Geant4 Cross Reference

Cross-Referencing   Geant4

Version: [ ReleaseNotes ] [ 1.0 ] [ 1.1 ] [ 2.0 ] [ 3.0 ] [ 3.1 ] [ 3.2 ] [ 4.0 ] [ 4.0.p1 ] [ 4.0.p2 ] [ 4.1 ] [ 4.1.p1 ] [ 5.0 ] [ 5.0.p1 ] [ 5.1 ] [ 5.1.p1 ] [ 5.2 ] [ 5.2.p1 ] [ 5.2.p2 ] [ 6.0 ] [ 6.0.p1 ] [ 6.1 ] [ 6.2 ] [ 6.2.p1 ] [ 6.2.p2 ] [ 7.0 ] [ 7.0.p1 ] [ 7.1 ] [ 7.1.p1 ] [ 8.0 ] [ 8.0.p1 ] [ 8.1 ] [ 8.1.p1 ] [ 8.1.p2 ] [ 8.2 ] [ 8.2.p1 ] [ 8.3 ] [ 8.3.p1 ] [ 8.3.p2 ] [ 9.0 ] [ 9.0.p1 ] [ 9.0.p2 ] [ 9.1 ] [ 9.1.p1 ] [ 9.1.p2 ] [ 9.1.p3 ] [ 9.2 ] [ 9.2.p1 ] [ 9.2.p2 ] [ 9.2.p3 ] [ 9.2.p4 ] [ 9.3 ] [ 9.3.p1 ] [ 9.3.p2 ] [ 9.4 ] [ 9.4.p1 ] [ 9.4.p2 ] [ 9.4.p3 ] [ 9.4.p4 ] [ 9.5 ] [ 9.5.p1 ] [ 9.5.p2 ] [ 9.6 ] [ 9.6.p1 ] [ 9.6.p2 ] [ 9.6.p3 ] [ 9.6.p4 ] [ 10.0 ] [ 10.0.p1 ] [ 10.0.p2 ] [ 10.0.p3 ] [ 10.0.p4 ] [ 10.1 ] [ 10.1.p1 ] [ 10.1.p2 ] [ 10.1.p3 ] [ 10.2 ] [ 10.2.p1 ] [ 10.2.p2 ] [ 10.2.p3 ] [ 10.3 ] [ 10.3.p1 ] [ 10.3.p2 ] [ 10.3.p3 ] [ 10.4 ] [ 10.4.p1 ] [ 10.4.p2 ] [ 10.4.p3 ] [ 10.5 ] [ 10.5.p1 ] [ 10.6 ] [ 10.6.p1 ] [ 10.6.p2 ] [ 10.6.p3 ] [ 10.7 ] [ 10.7.p1 ] [ 10.7.p2 ] [ 10.7.p3 ] [ 10.7.p4 ] [ 11.0 ] [ 11.0.p1 ] [ 11.0.p2 ] [ 11.0.p3, ] [ 11.0.p4 ] [ 11.1 ] [ 11.1.1 ] [ 11.1.2 ] [ 11.1.3 ] [ 11.2 ] [ 11.2.1 ] [ 11.2.2 ] [ 11.3.0 ]

Diff markup

Differences between /examples/advanced/xray_fluorescence/History (Version 11.3.0) and /examples/advanced/xray_fluorescence/History (Version 10.7)

  1 # Example xray_fluorescence History            <<   1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
  2                                                <<   2 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
  3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 
  4 which **must** added in reverse chronological  << 
  5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 
  6                                                << 
  7 ---------------------------------------------- << 
  8                                                << 
  9 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova (XRayFluo-V11-01-0 << 
 10 - Updated vis.mac:                             << 
 11   - Changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to " << 
 12     and simplified comments.                   << 
 13                                                << 
 14 ## 2022-09-09 Susanna Guatelli (XRayFluo-V11-0 << 
 15 - Ranecu Engine removed. Default one now used  << 
 16                                                << 
 17 ## 2022-02-14 Gabriele Cosmo (XRayFluo-V11-00- << 
 18 - XrayFluoEventAction: fixed compilation warni << 
 19   for unused variable.                         << 
 20                                                << 
 21 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (XRayFluo-V11-00-00)  << 
 22 - Change to new Markdown History format.       << 
 23                                                << 
 24 ---                                            << 
 25                                                << 
 26 # History entries prior to 11.0                << 
 27                                                << 
 28 04.11.2021  I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 
 29 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 
 30   G4VAnalysisReader::ReadNtuple(const G4String << 
 31   in GetNtuple                                 << 
 32                                                << 
 33 25.10.2021 B.Morgan Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07-06     << 
 34 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated << 
 35                                                << 
 36 16.10.2021  S.Guatelli Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07-05  << 
 37 - Migration to G4RunManagerFactory             << 
 38                                                << 
 39 07.10.2021  I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 
 40 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header << 
 41   define the default output file type (root),  << 
 42   explicitly include G4RootAnalysisReader.     << 
 43                                                << 
 44 26.08.2021  I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 
 45 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 
 46   G4VAnalysisReader::GetNtuple(const G4String& << 
 47                                                << 
 48 19.07.2021  I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 
 49 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 
 50   removed deleting of the analysis manager,    << 
 51   as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel.    << 
 52                                                << 
 53 24.05.2021  B. Morgan (XRayFluo-V10-07-01)     << 
 54 - Bump required CMake version range to 3.12... << 
 55                                                << 
 56 12.02.2021  S. Guatelli Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07-00 << 
 57 -  Dependence to G4EmProcessOptions.hh removed << 
 58    Method SetCuts() removed from local physics << 
 59                                                     3 
                                                   >>   4      =========================================================
                                                   >>   5      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
                                                   >>   6      =========================================================
                                                   >>   7 
                                                   >>   8                Xray_Fluorescence example History file
                                                   >>   9                --------------------------------------
                                                   >>  10 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators
                                                   >>  11 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code
                                                   >>  12 and keep track of all category-tags.
                                                   >>  13 
                                                   >>  14      ----------------------------------------------------------
                                                   >>  15      * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please *
                                                   >>  16      ----------------------------------------------------------
 60 02.11.2020 Ben Morgan Tag:XRayFluo-V10-06-00       17 02.11.2020 Ben Morgan Tag:XRayFluo-V10-06-00
 61 - Support same CMake version range as core Gea     18 - Support same CMake version range as core Geant4
 62                                                    19 
 63 30.08.2019 Susanna Guatelli Tag:XRayFluo-V10-0     20 30.08.2019 Susanna Guatelli Tag:XRayFluo-V10-05-01
 64 - G4VIS_USE and G4UI_USE deleted                   21 - G4VIS_USE and G4UI_USE deleted
 65                                                    22 
 66 31.01.2019 Ivana Hrivnacova  Tag: XrayFluo-V10     23 31.01.2019 Ivana Hrivnacova  Tag: XrayFluo-V10-05-00
 67 - Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators n     24 - Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators now return G4bool.
 68                                                    25 
 69 09.11.2018 Gabiele Cosmo   Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0     26 09.11.2018 Gabiele Cosmo   Tag: XrayFluo-V10-04-01
 70 - XrayFluoMercuryDetectorMessenger: fixed typo     27 - XrayFluoMercuryDetectorMessenger: fixed typo in printout.
 71                                                    28 
 72 10.05.2018 Ben Morgan      Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0     29 10.05.2018 Ben Morgan      Tag: XrayFluo-V10-04-00
 73 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADE     30 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADED. For forward
 74   compatibility with move to #defines over -D      31   compatibility with move to #defines over -D for G4 preprocessor
 75   symbols.                                         32   symbols.
 76                                                    33 
 77 12.01.2017 Gabriele Cosmo  Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0     34 12.01.2017 Gabriele Cosmo  Tag: XrayFluo-V10-03-00
 78 - Use units for angles explicitly in XrayFluoD     35 - Use units for angles explicitly in XrayFluoDetectorConstruction
 79                                                    36 
 80 19.11.2016 Andrea Dotti    Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0     37 19.11.2016 Andrea Dotti    Tag: XrayFluo-V10-02-02
 81 - Explicit set of SD to manager                    38 - Explicit set of SD to manager
 82                                                    39 
 83 28.10.2016 Gunter Folger   Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0     40 28.10.2016 Gunter Folger   Tag: XrayFluo-V10-02-01
 84 - Removed direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterato     41 - Removed direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterator, use GetParticleTableIterator().
 85   Fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC         42   Fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC
 86                                                    43 
 87 11.09.2015 S. Incerti Tag: XrayFluo-V10-01-00      44 11.09.2015 S. Incerti Tag: XrayFluo-V10-01-00
 88 - Updated macro livermore.mac                      45 - Updated macro livermore.mac
 89                                                    46 
 90 06-06-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-10       47 06-06-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-10
 91 - Changed verbosity in livermore.mac to bring      48 - Changed verbosity in livermore.mac to bring the output
 92 below 1 MB (as requested for system testing)       49 below 1 MB (as requested for system testing)
 93                                                    50 
 94 20-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-09       51 20-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-09
 95 - Migrated SteppingVerbose, registered now thr     52 - Migrated SteppingVerbose, registered now through the
 96  ActionInitialization class.                       53  ActionInitialization class.
 97                                                    54 
 98 16-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-08       55 16-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-08
 99 - Real MT migration: use the G4MTRunManager        56 - Real MT migration: use the G4MTRunManager
100 - Add PhysicsHasBeenChanged() to the commands      57 - Add PhysicsHasBeenChanged() to the commands of the physics list
101  messenger                                         58  messenger
102                                                    59 
103 13-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-07       60 13-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-07
104 - Fix a bug with ntuple numbering in XrayFluoA     61 - Fix a bug with ntuple numbering in XrayFluoAnalysisManager
105 - Fix a bug in the ActionInitializer causing t     62 - Fix a bug in the ActionInitializer causing the rejection of previous tag
106                                                    63 
107 08-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-06       64 08-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-06
108 - Updated hit class to make it MT-compliant        65 - Updated hit class to make it MT-compliant
109 - Fixed the procedure for the update of geomet     66 - Fixed the procedure for the update of geometry between runs
110 - Make const methods in the RunAction. Revised     67 - Make const methods in the RunAction. Revised logic of RunAction: only
111 the master RunAction loads data                    68 the master RunAction loads data
112 - Take RunAction pointer in XrayFluoPrimaryGen     69 - Take RunAction pointer in XrayFluoPrimaryGeneratorAction
113 - Remove unused verbosity in XrayFluoDataSet       70 - Remove unused verbosity in XrayFluoDataSet
114 - Revise logic for reading external events (MT     71 - Revise logic for reading external events (MT-compliant).
115 - Protect methods of the singleton analysis cl     72 - Protect methods of the singleton analysis class by Mutex.
116                                                    73 
117 22-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-05       74 22-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-05
118 - Created and integrated an action initializat     75 - Created and integrated an action initialization class.
119 - Make const methods and add ConstructSDandFie     76 - Make const methods and add ConstructSDandField() in the detector
120  construction classes.                             77  construction classes.
121 - Getting prepared for the MT migration            78 - Getting prepared for the MT migration
122                                                    79 
123 17-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-04       80 17-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-04
124 - Fix bug in the analysis manager                  81 - Fix bug in the analysis manager
125 - Remove the workaround to avoid the deletion      82 - Remove the workaround to avoid the deletion of the output file
126  (following the fix in analysis-V10-00-09)         83  (following the fix in analysis-V10-00-09)
127                                                    84 
128 15-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-03       85 15-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-03
129 - Remove compiler warning which caused the rej     86 - Remove compiler warning which caused the rejection of
130 XrayFluo-V10-00-02                                 87 XrayFluo-V10-00-02
131                                                    88 
132 14-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-02       89 14-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-02
133 - Complete the migration to the g4tools (remov     90 - Complete the migration to the g4tools (removed AIDA dependency).
134 Method XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData()      91 Method XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData() is restored by using the
135 new G4AnalysisReader interface.                    92 new G4AnalysisReader interface.
136                                                    93 
137 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-01       94 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-01
138 - First partial migration to g4tools (internal     95 - First partial migration to g4tools (internal tag). Removed AIDA
139 dependency. Output works properly, but the app     96 dependency. Output works properly, but the application is presently
140 unable to use the method                           97 unable to use the method
141  XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData()            98  XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData()
142 to open a phase space file and feed data to th     99 to open a phase space file and feed data to the primary generator.
143                                                   100 
144 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-00      101 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-00
145 - Fix shadowed variables and compilation error    102 - Fix shadowed variables and compilation errors due to the #include of
146 G4SystemOfUnits. Do not show up in system test    103 G4SystemOfUnits. Do not show up in system testing, but only when AIDA
147 is available.                                     104 is available.
148                                                   105 
149 25-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-02       106 25-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-02
150 - Fix  one more typo in XrayFluoDetectorConstr    107 - Fix  one more typo in G4cout replaced by G4endl;
151                                                   108 
152 22-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-01       109 22-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-01
153 - Fix typo in    110 - Fix typo in G4cout replaced by G4endl;
154                                                   111 
155 18-06-2013 A. Dotti Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-00       112 18-06-2013 A. Dotti Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-00
156 - Fixed compilation warnings with most recent     113 - Fixed compilation warnings with most recent clang compiler
157   (unused private data fields)                    114   (unused private data fields)
158                                                   115 
159 28-11-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-06       116 28-11-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-06
160 - Fixed cases of variable shadowing.              117 - Fixed cases of variable shadowing.
161                                                   118 
162 06-11-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-05     119 06-11-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-05
163 - Fix syntax in CMakeLists.txt                    120 - Fix syntax in CMakeLists.txt
164                                                   121 
165 26-10-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-04     122 26-10-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-04
166 - Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VIS      123 - Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VIS
167                                                   124 
168 12-10-2012 G. Cosmo  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-03      125 12-10-2012 G. Cosmo  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-03
169 - Explicit inclusion of units and constants he    126 - Explicit inclusion of units and constants headers.
170                                                   127 
171 13-06-2012 G. Cosmo  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-02      128 13-06-2012 G. Cosmo  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-02
172 - Fixed compilation warnings for extra parenth    129 - Fixed compilation warnings for extra parenthesis from MacOSX/clang.
173                                                   130 
174 15-12-2011 P. Mato  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-01       131 15-12-2011 P. Mato  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-01
175 -                        132 -
176   Fixed the induced memory corruption problem     133   Fixed the induced memory corruption problem only intermittently visible
177   on MacOSX. The vectors to define materials n    134   on MacOSX. The vectors to define materials needed to be cleared properly.
178                                                   135 
179 08-12-2011 P. Mato  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-00       136 08-12-2011 P. Mato  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-00
180 - Added CMakeLists.txt file.                      137 - Added CMakeLists.txt file.
181                                                   138 
182 25-11-2011 G.Folger  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-05      139 25-11-2011 G.Folger  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-05
183 - Fix compilation error on Windows.               140 - Fix compilation error on Windows.
184                                                   141 
185 16-11-2011 G.Folger  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-04      142 16-11-2011 G.Folger  Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-04
186 - Migrated to new G4Exception.                    143 - Migrated to new G4Exception.
187                                                   144 
188 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-03      145 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-03
189 - Update for README file.                         146 - Update for README file.
190                                                   147 
191 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-02      148 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-02
192 - Migrated PhysicsList to all pre-built PL gen    149 - Migrated PhysicsList to all pre-built PL generating deexcitation products.
193 - Added example for macro (livermore.mac).        150 - Added example for macro (livermore.mac).
194 - removed old macros.                             151 - removed old macros.
195 - Removed      152 - Removed
196                                                   153 
197 27-03-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-01      154 27-03-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-01
198 - Re commit of the previous tag.                  155 - Re commit of the previous tag.
199                                                   156 
200 07-02-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-00      157 07-02-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-00
201 - migrated physicslist to standard EM+Fluo (wi    158 - migrated physicslist to standard EM+Fluo (with PIXE)
202 - added several files (XrayFluoPhysListEmStand    159 - added several files (,
203 and relative hea    160 and relative headers)
204   and modified accordingly others.                161   and modified accordingly others.
205                                                   162 
206 18-11-2010 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03    163 18-11-2010 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-03
207 - Corrected bug in the MercuryPrimaryGenerator    164 - Corrected bug in the MercuryPrimaryGeneratorAction file on source definition
208                                                   165 
209 18-11-2010 John Allison, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-    166 18-11-2010 John Allison, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-02
210 - Introduced G4UIExecutive.                       167 - Introduced G4UIExecutive.
211                                                   168 
212 03-06-2010 Joseph Perl, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-0    169 03-06-2010 Joseph Perl, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-00
213 - Updated vis usage                               170 - Updated vis usage
214                                                   171 
215 10-11-2009 Alf, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02-01           172 10-11-2009 Alf, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02-01
216 - Physics List  migrated to new Lowenergy phys    173 - Physics List  migrated to new Lowenergy physics processes design
217 - XrayFluoDataSet  migrated in order to meet n    174 - XrayFluoDataSet  migrated in order to meet new modification of G4VEMDataSet
218                                                   175 
219 10-04-2009 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02    176 10-04-2009 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02-00
220 - Tag for release after the GNUmakefile update    177 - Tag for release after the GNUmakefile update
221                                                   178 
222 6-03-2009 Guy Barrand (in agreement with G.Cos    179 6-03-2009 Guy Barrand (in agreement with G.Cosmo)
223 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logi    180 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logic found in this file
224   since it is handled already in the config/an    181   since it is handled already in the config/analysis.gmk.
225   This avoids a duplication in the compilation    182   This avoids a duplication in the compilation and link commands
226   of the aida-config options.                     183   of the aida-config options.
227                                                   184 
228 15-11-2004 Gabriele Cosmo: XrayFluo-V07-01-00     185 15-11-2004 Gabriele Cosmo: XrayFluo-V07-01-00
229 - Migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strs    186 - Migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strstream>.
230                                                   187 
231 3-5-2005  John Allison                            188 3-5-2005  John Allison
232 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.       189 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive.
233                                                   190 
234 10-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-01    191 10-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-01
235 - Can now be used in batch mode without histog    192 - Can now be used in batch mode without histograms.
236                                                   193 
237 8-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-00     194 8-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-00
238 - General update, including migration to <cmat    195 - General update, including migration to <cmath>.
239                                                   196 
240 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-08    197 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-08
241 - Removed the compilation warnings, introducti    198 - Removed the compilation warnings, introduction of VRML viewer.
242   This tag referes to the tag  examples-V05-02    199   This tag referes to the tag  examples-V05-02-07 prepared for
243   Geant4 6.0 release.                             200   Geant4 6.0 release.
244                                                   201 
245 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-07    202 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-07
246 - Correspond the head found in CVS. It does no    203 - Correspond the head found in CVS. It does not compile.
247 - Created.                                        204 - Created.