Geant4 Cross Reference |
1 # Example xray_fluorescence History << 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- >> 2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3 3 See `CONTRIBUTING.rst` for details of **requir << 4 ========================================================= 4 which **must** added in reverse chronological << 5 Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP 5 It must **not** be used as a substitute for wr << 6 ========================================================= 6 << 7 7 ---------------------------------------------- << 8 Xray_Fluorescence example History file 8 << 9 -------------------------------------- 9 ## 2023-11-15 I. Hrivnacova (XRayFluo-V11-01-0 << 10 This file should be used by G4 developers and category coordinators 10 - Updated vis.mac: << 11 to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code 11 - Changed "/vis/open XYZ [600x600-0+0]" to " << 12 and keep track of all category-tags. 12 and simplified comments. << 13 It DOES NOT substitute the CVS log-message one should put at every 13 << 14 committal in the CVS repository ! 14 ## 2022-09-09 Susanna Guatelli (XRayFluo-V11-0 << 15 15 - Ranecu Engine removed. Default one now used << 16 ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 << 17 * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * 17 ## 2022-02-14 Gabriele Cosmo (XRayFluo-V11-00- << 18 ---------------------------------------------------------- 18 - XrayFluoEventAction: fixed compilation warni << 19 for unused variable. << 20 << 21 ## 2021-12-10 Ben Morgan (XRayFluo-V11-00-00) << 22 - Change to new Markdown History format. << 23 << 24 --- << 25 << 26 # History entries prior to 11.0 << 27 << 28 04.11.2021 I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 29 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 30 G4VAnalysisReader::ReadNtuple(const G4String << 31 in GetNtuple << 32 << 33 25.10.2021 B.Morgan Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07-06 << 34 - Use G4StrUtil functions replacing deprecated << 35 << 36 16.10.2021 S.Guatelli Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07-05 << 37 - Migration to G4RunManagerFactory << 38 << 39 07.10.2021 I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 40 - Migration to new G4AnalysisManager.hh header << 41 define the default output file type (root), << 42 explicitly include G4RootAnalysisReader. << 43 << 44 26.08.2021 I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 45 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 46 G4VAnalysisReader::GetNtuple(const G4String& << 47 << 48 19.07.2021 I. Hrivnacova Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07- << 49 - Updated for changes in the analysis category << 50 removed deleting of the analysis manager, << 51 as this is now done by the Geant4 kernel. << 52 << 53 24.05.2021 B. Morgan (XRayFluo-V10-07-01) << 54 - Bump required CMake version range to 3.12... << 55 << 56 12.02.2021 S. Guatelli Tag:XRayFluo-V10-07-00 << 57 - Dependence to G4EmProcessOptions.hh removed << 58 Method SetCuts() removed from local physics << 59 << 60 02.11.2020 Ben Morgan Tag:XRayFluo-V10-06-00 << 61 - Support same CMake version range as core Gea << 62 << 63 30.08.2019 Susanna Guatelli Tag:XRayFluo-V10-0 << 64 - G4VIS_USE and G4UI_USE deleted << 65 << 66 31.01.2019 Ivana Hrivnacova Tag: XrayFluo-V10 << 67 - Merged GitHub PR #4: all Boolean operators n << 68 19 69 09.11.2018 Gabiele Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0 20 09.11.2018 Gabiele Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V10-04-01 70 - XrayFluoMercuryDetectorMessenger: fixed typo 21 - XrayFluoMercuryDetectorMessenger: fixed typo in printout. 71 22 72 10.05.2018 Ben Morgan Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0 23 10.05.2018 Ben Morgan Tag: XrayFluo-V10-04-00 73 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADE 24 - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADED. For forward 74 compatibility with move to #defines over -D 25 compatibility with move to #defines over -D for G4 preprocessor 75 symbols. 26 symbols. 76 27 77 12.01.2017 Gabriele Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0 28 12.01.2017 Gabriele Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V10-03-00 78 - Use units for angles explicitly in XrayFluoD 29 - Use units for angles explicitly in XrayFluoDetectorConstruction 79 30 80 19.11.2016 Andrea Dotti Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0 31 19.11.2016 Andrea Dotti Tag: XrayFluo-V10-02-02 81 - Explicit set of SD to manager 32 - Explicit set of SD to manager 82 33 83 28.10.2016 Gunter Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V10-0 34 28.10.2016 Gunter Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V10-02-01 84 - Removed direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterato 35 - Removed direct use of {a,the}ParticleIterator, use GetParticleTableIterator(). 85 Fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC 36 Fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC 86 37 87 11.09.2015 S. Incerti Tag: XrayFluo-V10-01-00 38 11.09.2015 S. Incerti Tag: XrayFluo-V10-01-00 88 - Updated macro livermore.mac 39 - Updated macro livermore.mac 89 40 90 06-06-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-10 41 06-06-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-10 91 - Changed verbosity in livermore.mac to bring << 42 - Changed verbosity in livermore.mac to bring the output 92 below 1 MB (as requested for system testing) 43 below 1 MB (as requested for system testing) 93 44 94 20-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-09 45 20-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-09 95 - Migrated SteppingVerbose, registered now thr << 46 - Migrated SteppingVerbose, registered now through the 96 ActionInitialization class. 47 ActionInitialization class. 97 48 98 16-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-08 49 16-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-08 99 - Real MT migration: use the G4MTRunManager 50 - Real MT migration: use the G4MTRunManager 100 - Add PhysicsHasBeenChanged() to the commands << 51 - Add PhysicsHasBeenChanged() to the commands of the physics list 101 messenger 52 messenger 102 53 103 13-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-07 54 13-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-07 104 - Fix a bug with ntuple numbering in XrayFluoA 55 - Fix a bug with ntuple numbering in XrayFluoAnalysisManager 105 - Fix a bug in the ActionInitializer causing t 56 - Fix a bug in the ActionInitializer causing the rejection of previous tag 106 57 107 08-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-06 58 08-05-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-06 108 - Updated hit class to make it MT-compliant 59 - Updated hit class to make it MT-compliant 109 - Fixed the procedure for the update of geomet 60 - Fixed the procedure for the update of geometry between runs 110 - Make const methods in the RunAction. Revised << 61 - Make const methods in the RunAction. Revised logic of RunAction: only 111 the master RunAction loads data 62 the master RunAction loads data 112 - Take RunAction pointer in XrayFluoPrimaryGen 63 - Take RunAction pointer in XrayFluoPrimaryGeneratorAction 113 - Remove unused verbosity in XrayFluoDataSet 64 - Remove unused verbosity in XrayFluoDataSet 114 - Revise logic for reading external events (MT << 65 - Revise logic for reading external events (MT-compliant). 115 - Protect methods of the singleton analysis cl 66 - Protect methods of the singleton analysis class by Mutex. 116 67 117 22-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-05 68 22-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-05 118 - Created and integrated an action initializat << 69 - Created and integrated an action initialization class. 119 - Make const methods and add ConstructSDandFie << 70 - Make const methods and add ConstructSDandField() in the detector 120 construction classes. << 71 construction classes. 121 - Getting prepared for the MT migration 72 - Getting prepared for the MT migration 122 73 123 17-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-04 74 17-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-04 124 - Fix bug in the analysis manager 75 - Fix bug in the analysis manager 125 - Remove the workaround to avoid the deletion 76 - Remove the workaround to avoid the deletion of the output file 126 (following the fix in analysis-V10-00-09) 77 (following the fix in analysis-V10-00-09) 127 78 128 15-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-03 79 15-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-03 129 - Remove compiler warning which caused the rej << 80 - Remove compiler warning which caused the rejection of 130 XrayFluo-V10-00-02 81 XrayFluo-V10-00-02 131 82 132 14-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-02 83 14-04-2014 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-02 133 - Complete the migration to the g4tools (remov 84 - Complete the migration to the g4tools (removed AIDA dependency). 134 Method XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData() 85 Method XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData() is restored by using the 135 new G4AnalysisReader interface. 86 new G4AnalysisReader interface. 136 87 137 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-01 88 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-01 138 - First partial migration to g4tools (internal << 89 - First partial migration to g4tools (internal tag). Removed AIDA 139 dependency. Output works properly, but the app << 90 dependency. Output works properly, but the application is presently 140 unable to use the method << 91 unable to use the method 141 XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData() 92 XrayFluoAnalysisManager::LoadGunData() 142 to open a phase space file and feed data to th 93 to open a phase space file and feed data to the primary generator. 143 94 144 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-00 95 13-12-2013 L.Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V10-00-00 145 - Fix shadowed variables and compilation error << 96 - Fix shadowed variables and compilation errors due to the #include of 146 G4SystemOfUnits. Do not show up in system test << 97 G4SystemOfUnits. Do not show up in system testing, but only when AIDA 147 is available. 98 is available. 148 99 149 25-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-02 100 25-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-02 150 - Fix one more typo in XrayFluoDetectorConstr << 101 - Fix one more typo in G4cout replaced by G4endl; 151 102 152 22-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-01 103 22-11-2013 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-01 153 - Fix typo in << 104 - Fix typo in G4cout replaced by G4endl; 154 << 105 155 18-06-2013 A. Dotti Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-00 106 18-06-2013 A. Dotti Tag: XrayFluo-V09-06-00 156 - Fixed compilation warnings with most recent 107 - Fixed compilation warnings with most recent clang compiler 157 (unused private data fields) 108 (unused private data fields) 158 109 159 28-11-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-06 110 28-11-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-06 160 - Fixed cases of variable shadowing. 111 - Fixed cases of variable shadowing. 161 112 162 06-11-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-05 113 06-11-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-05 163 - Fix syntax in CMakeLists.txt 114 - Fix syntax in CMakeLists.txt 164 115 165 26-10-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-04 116 26-10-2012 L. Pandola Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-04 166 - Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VIS 117 - Replace CMakeLists.txt to deal with UI/VIS 167 118 168 12-10-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-03 119 12-10-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-03 169 - Explicit inclusion of units and constants he 120 - Explicit inclusion of units and constants headers. 170 121 171 13-06-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-02 122 13-06-2012 G. Cosmo Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-02 172 - Fixed compilation warnings for extra parenth 123 - Fixed compilation warnings for extra parenthesis from MacOSX/clang. 173 124 174 15-12-2011 P. Mato Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-01 125 15-12-2011 P. Mato Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-01 175 - << 126 - 176 Fixed the induced memory corruption problem 127 Fixed the induced memory corruption problem only intermittently visible 177 on MacOSX. The vectors to define materials n 128 on MacOSX. The vectors to define materials needed to be cleared properly. 178 129 179 08-12-2011 P. Mato Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-00 130 08-12-2011 P. Mato Tag: XrayFluo-V09-05-00 180 - Added CMakeLists.txt file. 131 - Added CMakeLists.txt file. 181 132 182 25-11-2011 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-05 133 25-11-2011 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-05 183 - Fix compilation error on Windows. 134 - Fix compilation error on Windows. 184 135 185 16-11-2011 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-04 136 16-11-2011 G.Folger Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-04 186 - Migrated to new G4Exception. 137 - Migrated to new G4Exception. 187 138 188 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-03 139 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-03 189 - Update for README file. 140 - Update for README file. 190 141 191 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-02 142 03-11-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-02 192 - Migrated PhysicsList to all pre-built PL gen 143 - Migrated PhysicsList to all pre-built PL generating deexcitation products. 193 - Added example for macro (livermore.mac). 144 - Added example for macro (livermore.mac). 194 - removed old macros. 145 - removed old macros. 195 - Removed 146 - Removed 196 147 197 27-03-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-01 148 27-03-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-01 198 - Re commit of the previous tag. 149 - Re commit of the previous tag. 199 150 200 07-02-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-00 151 07-02-2011 A.Mantero Tag: XrayFluo-V09-04-00 201 - migrated physicslist to standard EM+Fluo (wi 152 - migrated physicslist to standard EM+Fluo (with PIXE) 202 - added several files (XrayFluoPhysListEmStand 153 - added several files (, 203 and relative hea << 154 and relative headers) 204 and modified accordingly others. 155 and modified accordingly others. 205 156 206 18-11-2010 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03 157 18-11-2010 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-03 207 - Corrected bug in the MercuryPrimaryGenerator 158 - Corrected bug in the MercuryPrimaryGeneratorAction file on source definition 208 159 209 18-11-2010 John Allison, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03- 160 18-11-2010 John Allison, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-02 210 - Introduced G4UIExecutive. 161 - Introduced G4UIExecutive. 211 162 212 03-06-2010 Joseph Perl, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-0 163 03-06-2010 Joseph Perl, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-03-00 213 - Updated vis usage 164 - Updated vis usage 214 165 215 10-11-2009 Alf, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02-01 166 10-11-2009 Alf, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02-01 216 - Physics List migrated to new Lowenergy phys 167 - Physics List migrated to new Lowenergy physics processes design 217 - XrayFluoDataSet migrated in order to meet n 168 - XrayFluoDataSet migrated in order to meet new modification of G4VEMDataSet 218 169 219 10-04-2009 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02 170 10-04-2009 G.A.P.Cirrone, Tag: XrayFluo-V09-02-00 220 - Tag for release after the GNUmakefile update 171 - Tag for release after the GNUmakefile update 221 172 222 6-03-2009 Guy Barrand (in agreement with G.Cos 173 6-03-2009 Guy Barrand (in agreement with G.Cosmo) 223 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logi 174 - GNUmakefile : remove the G4ANALYSIS_USE logic found in this file 224 since it is handled already in the config/an 175 since it is handled already in the config/analysis.gmk. 225 This avoids a duplication in the compilation 176 This avoids a duplication in the compilation and link commands 226 of the aida-config options. 177 of the aida-config options. 227 178 228 15-11-2004 Gabriele Cosmo: XrayFluo-V07-01-00 179 15-11-2004 Gabriele Cosmo: XrayFluo-V07-01-00 229 - Migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strs 180 - Migration to <sstream> from deprecated <strstream>. 230 181 231 3-5-2005 John Allison 182 3-5-2005 John Allison 232 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 183 - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. 233 184 234 10-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-01 185 10-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-01 235 - Can now be used in batch mode without histog 186 - Can now be used in batch mode without histograms. 236 187 237 8-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-00 << 188 8-12-2004 Alfonso Mantero: XrayFluo-V06-02-00 238 - General update, including migration to <cmat 189 - General update, including migration to <cmath>. 239 190 240 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-08 << 191 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-08 241 - Removed the compilation warnings, introducti 192 - Removed the compilation warnings, introduction of VRML viewer. 242 This tag referes to the tag examples-V05-02 193 This tag referes to the tag examples-V05-02-07 prepared for 243 Geant4 6.0 release. 194 Geant4 6.0 release. 244 195 245 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-07 196 4-12-2003 Susanna Guatelli: XrayFluo-V05-02-07 246 - Correspond the head found in CVS. It does no 197 - Correspond the head found in CVS. It does not compile. 247 - Created. 198 - Created.