Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 This example shows how to use Geant4 as a gene 1 This example shows how to use Geant4 as a generator for simulating 2 inelastic hadron-nuclear interactions. 2 inelastic hadron-nuclear interactions. 3 3 4 The class HadronicGenerator is the "generator" 4 The class HadronicGenerator is the "generator". 5 The main hadronic models (FTFP, QGSP, BERT, BI 5 The main hadronic models (FTFP, QGSP, BERT, BIC, IonBIC, INCL) 6 and some combinations of two of them - in a tr 6 and some combinations of two of them - in a transition energy region, 7 similarly to what happens in physics lists - a 7 similarly to what happens in physics lists - are available. 8 See include/HadronicGenerator.hh for more deta 8 See include/HadronicGenerator.hh for more detailed information. 9 9 10 The main,, shows an example of how t 10 The main,, shows an example of how to use it. 11 It samples randomly the projectile hadron, its 11 It samples randomly the projectile hadron, its energy, its direction 12 and the target material, and then it calls the 12 and the target material, and then it calls the generator. 13 Some information regarding the secondaries whi 13 Some information regarding the secondaries which are produced can be 14 printed out. 14 printed out. 15 See the comments in for more informa 15 See the comments in for more information and how eventually 16 to change some of its configurations. 16 to change some of its configurations. 17 Notice that does nothing really usef 17 Notice that does nothing really useful: users should consider 18 to use eventually only the class HadronicGener 18 to use eventually only the class HadronicGenerator. 19 19 20 ( << 21 The file shows an e << 22 collision, for fixed type of projectile ion, << 23 kinetic energy, and projectile direction. << 24 This file is obtained from with mi << 25 ) << 26 << 27 Notice that the Geant4 run-manager is not used 20 Notice that the Geant4 run-manager is not used. 28 21 29 To build this example: 22 To build this example: 30 mkdir Build; cd Build 23 mkdir Build; cd Build 31 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ 24 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ 32 -DGeant4_DIR=/path-to-geant4-libraries 25 -DGeant4_DIR=/path-to-geant4-libraries ../. 33 make 26 make 34 27 35 To run it: 28 To run it: 36 ./Hadr09 << 29 ./Hadr09 [] 37 30 38 which simulates 1000 hadron-nucleus collisions 31 which simulates 1000 hadron-nucleus collisions, randomnly selected, and 39 prints out some information about the secondar 32 prints out some information about the secondaries produced in these 40 interactions. It takes only a few seconds to r 33 interactions. It takes only a few seconds to run. >> 34 Notice that the input file,, which is empty, is not needed >> 35 by Hadr09, and can be omitted; however, it has been created because >> 36 is expected by system testing. 41 37 42 Note: this example has been included in Geant4 38 Note: this example has been included in Geant4 10.7, but it should work 43 also for early versions of Geant4, in pa 39 also for early versions of Geant4, in particular 10.6, 10.5 and 10.4.