Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example HepMCEx02 History 2 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological 5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c 6 7 8 ## 2024-04-25 Ben Morgan (HepMCEx02-V11-02-00) 9 - Update CMake script to use new Pythia6 setup 10 11 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (HepMCEx02-V11-00-00) 12 - Change to new Markdown History format 13 14 --- 15 16 # History entries prior to 11.0 17 18 November 13th 2020 Ben Morgan (HepMCEx02-V10-0 19 - Enforce use of Serial RunManager. 20 21 November 10th 2020 Ben Morgan (HepMCEx02-V10-0 22 - Migration to G4RunManagerFactory. 23 24 September 4th 2018 I. Hrivnacova (HepMCEx02-V1 25 - Coding guidelines 26 - Updated CMake: removed gfortran (obsolete) 27 28 May 15th 2018 J.Allison 29 - Add #include "G4Types.hh". 30 - Remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE. 31 - Move instantiation of G4UIExecutive to start 32 33 November 13th 2013 K. Murakami 34 - new coding guideline 35 36 November 21th, 2012 K. Murakami (exHepMC-V09-0 37 - changed that AsciiReader uses IO_GenEvent in 38 - migration to CMake. CMakeLists.txt, added li 39 - data files and outputs are updateds 40 - physics list is changed to FTFP_BERT 41 42 December 10th 2010 K.Murakami 43 - change physics list from GGSP to QGSP_BERT 44 - update outputs 45 - update data/ directory for latest HEPMC vers 46 47 Nov 2, 2010 J.Allison 48 - Removed #include "G4UIterminal 49 50 May 24, 2010 K.Murakami 51 - use QGSP physics list instead of old flag ph 52 - introduce G4UIExective 53 - modify for HepMC ver.2 (2.06.00) 54 55 Nov, 22nd, 2006 G.Cosmo 56 - Corrected GNUmakefile. 57 58 Jul, 5th, 2006 G.Cosmo 59 - Updated to current version of exampleN02 for 60 Now working with release series 8. 61 - Corrected GNUmakefile, now requiring CERNLIB 62 and HepMC 1.27 or greater. 63 64 May, 3rd, 2005 John Allison 65 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 66 67 Nov, 13th, 2003 John Allison 68 - Reconstructed Vis Manager. 69 70 Jul, 4th, 2003 G.Cosmo 71 - Fixed compilation errors due to incorrect co 72 - Fixed pedantic compilation warnings on Linux 73 74 Nov, 19th, 2002 K.Murakami 75 - Modified physics lists as is ExN02. 76 - "std" namespace modified to "G4std". 77 78 May, 28th, 2002 K.Murakami 79 - Renamed classes and filenames. 80 81 Apr, 15th, 2002 K.Murakami 82 - Created.