Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /materials/History (Version 11.3.0) and /materials/History (Version 1.0)

  1 # Category materials History                   <<   1 $Id: History,v 1.3 1999/11/16 11:04:04 gcosmo Exp $
                                                   >>   2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     3 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   4      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   5      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   6      =========================================================
  6                                                <<   7 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<   8                       Category History file
  8                                                <<   9                       ---------------------
  9 ## 2024-11-04 Philippe Canal (materials-V11-02 <<  10 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
 10 - Improve stability of static initialization:  <<  11 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
 11   singleton initialization; migrated Isotopes, <<  12 and keep track of all category-tags.
 12   to function static; delete the element of ta <<  13 It DOES NOT substitute the  CVS log-message one should put at every
 13                                                <<  14 committal in the CVS repository !
 14 ## 2024-09-31 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V <<  15 
 15 - G4IonisParamMat - fixed Coverity warnings    <<  16      ----------------------------------------------------------
 16                                                <<  17      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
 17 ## 2024-10-26 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V <<  18      ----------------------------------------------------------
 18 - G4NistManager, G4NistElementBuilder, G4Mater << 
 19   general clean-up: use std::size_t, simplifie << 
 20   static methods in class destructors, introdu << 
 21   for access method                            << 
 22                                                << 
 23 ## 2024-09-28 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 24 - G4IonisParamMat, G4Material - fixed Coverity << 
 25                                                << 
 26 ## 2024-09-17 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 27 - G4IonisParamMat, G4Material - fixed Coverity << 
 28 - G4Element - use std::size_t                  << 
 29                                                << 
 30 ## 2024-08-31 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 31 - G4IonisParamMat - added parameter - fraction << 
 32 - G4NistMessenger - added extra UI command for << 
 33     updated all commands for multi-threading   << 
 34                                                << 
 35 ## 2024-07-17 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 36 - G4LatticePhysical - fixed Coverity warnings  << 
 37                                                << 
 38 ## 2024-07-02 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 39 - G4Material, G4NistElementBuilder, G4IonisPar << 
 40                                                << 
 41 ## 2024-04-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 42 - G4NistMaterialBuilder in the method HepAndNu << 
 43     G4_BRASS, G4_BRONZE, and G4_STAILESS_STEEL << 
 44     mass fractions of components instead of nu << 
 45     in order to have more natural description  << 
 46     Results may be changed on level 10^-5 due  << 
 47                                                << 
 48 ## 2023-11-13 Ben Morgan (materials-V11-01-14) << 
 49 - Use G4FindDataDir to access data libraries i << 
 50                                                << 
 51 ## 2023-11-07 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 52 - G4ElementData - fixed memory leak at exit    << 
 53 - G4NistElementBuilder - minor clean-up        << 
 54                                                << 
 55 ## 2023-11-03 Ben Morgan (materials-V11-01-12) << 
 56 - Use "G4" prefixed version of EXPAT/ZLIB CMak << 
 57                                                << 
 58 ## 2023-10-25 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 59 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - changed mean ionisat << 
 60     graphite from 78 eV (ICRU73 recommendation << 
 61     to address problem #2568 (Andrew Sutton);  << 
 62     for several liquids including G4WATER.     << 
 63 - G4Material - added extra comments to Set met << 
 64     use std::size_t.                           << 
 65 - G4IonisParamMat - use std::size_t            << 
 66 - G4ICRU90StoppingData - use 'const' inside th << 
 67     possible; use std::size_t; use arrays of e << 
 68                                                << 
 69 ## 2023-10-13 Daren Sawkey (materials-V11-01-1 << 
 70 - G4MaterialPropertiesIndex, G4MaterialPropert << 
 71   properties for G4Scintillation particle-depe << 
 72                                                << 
 73 ## 2023-10-13 Daren Sawkey (materials-V11-01-0 << 
 74 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - improve Exceptio << 
 75   vectors of mat.prop. names; issue warning fo << 
 76                                                << 
 77 ## 2023-09-29 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 78 - G4ElementData - allow index 0 in data struct << 
 79     limitation Z > 0), which is useful for pai << 
 80                                                << 
 81 ## 2023-09-19 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 82 - G4ElementData - added G4Physics2Dvector comp << 
 83     subdivide run time method on two groups: w << 
 84     input parameters: use std::size_t type.    << 
 85 - G4NistManager - simplified for-loops, return << 
 86     method                                     << 
 87                                                << 
 88 ## 2023-09-15 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 89 - G4ElementDataRegistry - added extra method G << 
 90                                                << 
 91 ## 2023-09-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
 92 - G4ElementDataRegistry - new key management c << 
 93 - G4ElementData - use G4ElementDataRegistry    << 
 94 - source.cmake - use alphabetical order of cla << 
 95                                                << 
 96 ## 2023-04-04 C. Inguimbert (materials-V11-01- << 
 97 - G4MicroElecMaterialStructure - modification  << 
 98   to account for the changes in the treatment  << 
 99   microelec inelastic model                    << 
100                                                << 
101 ## 2023-02-09 Ben Morgan (materials-V11-01-02) << 
102 - Housekeeping: apply standard and extended cl << 
103   access specifiers and docstrings, apply clan << 
104                                                << 
105 ## 2022-12-12 Ben Morgan (materials-V11-01-01) << 
106 - Remove obsolete GNUmakefile scripts          << 
107                                                << 
108 ## 2022-12-09 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
109 - G4Material - allowed recursive search for ba << 
110                                                << 
111 ## 2022-11-16 Gabriele Cosmo (materials-V11-00 << 
112 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
113                                                << 
114 ## 2022-11-03 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
115 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - S. Zein fix bio-medi << 
116     descriptions for G4_ADENINE, G4_GUANINE, G << 
117     G4_THYMINE, G4_DEOXYRIBOSE, and add G4_PHO << 
118                                                << 
119 ## 2022-10-26 Daren Sawkey (materials-V11-00-1 << 
120 - G4MaterialPropertiesIndex, G4MaterialPropert << 
121   Parameters to specify opticalphoton transpor << 
122   Contribution of Laurie Cappellugola et al, A << 
123                                                << 
124 ## 2022-10-20 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
125 - G4Material - added an extra check (nAtoms>0) << 
126     method AddElementByNumberOfAtoms(..) to ad << 
127                                                << 
128 ## 2022-10-13 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
129 - G4AtomicShell - extra data is added for Z=10 << 
130 - G4AtomicShell, G4AtomicShell_XDB_EADL - chan << 
131     internal tables allowing to make diff and  << 
132     in a clear way                             << 
133                                                << 
134 ## 2022-08-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
135 - G4CrystalExtension - fixed Coverity warning. << 
136                                                << 
137 ## 2022-08-30 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
138 - G4CrystalExtension - fixed Coverity warning  << 
139                                                << 
140 ## 2022-07-19 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
141 - fixed Coverity warning in G4CrystalExtension << 
142                                                << 
143 ## 2022-05-23 Gabriele Cosmo (materials-V11-00 << 
144 - Corrected G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper destruct << 
145                                                << 
146 ## 2022-05-16 Guilherme Amadio (materials-V11- << 
147 - Replace getenv() calls for data variables wi << 
148                                                << 
149 ## 2022-05-02 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
150 - G4Material - fixed trivial Coverity warnings << 
151                                                << 
152 ## 2022-04-12 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
153 - G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4Nist << 
154     used G4AutoLock for code simplification.   << 
155 - G4Material - fixed exception messenges, move << 
156     from include to source.                    << 
157                                                << 
158 ## 2022-04-12 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
159 - G4DensityEffectData, G4IonisParamMat - fixed << 
160     for liquid hydrogen (problem #2346), code  << 
161 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - fixed mean ionisatio << 
162     to the current NIST value from 81 eV to 78 << 
163 - G4Material - reorganized AddElement(..) and  << 
164     temporary vector are used that allows addi << 
165     during initialisation, when addition compl << 
166     and arrays of fractions are created, fille << 
167     are deleted, as a result the code become m << 
168     fixing problem #2486.                      << 
169                                                << 
170 ## 2022-02-28 Ben Morgan (materials-V11-00-06) << 
171 - Apply set of clang-tidy modernize, readabili << 
172                                                << 
173 ## 2022-02-22 Daren Sawkey (materials-V11-00-0 << 
174 - G4MaterialPropertyVector, G4OpticalMaterialP << 
175   vectors are in increasing order of energy. M << 
176                                                << 
177 ## 2022-02-04 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
178 - G4SandiaTable - fixed compilation warning on << 
179                                                << 
180 ## 2022-01-28 Ben Morgan (materials-V11-00-03) << 
181 - Replace `geant4_global_library_target` with  << 
182   call to `geant4_add_category` to define libr << 
183                                                << 
184 ## 2022-01-17 Daren Sawkey (materials-V11-00-0 << 
185 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - set G4MaterialPr << 
186                                                << 
187 ## 2021-12-19 Vladimir Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
188 - G4DensityEffectData - Matthew Strait fix typ << 
189     (problem #2423) for 8 materials, the most  << 
190     for G4_Be, G4_Mg, G4_Fe, and G4_Y.         << 
191                                                << 
192 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (materials-V11-00-00) << 
193 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
194                                                << 
195 ---                                            << 
196                                                << 
197 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
198                                                << 
199 10-11-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-26)    << 
200 - G4Material - revised and updated all G4Excep << 
201     information for all exceptions, text becom << 
202     functionality does not changed, this is th << 
203                                                << 
204 18-10-21 B.Morgan (materials-V10-07-25)        << 
205 - Use std::string member functions from G4Stri << 
206                                                << 
207 16-10-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-24)        << 
208 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - fix error with C << 
209                                                << 
210 13-10-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-23)        << 
211 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - return const ref << 
212   material[const]props and names. Rename Get[C << 
213   Get[Const]Properties.                        << 
214                                                << 
215 07-10-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-22)        << 
216 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - return nullptr w << 
217   called for non-existent property; fix error  << 
218                                                << 
219 19-09-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-21)    << 
220 - G4IonisParamMat - return exact computations  << 
221     original publication (fix #2334)           << 
222 - G4DensityEffectData - minor clean-up         << 
223                                                << 
224 01-10-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-20)        << 
225 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - FatalException i << 
226   non-existent property (fix Coverity defect)  << 
227                                                << 
228 19-09-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-19)    << 
229 - G4DensityEffectCalculator - Matthew Strait c << 
230     calculations (fix #2330)                   << 
231                                                << 
232 09-09-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-18)        << 
233 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable: - use std::vector << 
234   material const properties, rather than std:: << 
235   - use bool flag with mat const property to i << 
236   - renaming of variables: fist letter lower c << 
237   - remove iterators to mat prop vectors (use  << 
238                                                << 
239 02-09-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-17)        << 
240 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable: fix AddConstPrope << 
241   fix RemoveConstProperty; make exception code << 
242                                                << 
243 17-08-21 J.Hahnfeld (materials-V10-07-16)      << 
244 - Define operator<< for G4ElementVector, take  << 
245   needless copy construction                   << 
246                                                << 
247 04-08-21 A.Ribon (materials-V10-07-15)         << 
248 - G4ExtendedMaterial : removed useless depende << 
249   and improved comment.                        << 
250                                                << 
251 19-07-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-14)    << 
252 - G4MaterialPropertyTable - add "spline" argum << 
253     creates G4MaterialPropertyVector           << 
254                                                << 
255 14-07-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-13)    << 
256 - G4ElementData - reduce length of internal ar << 
257     max number 99 is used by G4LivermorePhotoE << 
258     models use 93                              << 
259 - G4ElementVector - use const pointer to G4Ele << 
260                                                << 
261 12-07-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-12)    << 
262 - G4ElementData - use G4int in method signatur << 
263   improve initialisation                       << 
264                                                << 
265 09-07-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-11)    << 
266 - G4Material - fixed Coverity report on non-in << 
267     use const pointers to G4Elements where; ad << 
268     there is a mixture of definition of elemen << 
269     mass fraction; reduced code duplication an << 
270     new/delete for the case when materials are << 
271 - G4ElementData - update class to provide more << 
272                                                << 
273 23-05-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-10)    << 
274 - G4ExtDEDXTable, G4IonStoppingData - correcte << 
275 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - removed unused argum << 
276     methods where NIST materials are built     << 
277 - G4NistManager - adopt modifications in metho << 
278     G4NistMaterialBuilder but keep own method  << 
279                                                << 
280 21-05-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-09)        << 
281 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - add createNewKey << 
282   into .cc; remove deprecated methods; apply c << 
283 - G4OpticalMaterialProperties - add missing in << 
284                                                << 
285 18-05-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-08)    << 
286 - G4MaterialPropertyVector - use G4PhysicsFree << 
287   G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector                   << 
288                                                << 
289 14-05-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-07)        << 
290 - G4OpticalMaterialProperties.hh (new) - store << 
291 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - new AddProperty  << 
292   predefined optical MaterialProperties        << 
293                                                << 
294 07-05-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-06)    << 
295 - G4IonStoppingData, G4ICRU90StoppingData, G4E << 
296   G4VIonDEDXTable - substituted G4LPhysicsFree << 
297 - G4Material, G4Element, G4Isotope, G4IonisPar << 
298   G4IonisParamMat, G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4Ni << 
299   G4SandiaTable - minor clean-up               << 
300                                                << 
301 06-05-21 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-07-05)         << 
302 - Fixed shadowing compilation warning in G4Iso << 
303                                                << 
304 16-04-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-04)    << 
305 - G4AtomicShells, G4AtomicShells_XDB_EADL - fi << 
306     GetNumberOfFreeElectrons(..) - problem #23 << 
307                                                << 
308 30-03-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-03)        << 
309 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable. Recalculate GROUP << 
310   Addresses bugzilla 2313.                     << 
311                                                << 
312 12-03-21 B.Morgan (materials-V10-07-02)        << 
313 - Modernize CMake build                        << 
314                                                << 
315 24-02-21 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-07-01)        << 
316 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable. Removed deprecate << 
317    properties.                                 << 
318                                                << 
319 05-02-21 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-07-00)    << 
320 - G4DensityEffectData - fixed typo in Z=37 ele << 
321     (problem #2324)                            << 
322                                                << 
323 16-11-20 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-06-12)         << 
324 - Fixed typos in printed-out text. Addressing  << 
325                                                << 
326 10-11-20 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-06-11)    << 
327 - G4MicroElecMaterialStructure - fixed Coverit << 
328     all members of the class)                  << 
329                                                << 
330 04-11-20 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-06-10)        << 
331 - G4OpticalSurface:Add protection against acce << 
332   array bounds. Addresses bug 2287.            << 
333                                                << 
334 28-10-20 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-06-09)    << 
335 - G4MicroElecMaterialStructure, G4MicroElecSiS << 
336     from electromagnetic/lowenergy. These new  << 
337     and CEA group and provided by D. Lambert.  << 
338     dependence on G4ParticleDefinition         << 
339                                                << 
340 20-10-20 D. Sawkey (materials-V10-06-08)       << 
341 - G4Element, G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuil << 
342                                                << 
343 08-10-20 D. Sawkey (materials-V10-06-07)       << 
344 - G4OpticalSurface: store REALSURFACE optical  << 
345                                                << 
346 05-10-20 D. Sawkey (materials-V10-06-06)       << 
347 - G4SurfaceProperty, G4OpticalSurface: apply c << 
348   use virtual/override/nullptr keywords; add m << 
349   replace long if/else with switch/case        << 
350                                                << 
351 20-08-20 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-06-05)    << 
352 - G4Material - added two new public methods to << 
353     according to ATLAS request                 << 
354                                                << 
355 04-08-20 D. Sawkey (materials-V10-06-04)       << 
356 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable: add new methods t << 
357   G4String and std::vector                     << 
358                                                << 
359 26-05-20 A. Howard (materials-V10-06-03)       << 
360 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable, G4MaterialPropert << 
361   for allowing a second wavelength shifter in  << 
362                                                << 
363 24-05-20 D. Sawkey (materials-V10-06-02)       << 
364 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable, G4MaterialPropert << 
365   for scintillation allowing 3 time constants  << 
366                                                << 
367 21-01-20 D. Sawkey (materials-V10-06-01)       << 
368 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable: add ConstProperty << 
369                                                << 
370 09-12-19 B. Morgan (materials-V10-06-00)       << 
371 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granu << 
372   explicit include_directories.                << 
373                                                << 
374 26-11-19 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-05-11)         << 
375 - Fixed cases of implicit type conversions fro << 
376                                                << 
377 04-11-19 J.Apostolakis (materials-V10-05-10)   << 
378 - G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper: Corrected out-of- << 
379    added DOI for paper                         << 
380                                                << 
381 28-10-19 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-05-09)    << 
382 - G4IonStoppingData - fixed typo in ICRU90 mat << 
383                                                << 
384 08-10-19 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-05-08)    << 
385 - G4IonisParamMat - set mass limit of a single << 
386 - G4IonStoppingData - added ICRU90 data option << 
387                                                << 
388 07-10-19 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-05-07)    << 
389 - G4NistManager, G4NistMessenger - added two n << 
390     and two new UI commands allowing to enable << 
391     of density effect on-fly using G4DensityEf << 
392                                                << 
393 29-08-19 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-05-06)    << 
394 - G4DensityEffectCalculator - Matthew Strait p << 
395     computation of the Density effect (problem << 
396 - G4Material, G4IonisParamMat - added possibil << 
397     on-fly computation of the density effect c << 
398     "exact" formulas, for that ComputeDensityE << 
399     is added; but default the old approach is  << 
400 - G4IonisParamMat - logic of selection of dens << 
401     parameterisation is changed - if > 70% of  << 
402     corresponds to a particular element, then  << 
403     parameterisation for this element is used  << 
404                                                << 
405 20-08-19 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-05-04)    << 
406 - G4Material - reorder class members, added fr << 
407     use NistManager to instantiate element in  << 
408     effective Z and A                          << 
409 - G4SandiaTable, G4IonisParamMat - use const m << 
410 - G4AtomicShells, G4AtomicShells_XDB_EADL - ad << 
411     GetNumberOfFreeElectrons(..)               << 
412                                                << 
413 13-08-19 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-05-03)    << 
414 - G4NistManager - fixed potential thread unsaf << 
415                                                << 
416 11-03-19 M.Novak (materials-V10-05-02)         << 
417 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - fixed atomic number  << 
418                                                << 
419 13-02-19 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-05-01)    << 
420 - G4NistManager - added more detailed comments << 
421 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - fixed build of gas m << 
422     (problem reports #2133, #2134)             << 
423                                                << 
424 31-01-19  I.Hrivnacova (materials-V10-05-00)   << 
425 - Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators n << 
426                                                << 
427 19-10-18 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-04-10)    << 
428 18-10-18 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-04-09)    << 
429 - G4ICRU90StoppingData - fixed initialisation  << 
430                                                << 
431 01-10-18 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-04-08)    << 
432 - G4ICRU90StoppingData, G4NistManager - added  << 
433     data                                       << 
434                                                << 
435 27-09-18 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-04-07)    << 
436 - G4ICRU90StoppingData - added extra inline me << 
437                                                << 
438 25-09-18 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-04-06)    << 
439 - G4ICRU90StoppingData - new class for ICRU90  << 
440 - G4NistManager - added method to access G4ICR << 
441     check forcing instantiation only in the ma << 
442                                                << 
443 14-09-18 D.H. Wright (materials-V10-04-05)     << 
444 - sources.cmake: replace G4AtomicShells_EADL w << 
445                                                << 
446 13-09-18 D.H. Wright (materials-V10-04-04)     << 
447 - G4AtomicShells_EADL.hh, .cc deleted.         << 
448 - G4AtomicShells_XDB_EADL.hh, .cc added.  New  << 
449    binding energy data from X-ray Data Book (X << 
450    theoretical values otherwise.               << 
451                                                << 
452 15-02-18 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-04-03)        << 
453 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable: Restore return of << 
454   not found. Add bool to print warnings. Conti << 
455                                                << 
456 12-02-18 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-04-02)    << 
457 - G4OpticalSurface - move static methods to so << 
458                                                << 
459 07-02-18 D.Sawkey (materials-V10-04-01)        << 
460 - Re-enable user-defined material properties ( << 
461   in G4MaterialPropertiesTable and G4MaterialP << 
462                                                << 
463 19-12-17 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-04-00)         << 
464 - Fixed self-consistency in headers (missing # << 
465   G4MaterialTable. Thanks to Raphael Isemann f << 
466                                                << 
467 20-10-17 S.Y.Jun (materials-V10-03-13)         << 
468 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - rename SetGROUPV << 
469   and move it from GetProperty to AddProperty  << 
470   problem. Remove SetGROUPVEL from the next re << 
471   courtesy of Tao Lin, IHEP (the JUNO experime << 
472                                                << 
473 25-09-17 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-03-12)    << 
474 - G4Material - set lock when defining Material << 
475 - G4IonisParamMat - set lock when user defines << 
476                                                << 
477 15-09-17 S.Y.Jun (materials-V10-03-11)         << 
478 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - keep old propert << 
479   maps and public methods, GetPropertiesMap an << 
480   These method should be obsolete from the nex << 
481   and GetConstPropertyMap should be used inste << 
482                                                << 
483 13-09-17 S.Y.Jun (materials-V10-03-10)         << 
484 - G4MaterialPropertiesIndex - add missing MIEH << 
485                                                << 
486 12-09-17 S.Y.Jun (materials-V10-03-09)         << 
487 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - fix the warning  << 
488   between different enum types                 << 
489                                                << 
490 11-09-17 S.Y.Jun (materials-V10-03-08)         << 
491 - add a header file (G4MaterialPropertiesIndex << 
492   and names for G4MaterialProperties           << 
493 - G4MaterialPropertiesIndex - use the enum typ << 
494   for keys in the material (constant) property << 
495   necessary accessors and interfaces           << 
496                                                << 
497 01-09-17 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-03-07)    << 
498 - G4IonisParMat - added possibility of definin << 
499     parameters and another possibility to requ << 
500     material, which may have not exactly the s << 
501                                                << 
502 25-08-17 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-03-06)    << 
503 - G4Material, G4IonisParMat - fixed definition << 
504     when a material is constructed via based m << 
505                                                << 
506 21-08-17 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-03-05)    << 
507 - G4NistManager, G4NistElementBuilder, G4NistM << 
508     safe element and material build            << 
509                                                << 
510 29-05-17 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-03-04)    << 
511 - This version of Mariele Stockhoff's DAVIS mo << 
512   reflection but also the capability of transm << 
513                                                << 
514 22-03-17 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-03-03)    << 
515 - fix compilation waring in previous tag       << 
516                                                << 
517 21-03-17 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-03-02)    << 
518 - Mariele Stockhoff's DAVIS model              << 
519                                                << 
520 24-02-17 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-03-01)    << 
521 - G4Material - improved printout - always prin << 
522     independently on the state of the material << 
523                                                << 
524 22-02-17 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-03-00)         << 
525 - Removed debug printout from G4MaterialProper << 
526   Addressing problem report #1944.             << 
527                                                << 
528 08-11-16 E.Bagli (materials-V10-02-20)         << 
529 - Fixed Coverity warnings                      << 
530                                                << 
531 07-11-16 E.Bagli (materials-V10-02-19)         << 
532 - Moved G4CrystalMaterial to G4CrystalExtensio << 
533                                                << 
534 28-10-16 M.Asai (materials-V10-02-18)          << 
535 - Fix G4ExtendedMaterial to be correctly print << 
536                                                << 
537 24-10-16 E.Bagli (materials-V10-02-17)         << 
538 - Introduction of G4CrystalMaterial as a deriv << 
539 - Introduction of G4CrystalUnitCell with the c << 
540 - Introduction of G4AtomicFormFactor for the c << 
541 - Introduction of G4AtomicBond for the G4Cryst << 
542                                                << 
543 21-10-16 M.Asai (materials-V10-02-16)          << 
544 - G4ExtendedMaterial now uses std::hash and st << 
545                                                << 
546 20-10-16 M.Asai (materials-V10-02-15)          << 
547 - Introduing G4ExtendedMaterial and G4VMateria << 
548                                                << 
549 04-10-16 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-02-14)    << 
550 - Fix incorrectly calculated index for MicroRo << 
551   in           << 
552   (thanks to W. Schreyer/Technische Università << 
553 - Fix incorrectly calculated MicroRoughness am << 
554   in              << 
555   (thanks to W. Schreyer/Technische Università << 
556                                                << 
557 20-09-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-13)    << 
558 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - (Nathanael Lampe) re << 
559     BioChemicalMaterials() method, which now i << 
560     type of materials:                         << 
561        G4_XXXXX - molecule in its free state;  << 
562        G4_DNA_XXXXX - molecule, considering at << 
563                                                << 
564 06-06-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-12)    << 
565 - G4DensityEffectData - fixed initialisation   << 
566                                                << 
567 30-05-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-11)    << 
568 - G4DensityEffectData, G4IonisParamMat - fixed << 
569     parameters corrections for the case when N << 
570     potential does not equal to that parameter << 
571 - G4NistElementBuilder, G4NistMaterialBuilder  << 
572     the mean ionisation potential; put liquid  << 
573     the list of NIST materials (index=0), so p << 
574     easier accessted via atomic number (Z > 0) << 
575                                                << 
576 09-05-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-10)    << 
577 - G4Material - do not delete G4MaterialPropert << 
578     is unsafe                                  << 
579                                                << 
580 06-05-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-09)    << 
581 06-05-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-08)    << 
582 - cleanup all classes: use nullptr, use const/ << 
583 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable - 4 complex method << 
584     to source                                  << 
585 - G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper - all methods are  << 
586 - G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4Nist << 
587     added new const methods FindElement(..), F << 
588     FindSimpleMaterial(..), which may be used  << 
589 - G4Element - added method GetZ_asInt()        << 
590                                                << 
591 08-04-16 L.G. Sarmiento (materials-V10-02-07)  << 
592 - G4AtomicShells_EADL class added. Not being u << 
593                                                << 
594 06-04-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-06)    << 
595 - G4SandiaTable - fixed problem for the case w << 
596     unset (introduced in the previous tag)     << 
597                                                << 
598 06-03-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-05)    << 
599 04-03-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-04)    << 
600 - G4AtomicShells, G4SandiaTable - asserts are  << 
601     which are happens only if G4VERBOSE compil << 
602 - G4SandiaTable - cleanup of methods is done,  << 
603     some are moved from public to private      << 
604                                                << 
605 18-02-16 A. Dotti   (materials-V10-02-02)      << 
606 - Fix rare data-race in G4MaterialPropertiesTa << 
607   crash                                        << 
608                                                << 
609 03-01-16 M. Verderi (materials-V10-02-01)      << 
610 - src/ : fixed typo in  << 
611                                                << 
612 20-01-16 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-02-00)    << 
613 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added lock to build  << 
614     material. This is needed, because some phy << 
615     create a new NIST material from a worker t << 
616                                                << 
617 09-11-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-14)    << 
618 - fixed typo in comments (no code change)      << 
619                                                << 
620 04-11-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-13)    << 
621 - G4AtomicShells - restored previous version o << 
622     version can be deployed only after the rel << 
623 - G4Material - rolled back equal operators fro << 
624     in order do break user interface           << 
625                                                << 
626 02-11-15 L.G.Sarmiento (materials-V10-01-12)   << 
627 - G4AtomicShells rewritten from EADL values us << 
628     Also extended for elements up to Z=120.    << 
629                                                << 
630 24-10-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-11)    << 
631 - G4Element - improved printout                << 
632 - G4Material - some cleanup, removed unused fI << 
633 - G4IonisParamMat - use G4Exp, G4Log, all oper << 
634                                                << 
635 23-10-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-10)    << 
636 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - fixed extra problem  << 
637     ConstructNewGasMaterial method (P.Gumpling << 
638 - G4Element - always define effective number o << 
639     fNeff = fAeff/(g/mole) (address concern of << 
640     HyperNews/geant4/get/hadronprocess/ << 
641     to use element->GetN() for average atomic  << 
642     nucleons to use G4lrint(element->GetN())   << 
643 - G4IonisParamMat - use double argument to com << 
644                                                << 
645 22-10-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-09)    << 
646 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - fixed computation of << 
647     ConstructNewGasMaterial method (P.Gumpling << 
648                                                << 
649 12-08-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-08)    << 
650 11-08-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-07)    << 
651 - G4IonisParamMat - added protection on the ne << 
652     for the case of large diference between no << 
653     defined density of the material; for big d << 
654     Sternheimer-1971 parameterisation is used, << 
655     Sternheimer-1984 is applied; important for << 
656     low-density gas                            << 
657                                                << 
658 11-08-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-06)    << 
659 - G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuilder - added << 
660 - G4IonisParamMat - density effect parameteris << 
661     density of a simple (one component) materi << 
662     nominal value (problem #1765)              << 
663                                                << 
664 07-08-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-05)    << 
665 - Added checks on do/while loops               << 
666                                                << 
667 28-05-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-04)    << 
668 - G4NistManager - fixed problem #1747 - correc << 
669     and materials                              << 
670                                                << 
671 30-04-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-03)    << 
672 - G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4SandiaTable - fixed << 
673                                                << 
674 27-02-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-02)    << 
675 - G4NistManager - added method FindOrBuildSimp << 
676     removed GetLOGA (dublicated method with G4 << 
677 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added FindOrBuildSim << 
678     splited the longest private method into tw << 
679                                                << 
680 06-02-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-01)    << 
681 - G4Material, G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBui << 
682     introduced NTP_Temperature=20C; set this t << 
683     all materials instead of STP_Temperature;  << 
684     because NIST materials are defined for NTP << 
685     conditions; addressed problem report #1704 << 
686     results of EM testing suite (densities of  << 
687     used in tests are not changed)             << 
688                                                << 
689 15-01-15 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-01-00)    << 
690 - G4Material, G4Element, G4Isotope - make argu << 
691     operator const (fix proposed by D. Mancusi << 
692                                                << 
693 13-10-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-26)    << 
694 - G4SandiaData - optimized run time methods    << 
695                                                << 
696 06-10-14 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-00-25)    << 
697 - add methods SetMRMaxProbability and SetMRMax << 
698   G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable                 << 
699 - Compare not the energy but normal component  << 
700   in G4UCNMicroRoughnessHelper::IntIminus      << 
701   and G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable::TransCondi << 
702                                                << 
703 25-09-14 W.Pokorski (materials-V10-00-24)      << 
704 - G4IonisParamMat - adding initialization of G << 
705   the default constructor                      << 
706                                                << 
707 05-08-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-23)    << 
708 - G4SandiaData - proper deletion of G4PhysicsV << 
709                                                << 
710 24-07-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-22)    << 
711 - G4ElementData, G4IonStoppingData - proper de << 
712     end of job                                 << 
713                                                << 
714 10-07-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-21)    << 
715 - : modify low limit for wate << 
716     and clean-up the class.                    << 
717                                                << 
718 09-07-14 mma (materials-V10-00-20)             << 
719 - : modify low limit in GetSa << 
720                                                << 
721 27-06-14 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-00-19)    << 
722 - fix Coverity error uninitilized non-static c << 
723   G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable                 << 
724                                                << 
725 18-06-14 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-00-18)    << 
726 - fix Valgrid uninitialised value error in G4U << 
727                                                << 
728 16-06-14 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-00-17)    << 
729 - fix cases of floating-point exceptions in G4 << 
730                                                << 
731 11-06-14 G.Folger     (materials-V10-00-16)    << 
732 - add new classes G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable << 
733    to sources.cmake                            << 
734                                                << 
735 06-06-14 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-00-15)    << 
736 - add G4UCNMaterialPropertiesTable and G4UCNMi << 
737                                                << 
738 26-05-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-14)    << 
739 - G4Material - make copy constructor private   << 
740                                                << 
741 26-05-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-13)    << 
742 - G4Material, G4IonisParamElm, G4IonisParamMat << 
743     reports - copy constructor is private, bec << 
744     assumed to create a new material as a copy << 
745                                                << 
746 13-05-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-12)    << 
747 - G4Material - revert back modifications due t << 
748     improve material printout only to address  << 
749                                                << 
750 12-05-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-11)    << 
751 - G4Material - commented out method GetNuclear << 
752     extention for material printout to address << 
753                                                << 
754 09-05-14 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-00-10, materia << 
755 - Replaced size_t with int type for 'fNumberOf << 
756   and 'fNumberOfComponents' and 'fNumberOfElem << 
757   Adapted code accordingly.                    << 
758   Workaround to overcome limitation in Root I/ << 
759                                                << 
760 08-05-14 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-00-08)    << 
761 - Further attempts at avoiding all Coverity er << 
762                                                << 
763 06-04-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-07)    << 
764 - G4NistmaterialBuilder - added new material G << 
765     is mainly liquid while in NIST DB it is de << 
766     This is a bugfix #1607. Data are taken fro << 
767       << 
768                                                << 
769 30-04-14 P.Gumplinger (materials-V10-00-06)    << 
770 - Attempt at avoiding Coverity errors 37180 an << 
771                                                << 
772 28-04-14 M.Asai (materials-V10-00-05)          << 
773 - G4MaterialPropertyTable: fix race condition  << 
774   bug report #1590.                            << 
775                                                << 
776 22-04-14 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-00-04, materia << 
777 - G4Material: corrected initialisation of poin << 
778   per use of persistency.                      << 
779                                                << 
780 15-04-14 G.Cosmo (materials-V10-00-02)         << 
781 - G4Material: corrected typo in printout for d << 
782   function InitializePointers().               << 
783                                                << 
784 09-04-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-01)    << 
785 - G4Material, G4Element - defined defaulut nam << 
786     and isotopes if they are not explicitly de << 
787     names for gdml IO which has problem to wor << 
788     decimal number                             << 
789                                                << 
790 14-02-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-00-00)    << 
791 14-02-14 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V10-10-00)    << 
792 - G4SandiaTable - make run time methods const, << 
793     between threads; added new methods GetSand << 
794     GetWaterEnergyLimit(), GetWaterCofForMater << 
795                                                << 
796 16-11-13 M.Kelsey (materials-V09-06-34)        << 
797 - G4LatticePhysical:  Drop use of G4Transform3 << 
798   of simple G4RotationMatrix operating directl << 
799   should eliminate Windows problems.           << 
800                                                << 
801 15-11-13 M.Kelsey (materials-V09-06-33)        << 
802 -  In RotateTo*() functi << 
803   variable, and print it out (under verbosity) << 
804   to be the source of the crashes on Windows.  << 
805                                                << 
806 15-11-13 M.Kelsey (materials-V09-06-32)        << 
807 - G4LatticeLogical.hh:  Address Coverity #5349 << 
808   to support LatticeReader input checking.     << 
809                                                << 
810 15-11-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-31)    << 
811 - G4IonisParamMat - fixed density effect param << 
812     static analysis reported by Andrey Karpov  << 
813                                                << 
814 15-11-13 M.Kelsey (materials-V09-06-30)        << 
815 -  Add more diagnostic ( << 
816                                                << 
817 14-11-13 M.Kelsey (materials-V09-06-29)        << 
818 - G4LatticeLogical, G4LatticePhysical: Add ver << 
819   function.  Add diagnostic output controlled  << 
820   left out of Release 10.0 since it is past th << 
821                                                << 
822 13-11-13 M.Kelsey (materials-V09-06-28)        << 
823 - G4LatticeLogical: Add dumping of data, to tr << 
824   example on Windows.  This tag may be left ou << 
825   past the deadline.                           << 
826                                                << 
827 07-11-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-27)    << 
828 - G4IonStoppingData - do not delete G4PhysicsV << 
829                                                << 
830 06-11-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-26)    << 
831 - G4SandiaTable, G4ElementData - do not delete << 
832                                                << 
833 30-10-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-25)    << 
834 - G4SandiaTable, G4StaticSandiaData - V.Grichi << 
835                                                << 
836 23-10-13 M.Kelsey (materials-V09-06-24)        << 
837 - NEW classes for logical (physics info) and p << 
838   lattices.  Ported here from exoticphysics/ph << 
839                                                << 
840 01-10-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-23)    << 
841 - G4NistManager - G4Exception for the case whe << 
842     is instantiated in a worker thread         << 
843                                                << 
844 16-09-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-22)    << 
845 - G4NistManager - comment out AutoLock as prob << 
846                                                << 
847 15-08-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-21)    << 
848 - G4NistManager - added AutoLock in the constr << 
849     rarely possible situation that any code ca << 
850     class from worker thread                   << 
851                                                << 
852 22-07-13 A.Ribon      (materials-V09-06-20)    << 
853 - Added forgotten initialization of elm2Data i << 
854   constructor of G4ElementData.                << 
855                                                << 
856 01-07-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-19)    << 
857 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - make all access/prin << 
858     added formatting of printout (bug #1423)   << 
859 - G4NistElementBuilder - make access/print met << 
860 - G4ElementData - added array of 2D-tables     << 
861                                                << 
862 14-06-13 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-06-18)    << 
863 - Partially fix for coverity errors in G4Optic << 
864                                                << 
865 06-06-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-17)    << 
866 - G4Material - added warning if new material h << 
867                                                << 
868 05-06-13 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-06-16)    << 
869 - Add dichroic filter surface                  << 
870                                                << 
871 29-05-13 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-06-15)         << 
872 - Replace 'pascal' with 'hep_pascal' in G4Nist << 
873   conflicts on Windows.                        << 
874                                                << 
875 24-05-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-14)    << 
876 - G4SandiaTable - fixed typo in previous tag   << 
877                                                << 
878 22-05-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-13)    << 
879 22-05-13 V.Grichine: G4SandiaTable.hh/.cc were << 
880     a material Sandia coefficients without dyn << 
881                                                << 
882 10-05-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-12)    << 
883 - G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4IonisParamMat - min << 
884     chemical formula names, removed old commen << 
885     this is proposed by M.Trocme;              << 
886 - G4Element - do not recompute Aeff and Neff ( << 
887     material parameters will not be changed);  << 
888     commented lines, remove G4endl from except << 
889 - G4Material - removed old commented lines, re << 
890     exception description                      << 
891                                                << 
892 01-05-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-11)    << 
893 - G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4IonisParamMat - upd << 
894   parameters according to the review of  M.Tro << 
895    - replaced AddElementByWeightFraction() by  << 
896      as much as possible;                      << 
897    - comment out ill-defined material G4_GLUCO << 
898    - Fixed density and atom composition of G4_ << 
899      G4_POLYVINYL_BUTYRAL, G4_TERPHENYL        << 
900 - G4SandiaTable - only removed some lines whic << 
901                                                << 
902 25-04-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-10)    << 
903 - G4SandiaTable - moved all inline methods to  << 
904                                                << 
905 22-03-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-09)    << 
906 - G4Element, G4Material, G4IonisParamElm, G4Io << 
907   G4SandiaTable - use "static const G4double"  << 
908     instead of "const G4double"                << 
909                                                << 
910 14-03-13 mma (materials-V09-06-08)             << 
911 - G4Material: cosmetic in printout (operator<< << 
912                                                << 
913 01-03-13 mma (materials-V09-06-07)             << 
914 - G4Element: NaturalAbanbancesFlag -> NaturalA << 
915 - G4NistElementBuilder - SetNaturalAbundanceFl << 
916                                                << 
917 28-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-06)    << 
918 - G4SandiaTable - changed signature of GetSand << 
919     class be thread safe                       << 
920 - G4Material, G4IonisParamMat - make classes t << 
921     are shared between all threads             << 
922 - G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4Nist << 
923     create isotope vector with natural abundac << 
924                                                << 
925 23-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-05)    << 
926 - G4SandiaTable - attempt to fix compillation  << 
927                                                << 
928 22-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-04)    << 
929 - G4Element - make GetNaturalAbandancesFlag()  << 
930 - G4Isotope, G4Element, G4Material - comment o << 
931                                                << 
932 21-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-03)    << 
933 - G4SandiaTable - fixed typo introduced in pre << 
934     number of static methods/members, removed  << 
935                                                << 
936 20-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-02)    << 
937 - G4SandiaTable - return back fCumulInterval a << 
938                                                << 
939 19-02-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-01)    << 
940 - G4SandiaTable, G4IonisParamElm, G4IonisParam << 
941     of G4ThreadLocal declarations and part of  << 
942                                                << 
943 09-01-13 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-06-00)    << 
944 - G4NistMaterialBuilder fixed: stainless steel << 
945 << 
946   according to the Geometry Forum post 1251    << 
947                                                << 
948 14-11-12 P. Mato (materials-V09-05-33)         << 
949 - Added include G4SystemOfUnits.hh in unit tes << 
950                                                << 
951 10-10-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-32)    << 
952 - G4ElementData - updated and simplified       << 
953                                                << 
954 30-08-12 Pere Mato (materials-V09-05-31)       << 
955 - Added test/CMakeLists.txt                    << 
956                                                << 
957 15-08-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-30)    << 
958 - G4AtomicShell - reorder shells decenting in  << 
959     were ordered by quantum numbers and for hi << 
960     outer shells have lower indexes than some  << 
961     numbers)                                   << 
962 - G4Material - when construct material from th << 
963     excitation energy from base material and n << 
964 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added G4_THYMINE, G4 << 
965     for G4_ADENINE and G4_GUANINE use combinat << 
966     by mass fraction                           << 
967                                                << 
968 11-07-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-29)    << 
969 11-07-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-28)    << 
970 - Fixed bug of previous tag                    << 
971                                                << 
972 11-07-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-27)    << 
973 - G4SandiaTable - move inline methods with sta << 
974                                                << 
975 05-07-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-26)    << 
976 - G4SandiaTable - remove execution of std::pow << 
977     instead use precomuted values in static ar << 
978     unnecessary asserts from inline methods, s << 
979     improvement expected                       << 
980                                                << 
981 11-06-12 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-05-25)         << 
982 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for syst << 
983   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclus << 
984                                                << 
985 26-05-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-24)    << 
986 - G4Element - M.Kesley identified a bug in Nef << 
987                                                << 
988 23-05-12 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-05-23)         << 
989 - Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing.   << 
990                                                << 
991 23-05-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-22)    << 
992 23-05-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-21)    << 
993 - G4NistMaterialBuilder : fixed bug introduced << 
994                                                << 
995 16-05-12 gum (materials-V09-05-20)             << 
996 - G4OpticalSurface : trying to fix Coverity re << 
997 - G4NistMaterialBuilder : build H2O via atom c << 
998     fraction                                   << 
999                                                << 
1000 09-05-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-19)   << 
1001 - G4Element, G4Isotope : fixed not important  << 
1002     removing "return" from constructors       << 
1003 - G4ExtDEDXTable - changed options to open fi << 
1004     Coverity warning                          << 
1005                                               << 
1006 01-05-12 mma (materials-V09-05-18)            << 
1007 - G4Element, G4Material : cosmetic in printin << 
1008                                               << 
1009 24-04-12 mma (materials-V09-05-17)            << 
1010 - G4Material : go back to materials-V09-05-15 << 
1011                                               << 
1012 23-04-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-16)   << 
1013 - G4Material : add fMassOfMolecule computatio << 
1014     with mass fraction                        << 
1015 - G4Element : normalize to 1 the sum of isoto << 
1016                                               << 
1017 21-04-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-15)   << 
1018 - G4Material : add fMassOfMolecule definition << 
1019     with base material                        << 
1020                                               << 
1021 21-04-12 mma (materials-V09-05-14)            << 
1022 - G4Material : fMassOfMolecule, only computed << 
1023 - update test/            << 
1024                                               << 
1025 13-04-12 mma (materials-V09-05-13)            << 
1026 - G4Material : map<G4Material*,G4double> fMat << 
1027 - update test/            << 
1028                                               << 
1029 12-04-12 mma (materials-V09-05-12)            << 
1030 - G4Material : new data member fMatComponents << 
1031       AddMaterial()                           << 
1032 - example in test/        << 
1033                                               << 
1034 05-03-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-11)   << 
1035 - G4Element - add construction of Isotope vec << 
1036     if user does not create isotopes then vec << 
1037     with natural abundances is created using  << 
1038     extend printout of G4Exceptions           << 
1039 - G4Isotope - extend printout of G4Exceptions << 
1040 - G4ExtDEDXTable - trying to fix Coverity rep << 
1041                                               << 
1042 25-02-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-10)   << 
1043 - G4Material - return back to the version of  << 
1044                                               << 
1045 21-02-12 mma (materials-V09-05-09)            << 
1046 - G4Material : fZmean, fAmean                 << 
1047                for single materials : GetZ(), << 
1048          for any materials : GetZmean(), GetA << 
1049                                               << 
1050 20-02-12 mma (materials-V09-05-08)            << 
1051 - G4Material : fAeff kept in geant4 unit      << 
1052   GetAtomicMassAmu()  {return fAeff*mole/g;}  << 
1053                                               << 
1054 19-02-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-07)   << 
1055 - G4Material, G4Element, G4Isotope, G4NistMan << 
1056   G4NistElement - added or cleaned methods Ge << 
1057   improved comments                           << 
1058                                               << 
1059 14-02-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-06)   << 
1060 - G4NistManager - fixed compillation problem  << 
1061                                               << 
1062 12-02-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-05)   << 
1063 - G4Material - provided methods GetZ (effecti << 
1064     both for simple and compound materials (b << 
1065 - G4NistMessenger - cleanup comments          << 
1066 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - cleanup logic of Ad << 
1067 - G4IonisParamMat - more safe computation of  << 
1068   of Hydrogen and Helium                      << 
1069                                               << 
1070 09-02-12 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-05-04)   << 
1071 - G4NistManager         - add ConstructNewIde << 
1072 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - add ConstructNewIde << 
1073 - G4NistElementBuilder  - add GetA(const G4St << 
1074                                               << 
1075 04-02-12 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-05-03)   << 
1076 - G4NistElementBuilder - improved comments    << 
1077 - G4NistManager - improve comments            << 
1078 - G4ExtDEDXTable - an extra attempt to fix Co << 
1079                                               << 
1080 24-01-12 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-05-02)   << 
1081 - remove std:: in front  << 
1082                                               << 
1083 17-01-12 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-05-01)   << 
1084 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable.icc: add return s << 
1085   after G4Exception to keep a compiler happy  << 
1086                                               << 
1087 12-01-12 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-05-00)   << 
1088 - G4MaterialPropertiesTable.icc: cosmetic cha << 
1089     GetConstProperty and ConstPropertyExists  << 
1090 - avoid compilation warn << 
1091                                               << 
1092 10-11-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-18)   << 
1093 - G4SandiaTable, G4IonisParamElm, G4IonisPara << 
1094     fixed problems reported by Coverity, main << 
1095                                               << 
1096 29-10-11 mma (materials-V09-04-17)            << 
1097 - G4Exception : unified exceptionCode         << 
1098                                               << 
1099 28-10-11 mma (materials-V09-04-16)            << 
1100 - new scheme for G4Exception                  << 
1101                                               << 
1102 14-10-11 gum (materials-V09-04-15)            << 
1103 - remove G4MaterialPropertyVector.icc, G4Mate << 
1104   G4MPVEntry.hh and from source << 
1105   entries in alphabetic order                 << 
1106                                               << 
1107 13-10-11 gum (materials-V09-04-14)            << 
1108 - typedef G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector G4Materi << 
1109   remove G4MPVEntry and modify G4MaterialProp << 
1110                                               << 
1111 20-08-11 mma (materials-V09-04-13)            << 
1112 - G4Isotope : add flag fm to identify isomer  << 
1113                                               << 
1114 14-06-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-12)   << 
1115 - Fixed typo in previous tag                  << 
1116                                               << 
1117 14-06-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-11)   << 
1118 - A.Ivanchenko review and updated body tissue << 
1119   according ICRU Report 46 (1992) instead of  << 
1120   G4_TESTES_ICRP is renamed to G4_TESTIS_ICRP << 
1121   removed G4_CYTOSINE, G4_THYMINE, G4_URACIL, << 
1122   G4_DNA... materials more adequate to DNA ap << 
1123                                               << 
1124 08-06-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-10)   << 
1125 - G4Material - fixed typo in previous tag     << 
1126                                               << 
1127 08-06-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-09)   << 
1128 - G4Element, G4Material - comments to the cla << 
1129   address bug report #1220                    << 
1130 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added two new mater << 
1131                                               << 
1132 04-05-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-08)   << 
1133 03-05-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-07)   << 
1134 - G4IonisParamMat, G4NistManager, G4NistMesse << 
1135   Coverity bugs                               << 
1136                                               << 
1137 01-05-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-06)   << 
1138 - G4IonisParamMat - cleanup methods, use G4Po << 
1139 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - improved comments   << 
1140                                               << 
1141 05-04-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-05)   << 
1142 - G4IonisParamMat: make method DensityCorrect << 
1143   'twoln10' member of the class               << 
1144 - G4Material - fixed computation of radiation << 
1145    length when G4Material is constructed from << 
1146                                               << 
1147 04-04-11 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-04-04)        << 
1148 - G4IonisParamMat: move method DensityCorrect << 
1149   now using static value 'twoln10'. Required  << 
1150                                               << 
1151 03-04-11 V.Ivanchenko                         << 
1152 - G4NistManager - implemented forgotten inlin << 
1153                                               << 
1154 25-03-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-03)   << 
1155 - G4ElementData - added extra array           << 
1156                                               << 
1157 11-03-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-02)   << 
1158 - G4Material - added extra protections agains << 
1159                during material construction   << 
1160                                               << 
1161 08-03-11 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-01)   << 
1162 - G4Material - added Base Material pointer an << 
1163 - G4NistMaterial - added constructor of a mat << 
1164      density; reduce size of internal vectors << 
1165 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - cleanup methods to  << 
1166 - G4IonisParamMat - use mean ionisation poten << 
1167      in computation of density effect         << 
1168 - G4ExtDEDXTable - try to fix minor Coverity  << 
1169 - G4ElementData - added new class             << 
1170                                               << 
1171 23-12-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-04-00)   << 
1172 - G4SandiaTable - fixed trivial Coverity warn << 
1173                   previous tag                << 
1174 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - fixed warning repor << 
1175                   unnecessary instantiation o << 
1176 - G4ExtDEDXTable - fixed Coverity warning in  << 
1177                                               << 
1178 23-11-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-14)   << 
1179 - G4SandiaTable - V.Grichine Bug fix in G4_Ar << 
1180                                               << 
1181 12-11-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-13)   << 
1182 12-11-10 V.Grichine Bug fix in G4SandiaTable: << 
1183          fVerbose and pedantic variable initi << 
1184                                               << 
1185 05-11-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-12)   << 
1186 - Removed obsolete unused data classes G4Iron << 
1187   G4MaterialStoppingICRU73, G4SimpleMaterialS << 
1188   data are uploaded from G4LEDATA             << 
1189                                               << 
1190 04-11-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-11)   << 
1191 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added few DNA mater << 
1192                                               << 
1193 01-11-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-10)   << 
1194 - G4NistManager - use G4Pow for fast computat << 
1195 - Fixed problems highlighted by the Coverity  << 
1196                                               << 
1197 26-10-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-09)   << 
1198 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added BioChemicalMa << 
1199   access methods                              << 
1200                                               << 
1201 25-10-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-08)   << 
1202 - Fixed problems highlighted by the Coverity  << 
1203   initialisation                              << 
1204                                               << 
1205 20-05-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-07)   << 
1206 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added G4_LUCITE     << 
1207                                               << 
1208 15-05-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-06)   << 
1209 - G4DensityEffectData - fixed method GetIndex << 
1210                         and solid states, ren << 
1211 - G4IonisParamMat - fixed typo in the method  << 
1212                                               << 
1213 10-05-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-05)   << 
1214 - G4IonisParamMat - added member and method G << 
1215                                               << 
1216 30-04-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-04)   << 
1217 - G4AtomicShells - improved performance by ad << 
1218 - G4Element - moved include of G4AtomicShells << 
1219                                               << 
1220 29-04-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-03)   << 
1221 - G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4NistManager - adde << 
1222 - G4IonisParamElm - use mean excitation energ << 
1223                     addressing a problem repo << 
1224                     mean energy deposition in << 
1225                                               << 
1226 23-04-10 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-03-02)   << 
1227 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - added 6 new materia << 
1228           G4_STAINLESS-STEEL, G4_KEVLAR, G4_D << 
1229 - G4IonisParamMat, G4DensityEffectData - adde << 
1230           density effect data in the case whe << 
1231           defined via NIST; atom number and s << 
1232           are checked.                        << 
1233                                               << 
1234 22-04-10 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-03-01) - << 
1235 - 21% speed up o << 
1236   of temporary helper object and modifying Ge << 
1237   value to match a bin exactly, thus avoiding << 
1238   G4OpticalSurface.hh: change the return of G << 
1239   no longer dereferencing a pointer but retur << 
1240   array index.                                << 
1241                                               << 
1242 07-01-10 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-03-00)        << 
1243 - G4OpticalSurface - removed left-over debug  << 
1244   header.                                     << 
1245                                               << 
1246 03-12-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-24)   << 
1247 - G4NistMessenger - fixed minor memory leak a << 
1248                                               << 
1249 01-12-09 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-02-23)        << 
1250 - Use G4double in place of G4float in G4Densi << 
1251                                               << 
1252 30-11-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-22)   << 
1253 - G4IonisParamMat - fixed liquid Argon proble << 
1254                                               << 
1255 24-11-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-21)   << 
1256 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - allow to use old na << 
1257   G4_NYLON-6/6 and G4_NYLON-6/10 for backward << 
1258                                               << 
1259 19-11-09 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-02-20)   << 
1260 - change the code such that the LUT are now r << 
1261   G4OpticalSurface and not G4OpBoundaryProces << 
1262   enumeration                                 << 
1263                                               << 
1264 19-11-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-19)   << 
1265 - G4IonisParamMat - fixed crash at destructio << 
1266                                               << 
1267 18-11-09 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-02-18)        << 
1268 - G4IonisParamMat - fix for usage of static d << 
1269   DLLs libraries on Windows.                  << 
1270                                               << 
1271 18-11-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-17)   << 
1272 - G4IonisParamMat - fixed minor memory leak d << 
1273                                               << 
1274 10-11-09 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-02-16)   << 
1275 - increase flexibily of G4SurfaceProperty and << 
1276   to allow for Look-Up-Table boundary process << 
1277   Thanks to Martin Janecek and William Moses  << 
1278                                               << 
1279 09-11-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-15)   << 
1280 - improved comments to ICRU73 classes         << 
1281                                               << 
1282 05-11-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-14)   << 
1283 - G4DensityEffectData - (A.Bagulya) fixed Get << 
1284                                               << 
1285 04-11-09 P. Gumplinger (materials-V09-02-13)  << 
1286 - cleanup of include file: G4OpticalSurface.h << 
1287   change in the imlementation .cc)            << 
1288                                               << 
1289 04-11-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-12)   << 
1290 - G4VIonDEDXTable - (A.Lechner) added new met << 
1291                     invoke the build process  << 
1292                     the initialisation phase  << 
1293 - G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73 - (A.Lechner << 
1294                     according to change in ba << 
1295 - G4MaterialStoppingICRU73 - (A.Lechner) adde << 
1296                     according to change in ba << 
1297                     from G4_NYLON-6/6 to G4_N << 
1298 - G4IronStoppingICRU73 - (A.Lechner) added me << 
1299                     according to change in ba << 
1300 - G4ExtDEDXTable - (A.Lechner) added method B << 
1301                    change in base class       << 
1302 - G4IonStoppingData - (A.Lechner) new class,  << 
1303                       vectors contained in G4 << 
1304                       physics vectors than th << 
1305                       vectors are restricted  << 
1306 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - (A.Lechner) changed << 
1307                            * from G4_NYLON-6/ << 
1308                            * from G4_NYLON-6/ << 
1309                           to allow matching w << 
1310                           which have material << 
1311 - G4DensityEffectData - (A.Bagulya) added met << 
1312 - G4IonisParamMat - (A.Bagulya) fixed density << 
1313                     added plasma energy compu << 
1314                     G4DensityEffectData by th << 
1315                                               << 
1316 01-11-09 A.Lechner (materials-V09-02-11)      << 
1317 - G4MaterialStoppingICRU73 - (A.Lechner) Exte << 
1318                              ICRU 73 tables f << 
1319                              0.025 - 1 GeV/u. << 
1320                              VectorFullRange) << 
1321                              physics vectors. << 
1322                                               << 
1323 30-10-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-10)   << 
1324 - G4DensityEffectData - (A.Bagulya) added dat << 
1325                                   Data Tabl.  << 
1326                                   via materia << 
1327 - G4NistMessenger - (A.Bagulya) added UI comm << 
1328                     density effect data       << 
1329 - G4IonisParamMat - added new members: Eplasm << 
1330                     Delta0 parameter of densi << 
1331                     and pointer to G4DensityE << 
1332                     added new access method a << 
1333                     fixed copy constructor    << 
1334 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - (A.Ivantchenko) cha << 
1335                                   according t << 
1336                                   material G4 << 
1337                                               << 
1338 17-09-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-09)   << 
1339 - G4Element - (V. Grichine) added method GetN << 
1340                             returns the numbe << 
1341                                               << 
1342 17-07-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-08)   << 
1343 - G4NistManager, G4NistMessenger, G4NistEleme << 
1344          implementation of UI commands        << 
1345                                               << 
1346 25-05-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-07)   << 
1347 - Renamed G4ExternalDEDXTable class to G4ExtD << 
1348   of DLLs on WIN32-VC, where "External" is us << 
1349   generation process.                         << 
1350                                               << 
1351 11-05-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-06)   << 
1352 - G4ExternalDEDXTable: A.Lechner bug-fix in C << 
1353                        illegal deletion of ph << 
1354                                               << 
1355 07-05-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-05)   << 
1356 - G4IronStoppingICRU73: the upper limit of th << 
1357                         from 10 MeV to 1 GeV; << 
1358 - G4NistMaterialBuilder: mean ionisation pote << 
1359                         to 78 eV according to << 
1360                         and recommendation of << 
1361                         consistent with ICRU' << 
1362                                               << 
1363 29-04-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-04)   << 
1364   Fixed ICRI'73 data provided by Prof.P.Sigmu << 
1365 - G4MaterialStoppingICRU73: G4WATER, G4WATER_ << 
1366 - G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73: G4_Cu       << 
1367 - G4IronStoppingICRU73: G4WATER data added    << 
1368   Also fixed GetDEDX methods in these classes << 
1369                                               << 
1370 24-04-09 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-02-03)        << 
1371 - Make visible GetEntry() accessor in G4Mater << 
1372   restricted to persistency.                  << 
1373                                               << 
1374 20-04-09 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-02-02)        << 
1375 - Use 'const' references for strings as argum << 
1376   properties tables and related classes. Inli << 
1377   cleanup.                                    << 
1378 - Added Entries() method to G4MaterialPropert << 
1379   in G4MaterialPropertiesTable, required for  << 
1380   material properties.                        << 
1381                                               << 
1382 18-03-09 A.Lechner, V.Ivanchenko (materials-V << 
1383 - New interface class G4VIonDEDXTable for ele << 
1384   tables for ions.                            << 
1385 - New utility class G4ExternalDEDXTable to ha << 
1386   stopping power tables for ions.             << 
1387 - Migrated classes for ICRU'73 stopping power << 
1388   G4MaterialStoppingICRU73, G4SimpleMaterialS << 
1389   the new G4VIonDEDXTable interface:          << 
1390   o Changed access methods of physics vectors << 
1391     identified via atomic number of material  << 
1392   o Classes now deliver mass stopping powers  << 
1393     unit length;                              << 
1394   o Any dependency on ICRU 73 material densit << 
1395     no longer included in the classes);       << 
1396   o Stopping power vectors are now only built << 
1397     the constructor.                          << 
1398                                               << 
1399 19-02-09 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-02-00)   << 
1400 - G4MaterialStoppingICRU73: added 4 forgotten << 
1401 - G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73: fixed densi << 
1402                                               << 
1403 11-12-08 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-01-20)        << 
1404 - Added dummy default constructor in G4Optica << 
1405 - Removed debug printout function Overwrite() << 
1406                                               << 
1407 14-11-08 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-01-19)        << 
1408 - Added SetName() method to G4Element, G4Isot << 
1409   in detector persistency. Use "const G4Strin << 
1410   of implicit copy...                         << 
1411                                               << 
1412 02-11-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-18)   << 
1413 - G4IronStoppingICRU73, G4MaterialStoppingICR << 
1414   G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73: fixed inlin << 
1415                                               << 
1416 24-10-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-17)   << 
1417 - G4IronStoppingICRU73, G4MaterialStoppingICR << 
1418   G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73: renamed ICR << 
1419   accessors.                                  << 
1420                                               << 
1421 20-10-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-16)   << 
1422 - G4IronStopping, G4MaterialStopping, G4Simpl << 
1423   ICRU'73 data on stopping powers 25 keV/n -  << 
1424                                               << 
1425 13-08-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-15)   << 
1426 - G4Material: use array size defined in mater << 
1427   a component is a compound material          << 
1428                                               << 
1429 07-08-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-14)   << 
1430 - G4NistElementBuilder: use best known parame << 
1431   binding energy of atoms, use standard masse << 
1432 - G4NistManager and G4NistElementBuilder: add << 
1433   GetTotalElectronBindingEnergy().            << 
1434 - G4Isotope: use AtomicMass instead of Nuclea << 
1435 - G4Element: use G4int(fZeff) everywhere in t << 
1436                                               << 
1437 23-07-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-13)   << 
1438 - G4NistManager: fixed bug introduced in tag  << 
1439                                               << 
1440 21-07-08 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-01-12)   << 
1441 - G4SurfaceProperty and G4OpticalSurface, mak << 
1442                                               << 
1443 17-07-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-11)   << 
1444 - G4NistManager: added inline methods to spee << 
1445                                               << 
1446 16-07-08 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-01-10)   << 
1447 - G4SurfaceProperty changed method name from  << 
1448                                               << 
1449 08-07-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-09)   << 
1450 - G4IonisParamMat - added fMeanEnergyPerIon a << 
1451                                               << 
1452 27-06-08 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-01-08)        << 
1453 - Added virtual destructor to G4OpticalSurfac << 
1454   Addresses problem report #1014.             << 
1455                                               << 
1456 05-06-08 P.Gumplinger (materials-V09-01-07)   << 
1457 - G4MPVEntry, G4MaterialPropertyVector, G4Mat << 
1458   trivial name changes: momentum->energy, mom << 
1459                                               << 
1460 04-06-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-06)   << 
1461 - G4NistElementBuilder - provided unique name << 
1462                          (P.Gumplinger)       << 
1463 - G4IonisParamElm - added Fermi velocity and  << 
1464                     parameterizations of the  << 
1465                     stragling of ions);       << 
1466 - G4IonisParamMat - use Fermi velocity and L- << 
1467                                               << 
1468 02-06-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-05)   << 
1469 - G4Element - extended printput of errors and << 
1470               of consistence between Z and A  << 
1471                                               << 
1472 28-04-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-04)   << 
1473 - G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4Nis << 
1474   added better comments                       << 
1475                                               << 
1476 17-03-08 mma (materials-V09-01-03)            << 
1477 - G4Material : cout << NuclearInteractionLeng << 
1478                                               << 
1479 11-03-08 mma (materials-V09-01-02)            << 
1480 - G4IonisParamMat - remove NistManager depend << 
1481                                               << 
1482 10-03-08 mma (materials-V09-01-01)            << 
1483 - G4IonisParamMat - add Birks constant        << 
1484                                               << 
1485 06-03-08 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-01-00)   << 
1486 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - use correct dimensi << 
1487   ConstructNewMaterial methods                << 
1488 - G4Material - improve G4cerr printout        << 
1489                                               << 
1490 11-12-07 G.Cosmo (materials-V09-00-08)        << 
1491 - Made GetZ13() and GetLOGA() in G4NistManage << 
1492   handle static data), to allow for building  << 
1493                                               << 
1494 30-10-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-07)   << 
1495 - G4NistManager and G4NistMaterialBuilder - s << 
1496                 (before was kStateUndefined)  << 
1497                 existing user code unchanged  << 
1498                                               << 
1499 28-10-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-06)   << 
1500 - G4NistManager and G4NistMaterialBuilder - e << 
1501                 new materials: added G4State, << 
1502                 (gasses are allowed), because << 
1503                 these extra parameters no int << 
1504                                               << 
1505 18-10-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-05)   << 
1506 - G4NistManager - added deletion of isotopes  << 
1507                   deletion); added precompute << 
1508 - G4Material - move registration in MaterialT << 
1509                to InitialisePointers; added I << 
1510 - G4Element  - do not delete isotopes; move r << 
1511                from constructors to ComputeDe << 
1512                                               << 
1513 01-10-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-04)   << 
1514 - G4SandiaTable - fixed memory leak           << 
1515                                               << 
1516 01-10-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-03)   << 
1517 - G4SandiaTable - separated computations of t << 
1518                   coeffitients for photo-elec << 
1519                   added fMatSandiaMatrixPAI o << 
1520                   general cleanup, reduce num << 
1521                                               << 
1522 27-09-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-02)   << 
1523 - G4IonisParamMat - add comutation and get me << 
1524   ion inonisation: Fermi energy, effective Z, << 
1525   they will not be recomputed at each step    << 
1526                                               << 
1527 27-07-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-01)   << 
1528 - G4NistManager - simplified logic of Print m << 
1529 - G4NistElementBuilder  - added protection to << 
1530 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - modified FindOrBuil << 
1531                           material is built e << 
1532                           with the same name, << 
1533                           parameters cannot b << 
1534 - G4Material, G4Element - fix destructors, no << 
1535   are deleted at the end of a run             << 
1536                                               << 
1537 26-07-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V09-00-00)   << 
1538 - G4Nistmanager provide destruction of all ma << 
1539 - G4NistElementBuilder - for given Z build on << 
1540      and allow user create other elements wit << 
1541      requirement)                             << 
1542                                               << 
1543 19-06-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-03-02)   << 
1544 - G4SandiaTable - comment out destruction of  << 
1545                                               << 
1546 15-06-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-03-01)   << 
1547 - G4SandiaTable - fixed non-initilised pointe << 
1548                                               << 
1549 14-06-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-03-00)   << 
1550 - G4SandiaTable - added deletion of elements  << 
1551                                               << 
1552 14-08-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-03-00a)  << 
1553 - G4NistElementBuilder - protection (Z>=limit << 
1554                          (Mokka request)      << 
1555                                               << 
1556 02-05-07 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-02-02)   << 
1557 - G4NistManager and G4NistElementBuilder - ad << 
1558   and GetNumberOfNistIsotopes methods         << 
1559                                               << 
1560 25-04-07 P.Gumplinger (materials-V08-02-01)   << 
1561 - add file, modify G4Sur << 
1562   a static G4SurfacePropertyTable akin to G4M << 
1563   add G4Exception to SetGROUPVEL when E_photo << 
1564                                               << 
1565 10-07-06 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-02-00)   << 
1566 - G4Material - fill fAtomVector in the case,  << 
1567   from Element mass fractions                 << 
1568 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - add liquids O2 and  << 
1569 - G4NistElementBuilder - add protection Z<=10 << 
1570                                               << 
1571 27-06-06 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-01-01)   << 
1572 - Add methods to access vector of names of NI << 
1573   (ILC requirement)                           << 
1574 - Add methods GetAtomicMass, AddIsotopeMass - << 
1575   nuclear mass in G4 units                    << 
1576 - Add GetTotalBindingEnergy method to G4Atomi << 
1577 - Add Get/SetNaturalAbandancesFlag (requireme << 
1578                                               << 
1579 27-06-06 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-01-00)   << 
1580 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - fix graphite desctr << 
1581                                               << 
1582 11-05-06 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-00-03)   << 
1583 - G4NistManager and G4NistMaterialBuider - ad << 
1584 - G4NistElementBuilder - do not subtract mass << 
1585                                               << 
1586 02-05-06 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-00-02)   << 
1587 - G4NistManager and G4NistElementBuider - add << 
1588 - G4NistElementBuilder - subtract mass of ele << 
1589                                               << 
1590 18-03-06 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-00-01)   << 
1591 - G4NistMaterialManager - fix bug in regime o << 
1592                           partially via NIST  << 
1593                                               << 
1594 09-03-06 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V08-00-00)   << 
1595 - G4NistMaterialBuilder - Add method  Constru << 
1596 - G4Material - minor change of printout       << 
1597 - G4NistManager - add method GetAtomicMassAmu << 
1598                                               << 
1599 22-11-05 G.Cosmo (materials-V07-01-03)        << 
1600 - Additional minor changes needed for direct  << 
1601                                               << 
1602 18-11-05 G.Cosmo (materials-V07-01-02)        << 
1603 - Additional minor changes needed for direct  << 
1604   Temporary solution, pending improvements in << 
1605   persistency tool.                           << 
1606                                               << 
1607 15-11-05 mma (materials-V07-01-01)            << 
1608 - G4bool warning=true in GetMaterial(), GetEl << 
1609                                               << 
1610 09-11-05 G.Cosmo (materials-V07-01-00)        << 
1611 - Added fake default constructor for isotopes << 
1612   relevant related classes, for usage of dire << 
1613   detector description.                       << 
1614                                               << 
1615 31-10-05 V.Ivanchenko                         << 
1616 - G4NistMaterialBuilder: add chemical formula << 
1617   add temperature and presure explicitly for  << 
1618   allow to have other than STP parameters for << 
1619                                               << 
1620 22-06-05 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V07-00-07)   << 
1621 - change 1 -> 1.0 for water density           << 
1622                                               << 
1623 08-06-05 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V07-00-06)   << 
1624 - take the head of subdirectory - murge tags  << 
1625                                               << 
1626 16.05.05 P.Gumplinger (materials-V07-00-05)   << 
1627 - Add SetGROUPVEL() courtesy of Horton-Smith  << 
1628                                               << 
1629 13-05-05 V.Ivanchenko (materials-V07-00-04)   << 
1630 - add acknowledgement in the Nist classes     << 
1631                                               << 
1632 10-05-05 mma (materials-V07-00-03)            << 
1633 - add a missing coma in G4IonisParamMat::Find << 
1634                                               << 
1635 01-04-05 mma (materials-V07-00-02)            << 
1636 - G4Element: new data member fIndexZ to count << 
1637                                               << 
1638 31.03.05 mma                                  << 
1639 - G4Isotope: make A optional (taken from Nist << 
1640 - warning in GetMaterial(materialName) and Ge << 
1641                                               << 
1642 18.03.05 S.Sadilov (materials-V07-00-01)      << 
1643 - Fixed compilation problem on Windows for G4 << 
1644                                               << 
1645 22.02.05 mma (materials-V07-00-00)            << 
1646 - new classes G4NistManager, G4NistMessenger  << 
1647   deleted G4NistMaterialManager               << 
1648                                               << 
1649 11.02.05 mma                                  << 
1650 - new classes G4NistElementBuilder, G4NistMat << 
1651   and test/, G4NistMate << 
1652                                               << 
1653 07.12.04 G.Cosmo - materials-V06-02-02        << 
1654          Implemented migration to <cmath>.    << 
1655                                               << 
1656 06.09.04 V.Ivant - materials-V06-02-01        << 
1657          Recalculate ionisation parameters af << 
1658          mean ionisation potential; added fac << 
1659                                               << 
1660 19.07.04 mma - materials-V06-02-00            << 
1661          Put a protection in G4AtomicShells:: << 
1662                                               << 
1663 13.05.04 P.Gumplinger - materials-V06-01-01   << 
1664          Added new utility method ConstProper << 
1665          returning true/false according to th << 
1666          the table G4MaterialPropertiesTable. << 
1667                                               << 
1668 05.03.04 V.Grichine - materials-V06-01-00     << 
1669          new methods for old sorting algorith << 
1670                                               << 
1671 03.02.04 V.Ivant - materials-V06-00-01        << 
1672          Fix problem of destructor of G4Sandi << 
1673                                               << 
1674 22.01.04 mma - materials-V06-00-00            << 
1675 proper STL handdling  << 
1676                                               << 
1677 01.12.03 P.Gumplinger - materials-V05-02-00   << 
1678          Added base class G4SurfaceProperty.  << 
1679          G4OpticalSurface[]: modified t << 
1680                                               << 
1681 18.06.03 G.Cosmo - materials-V05-01-01        << 
1682, G4Materia << 
1683          G4USE_STD_NAMESPACE after g4std migr << 
1684                                               << 
1685 19.05.03 G.Cosmo - materials-V05-01-00        << 
1686 fixed bug in operator= << 
1687          Fixes problem report #429. (M.Maire) << 
1688 cleared trivial pe << 
1689                                               << 
1690 05.11.02 P.Gumplinger - materials-V04-01-03   << 
1691          Add constant material properties to  << 
1692                                               << 
1693 29.10.02 V.Ivanchenko - materials-V04-01-02   << 
1694          G4IonisParamMat: Add Set and Find Me << 
1695                                               << 
1696 17.10.02 V.Ivanchenko - materials-V04-01-01   << 
1697 Fix excitation e << 
1698                                               << 
1699 06.08.02 M.Maire - materials-V04-01-00        << 
1700          Remove constructors with chemical fo << 
1701                                               << 
1702 06.05.02 M.Maire - materials-V04-00-03        << 
1703          Remove the check of the ideal gas st << 
1704                                               << 
1705 16.04.02 M.Maire - materials-V04-00-02        << 
1706          G4StaticSandiaData: bug fixed in Pb: << 
1707    G4Exception put in constructor with chemic << 
1708                                               << 
1709 22.02.02 M.Maire - materials-V04-00-01        << 
1710          fIndexTable renewed in G4Material, G << 
1711                                               << 
1712 22.01.02 M.Verderi - materials-V04-00-00      << 
1713    Fixed G4MaterialPropertyVector::AddElement << 
1714    of G4MPVEntry ordering in the G4std::vecto << 
1715    This happens since the STL migration (whil << 
1716    was taking care about.)                    << 
1717    Changes in G4MaterialPropertyVector.hh, G4 << 
1718    and test/     << 
1719                                               << 
1720 29.11.01 G.Cosmo - materials-V03-02-07        << 
1721          Fixed declaration of ostream attribu << 
1722          type for ANSI compilers. Fixes compi << 
1723          Modified files:, G4Elem << 
1724                                               << 
1725 28.11.01 G.Cosmo - materials-V03-02-06        << 
1726          Fixed bug in G4MaterialPropertyVecto << 
1727          initialisation of a local pointer. F << 
1728                                               << 
1729 31.10.01 M.Maire - materials-V03-02-05        << 
1730          New function G4Materials::SetChemica << 
1731                                               << 
1732 17.10.01 G.Cosmo - materials-V03-02-04        << 
1733          Removed all static inline methods in << 
1734          G4Material and G4SandiaTable. Now pl << 
1735          Fixed memory leak in G4SandiaTable:: << 
1736          for deletion of temporary vectors Z, << 
1737          Moved definitions of G4IsotopeVector << 
1738    G4ElementTable and G4MaterialTable to the  << 
1739          Replaced NULL with 0 whereever neede << 
1740                                               << 
1741 19.09.01 G.Cosmo - materials-V03-02-03        << 
1742          Fixed initialisation of STL collecti << 
1743          operators. Fixes warnings detected o << 
1744                                               << 
1745 14.09.01 M.Maire - materials-V03-02-02        << 
1746          G4Isotope,Element,Material: IndexInT << 
1747    via GetIndex(). An Isotope,Element,Materia << 
1748    fCountUse counts the nb of materials which << 
1749    (idem for elements->isotope)               << 
1750                                               << 
1751 31.08.01 P.Gumplinger - materials-V03-02-01   << 
1752          Fix printing of property name and ch << 
1753          pointer in G4MaterialPropertiesTable << 
1754          message in RemoveEntry method.       << 
1755          Improve printing in G4MaterialProper << 
1756                                               << 
1757 17.07.01 M.Verderi - materials-V03-02-00      << 
1758    Complete migration to STL. Tag proposed fo << 
1759                                               << 
1760 06.06.01 G.Cosmo - materials-V03-01-01        << 
1761          Explicitly initialise to zero values << 
1762          sandia-matrix in method ComputeMatSa << 
1763          This fix clears warnings detected on << 
1764          Coworks with tag "global-V03-01-01". << 
1765                                               << 
1766 18.05.01 G.Cosmo - materials-V03-01-00        << 
1767          Cleared pedantic warnings detected b << 
1768                                               << 
1769 03.05.01 M.Maire                              << 
1770          precision(prec) at begin/end of oper << 
1771                                               << 
1772 02.05.01 Marc+mma                             << 
1773          protection added in G4Element::AddIs << 
1774                                               << 
1775 03.04.01 M.Maire - materials-V03-00-07        << 
1776          removed warning to cerr in GetIsotop << 
1777    and GetMaterial(name).                     << 
1778          fnulcof added as data member in G4Sa << 
1779                                               << 
1780 22.03.01 M.Maire - materials-V03-00-06        << 
1781          revision of destructor, copy constru << 
1782    G4IonisParamElm, G4IonisParamMat, G4Isotop << 
1783                                               << 
1784 22.02.01 M.Maire - materials-V03-00-05        << 
1785          G4SandiaTable : protection added in  << 
1786                                               << 
1787 Feb     16, 01 M.Maire - materials-V03-00-04  << 
1788                G4SandiaTable : major bug in G << 
1789          redesign of ComputeMatSandiaMatrix.  << 
1790          Include materials-V03-00-02          << 
1791                                               << 
1792 Feb     05, 01 G.Cosmo - materials-V03-00-03  << 
1793                STL migration for G4OrderedTab << 
1794                Modified files: G4SandiaTable. << 
1795                NOTE: this tag does not includ << 
1796                                               << 
1797 Jan     28, 01 M.Maire - materials-V03-00-02  << 
1798                new method G4Material::GetNucl << 
1799                                               << 
1800 Jan     16, 01 V.Ivanchenko - materials-V03-0 << 
1801       : excitation  << 
1802                according ICRU Report #37.     << 
1803                                               << 
1804 Jan     16, 01 L.Urban  - materials-V03-00-00 << 
1805                bug fixed in  << 
1806                This bug affected the values o << 
1807                parameters in the energy loss  << 
1808                its effect was quite big (~ 3- << 
1809                in the energy range 1 MeV - 50 << 
1810                                               << 
1811 Nov     09, 00 V.Grichine - materials-V02-00- << 
1812                included test/ directory which << 
1813                                               << 
1814 August  04, 00 V.Grichine - materials-V02-00- << 
1815       fixed initia << 
1816          constructor and corrected deletion o << 
1817          in destructor.                       << 
1818                                               << 
1819 June    15, 00 G.Cosmo  - materials-V01-01-00 << 
1820                fixed usage of pow(double,doub << 
1821                                               << 
1822 March   03, 00 M.Maire  - materials-V01-00-00 << 
1823                const char* everywhere in G4Ma << 
1824                                                   19 
1825 Nov     16, 99 G.Cosmo  - materials-V00-01-03     20 Nov     16, 99 G.Cosmo  - materials-V00-01-03
1826                Removed useless inclusion of R     21                Removed useless inclusion of RW tphdict.h from
1827          G4MaterialPropertiesTable.hh. This t     22          G4MaterialPropertiesTable.hh. This tag includes the global
1828          migration RWT->G4RWT (still CVS head     23          migration RWT->G4RWT (still CVS headers are different on the HEAD).
1829                                                   24 
1830 Nov     09, 99 P.Gumpliger  - materials-V00-0     25 Nov     09, 99 P.Gumpliger  - materials-V00-01-02
1831                changes to comments for Softwa     26                changes to comments for Software Reference Manual in
1832          G4MPVEntry.hh, G4MaterialPropertyVec     27          G4MPVEntry.hh, G4MaterialPropertyVector.hh, G4OpticalSurface.hh.
1833          Migrated G4MaterialPropertiesTable f     28          Migrated G4MaterialPropertiesTable from RW dictionary to STL map.
1834                                                   29 
1835 July    28, 99 M.Maire  - materials-V00-01-00     30 July    28, 99 M.Maire  - materials-V00-01-00
1836                new G4Material constructor wit     31                new G4Material constructor with chemical formula
1837                                               <<  32                    
1838 August  13, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-02-01      33 August  13, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-02-01
1839                new static method G4Material:: <<  34                new static method G4Material::GetMaterial(name)     
1840                                               <<  35      
1841 July    17, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-04      36 July    17, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-04
1842                correction in ComputeDensityCo     37                correction in ComputeDensityCorrection() for gas
1843                (           <<  38                (    
1844                                               <<  39      
1845 July    10, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-03      40 July    10, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-03
1846                Ionisation parameters put in a     41                Ionisation parameters put in a subclass
1847                coworks with em-00-01-03           42                coworks with em-00-01-03
1848                                               <<  43                    
1849 July     8, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-02      44 July     8, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-02
1850                restored G4MaterialTable, Elem <<  45                restored G4MaterialTable, ElementTable, ElementVector 
1851                to be compatible with pre-beta     46                to be compatible with pre-beta01-02
1852                                               <<  47                
1853 July     7, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-01      48 July     7, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-01-01
1854                continue cleanup: Elements and     49                continue cleanup: Elements and Materials
1855                new output formats: operator<<     50                new output formats: operator<< overloaded
1856                                               <<  51                
1857 June    30, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-07-01      52 June    30, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-07-01
1858                new method AddMaterial() for m     53                new method AddMaterial() for mixture of mixtures.
1859                start the cleanup of the categ <<  54                start the cleanup of the category. G4Isotope done. 
1860                G4IsotopeTable typedef directl     55                G4IsotopeTable typedef directly include in G4Isotope.hh
1861       illustrate a <<  56       illustrate all possible case to 
1862                define materials.                  57                define materials.
1863                                               <<  58                
1864                                               <<  59      
1865 June    06, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-06-01      60 June    06, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-06-01
1866                new G4AtomicShells class (Vlad     61                new G4AtomicShells class (Vladimir)
1867                kState = kVacuum removed (mini     62                kState = kVacuum removed (minimal lower density set
1868                                          by d     63                                          by default)
1869                                                   64 
1870 April   17, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-05-01      65 April   17, 98 M.Maire  - materials-00-05-01
1871                                               <<  66  
1872 April   08, 98 G.Cosmo                            67 April   08, 98 G.Cosmo
1873 - Added fixes for DEC-cxx 6.0 compiler, relat     68 - Added fixes for DEC-cxx 6.0 compiler, related to for-loop index
1874   declarations. Modified        69   declarations. Modified
1875                                                   70 
1876 March     5, 98 M.Maire - materials-00-04-01      71 March     5, 98 M.Maire - materials-00-04-01
1877                                                   72 
1878 January  29, 98 M.Maire - materials-00-03-01      73 January  29, 98 M.Maire - materials-00-03-01
1879                                                   74 
1880 December 19, 97 G.Cosmo - (alpha03)               75 December 19, 97 G.Cosmo - (alpha03)
1881 - Created.                                        76 - Created.
1882                                                   77