Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /interfaces/History (Version 11.3.0) and /interfaces/History (Version 10.7.p3)

  1 # Category interfaces History                  <<   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   3      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   4      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   5      =========================================================
                                                   >>   6 
                                                   >>   7                       Category History file
                                                   >>   8                       ---------------------
                                                   >>   9 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
                                                   >>  10 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
                                                   >>  11 and keep track of all category-tags.
                                                   >>  12 It DOES NOT substitute the  CVS log-message one should put at every
                                                   >>  13 committal in the CVS repository !
                                                   >>  14 
                                                   >>  15      ----------------------------------------------------------
                                                   >>  16      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
                                                   >>  17      ----------------------------------------------------------
  6                                                    18 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<  19 18 March 2021  John Allison  (interfaces-V10-06-13)
  8                                                << 
  9 ## 2024-10-25 John Allison (interfaces-V11-02- << 
 10 -                                   << 
 11   - G4UIQt::FilterOutput(): Fix compilation er << 
 12     - Use .data().                             << 
 13                                                << 
 14 ## 2024-10-22 John Allison (interfaces-V11-02- << 
 15 -                                   << 
 16   - G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::ActWit << 
 17     - Allow larger integers in widget response << 
 18                                                << 
 19 ## 2024-10-17 John Allison (interfaces-V11-02- << 
 20 -                                   << 
 21   - Fix case of opacity==0 for touchables.     << 
 22     - Normally the sceneTreeItem will be updat << 
 23       commands, but if the user sets the opaci << 
 24       transmit it (this is because some users  << 
 25       invisible - perhaps they should use the  << 
 26       By design, the sceneTreeItem remains, so << 
 27       the colour will not be updated, so we do << 
 28   if (newColour.GetAlpha() == 0.) {            << 
 29     sceneTreeItem->AccessVisAttributes().SetCo << 
 30   }                                            << 
 31                                                << 
 32 ## 2024-07-15 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V11-0 << 
 33 - Fixed reported Coverity defects, use consist << 
 34   avoid implicit copy.                         << 
 35                                                << 
 36 ## 2024-07-10 Guy Barrand (interfaces-V11-02-0 << 
 37 - in ConvertNewLines(), replace: << 
 38     str.replace(index, 2, "\r\n");             << 
 39   by:                                          << 
 40     str.replace(index, 1, "\r\n");             << 
 41   It fixes a "swallow of first character" bug  << 
 42                                                << 
 43 ## 2024-05-30 Guy Barrand (interfaces-V11-02-0 << 
 44 - Qt6: modifications to avoid the G << 
 45   and have the "ApplyCommand(/vis/viewer/selec << 
 46   "currentChanged signal/slot" mechanism.      << 
 47   Then have the "ApplyCommand(/vis/viewer/sele << 
 48   G4UIQt::UpdateTabWidget() method. We comment << 
 49   G4QTabWidget that does not look needed anymo << 
 50   These modifications, along the ones aroun G4 << 
 51   (see vis/OpenGL/History), permit to avoid cr << 
 52   most platforms, by using the Qt6/QOpenGLWidg << 
 53   also ok with the TSG, Qt3D, Vtk viewers used << 
 54   Tested on macOS, Linux, Windows for the OGLI << 
 55   macOS, Linux for the Vtk viewer.             << 
 56                                                << 
 57 ## 2024-05-08 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-02-04 << 
 58 - Remove use of no longer supported TiMemory   << 
 59                                                << 
 60 ## 2024-03-13 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V11-0 << 
 61 - Fixed string assignments in G4Win32 and G4UI << 
 62   or UTF-16 encoding on Windows. Addressing pr << 
 63                                                << 
 64 ## 2024-02-02 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V11-0 << 
 65 - Use std::size_t as arrays size in G4Interact << 
 66                                                << 
 67 ## 2024-01-22 John Allison (interfaces-V11-02- << 
 68 - Co-works with visman-V11-02-04, modeling-V11 << 
 69 -                                   << 
 70   - Load tooltip with "further information", i << 
 71     - Informs user if scene tree is suppressed << 
 72                                                << 
 73 ## 2024-01-16 John Allison (interfaces-V11-02- << 
 74 - Co-works with visman-V11-02-02 and modeling- << 
 75 - Improve identification of scene tree models  << 
 76   embedded blanks.                             << 
 77 - Now all models treated alike.     << 
 78                                                << 
 79 ## 2023-11-06 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
 80 - Requires visman-V11-01-31.                   << 
 81 - G4UIQt::SceneTreeItemClicked:                << 
 82   - Use text to identify text models.          << 
 83     - Allows one to distinguish multiple text  << 
 84                                                << 
 85 ## 2023-11-04 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
 86 - G4UIQt::SceneTreeItemClicked:                << 
 87   - Use PV name to identify PV model in scene  << 
 88     - This allows multiple PV models in the sc << 
 89       identified.                              << 
 90   - Avoid setting daughtersInvisible flag if t << 
 91                                                << 
 92 ## 2023-10-19 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
 93 - G4UIQt::BuildPVQTree:                        << 
 94   - Reduce tooltip for a touchable to a simple << 
 95     - PVPath, e.g., "World 0 Envelope 0 Shape1 << 
 96     - "To see properties, right-click/dump."   << 
 97                                                << 
 98 ## 2023-10-17 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
 99 - G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidget::ActWitho << 
100   - Special case for right-click "dump":       << 
101     - Pop up message window that may be suppre << 
102     - Message the first 1000 characters but su << 
103       to session output if desired, or close.  << 
104       - The full dump is too much for a QMessa << 
105                                                << 
106 ## 2023-10-09 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
107 - G4UIQt::SceneTreeItemClicked:                << 
108   - Make daughters invisible when volume check << 
109     - Pop up a window of explanation: "This ac << 
110       descendants invisible. To see descendant << 
111       daughtersInvisible/false and check visib << 
112     - This pop-up uses QMessageBox. In my opin << 
113       have preferred a more tailored window mo << 
114       the scene tree item, so if any knows a b << 
115                                                << 
116 ## 2023-10-03 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
117 - G4UIQt::CreateCommandWidget:                 << 
118   - Fix typo - "green" should be "blue".       << 
119                                                << 
120 ## 2023-09-05 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-25 << 
121 - Set AUTOMOC property on module when Qt used. << 
122                                                << 
123 ## 2023-09-03 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
124 - Fix bug in SceneTreeItemClicked w << 
125   - The description may have spaces - use subs << 
126                                                << 
127 ## 2023-07-03 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-23 << 
128 - Fix Coverity reports 23063, 104864.          << 
129 - Workaround changes in QEvent globalPos/globa << 
130                                                << 
131 ## 2023-07-01 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
132 - G4UIQt: Choose sub-set of commands suitable  << 
133                                                << 
134 ## 2023-07-01 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
135 - G4UIQt: Implement right-click pop-up menu fo << 
136                                                << 
137 ## 2023-06-07 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
138 - Rework double-click using QTreeWidget::itemD << 
139   - Was using QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent ( << 
140                                                << 
141 ## 2023-05-31 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-19 << 
142 - Remove support for Qt < 5.9                  << 
143   - Clarify remaining version checks using QT_ << 
144                                                << 
145 ## 2023-05-30 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
146 - G4UIQt: Fix implicit size to int precision l << 
147                                                << 
148 ## 2023-05-18 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
149 - G4UIQt: Improve command - allow for leading  << 
150                                                << 
151 ## 2023-05-18 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
152 - G4UIQt: New scene tree: Add colour choice.   << 
153   - Introduce G4UIQt::NewSceneTreeItemTreeWidg << 
154   - Some tidying.                              << 
155                                                << 
156 ## 2023-05-09 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
157 - Coworks: visman-V11-01-10 and greps-V11-01-0 << 
158 - G4UIQt:                                      << 
159   - Implement callbacks SceneTreeItemExpanded  << 
160                                                << 
161 ## 2023-04-26 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-14 << 
162 - Remove header no longer used in Qt5, which i << 
163                                                << 
164 ## 2023-04-24 Guy Barrand (interfaces-V11-01-1 << 
165 - G4UIQt: Fix QSplitter issue - necessary for  << 
166                                                << 
167 ## 2023-04-23 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
168 - Fix compilation warning - "set bu << 
169                                                << 
170 ## 2023-04-14 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
171 - Co-working: visman-V11-01-04, greps-V11-01-0 << 
172   openinventor-V11-01-04, vis_toolssg-V11-01-0 << 
173 - New Scene Tree Phase 2 - first implementatio << 
174   - See visualization/management/History for f << 
175 - G4VInteractiveSession:                       << 
176   - Add virtual void UpdateSceneTree(const G4S << 
177 - G4UIQt:                                      << 
178   - Instrument UpdateSceneTree.                << 
179     - Hitherto it was empty - now it actually  << 
180   - Add further functions for the "new" scene  << 
181 ```                                            << 
182   // Create the "mother" widget                << 
183   QWidget* CreateSceneTreeWidget();            << 
184   // Create and connect the actual tree widget << 
185   void CreateSceneTreeComponent();             << 
186   // What to do if a scene tree item is clicke << 
187   void SceneTreeItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* i << 
188   // Build Physical Volume tree of touchables  << 
189   void BuildPVQTree(const G4SceneTreeItem& g4s << 
190 ```                                            << 
191   - Add new data members:                      << 
192 ```                                            << 
193   QWidget* fNewSceneTreeWidget;                << 
194   QTreeWidget* fSceneTreeItemTreeWidget;       << 
195 ```                                            << 
196                                                << 
197 ## 2023-03-28 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
198 - G4UIQt: Introduce UpdateSceneTree(const G4Sc << 
199   - Empty except for some commented out debug  << 
200 - sources.cmake:                               << 
201   - Add G4graphics_reps to the PUBLIC section  << 
202                                                << 
203 ## 2023-03-22 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-09 << 
204 - Export public compile definitions to indicat << 
205   "use on link" model.                         << 
206                                                << 
207 ## 2023-02-21 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
208 - G4UIQt: Move "smart warning" code outside mu << 
209                                                << 
210 ## 2023-02-20 Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V11-0 << 
211 - G4UIQt : Replace G4int by int in QT signal/s << 
212                                                << 
213 ## 2023-02-16 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
214 - G4UIQt (again!): Use the same mutex for all  << 
215   - I had an app that hammered all 3 output st << 
216     and the vis sub-thread simultaneously and  << 
217     Qt UI output window was very strange. This << 
218                                                << 
219 ## 2023-02-15 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
220 - Fix mutex bug in implementation o << 
221   - Move "workaround output" (std::cout) under << 
222   - Limit "workaround output" to master thread << 
223     - This "workaround" is to make sure all fl << 
224       the terminal after a crash, because even << 
225       get lost in the Qt UI system.            << 
226 seems workers write to std::cou << 
227       so limit this to the master thread       << 
228     - See also interfaces-V10-06-08 and interf << 
229                                                << 
230 ## 2023-02-07 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-04 << 
231 - Apply clang-tidy, clang-format fixes togethe << 
232                                                << 
233 ## 2023-01-30 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-03 << 
234 - Refactor modules into G4UIcore and G4UIimple << 
235   functionality from concrete UIs requiring ex << 
236   - Both modules are still built into a G4inte << 
237     user interface for applications.           << 
238                                                << 
239 ## 2023-01-15 John Allison (interfaces-V11-01- << 
240 - Tentative implementation of user-specified o << 
241   - Output streams: cout cerr warn error debug << 
242     - This extendible - see G4VInteractiveSess << 
243   - Only used by G4UIQt at present.            << 
244   - Based on existing design in G4UIQt.        << 
245     - Some is a little specific, such as highl << 
246       highlights only echoed commands, i.e., c << 
247       "/control/verbose 2".                    << 
248   - A general implementation of user specified << 
249     example, colour, font size, italics - woul << 
250     we implement just a few features that have << 
251                                                << 
252 ## 2023-01-09 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-01 << 
253 - Implement ReceiveG4debug for concrete sessio << 
254                                                << 
255 ## 2022-12-12 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-01-00 << 
256 - Remove obsolete GNUmakefile scripts          << 
257                                                << 
258 ## 2022-11-24 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V11-0 << 
259 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
260                                                << 
261 ## 2022-10-08 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V11-0 << 
262 - Avoid use of temporaries introduced in previ << 
263                                                << 
264 ## 2022-10-07 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V11-0 << 
265 - Fixed compilation warnings on Intel/icc for  << 
266   literal to char* in G4UIXm.                  << 
267                                                << 
268 ## 2022-09-22 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-00-07 << 
269 - Apply patch for MinGW from [GitHub PR 51](ht << 
270                                                << 
271 ## 2022-05-03 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-00-06 << 
272 - Preliminary build support for Qt5 and Qt6    << 
273                                                << 
274 ## 2022-04-13 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-00-05 << 
275 - Add dependency on Qt5 Widgets to G4UIcommon  << 
276                                                << 
277 ## 2022-03-22 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-00-04 << 
278 - Use geant4_module_sources to add optional so << 
279 - Add required G4VIS_USE_VTK_QT flag here inst << 
280                                                << 
281 ## 2022-02-09 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V11-0 << 
282 - Fixed compilation warning on Intel compiler  << 
283                                                << 
284 ## 2022-01-30 John Allison (interfaces-V11-00- << 
285 - `G4InteractorMessenger`: Prevent propagation << 
286                                                << 
287 ## 2022-01-28 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-00-01 << 
288 - Replace `geant4_global_library_target` with  << 
289   call to `geant4_add_category` to define libr << 
290                                                << 
291 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V11-00-00 << 
292 - Change to new Markdown History format.       << 
293                                                << 
294 ---                                            << 
295                                                << 
296 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
297                                                << 
298 11 November 2021 - Koichi Murakami (interfaces << 
299 - Add verbose setting in G4UIExecutive [BZ-240 << 
300                                                << 
301 8 November 2021 - Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-0 << 
302 - Retire G4UI/G4INTY_... preprocessor symbols  << 
303   by obsolete GNUmake system                   << 
304                                                << 
305 02 November 2021 - Laurent Garnier (interfaces << 
306 - Fix HTML links in Qt UI Start page           << 
307                                                << 
308 28 October 2021 - John Allison (interfaces-V10 << 
309 - Replace '<' by "&lt" in session o << 
310                                                << 
311 25 October 2021 - Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-0 << 
312 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated << 
313                                                << 
314 19 October 2021 - Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-0 << 
315 - Don't discard return value of G4String::stri << 
316                                                << 
317 18 October 2021 - B. Morgan (interfaces-V10-07 << 
318 - Use std::string member functions from G4Stri << 
319                                                << 
320 04 October 2021 - Stewart Boogert / Laurie Nev << 
321 - Add context for VtkQt visualisation driver   << 
322                                                << 
323 1 October 2021 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-07-1 << 
324 - Use proper enum interface for G4String::stri << 
325                                                << 
326 25 September 2021  Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10- << 
327 - Remove no longer support GAG/Gain UI         << 
328                                                << 
329 21 September 2021  Guilherme Amadio (interface << 
330 - Fix C++20 warnings from GCC 11.2.0.          << 
331                                                << 
332 12 Jujy 2021  Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V10-0 << 
333 - G4UIQt.hh: add fExitIcon pointer             << 
334 - "exit" icon and extension selecti << 
335 - - allow use exit ic << 
336                                                << 
337 23 June 2021  Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V10-0 << 
338 - Fix "Viewer Properties" window op << 
339   o "viewer" window must be constructed with s << 
340                                                << 
341 22 April 2021 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-07-10 << 
342 - Deal properly with creation and d << 
343                                                << 
344 19 April 2021 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-07-09 << 
345 - Remove obsolete Wt code from source and use  << 
346                                                << 
347 1 April 2021 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-07-08) << 
348 - Migrate build to modular CMake API           << 
349                                                << 
350 18 March 2021  John Allison  (interfaces-V10-0 << 
351 - G4UIQt::ReceiveG4cout/G4cerr:                    20 - G4UIQt::ReceiveG4cout/G4cerr:
352   o Trap empty string with empty() instead of      21   o Trap empty string with empty() instead of using unary operator!
353     (The latter may work for std::string but G     22     (The latter may work for std::string but G4String has a conversion
354     operator to char*, so ! is always false.)      23     operator to char*, so ! is always false.)
355   o Fixes bug report #2347.                        24   o Fixes bug report #2347.
356                                                    25 
357 11 March 2021  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10- <<  26 26 January 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V10-06-12)
358 - Extended G4UIWin32 driver with new features, << 
359   by O.Pena-Rodrigues in GitHub PR#23.         << 
360 - Removed spurious moc data previously pushed  << 
361                                                << 
362 5 March 2021  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-0 << 
363 - Modified G4UIExecutive::SelectSessionByFile( << 
364   the Win32 OpenGL driver is selected as the s << 
365   Based on GitHub PR#20, contributed by Ovidio << 
366                                                << 
367 26 February 2021  Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V << 
368 - G4UIQt, G4InteractorMessenger, G4VInteractiv << 
369   bar style:                                   << 
370   o /gui/nativeMenuBar [true|false]            << 
371     Allow native menu bar when relevant ( MacO << 
372     Native menu enabled by defailt in G4UIQt   << 
373   o /gui/clearMenu                             << 
374     Clear menu bar, remove all user defined me << 
375                                                << 
376 26 January 2021  John Allison (interfaces-V10- << 
377 - Get colour and background from OS     27 - Get colour and background from OS.
378   o Instead of fixed background <span style='b     28   o Instead of fixed background <span style='background:#EEEEEE...
379     use <span style='background:" + pal.highli     29     use <span style='background:" + pal.highlight().color().name()...
380   o This picks up colour from the OS and even      30   o This picks up colour from the OS and even allows for change of
381     OS display style, e.g., dark mode on MacOS     31     OS display style, e.g., dark mode on MacOS.
382                                                    32 
383 20 January 2021  John Allison (interfaces-V10- <<  33 20 January 2020  John Allison
384 - Fix bug in command-line-echo high     34 - Fix bug in command-line-echo highlighting whereby there
385   could be a crash in some circumstances.          35   could be a crash in some circumstances.
386   o Use <span> instead of <div> in HTML wrappe     36   o Use <span> instead of <div> in HTML wrappers.
387                                                    37 
388 16 January 2021  John Allison (interfaces-V10- <<  38 16 January 2020  John Allison
389 - Requires intercoms-V10-07-00.                    39 - Requires intercoms-V10-07-00.
390 - Introduce choice of output styles:               40 - Introduce choice of output styles:
391   o /gui/outputStyle                               41   o /gui/outputStyle
392     <cout|cerr|warnings|errors|all>                42     <cout|cerr|warnings|errors|all>
393     <fixed|proportional>                           43     <fixed|proportional>
394     <highlight|no-highlight>                       44     <highlight|no-highlight>
395   o Highlighting applies to the echoed command     45   o Highlighting applies to the echoed command line if echoing is
396     requested with /control/verbose > 0.           46     requested with /control/verbose > 0.
397                                                <<  47     
398 29 December 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V10 <<  48 29 December 2020  John Allison
399 - Use 12pt Courier for G4UIQt outpu     49 - Use 12pt Courier for G4UIQt output window.
400                                                    50 
401 29 November 2020  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V     51 29 November 2020  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-06-11)
402 - protected MT code within G4MULTIT     52 - protected MT code within G4MULTITHREADED in workaround
403   introduced previously.                           53   introduced previously.
404                                                    54 
405 09 November 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V10     55 09 November 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V10-06-10)
406 -                                       56 -
407   o Re "workaround" (interfaces-V10-06-08), it     57   o Re "workaround" (interfaces-V10-06-08), it seems workers write
408     to std::cout/cerr anyway (is that a bug?)      58     to std::cout/cerr anyway (is that a bug?) so limit this workaround
409     to the master thread.                          59     to the master thread.
410                                                    60 
411 16 November 2020  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V     61 16 November 2020  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-06-09)
412 - Fixed typos in printed-out text. Addressing      62 - Fixed typos in printed-out text. Addressing problem report #2285.
413                                                    63 
414 09 November 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V10     64 09 November 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V10-06-08)
415 -                                       65 -
416   o As a workaround to the problem of loss of      66   o As a workaround to the problem of loss of output in the case of
417     a crash or G4Exception:                        67     a crash or G4Exception:
418     - Send G4cout/cerr also to std::cout/cerr      68     - Send G4cout/cerr also to std::cout/cerr so that output is not lost.
419                                                <<  69  
420 21 September 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V1     70 21 September 2020  John Allison (interfaces-V10-06-07)
421 - Add the following to fix a problem      71 - Add the following to fix a problem with Windows - see
422     72
423 #ifdef WIN32                                       73 #ifdef WIN32
424       qApp->setAttribute( Qt::AA_UseDesktopOpe     74       qApp->setAttribute( Qt::AA_UseDesktopOpenGL );
425 #endif                                             75 #endif
426                                                    76 
427 28 August 2020 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-0     77 28 August 2020 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-06)
428 - GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR for SoXt activates use o     78 - GEANT4_USE_INVENTOR for SoXt activates use of Xm, so we do not
429   need to check for use of inventor in setting     79   need to check for use of inventor in setting up Xt, only GEANT4_USE_XM.
430                                                    80 
431 19 June 2020  John Allison  (interfaces-V10-06     81 19 June 2020  John Allison  (interfaces-V10-06-05)
432 - Fix Qt 5.15 deprecation warnings.                82 - Fix Qt 5.15 deprecation warnings.
433                                                    83 
434 31 May 2020 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-04)      84 31 May 2020 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-04)
435 - Use add_definitions to set PRIVATE-level com     85 - Use add_definitions to set PRIVATE-level compile definitions
436   for compatibility between old/new CMake syst     86   for compatibility between old/new CMake system
437 - Use CMake AUTOMOC to automatically generate      87 - Use CMake AUTOMOC to automatically generate and compile Moc
438   sources                                          88   sources
439                                                    89 
440 16 Apr 2020 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-03)      90 16 Apr 2020 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-03)
441 - Remove Qt4 support                               91 - Remove Qt4 support
442                                                    92 
443  6 Apr 2020 Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V10-06-     93  6 Apr 2020 Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V10-06-02)
444 --                                      94 --
445  o replace setcolor with rich text html tags.      95  o replace setcolor with rich text html tags.
446                                                    96 
447 16 Jan 2020 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-06-     97 16 Jan 2020 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-06-01)
448 - Fixed obsolete URLs in UIQt splash screen.       98 - Fixed obsolete URLs in UIQt splash screen.
449                                                    99 
450 11 Dec 2019 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-00)     100 11 Dec 2019 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-06-00)
451 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granu    101 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granular library options and
452   explicit include_directories.                   102   explicit include_directories.
453                                                   103 
454 30 Nov 2019 Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V10-05-    104 30 Nov 2019 Igor Semeniouk (interfaces-V10-05-07)
455 --                                     105 --
456  o fix ui command not stored in callback for i    106  o fix ui command not stored in callback for icon defined via /gui/addIcon command.
457                                                   107 
458 25 Nov 2019 Jonathan Madsen (interfaces-V10-05    108 25 Nov 2019 Jonathan Madsen (interfaces-V10-05-06)
459 - Added timemory support to this library          109 - Added timemory support to this library
460 - G4UIExective will grab argc, argv and custom    110 - G4UIExective will grab argc, argv and customize the output directory
461   for timemory                                    111   for timemory
462                                                   112 
463 25 November 2019 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V    113 25 November 2019 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-05-05)
464 - Fix bug when clicking on user defined icon (    114 - Fix bug when clicking on user defined icon (run for example)
465                                                   115 
466 20 November 2019 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V    116 20 November 2019 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-05-04)
467 - Remove deprecated QSignalMapper class           117 - Remove deprecated QSignalMapper class
468                                                   118 
469 31st October 2019 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-0    119 31st October 2019 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V10-05-03)
470 - Only use imported targets for X11 and Xm        120 - Only use imported targets for X11 and Xm
471 - Remove inclusion of QT_USE_FILE from CMake s    121 - Remove inclusion of QT_USE_FILE from CMake scripts.
472   All usage is now through the qtX_ macros and    122   All usage is now through the qtX_ macros and imported targets
473 - Only use imported targets for Wt                123 - Only use imported targets for Wt
474                                                   124 
475 30 Oct 2019  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-05    125 30 Oct 2019  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-05-02)
476 - Fixed deprecation compilation warning on Vis    126 - Fixed deprecation compilation warning on Visual Studio 2019 in G4UIWin32.
477                                                   127 
478 22 Oct 2019  John Allison  (interfaces-V10-05-    128 22 Oct 2019  John Allison  (interfaces-V10-05-01)
479 - Declared Win32 a GUI (isGUI = true), i.e., i    129 - Declared Win32 a GUI (isGUI = true), i.e., it's clickable and
480   can have buttons.                               130   can have buttons.
481                                                   131 
482 13 Sept 2019  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-    132 13 Sept 2019  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-05-00)
483 - Fix square backets around optional parameter    133 - Fix square backets around optional parameters (buzilla #2132)
484                                                   134 
485 11 Sept 2019  Laurent Garnier ((interfaces-V10    135 11 Sept 2019  Laurent Garnier ((interfaces-V10-04-11)
486 - remove default font size and police             136 - remove default font size and police
487                                                   137 
488 9th Sept 2019 Laurent Garnier                     138 9th Sept 2019 Laurent Garnier
489 - Remove comment                                  139 - Remove comment
490                                                   140 
491 30th November 2018  Koichi Murakami (interface    141 30th November 2018  Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V10-04-10)
492 - Fixed parse error of empty line of .g4sessio    142 - Fixed parse error of empty line of .g4session.
493                                                   143 
494 9th November 2018  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-    144 9th November 2018  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-04-09)
495 - Fixed printout typos.                           145 - Fixed printout typos.
496                                                   146 
497 16th August 2018  Fred Jones (interfaces-V10-0    147 16th August 2018  Fred Jones (interfaces-V10-04-08)
498 - G4VInteractorManager::SecondaryLoop:            148 - G4VInteractorManager::SecondaryLoop:
499   o Change to virtual for Open Inventor Qt vis    149   o Change to virtual for Open Inventor Qt vis driver.
500                                                   150 
501 26th June 2018 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V10    151 26th June 2018 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V10-04-07)
502 -,     152 -, :
503   suppress compilation warning for -Wunused-re    153   suppress compilation warning for -Wunused-result
504                                                   154 
505 15th June 2018 Fred Jones (interfaces-V10-04-0    155 15th June 2018 Fred Jones (interfaces-V10-04-06)
506 - G4Xt: fixed compilation warnings for casts o    156 - G4Xt: fixed compilation warnings for casts on gcc-8.1.
507                                                   157 
508 14th May 2018 Garnier Laurent (interfaces-V10-    158 14th May 2018 Garnier Laurent (interfaces-V10-04-05)
509 -                                      159 -
510  o Fix a bug with some "critical errors" messa    160  o Fix a bug with some "critical errors" message containing HTML tags inside (<, > and &)
511                                                   161 
512 23th April 2018 Garnier Laurent (interfaces-V1    162 23th April 2018 Garnier Laurent (interfaces-V10-04-03, interfaces-V10-04-04)
513 - G4UIQt:                                         163 - G4UIQt:
514  o Fix a bug with command guidance with HTML t    164  o Fix a bug with command guidance with HTML tags inside (<, > and &)
515                                                   165 
516 8th February 2018 Garnier Laurent (interfaces-    166 8th February 2018 Garnier Laurent (interfaces-V10-04-01, interfaces-V10-04-02)
517 - G4UIQt:                                         167 - G4UIQt:
518  o Take account \n in account for command guid    168  o Take account \n in account for command guidance in help tree. Bug #296 Fixed
519                                                   169 
520 13th December 2017 Garnier Laurent (interfaces    170 13th December 2017 Garnier Laurent (interfaces-V10-04-00)
521 - G4UIQt:                                         171 - G4UIQt:
522  o Remove parameters from popup in Qt interfac    172  o Remove parameters from popup in Qt interface when autocomplete command line
523                                                   173 
524 5th August 2017 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V1    174 5th August 2017 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V10-03-01)
525 - G4VBasicShell                                   175 - G4VBasicShell
526  o Fix std::out_of_range exception in ModifyPa    176  o Fix std::out_of_range exception in ModifyPath() when typing ls command
527    at the top dir                                 177    at the top dir
528                                                   178 
529 20th January Laurent Garnier                      179 20th January Laurent Garnier
530 - G4UIQt:                                         180 - G4UIQt:
531   o Set always-on-top to the picking windows      181   o Set always-on-top to the picking windows
532                                                   182 
533 13th January Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-0    183 13th January Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-03-00)
534 - G4UIQt:                                         184 - G4UIQt:
535   o Fix bugzilla 1933. I check was missing to     185   o Fix bugzilla 1933. I check was missing to avoid a NULL pointer
536   o Avoid problem on close when deleting objec    186   o Avoid problem on close when deleting objects
537                                                   187 
538 25th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interface    188 25th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-13-interfaces-V10-02-14)
539 - G4UIQt:                                         189 - G4UIQt:
540   o Fix a bug on Qt5.7 with an extra whitespac    190   o Fix a bug on Qt5.7 with an extra whitespace
541     - at the end of "search" in help tree         191     - at the end of "search" in help tree
542     - at the end a the command line               192     - at the end a the command line
543                                                   193 
544 11th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interface    194 11th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-12)
545 - G4UIQt:                                         195 - G4UIQt:
546   o Fix a problem /run/beamOn 1. The parameter    196   o Fix a problem /run/beamOn 1. The parameter was not taken in account in the icon toolbar
547                                                   197 
548 8th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    198 8th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-11)
549 - G4UIQt:                                         199 - G4UIQt:
550   o Fix a problem without default icon on mac     200   o Fix a problem without default icon on mac + Qt5.5 : Sometimes I have a gray panel on left due do a to-early
551     show event for QToolbar                       201     show event for QToolbar
552   o Add a few protection against null pointer     202   o Add a few protection against null pointer
553                                                   203 
554 7th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    204 7th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-10)
555 - G4UIQt:                                         205 - G4UIQt:
556   o Fix Warning: "A toolBar icon "Run beam on"    206   o Fix Warning: "A toolBar icon "Run beam on" already exists with the same name!"
557   o Fix Warning: "command 'exit' does not exis    207   o Fix Warning: "command 'exit' does not exist"
558   o Fix a problem with selected icons (without    208   o Fix a problem with selected icons (without default icons)
559                                                   209 
560 4th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    210 4th November 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-09 co-works with opengl-V10-02-20)
561 - G4UIQt:                                         211 - G4UIQt:
562  o Remove (multiple) scene tree from a tab to     212  o Remove (multiple) scene tree from a tab to put it in a single, auto-update widget
563  o Remove (multiple) viewer properties from a     213  o Remove (multiple) viewer properties from a tab to put it in a outside dialog
564  o Remove (multiple) pick infos from a tab to     214  o Remove (multiple) pick infos from a tab to put it in a outside dialog
565  o Lot of remaning in order to do previous wor    215  o Lot of remaning in order to do previous work
566  o Fix a bd signal/slot connection for the fil    216  o Fix a bd signal/slot connection for the filter of the scene tree (perhaps a bug in some cases)
567  o Change the pick icon                           217  o Change the pick icon
568  o Remove unused parameter                        218  o Remove unused parameter
569  o Rename GetSceneTreeComponentsTBWidget -> Ge    219  o Rename GetSceneTreeComponentsTBWidget -> GetSceneTreeWidget
570                                                   220 
571 3rd Nov 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-    221 3rd Nov 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-08)
572 - G4UIQt                                          222 - G4UIQt
573  o Bugfix on the /gui/defaultIcons command (do    223  o Bugfix on the /gui/defaultIcons command (does nothing before)
574                                                   224 
575 27th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10    225 27th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-06, interfaces-V10-02-07)
576 - G4UIQt/G4InteractorMessenger/G4VInteractiveS    226 - G4UIQt/G4InteractorMessenger/G4VInteractiveSession
577  o Add a new command /gui/defaultIcons to enab    227  o Add a new command /gui/defaultIcons to enable/disable Geant4 default icon toolbar
578 - G4UIQt :                                        228 - G4UIQt :
579  o Add a default icon toolbar                     229  o Add a default icon toolbar
580                                                   230 
581 27th Oct 2016  Brian Smith                        231 27th Oct 2016  Brian Smith
582 - G4UIQt :                                        232 - G4UIQt :
583   o Prevent potential Windows crash by protect    233   o Prevent potential Windows crash by protecting masterG4coutDestination assignment with #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED
584                                                   234 
585 7th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-    235 7th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-05)
586 - G4UIQt :                                        236 - G4UIQt :
587   o Fix a uninitialized value                     237   o Fix a uninitialized value
588                                                   238 
589 7th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-    239 7th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-04)
590 - G4UIQt :                                        240 - G4UIQt :
591   o Move eventFilter init at sessionStart() :     241   o Move eventFilter init at sessionStart() : avoid bad init state in help tree and
592     events to be send twice or more               242     events to be send twice or more
593   o Fix "Tab" completion on command line, was     243   o Fix "Tab" completion on command line, was previously break by the QCompleter
594   o Fix tooltip on completion. Now tooltips ar    244   o Fix tooltip on completion. Now tooltips are diplayed in multiple lines
595                                                   245 
596 6th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-    246 6th Oct 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-03)
597 - G4UIQt                                          247 - G4UIQt
598   o completion widget for UIQt                    248   o completion widget for UIQt
599                                                   249 
600 15th Sept 2016  Laurent Garnier                   250 15th Sept 2016  Laurent Garnier
601 - G4UIQt                                          251 - G4UIQt
602   o First draft of a completion widget for UIQ    252   o First draft of a completion widget for UIQt
603                                                   253 
604 8th June 2016  Laurent Garnier                    254 8th June 2016  Laurent Garnier
605 - G4UIQt                                          255 - G4UIQt
606   o Add "save output" icon                        256   o Add "save output" icon
607   o Better icon management in the code            257   o Better icon management in the code
608                                                   258 
609 3rd June 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10    259 3rd June 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-02)
610 - G4UIWin32: Re-Fixed compilation warnings on     260 - G4UIWin32: Re-Fixed compilation warnings on Win32 about HMENU.
611                                                   261 
612 1st June 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10    262 1st June 2016  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-02-01)
613 - G4UIWin32 :Fixed compilation warnings on Win    263 - G4UIWin32 :Fixed compilation warnings on Win32 about LONG_PTR and HMENU.
614                                                   264 
615 27th May 2016  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-    265 27th May 2016  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-02-00)
616 - Fixed compilation warnings on MacOS for conv    266 - Fixed compilation warnings on MacOS for conversion to char* in
617                                                   267 
618 3rd November 2015  Laurent Garnier                268 3rd November 2015  Laurent Garnier
619 - G4UIQt : Minor change in CreateViewerWidget     269 - G4UIQt : Minor change in CreateViewerWidget method
620                                                   270 
621 24th July 2015  Laurent Garnier                   271 24th July 2015  Laurent Garnier
622 - Clean debug statements                          272 - Clean debug statements
623 - Fix DEV-8: Qt driver : in parameter box, Ok     273 - Fix DEV-8: Qt driver : in parameter box, Ok button is on the left, it should be on the right.
624                                                   274 
625 8nd June 2015  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10    275 8nd June 2015  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-01-01)
626 - Tagged                                          276 - Tagged
627                                                   277 
628 2nd March 2015  Laurent Garnier                   278 2nd March 2015  Laurent Garnier
629 - G4UIQt :                                        279 - G4UIQt :
630  o Add a public method GetCoutDockWidget to re    280  o Add a public method GetCoutDockWidget to return the Cout dock widget as a QDockWidget
631                                                   281 
632 15th December 2014  Laurent Garnier (interface    282 15th December 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-01-00)
633 -                                       283 -
634   o Fix a problem when displaying the first ti    284   o Fix a problem when displaying the first time the help tree. The guidance label
635     was not show                                  285     was not show
636                                                   286 
637 20th November 2014  Laurent Garnier (interface    287 20th November 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-23)
638 -                                       288 -
639   o Fix recursive calls caused by qApp->proces    289   o Fix recursive calls caused by qApp->processEvent() in some cases (cms.gdml)
640                                                   290 
641 19th November 2014  Laurent Garnier (interface    291 19th November 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-22)
642 -                                       292 -
643   o Add public methods                            293   o Add public methods
644   o Fix a public method return type               294   o Fix a public method return type
645                                                   295 
646 7th November 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    296 7th November 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-19 - interfaces-V10-00-20 - interfaces-V10-00-21)
647 -                                       297 -
648   o Fix G4Vis thread number in G4Cout             298   o Fix G4Vis thread number in G4Cout
649   o Set focus on command line at the beggining    299   o Set focus on command line at the beggining
650   o Better fix for the "Recreate help tree eac    300   o Better fix for the "Recreate help tree each time we create a new viewer"
651   o Fix qt warning "QObject::connect: Cannot q    301   o Fix qt warning "QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextCursor'"
652                                                   302 
653 5th November 2014  Laurent Garnier                303 5th November 2014  Laurent Garnier
654 -                                      304 -
655   o Recreate help tree each time we create a n    305   o Recreate help tree each time we create a new viewer
656 -                                      306 -
657   o Remove a warning                              307   o Remove a warning
658                                                   308 
659 31th October 2014  Laurent Garnier                309 31th October 2014  Laurent Garnier
660 -                                      310 -
661   o Use FindMacroPath() instead of GetMacroSea    311   o Use FindMacroPath() instead of GetMacroSearchPath()
662   o Display G4Exception warning messages in G4    312   o Display G4Exception warning messages in G4cerr
663   o Fix a problem with Wt include names on cas    313   o Fix a problem with Wt include names on case sensitive systems
664   o Try to fix the fact that the cout widget d    314   o Try to fix the fact that the cout widget does not update in real
665     time when run in progress. Do not totally     315     time when run in progress. Do not totally fix this, but update
666     is more frequent now.                         316     is more frequent now.
667                                                   317 
668 30th October 2014  John Allison (interfaces-V1    318 30th October 2014  John Allison (interfaces-V10-00-18)
669 - Added a mutex in ReceiveG4cout an    319 - Added a mutex in ReceiveG4cout and ReceiveG4cerr.
670                                                   320 
671 29th October 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    321 29th October 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-16 retagged interfaces-V10-00-17)
672 - G4UIQt :                                        322 - G4UIQt :
673   o For all methods who need a file, instead o    323   o For all methods who need a file, instead of getting the file from current path,
674     look for it in MacroPath                      324     look for it in MacroPath
675   o Set viewer text tab "read only"               325   o Set viewer text tab "read only"
676   o When closing a dock panel, hide it instead    326   o When closing a dock panel, hide it instead of removing it. Prevent from null
677     pointer exception                             327     pointer exception
678                                                   328 
679 22th October 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    329 22th October 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-15)
680 - G4UIQt :                                        330 - G4UIQt :
681   o Remove viewer size parameter (it was no lo    331   o Remove viewer size parameter (it was no longer used)
682   o Add the ability to have HTML tags inside t    332   o Add the ability to have HTML tags inside the file given by AddViewerTabFromFile.
683     This will allow to include for example a R    333     This will allow to include for example a README file with an <img> or other HTML tags
684     Ex :                                          334     Ex :
685          =====================  README  ======    335          =====================  README  ==============================
686          <p align="center">                       336          <p align="center">
687          <img src="exampleB1.jpg" width="300">    337          <img src="exampleB1.jpg" width="300">
688          </p>                                     338          </p>
689    And the code to be place in main() function    339    And the code to be place in main() function :
690       UIQt->AddViewerTabFromFile("README", "RE    340       UIQt->AddViewerTabFromFile("README", "README from my own example");
691                                                   341 
692 21th October 2014  Laurent Garnier                342 21th October 2014  Laurent Garnier
693 - G4UIQt :                                        343 - G4UIQt :
694   o Do not remove the first tab widget when cr    344   o Do not remove the first tab widget when creating a viewer
695   o add new method AddViewerTab(QWidget*, std:    345   o add new method AddViewerTab(QWidget*, std::string), this will allow users to define their
696     own tab.                                      346     own tab.
697   o Add new method AddViewerTabFromFile(std::s    347   o Add new method AddViewerTabFromFile(std::string, std::string): add a tab in the viewer from
698     a file                                        348     a file
699   o Fix a problem with updating viewer            349   o Fix a problem with updating viewer
700   o Activate Help Widget at the beginning inst    350   o Activate Help Widget at the beginning instead of sceneTree
701   o Move clear G4cout icon on the right side      351   o Move clear G4cout icon on the right side
702   o Add left panel tab tooltips                   352   o Add left panel tab tooltips
703   o Change text on StartPage                      353   o Change text on StartPage
704                                                   354 
705 14th October 2014  Laurent Garnier                355 14th October 2014  Laurent Garnier
706 - G4UIQt :                                        356 - G4UIQt :
707   o Add methods GetCoutWidget(), GetUserInterf    357   o Add methods GetCoutWidget(), GetUserInterfaceWidget(), GetViewersWidget()
708   o Rename SetViewerFirstPageHTMLText() to Set    358   o Rename SetViewerFirstPageHTMLText() to SetStartPage()
709                                                   359 
710 14th October 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    360 14th October 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-14 need global-V10-00-35)
711 - G4UIQt :                                        361 - G4UIQt :
712   o Revert mdi/tabbed widgets to old tab style    362   o Revert mdi/tabbed widgets to old tab style : It was not working so good. In tabbed mode, some
713     stranges effects when adding/switching OGL    363     stranges effects when adding/switching OGL viewer : A small window was create
714     inside other tabs.                            364     inside other tabs.
715   o Get the thread prefix string directly from    365   o Get the thread prefix string directly from G4MTcoutDestination
716                                                   366 
717 13th October 2014  Laurent Garnier                367 13th October 2014  Laurent Garnier
718 - G4UIQt : Fix a bug with Qt4.6                   368 - G4UIQt : Fix a bug with Qt4.6
719                                                   369 
720 7th October 2014  Laurent Garnier                 370 7th October 2014  Laurent Garnier
721 - G4UIQt : Fix a problem refreshing tab           371 - G4UIQt : Fix a problem refreshing tab
722                                                   372 
723 6th October 2014  Laurent Garnier                 373 6th October 2014  Laurent Garnier
724 - G4UIQt : Fix a problem when creating the fir    374 - G4UIQt : Fix a problem when creating the first tab viewer
725                                                   375 
726 1st October 2014  Laurent Garnier                 376 1st October 2014  Laurent Garnier
727 - G4UIQt :                                        377 - G4UIQt :
728   o Add a "mdi" and "tabbed" icon, only in the    378   o Add a "mdi" and "tabbed" icon, only in the code for the moment, no way to trigger them
729   o Suppress the way to switch between "tabbed    379   o Suppress the way to switch between "tabbed view" and "side by side view", will be replace
730     next by this icon                             380     next by this icon
731                                                   381 
732 28th August 2014  Laurent Garnier                 382 28th August 2014  Laurent Garnier
733 - G4UIQt :                                        383 - G4UIQt :
734   o Replace the tab viewer by a MDIArea in ord    384   o Replace the tab viewer by a MDIArea in order to manage both side by side view and tabbed view
735   o Minor change in text for the first page wi    385   o Minor change in text for the first page widget
736   o Fix a problem in coloring cout sometimes a    386   o Fix a problem in coloring cout sometimes after a cerr was send. Sometimes, the default color stay in red. Fixed
737   o Set the focus on the command line after a     387   o Set the focus on the command line after a command was send
738   o For the moment, the way to switch between     388   o For the moment, the way to switch between "tabbed view" and "side by side view" is to type "s" in the command line.
739     TO BE FIXED !                                 389     TO BE FIXED !
740   o Fix problem when closing the last tab. Now    390   o Fix problem when closing the last tab. Now the first page is displayed
741                                                   391 
742 23rd September 2014  Gabriele Cosmo (interface    392 23rd September 2014  Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V10-00-13)
743 - G4UIQt :                                        393 - G4UIQt :
744   o Use GetThreadId() from G4UImanager...         394   o Use GetThreadId() from G4UImanager...
745                                                   395 
746 23rd September 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfac    396 23rd September 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-12)
747 - G4UIQt :                                        397 - G4UIQt :
748   o Change threadId by getThreadId()              398   o Change threadId by getThreadId()
749                                                   399 
750 19th September 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfac    400 19th September 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-11)
751 - G4UIQt :                                        401 - G4UIQt :
752   o Fix the Dock output panel on the bottom ri    402   o Fix the Dock output panel on the bottom right on the window
753                                                   403 
754 18th August 2014  Laurent Garnier                 404 18th August 2014  Laurent Garnier
755 - G4UIQt :                                        405 - G4UIQt :
756   o Fix a problem with closing dockable widget    406   o Fix a problem with closing dockable widgets
757                                                   407 
758 14th August 2014  Laurent Garnier                 408 14th August 2014  Laurent Garnier
759 - G4UIQt :                                        409 - G4UIQt :
760   o Begginning of adding dockable widgets. Sti    410   o Begginning of adding dockable widgets. Still problems on :
761     - cout (should be on the right)               411     - cout (should be on the right)
762     - Dock titles                                 412     - Dock titles
763                                                   413 
764 13th August 2014  Laurent Garnier                 414 13th August 2014  Laurent Garnier
765 - G4UIQt :                                        415 - G4UIQt :
766   o Fix a bug introduced in interfaces-V10-00-    416   o Fix a bug introduced in interfaces-V10-00-07. The first time we open the viewer, is was small and dark.
767     Note: Perhaps this fix will create (in som    417     Note: Perhaps this fix will create (in some cases) a widget outside of UI for a really short moment.
768                                                   418 
769 13th August 2014  Laurent Garnier                 419 13th August 2014  Laurent Garnier
770 - G4UIQt :                                        420 - G4UIQt :
771   o Fix a typo in SetViewerFirstPageHTMLText t    421   o Fix a typo in SetViewerFirstPageHTMLText text
772   o Add better implementation of thread prefix    422   o Add better implementation of thread prefix before "GetPrefixString()" is implemented
773                                                   423 
774 11th August 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces    424 11th August 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V10-00-09)
775 - G4UIQt :                                        425 - G4UIQt :
776   o Fix a bug for single threading output in l    426   o Fix a bug for single threading output in last tag
777   o Add a "SetViewerFirstPageHTMLText" method     427   o Add a "SetViewerFirstPageHTMLText" method to be able to set the first tab widget text.
778     This could be used to make some kind of a     428     This could be used to make some kind of a start page to display useful informations
779                                                   429 
780 7th August 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-    430 7th August 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V10-00-08)
781 - G4UIQt :                                        431 - G4UIQt :
782   o Add Mutilthreading outputs                    432   o Add Mutilthreading outputs
783   o New cout internal management                  433   o New cout internal management
784   o Add a filter on thread in output              434   o Add a filter on thread in output
785                                                   435 
786 1th August 2014  Laurent Garnier                  436 1th August 2014  Laurent Garnier
787 - G4UIQt : Change UI look by moving "search" a    437 - G4UIQt : Change UI look by moving "search" at the top of the G4cout area
788                                                   438 
789 10th July 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V    439 10th July 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V10-00-07)
790 - G4UIQt : BugFix #1604                           440 - G4UIQt : BugFix #1604
791 - G4UIWt : Minor things                           441 - G4UIWt : Minor things
792                                                   442 
793 6th June 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V1    443 6th June 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V10-00-06)
794 - G4UIQt :                                        444 - G4UIQt :
795   o Fix a Qt function that was only defined fo    445   o Fix a Qt function that was only defined for Qt5
796                                                   446 
797 5th June 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V1    447 5th June 2014  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V10-00-05 co-works opengl-V10-00-06)
798 - G4UIQt :                                        448 - G4UIQt :
799   o Change help display to render parameters i    449   o Change help display to render parameters in a QTableView
800   o Change window expanding policy. Now when e    450   o Change window expanding policy. Now when expanding main window, it will keep the size of the viewer
801   o When choosing "pick" icon, it will now app    451   o When choosing "pick" icon, it will now apply /vis/viewer/set/picking true
802                                                   452 
803 27th May 2014  Laurent Garnier                    453 27th May 2014  Laurent Garnier
804 - G4UIQt :                                        454 - G4UIQt :
805   o Change help display in help tree              455   o Change help display in help tree
806                                                   456 
807 May 25th 2014 Koichi Murakami, interfaces-V10-    457 May 25th 2014 Koichi Murakami, interfaces-V10-00-04
808 - basic/src/, fixed the problem    458 - basic/src/, fixed the problem that some commands cannot be
809   processed, because of a bug in G4SubString==    459   processed, because of a bug in G4SubString== operator like nC(0,3)="xxx".
810   Use substr() instead of () operator for the     460   Use substr() instead of () operator for the comparison of substr.
811                                                   461 
812 20th May 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10    462 20th May 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-02, interfaces-V10-00-03)
813 - G4UIQt :                                        463 - G4UIQt :
814   o Change help tree splitter from vertical to    464   o Change help tree splitter from vertical to horizontal
815   o Add method to display text in HTML            465   o Add method to display text in HTML
816                                                   466 
817 22th Janvier 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    467 22th Janvier 2014  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V10-00-01)
818 - G4Qt : BUGFIX : bugzilla 1487 : Explicitly s    468 - G4Qt : BUGFIX : bugzilla 1487 : Explicitly set the LC_NUMBERIC locale to "C"
819                                                   469 
820 4nd December 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    470 4nd December 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-18)
821 - G4UIQt :                                        471 - G4UIQt :
822  o Fix problem with resizing the QGLwidget whe    472  o Fix problem with resizing the QGLwidget when a macro which open a OGL
823    widget was called by user in UI. Before the    473    widget was called by user in UI. Before the OGL widget get the minimum size
824    (about 50 pixel height), now it does grow a    474    (about 50 pixel height), now it does grow as much as it can without going out
825    of the window.                                 475    of the window.
826  o Suppress a "printf" non protected by ifdef     476  o Suppress a "printf" non protected by ifdef
827                                                   477 
828 2nd December 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    478 2nd December 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-17)
829 - G4UIQt : Fix a bad bug fixed 29th November 2    479 - G4UIQt : Fix a bad bug fixed 29th November 2013. The menu name was displayed
830   instead of the label.                           480   instead of the label.
831                                                   481 
832 29th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interface    482 29th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-16)
833 - G4UIQt : Fix a bug introduce the 13th Novemb    483 - G4UIQt : Fix a bug introduce the 13th November 2013. Menu name was blank, I had
834   remove the name parameter by mistake.           484   remove the name parameter by mistake.
835                                                   485 
836 14th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interface    486 14th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-15)
837 - G4UIQt : Fix a bug introduce the 13th Novemb    487 - G4UIQt : Fix a bug introduce the 13th November 2013 : JIRA DEV-101
838                                                   488 
839 13th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interface    489 13th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-14)
840 - G4UIQt :                                        490 - G4UIQt :
841  o Add a fix for JIRA DEV-98. Qt5 driver is br    491  o Add a fix for JIRA DEV-98. Qt5 driver is broken with Qt5.0.1 version, the only fix we could
842    do, is to warn users that there will not be    492    do, is to warn users that there will not be any Store/Immediate viewer support for Qt5.0. We
843    advice them to update to Qt5.1. Few users w    493    advice them to update to Qt5.1. Few users will have this configuration since we are already
844    in Qt5.2                                       494    in Qt5.2
845                                                   495 
846 13th November 2013  Laurent Garnier               496 13th November 2013  Laurent Garnier
847 - G4UIQt :                                        497 - G4UIQt :
848  o Remove QWidget unuseful argument for G4QtTa    498  o Remove QWidget unuseful argument for G4QtTabWidget
849  o Better layouts management (does not fix any    499  o Better layouts management (does not fix anything)
850                                                   500 
851 9th November 2013  Laurent Garnie (interfaces-    501 9th November 2013  Laurent Garnie (interfaces-V09-06-13)
852 - G4UIQt : Fix a shadowing variable               502 - G4UIQt : Fix a shadowing variable
853                                                   503 
854 8th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    504 8th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-12)
855 - G4UIQt :                                        505 - G4UIQt :
856  o Fix JIRA issue DEV-10 : "When adding a butt    506  o Fix JIRA issue DEV-10 : "When adding a button with "/vis/viewer/set/style",
857    the parameters are not proposed."              507    the parameters are not proposed."
858                                                   508 
859 8th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    509 8th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-11)
860 - G4UIQt :                                        510 - G4UIQt :
861  o Fix JIRA issue DEV-67 : remove warning when    511  o Fix JIRA issue DEV-67 : remove warning when adding a new command button
862  o Fix a possible problem on widgets parent.      512  o Fix a possible problem on widgets parent.
863                                                   513 
864 7th November 2013  Laurent Garnier                514 7th November 2013  Laurent Garnier
865 - G4UIQt : Fix JIRA issue DEV-94 : Crash when     515 - G4UIQt : Fix JIRA issue DEV-94 : Crash when closing the last tab
866                                                   516 
867 6th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    517 6th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-10)
868 - G4UIQt : Fix compilation error on X11.          518 - G4UIQt : Fix compilation error on X11.
869                                                   519 
870 5th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    520 5th November 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-09)
871 - G4UIQt : Fix some resizing problems.            521 - G4UIQt : Fix some resizing problems.
872 - G4UIWt : Fix some warnings                      522 - G4UIWt : Fix some warnings
873                                                   523 
874 5th November 2013  Laurent Garnier                524 5th November 2013  Laurent Garnier
875 - G4UIQt :                                        525 - G4UIQt :
876   o Fix a problem on Linux reported by Ivana :    526   o Fix a problem on Linux reported by Ivana : Impossible to change
877     the size of the OpenGL viewer                 527     the size of the OpenGL viewer
878   o Fix the size of the OpenGL viewer to be th    528   o Fix the size of the OpenGL viewer to be the same as send in parameters
879     (for ex: 600x600)                             529     (for ex: 600x600)
880                                                   530 
881 31th October 2013  Laurent Garnier                531 31th October 2013  Laurent Garnier
882 - G4UIQt : Fix JIRA issue DEV-93 about "Direct    532 - G4UIQt : Fix JIRA issue DEV-93 about "Directory descriptions does not
883   appear at the place they should be."            533   appear at the place they should be."
884                                                   534 
885 24th October 2013  Laurent Garnier                535 24th October 2013  Laurent Garnier
886 - G4UIQt : Fix coverity                           536 - G4UIQt : Fix coverity
887   o 23063 Uninitialized pointer field             537   o 23063 Uninitialized pointer field
888   o 47057 Logically dead code                     538   o 47057 Logically dead code
889   o 53243 Uninitialized scalar field              539   o 53243 Uninitialized scalar field
890                                                   540 
891 23th October 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    541 23th October 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-08 need cmake-V09-06-29)
892 - sources.cmake : Remove Qt5 configuration, it    542 - sources.cmake : Remove Qt5 configuration, it is now include in cmake.
893                                                   543 
894 14th October 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    544 14th October 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-07)
895 - G4UIWt :                                        545 - G4UIWt :
896   o Fix a warning about "/*" within comment       546   o Fix a warning about "/*" within comment
897                                                   547 
898 10th October 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    548 10th October 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-06)
899                       forgot to tag interfaces    549                       forgot to tag interfaces-V09-06-05)
900 - G4UIQt :                                        550 - G4UIQt :
901   o Fix SecondaryLoop for Qt. It was doing not    551   o Fix SecondaryLoop for Qt. It was doing nothing at all, now processing
902     events until exitPause = true                 552     events until exitPause = true
903   o Remove debug statements                       553   o Remove debug statements
904                                                   554 
905 23th August 2013  Laurent Garnier                 555 23th August 2013  Laurent Garnier
906 - Add first draft classes for Wt (web based in    556 - Add first draft classes for Wt (web based interfaces) common/src/ common/include/G4Wt.hh basic/include/G4UIWt.hh basic/src/
907 - G4UIQt : Remove unused parameter                557 - G4UIQt : Remove unused parameter
908 - G4UIExecutive : Add BUILD_WT case (not yet d    558 - G4UIExecutive : Add BUILD_WT case (not yet done for cmake)
909                                                   559 
910 12th August 2013  Laurent Garnier                 560 12th August 2013  Laurent Garnier
911 - G4UIQt :                                        561 - G4UIQt :
912    o Add a field to memorise the last open dir    562    o Add a field to memorise the last open directory on Icon->Open
913    o Fix some warning messages                    563    o Fix some warning messages
914 - G4UIQt, G4Qt : Change some G4cout messages t    564 - G4UIQt, G4Qt : Change some G4cout messages to be displayed only when
915   verbosity >= 2                                  565   verbosity >= 2
916                                                   566 
917 8th August 2013  Laurent Garnier                  567 8th August 2013  Laurent Garnier
918 - G4VBasicShell::ExecuteCommand : Add informat    568 - G4VBasicShell::ExecuteCommand : Add information when command not found
919 - : in ReceveiveG4Cerr, change behav    569 - : in ReceveiveG4Cerr, change behavious :
920    o before on each G4err it was displaying an    570    o before on each G4err it was displaying an alert box, now it display an alert
921      box only if it will Abort or Quit the pro    571      box only if it will Abort or Quit the programm
922    o All G4err messages are now in red. Previo    572    o All G4err messages are now in red. Previously there were sometimes changing
923      color to black.                              573      color to black.
924    o When entering a command, if this command     574    o When entering a command, if this command is multiple line it will now take
925      it in account as multiples commands.         575      it in account as multiples commands.
926                                                   576 
927 7th August 2013  Laurent Garnier                  577 7th August 2013  Laurent Garnier
928 - :                                     578 - :
929   o Change the name of the fileselector on the    579   o Change the name of the fileselector on the open/save Icon
930   o Fix a potential problem on the ToolBar        580   o Fix a potential problem on the ToolBar
931   o Add a public method to get the MainWindow     581   o Add a public method to get the MainWindow
932                                                   582 
933 1st August 2013  Laurent Garnier                  583 1st August 2013  Laurent Garnier
934 - : Fiw a non UTF8 caracter (bug #1487    584 - : Fiw a non UTF8 caracter (bug #1487)
935                                                   585 
936 2nd July 2013  Laurent Garnier                    586 2nd July 2013  Laurent Garnier
937 - : Fix coverity defect 48022           587 - : Fix coverity defect 48022
938                                                   588 
939 27th June 2013  Laurent Garnier                   589 27th June 2013  Laurent Garnier
940 - : Improve OGL window resizing by o    590 - : Improve OGL window resizing by opening to a bigger size, changing
941   strech factors and others little effects.       591   strech factors and others little effects.
942                                                   592 
943 18th June 2013  Laurent Garnier                   593 18th June 2013  Laurent Garnier
944 - Add some minors improvements to Q    594 - Add some minors improvements to Qt interface
945   o Minimize border size                          595   o Minimize border size
946   o OpenGL windows size changing when app size    596   o OpenGL windows size changing when app size change
947   o Changing some functions signature             597   o Changing some functions signature
948                                                   598 
949 3nd June 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09    599 3nd June 2013  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-06-02 interfaces-V09-06-03 interfaces-V09-06-04)
950 - Coverity fix:                        600 - Coverity fix:
951   o Initialize class members                      601   o Initialize class members
952   o Try to fix a Dereference after null check     602   o Try to fix a Dereference after null check coverity warning.
953                                                   603 
954 - G4Qt.hh: Coverity fix:                          604 - G4Qt.hh: Coverity fix:
955   o Made copy constructor and assignment opera    605   o Made copy constructor and assignment operator private.
956                                                   606 
957 2nd June 2013  John Allison (interfaces-V09-06    607 2nd June 2013  John Allison (interfaces-V09-06-01)
958 - G4Xt.hh: Coverity fix:                          608 - G4Xt.hh: Coverity fix:
959   o Made copy constructor and assignment opera    609   o Made copy constructor and assignment operator private.
960                                                   610 
961 13th May 2013 - Laurent Garnier                   611 13th May 2013 - Laurent Garnier
962 - G4UIQt :                                        612 - G4UIQt :
963   o Add some tooltips                             613   o Add some tooltips
964                                                   614 
965 1st May 2013 - Laurent Garnier                    615 1st May 2013 - Laurent Garnier
966 - Improvments about Wt driver configuration       616 - Improvments about Wt driver configuration
967                                                   617 
968 25th April 2013  Laurent Garnier                  618 25th April 2013  Laurent Garnier
969 - Add cmake configuration for Wt and Qt5 in "c    619 - Add cmake configuration for Wt and Qt5 in "common" and "basic",
970   check in the code : "!!! ONLY QT4 to be comm    620   check in the code : "!!! ONLY QT4 to be comment with QT5"
971                                                   621 
972 7th December 2012  Laurent Garnier                622 7th December 2012  Laurent Garnier
973 - Set fix size font in output.                    623 - Set fix size font in output.
974                                                   624 
975 7th December 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V0    625 7th December 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V09-06-00)
976 - Removed G4UIXaw.                                626 - Removed G4UIXaw.
977                                                   627 
978 15th November 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces    628 15th November 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-36)
979 - G4UIQt:                                         629 - G4UIQt:
980  o Fix bug #1391 : Menus were append before th    630  o Fix bug #1391 : Menus were append before the "File" menu
981  o FIx bug #1389 : add button with command wit    631  o FIx bug #1389 : add button with command with arguments was not working
982                                                   632 
983 14th November 2012 Laurent Garnier                633 14th November 2012 Laurent Garnier
984 - G4UIQt: Put name of the app in the title bar    634 - G4UIQt: Put name of the app in the title bar
985                                                   635 
986 6 November 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V0    636 6 November 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-05-35)
987 - G4UIExecutive, remove Win32 session from bes    637 - G4UIExecutive, remove Win32 session from best guess.
988                                                   638 
989 2nd November 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-    639 2nd November 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-05-34)
990 - G4UIExecutive, G4UItcsh, add null check for     640 - G4UIExecutive, G4UItcsh, add null check for getenv return.
991                                                   641 
992 2nd November 2012  Laurent Garnier (interfaces    642 2nd November 2012  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-33)
993 - G4UIQt : Remove icons for all applications.     643 - G4UIQt : Remove icons for all applications. It will be now provided in a
994            icons.mac file                         644            icons.mac file
995                                                   645 
996 1st November, 2012 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-    646 1st November, 2012 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V09-05-32)
997 - Fixed GNUmakefile and source.cmake in basic     647 - Fixed GNUmakefile and source.cmake in basic module for missing G4UIGAG.hh.
998                                                   648 
999 30th October, 2012 John Allison (interfaces-V0    649 30th October, 2012 John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-31 needs vis-V09-05-45)
1000 - G4UIQt: Removed IsInstantiated.  No longer     650 - G4UIQt: Removed IsInstantiated.  No longer needed.
1001                                                  651 
1002 23th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interface    652 23th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-05-30)
1003 - UIExecutive, fixed Windows error, add Selec    653 - UIExecutive, fixed Windows error, add SelectSessionByBestGuess().
1004                                                  654 
1005 22th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interface    655 22th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-05-29)
1006 - GetCommandLine in G4UIshell-related is chan    656 - GetCommandLine in G4UIshell-related is changed to GetCommandLineString
1007   due to expected conflict on Windows.           657   due to expected conflict on Windows.
1008                                                  658 
1009 (interfaces-V09-05-28 is used intarnally. It     659 (interfaces-V09-05-28 is used intarnally. It was tagged on the branch,
1010 interfaces-V09-05-24-check_on_win, for testin    660 interfaces-V09-05-24-check_on_win, for testing errors on Windows)
1011                                                  661 
1012 20th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interface    662 20th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-05-27)
1013 - ReceiveG4cout/cerr in G4coutDestion argumen    663 - ReceiveG4cout/cerr in G4coutDestion arguments is changed to const G4String&,
1014   the correspoinding methods in delived class    664   the correspoinding methods in delived classes are updated.
1015 - add "const" for constant-functions.            665 - add "const" for constant-functions.
1016 - G4UItcsh, command completion method is chan    666 - G4UItcsh, command completion method is changed, dynamically optimize path.
1017 - G4UIExecutive, fixed case-insensitivity in     667 - G4UIExecutive, fixed case-insensitivity in .g4session, with some modfications.
1018   For Windows, logic is back to the original,    668   For Windows, logic is back to the original, csh is active and fallback.
1019                                                  669 
1020 19th October 2012  Laurent Garnier               670 19th October 2012  Laurent Garnier
1021 - G4UIQt                                         671 - G4UIQt
1022   o Manage mouse style with bool instead of I    672   o Manage mouse style with bool instead of Icon status
1023   o Prevent case of no-icons on toolbar          673   o Prevent case of no-icons on toolbar
1024                                                  674 
1025 - : Allow "addIcon"     675 - : Allow "addIcon" command to have ommitables parameters
1026                                                  676 
1027 19th October 2012  John Allison                  677 19th October 2012  John Allison
1028 -                               678 -
1029   o Re-ordered printing of available sessions    679   o Re-ordered printing of available sessions.
1030                                                  680 
1031 19th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-    681 19th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-V09-05-26)
1032 -                               682 -
1033   o Resuscitate GAG on Windows.                  683   o Resuscitate GAG on Windows.
1034 -                                     684 -
1035   o Fixed compiler warning.                      685   o Fixed compiler warning.
1036                                                  686 
1037 19th October 2012  Laurent Garnier               687 19th October 2012  Laurent Garnier
1038 -                                      688 -
1039   o Resolved bug <a href="http://bugzilla-gea    689   o Resolved bug <a href="">1365</a>
1040     some code was removed since interfaces-V0    690     some code was removed since interfaces-V09-05-18
1041                                                  691 
1042 19th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-    692 19th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-V09-05-25)
1043 -                               693 -
1044   o Fixed compiler errors on Windows.            694   o Fixed compiler errors on Windows.
1045   o Re-introduced Xm.                            695   o Re-introduced Xm.
1046                                                  696 
1047 18th October 2012  Laurent Garnier               697 18th October 2012  Laurent Garnier
1048 - G4UIQt : Fix a Qt < 4.5 issue for ColorDial    698 - G4UIQt : Fix a Qt < 4.5 issue for ColorDialog
1049                                                  699 
1050 18th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interface    700 18th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-05-24)
1051 - G4UIExective                                   701 - G4UIExective
1052  o additional code clean-up                      702  o additional code clean-up
1053  o treat case-insensitve session type for .g4    703  o treat case-insensitve session type for .g4session
1054                                                  704 
1055 18th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interface    705 18th October, 2012 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-05-23)
1056 - G4VUIshell, G4UItcsh, G4VBasicShell, G4UIte    706 - G4VUIshell, G4UItcsh, G4VBasicShell, G4UIterminal
1057  o improve swimming among command directories    707  o improve swimming among command directories wih ".", ".."
1058 - G4UIExective                                   708 - G4UIExective
1059  o introduce run-time session selection schem    709  o introduce run-time session selection scheme
1060  o new instead of G4UIExecuti    710  o new instead of G4UIExecutive.icc
1061  o sources.cmake updated                         711  o sources.cmake updated
1062                                                  712 
1063 18th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-    713 18th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-V09-05-22)
1064 - G4UIExecutive.icc                              714 - G4UIExecutive.icc
1065   o Fixed compiler errors on Windows.            715   o Fixed compiler errors on Windows.
1066                                                  716 
1067 12th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-    717 12th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-V09-05-21)
1068 - G4UIExecutive.icc                              718 - G4UIExecutive.icc
1069   o Some problem with Xm - commented out.        719   o Some problem with Xm - commented out.
1070                                                  720 
1071 12th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-    721 12th October 2012  John Allison  (interfaces-V09-05-20, co-works vis-V09-05-47)
1072 - G4UIExecutive:                                 722 - G4UIExecutive:
1073   o Introduced string-driven-selection of UI     723   o Introduced string-driven-selection of UI session.
1074 -                                    724 -
1075   o Deprecated.                                  725   o Deprecated.
1076                                                  726 
1077 10th Octobre 2012  Laurent Garnier (co-works     727 10th Octobre 2012  Laurent Garnier (co-works
1078 - G4UIQt :                                       728 - G4UIQt :
1079  o Add a "save" command to "save" icon thanks    729  o Add a "save" command to "save" icon thanks to John /vis/viewer/save
1080                                                  730 
1081 9th Octobre 2012  Laurent Garnier  (interface    731 9th Octobre 2012  Laurent Garnier  (interfaces-V09-05-19)
1082 - G4UIQt :                                       732 - G4UIQt :
1083  o Fix a bad naming method                       733  o Fix a bad naming method
1084                                                  734 
1085 5th Octobre 2012  Laurent Garnier                735 5th Octobre 2012  Laurent Garnier
1086 - G4UIQt/G4VInteractiveSession/G4InteractorMe    736 - G4UIQt/G4VInteractiveSession/G4InteractorMessenger :
1087  o Add a new command /gui/addIcon to be able     737  o Add a new command /gui/addIcon to be able to add an icon on the toolbar
1088  o Remove "Scene" and "viewer" components        738  o Remove "Scene" and "viewer" components
1089                                                  739 
1090 28th September 2012  Laurent Garnier (interfa    740 28th September 2012  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-17 & interfaces-V09-05-18)
1091 - G4UIQt :                                       741 - G4UIQt :
1092   o Fixed compiler warning and remove dead co    742   o Fixed compiler warning and remove dead code
1093                                                  743 
1094 27th September 2012 John Allison (interfaces-    744 27th September 2012 John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-16)
1095 - Tagged.                                        745 - Tagged.
1096                                                  746 
1097 26th September 2012  Laurent Garnier             747 26th September 2012  Laurent Garnier
1098 - G4UIQt:                                        748 - G4UIQt:
1099  o Move Icon creation in a generic method : A    749  o Move Icon creation in a generic method : AddIcon()
1100  o Move command line on the right widget         750  o Move command line on the right widget
1101  o Add warning when creating new menu if comm    751  o Add warning when creating new menu if command not found
1102  o Re-order lot lof things to be able to call    752  o Re-order lot lof things to be able to call widget dialog box for parameters outside
1103    view/scene tab stack component.               753    view/scene tab stack component.
1104  o A menu/icon with a command without paramet    754  o A menu/icon with a command without parameter will open a parameter dialog box
1105                                                  755 
1106 20th September 2012  Laurent Garnier (interfa    756 20th September 2012  Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-15)
1107 - G4UIQt : Fix a compiler warning on  uniniti    757 - G4UIQt : Fix a compiler warning on  uninitialized parameter
1108                                                  758 
1109 19th September 2012  John Allison (interfaces    759 19th September 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-14)
1110 - G4UIQt: Introduced static G4bool IsInstanti    760 - G4UIQt: Introduced static G4bool IsInstantiated() for use by vis system.
1111                                                  761 
1112 18th Septembre 2012 Hisaya Kurashige (interfa    762 18th Septembre 2012 Hisaya Kurashige (interfaces-V09-05-13)
1113 - Same as interfaces-V09-05-12                   763 - Same as interfaces-V09-05-12
1114   (Re-tagged because of system test )            764   (Re-tagged because of system test )
1115                                                  765 
1116 5th Septembre 2012 Laurent Garnier (interface    766 5th Septembre 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-12)
1117 - :                                    767 - :
1118   o Add Perspective/Ortho icons                  768   o Add Perspective/Ortho icons
1119   o Add new OGL S/I mode                         769   o Add new OGL S/I mode
1120   o Remove warnings                              770   o Remove warnings
1121   o Add Zoom In/Out icons                        771   o Add Zoom In/Out icons
1122   o Fix icon radio button problem                772   o Fix icon radio button problem
1123                                                  773 
1124 2nd Septembre 2012 Laurent Garnier               774 2nd Septembre 2012 Laurent Garnier
1125 - :                                    775 - :
1126   o Add Load/Macro icons and actions (not fin    776   o Add Load/Macro icons and actions (not finish!)
1127   o Fix a problem when no tab was displayed a    777   o Fix a problem when no tab was displayed and creating first vis tab
1128                                                  778 
1129 23 August 2012 Laurent Garnier                   779 23 August 2012 Laurent Garnier
1130 - : Begin of changing lot of things    780 - : Begin of changing lot of things in UI
1131   o Add some icons (not finish!)                 781   o Add some icons (not finish!)
1132   o Change some layout (to be continue)          782   o Change some layout (to be continue)
1133                                                  783 
1134 9 August 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09    784 9 August 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-11)
1135 - :                                    785 - :
1136   o Fix problem with component size              786   o Fix problem with component size
1137   o Fix multiples vis parameters widgets when    787   o Fix multiples vis parameters widgets when refiling the help tree
1138   o Fix major bug intriduce in last revision     788   o Fix major bug intriduce in last revision
1139   o Fix warnings on Linux                        789   o Fix warnings on Linux
1140   o Move Cout widget out of toolbar              790   o Move Cout widget out of toolbar
1141                                                  791 
1142 8 August 2012 John Allison (interfaces-V09-05    792 8 August 2012 John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-10)
1143 - Linux compilation fixed (Laurent Garnier).     793 - Linux compilation fixed (Laurent Garnier).
1144                                                  794 
1145 8 August 2012 John Allison (interfaces-V09-05    795 8 August 2012 John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-09)
1146 - Tagged.                                        796 - Tagged.
1147                                                  797 
1148 3 August 2012 Laurent Garnier ()                 798 3 August 2012 Laurent Garnier ()
1149 - : Big changes in GUI window. Add     799 - : Big changes in GUI window. Add /vis/scene/add and
1150   /vis/viewer parameters widgets                 800   /vis/viewer parameters widgets
1151                                                  801 
1152 11 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-    802 11 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-08)
1153 - : Small variable name changes and    803 - : Small variable name changes and re-add scene tree viewer
1154  (slow problem fixed in visualization)           804  (slow problem fixed in visualization)
1155                                                  805 
1156 6 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-0    806 6 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-07)
1157 - : Fix compilation warnings    807 - : Fix compilation warnings on Linux/gcc
1158                                                  808 
1159 6 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-0    809 6 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-06)
1160 - G4UIGAG, G4UIQt : Fix compilation warnings     810 - G4UIGAG, G4UIQt : Fix compilation warnings on Linux/gcc
1161                                                  811 
1162 6 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-0    812 6 July 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-05)
1163 - G4UIGAG, G4UIGainServer, G4UIQt : Fix compi    813 - G4UIGAG, G4UIGainServer, G4UIQt : Fix compilation warnings on Linux/gcc
1164                                                  814 
1165 21 June 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-    815 21 June 2012 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-05-04)
1166 - Remove scene tree from next tag. Slow some     816 - Remove scene tree from next tag. Slow some examples (DICOM) too much.
1167                                                  817 
1168 1st June 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V09-0    818 1st June 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-03)
1169 - Tagged.                                        819 - Tagged.
1170                                                  820 
1171 6th April 2012 Laurent Garnier                   821 6th April 2012 Laurent Garnier
1172 - G4UIQt : Set Cout as default ToolBox widget    822 - G4UIQt : Set Cout as default ToolBox widget at launch
1173                                                  823 
1174 3rd April 2012  Pere Mato (interfaces-V09-05-    824 3rd April 2012  Pere Mato (interfaces-V09-05-02)
1175 - basic/src/ : Attempt to make it    825 - basic/src/ : Attempt to make it work for Win64
1176   replacing [Get|Set]WindowLong() by [Get|Set    826   replacing [Get|Set]WindowLong() by [Get|Set]WindowLongPtr() and GWL_USERDATA by GWLP_USERDATA
1177                                                  827 
1178 2nd April 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V09-    828 2nd April 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-01)
1179 - Tagged.                                        829 - Tagged.
1180                                                  830 
1181 28th March 2012 Laurent Garnier                  831 28th March 2012 Laurent Garnier
1182 - basic/G4UIQt : Change name of viewer compon    832 - basic/G4UIQt : Change name of viewer components
1183                                                  833 
1184 1st February 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V    834 1st February 2012  John Allison (interfaces-V09-05-00)
1185 - Added moc to svn:ignore property in subdire    835 - Added moc to svn:ignore property in subdirectory basic.
1186                                                  836 
1187 30th November 2011 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V09    837 30th November 2011 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V09-04-14)
1188 - basic/sources.cmake : Ensure Motif librarie    838 - basic/sources.cmake : Ensure Motif libraries linked before X11 libraries to
1189   prevent item 321 in the Motif FAQ regarding    839   prevent item 321 in the Motif FAQ regarding 'non-widget child "dsm"' errors.
1190                                                  840 
1191 29 November 2011 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V09-0    841 29 November 2011 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V09-04-13)
1192 - common/source.cmake : Ensure G4Xt gets buil    842 - common/source.cmake : Ensure G4Xt gets built for OpenInventor
1193                                                  843 
1194 23 November 2011 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-    844 23 November 2011 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-04-12)
1195 - Fix for displing a QMessageBox on G4err out    845 - Fix for displing a QMessageBox on G4err output
1196                                                  846 
1197 12 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-    847 12 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-04-11)
1198 - G4UIExective is rollback to interfaces-V09-    848 - G4UIExective is rollback to interfaces-V09-04-05. (w/o run-time selection)
1199                                                  849 
1200 12 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-    850 12 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-04-10)
1201 - add in sources.cmake          851 - add in sources.cmake
1202                                                  852 
1203 10 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-    853 10 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-04-09)
1204 - update G4UIExecutive (if-else instead of go    854 - update G4UIExecutive (if-else instead of goto)
1205                                                  855 
1206 07 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-    856 07 November 2011 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-04-08)
1207 - Code quality improvements by Coverity.         857 - Code quality improvements by Coverity.
1208 - Change G4UIExecutive. Run-time selection of    858 - Change G4UIExecutive. Run-time selection of UI session.
1209 - Messages of G4Exception are modified in col    859 - Messages of G4Exception are modified in collaboration format.
1210                                                  860 
1211                                                  861 
1212 4th November 2011 Laurent Garnier                862 4th November 2011 Laurent Garnier
1213 - Resize toolBox                                 863 - Resize toolBox
1214                                                  864 
1215 10th August 2011 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-    865 10th August 2011 Laurent Garnier (interfaces-V09-04-05)
1216 - Add a flag to know if there is a external Q    866 - Add a flag to know if there is a external Qapp inited
1217                                                  867 
1218 27th June 2011 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V09    868 27th June 2011 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V09-04-04)
1219 - Fixed compilation gcc-4.6.0 warning for unu    869 - Fixed compilation gcc-4.6.0 warning for unused variable in G4UIQt.
1220 - Removed incomplete Wt code                     870 - Removed incomplete Wt code
1221 - Archived obsolete XVT module lying on trunk    871 - Archived obsolete XVT module lying on trunk...
1222                                                  872 
1223 17th June 2011 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V09-04-    873 17th June 2011 Ben Morgan (interfaces-V09-04-03)
1224 - common/sources.cmake                           874 - common/sources.cmake
1225 - basic/sources.cmake : Support for Win32 and    875 - basic/sources.cmake : Support for Win32 and Xm added
1226                                                  876 
1227 3rd June 2011  John Allison  (interfaces-V09-    877 3rd June 2011  John Allison  (interfaces-V09-04-02)
1228 - Tagged.                                        878 - Tagged.
1229                                                  879 
1230 2 June, 2011 L. Garnier                          880 2 June, 2011 L. Garnier
1231 - G4UIQt : Comment ViewerComponent Panel         881 - G4UIQt : Comment ViewerComponent Panel
1232                                                  882 
1233 20 May, 2011 L. Garnier                          883 20 May, 2011 L. Garnier
1234 - G4UIQt : Add ViewerComponent Panel             884 - G4UIQt : Add ViewerComponent Panel
1235                                                  885 
1236 17th May 2011  John Allison                      886 17th May 2011  John Allison
1237 -,                         887 -,
1238   o Fix gcc-4.6.0 warnings about unused varia    888   o Fix gcc-4.6.0 warnings about unused variables.
1239                                                  889 
1240 11th April, 2011 L. Garnier                      890 11th April, 2011 L. Garnier
1241 - Coverity warning fix                           891 - Coverity warning fix
1242                                                  892 
1243 24th March, 2011 G. Cosmo  (interfaces-V09-04    893 24th March, 2011 G. Cosmo  (interfaces-V09-04-01)
1244 - Corrected typo.                                894 - Corrected typo.
1245                                                  895 
1246 23rd March, 2011 G. Cosmo  (interfaces-V09-04    896 23rd March, 2011 G. Cosmo  (interfaces-V09-04-00)
1247 - Fix in G4VBasicShell::ApplyShellCommand() f    897 - Fix in G4VBasicShell::ApplyShellCommand() for substring exact comparisons.
1248   Thanks to A.Radkov for spotting the problem    898   Thanks to A.Radkov for spotting the problem.
1249                                                  899 
1250 2nd March, 2011 Laurent Garnier                  900 2nd March, 2011 Laurent Garnier
1251 - Get rid of old Qt3 code                        901 - Get rid of old Qt3 code
1252                                                  902 
1253 24th January, 2011 L.Garnier                     903 24th January, 2011 L.Garnier
1254 - basic/GNUmakefile : Fix mistake in last com    904 - basic/GNUmakefile : Fix mistake in last commit (did not compile on windows)
1255 - common/GNUmakefile : Fix mistake in last co    905 - common/GNUmakefile : Fix mistake in last commit (did not compile on windows)
1256                                                  906 
1257 23rd December, 2010 L. Garnier                   907 23rd December, 2010 L. Garnier
1258 - basic/GNUmakefile : Remove OGL stuff from M    908 - basic/GNUmakefile : Remove OGL stuff from Makefile
1259 - common/GNUmakefile : Remove OGL stuff from     909 - common/GNUmakefile : Remove OGL stuff from Makefile
1260                                                  910 
1261 8th October, 2010 L. Garnier  (interfaces-V09    911 8th October, 2010 L. Garnier  (interfaces-V09-03-13)
1262 - G4UIQt : Fiw problem with redraw of help tr    912 - G4UIQt : Fiw problem with redraw of help tree.
1263                                                  913 
1264 6th October, 2010 J. Allison  (interfaces-V09    914 6th October, 2010 J. Allison  (interfaces-V09-03-12)
1265 - G4UIQt : Remove message about empty viewer     915 - G4UIQt : Remove message about empty viewer (comment out
1266            fEmptyViewerTabLabel - suggested b    916            fEmptyViewerTabLabel - suggested by Laurent).
1267                                                  917 
1268 5th June, 2010 L. Garnier                        918 5th June, 2010 L. Garnier
1269 - G4UIQt : Fix some bug on helpTree view         919 - G4UIQt : Fix some bug on helpTree view
1270                                                  920 
1271 23rd June, 2010 L. Garnier                       921 23rd June, 2010 L. Garnier
1272 - G4UIQt : Fix compilation warnings on Qt3 an    922 - G4UIQt : Fix compilation warnings on Qt3 and Qt4
1273                                                  923 
1274 22nd June, 2010 L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03    924 22nd June, 2010 L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-11)
1275 - G4UIQt : Fix crash when open UI with no vis    925 - G4UIQt : Fix crash when open UI with no vis tab
1276                                                  926 
1277 18th June, 2010 L. Garnier                       927 18th June, 2010 L. Garnier
1278 - Fix Qt3 compilation bug (setVisible(...) un    928 - Fix Qt3 compilation bug (setVisible(...) unprotected
1279                                                  929 
1280 17th June, 2010 G. Cosmo (interfaces-V09-03-1    930 17th June, 2010 G. Cosmo (interfaces-V09-03-10)
1281 - Fixed compilation errors in G4UIQt for Qt3.    931 - Fixed compilation errors in G4UIQt for Qt3....
1282                                                  932 
1283 17th June, 2010 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-0    933 17th June, 2010 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-03-09)
1284 - Tagged.                                        934 - Tagged.
1285                                                  935 
1286 10th June, 2010 L. Garnier                       936 10th June, 2010 L. Garnier
1287 - G4UIQt : Fix crash when del all viewer tabs    937 - G4UIQt : Fix crash when del all viewer tabs and create a new one.
1288            Fix widget QLabel strange effect o    938            Fix widget QLabel strange effect on OSX 10.5
1289                                                  939 
1290 10th June, L. Garnier                            940 10th June, L. Garnier
1291 - G4UIQt : Improvments on OpenGL tab at initi    941 - G4UIQt : Improvments on OpenGL tab at initialisation (tab size was
1292   too small). Remove some flicker effect at i    942   too small). Remove some flicker effect at initialisation. Remove a
1293   compilation warning. Improvment on Cout Fil    943   compilation warning. Improvment on Cout Filter for Qt3
1294                                                  944 
1295 8th June, 2010 K.Murakami (interfaces-V09-03-    945 8th June, 2010 K.Murakami (interfaces-V09-03-08)
1296 - G4VBasicShell : wrong version is in the cvs    946 - G4VBasicShell : wrong version is in the cvs head.
1297                   back to previous version (1    947                   back to previous version (1.14) which includes
1298                   a correct bug fix.             948                   a correct bug fix.
1299                                                  949 
1300 4th June,  L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-07)     950 4th June,  L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-07)
1301 - G4UIQt : Fix recursive repaint on windows a    951 - G4UIQt : Fix recursive repaint on windows and linux
1302   Also fixed compilation problem for Qt3.        952   Also fixed compilation problem for Qt3.
1303 - G4VBasicShell : Command completion improvme    953 - G4VBasicShell : Command completion improvments (was solve in
1304   v1.14 of G4VBasicShell but don't know why I    954   v1.14 of G4VBasicShell but don't know why I go one step back)
1305                                                  955 
1306 3rd June  J. Allison (interfaces-V09-03-06)      956 3rd June  J. Allison (interfaces-V09-03-06)
1307 - Tagged.                                        957 - Tagged.
1308                                                  958 
1309 1st June, L. Garnier                             959 1st June, L. Garnier
1310  - G4UIQt : Fix bug on Qt >4.5 introduce on 1    960  - G4UIQt : Fix bug on Qt >4.5 introduce on 1st June
1311                                                  961 
1312 1st June, L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-05)      962 1st June, L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-05)
1313  - G4UIQt : warning on Qt version < 4.5          963  - G4UIQt : warning on Qt version < 4.5
1314                                                  964 
1315 28 May, L. Garnier                               965 28 May, L. Garnier
1316  - G4UIQt : Bug fix when compiling on windows    966  - G4UIQt : Bug fix when compiling on windows
1317                                                  967 
1318 28 May, K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-03-04)       968 28 May, K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-03-04)
1319  - G4UIExective : session type order is chang    969  - G4UIExective : session type order is changed.
1320                   GUI session is prioritized.    970                   GUI session is prioritized.
1321                                                  971 
1322 26 May, L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-03)        972 26 May, L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-03)
1323  - G4UIQt: Fix some compil errors with qt3       973  - G4UIQt: Fix some compil errors with qt3
1324                                                  974 
1325 20 May, L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-02)        975 20 May, L. Garnier (interfaces-V09-03-02)
1326  Co-working tag : intercoms-V09-03-01            976  Co-working tag : intercoms-V09-03-01
1327  - G4UIQt: Add some changes in order to regis    977  - G4UIQt: Add some changes in order to register UI in order to access
1328    it after                                      978    it after
1329  - G4Qt: Remove a cycle dependency               979  - G4Qt: Remove a cycle dependency
1330                                                  980 
1331 19 May, L. Garnier                               981 19 May, L. Garnier
1332  - G4UIQt: Fix a warning in Cout during viewe    982  - G4UIQt: Fix a warning in Cout during viewer creation
1333            Fix a flush problem at viewer crea    983            Fix a flush problem at viewer creation
1334                                                  984 
1335 18 May, L. Garnier                               985 18 May, L. Garnier
1336  - G4UIQt: Fix an output warning                 986  - G4UIQt: Fix an output warning
1337                                                  987 
1338 11 May, J.Allison (interfaces-V09-03-01)         988 11 May, J.Allison (interfaces-V09-03-01)
1339 - Tagged interfaces-V09-03-01.  (Note: interf    989 - Tagged interfaces-V09-03-01.  (Note: interfaces-V09-03-00 already
1340   used on a patch branch.)                       990   used on a patch branch.)
1341                                                  991 
1342 7 May, L. Garnier                                992 7 May, L. Garnier
1343  - G4UIQt: Add new command in help tree will     993  - G4UIQt: Add new command in help tree will update immediatly the help tree
1344    (removing a command not code yet)             994    (removing a command not code yet)
1345                                                  995 
1346 26 April, L. Garnier                             996 26 April, L. Garnier
1347  - G4UIQt: Improvments                           997  - G4UIQt: Improvments
1348  - G4Qt: Improvments                             998  - G4Qt: Improvments
1349                                                  999 
1350 15 April, 2010 G. Cosmo                          1000 15 April, 2010 G. Cosmo
1351  - Fixed call to contructor QKeySequence() in    1001  - Fixed call to contructor QKeySequence() in G4UIQt:AddButton() to
1352    allow for porting on gcc-4.5.                 1002    allow for porting on gcc-4.5.
1353                                                  1003 
1354 6 January, 2010 L. Garnier                       1004 6 January, 2010 L. Garnier
1355  - G4VBasicShell : improvments for command co    1005  - G4VBasicShell : improvments for command completion
1356  - G4Qt : Add a link to G4UIQt                   1006  - G4Qt : Add a link to G4UIQt
1357  - G4UIQt : Add tab widgets in order to put V    1007  - G4UIQt : Add tab widgets in order to put Vis in
1358                                                  1008 
1359 20 November, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09    1009 20 November, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-07)
1360  - G4UIExecutive.hh:  no default arguments of    1010  - G4UIExecutive.hh:  no default arguments of the constructor
1361  - G4UIExecutive.icc: more cleaver way for su    1011  - G4UIExecutive.icc: more cleaver way for suppressing compiler warnings
1362                                                  1012 
1363 20 November, 2009 J. Allison (interfaces-V09-    1013 20 November, 2009 J. Allison (interfaces-V09-02-06)
1364  - G4UIExecutive.icc: Fixed complier warnings    1014  - G4UIExecutive.icc: Fixed complier warnings for some cases when more
1365   than one flag is set.                          1015   than one flag is set.
1366                                                  1016 
1367 19 November, 2009 J. Allison (interfaces-V09-    1017 19 November, 2009 J. Allison (interfaces-V09-02-05)
1368  - Tagged for the release.                       1018  - Tagged for the release.
1369                                                  1019 
1370 18 November, 2009 L. Garnier                     1020 18 November, 2009 L. Garnier
1371  - G4UIQt: Add CTRL+A and CTRL+E to move to b    1021  - G4UIQt: Add CTRL+A and CTRL+E to move to begin/end of command line
1372                                                  1022 
1373 17 November, 2009 L. Garnier                     1023 17 November, 2009 L. Garnier
1374  - G4VBasicShell: Fix commands strings that m    1024  - G4VBasicShell: Fix commands strings that match some shorter
1375    commands are trimmed and executed as those    1025    commands are trimmed and executed as those shorter commands.
1376                                                  1026 
1377 5 November, 2009 L. Garnier                      1027 5 November, 2009 L. Garnier
1378  - G4UIQt Fix a problem introduce the 6th Oct    1028  - G4UIQt Fix a problem introduce the 6th October 2009 and cause
1379    some widget display strange things on qt3     1029    some widget display strange things on qt3
1380                                                  1030 
1381 19 October, 2009 L. Garnier                      1031 19 October, 2009 L. Garnier
1382  - basic/GNUMakefile Add optionnal debug flag    1032  - basic/GNUMakefile Add optionnal debug flag
1383                                                  1033 
1384 6 October, 2009 L. Garnier                       1034 6 October, 2009 L. Garnier
1385  - G4UIQt Fix a problem on macOSX 10.6 with Q    1035  - G4UIQt Fix a problem on macOSX 10.6 with Qt 4.6(preview)
1386  - Change GEANT4_QT_DEBUG flag for G4DEBUG_IN    1036  - Change GEANT4_QT_DEBUG flag for G4DEBUG_INTERFACES_BASIC and
1388                                                  1038 
1389 28 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-0    1039 28 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-03)
1390  - G4UIExecutive: add  IsGUI() method / add G    1040  - G4UIExecutive: add  IsGUI() method / add GetSession() method
1391                                                  1041 
1392 18 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-0    1042 18 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-02)
1393  - G4UIExecutive : fixed wrong #ifdef conditi    1043  - G4UIExecutive : fixed wrong #ifdef condition
1394  - include changes by Laurent (7/May)            1044  - include changes by Laurent (7/May)
1395                                                  1045 
1396 15 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-0    1046 15 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-01)
1397  - G4UIExecutive : Remove batch mode handling    1047  - G4UIExecutive : Remove batch mode handling
1398                                                  1048 
1399 13 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-0    1049 13 May, 2009 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-02-00)
1400  - G4UIExecutive : Add new class for automati    1050  - G4UIExecutive : Add new class for automatic instantiation of user session
1401  - G4VUIshell : Add SetLsColor()                 1051  - G4VUIshell : Add SetLsColor()
1402                                                  1052 
1403 7, May, 2009 L. Garnier                          1053 7, May, 2009 L. Garnier
1404  - : Fix Compilation warning           1054  - : Fix Compilation warning
1405  - : Better command completi    1055  - : Better command completion in command Line
1406                                                  1056 
1407 31, March, 2009 L.Garnier                        1057 31, March, 2009 L.Garnier
1408  - Fix a compilation warning in          1058  - Fix a compilation warning in
1409                                                  1059 
1410 16 February 2009, Laurent Garnier                1060 16 February 2009, Laurent Garnier
1411  - G4UIQt : Add an Interactor to be able to a    1061  - G4UIQt : Add an Interactor to be able to add button on file and help menu
1412  - G4UIQt : Add a public method to get the Ma    1062  - G4UIQt : Add a public method to get the MainWindow
1413                                                  1063 
1414 27, November, 2008 K. Murakami (interfaces-V0    1064 27, November, 2008 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-01-04)
1415  - warning fix                        1065  - warning fix
1416                                                  1066 
1417 21, November, 2008 K. Murakami (interfaces-V0    1067 21, November, 2008 K. Murakami (interfaces-V09-01-03)
1418  -tagged for release 9.2                         1068  -tagged for release 9.2
1419                                                  1069 
1420 14 November, 2008 Laurent Garnier                1070 14 November, 2008 Laurent Garnier
1421  - G4UIXm,G4Win32 : Renaming according to Gea    1071  - G4UIXm,G4Win32 : Renaming according to Geant4 code policy
1422                                                  1072 
1423 6 November, 2008 Laurent Garnier                 1073 6 November, 2008 Laurent Garnier
1424  - G4Qt : Re-fix problem on some linux with Q    1074  - G4Qt : Re-fix problem on some linux with QApplication, should be better
1425  - G4Qt : Add availabity to launch a G4Qt wit    1075  - G4Qt : Add availabity to launch a G4Qt without a G4UIQt
1426                                                  1076 
1427 24 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier                 1077 24 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier
1428  - Change GEANT4_QT_DEBUG flag by QTDEBUG        1078  - Change GEANT4_QT_DEBUG flag by QTDEBUG
1429  - Suppress unuseful DEBUG messages              1079  - Suppress unuseful DEBUG messages
1430                                                  1080 
1431 15 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier                 1081 15 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier
1432  - Fix a problem on some linux with QApplicat    1082  - Fix a problem on some linux with QApplication. But this is NOT the good way to do it...
1433  - Fix a qt3 backward compatibility on G4UIQt    1083  - Fix a qt3 backward compatibility on
1434                                                  1084 
1435 7 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier                  1085 7 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier
1436  - Fix a G4cout possible problem cause by rec    1086  - Fix a G4cout possible problem cause by recursive G4cout call.
1437                                                  1087 
1438 2 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier                  1088 2 October, 2008 Laurent Garnier
1439  - Add availability to have a external Qapp      1089  - Add availability to have a external Qapp
1440                                                  1090 
1441 22 July, 2008 K.Murakami (interfaces-V09-01-0    1091 22 July, 2008 K.Murakami (interfaces-V09-01-02)
1442  - tagged                                        1092  - tagged
1443  - direct exit calls are replaced with G4Exce    1093  - direct exit calls are replaced with G4Exception/another way of exit
1444, : call     1094, : call G4Exception
1445 : nomal exit instead of direct    1095 : nomal exit instead of direct calling exit()
1446                                                  1096 
1447 14 June, 2008 K.Murakami (interfaces-V09-01-0    1097 14 June, 2008 K.Murakami (interfaces-V09-01-01)
1448  - tagged                                        1098  - tagged
1449                                                  1099 
1450 30th April, Laurent Garnier                      1100 30th April, Laurent Garnier
1451  - Include moc config in GNUmakefile             1101  - Include moc config in GNUmakefile
1452                                                  1102 
1453 10th March, Laurent Garnier                      1103 10th March, Laurent Garnier
1454  - Improvments for layout in Qt driver for Qt    1104  - Improvments for layout in Qt driver for Qt3
1455                                                  1105 
1456 30th January 2007, Laurent Garnier               1106 30th January 2007, Laurent Garnier
1457  - Add a search area in the help widget          1107  - Add a search area in the help widget
1458                                                  1108 
1459 15th January 2007, Laurent Garnier               1109 15th January 2007, Laurent Garnier
1460  - Fixed some layout problems                    1110  - Fixed some layout problems
1461  - GNUmakefile : Added a macro for moc file      1111  - GNUmakefile : Added a macro for moc file
1462  - Moc files : Suppression of all theses file    1112  - Moc files : Suppression of all theses files. They are now autogenerated
1463    thanks to config/common.gmk                   1113    thanks to config/common.gmk
1464                                                  1114 
1465 15 January 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-    1115 15 January 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-01-00)
1466  - fixed the problem with Ctl-D     1116  - fixed the problem with Ctl-D termination for bash users.
1467                                                  1117 
1468 30 November 2007, Laurent Garnier                1118 30 November 2007, Laurent Garnier
1469  - G4UIQt : Some improvements for Qt3, correc    1119  - G4UIQt : Some improvements for Qt3, corrections of some bugs
1470  - : Adding other versions for     1120  - : Adding other versions for QT_MOC_REVISION 28,58 and
1471    59, but this is not the right solution..      1121    59, but this is not the right solution..
1472  - GAG/Makefile : Suppression of linking on a    1122  - GAG/Makefile : Suppression of linking on a unuseful library
1473                                                  1123 
1474 16 November 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces    1124 16 November 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-00-03)
1475  - cleared a compilation w    1125  - cleared a compilation warning.
1476  - tagged for the 9.1 release.                   1126  - tagged for the 9.1 release.
1477                                                  1127 
1478 15 Nov 2007, Laurent Garnier                     1128 15 Nov 2007, Laurent Garnier
1479  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Adding a GEANT4_QT_DEBUG fla    1129  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Adding a GEANT4_QT_DEBUG flag to hide all debug messages
1480  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Compilation improvements for    1130  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Compilation improvements for Qt3
1481  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Minors corrections on G4UIQt    1131  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Minors corrections on G4UIQt helpWidget
1482                                                  1132 
1483 13 Nov 2007, Laurent Garnier                     1133 13 Nov 2007, Laurent Garnier
1484  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Moving all moc in one big fi    1134  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Moving all moc in one big file interface/,
1485    including Qt3 and Qt4 moc support             1135    including Qt3 and Qt4 moc support
1486                                                  1136 
1487 09 Nov 2007, Laurent Garnier                     1137 09 Nov 2007, Laurent Garnier
1488  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Change all include directive    1138  - G4UIQt,G4Qt : Change all include directive to be compatible with Qt3
1489                                                  1139 
1490 27 Sept 2007, Laurent Garnier                    1140 27 Sept 2007, Laurent Garnier
1491  - Adding sur files for G4UIQt driver            1141  - Adding sur files for G4UIQt driver
1492                                                  1142 
1493 06 November Koichi Murakami                      1143 06 November Koichi Murakami
1494 - store shell history across ses    1144 - store shell history across sessions.
1495                                                  1145 
1496 30 October 2007 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V    1146 30 October 2007 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-00-02)
1497 - Guy committed the new Qt interface (28/Sep)    1147 - Guy committed the new Qt interface (28/Sep).
1498 - Add "#ifdef G4UI_BUILD_QT_SESSION" protecti    1148 - Add "#ifdef G4UI_BUILD_QT_SESSION" protection in src/
1499 - Remove Qt interface from the current tag.      1149 - Remove Qt interface from the current tag.
1500 - suppress a compilation warning.    1150 - suppress a compilation warning.
1501                                                  1151 
1502 30 October 2007 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V    1152 30 October 2007 Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-00-01)
1503 - Makoto updated the implementation of the si    1153 - Makoto updated the implementation of the signal handler for Ctrl-C.
1504                                                  1154 
1505 28 October 2007, Makoto Asai                     1155 28 October 2007, Makoto Asai
1506 - Remove improper dependency from interfaces/    1156 - Remove improper dependency from interfaces/basic to run in GNUmakefile
1507                                                  1157 
1508 02 August 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V    1158 02 August 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V09-00-00)
1509 - Fix compilation warning on SUN-CC in G4UIte    1159 - Fix compilation warning on SUN-CC in
1510                                                  1160 
1511 19 June 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V08-    1161 19 June 2007, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V08-03-02)
1512 - Fix compilation error on Windows ('theShell    1162 - Fix compilation error on Windows ('theShell' not declared).
1513                                                  1163 
1514 14 June 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V08    1164 14 June 2007, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V08-03-01)
1515 - fixed the problem with Ctl-C termination fo    1165 - fixed the problem with Ctl-C termination for bash users.
1516  * G4VUIshell   : add a virtual method ResetT    1166  * G4VUIshell   : add a virtual method ResetTerminal()
1517  * G4UItcsh     : add a method ResetTerminal(    1167  * G4UItcsh     : add a method ResetTerminal()
1518  * G4UIterminal : add terminal reset when Ctl    1168  * G4UIterminal : add terminal reset when Ctl-C termination
1519                                                  1169 
1520 22 May 2007, Koichi Murakami (interface-V08-0    1170 22 May 2007, Koichi Murakami (interface-V08-03-00)
1521 - implement signal handler f    1171 - implement signal handler for soft-abort
1522                                                  1172 
1523 28 November 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (interface-V    1173 28 November 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (interface-V07-01-02)
1524 - migrated to sstream                  1174 - migrated to sstream
1525                                                  1175 
1526 21 November 2005, Hajime Yoshida (interface-V    1176 21 November 2005, Hajime Yoshida (interface-V07-01-01)
1527 - and migrated t    1177 - and migrated to sstream
1528                                                  1178 
1529 26 October 2005, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-    1179 26 October 2005, Koichi Murakami (interfaces-V07-01-00)
1530 - G4UItcsh/G4UIterminal/G4VBasicShell:           1180 - G4UItcsh/G4UIterminal/G4VBasicShell:
1531   migration from strstream to sstream            1181   migration from strstream to sstream
1532                                                  1182 
1533 22 April 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V07    1183 22 April 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V07-00-01)
1534 - G4UIGainServer: fixed conditional compilati    1184 - G4UIGainServer: fixed conditional compilation for MacOS 10.4.
1535                                                  1185 
1536 26 January 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V    1186 26 January 2005, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V07-00-00)
1537 - Removed explicit definition of G4TMPDIR in     1187 - Removed explicit definition of G4TMPDIR in GNUmakefiles
1538   (not necessary since already defined in com    1188   (not necessary since already defined in common.gmk).
1539                                                  1189 
1540 27 November 2004, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-    1190 27 November 2004, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V06-02-00)
1541 - Tagged.                                        1191 - Tagged.
1542                                                  1192 
1543 25 November 2004, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-    1193 25 November 2004, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V06-01-02)
1544 - Tagged.                                        1194 - Tagged.
1545                                                  1195 
1546 21 November 2004, Guy Barrand                    1196 21 November 2004, Guy Barrand
1547 - have some nice default resources    1197 - have some nice default resources in case XENVIRONMENT not set.
1548                                                  1198 
1549 07 June 2004, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V06-    1199 07 June 2004, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V06-01-01)
1550 - move usage of inline methods     1200 - move usage of inline methods to non-inline for DLLs
1551   support on Windows.                            1201   support on Windows.
1552 - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS f    1202 - GNUmakefile: added definition of GLOBLIBS for DLLs support on Windows.
1553                                                  1203 
1554 09 April 2004, John Allison (interfaces-V06-0    1204 09 April 2004, John Allison (interfaces-V06-01-00 + vis-V06-01-01)
1555 - Tagged G4[UI]Win32[.hh,.cc] as below.  Join    1205 - Tagged G4[UI]Win32[.hh,.cc] as below.  Joint with vis-V06-01-01.
1556                                                  1206 
1557 08 April 2004, Guy Barrand                       1207 08 April 2004, Guy Barrand
1558 - G4[UI]Win32[.hh,.cc] : modify things in ord    1208 - G4[UI]Win32[.hh,.cc] : modify things in order to be able to use
1559   a standard C main (and avoid the WinMain).     1209   a standard C main (and avoid the WinMain).
1560                                                  1210 
1561 22 October 2003, Guy Barrand (interfaces-V05-    1211 22 October 2003, Guy Barrand (interfaces-V05-02-00)
1562 - OPACS : archived obsolete OPACS module and     1212 - OPACS : archived obsolete OPACS module and cleared build setup.
1563                                                  1213 
1564 17 October 2003, Guy Barrand                     1214 17 October 2003, Guy Barrand
1565 - : removed unused and commented code    1215 - : removed unused and commented code.
1566                                                  1216 
1567 11 June 2003, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V05-    1217 11 June 2003, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V05-01-02)
1568 - cleared warning on redefiniti    1218 - cleared warning on redefinition of 'pascal' reported on
1569   WIN32-VC system.                               1219   WIN32-VC system.
1570                                                  1220 
1571 04 June 2003, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V05-    1221 04 June 2003, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V05-01-01)
1572 - Fixes for inclusion of <strstream> in G4UIX    1222 - Fixes for inclusion of <strstream> in, and
1573 in view of the g4std wrappe    1223 in view of the g4std wrappers migration.
1574                                                  1224 
1575 30 May 2003, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V05-0    1225 30 May 2003, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V05-01-00)
1576 - Fixed few pedantic warnings...                 1226 - Fixed few pedantic warnings...
1577 - fixed compilation proble    1227 - fixed compilation problem on Darwin-g++ with gcc-3.X.
1578                                                  1228 
1579 04 December 2002, Makoto Asai (interfaces-V04    1229 04 December 2002, Makoto Asai (interfaces-V04-01-01, interfaces-V04-01-02)
1580 - Migration to new G4ApplicationState.           1230 - Migration to new G4ApplicationState.
1581                                                  1231 
1582 15 November 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-    1232 15 November 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-01-00)
1583 - basic/src/ is now workin    1233 - basic/src/ is now working for "konsole" type termcap.
1584   by Koichi Murakami                             1234   by Koichi Murakami
1585                                                  1235 
1586 09 November 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-    1236 09 November 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-00-05)
1587 - uses socklen_t as before.    1237 - uses socklen_t as before. It must work for Solaris CC and HP.
1588 - test/G4cout_test01 updated. An example of s    1238 - test/G4cout_test01 updated. An example of setCoutDestination(UI) by a user.
1589                                                  1239 
1590 06 November 2002, Guy Barrand                    1240 06 November 2002, Guy Barrand
1591 -,, : fix some w    1241 -,, : fix some warings.
1592                                                  1242 
1593 14 June 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-    1243 14 June 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-00-04)
1594 - have a protection: #if    1244 - have a protection: #ifndef WIN32 ~ #endif not to compile
1595   on WIndows.                                    1245   on WIndows.
1596                                                  1246 
1597 14 June 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-    1247 14 June 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-00-04)
1598 - Added protection #ifndef WIN32 to new class    1248 - Added protection #ifndef WIN32 to new class G4UIGainServer in definition
1599   and body, to prevent compilation on Windows    1249   and body, to prevent compilation on Windows platforms.
1600                                                  1250 
1601 12 June 2002, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V04-    1251 12 June 2002, Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V04-00-03)
1602 - Fixes for porting on platforms other than L    1252 - Fixes for porting on platforms other than Linux.
1603   o socklen_t is Linux specific and not defin    1253   o socklen_t is Linux specific and not defined elsewhere; changed to int*.
1604   o Fixed usage g4std/iostream, globals.hh an    1254   o Fixed usage g4std/iostream, globals.hh and endl/G4endl.
1605                                                  1255 
1606 12 June 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-    1256 12 June 2002, Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V04-00-02)
1607 - Introduced new class G4UIGainServer, socket    1257 - Introduced new class G4UIGainServer, socket extension for G4UIGAG.
1608 - added GAG/src/ and GAG/inc    1258 - added GAG/src/ and GAG/include/G4UIGainServer.hh
1609 - G4UIGainServer is the new member of libG4UI    1259 - G4UIGainServer is the new member of
1610   (no modification to GNUmakefiles)              1260   (no modification to GNUmakefiles)
1611                                                  1261 
1612 26 April 2002, Makoto Asai (interfaces-V04-00    1262 26 April 2002, Makoto Asai (interfaces-V04-00-01)
1613 - Corresponds to interfaces change in interco    1263 - Corresponds to interfaces change in intercoms category (intercoms-V04-00-00)
1614  Affected files :                                1264  Affected files :
1615   basics/src/                       1265   basics/src/
1616   common/src/                    1266   common/src/
1617   GAG/src/                             1267   GAG/src/
1618                                                  1268 
1619 25 February 2002, Makoto Asai (interfaces-V04    1269 25 February 2002, Makoto Asai (interfaces-V04-00-00)
1620 - fix for odd behavior on Windows in G4UIchs.    1270 - fix for odd behavior on Windows in
1621                                                  1271 
1622 03 December 2001 Guy Barrand (interfaces-V03-    1272 03 December 2001 Guy Barrand (interfaces-V03-02-04)
1623 - G4VInteractorManager::RemoveDispatcher : ch    1273 - G4VInteractorManager::RemoveDispatcher : change the "std::remove"
1624   logic in order to fix a disfunctionning wit    1274   logic in order to fix a disfunctionning with vis/OpenInventor driver.
1625 - : remove some g++ compilation warni    1275 - : remove some g++ compilation warnings about unused
1626   iconify functions.                             1276   iconify functions.
1627                                                  1277 
1628 29 November 2001 Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V    1278 29 November 2001 Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-V03-02-03)
1629 - Fix for alias command (following    1279 - Fix for alias command (following G4UIterminal's modif)
1630                                                  1280 
1631 26 November 2002 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V03-    1281 26 November 2002 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V03-02-02)
1632 - Fix compilation warnings caused by gcc-2.95    1282 - Fix compilation warnings caused by gcc-2.95.2 for basic sub-directory.
1633                                                  1283 
1634 23 November 2001 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V03-    1284 23 November 2001 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V03-02-01)
1635 - Fix G4UIterminal to display a command line     1285 - Fix G4UIterminal to display a command line AFTER solving aliases
1636   in case the command caused "command not fou    1286   in case the command caused "command not found".
1637 - Fix G4UItcsh.hh not to have warning message    1287 - Fix G4UItcsh.hh not to have warning message.
1638                                                  1288 
1639 22 October 2001 Hajime Yoshida                   1289 22 October 2001 Hajime Yoshida
1640 no more compiler warning due to G    1290 no more compiler warning due to G4String
1641                                                  1291 
1642 22 October 2001 Hajime Yoshida                   1292 22 October 2001 Hajime Yoshida
1643 - G4UIGAG ; no compilation warning with g++-2    1293 - G4UIGAG ; no compilation warning with g++-2.95
1644                                                  1294 
1645 11 August 2001  John Allison (interfaces-V03-    1295 11 August 2001  John Allison (interfaces-V03-02-00)
1646 - Re-engineered G4UI variables.  Coworks with    1296 - Re-engineered G4UI variables.  Coworks with config-V03-02-04.
1647 - Changed GNUmakefile so that GAG, TERMINAL a    1297 - Changed GNUmakefile so that GAG, TERMINAL and TCSH built by default.
1648 - Nothing built if G4UI_NONE is set.             1298 - Nothing built if G4UI_NONE is set.
1649                                                  1299 
1650 29 November 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V02-    1300 29 November 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V02-00-03)
1651 - Tag for Guy's correction.                      1301 - Tag for Guy's correction.
1652                                                  1302 
1653 28 November 2000 Guy Barrand                     1303 28 November 2000 Guy Barrand
1654 - ; SUN-CC : correct warning : argc h    1304 - ; SUN-CC : correct warning : argc hides G4VInteractorManager::argc.
1655                                                  1305 
1656 27 November 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V02-    1306 27 November 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V02-00-02)
1657 - G4VUIShell.hh : add virtual keyword to the     1307 - G4VUIShell.hh : add virtual keyword to the destructor.
1658                                                  1308 
1659 11 August 2000 Guy Barrand                       1309 11 August 2000 Guy Barrand
1660 - : add some cast in order to compi    1310 - : add some cast in order to compile with OSF1/cxx strict_ansi mode.
1661                                                  1311 
1662 1 August 2000 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V02-    1312 1 August 2000 Gabriele Cosmo (interfaces-V02-00-01)
1663 - Fixed warnings on HP-aCC system in G4UItcsh    1313 - Fixed warnings on HP-aCC system in, due to unproper usage of G4int
1664   where unsigned (size_t) was requested inste    1314   where unsigned (size_t) was requested instead.
1665                                                  1315 
1666 31 July 2000 Gonzalo Gracia                      1316 31 July 2000 Gonzalo Gracia
1667 - Modifications required to compile on NT        1317 - Modifications required to compile on NT
1668   Operator string::[] requires size_t argumen    1318   Operator string::[] requires size_t argument.
1669   Cast from integer to size_t in several plac    1319   Cast from integer to size_t in several places in basic/src/
1670   and                              1320   and
1671                                                  1321 
1672 22 July 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V02-00-0    1322 22 July 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V02-00-00)
1673 - Modify G4UIterminal, G4VUIshell, G4UIcsh an    1323 - Modify G4UIterminal, G4VUIshell, G4UIcsh and G4UItcsh to display the
1674   break status as a prompt characters.           1324   break status as a prompt characters.
1675                                                  1325 
1676 25 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-    1326 25 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-06-old-G4UIterminal)
1677 - As interfaces-V01-01-06 but old revisions o    1327 - As interfaces-V01-01-06 but old revisions of
1678                                                  1328 
1679 23 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-    1329 23 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-06)
1680 - Protected G4UIterminal, G4Ui[t]csh against     1330 - Protected G4UIterminal, G4Ui[t]csh against access by index to null strings.
1681                                                  1331 
1682 21 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-    1332 21 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-05)
1683 - Added include $(G4INSTALL)/config/G4VIS_BUI    1333 - Added include $(G4INSTALL)/config/G4VIS_BUILD.gmk to common/GNUmakefile.
1684                                                  1334 
1685 15 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-    1335 15 June 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-04)
1686 - More ISO compliance for G4UIterminal class.    1336 - More ISO compliance for G4UIterminal class.
1687                                                  1337 
1688 14 June 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V01-01-0    1338 14 June 2000 Makoto Asai (interfaces-V01-01-03)
1689 - ISO compliance for G4UItcsh classes            1339 - ISO compliance for G4UItcsh classes
1690                                                  1340 
1691 26 May 2000 Guy Barrand  (interfaces-V01-01-0    1341 26 May 2000 Guy Barrand  (interfaces-V01-01-02)
1692 - G4UIXm.hh, G4UIWin32.hh : change comments a    1342 - G4UIXm.hh, G4UIWin32.hh : change comments about /gui for the doc.
1693                                                  1343 
1694 23 May 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-0    1344 23 May 2000 John Allison (interfaces-V01-01-01-without-tcsh)
1695 - Tag without G4UIterminal(G4UItcsh) in case     1345 - Tag without G4UIterminal(G4UItcsh) in case it is not needed in the release.
1696                                                  1346 
1697 20 May 2000 Guy Barrand  (interfaces-V01-01-0    1347 20 May 2000 Guy Barrand  (interfaces-V01-01-01)
1698 - common/G4InteractorMessenger : change comma    1348 - common/G4InteractorMessenger : change command name "interactor" to "gui".
1699                                                  1349 
1700 19 May 2000 John Allison  (interfaces-V01-01-    1350 19 May 2000 John Allison  (interfaces-V01-01-00)
1701 - G4UIterminal displays a candidate list in c    1351 - G4UIterminal displays a candidate list in case a given parameter is
1702   wrong (Makoto Asai).                           1352   wrong (Makoto Asai).
1703                                                  1353 
1704 26 Mar 2000 Makoto Asai                          1354 26 Mar 2000 Makoto Asai
1705 - Introducing a new G4UIterminal with UNIX-li    1355 - Introducing a new G4UIterminal with UNIX-like shell.
1706                                                  1356 
1707 10 Nov 1999 Hajime Yoshida  (interfaces-V00-0    1357 10 Nov 1999 Hajime Yoshida  (interfaces-V00-01-03)
1708 - Added less<G4String> argument (Guy).           1358 - Added less<G4String> argument (Guy).
1709 - G4UIWin32.hh, G4UIXm.hh : usage of G4std::l    1359 - G4UIWin32.hh, G4UIXm.hh : usage of G4std::less in G4std::map.
1710 - : G4std::find, G4st    1360 - : G4std::find, G4std::remove.
1711                                                  1361 
1712 08 Nov 1999 Hajime Yoshida                       1362 08 Nov 1999 Hajime Yoshida
1713 - tag interfaces--V00-01-02 for STT              1363 - tag interfaces--V00-01-02 for STT
1714                                                  1364 
1715 08 Nov 1999 Hajime Yoshida                       1365 08 Nov 1999 Hajime Yoshida
1716 - GAG/src/ RWT => STL vector           1366 - GAG/src/ RWT => STL vector
1717 - basic/include/G4UIterminal.hh, GAG/include/    1367 - basic/include/G4UIterminal.hh, GAG/include/G4UIGAG.hh => documentation
1718                                                  1368 
1719 02 Nov 1999 Guy Barrand                          1369 02 Nov 1999 Guy Barrand
1720 - doc comments for G4UIWin32.hh, G4UIXm.hh, G    1370 - doc comments for G4UIWin32.hh, G4UIXm.hh, G4UIXaw.hh, G4Xt.hh, G4Win32.hh, G4VInterativeSession.hh, G4VInteractorManager.hh.
1721                                                  1371 
1722 02 Nov 1999 Guy Barrand                          1372 02 Nov 1999 Guy Barrand
1723 - basic/G4UIWin32, G4UIXm : RW -> STL.           1373 - basic/G4UIWin32, G4UIXm : RW -> STL.
1724 - common/G4VBasicShell, G4VInteractiveSession    1374 - common/G4VBasicShell, G4VInteractiveSession, G4VInteractorManager : RW -> STL.
1725 29 Oct. 1999 Hajime Yoshida                      1375 29 Oct. 1999 Hajime Yoshida
1726 - tag interfaces-V00-01-01                       1376 - tag interfaces-V00-01-01
1727                                                  1377 
1728 27 Oct. 1999 Guy Barrand                         1378 27 Oct. 1999 Guy Barrand
1729 - interfaces/common/src/ : protect XtA    1379 - interfaces/common/src/ : protect XtAppInit against
1730   shell zero widthxheight. Give a default to     1380   shell zero widthxheight. Give a default to geometry resource.
1731                                                  1381 
1732 21 Oct. 1999 John Allison                        1382 21 Oct. 1999 John Allison
1733 - Made XtAppContext appContext static in G4Xt    1383 - Made XtAppContext appContext static in  Speeds OGLSXm but
1734   OGLIXm is still slow - why?                    1384   OGLIXm is still slow - why?
1735                                                  1385 
1736 12 Oct. 1999 John Allison for Hajime Yoshida     1386 12 Oct. 1999 John Allison for Hajime Yoshida (tag interfaces-V00-01-00a)
1737 - Protection for zero length strings for Sun     1387 - Protection for zero length strings for Sun in G4UIterminal and G4UIGAG.
1738                                                  1388 
1739 02 Sep. 1999 Hajime Yoshida                      1389 02 Sep. 1999 Hajime Yoshida
1740   to geant4-00-01-ref-01 (Revision 1.9)          1390   to geant4-00-01-ref-01 (Revision 1.9)
1741   a new tag is interfaces-01-00-04               1391   a new tag is interfaces-01-00-04
1742   after which a tag interfaces-V00-01-00 was     1392   after which a tag interfaces-V00-01-00 was added identical to
1743     interfaces-01-00-04 except for this Histo    1393     interfaces-01-00-04 except for this History file.
1744                                                  1394 
1745 - and now shows pr    1395 - and now shows prompt characters
1746   to an input of return (or null command line    1396   to an input of return (or null command line).
1747                                                  1397 
1748 head 31 Mai 1999  Guy Barrand                    1398 head 31 Mai 1999  Guy Barrand
1749 - G4VInteractorManager::SecondaryLoop : add a    1399 - G4VInteractorManager::SecondaryLoop : add a message to indicate
1750   that we enter a "viewer" secondary X event     1400   that we enter a "viewer" secondary X event loop and that someone
1751   add to "Escape" it from the viewer to conti    1401   add to "Escape" it from the viewer to continue.
1752                                                  1402 
1753 interfaces-01-00-03  19th April 1999  John Al    1403 interfaces-01-00-03  19th April 1999  John Allison
1754 - Protected with if( tempPat    1404 - Protected with if( tempPath.length()>0 ).
1755                                                  1405 
1756 interfaces-01-00-02  18th April 1999  John Al    1406 interfaces-01-00-02  18th April 1999  John Allison
1757 - Tagged.                                        1407 - Tagged.
1758                                                  1408 
1759 head 11th Mai 1999  Guy Barrand                  1409 head 11th Mai 1999  Guy Barrand
1760 1) G4UIXm : Linux, correct geometry managemen    1410 1) G4UIXm : Linux, correct geometry management of the menubar.
1761                                                  1411 
1762 head 06th Mai 1999  Guy Barrand                  1412 head 06th Mai 1999  Guy Barrand
1763 1) G4Win32, G4UIWin32 : modifications to comp    1413 1) G4Win32, G4UIWin32 : modifications to compile with Visual-6.0.
1764                                                  1414 
1765 head 16th April 1999  Guy Barrand                1415 head 16th April 1999  Guy Barrand
1766 1) G4VBasicShell, G4UIXm, G4UIWin32 : command    1416 1) G4VBasicShell, G4UIXm, G4UIWin32 : command completion.
1767 2) G4InteractorMessenger, G4VInteractorManage    1417 2) G4InteractorMessenger, G4VInteractorManager : code polishement.
1768                                                  1418 
1769 interfaces-01-00-01  15th April 1999  Hajime     1419 interfaces-01-00-01  15th April 1999  Hajime Yoshida/Masayasu Nagamatu
1770 1) some code polishment after the messages by    1420 1) some code polishment after the messages by CodeWarriers (Guy)
1771 2) Help functions in G4VBasicShell and relate    1421 2) Help functions in G4VBasicShell and related rearrangement of
1772         G4UIterminal etc.. (Guy)                 1422         G4UIterminal etc.. (Guy)
1773 3) removal of ifdef for GNU_GCC in G4UIGAG. (    1423 3) removal of ifdef for GNU_GCC in G4UIGAG. (Hajime)
1774                                                  1424 
1775 interfaces-00-03-07 9th December 1998 Hajime     1425 interfaces-00-03-07 9th December 1998 Hajime Yoshida/Masayasu Nagamatu
1776 - minor improvements in Help of G4UIterminal.    1426 - minor improvements in Help of
1777 - G4UIGAG's Help in terminal mode is now equi    1427 - G4UIGAG's Help in terminal mode is now equivalent to
1778                                                  1428 
1779 interfaces-00-03-06 27th November 1998 Hajime    1429 interfaces-00-03-06 27th November 1998 Hajime Yoshida/Masayasu Nagamatu
1780 - added 'if' protection to the destructor of     1430 - added 'if' protection to the destructor of G4UIterminal/G4UIGAG.
1781                                                  1431 
1782 interfaces-00-03-05 12th November 1998 Masaya    1432 interfaces-00-03-05 12th November 1998 Masayasu Nagamatu
1783 -test/G4cout_test01/ added an example for red    1433 -test/G4cout_test01/ added an example for redirectiong stream using G4cout
1784                                                  1434 
1785 interfaces-00-03-04  13th October 1998  Masay    1435 interfaces-00-03-04  13th October 1998  Masayasu Nagamatu
1786 - G4cout - changes to, G4UIGA    1436 - G4cout - changes to, G4UIGAG.hh,
1787                                                  1437 
1788 07 Ocotober 1998  Guy Barrand:                   1438 07 Ocotober 1998  Guy Barrand:
1789 -, : cout, cerr contro    1439 -, : cout, cerr control.
1790                                                  1440 
1791 interfaces-00-03-03 7th  October Hajime Yoshi    1441 interfaces-00-03-03 7th  October Hajime Yoshida
1792 - Bug fix to prevent "help" crashing in some     1442 - Bug fix to prevent "help" crashing in some circumstances.
1793                                                  1443 
1794 interfaces-00-03-02 14th Sep. Hajime Yoshida     1444 interfaces-00-03-02 14th Sep. Hajime Yoshida
1795   - fix to G4UIGAG (not bugs but correction o    1445   - fix to G4UIGAG (not bugs but correction of minor
1796     ydifferences with G4UIterminal)              1446     ydifferences with G4UIterminal)
1797                                                  1447 
1798 interfaces-00-03-01  12th Sep.  Hajime Yoshid    1448 interfaces-00-03-01  12th Sep.  Hajime Yoshida and Masayasu Nagamatu
1799 - CTRL-D doesn't invoke infinite loop.           1449 - CTRL-D doesn't invoke infinite loop.
1800 - CRTL-D now means                               1450 - CRTL-D now means
1801   - EOF in the redirected cin                    1451   - EOF in the redirected cin
1802   - End of Session, just as "exit" command of    1452   - End of Session, just as "exit" command of GEANT4
1803 - Affected files are basic/src/G4UIterminal.c    1453 - Affected files are basic/src/
1804       GAG/src/                         1454       GAG/src/
1805                                                  1455 
1806 interfaces-00-02-01  9th August  John Allison    1456 interfaces-00-02-01  9th August  John Allison
1807 - Tagged Guy's changes.                          1457 - Tagged Guy's changes.
1808                                                  1458 
1809 7th August  Guy Barrand.                         1459 7th August  Guy Barrand.
1810 - common, OPACS : new interactor parenting lo    1460 - common, OPACS : new interactor parenting logic.
1811                                                  1461 
1812 interfaces-00-01-04  8th July 1998  John Alli    1462 interfaces-00-01-04  8th July 1998  John Allison
1813 - Emptied xvt_standalone_test; files moved to    1463 - Emptied xvt_standalone_test; files moved to environments/XVT.
1814                                                  1464 
1815 interfaces-00-01-03  7th July 1998  John Alli    1465 interfaces-00-01-03  7th July 1998  John Allison
1816 - Emptied standalone_test; files moved to env    1466 - Emptied standalone_test; files moved to environments/Momo or no
1817   longer needed.                                 1467   longer needed.
1818                                                  1468 
1819 7th July 1998  Guy Barrand                       1469 7th July 1998  Guy Barrand
1820 - Added include $(G4INSTALL)/config/interacti    1470 - Added include $(G4INSTALL)/config/interactivity.gmk to GNUmakefiles.
1821                                                  1471 
1822 interfaces-00-01-02 7th July 1998  John Allis    1472 interfaces-00-01-02 7th July 1998  John Allison
1823 - Forced revision 2.1 on files in newly commi    1473 - Forced revision 2.1 on files in newly committed directories.
1824                                                  1474 
1825 interfaces-00-01-01 6th July 1998  John Allis    1475 interfaces-00-01-01 6th July 1998  John Allison
1826 - Big restructuring.  Moved files from includ    1476 - Big restructuring.  Moved files from include/ and src/ to:
1827   common/, basic/, GAG/, OPACS/, XVT/.           1477   common/, basic/, GAG/, OPACS/, XVT/.
1828   Created G4UI_BUILD.gmk and G4UI_USE.gmk in     1478   Created G4UI_BUILD.gmk and G4UI_USE.gmk in config/.
1829   Changed the GNUmakefiles accordingly.          1479   Changed the GNUmakefiles accordingly.
1830                                                  1480 
1831 interfaces-00-07-01 2nd July 1998  Gabriele C    1481 interfaces-00-07-01 2nd July 1998  Gabriele Cosmo
1832 - Updates to G4UIWo and G4VInteractorManager     1482 - Updates to G4UIWo and G4VInteractorManager by G.Barrand.
1833                                                  1483 
1834 interfaces-00-06-05 26th June 1998  Gabriele     1484 interfaces-00-06-05 26th June 1998  Gabriele Cosmo
1835 - Updated GNUmakefiles to new electromagnetic    1485 - Updated GNUmakefiles to new electromagnetics structure.
1836                                                  1486 
1837 interfaces-00-06-04a 22nd June 1998  John All    1487 interfaces-00-06-04a 22nd June 1998  John Allison
1838 - Removed ./standalone_test/run/example34/GNU    1488 - Removed ./standalone_test/run/example34/GNUmakefile.G4VIS_USE and
1839   ./standalone_test/run/example35/GNUmakefile    1489   ./standalone_test/run/example35/GNUmakefile.G4VIS_USE
1840                                                  1490 
1841 interfaces-00-06-04 22nd June 1998  John Alli    1491 interfaces-00-06-04 22nd June 1998  John Allison
1842 - Added #ifdef GNU_GCC for template instantia    1492 - Added #ifdef GNU_GCC for template instantiation in src/
1843 - Changed GNUmakefiles for G4VIS_USE.gmk.        1493 - Changed GNUmakefiles for G4VIS_USE.gmk.
1844                                                  1494 
1845 May 6, 98 M.Asai                                 1495 May 6, 98 M.Asai
1846 - Introducing a new abstract base class G4VBa    1496 - Introducing a new abstract base class G4VBasicShell.
1847 - G4UIterminal has been modified according to    1497 - G4UIterminal has been modified according to use G4VBasicShell.
1848                                                  1498 
1849 22th April 1998  Hajime Yoshida / Masayasu Na    1499 22th April 1998  Hajime Yoshida / Masayasu Nagamatsu (interfaces-00-05-03)
1850 -  the following three directories are tagged    1500 -  the following three directories are tagged.
1851  interfaces/standalone_test/Momo/java/GGE        1501  interfaces/standalone_test/Momo/java/GGE
1852  interfaces/standalone_test/Momo/java/RMI        1502  interfaces/standalone_test/Momo/java/RMI
1853  interfaces/standalone_test/run/example35        1503  interfaces/standalone_test/run/example35
1854                                                  1504 
1855 20th April 1998  Hajime Yoshida / Masayasu Na    1505 20th April 1998  Hajime Yoshida / Masayasu Nagamatsu (interfaces-00-05-02)
1856 - update for Momo and G4UIGAG, including many    1506 - update for Momo and G4UIGAG, including many improvement and bug fixes.
1857   see the interfaces/standalone_test/README_M    1507   see the interfaces/standalone_test/README_Momo.html for datails.
1858 - example35 is added; new example program to     1508 - example35 is added; new example program to show the capability of GUI(GAG).
1859                                                  1509 
1860 15th April 1998 : Guy Barrand                    1510 15th April 1998 : Guy Barrand
1861 - From discussion with John and Simone G4VToo    1511 - From discussion with John and Simone G4VToolkit
1862   has been renamed to G4VInteractorManager.      1512   has been renamed to G4VInteractorManager.
1863                                                  1513 
1864 4th April 1998 Nagamatu Masayasu (interfaces-    1514 4th April 1998 Nagamatu Masayasu (interfaces-00-05-01)
1865 - correspond to the modification by  G.Barran    1515 - correspond to the modification by  G.Barrand
1866   G4UI_BUILD_xxx_DRIVER -> G4UI_BUILD_xxx_SES    1516   G4UI_BUILD_xxx_DRIVER -> G4UI_BUILD_xxx_SESSION
1867   Modifications for Win32/NT.                    1517   Modifications for Win32/NT.
1868                                                  1518 
1869 April 2, 98 G.Barrand                            1519 April 2, 98 G.Barrand
1870 - G4UI_BUILD_xxx_DRIVER -> G4UI_BUILD_xxx_SES    1520 - G4UI_BUILD_xxx_DRIVER -> G4UI_BUILD_xxx_SESSION
1871 - Modifications for Win32/NT.                    1521 - Modifications for Win32/NT.
1872                                                  1522 
1873 26th March 1998  John Allison                    1523 26th March 1998  John Allison
1874 - Changed G4VisManager to MyVisManager in exa    1524 - Changed G4VisManager to MyVisManager in and
1875   for vis-00-05-01 and later.                    1525   for vis-00-05-01 and later.
1876                                                  1526 
1877 6th March 1998 Hajime Yoshida / Nagamatu Masa    1527 6th March 1998 Hajime Yoshida / Nagamatu Masayasu (interfaces-00-04-01)
1878 - First tag with modeling under visualization    1528 - First tag with modeling under visualization
1879 - small bug fix for Momo                         1529 - small bug fix for Momo
1880                                                  1530 
1881 29th January 1998 Masayasu Nagamatu / Hajime     1531 29th January 1998 Masayasu Nagamatu / Hajime Yoshida (interfaces-00-03-01)
1882 - Update of Momo(GAG/GGE), standalone_test/ d    1532 - Update of Momo(GAG/GGE), standalone_test/ directory.
1883                                                  1533 
1884 27th January 1998  John Allison                  1534 27th January 1998  John Allison
1885 - Simplfied use of G4VIS flags in test GNUmak    1535 - Simplfied use of G4VIS flags in test GNUmakefiles.
1886 - New way of instantiating G4VisManager in te    1536 - New way of instantiating G4VisManager in test main() programs.
1887                                                  1537 
1888 December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03)             1538 December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03)
1889                                                  1539 
1890 - Created.                                       1540 - Created.
1891                                                  1541 
1892 Januray 19 , 98 G. Barrand                       1542 Januray 19 , 98 G. Barrand
1893                                                  1543 
1894 - Update G4UIXaw, G4UIXm to take into account    1544 - Update G4UIXaw, G4UIXm to take into account
1895   pauseStartSession method.                      1545   pauseStartSession method.