Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /externals/g4tools/include/tools/glutess/priorityq (Version 11.3.0) and /externals/g4tools/include/tools/glutess/priorityq (Version 10.2.p3)

  1 // see license file for original license.         
  3 #ifndef tools_glutess_priorityq                   
  4 #define tools_glutess_priorityq                   
  6 #include <climits>    /* LONG_MAX */              
  7 #include "memalloc"                               
  9 /* Include all the code for the regular heap-b    
 11 //////////////////////////////////////////////    
 12 //#include "priorityq-heap.ic"                    
 13 //#include "priorityq-heap"                       
 15 /* Use #define's so that another heap implemen    
 17 #define PQkey     PQHeapKey                       
 18 #define PQhandle    PQHeapHandle                  
 19 #define PriorityQ   PriorityQHeap                 
 21 #define pqNewPriorityQ(leq) __gl_pqHeapNewPrio    
 22 #define pqDeletePriorityQ(pq) __gl_pqHeapDelet    
 24 /* The basic operations are insertion of a new    
 25  * and examination/extraction of a key whose v    
 26  * (pqMinimum/pqExtractMin).  Deletion is also    
 27  * for this purpose pqInsert returns a "handle    
 28  * as the argument.                               
 29  *                                                
 30  * An initial heap may be created efficiently     
 31  * repeatedly, then calling pqInit.  In any ca    
 32  * before any operations other than pqInsert a    
 33  *                                                
 34  * If the heap is empty, pqMinimum/pqExtractMi    
 35  * This may also be tested with pqIsEmpty.        
 36  */                                               
 37 #define pqInit(pq)    __gl_pqHeapInit(pq)         
 38 #define pqInsert(pq,key)  __gl_pqHeapInsert(pq    
 39 #define pqMinimum(pq)   __gl_pqHeapMinimum(pq)    
 40 #define pqExtractMin(pq)  __gl_pqHeapExtractMi    
 41 #define pqDelete(pq,handle) __gl_pqHeapDelete(    
 42 #define pqIsEmpty(pq)   __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty(pq)    
 44 /* Since we support deletion the data structur    
 45  * complicated than an ordinary heap.  "nodes"    
 46  * active nodes are stored in the range 1..pq-    
 47  * heap exceeds its allocated size (pq->max),     
 48  * The children of node i are nodes 2i and 2i+    
 49  *                                                
 50  * Each node stores an index into an array "ha    
 51  * stores a key, plus a pointer back to the no    
 52  * represents that key (ie. nodes[handles[i].n    
 53  */                                               
 55 typedef void *PQkey;                              
 56 typedef long PQhandle;                            
 57 typedef struct PriorityQ PriorityQ;               
 59 typedef struct { PQhandle handle; } PQnode;       
 60 typedef struct { PQkey key; PQhandle node; } P    
 62 struct PriorityQ {                                
 63   PQnode  *nodes;                                 
 64   PQhandleElem  *handles;                         
 65   long    size, max;                              
 66   PQhandle  freeList;                             
 67   int   initialized;                              
 68   int   (*leq)(PQkey key1, PQkey key2);           
 69 };                                                
 71 #define __gl_pqHeapMinimum(pq)  ((pq)->handles    
 72 #define __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty(pq)  ((pq)->size ==    
 74 //////////////////////////////////////////////    
 75 //////////////////////////////////////////////    
 76 //#define INIT_SIZE 32                            
 77 inline long INIT_SIZE() {                         
 78   static const long s_value = 32;                 
 79   return s_value;                                 
 80 }                                                 
 82 /* Violates modularity, but a little faster */    
 83 #include "geom"                                   
 84 #define LEQ(x,y)  VertLeq((GLUvertex *)x, (GLU    
 86 /* really __gl_pqHeapNewPriorityQ */              
 87 inline PriorityQ *pqNewPriorityQ( int (*leq)(P    
 88 {                                                 
 89   PriorityQ *pq = (PriorityQ *)memAlloc( sizeo    
 90   if (pq == NULL) return NULL;                    
 92   pq->size = 0;                                   
 93   pq->max = INIT_SIZE();                          
 94   pq->nodes = (PQnode *)memAlloc( (INIT_SIZE()    
 95   if (pq->nodes == NULL) {                        
 96      memFree(pq);                                 
 97      return NULL;                                 
 98   }                                               
100   pq->handles = (PQhandleElem *)memAlloc( (INI    
101   if (pq->handles == NULL) {                      
102      memFree(pq->nodes);                          
103      memFree(pq);                                 
104      return NULL;                                 
105   }                                               
107   pq->initialized = TOOLS_GLU_FALSE;              
108   pq->freeList = 0;                               
109   pq->leq = leq;                                  
111   pq->nodes[1].handle = 1;  /* so that Minimum    
112   pq->handles[1].key = NULL;                      
113   return pq;                                      
114 }                                                 
116 /* really __gl_pqHeapDeletePriorityQ */           
117 inline void pqDeletePriorityQ( PriorityQ *pq )    
118 {                                                 
119   memFree( pq->handles );                         
120   memFree( pq->nodes );                           
121   memFree( pq );                                  
122 }                                                 
125 inline/*static*/ void static_FloatDown( Priori    
126 {                                                 
127   PQnode *n = pq->nodes;                          
128   PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles;                  
129   PQhandle hCurr, hChild;                         
130   long child;                                     
132   hCurr = n[curr].handle;                         
133   for( ;; ) {                                     
134     child = curr << 1;                            
135     if( child < pq->size && LEQ( h[n[child+1].    
136          h[n[child].handle].key )) {              
137       ++child;                                    
138     }                                             
140     assert(child <= pq->max);                     
142     hChild = n[child].handle;                     
143     if( child > pq->size || LEQ( h[hCurr].key,    
144       n[curr].handle = hCurr;                     
145       h[hCurr].node = curr;                       
146       break;                                      
147     }                                             
148     n[curr].handle = hChild;                      
149     h[hChild].node = curr;                        
150     curr = child;                                 
151   }                                               
152 }                                                 
155 inline/*static*/ void static_FloatUp( Priority    
156 {                                                 
157   PQnode *n = pq->nodes;                          
158   PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles;                  
159   PQhandle hCurr, hParent;                        
160   long parent;                                    
162   hCurr = n[curr].handle;                         
163   for( ;; ) {                                     
164     parent = curr >> 1;                           
165     hParent = n[parent].handle;                   
166     if( parent == 0 || LEQ( h[hParent].key, h[    
167       n[curr].handle = hCurr;                     
168       h[hCurr].node = curr;                       
169       break;                                      
170     }                                             
171     n[curr].handle = hParent;                     
172     h[hParent].node = curr;                       
173     curr = parent;                                
174   }                                               
175 }                                                 
177 /* really __gl_pqHeapInit */                      
178 inline void pqInit( PriorityQ *pq )               
179 {                                                 
180   long i;                                         
182   /* This method of building a heap is O(n), r    
184   for( i = pq->size; i >= 1; --i ) {              
185     static_FloatDown( pq, i );                    
186   }                                               
187   pq->initialized = TOOLS_GLU_TRUE;               
188 }                                                 
190 /* really __gl_pqHeapInsert */                    
191 /* returns LONG_MAX iff out of memory */          
192 inline PQhandle pqInsert( PriorityQ *pq, PQkey    
193 {                                                 
194   long curr;                                      
195   PQhandle free;                                  
197   curr = ++ pq->size;                             
198   if( (curr*2) > pq->max ) {                      
199     PQnode *saveNodes= pq->nodes;                 
200     PQhandleElem *saveHandles= pq->handles;       
202     /* If the heap overflows, double its size.    
203     pq->max <<= 1;                                
204     pq->nodes = (PQnode *)memRealloc( pq->node    
205              (size_t)                             
206              ((pq->max + 1) * sizeof( pq->node    
207     if (pq->nodes == NULL) {                      
208        pq->nodes = saveNodes; /* restore ptr t    
209        return LONG_MAX;                           
210     }                                             
211     pq->handles = (PQhandleElem *)memRealloc(     
212                            (size_t)               
213                             ((pq->max + 1) *      
214                  sizeof( pq->handles[0] )));      
215     if (pq->handles == NULL) {                    
216        pq->handles = saveHandles; /* restore p    
217        return LONG_MAX;                           
218     }                                             
219   }                                               
221   if( pq->freeList == 0 ) {                       
222     free = curr;                                  
223   } else {                                        
224     free = pq->freeList;                          
225     pq->freeList = pq->handles[free].node;        
226   }                                               
228   pq->nodes[curr].handle = free;                  
229   pq->handles[free].node = curr;                  
230   pq->handles[free].key = keyNew;                 
232   if( pq->initialized ) {                         
233     static_FloatUp( pq, curr );                   
234   }                                               
235   assert(free != LONG_MAX);                       
236   return free;                                    
237 }                                                 
239 /* really __gl_pqHeapExtractMin */                
240 inline PQkey pqExtractMin( PriorityQ *pq )        
241 {                                                 
242   PQnode *n = pq->nodes;                          
243   PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles;                  
244   PQhandle hMin = n[1].handle;                    
245   PQkey min = h[hMin].key;                        
247   if( pq->size > 0 ) {                            
248     n[1].handle = n[pq->size].handle;             
249     h[n[1].handle].node = 1;                      
251     h[hMin].key = NULL;                           
252     h[hMin].node = pq->freeList;                  
253     pq->freeList = hMin;                          
255     if( -- pq->size > 0 ) {                       
256       static_FloatDown( pq, 1 );                  
257     }                                             
258   }                                               
259   return min;                                     
260 }                                                 
262 /* really __gl_pqHeapDelete */                    
263 inline void pqDelete( PriorityQ *pq, PQhandle     
264 {                                                 
265   PQnode *n = pq->nodes;                          
266   PQhandleElem *h = pq->handles;                  
267   long curr;                                      
269   assert( hCurr >= 1 && hCurr <= pq->max && h[    
271   curr = h[hCurr].node;                           
272   n[curr].handle = n[pq->size].handle;            
273   h[n[curr].handle].node = curr;                  
275   if( curr <= -- pq->size ) {                     
276     if( curr <= 1 || LEQ( h[n[curr>>1].handle]    
277       static_FloatDown( pq, curr );               
278     } else {                                      
279       static_FloatUp( pq, curr );                 
280     }                                             
281   }                                               
282   h[hCurr].key = NULL;                            
283   h[hCurr].node = pq->freeList;                   
284   pq->freeList = hCurr;                           
285 }                                                 
287 /* Now redefine all the function names to map     
289 //////////////////////////////////////////////    
290 //#include "priorityq-sort"                       
292 #undef PQkey                                      
293 #undef PQhandle                                   
294 #undef PriorityQ                                  
295 #undef pqNewPriorityQ                             
296 #undef pqDeletePriorityQ                          
297 #undef pqInit                                     
298 #undef pqInsert                                   
299 #undef pqMinimum                                  
300 #undef pqExtractMin                               
301 #undef pqDelete                                   
302 #undef pqIsEmpty                                  
304 /* Use #define's so that another heap implemen    
306 #define PQkey     PQSortKey                       
307 #define PQhandle    PQSortHandle                  
308 #define PriorityQ   PriorityQSort                 
310 #define pqNewPriorityQ(leq) __gl_pqSortNewPrio    
311 #define pqDeletePriorityQ(pq) __gl_pqSortDelet    
313 /* The basic operations are insertion of a new    
314  * and examination/extraction of a key whose v    
315  * (pqMinimum/pqExtractMin).  Deletion is also    
316  * for this purpose pqInsert returns a "handle    
317  * as the argument.                               
318  *                                                
319  * An initial heap may be created efficiently     
320  * repeatedly, then calling pqInit.  In any ca    
321  * before any operations other than pqInsert a    
322  *                                                
323  * If the heap is empty, pqMinimum/pqExtractMi    
324  * This may also be tested with pqIsEmpty.        
325  */                                               
326 #define pqInit(pq)    __gl_pqSortInit(pq)         
327 #define pqInsert(pq,key)  __gl_pqSortInsert(pq    
328 #define pqMinimum(pq)   __gl_pqSortMinimum(pq)    
329 #define pqExtractMin(pq)  __gl_pqSortExtractMi    
330 #define pqDelete(pq,handle) __gl_pqSortDelete(    
331 #define pqIsEmpty(pq)   __gl_pqSortIsEmpty(pq)    
334 /* Since we support deletion the data structur    
335  * complicated than an ordinary heap.  "nodes"    
336  * active nodes are stored in the range 1..pq-    
337  * heap exceeds its allocated size (pq->max),     
338  * The children of node i are nodes 2i and 2i+    
339  *                                                
340  * Each node stores an index into an array "ha    
341  * stores a key, plus a pointer back to the no    
342  * represents that key (ie. nodes[handles[i].n    
343  */                                               
345 typedef PQHeapKey PQkey;                          
346 typedef PQHeapHandle PQhandle;                    
347 typedef struct PriorityQ PriorityQ;               
349 struct PriorityQ {                                
350   PriorityQHeap *heap;                            
351   PQkey   *keys;                                  
352   PQkey   **order;                                
353   PQhandle  size, max;                            
354   int   initialized;                              
355   int   (*leq)(PQkey key1, PQkey key2);           
356 };                                                
358 /* really __gl_pqSortNewPriorityQ */              
359 inline PriorityQ *pqNewPriorityQ( int (*leq)(P    
360 {                                                 
361   PriorityQ *pq = (PriorityQ *)memAlloc( sizeo    
362   if (pq == NULL) return NULL;                    
364   pq->heap = __gl_pqHeapNewPriorityQ( leq );      
365   if (pq->heap == NULL) {                         
366      memFree(pq);                                 
367      return NULL;                                 
368   }                                               
370   pq->keys = (PQHeapKey *)memAlloc( INIT_SIZE(    
371   if (pq->keys == NULL) {                         
372      __gl_pqHeapDeletePriorityQ(pq->heap);        
373      memFree(pq);                                 
374      return NULL;                                 
375   }                                               
377   pq->size = 0;                                   
378   pq->max = INIT_SIZE();                          
379   pq->initialized = TOOLS_GLU_FALSE;              
380   pq->leq = leq;                                  
381   return pq;                                      
382 }                                                 
384 /* really __gl_pqSortDeletePriorityQ */           
385 inline void pqDeletePriorityQ( PriorityQ *pq )    
386 {                                                 
387   assert(pq != NULL);                             
388   if (pq->heap != NULL) __gl_pqHeapDeletePrior    
389   if (pq->order != NULL) memFree( pq->order );    
390   if (pq->keys != NULL) memFree( pq->keys );      
391   memFree( pq );                                  
392 }                                                 
395 #define LT(x,y)   (! LEQ(y,x))                    
396 #define GT(x,y)   (! LEQ(x,y))                    
397 //#define pq_Swap(a,b)  if(1){PQkey *tmp = *a;    
398 #define pq_Swap(a,b)  do{PQkey *tmp = *a; *a =    
400 /* really __gl_pqSortInit */                      
401 inline int pqInit( PriorityQ *pq )                
402 {                                                 
403   PQkey **p, **r, **i, **j, *piv;                 
404   struct { PQkey **p, **r; } Stack[50], *top =    
405   unsigned long seed = 2016473283;                
407   /* Create an array of indirect pointers to t    
408    * the handles we have returned are still va    
409    */                                             
410 /*                                                
411   pq->order = (PQHeapKey **)memAlloc( (size_t)    
412                                   (pq->size *     
413 */                                                
414   pq->order = (PQHeapKey **)memAlloc( (size_t)    
415                                   ((pq->size+1    
416 /* the previous line is a patch to compensate     
417 /* machines return a null on a malloc of zero     
418 /* so we have to put in this defense to guard     
419 /* fault four lines down. from fossum@austin.i    
420   if (pq->order == NULL) return 0;                
422   p = pq->order;                                  
423   r = p + pq->size - 1;                           
424   for( piv = pq->keys, i = p; i <= r; ++piv, +    
425     *i = piv;                                     
426   }                                               
428   /* Sort the indirect pointers in descending     
429    * using randomized Quicksort                   
430    */                                             
431   top->p = p; top->r = r; ++top;                  
432   while( --top >= Stack ) {                       
433     p = top->p;                                   
434     r = top->r;                                   
435     while( r > p + 10 ) {                         
436       seed = seed * 1539415821 + 1;               
437       i = p + seed % (r - p + 1);                 
438       piv = *i;                                   
439       *i = *p;                                    
440       *p = piv;                                   
441       i = p - 1;                                  
442       j = r + 1;                                  
443       do {                                        
444   do { ++i; } while( GT( **i, *piv ));            
445   do { --j; } while( LT( **j, *piv ));            
446   pq_Swap( i, j );                                
447       } while( i < j );                           
448       pq_Swap( i, j );  /* Undo last swap */      
449       if( i - p < r - j ) {                       
450   top->p = j+1; top->r = r; ++top;                
451   r = i-1;                                        
452       } else {                                    
453   top->p = p; top->r = i-1; ++top;                
454   p = j+1;                                        
455       }                                           
456     }                                             
457     /* Insertion sort small lists */              
458     for( i = p+1; i <= r; ++i ) {                 
459       piv = *i;                                   
460       for( j = i; j > p && LT( **(j-1), *piv )    
461   *j = *(j-1);                                    
462       }                                           
463       *j = piv;                                   
464     }                                             
465   }                                               
466   pq->max = pq->size;                             
467   pq->initialized = TOOLS_GLU_TRUE;               
468   __gl_pqHeapInit( pq->heap );  /* always succ    
470 #ifndef NDEBUG                                    
471   p = pq->order;                                  
472   r = p + pq->size - 1;                           
473   for( i = p; i < r; ++i ) {                      
474     assert( LEQ( **(i+1), **i ));                 
475   }                                               
476 #endif                                            
478   return 1;                                       
479 }                                                 
481 /* really __gl_pqSortInsert */                    
482 /* returns LONG_MAX iff out of memory */          
483 inline PQhandle pqInsert( PriorityQ *pq, PQkey    
484 {                                                 
485   long curr;                                      
487   if( pq->initialized ) {                         
488     return __gl_pqHeapInsert( pq->heap, keyNew    
489   }                                               
490   curr = pq->size;                                
491   if( ++ pq->size >= pq->max ) {                  
492     PQkey *saveKey= pq->keys;                     
494     /* If the heap overflows, double its size.    
495     pq->max <<= 1;                                
496     pq->keys = (PQHeapKey *)memRealloc( pq->ke    
497                             (size_t)              
498                                    (pq->max *     
499     if (pq->keys == NULL) {                       
500        pq->keys = saveKey;  /* restore ptr to     
501        return LONG_MAX;                           
502     }                                             
503   }                                               
504   assert(curr != LONG_MAX);                       
505   pq->keys[curr] = keyNew;                        
507   /* Negative handles index the sorted array.     
508   return -(curr+1);                               
509 }                                                 
511 /* really __gl_pqSortExtractMin */                
512 inline PQkey pqExtractMin( PriorityQ *pq )        
513 {                                                 
514   PQkey sortMin, heapMin;                         
516   if( pq->size == 0 ) {                           
517     return __gl_pqHeapExtractMin( pq->heap );     
518   }                                               
519   sortMin = *(pq->order[pq->size-1]);             
520   if( ! __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty( pq->heap )) {         
521     heapMin = __gl_pqHeapMinimum( pq->heap );     
522     if( LEQ( heapMin, sortMin )) {                
523       return __gl_pqHeapExtractMin( pq->heap )    
524     }                                             
525   }                                               
526   do {                                            
527     -- pq->size;                                  
528   } while( pq->size > 0 && *(pq->order[pq->siz    
529   return sortMin;                                 
530 }                                                 
532 /* really __gl_pqSortMinimum */                   
533 inline PQkey pqMinimum( PriorityQ *pq )           
534 {                                                 
535   PQkey sortMin, heapMin;                         
537   if( pq->size == 0 ) {                           
538     return __gl_pqHeapMinimum( pq->heap );        
539   }                                               
540   sortMin = *(pq->order[pq->size-1]);             
541   if( ! __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty( pq->heap )) {         
542     heapMin = __gl_pqHeapMinimum( pq->heap );     
543     if( LEQ( heapMin, sortMin )) {                
544       return heapMin;                             
545     }                                             
546   }                                               
547   return sortMin;                                 
548 }                                                 
550 /* really __gl_pqSortIsEmpty */                   
551 inline int pqIsEmpty( PriorityQ *pq )             
552 {                                                 
553   return (pq->size == 0) && __gl_pqHeapIsEmpty    
554 }                                                 
556 /* really __gl_pqSortDelete */                    
557 inline void pqDelete( PriorityQ *pq, PQhandle     
558 {                                                 
559   if( curr >= 0 ) {                               
560     __gl_pqHeapDelete( pq->heap, curr );          
561     return;                                       
562   }                                               
563   curr = -(curr+1);                               
564   assert( curr < pq->max && pq->keys[curr] !=     
566   pq->keys[curr] = NULL;                          
567   while( pq->size > 0 && *(pq->order[pq->size-    
568     -- pq->size;                                  
569   }                                               
570 }                                                 
572 #endif