Geant4 Cross Reference |
>> 1 $Id$ 1 ---------------------------------------------- 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 3 ========================================= 4 ========================================================= 4 Geant4 - X-Ray Telescope Exampl 5 Geant4 - X-Ray Telescope Example 5 ========================================= 6 ========================================================= 6 7 7 8 8 Introduction 9 Introduction 9 ------------ 10 ------------ 10 XrayTel is an advanced Geant4 example based on 11 XrayTel is an advanced Geant4 example based on a realistic simulation of 11 an X-ray Telescope. It is based on work carri 12 an X-ray Telescope. It is based on work carried out by a team of Geant4 12 experts to simulate the interaction between X- 13 experts to simulate the interaction between X-ray Telescopes XMM-Newton 13 and Chandra with low energy protons present in 14 and Chandra with low energy protons present in the orbital radiation 14 background. The X-ray mirrors are designed to 15 background. The X-ray mirrors are designed to collect x-ray photons at 15 grazing-incidence angles and focus them onto d 16 grazing-incidence angles and focus them onto detectors at the focal plane. 16 However, this mechanism also seems to work for 17 However, this mechanism also seems to work for low energy protons which, 17 if they reach the detectors in sufficient numb 18 if they reach the detectors in sufficient numbers, can cause damage. 18 In this example, the geometry has been simplif 19 In this example, the geometry has been simplified by using a single mirror 19 shell and no baffles, but all the dimensions a 20 shell and no baffles, but all the dimensions and materials are realistic. 20 21 21 The aim of this advanced example is to illustr 22 The aim of this advanced example is to illustrate the use advanced 22 GUI, visualisation, particle generation and an 23 GUI, visualisation, particle generation and analysis schemes available 23 in Geant4: 24 in Geant4: 24 25 25 - macros are provided to display the geometry 26 - macros are provided to display the geometry and particle tracks with 26 OpenGL, DAWN Postscript or VRML visualisati 27 OpenGL, DAWN Postscript or VRML visualisation 27 28 28 - the generation of particles is done via the 29 - the generation of particles is done via the new General Particle Source 29 30 30 - histograming facilities are available throu 31 - histograming facilities are available through the G4AnalysisManager tools 31 32 32 In order to be able to use any of these packag 33 In order to be able to use any of these packages, prior installation is 33 necessary and a number of environment variable 34 necessary and a number of environment variables will have to be set. 34 35 35 36 36 NOTE: The geometry is refreshed on the viewer 37 NOTE: The geometry is refreshed on the viewer at the beginning of each run, 37 but the tracks are plotted only in case 38 but the tracks are plotted only in case an interesting event occurs. 38 This is the case only for about 1 every 39 This is the case only for about 1 every 10**4 events. 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 2. Run 43 2. Run 43 44 44 To execute a sample simulation with visualisat 45 To execute a sample simulation with visualisation of proton tracks 45 reaching the detector run: 46 reaching the detector run: 46 47 47 XrayTel 48 XrayTel 48 49 49 execute command "/control/execute test.mac" 50 execute command "/control/execute test.mac" 50 51 51 To enable visualisation, uncomment one line fr 52 To enable visualisation, uncomment one line from test.mac: 52 /control/execute vis.mac 53 /control/execute vis.mac 53 54 54 If the analysis options are set, histograms wi 55 If the analysis options are set, histograms will 55 automatically created and the corresponding fi 56 automatically created and the corresponding files will be created. 56 A 1D histogram will display the energy distrib 57 A 1D histogram will display the energy distribution of the protons 57 that reach the detector at the end of the run. 58 that reach the detector at the end of the run. 58 59 59 60 60 3. Detector description 61 3. Detector description 61 62 62 The telescope and detector geometry is defined 63 The telescope and detector geometry is defined in 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 4. Physics processes 67 4. Physics processes 67 68 68 The physics processes are in XrayTelPhysicsLis 69 The physics processes are in 69 The main process in this example is G4hMultipl 70 The main process in this example is G4hMultipleScattering for scattering of the protons 70 off the mirror surfaces. 71 off the mirror surfaces. 71 72 72 73 73 5. Event generation 74 5. Event generation 74 75 75 This is done using the new General Particle So 76 This is done using the new General Particle Source. Documentation for 76 this can be found in: 77 this can be found in: 77 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 81 6. Analysis 82 6. Analysis 82 83 83 Relevant information from the simulation is pr 84 Relevant information from the simulation is processed in the XrayTelAnalysis 84 class and saved, through the G4AnalysisManager 85 class and saved, through the G4AnalysisManager interface, to Histograms and 85 Tuples. The output file is written in Root for << 86 Tuples. The output file is written in XML format, but one can easily switch to 86 No external software is required (apart from t << 87 ROOT (or Hbook) by changing the appropriate #include in XrayTelAnalysis.hh >> 88 No external software is required (apart from the hbook case, in which the CERNLIB >> 89 must be installed and a FORTRAN compiler must be present) 87 90