Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/extended/CMakeLists.txt (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/extended/CMakeLists.txt (Version 9.5.p1)

  1 #---Adding all extended examples subdirectorie <<   1 #---Add all subdirectories that contains a CMakeLists.txt file -------------------------------------
  2                                                <<   2 file(GLOB_RECURSE files RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} CMakeLists.txt)
  3 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16...3.27)    <<   3 foreach( file ${files} )
  4                                                <<   4   get_filename_component(path ${file} PATH)
  5 add_subdirectory(analysis)                     <<   5   if(path)
  6 add_subdirectory(biasing)                      <<   6     add_subdirectory(${path})
  7 add_subdirectory(common)                       <<   7   endif()
  8 add_subdirectory(electromagnetic)              <<   8 endforeach()
  9 add_subdirectory(errorpropagation)             << 
 10 add_subdirectory(eventgenerator)               << 
 11 add_subdirectory(exoticphysics)                << 
 12 add_subdirectory(field)                        << 
 13 add_subdirectory(g3tog4)                       << 
 14 add_subdirectory(geometry)                     << 
 15 add_subdirectory(hadronic)                     << 
 16 add_subdirectory(medical)                      << 
 17 add_subdirectory(optical)                      << 
 18 add_subdirectory(parallel)                     << 
 19 add_subdirectory(parameterisations)            << 
 20 add_subdirectory(persistency)                  << 
 21 add_subdirectory(physicslists)                 << 
 22 add_subdirectory(polarisation)                 << 
 23 add_subdirectory(radioactivedecay)             << 
 24 add_subdirectory(runAndEvent)                  << 
 25 add_subdirectory(visualization)                <<