Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/advanced/xray_telescope/xray_telescope.out (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/advanced/xray_telescope/xray_telescope.out (Version 10.4)

  1 Environment variable "G4FORCE_RUN_MANAGER_TYPE << 
  2                                                     1 
  3         ######################################      2         ############################################
  4         !!! WARNING - FPE detection is activat      3         !!! WARNING - FPE detection is activated !!!
  5         ######################################      4         ############################################
  6                                                     5 
                                                   >>   6 *************************************************************
                                                   >>   7  Geant4 version Name: geant4-10-04-ref-00    (08-December-2017)
                                                   >>   8                       Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
                                                   >>   9                       Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
                                                   >>  10                             WWW :
                                                   >>  11 *************************************************************
                                                   >>  12 
                                                   >>  13 Visualization Manager instantiating with verbosity "warnings (3)"...
                                                   >>  14 Visualization Manager initialising...
                                                   >>  15 Registering graphics systems...
                                                   >>  16 
                                                   >>  17 You have successfully registered the following graphics systems.
                                                   >>  18 Current available graphics systems are:
                                                   >>  19 ASCIITree (ATree)
                                                   >>  20 DAWNFILE (DAWNFILE)
                                                   >>  21 G4HepRep (HepRepXML)
                                                   >>  22 G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile)
                                                   >>  23 RayTracer (RayTracer)
                                                   >>  24 VRML1FILE (VRML1FILE)
                                                   >>  25 VRML2FILE (VRML2FILE)
                                                   >>  26 gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile)
                                                   >>  27 OpenGLImmediateQt (OGLIQt, OGLI)
                                                   >>  28 OpenGLStoredQt (OGLSQt, OGL, OGLS)
                                                   >>  29 OpenGLImmediateXm (OGLIXm, OGLIQt_FALLBACK)
                                                   >>  30 OpenGLStoredXm (OGLSXm, OGLSQt_FALLBACK)
                                                   >>  31 OpenGLImmediateX (OGLIX, OGLIQt_FALLBACK, OGLIXm_FALLBACK)
                                                   >>  32 OpenGLStoredX (OGLSX, OGLSQt_FALLBACK, OGLSXm_FALLBACK)
                                                   >>  33 RayTracerX (RayTracerX)
                                                   >>  34 
                                                   >>  35 Registering model factories...
                                                   >>  36 
                                                   >>  37 You have successfully registered the following model factories.
                                                   >>  38 Registered model factories:
                                                   >>  39   generic
                                                   >>  40   drawByAttribute
                                                   >>  41   drawByCharge
                                                   >>  42   drawByOriginVolume
                                                   >>  43   drawByParticleID
                                                   >>  44   drawByEncounteredVolume
                                                   >>  45 
                                                   >>  46 Registered filter factories:
                                                   >>  47   attributeFilter
                                                   >>  48   chargeFilter
                                                   >>  49   originVolumeFilter
                                                   >>  50   particleFilter
                                                   >>  51   encounteredVolumeFilter
                                                   >>  52 
                                                   >>  53 You have successfully registered the following user vis actions.
                                                   >>  54 Run Duration User Vis Actions: none
                                                   >>  55 End of Event User Vis Actions: none
                                                   >>  56 End of Run User Vis Actions: none
  7                                                    57 
  8           ################################     <<  58 Some /vis commands (optionally) take a string to specify colour.
  9           !!! G4Backtrace is activated !!!     <<  59 "/vis/list" to see available colours.
 10           ################################     << 
 11                                                << 
 12                                                << 
 13 ********************************************** << 
 14  Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-03-ref-00    ( << 
 15                        Copyright : Geant4 Coll << 
 16                       References : NIM A 506 ( << 
 17                                  : IEEE-TNS 53 << 
 18                                  : NIM A 835 ( << 
 19                              WWW : http://gean << 
 20 ********************************************** << 
 21                                                << 
 22 ============================================== << 
 23 ======                 Electromagnetic Physics << 
 24 ============================================== << 
 25 LPM effect enabled                             << 
 26 Enable creation and use of sampling tables     << 
 27 Apply cuts on all EM processes                 << 
 28 Use combined TransportationWithMsc             << 
 29 Use general process                            << 
 30 Enable linear polarisation for gamma           << 
 31 Enable photoeffect sampling below K-shell      << 
 32 Enable sampling of quantum entanglement        << 
 33 X-section factor for integral approach         << 
 34 Min kinetic energy for tables                  << 
 35 Max kinetic energy for tables                  << 
 36 Number of bins per decade of a table           << 
 37 Verbose level                                  << 
 38 Verbose level for worker thread                << 
 39 Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which    << 
 40   primary e+- is added to the list of secondar << 
 41 Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which pr << 
 42   muon/hadron is added to the list of secondar << 
 43 Positron annihilation at rest model            << 
 44 Enable 3 gamma annihilation on fly             << 
 45 Lowest triplet kinetic energy                  << 
 46 Enable sampling of gamma linear polarisation   << 
 47 5D gamma conversion model type                 << 
 48 5D gamma conversion model on isolated ion      << 
 49 Use Ricardo-Gerardo pair production model      << 
 50 Livermore data directory                       << 
 51 ============================================== << 
 52 ======                 Ionisation Parameters   << 
 53 ============================================== << 
 54 Step function for e+-                          << 
 55 Step function for muons/hadrons                << 
 56 Step function for light ions                   << 
 57 Step function for general ions                 << 
 58 Lowest e+e- kinetic energy                     << 
 59 Lowest muon/hadron kinetic energy              << 
 60 Use ICRU90 data                                << 
 61 Fluctuations of dE/dx are enabled              << 
 62 Type of fluctuation model for leptons and hadr << 
 63 Use built-in Birks satuaration                 << 
 64 Build CSDA range enabled                       << 
 65 Use cut as a final range enabled               << 
 66 Enable angular generator interface             << 
 67 Max kinetic energy for CSDA tables             << 
 68 Max kinetic energy for NIEL computation        << 
 69 Linear loss limit                              << 
 70 Read data from file for e+e- pair production b << 
 71 ============================================== << 
 72 ======                 Multiple Scattering Par << 
 73 ============================================== << 
 74 Type of msc step limit algorithm for e+-       << 
 75 Type of msc step limit algorithm for muons/had << 
 76 Msc lateral displacement for e+- enabled       << 
 77 Msc lateral displacement for muons and hadrons << 
 78 Urban msc model lateral displacement alg96     << 
 79 Range factor for msc step limit for e+-        << 
 80 Range factor for msc step limit for muons/hadr << 
 81 Geometry factor for msc step limitation of e+- << 
 82 Safety factor for msc step limit for e+-       << 
 83 Skin parameter for msc step limitation of e+-  << 
 84 Lambda limit for msc step limit for e+-        << 
 85 Use Mott correction for e- scattering          << 
 86 Factor used for dynamic computation of angular << 
 87   limit between single and multiple scattering << 
 88 Fixed angular limit between single             << 
 89   and multiple scattering                      << 
 90 Upper energy limit for e+- multiple scattering << 
 91 Type of electron single scattering model       << 
 92 Type of nuclear form-factor                    << 
 93 Screening factor                               << 
 94 ============================================== << 
 95                                                    60 
 96 phot:  for gamma SubType=12 BuildTable=0       <<  61 phot:   for  gamma    SubType= 12  BuildTable= 0
 97       LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 100 Te     62       LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 100 TeV in 61 bins 
 98       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul     63       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
 99        PhotoElectric : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 <<  64        PhotoElectric :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV   AngularGenSauterGavrila
100                                                    65 
101 compt:  for gamma SubType=13 BuildTable=1      <<  66 compt:   for  gamma    SubType= 13  BuildTable= 1
102       Lambda table from 100 eV  to 1 MeV, 7 bi <<  67       Lambda table from 100 eV  to 1 MeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
103       LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 100 TeV      68       LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 100 TeV in 56 bins 
104       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul     69       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
105        Klein-Nishina : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 <<  70        Klein-Nishina :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
106                                                    71 
107 conv:  for gamma SubType=14 BuildTable=1       <<  72 conv:   for  gamma    SubType= 14  BuildTable= 1
108       Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 100 TeV,  <<  73       Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 100 TeV, 18 bins per decade, spline: 1
109       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul     74       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
110      BetheHeitlerLPM : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 <<  75         BetheHeitler :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=       80 GeV
                                                   >>  76      BetheHeitlerLPM :  Emin=       80 GeV   Emax=      100 TeV
111                                                    77 
112 msc:  for e-  SubType= 10                      <<  78 msc:   for e-    SubType= 10
                                                   >>  79       RangeFactor= 0.04, stepLimitType: 1, latDisplacement: 1
113       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul     80       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
114             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 <<  81             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
115           StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2 << 
116                                                    82 
117 eIoni:  for e-  XStype:3  SubType=2            <<  83 eIoni:   for  e-    SubType= 2
118       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1     84       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
119       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, <<  85       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
120       StepFunction=(0.2, 1 mm), integ: 3, fluc <<  86       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
121       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul     87       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
122         MollerBhabha : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 <<  88         MollerBhabha :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
123                                                    89 
124 eBrem:  for e-  XStype:4  SubType=3            <<  90 eBrem:   for  e-    SubType= 3
125       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1     91       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
126       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, <<  92       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
127       LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV,  VertexHighEn     93       LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV,  VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000
128       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul     94       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
129              eBremSB : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=    <<  95              eBremSB :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=        1 GeV   DipBustGen
130             eBremLPM : Emin=    1 GeV Emax=  1 <<  96             eBremLPM :  Emin=        1 GeV   Emax=      100 TeV   DipBustGen
131                                                    97 
132 msc:  for e+  SubType= 10                      <<  98 msc:   for e+    SubType= 10
                                                   >>  99       RangeFactor= 0.04, stepLimitType: 1, latDisplacement: 1
133       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    100       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
134             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 101             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
135           StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2 << 
136                                                   102 
137 eIoni:  for e+  XStype:3  SubType=2            << 103 eIoni:   for  e+    SubType= 2
138       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    104       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
139       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 105       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
140       StepFunction=(0.2, 1 mm), integ: 3, fluc << 106       finalRange(mm)= 1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
141       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    107       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
142         MollerBhabha : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 108         MollerBhabha :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
143                                                   109 
144 eBrem:  for e+  XStype:4  SubType=3            << 110 eBrem:   for  e+    SubType= 3
145       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    111       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
146       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 112       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
147       LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV,  VertexHighEn    113       LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV,  VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000
148       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    114       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
149              eBremSB : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=    << 115              eBremSB :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=        1 GeV   DipBustGen
150             eBremLPM : Emin=    1 GeV Emax=  1 << 116             eBremLPM :  Emin=        1 GeV   Emax=      100 TeV   DipBustGen
151                                                   117 
152 annihil:  for e+ XStype:2 SubType=5 AtRestMode << 118 annihil:   for  e+, integral: 1     SubType= 5  BuildTable= 0
153       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    119       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
154             eplus2gg : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 120             eplus2gg :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
155                                                   121 
156 msc:  for proton  SubType= 10                  << 122 msc:   for proton    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 123       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
157       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    124       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
158             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 125             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
159           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
160                                                   126 
161 hIoni:  for proton  XStype:3  SubType=2        << 127 hIoni:   for  proton    SubType= 2
162       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    128       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
163       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 129       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
164       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 130       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
165       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    131       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
166                Bragg : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=    << 132                Bragg :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=        2 MeV
167           BetheBloch : Emin=    2 MeV Emax=  1 << 133           BetheBloch :  Emin=        2 MeV   Emax=      100 TeV
168                                                   134 
169 hBrems:  for proton  XStype:1  SubType=3       << 135 hBrems:   for  proton    SubType= 3
170       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    136       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
171       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 137       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
172       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    138       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
173                hBrem : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 139                hBrem :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
174                                                   140 
175 hPairProd:  for proton  XStype:1  SubType=4    << 141 hPairProd:   for  proton    SubType= 4
176       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    142       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
177       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 143       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
178       Sampling table 17x1001 from 7.50618 GeV     144       Sampling table 17x1001 from 7.50618 GeV to 100 TeV 
179       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    145       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
180            hPairProd : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 146            hPairProd :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
181                                                   147 
182 msc:  for GenericIon  SubType= 10              << 148 msc:   for GenericIon    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 149       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
183       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    150       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
184             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 151             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
185           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
186                                                   152 
187 ionIoni:  for GenericIon  XStype:3  SubType=2  << 153 ionIoni:   for  GenericIon    SubType= 2
188       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    154       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
189       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 155       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
190       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 156       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.02
                                                   >> 157       Stopping Power data for 17 ion/material pairs 
191       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    158       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
192                Bragg : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=    << 159             BraggIon :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=        2 MeV
193           BetheBloch : Emin=    2 MeV Emax=  1 << 160           BetheBloch :  Emin=        2 MeV   Emax=      100 TeV
194                                                   161 
195 msc:  for alpha  SubType= 10                   << 162 msc:   for alpha    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 163       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
196       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    164       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
197             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 165             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
198           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
199                                                   166 
200 ionIoni:  for alpha  XStype:3  SubType=2       << 167 ionIoni:   for  alpha    SubType= 2
201       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    168       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
202       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 169       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
203       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 170       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.02
204       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    171       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
205             BraggIon : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=7.9 << 172             BraggIon :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=   7.9452 MeV
206           BetheBloch : Emin=7.9452 MeV Emax=   << 173           BetheBloch :  Emin=   7.9452 MeV   Emax=      100 TeV
207                                                   174 
208 msc:  for anti_proton  SubType= 10             << 175 msc:   for anti_proton    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 176       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
209       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    177       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
210             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 178             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
211           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
212                                                   179 
213 hIoni:  for anti_proton  XStype:3  SubType=2   << 180 hIoni:   for  anti_proton    SubType= 2
214       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    181       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
215       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 182       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
216       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 183       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
217       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    184       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
218             ICRU73QO : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=    << 185             ICRU73QO :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=        2 MeV
219           BetheBloch : Emin=    2 MeV Emax=  1 << 186           BetheBloch :  Emin=        2 MeV   Emax=      100 TeV
220                                                   187 
221 msc:  for kaon+  SubType= 10                   << 188 msc:   for kaon+    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 189       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
222       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    190       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
223             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 191             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
224           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
225                                                   192 
226 hIoni:  for kaon+  XStype:3  SubType=2         << 193 hIoni:   for  kaon+    SubType= 2
227       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    194       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
228       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 195       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
229       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 196       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
230       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    197       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
231                Bragg : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=1.0 << 198                Bragg :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=  1.05231 MeV
232           BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax=  << 199           BetheBloch :  Emin=  1.05231 MeV   Emax=      100 TeV
233                                                   200 
234 msc:  for kaon-  SubType= 10                   << 201 msc:   for kaon-    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 202       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
235       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    203       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
236             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 204             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
237           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
238                                                   205 
239 hIoni:  for kaon-  XStype:3  SubType=2         << 206 hIoni:   for  kaon-    SubType= 2
240       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    207       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
241       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 208       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
242       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 209       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
243       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    210       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
244             ICRU73QO : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=1.0 << 211             ICRU73QO :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=  1.05231 MeV
245           BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax=  << 212           BetheBloch :  Emin=  1.05231 MeV   Emax=      100 TeV
246                                                   213 
247 msc:  for mu+  SubType= 10                     << 214 msc:   for mu+    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 215       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
248       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    216       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
249             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 217             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
250           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
251                                                   218 
252 muIoni:  for mu+  XStype:3  SubType=2          << 219 muIoni:   for  mu+    SubType= 2
253       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    220       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
254       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 221       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
255       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 222       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
256       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    223       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
257                Bragg : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  2 << 224                Bragg :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      200 keV
258         MuBetheBloch : Emin=  200 keV Emax=  1 << 225           BetheBloch :  Emin=      200 keV   Emax=        1 GeV
                                                   >> 226         MuBetheBloch :  Emin=        1 GeV   Emax=      100 TeV
259                                                   227 
260 muBrems:  for mu+  XStype:1  SubType=3         << 228 muBrems:   for  mu+    SubType= 3
261       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    229       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
262       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 230       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
263       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    231       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
264               MuBrem : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 232               MuBrem :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
265                                                   233 
266 muPairProd:  for mu+  XStype:1  SubType=4      << 234 muPairProd:   for  mu+    SubType= 4
267       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    235       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
268       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 236       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
269       Sampling table 21x1001 from 0.85 GeV to  << 237       Sampling table 21x1001 from 1 GeV to 100 TeV 
270       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    238       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
271           muPairProd : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 239           muPairProd :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
272                                                   240 
273 msc:  for mu-  SubType= 10                     << 241 msc:   for mu-    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 242       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
274       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    243       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
275             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 244             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
276           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
277                                                   245 
278 muIoni:  for mu-  XStype:3  SubType=2          << 246 muIoni:   for  mu-    SubType= 2
279       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    247       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
280       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 248       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
281       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 249       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
282       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    250       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
283             ICRU73QO : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  2 << 251             ICRU73QO :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      200 keV
284         MuBetheBloch : Emin=  200 keV Emax=  1 << 252           BetheBloch :  Emin=      200 keV   Emax=        1 GeV
                                                   >> 253         MuBetheBloch :  Emin=        1 GeV   Emax=      100 TeV
285                                                   254 
286 muBrems:  for mu-  XStype:1  SubType=3         << 255 muBrems:   for  mu-    SubType= 3
287       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    256       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
288       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 257       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
289       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    258       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
290               MuBrem : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 259               MuBrem :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
291                                                   260 
292 muPairProd:  for mu-  XStype:1  SubType=4      << 261 muPairProd:   for  mu-    SubType= 4
293       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    262       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
294       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 263       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
295       Sampling table 21x1001 from 0.85 GeV to  << 264       Sampling table 21x1001 from 1 GeV to 100 TeV 
296       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    265       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
297           muPairProd : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 266           muPairProd :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
298                                                   267 
299 msc:  for pi+  SubType= 10                     << 268 msc:   for pi+    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 269       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
300       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    270       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
301             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 271             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
302           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
303                                                   272 
304 hIoni:  for pi+  XStype:3  SubType=2           << 273 hIoni:   for  pi+    SubType= 2
305       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    274       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
306       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 275       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
307       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 276       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
308       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    277       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
309                Bragg : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=297 << 278                Bragg :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=  297.505 keV
310           BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax=  << 279           BetheBloch :  Emin=  297.505 keV   Emax=      100 TeV
311                                                   280 
312 hBrems:  for pi+  XStype:1  SubType=3          << 281 hBrems:   for  pi+    SubType= 3
313       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    282       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
314       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 283       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
315       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    284       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
316                hBrem : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 285                hBrem :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
317                                                   286 
318 hPairProd:  for pi+  XStype:1  SubType=4       << 287 hPairProd:   for  pi+    SubType= 4
319       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    288       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
320       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 289       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
321       Sampling table 20x1001 from 1.11656 GeV     290       Sampling table 20x1001 from 1.11656 GeV to 100 TeV 
322       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    291       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
323            hPairProd : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 292            hPairProd :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
324                                                   293 
325 msc:  for pi-  SubType= 10                     << 294 msc:   for pi-    SubType= 10
                                                   >> 295       RangeFactor= 0.2, stepLimitType: 0, latDisplacement: 0
326       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    296       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
327             UrbanMsc : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=  1 << 297             UrbanMsc :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV  Table with 84 bins Emin=    100 eV    Emax=    100 TeV
328           StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5  << 
329                                                   298 
330 hIoni:  for pi-  XStype:3  SubType=2           << 299 hIoni:   for  pi-    SubType= 2
331       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 1    300       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
332       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, << 301       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
333       StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fl << 302       finalRange(mm)= 0.1, dRoverRange= 0.2, integral: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLimit= 0.01
334       ===== EM models for the G4Region  Defaul    303       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
335             ICRU73QO : Emin=    0 eV  Emax=297 << 304             ICRU73QO :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=  297.505 keV
336           BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax=  << 305           BetheBloch :  Emin=  297.505 keV   Emax=      100 TeV
337                                                   306 
338 ========= Table of registered couples ======== << 307 hBrems:   for  pi-    SubType= 3
                                                   >> 308       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
                                                   >> 309       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
                                                   >> 310       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 311                hBrem :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
                                                   >> 312 
                                                   >> 313 hPairProd:   for  pi-    SubType= 4
                                                   >> 314       dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV  to 100 TeV in 84 bins
                                                   >> 315       Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins per decade, spline: 1
                                                   >> 316       Sampling table 20x1001 from 1.11656 GeV to 100 TeV 
                                                   >> 317       ===== EM models for the G4Region  DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
                                                   >> 318            hPairProd :  Emin=        0 eV    Emax=      100 TeV
                                                   >> 319 
                                                   >> 320 ========= Table of registered couples ==============================
339                                                   321 
340 Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes          322 Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes
341  Material : Vacuum                                323  Material : Vacuum
342  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m     324  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m      e+  1 m   proton 2 mm 
343  Energy thresholds :  gamma  990 eV     e-  99    325  Energy thresholds :  gamma  990 eV     e-  990 eV     e+  990 eV  proton 200 keV
344  Region(s) which use this couple :                326  Region(s) which use this couple : 
345     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      327     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
346                                                   328 
347 Index : 1     used in the geometry : Yes          329 Index : 1     used in the geometry : Yes
348  Material : Nickel                                330  Material : Nickel
349  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m     331  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m      e+  1 m   proton 2 mm 
350  Energy thresholds :  gamma  9.54965 GeV    e- << 332  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  10 GeV    e+  10 GeV proton 200 keV
351  Region(s) which use this couple :                333  Region(s) which use this couple : 
352     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      334     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
353                                                   335 
354 Index : 2     used in the geometry : Yes          336 Index : 2     used in the geometry : Yes
355  Material : Gold                                  337  Material : Gold
356  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m     338  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m      e+  1 m   proton 2 mm 
357  Energy thresholds :  gamma  9.54965 GeV    e- << 339  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  10 GeV    e+  10 GeV proton 200 keV
358  Region(s) which use this couple :                340  Region(s) which use this couple : 
359     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      341     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
360                                                   342 
361 Index : 3     used in the geometry : Yes          343 Index : 3     used in the geometry : Yes
362  Material : Aluminium                             344  Material : Aluminium
363  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m     345  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m      e+  1 m   proton 2 mm 
364  Energy thresholds :  gamma  9.54965 GeV    e- << 346  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  1.19608 GeV    e+  1.13347 GeV proton 200 keV
365  Region(s) which use this couple :                347  Region(s) which use this couple : 
366     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      348     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
367                                                   349 
368 Index : 4     used in the geometry : Yes          350 Index : 4     used in the geometry : Yes
369  Material : Carbon Fibre                          351  Material : Carbon Fibre
370  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m     352  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m      e+  1 m   proton 2 mm 
371  Energy thresholds :  gamma  3.29739 MeV    e- << 353  Energy thresholds :  gamma  3.23215 MeV    e-  777.993 MeV    e+  737.272 MeV proton 200 keV
372  Region(s) which use this couple :                354  Region(s) which use this couple : 
373     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      355     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
374                                                   356 
375 Index : 5     used in the geometry : Yes          357 Index : 5     used in the geometry : Yes
376  Material : Titanium                              358  Material : Titanium
377  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m     359  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m      e+  1 m   proton 2 mm 
378  Energy thresholds :  gamma  9.54965 GeV    e- << 360  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  6.00061 GeV    e+  5.68653 GeV proton 200 keV
379  Region(s) which use this couple :                361  Region(s) which use this couple : 
380     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      362     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
381                                                   363 
382 Index : 6     used in the geometry : Yes          364 Index : 6     used in the geometry : Yes
383  Material : Silicon                               365  Material : Silicon
384  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m     366  Range cuts        :  gamma  1 m      e-  1 m      e+  1 m   proton 2 mm 
385  Energy thresholds :  gamma  9.54965 GeV    e- << 367  Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  1.01792 GeV    e+  964.644 MeV proton 200 keV
386  Region(s) which use this couple :                368  Region(s) which use this couple : 
387     DefaultRegionForTheWorld                      369     DefaultRegionForTheWorld
388                                                   370 
389 ============================================== << 371 ====================================================================
390                                                   372 
391 ### Run 0 starts.                                 373 ### Run 0 starts.
392 ### Run : 0 (master)                              374 ### Run : 0 (master)
                                                   >> 375 WARNING: Scene "none" not found.
                                                   >> 376   /vis/scene/list to see scenes.
393 Opening output file xraytel ...  done             377 Opening output file xraytel ...  done
394  Run terminated.                                  378  Run terminated.
395 Run Summary                                       379 Run Summary
396   Number of events processed : 1000               380   Number of events processed : 1000
397   User=0.010000s Real=0.011300s Sys=0.000000s  << 381   User=0.02s Real=0.01s Sys=0s
398 ##########################################        382 ##########################################
                                                   >> 383 WARNING: command "/vis/viewer/update" could not be applied: no current viewer.
                                                   >> 384 Graphics systems deleted.
                                                   >> 385 Visualization Manager deleting...
                                                   >> 386 G4 kernel has come to Quit state.
399 ================== Deleting memory pools =====    387 ================== Deleting memory pools ===================
400 Number of memory pools allocated: 9 of which,  << 388 Number of memory pools allocated: 12 of which, static: 0
401 Dynamic pools deleted: 9 / Total memory freed: << 389 Dynamic pools deleted: 12 / Total memory freed: 0.018 MB
402 ==============================================    390 ============================================================
                                                   >> 391 RunManagerKernel is deleted. Good bye :)