Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/extended/field/field03/History (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/extended/field/field03/History (Version 8.0)

  1 # Example field03 History                      <<   1 $Id: History,v 1.19 2005/12/06 14:01:21 gcosmo Exp $
                                                   >>   2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     3 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   4      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   5      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr <<   6      =========================================================
  6                                                <<   7 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- <<   8                     field03 History file
  8                                                <<   9                     --------------------
  9 ## 2024-09-30 Gabriele Cosmo (fieldex03-V11-02 <<  10 This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly
 10 - Use GeometryHasBeenModified() in place of Re <<  11 summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep
 11   DetectorCostruction UI commands implementati <<  12 track of all tags.
 12                                                <<  13 
 13 ## 2024-09-25 Gabriele Cosmo (fieldex03-V11-02 <<  14      ----------------------------------------------------------
 14 - Minor simplification in F03DetectorConstruct <<  15      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
 15                                                <<  16      ----------------------------------------------------------
 16 ## 2024-09-18 Gabriele Cosmo (fieldex03-V11-02 << 
 17 - Migrated to use G4RunManagerFactory.         << 
 18 - Use default MixMax random generator.         << 
 19                                                << 
 20 ## 2024-04-29 Ivana Hrivnacova (fieldex03-V11- << 
 21 - Replaced FieldSetup and FieldMessenger class << 
 22   field builder class (G4FieldBuilder)         << 
 23 - Moved setting field value (ThreeVector) from << 
 24   in DetectorConstruction and its messenger an << 
 25   setting Z-value only                         << 
 26                                                << 
 27 ## 2023-07-05 Ivana Hrivnacova (fieldex03-V11- << 
 28 - Clang-tidy, new coding guidelines            << 
 29 - Clean-up trailing white-spaces               << 
 30                                                << 
 31 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (fieldex03-V11-00-00) << 
 32 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
 33                                                << 
 34 ---                                            << 
 35                                                << 
 36 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
 37                                                << 
 38 July 27, 2018 I.Hrivnacova - fieldex03-V10-04- << 
 39 - Added commands:                              << 
 40    /field/setField  Bx By Bz unit              << 
 41    /field/setLocalField  Bx By Bz unit         << 
 42 - Fixed geometry (corrected overlaps, paramete << 
 43   - Activated checkOverlaps in G4PVPlacements  << 
 44 - Macro review and code clean-up:              << 
 45   - Removed EventAction, RunAction, RunActionM << 
 46     used only for storing random numbers, alre << 
 47   - Separated other than visualization setting << 
 48     new init_vis.mac                           << 
 49   - Added test for commands defined in the exa << 
 50     of macro                        << 
 51   - Improved visualization of geometry         << 
 52   - Added "beamOn 10" button in gui.mac        << 
 53   - Updated README files                       << 
 54                                                << 
 55 May 15, 2018 J.Allison - fieldex03-V10-04-01   << 
 56 - Remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE.               << 
 57 - Move instantiation of G4UIExecutive to start << 
 58 - vis.mac, gui.mac: Clean up.                  << 
 59 - Remove vis commands.        << 
 60                                                << 
 61 May 09, 2018 B.Morgan - fieldex03-V10-04-00    << 
 62 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADE << 
 63   compatibility with move to #defines over -D  << 
 64   symbols.                                     << 
 65                                                << 
 66 Jun   2, 2017 - J.Apostolakis - fieldex03-V10- << 
 67 - renamed SetStepper() method to CreateStepper << 
 68                                                << 
 69 May  24, 2017 - J.Apostolakis - fieldex03-V10- << 
 70 - fixed valgrind issues in field setup's updat << 
 71     delete all dependent objects, then create  << 
 72                                                << 
 73 November 19, 2016 A.Dotti   - fieldex03-V10-02 << 
 74 - explicit set of SD to manager                << 
 75                                                << 
 76 November 02, 2016 L.Garnier - fieldex03-V10-02 << 
 77 - remove icons.mac. Automatically include sinc << 
 78                                                << 
 79 July 04, 2016 - I. Hrivnacova - fieldex03-V10- << 
 80 - Fix for Doxygen documentation                << 
 81                                                << 
 82 July 01, 2016 - I. Hrivnacova - fieldex03-V10- << 
 83 - Replaced F03PhysicsList with FTFP_BERT with  << 
 84                                                << 
 85 May 19, 2016 - G.Cosmo - fieldex03-V10-02-00   << 
 86 - Fixed compilation warnings on gcc-6.1 in F03 << 
 87                                                << 
 88 September 01, 2015 - I. Hrivnacova - fieldex03 << 
 89 - Removed F03EventActionMessenger class, now o << 
 90   replaced /event/printModulo commands in macr << 
 91 - Code cleanup                                 << 
 92                                                << 
 93 December 02, 2013                              << 
 94 - More fixes in gui.mac:                       << 
 95   Let execute vis.mac first to make the comman << 
 96   corrected wireframe parameter                << 
 97                                                << 
 98 November 29, 2013 - I. Hrivnacova              << 
 99 - Fixed gui.mac (commented out command specifi << 
100                                                << 
101 November 28, 2013 - M.Asai - fieldex03-V09-06- << 
102 - Fix F03PrimaryGeneratorAction to avoid race  << 
103                                                << 
104 November 28, 2013 - M.Asai - fieldex03-V09-06- << 
105 - Fix F03PhysicsList to avoid race condition p << 
106                                                << 
107 November 26, 2013 - I.Hrivnacova - fieldex03-V << 
108 - Fixed ConstructSDandField():                 << 
109   Moved setting the SD and field manager to lo << 
110 - Do not test (fAbsorberThickness > 0.) in Con << 
111   as setting 0 is not allowed in set command   << 
112                                                << 
113 November 25, 2013 - I.Hrivnacova - fieldex03-V << 
114 - Put back cleaning volumes and solid stores i << 
115                                                << 
116 November 22, 2013 - P.Gumplinger - fieldex03-V << 
117 - add gui.mac back in and removed fWorldChange << 
118                                                << 
119 November 21, 2013 - I.Hrivnacova - fieldex03-V << 
120 - Use new G4RunManager::ReinitializeGeometry t << 
121   when geometry changes                        << 
122 - Remove DetectorConstruction::Update and corr << 
123   is not needed anymore                        << 
124 - Set "ToBeBroadcasted == false" for UI comman << 
125   since these should be executed only by maste << 
126 - Fixed main (do not call gui.mac which does n << 
127 - In F03FieldSetup:                            << 
128   - Do not declare fLocalFieldManager thread-l << 
129     as the F03FieldSetup is already thread-loc << 
130   - Code clean-up                              << 
131                                                << 
132 November 12, 2013 P.Gumplinger - fieldex03-V09 << 
133 - migration to MT and code cleanup             << 
134                                                << 
135 July 29, 2013 P.Gumplinger - fieldex03-V09-06- << 
136 - fix MAC/clang32 compilation warnings         << 
137                                                << 
138 February 14, 2013 - I.Hrivnacova               << 
139 -----------------------------                  << 
140 - Applied coding guidelines (data members init << 
141   tagged in examples/field                     << 
142                                                << 
143 October 17, 2012 - I.Hrivnacova - fieldex03-V0 << 
144 -----------------------------                  << 
145 - Applied coding guidelines, code clean-up     << 
146                                                << 
147 August 16th, 2010 H.Kurashige - fieldex03-V09- << 
148 -----------------------------                  << 
149 - Removed inclusion of G4ParticleWithCuts head << 
150                                                << 
151 June 2nd, 2010 J.Perl - fieldex03-V09-03-03    << 
152 ---------------------                          << 
153 - Updated vis usage.                           << 
154                                                << 
155 May 12th, 2010 John Allison - fieldex03-V09-03 << 
156 ---------------------------                    << 
157 - Introduced G4UIExecutive.                    << 
158                                                << 
159 Apr 8th, 2010 Gabriele Cosmo - fieldex03-V09-0 << 
160 ----------------------------                   << 
161 - Removed unused pointers to G4MultipleScatter << 
162                                                << 
163 Mar 25th, 2010 Gabriele Cosmo - fieldex03-V09- << 
164 -----------------------------                  << 
165 - Migrated physics list to use particle-based  << 
166                                                << 
167 Nov 4th,  2009  Peter Gumplinger - fieldex03-V << 
168 --------------------------------               << 
169 - fix the density of STP Carbon Dioxide in Det << 
170                                                << 
171 May 23rd, 2007  John Apostolakis  -  fieldex03 << 
172 --------------------------------               << 
173 - Taken out FastSimulationManagerProcess, whic << 
174                                                << 
175 Apr 27th, 2007 Peter Gumplinger (fieldex03-V08 << 
176 - Fixed bug in F03FieldSetup:                  << 
177   fFieldManager = fLocalFieldManager = GetGlob << 
178   fFieldManager->SetDetectorField(fMagneticFie << 
179   fLocalFieldManager->SetDetectorField(fLocalM << 
180   The above is a pointer copy and the two G4Fi << 
181   to the same object; i.e. fLocalMagneticField << 
182   in the GlobalFieldManager. This is not at al << 
183   supposed to be exhibited by this example!    << 
184                                                    17 
185 Dec 6th, 2005  Gabriele Cosmo                      18 Dec 6th, 2005  Gabriele Cosmo
186 -----------------------------                      19 -----------------------------
187 - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X s     20 - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series.
188                                                    21 
189 Oct 13th, 2005  Vladimir Grichine  (fieldex03-     22 Oct 13th, 2005  Vladimir Grichine  (fieldex03-V07-01-00)
190 ---------------------------------                  23 ---------------------------------
191 - Removed cluster models from detector constru     24 - Removed cluster models from detector construction.
192   Coworks with gpara-V07-01-00.                    25   Coworks with gpara-V07-01-00.
193                                                    26 
194 May 3rd, 2005  John Allison  (examples-V07-00-     27 May 3rd, 2005  John Allison  (examples-V07-00-03)
195 ---------------------------                        28 ---------------------------
196 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.        29 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.
197                                                    30 
198 Dec 3rd, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo                       31 Dec 3rd, 2004 Gabriele Cosmo
199 ----------------------------                       32 ----------------------------
200 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.                33 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.
201                                                    34 
202 Dec 3rd, 2004 Vladimir Grichine                    35 Dec 3rd, 2004 Vladimir Grichine
203 -------------------------------                    36 -------------------------------
204 - Removed dependency on old PAI and XTR models     37 - Removed dependency on old PAI and XTR models in PhysicsList.
205                                                    38 
206 Sep 15rd, 2004 Vladimir Ivanchenko (fieldex03-     39 Sep 15rd, 2004 Vladimir Ivanchenko (fieldex03-V06-02-00)
207 ----------------------------------                 40 ----------------------------------
208 - Minor cleanup of PhysicsList.                    41 - Minor cleanup of PhysicsList.
209                                                    42 
210 Mar 23rd, 2004 John Apostolakis (fieldex03-V06     43 Mar 23rd, 2004 John Apostolakis (fieldex03-V06-00-00)
211 -------------------------------                    44 -------------------------------
212 - F03FieldSetup: fixed SetFieldValue methods t     45 - F03FieldSetup: fixed SetFieldValue methods to update equation, fld-manager.
213 - F03FieldMessenger: added printout of value a     46 - F03FieldMessenger: added printout of value after Set Command.
214                                                    47 
215 Dec  1st, 2003 John Apostolakis (fieldex03-V05     48 Dec  1st, 2003 John Apostolakis (fieldex03-V05-02-00)
216 -------------------------------                    49 -------------------------------
217 - Renamed F03ElectroMagneticField into F03Fiel <<  50 - Renamed F03ElectroMagneticField into F03FieldSetup (as it is a creator, 
218    not a field).                               <<  51    not a field). 
219 - FieldSetup is now called only in Detector Co     52 - FieldSetup is now called only in Detector Construction, not in main.
220                                                    53 
221 Nov 25th, 2003 Gabriele Cosmo                      54 Nov 25th, 2003 Gabriele Cosmo
222 -----------------------------                      55 -----------------------------
223 - Open geometry before clearing stores in Dete     56 - Open geometry before clearing stores in DetectorConstruction class.
224                                                    57 
225 Nov 14th, 2003 John Apostolakis                    58 Nov 14th, 2003 John Apostolakis
226 -------------------------------                    59 -------------------------------
227 - F03ElectroMagneticField:                         60 - F03ElectroMagneticField:
228   o changed minimum step to 0.25 mm, from 1.0      61   o changed minimum step to 0.25 mm, from 1.0 mm.
229                                                    62 
230 Nov 13th, 2003 John Allison                        63 Nov 13th, 2003 John Allison
231 ---------------------------                        64 ---------------------------
232 - Removed OPACS from Vis Manager.                  65 - Removed OPACS from Vis Manager.
233                                                    66 
234 Aug 27th, 2003 V.Ivantchenko (fieldex-V05-02-0     67 Aug 27th, 2003 V.Ivantchenko (fieldex-V05-02-00)
235 ----------------------------------------------     68 ------------------------------------------------
236  - Remove obsolete interfaces                      69  - Remove obsolete interfaces
237                                                    70 
238 Jun 25th, 2003 - G.Cosmo (fieldex-V05-01-00)       71 Jun 25th, 2003 - G.Cosmo (fieldex-V05-01-00)
239 --------------------------------------------       72 --------------------------------------------
240 - Fixed mechanism for update of geometry in de     73 - Fixed mechanism for update of geometry in detector-construction.
241 - Corrected GetFieldValue in ElectroMagneticFi     74 - Corrected GetFieldValue in ElectroMagneticField class. (J.Apostolakis).
242 - Fixed pedantic warnings ...                      75 - Fixed pedantic warnings ...
243                                                    76 
244 Feb 20th, 2003 - V.Ivanchenko (field-V05-00-00     77 Feb 20th, 2003 - V.Ivanchenko (field-V05-00-00)
245 ----------------------------------------------     78 -------------------------------------------------
246 - Cut per region                                   79 - Cut per region
247                                                    80 
248 Nov 7th, 2001 - G.Cosmo                            81 Nov 7th, 2001 - G.Cosmo
249 -----------------------                            82 -----------------------
250 - More cleanup and fixes to primary generator      83 - More cleanup and fixes to primary generator gun (V.Grichine).
251                                                    84 
252 Oct 15th, 2001 - G.Cosmo                           85 Oct 15th, 2001 - G.Cosmo
253 ------------------------                           86 ------------------------
254 - Cleaned from test code.                          87 - Cleaned from test code.