Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 In this example, the particle fluence is evalu 2 set-up, consisting of one target solid sphere, 3 a particle is shot (by default along the z-axi 4 5 The particle fluence is computed in two places 6 defined as the positions immediately after and 7 the target with respect to the direction of th 8 9 The particle fluence is estimated by summing t 10 "scoring volume" - i.e. a thin hemisphere shel 11 (very low density gas) material, immediately o 12 and then dividing for the cubic volume of such 13 14 Complementary information on average multiplic 15 and average total energy flow (i.e. sum of kin 16 particles produced in the target are also comp 17 18 The particle fluence is evaluated for the foll 19 - all 20 - electron + positron 21 - gamma 22 - muon- + muon+ 23 - neutrino (any flavour and including anti-ne 24 - charged pions 25 - neutron + anti_neutron 26 - proton + anti_proton 27 - ion (and anti-ions) 28 - otherMeson (e.g. kaons, etc.) 29 - otherBaryon (e.g. hyperons, etc.) 30 31 The particle fluence is evaluated for the foll 32 - any kinetic energy 33 - kinetic energy < 20 MeV 34 - kinetic energy > 20 MeV 35 36 Look for the string "***LOOKHERE***" for those 37 are either hardwired in the code (i.e. not ava 38 or default values of UI commands. 39 40 This example uses the physics list factory, th 41 the reference physics list you want to use via 42 environmental variable (by default, if you don 43 physics list is used). 44 45 To build this example: 46 47 mkdir Build; cd Build 48 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ 49 -DGeant4_DIR=/path-to-geant4-libraries 50 make 51 52 To run it: 53 54 ./Sphere 55 56 which shoots 50 GeV pion- on different target 57 in each run, and print out some information on 58 at the end of each run. 59 Other macros exist for specific materials: 60,,,,, pbwo