum << 
413                                                << 
414 30.08.2018 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-04-09       << 
415 - Fix of a bug in G4PenelopeIonisationModel ca << 
416   non-conservation and a warning message on sc << 
417                                                << 
418 12.08.2018 M. Novak, emlowen-V10-04-08         << 
419 - G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel - resubmit co << 
420     modifications according to emlowen-V10-04- << 
421                                                << 
422 11.08.2018 Hisaya Kurashige, emlowen-V10-04-07 << 
423 - G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel is reverted t << 
424                                                << 
425 10.08.2018 M Novak, emlowen-V10-04-06          << 
426 - G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel - no any func << 
427     member names have been changed and these m << 
428     to the derived class.                      << 
429                                                << 
430 18.07.2018 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-04-05       << 
431 - update of JAEA elastic model classes         << 
432                                                << 
433 16.07.2018 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-04-04       << 
434 - update of JAEA elastic model classes         << 
435                                                << 
436 05.07.2018 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-04-03       << 
437 - updated sources.cmake                        << 
438                                                << 
439 04.07.2018 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-04-02       << 
440 - added new classes for elastic scattering of  << 
441 M. Omer and R. Hajima                          << 
442                                                << 
443 25.04.2018 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-04-01     << 
444 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - fixed double << 
445     happens when models defined per region (pr << 
446                                                << 
447 19.12.2017 G.Cosmo, emlowen-V10-04-00          << 
448 - Fixed self-consistency in G4ecpssrFormFactor << 
449   Thanks to Raphael Isemann for reporting this << 
450                                                << 
451 03.11.1017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-19     << 
452 - G4RayleighScattering - added C++11 keywords  << 
453                                                << 
454 02.11.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-18     << 
455 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - fixed messag << 
456                                                << 
457 01.11.1017 D.Sawkey, emlowen-V10-03-17         << 
458 - G4RayleighScattering - add ProcessDescriptio << 
459                                                << 
460 20.10.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-16     << 
461 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - (M. Bandiera << 
462     to G4EMLOW7.2, where parameterisation is i << 
463                                                << 
464 10.10.2017 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-03-15        << 
465 - added protection against (rare) infinite loo << 
466   G4PenelopeOscillatorManager, happening for m << 
467                                                << 
468 14.09.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-14     << 
469 - G4hICRU49He - fixed Coverity warning         << 
470                                                << 
471 01.09.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-13     << 
472 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - (M. Bandiera << 
473     parameterisations based on epics2014 data  << 
474                                                << 
475 03.08.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-12     << 
476 - G4MicroElecElastic, G4MicroElecInelastic - m << 
477     initialsation of models                    << 
478                                                << 
479 02.08.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-11     << 
480 - G4LowECapture - added scaling of energy thre << 
481                                                << 
482 17.06.2017 S.Incerti, emlowen-V10-03-10        << 
483 - bugzilla 1980 and C++ nullptr in G4Livermore << 
484                                                << 
485 09.06.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-09     << 
486 - G4BoldyshevTripletModel - fixed trivial Cove << 
487                                                << 
488 05.06.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-08     << 
489 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel, G4Boldyshev << 
490   triplet production                           << 
491                                                << 
492 31.05.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-07     << 
493 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel - added poss << 
494     simulation, cleanup the code               << 
495 - G4BoldyshevTripletModel - cleanup of the cod << 
496                                                << 
497 29.05.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-06     << 
498 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel, G4LivermoreRa << 
499     code cleanup, a small speedup foreseen     << 
500 - G4BoldyshevTripletModel, G4Generator2BS - us << 
501                                                << 
502 13.05.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-05     << 
503 - G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet - fixed gcc 7 << 
504                                                << 
505 12.05.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-04     << 
506 10.05.2017 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-03     << 
507 - G4CrossSectionDataSet, G4MuElecCrossSectionD << 
508                                                << 
509 30.01.2017 JMC Brow, S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-0 << 
510 - G4LowEPPolarizedComptonModel - fixed FPE in  << 
511                                                << 
512 19.12.2016 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-03-01       << 
513 - extended coverage of shell ionisation models << 
514                                                << 
515 19.12.2016 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-03-00     << 
516 - G4LivermoreNuclearGammaConversionModel, G4Bo << 
517     fixed file name to read data from G4LEDATA << 
518                                                << 
519 01.12.2016 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-02-11        << 
520 - Fix memory leak in G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungF << 
521                                                << 
522 27.10.2016 M.Raine, emlowen-V10-02-10          << 
523 - G4MicroElecInelasticModel - changes to allow << 
524 - needs G4EMLOW6.50                            << 
525                                                << 
526 20.09.2016 L.Pandola, emlowen-V10-02-09        << 
527 - Include C++11 features in the Penelope model << 
528   range-based loops)                           << 
529                                                << 
530 15.08.2016 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-02-08     << 
531 - G4hParameterisedLossModel - fixed PVS-Studio << 
532                                                << 
533 04.07.2016 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-02-07       << 
534 - removed verbosity in G4AtomicTransitionManag << 
535                                                << 
536 24.05.2016 L. Pandola, emlowen-V10-02-06       << 
537 - fix compiler warning in G4PenelopeRayleighMo << 
538                                                << 
539 10.05.2016 JMCBrown, SI, emlowen-V10-02-05     << 
540 - updated G4LowEPComptonModel to fix problem 1 << 
541                                                << 
542 04.05.2016 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-02-04     << 
543 - G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel - fixed gcc6.1 warning << 
544                                                << 
545 04-03-2016, SI, tag emlowen-V10-02-03          << 
546 -replaced std::log by G4Log in test            << 
547 -replaced std::log10() by G4Log()/g4pow->logZ( << 
548                                                << 
549 02.03.2016 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-02-02       << 
550            - Replaced std::exp by G4Exp        << 
551                                                << 
552 20.01.2016 S. Incerti, emlowen-V10-02-01       << 
553            - Fixed bugzilla 1816               << 
554                                                << 
555 11.12.2015 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-02-00     << 
556            - G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectric << 
557            - G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectric << 
558              G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectric << 
559              G4LivermoreGammaConversionModelRC << 
560              removed commented code, improve f << 
561                                                << 
562 05.11.2015 G.Cosmo, emlowen-V10-01-17          << 
563      - Replaced use of variable 'L' in G4Gener << 
564              shadowing of new volumetric units << 
565                                                << 
566 01.11.2015 V.Ivanchenko, emlowen-V10-01-16     << 
567      - G4UAtomDeexcitation - comment out annoi << 
568            - G4LivermoreIonisationModel - incr << 
569              from 10 eV to 12 eV               << 
570                                                << 
571 30.10.2015 Francesco Longo and LP, emlowen-V10 << 
572      - Fixed Coverity defects                  << 
573                                                << 
574 17.10.2015 Francesco Longo and LP, emlowen-V10 << 
575            - Fixed problems in MT which caused << 
576            - Needs G4EMLOW6.47                 << 
577                                                << 
578 09.10.2015 Luciano Pandola, emlowen-V10-01-13  << 
579      - Same code as before, needs G4EMLOW6.47  << 
580                                                << 
581 08.10.2015 Francesco Longo, Gerardo Depaola, L << 
582      - replace G4Exception in G4PenelopeIonisa << 
583            - double-safefy for a while/do loop << 
584            - Migrated MT-compliant Livermore p << 
585              (by FL and GD)                    << 
586            - Upgrade of the models for pair an << 
587            - Needs G4EMLOW6.46                 << 
588                                                << 
589 18.09.2015 VI, tag emlowen-V10-01-11           << 
590            - G4PenelopeIonisationModel - use G << 
591                                                << 
592 14.09.2015 VI, tag emlowen-V10-01-10           << 
593            - G4UAtomicDeexcitation, G4AtomicTr << 
594                initialisation of Bearden energ << 
595                thread safe way                 << 
596                                                << 
597 13.09.2015 VI, tag emlowen-V10-01-09           << 
598            - G4UAtomicDeexcitation, G4empCross << 
599                fixed cross section names       << 
600                                                << 
601 13.09.2015 VI, tag emlowen-V10-01-08           << 
602            - G4UAtomicDeexcitation - fixed cro << 
603                                                << 
604 04.09.2015 VI, tag emlowen-V10-01-07           << 
605            - G4UAtomicDeexcitation - cleanup i << 
606                only G4EmParameters             << 
607                                                << 
608 03.09.2015 SI, tag emlowen-V10-01-06           << 
609            - Updated G4UAtomicDeexcitation for << 
610                                                << 
611 29.06.2015 Luciano Pandola, tag emlowen-V10-01 << 
612            - Fix Coverity defects 61921 and 61 << 
613                                                << 
614 24.06.2015 Luciano Pandola, tag emlowen-V10-01 << 
615            - Fix Bugzilla #1761 (PenelopeIonis << 
616              atomic deex when PIXE=on).        << 
617                                                << 
618 03.06.2015 Jeremy Brown, Luciano Pandola, tag  << 
619      - Migrate G4LowEPComptonModel to the MT   << 
620            - New Monash Compton model G4LowEPP << 
621              includes polarization.            << 
622                                                << 
623 15.05.2015 VI, SI, tag emlowen-V10-01-02       << 
624            - G4AtomicTransitionManager - impro << 
625            - G4MicroElecElastic, G4MicroElecIn << 
626                of default models at initialisa << 
627                G4DummyModel                    << 
628            - G4UAtomicDeexcitation (S.Incerti) << 
629                of Auger cascade is added based << 
630                Burkhant Suerfu (see bugzilla r << 
631            - G4LowECapture - added capture pro << 
632                and DNA applications            << 
633                                                << 
634 30.04.2015 V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V10-01-0 << 
635            - G4EMDataSet - fixed Coverity warn << 
636            - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - i << 
637                standard model to avoid rare pr << 
638                                                << 
639 05.12.2014 G. Cosmo, tag emlowen-V10-01-00     << 
640            - Corrected sources.cmake to includ << 
641              G4hSRIM2000p.hh                   << 
642                       << 
643                                                << 
644 14.11.2014 G4MicroElecInelasticModel from M. R << 
645            - fix of loop                       << 
646                                                << 
647 31.10.2014 G4MicroElecInelasticModel from M. R << 
648            -change in angular generator, to us << 
649                                                << 
650 28.10.2014 G4MicroElecInelastic and G4MicroEle << 
651            - better treatment of GenericIon    << 
652            - MT compatibility improved         << 
653                                                << 
654 22.10.2014 M. Karamitros (committer), M.Raine  << 
655      G4MicroElecElasticModel from M. Raine:    << 
656      - uses cumulated cross-sections           << 
657            - MT compatibility improved         << 
658            - uses LinLinInterpolate instead of << 
659            Should use G4EMLOW6.41              << 
660                                                << 
661 01.10.2014 L. Pandola et al, tag emlowen-V10-0 << 
662      Fix of bugzilla 1612                      << 
663                                                << 
664 02.09.2014 L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V10-00-17   << 
665      Coverity fix. Restored deletion of G4Phys << 
666             objects at the destructor (as for  << 
667                                                << 
668 28.08.2014 S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V10-00-16   << 
669            Coverity fix.                       << 
670                                                << 
671 07.08.2014 S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V10-00-15   << 
672            Removed unused code for atomic deex << 
673                                                << 
674 30.07.2014 V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V10-00-1 << 
675            G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel, G4Li << 
676            G4LivermoreRayleighModel, G4Livermo << 
677            G4IonParameterisedLossModel - added << 
678              of G4PhysicsVectors end of run    << 
679                                                << 
680 15.07.2014 V. Ivanchenko/L. Pandola, tag emlow << 
681            LivermorePhotoElectricModel - keep  << 
682            below lowest shell energy (as in Pe << 
683      Changed Livermore, LivemorePolarized, Liv << 
684            Penelope Compton to unify the treat << 
685            energy < LowEnergyLimit(). Null cro << 
686            section and no change in the gamma  << 
687                                                << 
688 03.06.2014 V. Ivanchenko tag emlowen-V10-00-12 << 
689            G4LowEWentzelVIModel - cosmetic cha << 
690              compillation problem for strict c << 
691                                                << 
692 19.05.2014 V. Ivanchenko/L. Pandola, tag emlow << 
693      Bug fix in G4PenelopePhotoElectric effect << 
694            MT mode). Some cosmetics to G4Penel << 
695            G4LowEWentzelVIModel - set single s << 
696                                                << 
697 11.05.2014  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V10-00- << 
698             G4LowEWentzelVIModel - set single  << 
699               (was 1.0 before) - increasing ac << 
700             G4AtomicTransitionManager, G4UAtom << 
701             G4FluoData, G4LivermoreIonisationM << 
702             G4PenelopeOscillatorManager - G4At << 
703               become pure singleton shared bet << 
704               run time methods are const;      << 
705               Initilise() method should be cal << 
706               of the run.                      << 
707                                                << 
708 25.04.2014  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V10-00-09  << 
709             Updated G4UAtomicDeexcitation acco << 
710                                                << 
711 21.04.2014  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V10-00-08  << 
712             Fix of G4empCrossSection           << 
713                                                << 
714 19.04.2014  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V10-00-07  << 
715             Update of G4empCrossSection for Mi << 
716                                                << 
717 15.04.2014  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V10-00-06  << 
718             New class for ionisation cs model  << 
719                                                << 
720 07.04.2014  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V10-00- << 
721             G4LowEWentzelVIModel - fixed initi << 
722                                                << 
723 27.02.2014  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V10-00- << 
724             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - ad << 
725             section for water                  << 
726             G4IonParametrisedLossModel, G4Live << 
727             added G4DeltaAngle generator for a << 
728                                                << 
729 13.02.2014  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V10-00- << 
730             G4LowEWentzelVIModel - new class   << 
731                                                << 
732 24.01.2014  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V10-00- << 
733             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - fi << 
734                                                << 
735 10.01.2014  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V10-00-01  << 
736       Suppress G4Exception (JustWarning) issue << 
737             models in UnitTests. Controlled by << 
738             diagnostic).                       << 
739                                                << 
740 11.12.2013  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V10-00-00  << 
741             Allow for (AutoLock-protected) cre << 
742             tables in SampleSecondaries(). Not << 
743             by the RunManager. Avoid crash whe << 
744             is inkoved in a unit test.         << 
745                                                << 
746 22.11.2013  M. Karamitros, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
747       Remove creation of material in G4MuElect << 
748       and G4MicroElec* models                  << 
749                                                << 
750 21.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
751             G4QAOLowEnergyLoss, G4hICRU49He, G << 
752       G4hParametrisedLossModel  - removed G4Th << 
753                                                << 
754 20.11.2013  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-47  << 
755       Fix double-deletion problem reported by  << 
756       and some cosmetics (G4PenelopeBremsstrah << 
757                                                << 
758 19.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
759             G4LivermoreComptonModel - fixed fo << 
760               by increasing number of digits i << 
761                                                << 
762 17.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, L. Pandola, tag eml << 
763             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel and  << 
764              - fixed Coverity defect.          << 
765                                                << 
766 08.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
767             G4IonParametrisedLossModel - fixed << 
768                                                << 
769 08.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
770             G4IonDEDXHandler, G4LivermoreCompt << 
771             G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel,   << 
772             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel, G4L << 
773             G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel - c << 
774                                                << 
775 07.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
776             G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular,   << 
777             G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS, G4Pene << 
778             G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler - do << 
779             G4PhysicsVector at destruction     << 
780                                                << 
781 07.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
782             G4IonDEDXHandler, G4LivermoreCompt << 
783             G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel,   << 
784             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel, G4L << 
785             G4PenelopeCrossSection, G4Penelope << 
786             G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel, G4Pe << 
787               - do not delete G4PhysicsVector  << 
788                                                << 
789 05.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
790             G4LivermoreComptonModel - fixed co << 
791             and problem of spectra due to whic << 
792             rejected                           << 
793                                                << 
794 02.11.2013  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-39  << 
795       Bug fixes in Penelope Ionisation and Bre << 
796             after emlowen-V09-06-36. Should oc << 
797             tests or by G4EmCalculator.        << 
798                                                << 
799 01.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
800             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - do << 
801             SampleSecondaries method, instead  << 
802                                                << 
803 01.11.2013  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06- << 
804             G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel, G << 
805             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel, G4L << 
806             accurate read data from file in ru << 
807             onlz in Unit tests and by G4EmCalc << 
808                                                << 
809 31.10.2013  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-36  << 
810       Allow for (AutoLock-protected) creation  << 
811             tables. Nothing changes for loops  << 
812             Allows to get the CrossSection and << 
813       crash from Unit Tests and G4EmCalculator << 
814                                                << 
815 30.10.2013  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-35  << 
816       Implemented G4Cache in G4PenelopeBremsst << 
817       avoid the new/delete mechanism of emlowe << 
818       a MT-safe way.                           << 
819                                                << 
820 28.10.2013  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-34  << 
821       Remove AutoLock from G4PenelopeBremsstra << 
822       vector is allocated and released at ever << 
823       optimal) to avoid interference of thread << 
824                                                << 
825 27.10.2013  S. Incerti, M. Raine, tag emlowen- << 
826             Updated sources.cmake              << 
827       Fixed Coverity reports is G4LivermoreCom << 
828             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel (VI) << 
829       G4PenelopeComptonModel (LP)              << 
830                                                << 
831 24.10.2013  S. Incerti, M. Raine, tag emlowen- << 
832             Added G4MicroElec* processes and m << 
833       in replacement of G4MuElec*              << 
834                                                << 
835 22.10.2013, V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-3 << 
836             G4LivermoreComptonModel, G4Livermo << 
837             G4RayleighAngularGenerator - use G << 
838                                                << 
839 22.10.2013, V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-3 << 
840             G4LivermoreGammaConversionModelRC  << 
841             warnings due non-accurate definiti << 
842             G4LivermoreComptonModel (A.Bagulya << 
843             G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel are << 
844                                                << 
845 17.10.2013, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-29   << 
846       Partially revert the MT migration of eml << 
847             to fix a problem found by STT. The << 
848       Penelope bremsstrahlung is kept thread-l << 
849             per worker).                       << 
850                                                << 
851 16.10.2013, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-28   << 
852       Migration to MT for the Penelope Compton << 
853       Fix Exception on G4PenelopeOscillatorMan << 
854             reported by Krzysztof Genser for s << 
855                                                << 
856 08.10.2013, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-27   << 
857       Enforce const for G4PenelopeBremsstrahlu << 
858             used by the workers.               << 
859       Migration to MT for the Penelope Ionisat << 
860       and related helper classes (including Pe << 
861                                                << 
862 07.10.2013, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-26   << 
863       Migration to MT for the Penelope models  << 
864       bremsstrahlung and e+ annihilation.      << 
865             Improve CPU performances of G4Pene << 
866                                                << 
867 01.10.2013, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-25   << 
868       Migration to MT for G4PenelopePhotoElect << 
869             G4PenelopeRayleighModel and G4Pene << 
870                                                << 
871 05.09.2013  M.Asai, tag emlowen-V09-06-24      << 
872             - G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73 - remove  << 
873               Fe and Ar but use G4IonTable::Ge << 
874               to prevent unnecessary instantia << 
875               for individual threads.          << 
876                                                << 
877 09.08.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-2 << 
878             - fixed bug in previous tag        << 
879                                                << 
880 09.08.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-2 << 
881             - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel -  << 
882                                                << 
883 04.08.2013  S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-06-21   << 
884             - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel  << 
885                                                << 
886 01.08.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-2 << 
887             - G4PenelopeRayleighModel - remove << 
888             - G4LivermoreRayleighModel - migra << 
889                 internal tables between thread << 
890                 added InitialiseLocal, Initial << 
891                                                << 
892 23.07.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-1 << 
893 22.07.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-1 << 
894             - added protection for MT mode in  << 
895                                                << 
896 03.07.2013  M.Asai, tag emlowen-V09-06-16      << 
897             - Fix fo << 
898               "referenceAr" and "referenceFe"  << 
899               but not registered to the partic << 
900                                                << 
901 25.06.2013  S.Incerti, B. Bouguelmouna, tag em << 
902             - Fix Mi shell cross section compu << 
903                                                << 
904 17.06.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-1 << 
905             - G4IonDEDXHandler, G4IonParametri << 
906               G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel, << 
907               G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular  << 
908               SetSpline(true) to be always aft << 
909               filled - only in that case splin << 
910               is enabled in the most recent ve << 
911                                                << 
912 13.06.2013  M.Karamitros, tag emlowen-V09-06-1 << 
913       - GNUmakefile: Dependency on hadronic pa << 
914                                                << 
915 13.06.2013  M.Karamitros, tag emlowen-V09-06-1 << 
916       - : Dependency on << 
917                                                << 
918 29.03.2013  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-11   << 
919       - replaced "static G4ThreadLocal" with " << 
920         when applicable                        << 
921             - added static keyword to some con << 
922                                                << 
923 21.02.2013  V.Ivanchenko, L. Pandola, tag emlo << 
924             G4Generator2BN and G4PenelopeCompt << 
925       - removed G4ThreadLocal declarations     << 
926                                                << 
927 15.02.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-0 << 
928 - G4LowEPComptonModel - fixed compillation pro << 
929                                                << 
930 14.02.2013  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-0 << 
931 - G4LowEPComptonModel - J.Brown fixed numerica << 
932                                                << 
933 06.02.2013  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-06-07  << 
934 - Removed useless verbosity                    << 
935                                                << 
936 20.12.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-0 << 
937 - Fixed build                                  << 
938                                                << 
939 20.12.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-0 << 
940 - G4AtomicDeexcitation is return back as numbe << 
941     which are still in use                     << 
942 - G4PenelopeIonisationModel - removed unused o << 
943                                                << 
944 19.12.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-0 << 
945 - Fixed build problems                         << 
946                                                << 
947 19.12.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-0 << 
948 - G4AtomicDeexcitation is cloned from G4UAtomi << 
949 - removed obsolete unused classes              << 
950                                                << 
951 07.12.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-06-0 << 
952 - G4MuElecInelastic, G4MuElecElastic - substit << 
953     method                                     << 
954                                                << 
955 05.12.2012  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-06-01  << 
956       Slightly change the fix on G4LivermorePh << 
957         introduced in the previous tag; bug fi << 
958                                                << 
959 04.12.2012  A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-06-00  << 
960 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel: fixed a bug i << 
961 - G4UAtomDeexcitation: Added some debug option << 
962                                                << 
963 12.11.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05-4 << 
964 - G4MuElecInelasticModel Gunter Folger fixed u << 
965     boundary of vectors                        << 
966                                                << 
967 06.11.2012  G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-05-47     << 
968 - Minor fixes for porting on AIX; mainly on us << 
969   objects in maps...                           << 
970                                                << 
971 02.11.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05-4 << 
972 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - fixed non-in << 
973                                                << 
974 02.11.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05-4 << 
975 - G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel - migration to << 
976                                                << 
977 20.10.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05-4 << 
978 - G4RayleighScattering - substitute methods Mo << 
979     by EmModel(), SetEmModel()                 << 
980 - G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel - removed va << 
981                                                << 
982 17.10.2012  M. Raine, tag emlowen-V09-05-43    << 
983       Update of MuElec classes to widen the en << 
984                                                << 
985 28.09.2012  G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-05-42     << 
986             Explicitly use inclusion of header << 
987             physical constants, in plan to rem << 
988             globals.hh.                        << 
989                                                << 
990 26.09.2012  S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-05-41   << 
991             Added renamed Compton low energy m << 
992                                                << 
993 21.09.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05-4 << 
994             G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPol << 
995             G4Generator2BS, G4RayleighAngularG << 
996               protection against cos(theta) <  << 
997               problems                         << 
998             G4LivermoreRayleighModel - fix exc << 
999             G4Livermore2012GammaConversionMode << 
1000                                               << 
1001 17.09.2012  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-05-39 << 
1002             Updated sources.cmake             << 
1003                                               << 
1004 17.09.2012  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-05-36 << 
1005             Renamed Monash U. Compton model   << 
1006                                               << 
1007 01.08.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05- << 
1008             G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectric << 
1009                                               << 
1010 31.07.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05- << 
1011             G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectric << 
1012                                               << 
1013 28.07.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05- << 
1014             G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectric << 
1015               G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribut << 
1016               instead of G4PhotoElectricAngul << 
1017               to avoid infinite loop in angul << 
1018                                               << 
1019 26.07.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05- << 
1020             G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPo << 
1021               against infinite loop           << 
1022                                               << 
1023 26.07.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05- << 
1024             G4Generator2BN - use G4Generator2 << 
1025             G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel,    << 
1026             G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectric << 
1027               generator via G4VAngularDistrib << 
1028               removed headers and initialisat << 
1029               deexcitation                    << 
1030             G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSi << 
1031             G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSa << 
1032             G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPo << 
1033               to G4VAngularDistribution inter << 
1034                                               << 
1035 20.07.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05- << 
1036             G4Generator2BS - fixed sampling a << 
1037             G4Generator2BN - cleanup          << 
1038                                               << 
1039 20.07.2012  V.Ivanchenko, L.Pandola tag emlow << 
1040             G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel, G << 
1041             G4RayleighAngularGenerator, G4Gen << 
1042             G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular,  << 
1043             migrated to the common SampleDire << 
1044             virtual G4VEmAngularDistribution  << 
1045                                               << 
1046 17.07.2012  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-05- << 
1047             G4RayleighScattering - use high e << 
1048             G4LivermoreRayleighModel - update << 
1049             G4RayleighAngularGenerator - new  << 
1050             G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel - << 
1051             G4Livermore2012GammaConversionMod << 
1052                                               << 
1053 11.07.2012  G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-05-27    << 
1054             Explicitly use inclusion of heade << 
1055             physical constants, in plan to re << 
1056             globals.hh.                       << 
1057                                               << 
1058 29.06.2012  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-05-26  << 
1059       Corrected G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS to << 
1060       in the gamma-ray spectrum close to the  << 
1061       reported by Vladimir                    << 
1062                                               << 
1063 21.06.2012  JB, tag emlowen-V09-05-25 (commit << 
1064             Fix in G4MUComptonModel           << 
1065                                               << 
1066 20.06.2012  JB, tag emlowen-V09-05-24 (commit << 
1067             Update of G4MUComptonModel & G4Li << 
1068                                               << 
1069 13.06.2012  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-05-23 << 
1070             Shadowing issues fixes            << 
1071                                               << 
1072 01.06.2012  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-05-22 << 
1073             Coverity fix of G4MUComptonModel. << 
1074                                               << 
1075 21.05.2012  S. Incerti, J. Brown, tag emlowen << 
1076             Update of     << 
1077                                               << 
1078 03.05.2012  S. Incerti, J. Brown, tag emlowen << 
1079             Corrected compil. warning in G4MU << 
1080                                               << 
1081 29.04.2012  S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-05-19  << 
1082             Coverity fixes                    << 
1083                                               << 
1084 19.04.2012  S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-05-18  << 
1085             New draft class G4Livermore2012Ga << 
1086                                               << 
1087 16.04.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-17  << 
1088             Copy of the previous tag (rejecte << 
1089       Database G4LEDATA updated to G4EMLOW6.2 << 
1090             (no real effect, removed unused f << 
1091                                               << 
1092 10.04.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-16  << 
1093       Removed obsolete Penelope v2001 models  << 
1094       helper classes. A clean-up of G4LEDATA  << 
1095       (there are unused files now)            << 
1096                                               << 
1097 04.04.2012  M. Raine, S. Incerti tag emlowen- << 
1098             - Delivered processes and models  << 
1099       for electrons, protons and ions. These  << 
1100       are described in the following publicat << 
1101       - Inelastic cross-sections of low energ << 
1102       for the simulation of heavy ion tracks  << 
1103       NSS Conf. Record 2010, p80-85           << 
1104       - Geant4 physics processes for microdos << 
1105       very low energy electromagnetic models  << 
1106       to be published in TNS                  << 
1107       - Geant4 physics processes for microdos << 
1108       very low energy electromagnetic models  << 
1109       heavy ions in Si, to be published in NI << 
1110       by A. Valentin, M. Raine, J.E. Sauvestr << 
1111       M. Gaillardin, P. Paillet               << 
1112       - to be used with G4LEDATA version 6.25 << 
1113                                               << 
1114 03.04.2012  S. Incerti, L. Pandola tag emlowe << 
1115       - Updated GNUMakefile for usage of G4lr << 
1116       - Fixes of coverity defects in Penelope << 
1117                                               << 
1118 02.04.2012  S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-05-13  << 
1119       Update to G4lrint by J. Brown (G4MUComp << 
1120                                               << 
1121 30.03.2012  S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-05-12  << 
1122       Added new rounding method developped by << 
1123       compilation of new Compton model (G4MUC << 
1124                                               << 
1125 26.03.2012  S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-05-11  << 
1126       Added new Compton model (G4MUComptonMod << 
1127       J. M. C. Brown, M. R. Dimmock, J. E. Gi << 
1128       Monash University, Australia            << 
1129                                               << 
1130 22.03.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-10  << 
1131       Penelope-based XS model for electron PI << 
1132       registered in G4UAtomicDeexcitation.    << 
1133       Added warning messages to Penelope mode << 
1134       verify the proper activation of fluores << 
1135                                               << 
1136 20.03.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-09  << 
1137       Updated G4PenelopeOscillatorManager to  << 
1138       calculation of PIXE cross sections. Fir << 
1139       of Penelope-specific PIXE cross section << 
1140       G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSection (deriv << 
1141       G4VhShellCrossSection). **Preliminary** << 
1142                                               << 
1143 14.03.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-08  << 
1144       1) Make G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular << 
1145       interface G4VEmAngularDistribution. Mak << 
1146       usable by any other model via the inter << 
1147       2) Rename G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSect << 
1148       G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler (the name << 
1149       a different class in a while)           << 
1150       3) Make G4PenelopeCrossSection able to  << 
1151       and normalized values of the shell cros << 
1152       used for Penelope-PIXE.                 << 
1153                                               << 
1154 09.03.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-07  << 
1155       Minor design iteration for G4VhShellCro << 
1156             in order to carry also the inform << 
1157             preliminar step for a future Pene << 
1158             model.                            << 
1159                                               << 
1160 09.03.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-06  << 
1161       Decouple calculation of Penelope ionisa << 
1162       from the Ionisation model. Preliminary  << 
1163             Penelope-specific AtomicDeexcitat << 
1164                                               << 
1165 06.03.2012  V.Ivanchenko tag emlowen-V09-05-0 << 
1166             G4IonParametrisedLossModel - fixe << 
1167                                               << 
1168 20.02.2012  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-05-04  << 
1169       Make a consistent use of G4Element::Get << 
1170             G4Element::GetAtomicMassAmu() in  << 
1171                                               << 
1172 09.02.2012  L. Pandola  tag emlowen-V09-05-03 << 
1173       Get rid of the compiler warning (gcc-4. << 
1174             the rejection of tag emlowen-V09- << 
1175                                               << 
1176 27.01.2012  L. Pandola  tag emlowen-V09-05-02 << 
1177       Remove in G4PenelopeIonisationModel the << 
1178       obsolete G4AtomicDeexcitation (gets rid << 
1179                                               << 
1180 24.01.2012  L. Pandola  tag emlowen-V09-05-01 << 
1181       Fix all remaining defects reported by t << 
1182       analysis                                << 
1183                                               << 
1184 11.01.2012  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-05-00 << 
1185       Fix defects reported by the Coverity an << 
1186       Penelope-related classes                << 
1187                                               << 
1188 25.11.2011  V.Ivanchenko tag emlowen-V09-04-8 << 
1189             Minor cleanup of comments         << 
1190                                               << 
1191 14.11.2011  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-04-80  << 
1192             Added further protection in G4Pen << 
1193       avoid exception em2015. The problem loo << 
1194             system-dependent                  << 
1195                                               << 
1196 13.11.2011  S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-04-79  << 
1197       Adapted form factor ionization cross se << 
1198       set of ionization data proposed by M. R << 
1199                                               << 
1200 11.11.2011  L.Pandola tag emlowen-V09-04-78   << 
1201       Remove a left-over old-style G4Exceptio << 
1202       did not compile any longer.             << 
1203                                               << 
1204 10.11.2011  A.Mantero tag emlowen-V09-04-77   << 
1205             BugFix: G4OrlicLiXsModel lower ed << 
1206                                               << 
1207 09.11.2011  A.Mantero tag emlowen-V09-04-76   << 
1208             BugFix: G4EmpCrossSection returns << 
1209                                               << 
1210 07.11.2011  A.Mantero tag emlowen-V09-04-75   << 
1211             Minor bug fixing in G4UAtomDeexci << 
1212             coverity waring fixes for Deexcit << 
1213                                               << 
1214 05.11.2011  A.Mantero tag emlowen-V09-04-74   << 
1215             re-tag of the previous gone bad d << 
1216                                               << 
1217 05.11.2011  A.Mantero tag emlowen-V09-04-73   << 
1218             Some minimal bug fixes on Deexcit << 
1219                                               << 
1220 03.11.2011  G.Cosmo tag emlowen-V09-04-72     << 
1221             Again fix to source.cmake for cas << 
1222             file G4OrlicLiXsModel[]...  << 
1223                                               << 
1224 03.11.2011  G.Cosmo tag emlowen-V09-04-71     << 
1225             Again fix to source.cmake for cla << 
1226                                               << 
1227 02.11.2011  V.Ivanchenko tag emlowen-V09-04-7 << 
1228             Fixed source.cmake                << 
1229                                               << 
1230 02.11.2011  L.Pandola tag emlowen-V09-04-69   << 
1231       Add additional verbosity in G4PenelopeB << 
1232             in the attempt to sort of the rea << 
1233       em2015 observed in STT.                 << 
1234                                               << 
1235 28.10.2011  A.Mantero, V.Ivantchenko tag emlo << 
1236       added initialization of data members in << 
1237       of G4UAtomDeexcitation to avoid Coverit << 
1238                                               << 
1239 28.10.2011  A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-04-67  << 
1240       Changed names for Ecpssr calculations f << 
1241       according to A.Taborda et al. X-Ray Spe << 
1242       2011, 40, 127-134. Update of G4UAtomDee << 
1243             runtime warning if Deexciation is << 
1244                                               << 
1245 28.10.2011  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-66  << 
1246       Include files G4ECPSSRFormFactorKCrossS << 
1247       G4ECPSSRFormFactorLiCrossSection.* from << 
1248       Edit the sources.cmake accordingly      << 
1249                                               << 
1250 26.10.2011  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-65  << 
1251             Added protection in G4PenelopeBre << 
1252       attempt to avoid exception em2015 which << 
1253             of emlowen-V09-04-61. The problem << 
1254                                               << 
1255 22.10.2011  A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-04-64  << 
1256             Fixed warning and X control in G4 << 
1257             Fixed a bug on return unit of G4E << 
1258             G4ECPSSRFormFactorKCrossSection.c << 
1259                                               << 
1260 20.10.2011  A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-04-63  << 
1261       Added G4ECPSSRFormFactor*CrossSection c << 
1262             modified the other accordingly.   << 
1263                                               << 
1264 19.10.2011  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-62  << 
1265       Bug fix in G4PenelopeOscillatorManager, << 
1266       a G4Exception for some materials (found << 
1267       L. Urban)                               << 
1268                                               << 
1269 07.10.2011  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-61  << 
1270       Bug fix in G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel << 
1271       caused a potential violation of energy  << 
1272             in high-Z materials (found by L.  << 
1273                                               << 
1274 27.09.2011  S.I., F.L., G.D., tag emlowen-V09 << 
1275             Added similar protection for cosT << 
1276             in G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighMo << 
1277                                               << 
1278 05.09.2011  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-59  << 
1279       Edited G4PenelopeOscillatorManager in o << 
1280       use the shell binding energy from the G << 
1281       data, rather than from the local Penelo << 
1282       fixes small inconsistencies.            << 
1283                                               << 
1284 01.09.2011  S.I., L.P., A.M., tag emlowen-V09 << 
1285             Removed obsolete G4Exception synt << 
1286                                               << 
1287 23.08.2011  S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-57  << 
1288             Removed obsolete codes in test    << 
1289                                               << 
1290 08.08.2011  S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-56  << 
1291             Removed all obsolete G4eLowEnergy << 
1292                                               << 
1293 03.08.2011  S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-55  << 
1294             Removed all obsolete G4LowEnergy* << 
1295                                               << 
1296 28.07.2011  S.I. + L.P. + V.I. tag emlowen-V0 << 
1297       -Use SetDeexcitationFlag(true) in the m << 
1298       Livermore models.                       << 
1299       -Removed printouts in Penelope migrated << 
1300                                               << 
1301 26.07.2011  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-04-53  << 
1302       Use SetDeexcitationFlag(true) in the mi << 
1303       Penelope models (flag that atomDeex is  << 
1304       for these models).                      << 
1305                                               << 
1306 21.07.2011  A. Mantero tag emlowen-V09-04-52  << 
1307       Fixed coverity warnings.                << 
1308                                               << 
1309 05.07.2011  L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-04-51  << 
1310             Fixed coverity warnings.          << 
1311                                               << 
1312 02.07.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-50 << 
1313       Fixed coverity warnings.                << 
1314                                               << 
1315 21.06.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-49 << 
1316       Fixed bug in G4PenelopeOscillatorManage << 
1317       Gunter F. while testing under Windows   << 
1318                                               << 
1319 16.06.2011  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04 << 
1320             G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversi << 
1321             introduced in the previous tag    << 
1322                                               << 
1323 15.06.2011  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04 << 
1324             G4BremsstrahlungParameters - fixe << 
1325             constant (Migdal constant) using  << 
1326             G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversi << 
1327             in numeric computations to avoid  << 
1328             of the initialisation             << 
1329                                               << 
1330 14.06.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-46 << 
1331       Corrected Windows compilation pblm (asi << 
1332       model.                                  << 
1333                                               << 
1334 11.06.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-45 << 
1335       Commited Boldyshev triplet model on beh << 
1336                                               << 
1337 10.06.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-44 << 
1338       Migrated PhotoElectric and Compton Pene << 
1339       to the new interface for atomic de-exci << 
1340       Ionisation model is left out, as well a << 
1341                                               << 
1342 09.06.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-43 << 
1343       Fixed coverity defects in G4Penelope fi << 
1344                                               << 
1345 06.06.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-42 << 
1346             Fixed coverity warnings.          << 
1347                                               << 
1348 01.06.2011  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04 << 
1349             Added G4LivermoreIonisationCrossS << 
1350             G4eCrossSectionHandler            << 
1351             G4LivermoreIonisationModel, G4Liv << 
1352             are migraded to common design wit << 
1353             G4LivermoreComptonModel - deexcit << 
1354             G4UAtomicDeexcitation - added e+- << 
1355             from hadron cross sections        << 
1356                                               << 
1357 30.05.2011  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04 << 
1358             Fixed run time crash in G4Livermo << 
1359                                               << 
1360 30.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-39 << 
1361       Bug fix in G4PenelopeComptonModel and   << 
1362       G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS              << 
1363                                               << 
1364 26.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-38 << 
1365       Fixed include/src list in sources.cmake << 
1366                                               << 
1367 26.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-37 << 
1368       Fixed floating-point exceptions reporte << 
1369       in G4PenelopeRayleighModel              << 
1370                                               << 
1371 25.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-36 << 
1372       Removed G4Penelope08XXXXModel files tha << 
1373       G4PenelopeXXXModel. Now v2008 of Penelo << 
1374       default.                                << 
1375       Notice: may break compatibility with ap << 
1376       include specifically G4Penelope08XXXMod << 
1377                                               << 
1378 25.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-35 << 
1379       Copy all Penelope08Models (v2008) as de << 
1380       PenelopeXXXModel. Preparation to delete << 
1381       Penelope08Model files                   << 
1382                                               << 
1383 24.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-34 << 
1384       Copy all PenelopeModels (v2001) as Pene << 
1385       Preparation before moving Penelope08Mod << 
1386       default Penelope models                 << 
1387                                               << 
1388 16.05.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-33 << 
1389             Fix compilation warnings with gcc << 
1390                 << 
1391                       << 
1392                     << 
1393       G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversionMode << 
1394                << 
1395                << 
1396                    << 
1397                                               << 
1398 10.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag tag emlowen-V09-0 << 
1399       Fix Coverity warnings for G4Generator2B << 
1400       G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarize << 
1401       G4VeLowEnergyLoss and G4CrossSectionDat << 
1402                                               << 
1403 09.05.2011  A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-04-30 << 
1404       Fixed Coverity Warning for Atomic Deexc << 
1405             and History update                << 
1406                                               << 
1407 09.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-29 << 
1408       Fixed Coverity warnings for G4eIonisati << 
1409       G4eIonisationParameters,                << 
1410             G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSa << 
1411             G4BremsstrahlungParameters and G4 << 
1412                                               << 
1413 02.05.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-28 << 
1414             Fixed coverity warnings           << 
1415       G4LivermorePolarizedGammaconversionMode << 
1416           << 
1417       G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectricModel. << 
1418                                               << 
1419 04.05.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-27 << 
1420       Removed CLHEP::HepMatrix dependency in  << 
1421                                               << 
1422 02.05.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-26 << 
1423             Replaced CLHEP::RandBit by G4int( << 
1424       gamma conversion classes, thanks to Gab << 
1425       Changes applied to the following *.cc c << 
1426       G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel         << 
1427       G4LivermoreGammaConversionModelRC       << 
1428       G4LivermoreNuclearGammaConversionModel  << 
1429       G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversionMode << 
1430       G4LowEnergyGammaConversion              << 
1431                                               << 
1432 28.04.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-25 << 
1433             Removal of parasitic verbosity.   << 
1434                                               << 
1435 27.04.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-24 << 
1436             Removal of some obsolete classes  << 
1437       - old livermore photon polarized proces << 
1438       - old shell cross sections (G4hShell*)  << 
1439       - old ion ionisation process (G4ionLowE << 
1440       - old h ionisation process (G4hLowEnerg << 
1441       - old G4hLowEnergyLoss                  << 
1442                                               << 
1443 27.04.2011  G. Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-04-23   << 
1444             Fixed compilation warnings in G4h << 
1445             G4hShellCrossSectionDoubleExp for << 
1446                                               << 
1447 28.03.2011  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04 << 
1448             Removed parasitic printout        << 
1449                                               << 
1450 28.03.2011  V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04 << 
1451             Fixed compillation                << 
1452                                               << 
1453 27.03.2011  A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-04-20 << 
1454       Warning update for PIXE and Deexcitatio << 
1455                                               << 
1456 27.03.2011  A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-04-19 << 
1457       Some bug fixes for PIXE and Deexcitatio << 
1458                                               << 
1459 25.03.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-18 << 
1460             commented ionization classes for  << 
1461                                               << 
1462 17.03.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-17 << 
1463             Updated sources.cmake.            << 
1464                                               << 
1465 17.03.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-16 << 
1466             Created new G4CrossSectionDataSet << 
1467                                               << 
1468 17.03.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-15 << 
1469             Removal of all Geant4-DNA classes << 
1470                                               << 
1471 28.02.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-14 << 
1472             Corrected control of warnings in  << 
1473                                               << 
1474 14.02.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-13 << 
1475             Corrected verbose in G4DNA Champi << 
1476                                               << 
1477 14.02.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-12 << 
1478             Removal of obsolete dummy class   << 
1479                                               << 
1480 14.02.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-11 << 
1481             Removal of all obsolete Geant4-DN << 
1482                                               << 
1483 02.02.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-10 << 
1484       Updated Compton and Ionisation for Pene << 
1485       (to fix the same issue as tag emlowen-V << 
1486       Coverity defects in G4Penelope08 models << 
1487                                               << 
1488 01.02.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-09 << 
1489       Changed G4Penelope08PhotoElectricModel  << 
1490       suppress fake energy-violation warning  << 
1491             is generated only if above thresh << 
1492                                               << 
1493 24.01.2011  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-08 << 
1494       Removed all obsolete G4Penelope process << 
1495       obsolete class G4PenelopeCrossSectionHa << 
1496       * Files to be restored in case of patch << 
1497                                               << 
1498 24.01.2011  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-04-07 << 
1499             Fixed coverity warnings for G4DNA << 
1500                                               << 
1501 18.01.2011  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-06  << 
1502       Fix memory leak in G4CrossSectionHandle << 
1503       Coverity                                << 
1504                                               << 
1505 18.01.2011  L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-05  << 
1506       Edited G4Penelope08IonisationModel and  << 
1507       to avoid the production of sub-threshol << 
1508                                               << 
1509 04.01.2011  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04- << 
1510             G4UAtomicDeexcitation, G4empCross << 
1511             G4VhShellCrossSection - fixed ine << 
1512             of ionisation cross sections, now << 
1513             similar speed; added extra protec << 
1514             a model in applicability range    << 
1515                                               << 
1516 27.12.2010  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04- << 
1517             Fixed memory leaks at initialisat << 
1518             G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel,  << 
1519             G4LivermoreRayleighModel;         << 
1520             Fixed Coverity warnings in G4EMDa << 
1521             Moved constructor and destructor  << 
1522                                               << 
1523 20.12.2010  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-02 << 
1524       Add the new Bremsstrahlung model based  << 
1525       Requires version 6.20 of G4LEDATA       << 
1526                                               << 
1527 15.12.2010  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-04-01 << 
1528       fixed Coverity defects for G4Penelope08 << 
1529                                               << 
1530 09.12.2010  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-04- << 
1531             fixed memory leak at initialisati << 
1532             G4ShellVacancy, G4LivermoreIonisa << 
1533             G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel, G << 
1534             G4BremsstrahlungParameters        << 
1535                                               << 
1536 02.12.2010  V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-03- << 
1537             fixed minor memory leaks in G4VCr << 
1538             G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel, G << 
1539                                               << 
1540 01.12.2010, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-68  << 
1541       Address Coverity reports for a few Pene << 
1542       models.                                 << 
1543                                               << 
1544 26.11.2010, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-67  << 
1545             Address Coverity reports for a fe << 
1546                                               << 
1547 25.11.2010  tag emlowen-V09-03-66             << 
1548             V.Ivanchenko fixed initialisation << 
1549             G4UAtomicDeexcitation: delete obj << 
1550                                               << 
1551 25.11.2010, L.Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-65  << 
1552       Address Coverity reports for a few Pene << 
1553       classes                                 << 
1554                                               << 
1555 22.11.2010, A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-64  << 
1556       changed default for PIXE model          << 
1557                                               << 
1558 22.11.2010, A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-63  << 
1559             minor fixes                       << 
1560                                               << 
1561 22.11.2010, A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-62  << 
1562       units management in PIXE fixed          << 
1563             calculation bug in G4UAtomicDeexc << 
1564                                               << 
1565 19.11.2010, A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-61  << 
1566             bug removal from G4LivermoreIonis << 
1567             bug removal from G4LivermorePolar << 
1568                                               << 
1569 12.11.2010, A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-60  << 
1570       minor fixes and added a test for G4UAto << 
1571       in test subdir                          << 
1572                                               << 
1573 12.11.2010, A.Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-59  << 
1574       Creation of G4UAtomicDeexcitation class << 
1575       derived from G4VAtomicDeexcitation in U << 
1576       It will replace G4AtomicDeexcitation cl << 
1577       Updated G4hLowEnergyIonisation to use G << 
1578       instead of G4AtomicDeexcitation.        << 
1579                                               << 
1580                                               << 
1581 12.11.2010, V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-03 << 
1582             G4BoldyshevTripletModel - F.Longo << 
1583             because it is absent at Windows   << 
1584                                               << 
1585 12.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-57 << 
1586             Renamed inline function in Sanche << 
1587                                               << 
1588 11.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-56 << 
1589             Added new control of low energy l << 
1590             Energy ranges adapted accordingly << 
1591                                               << 
1592 10.11.2010, V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-03 << 
1593             F.Longo and G.Depaola provided ne << 
1594             G4BoldyshevTripletModel, G4Liverm << 
1595             G4LivermoreNuclearGammaConversion << 
1596             G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversi << 
1597             selection and initialisation      << 
1598                                               << 
1599 04.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-54 << 
1600             - removed warnings in Rudd ioniza << 
1601             - G4IonParametrisedLossModel - (V << 
1602             inline to source, minor cleanup o << 
1603                                               << 
1604 03.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-53 << 
1605             restricted momentum conservation  << 
1606             in G4DNA ionisation               << 
1607                                               << 
1608 03.11.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-52 << 
1609             new preliminary Geant4-DNA ionisa << 
1610             to be used with G4LEDATA 6.18     << 
1611                                               << 
1612 17.10.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-51 << 
1613             extended low energy coverage of G << 
1614             to be used with G4LEDATA 6.17     << 
1615                                               << 
1616 14.10.2010, V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-03 << 
1617             G4GeneratorBS - optimise computat << 
1618             G4GeneratorBN - fixed comments    << 
1619             G4VBremAngularDistribution - move << 
1620             G4ModifiedTsai - moved to standar << 
1621                                               << 
1622 13.10.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-49 << 
1623             Update G4LivermoreIonisationModel << 
1624             only if above the production cuts << 
1625             conservation                      << 
1626                                               << 
1627 08.10.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-48 << 
1628             Added new excitation model for H  << 
1629                                               << 
1630 15.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-47 << 
1631             Added protection in xs file openi << 
1632                                               << 
1633 15.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-46 << 
1634             Corrected data file names in G4DN << 
1635                                               << 
1636 08.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-45 << 
1637             Updated high energy limits of G4D << 
1638                                               << 
1639 08.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-44 << 
1640             Set high energy limit of G4DNAScr << 
1641                                               << 
1642 08.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-43 << 
1643             Added new G4DNA processes and mod << 
1644             Provided by Z. Francis et al. - A << 
1645    << 
1646             to be used with G4LEDATA 6.16     << 
1647                                               << 
1648 08.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-42 << 
1649             Decreased low energy limit of G4D << 
1650                                               << 
1651 05.09.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-41 << 
1652             Bugzilla 1120                     << 
1653             Modified G4PhotoElectricAngularGe << 
1654             as proposed by J. Goldberg        << 
1655                                               << 
1656 25.08.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-40 << 
1657             - updated & extended Rudd and Mil << 
1658             - to be used with G4LEDATA 6.15   << 
1659                                               << 
1660 25.08.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-39 << 
1661             -Adapted all high energy limits o << 
1662                                               << 
1663 24.08.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-38 << 
1664             -Changed low energy limit of G4DN << 
1665             -Switched default excitation mode << 
1666             -to be used with G4LEDATA 6.14    << 
1667                                               << 
1668 28.07.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-37 << 
1669             First full version of G4Penelope0 << 
1670             ionisation according to Penelope  << 
1671                                               << 
1672 26.07.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-36 << 
1673             Added class G4PenelopeCrossSectio << 
1674       (and higher momenta, like stopping powe << 
1675             Penelope08 e+/e- models (ionisati << 
1676                                               << 
1677 15.06.2010, G. Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-03-35   << 
1678             Corrected return value case in me << 
1679             in G4PhotoElectricAngularGenerato << 
1680             report #1120.                     << 
1681             Added missing virtual destructor  << 
1682             G4VecpssrLiModel base classes.    << 
1683                                               << 
1684 14.06.2010, A. Lechner, tag emlowen-V09-03-34 << 
1685             Made desctructor of base class G4 << 
1686             (avoids also compiler warnings).  << 
1687                                               << 
1688 10.06.2010, A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-33 << 
1689             Fix in G4AugerTransition to cure  << 
1690                                               << 
1691 09.06.2010, A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-32 << 
1692             Fixed compilation warning in G4An << 
1693                                               << 
1694 08.06.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-31 << 
1695             modified initialisation of e- Emf << 
1696             model in G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitat << 
1697             in G4DNAMillerGreenExcitationMode << 
1698                                               << 
1699 07.06.2010, A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-03-30 << 
1700       added analytical (ecpssr) and empirical << 
1701       models for the calculation of hadronc s << 
1702                                               << 
1703 29.04.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-29 << 
1704       Removed the compiler warning in G4Penel << 
1705             caused the rejection of emlowen-V << 
1706                                               << 
1707 23.04.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-28 << 
1708       Removed useless call in G4PenelopeIonis << 
1709             warning messages                  << 
1710                                               << 
1711 15.04.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-27 << 
1712       Added MinEnergyCut() method to G4Penelo << 
1713       changes to other G4Penelope models (mai << 
1714                                               << 
1715 08.04.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-26 << 
1716             Changed computation of scattering << 
1717             G4EMLOW 6.12 version needed       << 
1718                                               << 
1719 07.04.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-25 << 
1720             Fixed memory leak in G4DNARuddIon << 
1721                                               << 
1722 06.04.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-24 << 
1723             Replaced hard coded masses in G4D << 
1724                                               << 
1725 31.03.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-23 << 
1726       Removed G4cout's used for debugging in  << 
1727       G4Penelope08PhotoElectricModel          << 
1728                                               << 
1729 27.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-22 << 
1730             Modified G4DNABornIonisationModel << 
1731                                               << 
1732 27.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-21 << 
1733             Modified method declaration in G4 << 
1734                                               << 
1735 27.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-20 << 
1736             Added new excitation model for el << 
1737                                               << 
1738 26.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-19 << 
1739             Modified electron correction in G << 
1740                                               << 
1741 26.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-18 << 
1742             Extended range of search for maxi << 
1743                                               << 
1744 26.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-17 << 
1745             Changed default parameters of G4D << 
1746                                               << 
1747 26.03.2010, tag emlowen-V09-03-16             << 
1748             - S. Incerti : corrected G4DNABor << 
1749                            for maximum kineti << 
1750             - A. Mantero: fixed bugs in G4Ato << 
1751                                               << 
1752 26.03.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-15 << 
1753       Changed order in some models' construct << 
1754       warning (conditional jump or move depen << 
1755                                               << 
1756 25.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-14 << 
1757             Modified hydrogen correction in G << 
1758                                               << 
1759 25.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-13 << 
1760             Dummy tag                         << 
1761                                               << 
1762 18.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-12 << 
1763             - Re-added vapor water shell cons << 
1764             as suggested by Ziad.             << 
1765                                               << 
1766 18.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-11 << 
1767             Extended low energy cover of G4DN << 
1768                                               << 
1769 17.03.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-10 << 
1770       Added four new models (gamma ray models << 
1771       PhotoElectric, Rayleigh), upgrades of G << 
1772       version 2008. For now, 2008 models name << 
1773       ** to be used with G4LEDATA version 6.1 << 
1774                                               << 
1775 16.03.2010, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-09 << 
1776             Modified public interface of G4Pe << 
1777             PenelopeIonisation)               << 
1778                                               << 
1779 15.03.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-08 << 
1780             Modified electron correction in G << 
1781                                               << 
1782 15.03.2010, L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-03-07  << 
1783             Updated public interface of G4Liv << 
1784       possibility to use custom cuts for fluo << 
1785       G4ProductionCutsTable are always used - << 
1786                                               << 
1787 15.03.2010, L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-03-06  << 
1788       Clean-up in Penelope models (explicitel << 
1789             constructor)                      << 
1790                                               << 
1791 19.02.2010, L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-03-05  << 
1792             Modification in calculations made << 
1793             factors for Penelope Compton Scat << 
1794                                               << 
1795 17.02.2010, L. Pandola tag emlowen-V09-03-04  << 
1796       Updated interface for G4PenelopeOscilla << 
1797                                               << 
1798 05.02.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-03 << 
1799             Added initialisation to atomTotal << 
1800                                               << 
1801 07.01.2010, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-03-02 << 
1802             Improved way of testing material  << 
1803                                               << 
1804 21.12.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-01 << 
1805       Added classes G4PenelopeOscillator* to  << 
1806             in Penelope Compton and Ionisatio << 
1807             **Beta version at the moment**    << 
1808                                               << 
1809 21.12.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-03-00 << 
1810       Added a dummy ComputeCrossSectionPerAto << 
1811             Never inkoved by tracking, issues << 
1812                                               << 
1813 10.12.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-68 << 
1814             - Added vapor water shell constan << 
1815             as suggested by Ziad.             << 
1816                                               << 
1817 24.11.2009, A. Lechner tag emlowen-V09-02-67  << 
1818             -G4IonParametrisedLossModel: Impo << 
1819              ranges correctly if the same mat << 
1820              in tracking geometry with differ << 
1821              in different regions). (added Up << 
1822              modified BuildRangeVector, Compu << 
1823              removed GetRange function).      << 
1824                                               << 
1825 23.11.2009, A. Lechner tag emlowen-V09-02-66  << 
1826             -G4IonParametrisedLossModel: Chan << 
1827              value (from 0.15 to 0.01) to avo << 
1828              in case of large steps.          << 
1829                                               << 
1830 20.11.2009, A. Lechner tag emlowen-V09-02-65  << 
1831             -G4IonParametrisedLossModel: Adde << 
1832              parameter                        << 
1833                                               << 
1834 12.11.2009, A. Lechner tag emlowen-V09-02-64  << 
1835             -G4IonParametrisedLossModel:      << 
1836              *) Moved from original ICRU 73 c << 
1837                 StoppingData), which is capab << 
1838                 files stored in G4LEDATA (req << 
1839                 tables the upper energy limit << 
1840                 increased to 1 GeV/nucleon.   << 
1841              *) Decision logic concerning sto << 
1842                 was entirely moved to class G << 
1843              *) Introduced function for switc << 
1844              *) Removed nuclear stopping from << 
1845                 available in standard EM pack << 
1846              *) Minor fixes were applied in e << 
1847             - G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm: Int << 
1848               energy scaling function.        << 
1849             - G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73: See mod << 
1850               according to interface changes  << 
1851             - G4IonDEDXHandler: Adapted funct << 
1852               changes in G4VIonDEDXScalingAlg << 
1853               defined in G4VIonDEDXTable (con << 
1854                                               << 
1855 12.11.2009, S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-02-63  << 
1856             -removed memory leak in G4DNACros << 
1857                                               << 
1858 12.11.2009, S. Incerti tag emlowen-V09-02-62  << 
1859             -added protection for secondary e << 
1860          << 
1861             -proposed a faster computation of << 
1862                                               << 
1863 11.11.2009, A. Mantero tag emlowen-V09-02-61  << 
1864             PIXE code cleaning for the Dec re << 
1865             in order to use new PIXE developm << 
1866                                               << 
1867 05.11.2009, G. Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-02-60   << 
1868             replaced usage of M_PI with pi fr << 
1869             errors on Windows.                << 
1870                                               << 
1871 03.11.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-59 << 
1872             modified low energy limit of e- e << 
1873             to be used with G4LEDATA version  << 
1874                                               << 
1875 02.11.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-58 << 
1876             extended coverage of e- ionisatio << 
1877             to be used with G4LEDATA version  << 
1878                                               << 
1879 23.10.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-57 << 
1880             Switch atomic deexcitation on (by << 
1881       Ionisation. It was on also for the form << 
1882             accidentally switched off since t << 
1883                                               << 
1884 22.10.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-56 << 
1885       Added ActivateAuger() method to Penelop << 
1886       all Penelope models have the same inter << 
1887                                               << 
1888 21.10.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-55 << 
1889             Cleaning up of Penelope Photoelec << 
1890             (atomic deexcitation flag now ref << 
1891       is by default active in Penelope models << 
1892                                               << 
1893 27.09.2009, N. Karakatsanis, tag emlowen-V09- << 
1894             Added fixes to                    << 
1895             << 
1896             G4BremsstrahlungCrossSectionHandl << 
1897             << 
1898          << 
1899             G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler. << 
1900                                               << 
1901 25.09.2009, N. Karakatsanis, tag emlowen-V09- << 
1902             New implementation for data loadi << 
1903             LoadData method now loads the dat << 
1904             the respective logarithmic values << 
1905             Both data formats (original and l << 
1906             later by interpolation methods to << 
1907             LoadNonLogData method implements  << 
1908                                               << 
1909 24.09.2009, F.Longo, tag emlowen-V09-02-52    << 
1910             implemented protection for infini << 
1911             process.                          << 
1912                                               << 
1913 30.08.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-51 << 
1914             Extended high energy coverage of  << 
1915             ( and << 
1916             (     << 
1917             Decreased temporarily high energy << 
1918             ionisation from 30 keV to 20 keV  << 
1919             The new data files are provided b << 
1920             *** From now on G4LEDATA 6.7 shou << 
1921                                               << 
1922 13.08.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-50 << 
1923             Added G4_WATER NIST material to G << 
1924                                               << 
1925 13.08.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-49 << 
1926             Added verbose condition to all Ge << 
1927                                               << 
1928 11.08.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-48 << 
1929             Bug fix in G4DNABornIonisationMod << 
1930             commented in last reference tag)  << 
1931                                               << 
1932 06.08.2009, A. Lechner, tag emlowen-V09-02-47 << 
1933             Bug fix in G4IonDEDXHandler (acce << 
1934             corrected, in compliance with new << 
1935             where hidden bin no longer exists << 
1936                                               << 
1937 06.08.2009, A. Lechner, tag emlowen-V09-02-46 << 
1938             Bug fix in G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73 << 
1939                                               << 
1940 24.07.2009, V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-02 << 
1941             G4AtomicShell class is moved to u << 
1942                                               << 
1943 23.07.2009, V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-02 << 
1944             G4VeLowEnergyLoss, G4eLowEnergyLo << 
1945             are adapted to modifications in G << 
1946                                               << 
1947 23.07.2009, V. Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-02 << 
1948             Fixed path to G4LEDATA in G4ecpss << 
1949             G4ecpssrLCrossSection, G4DNACross << 
1950             removed debug cout                << 
1951                                               << 
1952 26.06.2009, A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-02-41 << 
1953             Compilation errors removal.       << 
1954                                               << 
1955 25.06.2009, A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V09-02-40 << 
1956             Design update, Bug Fixes and mode << 
1957             atomic shell hadronic CS calculat << 
1958                                               << 
1959 02.06.2009, A.Lechner, tag emlowen-V09-02-39  << 
1960             Bug fix in class G4IonDEDXScaling << 
1961             error on Windows due to std::pow  << 
1962                                               << 
1963 20.05.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-38 << 
1964             Update Penelope models, G4Livermo << 
1965             G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel; p << 
1966             Initialise() method are explicite << 
1967             (see tag emlowen-V09-02-37)       << 
1968                                               << 
1969 14.05.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-37 << 
1970             Correct G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungM << 
1971             for re-inizialitation             << 
1972                                               << 
1973 12.05.2009, A.Lechner, tag emlowen-V09-02-36  << 
1974             Added new scaling algorithm, to o << 
1975             for ions not covered by ICRU 73 r << 
1976             ICRU 73 data): G4IonDEDXScalingIC << 
1977             Included algorithm in ion model,  << 
1978             extending therefore the applicabi << 
1979             ions.                             << 
1980                                               << 
1981 03.05.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-35  << 
1982             Fixed compilation error in G4Live << 
1983                                               << 
1984 02.05.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-34  << 
1985             Clean-up of G4LivermorePolarizedC << 
1986                                               << 
1987 02.05.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-33  << 
1988             Added message to obsolete non-mig << 
1989                                               << 
1990 02.05.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-32  << 
1991             Added message to obsolete non-mig << 
1992                                               << 
1993 02.05.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-31  << 
1994             Fixed handling of compounds in G4 << 
1995                                               << 
1996 30.04.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-30  << 
1997       Removed annoying G4cout in G4AugerData. << 
1998       (AugerTransitionTable)                  << 
1999                                               << 
2000 29.04.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-29  << 
2001             Increased energy range validity o << 
2002             up to 10 MeV (Geant4-DNA process) << 
2003             From this tag, G4LEDATA version 6 << 
2004                                               << 
2005 29.04.2009, S.Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-28  << 
2006             Fixed cross section computation b << 
2007             G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticMod << 
2008         << 
2009                                               << 
2010 18.04.2009, V.Ivanchenko, tag emlowen-V09-02- << 
2011             Cleanup of new model classes G4Li << 
2012             G4LivermoreComptonModel, G4Liverm << 
2013             G4LivermoreIonisationModel, G4Liv << 
2014             G4LivermoreRayleighModel,G4Penelo << 
2015             G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel, G4 << 
2016       G4PenelopeGammaConversionModel, G4Penel << 
2017             G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel, G4P << 
2018               - defined high energy limit for << 
2019               - do not overwright default (ze << 
2020               - do not change energy limits i << 
2021               - added MinEnergyCut method for << 
2022               - do not change track status in << 
2023               - simplified initialisation     << 
2024               - protect all printouts by verb << 
2025               - removed MeanFreePath method a << 
2026               - cleaned logic in applying of  << 
2027               - use G4ElementSelector if poss << 
2028             G4ShellVacancy - substitute "set" << 
2029                            - comment out dest << 
2030                                               << 
2031 02.04.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-26 << 
2032             Fixed bug in G4PenelopeRayleigh.c << 
2033             Notice that G4PenelopeRayleighMod << 
2034       going to be obsolete in a while.        << 
2035                                               << 
2036 25.03.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-25 << 
2037       Fixed bug with momentum normalization i << 
2038             Fixed G4PenelopePhotoElectricMode << 
2039                                               << 
2040 23.03.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-24 << 
2041       Same sa previous. For some reason emlow << 
2042             the updated files.                << 
2043                                               << 
2044 23.03.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-23 << 
2045             - Added protections in G4eIonisat << 
2046               to avoid bug 1042.              << 
2047             - From now on, G4LEDATA 6.4 shoul << 
2048                                               << 
2049 19.03.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-22 << 
2050             - changed energy range display fo << 
2051                                               << 
2052 19.03.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-21 << 
2053             - set default angular generator i << 
2054                                               << 
2055 19.03.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-20 << 
2056       - First fully tested version of G4Liver << 
2057       From this tag on, all Livermore models  << 
2058                                               << 
2059 18.03.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-19 << 
2060       - Removed G4Rayleigh to avoid duplicati << 
2061             - Clean-up of G4RayleighScatterin << 
2062                                               << 
2063 16.03.2009, A. Lechner, tag emlowen-V09-02-18 << 
2064             - Replaced old version of G4IonPa << 
2065             - Added G4IonDEDXHandler, which i << 
2066               G4IonParametrisedLossModel clas << 
2067             - Added G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorith << 
2068             - Removed G4IonParametrisedLossTa << 
2069                                               << 
2070 04.03.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-17 << 
2071             - moved IsApplicable method for G << 
2072                                               << 
2073 03.03.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-16 << 
2074             - added gamma particle and energy << 
2075               to all Livermore photon process << 
2076                                               << 
2077 16.02.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-15 << 
2078             - added protections against FPE i << 
2079               item 893)                       << 
2080                                               << 
2081 16.02.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-14 << 
2082             - removed compilation warning in  << 
2083                                               << 
2084 16.02.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-13 << 
2085             - improved energy limit display i << 
2086             - commented InitialiseElementSele << 
2087                                               << 
2088 16.02.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-12 << 
2089             Made compatible with tag emutils- << 
2090             -                 << 
2091             -              << 
2092             -              << 
2093             -          << 
2094             -          << 
2095                                               << 
2096 14.02.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-11 << 
2097             Added several corrections to migr << 
2098             -     << 
2099             - G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitationMode << 
2100             -     << 
2101             - G4DNAIonisation.hh              << 
2102                                               << 
2103 10.02.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-10 << 
2104       - Added G4LivermoreIonisationModel, nam << 
2105         LowEnergyIonisation in the new design << 
2106                                               << 
2107 29.01.2009, L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-09 << 
2108       - Updated public interface of G4eIonisa << 
2109         facilitate the migration from G4LowEn << 
2110                                               << 
2111 22.01.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-08 << 
2112             - Fixed compilation error problem << 
2113                                               << 
2114 21.01.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-07 << 
2115             - Updated Livermore photon proces << 
2116             - Added pointer removal protectio << 
2117             - Involved classes are :          << 
2118          << 
2119               G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighMod << 
2120               G4LivermorePolarizedComptonMode << 
2121               G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel.c << 
2122               G4LivermoreGammaconversionModel << 
2123           << 
2124                                               << 
2125 20.01.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-06 << 
2126             Added 'kill particle without tota << 
2127             Involved files are :              << 
2128             - G4DNAProcess.icc,               << 
2129             - G4FinalStateProduct.hh,.cc,     << 
2130             -   << 
2131             -   << 
2132                                               << 
2133 20.01.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-05 << 
2134             - Corrected energy limits in G4Cr << 
2135             - Added proton case in G4CrossSec << 
2136             - Added protection (waterExcitati << 
2137                                               << 
2138 19.01.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-04 << 
2139             Added angle initialisation in G4D << 
2140                                               << 
2141 12.01.2009, S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-02-03 << 
2142             Added preliminary migrated Geant4 << 
2143                                               << 
2144 08.01.2009  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-02 << 
2145       Edited and G << 
2146       to suppress a warning message from G4At << 
2147       for some elements (Oxygen ,Fluorine). T << 
2148             Penelope and G4AtomicTransitionMa << 
2149       of shells. Physics results are unchange << 
2150                                               << 
2151 19.12.2008  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-01 << 
2152       Added G4RayleighScattering process (G4V << 
2153       describe Rayleigh scattering. This was  << 
2154       the Std package                         << 
2155                                               << 
2156 15.12.2008  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-02-00 << 
2157       Same as the previous one (emlowen-V09-0 << 
2158                                               << 
2159 15.12.2008  L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-01-46 << 
2160       Added G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel, na << 
2161       model, migrated to the Std-design (inhe << 
2162       cleaning of G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungCon << 
2163       From this tag, ALL Penelope processes h << 
2164                                               << 
2165 12.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-4 << 
2166              Upgrade to G4LogLogInterpolation << 
2167                                               << 
2168 09.12.2008  S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-44 << 
2169             Added protection to G4FinalStateE << 
2170             at 180*deg                        << 
2171                                               << 
2172 09.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-4 << 
2173              Contains G4PenelopeBremsstrahlun << 
2174              Contains G4LogLogInterpolation_r << 
2175                                               << 
2176 09.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-4 << 
2177              Upgrade to G4LogLogInterpolation << 
2178                                               << 
2179 09.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-4 << 
2180              Return to original G4LogLogInter << 
2181              from tag emlowen-V09-01-20       << 
2182                                               << 
2183 08.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-4 << 
2184              Added protection in G4LogLogInte << 
2185              against null energy and cross se << 
2186                                               << 
2187 06.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2188              Added vector initialization and  << 
2189              Added EOF protection in G4FinalS << 
2190                                               << 
2191 06.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2192              Updated G4LogLogInterpolation cl << 
2193              Nicolas Karakatsanis (updated re << 
2194                                               << 
2195 05.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2196              Updated G4LogLogInterpolation cl << 
2197              Nicolas Karakatsanis (revision 1 << 
2198                                               << 
2199 05.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2200              Updated low energy limits of Gea << 
2201              elastic scattering and Emfietzog << 
2202                                               << 
2203 05.12.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2204              Added protection in G4FinalState << 
2205                                               << 
2206 04.12.2008   L. Pandola, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2207              Correction for G4PenelopeCompton << 
2208              calculated by the model correspo << 
2209              The difference was only for comp << 
2210              irrelevant for virtually all app << 
2211              First inclusion of G4PenelopeIon << 
2212                                               << 
2213 24.11.2008   G. Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-01-33  << 
2214              Fixed compilation errors on gcc- << 
2215              o added required names for struc << 
2216              o correctly initialise cached it << 
2217                                               << 
2218 21.11.2008   A. Lechner, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2219              added and tagged new stopping po << 
2220              uses ICRU 73 data tables. Follow << 
2221              G4IonParametrisedLossModel.hh    << 
2222              G4IonParametrisedLossModel.icc   << 
2223        << 
2224              G4IonParametrisedLossTable.hh    << 
2225              G4IonParametrisedLossTable.icc   << 
2226                                               << 
2227 06.11.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2228              corrected bug in computation of  << 
2229              G4FinalStateElasticBrennerZaider << 
2230                                               << 
2231 30.10.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-3 << 
2232              added & tagged new photon models << 
2233                                               << 
2234              -- Penelope models are provided  << 
2235              G4PenelopeComptonModel.hh and .c << 
2236              G4PenelopeGammaConversionModel.h << 
2237              G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel.hh  << 
2238              G4PenelopeRayleighModel.hh and . << 
2239                                               << 
2240              -- Livermore models are provided << 
2241              G4LivermoreComptonModel.hh and . << 
2242              G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel. << 
2243              G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel.hh << 
2244              G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel << 
2245              G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighMode << 
2246              G4LivermoreRayleighModel.hh and  << 
2247                                               << 
2248 29.10.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2249              - improved generation of scatter << 
2250                                               << 
2251 30.09.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2252              - removed G4cout in G4LowEnergyC << 
2253                                               << 
2254 20.08.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2255              - added KillParticle in G4FinalS << 
2256              - modified condition on low ener << 
2257                                               << 
2258 20.08.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2259              - removed AddEnergyDeposit below << 
2260              - removed AddEnergyDeposit below << 
2261              - removed AddEnergyDeposit below << 
2262              - decreased low energy limit for << 
2263              - decreased low energy limit for << 
2264                                               << 
2265 16.07.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2266              added preliminary process for po << 
2267              from C. Champion's model         << 
2268              G4CrossSectionPsCreationChampion << 
2269              G4CrossSectionPsCreationChampion << 
2270              G4FinalStatePsCreationChampion.h << 
2271              and updated G4DNAGenericIonsMana << 
2272              *** Will work only from version  << 
2273                                               << 
2274 15.07.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2275              added new elastic scattering pro << 
2276              (Geant4 DNA) from C. Champion's  << 
2277              G4CrossSectionElasticChampion.hh << 
2278              G4FinalStateElasticChampion.hh a << 
2279              *** Will work only from version  << 
2280                                               << 
2281 14.07.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2282              cleaned and updated energy limit << 
2283              25 files (Geant4 DNA)            << 
2284                                               << 
2285 -G4CrossSectionChargeDecrease.hh and .cc      << 
2286 -G4CrossSectionChargeDecreasePartial.hh and . << 
2287 -G4CrossSectionChargeIncrease.hh and .cc      << 
2288 -G4CrossSectionChargeIncreasePartial.hh and . << 
2289 -G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRutherfordHE.hh << 
2290 -G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRutherfordLE.hh << 
2291 -G4CrossSectionExcitationBorn.hh and .cc      << 
2292 -G4CrossSectionExcitationBornPartial.hh and . << 
2293 -G4CrossSectionExcitationEmfietzoglou.hh and  << 
2294 -G4CrossSectionExcitationEmfietzoglouPartial. << 
2295 -G4CrossSectionExcitationMillerGreen.hh and . << 
2296 -G4CrossSectionExcitationMillerGreenPartial.h << 
2297 -G4CrossSectionIonisationBorn.hh and .cc      << 
2298 -G4CrossSectionIonisationBornPartial.hh and . << 
2299 -G4CrossSectionIonisationRudd.hh and .cc      << 
2300 -G4CrossSectionIonisationRuddPartial.hh and . << 
2301 -G4FinalStateChargeDecrease.hh and .cc        << 
2302 -G4FinalStateChargeIncrease.hh and .cc        << 
2303 -G4FinalStateElasticBrennerZaider.hh and .cc  << 
2304 -G4FinalStateElasticScreenedRutherford.hh and << 
2305 -G4FinalStateExcitationBorn.hh and .cc        << 
2306 -G4FinalStateExcitationEmfietzoglou.hh and .c << 
2307 -G4FinalStateExcitationMillerGreen.hh and .cc << 
2308 -G4FinalStateIonisationBorn.hh and .cc        << 
2309 -G4FinalStateIonisationRudd.hh and .cc        << 
2310                                               << 
2311 30.06.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2312              corrected wrong upper energy lim << 
2313              - hydrogen in G4CrossSectionIoni << 
2314              - proton in G4ChargeDecrease     << 
2315                                               << 
2316 27.06.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-2 << 
2317              - added two new classes for elec << 
2318              G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRut << 
2319              G4CrossSectionElasticScreenedRut << 
2320              that should replace the G4CrossS << 
2321              - raised lower energy limit of G << 
2322                                               << 
2323 27.06.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-VO9-01-2 << 
2324              - added protection against negat << 
2325              - added protection against energ << 
2326              - removed verbose in G4CrossSect << 
2327                                               << 
2328 26.06.2208   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-1 << 
2329              Added protection against FPE in  << 
2330                                               << 
2331 20.06.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-1 << 
2332              Added 4 protections against FPE  << 
2333                                               << 
2334 11.06.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-1 << 
2335              - added missing & for cosTheta a << 
2336              which were causing wrong angular << 
2337              - removed annoying PrintData in  << 
2338                                               << 
2339 02.06.2008   S. Incerti, tag emlowen-V09-01-1 << 
2340              Removed while(1) statement in G4 << 
2341              fixing compilation warning.      << 
2342              Restored headers for G4PaulKCros << 
2343              and G4ecpssrCrossSection which w << 
2344                                               << 
2345 01.06.2008   F.Lei, tag emlowen-V09-01-15     << 
2346        Correction to the corrupted G4Augerdat << 
2347        of emlowen-V09-01-12! as emlowen-V09-0 << 
2348                                               << 
2349 22.05.2008   F.Lei, tag emlowen-V09-01-14     << 
2350        Load the the complete Auger dataset on << 
2351                                               << 
2352 06.05.2008   H.Ben Abdelouahed, tag emlowen-V << 
2353              Semi-Empirical model implementat << 
2354              with protons projectiles         << 
2355                                               << 
2356 02.05.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-11       << 
2357              Added Doppler broadening in G4Lo << 
2358              (Francesco Longo), same model as << 
2359              Added PIXE cross section, L shel << 
2360              G4OrlicLCrossSection (Haifa Ben  << 
2361              Corrected compilation warnings a << 
2362              G. Cosmo on 29/4/2008            << 
2363                                               << 
2364 24.04.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-10       << 
2365              Fix in Doppler broadening of G4L << 
2366              Attempts to fix floating point e << 
2367              G4FinalStateElasticBrennerZaider << 
2368                                               << 
2369 22.04.2008   H.Ben Abdelouahed, tag emlowen-V << 
2370              ECPSSR model implementation for  << 
2371              with protons and alpha projectil << 
2372                                               << 
2373 18.03.2008   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-01-08   << 
2374              Fixed compilation error in G4Cro << 
2375              for missing inclusion of <sstrea << 
2376                                               << 
2377 25.03.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-07       << 
2378              New charge transfer process by i << 
2379              (two cross section and one final << 
2380                                               << 
2381 17.03.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-06       << 
2382              Doppler broadening added to G4Lo << 
2383              based on Y. Namito, S. Ban and H << 
2384              NIM A 349, pp. 489-494, 1994     << 
2385                                               << 
2386 10.03.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-05       << 
2387              Developments for Doppler broaden << 
2388                                               << 
2389 10.03.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-04       << 
2390              Fixes to *DataSet files for bett << 
2391              Extensions to G4ShellData to dea << 
2392              Doppler broadening simulation    << 
2393                                               << 
2394 07.03.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-03       << 
2395              Reverted to G4hLowEnergyIonisati << 
2396              as in emlowen-V09-01-01          << 
2397                                               << 
2398 07.03.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-02       << 
2399              Operation for convenience of con << 
2400              updated G4hLowEnergyIonisation.c << 
2401              to the head; the modifications t << 
2402              were an attempt to address a PRS << 
2403              but they proved ineffective and  << 
2404              a tag including them is made to  << 
2405                                               << 
2406 06.03.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-01       << 
2407              Restored readability of *DataSet << 
2408              indentation of the code          << 
2409                                               << 
2410 21.02.2008   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-01-00       << 
2411              Bug fix in G4AtomicTransitionMan << 
2412              total radiative and non radiativ << 
2413              (fix provided by A. Mantero)     << 
2414                                               << 
2415 26.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-28       << 
2416              Cleaned up std:: in G4FinalState << 
2417                                               << 
2418 14.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-27       << 
2419              Correction to Problem Report 986 << 
2420                                               << 
2421 ??.11.2007   Undocumented tag emlowen-V09-00- << 
2422                                               << 
2423 14.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-25       << 
2424              Workaround in G4DNAProcess to av << 
2425              cross section is DBL_MAX         << 
2426                                               << 
2427 13.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-24       << 
2428              Fixed calculation of local energ << 
2429              in the case when the primary par << 
2430              Minor code improvements in G4Fin << 
2431                                               << 
2432 12.11.2007   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V09-00-23   << 
2433              Fixed trivial compilation error  << 
2434       << 
2435                                               << 
2436 09.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-22       << 
2437              Added cross section and final st << 
2438              a process to kill particles belo << 
2439                                               << 
2440 09.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-21       << 
2441              Initialized data members missing << 
2442                                               << 
2443 09.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-20       << 
2444              Removed verbose printouts in Gea << 
2445                                               << 
2446 09.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-19       << 
2447              Fixed compilation problems on Wi << 
2448                                               << 
2449 09.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-18       << 
2450              Fixed compilation problems on So << 
2451                                               << 
2452 08.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-17       << 
2453              Added Rudd ionisation            << 
2454                                               << 
2455 08.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-16       << 
2456              Added Born ionisation final stat << 
2457                                               << 
2458 08.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-15       << 
2459              Added Miller-Green excitation    << 
2460                                               << 
2461 08.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-14       << 
2462              Modified data file name in G4EML << 
2463                                               << 
2464 08.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-13       << 
2465              Added charge increase/decrease G << 
2466              and final states (code by S. Inc << 
2467                                               << 
2468 08.11.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-12       << 
2469              Removed obsolete G4DNA* files fr << 
2470                                               << 
2471 22.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-11       << 
2472              Added G4CrossSectionIonisationBo << 
2473              Excludes prototype G4DNA* classe << 
2474              Pertinent G4DNA* classes include << 
2475              G4DNAProcess (.hh .icc),         << 
2476              G4DNACrossSectionDataSet (.hh .c << 
2477              G4DNAGenericIonsManager (.hh .cc << 
2478                                               << 
2479 15.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-10       << 
2480              Added electron excitation (Emfie << 
2481              proton Born excitation, electron << 
2482              remove inheritance from concrete << 
2483              by a developer against the basel << 
2484              Obsolete G4DNA* classes not comp << 
2485              as in the TNS paper are still in << 
2486              they will be removed from the re << 
2487              migration to the design as in th << 
2488              Goes with G4EMLOW5.0 (where a ne << 
2489              added containing Geant4-DNA data << 
2490                                               << 
2491 13.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-09       << 
2492              Added Brenner-Zaider elastic sca << 
2493                                               << 
2494 12.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-08       << 
2495              Fully working Geant4-DNA electro << 
2496              screened Rutherford cross sectio << 
2497                                               << 
2498 12.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-07       << 
2499              Improved G4DNAProcess, G4FinalSt << 
2500                                               << 
2501 12.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-06       << 
2502              First core of Geant4-DNA physics << 
2503              as in TNS paper: G4DNAProcess, G << 
2504              G4eCrossSectionScreenedRutherfor << 
2505              (MG implementation)              << 
2506                                               << 
2507 12.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-05       << 
2508              Extended G4DNAFinalStateProduct  << 
2509              particle modified in final state << 
2510              Modified G4DNAProcess.icc accord << 
2511                                               << 
2512 12.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-04       << 
2513              Refactoring Geant4-DNA domain to << 
2514              Added G4DNAProcess and G4DNAFina << 
2515                                               << 
2516 11.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-03       << 
2517              Identical to emlowen-V09-00-02,  << 
2518              existed on some files (it is unc << 
2519                                               << 
2520 11.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-02       << 
2521              Re-update to atomic relaxation f << 
2522              emlowen-V09-00-00 was rejected b << 
2523              code and G4EMLOW data library    << 
2524              This tag goes with G4EMLOW4.4    << 
2525                                               << 
2526 11.10.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-01       << 
2527              Fix to bug 965 of G4PenelopeRayl << 
2528                                               << 
2529 23.07.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V09-00-00       << 
2530              Deleted tag emlowen-V09-00-01 ma << 
2531              Fixes by A.M. to handle Z=100 in << 
2532              and to correct Problem Report 93 << 
2533              documented)                      << 
2534                                               << 
2535 04.06.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-03-03       << 
2536              Tag on top of emlowen-V08-03-00a << 
2537              Updated license information in G << 
2538                                               << 
2539 04.06.2007   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V08-03-00a  << 
2540              Archived obsolete class G4LowEne << 
2541                                               << 
2542 30.05.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-03-02       << 
2543              Removed from CVS unused class G4 << 
2544              which introduced never agreed de << 
2545              G4VreEmModel                     << 
2546              Attempt to fix issue identified  << 
2547              PIXE model                       << 
2548                                               << 
2549 25.05.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-03-01       << 
2550              Initialized static variables in  << 
2551              not sure whether this is correct << 
2552              code moved from utils/, deprived << 
2553              and with an evident fortran look << 
2554              is planned to take care of this  << 
2555              Also included an updated version << 
2556              provided by V.I. due to an inter << 
2557              this class is not used anywhere  << 
2558              retained only for historical rea << 
2559              trashed in the next design revie << 
2560                                               << 
2561 16.05.2007   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-03-00       << 
2562              First set of Geant4-DNA processe << 
2563              documented in draft publication  << 
2564                                               << 
2565 19.10.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-01-02       << 
2566              Bug fixes in       << 
2567                                               << 
2568 14.10.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-01-01       << 
2569              Developments and fixes for atomi << 
2570                                               << 
2571 14.10.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-01-00       << 
2572              Cosmetics on code formatting for << 
2573                                               << 
2574 31.05.2006   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V08-00-06   << 
2575              Added missing migration to std n << 
2576              functions. Also required for all << 
2577              platform.                        << 
2578                                               << 
2579 25.05.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-00-05       << 
2580              Improved design and implementati << 
2581              distribution models (related to  << 
2582                                               << 
2583 25.05.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-00-04       << 
2584              Various fixes to the DNA process << 
2585              gcc 3.4.5. Some of the fixes are << 
2586              do not make sense physically; th << 
2587              a future dummy implementation. T << 
2588              DNA processes is meant as a firs << 
2589              suitable for physics application << 
2590                                               << 
2591 15.05.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-00-03       << 
2592              Improved design and implementati << 
2593              distribution models              << 
2594                                               << 
2595 12.05.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-00-02       << 
2596              Same as emlowen-V08-00-00, with  << 
2597                                               << 
2598 12.05.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-00-01       << 
2599              New developments: photoelectric  << 
2600              The photoelectric angular distri << 
2601              temporary design features (funct << 
2602              by value etc.), and preliminary  << 
2603              (subset of the previous tag emlo << 
2604               incremental testing)            << 
2605                                               << 
2606 12.05.2006   MGP, tag emlowen-V08-00-00       << 
2607              New developments: photoelectric  << 
2608                                Geant4-DNA ver << 
2609              The photoelectric angular distri << 
2610              temporary design features (funct << 
2611              by value etc.), and preliminary  << 
2612              The Geant4-DNA processes are in  << 
2613                                               << 
2614 20.12.2005   R.Capra, tag emlowen-V08-00-RC   << 
2615              * Internal tag with latest devel << 
2616                - Tested for build, run and pl << 
2617                                               << 
2618 30.11.2005   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V07-01-14   << 
2619              * Fixes for migration to <sstrea << 
2620              * Trivial fix to G4LowEnergyGamm << 
2621                CLHEP-2.0.X series.            << 
2622                NOTE: usage of RandBit can lea << 
2623                                               << 
2624 04.11.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-01-13       << 
2625              Fix in G4hLowEnergyIonistation ( << 
2626              On top of emlowen-V07-01-12      << 
2627                                               << 
2628 04.11.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-01-12       << 
2629              Fixes in atomic relaxation by A. << 
2630              On top of geant4-07-01-ref-04    << 
2631                                               << 
2632 21.09.2005   Ziad FRANCIS, tag emlowen-V07-01 << 
2633              * Small corrections in G4DNAProt << 
2634              * ProtonBornExcitationCrossSecti << 
2635              * ProtonBornExcitation is tested << 
2636                                               << 
2637 21.09.2005   Ziad FRANCIS, tag emlowen-V07-01 << 
2638              * G4DNARuddIonizationFinalStates << 
2639                becomes a common policy for Hy << 
2640                ProtonRuddIonization.          << 
2641                So, G4DNAHydrogenRuddIonizatio << 
2642                where deleted (useless).       << 
2643              * G4DNAElectronBornExcitation Pr << 
2644                file "ElectronBornExcitationCr << 
2645                modified          << 
2646              * G4DNAProtonBornExcitation Proc << 
2647                ! It was NOT tested            << 
2648                ! Data file "ProtonBornExcitat << 
2649                                               << 
2650 16.09.2005   Ziad FRANCIS, tag emlowen-V07-01 << 
2651              * Implementation of Hydrogen Ion << 
2652                according to the model of Euge << 
2653                     - G4DNAHydrogenRuddIoniza << 
2654                     - G4DNAHydrogenRuddIoniza << 
2655                     - "RuddHydrogenIonization << 
2656                        ...lowenergy/test/ con << 
2657                        cross section.         << 
2658              * G4DNATest was modified in orde << 
2659                G4DNAHydrogenRuddIonization pr << 
2660              * Duplicated functions in G4DNAR << 
2661                .hh & . icc  were removed and  << 
2662              * G4DNARuddTotalCrossSectionPoli << 
2663              * G4DNAHydrogenRuddIonization Pr << 
2664                working fine.                  << 
2665                                               << 
2666 15.09.2005   Ziad FRANCIS, tag emlowen-V07-01 << 
2667              * Implementation of Proton Charg << 
2668                the model proposed by Dingfeld << 
2669                       - G4DNAChargeIncreaseIn << 
2670                       - G4DNAProtonChargeIncr << 
2671                       - G4DNAProtonChargeIncr << 
2672                                               << 
2673                       - G4DNAProtonChargeIncr << 
2674              * G4DNATest was modified in orde << 
2675                proton charge increase process << 
2676              * G4DNAProtonChargeIncrease was  << 
2677                                               << 
2678 15.09.2005   Ziad FRANCIS, tag emlowen-V07-01 << 
2679              * Implementation of slow protons << 
2680                according to the model used by << 
2681                created :                      << 
2682                       - G4DNAChargeDecreaseIn << 
2683                       - G4DNAProtonChargeDecr << 
2684                       - G4DNAProtonChargeDecr << 
2685                                               << 
2686                       - G4DNAProtonChargeDecr << 
2687              * G4DNATest was modified in orde << 
2688                ProtonChargeDecrease process t << 
2689              * G4DNAProtonChargeDecrease was  << 
2690                                               << 
2691 13.09.2005   Ziad FRANCIS, tag emlowen-V07-01 << 
2692              * Implementation of slow protons << 
2693                to the Rudd semi empirical mod << 
2694                           - G4DNAIonizationIn << 
2695                           - G4DNAProtonRuddIo << 
2696                           - G4DNAProtonRuddIo << 
2697              * Total integrated cross section << 
2698                "RuddProtonIonizationCrossSect << 
2699              * G4DNATest was modified in orde << 
2700                ProtonRuddIonization process w << 
2701                approach.                      << 
2702                                               << 
2703 12.09.2005   R.Capra, tag emlowen-V07-01-05   << 
2704              * Minor changes to G4DNATest in  << 
2705                secondaries.                   << 
2706              * Minor changes to G4VDNAProcess << 
2707                kill particles with secondarie << 
2708                                               << 
2709 10.09.2005   R.Capra, tag emlowen-V07-01-04   << 
2710              * Minor fixes to G4DNATotalCross << 
2711                compilation errors.            << 
2712                                               << 
2713 08.09.2005   R.Capra, tag emlowen-V07-01-03   << 
2714              * There is a serius bug in G4hLo << 
2715                a lot of static data members.  << 
2716                vectors with fixed dimensions. << 
2717                The vector dimension has been  << 
2718                to avoid memory corruption err << 
2719                src/ << 
2720                The bug cannot be considered p << 
2721                pending                        << 
2722              * test/ has been upg << 
2723                processes with more than one s << 
2724                                               << 
2725 26.07.2005   Ziad FRANCIS, tag emlowen-V07-01 << 
2726              * G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitationTot << 
2727                G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitationTot << 
2728                tested using G4DNATest         << 
2729              * G4DNATest upgrade in order to  << 
2730                testing                        << 
2731              * Implementation of Electron Exc << 
2732                (G4DNAElectronExcitation)      << 
2733                                               << 
2734 20.07.2005   Riccardo Capra, tag emlowen-V07- << 
2735              * Small corrections in G4DNATota << 
2736              * Implementation of DNA excitati << 
2737                alphas.                        << 
2738                - Processes tested (preliminar << 
2739                  while alpha particle total c << 
2740                  plots in the reference docum << 
2741              * G4DNATest upgrade in order to  << 
2742                processes and in order to sele << 
2743                command line                   << 
2744                                               << 
2745 07.07.2005   Riccardo Capra, tag emlowen-V07- << 
2746              * G4DNAElectronElasticBrenner an << 
2747                were tested with G4DNATest     << 
2748                - Some minor correction to the << 
2749              * Implementation of the total cr << 
2750                reading file tables (tested)   << 
2751              * Correction in the Save method  << 
2752                - The previous tag has a probl << 
2753                                               << 
2754 24.06.2005   Riccardo Capra, tag emlowen-V07- << 
2755              * Changes to G4(*)EMDataSet clas << 
2756                iteration:                     << 
2757               - LoadData is now a public virt << 
2758               - SaveData is a new method that << 
2759                 format of LoadData.           << 
2760               - Constructors with the filenam << 
2761                 are substituted with construc << 
2762                 data set                      << 
2763               - Energies and Data can be set  << 
2764                 the new SetEnergiesData       << 
2765                                               << 
2766              * Changes to G4VLowEnergyDiscret << 
2767                inherit from G4VLowEnergyTesta << 
2768                - GetMeanFreePath and PostStep << 
2769                  processes made inherit from  << 
2770                  could be (partially) tested  << 
2771                                               << 
2772              * DNA code changed according to  << 
2773                uses templated classes         << 
2774                                               << 
2775              * Code builds and links the test << 
2776                - G4(*)EMDataSet and DNA class << 
2777                - Some minor changes could be  << 
2778                  configure the policy-based p << 
2779                                               << 
2780 ??.??.????   ?, tag emlowen-V07-00-12         << 
2781                                               << 
2782 31.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-11       << 
2783              Fix to Penelope ionisation (for  << 
2784              contributed by A. Mantero        << 
2785                                               << 
2786 31.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-10       << 
2787              Sauter angular distribution fixe << 
2788              (contributed by L. Pandola)      << 
2789                                               << 
2790 31.05.2005   Riccardo Capra, emlowen-V07-00-0 << 
2791              the DNA elastic scattering in wa << 
2792                                               << 
2793              A.M., tag emlowen-V07-00-08      << 
2794              Not documented                   << 
2795                                               << 
2796 20.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-07       << 
2797              Small design fixes related to Po << 
2798              of the previous tag              << 
2799                                               << 
2800 20.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-06       << 
2801              New low energy polarised Rayleig << 
2802              (G4LowEnergyPolarizedRayleigh) d << 
2803              To be paired to test14-V07-00-00 << 
2804                                               << 
2805 20.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-05       << 
2806              Fix in G4hZi << 
2807              provided by V. Ivanchenko        << 
2808                                               << 
2809 20.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-04       << 
2810              Bug fix in G4LowEnergyPolarizedC << 
2811                                               << 
2812 20.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-03       << 
2813              Bug fix in AtomicDeexcitation co << 
2814              provided by A. Mantero           << 
2815                                               << 
2816 20.05.2005   MGP, tag emlowen-V07-00-02       << 
2817              Bug fix in PenelopeIonisation pr << 
2818              The solution is correct, but it  << 
2819              improved implementation later    << 
2820                                               << 
2821              R.C., tag emlowen-V07-00-01      << 
2822              Undocumented                     << 
2823                                               << 
2824              A.M., tag emlowen-V07-00-00      << 
2825              Undocumented                     << 
2826                                               << 
2827 10.12.2004   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V06-02-15   << 
2828              Replaced M_PI with CLHEP's pi.   << 
2829                                               << 
2830 10.12.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-14       << 
2831              Bug fix in G4AtomicDeexcitation  << 
2832                                               << 
2833 02.12.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-13       << 
2834              Migration to <cmath>             << 
2835                                               << 
2836 01.12.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-12       << 
2837              Fixes for uninitialized variable << 
2838              by A. Mantero.                   << 
2839                                               << 
2840 01.12.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-11       << 
2841              On top of emlowen-V06-02-09, wit << 
2842              ParticleChange migration changes << 
2843              the migration script             << 
2844                                               << 
2845 01.12.2004   Alfonso Mantero, tag emlowen-V06 << 
2846              Fixes for uninitialized variable << 
2847              Introduces new files still on th << 
2848                                               << 
2849 30.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-09       << 
2850              Corrected uninitialized variable << 
2851              spotted by Valgrind              << 
2852                                               << 
2853 18.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-08       << 
2854              Cleaned up code in G4hShellCross << 
2855              (further code review urgently ne << 
2856                                               << 
2857 23.11.2004   Mark Donszelmann, tag emlowen-V0 << 
2858              Fix for compilation error of G4h << 
2859              on Linux-icc, WIN32-VC, SUN-CC   << 
2860                                               << 
2861 18.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-06       << 
2862              Migration for new ParticleChange << 
2863                                               << 
2864 18.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-05       << 
2865              Improved Paul&Sacher PIXE model  << 
2866                                               << 
2867 18.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-04       << 
2868              First Paul&Sacher PIXE model bec << 
2869                                               << 
2870 17.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-03       << 
2871              Software improvement in G4Penelo << 
2872                                               << 
2873 17.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-02       << 
2874              Revision of G4LowEnergyPhotoelec << 
2875              development of precise angular d << 
2876                                               << 
2877 12.11.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-01       << 
2878              Fixes to tables manipulation, ef << 
2879              problem and Bremsstrhalung low e << 
2880              spectrum by Vladimir Ivanchenko  << 
2881                                               << 
2882 27.09.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-02-00       << 
2883              Fixes for compilation with gcc 3 << 
2884                                               << 
2885 07.06.2004   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V06-01-02   << 
2886              Fix in G4hShellCrossSectionExp f << 
2887                                               << 
2888 01.06.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-01-01       << 
2889              Bug fix for Barkas effect        << 
2890                                               << 
2891 01.06.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-01-00       << 
2892              Bug fix in energy loss concernin << 
2893                                               << 
2894 19.05.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-11       << 
2895              New model for PIXE (by Simona Sa << 
2896                                               << 
2897 19.05.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-10       << 
2898              First iteration towards new mode << 
2899              angular distribution: design ite << 
2900              of re-implementation of non-pola << 
2901              distribution (K-shell approximat << 
2902              and Andreia Trindade             << 
2903                                               << 
2904 23.03.2004   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V06-00-09   << 
2905              Fix in G4PenelopeCompton for com << 
2906                                               << 
2907 15.03.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-08       << 
2908              Fix in G4PenelopeRayleigh relate << 
2909              Bug fix in G4PenelopeIonisation  << 
2910              Performance improvement in Penel << 
2911                                               << 
2912 15.03.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-07       << 
2913              Performance improvement in G4Gen << 
2914                                               << 
2915 12.03.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-06       << 
2916              Fixed compilation warnings       << 
2917                                               << 
2918 12.03.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-05       << 
2919              G4PolarizedRayleigh removed      << 
2920                                               << 
2921 12.03.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-04       << 
2922              Contains G4PolarizedRayleigh, wh << 
2923              but no maintenance by authors, f << 
2924                                               << 
2925 11.03.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-03       << 
2926              Bug fixes in G4PenelopeCompton a << 
2927                                               << 
2928 11.03.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-02       << 
2929              Bug fix in G4IonisationParameter << 
2930                                               << 
2931 26.01.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-01       << 
2932              Optimization of Bremsstrahlung a << 
2933              provided by LIP group            << 
2934                                               << 
2935 26.01.2004   MGP, tag emlowen-V06-00-00       << 
2936              Fixed memory leaks in G4Penepole << 
2937              G4PenelopeIonisation             << 
2938                                               << 
2939 18.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-10       << 
2940              Performance optimization in Brem << 
2941                                               << 
2942 18.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-09       << 
2943              Performance optimisation in Pene << 
2944              fix for local variable hiding a  << 
2945                                               << 
2946 18.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-08       << 
2947              Fixed compilation problem on Win << 
2948                                               << 
2949 10.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-07       << 
2950              Fix to Penelope Bremsstrahlung a << 
2951                                               << 
2952 06.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-06       << 
2953              New processes for electrons and  << 
2954              Penelope models                  << 
2955                                               << 
2956 06.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-05       << 
2957              Improved user interface to selec << 
2958              distribution models              << 
2959              System test coverage in test14-V << 
2960                                               << 
2961 05.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-04       << 
2962              New models of Bremsstrahlung ang << 
2963              provided by LIP group            << 
2964                                               << 
2965 05.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-03       << 
2966              Bug fix in G4hLowEnergyIonisatio << 
2967                                               << 
2968 05.11.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-02-02       << 
2969              Bug fix in G4AtomicDeexcitation  << 
2970                                               << 
2971 ?            A. Mantero, tag emlowen-V05-02-0 << 
2972              ?                                << 
2973                                               << 
2974 ?            H. Kurashige, tag emlowen-V05-02 << 
2975              ?                                << 
2976                                               << 
2977 25.06.2003   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V05-01-04   << 
2978              Added disclaimer of liability wh << 
2979              Fixed argument to pow() in G4Lin << 
2980              and to  << 
2981                                               << 
2982 20.05.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-01-03       << 
2983              Removed memory leaks in G4Penelo << 
2984              G4PenelopeBremsstrahlung         << 
2985              Corrected design flaw in private << 
2986              G4eBremsstrahlungSpectrum        << 
2987                                               << 
2988 20.05.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-01-02       << 
2989              Design iteration in G4LowEnergyB << 
2990              angular distribution + implement << 
2991              (physics unchanged)              << 
2992                                               << 
2993 20.05.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-01-01       << 
2994              G4PenelopeCompton triggers atomi << 
2995                                                   19 
2996 20.05.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-01-00       <<  20 26.04-2003   VI, tag emlowen-V05-00-17
2997              Removed compilation warnings rel <<  21              Fixes of stepLimit 
2998                                                   22 
2999 26.04.2003   VI, tag emlowen-V05-00-17        <<  23 24.04-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-16
3000              Fixes of stepLimit               << 
3001                                               << 
3002 24.04.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-16       << 
3003              Fixes related to "cuts-per-regio     24              Fixes related to "cuts-per-region"
3004                                                   25 
3005 24.04.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-15       <<  26 24.04-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-15
3006              Fixes for "final range" and fix      27              Fixes for "final range" and fix in G4VeLowEnergyLoss
3007              related to "cuts per region"         28              related to "cuts per region"
3008                                                   29 
3009 17.04.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-14       <<  30 17.04-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-14
3010              Bug fix to the Auger effect, in      31              Bug fix to the Auger effect, in response to user report
3011                                                   32 
3012 17.04.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-13       <<  33 17.04-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-13
3013              Modifications related to "cuts p     34              Modifications related to "cuts per region" by VI as below
3014              Bug fix to G4LowEnergyGammaConve     35              Bug fix to G4LowEnergyGammaConversion (angular distribution)
3015                                                   36 
3016 12.04.2003   VI migration to cut per region f <<  37 12.04-2003   VI migration to cut per region for fluo AlongStep
3017              G4ShellVacancy, G4hLowEnergyIoni     38              G4ShellVacancy, G4hLowEnergyIonisation, G4LowEnergyIonisation
3018                                                   39 
3019 28.03.2003   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V05-00-12   <<  40 28.03-2003   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V05-00-12
3020              Fixed compilation errors on SUN-     41              Fixed compilation errors on SUN-CC for files:
3021     , G4     42     ,,
3022     43,
3023              Variables defined in for-loops s     44              Variables defined in for-loops scope were used outside scope!
3024                                                   45 
3025 27.03.2003   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V05-00-11   <<  46 27.03-2003   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V05-00-11
3026              Fixed usage of 'abs' in G4Penelo     47              Fixed usage of 'abs' in and
3027      48 to allow porting
3028              on WIN32-VC platform. 'abs' shou     49              on WIN32-VC platform. 'abs' should not be included in
3029              the std namespace.                   50              the std namespace.
3030                                                   51 
3031 19.03.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-10       <<  52 19.03-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-10
3032              Includes the two minor items bel     53              Includes the two minor items below, on top of emlowen-V05-00-09
3033                                                   54 
3034 10.03.2003   VI remove cut per material warni <<  55 10.03-2003   VI remove cut per material warning
3035              VI use SutType for ions              56              VI use SutType for ions
3036                                                   57 
3037 28.02.2003   VI Minor design iteration on Bre <<  58 28.02-2003   VI Minor design iteration on Bremsstrahlung, to accomodate
3038              variable name of file with param     59              variable name of file with parameters
3039                                                   60 
3040 26.02.2003   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V05-00-09   <<  61 26.02-2003   G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V05-00-09
3041              Fixed usage of 'abs' in G4Penelo     62              Fixed usage of 'abs' in to allow porting
3042              on WIN32-VC platform. 'abs' shou     63              on WIN32-VC platform. 'abs' should not be included in the std
3043              namespace.                           64              namespace.
3044                                                   65 
3045 24.02.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-08       <<  66 24.02-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-08
3046              Small fixes related to Penelope      67              Small fixes related to Penelope processes for photons
3047                                                   68 
3048 22.02.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-07       <<  69 22.02-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-07
3049              Porting Penelope processes for p     70              Porting Penelope processes for photons to SUN
3050                                                   71 
3051 22.02.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-06       <<  72 22.02-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-06
3052              Minor design iteration on Bremss     73              Minor design iteration on Bremsstrahlung, to accomodate
3053              variable number of parameters co     74              variable number of parameters compatible with Penelope
3054              processes                            75              processes
3055                                                   76 
3056 22.02.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-05       <<  77 22.02-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-05
3057              New Ziegler2000 parameterisation     78              New Ziegler2000 parameterisation for G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3058              added by VI                          79              added by VI
3059                                                   80 
3060 12.02.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-04       <<  81 12.02-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-04
3061              Corrected compilation error in G     82              Corrected compilation error in G4LowEnergyLoss in tags V05-00-02/3
3062              Migrated Penelope processes to c <<  83              Migrated Penelope processes to cuts-per-region 
3063              Removed some compilation warning     84              Removed some compilation warnings
3064                                                   85 
3065 11.02.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-03       <<  86 11.02-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-03
3066              First tag including Penelope pro     87              First tag including Penelope processes for photons and related
3067              unit tests, implemented by Lucia     88              unit tests, implemented by Luciano Pandola
3068                                                   89 
3069 11.02.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-02       <<  90 11.02-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-02
3070              Included minor editing of header     91              Included minor editing of header files in the cut-per-region
3071              migration and protection of ener <<  92              migration and protection of energy loss fluctuations by VI 
3072                                                   93 
3073 05.02.2003   CG, tag emlowen-V05-00-01        <<  94 05.02-2003   CG, tag emlowen-V05-00-01
3074              Removed redundant inclusion of h     95              Removed redundant inclusion of headers for units and constants.
3075              Now using directly CLHEP headers     96              Now using directly CLHEP headers. Affected files:
3076     and few un     97     and few unit test .cc files.
3077                                                   98 
3078 24.01.2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-00       <<  99 24.01-2003   MGP, tag emlowen-V05-00-00
3079              Included changes by VI for migra    100              Included changes by VI for migration to cuts-by-region aware
3080              processes.                          101              processes.
3081                                                  102 
3082 10.12.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-09       << 103 10.12-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-09
3083              VI - a << 104              VI - antiprotons: free electron gas 
3084              model replaces constant extensio << 105              model replaces constant extension of quantum oscillator model 
3085              at low energies (< 25 keV), as f    106              at low energies (< 25 keV), as for protons
3086                                                  107 
3087 28.11.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-08       << 108 28.11-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-08
3088              Update of G4ComptonTest and test    109              Update of G4ComptonTest and test/GNUmakefile by A. Pfeiffer
3089              for AIDA3/Anaphe5                   110              for AIDA3/Anaphe5
3090                                                  111 
3091 18.11.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-07       << 112 18.11-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-07
3092              Bug fix in G4BremsstrahlungParam    113              Bug fix in G4BremsstrahlungParameters, to load EEDL correctly
3093              (correction for PRS 430)            114              (correction for PRS 430)
3094                                                  115 
3095 08.11.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-06       << 116 08.11-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-06
3096              New model for angular distributi    117              New model for angular distribution in Rayleigh by Gerardo
3097              Depaola and Francesco Longo; cor    118              Depaola and Francesco Longo; corrects PRS problem 406
3098                                                  119 
3099 08.11.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-05       << 120 08.11-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-05
3100              VI optimisation of tables in G4L    121              VI optimisation of tables in G4LowEnergyIonisation,
3101                 G4eLowEnergyLoss, G4hLowEnerg    122                 G4eLowEnergyLoss, G4hLowEnergyLoss, G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3102                                                  123 
3103 08.10.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-04       << 124 08.10-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-04
3104              VI - c    125              VI - clean up fluo flag definition and init
3105              VI - fi    126              VI - fix in charge definition
3106              VI - fix    127              VI - fix in shell cross section for hadrons
3107              VI - clean u    128              VI - clean up inverse range table build
3108              VI - clean     129              VI - clean up inverse range table build
3109              VI - c    130              VI - clean up energy ranges for models
3110              VI  - r << 131              VI  - remove ActivateFluorescence from 
3111                                             S    132                                             SetCut.. methods
3112                                               << 133                 
3113 27.08.2002   CG,VI, tag emlowen-V04-01-03     << 134 27.08-2002   CG,VI, tag emlowen-V04-01-03
3114              A. Mantero fix leakage in G4Atom    135              A. Mantero fix leakage in
3115                                                  136 
3116 30.07.2002   CG,VI, tag emlowen-V04-01-02     << 137 30.07-2002   CG,VI, tag emlowen-V04-01-02
3117              VI fix to G4LowEnergyIonisation.    138              VI fix to, for restricted energy loss
3118                                                  139 
3119 30.07.2002   CG,VI, tag emlowen-V04-01-01     << 140 30.07-2002   CG,VI, tag emlowen-V04-01-01
3120              CG fix to G4VCrossSectionHandler    141              CG fix to, to fix compilation problems
3121                 on DEC-cxx non-ISO.              142                 on DEC-cxx non-ISO.
3122              VI fix to, to cle    143              VI fix to, to clean warnings on gcc-3.1 and optimise
3123                 load of data in memory.          144                 load of data in memory.
3124                                                  145 
3125 15.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-00       << 146 15.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-01-00
3126              VI Bug fix in G4eEnergySpectrum  << 147              VI Bug fix in G4eEnergySpectrum 
3127              VI Bug fix in G4VCrossSectionHan    148              VI Bug fix in G4VCrossSectionHandler, connected modifications in
3128                 other handlers                   149                 other handlers
3129                                                  150 
3130 15.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-17       << 151 15.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-17
3131              VI Bug fix in fluctuations in G4 << 152              VI Bug fix in fluctuations in G4hLowEnergyIonisation 
3132              VI Removed duplicate member func    153              VI Removed duplicate member function to activate fluorescence
3133                                                  154 
3134 10.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-16       << 155 10.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-16
3135              fStopAndKill moved to fStopAndAl    156              fStopAndKill moved to fStopAndAlive in G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3136              to satisfy UR for activation of     157              to satisfy UR for activation of further processes for ions
3137              (UR by UKDM)                        158              (UR by UKDM)
3138                                                  159 
3139 07.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-15       << 160 07.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-15
3140              Fixes to Rayleigh by Francesco L    161              Fixes to Rayleigh by Francesco Longo and Gerardo Depaola (PRS 371)
3141                                                  162 
3142 07.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-14       << 163 07.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-14
3143              Added comments for Software Refe    164              Added comments for Software Reference Manual
3144                                                  165 
3145 03.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-13       << 166 03.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-13
3146              Fixes to Auger by Alfonso Manter    167              Fixes to Auger by Alfonso Mantero
3147              Goes with new version of G4LEDAT    168              Goes with new version of G4LEDATA G4EMLOW1.1
3148                                                  169 
3149 03.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-12       << 170 03.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-12
3150              Introduce Auger implementation (    171              Introduce Auger implementation (previously handled as
3151              local energy deposit)               172              local energy deposit)
3152                                                  173 
3153 02.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-11       << 174 02.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-11
3154              VI Fixes in Bremsstrahlung - int    175              VI Fixes in Bremsstrahlung - interpolation above 10 MeV
3155              VI Change parametrisation of e-     176              VI Change parametrisation of e- ionisation - 24-parameters
3156                  for each shell are used. Cor    177                  for each shell are used. Corresponding change is
3157                  sampling and integration        178                  sampling and integration
3158              VI Add excitation cross sections << 179              VI Add excitation cross sections and energy 
3159              New interpolation algorithm         180              New interpolation algorithm
3160              Goes with new version of G4LEDAT    181              Goes with new version of G4LEDATA G4EMLOW1.0
3161                                                  182 
3162 02.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-10       << 183 02.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-10
3163              Improvements to PolarizedCompton    184              Improvements to PolarizedCompton by F. Longo and G. Depaola
3164                                                  185 
3165 02.06.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-09       << 186 02.06-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-09
3166              Fixed max length of ntuple varia    187              Fixed max length of ntuple variable names for HBOOK
3167              in test/G4ComptonTest               188              in test/G4ComptonTest
3168              Updates in unit tests and in hTe    189              Updates in unit tests and in hTest by V.I.
3169                                                  190 
3170 28.05.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-08       << 191 28.05-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-08
3171              Code and minor design improvemen    192              Code and minor design improvements deriving from reviews,
3172              inspections and Code Wizard         193              inspections and Code Wizard
3173                                                  194 
3174 28.05.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-07       << 195 28.05-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-07
3175              Added protection in G4eIonisatio    196              Added protection in G4eIonisationSpectrum
3176                                                  197 
3177 28.05.2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-06       << 198 28.05-2002   MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-06
3178              G4ComptonTest and test/GNUmakefi    199              G4ComptonTest and test/GNUmakefile updated to AIDA 2.2 and
3179              Anaphe 4.0.n                        200              Anaphe 4.0.n
3180                                                  201 
3181 19.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-05          202 19.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-05
3182              Fixed compilation warnings; adde    203              Fixed compilation warnings; added pointer protection in
3183              G4eLowEnergyLoss                    204              G4eLowEnergyLoss
3184                                                  205 
3185 18.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-04          206 18.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-04
3186              Modification to G4VCrossSectionH << 207              Modification to G4VCrossSectionHandler and 
3187              G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric to fix     208              G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric to fix a problem
3188                                                  209 
3189 18.04.2002 - VNI                                 210 18.04.2002 - VNI
3190              G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric: fix in    211              G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric: fix in Fluo part + MeanFreePath
3191              calculation using crossSectionHa    212              calculation using crossSectionHandler and cross sections
3192              directly                         << 213              directly 
3193                                                  214 
3194 18.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-03          215 18.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-03
3195              Modification to table calculatio    216              Modification to table calculation for GenericIon as below
3196                                                  217 
3197 09.04.2002 - VNI                                 218 09.04.2002 - VNI
3198              For GenericIons all tables are c << 219              For GenericIons all tables are calculated once now 
3199                                                  220 
3200 03.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-02          221 03.04.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-02
3201              Option to activate atomic deexci    222              Option to activate atomic deexcitation in ionisation processes
3202                                                  223 
3203 28.03.2002 - VNI                                 224 28.03.2002 - VNI
3204              Add Fluorescence flag to electro << 225              Add Fluorescence flag to electron and hadron ionisation 
3205                                                  226 
3206 27.03.2002 - VNI, tag emlowen-V04-00-01          227 27.03.2002 - VNI, tag emlowen-V04-00-01
3207              Bug fix in hadron Fluo  and in d << 228              Bug fix in hadron Fluo  and in deexcitation 
3208                                                  229 
3209 28.02.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-00          230 28.02.2002 - MGP, tag emlowen-V04-00-00
3210              V.Ivanchenko bug fix for Generic << 231              V.Ivanchenko bug fix for GenericIons 
3211                                                  232 
3212 30.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-49          233 30.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-49
3213              Major physics improvement in ele    234              Major physics improvement in electron processes by V.I.
3214              Significant improvement of perfo    235              Significant improvement of performance
3215              Requires new version of data: G4    236              Requires new version of data: G4EMLOW0.5
3216                                                  237 
3217 28.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-48          238 28.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-48
3218              Fix for compilation on Windows   << 239              Fix for compilation on Windows 
3219                                                  240 
3220 27.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-47          241 27.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-47
3221              Fix by V.I. related to the remov    242              Fix by V.I. related to the removal of static inline functions
3222                                                  243 
3223 23.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-46          244 23.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-46
3224              Removed static inline functions,    245              Removed static inline functions, as requested by G. Cosmo
3225              to satisfy porting requirements     246              to satisfy porting requirements
3226                                                  247 
3227 15.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-45          248 15.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-45
3228              Bug fix in G4FluoData            << 249              Bug fix in G4FluoData 
3229              Physics improvement in Bremsstra    250              Physics improvement in Bremsstrahlung
3230              Modified warning message in G4hL    251              Modified warning message in G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3231              Goes with new database version G    252              Goes with new database version G4EMLOW0.4
3232                                                  253 
3233 09.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-44          254 09.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-44
3234              Example for using analysis in te << 255              Example for using analysis in test/LowEnTest, based on 
3235              Ramon's XrayTel                     256              Ramon's XrayTel
3236                                                  257 
3237 09.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-43          258 09.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-43
3238              Fixed name in test/processTest/G    259              Fixed name in test/processTest/GNUmakefile causing
3239              problems with library map           260              problems with library map
3240                                                  261 
3241 08.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-42          262 08.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-42
3242              Modifications to be compliant wi << 263              Modifications to be compliant with the unsupported, 
3243              deprecated "cuts per material"   << 264              deprecated "cuts per material" 
3244              Added G4CutsPerMaterialWarning f    265              Added G4CutsPerMaterialWarning functor to warn users
3245              WARNING: LowE processes are not     266              WARNING: LowE processes are not supported if using different
3246              cuts for different materials        267              cuts for different materials
3247                                                  268 
3248 06.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-41          269 06.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-41
3249              Identical to emlowen-V03-02-40      270              Identical to emlowen-V03-02-40
3250              Redone because the tag aborted b    271              Redone because the tag aborted before completion
3251                                                  272 
3252 06.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-40          273 06.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-40
3253              Performance improvement in elect    274              Performance improvement in electron processes
3254              Some clean up of code (include/f    275              Some clean up of code (include/forward class declarations,
3255              coding style guidelines etc.)       276              coding style guidelines etc.)
3256              First implementation of a generi    277              First implementation of a generic unit test, with AIDA/Lizard
3257              analysis in test/processTest        278              analysis in test/processTest
3258                                                  279 
3259 01.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-39          280 01.11.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-39
3260              PIXE introduced in G4hLowEnergyI    281              PIXE introduced in G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3261                                                  282 
3262 29.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-38          283 29.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-38
3263              Bug fixes in new code               284              Bug fixes in new code
3264              Generic unit test for e/photon p    285              Generic unit test for e/photon processes in test/processTest
3265              (analysis still to be added)        286              (analysis still to be added)
3266                                                  287 
3267 28.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-37          288 28.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-37
3268              Fixed compilation warnings on Li    289              Fixed compilation warnings on Linux and HP
3269              Improved code style                 290              Improved code style
3270                                                  291 
3271 26.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-36          292 26.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-36
3272              Bug and memory leak fixes in the    293              Bug and memory leak fixes in the new electron classes
3273                                                  294 
3274 26.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-35          295 26.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-35
3275              Swapped old/new electron process    296              Swapped old/new electron processes
3276                                                  297 
3277 25.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-34          298 25.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-34
3278              Bug fixes in the new classes rel << 299              Bug fixes in the new classes related to Bremsstrahlung and 
3279              e/h Ionisation                   << 300              e/h Ionisation             
3280                                                  301 
3281 25.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-33          302 25.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-33
3282              G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton move    303              G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton moved to new design
3283              Many bug fixes in G4eIonisationP    304              Many bug fixes in G4eIonisationParameters and G4BremsstrahlungParameters
3284              New classes for shell cross sect << 305              New classes for shell cross sections for proton-induced fluorescence 
3285              Fluorescence introduced in tempo    306              Fluorescence introduced in temporary class G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3286              Fluorescence introduced in the c    307              Fluorescence introduced in the continuous part of electron
3287              ionisation in G4eLowEnergyLoss a    308              ionisation in G4eLowEnergyLoss and temporary G4LowEnergyIonisationVI
3288                                                  309 
3289 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-32          310 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-32
3290              Same as previous one, with on to    311              Same as previous one, with on top fixes to
3291        and by G. C << 312        and by G. Cosmo for compatibility with 
3292              geant4-03-02-ref-06 in view of S    313              geant4-03-02-ref-06 in view of STL migration
3293                                                  314 
3294 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-31          315 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-31
3295              Added member function in G4eLowE    316              Added member function in G4eLowEnergyLoss and G4VLowEnergyIonisationVI
3296              for generation of atomic deexcit    317              for generation of atomic deexcitation products in the continuous part
3297                                                  318 
3298 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-30          319 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-30
3299              Electron processes: contribution    320              Electron processes: contributions to the implementation by V.I.
3300                                  revision of     321                                  revision of code quality and consistency
3301                                  with design     322                                  with design by MGP
3302                                                  323 
3303 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-29          324 18.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-29
3304              Modification of G4hNuclearStoppi << 325              Modification of G4hNuclearStoppingModel and 
3305        G4hParametrisedLossModel by G. Cosmo r    326        G4hParametrisedLossModel by G. Cosmo required for
3306              compatibility with materials-V03    327              compatibility with materials-V03-02-04
3307                                                  328 
3308 12.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-28          329 12.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-28
3309              Cosmetics in the source code (FA    330              Cosmetics in the source code (FALSE/TRUE moved to false/true)
3310              and update of all tests to new m    331              and update of all tests to new materials migrated to STL
3311                                                  332 
3312 11.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-27          333 11.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-27
3313              Further revision of the new code    334              Further revision of the new code in the previous tag
3314              Restored G4LowEnergyIonisation a << 335              Restored G4LowEnergyIonisation and G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung 
3315              as in emlowen-V03-02-25; new ver    336              as in emlowen-V03-02-25; new versions as in emlowen-V03-02-26
3316              renamed temporarily to allow for    337              renamed temporarily to allow for parallel development
3317              Removed references to Rogue Wave    338              Removed references to Rogue Wave and STL interface from
3318              test/LowEnTest/ and test/fluoTes    339              test/LowEnTest/ and test/fluoTest/
3319                                                  340 
3320 10.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-26          341 10.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-26
3321              Code for implementation of desig << 342              Code for implementation of design iteration for electrons 
3322              by V. Ivanchenko                    343              by V. Ivanchenko
3323              Major revision of new code to im    344              Major revision of new code to improve code quality and consistency
3324              with design by MGP                  345              with design by MGP
3325              Since the new code does not resp << 346              Since the new code does not respect the design and broke system 
3326              test and user code, this tag is  << 347              test and user code, this tag is only for internal debugging 
3327              purpose and should not be used b    348              purpose and should not be used by developers
3328                                                  349 
3329 09.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-25          350 09.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-25
3330              Identical to the previous one, b    351              Identical to the previous one, but restored G4VDataSetAlgorithm
3331              (corrupted in cvs update?)          352              (corrupted in cvs update?)
3332                                                  353 
3333 08.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-24          354 08.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-24
3334              Modified G4CrossSectionHandler t    355              Modified G4CrossSectionHandler to inherit from base class
3335              Minor design iteration in G4VEMD    356              Minor design iteration in G4VEMDataSet and G4VDataSetAlgorithm
3336              Encapsulated range test to gener << 357              Encapsulated range test to generate secondaries into a 
3337              strategy pattern; implemented in    358              strategy pattern; implemented in photon processes
3338                                                  359 
3339 04.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-23          360 04.10.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-23
3340              Fluorescence according to the ne << 361              Fluorescence according to the new design introduced 
3341              into e- ionisation (contribution << 362              into e- ionisation (contribution to PostStepDoIt) 
3342              by E. Guardincerri                  363              by E. Guardincerri
3343                                                  364 
3344 26.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-22          365 26.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-22
3345              Workaround to support deficienci << 366              Workaround to support deficiencies of ObjectSpace in 
3346              implementation of STL pair       << 367              implementation of STL pair 
3347                                                  368 
3348 25.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-21          369 25.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-21
3349              Workaround to support deficienci << 370              Workaround to support deficiencies of ObjectSpace in 
3350              implementation of STL pair (wron    371              implementation of STL pair (wrongly tagged)
3351                                                  372 
3352 24.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-20          373 24.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-20
3353              Minor modifications to make the     374              Minor modifications to make the lowenergy category co-work
3354              with both materials-V03-02-03 an << 375              with both materials-V03-02-03 and materials as 
3355              in geant4-03-02-ref-03              376              in geant4-03-02-ref-03
3356                                                  377 
3357 23.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-19          378 23.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-19
3358              Same as previous one + migration    379              Same as previous one + migration to materials-V03-02-03 (STL)
3359                                                  380 
3360 23.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-18          381 23.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-18
3361              New class to generate shell vaca    382              New class to generate shell vacancies in continuous part
3362              of processes by E. Guardincerri     383              of processes by E. Guardincerri
3363              Renamed old photon processes (pr    384              Renamed old photon processes (pre-design iteration) to
3364              G4LowEnergyOld; to be kept for a    385              G4LowEnergyOld; to be kept for a limited period for convenience
3365              of regression testing               386              of regression testing
3366              Fixed various STL problems found    387              Fixed various STL problems found with HP compiler
3367              Added protection in G4LowEnergyP    388              Added protection in G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric to avoid
3368              generating photons causing negat    389              generating photons causing negative energy balance
3369                                                  390 
3370 21.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-17          391 21.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-17
3371              G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric moved t    392              G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric moved to the implementation
3372              according to the new fluo+data d << 393              according to the new fluo+data design 
3373              [Test version G4LowEnergyPhotoEl    394              [Test version G4LowEnergyPhotoElectricMG removed]
3374              Fixed warning for energy outside    395              Fixed warning for energy outside allowed range in G4EMDataSet
3375              Update to test/GNUmakefile, G4Co    396              Update to test/GNUmakefile, by A. Pfeiffer
3376              Minor cosmetics                     397              Minor cosmetics
3377                                                  398 
3378 19.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-16          399 19.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-16
3379              Same as previous one, but test/G    400              Same as previous one, but test/GNUmakefile,
3380              and for histogr << 401              and for histograms and ntuples with Lizard 
3381              (by A. Pfeiffer)                    402              (by A. Pfeiffer)
3382                                                  403 
3383 19.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-15          404 19.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-15
3384              Same as previous one, but test/f    405              Same as previous one, but test/fluoTest with Particle gun
3385                                                  406 
3386 19.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-14          407 19.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-14
3387              Minor cosmetics w.r.t. the previ << 408              Minor cosmetics w.r.t. the previous one (removed compilation 
3388              warnings)                           409              warnings)
3389              test/fluoTest with GPS              410              test/fluoTest with GPS
3390                                                  411 
3391 16.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-13          412 16.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-13
3392              Update to the fluorescence domai    413              Update to the fluorescence domain consistent with the
3393              new design (development by E. Gu    414              new design (development by E. Guardincerri)
3394              Update to test/fluoTest (develop    415              Update to test/fluoTest (development by E. Guardincerri)
3395                                                  416 
3396 13.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-12          417 13.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-12
3397              Fix in G4CrossSectionHandler::Cl    418              Fix in G4CrossSectionHandler::Clear to remove an infinite loop
3398              occurring in test14                 419              occurring in test14
3399                                                  420 
3400 10.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-11          421 10.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-11
3401              Identical to emlowen-V03-02-10      422              Identical to emlowen-V03-02-10
3402              Restored a clean situation in th    423              Restored a clean situation in the cvs head, removing all
3403              the code inconsistent with the d << 424              the code inconsistent with the design present in 
3404              emlowen-after-chep2001, resultin    425              emlowen-after-chep2001, resulting from a fault in the
3405              software process by a developer.    426              software process by a developer.
3406                                                  427 
3407 10.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-after-chep2001     428 10.09.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-after-chep2001
3408              Junk found in the repository     << 429              Junk found in the repository 
3409              Tagged as an aid in the procedur    430              Tagged as an aid in the procedure of restoring a reasonable
3410              situation in the cvs head for fu    431              situation in the cvs head for future developments
3411                                                  432 
3412 29.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-10          433 29.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-10
3413              Major revision of G4LowEnergyCom    434              Major revision of G4LowEnergyCompton, G4LowEnergyRayleigh and
3414              G4LowEnergyGammaConversion: re-i    435              G4LowEnergyGammaConversion: re-implementation according to
3415              the design iteration in the data    436              the design iteration in the data domain
3416              Temporary re-implementation of G    437              Temporary re-implementation of G4LowEnergyPhotoElectricMG,
3417              without fluorescence yet            438              without fluorescence yet
3418                                                  439 
3419 29.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-09          440 29.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-09
3420              Bug fix in G4CrossSectionHandler    441              Bug fix in G4CrossSectionHandler
3421                                                  442 
3422 29.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-08          443 29.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-08
3423              Cleared compilation warnings in     444              Cleared compilation warnings in G4AtomicTransitionManager
3424                                               << 445           
3425 28.08.2001 - G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V03-02-07      446 28.08.2001 - G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V03-02-07
3426              Fixed mess with tag names           447              Fixed mess with tag names
3427                                                  448 
3428 27.08.2001 - STT, tag emlowen-V03-02-06          449 27.08.2001 - STT, tag emlowen-V03-02-06
3429                                               << 450  
3430 20.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-05          451 20.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-05
3431              Added files resulting from desig << 452              Added files resulting from design iteration in the data domain   
3432                                                  453 
3433 20.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-04          454 20.08.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-04
3434        Same as emlowen-V03-02-02 + bug fix by    455        Same as emlowen-V03-02-02 + bug fix by V.I. described below
3435                                                  456 
3436 18.08.2001 - V.Ivanchenko fix energy conserva    457 18.08.2001 - V.Ivanchenko fix energy conservation bugs for small
3437              range cuts in G4LowEnergyIonisat    458              range cuts in
3438                                                  459 
3439 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-03          460 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-03
3440              First step of design iteration i    461              First step of design iteration in fluorescence (files
3441              contributed by E. Guardincerri,  << 462              contributed by E. Guardincerri, G4AtomicShell and 
3442              G4AtomicTransitionManager) + rel    463              G4AtomicTransitionManager) + related unit test
3443                                                  464 
3444 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-02          465 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-02
3445              Fix to GammaConversion by F. Lon    466              Fix to GammaConversion by F. Longo
3446                                                  467 
3447 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-01          468 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-01
3448              Added modifications by V.I. list    469              Added modifications by V.I. listed below (13.07.2001),
3449              on top of previous tag              470              on top of previous tag
3450                                                  471 
3451 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-00          472 30.07.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-02-00
3452              Same as emlowen-V03-01-19, with     473              Same as emlowen-V03-01-19, with liability disclaimer added
3453                                                  474 
3454 13.07.2001 - V.Ivanchenko remove comments wit << 475 13.07.2001 - V.Ivanchenko remove comments with Rogue Wave 
3455              fix a problem of continuity of i    476              fix a problem of continuity of ion effective charge
3456                                                  477 
3457 18.06.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-19          478 18.06.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-19
3458              Same as emlowen-V03-01-18, with     479              Same as emlowen-V03-01-18, with corrections by S. Chauvie
3459              to recover from modifications li    480              to recover from modifications listed below
3460        Quantum oscillator model is applied to    481        Quantum oscillator model is applied to all materials, as it
3461              has been since Geant4 3.0 releas    482              has been since Geant4 3.0 release
3462              Contains also updates to G4Stopp    483              Contains also updates to G4StoppingPowerTest
3463                                               << 484              
3464 18.06.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-18          485 18.06.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-18
3465              Same as emlowen-V03-01-17, with  << 486              Same as emlowen-V03-01-17, with a bug fix to 
3466              G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton by F    487              G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton by F. Longo and G. Depaola
3467                                                  488 
3468 07.06.2001 - Add printout to G4hLowEnergyIoni    489 07.06.2001 - Add printout to G4hLowEnergyIonisation + clean up (V.I.)
3469              Oscillator model is applied only    490              Oscillator model is applied only for 6 materials (V.I.)
3470                                                  491 
3471 05.06.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-17          492 05.06.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-17
3472              Fix in G4QAOLowEnergyLoss by S.     493              Fix in G4QAOLowEnergyLoss by S. Chauvie of bugs introduced
3473              with the changes below           << 494              with the changes below    
3474              Also fixes in unit tests related << 495              Also fixes in unit tests related to hadron ionisation         
3475                                                  496 
3476 01.06.2001 - V.Ivanchenko change G4QAOLowEner    497 01.06.2001 - V.Ivanchenko change G4QAOLowEnergyLoss: materials
3477              search by Z not name, validity r    498              search by Z not name, validity range down to 5 keV,
3478              fix sign of the Barkas term         499              fix sign of the Barkas term
3479                                                  500 
3480 28.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-16          501 28.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-16
3481              Corrected typo involuntarily int    502              Corrected typo involuntarily introduced into a public m.f.
3482                                               << 503  
3483 25.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-15          504 25.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-15
3484              Added protections in G4LowEnergy    505              Added protections in G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton (MGP)
3485              Improved comments in hadron/ion     506              Improved comments in hadron/ion classes (V.I.)
3486              Improved code style in e/photon     507              Improved code style in e/photon classes (MGP)
3487                                                  508 
3488 24.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-14          509 24.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-14
3489              Modified G4LowEnergyPolarizedCom    510              Modified G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton to inherit from
3490              G4VDiscreteProcess                  511              G4VDiscreteProcess
3491                                               << 512     
3492 23.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-13          513 23.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-13
3493              Modifications in G4LowEnergyIoni << 514              Modifications in G4LowEnergyIonisation and G4eLowEnergyLoss 
3494              by V.Ivanchenko:                    515              by V.Ivanchenko:
3495              calculation of range directly fr    516              calculation of range directly from RangeTable;
3496              calculation of MeanFreePath from    517              calculation of MeanFreePath from LambdaTable;
3497              improvement in the kinematics of    518              improvement in the kinematics of delta-ray production
3498                                                  519 
3499 23.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-12          520 23.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-12
3500              Minor fix in G4hLowEnergyIonisat    521              Minor fix in G4hLowEnergyIonisation by V.Ivanchenko
3501                                                  522 
3502 23.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-11          523 23.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-11
3503              Cleaned up test macro names; min    524              Cleaned up test macro names; minor update to
3504              minor changes in hTest histogram    525              minor changes in hTest histograms
3505                                                  526 
3506 23.05.2001 - V.Ivanchenko                        527 23.05.2001 - V.Ivanchenko
3507              G4LowEnergyIonisation and G4eLow    528              G4LowEnergyIonisation and G4eLowEnergyLoss changed:
3508              direct method of range table cal    529              direct method of range table calculation;
3509              MeanFreePath is calculated from     530              MeanFreePath is calculated from lambda table;
3510              kinematics of delta-ray producti    531              kinematics of delta-ray production improved;
3511              minor fix in G4hLowEnergyIonisat    532              minor fix in G4hLowEnergyIonisation.
3512                                                  533 
3513 22.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-10          534 22.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-10
3514              Bug fix in    535              Bug fix in
3515                                                  536 
3516 22.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-09          537 22.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-09
3517              Same as emlowen-V03-01-08, with     538              Same as emlowen-V03-01-08, with further modifications to hTest
3518                                                  539 
3519 22.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-08          540 22.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-08
3520          Same as emlowen-V03-01-07, with in a    541          Same as emlowen-V03-01-07, with in addition:
3521              - new unit tests (G4hTestLossTab    542              - new unit tests (G4hTestLossTableProduction, G4MeanFreePathTest)
3522              - modifications to hTest            543              - modifications to hTest
3523              - test macros renamed to be more    544              - test macros renamed to be more easily identifiable
3524                                                  545 
3525 11.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-07          546 11.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-07
3526              Removed more compilation warning    547              Removed more compilation warnings in ANSI strict mode
3527                                                  548 
3528 11.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-06          549 11.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-06
3529              Same as emlowen-V03-01-04, with  << 550              Same as emlowen-V03-01-04, with minor modification on hTest 
3530              by V. Ivanchenko                    551              by V. Ivanchenko
3531                                                  552 
3532 11.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-05          553 11.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-05
3533              Same as emlowen-V03-01-04, with     554              Same as emlowen-V03-01-04, with a new unit test by V. Ivanchenko
3534                                                  555 
3535 10.05.2001 - V.Ivanchenko                        556 10.05.2001 - V.Ivanchenko
3536              Removed compilation warnings in     557              Removed compilation warnings in ANSI strict mode
3537                                                  558 
3538 08.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-04          559 08.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-04
3539              Removed compilation warnings in     560              Removed compilation warnings in ANSI strict mode
3540                                                  561 
3541 07.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-03          562 07.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-03
3542              Removal of RW remnants, moved to    563              Removal of RW remnants, moved to STL containers
3543                                                  564 
3544 07.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-02          565 07.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-02
3545              Same as emlowen-V03-01-01, with     566              Same as emlowen-V03-01-01, with some improvements in tests
3546                                                  567 
3547 02.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-01          568 02.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-01
3548              Same as emlowen-V03-01-00, with  << 569              Same as emlowen-V03-01-00, with a first implementation of 
3549              a full suite of unit tests for e    570              a full suite of unit tests for electrons and photons
3550                                                  571 
3551 02.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-00          572 02.05.2001 - MGP, tag emlowen-V03-01-00
3552              Same as emlowen-V03-00-00, with  << 573              Same as emlowen-V03-00-00, with minor new functionalities in 
3553              test/G4BremsstrahlungTest and G4    574              test/G4BremsstrahlungTest and G4eIonisationTest, and a new
3554              test/G4PhotoelectricTest unit te    575              test/G4PhotoelectricTest unit test
3555                                                  576 
3556 24.04.2001 - V.Ivanchenko remove all referenc    577 24.04.2001 - V.Ivanchenko remove all references to RogueWave vectors
3557                                                  578 
3558 24.04.2001 - V.Ivanchenko reorganize and upda    579 24.04.2001 - V.Ivanchenko reorganize and update hTest
3559                                               << 580  
3560 05.02.2001 - G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V03-00-00      581 05.02.2001 - G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V03-00-00
3561              Migration to STL for G4DataVecto    582              Migration to STL for G4DataVector and G4OrderedTable:
3562              o Removed obsolete class G4Data.    583              o Removed obsolete class G4Data. G4DataVector is now used instead.
3563              o Modified files:                   584              o Modified files:
3564                G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung[.hh.    585                G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung[], G4FirstLevel.hh,
3565                G4LowEnergyGammaConversion[.hh    586                G4LowEnergyGammaConversion[], G4LowEnergyIonisation[],
3566                G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric[.hh.c    587                G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric[], G4LowEnergyRayleigh[],
3567                G4LowEnergyCompton[], G4    588                G4LowEnergyCompton[], G4LowEnergyUtilities[].
3568                                                  589 
3569 14.12.2000 - G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V02-00-23      590 14.12.2000 - G.Cosmo, tag emlowen-V02-00-23
3570              Removed inclusion of CLHEP/Strin    591              Removed inclusion of CLHEP/String/Strings.h from
3571                                                  592 
3572 22.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-22          593 22.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-22
3573              Yang and Chu fluctuation models     594              Yang and Chu fluctuation models applied for positive
3574              charged ions only                   595              charged ions only
3575                                                  596 
3576 23.11.2000 - Ion energy fluctuations only for    597 23.11.2000 - Ion energy fluctuations only for charge>0
3577              V.Ivanchenko                        598              V.Ivanchenko
3578                                                  599 
3579 22.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-21          600 22.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-21
3580              Includes bug fix to electron ene << 601              Includes bug fix to electron energy fluctuations 
3581              Compatible with electromagnetic/    602              Compatible with electromagnetic/utils V02-00-04 tag, that has
3582              been finally accepted by STT        603              been finally accepted by STT
3583                                                  604 
3584 22.11.2000 - Bug fixed in electron energy flu    605 22.11.2000 - Bug fixed in electron energy fluctuations
3585              V.Ivanchenko                        606              V.Ivanchenko
3586                                                  607 
3587 21.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-20          608 21.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-20
3588        Same as emlowen-V02-00-18, Vladimir's     609        Same as emlowen-V02-00-18, Vladimir's fix to energy fluctuations
3589              (All this duplication of emlowen << 610              (All this duplication of emlowen tags is due to the fact that the 
3590              electromagnetic/utils tag with t    611              electromagnetic/utils tag with the interface updates contains
3591              also bug fixes and new features,    612              also bug fixes and new features, and such tag has not passed
3592              system testing yet)                 613              system testing yet)
3593                                                  614 
3594 21.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-19          615 21.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-19
3595        Same as emlowen-V02-00-17, Vladimir's     616        Same as emlowen-V02-00-17, Vladimir's fix to energy fluctuations
3596                                                  617 
3597 21.11.2000 - Bug fixed in hadron/ion energy f    618 21.11.2000 - Bug fixed in hadron/ion energy fluctuations
3598              V.Ivanchenko                        619              V.Ivanchenko
3599                                                  620 
3600 16.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-18          621 16.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-18
3601              Same as emlowen-V02-00-16, with     622              Same as emlowen-V02-00-16, with on top modifications to
3602              G4LowEnergyUtilities to replace  << 623              G4LowEnergyUtilities to replace the obsolete HepString 
3603              with G4String in several places     624              with G4String in several places
3604                                                  625 
3605 16.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-17          626 16.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-17
3606              Same as emlowen-V02-00-15, with     627              Same as emlowen-V02-00-15, with on top modifications to
3607              G4LowEnergyUtilities to replace  << 628              G4LowEnergyUtilities to replace the obsolete HepString 
3608              with G4String in several places     629              with G4String in several places
3609                                                  630 
3610 05.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-16          631 05.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-16
3611              Remove the temporary const cast     632              Remove the temporary const cast introduced with emlowen-V02-00-08
3612              Co-works with Michel's electroma    633              Co-works with Michel's electromagnetic/utils utils-V02-00-03 tag
3613                                               << 634              
3614 05.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-15          635 05.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-15
3615              Includes bug fixes and other mod    636              Includes bug fixes and other modifications by V. Ivanchenko
3616              listed below                        637              listed below
3617                                                  638 
3618 05.11.2000 - Bugs fix in G4QAOLowEnergyLoss.c    639 05.11.2000 - Bugs fix in : inserted at previous
3619              edition, name "Aluninum", de/dx     640              edition, name "Aluninum", de/dx at E=2 MeV, and
3620              more correct charge calculation     641              more correct charge calculation
3621            - New method to calculate ranges v    642            - New method to calculate ranges via de/dx table and
3622              remove dynamic binning in G4hLow    643              remove dynamic binning in
3623            - More precise calculation of ioni    644            - More precise calculation of ionisation ranges for
3624              KineticEnergy<MinKineticEnergy i    645              KineticEnergy<MinKineticEnergy in
3625              V. Ivanchenko                       646              V. Ivanchenko
3626                                                  647 
3627 03.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-14          648 03.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-14
3628              Fix by V. Ivanchenko to remove t    649              Fix by V. Ivanchenko to remove the cause of instability
3629              of hadron ionisation on differen    650              of hadron ionisation on different platforms, related to the last
3630              step                                651              step
3631              Set MinKineticEnergy = LowestKin    652              Set MinKineticEnergy = LowestKineticEnergy = 10eV
3632        Results changed w.r.t. the previous ve << 653        Results changed w.r.t. the previous version by 0.5% for protons, 
3633              1% for antiprotons and 2.8% for     654              1% for antiprotons and 2.8% for C12
3634                                                  655 
3635 03.11.2000 - Modification                        656 03.11.2000 - Modification
3636              MinKineticEnergy=LowestKineticEn    657              MinKineticEnergy=LowestKineticEnergy=10eV
3637              V. Ivanchenko                       658              V. Ivanchenko
3638                                                  659 
3639 03.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-13          660 03.11.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-13
3640              Same as emlowen-V02-00-12, added    661              Same as emlowen-V02-00-12, added comments for the generation of
3641              the Software Reference Manual    << 662              the Software Reference Manual 
3642                                                  663 
3643 31.10.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-12          664 31.10.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-12
3644              Including modifications by V. Iv    665              Including modifications by V. Ivanchenko since emlowen-V02-00-11
3645              listed below                        666              listed below
3646                                                  667 
3647 23.10.2000 -                                  << 668 23.10.2000 - 
3648              Clean up and update comments        669              Clean up and update comments
3649              V. Ivanchenko                       670              V. Ivanchenko
3650                                                  671 
3651 14.10.2000 -                                  << 672 14.10.2000 - 
3652              Bug fix in nuclear stopping tabl    673              Bug fix in nuclear stopping table name
3653              V. Ivanchenko                       674              V. Ivanchenko
3654                                                  675 
3655 20.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-11          676 20.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-11
3656              Bug fix related to electron ener    677              Bug fix related to electron energy loss fluctuations by
3657              V. Ivanchenko                       678              V. Ivanchenko
3658                                                  679 
3659 18.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-10          680 18.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-10
3660              Improvements to the readability     681              Improvements to the readability of the code by V. Ivanchenko
3661                                                  682 
3662 17.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-09          683 17.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-09
3663              New features on antiproton ionis    684              New features on antiproton ionisation by Stephane Chauvie:
3664              extension of the Quantum Harmoni    685              extension of the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator model to
3665              generic materials, calculation o << 686              generic materials, calculation of oscillator strengths for 
3666              all elements                        687              all elements
3667              Antiproton model also moved to b    688              Antiproton model also moved to be compliant with the new design
3668              iteration                           689              iteration
3669                                                  690 
3670 16.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-08       << 691 16.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-08 
3671              Const cast in G4hLowEnergyIonisa    692              Const cast in G4hLowEnergyIonisation (const G4Material* into
3672              G4Material*) to convert the prev << 693              G4Material*) to convert the previously _good_ LowE code 
3673              into bad one, but palatable to G << 694              into bad one, but palatable to G4EnergyLossTables, that has 
3674              various member functions requiri << 695              various member functions requiring a non-const G4Material* 
3675        pointer in the arguments                  696        pointer in the arguments
3676              This modification was required t    697              This modification was required to avoid compilation errors
3677              on DEC; it is meant to be tempor    698              on DEC; it is meant to be temporary
3678              The affected pointers SHOULD BE  << 699              The affected pointers SHOULD BE REVERTED TO CONST 
3679              AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, after agree << 700              AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, after agreement with the 
3680              G4EnergyLossTables author           701              G4EnergyLossTables author
3681                                                  702 
3682 16.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-07          703 16.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-07
3683        Fix in G4hICRU49He::StoppingPower - a1 << 704        Fix in G4hICRU49He::StoppingPower - a1 changed into e1 (typo?) 
3684        to remove compilation problems on DEC     705        to remove compilation problems on DEC (uninitialized variable)
3685              Fix in G4hLowEnergyLoss, elimina    706              Fix in G4hLowEnergyLoss, eliminated two protected variables
3686              G4Proton* theProton and G4AntiPr << 707              G4Proton* theProton and G4AntiProton* theAntiProton 
3687              to revove compilation problems o    708              to revove compilation problems on DEC (hiding)
3688                                                  709 
3689 16.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-06          710 16.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-06
3690        Modifications by V.I. in hadron classe    711        Modifications by V.I. in hadron classes (renaming of classes
3691              for better understanding of the     712              for better understanding of the code)
3692                                                  713 
3693 05.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-05          714 05.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-05
3694        Fixes to remove warnings (hiding membe << 715        Fixes to remove warnings (hiding member functions and 
3695              data members) in hadron classes  << 716              data members) in hadron classes 
3696                                                  717 
3697 04.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-04          718 04.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-04
3698              Same as emlowen-V02-00-03, with     719              Same as emlowen-V02-00-03, with V.I.'s new implementations
3699        and fixes (see below, July-August 2000    720        and fixes (see below, July-August 2000)
3700                                                  721 
3701 04.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-03          722 04.09.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-03
3702              Same as emlowen-V02-00-02, with  << 723              Same as emlowen-V02-00-02, with Gabriele's fixes 
3703              (see below, 03.08.2000)             724              (see below, 03.08.2000)
3704                                                  725 
3705 22.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: A bug in Nuclear S    726 22.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: A bug in Nuclear Stopping Power was fixed.
3706              The calculation of step limit fo    727              The calculation of step limit for low energy
3707              hadrons/ions is upgraded.           728              hadrons/ions is upgraded.
3708              The Barkas and Bloch corrections    729              The Barkas and Bloch corrections are introduced
3709              for ions "on fly"                   730              for ions "on fly"
3710                                                  731 
3711 18.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: TRIM1985 model hav    732 18.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: TRIM1985 model have been implemented
3712              A bug in GetConstrain method for    733              A bug in GetConstrain method for hadrons/ions is fixed
3713                                                  734 
3714 18.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: two additional mod << 735 18.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: two additional models of ions energy 
3715              loss fluctuations have been impl    736              loss fluctuations have been implemented
3716                                                  737 
3717 10.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: Old bug in Fluctua    738 10.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: Old bug in Fluctuations of Electronic
3718              energy losses of hadrons and ion    739              energy losses of hadrons and ions are fixed
3719                                                  740 
3720 04.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: Fluctuations of Nu    741 04.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: Fluctuations of Nuclear Stopping Powers are
3721              Energy losses of hadrons and ion    742              Energy losses of hadrons and ions are implemented
3722                                                  743 
3723 03.08.2000 - G.Cosmo                             744 03.08.2000 - G.Cosmo
3724              Fixes to allow events' reproduci    745              Fixes to allow events' reproducibility:
3725     c    746     changed usage of RandFlat::shootBit() to
3726                                             R    747                                             RandBit::shootBit().
3727    , G4hLowEner    748    , changed RandGauss to
3728                                             G    749                                             G4RandGauss.
3729                                                  750 
3730 02.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: Energy losses of h    751 02.08.2000 - V.Ivanchenko: Energy losses of hadrons and ions are redesigned,
3731              a lot of new classes are created    752              a lot of new classes are created. New unit test is designed
3732              as well (G4hTestStoppingPower).     753              as well (G4hTestStoppingPower).
3733                                                  754 
3734 29.07.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-02          755 29.07.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-02
3735              Added theta to ntuples in G4Brem    756              Added theta to ntuples in G4BremsstrahlungTest
3736                                                  757 
3737 18.07.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-01          758 18.07.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-01
3738              V.Ivanchenko: bug fix in G4hLowE    759              V.Ivanchenko: bug fix in G4hLowEnergyIonisation in AlongStepDoIt
3739                                                  760 
3740 11.07.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-00          761 11.07.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V02-00-00
3741              Improvements in G4Bremsstrahlung    762              Improvements in G4BremsstrahlungTest and G4eIonisationTest
3742                                                  763 
3743 24.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-22          764 24.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-22
3744              Modification to hTest G4Ion... c << 765              Modification to hTest G4Ion... classes by V. Ivanchenko to 
3745              fix crash on exit on Linux          766              fix crash on exit on Linux
3746                                                  767 
3747 22.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-21          768 22.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-21
3748        MGP: Bug fix in G4VeLowEnergyLoss (cal    769        MGP: Bug fix in G4VeLowEnergyLoss (calculation of fluctuations);
3749        correction to prevent log of negative     770        correction to prevent log of negative argument
3750              Fixes problems with test14 in sy << 771              Fixes problems with test14 in system testing on HP 
3751        To be further verified                 << 772        To be further verified 
3752                                                  773 
3753 22.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-20          774 22.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-20
3754        Minor improvements in test/G4Bremsstra    775        Minor improvements in test/G4BremsstrahlungTest and
3755        and test/G4eIonisationTest                776        and test/G4eIonisationTest
3756        Cosmetics (found $ tag $ in many heade    777        Cosmetics (found $ tag $ in many header files, where does it
3757              come from?)                         778              come from?)
3758                                                  779 
3759 20.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-19          780 20.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-19
3760        Fixed printout in test/G4eIonisationTe    781        Fixed printout in test/G4eIonisationTest
3761                                                  782 
3762 20.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-18          783 20.06.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-18
3763        Two new unit tests created by MGP: tes    784        Two new unit tests created by MGP: test/G4BremsstrahlungTest
3764              and test/G4eIonisationTest          785              and test/G4eIonisationTest
3765                                                  786 
3766 24.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-17          787 24.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-17
3767              Modifications to G4QAOLowEnergyl    788              Modifications to G4QAOLowEnergyloss and G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3768        by Stephane Chauvie: physics fixes        789        by Stephane Chauvie: physics fixes
3769        Modifications to G4QAOLowEnergyloss an    790        Modifications to G4QAOLowEnergyloss and G4hLowEnergyIonisation
3770        by MG Pia: fixes to the private interf    791        by MG Pia: fixes to the private interface,
3771                         fixes to remove compi    792                         fixes to remove compilation warnings
3772                         added protections        793                         added protections
3773                         proper code indentati    794                         proper code indentation to improve legibility
3774              Reorganization of the test direc    795              Reorganization of the test directory by Petteri Nieminen:
3775       content of eUnitTests/ moved to ePhoton    796       content of eUnitTests/ moved to ePhotonIntegration/
3776                         (indeed they were not    797                         (indeed they were not unit tests)
3777       content of validation/ moved to aluminu    798       content of validation/ moved to aluminumtest/
3778        Corrections by MG Pia to GNUmakefiles  << 799        Corrections by MG Pia to GNUmakefiles in test/ subdirectories 
3779              TestEm6, TestP, eUnitTests and v    800              TestEm6, TestP, eUnitTests and validation are obsolete
3780              directories, still in the reposi    801              directories, still in the repository but not to be used
3781                                                  802 
3782 23.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-16          803 23.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-16
3783              New G4QAOLowEnergyloss class by     804              New G4QAOLowEnergyloss class by Stephane Chauvie for
3784              antiproton energy loss model        805              antiproton energy loss model
3785        Modifications to G4hLowEnergyIonisatio    806        Modifications to G4hLowEnergyIonisation for the new
3786              antiproton models                   807              antiproton models
3787        Physics extension to lower energies fo << 808        Physics extension to lower energies for antiprotons for a 
3788              set of materials                    809              set of materials
3789        New test/hTest for integration/physics    810        New test/hTest for integration/physics testing of hadrons/ions
3790              (was previously TestEm6)            811              (was previously TestEm6)
3791                                                  812 
3792 25.05.2000 - Stephane Chauvie added class for    813 25.05.2000 - Stephane Chauvie added class for energy loss of antiprotons
3793              G4QAOLowEnergyloss + modificatio << 814              G4QAOLowEnergyloss + modifications in G4hlowEnergyIonisation 
3794                                                  815 
3795 22.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-15          816 22.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-15
3796        Modifications in G4VhEnergyLossModel.h << 817        Modifications in G4VhEnergyLossModel.hh 
3797                                                  818 
3798 19.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-14          819 19.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-14
3799        Includes typo correction in G4VhEnergy    820        Includes typo correction in G4VhEnergyLossModel.hh
3800                                                  821 
3801  8.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-13          822  8.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-13
3802        Includes minor modifications in G4VhEn    823        Includes minor modifications in G4VhEnergyLossModel.hh
3803                                                  824 
3804  7.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-12          825  7.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-12
3805              Includes the G4VhEnergyLossModel    826              Includes the G4VhEnergyLossModel abstract class,
3806              as part of the design iteration     827              as part of the design iteration in the hadronic domain
3807                                                  828 
3808  7.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-11          829  7.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-11
3809              Includes Francesco Longo's fix o << 830              Includes Francesco Longo's fix of missing units in 
3810             831
3811                                                  832 
3812  7.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-10          833  7.05.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-10
3813              Includes Vladimir's test/TestEm6    834              Includes Vladimir's test/TestEm6 and test/TestP directories
3814              requires removing two (!) duplic    835              requires removing two (!) duplicate TestEm6 directories
3815              elsewhere                           836              elsewhere
3816              Includes Stephane's unit tests      837              Includes Stephane's unit tests
3817              and       838              and
3818                                               << 839               
3819 19.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-09          840 19.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-09
3820              same as emlowen-V01-01-08, with     841              same as emlowen-V01-01-08, with modifications by V.L. for
3821              first implementation of continuo << 842              first implementation of continuous energy loss in 
3822              G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung           843              G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung
3823                                                  844 
3824 18.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-08          845 18.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-08
3825        same as emlowen-V01-01-06,                846        same as emlowen-V01-01-06,
3826              with modification to G4LowEnergy    847              with modification to to correct
3827              error introduced by V.L             848              error introduced by V.L
3828                                                  849 
3829 18.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-07          850 18.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-07
3830              same as emlowen-V01-01-05        << 851              same as emlowen-V01-01-05 
3831              (disregarding modifications in e    852              (disregarding modifications in emlowen-V01-01-06),
3832              with modification to G4LowEnergy    853              with modification to to correct
3833              error introduced by V.L.         << 854              error introduced by V.L. 
3834                                                  855 
3835 18.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-06          856 18.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-06
3836              includes Veronique's modificatio << 857              includes Veronique's modifications to 
3837     G4LowEnergyIonisation.hh                     858     G4LowEnergyIonisation.hh
3838     G4LowEnergyIonisation.icc                    859     G4LowEnergyIonisation.icc
3839     G4LowEnergyIonisation.icc                    860     G4LowEnergyIonisation.icc
3840                          861
3841                862
3842              for integration of cross section    863              for integration of cross sections, float/G4double conversions
3843              and corrections of fluorescence  << 864              and corrections of fluorescence transition probabilities 
3844        to take into account non-radiative tra    865        to take into account non-radiative transitions
3845              (no Auger electron simulated yet    866              (no Auger electron simulated yet)
3846                                                  867 
3847                                                  868 
3848 04.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-05          869 04.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-05
3849              removed dependency on standard c    870              removed dependency on standard category (G4eEnergyLoss)
3850                                                  871 
3851 04.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-04          872 04.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-04
3852              tag Vladimir's and Stephane's mo    873              tag Vladimir's and Stephane's modifications for antiprotons
3853                                                  874 
3854 03.04.2000 - Vladimir Ivanchenko and Stephane    875 03.04.2000 - Vladimir Ivanchenko and Stephane Chauvie
3855              1) Linearity into Barkas effect     876              1) Linearity into Barkas effect and nuclear stopping power
3856                 for antiprotons                  877                 for antiprotons
3857                                                  878 
3858 02.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-03          879 02.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-03
3859              tag V.L.'s modifications to G4Lo    880              tag V.L.'s modifications to G4LowEnergyIonisation (units)
3860                                                  881 
3861 02.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-02          882 02.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-02
3862              tag V.L.'s fix of typo in G4LowE    883              tag V.L.'s fix of typo in G4LowEnergyGammaConversion
3863                                                  884 
3864 02.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-01          885 02.04.2000 - MGP, tag emlowen-V01-01-01
3865              tag V.I.'s modifications, 31.03. << 886              tag V.I.'s modifications, 31.03.2000 
3866                                                  887 
3867 31.03.2000 - Vladimir Ivanchenko update       << 888 31.03.2000 - Vladimir Ivanchenko update 
3868              1) lim    889              1) limitation DeltaCut > Eexc
3869                 is insert in dedx, cross sect    890                 is insert in dedx, cross section calculation and sampling
3870              2) is creati    891              2) is creating in the lowenergy as a
3871                 klon of         892                 klon of
3872              3) Spin 1/2 and spin 1 correctio    893              3) Spin 1/2 and spin 1 corrections are inserted is cross
3873                 section calculation, cross se    894                 section calculation, cross section sampling, de/dx
3874              4) IfAplicable check lepton numb    895              4) IfAplicable check lepton number
3875                                               << 896                 
3876 21.01.2000 - Vladimir Ivanchenko update       << 897 21.01.2000 - Vladimir Ivanchenko update 
3877              1) Bar    898              1) Barkas effect calculation
3878                 and inicialisation            << 899                 and inicialisation 
3879              2) r    900              2) remove double deleting of
3880                 MeanFreePath Table               901                 MeanFreePath Table
3881                                                  902 
3882 21.01.2000 - create by Michel Maire              903 21.01.2000 - create by Michel Maire
3883                                                  904 
3884                                                  905