Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/basic/B5/History (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/basic/B5/History (Version 10.0.p2)

  1 # Example B5 History                           <<   1 $Id: History 78054 2013-12-03 08:26:31Z gcosmo $
                                                   >>   2 -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                     3 
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir <<   4      =========================================================
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  <<   5      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
  5 be used as a substitute for writing good git c <<   6      =========================================================
  6                                                <<   7 
  7                                                <<   8                     Example B5 History file
  8 ## 2023-11-18 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V11-01- <<   9                     ------------------------
  9 - Updated vis.mac macro:                       <<  10 This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly
 10   Changed "/vis/open OGL [600x600-0+0]" to "/v <<  11 summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep
 11   and simplified comments                      <<  12 track of all tags.
 12                                                <<  13 
 13 ## 2023-11-07 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V11-01- <<  14      ----------------------------------------------------------
 14 - Fixed and improved setting of G4VisAttribute <<  15      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
 15   - Do not create vis attributes with new      <<  16      ----------------------------------------------------------
 16   - Use Geant4 predefined colours (for clarity << 
 17                                                << 
 18 ## 2023-11-03 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V11-01- << 
 19 - Applied auto in main where suitable and not  << 
 20 - Added initialization of DetectorConstruction << 
 21                                                << 
 22 ## 2023-09-18 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V11-01- << 
 23 - Added tsg_offscreen.mac (moved from example  << 
 24 - Removed unused init.mac                      << 
 25                                                << 
 26 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (exampleB5-V11-00-00) << 
 27 - Change to new Markdown History format        << 
 28                                                << 
 29 ---                                            << 
 30                                                << 
 31 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
 32                                                << 
 33 05-11-21 G. Barrand (exampleB5-V10-07-11)      << 
 34 - RunAction: remove the usage of G4VisPlotMess << 
 35 - README, .README.txt: remove the paragraph ab << 
 36   G4VisPlotMessenger in the RunAction. Now abo << 
 37   remains only the plotter.mac file.           << 
 38                                                << 
 39 04-11-21 G. Barrand (exampleB5-V10-07-10)      << 
 40 - plotter.mac: TSG_QT_GLES => TSG.             << 
 41 - plotter.mac: have commented examples to crea << 
 42   by using the /vis/plotter/style/select,add c << 
 43 - plotter.mac, README, .README.txt: remove ref << 
 44   to the XML style logic.                      << 
 45 - CMakeLists.txt: remove        << 
 46 - remove                        << 
 47                                                << 
 48 02-11-21 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V10-07-09)   << 
 49 - Added analysisManager->Reset() in begin of r << 
 50   as resetting was disabled for plotting in en << 
 51                                                << 
 52 25-10-21 G. Barrand (exampleB5-V10-07-08)      << 
 53 - README, .README.txt: have the "PLOTTING" sec << 
 54 - modifications to have vis plotting. Availabl << 
 55   TOOLSSG_[QT,XT,WINDOWS]_GLES vis drivers for << 
 56 - CMakeLists.txt: declare plotte.mac, plotter. << 
 57 - src/ instanciate the G4VisPlotM << 
 58   the commands /vis/plotter/add/[h1,h2] be ava << 
 59   histos to a G4/vis/plotter (see plotter.mac  << 
 60 - plotter.mac: example to create a G4/vis/plot << 
 61   to it histograms of this example, and custom << 
 62   of the various plotting regions.             << 
 63 - an example to declare styles  << 
 64                                                << 
 65 06-10-21 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V10-07-07)   << 
 66 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header << 
 67                                                << 
 68 19-07-21 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V10-07-06)   << 
 69 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 
 70   removed deleting of the analysis manager,    << 
 71   as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel.    << 
 72 - Include G4GenericAnalysisManager.hh instead  << 
 73   in (to be consistent with Run << 
 74                                                << 
 75 13-07-21 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V10-07-05)   << 
 76 - Introduced namespace instead of a class name << 
 77 - Declare overriding functions 'override' (and << 
 78                                                << 
 79 31-05-21 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V10-07-01)   << 
 80 - Clean trailing whitespaces from all files    << 
 81                                                << 
 82 30-05-21 M.Maire (exampleB5-V10-07-00)         << 
 83 - use G4SteppingVerboseWithUnits << 
 84                                                << 
 85 06 Nov 2020 I. Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V10-06-02 << 
 86 - Replaced use of G4Analysis::ManagerInstance( << 
 87   generic analysis manager                     << 
 88 - Storing ntuple in a separate file            << 
 89                                                << 
 90 02 Nov 2020 B.Morgan (exampleB5-V10-06-01)     << 
 91 - Support same CMake version range as core Gea << 
 92                                                << 
 93 10 June 2020  Jonathan Madsen (exampleB5-V10-0 << 
 94 - Migrated to new G4RunManagerFactory          << 
 95                                                << 
 96 18 Nov 2019  Gabriele Cosmo (exampleB5-V10-05- << 
 97 - Fixed cases of type conversions from size_t  << 
 98                                                << 
 99 10 Sep 2019  Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V10-0 << 
100 - Use a new factory method to create G4Analysi << 
101   Removed B5Analysis.hh, which is not needed a << 
102                                                << 
103 20 May 2018  John Allison (exampleB5-V10-04-01 << 
104 - Remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE.               << 
105 - Move instantiation of G4UIExecutive nearer t << 
106                                                << 
107 19 February 2017  Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5- << 
108 - Fix filling ntuple                           << 
109   (there was omitted call to AddNtupleRow() in << 
110                                                << 
111 14 April 2017  Ivana Hrivnacova Cosmo (example << 
112 - Use std::array for related data members in B << 
113 - Added data members for histogram Ids and the << 
114   names via G4AnalysisManager                  << 
115 - Corrected the list of 2D histograms in READM << 
116                                                << 
117 24 March 2017  Gabriele Cosmo (exampleB5-V10-0 << 
118 - Do not use G4AutoDelete utility for thread-l << 
119   its manager, since not necessary as not auto << 
120                                                << 
121 07 November 2016  Laurent Garnier (exampleB5-V << 
122 - Fix a missing /gui/defaultIcons false        << 
123                                                << 
124 03 November 2016 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V << 
125 - Added C++11 features                         << 
126 - Code improvements                            << 
127                                                << 
128 10 October 2016 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V1 << 
129 - Activate merging of ntuples                  << 
130                                                << 
131 08 October 2016 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V1 << 
132 - Fix in gui.mac by Helmut Burkhard:           << 
133   Replace undefined /globalField/setValue by   << 
134 - Updated B5ActionInitialization (Ivana)       << 
135   Event action is instantiated also on master  << 
136   (as its deta define the vectors refernced fr << 
137                                                << 
138 10 March 2016 Alberto Ribon (exampleB5-V10-02- << 
139 - Fixed wrong determination of the copy number << 
140   (thanks to Anna Zaborowska for reporting the << 
141                                                << 
142 18 November 2015 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V << 
143 - Extended ntuple with two columns of a vector << 
144   and example of this analysis use case.       << 
145                                                << 
146 29 November 2014 Ivana Hrivnacova              << 
147 - Use G4endl instead of \n in G4cout;          << 
148   this makes each new line in the output on th << 
149   G4WTN >                                      << 
150                                                << 
151 06 November 2014 Ivana Hrivnacova              << 
152 - Moved G4UIExecutive at the beginning of main << 
153 - Perform run initialization in macros instead << 
154 - Added BUILD OPTIONS section in README explai << 
155   G4UI_USE/G4VIS_USE options in main           << 
156                                                << 
157 27 Oct 2014 Davide Mancusi (exampleB5-V10-00-0 << 
158 - Switch off primary randomization in gui.mac  << 
159   to work)                                     << 
160                                                << 
161 16 Sept 2014 Andrea Dotti                      << 
162 - Removing test code introduced in previous ta << 
163   tag has been rejected as planned.            << 
164                                                << 
165 15 July 2014 Andrea Dotti (exampleB5-V10-00-00 << 
166 - This tag is intentionally WRONG: it introduc << 
167   FPE violation (division by zero) at event 1. << 
168   used yo verify correct behavior of FPE detec << 
169   When tests will be over, changes will be rev << 
170                                                    17 
171 02 December 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova              <<  18 02 December 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova 
172 - Fixed gui.mac:                                   19 - Fixed gui.mac:
173   corrected wireframe parameter, removed run2. <<  20   corrected wireframe parameter, removed run2.mac from gui 
174                                                    21 
175 28 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V     22 28 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-11)
176 - Added macros for GUI                             23 - Added macros for GUI
177 - Fixed range for selection rundomnly particle     24 - Fixed range for selection rundomnly particle type
178 - Improved documentation                           25 - Improved documentation
179                                                    26 
180 26 November 2013 Makoto Asai (exampleB5-V09-06     27 26 November 2013 Makoto Asai (exampleB5-V09-06-10)
181 - Changed the way G4GenericMessenger declares      28 - Changed the way G4GenericMessenger declares UI commands that take units.
182                                                    29 
183 26 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V     30 26 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-09)
184 - Fixed deleting magnetic field and its manage <<  31 - Fixed deleting magnetic field and its manager with use of G4AutoDelete 
185   utility                                          32   utility
186                                                    33 
187 22 November 2013 Joseph Perl (exampleB5-V09-06     34 22 November 2013 Joseph Perl (exampleB5-V09-06-08)
188 - Added paragraph about HepRep attributes in R <<  35 - Added paragraph about HepRep attributes in README  
189                                                    36 
190 22 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova              <<  37 22 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova 
191 - Changed step limit size to 1 m  (more sutabl <<  38 - Changed step limit size to 1 m  (more sutable for demonstration 
192   of the smooth trajectory visualization optio     39   of the smooth trajectory visualization option)
193 - Added paragraph about this limit in README   <<  40 - Added paragraph about this limit in README  
194                                                    41 
195 15 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V     42 15 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-07)
196 - Changed magnetic tube material to G4_Air (wa     43 - Changed magnetic tube material to G4_Air (was G4_Galactic)
197   Resolves issue of low-energy electrons spinn     44   Resolves issue of low-energy electrons spinning forever in vacuum.
198   (By John Apostolakis.)                           45   (By John Apostolakis.)
199                                                    46 
200 02 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V     47 02 November 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-06)
201 - New tag for testing, no changes in the examp     48 - New tag for testing, no changes in the example
202                                                    49 
203 31 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V0     50 31 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-05)
204 - SetDefaultValue arguments passed in generic      51 - SetDefaultValue arguments passed in generic messenger commands
205   must be of G4Stringg type.                       52   must be of G4Stringg type.
206   (This fixes compilation warnings.)               53   (This fixes compilation warnings.)
207                                                    54 
208 30 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V0     55 30 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-04)
209 - Replaced messenger classes with use of G4Gen     56 - Replaced messenger classes with use of G4GenericMessenger
210 - Removed SetNumberOfThreads from main             57 - Removed SetNumberOfThreads from main
211 - Updated macros and README                        58 - Updated macros and README
212                                                    59 
213 10 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V0     60 10 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-03)
214 - Fixed compiler warning from B5EventAction        61 - Fixed compiler warning from B5EventAction
215 - Added class descriptions                         62 - Added class descriptions
216 - Code clean-up                                    63 - Code clean-up
217                                                    64 
218 08 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V0     65 08 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-02)
219 - Migration to MT                                  66 - Migration to MT
220 - Removed Edep vs Tof histogram (remained empt     67 - Removed Edep vs Tof histogram (remained empty),
221   adjusted min max in Chamber1[2] XY histogram     68   adjusted min max in Chamber1[2] XY histograms
222 - Less verbose output from and ru     69 - Less verbose output from and run2.mac
223 - Code clean-up                                    70 - Code clean-up
224                                                    71 
225 03 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V0     72 03 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-01)
226 - A new tag co-working with a fix in ctest.        73 - A new tag co-working with a fix in ctest.
227                                                    74 
228 03 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V0     75 03 October 2013 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleB5-V09-06-00)
229 - The first tagged version of the new B5 examp <<  76 - The first tagged version of the new B5 example created from 
230   extended/analysis/A01.                           77   extended/analysis/A01.
231                                                    78 
232 05 June 2013  Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-V09     79 05 June 2013  Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-V09-06-04)
233 - Updated .README for changes in README            80 - Updated .README for changes in README
234 - Applied coding guidelines (data members init     81 - Applied coding guidelines (data members initialization)
235 - Removed unnecessary inline keyword               82 - Removed unnecessary inline keyword
236 - Fixed compilation with G4ANALYSIS_USE            83 - Fixed compilation with G4ANALYSIS_USE
237                                                    84 
238 28 May 2013  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-06-03     85 28 May 2013  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-06-03)
239 - Update README                                    86 - Update README
240                                                    87 
241 28 May 2013  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-06-02     88 28 May 2013  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-06-02)
242 - Apply coding guidelines                          89 - Apply coding guidelines
243                                                    90 
244 01 April 2013 Andrea Dotti (exampleA01-V09-06-     91 01 April 2013 Andrea Dotti (exampleA01-V09-06-01)
245 - New G4VUserPhysicsList interface             <<  92 - New G4VUserPhysicsList interface 
246                                                    93 
247 18 December 2012 Michael Kelsey (exampleA01-V0     94 18 December 2012 Michael Kelsey (exampleA01-V09-06-00)
248 - Replace G4AntiProtonAnnihiliationAtRest with     95 - Replace G4AntiProtonAnnihiliationAtRest with G4AntiProtonAbsorptionFritiof.
249                                                    96 
250 16 November 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-     97 16 November 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-V09-05-03)
251 - Fixed .README file for artefacts from Markdo     98 - Fixed .README file for artefacts from Markdown support
252                                                    99 
253 31 August 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-V0    100 31 August 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-V09-05-02)
254 - Minor fixes in CMakeList.txt                    101 - Minor fixes in CMakeList.txt
255                                                   102 
256 24 August 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-V0    103 24 August 2012 Ivana Hrivnacova (exampleA01-V09-05-01)
257 - README.JAIDA replaced with more general READ << 104 - README.JAIDA replaced with more general README.AIDA (revised 
258   by Guy Barrand)                                 105   by Guy Barrand)
259 - Added README.OpenScientist (previously AnaEx << 106 - Added README.OpenScientist (previously AnaEx03/UseOpenScientist.txt) 
260 - Added .README files for Doxygen documentatio    107 - Added .README files for Doxygen documentation
261 - Added file descriptions for all .hh and .cc     108 - Added file descriptions for all .hh and .cc
262 - Fixed functions names in B5AnalysisManager ( << 109 - Fixed functions names in B5AnalysisManager (to get example 
263   compiling)                                      110   compiling)
264 - Adding support for building example with AID << 111 - Adding support for building example with AIDA in CMake build   
265                                                   112 
266 19 June 2012  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-05-0    113 19 June 2012  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-05-00)
267 - Corrected order of filling x and y for Cloud    114 - Corrected order of filling x and y for Cloud2D
268                                                   115 
269 20 April 2012  Joseph Perl                        116 20 April 2012  Joseph Perl
270 - Apply coding guidelines                         117 - Apply coding guidelines
271                                                   118 
272 28 October 2011  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-0    119 28 October 2011  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-04-00)
273 - Corrected order of filling x and y for Cloud    120 - Corrected order of filling x and y for Cloud2D
274                                                   121 
275 4 June 2010  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-03-00    122 4 June 2010  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-03-00)
276 - Updated vis usage.                              123 - Updated vis usage.
277                                                   124 
278 2 Dec 2009  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-02-02)    125 2 Dec 2009  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-02-02)
279 - B5MuonPhysics: change hMultipleScattering to    126 - B5MuonPhysics: change hMultipleScattering to MuMultipleScattering.
280                                                   127 
281 20 Mov 2009  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-02-01    128 20 Mov 2009  Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V09-02-01)
282 - B5DetectorConstruction, B5MagneticField: imp    129 - B5DetectorConstruction, B5MagneticField: improve handing of field.
283   Resolves bug 1012.                              130   Resolves bug 1012.
284 - B5Trajectory: removed.  Example uses G4Traje    131 - B5Trajectory: removed.  Example uses G4Trajectory.
285 - Update to new multiple scattering classes.      132 - Update to new multiple scattering classes.
286 - README: General update.                         133 - README: General update.
287     Remove references to obsolete SLAC Geant4     134     Remove references to obsolete SLAC Geant4 tutorial CD.
288                                                   135 
289 14 Mov 2009  John Allison (exampleA01-V09-02-0    136 14 Mov 2009  John Allison (exampleA01-V09-02-00)
290 - Introduced G4UIExecutive.        137 - Introduced G4UIExecutive.
291                                                   138 
292 5 March 2009 Guy Barrand                          139 5 March 2009 Guy Barrand
293 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logi    140 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logic found in this file, since
294   it is handled already in the config/analysis    141   it is handled already in the config/analysis.gmk.
295   This avoids a duplication in the compilation    142   This avoids a duplication in the compilation and link commands
296   of the aida-config options.                     143   of the aida-config options.
297                                                   144 
298 17 May 2007 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V08    145 17 May 2007 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V08-03-01)
299 - Fixed memory leak for plotter                   146 - Fixed memory leak for plotter
300                                                   147 
301 16 May 2007 - Mark Donszelmann                    148 16 May 2007 - Mark Donszelmann
302 - Fixed warning message about JAS-JAIDA window    149 - Fixed warning message about JAS-JAIDA window on exit.
303                                                   150 
304 13 November 2006 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V08    151 13 November 2006 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V08-01-02)
305 - Remove unused attributes from hit classes.      152 - Remove unused attributes from hit classes.
306                                                   153 
307 10 November 2006 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA0    154 10 November 2006 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V08-01-01)
308 - Fixed Makefile                                  155 - Fixed Makefile
309 - Fixed limits on histogram                       156 - Fixed limits on histogram
310                                                   157 
311 6 November 2006 - John Allison (exampleA01-V08    158 6 November 2006 - John Allison (exampleA01-V08-01-00)
312 - Change "Bookkeeping" to "Physics" in G4AttDe    159 - Change "Bookkeeping" to "Physics" in G4AttDefs.
313 - Removed tracking action.  Use "/vis/scene/ad    160 - Removed tracking action.  Use "/vis/scene/add/trajectories rich", etc.
314 - Invoke G4UIterminal(new G4UItcsh) if G4UI_US    161 - Invoke G4UIterminal(new G4UItcsh) if G4UI_USE_TCSH set.
315                                                   162 
316 1 June 2006 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V08-00-0    163 1 June 2006 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V08-00-01)
317 - Add Time attribute to Hit classes.              164 - Add Time attribute to Hit classes.
318                                                   165 
319 2 June 2005 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V07-00-0    166 2 June 2005 - Joseph Perl (exampleA01-V07-00-05)
320 - Add G4Atts to the four hit classes.             167 - Add G4Atts to the four hit classes.
321                                                   168 
322 1 June 2005 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07    169 1 June 2005 - Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-04)
323 - Updated documentation for the use of Binary     170 - Updated documentation for the use of Binary HepRep.
324                                                   171 
325 31st May 2005 -  Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-    172 31st May 2005 -  Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-03)
326 - Added setting of initial viewpoint to macro     173 - Added setting of initial viewpoint to macro files for heprep and bheprep.
327                                                   174 
328 26th May 2005 -  Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-    175 26th May 2005 -  Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-02)
329 - Fixed filling of hit histograms.                176 - Fixed filling of hit histograms.
330                                                   177 
331 16th May 2005 -  Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-    178 16th May 2005 -  Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-01)
332 - Added bheprep example files.                    179 - Added bheprep example files.
333                                                   180 
334 3rd May 2005  John Allison  (examples-V07-00-0    181 3rd May 2005  John Allison  (examples-V07-00-03)
335 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.       182 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.
336                                                   183 
337 31 March 2005 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07    184 31 March 2005 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V07-00-00)
338 - Fixed linking problem with AIDA by replacing    185 - Fixed linking problem with AIDA by replacing LOADLIBS with LDLIBS
339   which is not touched by the replacement stra    186   which is not touched by the replacement strategy in binmake.gmk
340   for WIN32-VC.                                   187   for WIN32-VC.
341                                                   188 
342 13th December 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-    189 13th December 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V06-02-03)
343 - Modified hadlists.gmk to new phys-lists stru    190 - Modified hadlists.gmk to new phys-lists structure.
344                                                   191 
345 3rd December 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V    192 3rd December 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V06-02-02)
346 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.               193 - Implemented migration to <cmath>.
347                                                   194 
348 23rd November 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA0    195 23rd November 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06-02-01)
349 - Removed dependency from user hadronics lists    196 - Removed dependency from user hadronics lists
350                                                   197 
351 14th July 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V06-    198 14th July 2004 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleA01-V06-02-00)
352 - hadlist.gmk: removed unnecessary kernel libr    199 - hadlist.gmk: removed unnecessary kernel libraries list.
353   Fixes problem report #647.                      200   Fixes problem report #647.
354                                                   201 
355 27th May 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06    202 27th May 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06-01-01)
356 - Updated Mac file to write separate geometry.    203 - Updated Mac file to write separate geometry.
357                                                   204 
358 26th May 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06    205 26th May 2004 Mark Donszelmann (exampleA01-V06-01-00)
359 - Updated mac files for HepRep2 driver to set     206 - Updated mac files for HepRep2 driver to set zoom factor and coordinate system.
360                                                   207 
361 9th February 2004 Makoto Asai (exampleA01-V06-    208 9th February 2004 Makoto Asai (exampleA01-V06-00-00)
362 - Fix EM part of the physics list to use the n << 209 - Fix EM part of the physics list to use the new 
363   processes introduced at 6.0.                    210   processes introduced at 6.0.
364 - Reference output is updated accordingly.        211 - Reference output is updated accordingly.
365                                                   212 
366  1st December 2003 Joseph Perl                    213  1st December 2003 Joseph Perl
367 - Removed endOfEventAction.mac since new vis p    214 - Removed endOfEventAction.mac since new vis policy provides such a flush
368   automatically.                                  215   automatically.
369 - Updated README to include more information a    216 - Updated README to include more information about HepRep2 macros.
370                                                   217 
371 17th November 2003 Makoto Asai (exampleA01-V05    218 17th November 2003 Makoto Asai (exampleA01-V05-02-00)
372 - Introducing macro for batch mode tes    219 - Introducing macro for batch mode testing and its reference output.
373                                                   220 
374 13th November 2003 John Allison                   221 13th November 2003 John Allison
375 - Removed OPACS from Vis Manager.                 222 - Removed OPACS from Vis Manager.
376                                                   223 
377 15th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann                224 15th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann
378 - Updated README.JAIDA to refer to the proper     225 - Updated README.JAIDA to refer to the proper versions of JAIDA and AIDAJNI.
379   Also changed compilation instructions to use    226   Also changed compilation instructions to use aida-config.
380 - Made sure G4HadronPhysics is compiled withou    227 - Made sure G4HadronPhysics is compiled without optmization on Darwin-g++,
381   Darwin-g++2 and Darwin-g++3 (MacOS X).          228   Darwin-g++2 and Darwin-g++3 (MacOS X).
382                                                   229 
383 14th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann                230 14th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann
384 - Added clear statement to GNUmakefile that G4    231 - Added clear statement to GNUmakefile that G4HadronPhysics is compiled
385   without optimization.                           232   without optimization.
386 - Made sure G4HadronPhysics is compiled withou    233 - Made sure G4HadronPhysics is compiled without optimization on Linux-g++,
387   Linux-g++2 and Linux-g++3.                      234   Linux-g++2 and Linux-g++3.
388                                                   235 
389 14th October 2003 Joseph Perl                     236 14th October 2003 Joseph Perl
390 - Remove SetForceWireFrame(false) from three h    237 - Remove SetForceWireFrame(false) from three hit classes since these
391   are redundant to the SetForceSolid(true) sta    238   are redundant to the SetForceSolid(true) statements already there.
392                                                   239 
393 14th October 2003 Joseph Perl                     240 14th October 2003 Joseph Perl
394 - Remove SetForceWireFrame(true) statements fr    241 - Remove SetForceWireFrame(true) statements from
395   The user can instead control this at runtime    242   The user can instead control this at runtime using /vis/viewer/set/style
396                                                   243 
397 13th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann                244 13th October 2003 Mark Donszelmann
398 - Re-included B5EventActionMessenger in genera    245 - Re-included B5EventActionMessenger in general (non G4ANALYSIS_USE) compilation
399   for use with B5EventACtion, see comment belo    246   for use with B5EventACtion, see comment below.
400 - Removed all include/AIDA include files and c << 247 - Removed all include/AIDA include files and changed the GNUmakefile. 
401   To compile/link with G4ANALYSIS_USE you will << 248   To compile/link with G4ANALYSIS_USE you will need an AIDA 3.0 compliant 
402   implementation, such as AIDAJNI. The makefil    249   implementation, such as AIDAJNI. The makefile will execute aida-config
403   to find the include files and the libraries     250   to find the include files and the libraries to link with.
404 - setup-analysis.csh/sh/win32 now only sets up    251 - setup-analysis.csh/sh/win32 now only sets up G4 specific flags to compile
405   in the AIDA analysis framework.                 252   in the AIDA analysis framework.
406                                                << 253   
407 13th October 2003 Joseph Perl                     254 13th October 2003 Joseph Perl
408 - Minor changes to README's sections on vis an    255 - Minor changes to README's sections on vis and analysis.
409                                                   256 
410 12th October 2003 Makoto Asai                     257 12th October 2003 Makoto Asai
411 - Move G4ANALYSIS_USE ifdef blocks so that eve    258 - Move G4ANALYSIS_USE ifdef blocks so that event summary is printed out
412   regardless of this flag. Only the AIDA part  << 259   regardless of this flag. Only the AIDA part in B5EventAction is 
413   blocked.                                        260   blocked.
414                                                   261 
415 12th October 2003 Joseph Perl                     262 12th October 2003 Joseph Perl
416 - Modify G4TrackingAction to use G4Trajectory     263 - Modify G4TrackingAction to use G4Trajectory rather than B5Trajectory.
417   This allows trajectories to pick up physics     264   This allows trajectories to pick up physics attributes.
418   Left B5Trajectory in place as alternative to    265   Left B5Trajectory in place as alternative to get color coding by
419   particle type, but no physics attributes.       266   particle type, but no physics attributes.
420   Will later come up with a good scheme to mak    267   Will later come up with a good scheme to make choice of one or the other
421   or both of these choices at run time.           268   or both of these choices at run time.
422 - Renamed visualization macro heprep.mac to vi    269 - Renamed visualization macro heprep.mac to vis.mac
423                                                   270 
424 20th August 2003 Mark Donszelmann                 271 20th August 2003 Mark Donszelmann
425 - Updated code to run with AIDAJNI 3.0.3 relea    272 - Updated code to run with AIDAJNI 3.0.3 release, which adds compilation
426   under g++ 3.2.                                  273   under g++ 3.2.
427 - Added aida.mac example file.                    274 - Added aida.mac example file.
428                                                   275 
429 14th August 2003 Mark Donszelmann                 276 14th August 2003 Mark Donszelmann
430 - Code will only compile AIDA parts if G4ANALY    277 - Code will only compile AIDA parts if G4ANALYSIS_USE is set.
431                                                   278 
432 11th July 2003 Mark Donszelmann                   279 11th July 2003 Mark Donszelmann
433 - Fixed all warnings under g++ 2.95.3.            280 - Fixed all warnings under g++ 2.95.3.
434                                                   281 
435 3rd April 2003 Mark Donszelmann (examples-anal    282 3rd April 2003 Mark Donszelmann (examples-analysis-B5-V05-00-00)
436 - Added 2 more histograms to the example          283 - Added 2 more histograms to the example
437 - Fixed NullPointerException by letting SDMana    284 - Fixed NullPointerException by letting SDManager delete the detectors created in
438                         285
439 - Added comment when quitting Geant4 that JAS     286 - Added comment when quitting Geant4 that JAS window still needs closing.
440                                                   287 
441 26th November 2002 Mark Donszelmann               288 26th November 2002 Mark Donszelmann
442 - Fixed DrifChamberHit to have a reasonable sc    289 - Fixed DrifChamberHit to have a reasonable screensize (2) rather than 0.1
443 - Fixed minimum value for EmCalHit color to be    290 - Fixed minimum value for EmCalHit color to be visible (0.4).
444                                                   291 
445 14th November 2002 Mark Donszelmann               292 14th November 2002 Mark Donszelmann
446 - Added B5 example to repository                  293 - Added B5 example to repository