Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm12/History (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm12/History (Version 11.1.3)

  1 # Example TestEm12 History                          1 # Example TestEm12 History
  2                                                     2 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir      3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **required** info/format for each entry,
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological       4 which **must** added in reverse chronological order (newest at the top). It must **not**
  5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c      5 be used as a substitute for writing good git commit messages!
  6                                                     6 
  7 ## 2024-02-20 Sebastien Incerti (testem12-V11- << 
  8 - added comments to dna.mac                    << 
  9                                                << 
 10 ## 2023-05-12 Michel Maire (testem12-V11-01-00 << 
 11 - revision of all headers                      << 
 12                                                     7 
 13 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (testem12-V11-00-00)       8 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (testem12-V11-00-00)
 14 - Change to new Markdown History format             9 - Change to new Markdown History format
 15                                                    10 
 16 ---                                                11 ---
 17                                                    12 
 18 # History entries prior to 11.0                    13 # History entries prior to 11.0
 19                                                <<  14      
 20 06-10-21 I. Hrivnacova (testem12-V10-07-04)        15 06-10-21 I. Hrivnacova (testem12-V10-07-04)
 21 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header     16 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header;
 22   define the default output file type (root).      17   define the default output file type (root).
 23                                                    18 
 24 19-07-21 I. Hrivnacova (testem12-V10-07-03)        19 19-07-21 I. Hrivnacova (testem12-V10-07-03)
 25 - Updated for changes in the analysis category     20 - Updated for changes in the analysis category:
 26   removed deleting of the analysis manager,        21   removed deleting of the analysis manager,
 27   as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel.        22   as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel.
 28                                                    23 
 29 10-05-21 mma (testem12-V10-07-02)                  24 10-05-21 mma (testem12-V10-07-02)
 30 - Migration to G4RunManagerFactory and G4Stepp     25 - Migration to G4RunManagerFactory and G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits.
 31                                                    26 
 32 10-02-21 V.Ivanchenko (testem12-V10-07-01)         27 10-02-21 V.Ivanchenko (testem12-V10-07-01)
 33 - fixed README                                     28 - fixed README
 34                                                <<  29      
 35 18-12-20 mma (testem12-V10-07-00)                  30 18-12-20 mma (testem12-V10-07-00)
 36 - updated                    31 - updated
 37                                                <<  32      
 38 27-10-20 mma (testem12-V10-06-00)                  33 27-10-20 mma (testem12-V10-06-00)
 39 - add macros description in Readme                 34 - add macros description in Readme
 40                                                    35 
 41 09-09-18 SI (testem12-V10-04-04)                   36 09-09-18 SI (testem12-V10-04-04)
 42 - updated dna.mac                                  37 - updated dna.mac
 43                                                <<  38    
 44 04-06-18 mma (testem12-V10-04-03)                  39 04-06-18 mma (testem12-V10-04-03)
 45 - : Photoelectric, edep at e     40 - : Photoelectric, edep at end of step
 46                                                    41 
 47 09-05-18 B.Morgan (testem12-V10-04-02)             42 09-05-18 B.Morgan (testem12-V10-04-02)
 48 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADE     43 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADED. For forward
 49   compatibility with move to #defines over -D      44   compatibility with move to #defines over -D for G4 preprocessor
 50   symbols.                                         45   symbols.
 51                                                    46 
 52 09-04-18 mma (testem12-V10-04-01)                  47 09-04-18 mma (testem12-V10-04-01)
 53 - : set visualisation only in inte     48 - : set visualisation only in interactive mode
 54                                                    49 
 55 19-03-18 mma (testem12-V10-04-00)                  50 19-03-18 mma (testem12-V10-04-00)
 56 - : remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE      51 - : remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE
 57                                                    52 
 58 19-04-17 mma  (testem12-V10-03-01)                 53 19-04-17 mma  (testem12-V10-03-01)
 59 - BeginOfRunAction() : remove SetRandomNumberS     54 - BeginOfRunAction() : remove SetRandomNumberStore(true)
 60                                                    55 
 61 30-12-16 SI (testem12-V10-03-00)                   56 30-12-16 SI (testem12-V10-03-00)
 62 - updated PhysicsList                              57 - updated PhysicsList
 63                                                    58 
 64 17-10-16 G.Folger (testem12-V10-02-06)             59 17-10-16 G.Folger (testem12-V10-02-06)
 65 - fix typo, i.e. add missing declaration of pa     60 - fix typo, i.e. add missing declaration of particleIterator in Decay.
 66                                                    61 
 67 14-10-16 G.Folger (testem12-V10-02-05)             62 14-10-16 G.Folger (testem12-V10-02-05)
 68 - remove direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterator     63 - remove direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterator, use GetParticleTableIterator().
 69     fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC       64     fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC
 70                                                    65 
 71 21-09-16 V.Ivant (testem12-V10-02-04)              66 21-09-16 V.Ivant (testem12-V10-02-04)
 72 - PhysicsList - move enabling of the CSDA flag     67 - PhysicsList - move enabling of the CSDA flag in order to gurantee
 73     correct flag setting                           68     correct flag setting
 74 - RunAction - added dump of EM parameters          69 - RunAction - added dump of EM parameters
 75 - - set default number of threads      70 - - set default number of threads 4
 76 - DetectorConstruction, DetectorMessenger - al     71 - DetectorConstruction, DetectorMessenger - allow to change number
 77     of layers only in the PreInit state; do no <<  72     of layers only in the PreInit state; do not clean and 
 78     reinitialise geometry when change sphere r     73     reinitialise geometry when change sphere radii
 79                                                <<  74    
 80 04-07-16 I. Hrivnacova  (testem12-V10-02-03)       75 04-07-16 I. Hrivnacova  (testem12-V10-02-03)
 81 - Fixes for Doxygen documentation                  76 - Fixes for Doxygen documentation
 82                                                    77 
 83 08-04-16 mma  (testem12-V10-02-02)                 78 08-04-16 mma  (testem12-V10-02-02)
 84 - PhysicsList, PhysListEmStandard: use G4EmPar     79 - PhysicsList, PhysListEmStandard: use G4EmParameters
 85                                                    80 
 86 08-01-16 SI (testem12-V10-02-01)                   81 08-01-16 SI (testem12-V10-02-01)
 87 - updated dna.mac                                  82 - updated dna.mac
 88                                                    83 
 89 10-12-15 V.Ivant (testem12-V10-02-00)              84 10-12-15 V.Ivant (testem12-V10-02-00)
 90 - H.Burkhardt fixed root macro allowing to wor     85 - H.Burkhardt fixed root macro allowing to work both with root5 and 6
 91                                                    86 
 92 27-10-15 D.Sawkey (testem12-V10-01-02)             87 27-10-15 D.Sawkey (testem12-V10-01-02)
 93 - update READMEs                                   88 - update READMEs
 94                                                    89 
 95 26-10-15 mma (testem12-V10-01-01)                  90 26-10-15 mma (testem12-V10-01-01)
 96 - RunAction, Run : correct binWidth of histo 1     91 - RunAction, Run : correct binWidth of histo 1
 97                                                    92 
 98 12-05-15 V.Ivant (testem12-V10-01-00)              93 12-05-15 V.Ivant (testem12-V10-01-00)
 99 - PhysicsList - use G4EmStandardPhysicsGS from     94 - PhysicsList - use G4EmStandardPhysicsGS from physics_list library
100                                                <<  95    
101 24-10-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-04)                  96 24-10-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-04)
102 - PhysListEmStandard : fUseSafetyPlus              97 - PhysListEmStandard : fUseSafetyPlus
103 - use G4EmStandardPhysicsSS and WVI                98 - use G4EmStandardPhysicsSS and WVI
104 - : /run/numberOfThreads 2             99 - : /run/numberOfThreads 2
105                                                   100 
106 11-09-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-03)                 101 11-09-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-03)
107 - : SetNumberOfThreads(G4Threading    102 - : SetNumberOfThreads(G4Threading::G4GetNumberOfCores())
108                                                   103 
109 22-06-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-02)                 104 22-06-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-02)
110 - remove PhysicsList::SetCuts(). Update macros    105 - remove PhysicsList::SetCuts(). Update macros
111                                                   106 
112 21-04-04 V.Ivanchenko (testem12-V10-00-01)        107 21-04-04 V.Ivanchenko (testem12-V10-00-01)
113 - PhysicsList - added emlowenergy and dna_opti << 108 - PhysicsList - added emlowenergy and dna_option1 physics lists 
114                                                << 109      
115 19-01-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-00)                 110 19-01-14 mma (testem12-V10-00-00)
116 - MT: ActionInitialization,           111 - MT: ActionInitialization,
117 - MT: RunAction, Run, EventAction, TrackingAct    112 - MT: RunAction, Run, EventAction, TrackingAction, SteppingAction
118 - MT: DetectorConstruction and messenger.  rm     113 - MT: DetectorConstruction and messenger.  rm MagField
119 - rm EventActionMessenger. Cleanup all macros     114 - rm EventActionMessenger. Cleanup all macros
120                                                   115 
121 21-11-13 V.Ivanchenko (testem12-V09-06-11)        116 21-11-13 V.Ivanchenko (testem12-V09-06-11)
122 - PhysListEmStandardWVI and PhysListEmStandard << 117 - PhysListEmStandardWVI and PhysListEmStandardSS - reduced low-energy 
123     threashold for the single scattering model << 118     threashold for the single scattering model to 10 eV 
124                                                   119 
125 28-07-13 P.Gumplinger (testem12-V09-06-10)        120 28-07-13 P.Gumplinger (testem12-V09-06-10)
126 - fix clang32 compilation warning                 121 - fix clang32 compilation warning
127                                                   122 
128 11-07-13 I.Hrivnacova (testem12-V09-06-09)     << 123 11-07-13 I.Hrivnacova (testem12-V09-06-09) 
129 - In HistoManager: use new analysis manager me << 124 - In HistoManager: use new analysis manager method SetH1Activation()   
130                                                << 125      
131 20-06-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-08)                 126 20-06-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-08)
132 - SteppingVerbose: use G4Step::GetSecondaryInC    127 - SteppingVerbose: use G4Step::GetSecondaryInCurrentStep().
133                                                   128 
134 07-06-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-07)                 129 07-06-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-07)
135 - Cosmetic in SteppingAction.                     130 - Cosmetic in SteppingAction.
136                                                << 131      
137 18-04-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-06)                 132 18-04-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-06)
138 - use G4AnalysisManager                           133 - use G4AnalysisManager
139                                                << 134      
140 01-04-13 A.Dotti (testem12-V09-06-03,testem12-    135 01-04-13 A.Dotti (testem12-V09-06-03,testem12-V09-06-04,testem12-V09-06-05)
141 - New G4VUserPhysicsList interface needed for     136 - New G4VUserPhysicsList interface needed for MT
142                                                << 137      
143 22-03-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-02)              << 138 22-03-13 mma (testem12-V09-06-02)  
144 - PhysListEmStandard: suppress Msc96              139 - PhysListEmStandard: suppress Msc96
145                                                << 140      
146 28-02-13 I. Hrivnacova (testem12-V09-06-01)    << 141 28-02-13 I. Hrivnacova (testem12-V09-06-01) 
147 - When building materials with NistManager        142 - When building materials with NistManager
148   do not set fromIsotopes argument (which was  << 143   do not set fromIsotopes argument (which was set to false), 
149   as since 9.6 all materials have to be built     144   as since 9.6 all materials have to be built from isotopes.
150   (Thanks to V. Ivantchenko for pointing at th    145   (Thanks to V. Ivantchenko for pointing at this.)
151                                                   146 
152 13-02-13 I.Hrivnacova                          << 147 13-02-13 I.Hrivnacova 
153 - Applied coding guidelines (virtual keyword,     148 - Applied coding guidelines (virtual keyword, data members initialization)
154                                                   149 
155 11-12-12 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-06-00)             150 11-12-12 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-06-00)
156 - PhysListEmStandard: use SetEmModel method       151 - PhysListEmStandard: use SetEmModel method
157                                                   152 
158 20-10-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-09)                 153 20-10-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-09)
159 - PhysListEmStandard: use G4UrbanMsc96            154 - PhysListEmStandard: use G4UrbanMsc96
160                                                << 155       
161 15-10-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-08)                 156 15-10-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-08)
162 - RunAction: do not save random seed              157 - RunAction: do not save random seed
163 - coding convention: virtual                      158 - coding convention: virtual
164                                                   159 
165 12-10-12 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-05-07)             160 12-10-12 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-05-07)
166 - Added Opt4 Physics List and decreased limit     161 - Added Opt4 Physics List and decreased limit on cuts
167                                                << 162           
168 30-04-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-06)                 163 30-04-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-06)
169 - StepMaxMessenger : printing correction          164 - StepMaxMessenger : printing correction
170                                                << 165      
171 12-04-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-04)                 166 12-04-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-04)
172 - all classes : apply G4 coding conventions       167 - all classes : apply G4 coding conventions
173                                                << 168        
174 05-03-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-03)                 169 05-03-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-03)
175 - HistoManager.hh and .cc : migrate to new g4t    170 - HistoManager.hh and .cc : migrate to new g4tools histogramming system
176   Do not need aida anymore, nor G4ANALYSIS_USE    171   Do not need aida anymore, nor G4ANALYSIS_USE
177 - HistoMessenger.hh and .cc : suppress fileTyp    172 - HistoMessenger.hh and .cc : suppress fileType command
178 - Update Readme and all macros accordingly        173 - Update Readme and all macros accordingly
179                                                   174 
180 09-02-12 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-05-02)             175 09-02-12 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-05-02)
181 - PhysListEmStandardSS,PhysListEmStandardSSI,     176 - PhysListEmStandardSS,PhysListEmStandardSSI,
182   PhysListEmStandardWVI - more correct process << 177   PhysListEmStandardWVI - more correct process order  
183                                                << 178      
184 06-02-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-01)                 179 06-02-12 mma (testem12-V09-05-01)
185 - modify StepMax mechanism. Add command /teste    180 - modify StepMax mechanism. Add command /testem/StepMax
186                                                   181 
187 29-01-12 S. Incerti, V. Ivantchenko (testem12-    182 29-01-12 S. Incerti, V. Ivantchenko (testem12-V09-05-00)
188 - Added new physics list: PhysListEmStandardSS << 183 - Added new physics list: PhysListEmStandardSSM, which uses 
189    G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel                184    G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel
190                                                   185 
191 21-11-11 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-04-10)             186 21-11-11 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-04-10)
192 - PhysListEmStandardGS, PhysListEmStandardWVI     187 - PhysListEmStandardGS, PhysListEmStandardWVI - low energy threshold
193    for Coulomb scattering model is reduced to     188    for Coulomb scattering model is reduced to 10 eV for e+- and to
194    100 eV for muons and hadrons                   189    100 eV for muons and hadrons
195                                                << 190      
196 08-11-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-09)                 191 08-11-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-09)
197 - modify SteppingVerbose for OutOfWorld           192 - modify SteppingVerbose for OutOfWorld
198                                                << 193           
199 06-11-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-08)                 194 06-11-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-08)
200 - add back PhysListEmStandardGS, PhysListEmSta    195 - add back PhysListEmStandardGS, PhysListEmStandardWVI
201                                                << 196  
202 31-10-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-07)                 197 31-10-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-07)
203 - PhysListEmStandard : msc95 by default           198 - PhysListEmStandard : msc95 by default
204 - remove PhysListEmStandardGS, PhysListEmStand << 199 - remove PhysListEmStandardGS, PhysListEmStandardWVI 
205                                                << 200      
206 05-06-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-06)                 201 05-06-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-06)
207 - PhysListEmStandard migrated to the new appro    202 - PhysListEmStandard migrated to the new approach based on G4PhysicsListHelper
208                                                << 203      
209 17-05-11 seb-mma (testem12-V09-04-05)             204 17-05-11 seb-mma (testem12-V09-04-05)
210 - PhysicsList : add G4EmDNAPhysics                205 - PhysicsList : add G4EmDNAPhysics
211 - new macro dna.mac                               206 - new macro dna.mac
212                                                << 207      
213 08-04-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-03)                 208 08-04-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-03)
214 - PhysicsList : set back default lowest produc    209 - PhysicsList : set back default lowest production cut (990 eV)
215 - update PhysListEmStandard for msc95 and deex    210 - update PhysListEmStandard for msc95 and deexcitation (see ref-03)
216                                                   211 
217 28-03-11 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-04-02)             212 28-03-11 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-04-02)
218 - Reduced statistic in                213 - Reduced statistic in
219 - removed obsolete Set methods in PhysListEmSt    214 - removed obsolete Set methods in PhysListEmStandard
220                                                << 215      
221 20-02-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-01)                 216 20-02-11 mma (testem12-V09-04-01)
222 - update PhysListEmStandard for deexcitation      217 - update PhysListEmStandard for deexcitation
223 - PhysicsList : set lowest production cut to 1    218 - PhysicsList : set lowest production cut to 100 eV
224 - update SteppingVerbose                          219 - update SteppingVerbose
225 - update vis.mac                                  220 - update vis.mac
226                                                   221 
227 05-01-11 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-04-00)             222 05-01-11 V.Ivant (testem12-V09-04-00)
228 - Minor cleanup of SS physics constructor         223 - Minor cleanup of SS physics constructor
229                                                << 224      
230 05-12-10 mma (testem12-V09-03-05)                 225 05-12-10 mma (testem12-V09-03-05)
231 - subdirectory berger : results of EGSnrc simu    226 - subdirectory berger : results of EGSnrc simulation
232                                                << 227  
233 09-11-10 M.Asai (testem12-V09-03-04)              228 09-11-10 M.Asai (testem12-V09-03-04)
234 - Fix AIDA file option.                           229 - Fix AIDA file option.
235                                                << 230     
236 06-06-10 J.Perl (testem12-V09-03-03)              231 06-06-10 J.Perl (testem12-V09-03-03)
237 - Remove unused variable in EventAction           232 - Remove unused variable in EventAction
238                                                   233 
239 03-06-10 J.Perl (testem12-V09-03-02)              234 03-06-10 J.Perl (testem12-V09-03-02)
240 - Updated vis usage                            << 235 - Updated vis usage 
241                                                   236 
242 25-05-10 mma (testem12-V09-03-01)                 237 25-05-10 mma (testem12-V09-03-01)
243 - add PhysListStandardGS, PhysListStandardSS,  << 238 - add PhysListStandardGS, PhysListStandardSS, PhysListStandardWVI 
244                                                << 239     
245 20-05-10 mma (testem12-V09-03-00)                 240 20-05-10 mma (testem12-V09-03-00)
246 - : introduction of G4UIExecutive     241 - : introduction of G4UIExecutive
247                                                << 242      
248 16-11-09 mma (testem12-V09-02-01)                 243 16-11-09 mma (testem12-V09-02-01)
249 - PhysListEmStandard copied from TestEm5          244 - PhysListEmStandard copied from TestEm5
250                                                << 245      
251 22-09-09 mma (testem12-V09-02-00)                 246 22-09-09 mma (testem12-V09-02-00)
252 - :                                247 - :
253   - renamed "standard" -> "local"; "emstandard << 248   - renamed "standard" -> "local"; "emstandard" -> "emstandard_opt0" 
254   - Substituted obsolete low-energy physics bu    249   - Substituted obsolete low-energy physics builders by builders from
255     the physics_list library;                     250     the physics_list library;
256 - updated README and macro files                  251 - updated README and macro files
257                                                << 252      
258 16-11-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-08)                 253 16-11-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-08)
259 - Em options: 20bins/decade  LinLossLimit=defa    254 - Em options: 20bins/decade  LinLossLimit=default=0.01
260                                                << 255      
261 29-10-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-07)                 256 29-10-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-07)
262 - update PhysListEmStandard : options and hMul    257 - update PhysListEmStandard : options and hMultipleScattering for muon
263                                                << 258     
264 26-10-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-06)                 259 26-10-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-06)
265 - update PhysListEmStandard and README            260 - update PhysListEmStandard and README
266                                                << 261      
267 23-09-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-05)                 262 23-09-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-05)
268 - HistoManager : root format by default        << 263 - HistoManager : root format by default 
269                                                   264 
270 12-06-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-04)                 265 12-06-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-04)
271 - Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile                 << 266 - Remove AIDA from GNUmakefile 
272                                                << 267      
273 07-05-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-03)                 268 07-05-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-03)
274 - README : update Aida informations               269 - README : update Aida informations
275                                                << 270      
276 11-04-08 mma                                      271 11-04-08 mma
277 - HistoManager::Scale() : suppress warning        272 - HistoManager::Scale() : suppress warning
278                                                << 273      
279 07-04-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-02)                 274 07-04-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-02)
280 - PhysListEmStandard : replace G4MultipleScatt    275 - PhysListEmStandard : replace G4MultipleScattering by G4eMultipleScattering;
281 - HistoManager::saveAscii() : redefinition of     276 - HistoManager::saveAscii() : redefinition of binEdge
282                                                << 277      
283 24-01-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-01)              << 278 24-01-08 mma (testem12-V09-01-01) 
284 - update macro berger.mac : setCuts 2um (=1keV    279 - update macro berger.mac : setCuts 2um (=1keV)
285                                                   280 
286 14-01-08 jja (testem12-V09-01-00)              << 281 14-01-08 jja (testem12-V09-01-00) 
287 - add macro berger/berger.C                       282 - add macro berger/berger.C
288                                                   283 
289 10-01-08 jean jacquemier                          284 10-01-08 jean jacquemier
290 - new subdirectory berger/data                 << 285 - new subdirectory berger/data 
291                                                << 286      
292 07-12-07 mma                                      287 07-12-07 mma
293 - add macro berger.mac                            288 - add macro berger.mac
294                                                << 289      
295 09-11-07 mma (testem12-V09-00-01)              << 290 09-11-07 mma (testem12-V09-00-01) 
296 - HistoManager/HistoMessenger : print selected    291 - HistoManager/HistoMessenger : print selected histos on ascii file
297                                                << 292      
298 16-08-07 mma  (testem12-V09-00-00)             << 293 16-08-07 mma  (testem12-V09-00-00) 
299 - HistoManager : modify the way to get csdaRan << 294 - HistoManager : modify the way to get csdaRange from G4EmCalculator 
300   and compute stepMax for histo 8                 295   and compute stepMax for histo 8
301                                                << 296     
302 27-04-07 mma (testem12-V08-02-01)              << 297 27-04-07 mma (testem12-V08-02-01) 
303 - HistoManager : by default, get csdaRange fro    298 - HistoManager : by default, get csdaRange from G4EmCalculator
304                                                   299 
305 08-01-07  V.Ivant (testem12-V08-02-00)            300 08-01-07  V.Ivant (testem12-V08-02-00)
306 - Uncomment hadron ionisation in Livermore bui    301 - Uncomment hadron ionisation in Livermore builder
307                                                << 302      
308 24-10-06 mma (testem12-V08-01-00)              << 303 24-10-06 mma (testem12-V08-01-00) 
309 - GNUmakefile : LOADLIBS                          304 - GNUmakefile : LOADLIBS
310 - remove PhysicsLists 52 and 71                   305 - remove PhysicsLists 52 and 71
311                                                << 306      
312 19-05-06 mma (testem12-V08-00-02)                 307 19-05-06 mma (testem12-V08-00-02)
313 - update README                                   308 - update README
314                                                   309 
315 11-04-06 mma (testem12-V08-00-01)                 310 11-04-06 mma (testem12-V08-00-01)
316 - HistoManager : compute stepMax from histos 1    311 - HistoManager : compute stepMax from histos 1 and 8 (stepMax <= binWidth)
317 - RunAction : pass stepMax from HistoManager t    312 - RunAction : pass stepMax from HistoManager to StepMax process
318 - StepMax : boolean flag : apply                  313 - StepMax : boolean flag : apply
319 - SteppingAction : edep randomly distribued al    314 - SteppingAction : edep randomly distribued along step
320                                                << 315      
321 28-03-06 mma (testem12-V08-00-00)              << 316 28-03-06 mma (testem12-V08-00-00) 
322 - add PhysListEmLivermore and PhysListEmPenelo    317 - add PhysListEmLivermore and PhysListEmPenelope
323 - RunAction : G4EmCalculator::GetCSDARange()      318 - RunAction : G4EmCalculator::GetCSDARange()
324                                                << 319      
325 16-02-06 mma                                      320 16-02-06 mma
326 - migration mum -> um in several macros        << 321 - migration mum -> um in several macros 
327                                                << 322     
328 06-12-05 Gabriele Cosmo                           323 06-12-05 Gabriele Cosmo
329 - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X s    324 - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series.
330                                                   325 
331 22-11-05 mma (testem12-V07-01-04)                 326 22-11-05 mma (testem12-V07-01-04)
332 - update README for OpenScientist                 327 - update README for OpenScientist
333                                                << 328      
334 14-11-05 Gabriele Cosmo (testem12-V07-01-03)      329 14-11-05 Gabriele Cosmo (testem12-V07-01-03)
335 - Migration to <sstream> for HistoMessenger.      330 - Migration to <sstream> for HistoMessenger.
336                                                   331 
337 05-10-05 mma (testem12-V07-01-02)                 332 05-10-05 mma (testem12-V07-01-02)
338 - create PhysListEmG4v71 (g4v71) for G4Multipl    333 - create PhysListEmG4v71 (g4v71) for G4MultipleScattering71
339                                                << 334      
340 22-07-05 michel maire (testem12-V07-01-00)        335 22-07-05 michel maire (testem12-V07-01-00)
341 - created, from TestEm11                          336 - created, from TestEm11