Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /graphics_reps/History (Version 11.3.0) and /graphics_reps/History (Version 10.0.p3)

  1 # Category greps History                       <<   1 $Id: History 84514 2014-10-16 14:44:49Z gcosmo $
                                                   >>   2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     3 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   4      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   5      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   6      =========================================================
                                                   >>   7 
                                                   >>   8                       Category History file
                                                   >>   9                       ---------------------
                                                   >>  10 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
                                                   >>  11 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
                                                   >>  12 and keep track of all category-tags.
                                                   >>  13 It DOES NOT substitute the  CVS log-message one should put at every
                                                   >>  14 committal in the CVS repository !
                                                   >>  15 
                                                   >>  16      ----------------------------------------------------------
                                                   >>  17      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
                                                   >>  18      ----------------------------------------------------------
  6                                                    19 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<  20 14th August 2014  John Allison  (greps-V09-06-14)
  8                                                << 
  9 ## 2024-09-13 John Allison (greps-V11-02-06)   << 
 10 - G4AttDef.hh: Deprecate output operator<< tha << 
 11 - Minor improvements to messages << 
 12 - Minor improvements to messages << 
 13                                                << 
 14 ## 2024-09-02 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-02 << 
 15 - BooleanProcessor.src: fixed defect reported  << 
 16                                                << 
 17 ## 2024-07-10 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-02 << 
 18 - BooleanProcessor.src, HepPolyhedronProcessor << 
 19   - Fixed defects reported by Coverity.        << 
 20                                                << 
 21 ## 2024-05-31 Ben Morgan (greps-V11-02-03)     << 
 22 - Provide all base class interfaces in Seq and << 
 23   modelling the Sequential case.               << 
 24                                                << 
 25 ## 2024-05-30 John Allison (greps-V11-02-02)   << 
 26 - G4VVisManager:                               << 
 27   - Add EventReadyForVis, used by G4SubEvtRunM << 
 28                                                << 
 29 ## 2024-04-06 John Allison (greps-V11-02-01)   << 
 30 - G4Colour:                                    << 
 31   - Clarify usage, add GetColor (US spelling), << 
 32                                                << 
 33 ## 2024-01-22 John Allison (greps-V11-02-00)   << 
 34 - Coworks with visman-V11-02-04, modeling-V11- << 
 35 - G4SceneTreeItem.hh:                          << 
 36   - Add G4String field "FurtherInfo" and acces << 
 37                                                << 
 38 ## 2023-09-27 Stewart Boogert (greps-V11-01-06 << 
 39 - Added centre calculation to HepPolyhedron fo << 
 40                                                << 
 41 ## 2023-07-01 John Allison (greps-V11-01-05)   << 
 42 - G4VisAttributes:                             << 
 43   - Trap under-limit requested number of line  << 
 44     representation of circular surfaces.       << 
 45     - An under-limit request sets number to mi << 
 46       small, but it's OK for axes and arrows.) << 
 47                                                << 
 48 ## 2023-05-09 John Allison (greps-V11-01-04)   << 
 49 - Coworks: visman-V11-01-10 and interfaces-V11 << 
 50 - G4SceneTreeItem:                             << 
 51   - Add data member fExpanded.                 << 
 52                                                << 
 53 ## 2023-04-14 John Allison (greps-V11-01-03)   << 
 54 - Co-working: visman-V11-01-04, interfaces-V11 << 
 55   openinventor-V11-01-04, vis_toolssg-V11-01-0 << 
 56 - New Scene Tree Phase 2 - first implementatio << 
 57   - See visualization/management/History for f << 
 58 - G4SceneTreeItem:                             << 
 59   - Make it explicit that the default copy con << 
 60     operator copy the whole tree hanging from  << 
 61   - Replace Dump by DumpSingleItem to make its << 
 62   - Move DumpTree from static function to memb << 
 63   - Improve comments.                          << 
 64                                                << 
 65 ## 2023-04-07 John Allison (greps-V11-01-02)   << 
 66 - G4SceneTreeItem: enum Type: Add "pvmodel" sp << 
 67                                                << 
 68 ## 2023-03-28 John Allison (greps-V11-01-01)   << 
 69 - Add `G4SceneTreeItem.hh/.cc`.                << 
 70 - clang-tidy the above.                        << 
 71 - `G4AttValue.hh`: Add `~G4AttValue()= default << 
 72                                                << 
 73 ## 2022-12-12 Ben Morgan (greps-V11-01-00)     << 
 74 - Remove obsolete GNUmakefile scripts          << 
 75                                                << 
 76 ## 2022-11-17 Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V11-00-16) << 
 77 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
 78                                                << 
 79 ## 2022-10-28 John Allison (greps-V11-00-15)   << 
 80 - G4VVisManager: Add new virtual function Draw << 
 81   - Draws a geometry tree starting at the spec << 
 82   - This base class implementation is empty, i << 
 83     implementation is not forced (as it would  << 
 84                                                << 
 85 ## 2022-10-06 Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V11-00-14) << 
 86 - Fixed compilation warning on Intel/icx compi << 
 87   but not used in HepPolyhedron::FindNodeNorma << 
 88                                                << 
 89 ## 2022-10-03 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-00 << 
 90 - HepPolyhedron: Fix minor coverity defect in  << 
 91                                                << 
 92 ## 2022-09-19 John Allison (greps-V11-00-12)   << 
 93 - G4VisAttributes: Fix formatting in operator< << 
 94                                                << 
 95 ## 2022-09-14 Ben Morgan (greps-V11-00-11)     << 
 96 - Apply clang-tidy fixes                       << 
 97                                                << 
 98 ## 2022-09-05 Ben Morgan (greps-V11-00-10)     << 
 99 - Make G4intercoms a private dependency        << 
100                                                << 
101 ## 2022-05-01 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-00 << 
102 - Faster version of HepPolyhedronTetMesh       << 
103                                                << 
104 ## 2022-04-22 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-00 << 
105 - `G4Polyhedron`: added move constructor and m << 
106                                                << 
107 ## 2022-04-10 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-00 << 
108 - `HepPolyhedron`, `G4Polyhedron`:             << 
109   - Added `HepPolyhedronBoxMesh`, `G4Polyhedro << 
110   - Selection of most coplanar neighboring fac << 
111                                                << 
112 ## 2022-04-06 John Allison (greps-V11-00-06)   << 
113 - `G4Visible`:                                 << 
114   - Add "user" data member `fInfo`, with acces << 
115   - This is intended to offer the user/develop << 
116     information. For example, with "special me << 
117     use it to communicate the name of the mate << 
118     the viewer and the vis user can identify t << 
119 - `G4VMarker`:                                 << 
120   - Previously, `fInfo` was here. It has been  << 
121   - `G4VMarker` *is* a `G4Visible`, so it stil << 
122     by inheritance (and access and operator<<  << 
123                                                << 
124 ## 2022-04-05 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-00 << 
125 - Implemented `HepPolyhedron::JoinCoplanarFace << 
126                                                << 
127 ## 2022-04-01 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-00 << 
128 - `HepPolyhedron`, `G4Polyhedron`:             << 
129   - Added `HepPolyhedron(Nvert, Nface)`, `G4Po << 
130   - Added derived classes `HepPolyhedronTetMes << 
131   - Added `SetVertex()`, `SetFacet()`          << 
132   - Made public `SetReferences()`, `InvertFace << 
133                                                << 
134 ## 2022-01-28 Ben Morgan (greps-V11-00-03)     << 
135 - Replace `geant4_global_library_target` with  << 
136   call to `geant4_add_category` to define libr << 
137 - Make DLL export symbol a CMake module-level  << 
138   future modularization                        << 
139                                                << 
140 ## 2022-01-21 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V11-00 << 
141 - Revised HepPolyhedronEllipsoid, it fixes vis << 
142   of edges in case of cut ellipsoid            << 
143                                                << 
144 ## 2021-12-11 John Allison (greps-V11-00-01)   << 
145 - G4VisExtent::Transform: Use const auto& to a << 
146                                                << 
147 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (greps-V11-00-00)     << 
148 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
149                                                << 
150 ---                                            << 
151                                                << 
152 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
153                                                << 
154 28 October 2021 Guy Barrand (greps-V10-07-13)  << 
155 - sources.cmake: declare G4Plotter.hh,.cc.     << 
156 - G4VGraphicsScene: have:                      << 
157     virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Plotter << 
158 - G4Plotter.hh,.cc: some kind of "high level"  << 
159   to capture "what is plotted" (tools::histo:h << 
160   Style description is done by handing named l << 
161   generic to be usable by various implementati << 
162   a plotter manages a grid of "regions" to vis << 
163   representation/view/viewport (concept simila << 
164                                                << 
165 25 October 2021 Ben Morgan (greps-V10-07-12)   << 
166 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated << 
167                                                << 
168 05 September 2021 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V1 << 
169 - fixed defect ("resource le << 
170 - G4Visible, G4VMarker, G4Text: implemented mo << 
171   move assignment, as suggested by Coverity    << 
172                                                << 
173 31 August 2021  John Allison  (greps-V10-07-10 << 
174 - Add G4VMarker::operator==.                   << 
175                                                << 
176 30 June 2021  John Allison  (greps-V10-07-09)  << 
177 - Revise vis models. See visualization/modelin << 
178 - Remove G4Scale. G4Scale is an anomaly. It is << 
179   but somehow, from the long distant past, it  << 
180   (/vis/scene/add/scale reimplemented with G4C << 
181                                                << 
182 29 June 2021 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V10-07- << 
183 - minor fix for Coverity     << 
184 - BooleanProcessor.src: redundant std::move(po << 
185   HepPolyhedron(polyhedron), it fixes complati << 
186                                                << 
187 07 June 2021 John Allison (greps-V10-07-07)    << 
188 - G4VGraphicsScene.hh:                         << 
189   o Introduce a new pure virtual function:     << 
190     virtual void AddCompound (const G4Mesh&) = << 
191 -                          << 
192   o Improve message in SetForceNumberOfCloudPo << 
193                                                << 
194 05 June 2021 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V10-07- << 
195 - RotateContourAroundZ(): fixed calculation of << 
196                                                << 
197 12 May 2021 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V10-07-0 << 
198 - added TriangulatePolygon(), RotateContourAro << 
199 - added HepPolyhedronPgon, HepPolyhedronPcon g << 
200                                                << 
201 06 May 2021 Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V10-07-04)   << 
202 - Fixed shadowing compilation warning in G4Col << 
203                                                << 
204 18 March 2021 Ben Morgan (greps-V10-07-03)     << 
205 - Fix typo in geant4_add_module that prevented << 
206                                                << 
207 15 March 2021 John Allison (greps-V10-07-02)   << 
208 - Add G4Colour::operator<.                     << 
209   o This is useful of you want to make a set o << 
210     G4colour as a key.                         << 
211                                                << 
212 12 March 2021 Ben Morgan (greps-V10-07-01)     << 
213 - Modernize CMake build                        << 
214                                                << 
215 29 December 2020 John Allison (greps-V10-07-00 << 
216 - Remove deprecated G4VisAttributes::Invisible << 
217                                                << 
218 01 December 2020 Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V10 << 
219 - HepPolyhedron: revised HepPolyhedronHype,    << 
220   it addresses problem report #2295.           << 
221                                                << 
222 16 November 2020 Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V10-06- << 
223 - Fixed typos in printed-out text. Addressing  << 
224                                                << 
225 24 July 2020  Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V10-06 << 
226 - BooleanProcessor::assembleFace(): fixed mino << 
227                                                << 
228 04 March 2020. John Allison  (greps-V10-06-03) << 
229 - operator<<(...const std::map<G4String,G4AttD << 
230   o Improve deprecation message.               << 
231                                                << 
232 22 February 2020  Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V1 << 
233 - HepPolyhedron: Added HepPolyhedronTet and He << 
234 - G4Polyhedron: Added G4PolyhedronTet and G4Po << 
235                                                << 
236 13 February 2020  John Allison  (greps-V10-06- << 
237 - G4VisAttributes:                             << 
238   o Clarify that if number of cloud points (fo << 
239     is <= 0, this is to be interpreted as unde << 
240     i.e., to be decided by the viewer. Otherwi << 
241     drawn.                                     << 
242   o Make 0 the default value.                  << 
243   o It may be changed with SetForceNumberOfClo << 
244   o You may also force cloud drawing with SetF << 
245                                                << 
246 09 December 2019  Ben Morgan (greps-V10-06-00) << 
247 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granu << 
248   explicit include_directories.                << 
249                                                << 
250 07 November 2019  Evgueni Tcherniaev (greps-V1 << 
251 - HepPolyhedron: Added move constructor and mo << 
252 - BooleanProcessor::createPolyhedron(): Use re << 
253                                                << 
254 04 October 2019  Evgueni Tcherniaev  (greps-V1 << 
255 - HepPolyhedron::SetSideFacets: Fixed false de << 
256                                                << 
257 29 August 2019  John Allison  (greps-V10-05-04 << 
258 - Add G4TessellatedSolid to list of solids tha << 
259                                                << 
260 12 June 2019  John Allison (greps-V10-05-03)   << 
261 - G4VisAttributes:                             << 
262   o Add G4VisAttributes::cloud and methods to  << 
263     .  SetForceCloud                           << 
264     .  SetForceNumberOfCloudPoints             << 
265                                                << 
266 24 February 2019  John Allison (greps-V10-05-0 << 
267 - Remove Get/SetDrawOverlapsFlag from G4VVisMa << 
268                                                << 
269 19 February 2019  John Allison                 << 
270 - Included in vis-V10-05-12                    << 
271 - G4VisExtent:                                 << 
272   o Replaced operator*(const G4Transform3D&) b << 
273     Transform(const G4Transform3D&).           << 
274     (Note: operator* was only ever in a develo << 
275                                                << 
276 31 January 2019  Ivana Hrivnacova (greps-V10-0 << 
277 - Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators n << 
278                                                << 
279 02 January 2018  John Allison (greps-V10-05-00 << 
280 - G4VisExtent: Add operator*(const G4Transform << 
281                                                << 
282 19 October 2018  John Allison (greps-V10-04-08 << 
283 - G4VisExtent: Add GetNullExtent.              << 
284                                                << 
285 16 October 2018  John Allison (greps-V10-04-07 << 
286 - G4VisExtent: Add operator==.                 << 
287                                                << 
288 12 September 2018  John Allison (greps-V10-04- << 
289 - G4VVisManager: Add fDrawOverlapsFlag and acc << 
290   o This is intended to be inspected by method << 
291     overlaps. See for example, CheckOverlaps i << 
292     G4PVParameterised.                         << 
293                                                << 
294 22 May 2018  Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V10-04-05)  << 
295 - Disabled deprecated static data member G4Vis << 
296   Windows systems.                             << 
297                                                << 
298 24 April 2018  John Allison (greps-V10-04-04)  << 
299 - Co-works vis-V10-04-04.                      << 
300 - G4VisAttributes: Cosmetic improvements.      << 
301                                                << 
302 23 April 2018  John Allison (greps-V10-04-03)  << 
303 - Co-works vis-V10-04-04.                      << 
304 - Replaced DBL_MAX by G4VisAttributes::veryLar << 
305   about 1.e75 billion years!! The problem is t << 
306   is dimensionless, so we compromise with some << 
307   but which is in G4 internal units.           << 
308                                                << 
309 18th January 2018  Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V10-0 << 
310 - Updated GNUmakefile to add G4GREPS_ALLOC_EXP << 
311                                                << 
312 18th January 2018  Ben Morgan (greps-V10-04-00 << 
313 - Fix unexported global data for WINDOWS_EXPOR << 
314 - New DLL build method identified that G4VisAt << 
315   static const member that is not declared dll << 
316 - graphics_reps_defs.hh: New header to configu << 
317   export/import keywords, using a macro G4GREP << 
318 - CMakeLists.txt: Add -D flag G4GREPS_ALLOC_EX << 
319   building the library to make export mode.    << 
320 - G4VisAttributes.hh: Mark static const G4VisA << 
321   using G4GREPS_DLL to ensure export/import.   << 
322                                                << 
323 6th October 2017  John Allison  (greps-V10-03- << 
324 - Rationalised:                                << 
325   o Colour map no longer G4ThreadLocal (no nee << 
326     non-master threads.                        << 
327   o Move InitialiseColourMap from private to p << 
328     the map will be initialised from the vis m << 
329                                                << 
330 13th September 2017  John Allison  (greps-V10- << 
331 - HepPolyhedron.h: Reverted default number of  << 
332   #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS 24           << 
333   (72 lines per circle gives trouble in the Bo << 
334   is fixed we revert to 24.)                   << 
335                                                << 
336 1st August 2017  John Allison  (greps-V10-03-0 << 
337 - G4AttDefStore: Shared (i.e., no longer threa << 
338                                                << 
339 10th May 2017  John Allison  (greps-V10-03-04) << 
340 - G4Colour: Added Set functions for components << 
341                                                << 
342 25th April 2017  John Allison  (greps-V10-03-0 << 
343 - G4Colour& operator += (const G4Colour& rhs)  << 
344   // Note: This is required by RayTracer in it << 
345   // Adding colours, without also taking brigh << 
346   // sense, so let us make it synonymous with  << 
347   // equivalent to covering the old colour wit << 
348                                                << 
349 22nd February 2017  John Allison  (greps-V10-0 << 
350 - Requires visman-V10-03-03.                   << 
351 - Removed G4VisExtent::NullExtent.             << 
352                                                << 
353 3rd November 2016  John Allison  (greps-V10-02 << 
354 - Fix typo in previous tag.                    << 
355                                                << 
356 3rd November 2016  John Allison  (greps-V10-02 << 
357 - BooleanProcessor.src: Fix warnings on -O3 on << 
358                                                << 
359 3rd November 2016  John Allison  (greps-V10-02 << 
360 - HepPolyhedron.h: Changed default number of l << 
361   #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_STEPS 72           << 
362                                                << 
363 6th September 2016  Makoto Asai (greps-V10-02- << 
364 - Co-works with digits_hits-V10-02-06, vis-V10 << 
365 - include/G4VGraphicsScene.hh                  << 
366      It accepts both G4TMitsMap<G4StatDouble>  << 
367                                                << 
368 2nd September 2016  Makoto Asai (greps-V10-02- << 
369 - Co-works with digits_hits-V10-02-05, vis-V10 << 
370 - include/G4VGraphicsScene.hh                  << 
371      Build-in scorer now uses G4TMitsMap<G4Sta << 
372      G4THitsMap<G4double>.                     << 
373                                                << 
374 31st August 2016  John Allison  (greps-V10-02- << 
375 - Co-works vis-V10-02-09.                      << 
376 - G4VGraphicsScene.hh:                         << 
377   o Added                                      << 
378     virtual void AddSolid (const G4Orb&) = 0;  << 
379     virtual void AddSolid (const G4Ellipsoid&) << 
380   o Tidied.                                    << 
381                                                << 
382 7th August 2016  John Allison  (greps-V10-02-0 << 
383 - G4VisAttributes.icc: Removed extraneous semi << 
384                                                << 
385 7th August 2016  John Allison  (greps-V10-02-0 << 
386 - G4VisAttributes:                             << 
387   o Added flag for force auxiliary edge visibi << 
388     if the user has asked for forcing, while t << 
389     or invisible - is recorded in another flag << 
390   o Introduced default argument - "true" - for << 
391     SetVisibility, SetDaughtersInvisible, SetF << 
392     SetForceSolid, SetForceAuxEdgeVisible.     << 
393   o Improved logic for setting force drawing s << 
394     visibility.                                << 
395   o Moved above methods from .icc to .cc.      << 
396   o Moved static inline method GetMinLineSegme << 
397                                                << 
398 14th July 2016  John Allison  (greps-V10-02-01 << 
399 - G4VisAttributes::GetInvisible():             << 
400   o Changed to use a static instance instead o << 
401   o Moved implementation to .cc file.  Now it  << 
402 - G4VisAttributes::Invisible:                  << 
403   o Deprecated. It is a static instance and do << 
404     properly on Windows.                       << 
405                                                << 
406 1st March 2016  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V10-02- << 
407 - Use "" instead of <> for internal header inc << 
408   HepPolyhedronProcessor.h.                    << 
409                                                << 
410 26th April 2015  John Allison  (greps-V10-01-0 << 
411 - HepPolyhedron: Minor fix for Coverity.       << 
412                                                << 
413 6th March 2015  John Allison  (greps-V10-01-02 << 
414 - HepPolyhedron: Corrected a long-standing spe << 
415   o indeces should be indices;                 << 
416   o verteces should be vertices.               << 
417   This is reflected in the method names, but t << 
418   kept for backwards compatibility.            << 
419                                                << 
420 14th August 2014  John Allison  (greps-V10-01- << 
421 - Eliminated a nonsensical << 
422                                                << 
423 24th August 2014  Laurent Garnier (greps-V10-0 << 
424 - G4VisAttributes: Fix the fMinLineSegmentsPer << 
425                                                << 
426 23th August 2014  Laurent Garnier (greps-V10-0 << 
427 - G4VisAttributes: Better implementation of fM << 
428                                                << 
429 23th August 2014  Laurent Garnier              << 
430 - G4VisAttributes: Change fMinLineSegmentsPerC << 
431                                                << 
432 22th August 2014  Laurent Garnier  (greps-V10- << 
433 - G4VisAttributes: Add fMinLineSegmentsPerCirc << 
434                                                << 
435 14th August 2014  John Allison  (greps-V10-00- << 
436 - HepPolyhedron::SetReferences: Protected agai     21 - HepPolyhedron::SetReferences: Protected against a null pointer.
437 - BooleanProcessor::execute: Corrected spellin     22 - BooleanProcessor::execute: Corrected spelling mistake in message.
438 - G4Scale: Changed default annotation size to  << 
439                                                << 
440 11th August 2014  John Allison  (greps-V10-00- << 
441 - G4Scale: Added annotation size (text size).  << 
442                                                << 
443 4th February 2014  John Allison  (greps-V10-00 << 
444 - Replaced tabs by 8 spaces.                   << 
445                                                << 
446 4th February 2014  John Allison  (greps-V10-00 << 
447 - Reverted to greps-V10-00-01.                 << 
448 - greps-V10-00-03: Was incorrectly tagged.     << 
449                                                    23 
450 20th December 2013  Mathieu Karamitros  (greps <<  24 9th December 2013  John Allison  (greps-V09-06-13)
451 - G4VisExtent: Enable accessing data using ind << 
452                                                << 
453 11th December 2013  John Allison  (greps-V10-0 << 
454 - Introduced operator<< for const reference G4 << 
455 - Deprecated const pointer equivalent.         << 
456                                                << 
457 9th December 2013  John Allison  (greps-V10-00 << 
458 - Another change suggested by PVS.                 25 - Another change suggested by PVS.
459                                                    26 
460 28th November 2013  John Allison                   27 28th November 2013  John Allison
461 - G4VVisManager.hh: Cosmetics.                     28 - G4VVisManager.hh: Cosmetics.
462                                                    29 
463 15th November 2013  John Allison                   30 15th November 2013  John Allison
464 - Some changes as suggested by PVS.                31 - Some changes as suggested by PVS.
465                                                    32 
466 25th October 2013  John Allison  (greps-V09-06     33 25th October 2013  John Allison  (greps-V09-06-12)
467 - Cosmetic changes to code layout and comments     34 - Cosmetic changes to code layout and comments.
468                                                    35 
469 19th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06     36 19th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06-11)
470 - Fix compilation error for sequential mode.       37 - Fix compilation error for sequential mode.
471                                                    38 
472 19th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06     39 19th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06-10)
473 - Introducing G4VVisManager::IgnoreStateChange     40 - Introducing G4VVisManager::IgnoreStateChanges() virtual method.
474   This method should be invoked by a class tha     41   This method should be invoked by a class that has its own event loop,
475   such as the RayTracer, material scanner, etc     42   such as the RayTracer, material scanner, etc. If the argument is true,
476   the following state changes among Idle, Geom     43   the following state changes among Idle, GeomClosed and EventProc are
477   caused by such a class, and thus not by the      44   caused by such a class, and thus not by the ordinary event simulation.
478   The same method with false should be invoked     45   The same method with false should be invoked once such an event loop
479   is over.                                         46   is over.
480                                                    47 
481 17th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06     48 17th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06-09)
482 - G4Colour now has a dummy += operator.            49 - G4Colour now has a dummy += operator.
483                                                    50 
484 12th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06     51 12th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06-08)
485 - Introducing G4VVisManager::SetUpForAThread()     52 - Introducing G4VVisManager::SetUpForAThread(). This method is invoked
486   by G4WorkerRunManager so that G4VisManager w     53   by G4WorkerRunManager so that G4VisManager will get noticed at the
487   end of event of each worker thread.              54   end of event of each worker thread.
488                                                    55 
489 12th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06     56 12th September 2013  Makoto Asai (greps-V09-06-07)
490 - Remove G4ThreadLocal keyword from G4VVisMana     57 - Remove G4ThreadLocal keyword from G4VVisManager.
491                                                    58 
492 18th August 2013  John Allison  (greps-V09-06-     59 18th August 2013  John Allison  (greps-V09-06-06)
493 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added GetExtent.               60 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added GetExtent.
494                                                    61 
495 15th May 2013  Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V09-06-05     62 15th May 2013  Gabriele Cosmo (greps-V09-06-05)
496 - Cleanup of automatic changes for MT in G4Att     63 - Cleanup of automatic changes for MT in G4AttCheck, G4AttDefStore,
497   G4TypeKey, G4TypeKeyT, G4Colour, HepPolyhedr     64   G4TypeKey, G4TypeKeyT, G4Colour, HepPolyhedron and BooleanProcessor.
498                                                    65 
499 6th March 2013  John Allison (greps-V09-06-04)     66 6th March 2013  John Allison (greps-V09-06-04)
500 -                                67 -
501   o Introduced const G4double spatialTolerance     68   o Introduced const G4double spatialTolerance = 0.01*nm;
502   o Used in RotateAroundZ and in HepPolyhedron     69   o Used in RotateAroundZ and in HepPolyhedronSphere and HepPolyhedronTorus
503     constructors.                                  70     constructors.
504   o Allows creation of nm-sized objects.           71   o Allows creation of nm-sized objects.
505   o Fixes bug report 1452.                         72   o Fixes bug report 1452.
506                                                    73 
507 14th February 2013 Jean Jacquemier                 74 14th February 2013 Jean Jacquemier
508 - Removed modifcations and G4Dim     75 - Removed modifcations and for G4UnitTable
509   ( see  TAG greps-V09-06-02 ). These modifica <<  76   ( see  TAG greps-V09-06-02 ). These modifications will be done once 
510   MultiThreading performance loss will be reco     77   MultiThreading performance loss will be recover
511                                                <<  78   
512 8th February 2013 Jean Jacquemier (greps-V09-0     79 8th February 2013 Jean Jacquemier (greps-V09-06-02)
513 - Modify and G4DimentionedTypeUt <<  80 - Modify and for G4UnitTable 
514   modification                                     81   modification
515                                                    82 
516 14th December 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-06     83 14th December 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-06-01)
517 - Added dollar-Id expansion into first line of     84 - Added dollar-Id expansion into first line of this file.
518                                                    85 
519 3rd December 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-06-     86 3rd December 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-06-00)
520 - Removed NURBS and i_mode.                        87 - Removed NURBS and i_mode.
521                                                    88 
522 1st October 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-05-1     89 1st October 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-05-14)
523 - G4DimensionedType: Another attempt to keep c     90 - G4DimensionedType: Another attempt to keep compilers happy:
524   o Created             91   o Created
525   o Moved "Helper class" HasName and utility f     92   o Moved "Helper class" HasName and utility function GetUnitValue from
526     G4DimensionedType.hh to G4DimensionedTypeU     93     G4DimensionedType.hh to inside a new
527     namespace, G4DimensionedTypeUtils.             94     namespace, G4DimensionedTypeUtils.
528                                                    95 
529 27th September 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-0     96 27th September 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-05-13)
530 - G4DimensionedType.hh:                            97 - G4DimensionedType.hh:
531   o Reverted to r53697.                            98   o Reverted to r53697.
532   o The last 3 tags cure the clang warning but     99   o The last 3 tags cure the clang warning but cause run-time problems with
533     x86_64-slc5-gcc43-staticlibs                  100     x86_64-slc5-gcc43-staticlibs
534                                                   101 
535 25th September 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-0    102 25th September 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-05-12)
536 - G4DimensionedType.hh: using namespace G4Dime    103 - G4DimensionedType.hh: using namespace G4DimensionedTypeNameSpace, but changed
537   the name of the function to GetTheUnitValue     104   the name of the function to GetTheUnitValue (there is another GetUnitValue elsewhere).
538                                                   105 
539 19th September 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-0    106 19th September 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-05-11)
540 - G4DimensionedType.hh: Specifically defined G    107 - G4DimensionedType.hh: Specifically defined G4DimensionedTypeNameSpace::GetUnitValue,
541   which keeps clang happy.  Hopefully other co    108   which keeps clang happy.  Hopefully other compilers too.
542                                                   109 
543 15th August 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-05-1    110 15th August 2012  John Allison (greps-V09-05-10)
544 - G4DimensionedType.hh: Introduced G4Dimension    111 - G4DimensionedType.hh: Introduced G4DimensionedTypeNameSpace to replace an
545   un-name namespace to keep the clang compiler    112   un-name namespace to keep the clang compiler happy and improve the lives
546   of system testers.                              113   of system testers.
547                                                   114 
548 June 11, 2012 G.Cosmo (greps-V09-05-09)           115 June 11, 2012 G.Cosmo (greps-V09-05-09)
549 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for syst    116 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical
550   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclus    117   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh.
551                                                   118 
552 29th May 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-08)    119 29th May 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-08)
553 - G4VisExtent: Cached radius and centre for im    120 - G4VisExtent: Cached radius and centre for improved efficiency.
554                                                   121 
555 24th May 2012  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09-05-0    122 24th May 2012  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09-05-07)
556 - Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing.      123 - Fixed trivial cases of variable shadowing.
557                                                   124 
558 23rd March 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-0    125 23rd March 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-06)
559 - G4Colour: Added brown (colour of G4 logo).      126 - G4Colour: Added brown (colour of G4 logo).
560 - G4Text: Added operator<<(...,G4Text::Layout)    127 - G4Text: Added operator<<(...,G4Text::Layout).  This produces meaningful
561   word instead of the integer value of the enu    128   word instead of the integer value of the enumerator.
562                                                   129 
563 7th February 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05    130 7th February 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-05)
564 - G4VisAttributes:                                131 - G4VisAttributes:
565   o Added copy constructor and assignment oper    132   o Added copy constructor and assignment operator.
566 -                                   133 -
567   o Fixed bug in copy constructor and assignme    134   o Fixed bug in copy constructor and assignment operator.
568                                                   135 
569 4th February 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05    136 4th February 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-04)
570 - Added G4Text::G4Text(const G4Text& text) (co    137 - Added G4Text::G4Text(const G4Text& text) (copy contructor).
571 - Added G4Text& operator=(const G4Text& text)     138 - Added G4Text& operator=(const G4Text& text) (assignment operator).
572                                                   139 
573 1st February 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05    140 1st February 2012  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-03)
574 - BooleanProcessor.src:                           141 - BooleanProcessor.src:
575   o Explicit conversion from size_t to int whe    142   o Explicit conversion from size_t to int when using ExtEdge constructor.
576                                                   143 
577 30th December 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-0    144 30th December 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-02)
578 - G4VVisManager.hh: Improved comments for Adde    145 - G4VVisManager.hh: Improved comments for Added Begin/EndDraw(2D).
579                                                   146 
580 28th December 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-0    147 28th December 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-01)
581 - G4VVisManager.hh: Added Begin/EndDraw(2D), o    148 - G4VVisManager.hh: Added Begin/EndDraw(2D), optional methods for
582   bracketing Draw methods to improve drawing s    149   bracketing Draw methods to improve drawing speed.
583                                                   150 
584 15th December 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-0    151 15th December 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-05-00)
585 - G4Colour.hh: Cosmetics.                         152 - G4Colour.hh: Cosmetics.
586 - Tagged.                                         153 - Tagged.
587                                                   154 
588 8th December 2011  John Allison                   155 8th December 2011  John Allison
589 - G4Visible.hh: Cosmetic improvement to commen    156 - G4Visible.hh: Cosmetic improvement to comments.
590 - G4Exception id's changed to 900x    157 - G4Exception id's changed to 900x.
591 - G4Exception id's changed t    158 - G4Exception id's changed to 100x.
592                                                   159 
593 17th November 2011  John Allison                  160 17th November 2011  John Allison
594 - G4Colour: operator<<:                           161 - G4Colour: operator<<:
595   o Added colour name if in colour map, e.g.,     162   o Added colour name if in colour map, e.g., (1,0,0,1) (red).
596 - BooleanProcessor.src: Saved one instruction.    163 - BooleanProcessor.src: Saved one instruction.
597   o No need to evaluate "point *= (1./nnode)"     164   o No need to evaluate "point *= (1./nnode)" unless nnode > 1.
598   o (Also suppresses Coverity warning about di    165   o (Also suppresses Coverity warning about division by zero.)
599                                                   166 
600 11th November 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-0    167 11th November 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-10)
601 - Fixed most Coverity warnings.                   168 - Fixed most Coverity warnings.
602                                                   169 
603 2nd November 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04    170 2nd November 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-09)
604 - G4Colour.hh:                                    171 - G4Colour.hh:
605   o Removed "using std::map" statement.           172   o Removed "using std::map" statement.
606   o Addwd GetMap so that current colour map op    173   o Addwd GetMap so that current colour map options can be listed.
607 -                                    174 -
608   o Made std scope explicit.                      175   o Made std scope explicit.
609   o Implemented GetMap.                           176   o Implemented GetMap.
610                                                   177 
611 29th September 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-    178 29th September 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-08)
612 - G4DimensionedType.hh:                           179 - G4DimensionedType.hh:
613   o Reversed action of 27th Sep.  Warnings are    180   o Reversed action of 27th Sep.  Warnings are false.  Function is needed.
614                                                   181 
615 27th September 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-    182 27th September 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-07)
616 - G4DimensionedType.hh:                           183 - G4DimensionedType.hh:
617   o Commented out unused function to suppress     184   o Commented out unused function to suppress project warnings.
618 - G4Polymarker: Added constructor G4Polymarker    185 - G4Polymarker: Added constructor G4Polymarker(const G4VMarker&).
619 - G4VMarker: Added constructor G4VMarker(const    186 - G4VMarker: Added constructor G4VMarker(const G4VMarker&);
620 - G4VMarker.hh, G4Circle.hh, G4Square.hh, G4Po    187 - G4VMarker.hh, G4Circle.hh, G4Square.hh, G4Polymarker.hh, G4Text.hh:
621   o Tidied.                                       188   o Tidied.
622 - greps-V09-04-06: Inadvertent tag.               189 - greps-V09-04-06: Inadvertent tag.
623                                                   190 
624 16th September 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-    191 16th September 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-05)
625 - Migrated to new G4Exception.                    192 - Migrated to new G4Exception.
626                                                   193 
627 2nd August 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-0    194 2nd August 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-04)
628 - G4PolyhedronArbitrary:  Added SetReferences     195 - G4PolyhedronArbitrary:  Added SetReferences and InvertFacets.
629   SetReferences is necessary at the end to com    196   SetReferences is necessary at the end to complete the polyhedron.
630   It particularly matters if the polyhedron su    197   It particularly matters if the polyhedron suffers subsequent
631   boolean operations.                             198   boolean operations.
632   InvertFacets can be useful.                     199   InvertFacets can be useful.
633                                                   200 
634 1st March 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-03    201 1st March 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-03)
635 -                            202 -
636   o Changed cout to G4cout, etc.                  203   o Changed cout to G4cout, etc.
637   o Fixed Coverity warnings.                      204   o Fixed Coverity warnings.
638                                                   205 
639 24th March 2011  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09-04    206 24th March 2011  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09-04-02)
640 - Consistently make use of G4 types in HepPoly    207 - Consistently make use of G4 types in HepPolyhedron and BooleanProcessor,
641   to allow for centralized control of CLHEP cl    208   to allow for centralized control of CLHEP classes.
642                                                   209 
643 1st March 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-01    210 1st March 2011  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-01)
644 - Fixed Coverity warnings.                        211 - Fixed Coverity warnings.
645                                                   212 
646 27th December 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-0    213 27th December 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-04-00)
647 - Tagged.                                         214 - Tagged.
648                                                   215 
649 7th December 2010  John Allison                   216 7th December 2010  John Allison
650 - Fixed Coverity warnings.                        217 - Fixed Coverity warnings.
651                                                   218 
652 6th December 2010  John Allison                   219 6th December 2010  John Allison
653 -!=: protect zero vis a    220 -!=: protect zero vis attributes pointers.
654 - delete allocated vi    221 - delete allocated vis attributes (fixes
655   memory leak).                                   222   memory leak).
656                                                   223 
657 30th May 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-03-02)    224 30th May 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-03-02)
658 - G4VVisManager: Added Draw(const G4VDigi&) an    225 - G4VVisManager: Added Draw(const G4VDigi&) and FilterDigi(const G4VDigi&).
659 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added AddCompound (const G    226 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added AddCompound (const G4VDigi&).
660                                                   227 
661 29th May 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-03-01)    228 29th May 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-03-01)
662 - G4VVisManager:                                  229 - G4VVisManager:
663   o Removed IsDefaultDrawTrajectory.  A better    230   o Removed IsDefaultDrawTrajectory.  A better way is...
664   o Added DispatchToModel(const G4VTrajectory&    231   o Added DispatchToModel(const G4VTrajectory&), i.e., without i_mode, to
665     distinguish usage and in preparation for i    232     distinguish usage and in preparation for i_mode migration.
666                                                   233 
667 7th May 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-03-00)     234 7th May 2010  John Allison  (greps-V09-03-00)
668 - G4VVisManager: Added a public static boolean    235 - G4VVisManager: Added a public static boolean flag,
669   IsDefaultDrawTrajectory, to assist deprecati    236   IsDefaultDrawTrajectory, to assist deprecation of i-mode trajectory
670   drawing parameter.  After 10.0, it can be re    237   drawing parameter.  After 10.0, it can be removed.
671                                                   238 
672 28th October 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-02    239 28th October 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-02-03 coworks vis-V09-02-10)
673 - HepPolyhedron:                                  240 - HepPolyhedron:
674   o Removed static instance of BooleanProcesso    241   o Removed static instance of BooleanProcessor.
675   o Removed IsErrorBooleanProcess.  (Use HepPo    242   o Removed IsErrorBooleanProcess.  (Use HepPolyhedronProcessor instead -
676     see, e.g., G4PhysicalVolumeModel.)            243     see, e.g., G4PhysicalVolumeModel.)
677 - HepPolyhedronProcessor.src: Replaced printf     244 - HepPolyhedronProcessor.src: Replaced printf with G4cout.
678                                                   245 
679 20th October 2009  Guy Barrand  (greps-V09-02-    246 20th October 2009  Guy Barrand  (greps-V09-02-02 coworks vis-V09-02-09)
680 - HepPolyhedronProcessor : class to handle "ov    247 - HepPolyhedronProcessor : class to handle "overall shifting" in case
681   of doing multiple boolean operations. This p    248   of doing multiple boolean operations. This permited to solve most
682   tricky cases in LHCb visualization.             249   tricky cases in LHCb visualization.
683 - HepPolyhedron : handle the ierr variable on     250 - HepPolyhedron : handle the ierr variable on the BooleanProcessor.execute.
684 - BooleanProcessor.src : modifs coming from LH    251 - BooleanProcessor.src : modifs coming from LHCb to "loop on shifts"
685   to attempt solving the "coplanar faces cases    252   to attempt solving the "coplanar faces cases".
686 - BooleanProcessor.src : modifs coming from LH    253 - BooleanProcessor.src : modifs coming from LHCb to optmize the code.
687                                                   254 
688 20th October 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-02    255 20th October 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-02-02 coworks vis-V09-02-07)
689 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added AddCompound (const G    256 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added AddCompound (const G4THitsMap<G4double>&).
690                                                   257 
691 25th February 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-0    258 25th February 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-02-01)
692 - G4VVisManager: Added NotifyHandlers.            259 - G4VVisManager: Added NotifyHandlers.
693   Notify scene handlers (G4VGraphicsScene obje    260   Notify scene handlers (G4VGraphicsScene objects) that the scene
694   has changed so that they may rebuild their g    261   has changed so that they may rebuild their graphics database, if
695   any, and redraw all views.                      262   any, and redraw all views.
696                                                   263 
697 24th February 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-0    264 24th February 2009  John Allison  (greps-V09-02-00)
698 - G4VMarker:                                      265 - G4VMarker:
699   o Added enum SizeType {none, world, screen};    266   o Added enum SizeType {none, world, screen};
700   o Added GetSizeType and SetSize/Diameter/Rad    267   o Added GetSizeType and SetSize/Diameter/Radius(SizeType, G4double).
701                                                   268 
702 13th November 2008  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09    269 13th November 2008  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09-01-06)
703 - HepPolyhedronHype: fixed arrays upper-bound     270 - HepPolyhedronHype: fixed arrays upper-bound in constructor, responsible
704   for memory corruption in visualization of G4    271   for memory corruption in visualization of G4Hype shape.
705                                                   272 
706 28th April 2008  John Allison  (greps-V09-01-0    273 28th April 2008  John Allison  (greps-V09-01-05)
707 - HepPolyhedronEllipticalCone: correct visibil    274 - HepPolyhedronEllipticalCone: correct visibility of auxiliary edges.
708                                                   275 
709 14th April 2008  Tatiana Nikitina  (greps-V09-    276 14th April 2008  Tatiana Nikitina  (greps-V09-01-04)
710 - Added G4Hype representation to HepPolyhedron    277 - Added G4Hype representation to HepPolyhedron and G4Polyhedron.
711 - Coworks with tag "geom-specific-V09-01-08".     278 - Coworks with tag "geom-specific-V09-01-08".
712                                                   279 
713 13th March 2008  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09-01    280 13th March 2008  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V09-01-03)
714 - Added inclusion of <cstdlib> in HepPolyhedro    281 - Added inclusion of <cstdlib> in for porting on gcc-4.3.0.
715                                                   282 
716 29th January 2008  John Allison  (greps-V09-01    283 29th January 2008  John Allison  (greps-V09-01-01)
717 - HepPolyhedronParaboloid: bug fix and improve    284 - HepPolyhedronParaboloid: bug fix and improvement.
718                                                   285 
719 4th January 2008  John Allison  (greps-V09-01-    286 4th January 2008  John Allison  (greps-V09-01-00 with vis-V09-01-00)
720 - G4VVisManager::Draw2D methods, already avail    287 - G4VVisManager::Draw2D methods, already available for G4Text, extended to:
721   G4Circle, G4Polyhedron, G4Polyline, G4Polyma    288   G4Circle, G4Polyhedron, G4Polyline, G4Polymarker, G4Square.
722                                                   289 
723 21th August 2007  Tatiana Nikitina  (greps-V09    290 21th August 2007  Tatiana Nikitina  (greps-V09-00-02)
724 - Fixed bug in scaling parameter for G4Ellipti    291 - Fixed bug in scaling parameter for G4EllipticalCone representation in
725   HepPolyhedron class.                            292   HepPolyhedron class.
726                                                   293 
727 18th July 2007  Tatiana Nikitina  (greps-V09-0    294 18th July 2007  Tatiana Nikitina  (greps-V09-00-01)
728 - Added G4Paraboloid to HepPolyhedron and G4Po    295 - Added G4Paraboloid to HepPolyhedron and G4Polyhedron.
729 - Coworks with tag "geom-specific-V09-00-02".     296 - Coworks with tag "geom-specific-V09-00-02".
730                                                   297 
731 17th July 2007  John Allison  (greps-V09-00-00    298 17th July 2007  John Allison  (greps-V09-00-00)
732 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added constructor and virt    299 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added constructor and virtual destructor.
733                                                   300 
734 8th June 2007  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V08-03-0    301 8th June 2007  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V08-03-00)
735 - G4AttHolder: replaced forward declarations i    302 - G4AttHolder: replaced forward declarations in header with explicit inclusions
736   to allow for porting on Intel-icc compiler.     303   to allow for porting on Intel-icc compiler.
737                                                   304 
738 3rd April 2007  John Allison  (greps-V08-02-01    305 3rd April 2007  John Allison  (greps-V08-02-01)
739 - G4AttDefStore: now comprises utility functio    306 - G4AttDefStore: now comprises utility functions in namespace
740   G4AttDefStore.  (Used to be a class with onl    307   G4AttDefStore.  (Used to be a class with only static functions and
741   data members.)                                  308   data members.)
742 - G4AttHolder: Made copy constructor and assig    309 - G4AttHolder: Made copy constructor and assignment private to enforce
743   proper usage.                                   310   proper usage.
744                                                   311 
745 5th January 2007  John Allison  (greps-V08-02-    312 5th January 2007  John Allison  (greps-V08-02-00)
746 - G4VisAttributes:                                313 - G4VisAttributes:
747   o SetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle: Bug fix: No    314   o SetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle: Bug fix: Now correctly implements reset.
748   o Minor refinement: Introduced IsForceLineSe    315   o Minor refinement: Introduced IsForceLineSegmentsPerCircle().
749 - G4Colour: Replaced static data members by st    316 - G4Colour: Replaced static data members by static functions that
750   create and copy out the relevant colours.  (    317   create and copy out the relevant colours.  (Static data members make
751   a lot of noise in the gdb debugger.  Anyway,    318   a lot of noise in the gdb debugger.  Anyway, are best avoided.)
752                                                   319 
753 7th November 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01    320 7th November 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-11)
754 - HepPolyhedronEllipticalCone: Bug fix.           321 - HepPolyhedronEllipticalCone: Bug fix.
755 - G4Visible: Fixed possible minor (subsidiary)    322 - G4Visible: Fixed possible minor (subsidiary) memory leak in SetVisAttributes.
756 - G4AttCheck: Cosmetic.                           323 - G4AttCheck: Cosmetic.
757                                                   324 
758 2nd November 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01    325 2nd November 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-10)
759 - G4Visible: Fixed copy constructor and assign    326 - G4Visible: Fixed copy constructor and assignment operator for deep copies.
760                                                   327 
761 1st November 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01    328 1st November 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-09; co-works: vis-V08-01-09)
762 - Tidied G4Att checking and storing:              329 - Tidied G4Att checking and storing:
763   o G4AttCheck: Added store key to printing in    330   o G4AttCheck: Added store key to printing in operator<<.
764   o G4AttDef: Improved printing of store key i    331   o G4AttDef: Improved printing of store key in operator<<.
765   o G4AttDefStore: Removed GetName, introduced    332   o G4AttDefStore: Removed GetName, introduced GetStoreKey.
766   o G4AttHolder:                                  333   o G4AttHolder:
767     ~ Removed GetAttDefsName.                     334     ~ Removed GetAttDefsName.
768     ~ Replaced AddAttValues and AddAttDefs by     335     ~ Replaced AddAttValues and AddAttDefs by a combined AddAtts.
769                                                   336 
770 24th October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01    337 24th October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-08; co-works: vis-V08-01-08)
771 - G4VisAttributes: Change GetAttValues to Crea    338 - G4VisAttributes: Change GetAttValues to CreateAttValues.  It creates
772   an expendable copy on the heap, thus followi    339   an expendable copy on the heap, thus following the behaviour of
773   CreateAttValues in trajectories, hits, etc.     340   CreateAttValues in trajectories, hits, etc.  This achieves consistency
774   of behaviour and user expectation; the user     341   of behaviour and user expectation; the user must delete after use.
775 - G4AttHolder: Remove CopyAndAddAttValues.  No    342 - G4AttHolder: Remove CopyAndAddAttValues.  No longer needed after
776   above change to G4VisAttributes.                343   above change to G4VisAttributes.
777                                                   344 
778 21st October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01    345 21st October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-07)
779 - Added G4AttHolder.                              346 - Added G4AttHolder.
780 - G4AttDefStore: Changed GetName type from G4S    347 - G4AttDefStore: Changed GetName type from G4String to const G4String&.
781                                                   348 
782 17th October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01    349 17th October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-06)
783 - Moved below operator<< from G4AttCheck.hh/cc    350 - Moved below operator<< from G4AttCheck.hh/cc to G4AttDef.hh/cc.
784                                                   351 
785 16th October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01    352 16th October 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-05)
786 - Added operator<< for G4AttDefs:                 353 - Added operator<< for G4AttDefs:
787   std::ostream& operator<<                        354   std::ostream& operator<<
788     (std::ostream& os, const std::map<G4String    355     (std::ostream& os, const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* definitions)
789 - Improved output diagnostics.                    356 - Improved output diagnostics.
790                                                   357 
791 ----------------------------------------------    358 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
792 15th September 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-    359 15th September 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-04 - coworks vis-V08-01-06)
793 - G4Visible: Added fAllocatedVisAttributes to     360 - G4Visible: Added fAllocatedVisAttributes to prevent memory leak.
794                                                   361 
795 12th September 2006 Jane Tinslay                  362 12th September 2006 Jane Tinslay
796 - Remove trailing white spaces in G4Conversion    363 - Remove trailing white spaces in G4ConversionUtils
797 - Add FilterHit method to G4VVisManager           364 - Add FilterHit method to G4VVisManager
798                                                   365 
799 11th September 2006 Jane Tinslay                  366 11th September 2006 Jane Tinslay
800 - Add templated G4AttDef's and various utiliti    367 - Add templated G4AttDef's and various utilities
801                                                   368 
802 11th September 2006  John Allison                 369 11th September 2006  John Allison
803 - Fixed G4AttCheck for dimensionless "Physics"    370 - Fixed G4AttCheck for dimensionless "Physics" attributes (were
804   previously "Bookkeeping").                      371   previously "Bookkeeping").
805                                                   372 
806 6th September 2006 Jane Tinslay                   373 6th September 2006 Jane Tinslay
807 - Add G4TypeKey & G4TypeKeyT classes              374 - Add G4TypeKey & G4TypeKeyT classes
808                                                   375 
809 ----------------------------------------------    376 ------------------------------------------------
810 26th August 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-    377 26th August 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-03)
811 - G4VisAttributes: Added time range.              378 - G4VisAttributes: Added time range.
812                                                   379 
813 25th August 2006 Jane Tinslay                     380 25th August 2006 Jane Tinslay
814 - Make G4VFilter Accept method const              381 - Make G4VFilter Accept method const
815                                                   382 
816 14th August 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-    383 14th August 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-02)
817 - G4AttCheck: Improved error checking.            384 - G4AttCheck: Improved error checking.
818                                                   385 
819 10th July 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-01    386 10th July 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-01)
820 - Co-works with vis-V08-01-01.                    387 - Co-works with vis-V08-01-01.
821 - G4VGraphicsScene.hh: Removed Establish/Decom    388 - G4VGraphicsScene.hh: Removed Establish/DecommissionSpecials.
822 - G4VisAttributes:                                389 - G4VisAttributes:
823   o Added ForceLineSegmentsPerCircle.             390   o Added ForceLineSegmentsPerCircle.
824   o Cosmetic re-ordering of methods,              391   o Cosmetic re-ordering of methods,
825                                                   392 
826 3rd July 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-00)    393 3rd July 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-01-00)
827 -                                  394 -
828   o Added G4bool to the list of allowed G4AttV    395   o Added G4bool to the list of allowed G4AttValue value types.
829   o Added Density to the list of units categor    396   o Added Density to the list of units categories.
830 - G4AttDefStore: Added GetName.                   397 - G4AttDefStore: Added GetName.
831                                                   398 
832 2nd May 2006 Jane Tinslay (greps-V08-00-03)       399 2nd May 2006 Jane Tinslay (greps-V08-00-03)
833 - Add FilterTrajectory method to G4VVisManager    400 - Add FilterTrajectory method to G4VVisManager
834                                                   401 
835 19th April 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-00-0    402 19th April 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-00-02 - needs vis-V08-00-04)
836 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added Begin/EndPrimitives2    403 - G4VGraphicsScene: Added Begin/EndPrimitives2D.
837 - G4VVisManager: Added Draw2d(const G4Text&).     404 - G4VVisManager: Added Draw2d(const G4Text&).
838                                                   405 
839 28th March 2006 Jane Tinslay (jst28032006)        406 28th March 2006 Jane Tinslay (jst28032006)
840 - Add G4VFilter and G4SmartFilter                 407 - Add G4VFilter and G4SmartFilter
841                                                   408 
842 13th March 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-00-0    409 13th March 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-00-01)
843 - Added operator<< for G4Text, G4Circle, G4Squ    410 - Added operator<< for G4Text, G4Circle, G4Square, G4Polyhedron.
844 - Improved/tidied operator<< for G4Polyline, G    411 - Improved/tidied operator<< for G4Polyline, G4VMarker, G4VisAttributes.
845 - Improved comments in G4VVisManager.             412 - Improved comments in G4VVisManager.
846                                                   413 
847 13th January 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-00    414 13th January 2006  John Allison  (greps-V08-00-00)
848 - Added G4PolyhedronArbitrary:                    415 - Added G4PolyhedronArbitrary:
849   o Moved from geometry/solids/specific, where    416   o Moved from geometry/solids/specific, where it was part of a
850     development by Peter Truscott and Fan Lei     417     development by Peter Truscott and Fan Lei of QinetiQ.
851     G4PolyhedronArbitrary is a way of creating    418     G4PolyhedronArbitrary is a way of creating arbitrary G4Polyhedron
852     objects out of vertices and indices.          419     objects out of vertices and indices.
853   o Removed unnecessary operator= functions.      420   o Removed unnecessary operator= functions.
854                                                   421 
855 23rd November 2005  Jane Tinslay               << 422 23rd November 2005  Jane Tinslay 
856 - Update documentation in G4Colour                423 - Update documentation in G4Colour
857                                                   424 
858 10th November 2005  Jane Tinslay (greps-V07-01    425 10th November 2005  Jane Tinslay (greps-V07-01-09)
859 - G4VVisManager: Fix Dispatch method name to "    426 - G4VVisManager: Fix Dispatch method name to "DispatchToModel".
860 - G4Colour: Use public static member functions << 427 - G4Colour: Use public static member functions instead of public 
861   static data members to avoid problems with d    428   static data members to avoid problems with dynamic libraries.
862                                                   429 
863 10th November 2005  John Allison                  430 10th November 2005  John Allison
864 - G4VVisManager and G4VGraphicsScene: Replaced    431 - G4VVisManager and G4VGraphicsScene: Replaced default arguments
865   G4Transform3D::Identity by G4Transform3D().     432   G4Transform3D::Identity by G4Transform3D().  (This is a avoid
866   initialisation problems with static objects     433   initialisation problems with static objects with dynamic libraries.)
867                                                   434 
868 9th November 2005  Gabriele Cosmo                 435 9th November 2005  Gabriele Cosmo
869 - Implemented migration to support CLHEP-2.0.X    436 - Implemented migration to support CLHEP-2.0.X, adding explicit namespace
870   to CLHEP types. Affected files: HepPolyhedro    437   to CLHEP types. Affected files: HepPolyhedron[], BooleanProcessor.src.
871                                                   438 
872 24th October 2005  John Allison (greps-V07-01-    439 24th October 2005  John Allison (greps-V07-01-08)
873 - Moved G4VTrajectoryDrawer to modeling (renam    440 - Moved G4VTrajectoryDrawer to modeling (renamed G4VTrajectoryModel).
874 - G4VVisManager.hh: Changed DispatchToCurrentD    441 - G4VVisManager.hh: Changed DispatchToCurrentDrawer to DispatchToCurrentModel.
875                                                   442 
876 21st October 2005 Jane Tinslay (greps-V07-01-0    443 21st October 2005 Jane Tinslay (greps-V07-01-07)
877 - Add G4VTrajectoryDrawer, an abstract base cl    444 - Add G4VTrajectoryDrawer, an abstract base class for trajectory drawers
878 - Add "DispatchToCurrentDrawer" method to G4VV    445 - Add "DispatchToCurrentDrawer" method to G4VVisManager
879                                                   446 
880 20th October 2005  John Allison (greps-V07-01-    447 20th October 2005  John Allison (greps-V07-01-06)
881 - Added #include <sstream>.          448 - Added #include <sstream>.
882                                                   449 
883 17th October 2005 Jane Tinslay (greps-V07-01-0    450 17th October 2005 Jane Tinslay (greps-V07-01-05)
884 - intercoms->graphics_reps migration for G4VGr << 451 - intercoms->graphics_reps migration for G4VGraphicsScene and G4VVisManager  
885                                                   452 
886 13th October 2005 Jane Tinslay  (greps-V07-01-    453 13th October 2005 Jane Tinslay  (greps-V07-01-04)
887 - Additions to G4Colour                           454 - Additions to G4Colour
888   o Add static data members for common colours    455   o Add static data members for common colours.
889   o Add G4String->G4Colour colour map.            456   o Add G4String->G4Colour colour map.
890                                                   457 
891 3rd October 2005  John Allison                    458 3rd October 2005  John Allison
892 - Replaced <strstream> b    459 - Replaced <strstream> by <sstream>.
893                                                   460 
894 16th September 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-    461 16th September 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-01-03)
895 - Added time to legal G4AttValu    462 - Added time to legal G4AttValues.
896                                                   463 
897 10th August 2005  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V07-0    464 10th August 2005  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V07-01-02)
898 - Added Polyhedron description for new G4Ellip    465 - Added Polyhedron description for new G4EllipticalCone shape.
899   Implementation by D.Anninos (CERN).             466   Implementation by D.Anninos (CERN).
900   Requires tag "geom-specific-V07-01-03" for g    467   Requires tag "geom-specific-V07-01-03" for geometry/solids/specific module.
901                                                   468 
902 5th July 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-01-01)    469 5th July 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-01-01)
903 - Big clean-up:                                   470 - Big clean-up:
904   o Removed redundant intermediate class, G4VV    471   o Removed redundant intermediate class, G4VVisPrim.
905   o Removed redundant virtual assignments and     472   o Removed redundant virtual assignments and similar oddities.
906                                                   473 
907 20th Jun 2005  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V07-01-0    474 20th Jun 2005  Gabriele Cosmo  (greps-V07-01-00)
908 - Added Polyhedron description for new G4Ellip    475 - Added Polyhedron description for new G4Ellipsoid shape.
909   Contribution of G.Guerrieri (INFN Genova).      476   Contribution of G.Guerrieri (INFN Genova).
910                                                   477 
911 26th May 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-07)    478 26th May 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-07)
912 - Fixed bug introduced in greps-V07-00-05.        479 - Fixed bug introduced in greps-V07-00-05.
913 - Removed DEPRECATION of G4Visible::SetVisAttr    480 - Removed DEPRECATION of G4Visible::SetVisAttributes(const G4VisAttributes&)
914   pending a resolution of the issues for a fut    481   pending a resolution of the issues for a future release.
915                                                   482 
916 22nd May 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-05)    483 22nd May 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-05)
917 - DEPRECATED G4Visible::SetVisAttributes (cons    484 - DEPRECATED G4Visible::SetVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes&).
918   Meanwhile created copy of G4VisAttributes ob    485   Meanwhile created copy of G4VisAttributes object on the heap.
919                                                   486 
920 3rd May 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-04)     487 3rd May 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-04)
921 - Improved G4AttCheck.                            488 - Improved G4AttCheck.
922                                                   489 
923 7th April 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-03    490 7th April 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-03)
924 - Needs g3tog4-V07-00-00 and geometry-gmk-V07-    491 - Needs g3tog4-V07-00-00 and geometry-gmk-V07-00-00.
925 - Consolidated G4AttCheck.                        492 - Consolidated G4AttCheck.
926                                                   493 
927 28th March 2005  John Allison  (johna-050328a)    494 28th March 2005  John Allison  (johna-050328a)
928 - G4AttCheck: Corrected for Extra and ValueTyp    495 - G4AttCheck: Corrected for Extra and ValueType fields.  Augmented
929   test of more fields.                            496   test of more fields.
930                                                   497 
931 28th March 2005  John Allison  (johna-050328)     498 28th March 2005  John Allison  (johna-050328)
932 - G4AttCheck: Added check of Extra field.         499 - G4AttCheck: Added check of Extra field.
933                                                   500 
934 26th March 2005  John Allison  (johna-050326)     501 26th March 2005  John Allison  (johna-050326)
935 - G4AttCheck: Implemented prototype conversion    502 - G4AttCheck: Implemented prototype conversion from G4AttValue/Defs to
936   "standard" versions.  Needs G4UIcommand, so     503   "standard" versions.  Needs G4UIcommand, so makes a new category
937   dependency.  Requires one to make a new lib     504   dependency.  Requires one to make a new lib map.  Seems OK, but
938   must check with Gabriele.                       505   must check with Gabriele.
939                                                   506 
940 22nd March 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-0    507 22nd March 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-02)
941 - G4Polyhedron: Added fNumberOfRotationStepsAt    508 - G4Polyhedron: Added fNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation.
942 - G4VisAttributes: Changed std::vector<G4AttDe    509 - G4VisAttributes: Changed std::vector<G4AttDef> to map<G4String,G4AttDef>.
943 - Added first version of G4AttCheck.              510 - Added first version of G4AttCheck.
944                                                   511 
945 9th March 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-01    512 9th March 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-01)
946 - HepPolyhedron: Added IsErrorBooleanProcess()    513 - HepPolyhedron: Added IsErrorBooleanProcess().
947 - BooleanProcessor: Added get_processor_error(    514 - BooleanProcessor: Added get_processor_error().
948 - G4Visible: Moved SetVisAttributes (const G4V    515 - G4Visible: Moved SetVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes&) from .icc
949   to .cc file and added warning message.          516   to .cc file and added warning message.
950                                                   517 
951 19th February 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-0    518 19th February 2005  John Allison  (greps-V07-00-00)
952 - Needed for vis-V07-00-06.                       519 - Needed for vis-V07-00-06.
953 - Added G4VisExtent::NullExtent.                  520 - Added G4VisExtent::NullExtent.
954                                                   521 
955 10th December 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-02-04)    522 10th December 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-02-04)
956 - Replaced M_PI with CLHEP's pi.                  523 - Replaced M_PI with CLHEP's pi.
957                                                   524 
958 8th December 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-02-03)     525 8th December 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-02-03)
959 - HepPolyhedron, BooleanProcessor: replaced oc << 526 - HepPolyhedron, BooleanProcessor: replaced occurences of HepStd::
960   with std::                                      527   with std::
961 - Added inclusion of <cmath> in HepPolyhedron.    528 - Added inclusion of <cmath> in
962                                                   529 
963 7th December 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-02-02)     530 7th December 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-02-02)
964 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.               531 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.
965                                                   532 
966 11th November 2004  J.Allison  (greps-V06-02-0    533 11th November 2004  J.Allison  (greps-V06-02-01 - requires vis-V06-02-05)
967 - Removed G4Polymarker::line.  Use G4Polyline     534 - Removed G4Polymarker::line.  Use G4Polyline instead.
968 - Improved commenting of G4AttDef.                535 - Improved commenting of G4AttDef.
969                                                   536 
970 28th July 2004  J.Allison  (greps-V06-02-00)      537 28th July 2004  J.Allison  (greps-V06-02-00)
971 - Introduced force auxiliary edge visible.        538 - Introduced force auxiliary edge visible.
972                                                   539 
973 7th June 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-01-01)         540 7th June 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-01-01)
974 - Fixed compilation problem on WIN32-VC for G4    541 - Fixed compilation problem on WIN32-VC for G4AttDefStore.
975 - Added definition of GLOBLIBS in GNUmakefile     542 - Added definition of GLOBLIBS in GNUmakefile for DLLs build on Windows.
976                                                   543 
977 30th March 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-01-00)       544 30th March 2004  G.Cosmo  (greps-V06-01-00)
978 - Implemented constructor and destructor for G    545 - Implemented constructor and destructor for G4AttDefStore, to properly
979   delete objects in the static map, allocated     546   delete objects in the static map, allocated through explicit calls to
980   GetInstance(). Made G4AttDefStore a singleto    547   GetInstance(). Made G4AttDefStore a singleton.
981                                                   548 
982 18th September 2003  J.Allison  (greps-V05-02-    549 18th September 2003  J.Allison  (greps-V05-02-00)
983 - Introduced G4Colour<->G4ThreeVector conversi    550 - Introduced G4Colour<->G4ThreeVector conversion operators.
984                                                   551 
985 3rd April 2003  G.Cosmo  (greps-V05-00-00)        552 3rd April 2003  G.Cosmo  (greps-V05-00-00)
986 - Cleared trivial pedantic warnings.              553 - Cleared trivial pedantic warnings.
987                                                   554 
988 27th November 2002  J.Allison  (greps-V04-01-0    555 27th November 2002  J.Allison  (greps-V04-01-05)
989 - Small revison of G4Scale and improvements in    556 - Small revison of G4Scale and improvements in G4VMarker class description.
990                                                   557 
991 20th November 2002  G.Cosmo  (greps-V04-01-04)    558 20th November 2002  G.Cosmo  (greps-V04-01-04)
992 - Patched access to public static data in G4Sc    559 - Patched access to public static data in G4Scale and G4VisAttributes.
993   Added static accessors to be used in the ker    560   Added static accessors to be used in the kernel to allow porting on
994   Windows DLLs.                                   561   Windows DLLs.
995 - HepPolyhedron[]: changed inline static    562 - HepPolyhedron[]: changed inline static methods to not inlined.
996                                                   563 
997 11th November 2002  E.Chernaev  (greps-V04-01-    564 11th November 2002  E.Chernaev  (greps-V04-01-03)
998 - Minor bug fix in HepPolyhedron::GetFacet().     565 - Minor bug fix in HepPolyhedron::GetFacet().
999 - HepDouble, HepBoolean --> double, bool in He    566 - HepDouble, HepBoolean --> double, bool in HepPolyhedron
1000                                                  567 
1001 7th November 2002  E.Chernaev  (greps-V04-01-    568 7th November 2002  E.Chernaev  (greps-V04-01-02)
1002 - Added createTwistedTrap() and createPolyhed    569 - Added createTwistedTrap() and createPolyhedron() to HepPolyhedron.
1003                                                  570 
1004 28th October 2002  J.Allison  (greps-V04-01-0    571 28th October 2002  J.Allison  (greps-V04-01-01)
1005 - Changed AttDefStore to return a map.           572 - Changed AttDefStore to return a map.
1006                                                  573 
1007 24th October 2002  John Allison  (greps-V04-0    574 24th October 2002  John Allison  (greps-V04-01-00)
1008 - Added G4AttDefStore.                           575 - Added G4AttDefStore.
1009 - Further improved G4AttDef/Value.               576 - Further improved G4AttDef/Value.
1010 - Added const G4std::vector<G4AttValue>* fAtt    577 - Added const G4std::vector<G4AttValue>* fAttValues/Defs to G4VisAttributes.
1011                                                  578 
1012 23rd October 2002  John Allison                  579 23rd October 2002  John Allison
1013 - G4Colour class description corrected.          580 - G4Colour class description corrected.
1014 - G4VisAttributes comments slightly improved.    581 - G4VisAttributes comments slightly improved.
1015 - G4AttDef and G4AttValue headers changed to     582 - G4AttDef and G4AttValue headers changed to follow G4 conventions.
1016                                                  583 
1017 27th September 2002  Joseph Perl                 584 27th September 2002  Joseph Perl
1018 - Added first versions of headers for G4AttDe    585 - Added first versions of headers for G4AttDef and G4AttValue.
1019                                                  586 
1020 10th September 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03    587 10th September 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-02-04)
1021 - Added G4Scale::GuidanceString.                 588 - Added G4Scale::GuidanceString.
1022                                                  589 
1023 20th August 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-02    590 20th August 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-02-03)
1024 - Made typedef's public in G4Point3DList.hh a    591 - Made typedef's public in G4Point3DList.hh and G4Polyline.hh.
1025                                                  592 
1026 14th August 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-02    593 14th August 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-02-02)
1027 - Coworks with vis-V03-02-11 and intercoms-V0    594 - Coworks with vis-V03-02-11 and intercoms-V03-02-03.
1028 - Added G4Polyline::transform.                   595 - Added G4Polyline::transform.
1029 - Fixed pedantic warnings in G4NURBS.            596 - Fixed pedantic warnings in G4NURBS.
1030                                                  597 
1031 24th July May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-    598 24th July May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-02-01)
1032 - Improvements to comments and layout in G4Vi    599 - Improvements to comments and layout in G4VisExtent.
1033 - Cosmetic improvements to G4Scale, small cha    600 - Cosmetic improvements to G4Scale, small change of interface.
1034                                                  601 
1035 21st July May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-    602 21st July May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-02-00)
1036 - Added G4Scale.                                 603 - Added G4Scale.
1037                                                  604 
1038 25th May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-01-02    605 25th May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-01-02)
1039 - Added GetSurfaceArea() and GetVolume() to H    606 - Added GetSurfaceArea() and GetVolume() to HepPolyhedron (Evgeni).
1040 - Bug fix in BooleanProcessor.src (Guy, Evgen    607 - Bug fix in BooleanProcessor.src (Guy, Evgeni).
1041                                                  608 
1042 3rd May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-01-01)    609 3rd May 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-01-01)
1043 - Replaced G4RWTValOrderedVector by G4std::ve    610 - Replaced G4RWTValOrderedVector by G4std::vector in G4PlacedPolyhedron
1044   and G4Point3DList.  Forces co-working tags     611   and G4Point3DList.  Forces co-working tags in categories:
1045     geommng-V03-01-02                            612     geommng-V03-01-02
1046     tracking-V03-01-00                           613     tracking-V03-01-00
1047     vis-V03-01-01                                614     vis-V03-01-01
1048                                                  615 
1049 11th April 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-01-    616 11th April 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-01-00)
1050 - Some code has been added to cover unforesee    617 - Some code has been added to cover unforeseen earlier situation
1051   during preselection of faces without inters    618   during preselection of faces without intersection (Evgeni).
1052 - Moved #include <CLHEP/config/TemplateFuncti    619 - Moved #include <CLHEP/config/TemplateFunctions.h> and others from
1053   HepPolyhedron.h to (Evgeni    620   HepPolyhedron.h to (Evgeni).
1054 - Fixed stupid warnings about possible use of    621 - Fixed stupid warnings about possible use of uninitialized variables (Evgeni).
1055 - Made GetNumberOfRotationSteps() static and     622 - Made GetNumberOfRotationSteps() static and public (John).
1056                                                  623 
1057 6th February 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-0    624 6th February 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-00-01)
1058 - More tidying for CodeWizard.  Added virtual    625 - More tidying for CodeWizard.  Added virtual destructors to
1059   HepPolyhedronBox, etc.  Also made all const    626   HepPolyhedronBox, etc.  Also made all constructors non-inline.
1060                                                  627 
1061 3rd February 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-0    628 3rd February 2001  John Allison  (greps-V03-00-00)
1062 - Tidied for CodeWizard.  Note: G4Circle.icc     629 - Tidied for CodeWizard.  Note: G4Circle.icc and G4VVisPrim.icc removed, so
1063   "gmake clean" all relevant directories befo    630   "gmake clean" all relevant directories before updating.
1064                                                  631 
1065 5th June May 2000  Evgeni Chernaev (greps-V01    632 5th June May 2000  Evgeni Chernaev (greps-V01-01-04)
1066 - Bug fix in BooleanProcessor.src.               633 - Bug fix in BooleanProcessor.src.
1067 - Graceful recovery from caseIE() and caseEE(    634 - Graceful recovery from caseIE() and caseEE() non-implementation
1068   (first polygon returned).                      635   (first polygon returned).
1069                                                  636 
1070 20th May 2000  Evgeni Chernaev (greps-V01-01-    637 20th May 2000  Evgeni Chernaev (greps-V01-01-03)
1071 - Temporary workaround to avoid caseIE() and     638 - Temporary workaround to avoid caseIE() and caseEE.
1072                                                  639 
1073 13th May 2000  John Allison (greps-V01-01-02)    640 13th May 2000  John Allison (greps-V01-01-02)
1074 - Changed std:: to HepStd:: for ISO compatibi    641 - Changed std:: to HepStd:: for ISO compatibility (Evgeni Chernaev).
1075                                                  642 
1076 11th April 2000  John Allison (greps-V01-01-0    643 11th April 2000  John Allison (greps-V01-01-01)
1077 - Added operator = (const HepPolyhedron&) to     644 - Added operator = (const HepPolyhedron&) to ExtPolyhedron.
1078                                                  645 
1079 6th April 2000  John Allison (greps-V01-01-00    646 6th April 2000  John Allison (greps-V01-01-00)
1080 - Tagged.                                        647 - Tagged.
1081                                                  648 
1082 4th April 2000  Evgeni Chernaev                  649 4th April 2000  Evgeni Chernaev
1083 - Added boolean operations (add, subtract, in    650 - Added boolean operations (add, subtract, intersect) on HepPolyhedron objects.
1084 - Added BooleanProcessor.src.                    651 - Added BooleanProcessor.src.
1085                                                  652 
1086 30th March 2000  John Allison                    653 30th March 2000  John Allison
1087 - Added virtual operator= to G4Polyhedron.hh     654 - Added virtual operator= to G4Polyhedron.hh and HepPolyhedron.h to avoid
1088   warnings about hiding.                         655   warnings about hiding.
1089                                                  656 
1090 23rd February 2000  John Allison                 657 23rd February 2000  John Allison
1091 - Moved G4Polyhedron constructors and destruc    658 - Moved G4Polyhedron constructors and destructor to .cc.
1092                                                  659 
1093 22nd February 2000  Evgeni Chernaev (greps-V0    660 22nd February 2000  Evgeni Chernaev (greps-V01-00-03)
1094 - Re-instated edge flags for "invisible" edge    661 - Re-instated edge flags for "invisible" edges of HepPolyhedronCons and Torus.
1095                                                  662 
1096 22nd February 2000  John Allison  (greps-V01-    663 22nd February 2000  John Allison  (greps-V01-00-02)
1097 - Added HepPolyhedron (Evgeni Chernaev).  Re-    664 - Added HepPolyhedron (Evgeni Chernaev).  Re-implemented G4Polyhedron.
1098                                                  665 
1099 11th January 2000  John Allison  (greps-V01-0    666 11th January 2000  John Allison  (greps-V01-00-01)
1100 - Fix for spheres with small dtheta.             667 - Fix for spheres with small dtheta.
1101                                                  668 
1102 16th December 1999  John Allison (greps-V01-0    669 16th December 1999  John Allison (greps-V01-00-00)
1103 - Added G4Polyhedron::Transform and G4Polyhed    670 - Added G4Polyhedron::Transform and G4Polyhedron::InvertFacets (Evgeni
1104   Chernaev).                                     671   Chernaev).
1105                                                  672 
1106 17th November 1999 Satoshi Tanaka (greps-V00-    673 17th November 1999 Satoshi Tanaka (greps-V00-01-01)
1107 - Header comments for software reference manu    674 - Header comments for software reference manual
1108                                                  675 
1109 4th October 1999  John Allison  (greps-V00-01    676 4th October 1999  John Allison  (greps-V00-01-00)
1110 - Improved comments in G4Visible.hh.             677 - Improved comments in G4Visible.hh.
1111                                                  678 
1112 23rd July 1999  John Allison                     679 23rd July 1999  John Allison
1113 - Added base class copy to copy contructor of    680 - Added base class copy to copy contructor of G4Polyhedron.
1114                                                  681 
1115 21st July 1999  John Allison                     682 21st July 1999  John Allison
1116 - Added G4PlacedPolyhedron, which includes G4    683 - Added G4PlacedPolyhedron, which includes G4PlacedPolyhedronList.
1117                                                  684 
1118 greps-01-00-08  5th June John Allison            685 greps-01-00-08  5th June John Allison
1119 - Added virtual operator = and overrides to G    686 - Added virtual operator = and overrides to G4Circle and G4Square.
1120                                                  687 
1121 greps-01-00-07  25th May 1999  John Allison      688 greps-01-00-07  25th May 1999  John Allison
1122 - Moved operator != to member function.          689 - Moved operator != to member function.
1123                                                  690 
1124 greps-01-00-06  19th May 1999  John Allison      691 greps-01-00-06  19th May 1999  John Allison
1125 - Fixed compilation warnings, mainly overridi    692 - Fixed compilation warnings, mainly overriding virtual functions.
1126                                                  693 
1127 greps-01-00-05  12th May 1999  John Allison      694 greps-01-00-05  12th May 1999  John Allison
1128 - Made destructors virtual where applicable.     695 - Made destructors virtual where applicable.
1129                                                  696 
1130 greps-01-00-04  28th April 1999  John Allison    697 greps-01-00-04  28th April 1999  John Allison
1131 - Moved G4VVisManager and G4VGraphicsScene to    698 - Moved G4VVisManager and G4VGraphicsScene to intercoms.
1132                                                  699 
1133 greps-01-00-03  7th February 1999  John Allis    700 greps-01-00-03  7th February 1999  John Allison
1134 - Removed GNU_GCC from          701 - Removed GNU_GCC from
1135 - Added G4VGraphicsScene::AddThis (G4Polycone    702 - Added G4VGraphicsScene::AddThis (G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra.
1136                                                  703 
1137 greps-01-00-02  6th January 1999  John Alliso    704 greps-01-00-02  6th January 1999  John Allison
1138 - Very minor change in - 2 ->     705 - Very minor change in - 2 -> 2.
1139 - Inclusion of test/ in tag.                     706 - Inclusion of test/ in tag.
1140                                                  707 
1141 greps-01-00-01  6th January 1999  John Alliso    708 greps-01-00-01  6th January 1999  John Allison
1142 - Corrected constructors of G4VisAttributes f    709 - Corrected constructors of G4VisAttributes for initialisation of
1143   fDaughtersInvisible.                           710   fDaughtersInvisible.
1144                                                  711 
1145 greps-00-04-02 02 December 1998 Evgeni Tchern    712 greps-00-04-02 02 December 1998 Evgeni Tcherniaev
1146 - Added G4NURBS::CalcPoint() for calculation     713 - Added G4NURBS::CalcPoint() for calculation coordinates of a
1147 point lying on the nurbs surface.                714 point lying on the nurbs surface.
1148                                                  715 
1149 greps-00-04-01  25th November 1998  John Alli    716 greps-00-04-01  25th November 1998  John Allison
1150 - Added void G4VisAttributes::SetDaughtersInv    717 - Added void G4VisAttributes::SetDaughtersInvisible (G4bool).
1151                                                  718 
1152 greps-00-03-03  9th November 1998 Satoshi Tan    719 greps-00-03-03  9th November 1998 Satoshi Tanaka
1153 Added G4String fInfo and its access functions    720 Added G4String fInfo and its access functions to G4VMarker
1154                                                  721 
1155 greps-00-03-02  6th November 1998  John Allis    722 greps-00-03-02  6th November 1998  John Allison
1156 - Cleaned up GNUmakefile - no longer includes    723 - Cleaned up GNUmakefile - no longer includes unnecesary -I's
1157                                                  724 
1158 greps-00-03-01  26th September 1998  John All    725 greps-00-03-01  26th September 1998  John Allison
1159 - Removed SetWorldVolume from G4VVisManager -    726 - Removed SetWorldVolume from G4VVisManager - no longer used.
1160                                                  727 
1161 greps-00-02-03  21st August 1998  John Alliso    728 greps-00-02-03  21st August 1998  John Allison
1162 - Rationalised G4VisExtent::G4VisExtent (cons    729 - Rationalised G4VisExtent::G4VisExtent (const G4Point3D& centre,
1163   G4double radius) so that iit is a true "inv    730   G4double radius) so that iit is a true "inverse" of GetExtentRadius.
1164 - Added global target to GNUmakefile (Gabriel    731 - Added global target to GNUmakefile (Gabriele Cosmo).
1165                                                  732 
1166 greps-00-02-02  14th August 1998  John Alliso    733 greps-00-02-02  14th August 1998  John Allison
1167 - Added GeometryHasChanged() to G4VVisManager    734 - Added GeometryHasChanged() to G4VVisManager.  To be used by the run manager.
1168                                                  735 
1169 greps-00-02-01  6th August 1998  John Allison    736 greps-00-02-01  6th August 1998  John Allison
1170 - Removed Draw, ClearView and Show in G4VVisM    737 - Removed Draw, ClearView and Show in G4VVisManager.
1171                                                  738 
1172 greps-00-06-03  26th June 1998  Gabriele Cosm    739 greps-00-06-03  26th June 1998  Gabriele Cosmo
1173 - Updated test/GNUmakefile to new electromagn    740 - Updated test/GNUmakefile to new electromagnetics.
1174                                                  741 
1175 greps-00-06-02  10th June 1998  John Allison     742 greps-00-06-02  10th June 1998  John Allison
1176 - Changed defaults in G4VisExtent to 0.          743 - Changed defaults in G4VisExtent to 0.
1177                                                  744 
1178 1st June 1998  Satoshi Tanaka                    745 1st June 1998  Satoshi Tanaka
1179 - Added Draw(), ClearView(), Show() to G4VVis    746 - Added Draw(), ClearView(), Show() to G4VVisManager.
1180                                                  747 
1181 greps-00-06-01  29th April 1998  John Allison    748 greps-00-06-01  29th April 1998  John Allison
1182 - Introduced Establish/DecommissionSpecials (    749 - Introduced Establish/DecommissionSpecials (G4PhysicalVolumeModel&)
1183   in place of BeginModeling (G4PhysicalVolume    750   in place of BeginModeling (G4PhysicalVolumeModel&).
1184                                                  751 
1185 April 21st, 98 G.Cosmo (greps-00-05-03)          752 April 21st, 98 G.Cosmo (greps-00-05-03)
1186 - Tagged.                                        753 - Tagged.
1187                                                  754 
1188 April 9th, 98 G.Cosmo                            755 April 9th, 98 G.Cosmo
1189 - Porting on DEC-cxx 6.0.                        756 - Porting on DEC-cxx 6.0.
1190   Removed meaningless usage of "const" qualif    757   Removed meaningless usage of "const" qualifier from functions
1191   return type for basic types by value. Modif    758   return type for basic types by value. Modified files:
1192                                                  759 
1193 greps-00-05-02  4th April 1998  John Allison     760 greps-00-05-02  4th April 1998  John Allison
1194 - Re-engineered maintenance of current depth,    761 - Re-engineered maintenance of current depth, etc.  Needed new method
1195   G4VGraphicsScene::BeginModeling (G4Physical    762   G4VGraphicsScene::BeginModeling (G4PhysicalVolumeModel&) in
1196   graphics_reps.  The result is much cleaner     763   graphics_reps.  The result is much cleaner model and modeling
1197   parameters classes.  Also, the current dept    764   parameters classes.  Also, the current depth, physical volume and
1198   logical volume are immediately available as    765   logical volume are immediately available as protected pointers in
1199   G4VScene.                                      766   G4VScene.
1200                                                  767 
1201 HEAD  3rd April 1998  John Allison               768 HEAD  3rd April 1998  John Allison
1202 - Added GetWorld/ScreenDiameter/Radius to G4V    769 - Added GetWorld/ScreenDiameter/Radius to G4VMarker.
1203                                                  770 
1204 April 2, 1998 G.Barrand :                        771 April 2, 1998 G.Barrand :
1205 - : add a G4double cast to he    772 - : add a G4double cast to help NT/Visual compiler.
1206                                                  773 
1207 greps-00-05-01  26th March 1998  John Allison    774 greps-00-05-01  26th March 1998  John Allison
1208 - Removed #if defined(__DECCXX) || defined(WI    775 - Removed #if defined(__DECCXX) || defined(WIN32) from G4NURBS.hh.
1209 - Improved comments in G4VMarker.hh              776 - Improved comments in G4VMarker.hh
1210                                                  777 
1211 7th January 1998  John Allison                   778 7th January 1998  John Allison
1212 - Added arguments to PreAddThis in G4VGraphic    779 - Added arguments to PreAddThis in G4VGraphicsScene.hh.
1213 - Added virtual destructor to G4VVisManager.     780 - Added virtual destructor to G4VVisManager.
1214                                                  781 
1215 December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03)             782 December 19, 97 G. Cosmo - (alpha03)
1216                                                  783 
1217 - Created.                                       784 - Created.
1218                                                  785 
1219 - Previous history (from README)                 786 - Previous history (from README)
1220                                                  787 
1221 vis-00-01-02  13th July 1997  John Allison       788 vis-00-01-02  13th July 1997  John Allison
1222 - Consolidation of previous tag.                 789 - Consolidation of previous tag.
1223                                                  790 
1224 vis-00-01-01  8th June 1997  John Allison        791 vis-00-01-01  8th June 1997  John Allison
1225 - First systematic tag.                          792 - First systematic tag.
1226 - G4Polyhedron - can now set number of sides     793 - G4Polyhedron - can now set number of sides for circle polygon approximation