Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category phys-lists History << 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 3 ========================================================= 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 4 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 5 ========================================================= 6 << 6 7 ---------------------------------------------- << 7 Hadronic physics-list/lists History 8 << 8 ----------------------------- 9 ## 2024-11-04 Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys-list- << 9 This file should be used to briefly summarize all major modifications 10 - G4PhysListFactory - use std::size_t << 10 introduced in the code and keeptrack of all tags. 11 << 11 12 ## 2024-08-09 Gabriele Cosmo (phys-list-V11-02 << 12 ---------------------------------------------------------- 13 - G4PhysListRegistry: fixed compilation on XCo << 13 * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * 14 Minor code cleanup (use of nullptr, G4bool, << 14 ---------------------------------------------------------- 15 initialisation). Initialise the instance onl << 16 << 17 ## 2024-07-03 Robert Hatcher (phys-list-V11-02 << 18 - Add "HPT" extension to support adding G4Ther << 19 - Changed how base phylist matching is done in << 20 "_HP" lists and new "_HPT" extension; requir << 21 start with "_" or "+" << 22 << 23 ## 2024-06-05 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V11-02 << 24 - G4PhysListFactory : added three new variants << 25 which use the model G4LightIonQMDReaction : << 26 `ShieldingLIQMD_HP` and `ShieldingLIQMD_HPT` << 27 Note that `ShieldingLIQMD` and `ShieldingLIQ << 28 is introduced only for consistency. << 29 << 30 ## 2023-11-09 Yoshihide Sato (phys-lists-V11-0 << 31 - Add a option for `Shielding` to use G4LightI << 32 which is the constructor of light ion qmd. << 33 << 34 ## 2023-11-06 Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys-lists << 35 - G4PhysListFactoryMessenger - added UI comman << 36 charge exchange physics << 37 << 38 ## 2023-10-26 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V11-01 << 39 - FTFP_BERT_ATL : use a specific FTF tune mean << 40 too optimistic (i.e. narrow) pion shower ene << 41 calorimeters with respect to test-beam data. << 42 << 43 << 44 ## 2023-10-15 Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys-lists << 45 - QGSP_BERT_HP - use alternative HP models and << 46 - QGSP_BERT_AllHP - use default HP elastic bui << 47 << 48 ## 2023-05-15 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V11-01 << 49 - Use the new class G4StoppingPhysicsWithINCLX << 50 in INCLXXPhysicsListHelper : all the INCLXX- << 51 for the antiproton annihilation at rest. << 52 << 53 ## 2023-05-10 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V11-01 << 54 - G4PhysListFactory : introduced the new physi << 55 `ShieldingM_HP` as alias of, respectively, ` << 56 replaced `Shielding_T` and `ShieldingM_T` wi << 57 and `ShieldingM_HPT`. << 58 These new aliases allow to have a consistent << 59 HP-based physics lists when the special elas << 60 thermal neutrons is enabled. << 61 - Shielding : inform the user that the new phy << 62 with the physics list factory) `Shielding_HP << 63 equivalent to, respectively, `Shielding` and << 64 << 65 ## 2023-04-19 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V11-01 << 66 - Created the new class QBBC_ABLA, which is si << 67 hadron inelastic the constructor G4HadronIne << 68 (instead of G4HadronInelasticQBBC): this mea << 69 QBBC_ABLA behaves as QBBC, with the only dif << 70 of nuclear inelastic interactions of charged << 71 the ABLA model (instead of the usual Precomp << 72 for nuclear de-excitation. << 73 << 74 ## 2023-04-13 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V11-01 << 75 - Created the new class QGSP_BIC_HPT, which is << 76 special treatment of elastic scattering of t << 77 - G4PhysListFactory : added 6 new physics list << 78 (i.e. with special treatment of elastic scat << 79 physics lists with "HP" already present (FTF << 80 FTFP_INCLXX_HPT, QGSP_INCLXX_HPT, QGSP_BIC_H << 81 Shielding_T, ShieldingM_T). Of these, only o << 82 to a concrete new physics list, whereas the << 83 "HP" physics lists by adding the physics con << 84 - G4PhysListFactoryMessenger : added the new U << 85 "/physics_lists/factory/addThermal" to enabl << 86 elastic scattering of thermal neutrons for H << 87 << 88 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (phys-lists-V11-00-00 << 89 - Change to new Markdown History format << 90 << 91 --- << 92 << 93 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 94 << 95 25-October-2021 B.Morgan (phys-lists-V10-07-10 << 96 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated << 97 << 98 25-August-2021 Dennis Wright (phys-lists-V10-0 << 99 - replace G4RadioactiveDecayBase with << 100 see top level History file << 101 << 102 28-April-2021 R. Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-07-08 << 103 - corresponding changes to G4PhysListFactoryAl << 104 compatibility with older factory. << 105 << 106 24-April-2021 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-07 << 107 - in all Physics List protect banners by verbo << 108 - G4PhysListFactory add verbosity level to con << 109 propagate to constructed Physics List << 110 << 111 16-April-2021 Ben Morgan (phys-lists-V10-07-06 << 112 - Migrate build to modular CMake API << 113 << 114 13-April-2021 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-0 << 115 - GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed depend << 116 and hadronic/model/management (that have be << 117 classes moved to hadronic/util and hadronic << 118 << 119 18-March-2021 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-0 << 120 - : renamed G4HadronCaptureProcess as << 121 << 122 04-March-2021 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-0 << 123 - : replaced particle-specific hadroni << 124 (that have been deleted) with G4HadronInela << 125 << 126 24-February-2021 Daren Sawkey (phys-lists-V10- << 127 - Remove deprecated optical commands. << 128 << 129 17-February-2021 Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V << 130 - Update list of EM extension shorthands know << 131 match old factory << 132 15 133 24-November-2020 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V1 16 24-November-2020 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-06-02) 134 - LBE : added G4ShortLivedConstructor (to avo 17 - LBE : added G4ShortLivedConstructor (to avoid crashes, e.g. when rho0 135 is produced by the decay of eta_prime). 18 is produced by the decay of eta_prime). 136 19 137 30-April-2020 Ben Morgan (phys-lists-V10 20 30-April-2020 Ben Morgan (phys-lists-V10-06-01) 138 - Remove obsolete GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES entri 21 - Remove obsolete GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES entries 139 22 140 15-January-2020 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10 23 15-January-2020 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-06-00) 141 - LBE : updated cross sections to avoid crash 24 - LBE : updated cross sections to avoid crashes caused by the removal of 142 default Gheisha cross sections, and to have 25 default Gheisha cross sections, and to have consistency between elastic 143 and inelastic cross sections. 26 and inelastic cross sections. 144 27 145 22-October-2019 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10 28 22-October-2019 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-05-04) 146 - FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP, INCLXXPhysicsLi 29 - FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP, INCLXXPhysicsListHelper : added (consistently) 147 RadioactiveDecay to all physics lists which 30 RadioactiveDecay to all physics lists which use NeutronHP (the rationale 148 is that precision is more valuable than spe 31 is that precision is more valuable than speed for these physics lists; 149 note that, among the reference physics list 32 note that, among the reference physics lists with NeutronHP, only 150 FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP, FTFP_INCLXX_HP 33 FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP, FTFP_INCLXX_HP and QGSP_INCLXX_HP did not have 151 RadioactiveDecay activated by default). 34 RadioactiveDecay activated by default). 152 35 153 06-August-2019 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10- 36 06-August-2019 Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-05-03) 154 - FTF_BIC, QGS_BIC : use the newly introduced 37 - FTF_BIC, QGS_BIC : use the newly introduced stopping physics constructor 155 G4StoppingPhysicsFritiofWithBinaryCascade ( 38 G4StoppingPhysicsFritiofWithBinaryCascade (instead of the default 156 G4StoppingPhysics). 39 G4StoppingPhysics). 157 - Shielding : replacing explicit values for t 40 - Shielding : replacing explicit values for the energy transition region 158 with values from G4HadronicPara 41 with values from G4HadronicParameters. 159 42 160 31-July-2019 Gunter Folger (phys-lists-V10-05 43 31-July-2019 Gunter Folger (phys-lists-V10-05-02) 161 - Code clean-up 44 - Code clean-up 162 - remove template mechanism 45 - remove template mechanism 163 - except for G4GenericPhysicsList, G4Phy 46 - except for G4GenericPhysicsList, G4PhysListStamper, 164 and INCLXXPhysicsListHelper 47 and INCLXXPhysicsListHelper 165 - delete copy ctor and assigmnet operator 48 - delete copy ctor and assigmnet operator 166 - for empty dtor, use =default 49 - for empty dtor, use =default 167 - move include/x.icc to src/ for lists 50 - move include/x.icc to src/ for lists without template 168 - remove SetCuts() implementation where not 51 - remove SetCuts() implementation where not specialised 169 - remove version number from lists 52 - remove version number from lists 170 - remove G4DataQuestionaire 53 - remove G4DataQuestionaire 171 54 172 55 173 25-June-2019 Dennis Wright (phys-lists-V10-05 56 25-June-2019 Dennis Wright (phys-lists-V10-05-01) 174 - replace G4RadioactiveDecay with G4Radioactiv 57 - replace G4RadioactiveDecay with G4RadioactiveDecayBase in LBE.icc 175 58 176 18-March-2019 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-05 59 18-March-2019 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-05-00) 177 - Shielding, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BIC_AllHP - cut 60 - Shielding, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BIC_AllHP - cut for proton is set 178 to zero (problem #2150) and code clean-up 61 to zero (problem #2150) and code clean-up 179 62 180 21-November-2018 A. Ribon (phys-lists-V10-04- 63 21-November-2018 A. Ribon (phys-lists-V10-04-07) 181 - Shielding : replaced "putenv" of the environ 64 - Shielding : replaced "putenv" of the environmental variable 182 G4NEUTRONHP_PRODUCE_FISSION_FRAGMENTS with 65 G4NEUTRONHP_PRODUCE_FISSION_FRAGMENTS with a call to 183 G4ParticleHPManager::SetProduceFissionFrag 66 G4ParticleHPManager::SetProduceFissionFragments . 184 67 185 03-November-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10 68 03-November-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-04-06) 186 - PhysListFactory - added extra EM options "WV 69 - PhysListFactory - added extra EM options "WVI" and "_EM" 187 70 188 15-October-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10- 71 15-October-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-04-05) 189 - QGSP_BIC, Shielding, QBBC - return to use of 72 - QGSP_BIC, Shielding, QBBC - return to use of EM physics Opt0 190 - QGSP_BIC_HP and QGSP_BIC_AllHP use EM Opt4 73 - QGSP_BIC_HP and QGSP_BIC_AllHP use EM Opt4 191 - Shielding, ShieldingLEND, QGSP_BIC, QGSP_BIC 74 - Shielding, ShieldingLEND, QGSP_BIC, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BIC_AllHP 192 implementation is moved to src, templated 75 implementation is moved to src, templated are removed 193 76 194 11-October-2018 R. Hatcher (phys-list-V10-04-0 77 11-October-2018 R. Hatcher (phys-list-V10-04-04) 195 - Add "EM0" option to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory 78 - Add "EM0" option to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory (via G4PhysListRegistry) 196 79 197 22-August-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-0 80 22-August-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-04-03) 198 - QGSP_BIC_HP, Shielding, QBBC - use EM physic 81 - QGSP_BIC_HP, Shielding, QBBC - use EM physics Opt4 199 - PhysListFactory - added extra EM option "EM0 82 - PhysListFactory - added extra EM option "EM0", which means the 200 default Opt0 EM physics configuration 83 default Opt0 EM physics configuration 201 84 202 17-August-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-0 85 17-August-2018 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-04-02) 203 - QBBC - use G4IonPhysicsXS 86 - QBBC - use G4IonPhysicsXS 204 87 205 06-August-2018 A. Ribon (phys-list-V10-04-01) 88 06-August-2018 A. Ribon (phys-list-V10-04-01) 206 - LBE : replaced the explicit high-energy limi 89 - LBE : replaced the explicit high-energy limit of hadronic physics 207 with the one from G4HadronicParameters . 90 with the one from G4HadronicParameters . 208 91 209 26-Februrary-2018 R. Hatcher (phys-list-V10-04 92 26-Februrary-2018 R. Hatcher (phys-list-V10-04-00) 210 - cowork with phys-ctor-fact-V10-04-00 93 - cowork with phys-ctor-fact-V10-04-00 211 - Use new G4RegisterPhysicsConstructors.icc to 94 - Use new G4RegisterPhysicsConstructors.icc to ensure that for static builds 212 G4PhysicsConstructorRegistry is populated. 95 G4PhysicsConstructorRegistry is populated. 213 - No longer register ShieldingLEND as a wrappe 96 - No longer register ShieldingLEND as a wrapper, but use explicit one 214 97 215 07-November-2017 T. Koi (phys-list-V10-03-08) 98 07-November-2017 T. Koi (phys-list-V10-03-08) 216 - Add ShieldingLEND as a new physics list 99 - Add ShieldingLEND as a new physics list 217 co-working with phys-ctor-hinelastic-V10-03- 100 co-working with phys-ctor-hinelastic-V10-03-06 218 101 219 07-November-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10 102 07-November-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-03-07) 220 - G4PhysListFactory - added messenger with two 103 - G4PhysListFactory - added messenger with two commands to enable 221 radioactive decay or optical physics 104 radioactive decay or optical physics 222 105 223 02-November-2017 R. Hatcher (phys-list-V10-03- 106 02-November-2017 R. Hatcher (phys-list-V10-03-06) 224 - Add FTFQGSP_BERT to G4RegisterPhysLists.icc 107 - Add FTFQGSP_BERT to G4RegisterPhysLists.icc to make available to the 225 new g4alt::G4PhysListFactory 108 new g4alt::G4PhysListFactory 226 109 227 16-October-2017 A.Ribon (phys-lists-V10-03-05 110 16-October-2017 A.Ribon (phys-lists-V10-03-05) 228 - FTFQGSP_BERT - created a new, experimental p 111 - FTFQGSP_BERT - created a new, experimental physics list which is similar 229 to FTFP_BERT, but with QGS fragmentation o 112 to FTFP_BERT, but with QGS fragmentation of strings (instead of the 230 Lund string fragmentation). 113 Lund string fragmentation). 231 114 232 09-October-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10- 115 09-October-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-03-04) 233 - LBE.icc - fixed initialisation of G4Radioact 116 - LBE.icc - fixed initialisation of G4RadioactiveDecay 234 117 235 14-July-2017 Robert Hatcher (phy 118 14-July-2017 Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-03-03) 236 - Add __SS option to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory 119 - Add __SS option to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory 237 - allow g4alt factory to use bare phys constru 120 - allow g4alt factory to use bare phys constructor names as things to 238 replace/add as well as the shorter predefi 121 replace/add as well as the shorter predefined extensions (e.g. "EMX") 239 - whitespace cleanup 122 - whitespace cleanup 240 123 241 19-April-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-03 124 19-April-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-03-02) 242 - G4PhysListFactory - fixed EM option "__SS" 125 - G4PhysListFactory - fixed EM option "__SS" - problem report #1966 243 126 244 21-March-2017 Koi, Tatsumi (phys-lists-V10-03- 127 21-March-2017 Koi, Tatsumi (phys-lists-V10-03-01) 245 - Fix problem of LBE physics list on radioacti 128 - Fix problem of LBE physics list on radioactive decay model 246 129 247 07-February-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10 130 07-February-2017 V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-03-00) 248 - G4PhysListFactory - add single scattering EM 131 - G4PhysListFactory - add single scattering EM option (required by 249 several user groups), one need to add "__S 132 several user groups), one need to add "__SS" to the reference 250 physics list name 133 physics list name 251 134 252 12-October-2016 G.Folger (phys-lists-V10-02-1 135 12-October-2016 G.Folger (phys-lists-V10-02-10) 253 - remove direct use of theParticleIterator, ge 136 - remove direct use of theParticleIterator, get this from G4ParticleTable. 254 fix required by clang39 on Windows and MAC 137 fix required by clang39 on Windows and MAC 255 138 256 29-Sep-2016, Robert Hatcher (phy 139 29-Sep-2016, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-02-09) 257 - Reviewed changes in current context, propose 140 - Reviewed changes in current context, propose w/ minimal changes 258 141 259 03-Jun-2016, Robert Hatcher (phy 142 03-Jun-2016, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-02-08) 260 - Require use of declaring and referencing mac 143 - Require use of declaring and referencing macros to have 261 a trailing semicolon; for case where macro e 144 a trailing semicolon; for case where macro expands to a 262 namespace block, deal with eating up the ";" 145 namespace block, deal with eating up the ";" 263 146 264 26-May-2016, Robert Hatcher (phy 147 26-May-2016, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-02-07) 265 - Fix issue where G4PhysListRegistry didn't pr 148 - Fix issue where G4PhysListRegistry didn't properly exit if 266 a requested extension didn't exist in its li 149 a requested extension didn't exist in its list. 267 - Add G4_REFERENCE_PHYSLIST_FACTORY[_NS] for p 150 - Add G4_REFERENCE_PHYSLIST_FACTORY[_NS] for pulling in lists 268 from static libraries. 151 from static libraries. 269 152 270 26-May-2016, Alberto Ribon (phy 153 26-May-2016, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-02-06) 271 - QGSP_BIC_AllHP : use new, specialized ion co 154 - QGSP_BIC_AllHP : use new, specialized ion constructor, G4IonPhysicsPHP. 272 155 273 10-May-2016, Robert Hatcher (phy 156 10-May-2016, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-02-05) 274 - mv src/ to include/G4R 157 - mv src/ to include/G4RegisterPhysLists.icc 275 so that it gets compiled as part of the G4Ph 158 so that it gets compiled as part of the G4PhysListRegistry compilation 276 unit. This ensures that all the physics lis 159 unit. This ensures that all the physics lists declared to the 277 registry are referenced by it such that the 160 registry are referenced by it such that the linker will include 278 them if libraries are built statically, even 161 them if libraries are built statically, even when the loader 279 doesn't force whole-archive (not possible fo 162 doesn't force whole-archive (not possible for MS Visual Studio) loading. 280 - Fix exception label so it is unique. 163 - Fix exception label so it is unique. 281 164 282 06-Apr-2016, Alberto Ribon (phy 165 06-Apr-2016, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-02-04) 283 - FTFP_BERT_ATL : created new, experimental ph 166 - FTFP_BERT_ATL : created new, experimental physics list for ATLAS, 284 similar to FTFP_BERT but with the transition 167 similar to FTFP_BERT but with the transition between BERT and FTFP 285 in the energy region [9, 12] GeV. 168 in the energy region [9, 12] GeV. 286 169 287 09-Mar-2016, Alberto Ribon (phy 170 09-Mar-2016, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-02-03) 288 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Use GS multiple scattering w 171 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Use GS multiple scattering with the most precise 289 "error-free" stepping. This is done for the 172 "error-free" stepping. This is done for the purpose of studying 290 the impact of multiple scattering on hadroni 173 the impact of multiple scattering on hadronic showers. 291 174 292 23-Feb-2016, Alberto Ribon (phy 175 23-Feb-2016, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-02-02) 293 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Use GS multiple scattering w 176 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Use GS multiple scattering with the more precise option, 294 (Opt3), instead of the default (Opt0). This 177 (Opt3), instead of the default (Opt0). This is done for the purpose of 295 studying the impact of multiple scattering o 178 studying the impact of multiple scattering on hadronic showers. 296 179 297 14-Jan-2016, Alberto Ribon (phy 180 14-Jan-2016, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-02-01) 298 - Re-submitting the previous tag (that was rej 181 - Re-submitting the previous tag (that was rejected). 299 182 300 04-Dec-2015, Alberto Ribon (phy 183 04-Dec-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-02-00) 301 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch on (again) the low-ma 184 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch on (again) the low-mass diffraction dissociation 302 used in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 185 used in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 303 186 304 05-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon (phy 187 05-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-01-13) 305 - Removed neutron_hp/ . 188 - Removed neutron_hp/ . 306 189 307 04-Nov-2015, Robert Hatcher (phy 190 04-Nov-2015, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-01-12) 308 - Migrate responsibility for pulling the $PHYS 191 - Migrate responsibility for pulling the $PHYSLIST down to G4PhysListRegistry 309 rather than the g4alt::G4PhysListFactory. 192 rather than the g4alt::G4PhysListFactory. 310 - Allow user to set a preferred default in cas 193 - Allow user to set a preferred default in case $PHYSLIST is not set; 311 initial value (and value when set to "") is 194 initial value (and value when set to "") is system default "FTFP_BERT". 312 195 313 03-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon (phy 196 03-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-01-11) 314 - LBE : Migrated to ParticleHP. 197 - LBE : Migrated to ParticleHP. 315 198 316 27-Oct-2015, Alberto Ribon (phy 199 27-Oct-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-01-10) 317 - LBE : Replaced old G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection 200 - LBE : Replaced old G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection class with the new, 318 recommended one, G4ComponentGGNuclNucl 201 recommended one, G4ComponentGGNuclNuclXsc . 319 202 320 01-Oct-2015, Robert Hatcher (phy 203 01-Oct-2015, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-01-09) 321 - g4alt::G4PhysListFactory - added extra EM op 204 - g4alt::G4PhysListFactory - added extra EM option "_GS" and registered 322 new QGSP_BIC_AllHP physics list to mirror 205 new QGSP_BIC_AllHP physics list to mirror original factory. 323 206 324 22-Sep-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys- 207 22-Sep-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-01-08) 325 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch off (temporarily, for 208 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch off (temporarily, for the release 10.2) 326 the low-mass diffraction dissociation used i 209 the low-mass diffraction dissociation used in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 327 210 328 18-Sep-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys- 211 18-Sep-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-01-07) 329 - G4PhysListFactory - added extra EM option "_ 212 - G4PhysListFactory - added extra EM option "_GS" where 330 G4GoudsmithSoundersonMscModel is used for 213 G4GoudsmithSoundersonMscModel is used for e+- 331 214 332 10-Jun-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys- 215 10-Jun-2015, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-01-06) 333 - FTFP_BERT_TRV - uses G4EmStandardPhysicsGS 216 - FTFP_BERT_TRV - uses G4EmStandardPhysicsGS 334 - G4PhysListFactory - added QGSP_BIC_AllHP (fi 217 - G4PhysListFactory - added QGSP_BIC_AllHP (fixed problem #1732) 335 218 336 22-May-2015, Robert Hatcher (phys- 219 22-May-2015, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-01-05) 337 - g4alt::G4PhysListFactory should now work wit 220 - g4alt::G4PhysListFactory should now work with G4GenericPhysicsList 338 on clang (3.4 and 3.5) and vc12 221 on clang (3.4 and 3.5) and vc12 339 - cowork with tags "intercoms-V10-01-02", "emd 222 - cowork with tags "intercoms-V10-01-02", "emdna-V10-01-19", 340 "emstand-V10-01-16", "hadr-cohe-V10-01-07", 223 "emstand-V10-01-16", "hadr-cohe-V10-01-07", and "hadr-inclxx-V10-01-00" 341 224 342 22-May-2015, Robert Hatcher (phys- 225 22-May-2015, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-01-04) 343 - Updates to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory to do mo 226 - Updates to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory to do more passthrough to underlying 344 G4PhysListRegistry singleton. 227 G4PhysListRegistry singleton. 345 - G4PhysListRegistry more checking that all th 228 - G4PhysListRegistry more checking that all the requested phys ctor 346 additions are available; update output to cl 229 additions are available; update output to closer match old factory 347 - Enable registration of ShieldingLEND, Shield 230 - Enable registration of ShieldingLEND, ShieldingM and G4GenericPhysicsList 348 to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory; the later need 231 to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory; the later need update to G4AnyMethod.hh 349 - cowork with tag "intercoms-V10-01-01" 232 - cowork with tag "intercoms-V10-01-01" 350 233 351 21-Apr-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys- 234 21-Apr-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-01-03) 352 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Reverting back, i.e. switchi 235 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Reverting back, i.e. switching on again the 353 low-mass diffraction dissociation in G4Hadro 236 low-mass diffraction dissociation in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 354 237 355 21-Apr-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys- 238 21-Apr-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-01-02) 356 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch off (temporarily) the 239 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch off (temporarily) the low-mass diffraction 357 dissociation in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 240 dissociation in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 358 241 359 17-Feb-2015, Davide Mancusi (phys- 242 17-Feb-2015, Davide Mancusi (phys-lists-V10-01-01) 360 - INCLXXPhysicsListHelper: do not use G4Neutro 243 - INCLXXPhysicsListHelper: do not use G4NeutronTrackingCut for *_HP physics 361 lists 244 lists 362 245 363 08-Jan-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys- 246 08-Jan-2015, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-01-00) 364 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch on low-mass diffracti 247 - FTFP_BERT_TRV : Switch on low-mass diffraction dissociation 365 in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 248 in G4HadronHElasticPhysics 366 249 367 07-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys- 250 07-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-00-14) 368 - Also remove support for G4GenericPhysicsList 251 - Also remove support for G4GenericPhysicsList in new factory 369 until the problem w/ mac/clang and G4AnyMeth 252 until the problem w/ mac/clang and G4AnyMethod is understood 370 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-02" 253 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-02" 371 254 372 07-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys- 255 07-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-00-13) 373 - Remove support for ShieldingLEND & Shielding 256 - Remove support for ShieldingLEND & ShieldingM in new factory 374 until the problem w/ mac/clang & linux/icc i 257 until the problem w/ mac/clang & linux/icc is understood 375 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-02" 258 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-02" 376 259 377 07-Nov-2014, P. Arce (phys-lists-V10- 260 07-Nov-2014, P. Arce (phys-lists-V10-00-12) 378 - Add QGSP_BIC_AllHP particle_hp physics list 261 - Add QGSP_BIC_AllHP particle_hp physics list 379 262 380 07-Nov-2014, Gabriele Cosmo (phys- 263 07-Nov-2014, Gabriele Cosmo (phys-lists-V10-00-11) 381 - Retagged. 264 - Retagged. 382 265 383 05-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys- 266 05-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-00-10) 384 - Fixed overload ambiguity complaint from Visu 267 - Fixed overload ambiguity complaint from Visual Studio 12, 385 and tag at the right level 268 and tag at the right level 386 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-01" a 269 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-01" and "intercoms-V10-00-15" 387 270 388 04-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys- 271 04-Nov-2014, Robert Hatcher (phys-lists-V10-00-09) 389 - Add g4alt::G4PhysListFactory as user extensi 272 - Add g4alt::G4PhysListFactory as user extensible list factory; 390 work done via G4PhysListRegistry and G4Phys 273 work done via G4PhysListRegistry and G4PhysListStamper classes. 391 - Modify LBE list ctor to accept ver(bosity) a 274 - Modify LBE list ctor to accept ver(bosity) as optional arg 392 in the same manner as other physics lists. 275 in the same manner as other physics lists. 393 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-01" 276 - cowork with tag "phys-ctor-fact-V10-00-01" 394 277 395 15-Oct-2014, Alex Howard (phys-lists 278 15-Oct-2014, Alex Howard (phys-lists-V10-00-08) 396 - Increased cuts in LBE physics list to 1 micr 279 - Increased cuts in LBE physics list to 1 micrometer (from 1 nanometer). 397 280 398 15-Oct-2014, Alex Howard (phys-lists 281 15-Oct-2014, Alex Howard (phys-lists-V10-00-07) 399 - Bugfix 1591 for LBE 282 - Bugfix 1591 for LBE 400 - removed Bertini Cascade from alphas, deutero 283 - removed Bertini Cascade from alphas, deuterons and tritons and replaced with 401 BinaryLightIonReaction 284 BinaryLightIonReaction 402 - Replaced G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest with G4Muo 285 - Replaced G4MuonMinusCaptureAtRest with G4MuonMinusCapture 403 286 404 05-Aug-2014, Krzysztof Genser (phys- 287 05-Aug-2014, Krzysztof Genser (phys-lists-V10-00-06) 405 - Extended Shielding code to also include Shie 288 - Extended Shielding code to also include ShieldingM variant 406 289 407 10-Jun-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys- 290 10-Jun-2014, V.Ivanchenko (phys-lists-V10-00-05) 408 - INCLXXPhysicsListHelper - for the case of HP 291 - INCLXXPhysicsListHelper - for the case of HP set cut on proton to 409 zero to simulate all recoils from elastic sc 292 zero to simulate all recoils from elastic scattering 410 293 411 06-Jun-2014, Alberto Ribon (phys- 294 06-Jun-2014, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-00-04) 412 - Proposed the tag which includes the two inte 295 - Proposed the tag which includes the two internal tags below, 413 made yesterday by Krzysztof and Vladimir I. 296 made yesterday by Krzysztof and Vladimir I. 414 297 415 05-Jun-2014, V.Ivanchenko 298 05-Jun-2014, V.Ivanchenko 416 - FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP - se 299 - FTFP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_BERT_HP - set cut on proton to 417 zero to simulate all recoils from elastic sc 300 zero to simulate all recoils from elastic scattering 418 301 419 05-Jun-2014, Krzysztof Genser 302 05-Jun-2014, Krzysztof Genser 420 - Added ShieldingM and NuBeam to G4PhysListFac 303 - Added ShieldingM and NuBeam to G4PhysListFactory 421 304 422 05-Jun-2014, Alberto Ribon (phys- 305 05-Jun-2014, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V10-00-03) 423 - FTFP_BERT_TRV: use (temporary) G4HadronHElas 306 - FTFP_BERT_TRV: use (temporary) G4HadronHElasticPhysics in order 424 to allow testing of improvements in elastic. 307 to allow testing of improvements in elastic. 425 308 426 03-June-2014, Julia Yarba (phys- 309 03-June-2014, Julia Yarba (phys-lists-V10-00-02) 427 - Include new (experimental) physics lists Shi 310 - Include new (experimental) physics lists ShieldingM and NuBeam 428 311 429 03-Feb-2014, Luciano Pandola (phys- 312 03-Feb-2014, Luciano Pandola (phys-lists-V10-00-01) 430 - Registered model in LBE.icc to handle neutro 313 - Registered model in LBE.icc to handle neutron capture above 20 MeV 431 (Bug Report 1562) 314 (Bug Report 1562) 432 315 433 29-Jan-2014, Gunter Folger (phys- 316 29-Jan-2014, Gunter Folger (phys-lists-V10-00-00) 434 - Removed electromagnetic/dna, cascade/{evapor 317 - Removed electromagnetic/dna, cascade/{evaporation,utils}, and 435 isotope_productionfrom sources.cmake 318 isotope_productionfrom sources.cmake 436 319 437 07-Nov-2013, Tatsumi Koi (phys- 320 07-Nov-2013, Tatsumi Koi (phys-lists-V09-06-20) 438 -Activate production of fission fragments in S 321 -Activate production of fission fragments in Shielding PhysicsList 439 322 440 07-Nov-2013, Alberto Ribon (phys- 323 07-Nov-2013, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V09-06-19) 441 - Removed low_energy and high_energy from sour 324 - Removed low_energy and high_energy from sources.cmake and GNUmakefile. 442 325 443 04-Nov-2013, Tatsumi Koi (phys- 326 04-Nov-2013, Tatsumi Koi (phys-lists-V09-06-18) 444 -Set proton cut value to 0 for producing low e 327 -Set proton cut value to 0 for producing low energy recoil nucleus 445 -Use G4IonElasticPhysics for Elastic Scatterin 328 -Use G4IonElasticPhysics for Elastic Scattering of GenericIon 446 329 447 30-Oct-2013, Alberto Ribon (phys- 330 30-Oct-2013, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V09-06-17) 448 - LBE : deleted stoppingPhysics in the destruc 331 - LBE : deleted stoppingPhysics in the destructor (Coverity defect). 449 332 450 15-Oct-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys- 333 15-Oct-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys-lists-V09-06-16) 451 - Missing header. 334 - Missing header. 452 335 453 15-Oct-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys- 336 15-Oct-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys-lists-V09-06-15) 454 - Make the *_HP variants of the INCLXX-based p 337 - Make the *_HP variants of the INCLXX-based physics list use ElasticHP. 455 338 456 06-Sep-2013, Luciano Pandola (phys- 339 06-Sep-2013, Luciano Pandola (phys-lists-V09-06-14) 457 - LBE.icc, add missing #include of G4HadronCap 340 - LBE.icc, add missing #include of G4HadronCaptureProcess 458 (gave compilation error to user application us 341 (gave compilation error to user application using LBE) 459 342 460 21-Aug-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys- 343 21-Aug-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys-lists-V09-06-13) 461 - LBE - removed forgotten header 344 - LBE - removed forgotten header 462 345 463 19-Aug-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys- 346 19-Aug-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys-lists-V09-06-12) 464 - LBE - use G4UrbanMscModel instead on Urban93 347 - LBE - use G4UrbanMscModel instead on Urban93 465 348 466 14-Jun-2013, Peter Gumplinger (phys- 349 14-Jun-2013, Peter Gumplinger (phys-lists-V09-06-11) 467 - fix coverity error in 350 - fix coverity error in 468 351 469 27-Mar-2013, Andrea Dotti (phys-lists-V09-06 352 27-Mar-2013, Andrea Dotti (phys-lists-V09-06-10) 470 - Adding mechanism for splitting class of base 353 - Adding mechanism for splitting class of base class G4VUserPhysicsList 471 for LBE physics list (needed for G4MT). 354 for LBE physics list (needed for G4MT). 472 Co-working with tag in run category 355 Co-working with tag in run category 473 356 474 28-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon (phys- 357 28-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon (phys-lists-V09-06-09) 475 - LBE physics list: replaced LEP/HEP with FTFP 358 - LBE physics list: replaced LEP/HEP with FTFP+BERT. 476 359 477 20-Mar-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys- 360 20-Mar-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys-lists-V09-06-08) 478 - PhysListFactory - fixed typo in previous tag 361 - PhysListFactory - fixed typo in previous tag 479 362 480 18-Mar-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys- 363 18-Mar-2013, Vladimir Ivantchenko (phys-lists-V09-06-07) 481 - PhysListFactory - fixed bug report #1458 (co 364 - PhysListFactory - fixed bug report #1458 (correct printout of 482 available Physics Lists); clean up of the 365 available Physics Lists); clean up of the code 483 366 484 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys- 367 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys-lists-V09-06-06) 485 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys- 368 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys-lists-V09-06-05) 486 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys- 369 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys-lists-V09-06-04) 487 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys- 370 04-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi (phys-lists-V09-06-03) 488 - Added new INCL++-based physics lists: 371 - Added new INCL++-based physics lists: 489 o QGSP_INCLXX_HP 372 o QGSP_INCLXX_HP 490 o FTFP_INCLXX 373 o FTFP_INCLXX 491 o FTFP_INCLXX_HP 374 o FTFP_INCLXX_HP 492 These are based on the new INCLXXPhysicsList 375 These are based on the new INCLXXPhysicsListHelper class, which avoids 493 unnecessary code duplication. 376 unnecessary code duplication. 494 - Depends on tag phys-ctor-hinelastic-V09-06-0 377 - Depends on tag phys-ctor-hinelastic-V09-06-05. 495 - Provides QGSP_INCLXX.hh and similar headers 378 - Provides QGSP_INCLXX.hh and similar headers for backwards compatibility. 496 379 497 30-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger (phys- 380 30-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger (phys-lists-V09-06-02) 498 - fix sources.cmake for moved files 381 - fix sources.cmake for moved files 499 382 500 29-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger (phys- 383 29-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger (phys-lists-V09-06-01) 501 - move G4PhysListFactory from constructor/fact 384 - move G4PhysListFactory from constructor/factory to lists. 502 385 503 10-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger (phys- 386 10-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger (phys-lists-V09-06-00) 504 - new directory structure introduced. 387 - new directory structure introduced. 505 lists directory only keeps physics lists, h 388 lists directory only keeps physics lists, hadronic constructors moved to 506 constructors/hadron_inelastic 389 constructors/hadron_inelastic