Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm6/TestEm6.out (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm6/TestEm6.out (Version 9.3.p1)

  1                                                     1 
  2         ######################################      2         ############################################
  3         !!! WARNING - FPE detection is activat      3         !!! WARNING - FPE detection is activated !!!
  4         ######################################      4         ############################################
  5                                                     5 
  6                                                <<   6 *************************************************************
  7           ################################     <<   7  Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-patch-01-ref    (9-April-2010)
  8           !!! G4Backtrace is activated !!!     <<   8                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
  9           ################################     <<   9                       Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
 10                                                <<  10                             WWW :
 11                                                <<  11 *************************************************************
 12 ********************************************** << 
 13  Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-03-ref-00    ( << 
 14                        Copyright : Geant4 Coll << 
 15                       References : NIM A 506 ( << 
 16                                  : IEEE-TNS 53 << 
 17                                  : NIM A 835 ( << 
 18                              WWW : http://gean << 
 19 ********************************************** << 
 20                                                    12 
 21                                                    13 
 22 ***** Table : Nb of materials = 3 *****            14 ***** Table : Nb of materials = 3 *****
 23                                                    15 
 24  Material: Beryllium    density:  1.848 g/cm3  <<  16  Material: Beryllium     density:  1.848 g/cm3   RadL:  35.276 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  39.413 cm   Imean:  63.600 eV 
 25                        Imean:  63.700 eV   tem <<  17    --->  Element: Beryllium ( )   Z =  4.0   N =   9.0   A =   9.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
 26                                                << 
 27    --->  Element: Be (Be)   Z =  4.0   N =     << 
 28          --->  Isotope:   Be9   Z =  4   N =   << 
 29           ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbunda << 
 30                                                << 
 31                                                    18 
 32  Material:   Carbon    density:  2.265 g/cm3   <<  19  Material:   Carbon     density:  2.265 g/cm3   RadL:  18.851 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  35.388 cm   Imean:  78.000 eV 
 33                        Imean:  81.000 eV   tem <<  20    --->  Element: Carbon ( )   Z =  6.0   N =  12.0   A =  12.01 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
 34                                                    21 
 35    --->  Element: C (C)   Z =  6.0   N =    12 <<  22  Material:     Iron     density:  7.870 g/cm3   RadL:   1.759 cm   Nucl.Int.Length:  16.999 cm   Imean: 286.000 eV 
 36          --->  Isotope:   C12   Z =  6   N =   <<  23    --->  Element: Iron ( )   Z = 26.0   N =  55.8   A =  55.85 g/mole  ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbundance 100.00 %
 37          --->  Isotope:   C13   Z =  6   N =   << 
 38           ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbunda << 
 39                                                    24 
 40                                                    25 
 41  Material:     Iron    density:  7.870 g/cm3   <<  26 Visualization Manager instantiating...
 42                        Imean: 286.000 eV   tem <<  27 Visualization Manager initialising...
                                                   >>  28 Registering graphics systems...
                                                   >>  29 
                                                   >>  30 You have successfully registered the following graphics systems.
                                                   >>  31 Current available graphics systems are:
                                                   >>  32   ASCIITree (ATree)
                                                   >>  33   DAWNFILE (DAWNFILE)
                                                   >>  34   G4HepRep (HepRepXML)
                                                   >>  35   G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile)
                                                   >>  36   RayTracer (RayTracer)
                                                   >>  37   VRML1FILE (VRML1FILE)
                                                   >>  38   VRML2FILE (VRML2FILE)
                                                   >>  39   gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile)
                                                   >>  40   OpenGLImmediateX (OGLIX)
                                                   >>  41   OpenGLStoredX (OGLSX)
                                                   >>  42 
                                                   >>  43 Registering model factories...
                                                   >>  44 
                                                   >>  45 You have successfully registered the following model factories.
                                                   >>  46 Registered model factories:
                                                   >>  47   generic
                                                   >>  48   drawByCharge
                                                   >>  49   drawByParticleID
                                                   >>  50   drawByOriginVolume
                                                   >>  51   drawByAttribute
                                                   >>  52 
                                                   >>  53 Registered filter factories:
                                                   >>  54   chargeFilter
                                                   >>  55   particleFilter
                                                   >>  56   originVolumeFilter
                                                   >>  57   attributeFilter
 43                                                    58 
 44    --->  Element: Fe (Fe)   Z = 26.0   N =     << 
 45          --->  Isotope:  Fe54   Z = 26   N =   << 
 46          --->  Isotope:  Fe56   Z = 26   N =   << 
 47          --->  Isotope:  Fe57   Z = 26   N =   << 
 48          --->  Isotope:  Fe58   Z = 26   N =   << 
 49           ElmMassFraction: 100.00 %  ElmAbunda << 
 50                                                << 
 51                                                << 
 52                                                << 
 53 ###SetMaterial                                 << 
 54 ### New target material: Iron                  << 
 55 /run/verbose 2                                     59 /run/verbose 2
 56 #                                                  60 #
 57 /testem/det/setMat Iron                            61 /testem/det/setMat Iron
 58 ###SetMaterial                                 << 
 59 /testem/det/setSize 500 m                          62 /testem/det/setSize 500 m
 60 #                                                  63 #
 61 /run/initialize                                    64 /run/initialize
 62 userDetector->Construct() start.                   65 userDetector->Construct() start.
 63                                                    66 
 64  The Box is 500 m   of Iron                        67  The Box is 500 m   of Iron
 65 Iron is registered to the default region.          68 Iron is registered to the default region.
 66 physicsList->Construct() start.                    69 physicsList->Construct() start.
                                                   >>  70 physicsList->Construct() start.
 67 physicsList->CheckParticleList() start.            71 physicsList->CheckParticleList() start.
 68 physicsList->setCut() start.                       72 physicsList->setCut() start.
 69 #                                              <<  73 PhysicsList::SetCuts:CutLength : 1 km 
 70 /testem/phys/SetGammaToMuPairFac 1000          << 
 71 #                                                  74 #
 72 /gun/particle gamma                                75 /gun/particle gamma
 73 /gun/energy 100 TeV                                76 /gun/energy 100 TeV
 74 #                                                  77 #
 75 /tracking/verbose 1                                78 /tracking/verbose 1
 76 #                                                  79 #
 77 /run/beamOn 5                                      80 /run/beamOn 5
 78 ============================================== << 
 79 ======                 Electromagnetic Physics << 
 80 ============================================== << 
 81 LPM effect enabled                             << 
 82 Enable creation and use of sampling tables     << 
 83 Apply cuts on all EM processes                 << 
 84 Use combined TransportationWithMsc             << 
 85 Use general process                            << 
 86 Enable linear polarisation for gamma           << 
 87 Enable photoeffect sampling below K-shell      << 
 88 Enable sampling of quantum entanglement        << 
 89 X-section factor for integral approach         << 
 90 Min kinetic energy for tables                  << 
 91 Max kinetic energy for tables                  << 
 92 Number of bins per decade of a table           << 
 93 Verbose level                                  << 
 94 Verbose level for worker thread                << 
 95 Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which    << 
 96   primary e+- is added to the list of secondar << 
 97 Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which pr << 
 98   muon/hadron is added to the list of secondar << 
 99 Positron annihilation at rest model            << 
100 Enable 3 gamma annihilation on fly             << 
101 Lowest triplet kinetic energy                  << 
102 Enable sampling of gamma linear polarisation   << 
103 5D gamma conversion model type                 << 
104 5D gamma conversion model on isolated ion      << 
105 Use Ricardo-Gerardo pair production model      << 
106 Livermore data directory                       << 
107 ============================================== << 
108 ======                 Ionisation Parameters   << 
109 ============================================== << 
110 Step function for e+-                          << 
111 Step function for muons/hadrons                << 
112 Step function for light ions                   << 
113 Step function for general ions                 << 
114 Lowest e+e- kinetic energy                     << 
115 Lowest muon/hadron kinetic energy              << 
116 Use ICRU90 data                                << 
117 Fluctuations of dE/dx are enabled              << 
118 Type of fluctuation model for leptons and hadr << 
119 Use built-in Birks satuaration                 << 
120 Build CSDA range enabled                       << 
121 Use cut as a final range enabled               << 
122 Enable angular generator interface             << 
123 Max kinetic energy for CSDA tables             << 
124 Max kinetic energy for NIEL computation        << 
125 Linear loss limit                              << 
126 Read data from file for e+e- pair production b << 
127 ============================================== << 
128 ======                 Multiple Scattering Par << 
129 ============================================== << 
130 Type of msc step limit algorithm for e+-       << 
131 Type of msc step limit algorithm for muons/had << 
132 Msc lateral displacement for e+- enabled       << 
133 Msc lateral displacement for muons and hadrons << 
134 Urban msc model lateral displacement alg96     << 
135 Range factor for msc step limit for e+-        << 
136 Range factor for msc step limit for muons/hadr << 
137 Geometry factor for msc step limitation of e+- << 
138 Safety factor for msc step limit for e+-       << 
139 Skin parameter for msc step limitation of e+-  << 
140 Lambda limit for msc step limit for e+-        << 
141 Use Mott correction for e- scattering          << 
142 Factor used for dynamic computation of angular << 
143   limit between single and multiple scattering << 
144 Fixed angular limit between single             << 
145   and multiple scattering                      << 
146 Upper energy limit for e+- multiple scattering << 
147 Type of electron single scattering model       << 
148 Type of nuclear form-factor                    << 
149 Screening factor                               << 
150 ============================================== << 
151 #####G4eeToTwoPiModel####                      << 
152 G4eeToHadronsModel::Initialise:                << 
153 CM System: emin(MeV)= 279.14 epeak(MeV)= 775.5 << 
154 ####G4eeTo3PiModel####                         << 
155 G4eeToHadronsModel::Initialise:                << 
156 CM System: emin(MeV)= 416.12 epeak(MeV)= 1019. << 
157 ####G4ee2KChargedModel####                     << 
158 G4eeToHadronsModel::Initialise:                << 
159 CM System: emin(MeV)= 987.354 epeak(MeV)= 1019 << 
160 ####G4ee2KNeutralModel####                     << 
161 G4eeToHadronsModel::Initialise:                << 
162 CM System: emin(MeV)= 995.228 epeak(MeV)= 1019 << 
163 ####G4eeToPGammaModel & particle:pi0####       << 
164 G4eeToHadronsModel::Initialise:                << 
165 CM System: emin(MeV)= 782.62 epeak(MeV)= 782.6 << 
166 ####G4eeToPGammaModel & particle:eta####       << 
167 G4eeToHadronsModel::Initialise:                << 
168 CM System: emin(MeV)= 1019.46 epeak(MeV)= 1019 << 
169                                                    81 
170 GammaToMuPair:  gamma->mu+mu- Bethe Heitler pr     82 GammaToMuPair:  gamma->mu+mu- Bethe Heitler process, SubType= 15
171         good cross section parametrization fro <<  83         good cross section parametrization from 422.634 MeV to 1e+12 GeV for all Z.
172         cross section factor: 1000             <<  84 
                                                   >>  85 phot:   for  gamma    SubType= 12
                                                   >>  86       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >>  87        PhotoElectric :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >>  88 
                                                   >>  89 compt:   for  gamma    SubType= 13
                                                   >>  90       Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >>  91       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >>  92        Klein-Nishina :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >>  93 
                                                   >>  94 conv:   for  gamma    SubType= 14
                                                   >>  95       Lambda tables from 1.022 MeV to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >>  96       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >>  97        Bethe-Heitler :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >>  98 
                                                   >>  99 msc:   for e-    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 100       Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 101       RangeFactor= 0.04, step limit type: 1, lateralDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
                                                   >> 102       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 103           UrbanMsc92 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   100 TeV
                                                   >> 104 
                                                   >> 105 eIoni:   for  e-    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 106       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 107       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 108       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 109       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 110         MollerBhabha :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
173                                                   111 
174 AnnihiToMuPair:  e+e->mu+mu- annihilation, ato << 112 eBrem:   for  e-    SubType= 3
                                                   >> 113       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 114       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 115       LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV
                                                   >> 116       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 117                eBrem :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 GeV
                                                   >> 118             eBremRel :     Emin=          1 GeV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 119 
                                                   >> 120 AnnihiToMuPair:  e+e->mu+mu- annihilation, atomic e- at rest, SubType=.6
175         threshold at 43.6931 GeV good descript    121         threshold at 43.6931 GeV good description up to 1000 TeV for all Z.
176                                                   122 
177 ee2hadr:  for e+ XStype:3 SubType=7 BuildTable << 123 ee2hadr:   for  e+, integral: 1     SubType= 7
178       e+ annihilation into hadrons active from << 124       Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 10 TeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 125       e+ annihilation into hadrons active from 76.241 GeV to 1409 GeV
                                                   >> 126       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 127          eeToHadrons :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   10 TeV
                                                   >> 128 
                                                   >> 129 msc:   for proton    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 130       Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 131       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
                                                   >> 132       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 133           UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   100 TeV
                                                   >> 134 
                                                   >> 135 hIoni:   for  proton    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 136       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 137       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 138       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 139       NuclearStopping= 1
                                                   >> 140       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 141                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   2 MeV
                                                   >> 142           BetheBloch :     Emin=          2 MeV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 143 
                                                   >> 144 hhIoni:   for  anti_proton    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 145       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 146       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 147       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.1, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 148       Delta-ray will not be produced; 
                                                   >> 149       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 150             BraggNoD :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   2 MeV
                                                   >> 151        BetheBlochNoD :     Emin=          2 MeV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 152 
                                                   >> 153 hIoni:   for  kaon+    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 154       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 155       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 156       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 157       NuclearStopping= 0
                                                   >> 158       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 159                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1.05231 MeV
                                                   >> 160           BetheBloch :     Emin=    1.05231 MeV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 161 
                                                   >> 162 hIoni:   for  kaon-    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 163       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 164       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 165       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 166       NuclearStopping= 0
                                                   >> 167       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 168                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1.05231 MeV
                                                   >> 169           BetheBloch :     Emin=    1.05231 MeV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 170 
                                                   >> 171 muMsc:   for mu+    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 172       Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 173       RangeFactor= 0.2, step limit type: 0, lateralDisplacement: 1, polarAngleLimit(deg)= 0
                                                   >> 174       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 175           UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   100 TeV
                                                   >> 176 
                                                   >> 177 muIoni:   for  mu+    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 178       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 179       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 180       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 181       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 182                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   200 keV
                                                   >> 183           BetheBloch :     Emin=        200 keV        Emax=   1 GeV
                                                   >> 184         MuBetheBloch :     Emin=          1 GeV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 185 
                                                   >> 186 muBrems:   for  mu+    SubType= 3
                                                   >> 187       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 188       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 189       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 190               MuBrem :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 191 
                                                   >> 192 muPairProd:   for  mu+    SubType= 4
                                                   >> 193       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 194       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
179       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    195       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
180          eeToHadrons : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 196           muPairProd :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
181                                                   197 
182 Region <DefaultRegionForTheWorld> --  -- appea << 198 muIoni:   for  mu-    SubType= 2
183  This region is in the mass world.             << 199       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 200       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 201       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 202       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 203                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   200 keV
                                                   >> 204           BetheBloch :     Emin=        200 keV        Emax=   1 GeV
                                                   >> 205         MuBetheBloch :     Emin=          1 GeV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 206 
                                                   >> 207 muBrems:   for  mu-    SubType= 3
                                                   >> 208       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 209       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 210       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 211               MuBrem :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 212 
                                                   >> 213 muPairProd:   for  mu-    SubType= 4
                                                   >> 214       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 215       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 216       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 217           muPairProd :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 218 
                                                   >> 219 hIoni:   for  pi+    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 220       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 221       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 222       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 223       NuclearStopping= 0
                                                   >> 224       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 225                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   297.504 keV
                                                   >> 226           BetheBloch :     Emin=    297.504 keV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 227 
                                                   >> 228 msc:   for pi-    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 229       Lambda tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 230       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 1, skin= 3, geomFactor= 2.5
                                                   >> 231       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 232           UrbanMsc90 :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   100 TeV
                                                   >> 233 
                                                   >> 234 hIoni:   for  pi-    SubType= 2
                                                   >> 235       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1 PeV in 91 bins
                                                   >> 236       Lambda tables from threshold to 1 PeV in 91 bins, spline: 1
                                                   >> 237       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
                                                   >> 238       NuclearStopping= 0
                                                   >> 239       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 240                Bragg :     Emin=          0 eV         Emax=   297.504 keV
                                                   >> 241           BetheBloch :     Emin=    297.504 keV        Emax=   1 PeV
                                                   >> 242 
                                                   >> 243 Region <DefaultRegionForTheWorld> -- appears in <Iron> world volume
184  Root logical volume(s) : Iron                    244  Root logical volume(s) : Iron 
185  Pointers : G4VUserRegionInformation[0], G4Use    245  Pointers : G4VUserRegionInformation[0], G4UserLimits[0], G4FastSimulationManager[0], G4UserSteppingAction[0]
186  Materials : Iron                                 246  Materials : Iron 
187  Production cuts :   gamma 1 km      e- 1 km   << 247  Production cuts :   gamma 1 km      e- 1 km      e+ 1 km  proton 0 fm 
188                                                << 
189 Region <DefaultRegionForParallelWorld> --  --  << 
190  Root logical volume(s) :                      << 
191  Pointers : G4VUserRegionInformation[0], G4Use << 
192  Materials :                                   << 
193  Production cuts :   gamma 1 km      e- 1 km   << 
194                                                   248 
195 ========= Table of registered couples ======== << 249 ========= Table of registered couples ==============================
196                                                   250 
197 Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes       << 251 Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No 
198  Material : Iron                                  252  Material : Iron
199  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 km     e-  1 km << 253  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 km     e-  1 km     e+  1 km  proton 0 fm 
200  Energy thresholds :  gamma  9.54965 GeV    e- << 254  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  10 GeV    e+  10 GeV proton 0 eV 
201  Region(s) which use this couple :                255  Region(s) which use this couple : 
202     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      256     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
203                                                   257 
204 ============================================== << 258 ====================================================================
205                                                   259 
206 Start closing geometry.                           260 Start closing geometry.
207 ---------------------------------------------- << 
208 G4GeometryManager::ReportVoxelStats -- Voxel S    261 G4GeometryManager::ReportVoxelStats -- Voxel Statistics
209                                                   262 
210     Total memory consumed for geometry optimis    263     Total memory consumed for geometry optimisation:   0 kByte
211     Total CPU time elapsed for geometry optimi    264     Total CPU time elapsed for geometry optimisation: 0 seconds
212 ---------------------------------------------- << 
213                                                << 
214 ### Run 0 starts.                              << 
215 ### Run 0 start.                                  265 ### Run 0 start.
216 ###RunAction::BeginOfRunAction  Material:Iron  << 
217 ... create h1 : h1 - done                      << 
218 ... create h1 : h2 - done                      << 
219 ... create h1 : h3 - done                      << 
220 ... create h1 : h4 - done                      << 
221 ... create h1 : h5 - done                      << 
222 ... create h1 : h6 - done                      << 
223 ... create h1 : h7 - done                      << 
224 ... create h1 : h8 - done                      << 
225 ... create h1 : h9 - done                      << 
226 ... create h1 : h10 - done                     << 
227 ... create h1 : h11 - done                     << 
228 ... create h1 : h12 - done                     << 
229 ... create h1 : h13 - done                     << 
230 ... create h1 : h14 - done                     << 
231 ... create h1 : h15 - done                     << 
232 ... create h1 : h16 - done                     << 
233 ... create h1 : h17 - done                     << 
234                                                   266 
235 ----> Histogram file is opened in testem6_0    << 267 --------- Ranecu engine status ---------
                                                   >> 268  Initial seed (index) = 0
                                                   >> 269  Current couple of seeds = 9876, 54321
                                                   >> 270 ----------------------------------------
                                                   >> 271 Start Run processing.
                                                   >> 272 
                                                   >> 273 ---> Begin of Event: 0
236                                                   274 
237 **********************************************    275 *********************************************************************************************************
238 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   T    276 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
239 **********************************************    277 *********************************************************************************************************
240                                                   278 
241 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 279 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
242     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm     100 << 280     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm    100 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
243     1  -248.9 m        0 fm       0 fm       0 << 281     1   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   3.71 cm   3.71 cm         Iron        conv
244                                                   282 
245 **********************************************    283 *********************************************************************************************************
246 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   T    284 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
247 **********************************************    285 *********************************************************************************************************
248                                                   286 
249 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 287 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
250     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm     100 << 288     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm    100 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
251     1  -248.9 m        0 fm       0 fm       0 << 289     1   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   3.62 cm   3.62 cm         Iron        conv
252                                                   290 
253 **********************************************    291 *********************************************************************************************************
254 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   T    292 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
255 **********************************************    293 *********************************************************************************************************
256                                                   294 
257 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 295 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
258     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm     100 << 296     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm    100 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
259     1  -249.7 m        0 fm       0 fm       0 << 297     1   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   2.97 mm   2.97 mm         Iron        conv
260                                                   298 
261 **********************************************    299 *********************************************************************************************************
262 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   T    300 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
263 **********************************************    301 *********************************************************************************************************
264                                                   302 
265 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 303 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
266     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm     100 << 304     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm    100 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
267     1  -249.6 m        0 fm       0 fm       0 << 305     1   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   2.62 cm   2.62 cm         Iron        conv
268                                                   306 
269 **********************************************    307 *********************************************************************************************************
270 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   T    308 * G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
271 **********************************************    309 *********************************************************************************************************
272                                                   310 
273 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 311 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
274     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm     100 << 312     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm    100 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
275     1  -249.6 m        0 fm       0 fm       0 << 313     1   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   2.16 cm   2.16 cm         Iron        conv
276  Run terminated.                               << 314 Run terminated.
277 Run Summary                                       315 Run Summary
278   Number of events processed : 5                  316   Number of events processed : 5
279   User=0.010000s Real=0.000784s Sys=0.000000s  << 317   User=0s Real=0.01s Sys=0s
280 ### RunAction::EndOfRunAction                  << 
281                                                   318 
282  Number of process calls ---> GammaToMuPair :  << 319 --------- Ranecu engine status ---------
283 ... write file : testem6_0.root - done         << 320  Initial seed (index) = 0
284 ... close file : testem6_0.root - done         << 321  Current couple of seeds = 537401721, 1705314804
285 ... clear files - done                         << 322 ----------------------------------------
286 ... clear h1 - done                            << 
287 ... clear h2 - done                            << 
288 ... clear h3 - done                            << 
289 ... clear p1 - done                            << 
290 ... clear p2 - done                            << 
291 ... clear ntupleBookings - done                << 
292 ... clear ntuples - done                       << 
293 ... clear files - done                         << 
294 ... clear all data - done                      << 
295                                                   323 
                                                   >> 324  Number of process calls ---> conv : 5
296 #                                                 325 #
297 /gun/particle e+                                  326 /gun/particle e+
298 /gun/energy 1 TeV                                 327 /gun/energy 1 TeV
299 #                                                 328 #
300 /testem/phys/SetAnnihiToMuPairFac 10000           329 /testem/phys/SetAnnihiToMuPairFac 10000
                                                   >> 330 The cross section for AnnihiToMuPair is artificially increased by the CrossSecFactor=1e+04
301 /testem/phys/SetAnnihiToHadronFac 10000           331 /testem/phys/SetAnnihiToHadronFac 10000
302 ### G4eeToHadronsMultiModel: The cross section << 332 ### G4eeToHadronsMultiModel: The cross section for G4eeToHadronsMultiModel  is increased by the Factor= 1e+04
303 #                                                 333 #
304 /run/beamOn 5                                     334 /run/beamOn 5
305                                                   335 
306 Region <DefaultRegionForTheWorld> --  -- appea << 336 Region <DefaultRegionForTheWorld> -- appears in <Iron> world volume
307  This region is in the mass world.             << 
308  Root logical volume(s) : Iron                    337  Root logical volume(s) : Iron 
309  Pointers : G4VUserRegionInformation[0], G4Use    338  Pointers : G4VUserRegionInformation[0], G4UserLimits[0], G4FastSimulationManager[0], G4UserSteppingAction[0]
310  Materials : Iron                                 339  Materials : Iron 
311  Production cuts :   gamma 1 km      e- 1 km   << 340  Production cuts :   gamma 1 km      e- 1 km      e+ 1 km  proton 0 fm 
312                                                   341 
313 Region <DefaultRegionForParallelWorld> --  --  << 342 ========= Table of registered couples ==============================
314  Root logical volume(s) :                      << 
315  Pointers : G4VUserRegionInformation[0], G4Use << 
316  Materials :                                   << 
317  Production cuts :   gamma 1 km      e- 1 km   << 
318                                                << 
319 ========= Table of registered couples ======== << 
320                                                   343 
321 Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes       << 344 Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No 
322  Material : Iron                                  345  Material : Iron
323  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 km     e-  1 km << 346  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 km     e-  1 km     e+  1 km  proton 0 fm 
324  Energy thresholds :  gamma  9.54965 GeV    e- << 347  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  10 GeV    e+  10 GeV proton 0 eV 
325  Region(s) which use this couple :                348  Region(s) which use this couple : 
326     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      349     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
327                                                   350 
328 ============================================== << 351 ====================================================================
329                                                   352 
330 ### Run 1 starts.                              << 
331 ### Run 1 start.                                  353 ### Run 1 start.
332 ###RunAction::BeginOfRunAction  Material:Iron  << 
333 ... create file : testem6_1.root - done        << 
334 ... open analysis file : testem6_1.root - done << 
335 ... open analysis file : testem6_1.root - done << 
336 ... create h1 : h1 - done                      << 
337 ... create h1 : h2 - done                      << 
338 ... create h1 : h3 - done                      << 
339 ... create h1 : h4 - done                      << 
340 ... create h1 : h5 - done                      << 
341 ... create h1 : h6 - done                      << 
342 ... create h1 : h7 - done                      << 
343 ... create h1 : h8 - done                      << 
344 ... create h1 : h9 - done                      << 
345 ... create h1 : h10 - done                     << 
346 ... create h1 : h11 - done                     << 
347 ... create h1 : h12 - done                     << 
348 ... create h1 : h13 - done                     << 
349 ... create h1 : h14 - done                     << 
350 ... create h1 : h15 - done                     << 
351 ... create h1 : h16 - done                     << 
352 ... create h1 : h17 - done                     << 
353                                                   354 
354 ----> Histogram file is opened in testem6_1    << 355 --------- Ranecu engine status ---------
                                                   >> 356  Initial seed (index) = 0
                                                   >> 357  Current couple of seeds = 537401721, 1705314804
                                                   >> 358 ----------------------------------------
                                                   >> 359 Start Run processing.
                                                   >> 360 
                                                   >> 361 ---> Begin of Event: 0
355                                                   362 
356 **********************************************    363 *********************************************************************************************************
357 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Trac    364 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
358 **********************************************    365 *********************************************************************************************************
359                                                   366 
360 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 367 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
361     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 368     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      1 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
362     1  -249.8 m        0 fm       0 fm       0 << 369     1   -249 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV     52 cm     52 cm         Iron  AnnihiToMuPair
363                                                   370 
364 **********************************************    371 *********************************************************************************************************
365 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Trac    372 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
366 **********************************************    373 *********************************************************************************************************
367                                                   374 
368 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 375 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
369     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 376     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      1 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
370     1  -249.4 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 377     1   -249 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   85.5 cm   85.5 cm         Iron  AnnihiToMuPair
371                                                   378 
372 **********************************************    379 *********************************************************************************************************
373 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Trac    380 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
374 **********************************************    381 *********************************************************************************************************
375                                                   382 
376 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 383 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
377     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 384     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      1 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
378     1  -247.1 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 385     1   -245 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   4.64 m    4.64 m          Iron  AnnihiToMuPair
379                                                   386 
380 **********************************************    387 *********************************************************************************************************
381 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Trac    388 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
382 **********************************************    389 *********************************************************************************************************
383                                                   390 
384 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 391 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
385     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 392     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      1 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
386     1  -249.3 m        0 fm       0 fm       0 << 393     1   -238 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   12.5 m    12.5 m          Iron  AnnihiToMuPair
387                                                   394 
388 **********************************************    395 *********************************************************************************************************
389 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Trac    396 * G4Track Information:   Particle = e+,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
390 **********************************************    397 *********************************************************************************************************
391                                                   398 
392 Step#       X          Y          Z         Ki << 399 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
393     0    -250 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 400     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      1 TeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
394     1  -249.2 m        0 fm       0 fm       1 << 401     1   -248 m       0 fm      0 fm      0 eV      0 eV   1.56 m    1.56 m          Iron  AnnihiToMuPair
395  Run terminated.                               << 402 Run terminated.
396 Run Summary                                       403 Run Summary
397   Number of events processed : 5                  404   Number of events processed : 5
398   User=0.000000s Real=0.000517s Sys=0.000000s  << 405   User=0s Real=0s Sys=0s
399 ### RunAction::EndOfRunAction                  << 
400                                                   406 
401  Number of process calls ---> AnnihiToMuPair : << 407 --------- Ranecu engine status ---------
402 ... write file : testem6_1.root - done         << 408  Initial seed (index) = 0
403 ... close file : testem6_1.root - done         << 409  Current couple of seeds = 688971725, 890447704
404 ... clear files - done                         << 410 ----------------------------------------
405 ... clear h1 - done                            << 
406 ... clear h2 - done                            << 
407 ... clear h3 - done                            << 
408 ... clear p1 - done                            << 
409 ... clear p2 - done                            << 
410 ... clear ntupleBookings - done                << 
411 ... clear ntuples - done                       << 
412 ... clear files - done                         << 
413 ... clear all data - done                      << 
414                                                   411 
                                                   >> 412  Number of process calls ---> AnnihiToMuPair : 5
415 #                                                 413 #
416 #/gun/particle anti_proton                     << 414 /gun/particle anti_proton
417 #/gun/energy 1 GeV                             << 415 /gun/energy 1 GeV
418 #/run/beamOn 2                                 << 416 /run/beamOn 2
419 #                                              << 417 
420 G4 kernel has come to Quit state.              << 418 Region <DefaultRegionForTheWorld> -- appears in <Iron> world volume
421 Deleting G4Run (id:1)                          << 419  Root logical volume(s) : Iron 
422 UserDetectorConstruction deleted 0x2495110     << 420  Pointers : G4VUserRegionInformation[0], G4UserLimits[0], G4FastSimulationManager[0], G4UserSteppingAction[0]
423 UserPhysicsList deleted 0x24ce750              << 421  Materials : Iron 
424 UserActionInitialization deleted 0             << 422  Production cuts :   gamma 1 km      e- 1 km      e+ 1 km  proton 0 fm 
425 UserWorkerInitialization deleted 0             << 423 
426 UserWorkerThreadInitialization deleted 0       << 424 ========= Table of registered couples ==============================
                                                   >> 425 
                                                   >> 426 Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No 
                                                   >> 427  Material : Iron
                                                   >> 428  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 km     e-  1 km     e+  1 km  proton 0 fm 
                                                   >> 429  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  10 GeV    e+  10 GeV proton 0 eV 
                                                   >> 430  Region(s) which use this couple : 
                                                   >> 431     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
                                                   >> 432 
                                                   >> 433 ====================================================================
                                                   >> 434 
                                                   >> 435 ### Run 2 start.
                                                   >> 436 
                                                   >> 437 --------- Ranecu engine status ---------
                                                   >> 438  Initial seed (index) = 0
                                                   >> 439  Current couple of seeds = 688971725, 890447704
                                                   >> 440 ----------------------------------------
                                                   >> 441 Start Run processing.
                                                   >> 442 
                                                   >> 443 ---> Begin of Event: 0
                                                   >> 444 
                                                   >> 445 *********************************************************************************************************
                                                   >> 446 * G4Track Information:   Particle = anti_proton,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
                                                   >> 447 *********************************************************************************************************
                                                   >> 448 
                                                   >> 449 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
                                                   >> 450     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      1 GeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
                                                   >> 451     1   -250 m     589 um    560 um    925 MeV  75.4 MeV  5.75 cm   5.75 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 452     2   -250 m    98.6 um   1.17 mm    862 MeV    63 MeV  5.15 cm   10.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 453     3   -250 m    -713 um   1.36 mm    806 MeV  55.4 MeV  4.67 cm   15.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 454     4   -250 m    -243 um    702 um    746 MeV  60.6 MeV  4.25 cm   19.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 455     5   -250 m     450 um   6.66 um    693 MeV  52.6 MeV   3.8 cm   23.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 456     6   -250 m    1.67 mm    1.3 mm    648 MeV    45 MeV  3.42 cm     27 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 457     7   -250 m    2.63 mm   2.33 mm    606 MeV  42.1 MeV  3.09 cm   30.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 458     8   -250 m    3.55 mm   3.05 mm    567 MeV  38.6 MeV   2.8 cm   32.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 459     9   -250 m     4.2 mm   3.11 mm    529 MeV  38.3 MeV  2.54 cm   35.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 460    10   -250 m    4.62 mm   4.29 mm    493 MeV  36.6 MeV  2.28 cm   37.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 461    11   -250 m    4.88 mm   4.56 mm    462 MeV  30.7 MeV  2.05 cm   39.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 462    12   -250 m    6.16 mm   4.38 mm    430 MeV  31.6 MeV  1.85 cm   41.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 463    13   -250 m     7.3 mm   3.93 mm    403 MeV  26.9 MeV  1.66 cm   43.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 464    14   -250 m     8.1 mm   3.99 mm    378 MeV  25.3 MeV   1.5 cm   44.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 465    15   -250 m    8.54 mm   4.62 mm    353 MeV    25 MeV  1.36 cm   46.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 466    16   -250 m    9.17 mm   5.49 mm    331 MeV  21.7 MeV  1.22 cm   47.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 467    17   -250 m     9.6 mm   6.03 mm    311 MeV  20.4 MeV   1.1 cm   48.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 468    18   -250 m    1.02 cm   6.94 mm    291 MeV  19.6 MeV  9.94 mm   49.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 469    19   -249 m    1.07 cm   7.61 mm    273 MeV  18.6 MeV  8.95 mm   50.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 470    20   -249 m    1.13 cm   8.52 mm    255 MeV  17.9 MeV  8.05 mm   51.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 471    21   -249 m    1.18 cm   9.52 mm    238 MeV  16.5 MeV  7.21 mm   51.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 472    22   -249 m    1.22 cm   1.04 cm    224 MeV  14.5 MeV  6.47 mm   52.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 473    23   -249 m    1.24 cm    1.1 cm    210 MeV  14.2 MeV  5.84 mm   53.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 474    24   -249 m    1.25 cm   1.16 cm    197 MeV  12.6 MeV  5.25 mm   53.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 475    25   -249 m    1.26 cm   1.21 cm    185 MeV  12.3 MeV  4.75 mm   54.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 476    26   -249 m    1.25 cm   1.25 cm    174 MeV  11.1 MeV  4.27 mm   54.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 477    27   -249 m    1.25 cm    1.3 cm    161 MeV  12.4 MeV  3.86 mm     55 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 478    28   -249 m    1.25 cm   1.32 cm    152 MeV  9.66 MeV  3.43 mm   55.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 479    29   -249 m    1.24 cm   1.34 cm    142 MeV  9.14 MeV   3.1 mm   55.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 480    30   -249 m    1.23 cm   1.37 cm    133 MeV  9.31 MeV   2.8 mm   55.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 481    31   -249 m    1.22 cm    1.4 cm    125 MeV  8.32 MeV  2.51 mm   56.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 482    32   -249 m    1.21 cm   1.43 cm    117 MeV  8.12 MeV  2.27 mm   56.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 483    33   -249 m     1.2 cm   1.46 cm    109 MeV  7.19 MeV  2.04 mm   56.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 484    34   -249 m     1.2 cm   1.49 cm    102 MeV  7.63 MeV  1.84 mm   56.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 485    35   -249 m    1.19 cm   1.52 cm   94.8 MeV  7.05 MeV  1.64 mm   56.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 486    36   -249 m    1.18 cm   1.55 cm   88.2 MeV  6.58 MeV  1.47 mm   57.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 487    37   -249 m    1.17 cm   1.58 cm   82.3 MeV  5.92 MeV  1.32 mm   57.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 488    38   -249 m    1.17 cm    1.6 cm     76 MeV  6.21 MeV  1.19 mm   57.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 489    39   -249 m    1.16 cm   1.62 cm   70.8 MeV  5.29 MeV  1.06 mm   57.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 490    40   -249 m    1.15 cm   1.63 cm   65.6 MeV  5.18 MeV   951 um   57.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 491    41   -249 m    1.14 cm   1.65 cm   61.1 MeV   4.5 MeV   854 um   57.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 492    42   -249 m    1.14 cm   1.66 cm   56.4 MeV  4.66 MeV   775 um   57.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 493    43   -249 m    1.14 cm   1.67 cm   51.8 MeV  4.62 MeV   697 um   57.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 494    44   -249 m    1.13 cm   1.68 cm   47.4 MeV  4.44 MeV   624 um   57.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 495    45   -249 m    1.13 cm   1.69 cm   43.1 MeV  4.25 MeV   559 um   57.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 496    46   -249 m    1.13 cm    1.7 cm   39.1 MeV  3.98 MeV   500 um   57.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 497    47   -249 m    1.12 cm   1.71 cm   35.3 MeV  3.79 MeV   449 um     58 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 498    48   -249 m    1.11 cm   1.72 cm   31.8 MeV  3.52 MeV   404 um     58 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 499    49   -249 m    1.11 cm   1.72 cm   28.5 MeV  3.31 MeV   365 um     58 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 500    50   -249 m     1.1 cm   1.72 cm     25 MeV  3.57 MeV   331 um   58.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 501    51   -249 m     1.1 cm   1.73 cm   21.3 MeV  3.65 MeV   297 um   58.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 502    52   -249 m     1.1 cm   1.73 cm   17.6 MeV  3.75 MeV   265 um   58.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 503    53   -249 m    1.09 cm   1.73 cm   13.8 MeV  3.77 MeV   234 um   58.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 504    54   -249 m    1.09 cm   1.74 cm   9.56 MeV  4.22 MeV   204 um   58.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 505    55   -249 m    1.09 cm   1.74 cm   4.71 MeV  4.85 MeV   166 um   58.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 506    56   -249 m    1.09 cm   1.74 cm      0 eV   4.71 MeV  73.4 um   58.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 507 
                                                   >> 508 *********************************************************************************************************
                                                   >> 509 * G4Track Information:   Particle = anti_proton,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0
                                                   >> 510 *********************************************************************************************************
                                                   >> 511 
                                                   >> 512 Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
                                                   >> 513     0   -250 m       0 fm      0 fm      1 GeV     0 eV      0 fm      0 fm         Iron    initStep
                                                   >> 514     1   -250 m    -718 um   -381 um    925 MeV  75.3 MeV  5.75 cm   5.75 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 515     2   -250 m   -3.03 mm    192 um    857 MeV  68.1 MeV  5.15 cm   10.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 516     3   -250 m   -5.74 mm   2.53 mm    791 MeV  65.2 MeV  4.63 cm   15.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 517     4   -250 m   -9.18 mm   4.89 mm    734 MeV  57.6 MeV  4.14 cm   19.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 518     5   -250 m    -1.3 cm   6.56 mm    681 MeV  52.4 MeV  3.71 cm   23.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 519     6   -250 m   -1.61 cm   8.16 mm    633 MeV    48 MeV  3.33 cm   26.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 520     7   -250 m   -1.49 cm   9.05 mm    589 MeV  44.2 MeV  2.99 cm   29.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 521     8   -250 m   -1.28 cm   9.64 mm    549 MeV  40.1 MeV  2.69 cm   32.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 522     9   -250 m   -1.12 cm      1 cm    516 MeV  33.5 MeV  2.42 cm   34.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 523    10   -250 m   -9.19 mm   1.03 cm    482 MeV  33.8 MeV   2.2 cm     37 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 524    11   -250 m   -7.69 mm   9.84 mm    450 MeV    32 MeV  1.98 cm     39 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 525    12   -250 m   -6.52 mm   9.28 mm    420 MeV  29.6 MeV  1.78 cm   40.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 526    13   -250 m   -5.12 mm   8.66 mm    392 MeV  27.8 MeV   1.6 cm   42.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 527    14   -250 m   -3.94 mm   8.68 mm    367 MeV  25.3 MeV  1.44 cm   43.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 528    15   -250 m   -2.86 mm   8.54 mm    344 MeV  23.2 MeV   1.3 cm   45.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 529    16   -250 m   -1.77 mm   8.51 mm    322 MeV  21.9 MeV  1.17 cm   46.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 530    17   -250 m    -848 um   8.24 mm    301 MeV  20.9 MeV  1.05 cm   47.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 531    18   -250 m     316 um   8.04 mm    282 MeV  19.3 MeV  9.45 mm   48.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 532    19   -250 m    1.25 mm   7.95 mm    265 MeV    17 MeV  8.49 mm   49.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 533    20   -250 m    2.07 mm   7.83 mm    247 MeV  17.6 MeV  7.68 mm   49.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 534    21   -249 m    3.03 mm   7.74 mm    232 MeV  15.1 MeV  6.87 mm   50.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 535    22   -249 m     3.8 mm   7.72 mm    219 MeV  13.1 MeV   6.2 mm   51.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 536    23   -249 m    4.61 mm   7.67 mm    205 MeV  13.6 MeV  5.64 mm   51.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 537    24   -249 m    5.39 mm   7.45 mm    192 MeV  13.2 MeV  5.08 mm   52.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 538    25   -249 m    5.99 mm   7.22 mm    180 MeV  11.9 MeV  4.56 mm   52.7 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 539    26   -249 m    6.41 mm   6.97 mm    168 MeV  12.2 MeV  4.11 mm   53.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 540    27   -249 m    6.71 mm   6.71 mm    158 MeV  10.3 MeV  3.67 mm   53.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 541    28   -249 m    7.01 mm   6.45 mm    148 MeV    10 MeV  3.31 mm   53.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 542    29   -249 m    7.37 mm    6.2 mm    138 MeV  9.38 MeV  2.97 mm   54.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 543    30   -249 m    7.71 mm   6.08 mm    130 MeV  8.67 MeV  2.68 mm   54.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 544    31   -249 m    7.97 mm   5.95 mm    122 MeV  8.06 MeV  2.41 mm   54.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 545    32   -249 m    8.16 mm   5.91 mm    113 MeV  8.26 MeV  2.18 mm   54.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 546    33   -249 m    8.27 mm    5.9 mm    106 MeV  7.47 MeV  1.95 mm     55 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 547    34   -249 m    8.33 mm   5.93 mm   98.7 MeV   7.2 MeV  1.75 mm   55.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 548    35   -249 m    8.38 mm   5.99 mm   91.9 MeV  6.82 MeV  1.57 mm   55.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 549    36   -249 m    8.47 mm   6.04 mm   85.5 MeV  6.33 MeV   1.4 mm   55.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 550    37   -249 m    8.58 mm    6.1 mm   79.5 MeV  6.08 MeV  1.26 mm   55.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 551    38   -249 m     8.7 mm   6.15 mm   73.9 MeV  5.55 MeV  1.13 mm   55.8 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 552    39   -249 m    8.82 mm   6.21 mm     69 MeV  4.95 MeV  1.01 mm   55.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 553    40   -249 m    8.95 mm   6.24 mm     64 MeV  4.92 MeV   917 um   55.9 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 554    41   -249 m     9.1 mm   6.27 mm   59.3 MeV   4.7 MeV   826 um     56 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 555    42   -249 m    9.21 mm   6.29 mm   54.8 MeV  4.48 MeV   745 um   56.1 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 556    43   -249 m     9.3 mm   6.35 mm   50.6 MeV  4.25 MeV   671 um   56.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 557    44   -249 m    9.39 mm   6.39 mm   46.5 MeV  4.06 MeV   606 um   56.2 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 558    45   -249 m    9.48 mm   6.43 mm   42.5 MeV  4.02 MeV   547 um   56.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 559    46   -249 m    9.54 mm   6.47 mm   38.8 MeV  3.72 MeV   492 um   56.3 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 560    47   -249 m    9.57 mm   6.51 mm     35 MeV  3.77 MeV   445 um   56.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 561    48   -249 m    9.62 mm   6.54 mm   31.4 MeV  3.66 MeV   400 um   56.4 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 562    49   -249 m    9.67 mm   6.57 mm   27.7 MeV  3.72 MeV   360 um   56.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 563    50   -249 m     9.7 mm   6.59 mm   24.2 MeV  3.43 MeV   322 um   56.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 564    51   -249 m    9.71 mm   6.61 mm   20.5 MeV   3.7 MeV   290 um   56.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 565    52   -249 m    9.72 mm   6.62 mm   16.9 MeV  3.63 MeV   258 um   56.5 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 566    53   -249 m    9.72 mm   6.61 mm   12.9 MeV  4.01 MeV   229 um   56.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 567    54   -249 m    9.71 mm   6.62 mm   8.58 MeV   4.3 MeV   197 um   56.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 568    55   -249 m    9.71 mm   6.63 mm   3.28 MeV   5.3 MeV   155 um   56.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 569    56   -249 m    9.71 mm   6.63 mm      0 eV   3.28 MeV    41 um   56.6 cm         Iron      hhIoni
                                                   >> 570 Run terminated.
                                                   >> 571 Run Summary
                                                   >> 572   Number of events processed : 2
                                                   >> 573   User=0s Real=0.01s Sys=0s
                                                   >> 574 
                                                   >> 575 --------- Ranecu engine status ---------
                                                   >> 576  Initial seed (index) = 0
                                                   >> 577  Current couple of seeds = 1754181475, 972707921
                                                   >> 578 ----------------------------------------
                                                   >> 579 
                                                   >> 580  Number of process calls ---> hhIoni : 112
                                                   >> 581 #
                                                   >> 582 Graphics systems deleted.
                                                   >> 583 Visualization Manager deleting...
                                                   >> 584 UserDetectorConstruction deleted.
                                                   >> 585 UserPhysicsList deleted.
427 UserRunAction deleted.                            586 UserRunAction deleted.
428 UserPrimaryGenerator deleted.                     587 UserPrimaryGenerator deleted.
429 RunManager is deleting RunManagerKernel.       << 588 G4 kernel has come to Quit state.
430 G4SDManager deleted.                           << 
431 EventManager deleted.                             589 EventManager deleted.
432 Units table cleared.                           << 
433 TransportationManager deleted.                 << 
434 Total navigation history collections cleaned:  << 
435 G4RNGHelper object is deleted.                 << 
436 ================== Deleting memory pools ===== << 
437 Pool ID '20G4NavigationLevelRep', size : 0.003 << 
438 Pool ID '24G4ReferenceCountedHandleIvE', size  << 
439 Pool ID '7G4Event', size : 0.000961 MB         << 
440 Pool ID '15G4PrimaryVertex', size : 0.000961 M << 
441 Pool ID '17G4PrimaryParticle', size : 0.000961 << 
442 Pool ID '17G4DynamicParticle', size : 0.000961 << 
443 Pool ID '7G4Track', size : 0.00192 MB          << 
444 Pool ID '18G4TouchableHistory', size : 0.00096 << 
445 Pool ID '15G4CountedObjectIvE', size : 0.00096 << 
446 Number of memory pools allocated: 9 of which,  << 
447 Dynamic pools deleted: 9 / Total memory freed: << 
448 ============================================== << 
449 G4Allocator objects are deleted.               << 
450 UImanager deleted.                                590 UImanager deleted.
                                                   >> 591 Units table cleared.
451 StateManager deleted.                             592 StateManager deleted.
452 RunManagerKernel is deleted. Good bye :)       << 593 RunManagerKernel is deleted.
453 RunManager is deleted.                         << 594 RunManager is deleting.
                                                   >> 595 ### G4eeTo3PiModel::~G4eeTo3PiModel: gmax= 1 gcash= 0
                                                   >> 596 ### G4eeTo3PiModel::~G4eeTo3PiModel: gmax= 1 gcash= 0
                                                   >> 597