Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /geometry/solids/specific/History (Version 11.3.0) and /geometry/solids/specific/History (Version 10.6.p1)

  1 # Category geom-specific History               <<   1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   3      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   4      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   5      =========================================================
  6                                                <<   6 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<   7                       Sub-Category History file
  8                                                <<   8                       -------------------------
  9 ## 2024-10-01 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi <<   9 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
 10 - G4GenericTrap: Fixed minor defect reported b <<  10 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
 11                                                <<  11 and keep track of all directory-tags.
 12 ## 2024-07-18 Alvaro Tolosa-Delgado (geom-spec <<  12 It DOES NOT substitute the log-message one should put at every
 13 - Remove internal state of G4TwistedTubs and G <<  13 committal in the source repository !
 14                                                <<  14 
 15 ## 2024-07-10 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi <<  15      ----------------------------------------------------------
 16 - G4ExtrudedSolid: Fixed defects reported by C <<  16      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
 17                                                <<  17      ----------------------------------------------------------
 18 ## 2024-07-08 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 19 - Fixed reported Coverity defect; in G4Voxeliz << 
 20   plain vector copy in methods BuildReduceVoxe << 
 21   BuildBoundaries() and CreateMiniVoxels(..).  << 
 22                                                << 
 23 ## 2024-05-29 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 24 - Added new methods GetNumOfConstituents() and << 
 25                                                << 
 26 ## 2024-05-27 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 27 - Completely revised G4GeneriTrap, it addresse << 
 28                                                << 
 29 ## 2024-05-26 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 30 - New                     << 
 31                                                << 
 32 ## 2024-04-02 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 33 - Applied trivial clang-tidy fixes to classes, << 
 34   'default' keywords.                          << 
 35                                                << 
 36 ## 2024-02-01 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 37 - Use std::size_t for array sizes in G4Polyhed << 
 38                                                << 
 39 ## 2023-07-10 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 40 - Fixed bounding box calculation in G4VTwisted << 
 41                                                << 
 42 ## 2023-06-16 Stephan Hageboeck (geom-specific << 
 43 - Fix an uninitialised value in G4VCSGfaceted: << 
 44                                                << 
 45 ## 2023-06-12 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 46 - Use const iterator in G4Voxelizer::GetPointV << 
 47 - Fixed use of index in G4Tet::GetPointOnSurfa << 
 48                                                << 
 49 ## 2023-05-10 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 50 - Applied clang-tidy fixes (readability, moder << 
 51                                                << 
 52 ## 2023-03-20 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 53 - Fixed more potential uninitialised values in << 
 54   G4SolidExtentList and G4VTwistSurface.       << 
 55                                                << 
 56 ## 2023-03-13 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 57 - Fixed potential uninitialised value for boun << 
 58   G4VTwistSurface::GetBoundaryAtPZ().          << 
 59                                                << 
 60 ## 2023-01-02 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 61 - G4QuadrangularFacet: Fixed warning message   << 
 62                                                << 
 63 ## 2022-11-10 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 64 - Fixed compilation warnings for implicit type << 
 65                                                << 
 66 ## 2022-10-05 Gabriele Cosmo (geom-specific-V1 << 
 67 - Fixed compilation warnings in Intel/icx comp << 
 68   but never used.                              << 
 69                                                << 
 70 ## 2022-04-03 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 71 -,, G4UExtr << 
 72, << 
 73   revision of CreatePolyhedron()               << 
 74                                                << 
 75 ## 2022-02-04 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 76 - G4VTwistedFaceted: used numerical evaluation << 
 77   integral to calculate lateral face surface a << 
 78                                                << 
 79 ## 2022-02-01 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 80 - G4ExtrudedSolid, G4UExtrudedSolid: added def << 
 81   parameters in the constructor with two z-sec << 
 82 - G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection, G4UExtrudedSolid: << 
 83   added default constructor                    << 
 84                                                << 
 85 ## 2022-01-26 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 86 - G4GenericTrap::GetCubicVolume(): calculation << 
 87   using analytical expression; removed private << 
 88   GetFaceCubicVolume();                        << 
 89 - G4GenericTrap::GetSurfaceArea(): improved ca << 
 90   of the area of lateral faces; private functi << 
 91   GetFaceSurfaceArea(), GetTwistedFaceSurfaceA << 
 92   replaced with private function GetLateralFac << 
 93                                                << 
 94 ## 2022-01-21 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 95 - G4Ellipsoid::LateralSurfaceArea(): Enhanced  << 
 96   the lateral surface area                     << 
 97                                                << 
 98 ## 2022-01-11 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
 99 - G4VTwistedFaceted: fCubicVolume, fSurfaceAre << 
100   GetCubicVolume(), GetSurfaceArea() moved to  << 
101 - G4VTwistedFaceted, G4TwistedBox, G4TwistedTr << 
102   calculation of volume and surface area       << 
103                                                << 
104 ## 2022-01-06 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
105 - G4TwistedTubs: Implemented GetSurfaceArea()  << 
106   analytical expressions; added private functi << 
107   GetLateralArea() and GetPhiCutArea()         << 
108                                                << 
109 ## 2021-12-19 Evgueni Tcherniaev (geom-specifi << 
110 - G4Hype: Used analytical expression in GetCub << 
111   and GetSurfaceArea()                         << 
112                                                << 
113 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (geom-specific-V11-00 << 
114 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
115                                                << 
116 ---                                            << 
117                                                << 
118 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
119                                                << 
120 03-December-2021 E.Tcherniaev      (geom-speci << 
121 - G4TwistedTubs: Accurate calculation of the b << 
122   BoundingLimits() and GetExtent(), fixing mea << 
123   penalty. Addressing problem report #2450.    << 
124 - G4TwistedTubs, G4VTwistedFaceted: Fixed GetC << 
125                                                << 
126 15-October-2021 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci << 
127 - G4Tet, G4UTet: Added SetBoundingLimits()     << 
128                                                << 
129 06-October-2021 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci << 
130 - G4Tet: some changes in calculation of boundi << 
131 - G4UTet: added CheckDegeneracy() and SetVerti << 
132                                                << 
133 27-September-2021 E.Tcherniaev     (geom-speci << 
134 - Added degeneracyFlag to the list of paramete << 
135   it addresses first part of the problem repor << 
136                                                << 
137 24-September-2021 E.Tcherniaev     (geom-speci << 
138 - Implemented G4TesselatedSolid::GetFacetIndex << 
139                                                << 
140 10-September-2021 E.Tcherniaev     (geom-speci << 
141 - Implemented G4TesselatedSolid::CheckStructur << 
142 - Optimisation in G4TessellatedSolid::SetExtre << 
143   shuffle of vertices and checking of six extr << 
144                                                << 
145 21-July-2021 E.Tcherniaev          (geom-speci << 
146 - More accurate calculation of distance from p << 
147   in G4TriangularFacet, it addresses problem r << 
148                                                << 
149 25-June-2021 G.Cosmo               (geom-speci << 
150 - Added missing accessor in G4UTet.            << 
151                                                << 
152 12-May-2021 E.Tcherniaev           (geom-speci << 
153 - Reimplemented CreatePolyhedron() in          << 
154   G4Polyhedra, G4Polycone, G4GenericPolycone,  << 
155   G4UPolyhedra, G4UPolycone, G4UGenericPolycon << 
156                                                << 
157 30-April-2021 G.Cosmo              (geom-speci << 
158 - Fixed use of conversion factor in G4UPolyhed << 
159   polyhedra constructs.                        << 
160                                                << 
161 19-April-2021 E.Tcherniaev         (geom-speci << 
162 - G4Polyhedra, G4Polycone: Fix calculation of  << 
163   of negative phiStart, it addresses also prob << 
164                                                << 
165 30-March-2021 B.Morgan             (geom-speci << 
166 - Migrate sources.cmake to modular build API   << 
167                                                << 
168 18-March-2021 E.Tcherniaev         (geom-speci << 
169 - Fix calculation of bounding box position in  << 
170   it addresses problem report #2301            << 
171                                                << 
172 13-January-2021 G.Cosmo            (geom-speci << 
173 - Reduce cases of bad speculation in G4Polyhed << 
174   G4PolyPhiFace::InsideEdges(), based on repor << 
175   by G.Amadio.                                 << 
176                                                << 
177 30-October-2020 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci << 
178 - G4Polycone: Revised GetPointOnSurface();     << 
179   Added protected auxiliary method SetSurfaceE << 
180   Removed GetPointOnCone(), GetPointOnTubs(),  << 
181 - G4GenericPolycone: Revised GetPointOnSurface << 
182   Added protected auxiliary method SetSurfaceE << 
183 - G4Polyhedra: Revised GetPointOnSurface();    << 
184   Added protected auxiliary method SetSurfaceE << 
185   Removed GetPointOnPlane(), GetPointOnTriangl << 
186                                                << 
187 01-October-2020 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci << 
188 - G4Polycone, G4GenericPolycone, G4Polyhedra:  << 
189   implemented GetSurfaceArea(), GetCubicVolume << 
190                                                << 
191 May  21, 2020 Guilherme Lima       (geom-speci << 
192 ----------------------------                   << 
193 - Fix constructor signatures in G4UExtrudedSol << 
194   There were missing const and reference quali << 
195                                                << 
196 30-April-2020 G.Cosmo              (geom-speci << 
197 - Adopt new convention for location of headers << 
198                                                << 
199 09-April-2020 E.Tcherniaev         (geom-speci << 
200 - Added G4GenericTrap::GetTwistedFaceSurfaceAr << 
201 - fixed test for calcula << 
202 - fixed assert stateme << 
203   point flys along the surface (DistanceToIn() << 
204                                                    18 
205 17-January-2020 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci <<  19 17-January-2020 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-specific-V10-05-22)
206 - Implemented G4Tet::SetVertices(), it address     20 - Implemented G4Tet::SetVertices(), it addresses request made
207   at Geant4 Technical Forum.                       21   at Geant4 Technical Forum.
208                                                    22 
209 14-January-2020 Gabriele Cosmo     (geom-speci <<  23 14-January-2020 Gabriele Cosmo
210 - Added protection in G4VFacet header for doub     24 - Added protection in G4VFacet header for double definition of global
211   symbols from Windows Kits code.                  25   symbols from Windows Kits code.
212                                                    26 
213 08-January-2020 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci <<  27 08-January-2020 E.Tcherniaev
214 - Complete revision of G4Tet, speed up, new te     28 - Complete revision of G4Tet, speed up, new
215   It also fixes issues spotted by new unit tes     29   It also fixes issues spotted by new unit test.
216                                                    30 
217 16-December-2019 E.Tcherniaev      (geom-speci <<  31 16-December-2019 E.Tcherniaev
218 - Complete revision of G4Ellipsoid, it fixes i     32 - Complete revision of G4Ellipsoid, it fixes issues with former
219   implementation, in particular it addresses p     33   implementation, in particular it addresses problem report #2206.
220   30%-70% speed-up in all main methods.        <<  34   30%-70% speed-up in all main methods 
221                                                    35 
222 11-December-2019 B.Morgan          (geom-speci <<  36 10-December-2019 G.Cosmo
223 - Cleanup CMake build, removing obsolete granu << 
224   explicit include_directories.                << 
225                                                << 
226 10-December-2019 G.Cosmo           (geom-speci << 
227 - Re-established parameterisation mechanism fo     37 - Re-established parameterisation mechanism for G4Tet and G4UTet which was
228   removed by mistake. Addressing problem repor     38   removed by mistake. Addressing problem report #2209.
229                                                    39 
230 26-November-2019 G.Cosmo           (geom-speci     40 26-November-2019 G.Cosmo           (geom-specific-V10-05-21)
231 - Fixed cases of implicit type conversions fro     41 - Fixed cases of implicit type conversions from size_t to G4int.
232                                                    42 
233 05-November-2019 E.Tcherniaev      (geom-speci     43 05-November-2019 E.Tcherniaev      (geom-specific-V10-05-20)
234 - fixed minor Coverity d     44 - fixed minor Coverity defect (uninitialized array)
235                                                    45 
236 07-October-2019 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci     46 07-October-2019 E.Tcherniaev       (geom-specific-V10-05-19)
237 - fixed minor Coverity d     47 - fixed minor Coverity defect
238                                                    48 
239 16-September-2019 G.Cosmo          (geom-speci     49 16-September-2019 G.Cosmo          (geom-specific-V10-05-18)
240 - Rationalise header inclusions for faceted so     50 - Rationalise header inclusions for faceted solids.
241                                                    51 
242 06-September-2019 G.Cosmo          (geom-speci     52 06-September-2019 G.Cosmo          (geom-specific-V10-05-17)
243 - Removed unnecessary forward declaration in G     53 - Removed unnecessary forward declaration in G4VFacet header.
244                                                    54 
245 29-August-2019 G.Cosmo             (geom-speci     55 29-August-2019 G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-05-16)
246 - Minor c++11 revision and headers cleanup. Co     56 - Minor c++11 revision and headers cleanup. Code formatting.
247 - Use pre-increment wherever possible.             57 - Use pre-increment wherever possible.
248                                                    58 
249 19-August-2019 G.Lima              (geom-speci     59 19-August-2019 G.Lima              (geom-specific-V10-05-15)
250 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fixed a bug in DistanceToOu     60 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fixed a bug in DistanceToOut(), affecting extruded solids
251   defined off-center along the z-axis.             61   defined off-center along the z-axis.
252                                                    62 
253 19-August-2019 G.Cosmo             (geom-speci     63 19-August-2019 G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-05-14)
254 - G4GenericTrap: fixed compilation warnings fo     64 - G4GenericTrap: fixed compilation warnings for variable shadowing on clang-8.
255                                                    65 
256 13-August-2019 G.Cosmo             (geom-speci     66 13-August-2019 G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-05-13)
257 - Enabled wrappers for VecGeom implementation      67 - Enabled wrappers for VecGeom implementation of G4EllipticalTube,
258   G4EllipticalCone and G4Ellipsoid.                68   G4EllipticalCone and G4Ellipsoid.
259                                                    69 
260 10-July-2019 E.Tcherniaev          (geom-speci     70 10-July-2019 E.Tcherniaev          (geom-specific-V10-05-12)
261 - Fixed G4UExtrudedSolid::CreatePolyhedron().      71 - Fixed G4UExtrudedSolid::CreatePolyhedron().
262   Addressing visualization part of the problem     72   Addressing visualization part of the problem report #2171.
263                                                    73 
264 04-July-2019 G.Cosmo               (geom-speci     74 04-July-2019 G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-05-11)
265 - Avoid defining kCarTolerance as 'static cons     75 - Avoid defining kCarTolerance as 'static const' in G4VFacet.
266   Addressing problem report #2172.                 76   Addressing problem report #2172.
267                                                    77 
268 11-June-2019 E.Tcherniaev          (geom-speci     78 11-June-2019 E.Tcherniaev          (geom-specific-V10-05-10)
269 - Use GetVertices() instead of GetParametersLi     79 - Use GetVertices() instead of GetParametersList() in the wrapper G4UTet.
270                                                    80 
271 29-May-2019 G.Cosmo                (geom-speci     81 29-May-2019 G.Cosmo                (geom-specific-V10-05-09)
272 - Fixed minor Coverity defects.                    82 - Fixed minor Coverity defects.
273                                                    83 
274 20-May-2019 G.Cosmo                (geom-speci     84 20-May-2019 G.Cosmo                (geom-specific-V10-05-08)
275 - Defined move constructor and move assignment     85 - Defined move constructor and move assignment operator for G4TriangularFacet.
276                                                    86 
277 14-May-2019 B.Morgan               (geom-speci     87 14-May-2019 B.Morgan               (geom-specific-V10-05-07)
278 - Add inclusion of new G4GeomTypes.hh header t     88 - Add inclusion of new G4GeomTypes.hh header to those headers allowing
279   VecGeom replacement.                             89   VecGeom replacement.
280 - See also geommng-10-05-05                        90 - See also geommng-10-05-05
281                                                    91 
282 23-April-2019  G.Cosmo             (geom-speci     92 23-April-2019  G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-05-06)
283 - Modified G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide      93 - Modified G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide to use only trivial types for
284   MT splitted data in G4PlSideData and G4PhSid     94   MT splitted data in G4PlSideData and G4PhSideData respectively.
285                                                    95 
286 16-April-2019  G.Cosmo             (geom-speci     96 16-April-2019  G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-05-05)
287 - Protected check in G4TwistTubsSide::Distance     97 - Protected check in G4TwistTubsSide::DistanceToPlane() withing debug flag.
288                                                    98 
289 4-April-2019  G.Cosmo              (geom-speci     99 4-April-2019  G.Cosmo              (geom-specific-V10-05-04)
290 - Enabled wrapper for VecGeom implementation o    100 - Enabled wrapper for VecGeom implementation of G4GenericPolycone.
291                                                   101 
292 15-February-2019  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-speci    102 15-February-2019  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-specific-V10-05-03)
293 - Accurate calculation of radical in G4Interse    103 - Accurate calculation of radical in G4IntersectingCone.
294   It addresses the problem report #2111.          104   It addresses the problem report #2111.
295                                                   105 
296 4-February-2019  G.Cosmo           (geom-speci    106 4-February-2019  G.Cosmo           (geom-specific-V10-05-02)
297 - Fix in G4EllipticalTube::CheckParameters() f    107 - Fix in G4EllipticalTube::CheckParameters() for typo in condition.
298                                                   108 
299 30-January-2019  G.Cosmo           (geom-speci    109 30-January-2019  G.Cosmo           (geom-specific-V10-05-01)
300 - Disabled precise computation of extent and u    110 - Disabled precise computation of extent and use simple bounding-box
301   in CalculateExtent() for G4Tet and G4Tessell    111   in CalculateExtent() for G4Tet and G4TessellatedSolid, to speed up
302   intialisation in setups with relatively comp    112   intialisation in setups with relatively complex meshes.
303 - Apply bounding-box calculation for extent al    113 - Apply bounding-box calculation for extent also for corresponding
304   VecGeom wrappers.                               114   VecGeom wrappers.
305                                                   115 
306 24-January-2019  E.Tcherniaev      (geom-speci    116 24-January-2019  E.Tcherniaev      (geom-specific-V10-05-00)
307 - Completely revised, more robust and performa    117 - Completely revised, more robust and performant G4EllipticalTube;
308   new exhaustive test/ ba    118   new exhaustive test/ based on Shape Conventions.
309                                                   119 
310 20-September-2018  G.Cosmo         (geom-speci    120 20-September-2018  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-04-15)
311 - Make G4UPolycone wrapper inheriting from vec    121 - Make G4UPolycone wrapper inheriting from vecgeom::GenericUnplacedPolycone,
312   following the latest changes in VecGeom.        122   following the latest changes in VecGeom.
313                                                   123 
314 13-September-2018  G.Cosmo         (geom-speci    124 13-September-2018  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-04-14)
315 - G4UTessellatedSolid, G4UExtrudedSolid: remov    125 - G4UTessellatedSolid, G4UExtrudedSolid: removed leftover use of
316   UVector3 and replaced with U3Vector.            126   UVector3 and replaced with U3Vector.
317                                                   127 
318 23-August-2018  G.Cosmo            (geom-speci    128 23-August-2018  G.Cosmo            (geom-specific-V10-04-13)
319 - Enabled VecGeom wrapper for G4Tet.              129 - Enabled VecGeom wrapper for G4Tet.
320                                                   130 
321 10-August-2018  A.Gheata           (geom-speci    131 10-August-2018  A.Gheata           (geom-specific-V10-04-12)
322 - Make G4UHype wrapper inheriting from vecgeom    132 - Make G4UHype wrapper inheriting from vecgeom::GenericUnplacedHype,
323   following the latest changes in VecGeom.        133   following the latest changes in VecGeom.
324                                                   134 
325 12-July-2018  G.Cosmo              (geom-speci    135 12-July-2018  G.Cosmo              (geom-specific-V10-04-11)
326 - Removed G4SolidsWorkspacePool class. Adapted    136 - Removed G4SolidsWorkspacePool class. Adapted G4SolidsWorkspace to
327   use templated class G4TWorkspacePool.           137   use templated class G4TWorkspacePool.
328 - Coworks with tags in geometry/volumes, run a    138 - Coworks with tags in geometry/volumes, run and visualization/management.
329                                                   139 
330 25-Jun-2018  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    140 25-Jun-2018  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-04-10)
331 - Use dynamic_cast to attempt fix for spurious    141 - Use dynamic_cast to attempt fix for spurious compilation warnings on
332   CentOS7/gcc-5.3 on G4UTessellatedSolid wrapp    142   CentOS7/gcc-5.3 on G4UTessellatedSolid wrapper.
333                                                   143 
334 17-May-2018  J.Madsen              (geom-speci    144 17-May-2018  J.Madsen              (geom-specific-V10-04-09)
335 - Updated "thread-local-static-var" model to      145 - Updated "thread-local-static-var" model to
336   "function-returning-thread-local-static-refe    146   "function-returning-thread-local-static-reference" model
337   which fixes Windows DLL + MT                    147   which fixes Windows DLL + MT
338                                                   148 
339 11-April-2018  G.Cosmo             (geom-speci    149 11-April-2018  G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-04-08)
340 - Replaced USOLIDS_LIBRARIES with VECGEOM_LIBR    150 - Replaced USOLIDS_LIBRARIES with VECGEOM_LIBRARIES in sources.cmake.
341                                                   151 
342 13-February-2018  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-speci    152 13-February-2018  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-specific-V10-04-07)
343 - Corrected conversion of input parameters to     153 - Corrected conversion of input parameters to internal structure (used for
344   caching for adoption in GDML persistency) in    154   caching for adoption in GDML persistency) in G4UPolycone and G4UPolyhedra
345   wrappers.                                       155   wrappers.
346                                                   156 
347 9-February-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-speci    157 9-February-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-specific-V10-04-06)
348 - Caching facets and vertices in G4UTessellate    158 - Caching facets and vertices in G4UTessellatedSolid wrapper for properly
349   treating indexing in facets.                    159   treating indexing in facets.
350                                                   160 
351 31-January-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-speci    161 31-January-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-specific-V10-04-05)
352 - Corrected use of facets indeces in G4UTessel    162 - Corrected use of facets indeces in G4UTessellatedSolid for visualization.
353 - Minor cleanup in G4TessellatedSolid::CreateP    163 - Minor cleanup in G4TessellatedSolid::CreatePolyhedron(), no functional
354   changes.                                        164   changes.
355                                                   165 
356 15-January-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-speci    166 15-January-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-specific-V10-04-04)
357 - Added validity checks in G4UTessellatedSolid    167 - Added validity checks in G4UTessellatedSolid::AddFacet().
358                                                   168 
359 11-January-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-speci    169 11-January-2018  G.Cosmo           (geom-specific-V10-04-03)
360 - Added and enabled VecGeom wrapper for G4Tess    170 - Added and enabled VecGeom wrapper for G4TessellatedSolid.
361   Requires tags cmake-V10-04-01 and config-V10    171   Requires tags cmake-V10-04-01 and config-V10-04-00.
362                                                   172 
363 20-December-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-speci    173 20-December-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specific-V10-04-02)
364 - Enabled VecGeom wrappers for G4ExtrudedSolid    174 - Enabled VecGeom wrappers for G4ExtrudedSolid and G4Hype.
365                                                   175 
366 13-December-2017  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-speci    176 13-December-2017  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-specific-V10-04-01)
367 - Removed redundant data initialistion in G4Ex << 177 - Removed redundant data initialistion in G4ExtrudedSolid constructors. 
368                                                   178 
369 11-December-2017  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-speci    179 11-December-2017  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-specific-V10-04-00)
370 - Added missing initialisation of two data-mem    180 - Added missing initialisation of two data-members in copy-ctor and
371   assignment operator of G4ExtrudedSolid. Addr    181   assignment operator of G4ExtrudedSolid. Addressing problem report #2016.
372                                                   182 
373 22-November-2017  G.Cosmo         (geom-specif    183 22-November-2017  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-03-25)
374 - Fix in SurfaceNormal() for G4ExtrudedSolid t    184 - Fix in SurfaceNormal() for G4ExtrudedSolid to assure explicit
375   counting of the surfaces where the point is     185   counting of the surfaces where the point is placed on edg
376                                                   186 
377 2-November-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specif    187 2-November-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specific-V10-03-24)
378 - Fixed compilation warning introduced with la    188 - Fixed compilation warning introduced with last tag.
379                                                   189 
380 31-October-2017  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-specif    190 31-October-2017  E.Tcherniaev     (geom-specific-V10-03-23)
381 - Added specialised implementation for constru    191 - Added specialised implementation for constructs defining a non-convex right
382   prism in G4ExtrudedSolid.                       192   prism in G4ExtrudedSolid.
383                                                   193 
384 20-October-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specif    194 20-October-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specific-V10-03-22)
385 - G4TessellatedSolid: print also solid's name     195 - G4TessellatedSolid: print also solid's name in StreamInfo().
386                                                   196 
387 17-October-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specif    197 17-October-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specific-V10-03-21)
388 - Added VecGeom wrapper G4UHype for G4Hype, no    198 - Added VecGeom wrapper G4UHype for G4Hype, not yet activated, pending
389   fixes in VecGeom.                               199   fixes in VecGeom.
390                                                   200 
391 16-October-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specif    201 16-October-2017  G.Cosmo          (geom-specific-V10-03-20)
392 - Temporarly disabled wrappers for G4Tet and G    202 - Temporarly disabled wrappers for G4Tet and G4GenericPolycone, pending
393   their corresponding implementation in VecGeo    203   their corresponding implementation in VecGeom.
394                                                   204 
395 28-September-2017  G.Cosmo        (geom-specif    205 28-September-2017  G.Cosmo        (geom-specific-V10-03-19)
396 - Corrected initialisation of polyhedra by ver    206 - Corrected initialisation of polyhedra by vertices in G4UPolyhdra wrapper
397   following the changes in VecGeom.               207   following the changes in VecGeom.
398                                                   208 
399 15-September-2017  G.Cosmo        (geom-specif    209 15-September-2017  G.Cosmo        (geom-specific-V10-03-18)
400 - G4SolidsWorkspacePool: use DLL export flag f    210 - G4SolidsWorkspacePool: use DLL export flag for static thread-local
401   symbol of the workspace.                        211   symbol of the workspace.
402                                                   212 
403 12-September-2017  G.Cosmo        (geom-specif    213 12-September-2017  G.Cosmo        (geom-specific-V10-03-17)
404 - G4Voxelizer: directly set components for bou    214 - G4Voxelizer: directly set components for bounding-box instead of
405   recreating it in BuildBoundingBox(..).          215   recreating it in BuildBoundingBox(..).
406                                                   216 
407 8-September-2017  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specif    217 8-September-2017  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specific-V10-03-16)
408 - Added specialised implementation for constru    218 - Added specialised implementation for constructs defining a convex right
409   prism in G4ExtrudedSolid.                       219   prism in G4ExtrudedSolid.
410                                                   220 
411 4-September-2017  G.Cosmo         (geom-specif    221 4-September-2017  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-03-15, 14)
412 - Temporarly disabled wrapper for extruded-sol    222 - Temporarly disabled wrapper for extruded-solid, pending implementation
413   of extruded-solid in VecGeom.                   223   of extruded-solid in VecGeom.
414                                                   224 
415 16-August-2017  J.Allison         (geom-specif    225 16-August-2017  J.Allison         (geom-specific-V10-03-13)
416 - Twisted solids: Fixed bug in drawing polyhed    226 - Twisted solids: Fixed bug in drawing polyhedra with negative twist angle.
417   Addressing problem report #1995.                227   Addressing problem report #1995.
418                                                   228 
419 27-July-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specif    229 27-July-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specific-V10-03-12)
420 - G4EllipticalCone: corrected samping of rando    230 - G4EllipticalCone: corrected samping of random points on lateral surface in
421   function GetPointOnSurface().                   231   function GetPointOnSurface().
422                                                   232 
423 24-July-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specif    233 24-July-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specific-V10-03-11)
424 - G4EllipticalCone: improved GetPointOnSurface    234 - G4EllipticalCone: improved GetPointOnSurface() to have uniform sampling of
425   points, using function G4RandomPointOnEllips    235   points, using function G4RandomPointOnEllipse().
426                                                   236 
427 20-July-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specif    237 20-July-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specific-V10-03-10, 09)
428 - G4EllipticalCone: reviewed implementation of    238 - G4EllipticalCone: reviewed implementation of Inside(), DistanceToIn/Out(p),
429   SurfaceNormal() and GetPointOnSurface(); mad    239   SurfaceNormal() and GetPointOnSurface(); made more compact and performant.
430   Addressing problem report #1974.                240   Addressing problem report #1974.
431                                                   241 
432 15-June-2017  G.Cosmo             (geom-specif    242 15-June-2017  G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-03-08)
433 - Enabled adapter also in G4UPolycone wrapper.    243 - Enabled adapter also in G4UPolycone wrapper.
434 - Added check on open solid for G4UPolyhedra w    244 - Added check on open solid for G4UPolyhedra wrapper.
435                                                   245 
436 6-June-2017  G.Cosmo              (geom-specif    246 6-June-2017  G.Cosmo              (geom-specific-V10-03-07)
437 - Enable adapter for VecGeom shapes in G4U* wr    247 - Enable adapter for VecGeom shapes in G4U* wrappers for: paraboloid,
438   polyhedra and GenericTrap. From now on, wrap    248   polyhedra and GenericTrap. From now on, wrappers depends directly on
439   VecGeom shapes implementation. USolids API i    249   VecGeom shapes implementation. USolids API is deprecated and no longer
440   supported.                                      250   supported.
441                                                   251 
442 24-May-2017  G.Cosmo              (geom-specif    252 24-May-2017  G.Cosmo              (geom-specific-V10-03-06)
443 - Renamed ambiguous name Extent() in all solid    253 - Renamed ambiguous name Extent() in all solids and G4U* wrappers to
444   BoundingLimits(). Change required in order t    254   BoundingLimits(). Change required in order to avoid signature conflict
445   with VecGeom in G4U* wrappers.                  255   with VecGeom in G4U* wrappers.
446   Requires tag geommng-V10-03-16.                 256   Requires tag geommng-V10-03-16.
447                                                   257 
448 11-May-2017  G.Cosmo              (geom-specif    258 11-May-2017  G.Cosmo              (geom-specific-V10-03-05)
449 - Removed potential race condition in G4VTwist    259 - Removed potential race condition in G4VTwistSurface::AmIOnLeftSide().
450   Addressing problem report #1972.                260   Addressing problem report #1972.
451                                                   261 
452 7-April-2017  G.Cosmo             (geom-specif    262 7-April-2017  G.Cosmo             (geom-specific-V10-03-04)
453 - Renamed G4SurfaceVoxelizer to G4Voxelizer an    263 - Renamed G4SurfaceVoxelizer to G4Voxelizer and extended to support
454   voxelisation of shapes in 3D space. Adapted     264   voxelisation of shapes in 3D space. Adapted G4TessellatedSolid accordingly.
455                                                   265 
456 13-March-2017  G.Cosmo            (geom-specif    266 13-March-2017  G.Cosmo            (geom-specific-V10-03-03)
457 - G4SolidsWorkspacePool: implemented CleanUpAn    267 - G4SolidsWorkspacePool: implemented CleanUpAndDestroyAllWorkspaces(),
458   to be called by worker threads. Removed decl    268   to be called by worker threads. Removed declaration (i.e. not implemented)
459   of protected method ReleaseAndDestroyWorkspa    269   of protected method ReleaseAndDestroyWorkspace().
460                                                   270 
461 2-March-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specif    271 2-March-2017  E.Tcherniaev        (geom-specific-V10-03-02)
462 - Fixed possible rounding off error in calcula    272 - Fixed possible rounding off error in calculation of 'astep' (max angle
463   for one step) in CalculateExtent() for G4Pol    273   for one step) in CalculateExtent() for G4Polycone, G4GenericPolycone
464   and related USolids wrappers.                   274   and related USolids wrappers.
465                                                   275 
466 27-February-2017  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specif    276 27-February-2017  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specific-V10-03-01)
467 - Revised implementation of GetCubicVolume() a    277 - Revised implementation of GetCubicVolume() and GetSurfaceArea() for
468   G4EllipticalTube, to return exact values.       278   G4EllipticalTube, to return exact values.
469 - Revised implementation of GetSurfaceArea() f    279 - Revised implementation of GetSurfaceArea() for G4EllipticalCone, to
470   return exact value; moved both GetCubicVolum    280   return exact value; moved both GetCubicVolume() and GetSurfaceArea() to
471   be not inline.                                  281   be not inline.
472                                                   282 
473 13-December-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specif    283 13-December-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-03-00)
474 - Correction in G4UExtrudedSolid to signature     284 - Correction in G4UExtrudedSolid to signature for CalculateExtent().
475   Fixes issue of undefined symbol if extruded-    285   Fixes issue of undefined symbol if extruded-solid not included in the
476   list of VecGeom wrappers to activate.           286   list of VecGeom wrappers to activate.
477                                                   287 
478 30-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specif    288 30-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specific-V10-02-25)
479 - Call RemoveRedundantVertices() from G4GeomTo    289 - Call RemoveRedundantVertices() from G4GeomTools in CalculateExtent()
480   for G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra and related USol    290   for G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra and related USolids wrappers.
481 - Fix in G4Parabolid and G4UParaboloid for cor    291 - Fix in G4Parabolid and G4UParaboloid for correct computation of extent.
482                                                   292 
483 18-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specif    293 18-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specific-V10-02-24)
484 - Added consistency checks for extent computat    294 - Added consistency checks for extent computation in USolids wrappers.
485 - Fix in cached parameters in G4UPolyhedra.       295 - Fix in cached parameters in G4UPolyhedra.
486                                                   296 
487 10-November-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specif    297 10-November-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-02-23)
488 - G4UPolyhedra re-introduced new implementatio    298 - G4UPolyhedra re-introduced new implementation of CalculateExtent() using
489   G4BoundingEnvelope and extended wrapper to c    299   G4BoundingEnvelope and extended wrapper to cache corners and start/end
490   Phi parameters, to overcome issues in VecGeo    300   Phi parameters, to overcome issues in VecGeom on treatment of angles.
491                                                   301 
492 10-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specif    302 10-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specific-V10-02-22)
493 - Added caching of corners and implementation     303 - Added caching of corners and implementation of GetCorner() in G4UPolycone
494   in order to assure correct translation.         304   in order to assure correct translation.
495 - Withdrawn changes in G4UPolyhedra introduced    305 - Withdrawn changes in G4UPolyhedra introduced in tag geom-specific-V10-02-16
496   until understood proper conversion from VecG    306   until understood proper conversion from VecGeom.
497                                                   307 
498 7-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specifi    308 7-November-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specific-V10-02-21)
499 - Correction in G4EllipticalCone::DistanceToOu    309 - Correction in G4EllipticalCone::DistanceToOut(p) to make it more accurate.
500 - Added optional debug flag G4BBOX_EXTENT in G    310 - Added optional debug flag G4BBOX_EXTENT in GNUMake build to compare
501   extent calculation by simply using bounding-    311   extent calculation by simply using bounding-box.
502                                                   312 
503 3-November-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specifi    313 3-November-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-02-20, 19)
504 - Fix in G4PolyPhiFace for potential unitialis    314 - Fix in G4PolyPhiFace for potential unitialised data in Inside().
505                                                   315 
506 31-October-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specifi    316 31-October-2016  E.Tcherniaev    (geom-specific-V10-02-18)
507 - Re-implemented CalculateExtent() to make use    317 - Re-implemented CalculateExtent() to make use of G4BoundingEnvelope and
508   removed no-longer used method CreateRotatedV    318   removed no-longer used method CreateRotatedVertices() in G4Polyhedra,
509   G4EllipticalCone, G4Polycone, G4Paraboloid,     319   G4EllipticalCone, G4Polycone, G4Paraboloid, G4ExtrudedSolid, G4Hype,
510   G4GenericPolycone, G4TessellatedSolid, G4Twi    320   G4GenericPolycone, G4TessellatedSolid, G4TwistedTubs and related USolids
511   wrappers.                                       321   wrappers.
512 - Use G4RandFlat instead of RandFlat.             322 - Use G4RandFlat instead of RandFlat.
513                                                   323 
514 21-October-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specifi    324 21-October-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-02-17)
515 - Moved initialisation of G4GeomSplitter threa    325 - Moved initialisation of G4GeomSplitter thread-local data to be inline
516   along with generic template type.               326   along with generic template type.
517   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3    327   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3.9 and XCode-8 on MacOS.
518                                                   328 
519 19-October-2016  E.Tcherniaev      (geom-speci    329 19-October-2016  E.Tcherniaev      (geom-specific-V10-02-16)
520 - Reimplemented CalculateExtent() in G4Polycon    330 - Reimplemented CalculateExtent() in G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra, G4GenericPolycone
521   and associated USolids wrappers, to make use    331   and associated USolids wrappers, to make use of G4BoundingEnvelope.
522                                                   332 
523 5-October-2016  E.Tcherniaev       (geom-speci    333 5-October-2016  E.Tcherniaev       (geom-specific-V10-02-15, 14)
524 - Reimplemented CalculateExtent() in G4Tet, G4    334 - Reimplemented CalculateExtent() in G4Tet, G4UTet, G4GenericTrap,
525   G4UGenericTrap, G4EllipticalTube and G4VTwis    335   G4UGenericTrap, G4EllipticalTube and G4VTwistedFaceted, to make use
526   of G4BoundingEnvelope; removed no-longer use    336   of G4BoundingEnvelope; removed no-longer used method CreateRotatedVertices().
527                                                   337 
528 20-September-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-speci    338 20-September-2016  G.Cosmo         (geom-specific-V10-02-13)
529 - Moved accessors/modifiers for splitter data     339 - Moved accessors/modifiers for splitter data to non-inline in
530   G4PolyhedraSide and G4PolyconeSide.             340   G4PolyhedraSide and G4PolyconeSide.
531   Explicitly initialise G4GeomSplitter data in    341   Explicitly initialise G4GeomSplitter data in G4SolidsWorkspace
532   translation unit.                               342   translation unit.
533   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3    343   Fixing compilation/linking errors on clang-3.9 and XCode-8 on MacOS.
534                                                   344 
535 06-July-2016  E.Tcherniaev         (geom-speci    345 06-July-2016  E.Tcherniaev         (geom-specific-V10-02-12)
536 - Fixed monir typo in function Create() for G4    346 - Fixed monir typo in function Create() for G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra and
537   G4GenericPolycone.                              347   G4GenericPolycone.
538   Fixed minor typos in G4GenericTrap::SurfaceN    348   Fixed minor typos in G4GenericTrap::SurfaceNormal() and
539   G4VTwistSurface::CurrentStatus::ResetfDone()    349   G4VTwistSurface::CurrentStatus::ResetfDone().
540   Issues detected by PVS-Studio static code an    350   Issues detected by PVS-Studio static code analyzer.
541   Addressing problem report #1876.                351   Addressing problem report #1876.
542                                                   352 
543 24-May-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    353 24-May-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-02-11)
544 - Correction in G4UExtrudedSolid for definitio    354 - Correction in G4UExtrudedSolid for definition of CreatePolyhedron().
545                                                   355 
546 20-May-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    356 20-May-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-02-10)
547 - Moved accessors and modifiers in USolids wra    357 - Moved accessors and modifiers in USolids wrappers to be not inlined.
548   Required modification in order to allow corr    358   Required modification in order to allow correct dispatching to VecGeom
549   types.                                          359   types.
550                                                   360 
551 15-Apr-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    361 15-Apr-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-02-09)
552 - Added flag in USolids wrappers for partial u    362 - Added flag in USolids wrappers for partial use of USolids/VecGeom types.
553                                                   363 
554 31-Mar-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    364 31-Mar-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-02-08, 07)
555 - Added overloaded CreatePolyhedron() method t    365 - Added overloaded CreatePolyhedron() method to USolids wrappers.
556   It is now possible to visualize supported Ve    366   It is now possible to visualize supported VecGeom shapes.
557 - Added implementation of CreatePolyhedron() i    367 - Added implementation of CreatePolyhedron() in UExtrudedSolid wrapper.
558                                                   368 
559 10-Mar-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    369 10-Mar-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-02-06)
560 - Added overloaded GetEntityType() method to U    370 - Added overloaded GetEntityType() method to USolids wrappers.
561                                                   371 
562 07-Mar-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-speci    372 07-Mar-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-specific-V10-02-05)
563 - Fix in G4IntersectingCone for smaller precis    373 - Fix in G4IntersectingCone for smaller precision constant in LineHitsCone1()
564   and LineHitsCone2(). Fixes issue observed in    374   and LineHitsCone2(). Fixes issue observed in G4GenericPolycone.
565   Addressing problem report #1794.                375   Addressing problem report #1794.
566                                                   376 
567 03-Mar-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    377 03-Mar-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-02-04)
568 - Fixed compilation warnings for potential uni    378 - Fixed compilation warnings for potential uninitialised values in
569   G4ExtrudedSolid::CheckPolygon() function int    379   G4ExtrudedSolid::CheckPolygon() function introduced in previous tag.
570                                                   380 
571 03-Mar-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-speci    381 03-Mar-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-specific-V10-02-03)
572 - Added 'const' qualifier for methods in G4Ext    382 - Added 'const' qualifier for methods in G4ExtrudedSolid.
573   Added CheckPolygon() to remove collinear and    383   Added CheckPolygon() to remove collinear and coincident points from polygons.
574 - G4QuadrangularFacet: added exhaustive tests     384 - G4QuadrangularFacet: added exhaustive tests in constructor to catch potential
575   problems with a quadrangular facet: collinea    385   problems with a quadrangular facet: collinear vertices, non planar surface,
576   degenerate, concave or self intersecting qua    386   degenerate, concave or self intersecting quadrilateral.
577 - G4TriangularFacet: Improved test in construc    387 - G4TriangularFacet: Improved test in constructor to detect degenerate (too
578   small or too narrow) triangles.                 388   small or too narrow) triangles.
579                                                   389 
580 25-Feb-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-speci    390 25-Feb-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-specific-V10-02-02)
581 - Correction in G4ExtrudedSolid::AddGeneralPol    391 - Correction in G4ExtrudedSolid::AddGeneralPolygonFacets() for precision
582   treatment in construction of tessels to avoi    392   treatment in construction of tessels to avoid cases of collinear points
583   and consequent degenerating triangles.          393   and consequent degenerating triangles.
584   Address problem report #1777.                   394   Address problem report #1777.
585 - Use pre-computed kCarToleranceHalf constant     395 - Use pre-computed kCarToleranceHalf constant in G4ExtrudedSolid, now
586   protected in G4TessellatedSolid.                396   protected in G4TessellatedSolid.
587 - Improved algorithms for computation of area     397 - Improved algorithms for computation of area in G4TriangularFacet and
588   G4QuadrangularFacet. Added post-const qualif    398   G4QuadrangularFacet. Added post-const qualifier to GetArea().
589                                                   399 
590 16-Feb-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    400 16-Feb-2016  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-02-01)
591 - Revised implementation for GetSurfaceArea()     401 - Revised implementation for GetSurfaceArea() and GetCubicVolume() in
592   G4GenericTrap (E.Tcherniaev).                   402   G4GenericTrap (E.Tcherniaev).
593 - Protected debug warning in G4GenericTrap::Su    403 - Protected debug warning in G4GenericTrap::SurfaceNormal() within G4SPECSDEBUG.
594                                                   404 
595 02-Feb-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-speci    405 02-Feb-2016  E.Tcherniaev          (geom-specific-V10-02-00)
596 - Fix in G4GenericTrap for compuation of exten    406 - Fix in G4GenericTrap for compuation of extent.
597   Addressing problem report #1809.                407   Addressing problem report #1809.
598 - Use dot() in formula for computation of GetC    408 - Use dot() in formula for computation of GetCubicVolume() in
599   G4TessellatedSolid.                             409   G4TessellatedSolid.
600                                                   410 
601 18-Nov-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    411 18-Nov-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-15)
602 - Added specialised implementation for GetCubi    412 - Added specialised implementation for GetCubicVolume() in
603   G4TessellatedSolid (J.Allison).                 413   G4TessellatedSolid (J.Allison).
604                                                   414 
605 29-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    415 29-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-14)
606 - Added debug printouts within G4SPECSDEBUG in    416 - Added debug printouts within G4SPECSDEBUG in G4TessellatedSolid for
607   DistanceToIn/Out(p,v) to identify potential     417   DistanceToIn/Out(p,v) to identify potential wrong responses.
608                                                   418 
609 26-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    419 26-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-13)
610 - Removed redundant condition in G4Polyhedra a    420 - Removed redundant condition in G4Polyhedra and G4polycone
611   SetOriginalParameters() method.                 421   SetOriginalParameters() method.
612                                                   422 
613 23-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    423 23-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-12)
614 - G4PolyhedraSide: moved internal struct defin    424 - G4PolyhedraSide: moved internal struct definitions to public section
615   to overcome deficiencies in object-persisten    425   to overcome deficiencies in object-persistency class parsing.
616                                                   426 
617 07-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    427 07-Oct-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-11)
618 - Protected compilation of USolid wrappers wit    428 - Protected compilation of USolid wrappers with G4GEOM_USE_USOLIDS flag.
619                                                   429 
620 01-Sep-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    430 01-Sep-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-10)
621 - Corrected conditional compilation flag in G4    431 - Corrected conditional compilation flag in
622                                                   432 
623 31-Aug-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    433 31-Aug-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-09)
624 - Added USolids/VecGeom wrapper for G4Parabolo    434 - Added USolids/VecGeom wrapper for G4Paraboloid (G.Lima/FNAL).
625   Activated only for external USolids/VecGeom     435   Activated only for external USolids/VecGeom installation.
626                                                   436 
627 13-Aug-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    437 13-Aug-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-08)
628 - Checked for potential never-ending loops.       438 - Checked for potential never-ending loops.
629   No issues found, only added annotations.        439   No issues found, only added annotations.
630                                                   440 
631 05-Aug-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    441 05-Aug-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-07)
632 - Minor code cleanup in G4SurfaceVoxelizer.       442 - Minor code cleanup in G4SurfaceVoxelizer.
633                                                   443 
634 03-Mar-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    444 03-Mar-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-06)
635 - Use accessors x(), y() and z() from UVector3    445 - Use accessors x(), y() and z() from UVector3, instead of directly accessing
636   its data-members. Co-work with tag "geom-uso    446   its data-members. Co-work with tag "geom-usolids-V10-01-09".
637                                                   447 
638 23-Feb-2015  T.Nikitina            (geom-speci    448 23-Feb-2015  T.Nikitina            (geom-specific-V10-01-05)
639 - Fix in SetOriginalParameters() for G4Polycon    449 - Fix in SetOriginalParameters() for G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra, in case
640   of presence of 'rings' structures. Addressin    450   of presence of 'rings' structures. Addressing problem report #1705.
641                                                   451 
642 26-Jan-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    452 26-Jan-2015  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-04)
643 - Renamed DistanceAwayForInside() to DistanceA    453 - Renamed DistanceAwayForInside() to DistanceAway() and use polymorphism.
644                                                   454 
645 26-Jan-2015  T.Nikitina            (geom-speci    455 26-Jan-2015  T.Nikitina            (geom-specific-V10-01-03, 02)
646 - Added special method for Inside 'DistanceAwa << 456 - Added special method for Inside 'DistanceAwayForInside()' in order to fix 
647   precision problem of calculation of Distance << 457   precision problem of calculation of DistanceToSide() in G4PolyconeSide. 
648                                                   458 
649 21-Jan-2015  T.Nikitina            (geom-speci    459 21-Jan-2015  T.Nikitina            (geom-specific-V10-01-01)
650 - Fixed triangularisation method AddGeneralPOl    460 - Fixed triangularisation method AddGeneralPOlygoneFacets() in
651   G4ExtrudedSolid by avoiding flat triangles.     461   G4ExtrudedSolid by avoiding flat triangles.
652 - Added warning message to G4TriangularFacet c    462 - Added warning message to G4TriangularFacet constructor if Area is 0;
653   i.e., case of flat triangle.                    463   i.e., case of flat triangle.
654 - Addressing problem report #1703.                464 - Addressing problem report #1703.
655                                                   465 
656 12-Dec-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    466 12-Dec-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-01-00)
657 - Use canonical form for operator=() in G4Poly    467 - Use canonical form for operator=() in G4PolyconeHistorical and
658   G4PolyhedraHistorical.                          468   G4PolyhedraHistorical.
659                                                   469 
660 17-Sep-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    470 17-Sep-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-11)
661 - Added wrappers for UExtrudedSolid and UGener    471 - Added wrappers for UExtrudedSolid and UGenericTrap; adapted switches to
662   original G4 types accordingly. Requires tag     472   original G4 types accordingly. Requires tag "geom-usolids-V10-00-16".
663                                                   473 
664 01-Sep-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    474 01-Sep-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-10)
665 - Fixed use of polyhedron pointer, to avoid ra    475 - Fixed use of polyhedron pointer, to avoid race condition in MT
666   when parameterised volumes are visualised.      476   when parameterised volumes are visualised.
667                                                   477 
668 22-May-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    478 22-May-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-09)
669 - Added protection in generic constructor of G    479 - Added protection in generic constructor of G4Polyhedra for the case when
670   improper number of sides is given as input.     480   improper number of sides is given as input.
671                                                   481 
672 10-Apr-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    482 10-Apr-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-08)
673 - Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage cla    483 - Get rid of deprecated 'register' storage class specifier in source files.
674                                                   484 
675 31-Mar-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    485 31-Mar-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-07)
676 - Fixed signature of assignment operator to G4    486 - Fixed signature of assignment operator to G4VCSGfaceted.
677                                                   487 
678 31-Mar-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    488 31-Mar-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-06)
679 - Fixed signature of assignment operator to G4    489 - Fixed signature of assignment operator to G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra and
680   and G4GenericPolycone.                          490   and G4GenericPolycone.
681                                                   491 
682 05-Mar-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    492 05-Mar-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-05)
683 - Fixed proper handling of polyhedron pointer     493 - Fixed proper handling of polyhedron pointer in solids, to avoid memory
684   leak for visualization of parameterised volu    494   leak for visualization of parameterised volumes.
685                                                   495 
686 12-Feb-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    496 12-Feb-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-04)
687 - Simply reset polyhedron pointer to zero for     497 - Simply reset polyhedron pointer to zero for modifiers of G4U* wrappers
688   in parameterisation. Resolves crash in MT vi << 498   in parameterisation. Resolves crash in MT visualization when using USolids. 
689                                                   499 
690 12-Feb-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    500 12-Feb-2014  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-03 [and -02])
691 - Added correct cloning mechanism in G4U* wrap    501 - Added correct cloning mechanism in G4U* wrappers.
692   Addressing problem report #1553.                502   Addressing problem report #1553.
693                                                   503 
694 18-Dec-2013  T.Nikitina            (geom-speci    504 18-Dec-2013  T.Nikitina            (geom-specific-V10-00-01)
695 - Fix in G4GenericTrap::InsidePolygone() to ch    505 - Fix in G4GenericTrap::InsidePolygone() to check if p lies between the two
696   extremes of the segment. Addressing problem     506   extremes of the segment. Addressing problem report #1541.
697                                                   507 
698 17-Dec-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    508 17-Dec-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V10-00-00)
699 - Corrected left-over debug printout in G4Poly    509 - Corrected left-over debug printout in G4Polycone::SetOriginalParameters().
700                                                   510 
701 04-Dec-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    511 04-Dec-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V09-06-36)
702 - Corrected left-over debug printout in G4Poly    512 - Corrected left-over debug printout in G4Polyhedra::SetOriginalParameters().
703                                                   513 
704 22-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    514 22-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V09-06-35)
705 - Correction to USolids wrappers for proper se    515 - Correction to USolids wrappers for proper setting of name to base class.
706                                                   516 
707 19-Nov-2013  J.Apostolakis         (geom-speci    517 19-Nov-2013  J.Apostolakis         (geom-specific-V09-06-34)
708 - Fix for issue identified by Coverity: fixed     518 - Fix for issue identified by Coverity: fixed implementation of
709   G4SolidsWorkspacePool singleton.                519   G4SolidsWorkspacePool singleton.
710                                                   520 
711 20-Nov-2013  T.Mikitina            (geom-speci    521 20-Nov-2013  T.Mikitina            (geom-specific-V09-06-33)
712 - Fixed Coverity defects to USolids wrappers.     522 - Fixed Coverity defects to USolids wrappers.
713                                                   523 
714 14-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    524 14-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V09-06-32, 31)
715 - Enabled use of Reset() in G4UPolycone.          525 - Enabled use of Reset() in G4UPolycone.
716 - Corrections to G4UPolycone and G4UPolyhedra     526 - Corrections to G4UPolycone and G4UPolyhedra to allow for visualization
717   of parameterisations on these solids.           527   of parameterisations on these solids.
718                                                   528 
719 13-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    529 13-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V09-06-30)
720 - Correction to G4UTet and G4UGenericPolycone     530 - Correction to G4UTet and G4UGenericPolycone to explicitly include
721   symbols re-definitions from G4Tet and G4Gene    531   symbols re-definitions from G4Tet and G4GenericPolycone respectively.
722                                                   532 
723 12-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    533 12-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V09-06-29)
724 - Added dummy method G4UPolycone::Reset().        534 - Added dummy method G4UPolycone::Reset().
725   NOTE: Required related implementation (curre    535   NOTE: Required related implementation (currently missing!) in UPolycone.
726                                                   536 
727 12-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-speci    537 12-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo               (geom-specific-V09-06-28)
728 - Correction to USolids switch mechanism for G    538 - Correction to USolids switch mechanism for G4Polycone.
729                                                << 539     
730 08-Nov-2013  J.Apostolakis         (geom-speci    540 08-Nov-2013  J.Apostolakis         (geom-specific-V09-06-27)
731 - G4SolidsWorkspace: cleanup of verbosity.        541 - G4SolidsWorkspace: cleanup of verbosity.
732   Reduced verbosity by making it optional.     << 542   Reduced verbosity by making it optional.  
733   Added Set/Get Verbose methods to toggle and     543   Added Set/Get Verbose methods to toggle and view it.
734   Added parameter to constructor for verbosity    544   Added parameter to constructor for verbosity (default=off).
735                                                   545 
736 07-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-26)    546 07-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-26)
737 - Moved wrappers from usolids module.             547 - Moved wrappers from usolids module.
738   Fixed internal dispatcher method for paramet    548   Fixed internal dispatcher method for parameterisation in all wrappers.
739 - Added switching mechanism for G4GenericPolyc    549 - Added switching mechanism for G4GenericPolycone, G4Polycone, G4Polyhedra
740   and G4Tet.                                      550   and G4Tet.
741                                                   551 
742 06-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-25)    552 06-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-25)
743 - Added switch mechanism for USolids (G4Generi    553 - Added switch mechanism for USolids (G4GenericPolycone, G4Polycone,
744   G4Polyhedra, G4Tet). Renamed related G4 type    554   G4Polyhedra, G4Tet). Renamed related G4 types to 'G4O'.
745 - Moved wrappers from USolids module.             555 - Moved wrappers from USolids module.
746                                                   556 
747 01-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-24)    557 01-Nov-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-24)
748 - Corrected CMake script.                         558 - Corrected CMake script.
749                                                   559 
750 31-Oct-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-23)    560 31-Oct-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-23)
751 - Fix for in G4Polyhedra::SetOriginalParameter    561 - Fix for in G4Polyhedra::SetOriginalParameters(). (T.Nikitina)
752 - Moved G4PolyconeHistorical and G4PolyhedraHi    562 - Moved G4PolyconeHistorical and G4PolyhedraHistorical in separate
753   translation units.                              563   translation units.
754                                                   564 
755 29-Oct-2013  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-06-    565 29-Oct-2013  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-06-22)
756 - Split G4Polycone for polycones with decreasi    566 - Split G4Polycone for polycones with decreasing Z-sections.
757   Introduced new class G4GenericPolycone.         567   Introduced new class G4GenericPolycone.
758 - Fixed conversion of generic construct for G4    568 - Fixed conversion of generic construct for G4Polyhedra.
759                                                   569 
760 17-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis/A.Dotti (geom-speci    570 17-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis/A.Dotti (geom-specific-V09-06-21)
761 - Cleanup of code for workspace.                  571 - Cleanup of code for workspace.
762                                                   572 
763 16-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis/A.Dotti (geom-speci    573 16-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis/A.Dotti (geom-specific-V09-06-20)
764 - Created G4SolidsWorkspacePool class, to mana    574 - Created G4SolidsWorkspacePool class, to manage Workspaces
765   Fixed Singleton G4SolidsWorkspacePool for th << 575   Fixed Singleton G4SolidsWorkspacePool for thread safe creation of object. 
766                                                   576 
767 04-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis (geom-specific-V09-    577 04-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis (geom-specific-V09-06-19)
768 - Retagged.                                       578 - Retagged.
769   NOTE: requires tag "geommng-V09-06-12" and c    579   NOTE: requires tag "geommng-V09-06-12" and co-works with "geomvol-V09-06-13".
770                                                   580 
771 04-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis (geom-specific-V09-    581 04-Oct-2013  J.Apostolakis (geom-specific-V09-06-18)
772 - Created G4SolidsWorkspace class, to create,     582 - Created G4SolidsWorkspace class, to create, initialize and destroy
773   per-thread state of PolyCone Sides and PolyH    583   per-thread state of PolyCone Sides and PolyHedra Sides.
774                                                   584 
775 27-Aug-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-17)    585 27-Aug-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-17)
776 - Enabled G4Ellipsoid for parameterisation.       586 - Enabled G4Ellipsoid for parameterisation.
777                                                   587 
778 14-Aug-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-16)    588 14-Aug-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-16)
779 - Move function-scoped 'static const' values f    589 - Move function-scoped 'static const' values for half-tolerances to private
780   data members of classes, to overcome false-p    590   data members of classes, to overcome false-positive race-conditions defects
781   reported by Valgrind in MT mode.                591   reported by Valgrind in MT mode.
782 - Fix in G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToIn(p,v)    592 - Fix in G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToIn(p,v) for specific cases where points
783   are located near surface (T.Nikitina).          593   are located near surface (T.Nikitina).
784                                                   594 
785 16-Jul-2013  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-06-15)    595 16-Jul-2013  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-06-15)
786 - Fix in G4SurfaceVoxelizer affecting tessella    596 - Fix in G4SurfaceVoxelizer affecting tessellated-solid (and extruded-solid)
787   for wrong computation of DistanceToIn(p,v) f    597   for wrong computation of DistanceToIn(p,v) for points outside, when
788   optimisation is active.                         598   optimisation is active.
789                                                   599 
790 11-Jul-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-14)    600 11-Jul-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-14)
791 - Fixed compilation warning in G4Polycone on M    601 - Fixed compilation warning in G4Polycone on MacOS/clang.
792                                                   602 
793 09-Jul-2013  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-06-    603 09-Jul-2013  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-06-13)
794 - Extended method SetOriginalParameters() in G    604 - Extended method SetOriginalParameters() in G4Polycone in order to handle
795   all possible cases of conversion of generic     605   all possible cases of conversion of generic polycone to polycone with
796   (Rmin,Rmaz,Z) parameters.                       606   (Rmin,Rmaz,Z) parameters.
797   Addressing problem report #1462.                607   Addressing problem report #1462.
798                                                   608 
799 03-Jun-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-12)    609 03-Jun-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-12)
800 - Fixed minor Coverity defect in G4PolyhedraSi    610 - Fixed minor Coverity defect in G4PolyhedraSide and G4PolyconeSide.
801                                                   611 
802 22-Apr-2013  J.Apostolakis (geom-specific-V09-    612 22-Apr-2013  J.Apostolakis (geom-specific-V09-06-11)
803 - Revised G4ExtrudedSolid::IsSameLine to use t    613 - Revised G4ExtrudedSolid::IsSameLine to use the perpendicular
804   distance to a line when deciding - not the y    614   distance to a line when deciding - not the y-intercept difference.
805   ( Issue responsible for a problem in Subtrac << 615   ( Issue responsible for a problem in Subtraction Solid in Atlas.  
806      Tatiana & Ivana contributed to debugging.    616      Tatiana & Ivana contributed to debugging. )
807 - Changed GNUmakefile in test directory to wor << 617 - Changed GNUmakefile in test directory to work with Cmake and granular 
808   builds.                                         618   builds.
809                                                   619 
810 16-Apr-2013  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-06-    620 16-Apr-2013  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-06-10)
811 - Fix in calculation of normal in G4Tet::Dista    621 - Fix in calculation of normal in G4Tet::DistanceToOut(p,v,..) and
812   SurfaceNormal(p).                               622   SurfaceNormal(p).
813 - Fix in G4Polycone::GetPointOnCone() for case    623 - Fix in G4Polycone::GetPointOnCone() for cases of shape with decreasing Z.
814   Fixes cases of false report for overlaps det    624   Fixes cases of false report for overlaps detection. Problem report #1462.
815   Added check with exception in constructor fo    625   Added check with exception in constructor for polycone with rInner > rOuter
816   for the same Z.                                 626   for the same Z.
817                                                   627 
818 18-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-09)    628 18-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-09)
819 - G4TessellatedSolid: fixed problem with navig    629 - G4TessellatedSolid: fixed problem with navigation in tessellated solids
820   with concave surfaces. Addresses problem rep    630   with concave surfaces. Addresses problem report #1456.
821 - More cleanup from MT changes in G4VTwistSurf    631 - More cleanup from MT changes in G4VTwistSurface and G4Tet.
822                                                   632 
823 12-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-08)    633 12-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-08)
824 - Added public accessors for MT data to G4Poly    634 - Added public accessors for MT data to G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide.
825                                                   635 
826 11-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-07)    636 11-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-07)
827 - Redefined G4DLL_API to G4GEOM_DLL to avoid c    637 - Redefined G4DLL_API to G4GEOM_DLL to avoid cases of macro redefinition.
828                                                   638 
829 08-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-06)    639 08-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-06)
830 - Renamed G4MT macros to safer ID in G4Polycon    640 - Renamed G4MT macros to safer ID in G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide.
831                                                   641 
832 07-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-05)    642 07-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-05)
833 - Adopt G4GeomSplitter instead of G4MTTransito    643 - Adopt G4GeomSplitter instead of G4MTTransitory in G4PolyconeSide and
834   G4PolyhedraSide. Fixed import/export of stat    644   G4PolyhedraSide. Fixed import/export of static symbols for WIN32 DLLs build.
835                                                   645 
836 22-Feb-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-04)    646 22-Feb-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-04)
837 - Cleanup changes for multi-threading in G4Tet    647 - Cleanup changes for multi-threading in G4Tet, G4VTwistSurface,
838   G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide.             648   G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide.
839 - Removed unused private data member in G4Twis    649 - Removed unused private data member in G4TwistTrapParallelSide.
840                                                   650 
841 07-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-05)    651 07-Mar-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-05)
842 - Adopt G4GeomSplitter instead of G4MTTransito    652 - Adopt G4GeomSplitter instead of G4MTTransitory in G4PolyconeSide and
843   G4PolyhedraSide. Fixed import/export of stat    653   G4PolyhedraSide. Fixed import/export of static symbols for WIN32 DLLs build.
844                                                   654 
845 22-Feb-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-04)    655 22-Feb-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-04)
846 - Cleanup changes for multi-threading in G4Tet    656 - Cleanup changes for multi-threading in G4Tet, G4VTwistSurface,
847   G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide.             657   G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide.
848 - Removed unused private data member in G4Twis    658 - Removed unused private data member in G4TwistTrapParallelSide.
849                                                   659 
850 11-Jan-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-03)    660 11-Jan-2013  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-03)
851 - Fixed condition in G4VTwistSurface::GetBound    661 - Fixed condition in G4VTwistSurface::GetBoundaryLimit() for logical error.
852   Addressing problem report #1420.                662   Addressing problem report #1420.
853                                                   663 
854 20-Dec-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-06-02)    664 20-Dec-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-06-02)
855 - Fixed cases of hang-ups in G4ExtrudedSolid o    665 - Fixed cases of hang-ups in G4ExtrudedSolid on 32-bits platforms, due to
856   G4TessellatedSolid and G4SurfVoxelizer, caus    666   G4TessellatedSolid and G4SurfVoxelizer, caused by accessing bitmask arrays
857   with negative indexes. The problem was relat    667   with negative indexes. The problem was related to floating-point rounding,
858   which can be different even on same platform    668   which can be different even on same platform with debug/release version.
859   Assure same number of computed voxels on 32-    669   Assure same number of computed voxels on 32-bit/64-bit platforms.
860   Fixed error in SetVertexIndex() method, whic    670   Fixed error in SetVertexIndex() method, which might cause problems on
861   certain configurations even for 64-bit syste    671   certain configurations even for 64-bit systems. Fixed minor memory leaks.
862 - Code cleanup for use of G4endl and tabs...      672 - Code cleanup for use of G4endl and tabs...
863                                                   673 
864 14-Dec-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-01)    674 14-Dec-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-06-01)
865 - Restored SVN id headers.                        675 - Restored SVN id headers.
866                                                   676 
867 02-Dec-2012  J.Allison (geom-specific-V09-06-0    677 02-Dec-2012  J.Allison (geom-specific-V09-06-00)
868 - Removed NURBS.                                  678 - Removed NURBS.
869                                                   679 
870 29-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-24)    680 29-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-24)
871 - Remove inclusion of G4PhysicalConstants.hh f    681 - Remove inclusion of G4PhysicalConstants.hh from G4SurfaceVoxelizer.hh.
872 - Fixed unit test for compilation errors.         682 - Fixed unit test for compilation errors.
873                                                   683 
874 28-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-23)    684 28-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-23)
875 - Fixed more cases of inclusion of constants h    685 - Fixed more cases of inclusion of constants header.
876                                                   686 
877 23-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-22)    687 23-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-22)
878 - Added 'const' qualifiers to signature in G4V    688 - Added 'const' qualifiers to signature in G4VoxelComparator::operator()
879   for porting on AIX-xlC compiler.                689   for porting on AIX-xlC compiler.
880                                                   690 
881 14-Nov-2012  P.Mato (geom-specific-V09-05-21)     691 14-Nov-2012  P.Mato (geom-specific-V09-05-21)
882 - Added #undef NDEBUG in unit tests to ensure     692 - Added #undef NDEBUG in unit tests to ensure assert works also in
883   full optimised mode.                            693   full optimised mode.
884                                                   694 
885 14-Nov-2012  P. Mato (geom-specific-V09-05-20)    695 14-Nov-2012  P. Mato (geom-specific-V09-05-20)
886 - Added #undef NDEBUG in unit tests to ensure     696 - Added #undef NDEBUG in unit tests to ensure that assert always works
887                                                   697 
888 13-Nov-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-19)    698 13-Nov-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-19)
889 - More fixes for out-of-bound array accesses i    699 - More fixes for out-of-bound array accesses in G4SurfaceVoxelizer.
890                                                   700 
891 12-Nov-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-18)    701 12-Nov-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-18)
892 - Fixed out-of-bound array access in BuildRedu    702 - Fixed out-of-bound array access in BuildReduceVoxels2().
893                                                   703 
894 06-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-17)    704 06-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-17)
895 - Correction in sources.cmake script for missi    705 - Correction in sources.cmake script for missing .icc file.
896                                                   706 
897 06-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-16)    707 06-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-16)
898 - Fixed Coverity defects in new code (M.Gayer)    708 - Fixed Coverity defects in new code (M.Gayer).
899 - Minor fixes for porting on AIX.                 709 - Minor fixes for porting on AIX.
900                                                   710 
901 01-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-15)    711 01-Nov-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-15)
902 - Fixed compilation of debug code under G4SPEC    712 - Fixed compilation of debug code under G4SPECSDEBUG.
903                                                   713 
904 01-Nov-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-14)    714 01-Nov-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-14)
905 - Corrected signature for voxels count methods    715 - Corrected signature for voxels count methods in G4SurfaceVoxelizer.
906                                                   716 
907 31-Oct-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-13)    717 31-Oct-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-13)
908 - Added set/get methods for voxels count in G4    718 - Added set/get methods for voxels count in G4SurfaceVoxelizer.
909                                                   719 
910 30-Oct-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-12)    720 30-Oct-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-12)
911 - Fixed indexing of vertices in facets for tes    721 - Fixed indexing of vertices in facets for tessellated-solid and some cleanup.
912                                                   722 
913 27-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-11)    723 27-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-11)
914 - Fixed initialization of data in G4SurfaceVox    724 - Fixed initialization of data in G4SurfaceVoxelizer (M.Gayer).
915 - Added post-const qualifier to G4VertextCompa    725 - Added post-const qualifier to G4VertextComparator::operator() in
916   G4TessellatedSolid.                             726   G4TessellatedSolid.
917 - Fixed more compilation warnings on unused va    727 - Fixed more compilation warnings on unused variable.
918                                                   728 
919 26-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-10)    729 26-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-10)
920 - Corrected compilation problem on G4SurfBits     730 - Corrected compilation problem on G4SurfBits for use of fprint().
921 - Polished comments in disclaimer in new updat    731 - Polished comments in disclaimer in new updated classes.
922                                                   732 
923 25-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-09)    733 25-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-09)
924 - Corrected compilation warnings on Linux and     734 - Corrected compilation warnings on Linux and fixed use of memset/memcpy.
925                                                   735 
926 25-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-08)    736 25-Oct-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-08)
927 - Correction to sources.cmake.                    737 - Correction to sources.cmake.
928                                                   738 
929 19-Oct-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-07)    739 19-Oct-2012  M.Gayer (geom-specific-V09-05-07)
930 - Complete rewrite of G4TessellatedSolid resul    740 - Complete rewrite of G4TessellatedSolid resulting in reduced memory
931   requirements by 50%, and factor of tens or m    741   requirements by 50%, and factor of tens or more speedup for number of facets
932   of the order of thousands, thanks to ad-hoc     742   of the order of thousands, thanks to ad-hoc voxelization of the surface.
933   Factor of thousands speedup when number of f    743   Factor of thousands speedup when number of facets of the order of hundreds
934   thousand. New classes introduced, G4SurfBits    744   thousand. New classes introduced, G4SurfBits and G4SurfaceVoxelizer.
935                                                   745 
936 12-Jun-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-06)    746 12-Jun-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-06)
937 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for syst    747 - Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical
938   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclus    748   constants, in plan to remove implicit inclusion from globals.hh.
939                                                   749 
940 14-May-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-05)    750 14-May-2012  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-05)
941 - Fixed spurious cases of hidden variable visi    751 - Fixed spurious cases of hidden variable visibility, detected with
942   '-Wshadow' compilation option on gcc compile    752   '-Wshadow' compilation option on gcc compiler.
943                                                   753 
944 06-Apr-2012  M.Kelsey (geom-specific-V09-05-04    754 06-Apr-2012  M.Kelsey (geom-specific-V09-05-04)
945 - Modified GetPointOnSurface() to throw sqrt(r    755 - Modified GetPointOnSurface() to throw sqrt(r) uniformly for disk surfaces,
946   in G4Paraboloid, G4Polycone and G4TwistedTub    756   in G4Paraboloid, G4Polycone and G4TwistedTubs.
947                                                   757 
948 13-Dec-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-03,    758 13-Dec-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-05-03, 02, 01)
949 - Fixed trivial Coverity defects in G4TwistedT    759 - Fixed trivial Coverity defects in G4TwistedTubs and G4VTwisteFaceted for
950   missing protection against self-assignment.     760   missing protection against self-assignment.
951                                                   761 
952 09-Dec-2011  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-05-    762 09-Dec-2011  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-05-00)
953 - Fix in G4EllipticalCone in DistanceToIn(p,v)    763 - Fix in G4EllipticalCone in DistanceToIn(p,v) to exclude imaginary solution
954   (virtual cone) when distance is calculated.     764   (virtual cone) when distance is calculated.
955                                                   765 
956 10-Nov-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-09)    766 10-Nov-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-09)
957 - Fixed trivial Coverity defects on assignment    767 - Fixed trivial Coverity defects on assignment operators...
958                                                   768 
959 25-Oct-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-08)    769 25-Oct-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-08)
960 - Fixed logic in G4VTwistSurface::GetEdgeVisib    770 - Fixed logic in G4VTwistSurface::GetEdgeVisibility() in treatment of corners.
961                                                   771 
962 16-Sep-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-07)    772 16-Sep-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-07)
963 - Fix compilation error in code within G4SPECS    773 - Fix compilation error in code within G4SPECSDEBUG. No functional changes.
964                                                   774 
965 13-Sep-2011  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-0    775 13-Sep-2011  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-04-06)
966 - G4TriangularFacet: fixed tests where square     776 - G4TriangularFacet: fixed tests where square root was compared to
967   half Cartesian tolerance; now compared to kC    777   half Cartesian tolerance; now compared to kCarTolerance.
968   Addressing problem report #1242.                778   Addressing problem report #1242.
969                                                   779 
970 25-Aug-2011  G.Cosmo                              780 25-Aug-2011  G.Cosmo
971 - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme for warni    781 - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme for warnings and errors.
972 - Defined scheme for warnings/errors coding:      782 - Defined scheme for warnings/errors coding:
973   + 1xxx for warnings, 0xxx for errors.           783   + 1xxx for warnings, 0xxx for errors.
974   Code numbering:                                 784   Code numbering:
975   + 0001: not supported or implemented feature    785   + 0001: not supported or implemented features;
976   + 0002: invalid setup/construct;                786   + 0002: invalid setup/construct;
977   + 0003: invalid run condition;                  787   + 0003: invalid run condition;
978   + 1001: incorrect setup; automatically adapt    788   + 1001: incorrect setup; automatically adapted.
979   + 1002: notification.                           789   + 1002: notification.
980 - Added unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid (J.Apost    790 - Added unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid (J.Apostolakis).
981                                                   791 
982 22-Aug-2011  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-0    792 22-Aug-2011  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-04-05)
983 - Fix in G4TriangularFacet::Intersect() to tak    793 - Fix in G4TriangularFacet::Intersect() to take into account geometrical
984   tolerance and cases of zero distance from su    794   tolerance and cases of zero distance from surface's facet.
985 - Fix in G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p)     795 - Fix in G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p) and DistanceToIn(p) to exactly
986   compute distance from facet avoiding use of     796   compute distance from facet avoiding use of 'outgoing' flag shortcut variant.
987 - Addressing problem report #1242.                797 - Addressing problem report #1242.
988                                                   798 
989 17-Aug-2011  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-04-    799 17-Aug-2011  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-04-04)
990 - Fix in G4Paraboloid::DistanceToIn(p,v) and D    800 - Fix in G4Paraboloid::DistanceToIn(p,v) and DistanceToIn(p) to properly
991   take into account tolerance and provide bett    801   take into account tolerance and provide better estimation of distance
992   respectively. Addresses problem report #1234    802   respectively. Addresses problem report #1234.
993                                                   803 
994 04-Aug-2011  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-04-    804 04-Aug-2011  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-04-03)
995 - Added SetReferences() and InvertFacets() to     805 - Added SetReferences() and InvertFacets() to G4GenericTrap::CreatePolyhedron()
996   for proper visualisation of Boolean composit    806   for proper visualisation of Boolean compositions with G4GenericTrap.
997 - Added SetReferences() to G4TessellatedSolid:    807 - Added SetReferences() to G4TessellatedSolid::CreatePolyhedron()
998   for proper visualisation of Boolean composit    808   for proper visualisation of Boolean compositions with G4TessellatedSolid.
999 - Requires tag "greps-V09-04-04", for addressi    809 - Requires tag "greps-V09-04-04", for addressing problem report #1235.
1000                                                  810 
1001 17-May-2011  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    811 17-May-2011  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-04-02)
1002 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fix in Inside(p) for false    812 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fix in Inside(p) for false overlap reporting.
1003   Addressing problem report #1211.               813   Addressing problem report #1211.
1004                                                  814 
1005 12-May-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-01    815 12-May-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-01)
1006 - Fixed compilation warnings from gcc-4.6.0 f    816 - Fixed compilation warnings from gcc-4.6.0 for variables set but not used.
1007                                                  817 
1008 06-May-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-00    818 06-May-2011  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-04-00)
1009 - Use G4 typedef for CLHEP types.                819 - Use G4 typedef for CLHEP types.
1010                                                  820 
1011 26-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03    821 26-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-20)
1012 - Fixes in G4GenericTrap reported by SBT unit    822 - Fixes in G4GenericTrap reported by SBT unit test in SurfaceNormal(),
1013   DistanceToPlane() and VisExtent().             823   DistanceToPlane() and VisExtent().
1014                                                  824 
1015 16-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03    825 16-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-19)
1016 - G4EllipticalCone: fixes in DistanceToIn(p,v    826 - G4EllipticalCone: fixes in DistanceToIn(p,v) and DistanceToOut(p,v) for
1017   correct handling of point on the surface.      827   correct handling of point on the surface.
1018   Corrected formula for SurfaceNormal(p).        828   Corrected formula for SurfaceNormal(p).
1019                                                  829 
1020 10-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03    830 10-Nov-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-18)
1021 - Added checks on crossing of vertices and to    831 - Added checks on crossing of vertices and too big twisted angle in
1022   G4GenericTrap.                                 832   G4GenericTrap.
1023 - Fixed case of division by zero in G4Twisted    833 - Fixed case of division by zero in G4TwistedTubs.
1024 - Added unit test for G4Polyhedra.               834 - Added unit test for G4Polyhedra.
1025                                                  835 
1026 02-Nov-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-17    836 02-Nov-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-17)
1027 - More fixes on Coverity reports for G4Tessel    837 - More fixes on Coverity reports for G4TessellatedSolid and G4ReduciblePolygon.
1028                                                  838 
1029 20-Oct-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-16    839 20-Oct-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-16)
1030 - Implemented Clone() virtual method for all     840 - Implemented Clone() virtual method for all solids, returning a pointer
1031   to a dynamically allocated copy of the soli    841   to a dynamically allocated copy of the solid. To be used by Geant4-MT.
1032                                                  842 
1033 23-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-15    843 23-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-15)
1034 - Initialize fpPolyhedron to zero in copy-cto    844 - Initialize fpPolyhedron to zero in copy-ctor and operator=().
1035 - Completed implementation of copy-ctor and o    845 - Completed implementation of copy-ctor and operator=() for facets.
1036                                                  846 
1037 20-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-14    847 20-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-14)
1038 - Implemented copy-constructor and assignment    848 - Implemented copy-constructor and assignment operator for all solids
1039   to facilitate conversion to Geant4-MT.         849   to facilitate conversion to Geant4-MT.
1040                                                  850 
1041 08-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-13    851 08-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-13)
1042 - Correction to previous fix in G4ReduciblePo    852 - Correction to previous fix in G4ReduciblePolygon to avoid deleting current
1043   'vertexHead' pointer.                          853   'vertexHead' pointer.
1044                                                  854 
1045 07-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-12    855 07-Sep-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-12)
1046 - Fix within G4CSGDEBUG code for restoring co    856 - Fix within G4CSGDEBUG code for restoring cout precision.
1047 - Fix in G4ReduciblePolygon::RemoveRedundantV    857 - Fix in G4ReduciblePolygon::RemoveRedundantVertices() to avoid potential
1048   case of dereferencing freed pointer.           858   case of dereferencing freed pointer.
1049                                                  859 
1050 19-Aug-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03    860 19-Aug-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-11)
1051 - G4EllipticalTube: extended implementation o    861 - G4EllipticalTube: extended implementation of SurfaceNormal(p) in agreement
1052   with canonical form. Added unit test testG4    862   with canonical form. Added unit test
1053                                                  863 
1054 16-Jul-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-10    864 16-Jul-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-10)
1055 - Fixed cases of division by zero in G4VTwist    865 - Fixed cases of division by zero in G4VTwistSurface and G4TwistBoxSide.
1056 - Use INT_MAX as initialisation for max limit    866 - Use INT_MAX as initialisation for max limits in G4SolidExtentList.
1057                                                  867 
1058 12-Jul-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-09    868 12-Jul-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-09)
1059 - Added dummy initialization to members in st << 869 - Added dummy initialization to members in struct 
1060   G4PolyPhiFace::G4PolyPhiFaceEdge, struct G4    870   G4PolyPhiFace::G4PolyPhiFaceEdge, struct G4ReduciblePolygon::ABVertex.
1061   G4Ellipsoid, G4EllipticalTube, G4EnclosingC    871   G4Ellipsoid, G4EllipticalTube, G4EnclosingCylinder, G4ExtrudedSolid, G4Hype,
1062   G4IntersectingCone, G4Paraboloid, G4PolyPhi    872   G4IntersectingCone, G4Paraboloid, G4PolyPhiFace, G4Polycone, G4PolyconeSide,
1063   G4Polyhedra, G4PolyhedraSide, G4Quadrangula    873   G4Polyhedra, G4PolyhedraSide, G4QuadrangularFacet, G4ReduciblePolygon,
1064   G4TessellatedSolid, G4TriangularFacet, G4Tw    874   G4TessellatedSolid, G4TriangularFacet, G4TwistBoxSide, G4TwistTrapAlphaSide,
1065   G4TwistTrapFlatSide, G4TwistTrapParallelSid    875   G4TwistTrapFlatSide, G4TwistTrapParallelSide, G4TwistTubsFlatSide,
1066   G4TwistTubsHypeSide, G4TwistTubsSide, G4Twi    876   G4TwistTubsHypeSide, G4TwistTubsSide, G4TwistedTubs, G4VCSGfaceted, G4VFacet,
1067   G4VTwistSurface, G4VTwistedFaceted.            877   G4VTwistSurface, G4VTwistedFaceted.
1068 - Fixed case of dereferencing null pointer in    878 - Fixed case of dereferencing null pointer in methods
1069   G4EllipticalTube::DistanceToOut(p,v), G4VCS    879   G4EllipticalTube::DistanceToOut(p,v), G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToIn(p,v)
1070   and G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToOut(p,v).         880   and G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToOut(p,v).
1071 - Fixed unecessary object copy as argument in    881 - Fixed unecessary object copy as argument in method
1072   G4PolyhedraSide::IntersectSidePlane().         882   G4PolyhedraSide::IntersectSidePlane().
1073 - Avoid possible case of derefencing null poi    883 - Avoid possible case of derefencing null pointer in G4ReduciblePolygon
1074   RemoveDuplicateVertices() and RemoveRedunda    884   RemoveDuplicateVertices() and RemoveRedundantVertices() methods.
1075 - Replaced calls to std::abs() with std::fabs    885 - Replaced calls to std::abs() with std::fabs() where suitable.
1076                                                  886 
1077 16-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-08    887 16-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-08)
1078 - Fixed deletion of internal arrays in Create    888 - Fixed deletion of internal arrays in CreatePolyhedron() for G4Polycone
1079   and G4Polyhedra.                               889   and G4Polyhedra.
1080                                                  890 
1081 11-Jun-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03    891 11-Jun-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-07)
1082 - G4GenericTrap: fixed cases of zero dToIn/sT    892 - G4GenericTrap: fixed cases of zero dToIn/sToOut when vertices are collapsed
1083   to triangle, line or point. Added new metho    893   to triangle, line or point. Added new methods handling those specific cases.
1084 - Added unit test for G4GenericTrap.             894 - Added unit test for G4GenericTrap.
1085                                                  895 
1086 10-Jun-2010  I.Hrivnacova                        896 10-Jun-2010  I.Hrivnacova
1087 - G4GenericTrap: fixed parameter names in Cal    897 - G4GenericTrap: fixed parameter names in CalculateExtent() for the test
1088   case construction through tessellated facet    898   case construction through tessellated facets.
1089                                                  899 
1090 09-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo                             900 09-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo
1091 - G4GenericTrap: moved internal methods to pr    901 - G4GenericTrap: moved internal methods to private section and reordered
1092   in source file. Added missing implementatio    902   in source file. Added missing implementation for IsTwisted() method.
1093                                                  903 
1094 03-Jun-2010  T.Nikitina, G.Cosmo (geom-specif    904 03-Jun-2010  T.Nikitina, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-06)
1095 - G4GenericTrap:                                 905 - G4GenericTrap:
1096   o Fixed initialization of fSurfaceArea and     906   o Fixed initialization of fSurfaceArea and fCubicVolume and
1097     calculation of surface area.                 907     calculation of surface area.
1098   o Fixed error in Inside(p) function, and co    908   o Fixed error in Inside(p) function, and corrected use std::fabs() instead
1099     of std::abs() for floating point values.     909     of std::abs() for floating point values.
1100   o Added missing initialisation of fpPolyhed    910   o Added missing initialisation of fpPolyhedron pointer.
1101   o More corrected signatures for use of non-    911   o More corrected signatures for use of non-const references for vectors
1102     passed as arguments to functions.            912     passed as arguments to functions.
1103                                                  913 
1104 02-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-05    914 02-Jun-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-05)
1105 - G4GenericTrap: use const reference for vect    915 - G4GenericTrap: use const reference for vector of vertices passed as argument
1106   in constructor and accessor.                   916   in constructor and accessor.
1107                                                  917 
1108 27-May-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03    918 27-May-2010  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-03-04)
1109 - First implementation of G4GenericTrap shape    919 - First implementation of G4GenericTrap shape, a new solid representing an
1110   arbitrary trapezoid with up to 8 vertices s    920   arbitrary trapezoid with up to 8 vertices standing on two parallel planes
1111   perpendicular to the Z axis.                   921   perpendicular to the Z axis.
1112                                                  922 
1113 28-Apr-2010  P.R.Truscott (geom-specific-V09-    923 28-Apr-2010  P.R.Truscott (geom-specific-V09-03-03)
1114 - Fix in G4TriangularFacet and G4TessellatedS    924 - Fix in G4TriangularFacet and G4TessellatedSolid to correct treatment of
1115   optical photon transport related to interna    925   optical photon transport related to internal reflection at surface.
1116   Addresses problem report #1103.                926   Addresses problem report #1103.
1117                                                  927 
1118 15-Apr-2010  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    928 15-Apr-2010  I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-03-02)
1119 - G4ExtrudedSolid: eliminated requirement for    929 - G4ExtrudedSolid: eliminated requirement for clockwise ordering of polygon
1120   vertices. Added a check for vertices orderi    930   vertices. Added a check for vertices ordering; if vertices are defined
1121   anti-clockwise their ordering is reverted.     931   anti-clockwise their ordering is reverted.
1122   Fix in polygon facet triangularization for     932   Fix in polygon facet triangularization for consequent concave vertices.
1123                                                  933 
1124 24-Feb-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-01    934 24-Feb-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-01)
1125 - Adopt caching of Phi in G4PolyconeSide and     935 - Adopt caching of Phi in G4PolyconeSide and G4PolyhedraSide to avoid
1126   unnecessary consecutive computations on the    936   unnecessary consecutive computations on the same point.
1127                                                  937 
1128 10-Feb-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-00    938 10-Feb-2010  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-03-00)
1129 - Use kInfinity for initialising minimum and     939 - Use kInfinity for initialising minimum and maximum allowed extent for
1130   G4SolidExtentList of faceted solids.           940   G4SolidExtentList of faceted solids.
1131                                                  941 
1132 11-Nov-2009  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-08    942 11-Nov-2009  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-08)
1133 - Avoid fake (and redundant) assignment of va    943 - Avoid fake (and redundant) assignment of value to 3-vector in
1134   G4PolyconeSide and G4TwistTubsSide.            944   G4PolyconeSide and G4TwistTubsSide.
1135                                                  945 
1136 24-Sep-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02    946 24-Sep-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02-07)
1137 - G4Ellipsoid: refined fix in DistanceToIn(p,    947 - G4Ellipsoid: refined fix in DistanceToIn(p,v) for points located on the
1138   curved surface, and correct treatment of ge    948   curved surface, and correct treatment of geometrical tolerance.
1139                                                  949 
1140 09-Sep-2009  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-06    950 09-Sep-2009  G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-06)
1141 - G4Ellipsoid: fixed usage of half-tolerances    951 - G4Ellipsoid: fixed usage of half-tolerances (radial and Cartesian) in
1142   DistanceToIn(p,v), based on incorrect assum    952   DistanceToIn(p,v), based on incorrect assumptions introduced in tag
1143   "geom-specific-V09-02-04", responsible for     953   "geom-specific-V09-02-04", responsible for zero steps on configurations
1144   with cut in Z. Addresses problem report #10    954   with cut in Z. Addresses problem report #1076.
1145                                                  955 
1146 04-Aug-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02    956 04-Aug-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02-05)
1147 - G4Ellipsoid:                                   957 - G4Ellipsoid:
1148   o Fixes in Inside(p) and in DistanceToIn(p,    958   o Fixes in Inside(p) and in DistanceToIn(p,v) for points
1149     located on the curved surface within tole    959     located on the curved surface within tolerance. Final fix for issue
1150     reported in problem report #1050 and conc    960     reported in problem report #1050 and concerning warnings reported by
1151     grid_test.                                   961     grid_test.
1152   o Adopt pre-computed half-tolerance values     962   o Adopt pre-computed half-tolerance values for optimisation.
1153                                                  963 
1154 23-Jul-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02    964 23-Jul-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02-04)
1155 - G4Ellipsoid: fix to DistanceToIn(p,v) in th    965 - G4Ellipsoid: fix to DistanceToIn(p,v) in the calculation of the roots of
1156   the quadratic equation and in DistanceToOut    966   the quadratic equation and in DistanceToOut(p,v) in the calculation of the
1157   normal on cut surfaces. Final fix for probl    967   normal on cut surfaces. Final fix for problem report #1022 and #1050.
1158 - G4PolyconeSide: added protection in method     968 - G4PolyconeSide: added protection in method Normal(), addressing problem
1159   report #1073.                                  969   report #1073.
1160                                                  970 
1161 30-Jun-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02    971 30-Jun-2009  T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02-03)
1162 - G4Ellipsoid: introduced to DistanceToIn(p,v    972 - G4Ellipsoid: introduced to DistanceToIn(p,v) splitting of the distance for
1163   point very far from intersection area and b    973   point very far from intersection area and big difference between solid
1164   dimensions and distance to it; resolves iss    974   dimensions and distance to it; resolves issue observed on 64 bits problem.
1165   Also addressing problem report #1022.          975   Also addressing problem report #1022.
1166                                                  976 
1167 08-May-2009, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-02    977 08-May-2009, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-02)
1168 - Corrected typo in base implementation of G4    978 - Corrected typo in base implementation of G4VCSGfaceted::GetSurfaceArea(),
1169   which was erroneously returning cubic volum    979   which was erroneously returning cubic volume estimation.
1170   Addresses problem report #1062.                980   Addresses problem report #1062.
1171                                                  981 
1172 27-Apr-2009, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-01    982 27-Apr-2009, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-02-01)
1173 - Relaxed error condition in G4TessellatedSol    983 - Relaxed error condition in G4TessellatedSolid::Inside(p) to warning, for
1174   excess of max trials and anomalous conditio    984   excess of max trials and anomalous conditions in distance calculation.
1175   Added more printout information when error     985   Added more printout information when error condition is detected.
1176                                                  986 
1177 27-Feb-2009, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02    987 27-Feb-2009, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-02-00)
1178 - Fix in G4Paraboloid::DistanceToOut(p,v,..)     988 - Fix in G4Paraboloid::DistanceToOut(p,v,..) for the computation of normal
1179   to surface; added missing normalisation to     989   to surface; added missing normalisation to unit, following remark in the
1180   Geometry Forum Hypernews posting #953.         990   Geometry Forum Hypernews posting #953.
1181                                                  991 
1182 21-Nov-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-19    992 21-Nov-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-19)
1183 - Added missing accessors to G4EllipticalCone    993 - Added missing accessors to G4EllipticalCone, required for detector
1184   persistency.                                   994   persistency.
1185                                                  995 
1186 13-Nov-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-18    996 13-Nov-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-18)
1187 - Corrected initialisation of algorithm in G4    997 - Corrected initialisation of algorithm in G4TriangularFacet constructor.
1188                                                  998 
1189 30-Oct-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    999 30-Oct-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-17)
1190 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fixed bug in the decomposi    1000 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fixed bug in the decomposition of polygonal sides for
1191   quadrangular facets in MakeFacets(). Addres    1001   quadrangular facets in MakeFacets(). Addresses problem report #1029.
1192                                                  1002 
1193 23-Sep-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01    1003 23-Sep-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01-16)
1194 - Corrected algorithm in G4TriangularFacet::G    1004 - Corrected algorithm in G4TriangularFacet::GetPointOnFace() according to
1195   suggestion advanced in problem report #1025    1005   suggestion advanced in problem report #1025. Fixes a problem of false
1196   overlaps detection related to G4ExtrudedSol    1006   overlaps detection related to G4ExtrudedSolid and G4TessellatedSolid.
1197                                                  1007 
1198 12-Sep-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-15    1008 12-Sep-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-15)
1199 - G4VFacet: corrected increment of indeces in    1009 - G4VFacet: corrected increment of indeces in operator==(), following
1200   problem report #1024.                          1010   problem report #1024.
1201                                                  1011 
1202 25-Jul-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    1012 25-Jul-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-14)
1203 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fix in polygon decompositi    1013 - G4ExtrudedSolid: fix in polygon decomposition; systematically use
1204   half kCarTolerance instead of kCarTolerance    1014   half kCarTolerance instead of kCarTolerance; added solid name in the
1205   error messages coming from fatal exceptions    1015   error messages coming from fatal exceptions.
1206                                                  1016 
1207 16-Jul-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01    1017 16-Jul-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01-13)
1208 - G4Paraboloid: revised DistanceToOut(p,v,...    1018 - G4Paraboloid: revised DistanceToOut(p,v,...) in answer to problem report
1209   #1015. Fixed precision problem when solving    1019   #1015. Fixed precision problem when solving quadratic equation; apply
1210   comparison with kCarTolerance and not with     1020   comparison with kCarTolerance and not with zero; fixed logic problem in
1211   algoritm for points on surface and directio    1021   algoritm for points on surface and direction inside, relative to directions
1212   along Z, (0,0,Vz).                             1022   along Z, (0,0,Vz).
1213                                                  1023 
1214 22-May-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-12    1024 22-May-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-12)
1215 - Removed left-over debug printout in G4VCSGF    1025 - Removed left-over debug printout in G4VCSGFaceted::DistanceToIn().
1216                                                  1026 
1217 15-May-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01    1027 15-May-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01-11)
1218 - Enhanced GetPointOnSurface() for generic G4    1028 - Enhanced GetPointOnSurface() for generic G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra
1219   constructs; the method uses new triangulati    1029   constructs; the method uses new triangulation algorithm for G4PolyPhiFace.
1220 - G4ExtrudedSolid: added missing 'std' namesp    1030 - G4ExtrudedSolid: added missing 'std' namespace to standard mathematical
1221   function calls.                                1031   function calls.
1222                                                  1032 
1223 28-Apr-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01    1033 28-Apr-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01-10)
1224 - Added kCarTolerance in definition of "low"     1034 - Added kCarTolerance in definition of "low" and "high" cone limits in R
1225   and in Z in order to protect against numeri    1035   and in Z in order to protect against numerical errors. This fixes cases of
1226   DistanceToIn(p,v) returning 'kInfinity' whe    1036   DistanceToIn(p,v) returning 'kInfinity' when p+t*v cross intersection
1227   between two cones.                             1037   between two cones.
1228                                                  1038 
1229 25-Apr-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01    1039 25-Apr-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01-09)
1230 - Added protection against NaN in G4Intersect    1040 - Added protection against NaN in G4IntersectingCone::LineHitsCone1() in
1231   case of configuration where a conic section    1041   case of configuration where a conic section becomes a tube.
1232 - G4EllipticalCone: removed some debug printo    1042 - G4EllipticalCone: removed some debug printouts.
1233                                                  1043 
1234 14-Apr-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01    1044 14-Apr-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01-08)
1235 - G4Hype: refined polyhedron representation f    1045 - G4Hype: refined polyhedron representation for correct visualization of
1236   the shape. Coworks with tag "greps-V09-01-0    1046   the shape. Coworks with tag "greps-V09-01-04".
1237                                                  1047 
1238 13-Mar-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-07    1048 13-Mar-2008, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-01-07)
1239 - Cleared compilation warnings in G4Paraboloi    1049 - Cleared compilation warnings in G4Paraboloid and G4TessellatedSolid
1240   on gcc-4.3.0 for ambiguous use of parenthes    1050   on gcc-4.3.0 for ambiguous use of parentheses in condition statements.
1241                                                  1051 
1242 28-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    1052 28-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-06)
1243 - Correction to previous fix in G4ExtrudedSol    1053 - Correction to previous fix in G4ExtrudedSolid: testing on the edges has
1244   to be limited to the line segment, for this    1054   to be limited to the line segment, for this purpose a new internal method
1245   IsSameLineSegment() has been introduced for    1055   IsSameLineSegment() has been introduced for use instead of IsSameLine().
1246 - Updated and extended unit test testG4Extrud    1056 - Updated and extended unit test
1247                                                  1057 
1248 27-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    1058 27-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-05)
1249 - Fix in G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p,    1059 - Fix in G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p,v,..) to compute normal only
1250   if specified by flag in input.                 1060   if specified by flag in input.
1251 - Fix in G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside(p) for corre    1061 - Fix in G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside(p) for correctly handling the case of
1252   points located on the edges of triangles wh    1062   points located on the edges of triangles which are not the outline edges
1253   of the polygon.                                1063   of the polygon.
1254                                                  1064 
1255 21-Feb-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01    1065 21-Feb-2008, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-01-04)
1256 - G4Polyhedra: fixed problem of out-of-bound     1066 - G4Polyhedra: fixed problem of out-of-bound access to vectors in
1257   GetPointOnSurface().                           1067   GetPointOnSurface().
1258                                                  1068 
1259 20-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    1069 20-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-03)
1260 - G4TessellatedSolid: fixed bug in copy-const    1070 - G4TessellatedSolid: fixed bug in copy-constructor and internal method
1261   CopyObjects() for cloning of facets.           1071   CopyObjects() for cloning of facets.
1262                                                  1072 
1263 05-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    1073 05-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-02)
1264 - G4ExtrudedSolid: bug fix in MakeFacets() to    1074 - G4ExtrudedSolid: bug fix in MakeFacets() to fill 'fTriangles' also in case
1265   of polygon with 3 or 4 vertices, as they ar    1075   of polygon with 3 or 4 vertices, as they are needed for Inside(p).
1266                                                  1076 
1267 02-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    1077 02-Feb-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-01)
1268 - Corrected triangularization of polygon, now    1078 - Corrected triangularization of polygon, now correctly handling case
1269   of concave shapes.                             1079   of concave shapes.
1270 - Corrected order of arguments in G4Paraboloi << 1080 - Corrected order of arguments in G4Paraboloid constructor.  
1271                                                  1081 
1272 16-Jan-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-    1082 16-Jan-2008, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V09-01-00)
1273 - In G4ExtrudedSolid::MakeFacets(), now addin    1083 - In G4ExtrudedSolid::MakeFacets(), now adding triangular facets before quadrangular
1274   ones, following logic behind G4TessellatedS    1084   ones, following logic behind G4TessellatedSolid.
1275                                                  1085 
1276 12-Dec-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-08    1086 12-Dec-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-08a)
1277 - Remove use of global static constant from s    1087 - Remove use of global static constant from singleton initialisation in
1278   G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms class. Use     1088   G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms class. Use 'sqrEpsilon' as local value.
1279                                                  1089 
1280 15-Nov-2007, P.Truscott (geom-specific-V09-00    1090 15-Nov-2007, P.Truscott (geom-specific-V09-00-08)
1281 - Reviewed implementation of G4TessellatedSol    1091 - Reviewed implementation of G4TessellatedSolid::CalculateExtent() to
1282   make it more robust and precise, following     1092   make it more robust and precise, following suggestion by S.Seibert
1283   addressed in problem report #983, now fixed    1093   addressed in problem report #983, now fixed.
1284                                                  1094 
1285 12-Oct-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-07    1095 12-Oct-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-07)
1286 - Corrected wrong boolean condition in method    1096 - Corrected wrong boolean condition in method IntersectLineAndTriangle2D()
1287   of G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms causing     1097   of G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms causing compilation error on VC++8.
1288                                                  1098 
1289 09-Oct-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-06    1099 09-Oct-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-06)
1290 - Reviewed G4TessellatedSolid classes in orde    1100 - Reviewed G4TessellatedSolid classes in order not to make use of random
1291   numbers for selection of direction (by P.Tr    1101   numbers for selection of direction (by P.Truscott).
1292                                                  1102 
1293 02-Oct-2007, G.Cosmo                             1103 02-Oct-2007, G.Cosmo
1294 - Removed debug printout in G4Polycone::GetPo    1104 - Removed debug printout in G4Polycone::GetPointOnCone().
1295                                                  1105 
1296 23-Aug-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-05    1106 23-Aug-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-05)
1297 - Revision of G4TessellatedSolid classes:        1107 - Revision of G4TessellatedSolid classes:
1298   o Fixed problem report #931 by P.Truscott,     1108   o Fixed problem report #931 by P.Truscott, based on suggestion of
1299     R.Holmberg. Modified classes G4Tessellate    1109     R.Holmberg. Modified classes G4TessellatedSolid and G4TriangularFacet.
1300   o Modified data and accessor 'centroid' and    1110   o Modified data and accessor 'centroid' and 'GetCentroid()' for G4VFacet;
1301     replaced by 'circumcentre' and 'GetCircum    1111     replaced by 'circumcentre' and 'GetCircumcentre()' respectively.
1302   o Added utility class G4TessellatedGeometry    1112   o Added utility class G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms.
1303 - Added formulas for calculating SemiAxis and    1113 - Added formulas for calculating SemiAxis and Zheight in G4EllipticalCone
1304   (by T.Nikitina).                               1114   (by T.Nikitina).
1305                                                  1115 
1306 20-Aug-2007, T.Nikitina & L.Lindroos (geom-sp    1116 20-Aug-2007, T.Nikitina & L.Lindroos (geom-specific-V09-00-04)
1307 - Revision of G4EllipticalCone:                  1117 - Revision of G4EllipticalCone:
1308   o DistanceToIn(p): corrected answer for p.z    1118   o DistanceToIn(p): corrected answer for p.z()<-zTopCut and for the point
1309     p on the surface.                            1119     p on the surface.
1310   o DistanceToOut(p,v): now returning positiv    1120   o DistanceToOut(p,v): now returning positive solution or zero when crossing
1311     the elliptical surface.                      1121     the elliptical surface.
1312   o Fix in DistanceToOut(p) which was giving  << 1122   o Fix in DistanceToOut(p) which was giving always zero. 
1313   o Corrected visualisation error of solid in    1123   o Corrected visualisation error of solid in graphics_reps.
1314   o Added some formulas on how to pre-calcula    1124   o Added some formulas on how to pre-calculate 'SemiAxis' and 'zheight'.
1315   o Added checkDistanceToOut() method to unit    1125   o Added checkDistanceToOut() method to unit test.
1316 - Corrections to G4Paraboloid:                   1126 - Corrections to G4Paraboloid:
1317   o Fixed bug in CalculateSurfaceArea() metho    1127   o Fixed bug in CalculateSurfaceArea() method
1318   o Added correct initialisation of 'fPolyhed    1128   o Added correct initialisation of 'fPolyhedron' in constructor.
1319   o Added unit test testG4Paraboloid.            1129   o Added unit test testG4Paraboloid.
1320                                                  1130 
1321 13-Aug-2007, W.Pokorski (geom-specific-V09-00    1131 13-Aug-2007, W.Pokorski (geom-specific-V09-00-03)
1322 - G4PolyconeSide: added workaround to initial    1132 - G4PolyconeSide: added workaround to initialisation of 'corners' vector,
1323   to allow for object persistency with Root-I    1133   to allow for object persistency with Root-I/O (W.Pokorski).
1324                                                  1134 
1325 18-Jul-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-02    1135 18-Jul-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V09-00-02)
1326 - New specific G4Paraboloid with cuts along t    1136 - New specific G4Paraboloid with cuts along the Z axis (by L.Lindroos).
1327 - Fixed dummy constructors of G4Polycone and     1137 - Fixed dummy constructors of G4Polycone and G4PolyPhiFace for initialisation
1328   of 'edges' and 'corners'.                      1138   of 'edges' and 'corners'.
1329 - Coworks with tag "greps-V09-00-01".            1139 - Coworks with tag "greps-V09-00-01".
1330                                                  1140 
1331 12-Jul-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-00    1141 12-Jul-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-00-01)
1332 - Fix in G4Polyhedra::GetPointOnSurface() to     1142 - Fix in G4Polyhedra::GetPointOnSurface() to correctly treat 'totalPhi' instead of
1333   'endPhi' for the case of open shapes and 't    1143   'endPhi' for the case of open shapes and 'twopi' for not open shapes.
1334                                                  1144 
1335 05-Jul-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-00    1145 05-Jul-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V09-00-00)
1336 - Fix in G4Polyhedra::GetPointOnSurface() for    1146 - Fix in G4Polyhedra::GetPointOnSurface() for the case when number of sectors
1337   (numSide) is equal to 1. At the origin of p    1147   (numSide) is equal to 1. At the origin of problems observed when checking
1338   overlaps for polyhedra solids defined as su    1148   overlaps for polyhedra solids defined as such.
1339                                                  1149 
1340 31-May-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-03-03    1150 31-May-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-03-03)
1341 - Fixed initialisation of constants in constr    1151 - Fixed initialisation of constants in constructor for - G4VTwistSurface,
1342   G4PolyPhiFace, G4PolyconeSide, G4PolyhedraS    1152   G4PolyPhiFace, G4PolyconeSide, G4PolyhedraSide - following latest changes
1343   for tunable tolerance.                         1153   for tunable tolerance.
1344                                                  1154 
1345 25-May-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-03-02    1155 25-May-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-03-02)
1346 - Fixed default response of DistToIn/DistToOu    1156 - Fixed default response of DistToIn/DistToOut for twisted solids.
1347 - Use G4TWISTDEBUG instead of G4SPECSDEBUG as    1157 - Use G4TWISTDEBUG instead of G4SPECSDEBUG as debug conditional flag
1348   for twisted solids.                            1158   for twisted solids.
1349 - Some cleanup in G4TwistTrapAlphaSide code.     1159 - Some cleanup in G4TwistTrapAlphaSide code.
1350                                                  1160 
1351 18-May-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-03-01    1161 18-May-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-03-01)
1352 - Use kAngTolerance and kRadTolerance from G4    1162 - Use kAngTolerance and kRadTolerance from G4GeometryTolerance class.
1353 - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-03".           1163 - Coworks with tag "global-V08-03-03".
1354                                                  1164 
1355 11-May-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V08-03    1165 11-May-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V08-03-00)
1356 - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of     1166 - Use call to G4GeometryTolerance instead of kCarTolerance where needed.
1357 - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related    1167 - Requires tag "global-V08-03-00" and related tag set.
1358                                                  1168 
1359 26-Apr-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V08-02    1169 26-Apr-2007, T.Nikitina (geom-specific-V08-02-05)
1360 - Fix in GetPointOnSurface() for G4Polycone t    1170 - Fix in GetPointOnSurface() for G4Polycone to consider also points laying
1361   on rings when consecutive Z-sections are co    1171   on rings when consecutive Z-sections are coincident.
1362   Added method GetPointOnRing().                 1172   Added method GetPointOnRing().
1363 - Added unit test     1173 - Added unit test
1364                                                  1174 
1365 27-Feb-2007, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V08-    1175 27-Feb-2007, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V08-02-04)
1366 - Added specialised constructor for handling     1176 - Added specialised constructor for handling Z-sections in G4ExtrudedSolid.
1367 - Cleared unecessary declaration of IsInside(    1177 - Cleared unecessary declaration of IsInside() methods in G4TriangularFacet
1368   and G4QuadrangularFacet.                       1178   and G4QuadrangularFacet.
1369 - Updated unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid.         1179 - Updated unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid.
1370                                                  1180 
1371 26-Feb-2007, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V08-    1181 26-Feb-2007, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V08-02-04)
1372 - Added specialised constructor for handling     1182 - Added specialised constructor for handling Z-sections in G4ExtrudedSolid.
1373 - Cleared unecessary declaration of IsInside(    1183 - Cleared unecessary declaration of IsInside() methods in G4TriangularFacet
1374   and G4QuadrangularFacet.                       1184   and G4QuadrangularFacet.
1375 - Updated unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid.         1185 - Updated unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid.
1376                                                  1186 
1377 15-Feb-2007, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V08-    1187 15-Feb-2007, I.Hrivnacova (geom-specific-V08-02-03)
1378 - Corrected caching of values in G4ExtrudedSo    1188 - Corrected caching of values in G4ExtrudedSolid.
1379 - Bug fix in G4TriangularFacet::Intersect() t    1189 - Bug fix in G4TriangularFacet::Intersect() to allow for correct update of
1380   'Distance' in condition.                       1190   'Distance' in condition.
1381 - Updated unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid.         1191 - Updated unit test for G4ExtrudedSolid.
1382                                                  1192 
1383 09-Feb-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-02-02    1193 09-Feb-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-02-02)
1384 - Introduced new shape G4ExtrudedSolid, a sol    1194 - Introduced new shape G4ExtrudedSolid, a solid representing the extrusion
1385   of an arbitrary polygon with fixed outline     1195   of an arbitrary polygon with fixed outline in the two Z sections.
1386   New files: G4ExtrudedSolid[] and     1196   New files: G4ExtrudedSolid[] and
1387   by I.Hrivnacova.                               1197   by I.Hrivnacova.
1388 - G4TessellatedSolid:                            1198 - G4TessellatedSolid:
1389   o Made relevant solid's methods virtual, to    1199   o Made relevant solid's methods virtual, to be used as base class.
1390   o Added implementation for GetSurfaceArea()    1200   o Added implementation for GetSurfaceArea() and GetPointOnSurface() methods.
1391   o Added protection in SurfaceNormal() metho    1201   o Added protection in SurfaceNormal() method in case of facet not found.
1392   o Check and return kOutside in Inside() if     1202   o Check and return kOutside in Inside() if point out of solid's extent.
1393                                                  1203 
1394 01-Feb-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-02-01    1204 01-Feb-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-02-01)
1395 - Fix in G4PolyconeSide::DistanceAway() for c    1205 - Fix in G4PolyconeSide::DistanceAway() for correct estimation of distance
1396   for the case of Phi sections (T.Nikitina).     1206   for the case of Phi sections (T.Nikitina).
1397   Addresses problem report #598.                 1207   Addresses problem report #598.
1398 - Updated unit test for G4Polycone to conside    1208 - Updated unit test for G4Polycone to consider new test case.
1399                                                  1209 
1400 22-Jan-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-02-00    1210 22-Jan-2007, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-02-00)
1401 - Do not scale reducible-polygon in G4Polyhed    1211 - Do not scale reducible-polygon in G4Polyhedra::Reset() method.
1402   The 'original_parameters' structure offered    1212   The 'original_parameters' structure offered as input through the accessors
1403   are always assumed to be already scaled by     1213   are always assumed to be already scaled by the 'cos(0.5*phiTotal/theNumSide)'
1404   factor. Addresses problem report #873.         1214   factor. Addresses problem report #873.
1405 - Fixed warning printout in G4Polycone::Reset    1215 - Fixed warning printout in G4Polycone::Reset().
1406                                                  1216 
1407 15-Nov-2006, J.Allison (geom-specific-V08-01-    1217 15-Nov-2006, J.Allison (geom-specific-V08-01-04)
1408 - Fixed typo in G4Polycone::CreatePolyhedron(    1218 - Fixed typo in G4Polycone::CreatePolyhedron() introduced by mistake in
1409   the last cleanup of the source code.           1219   the last cleanup of the source code.
1410                                                  1220 
1411 13-Nov-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-01-03    1221 13-Nov-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-01-03)
1412 - Added concrete implementation of GetSurface    1222 - Added concrete implementation of GetSurfaceArea() in G4Tet (M.H.Mendenhall).
1413                                                  1223 
1414 08-Nov-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-01-02    1224 08-Nov-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-01-02)
1415 - Cleared compilation warnings on SUN-CC for     1225 - Cleared compilation warnings on SUN-CC for changes in the last tag.
1416   Fixed overloaded class variables in G4Polyh    1226   Fixed overloaded class variables in G4Polyhedra and G4Polycone
1417   implementation of CreatePolyhedron().          1227   implementation of CreatePolyhedron().
1418                                                  1228 
1419 31-Oct-2006, J.Allison (geom-specific-V08-01-    1229 31-Oct-2006, J.Allison (geom-specific-V08-01-01)
1420 - Implemented CreatePolyhedron() for G4Polyhe    1230 - Implemented CreatePolyhedron() for G4Polyhedra and G4Polycone.
1421                                                  1231 
1422 20-Oct-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-01-00    1232 20-Oct-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-01-00)
1423 - Implemented caching mechanism for computati    1233 - Implemented caching mechanism for computation of surface area in
1424   all solids and base classes, as done for th    1234   all solids and base classes, as done for the geometrical volume
1425   computation.                                   1235   computation.
1426 - Added missing fake constructor for object p    1236 - Added missing fake constructor for object persistency to G4TessellatedSolid.
1427                                                  1237 
1428 20-Jun-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-10    1238 20-Jun-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-10)
1429 - Added accessor method GetVertices() in G4Te    1239 - Added accessor method GetVertices() in G4Tet to return the list of
1430   vertices composing the solid. Required for     1240   vertices composing the solid. Required for GDML persistency.
1431                                                  1241 
1432 06-Jun-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-09    1242 06-Jun-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-09)
1433 - Added protection against NaNs in G4Polycone    1243 - Added protection against NaNs in G4PolyconeSide::Normal() for points at
1434   the origin.                                    1244   the origin.
1435                                                  1245 
1436 19-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-08    1246 19-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-08)
1437 - Fix in G4Ellipsoid::SetZCuts() and G4Ellipt    1247 - Fix in G4Ellipsoid::SetZCuts() and G4EllipticalTube::SetZCut() for usage
1438   of uninitialised variables.                    1248   of uninitialised variables.
1439                                                  1249 
1440 08-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-07    1250 08-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-07)
1441 - Cleared compilation warning on SUN-CC in G4    1251 - Cleared compilation warning on SUN-CC in
1442                                                  1252 
1443 04-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-06    1253 04-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-06)
1444 - Use different names for unit tests to avoid    1254 - Use different names for unit tests to avoid confusing liblist ...
1445                                                  1255 
1446 03-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-05    1256 03-May-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-05)
1447 - Added four unit tests for G4TessellatedSoli    1257 - Added four unit tests for G4TessellatedSolid.
1448                                                  1258 
1449 24-Mar-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-04    1259 24-Mar-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-04)
1450 - G4TwistedTubs: defined exact estimation for    1260 - G4TwistedTubs: defined exact estimation for GetCubicVolume(),
1451   similar to the one adopted for G4Tubs.         1261   similar to the one adopted for G4Tubs.
1452                                                  1262 
1453 03-Mar-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-03    1263 03-Mar-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-03)
1454 - Corrected boolean condition in G4Triangular    1264 - Corrected boolean condition in G4TriangularFacet::Intersect().
1455   Use '&&' operator in condition. Allows for     1265   Use '&&' operator in condition. Allows for porting on WIN32-VC.
1456                                                  1266 
1457 01-Mar-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-02    1267 01-Mar-2006, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V08-00-02)
1458 - Introducing first implementation of a tesse    1268 - Introducing first implementation of a tessellated solid, contribution
1459   of P.R.Truscott (QinetiQ Ltd, UK).             1269   of P.R.Truscott (QinetiQ Ltd, UK).
1460   New classes: G4QuadrangularFacet, G4Tessell    1270   New classes: G4QuadrangularFacet, G4TessellatedSolid, G4TriangularFacet
1461   and G4VFacet.                                  1271   and G4VFacet.
1462 - Requires tag "greps-V08-00-00".                1272 - Requires tag "greps-V08-00-00".
1463                                                  1273 
1464 12-Jan-2006, J.Allison (geom-specific-V08-00-    1274 12-Jan-2006, J.Allison (geom-specific-V08-00-01)
1465 - G4TwistedTubs and G4VTwistedFaceted::Create    1275 - G4TwistedTubs and G4VTwistedFaceted::CreatePolyhedron():
1466   parameterised polyhedron mesh approximation    1276   parameterised polyhedron mesh approximation in terms of
1467   G4Polyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps().      1277   G4Polyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps().
1468   This is (a) more economical and (b) amenabl    1278   This is (a) more economical and (b) amenable to user control.
1469                                                  1279 
1470 19-Dec-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V08-00-00)    1280 19-Dec-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V08-00-00)
1471 - Fixes in G4EllipticalCone:                     1281 - Fixes in G4EllipticalCone:
1472   o Changed GetPointOnSurface(), which was no    1282   o Changed GetPointOnSurface(), which was not uniform in endcaps.
1473   o Bug fix in Inside(), which was not correc    1283   o Bug fix in Inside(), which was not correct for the elliptic mantel.
1474     Made test similar as in G4EllipticTube.      1284     Made test similar as in G4EllipticTube.
1475   o Several fixes in DistanceToIn/Out(): for     1285   o Several fixes in DistanceToIn/Out(): for looping events (shortest
1476     distance was taken, even if 0); now compa    1286     distance was taken, even if 0); now comparing the distance to the endcap
1477     and to the mantel and decide afterwards w    1287     and to the mantel and decide afterwards which distance is shortest;
1478     added check n*v.                             1288     added check n*v.
1479   o The code is now "good" at 90%. Still 10%     1289   o The code is now "good" at 90%. Still 10% wrong reconstructed events.
1480     e.g there is a problem is DistanceToOut()    1290     e.g there is a problem is DistanceToOut(): missed the intersection
1481     (reconstruction took the encap instead of    1291     (reconstruction took the encap instead of the mantel).
1482                                                  1292 
1483 09-Dec-2005, O.Link                              1293 09-Dec-2005, O.Link
1484 - Fixed visibility of soft edges on the twist    1294 - Fixed visibility of soft edges on the twisted solids.
1485                                                  1295 
1486 08-Dec-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-01-14)    1296 08-Dec-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-01-14)
1487 - Fixed bug in G4VTwistSurface::ComputeLocalP    1297 - Fixed bug in G4VTwistSurface::ComputeLocalPoint(p) for point coordinate
1488   transformation. The bug affected only G4Twi    1298   transformation. The bug affected only G4TwistTrapFlatSide.
1489                                                  1299 
1490 06-Dec-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-13    1300 06-Dec-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-13)
1491 - Fixed compilation errors on WIN32-VC for la    1301 - Fixed compilation errors on WIN32-VC for last tag changes.
1492                                                  1302 
1493 05-Dec-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-01-12)    1303 05-Dec-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-01-12)
1494 - Added polyhedron definition for twisted sol    1304 - Added polyhedron definition for twisted solids (G4TwistedTrap,
1495   G4TwistedTrd, G4TwistedBox, G4TwistedTubs)     1305   G4TwistedTrd, G4TwistedBox, G4TwistedTubs) for visualization.
1496                                                  1306 
1497 30-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-11    1307 30-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-11)
1498 - Trivial fixes for porting on CLHEP-2.0.X se    1308 - Trivial fixes for porting on CLHEP-2.0.X series.
1499                                                  1309 
1500 18-Nov-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-01-10)    1310 18-Nov-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-01-10)
1501 - Renamed classes for twisted solids set, to     1311 - Renamed classes for twisted solids set, to identify them in the
1502   twisted framework.                             1312   twisted framework.
1503                                                  1313 
1504 17-Nov-2005, O.Link                              1314 17-Nov-2005, O.Link
1505 - G4VTwistedFacted:                              1315 - G4VTwistedFacted:
1506   o corrected bug in DistanceToSurface() impl    1316   o corrected bug in DistanceToSurface() implementation
1507   o added GetPointOnSurface() method             1317   o added GetPointOnSurface() method
1508 - G4TwistedTubs:                                 1318 - G4TwistedTubs:
1509   o added GetPointOnSurface() method             1319   o added GetPointOnSurface() method
1510 - G4Hype:                                        1320 - G4Hype:
1511   o corrected surface area calculation used i    1321   o corrected surface area calculation used in GetPointOnSurface()
1512                                               << 1322   
1513 17-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-09    1323 17-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-09)
1514 - More fixes required for direct object persi    1324 - More fixes required for direct object persistency to G4Polycone,
1515   G4polyhedra and related utility classes.       1325   G4polyhedra and related utility classes.
1516                                                  1326 
1517 10-Nov-2005, J.Allison (geom-specific-V07-01-    1327 10-Nov-2005, J.Allison (geom-specific-V07-01-08)
1518 - G4Tet:                                         1328 - G4Tet:
1519   o Added implementation for GetPolyhedron()     1329   o Added implementation for GetPolyhedron() and GetCubicVolume().
1520   o Corrected order of specifying vertices in    1330   o Corrected order of specifying vertices in CreatePolyhedron().
1521                                                  1331 
1522 09-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-07    1332 09-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-07)
1523 - Added fake default constructor for all conc    1333 - Added fake default constructor for all concrete solids and relevant
1524   utility classes, for usage of direct object    1334   utility classes, for usage of direct object persistency.
1525 - Implemented changes to support CLHEP-2.0.X     1335 - Implemented changes to support CLHEP-2.0.X for explicit usage of the
1526   CLHEP/HepGeom namespaces for CLHEP types.      1336   CLHEP/HepGeom namespaces for CLHEP types.
1527                                                  1337 
1528 07-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-06    1338 07-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-06)
1529 - G4Ellipsoid: replaced call to hypot(x,y) wi    1339 - G4Ellipsoid: replaced call to hypot(x,y) with std::sqrt(x*x+y*y)
1530   for porting to ISO standard.                   1340   for porting to ISO standard.
1531                                                  1341 
1532 02-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-05    1342 02-Nov-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-05)
1533 - G4Polyhedra, G4Polycone:                       1343 - G4Polyhedra, G4Polycone:
1534   o Protected case of generic construct for v    1344   o Protected case of generic construct for visualization.
1535   o Introduced explicit flag and method IsGen    1345   o Introduced explicit flag and method IsGeneric() to identify the kind
1536     of constructor used.                         1346     of constructor used.
1537                                                  1347 
1538 29-Sep-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-04    1348 29-Sep-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-04)
1539 - Fix in G4EllipticalCone methods DistanceToI    1349 - Fix in G4EllipticalCone methods DistanceToIn() and DistanceToOut().
1540   Added unit test for it (by D.Anninos).         1350   Added unit test for it (by D.Anninos).
1541 - Coworks with tag "greps-V07-01-02".            1351 - Coworks with tag "greps-V07-01-02".
1542                                                  1352 
1543 10-Aug-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-03    1353 10-Aug-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-03)
1544 - Introduced new solid G4EllipticalCone, a fu    1354 - Introduced new solid G4EllipticalCone, a full cone with elliptical base
1545   that can be cut in Z (by D.Anninos).           1355   that can be cut in Z (by D.Anninos).
1546   Coworks with tag "greps-V07-01-02".            1356   Coworks with tag "greps-V07-01-02".
1547                                                  1357 
1548 08-Aug-2005, D.Anninos (geom-specific-V07-01-    1358 08-Aug-2005, D.Anninos (geom-specific-V07-01-02)
1549 - Added GetPointOnSurface() for all solids ex    1359 - Added GetPointOnSurface() for all solids except twisted ones.
1550   The method returns a random point according    1360   The method returns a random point according to a quasi-uniform
1551   distribution along the surface.                1361   distribution along the surface.
1552                                                  1362 
1553 18-Jul-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-01    1363 18-Jul-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-01)
1554 - Fixed compilation warning on WIN32-VC for G    1364 - Fixed compilation warning on WIN32-VC for
1555 - Not including G4Tet.                           1365 - Not including G4Tet.
1556                                                  1366 
1557 06-Jul-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-00    1367 06-Jul-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-01-00)
1558 - Added new shape G4Ellipsoid. Coworks with t    1368 - Added new shape G4Ellipsoid. Coworks with tag "greps-V07-01-00".
1559   Contribution of G.Horton-Smith and G.Guerri    1369   Contribution of G.Horton-Smith and G.Guerrieri.
1560   Code cleanup, and added default arguments f    1370   Code cleanup, and added default arguments for cuts, added first
1561   implementation of unit test.                   1371   implementation of unit test.
1562 - Corrected unit tests for twisted-box/trap.     1372 - Corrected unit tests for twisted-box/trap.
1563 - Not including G4Tet.                           1373 - Not including G4Tet.
1564                                                  1374 
1565 15-Jun-2005, J.Apostolakis                       1375 15-Jun-2005, J.Apostolakis
1566 - Introduced new solid G4Tet, contribution of    1376 - Introduced new solid G4Tet, contribution of M.H.Mendenhall
1567   and R.A.Weller, Vanderbilt University, USA.    1377   and R.A.Weller, Vanderbilt University, USA.
1568                                                  1378 
1569 29-Apr-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-04)    1379 29-Apr-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-04)
1570 - G4TwistedSurface: fixed bug in GetAreaCode(    1380 - G4TwistedSurface: fixed bug in GetAreaCode() affecting G4TwistedTubs.
1571                                                  1381 
1572 04-Apr-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-00-03    1382 04-Apr-2005, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V07-00-03)
1573 - Added test for Number-Of-Rotation-Steps in     1383 - Added test for Number-Of-Rotation-Steps in GetPolyhedron() for
1574   G4VCSGfaceted, G4Hype and G4EllipticalTube     1384   G4VCSGfaceted, G4Hype and G4EllipticalTube (by J.Allison).
1575   Requires tag "greps-V07-00-02".                1385   Requires tag "greps-V07-00-02".
1576 - Added elementary implementation of CreatePo    1386 - Added elementary implementation of CreatePolyhedron() for G4Hype,
1577   G4TwistedBox, G4TwistedTubs, G4TwistedTrd,     1387   G4TwistedBox, G4TwistedTubs, G4TwistedTrd, G4TwistedTrap.
1578 - Some code cleanup.                             1388 - Some code cleanup.
1579                                                  1389 
1580 18-Mar-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-02)    1390 18-Mar-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-02)
1581 - New generic framework for twisted solids G4    1391 - New generic framework for twisted solids G4TwistedBox, G4TwistedTrd and
1582   G4TwistedTrap: inheriting now from the base    1392   G4TwistedTrap: inheriting now from the base class G4VTwistedFaceted.
1583 - Extended G4TwistedTrap to support setups wi    1393 - Extended G4TwistedTrap to support setups with different trapezoidal
1584   endcaps with centres not necessarily on a l    1394   endcaps with centres not necessarily on a line parallel to the z axis.
1585 - Added G4TwistedTrd and general G4TwistedTra    1395 - Added G4TwistedTrd and general G4TwistedTrap as test cases in test.
1586                                                  1396 
1587 03-Mar-2005, J.Allison                           1397 03-Mar-2005, J.Allison
1588 - Changed AddThis() to AddSolid() for all sol    1398 - Changed AddThis() to AddSolid() for all solids in the implementation
1589   of DescribeYourselfTo(G4VGraphicsScene&).      1399   of DescribeYourselfTo(G4VGraphicsScene&).
1590                                                  1400 
1591 01-Mar-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-01)    1401 01-Mar-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-01)
1592 - Fixed compilation warnings on WIN32-VC for     1402 - Fixed compilation warnings on WIN32-VC for
1593                                                  1403 
1594 14-Feb-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-00)    1404 14-Feb-2005, O.Link (geom-specific-V07-00-00)
1595 - Use new polynom approximations based on new    1405 - Use new polynom approximations based on new solver based on Jenkins-Traub
1596   algorithm, for twisted-box and twisted-trap    1406   algorithm, for twisted-box and twisted-trap.
1597 - Fixed bug in the usage of 'fmod' and adopt     1407 - Fixed bug in the usage of 'fmod' and adopt special treatment for 'parallel'
1598   events in G4TwistedBoxSide and G4TwistedTra    1408   events in G4TwistedBoxSide and G4TwistedTrapSide.
1599 - Coworks with tag "global-V07-00-00".           1409 - Coworks with tag "global-V07-00-00".
1600                                                  1410 
1601 08-Dec-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-07)    1411 08-Dec-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-07)
1602 - Extensions to twisted box/trap shapes to co    1412 - Extensions to twisted box/trap shapes to consider all 4 solutions
1603   for determining correct intersections.         1413   for determining correct intersections.
1604                                                  1414 
1605 29-Nov-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-06)    1415 29-Nov-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-06)
1606 - G4TwistedTrapSide, G4TwistedBoxSide: improv    1416 - G4TwistedTrapSide, G4TwistedBoxSide: improved (analytical) version
1607   of GetPhiUAtX() method.                        1417   of GetPhiUAtX() method.
1608                                                  1418 
1609 24-Nov-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-05)    1419 24-Nov-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-05)
1610 - Fixed bug in description of twisted trapezo    1420 - Fixed bug in description of twisted trapezoid side.
1611                                                  1421 
1612 12-Nov-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-04)    1422 12-Nov-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-02-04)
1613 - Added G4TwistedBox  - a twisted box with tw    1423 - Added G4TwistedBox  - a twisted box with twist angle alpha,
1614                         length a/2,b/2,L/2.      1424                         length a/2,b/2,L/2.
1615 - Added G4TwistedTrap - a twisted trapezoid (    1425 - Added G4TwistedTrap - a twisted trapezoid (still in debug state)
1616 - Changed in G4VSurface.icc:                  << 1426 - Changed in G4VSurface.icc: 
1617     - GetNeighbours(): corrected axiscode (wa    1427     - GetNeighbours(): corrected axiscode (was returning the wrong neighbours)
1618     - SetNeighbours(): fixed problem #685 (in    1428     - SetNeighbours(): fixed problem #685 (index out of range)
1619 - Added tests for G4TwistedBox and G4TwistedT    1429 - Added tests for G4TwistedBox and G4TwistedTrap in specific/test.
1620 - Added G4TwistedBox and G4TwistedTrap in sys    1430 - Added G4TwistedBox and G4TwistedTrap in system testing, test10.
1621                                                  1431 
1622 22-Oct-2004, D.C.Williams (geom-specific-V06-    1432 22-Oct-2004, D.C.Williams (geom-specific-V06-02-03)
1623 - Fix in G4PolyconeSide::Inside for points at    1433 - Fix in G4PolyconeSide::Inside for points at radius = 0 for phi slides
1624   solids with an inner radius. Addresses prob    1434   solids with an inner radius. Addresses problem report #598.
1625                                                  1435 
1626 10-Oct-2004, J.Allison (geom-specific-V06-02-    1436 10-Oct-2004, J.Allison (geom-specific-V06-02-02)
1627 - Added GetPolyhedron, a smart access functio    1437 - Added GetPolyhedron, a smart access function that creates a G4Polyhedron
1628   on request and stores for future access.  A    1438   on request and stores for future access.  A null pointer means "not
1629   available".                                    1439   available".
1630                                                  1440 
1631 22-Sep-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-02-01    1441 22-Sep-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-02-01)
1632 - Added implementation of GetCubicVolume() wi    1442 - Added implementation of GetCubicVolume() with cashing mechanism for
1633   solids: G4EllipticalTube, G4Hype, G4Polyhed    1443   solids: G4EllipticalTube, G4Hype, G4Polyhedra, G4Polycone, G4TwistedTubs.
1634                                                  1444 
1635 01-Sep-2004, D.C.Williams (geom-specific-V06-    1445 01-Sep-2004, D.C.Williams (geom-specific-V06-02-00)
1636 - G4VCSGfaceted: fix for rare anomalous situa    1446 - G4VCSGfaceted: fix for rare anomalous situation in which
1637   DistanceToOut(p,v,..) will report kInfinity    1447   DistanceToOut(p,v,..) will report kInfinity, make an additional check
1638   for the point p on the surface, in which ca    1448   for the point p on the surface, in which case will report zero.
1639   Addresses problem observed in G4Polyhedra a    1449   Addresses problem observed in G4Polyhedra and reported in #650.
1640                                                  1450 
1641 07-Jun-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-04    1451 07-Jun-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-04)
1642 - Fixed compilation problem in G4TwistedSurfa    1452 - Fixed compilation problem in on WIN32-VC.
1643                                                  1453 
1644 28-May-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-03    1454 28-May-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-03)
1645 - Fixed archiving problem on WIN32-VC7: repla    1455 - Fixed archiving problem on WIN32-VC7: replaced structs with classes
1646   in G4VSurface.                                 1456   in G4VSurface.
1647 - Replaced misleading names for masks in G4VS    1457 - Replaced misleading names for masks in G4VSurface and moved inlined
1648   methods of nested classes to .cc.              1458   methods of nested classes to .cc.
1649                                                  1459 
1650 25-May-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-02    1460 25-May-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-02)
1651 - Fixed compilation problem on SUN-CC. Made E    1461 - Fixed compilation problem on SUN-CC. Made EValidate enum public in
1652   G4VSurface.hh.                                 1462   G4VSurface.hh.
1653                                                  1463 
1654 24-May-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-01    1464 24-May-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-01-01)
1655 - Removed compilation warnings and minor clea    1465 - Removed compilation warnings and minor cleanup...
1656                                                  1466 
1657 19-May-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-01-00)    1467 19-May-2004, O.Link (geom-specific-V06-01-00)
1658 - First implementation of a framework for twi    1468 - First implementation of a framework for twisted surfaces, integrated from
1659   the original version of Kotoyo Hoshina (hos    1469   the original version of Kotoyo Hoshina (
1660   implemented in the 'Jupiter' application.      1470   implemented in the 'Jupiter' application.
1661   o Includes new specific twisted shape: G4Tw    1471   o Includes new specific twisted shape: G4TwistedTubs.
1662   o New classes: G4VSurface, G4TwistedSurface    1472   o New classes: G4VSurface, G4TwistedSurface, G4HyperbolicSurface,
1663                  G4FlatSurface, G4TwistedTubs    1473                  G4FlatSurface, G4TwistedTubs.
1664   o Cleanup of original code (debugging messa    1474   o Cleanup of original code (debugging messages, compiler errors, migration
1665     of g4std to new convention...)               1475     of g4std to new convention...)
1666   o New organisation of class G4TwistedTubs:     1476   o New organisation of class G4TwistedTubs: now independent of XXXSurface;
1667     removed backpointer 'fSolid' from XXXSurf    1477     removed backpointer 'fSolid' from XXXSurface to G4TwistedTubs.
1668   o New form of constructors in G4TwistedSurf    1478   o New form of constructors in G4TwistedSurface, G4HyperbolicSurface and
1669     G4FlatSurface.                               1479     G4FlatSurface.
1670   o Change in G4TwistedSurface::DistanceToIn(    1480   o Change in G4TwistedSurface::DistanceToIn(p,v,...): roundoff correction.
1671                                                  1481 
1672 12-Jan-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-00-00    1482 12-Jan-2004, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V06-00-00)
1673 - fixed bug in which part    1483 - fixed bug in which particles could "leak" out the
1674   center of a face if inner radius = 0.          1484   center of a face if inner radius = 0.
1675   Fixes problem report #547. (D.Williams)        1485   Fixes problem report #547. (D.Williams)
1676                                                  1486 
1677 22-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-07    1487 22-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-07)
1678 - Fixed upper bound for protection check intr    1488 - Fixed upper bound for protection check introduced in G4Polycone and
1679   G4Polyhedra constructors.                      1489   G4Polyhedra constructors.
1680                                                  1490 
1681 17-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-06    1491 17-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-06)
1682 - Added protections in G4Polycone and G4Polyh    1492 - Added protections in G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra constructors for
1683   invalid constructs with no contiguous segme    1493   invalid constructs with no contiguous segments in Z planes as input.
1684                                                  1494 
1685 04-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-05    1495 04-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-05)
1686 - Added SetOriginalParameters() method to G4P    1496 - Added SetOriginalParameters() method to G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra.
1687                                                  1497 
1688 03-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-04    1498 03-Nov-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-04)
1689 - Code cleanup and headers inclusion review      1499 - Code cleanup and headers inclusion review
1690   (replaced by forward declarations where nec    1500   (replaced by forward declarations where necessary).
1691                                                  1501 
1692 28-Oct-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-03    1502 28-Oct-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-03)
1693 - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme.            1503 - Migrated to new G4Exception scheme.
1694                                                  1504 
1695 20-Oct-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-02    1505 20-Oct-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-02)
1696 - Added Reset() method in G4Polycone and G4Po    1506 - Added Reset() method in G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra to allow
1697   recalculation and reshape of the solid if n    1507   recalculation and reshape of the solid if new original_parameters
1698   are provided.                                  1508   are provided.
1699                                                  1509 
1700 30-Sep-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-01    1510 30-Sep-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-01)
1701 - Updated GNUmakefile for unit tests, accordi    1511 - Updated GNUmakefile for unit tests, according to new structure
1702   introduced in "geometry-V05-02-00".            1512   introduced in "geometry-V05-02-00".
1703                                                  1513 
1704 16-Jun-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-00    1514 16-Jun-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-02-00)
1705 - Added accessors to original_parameters for     1515 - Added accessors to original_parameters for G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra.
1706   Made G4PolyconeHistorical and G4PolyhedraHi    1516   Made G4PolyconeHistorical and G4PolyhedraHistorical classes in global
1707   scope (temporary solution).                    1517   scope (temporary solution).
1708                                                  1518 
1709 28-Mar-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-00-00    1519 28-Mar-2003, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V05-00-00)
1710 - Fixed initialisation of base class in copy     1520 - Fixed initialisation of base class in copy contructor for:
1711   G4PolyPhiFace, G4PolyconeSide, G4PolyhedraS    1521   G4PolyPhiFace, G4PolyconeSide, G4PolyhedraSide.
1712 - Fixed trivial pedantic warnings on G4Polyco    1522 - Fixed trivial pedantic warnings on G4Polycone and G4Polyhedra.
1713                                                  1523 
1714 30-Oct-2002, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V04-01-01    1524 30-Oct-2002, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V04-01-01)
1715 - Fixed un-initialised data members in constr    1525 - Fixed un-initialised data members in constructors of classes:
1716   G4ClippablePolygon, G4EnclosingCylinder, G4    1526   G4ClippablePolygon, G4EnclosingCylinder, G4PolyconeSide,
1717   G4ReduciblePolygon, G4VCSGfaceted.             1527   G4ReduciblePolygon, G4VCSGfaceted.
1718                                                  1528 
1719 28-Oct-2002, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V04-01-00    1529 28-Oct-2002, G.Cosmo (geom-specific-V04-01-00)
1720 - Added implementation of StreamInfo() to com    1530 - Added implementation of StreamInfo() to comply with new interface for
1721   G4VSolid in "geommng-V04-01-03".               1531   G4VSolid in "geommng-V04-01-03".
1722 - Created .icc files for G4EllipticalTube, G4    1532 - Created .icc files for G4EllipticalTube, G4Polyhedra and G4Polycone.
1723 - Some cosmetic changes to code formatting: r    1533 - Some cosmetic changes to code formatting: removed <TAB> characters and adopt
1724   uniform code indentation.                      1534   uniform code indentation.
1725                                                  1535 
1726 08-May-2002, J.Allison (geom-solids-specific-    1536 08-May-2002, J.Allison (geom-solids-specific-V04-00-01)
1727 - Implemented G4EllipticalTube::CreatePolyhed    1537 - Implemented G4EllipticalTube::CreatePolyhedron.
1728                                                  1538 
1729 10-Jan-2002, G.Cosmo (geom-solids-specific-V0    1539 10-Jan-2002, G.Cosmo (geom-solids-specific-V04-00-00)
1730 - Updated unit tests.                            1540 - Updated unit tests.
1731                                                  1541 
1732 20-Apr-2001, G.Cosmo (geom-solids-specific-V0    1542 20-Apr-2001, G.Cosmo (geom-solids-specific-V03-01-00)
1733 - Migration to STL vector:                       1543 - Migration to STL vector:
1734   o In G4ClippablePolygon, migrated G4ThreeVe    1544   o In G4ClippablePolygon, migrated G4ThreeVectorList typedef and
1735     made private to class.                       1545     made private to class.
1736                                               << 1546     
1737 03-Apr-2001, D.Williams  (geom-solids-specifi    1547 03-Apr-2001, D.Williams  (geom-solids-specific-V03-00-01)
1738 -----------------------                          1548 -----------------------
1739 - make small adjustmen    1549 - make small adjustment to help with roundoff error
1740   in LineHitsCone1() and LineHitsCone2().        1550   in LineHitsCone1() and LineHitsCone2().
1741                                                  1551 
1742 08-Jan-2001, D.Williams  (geom-solids-specifi    1552 08-Jan-2001, D.Williams  (geom-solids-specific-V03-00-00)
1743 -----------------------                          1553 -----------------------
1744 - Added protecton against zero v.z    1554 - Added protecton against zero v.z in DistanceToOut.
1745                                                  1555 
1746 20-Nov-2000, G.Cosmo     (geom-solids-specifi    1556 20-Nov-2000, G.Cosmo     (geom-solids-specific-V02-00-04)
1747 ---------------------                            1557 ---------------------
1748 - Fixes to remove warnings from "-Wall -ansi     1558 - Fixes to remove warnings from "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" g++ compiler options:
1749   o commented out variables declared and not     1559   o commented out variables declared and not used.
1750   o fixed declaration of variables used befor    1560   o fixed declaration of variables used before being initialised.
1751   o fixed order of initialisation of member d    1561   o fixed order of initialisation of member data in constructors.
1752   o fixed usage of unsigned-int (size_t) for     1562   o fixed usage of unsigned-int (size_t) for array indeces.
1753                                                  1563 
1754 13-Nov-2000, G.Cosmo     (geom-solids-specifi    1564 13-Nov-2000, G.Cosmo     (geom-solids-specific-V02-00-03)
1755 --------------------                             1565 --------------------
1756 - Added definition of empty constructor for G    1566 - Added definition of empty constructor for G4ClippablePolygon which
1757   went lost by mistake...                        1567   went lost by mistake...
1758                                                  1568 
1759 02-Nov-2000, G.Cosmo     (geom-solids-specifi    1569 02-Nov-2000, G.Cosmo     (geom-solids-specific-V02-00-02)
1760 --------------------                             1570 --------------------
1761 - QA code revision and cleanup (+fixes from C    1571 - QA code revision and cleanup (+fixes from CodeWizard filtering):
1762   o Avoid inline virtual methods.                1572   o Avoid inline virtual methods.
1763   o General cosmetics for Software Reference     1573   o General cosmetics for Software Reference Manual.
1764                                                  1574 
1765 23-Oct-2000, D.Williams  (geom-solids-specifi    1575 23-Oct-2000, D.Williams  (geom-solids-specific-V02-00-01)
1766 -----------------------                          1576 -----------------------
1767 - the check for a zero    1577 - the check for a zero radical has been adjusted to be
1768   less sensitive to round off error in LineHi    1578   less sensitive to round off error in LineHitsCone1(), LineHitsCone2().
1769   This fixes a problem discovered in BaBar.      1579   This fixes a problem discovered in BaBar.
1770                                                  1580 
1771 12-Sep-2000, G.Cosmo  (geom-solids-specific-V    1581 12-Sep-2000, G.Cosmo  (geom-solids-specific-V02-00-00)
1772 --------------------                             1582 --------------------
1773 - Organised comments to headers for Software     1583 - Organised comments to headers for Software Reference Manual.
1774                                                  1584 
1775 27-Jun-2000, G.Cosmo  (geom-solids-specific-V    1585 27-Jun-2000, G.Cosmo  (geom-solids-specific-V01-01-02)
1776 --------------------                             1586 --------------------
1777 - G4Polycone[]: better fix for bug-repo    1587 - G4Polycone[]: better fix for bug-report #110.
1778   Removed struct and replaced with class.        1588   Removed struct and replaced with class.
1779                                                  1589 
1780 26-Jun-2000, G.Cosmo  (geom-solids-specific-V    1590 26-Jun-2000, G.Cosmo  (geom-solids-specific-V01-01-01)
1781 --------------------                             1591 --------------------
1782 - fixed memory leak by invokin    1592 - fixed memory leak by invoking destruction of member
1783   enclosingCylinder, which was not cleaned up    1593   enclosingCylinder, which was not cleaned up in the destructor.
1784   This fixes problem report #107.                1594   This fixes problem report #107.
1785 - G4Polycone.hh: added forward declaration of    1595 - G4Polycone.hh: added forward declaration of struct G4PolyconeHistorical
1786   and made it friend, for porting on KCC --st    1596   and made it friend, for porting on KCC --strict. This fixes report #110.
1787 - G4Polyhedra.hh: fixed typo in method name.     1597 - G4Polyhedra.hh: fixed typo in method name. Changed GetNumSIde() to
1788   GetNumSide(). This fixes problem report #10    1598   GetNumSide(). This fixes problem report #105.
1789                                                  1599 
1790 08-Jun-2000, G.Gracia                            1600 08-Jun-2000, G.Gracia
1791 ---------------------                            1601 ---------------------
1792 - fix for Win/NT in functio    1602 - fix for Win/NT in function GetExtent().
1793                                                  1603 
1794 27-Apr-2000, G.Cosmo                             1604 27-Apr-2000, G.Cosmo
1795 --------------------                             1605 --------------------
1796 - Removed dependency over the CSG domain in G    1606 - Removed dependency over the CSG domain in GNUmakefile.
1797                                                  1607 
1798 18-Apr-2000, D.Williams                          1608 18-Apr-2000, D.Williams
1799 -----------------------                          1609 -----------------------
1800 - Removed meaningless "const" specifiers from    1610 - Removed meaningless "const" specifiers from methods in G4ClippablePolygon,
1801   and G4EllipticalTube.                          1611   and G4EllipticalTube.
1802 - G4EllipticalTube, G4Hype and G4VCSGfaceted     1612 - G4EllipticalTube, G4Hype and G4VCSGfaceted now inherit directly
1803   from G4VSolid (before was G4CSGSolid).         1613   from G4VSolid (before was G4CSGSolid).
1804 - Reintroduced GetExtent() in G4EllipticalTub    1614 - Reintroduced GetExtent() in G4EllipticalTube, G4Hype and G4VCSGfaceted
1805   (in principle, not needed).                    1615   (in principle, not needed).
1806 - Modified assertations in unit test testG4Hy    1616 - Modified assertations in unit test
1807                                                  1617 
1808 11-Apr-2000, J.Allison                           1618 11-Apr-2000, J.Allison
1809 ----------------------                           1619 ----------------------
1810 - Removed implementations of GetExtent in mos    1620 - Removed implementations of GetExtent in most sub-classes of G4VSolid (a
1811   default implementation exists in G4VSolid).    1621   default implementation exists in G4VSolid).
1812 - All implementations of DescribeYourselfTo (    1622 - All implementations of DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const
1813   now correctly written: scene.AddThis(*this)    1623   now correctly written: scene.AddThis(*this).
1814                                                  1624 
1815 05-Apr-2000, G.Cosmo   (geom-solids-specific-    1625 05-Apr-2000, G.Cosmo   (geom-solids-specific-V01-01-00)
1816 --------------------                             1626 --------------------
1817 - Restructured solids/CSG domain, by moving t    1627 - Restructured solids/CSG domain, by moving to "specific" the following
1818   classes: G4ClippablePolygon, G4EnclosingCyl    1628   classes: G4ClippablePolygon, G4EnclosingCylinder, G4Hype, G4PolyPhiFace,
1819   G4Polycone, G4PolyconeSide, G4Polyhedra, G4    1629   G4Polycone, G4PolyconeSide, G4Polyhedra, G4PolyhedraSide, G4ReduciblePolygon,
1820   G4IntersectingCone, G4SolidExtentList, G4VC    1630   G4IntersectingCone, G4SolidExtentList, G4VCSGface, G4VCSGfaceted.
1821   The new module's library for "specific" is     1631   The new module's library for "specific" is now called 'G4specsolids'.
1822 - Created specific/test directory and moved t    1632 - Created specific/test directory and moved and testG4Polycone,cc
1823   from CSG/test.                                 1633   from CSG/test.
1824 - Organised class description comments for th    1634 - Organised class description comments for the Software Reference Manual
1825   and added CVS headers to files.                1635   and added CVS headers to files.
1826                                                  1636 
1827 29-Mar-2000, D.Williams                          1637 29-Mar-2000, D.Williams
1828 -----------------------                          1638 -----------------------
1829 - Added first implementation of G4EllipticalT    1639 - Added first implementation of G4EllipticalTube.
1830   It defines a simple elliptical tube, as in     1640   It defines a simple elliptical tube, as in geant3 "ELTU".
1831   Files introduced: G4EllipticalTube[].    1641   Files introduced: G4EllipticalTube[].
1832                                                  1642 
1833 25-Mar-2000, G.Cosmo                             1643 25-Mar-2000, G.Cosmo
1834 --------------------                             1644 --------------------
1835 - History file created.                          1645 - History file created.