Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /physics_lists/builders/History (Version 11.3.0) and /physics_lists/builders/History (Version 10.7.p4)

  1 # Category phys-builder History                <<   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   3      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   4      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   5      =========================================================
                                                   >>   6 
                                                   >>   7                   Hadronic physics-list/builders History
                                                   >>   8                   --------------------------------------
                                                   >>   9 This file should be used  to briefly summarize all major modifications
                                                   >>  10 introduced in the code and keeptrack of all tags.
                                                   >>  11 
                                                   >>  12      ----------------------------------------------------------
                                                   >>  13      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
                                                   >>  14      ----------------------------------------------------------
  6                                                    15 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<  16 07-January-2021  Alberto Ribon       (phys-builders-V10-06-15)
  8                                                << 
  9 ## 2023-10-19 Jean-Christophe David (phys-buil << 
 10 - G4HadronicBuilder: added two methods - Build << 
 11                                                << 
 12 ## 2023-07-12 Alberto Ribon (phys-builders-V11 << 
 13 - Removed the no longer used file OrderingPara << 
 14                                                << 
 15 ## 2023-03-17 Alberto Ribon (phys-builders-V11 << 
 16 - G4HadronicBuilder : fixed bug in the method  << 
 17   Thanks to Dmitri Konstantinov for reporting  << 
 18                                                << 
 19 ## 2022-12-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-builde << 
 20 - Updated table of processes                   << 
 21                                                << 
 22 ## 2022-11-24 Gabriele Cosmo (phys-builders-V1 << 
 23 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
 24                                                << 
 25 ## 2022-11-11 Alberto Ribon (phys-builder-V11- << 
 26 - G4HadronicBuilder : added new methods to bui << 
 27   for light hypernuclei - with FTFP alone, or  << 
 28   light anti-hypernuclei - with FTFP alone - p << 
 29                                                << 
 30 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (phys-builder-V11-00- << 
 31 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
 32                                                << 
 33 ---                                            << 
 34                                                << 
 35 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
 36                                                << 
 37 14-Aug-2021 Vladimir Ivanchenko      (phys-bui << 
 38 - G4QGSPNeutronBuilder - use G4NeutronInelasti << 
 39                                                << 
 40 13-Jul-2021 Alberto Ribon            (phys-bui << 
 41 - G4HadronicBuilder : initialized the vector m << 
 42                                                << 
 43 16-April-2021 Ben Morgan             (phys-bui << 
 44 - Migrate build to modular CMake API           << 
 45                                                << 
 46 13-April-2021  Alberto Ribon         (phys-bui << 
 47 -  GNUmakefile, sources.cmake : removed depend << 
 48    and hadronic/model/management (that have be << 
 49    classes moved to hadronic/util and hadronic << 
 50                                                << 
 51 18-March-2021  Alberto Ribon         (phys-bui << 
 52 -  G4BinaryDeuteronBuilder, G4BinaryTritonBuil << 
 53    G4BinaryAlphaBuilder : removed unused heade << 
 54 -  G4VNeutronBuilder, G4NeutronBuilder, G4Neut << 
 55    G4NeutronLENDBuilder, G4PrecoNeutronBuilder << 
 56    G4BertiniNeutronBuilder, G4BinaryNeutronBui << 
 57    G4FTFPNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPNeutronBuilder, << 
 58    G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder, G4QGSBinaryNeutr << 
 59    replace G4HadronCaptureProcess with G4Neutr << 
 60    and G4HadronFissionProcess with G4NeutronFi << 
 61                                                << 
 62 08-March-2021  Alberto Ribon         (phys-bui << 
 63 -  G4PrecoNeutronBuilder, G4PrecoProtonBuilder << 
 64    G4QGSBinaryKaonBuilder : replaced obsoleted << 
 65    (that have been deleted) with better ones.  << 
 66                                                << 
 67 04-March-2021  Alberto Ribon         (phys-bui << 
 68 -  Replaced particle-specific hadronic inelast << 
 69    been deleted) with G4HadronInelasticProcess << 
 70                                                << 
 71 07-January-2021  Alberto Ribon       (phys-bui << 
 72 -  G4HadronicBuilder : replaced 2-body decays      17 -  G4HadronicBuilder : replaced 2-body decays of bottom mesons into
 73    charmed mesons and charged rho resonance, w     18    charmed mesons and charged rho resonance, with 3-body decays into
 74    the same charmed mesons and charged pion an     19    the same charmed mesons and charged pion and neutral pion.
 75    This allows to get a more precise numerical     20    This allows to get a more precise numerical treatment of the decay
 76    kinematics in the rest frame, avoiding spur     21    kinematics in the rest frame, avoiding spurious energy-momentum
 77    violations reported by G4DecayProducts::IsC     22    violations reported by G4DecayProducts::IsChecked.
 78                                                    23 
 79 07-December-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-bu <<  24 07-December-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-builders-V10-06-14)
 80 -  OrderingParameterTable - added forgotten pr <<  25 -  OrderingParameterTable - added forgotten processes (general 
 81    positron, surface reflection, DNA) coherent <<  26    positron, surface reflection, DNA) coherently with 
 82    G4PhysicsListHelper                         <<  27    G4PhysicsListHelper 
 83                                                    28 
 84 19-October-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-bui     29 19-October-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-builders-V10-06-13)
 85 -  G4HadronicBuilder - added methods for FTFQG     30 -  G4HadronicBuilder - added methods for FTFQGSP_BERT physics
 86                                                    31 
 87 17-September-2020  Alberto Ribon    (phys-buil     32 17-September-2020  Alberto Ribon    (phys-builders-V10-06-12)
 88 -  G4HadronicBuilder : disabled QGSP for light     33 -  G4HadronicBuilder : disabled QGSP for light anti-ions.
 89                                                    34 
 90 21-August-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-buil     35 21-August-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-builders-V10-06-11)
 91 -  G4HadronicBuilder - added methods to config     36 -  G4HadronicBuilder - added methods to configure anti light ions
 92                                                    37 
 93 01-August-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-buil     38 01-August-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-builders-V10-06-10)
 94 -  G4HadronicBuilder - make added optional cro     39 -  G4HadronicBuilder - make added optional cross section factor
 95      for systematics studies                       40      for systematics studies
 96                                                    41 
 97 24-Jul-2020  Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil     42 24-Jul-2020  Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-06-09)
 98 -  G4HadronicBuilder : added a new method, Bui     43 -  G4HadronicBuilder : added a new method, BuildDecayTableForBCHadrons,
 99    to create some decays for heavy (charmed an     44    to create some decays for heavy (charmed and bottom) hadrons.
100    This method is called by the methods BuildB     45    This method is called by the methods BuildBCHadronsFTFP_BERT
101    and BuildBCHadronsQGSP_FTFP_BERT only if th     46    and BuildBCHadronsQGSP_FTFP_BERT only if the flag for heavy hadrons
102    is enabled.                                     47    is enabled.
103                                                    48 
104 19-July-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko   (phys-buil     49 19-July-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko   (phys-builders-V10-06-08)
105 -  G4HadronicBuilder - make two method private <<  50 -  G4HadronicBuilder - make two method private to avoid incorrect 
106      use, do not use Bertini cascade for b-, c <<  51      use, do not use Bertini cascade for b-, c - particles and 
107      anti-hyperons (only FTFP model)               52      anti-hyperons (only FTFP model)
108                                                    53 
109 30-June-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko   (phys-buil     54 30-June-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko   (phys-builders-V10-06-07)
110 -  G4HadronicBuilder - added BuildElastic(..)      55 -  G4HadronicBuilder - added BuildElastic(..) method
111                                                    56 
112 26-May-2020 Ben Morgan              (phys-buil     57 26-May-2020 Ben Morgan              (phys-builders-V10-06-06)
113 -  Remove obsolete GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES entri     58 -  Remove obsolete GRANULAR_DEPENDENCIES entries
114                                                    59 
115 27-May-2020  Alexander Howard    (phys-builder     60 27-May-2020  Alexander Howard    (phys-builders-V10-06-05)
116 -  add second wavelength shifter optical proce     61 -  add second wavelength shifter optical process to the OrderingParameterTable
117                                                    62 
118 18-May-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-buil     63 18-May-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-builders-V10-06-04)
119 -  G4HadronicBuilder - use G4PhysicsListHelper     64 -  G4HadronicBuilder - use G4PhysicsListHelper instead of G4ProcessManager,
120      check G4HadronicParameters for b- and c-      65      check G4HadronicParameters for b- and c- particles
121                                                    66 
122 15-May-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-buil     67 15-May-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-builders-V10-06-03)
123 -  G4HadronicBuilder - new utility class to bu     68 -  G4HadronicBuilder - new utility class to build kaons, hyperons,
124      and b-, c- particles                          69      and b-, c- particles
125                                                    70 
126 07-May-2020  Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil     71 07-May-2020  Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-06-02)
127 -  G4VHyperonBuilder, G4HyperonBuilder, G4Hype     72 -  G4VHyperonBuilder, G4HyperonBuilder, G4HyperonQGSPBuilder : new classes
128    to allow alternative builders for hyperons      73    to allow alternative builders for hyperons (and anti-hyperons).
129    The class G4HyperonQGSPBuilder uses QGSP mo     74    The class G4HyperonQGSPBuilder uses QGSP model to handle hyperons
130    (and anti-hyperons) at high energies.           75    (and anti-hyperons) at high energies.
131 -  G4HyperonFTFPBuilder : now it derives from      76 -  G4HyperonFTFPBuilder : now it derives from G4VHyperonBuilder
132    (but the physics behind remains unchanged,      77    (but the physics behind remains unchanged, i.e. it is still based
133    on BERT and FTFP models).                       78    on BERT and FTFP models).
134                                                    79 
135 05-May-2020  Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil     80 05-May-2020  Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-06-01)
136 -  G4QGSPAntiBarionBuilder : created new class     81 -  G4QGSPAntiBarionBuilder : created new class to handle anti_proton
137    and anti_neutron at high energies with QGSP     82    and anti_neutron at high energies with QGSP.
138    For the light anti-ions (anti_deuteron, ant     83    For the light anti-ions (anti_deuteron, anti_triton, anti_He3, and
139    anti_alpha), currently QGSP cannot handle t     84    anti_alpha), currently QGSP cannot handle them, therefore FTFP is used.
140                                                    85 
141 26-Feb-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-buil     86 26-Feb-2020  Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-builders-V10-06-00)
142 -  revison of all classes of the sub-library:      87 -  revison of all classes of the sub-library: removed unnecessary
143    members of classes; do not destruct models      88    members of classes; do not destruct models and cross sections;
144    used updated instantiation of string models     89    used updated instantiation of string models; these modifications
145    should help to achieve full deletion of had     90    should help to achieve full deletion of hadronic physics objects
146    end of run                                      91    end of run
147                                                    92 
148 22-Oct-2019  Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil     93 22-Oct-2019  Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-05-02)
149 -  G4HyperonFTFPBuilder : replaced the Chips i     94 -  G4HyperonFTFPBuilder : replaced the Chips inelastic cross sections for
150    hyperons and anti-hyperons with Glauber-Gri     95    hyperons and anti-hyperons with Glauber-Gribov ones (in this way, elastic
151    and inelastic cross sections follows consis     96    and inelastic cross sections follows consistently the same approach).
152 -  G4BertiniKaonBuilder, G4BertiniPiKBuilder :     97 -  G4BertiniKaonBuilder, G4BertiniPiKBuilder : replaced the Chips inelastic
153    cross sections with Glauber-Gribov ones as      98    cross sections with Glauber-Gribov ones as default kaon cross sections.
154 -  G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder, G4QGSBinaryKaonBuil     99 -  G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder, G4QGSBinaryKaonBuilder, G4QGSBinaryPiKBuilder,
155    G4QGSPPiKBuilder, G4QGSPKaonBuilder : remov    100    G4QGSPPiKBuilder, G4QGSPKaonBuilder : removed kaon cross sections
156    (already set by the Bertini's builder, whic    101    (already set by the Bertini's builder, which is always needed).
157                                                   102 
158 06-Aug-2019  Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil    103 06-Aug-2019  Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-05-01)
159 -  Replacing explicit values for the energy tr    104 -  Replacing explicit values for the energy transition region with values
160    from G4HadronicParameters, for nearly all b    105    from G4HadronicParameters, for nearly all builders.
161    Note: kept unchanged the transition region     106    Note: kept unchanged the transition region between FTFP and BERT only
162          in 4 cases: G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_    107          in 4 cases: G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL, G4HadronPhysicsINCLXX,
163          G4HadronPhysicsNuBeam and "ShieldingM    108          G4HadronPhysicsNuBeam and "ShieldingM".
164                                                   109 
165 31-Jul-2019  Gunter Folger          (phys-buil    110 31-Jul-2019  Gunter Folger          (phys-builders-V10-05-00)
166 -  modified G4NeutronCrossSectionXS as consequ    111 -  modified G4NeutronCrossSectionXS as consequence to code cleanup
167    in lists (phys-lists-V10-05-02),i.e. remove    112    in lists (phys-lists-V10-05-02),i.e. removed G4Dataquestionaire
168    from util (phys-util-V10-04-02).               113    from util (phys-util-V10-04-02).
169                                                   114 
170 22-Nov-2018, Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil    115 22-Nov-2018, Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-04-03)
171 -  G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder, G4QGSBinaryPiKBuild    116 -  G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder, G4QGSBinaryPiKBuilder, G4QGSPPiKBuilder,
172    G4FTFPPionBuilder, G4BertiniPiKBuilder, G4F    117    G4FTFPPionBuilder, G4BertiniPiKBuilder, G4FTFPPiKBuilder,
173    G4BertiniPionBuilder, G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder    118    G4BertiniPionBuilder, G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder, G4BinaryPiKBuilder,
174    G4INCLXXPionBuilder, G4FTFBinaryPionBuilder    119    G4INCLXXPionBuilder, G4FTFBinaryPionBuilder, G4BinaryPionBuilder,
175    G4QGSPPionBuilder : use Barashenkov-Glauber    120    G4QGSPPionBuilder : use Barashenkov-Glauber-Gribov inelastic cross section
176    for pions. This allows to avoid to use Ghei    121    for pions. This allows to avoid to use Gheisha cross sections for pion
177    inelastic on Hydrogen target.                  122    inelastic on Hydrogen target.
178                                                   123 
179 21-Nov-2018, Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil    124 21-Nov-2018, Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-04-02)
180 - G4INCLXXPionBuilder : for inelastic pion cro    125 - G4INCLXXPionBuilder : for inelastic pion cross sections at high energies,
181   use Glauber-Gribov instead of Barashenkov, a    126   use Glauber-Gribov instead of Barashenkov, as for all the other builders.
182                                                   127 
183 17-Aug-2018, Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-buil    128 17-Aug-2018, Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-builders-V10-04-01)
184 - G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder, G4HyperonFTFPBuilder     129 - G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder, G4HyperonFTFPBuilder - improved deletion
185 - OrderingParameterTable - added gamma and e-     130 - OrderingParameterTable - added gamma and e- processes
186                                                   131 
187 06-Aug-2018, Alberto Ribon      (phys-builders    132 06-Aug-2018, Alberto Ribon      (phys-builders-V10-04-00)
188 - G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder, G4QGSPPionBuilder, G    133 - G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder, G4QGSPPionBuilder, G4FTFPProtonBuilder,
189   G4FTFPPiKBuilder, G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBu    134   G4FTFPPiKBuilder, G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder, G4FTFPKaonBuilder,
190   G4FTFPNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPProtonBuilder, G    135   G4FTFPNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPProtonBuilder, G4QGSPKaonBuilder,
191   G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder, G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilde    136   G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder, G4FTFBinaryPiKBuilder, G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder,
192   G4QGSBinaryProtonBuilder, G4QGSBinaryPiKBuil    137   G4QGSBinaryProtonBuilder, G4QGSBinaryPiKBuilder, G4HyperonFTFPBuilder,
193   G4FTFPAntiBarionBuilder, G4QGSBinaryKaonBuil    138   G4FTFPAntiBarionBuilder, G4QGSBinaryKaonBuilder, G4FTFBinaryPionBuilder,
194   G4QGSBinaryNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPPiKBuilder,    139   G4QGSBinaryNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPPiKBuilder, G4FTFPPionBuilder,
195   G4QGSPNeutronBuilder, G4FTFBinaryProtonBuild    140   G4QGSPNeutronBuilder, G4FTFBinaryProtonBuilder :
196   replaced the explicit high-energy limit of h    141   replaced the explicit high-energy limit of hadronic physics with the one
197   from G4HadronicParameters .                     142   from G4HadronicParameters .
198                                                   143 
199 7-Nov-2017, T. Koi  (phys-builders-V10-03-06)     144 7-Nov-2017, T. Koi  (phys-builders-V10-03-06)
200 - G4NeutronLENDBuilder: Modify setting of sele    145 - G4NeutronLENDBuilder: Modify setting of selection of target data
201                                                   146 
202 26-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti       (phys-builders    147 26-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti       (phys-builders-V10-03-03, -04 -05)
203 - Next step in migration to new design to prop    148 - Next step in migration to new design to properly clean memory in MT mode
204   G4BuilderInterface renamed G4PhysicsBuilderI    149   G4BuilderInterface renamed G4PhysicsBuilderInterface and moved to run
205   category                                        150   category
206 - Coworking tag: run-V10-03-08                    151 - Coworking tag: run-V10-03-08
207                                                   152 
208 17-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti     (phys-builders-V    153 17-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti     (phys-builders-V10-03-02)
209 - Workaround for compilation errror for MIC (t    154 - Workaround for compilation errror for MIC (that is actually a bug in the
210   compiler for MIC)                               155   compiler for MIC)
211                                                   156 
212 13-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti     (phys-builders-V    157 13-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti     (phys-builders-V10-03-01)
213 - Fix compilation warning                         158 - Fix compilation warning
214                                                   159 
215 12-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti     (phys-builders-V    160 12-Apr-2017, Andrea Dotti     (phys-builders-V10-03-00)
216 - New design with base class for all builders     161 - New design with base class for all builders
217 - Add c++11 compatibility                         162 - Add c++11 compatibility
218 - Removed unused class TheoModelFactory           163 - Removed unused class TheoModelFactory
219                                                   164 
220 15-Apr-2016, Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-buil    165 15-Apr-2016, Vladimir Ivanchenko    (phys-builders-V10-02-01)
221 - OrderingParameterTable - disable msc PostSte    166 - OrderingParameterTable - disable msc PostStep
222                                                   167 
223 18-Jan-2016, Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil    168 18-Jan-2016, Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-02-00)
224 - G4NeutronHPBuilder : used the name "NeutronH    169 - G4NeutronHPBuilder : used the name "NeutronHPInelastic"
225   (instead of "ParticleHPInelastic")              170   (instead of "ParticleHPInelastic")
226                                                   171 
227 19-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil    172 19-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-01-05)
228 - G4NeutronHPBuilder : kept only the header fi    173 - G4NeutronHPBuilder : kept only the header file, with a
229   typedef to G4NeutronPHPBuilder                  174   typedef to G4NeutronPHPBuilder
230                                                   175 
231 05-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil    176 05-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-01-04)
232 - Removed neutron_hp/ .                           177 - Removed neutron_hp/ .
233                                                   178 
234 03-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon          (phys-buil    179 03-Nov-2015, Alberto Ribon          (phys-builders-V10-01-03)
235 - G4NeutronHPBuilder : migrated to ParticleHP.    180 - G4NeutronHPBuilder : migrated to ParticleHP. Now it is equivalent
236   to G4NeutronPHPBuilder, so G4NeutronHPBuilde    181   to G4NeutronPHPBuilder, so G4NeutronHPBuilder will be deleted soon.
237                                                   182 
238 06-April-2015, Andrea Dotti         (phys-buil    183 06-April-2015, Andrea Dotti         (phys-builders-V10-01-02)
239 - Coverity fixes                                  184 - Coverity fixes
240                                                   185 
241 17-March-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko  (phys-buil    186 17-March-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko  (phys-builders-V10-01-01)
242 - G4AlphaBuilder, G4AlphaPHPBuilder, G4Deutero    187 - G4AlphaBuilder, G4AlphaPHPBuilder, G4DeuteronBuilder,
243   G4DeuteronPHPBuilder, G4He3Builder, G4He3PHP    188   G4DeuteronPHPBuilder, G4He3Builder, G4He3PHPBuilder,
244   G4NeutronHPBuilder, G4NeutronLENDBuilder, G4    189   G4NeutronHPBuilder, G4NeutronLENDBuilder, G4NeutronPHPBuilder,
245   G4ProtonPHPBuilder, G4TritonBuilder, G4Trito    190   G4ProtonPHPBuilder, G4TritonBuilder, G4TritonPHPBuilder
246     removed deletion of cross section at exit     191     removed deletion of cross section at exit to avoid double
247     deletion                                      192     deletion
248                                                   193 
249 13-March-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko  (phys-buil    194 13-March-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko  (phys-builders-V10-01-00)
250 - G4INCLXXNeutronBuilder, G4INCLXXProtonBuilde    195 - G4INCLXXNeutronBuilder, G4INCLXXProtonBuilder, G4INCLXXPionBuilder
251     do not delete model and x-section at exit     196     do not delete model and x-section at exit
252 - G4INCLXXPionBuilder - fixed pion cross secti    197 - G4INCLXXPionBuilder - fixed pion cross section for pi-
253                                                   198 
254 12-Nov-2014, G.Folger               (phys-buil    199 12-Nov-2014, G.Folger               (phys-builders-V10-00-07)
255 - remove reference to G4INCLXXPiKBuilder.{hh,c    200 - remove reference to G4INCLXXPiKBuilder.{hh,cc} from sources.cmake
256                                                   201 
257 07-Nov-2014, P. Arce          (phys-builders-V    202 07-Nov-2014, P. Arce          (phys-builders-V10-00-06)
258 - Add builders for particle_hp physics list       203 - Add builders for particle_hp physics list
259                                                   204 
260 15-October-2014, Gabriele Cosmo   (phys-builde    205 15-October-2014, Gabriele Cosmo   (phys-builders-V10-00-05)
261 - Added dependency to 'de_excitation/fission'     206 - Added dependency to 'de_excitation/fission' module in GNUMakefile
262   and sources.cmake, now required by INCLXX.      207   and sources.cmake, now required by INCLXX.
263                                                   208 
264 06-June-2014, Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-builde    209 06-June-2014, Vladimir Ivanchenko (phys-builders-V10-00-04)
265 - In all builders do not create a new instance    210 - In all builders do not create a new instance of G4PreCompoundModel
266     and G4ExcitationHandler to reduce number o    211     and G4ExcitationHandler to reduce number of its instances.
267 - Do not delete processes/models/cross section    212 - Do not delete processes/models/cross sections in destructors
268     of builders                                   213     of builders
269                                                   214 
270 03-June-2014, Julia Yarba               (phys-    215 03-June-2014, Julia Yarba               (phys-builders-V10-00-03)
271 - Add G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder(.hh and     216 - Add G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder(.hh and .cc) which outfits
272   QGSP model with G4 LundStringFragmentation o    217   QGSP model with G4 LundStringFragmentation object (instead of the
273   older G4QGSMFfragmentation); this appears to    218   older G4QGSMFfragmentation); this appears to give better agreement
274   with data at the energies above 100GeV (test    219   with data at the energies above 100GeV (tested for proton+C)
275 - Set minimum energy for G4QGSPLundStrFragmPro    220 - Set minimum energy for G4QGSPLundStrFragmProtonBuilder at 100GeV
276                                                   221 
277 27-May-2014, Davide Mancusi             (phys-    222 27-May-2014, Davide Mancusi             (phys-builders-V10-00-02)
278 - Convert G4INCLXXPiKBuilder to G4INCLXXPionBu    223 - Convert G4INCLXXPiKBuilder to G4INCLXXPionBuilder.
279 - Set the maximum energy for G4INCLXXPionBuild    224 - Set the maximum energy for G4INCLXXPionBuilder to 20 GeV.
280 - Add G4QGSPKaonBuilder.                          225 - Add G4QGSPKaonBuilder.
281                                                   226 
282 09-May-2014, Vladimir Ivanchenko  (phys-builde    227 09-May-2014, Vladimir Ivanchenko  (phys-builders-V10-00-01)
283 - OrderingParameterTable - processes "AnnihToM    228 - OrderingParameterTable - processes "AnnihToMuMu" and "AnnihToHad"
284     should not be active AtRest - fixed proble    229     should not be active AtRest - fixed problem report #1598
285                                                   230 
286 06-Mar-2014, Alberto Ribon    (phys-builders-V    231 06-Mar-2014, Alberto Ribon    (phys-builders-V10-00-00)
287 - Fixed memory leak in           232 - Fixed memory leak in
288                                                   233 
289 07-Nov-2013, Alberto Ribon    (phys-builders-V    234 07-Nov-2013, Alberto Ribon    (phys-builders-V09-06-13)
290 - Removed low_energy and high_energy from sour    235 - Removed low_energy and high_energy from sources.cmake and GNUmakefile.
291                                                   236 
292 05-Nov-2013, Michael Kelsey   (phys-builders-V    237 05-Nov-2013, Michael Kelsey   (phys-builders-V09-06-12)
293 - Retagged after previous tag was rejected.  N    238 - Retagged after previous tag was rejected.  No changes required.
294                                                   239 
295 05-Nov-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-    240 05-Nov-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-builders-V09-06-11)
296 - Removed G4LEPPiKBuilder, G4LEPPionBuilder, G    241 - Removed G4LEPPiKBuilder, G4LEPPionBuilder, G4LEPNeutronBuilder,
297   G4LEPProtonBuilder, and G4MiscBuilder.          242   G4LEPProtonBuilder, and G4MiscBuilder.
298                                                   243 
299 30-Oct-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-    244 30-Oct-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-builders-V09-06-10)
300 - Coverity fixes (removed variables that are n    245 - Coverity fixes (removed variables that are not needed) in the
301   following classes: G4QGSBuilder, G4QGSPPiKBu    246   following classes: G4QGSBuilder, G4QGSPPiKBuilder,
302   G4QGSPNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPPionBuilder, and    247   G4QGSPNeutronBuilder, G4QGSPPionBuilder, and G4QGSPProtonBuilder.
303                                                   248 
304 04-Oct-2013, Davide Mancusi             (phys-    249 04-Oct-2013, Davide Mancusi             (phys-builders-V09-06-09)
305 - INCLXX neutron builder now uses G4NeutronIne    250 - INCLXX neutron builder now uses G4NeutronInelasticXS.
306                                                   251 
307 22-Jul-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-    252 22-Jul-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-builders-V09-06-08)
308 - Nothing is changed: simply re-propose the pr    253 - Nothing is changed: simply re-propose the previous tag after
309   fixing an initialization problem in material    254   fixing an initialization problem in materials category.
310                                                   255 
311 19-Jul-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-    256 19-Jul-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-builders-V09-06-07)
312 - Introduced a boolean parameter to the constr    257 - Introduced a boolean parameter to the constructor of the class
313   G4NeutronBuilder to switch on the fission pr    258   G4NeutronBuilder to switch on the fission process. The default
314   is fission off, but for the HP-based physics    259   is fission off, but for the HP-based physics lists it is activated.
315                                                   260 
316 21-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-    261 21-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-builders-V09-06-06)
317 - Fixed warning message in G4FTFBinaryKaonBuil    262 - Fixed warning message in G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder and G4HyperonFTFPBuilder.
318                                                   263 
319 19-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-    264 19-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-builders-V09-06-05)
320 - Added a new method to the builders: G4FTFBin    265 - Added a new method to the builders: G4FTFBinaryNeutronBuilder,
321                                       G4FTFBin    266                                       G4FTFBinaryProtonBuilder.
322                                                   267 
323 19-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-    268 19-Mar-2013, Alberto Ribon              (phys-builders-V09-06-04)
324 - Added the new builders: G4FTFPPionBuilder, G    269 - Added the new builders: G4FTFPPionBuilder, G4FTFPKaonBuilder,
325                           G4QGSBinaryPionBuild    270                           G4QGSBinaryPionBuilder, G4QGSBinaryKaonBuilder.
326 - Added a new method to the builders: G4FTFBin    271 - Added a new method to the builders: G4FTFBinaryPionBuilder,
327                                       G4FTFBin    272                                       G4FTFBinaryKaonBuilder.
328                                                   273 
329 08-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi             (phys-    274 08-Mar-2013, Davide Mancusi             (phys-builders-V09-06-03)
330 - Fix problem with overlapping model ranges.      275 - Fix problem with overlapping model ranges.
331 - Depends on phys-ctor-hinelastic-V09-06-06.      276 - Depends on phys-ctor-hinelastic-V09-06-06.
332                                                   277 
333 22-Feb-2013, Davide Mancusi             (phys-    278 22-Feb-2013, Davide Mancusi             (phys-builders-V09-06-02)
334 - Modified INCLXX proton and neutron builders     279 - Modified INCLXX proton and neutron builders to use PreCompound below 2 MeV.
335                                                   280 
336 08-Feb-2013, Vladimir Ivanchenko        (phys-    281 08-Feb-2013, Vladimir Ivanchenko        (phys-builders-V09-06-01)
337 - GNUmakefile fixed - G4LIB_BUILD_EXPAT is add    282 - GNUmakefile fixed - G4LIB_BUILD_EXPAT is added
338                                                   283 
339 10-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger              (phys-    284 10-Jan-2013, Gunter Folger              (phys-builders-V09-06-00)
340 - new directory structure introduced.             285 - new directory structure introduced.
341    builders directory only keeps hadronic buil    286    builders directory only keeps hadronic builders, hadronic constructors moved to
342    constructors/hadron_inelastic                  287    constructors/hadron_inelastic