Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example fanoCavity History << 1 $Id: History 100265 2016-10-17 08:11:18Z gcosmo $ >> 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 4 ========================================================= 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 5 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c << 6 ========================================================= 6 << 7 7 ## 2024-04-17 Vladimir Ivantchenko (fano-V11-0 << 8 fanoCavity History file 8 - PhysicsLists - fixed annoing warnings on dec << 9 ----------------------- 9 << 10 This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly 10 ## 2024-03-11 Vladimir Ivantchenko (fano-V11-0 << 11 summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep 11 - Make PhysicsLists of the example to be coher << 12 track of all tags. 12 of Geant4 11.2ref02 << 13 13 << 14 ---------------------------------------------------------- 14 ## 2021-12-27 Vladimir Ivantchenko (fano-V11-0 << 15 * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * 15 - Make PhysicsLists of the example to be coher << 16 ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 << 17 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (fano-V11-00-00) << 18 - Change to new Markdown History format << 19 << 20 --- << 21 << 22 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 23 << 24 06-10-21 I. Hrivnacova (fano-V10-07-03) << 25 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header << 26 define the default output file type (root). << 27 << 28 19-07-21 I. Hrivnacova (fano-V10-07-02) << 29 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 30 removed deleting of the analysis manager, << 31 as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel. << 32 << 33 16-05-21 mma (fano-V10-07-01) << 34 - Migration to G4RunManagerFactory and G4Stepp << 35 << 36 23-03-21 V. Ivanchenko (fano-V10-07-00) << 37 - updated physics constructors for 11.0 << 38 << 39 21-03-19 mma (fano-V10-05-03) << 40 - DefineMaterial() : restaure G4_WATER << 41 << 42 18-03-19 mma (fano-V10-05-02) << 43 - DetectorConstruction : simplification of Def << 44 << 45 25-02-19 V. Ivanchenko (fano-V10-05-01) << 46 - PhysListEmStandard_option4 - set RangeFactor << 47 physics_list library) << 48 - PhysListEmStandard_option3 - set parameters << 49 physics_list library << 50 << 51 29-01-19 V. Ivanchenko (fano-V10-05-00) << 52 - DetectorConstruction, DetectorMessenger - fi << 53 materials and cleanup (should fix ~1% error << 54 << 55 20-11-18 V. Ivanchenko (fano-V10-04-06) << 56 - PhysListEmStandard_option3 - use the same la << 57 physics_list library << 58 << 59 08-11-18 V. Ivanchenko (fano-V10-04-05) << 60 - PhysListEmStandard_GS, PhysListEmStandard_SS << 61 PhysListEmStandard_option0, PhysListEmStanda << 62 PhysListEmStandard_option4 - use the same se << 63 physics_list library << 64 << 65 17-10-18 V. Ivanchenko (fano-V10-04-04) << 66 - PhysListEmStandard_GS, PhysListEmStandard_SS << 67 PhysListEmStandard_WVI, PhysListEmStandard_o << 68 same EM parameters as in physics_lists sub << 69 - PhysListEmStandard_option4 - is added << 70 << 71 09-05-18 B. Morgan (fano-V10-04-03) << 72 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADE << 73 compatibility with move to #defines over -D << 74 symbols. << 75 << 76 11-04-18 mma (fano-V10-04-02) << 77 - : set visualisation only in in << 78 << 79 24-03-18 mma (fano-V10-04-01) << 80 - : restaure printout << 81 << 82 21-03-18 mma (fano-V10-04-00) << 83 - : remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_US << 84 << 85 12-10-17 V.Ivant (fano-V10-03-02) << 86 - simplified default printout << 87 << 88 21-03-17 S.Elles (fano-V10-03-01) << 89 - switch to NIST material description (keeping << 90 previous version) << 91 - default thread number is not set to the maxi << 92 ( set to 2 by default // fanoCavity blabla.m << 93 the core number ) << 94 << 95 21-03-17 V.Ivant (fano-V10-03-00) << 96 - PhysListEmStandard_GS, PhysListEmStandard_SS << 97 PhysListEmStandard_option3 - use the same st << 98 physics_list factory for corresponding const << 99 step function parameters may be redefined by << 100 17 101 14-10-16 G.Folger (fano-V10-02-02) 18 14-10-16 G.Folger (fano-V10-02-02) 102 - remove direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterator 19 - remove direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterator, use GetParticleTableIterator(). 103 fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC 20 fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC 104 21 105 21-07-16 mma (fano-V10-02-01) 22 21-07-16 mma (fano-V10-02-01) 106 - Fixe coding conventions in Run.hh 23 - Fixe coding conventions in Run.hh 107 24 108 04-07-16 I.Hrivnacova (fano-V10-02-00) 25 04-07-16 I.Hrivnacova (fano-V10-02-00) 109 - Fixes for Doxygen documentation 26 - Fixes for Doxygen documentation 110 27 111 12-10-15 J.Jacquemier (fano-V10-01-03) 28 12-10-15 J.Jacquemier (fano-V10-01-03) 112 - Remove EventActionMessenger class 29 - Remove EventActionMessenger class 113 - Replace printModulo by /run/printProgress 30 - Replace printModulo by /run/printProgress 114 31 115 27-07-15 V.Ivant (fano-V10-01-02) 32 27-07-15 V.Ivant (fano-V10-01-02) 116 - Use G4EmParameters instead of G4EmProcessOpt 33 - Use G4EmParameters instead of G4EmProcessOptions 117 34 118 10-06-15 J.Jacquemier (fano-V10-01-01) 35 10-06-15 J.Jacquemier (fano-V10-01-01) 119 - Change preprocessor directive by G4Threading 36 - Change preprocessor directive by G4Threading::IsMultithreadedApplication() 120 37 121 10-06-15 J.Jacquemier (fano-V10-01-00) 38 10-06-15 J.Jacquemier (fano-V10-01-00) 122 - Migrated to multi-threading 39 - Migrated to multi-threading 123 40 124 13-08-14 mma (fano-V10-00-02) 41 13-08-14 mma (fano-V10-00-02) 125 - update Readme again 42 - update Readme again 126 43 127 12-08-14 mma (fano-V10-00-01) 44 12-08-14 mma (fano-V10-00-01) 128 - restaure drawing in Readme 45 - restaure drawing in Readme 129 46 130 21-03-14 mma (fano-V10-00-00) 47 21-03-14 mma (fano-V10-00-00) 131 - RunAction: initialise fOldEmean and fOldDose 48 - RunAction: initialise fOldEmean and fOldDose 132 49 133 02-12-13 I.Hrivnacova 50 02-12-13 I.Hrivnacova 134 - Minor fixes in README, .README 51 - Minor fixes in README, .README 135 52 136 12-11-13 V.Ivant 53 12-11-13 V.Ivant 137 - PhysListEmStandard_WVI, PhysListEmStandard_S 54 - PhysListEmStandard_WVI, PhysListEmStandard_SS - improvements for 138 single scattering configuration (not for 1 55 single scattering configuration (not for 10.0 release) - can 139 be picked up for any new tags 56 be picked up for any new tags 140 57 141 21-08-13 V.Ivant (fano-V09-06-08) 58 21-08-13 V.Ivant (fano-V09-06-08) 142 - PhysListEmStandard_option3 - use G4UrbanMscM 59 - PhysListEmStandard_option3 - use G4UrbanMscModel instead of 143 G4UrbanMscModel95 60 G4UrbanMscModel95 144 61 145 29-07-13 P.Gumplinger (fano-V09-06-07) 62 29-07-13 P.Gumplinger (fano-V09-06-07) 146 - fix MAC/clang32 compilation warnings 63 - fix MAC/clang32 compilation warnings 147 64 148 11-07-13 I.Hrivnacova (fano-V09-06-06) 65 11-07-13 I.Hrivnacova (fano-V09-06-06) 149 - In HistoManager: use new analysis manager me 66 - In HistoManager: use new analysis manager method SetH1Activation() 150 67 151 08-06-13 mma (fano-V09-06-05) 68 08-06-13 mma (fano-V09-06-05) 152 - Cosmetic in SteppingAction. 69 - Cosmetic in SteppingAction. 153 70 154 11-04-13 mma (fano-V09-06-04) 71 11-04-13 mma (fano-V09-06-04) 155 - HistoManager functionalities transfered to G 72 - HistoManager functionalities transfered to G4Analysis and its messenger. 156 - userAction classes and all macros affect 73 - userAction classes and all macros affected 157 74 158 01-04-13 Andrea Dotti (fano-V09-06-03) 75 01-04-13 Andrea Dotti (fano-V09-06-03) 159 - New G4VUserPhysicsList interface 76 - New G4VUserPhysicsList interface 160 77 161 27-03-13 mma (fano-V09-06-02) 78 27-03-13 mma (fano-V09-06-02) 162 - more on coding conventions 79 - more on coding conventions 163 80 164 15-03-13 mma (fano-V09-06-01) 81 15-03-13 mma (fano-V09-06-01) 165 - G4 coding conventions 82 - G4 coding conventions 166 83 167 11-12-12 V.Ivant (fano-V09-06-00) 84 11-12-12 V.Ivant (fano-V09-06-00) 168 - Used SetEmModel method in physics builders 85 - Used SetEmModel method in physics builders 169 86 170 28-11-12 G. Cosmo (fano-V09-05-09) 87 28-11-12 G. Cosmo (fano-V09-05-09) 171 - Fixed cases of variable shadowing. 88 - Fixed cases of variable shadowing. 172 89 173 13-10-12 A. Dotti (fano-V09-05-08) 90 13-10-12 A. Dotti (fano-V09-05-08) 174 - Removing double include of system of units 91 - Removing double include of system of units 175 92 176 13-10-12 A. Dotti (fano-V09-05-07) 93 13-10-12 A. Dotti (fano-V09-05-07) 177 - Adding explicit use of system of units 94 - Adding explicit use of system of units 178 95 179 04-09-12 I. Hrivnacova (fano-V09-05-06) 96 04-09-12 I. Hrivnacova (fano-V09-05-06) 180 - Updated CMakeLists.txt: 97 - Updated CMakeLists.txt: 181 adding visualization, copying macros, instal 98 adding visualization, copying macros, install target and comment lines 182 - Added .README 99 - Added .README 183 100 184 18-04-12 mma (fano-V09-05-05) 101 18-04-12 mma (fano-V09-05-05) 185 - all classes : apply G4 coding conventions 102 - all classes : apply G4 coding conventions 186 103 187 23-02-12 mma (fano-V09-05-04) 104 23-02-12 mma (fano-V09-05-04) 188 - HistoManager : GetFileType() 105 - HistoManager : GetFileType() 189 106 190 14-02-12 mma (fano-V09-05-03) 107 14-02-12 mma (fano-V09-05-03) 191 - HistoManager : new handle namespace and file 108 - HistoManager : new handle namespace and fileName[2] 192 no subdirectory in histos fil 109 no subdirectory in histos file 193 - HistoManager : add protections for histo fil 110 - HistoManager : add protections for histo file management 194 111 195 09-02-12 V.Ivant (fano-V09-05-02) 112 09-02-12 V.Ivant (fano-V09-05-02) 196 - PhysListEmStandard_WVI - fixed typo 113 - PhysListEmStandard_WVI - fixed typo 197 114 198 09-02-12 V.Ivant (fano-V09-05-01) 115 09-02-12 V.Ivant (fano-V09-05-01) 199 - PhysListEmStandard_WVI - more safe initialis 116 - PhysListEmStandard_WVI - more safe initialisation method 200 117 201 17-01-12 mma (fano-V09-05-00) 118 17-01-12 mma (fano-V09-05-00) 202 - HistoManager.hh and .cc : migrate to new g4t 119 - HistoManager.hh and .cc : migrate to new g4tools histogramming system 203 Do not need aida anymore, nor G4ANALYSIS_USE 120 Do not need aida anymore, nor G4ANALYSIS_USE 204 - HistoManager : histId and histPt 121 - HistoManager : histId and histPt 205 - SetHisto() : simplification of Unit handling 122 - SetHisto() : simplification of Unit handling (HistoManager and HistoMessenger) 206 - HistoMessenger.hh and .cc : suppress fileTyp 123 - HistoMessenger.hh and .cc : suppress fileType command 207 - HistoManager and HistoMessenger : coding con 124 - HistoManager and HistoMessenger : coding conventions 208 - Update Readme and all macros accordingly 125 - Update Readme and all macros accordingly 209 126 210 08-11-11 mma (fano-V09-04-03) 127 08-11-11 mma (fano-V09-04-03) 211 - modify SteppingVerbose for OutOfWorld 128 - modify SteppingVerbose for OutOfWorld 212 129 213 31-05-11 mma (fano-V09-04-02) 130 31-05-11 mma (fano-V09-04-02) 214 - DetectorConstruction : for Water, set I = 78 131 - DetectorConstruction : for Water, set I = 78 eV (instead of 75 eV) 215 132 216 13-05-2011 mma (fano-V09-04-01) 133 13-05-2011 mma (fano-V09-04-01) 217 - PhysListEmStandard_opt3 updated for msc95 134 - PhysListEmStandard_opt3 updated for msc95 218 - PhysListEmStandard_opt2 suppressed 135 - PhysListEmStandard_opt2 suppressed 219 - PhysListEmStandard_GS, VWI, SS : same option 136 - PhysListEmStandard_GS, VWI, SS : same options as opt3 220 137 221 04-01-2011 V.Ivanchenko (fano-V09-04-00) 138 04-01-2011 V.Ivanchenko (fano-V09-04-00) 222 - Minor cleanup of SS physics constructor 139 - Minor cleanup of SS physics constructor 223 140 224 09-11-2010 M.Asai (fano-V09-03-05) 141 09-11-2010 M.Asai (fano-V09-03-05) 225 - Fix AIDA file option. 142 - Fix AIDA file option. 226 143 227 25-10-2010 G.Folger (fano-V09-03-04) 144 25-10-2010 G.Folger (fano-V09-03-04) 228 - Correct initialisation of directinIn in ctor 145 - Correct initialisation of directinIn in ctor; needed by clhep 2.1... 229 146 230 06-06-10 J.Perl (fano-V09-03-03) 147 06-06-10 J.Perl (fano-V09-03-03) 231 - Remove unused variable in EventAction 148 - Remove unused variable in EventAction 232 149 233 04-06-10 J.Perl (fano-V09-03-02) 150 04-06-10 J.Perl (fano-V09-03-02) 234 - Updated vis usage 151 - Updated vis usage 235 152 236 22-05-10 mma (fano-V09-03-01) 153 22-05-10 mma (fano-V09-03-01) 237 - : introduction of G4UIExecutiv 154 - : introduction of G4UIExecutive 238 155 239 19-01-10 mma (fano-V09-03-00) 156 19-01-10 mma (fano-V09-03-00) 240 - introduce PhysListEmStandard_option2 : Urban 157 - introduce PhysListEmStandard_option2 : UrbanMscModel93 without options 241 PhysListEmStandard_WVI : WentzelVI 158 PhysListEmStandard_WVI : WentzelVIModel 242 - put in run01.mac all physics lists choice 159 - put in run01.mac all physics lists choice 243 160 244 16-11-09 mma (fano-V09-02-03) 161 16-11-09 mma (fano-V09-02-03) 245 - PhysListEmStandard_option3 : use UrbanMscMod 162 - PhysListEmStandard_option3 : use UrbanMscModel93 246 163 247 29-10-09 mma (fano-V09-02-02) 164 29-10-09 mma (fano-V09-02-02) 248 - new PhysListEmStandard_GS for GoudsmitSaunde 165 - new PhysListEmStandard_GS for GoudsmitSaundersonMsc model 249 166 250 25-10-09 mma (fano-V09-02-01) 167 25-10-09 mma (fano-V09-02-01) 251 - splite PhysicsList in 2, as others TestEm ex 168 - splite PhysicsList in 2, as others TestEm examples. 252 - local copy of PhysListEmStandard_option0, Ph 169 - local copy of PhysListEmStandard_option0, PhysListEmStandard_option3, 253 PhysListEmStandard_SS 170 PhysListEmStandard_SS 254 - PhysicsList: add cut for proton recoil in ca 171 - PhysicsList: add cut for proton recoil in case of Single Scattering 255 172 256 30-01-09 mma (fano-V09-02-00) 173 30-01-09 mma (fano-V09-02-00) 257 - EndOfRun : error = ratio*std::sqrt(dEoverE*d 174 - EndOfRun : error = ratio*std::sqrt(dEoverE*dEoverE + dToverT*dToverT) 258 175 259 16-11-08 mma (fano-V09-01-06) 176 16-11-08 mma (fano-V09-01-06) 260 - Em options: 20bins/decade LinLossLimit=defa 177 - Em options: 20bins/decade LinLossLimit=default=0.01 261 178 262 01-11-08 mma (fano-V09-01-05) 179 01-11-08 mma (fano-V09-01-05) 263 - PhysicsList : add comments for Em options 180 - PhysicsList : add comments for Em options 264 181 265 26-10-08 mma (fano-V09-01-04) 182 26-10-08 mma (fano-V09-01-04) 266 - PhysicsList : modified Em options 183 - PhysicsList : modified Em options 267 184 268 28-09-08 mma (fano-V09-01-03) 185 28-09-08 mma (fano-V09-01-03) 269 - HistoManager : root format by default 186 - HistoManager : root format by default 270 187 271 11-06-08 V.Ivant (fano-V09-01-02) 188 11-06-08 V.Ivant (fano-V09-01-02) 272 - Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile 189 - Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile 273 190 274 07-05-08 mma (fano-V09-01-01) 191 07-05-08 mma (fano-V09-01-01) 275 - README : update Aida informations 192 - README : update Aida informations 276 193 277 11-04-08 mma 194 11-04-08 mma 278 - HistoManager::Scale() : suppress warning 195 - HistoManager::Scale() : suppress warning 279 196 280 04-04-08 mma(fano-V09-01-00) 197 04-04-08 mma(fano-V09-01-00) 281 - PhysicsList : replace G4MultipleScattering b 198 - PhysicsList : replace G4MultipleScattering by new G4eMultipleScattering 282 --> allows to use MscUrbanModel2 199 --> allows to use MscUrbanModel2 283 200 284 12-11-07 mma (fano-V09-00-08) 201 12-11-07 mma (fano-V09-00-08) 285 - HistoManager/HistoMessenger : print selected 202 - HistoManager/HistoMessenger : print selected histos on ascii file 286 203 287 05-11-07 mma(fano-V09-00-07) 204 05-11-07 mma(fano-V09-00-07) 288 - syntax correction in 205 - syntax correction in 289 206 290 29-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-06) 207 29-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-06) 291 - Error on energy deposit : per e- track inste 208 - Error on energy deposit : per e- track instead of per incident gamma 292 209 293 29-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-05) 210 29-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-05) 294 - EventAction : histogram of energy deposit in 211 - EventAction : histogram of energy deposit in cavity per incident gamma 295 - RunAction : compute error on energy deposit 212 - RunAction : compute error on energy deposit and mean kinetic energy 296 213 297 08-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-04) 214 08-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-04) 298 - DetectorConstruction : wallRadius automatica 215 - DetectorConstruction : wallRadius automatically recomputed 299 216 300 02-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-03) 217 02-10-07 mma(fano-V09-00-03) 301 - PhysicsList : implement G4CoulombScattering 218 - PhysicsList : implement G4CoulombScattering process (option) 302 219 303 26-09-07 mma(fano-V09-00-02) 220 26-09-07 mma(fano-V09-00-02) 304 - : do not cancel Compton cr 221 - : do not cancel Compton crossSection in cavity 305 - : physics tables, 100 bins pe 222 - : physics tables, 100 bins per decade (emOptions) 306 223 307 03-09-07 mma 224 03-09-07 mma 308 - : add materials grap 225 - : add materials graphite and aluminium 309 226 310 05-07-07 mma (fano-V09-00-01) 227 05-07-07 mma (fano-V09-00-01) 311 - fano-00 retaged in fano-01 228 - fano-00 retaged in fano-01 312 229 313 27-06-07 mma (fano-V09-00-00) 230 27-06-07 mma (fano-V09-00-00) 314 - emOptions : fUseDistanceToBoundary 231 - emOptions : fUseDistanceToBoundary 315 - cosmetic in 232 - cosmetic in 316 233 317 12-06-07 mma (fano-V08-03-01) 234 12-06-07 mma (fano-V08-03-01) 318 - emOptions : SetLinearLossLimit(1.e-6); SetSk 235 - emOptions : SetLinearLossLimit(1.e-6); SetSkin(2.); 319 236 320 23-05-07 V.Ivanch (fano-V08-03-00) 237 23-05-07 V.Ivanch (fano-V08-03-00) 321 - follow change of interface of G4VEmModel::Sa 238 - follow change of interface of G4VEmModel::SampleSecondaries 322 239 323 19-03-07 mma (fano-V08-02-05) 240 19-03-07 mma (fano-V08-02-05) 324 - add histo of theta distr before enter in cav 241 - add histo of theta distr before enter in cavity 325 242 326 01-03-07 mma (fano-V08-02-04) 243 01-03-07 mma (fano-V08-02-04) 327 - default cut 10 km 244 - default cut 10 km 328 - StackingAction: range < 0.8*safe 245 - StackingAction: range < 0.8*safe 329 246 330 06-02-07 mma (fano-V08-02-03) 247 06-02-07 mma (fano-V08-02-03) 331 - RunAction: use G4long instead of G4int 248 - RunAction: use G4long instead of G4int 332 - : 4000 events 249 - : 4000 events 333 250 334 30-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-02) 251 30-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-02) 335 - MyKleinNishinaModel::CrossSectionPerVolume() 252 - MyKleinNishinaModel::CrossSectionPerVolume(): cancel crossSection in cavity 336 253 337 24-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-01) 254 24-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-01) 338 - use StackingAction to kill particles 255 - use StackingAction to kill particles 339 - do not save random seed 256 - do not save random seed 340 - set crossSection factor = 1000 257 - set crossSection factor = 1000 341 258 342 22-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-00) 259 22-01-07 mma (fano-V08-02-00) 343 - use fpTrackingManager to get non const Track 260 - use fpTrackingManager to get non const Track 344 261 345 20-01-07 michel maire 262 20-01-07 michel maire 346 - created, from TestEm11 263 - created, from TestEm11