Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Category param History 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr 6 7 ---------------------------------------------- 8 9 ## 2024-11-11 Gabriele Cosmo (fastsimchannelin 10 - Fixed compilation warnings on macOS/XCode fo 11 in G4CoherentPairProduction. 12 13 ## 2024-10-22 Alexei Sytov (fastsimchanneling- 14 - Added new process G4CoherentPairProduction f 15 of coherent pair production by high energy g 16 IMPORTANT: it works as a G4VDiscreteProcess, 17 IMPORTANT: it uses G4ChannelingFastSimCrysta 18 - sources.cmake updated accordingly 19 20 ## 2024-09-17 Vladimir Ivanchenko (fastsimchan 21 - G4VChannelingFastSimCrystalData - fixed Cove 22 23 ## 2024-08-30 Alexei Sytov (fastsimchanneling- 24 - Considerable updates; 25 - Semantic errors were corrected in G4BaierKat 26 in G4VChannelingFastSimCrystalData::CoulombE 27 - New model of ionization losses for e+- has b 28 G4VChannelingFastSimCrystalData with some up 29 G4ChannelingFastSimModel and G4ChannelingFas 30 some bugs concerning particles of higher cha 31 - G4ChannelingFastSimCrystalData was updated t 32 new channeling dataset: G4CHANNELINGDATA. An 33 input file was also added. 34 - Some new get functions were added. 35 36 ## 2024-07-17 Vladimir Ivanchenko (fastsimchan 37 - G4VChannelingFastSimCrystalData - fixed Cove 38 39 ## 2023-10-23 Alexei Sytov (fastsimchanneling- 40 - G4Log replaced std::log 41 - some small issues were fixed to comply with 42 43 ## 2023-10-18 Alexei Sytov (fastsimchanneling- 44 - Considerable updates: 45 - Revised version of the Baier-Katkov method w 46 increasing of the photon statistics in certa 47 updates in defaults; some bugs were correcte 48 - The electromagnetic shower in W was simulate 49 validated with experimental data from Eur. P 50 - Added the Crystalline Undulator (CU) as a pe 51 to the internal crystal geometry (still need 52 53 ## 2023-06-15 Gabriele Cosmo (fastsimchannelin 54 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type 55 56 ## 2023-06-08 Alexei Sytov (fastsimchanneling- 57 - Fix Coverity defects 58 59 ## 2023-05-17 Alexei Sytov (fastsimchanneling- 60 - Created Channeling FastSimulation model and